#haikyuu x transmasc reader
fuckitupfelix · 2 months
idk if you’ve done this before, so u can ignore this if u have, but could u write abt haikyuu characters reacting to their partners coming out as trans ftm? >_< (i was thinking tsukishima, oikawa, and kuroo specifically!)
ofc!! i hope this was what you wanted anon ^_^ !!!
transmasc reader!
haikyuu!! x male reader
chars: tsukishima kei, oikawa toru, kuroo tetsuro
FEM ALIGNED DNI (especially for this one, you WILL be blocked <3)
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not to say that he knew. . . but he's connected the dots in his head.
he doesn't say anything snarky when you try to tell him 'cause he can tell this was something important
will definitely check up on you at lunch sometimes, regardless if you have classes together
-> usually just a little text, sometimes he'll come and sit with you in your class/invite you into his own
he'll let you borrow his clothes if your closet doesn't consist of the clothes that you'd want
-> would also let you borrow his spare uniform until you can get the boys' uniform
when he's with you and people misgender you, he'll subtley correct them if you don't end up doing it
"i don't know, he might have plans. you should ask him."
he was a little surprised when you told him initially
not that he isn't supportive!!
will lend you his jerseys and jackets to wear (its debatable if you wanna borrow the rest of his clothes. . . we've all seen that one plaid outfit. . . )
invites you to all his games so he can brag to his team that his boyfriend is gonna be watching !!!!!
-> he is insufferable to his teammates. he will not shut the fuck up about you. they've all tried.
makes sure to be really petty around any of his fangirls that think you don't "deserve" to date him or that misgender/deadname you
he'll help you if you want work out routines or anything like that!! (he mainly usually asks iwaizumi for help first)
is the type to use stupidly sweet nicknames for you
"my sweet boy," "hey pretty boy," AGHH kicking my feet and giggling rn
he'll double check all of your guys' boundaries as soon as possible and as often as possible
not much changes about your relationship, oddly enough
jokes about buying those tshirts for little boys with the funky dinosaur and car designs
-> might actually end up gifting you one if they have your size . . .
-> similar to this!! he'll definitely buy you guys matching "i <3 my bf" shirts >_< !!!
he'll definitely lend you his jerseys and go to the mall with you to help you find clothes !!
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divider by @/plutism !!
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ac3ifix · 7 months
req: please do a part two where we are pregnant and he fucks us and then a time skip to fluff with us and him with the kid and or kids🫣 and maybe smut at the end you don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable with it tho❤️❤️
(PS: I didnt add smut at the end bc i think it wouldve been a lil too much!! apologies for it being a bit rushed)
cw: purposfully lowercase, second person, p n v, smut, FTM reader, male reader, teen pregnancy (reader is 18, kage is 19) kinda shit writing, not proofread.
kageyama was THRILLED when you told him that the test was positive, he was smirking from hands to feel and saying praise and how good you are for him.
“I really hope he’s a boy..” He mumbles one day, leaning into your already round stomach
“I dont think id be able to live if there was a mini you walking around,” you groan in annoyance.
“i love you,” he says suddenly
“i love you too,” you reply
“I was talking to him,” he says, looking up at you and smirking.
you glare at him and at that point decide to ignore him for the rest of the day.
now where did that lead you?
here. legs spread while he slams into you.
“cmon baby, you cant ignore me all day,” he groans, gripping at your hips and basically using you like a fleshlight
“ngh…tobio- gnna mess w..with the kid,” you moan, gripping at the sheets as you approach your third orgasm of the night.
“mess with him hm? how doya think hed like a sibling hm?” he says, whispering in your ear before biting down on your neck.
“T..tobs- he isnt even..fuck..born yet!” you moan, moving your hands from the bedsheet to begin to claw at his back.
“alas, you admit its going to be a boy then, hm?” he says, a smirk evident in his voice.
“No-“ you begin, but youre interrupted by your orgasm. “fuck..fuck..Tobio!!” you moan loudly
“M’close, baby,” he groans, his thrusts growing sloppy yet faster, his grip on your hips grows painful and he pounds you harder, releasing into you with one final, rough, thrust. “fuck, my love, you feel so good,” he sighs.
you mumble incoherent words in response. gently, he wraps his arms around your body, pulling his limp cock from your hole with a soft popping sound. “doya think that made our chances higher of having twins..?”
“baby..thats..not how it works,” you sigh in response
“alas, but it should be,” he says, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead and faking a swoon.
you let out an exhausted sigh and he tightens his grip on you in response. “Shh baby, youre safe with me, no matter how many kids we have theyre going to be so perfect.”
“KAGEYAMA ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!” you shout playfully, holding two baby boys in your arms.
“Shh, my love, youll wake them up,” he replies, undoing his shoes.
you sigh and walk over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “how was practice?” you ask gently, whispering in order to not wake your kids.
“it was alright, thanks,” he grumbles back, clearly annoyed. “my days better not that im home with my three favorite boys,” he says, kissing your forehead gently.
you hum in response, smiling happily at his remark. gently, he grabs your hand and leads you and the boys to the bedroom, placing you on the bed and wrapping his strong arms around your waist. he buries his head in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes, content with the situation.
“I love you,” he mumbles
“Are you talking to me or the kids?” you ask playfully.
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Headcanons for Tsukishima Kei as a Boyfriend
//Reader is based off me
Introduced himself because he noticed you listened to one of the same bands as him
He doesn't mind that you don't talk much/at all most days.
Keeps his phone on vibrate in case you text conversation responses to him
Reccomends noise canceling headphones that are comfortable with glasses
Most people who don't know you very well can't tell if you're dating or just good friends; which you don't mind
He smiles when he sees you at his games and practices even though you're usually sitting in the bleachers with your headphones on just loud enough to drown out the gymnasium noise
His favorite way to show affection is to send you songs that remind him of you
Physical affection really isn't his thing, but when you need it he gives good hugs.
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nanamis-bigtie · 6 months
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a lot has happened lately, but so far i haven't made any official statement about my decisions and the path i want to take as a writer. it was a long road of trial and error & detailed examination of conscience in regard of my bad habits, gained experience, and goals and expectations. there are some massive changes that i need to address, followed by explanation of my decisions. i know i don't need to explain myself but i feel it's only fair to my loyal readers to share at least little insight into the context.
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I. One Piece goes on indefinite vacation...
not going to lie, i was falling out of this fandom for years. it's started in 2021 when i fell victim to bullying and stalking, initiated by a widely-known (and still active, as far as i am aware of) x reader writer. it's the biggest reason for my slow withdrawal but not a sole one: pressing discourse around my comfort characters, toxic environment i fell into when looking for a relief from relentless bullying, forcing myself to write for topics and characters i didn't even like, readers overstepping my boundaries over and over again, falling into a trap of purity culture...oh, the list is long. way too long.
i still love one piece but i don't want to create for it en-masse anymore. right now it's just a wound that's far from healing, i need to treat it at my own pace. aside from an occasional poke at sapphic topics and my fav trio, i doubt it will appear in other way than commissions or gifts for friends. and some characters (kid, sanji, marco, katakuri, shanks & a few more) will never return.
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II. ...but new fandoms arrive!
jujutsu kaisen is right now the main love of my life & will remain as the main fandom for long. but i found more series and characters i adore enough to feel that creative spark buzzing in my veins. soon you should see fics appearing for: demon slayer, chainsaw man, haikyuu and hell's paradise!
i'm keeping my head low rn when it comes to requests but i want to hold at least a kinktober open for them so you definitely will have an opportunity to see your faves from those series from me!
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III. It's a gender neutral & afab Y/N sphere now!
it's something that was inevitably floating over me and my fics (and some of y'all definitely caught the whiff of it already), but i couldn't quite find courage to put a hard limit. we all know how it is in the y/n circles: way too many people expect from writers to cater to everyone, and treat it as a personal offense if you prefer to play in your own sandbox. as if writing y/ns was "activism", not a fandom activity like any other.
so, i won't force myself to write against myself anymore. i feel the most happy and comfortable when i make my y/ns gender neutral and when i'm giving them vaginas (and sometimes boobs) when i'm writing smut with them. i don't want to battle my weirdly-veiled dysphoria to force female reader out of myself. i don't want to stress myself while writing amab y/n, from the sheer biological fact of being unable to relate via lack of penis, to being sick and tired of the toxicity and misogyny that m!reader circles reek of.
so, gender neutral and afab it is. sometimes i will stray towards afab nonbinary or transmasc direction, if i feel like i need some good gender vibes coming from my fics.
it doesn't mean i will never write different y/ns. commissions, gifts for friends, exchanges, random ideas for a plot that requires a specific kind of y/n, sapphics feels, and such will appear here and there. i will also interact lots with f!reader fics, since it's what i see lots around & don't mind reading, if i feel more fem or if it's from a writer i like and trust.
incoming ino x reader (that i hope to publish tomorrow) will be the last non-sapphic f!reader that will appear for a long while. all requests i'm keeping in my drafts right now will be turned into completely gender neutral or from fem to more general afab reader (i don't have any requests for amab readers rn anyway). unless you really don't want to have f!reader taken out of your request - then please, let me know, i will delete it so you can head with it to a different writer.
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IV. Never miss a fic again - sign for a tag list!
and now a little treat! if you don't want to miss a fic about the topic that might interest you, you may sign for a tag list by filling a simple form!
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V. And what am I going to do now?
write, write, and write even more! i wanna write the in the heat of spring drabbles before the spring is gone, have three fully-fledged multichapter fics outlined and itching to be written and posted, and an interactive event with which we will welcome the summer 💦
in june i want to publish a few sapphic fics that i had in mind for a while now & later towards the second half of summer (think august-september) i'll smile at you again with a kinktober i really want to complete this year!
there might be a few smaller events on the way, depending on how busy i'll be. there's an idea for dilf enjoyers and for a chubby y/n, as well as many others that still didn't take a clear shape.
i also didn't forget about the kiss event and nonsexual acts of intimacy for the fluff enjoyers!
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if you survived this wall of text (or just scrolled down here lol understandable) - thank you for your patience, understanding, and support. whether you're here with me since the very beginning or clicked the follow recently, i'm happy to have you here ❤ if you have any questions or just want to talk, my askbox is open for any kind of interaction! and if you want to support a poor writer who has way too many health-related spendings lately, you can buy me a ko-fi ❤
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xnaiel · 8 months
Greetings, I am Naiel, although you can call me Nana if we're close or mutuals. I am a young transmasc author and will write whatever I feel like writing.
Feel free to send me any kind of requests. However, I will deny your request if it does not meet my criteria.
I write :
Fluff, Angst, Smut, Happy/Bad Endings, Yanderes, amab and ftm reader (both sub and dom), and many more.
I don't write :
Incest/Stepcest, Minor x Major relationships, Scat, Vomit, Watersports, Smut for underage characters. Other than that, I do not mind discovering other kinks.
Fandoms I write for :
Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyuu (smut only for post timeskip), Jojo's bizarre adventures, My OCs, Princess Princess, Dead Plate, Elevator Hitch, Cold front, John Doe game, Kuroko no Basket, Kuroshitsuji, Mononoke, Ace Attorney, Genshin Impact, Uramichi Oniisan, Nu: Carnival, The Arcana, Danganronpa and other fandoms that I will add later.
I will make a Materlist whenever I can, I hope you enjoy my writing. ^-^
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requests are open!! if you want to make one, you can check the rules !!
Angst: ☁️ | Fluff: 🌸 | Smut: 🔥 | Suggestive: ❤️
How would dating Jungwoo be like? 🌸
Melodies of the stars (Jeno x idol!male!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Encounter (Jaemin x male!reader) 🌸
A Whole New World (Aladdin!Lucas x Jasmine!male!reader feat. Genie!Jackson) 🌸
Sweet Redemption (Jaemin x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Only You and Me (Jaehyun x m!reader, non!idol au) 🌸
Shadows Of The Heart (Haechan x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Whisper in the Shadows (Chenle x m!reader) 🌸
Shared Love (mark x johnny x m!reader) (poly) 🌸
How would dating Mingi be like? 🌸
Guiding Light (Hongjoong) ☁️🌸
How would dating Jongho be like? 🌸
Echoes of Regret (Gyuvin x f!reader, non!idol au) ☁️
Shattered Dreams (Jiwoong x m!reader) ☁️
A chance encounter in Mossdeep City pt. 1 (Steven Stone) 🌸
Recording a Sextape (Raihan x m!reader) 🔥
Dating Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry headcannons (separated, gn!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Reunion (N x gn!reader) 🌸
Stitches of Love (Gladion x m!reader) 🌸
How would they react to you thinking they’re too big (Kuroo, Daichi) ❤️
Unlikely Bond (Tsukishima x m!reader) 🌸
Bokuto’s Subtle Conffesion (Bokuto x m!reader) 🌸
Clumsy Confession (Lev x gn!reader) 🌸
Obey Me!
How would the brothers flirt with MC (pt. 1) 🌸
How would they flirt with MC (pt. 2) (Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos, Diavolo) 🌸
Beel, Mammon and Lucifer with a transmasc reader 🌸
Starlit Night (Diavolo) 🌸
Ink and Despair (Lucifer) 🌸
Jujutsu Kaisen
How would they react to (unintentional) suggestive actions (Gojo, Toji) ❤️
You’re safe, that’s all that matters (Gojo) ☁️🌸
My Hero Academia
Dating Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki headcannons 🌸
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Bruno and Giorno with hijabi friend headcannons (platonic) 🌸
Shadows of the Past (Giorno x gn!reader) 🌸
Morning routine with Giorno and Abbacchio (poly x gn!reader) 🌸
Arcana Twilight
Cozy Moments: Alpheratz and Sirius 🌸
Love & Deepspace
Birthday Celebration for his S/O (Wayne, Xavier and Rafayel x gn!reader) 🌸
Pillow Fight with Rafayel (x gn!reader) 🌸
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Prince Soma x reader headcannons (gn!reader) 🌸
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lounetteceo · 3 months
Hiera | 18+ (not specifying for personal reasons) | Non-Binary/Aroace | They/Them He/Him
⚠️Fem-Aligned/Fem-Oriented (She/Her, She/They, Transfemale, Cis Female, ESPECIALLY FUJOSHI) Do NOT Interact I CAN and WILL block you.⚠️
I allow genderfluid/non-binary folk to interact ^^
EVERYTHING I write is about homosexuals and you can't change that EVER. <333
- Fem-Aligned/Fem-Oriented
DNI List :
- Fujoshi
- Ageless Blogs
- Pronoun-Less Blogs
Introduction/Rules :
Name : Amy / Hiera
Pronouns : They/Them, He/Him
Gender/Sexuality : Non-Binary/Transmasc, Aroace
× Please atleast have your age (depends on post) + gender/pronouns when following or liking my post, Fem-Aligned will be blocked
× My posts will have trigger warnings/smut warning for my minor followers so they don't read it :>
× I take requests anytime, and if in busy you will still be put on the waiting list where I put all requests
× Tell me if you want to be tagged on any posts :))
× I only write for male reader, sometimes I might use they/them cause I write my mc as he/they
Fandoms/Characters I write for :
- Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
X (Male) Reader -
× Tanjiro, Kanao, Inosuke, Genya | Strictly Fluff/Platonic
× Gyomei, Giyuu, Obani | Any Genre
Ships -
× ShinoMitsu | Fluff/Angst
× Obagiyuu | Fluff/Angst
- My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
X (Male) Reader
× Monoma Neito | Fluff/Smut (Aged Up)
× Shinsou Hitoshi | Platonic
× Togachako
- Buddy Daddies
X (Male) Reader -
× Kyuutaro | Any Genre
Ships -
× Kazurei/Reikazu | Fluff/Smut
- Haikyuu (1st/2nd Yr | No Smut, 3rd Yr | All Genres)
X (Male) Reader
× Yaku Morisuke
× Sugawara Koshi
× Nishinoya Yuu
× Tsukishima Kei
× Tanaka Ryunosuke
- The Owl House
X (Male) Reader -
× Hunter Deamonne | Strictly Platonic
- Other
× Karmagisa / Karma x Nagisa (AC)
× Varigo (Rapunzel)
Themes/Genres I write :
Angst (D3ath, Murd3r, Suicid3, Breakup, ect.)
Platonic Relationship
Socials :
Tiktok : @Nilounetteceo
Twitter : Kokomi #1 Fan ^^!!
:3 ^-----^ !!
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c1nnam0nbit3s · 6 months
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Hello! This is my blog
Yuto☆ transmasc☆ 18☆ blasian☆
This will be a male-female reader blog, mostly male tho.
Since there are more female reader blogs than male.
Things i will write:
Male/Fem/Gender neutral reader
Male characters
-more will be added soon☆
Things I won't write:
Minor x adult (unless it's platonic)
Age play
Weird kinks - piss, blood, vomit, etc...
Skat or whatever.
Top reader
-more will be added soon☆
Animes/games I write for:
Attack on titan
Black butler
Bungou Stray Dogs
Diabolik Lovers
Hunter x hunter
Jujutsu Kaisen
My hero Academia
Obey me
Omniscient reader's viewpoint
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no seraph/ seraph of the end
Resident Evil
The disastrous life of Saiki k
Vampire knight
Yandere Simulator
-more will be added soon☆
Stranger things
-im sorry it is so small here but ofc more will be added soon☆
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fuckitupfelix · 27 days
May I request a part 2 of transmasc reader coming out to their s/o with Hinata, Nishinoya and whoever else you want?
absolutely!! i just did the two of them if thats ok ^_^
transmasc reader!
haikyuu!! x male reader
chars: nishinoya yuu , hinata shoyo
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is he confused? a little bit. but he grasps the concept fairly quickly and is super understanding!!
he'll start talking about how "the guys' uniform is super cool!!!" and how you look better in it anyways :]
he'll convince you to hang out with the team more !! mainly so he can keep an eye on you in case anyone tries starting anything with you 🙏
definitely gets more slightly more protective of you :>
he'll let you borrow his clothes (or goes shopping with u if you can't fit in his size . . )
he definitely will ask a lot of questions!!
hinata is similar to noya in the sense that he doesn't really know what's going on, but that doesn't stop him from accepting you and trying his best to make you feel comfortable!
takes this as an opportunity to get you to join the volleyball team. . .
-> you join as a manager in the end ^_^
he'll tell you that there's nothing about you that isn't "manly" enough !!
-> insecure about your height? hinata's short too, it's okay !!
he will try to gift you clothes that would make you more comfortable :((
-> realistically it'd end up either not fitting you or being horribly ugly.. the thought was there though <3
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i hope this was ok!!! sorry this took so long :( schools been taking up a lot of my time </3
divider by @/plutism !!
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ac3ifix · 7 months
(Sceduled post cuz of school 😞)
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Headcanons for Yamaguchi Tadashi with a Trans Male Boyfriend
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi / Trans Male Reader + casual friendship with Tsukishima Kei Warnings: dysphoria, casual/accidental transphobia, mentions of substance use
Your relationship with Tadashi begins when you move into the house next door to his in the 3rd grade. You had been far more concerned with making friends than unpacking and latched on to Tadashi since he was the only other kid your age on the block.
A majority of your friendship was beating back bullies and getting into more fights than a "girl your age" should have. And out of all of the fights and potential injuries what bothered you the most was being called a girl.
It feels natural that you tell Tadashi first and he is supportive, even if he didn't quite understand. It was his hand in yours that gave you the courage to tell your parents, he was being your courage for a change.
You both meet Kei in middle school and it was nice, to no longer be alone in helping Tadashi find his courage.
It's Kei actually, that gives you the courage to tell Tadashi how you felt about him, rather, threatening to tell him if you didn't.
Its Kei and Tadashi that correct people about you, and Tadashi surprisingly enough that has to be held back when it turns out to be intentional. You and Kei both know he wouldn't ever win a fist fight, but you at least were still endeared that he was willing to lose if it was your honor involved.
Joining them at Karasuno is the logical next step even though you had no plans to ever set foot on a Volleyball court after how poorly it went in middle school. But you would be there to cheer on your boyfriend and your best friend every step of the way.
You had better things to do than club activities. That and while Karasuno had art classes they didn't have a specific club for it, so your afternoons were free. The days you weren't watching Tadashi and Kei practice you were tagging along with the third years from your art class.
Tadashi confronts you about the smoke he smells on your clothes, and your denial leads to your first real fight. A swirling nasty thing that devolved into a shouting match that ends with Kei acting as a go between for you two for all of a day before giving up and forcing you to sort it out yourselves.
He doesn't back down and for a change you do, agreeing to quit hanging out with that group and wait til college to see if you're still as interested in experimenting with that kind of thing when you're old enough
For the next three years Karasuno goes to the top and stands on the world stage. And every time beside the banner that says "Fly" there was a banner just for Tadashi hand made by you and different each time.
College leads you back to old habits, and Tadashi doesn't fuss quite as much this time.
You graduate and go on to be an illustrator for a sports advertiser, and Tadashi goes into sports medicine and has a list of pros from school that had most others envious.
There were times where you looked back and couldn't help but grin. You never thought persistently ringing the doorbell of the house next to yours would ever lead to this.
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kiyoomiiz · 9 months
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info & things.
call me kioki ❤︎
17, he/they, transmasc. very friendly & loves to interact.
i write for mainly haikyuu and jujutsu kaisen on occasion. my fav charas are sakusa, the miya twins, all of msby, matsukawa, & hanamaki.
request info.
i only accept requests for haikyuu.
you must have which character(s) and the following info to have your request fulfilled:
↳ genre (fluff, hurt/comfort, angst etc), scenario, and any other tags you'd like to be included.
3. you can also request any ships/pairings (ie. sakuatsu, bokuaka, kuroken etc).
4. i will not accept any nsfw requests. anything other than that can be requested.
5. all of my x reader work will be gender neutral, so i ask that you do not ask for a specific gender/pronouns/names.
when requesting i ask that you keep in mind that i may not see it, or may take some time to fulfill it. do not spam my inbox, you will be blocked.
#drabbles galore — for short little writings & idea posts
# [insert character name]'s garden — writings for specific characters
# kioki's coffee shop — shitposts & me talking
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atsukinakae · 2 years
RULES ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯.
Hi/Hello <3.
Let me introduce you myself,I'm Atsuki(is not my real name,but i'll love if you could call me that) and I'm a bisexual transmasc.
The anime i'll be writing stories about is "Haikyuu", "Miraculous Ladybug/mlb" and "Stray Kids/Skz"
I can do polyamory,soft,angst,death(or s*icide),sfw,nsfw,etc.
I'll be doing cis male reader and FTM/trans reader.
I can do male or female character x male reader.
I will not do any female reader,there are a lot of them.
If your pronoums are she/her,or if you are a women/girl please leave.
If you are a straight women that who only wants to read yaoi/BL please leave.I have found so many times this in male reader stories and it's really uncomfortable.
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bloodymiso · 6 months
★ rules + request info (matchup info)
—please follow all these rules! visitors who will not abide said rules will be blocked, reported even.
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★ rules to follow in the aquarium
do not claim my work as your own + do not post my work on other websites such as ao3, wattpad, quotev etc.
if you dont like what i write or find it disturbing(which i doubt, i only write sfw), block dont report.
dont pressure me into writing a request, this is simply a side blog for fun.
do not send a request if my requests are closed.
adults, dni with my romantic works for minors. as a minor, i will write romance for teenagers my age (15-17) so deal with it.
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★ ticket info — aka request info
what the tour guide is happy to do!
sfw fluff, angst, deep angst etc. expect a tiny TINY bit of spice in some of my works, like literally just a grain.
mostly gn and male readers, expect a lack of x female readers for male chars.
i will write for transmascs(pov me), transfems, genderfluid kiddos etc.
i will write for readers with mental (in lack of a better word) “conditions” such as adhd, ocd, autism etc. but dont expect it to be super accurate. but i will do my best to research and stuff as to not be..yeah. it would be nice if you could give me a quick description or some traits of the “condition” your reader has.
headcanons, drabbles, imagines, oneshots and matchups. please do not request a series.
i’m very male character centered, yknow, being gay. i won’t write a lot of works for female characters and if i will, it’ll usually be platonic! i hope you understand<3
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our venues (fandoms)
lockwood & co. genshin impact. stardew valley. bandori(only headcanons). haikyuu. blue period. the irregulars(netflix)
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𐙚 what the tour guide will not do!
nsfw. please note i am a minor and am not interested in that kind of stuff
ab.se, r.pe, inc.st, y.ndere stuff etc. if the reader was a victim and you would like some comfort, its fine. i dont do agere or pregnancy stuff.
oc x oc, oc x reader, oc x character, character x character etc. if the reader is too vividly described i will not write your request.
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boakql · 2 years
Kuroo with a nerdy little boyfriend is so cute <33
Whenever you come over his house for a study date he’ll tell you how cute and smart you are and it always ends up in a heated make out session before you go ^^
he loves it when you guys are kissing and you’re grinding into his lap like a cute puppy, he knows how desperate you are for him but he wants you to say it with your whole chest.
talking about chest, after school he’ll slightly unbutton your uniform shirt so he can see your cute nipples.
he’d do it especially when it’s cold, teasing you through your shirt by pinching and squeezing them. <3
But something that kuroo loves more is eating his poor baby out, you’ve never been eaten out before so when he does it for the first time it’s at your house. Your parents are home and you’re pulling onto his soft hair as he’s licking at your cute clit :cc
He’ll tell you that “your pussy’s so cute” and make you sit on his face until you finish your homework :<
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vamporphic · 3 years
KuroKen with a trans bf!!
Pairings: Kuroo and Kenma x ftm!reader
Notes: Okay so this made me really happy to write because I've been feeling kinda dysphoric and Kuroo & Kenma are two major comfort characters for me <;33
Notices/Warnings: icky dysphoria, but don't worry kuroken comes to save the day <33
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Enjoy !!
"[Y/n], remember to take your chest binder off soon. It's almost been eight hours." Tetsurou reprimanded you from his spot in the kitchen as he watched you and Kenma cuddle on the couch, playing Animal Crossing. You made a hum of agreement, following Kenma to the lake to go fishing.
The raven-haired boy smiled, shaking his head at the two boys sitting on the couch. He got a bag of chips and a bottle of water, bringing them into the living room for Kenma. "You know you really should eat healthier things, Kenma."
The blonde looked up at Tetsurou before reaching out for the bottled water. "I'm drinking water.." He mumbled, opening the bottle and taking a swig of the cool liquid inside. He sat the bottle down and continued moving his character around the island.
You stretched a bit, sighing, "I'm gonna go change now. Don't want Tetsurou getting grey hairs from worrying over me." Kenma nodded at you, smiling softly as he placed your switch beside him to keep it safe. Kuroo only rolled his eyes at your comment before sitting down beside Kenma. The two boys smiled softly, watching you walk up the stairs.
You hummed, bouncing lightly as you made your way to your room. You walked inside, closing the door behind you and taking your shirt off. You looked at your chest binder, frowning lightly as you started taking it off. When it was fully off, you looked in the mirror, a frown etched on your face.
You looked at your chest with a glare, eyes watering lightly as you looked at your breasts. You shook your head, putting on the overly baggy shirt and heading back downstairs. You frowned when you got back to the living room, eyes wandering to your two boyfriends. You looked at them, admiring their perfect builds, envious of how they could be born in the correct body and you couldn't.
You didn't feel the tears going down your face, stinging at your eyes. You didn't hear Kuroo calling out your name lightly as he looked at you worriedly from his spot on the couch. You only felt him pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you as his tall frame towered over you.
You cried harder, clutching at his shirt. "Why couldn't I have been born in the right body," You continued to cry, sobs leaving your throat as you hugged him. "Why am I not a real boy?"
"[Y/n], you are a real boy. You're a real boy as long as you identify as one. You don't need a dick to make you a real boy, and you don't need testosterone or anything like that. As long as you identify as a boy, you are a boy. Do you understand?" Kuroo looked down at you, stroking your hair lightly.
You nodded, more tears falling from your face. You felt cool hands wrap around you, brushing against your arms. Kenma started speaking as well, "You're a real boy to us, you'll always be a real boy to us. Even if you don't look super masculine, you're a real boy."
You knew he wasn't the best at words, so you appreciated his attempt. You smiled, pulling him in for a hug as well.
The three of you stood there, hugging until you felt okay again.
You smiled at the two, wondering how you got so lucky to have them as your partners.
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