Ayeo! On Memtal Health Break! Will Be Back
100 posts
Hey! I’m Kye and I’m an autistic regressor that just really wants somewhere to dump terrible art and headcannons
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
soulless-strangers · 7 months ago
3/4 kids agere hc
From my Haikyuu foster care au
Oikawa- CG
-Everyone’s primary caregiver
-only real nickname is ‘mama’ from Ushijima
-takes the others little gear to camps and comps incase
-cuddle monster, love language is a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation
-so he loves to hold his littles and tell them how much he loves them
-his bedroom in the home has basically been converted into a safe space to regress
Kageyama- little
-non verbal and a baby regressor
-very quiet and often sleepy
-needs to be the one to initiate cuddle time unless it’s their brother (Kyotani)
-has a service German Shepard called Volley, so always has help when they need it
-when awake and a little older, loves to ‘play’ with baby Ushijima and a spare volleyball
-slowly warms up to the idea of napping in Oikawas bedroom with the weighted blankets
Kyoutani- puppy
-little bundle of energy
-bouncy and super playful
-when calm will curl around his sibling (Kages) and have puppy cuddles
-took the second longest to get comfortable with Oikawa
-LOVES baby Ushijima
-Suga is the only one he will play rough with ((apart from Volley))
-chewy toys are a must
Suga- little
-older brother
-really wants to be a caregiver like Oikawa but involuntarily regresses when he tries
-does like to baby his little siblings though
-plays rough with Kyotani, can deal with light puppy nips
-is super over protective of the babies
-especially when they are both non verbal, he and Kyo take it very seriously
-very intense, like all the time. He took the longest to trust Oikawa
Ushijima- little
-selectively nonverbal baby regressor
-even when verbal will only speak if spoken to
-very uncoordinated, often needs help from Oikawa or Suga
-gets giggly when puppy Kyotani starts getting excited
-accidentally started calling Oikawa mama but it just stuck
-when verbal, speech is very slurred
-is surprisingly good at reading Kageyamas body language and can speak up for them if they need
Iwaizumi- flip
-newest to the house and newest to learn about regressing
-technically more of a big brother than a flip but likes to try and help his papa with the babies
-calls oikawa ‘papa’ one by mistake and oikawa just runs with it
-is Semi-verbal, rarely talks but can
-likes to just hold and hug the babies and puppy Kyo
-often gets pulled into Suga’s little antics
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soulless-strangers · 7 months ago
Little Ushijima and Caregiver Oikawa
If Oikawa wanted to be cruel, he would have laughed at how strange Ushijima looked, curled tightly into a ball in the corner of his room in the foster home.
But instead it broke his heart.
“Toshi? Toshi baby it ok.” He hummed softly, sitting just far enough away from the younger so he wasn’t touching him but close enough for comfort. “I’m right here. I won’t leave you alone in there.”
“No!” The little shouted, hands flying up to cover his ears at his own sudden noise. It was followed by a gaspy sob. “Not going!”
“I know you don’t like it but it’s important you go Ushiwaka.” Oikawa hushed, carefully holding out Ushijima’s stuffed cow toy from when he had first arrived in the foster home. “Do you wanna bring Moo with you? Moo has always kept you safe hasn’t he baby boy?”
“Mm scared mama.” He finally admitted, tearful eyes peaking out to plead with his caregiver. “Please don’t make.”
Oikawa could feel his heart breaking.
“I’m sorry little one, I’m so sorry but you need to go. You could end up really sick if you don’t. But I’ll be right next to you, I won’t leave you at any point ok?”
“Ah don’t wanna go.” He mumbled tearfully, burying his face deeper in his knees. “Please.”
“Ushijima! Oikawa! Viktor is here!” Kyotani called from the front door, oblivious to the panic the older boy was in.
“I’m coming, I’m coming just give us one sec!” Oikawa called back, wincing when Ushijima flinched. “Hey I promise it’s going to be ok. I swear. I’ve never broken a promise have I?”
Reluctantly Ushijima shook his head, hiding his face again.
“And I never will ok? I’m gonna stay right by your side today, no matter what.” The older tried to reassure. “I think we should take Moo and Highland in the car with us, don’t you? And your weighted blanket and your paci. Does that sound ok?”
“Hold hand?” The younger asked meekly.
“Yes sweetheart of course I’ll hold your hand. I won’t let go ok.”
“Ok... promise?”
“I promise sweetheart.”
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soulless-strangers · 1 year ago
This blog is not forgotten!!
I’m just quite inactive at the moment.
I hate to be that person but I have so much going on in my life right now and everything is so upside down that I barely have time to even regress myself. The last 6 months have been chaos and I’m so sorry to everyone that enjoys my blog, I promise I will return to writing.
I just need some time to heal.
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Could you maybe do little Shirabu and Ushijima with caregiver Tendou? Maybe they both got sick and are a little uncomfy and upset, but Tendou helps look after them? It's fine if not!
Not a problem at all. I’m actually gonna write this in two parts, the first one is nearly done and is about Shirabu discovering Ushijima’s regression and becoming his big brother. Hope that’s ok
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Little trans Ushijima and CG Oikawa
Cw: vauge references to transphobia
Oikawa had been more than a little surprised to see Suga stick his head in his bedroom door.
“Ushijima’s little, he’s throwing a fit about something. I wish I could help but I’m going to have a meltdown if I don’t go somewhere quiet right now.”
Oikawa blinked at him for a second before nodding.
“Go take care of yourself, I’ll check in after I settle Ushiwaka.” He hummed, the grey haired teen giving a sigh of relief as he turned and exited.
The scene Oikawa walked in on was not a pretty one.
“I want my mum! I want my muma!” The little sobbed, rocking back and forwards in his cross legged position. He was throwing his toys across the room, Moo and Highland landing somewhere need the door.
“Hey Toshi bub. Why are we all upset today?”
“I want my mum!” He repeated, hands in balled fists as he cried. “I want my muhum!”
Oikawas mouth formed a thin line. None of his littles ever really cried for their parents when they where upset. He didn’t really know how to fix this.
“Do you want a hug? Or do you not want to be touched right now?” Well first He should at least establish some boundaries. He was very relieved when Ushijima’s hands shot out in front in him, making grabby hands at his caregiver.
Cuddly littles where his favourite.
“Ok sweetheart.” He hummed softly sitting down on the side of the bed and pulling the little into his lap. “Do you wanna talk about why we are feeling upset?”
“I- I want my muma. I wish she wanted me. But she doesn’t even like me.” The sobbing returned ten fold, Oikawa gently squeezing him as he cried.
“Well I think she’s very silly because you are the bestest boy in the world! You’re strong and brave and smart.”
“She didn’t want me cause I’m not a real boy!” The little sobbed, fingers gripping into Oikawa’s shirt.
It made his heart hurt to see Ushijima this upset. He silently cursed the younger boy’s mother.
“You are a real boy Wakatoshi.” He mumbled into his littles hair, his voice a little deeper and more serious. “I know you are cause I’m holding you right now and I can feel you in my arms. That’s what makes you a real boy. Because you are real.”
Ushijima hiccuped, fingers scrabbling with Oikawas jacket for a tighter grip. The older smoother his hands across his littles back, trying to ground him.
“Shhh baby boy. That’s it. That’s my brave brave boy.” He hushed, Ushijima’s cries dissolving into little hiccups and whimpers.
His voice also quickly disappearing, he curled into his caregiver closer, whispering.
“Muma loves me?”
Oikawa had to pause for a second, brain rebooting. Was Ushijima referring to him?
“Yeah baby. Muma loves you very much.”
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Little Adhd Carter and CG Kelsey And Ms Fairweather
Requested by @cayden-grayson-mitchell
Cw- mentions of ADHD medication
“Carter? What are you up to?” Kelsey hummed, stopping in her tracks when the red ranger turned to her, his Piglet push tucked in his arms and chewing on the end of his pointer finger.
“Dana?” He mumbled around his finger, looking down at his feet.
“Oh hi honey, I didn’t know you were little. Do you want your aunty Dana?” The red ranger nodded quickly, pulling Piglet closer to his chest. “Ok, well let’s go look for her, and let’s get you a chewie necklace so you don’t have your yucky fingers in your mouth.”
He followed the yellow ranger, gently holding onto the back of her shirt so he didn’t get lost.
“Kelsey. Wait.” He stopped, pulling on her shirt. “I need the bathroom. I got distracted. Is why I was looking for Dana.”
He looked visibly upset with himself, like he wanted to scold himself for his brain side tracking itself.
“Ok. Do you want me to hold Piglet? I’ll wait for you and then we can find Dana.” He nodded gently, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration clouding his face. “Carter? Have you taken your ridalin today?”
He looked away guiltily, fingers gripping Piglet tightly for any form of comfort.
“Did you forget?”
“I thought I could be big boy and not need them.” He mumbled.
“What would your grandpa say about that Carter?”
Kelsey wasn’t prepared for her red ranger to burst into tears, trying to hide his face behind his sleeves.
“I’m sorry! Am just a stupid idiot that can’t remember things!” He sobbed, burrowing his face into Piglet for comfort.
“Oh no Carter baby no one thinks that. I mean captain Michelle will be upset because your not taking care of yourself. No body thinks you’re an idiot.” Kelsey was thankfully saved as Angela came out of her office (even more thankful that Carter had stopped her just outside it) and gently held up a small tablet, placing it to his lips before offering him some water from a drink bottle.
Once the ridalin tablet had been swallowed, a train silicone chewie toy was popped in his mouth.
The crying stopped as quickly as it started, Carter’s teary brown eyes starting at his big sis and aunty.
“I think, we should take little Carter to the bathroom, and then find Dana and Will and see if someone wants to take a nap.” She spoke softly but mater of factly. “How does that sound you two?”
“You’re a life saver Angela.” Kelsey sighed with relief, taking Carters empty hand in her own as her and Angela lead him down towards the common area.
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Hiii! Could you do Little Carter with ADHD and the Lightspeed Team finding him to just be the most ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE thing! I'd like to imagine Kelsey got him a Piglet Plushie because she found it and was just the right size for little Carter; who would take Piglet almost EVERYWHERE except places like the bathroom, gallet so he doesn't get Piglet dirty. Both Will and Angela just love Little Carter and think he's adorable. If not that's ok
Hey! I’m so sorry I just got around to this, it’s been a very hectic and chaotic few months and I have had any time to create new content. I will have this posted shortly!
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Hi! Could I request a story with little Reki and caregiver Langa or Joe please?
Hey I just posted it! I am so sorry for the wait! I know it’s been forever
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soulless-strangers · 2 years ago
Big boy feelings
Little Reki and first time CG Langa
Requested by @soft-chocolate-sweetie
Cw- crying, mentions of adoption and foster care
Reki was sat silently on his bed, eyes turned down and focused on his bed covers, avoiding looking up at Langa.
“Her name is mum.” He mumbled, tears threatening to make themselves known.
Langa was holding his toy puppy dog. She was the first thing he had been given by Joe and Cherry when he was taken into emergency foster care before his mum adopted him. She was very, very special and he didn’t like anyone else holding her.
“You sleep with a toy dog called mum?” The blue haired boy looked confused for a second, turning the toy over to look at its stomach.
Reki pounced forward, tears spilling over as he tried to grab the soft toy off his friend.
“Give her back! She doesn’t like that!”
“Woah Reki it’s ok.” Langa looked rightfully startled, quickly handing ‘mum’ back to the redhead.
She was immediately clutched against his chest but the crying continued.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you didn’t want me to touch her.”
Reki hid his face in his knees, eyes peering out from behind the ears of the toy dog.
“Did it happen again? Did I make you small?” When Reki didn’t reply, Langa carefully sat down on the edge of the bed in front of him. “I’m sorry Reki. I want to learn so I can help you.”
“Don’t want your help.” Reki hissed. “Am a big boy. Don’t need you.”
“What if we play a game instead huh? Like normal.” Langa winced when Reki curled away from him again. “We could play Mario cart?”
“You’ll turn the volume off?” The red head carefully began to uncurl himself, toy dog gently dropping into his lap with his hands.
“Yeah. Of course. I don’t like the loud music either.”
Reki still looked apprehensive, pouting but silently shifted closer.
‘Mum’ remained in his lap, as he began to chew on the edge of his hoodies sleeve, carefully taking the controller Langa offered to him.
After Langa set up the game and went though the start up menu, he turned back towards the bed, only to find Reki with a paci in his mouth, half hidden by his sleeve.
He pretended not to notice, tapping the x on his controller to start the race.
And yes, he may have ‘accidentally’ driven off the side of the rainbow road when Reki got left too far behind, but it was totally worth it to hear Reki let out a little happy giggle.
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
Just a reminder I’m still takin request! I’ve adored the ones I’ve had so far. Don’t be afraid to send in more than one!
Hey everyone. So I need a bit of motivation to keep writin all me stuff atm so I was thinkin about opening requests.
Any requests from my character list in my pinned post would be awesome.
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
Demorph and deage
Little Trip and CG time force team
Requested by @the-ace-kid
He demorphed, his legs giving way beneath him immediately.
“Trip?!” Lucas and Katie where immediately at his side, looking for any signs of injury when he started to giggle.
“Oh! Hi bubba!” Katie squeaked excitedly, picking up the green haired alien.
“Hi Katie!” Trip smiled back, making grabby wavy hands at Lucas. “Hi Lu’as!”
“Hi little Trip, buddy you scared me.”
“No I is ok. Just small.” He hummed in response, starting to chew on his fingers.
“Well if we have a little Trip I think we should take a ‘little trip’ back to the clock tower!” Katie squealed, throwing her little up in the air before catching him and swinging him around.
“Circuit, get ready for a big afternoon. Trip got little after our fight.” Wes hummed into his com, the robotic bird giving an excited noise in response.
“Copy that. I’ll be sure put baby ranger protocols in place. Only Trip?” He chirped back.
“Only Trip.” Wes confirmed, only to get startled when Jen shouted from behind him.
“Katie! Stop throwing him so high you’re gonna drop him!” Jen called, the yellow ranger completely ignoring her and continuing to throw her little into the air.
Trip just squealed in excitement, calling for Lucas to watch how high he got.
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
Little pikachu
Little mute enby Kaminari And caregiver Kirishima
Requested my @xavslittlenothings
Denki sat on the floor near their bed, fidgeting with the paci in their mouth.
“Hi Denki, hi baby how old are you right now?” Kiri cooed as he slipped into the room, Shinsou having retrieved him from the common room.
Denki blinked at him for a second before holding up two fingers, quickly making grabby hands at their caregiver.
“You’re two? Oh what a clever little muffin we have here huh?” The red head gasped as he stepped closer. “You want uppies? Ok honey bunny but I need to put your mittens on first, ok? Other wise you might zap uncle Kiri by accident.”
Denki just continued to demand being picked up, only ceasing their grabby hands when Kirishima carefully slipped on their pair of pikachu mittens.
“Ok sweetheart, up we get!” Kiri picked up his little with ease, Denkis shorter stature aiding greatly.
Not that that would have stopped Kirishima, it just meant he would have had to up his work out routine.
“What does my little bunny bub wanna do? Do they want a story time? Or a bottle?” Kiri swung his little from side to side gently, the blond slumping against his shoulder. “Or does bubba just wanna be held for a bit?”
A sleepy nod rubbed against the red heads shoulder, Kiri chuckling softly.
“My little pikachu.” He hummed. “I’ve got you little one.”
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
hi!! I really love your content and I saw that u have an ao3 account, tho I can't find it for some reason. could u please share the link to it?
I'm really sorry to bother and have a nice day!! <3
Hey yar not a bother at all and I won’t let ya speak about yr self like that. ❤️❤️
I do just want to make crystal clear that my ao3 is nothing like my writing on this blog and if ya are gonna have a look to please head the trigger warnings. I over tag them in each chapter but I would rather everyone be safe.
With that out of the way-
If you do final anything you want to read I hope you enjoy it. 😁
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
Hey everyone. So I need a bit of motivation to keep writin all me stuff atm so I was thinkin about opening requests.
Any requests from my character list in my pinned post would be awesome.
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
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✨ Terushima Yūji from Haikyuu!! is a psychotic age regressor! ✨
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
Green is mean
Little Jason and babysitter Kimberly
Ok hear me out.
Jason didn’t mean to regress in the middle of one of the Spd halls...
But he did.
So baby Jason had taken it upon himself to sit down where he stood and sooth himself with his power coin of all things.
It was small and snack shaped. Of course it was going in his mouth.
So the red ranger sat there, idoly chewing and sucking on the coin as a distraction till another ranger found him.
Hopefully Trini or Billy. He liked his Mum and Papa.
Unfortunately it was neither the yellow or blue ranger that rounded the corner, but Tommy.
Which would not have been a problem if not for the fact that he was morphed, in his green ranger suit.
Jason’s power coin hit the floor, the silence echoing for a second before the little began to wail.
He cried, cried so hard he had to stutter in a breath, only for it to return at twice the volume.
Tommy froze, quickly demorphing before crouching down a little away from the baby regressor.
“Hey. Hey baby Jase. I’m sorry. I’m sorry little mate. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The older babbled, trying to settle the red ranger.
“Jason? Jason bug what’s going on?” Kimberly came around the corner, almost pushing her husband out of the way.
“He saw me in my green ranger suit.” Tommy muttered, feeling ashamed of himself despite it just being poor timing.
“Oh bug. I know, green was mean wasn’t he.” Kimberly cooed, pulling the still balling little against her side. “Go find Trini or Billy. I’ll stay with him. Tell them to get Maci too.”
Tommy nodded, thinking back to the last time he’d seen the t-Rex stuffie. He stood up, not too quickly, and began his search for the other rangers.
“Hey butter bug, I know. I know darling. Green is scary for you bub. It’s ok.”
The red rangers cried began to slow to sniffles, Kimberly trying to distract him with his power coin until his caregivers arrived.
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soulless-strangers · 3 years ago
No more practice
Little Kageyama, big bro Suga and CG Daichi
The ball came down, bonking them on the head.
The team watched them for a second before Suga stepped forward.
“Tobio? Are you little right now?” He asked softly.
The younger teen wanted to protest, say they were just a little off their game but their voice was already gone so silently they shook their head at him.
“Tobio. It’s not nice to lie to your big brother.” Daichi scolded lightly, taking his place next to Suga. “If you’re feeling little you need to tell us.”
They nodded, headspace slipping even younger by the second.
“Ok. I want you to go sit down near coach with Volley and you are going to take a nap. We can’t risk you getting hurt little one.” Daichi and Suga where guiding them over the wall by the door, where Volley was obediently waiting for his owner.
Suga was clearly trying to fight off his big brother headspace just a little longer, already a little protective as he turned to Daichi with authority.
“You go get their hoodie, stuffie and paci, I’ll wait with them.” He instructed, the captain nodding at him.
“Oh no, do we have a little Kages on our hands?” Ukai hummed with amusement.
Tobio nodded at him, blinking blearily up at the blond as their thumb found a way into their mouth.
“Baby Kages.” Suga corrected, his voice already sounding a little more childlike than before.
“My mistake.” Ukai chuckled lightly as Daichi returned.
“Arms up!” The captain cheered, Tobio raising their arms as their pride hoodie was pulled over them. It was large and soft, acting more as a wearable blanket than a hoodie.
Kyebear was being placed in their arms next before Suga popped their paci into their mouth.
“Ok Tobio, you take a rest and we’ll wake you when practice is over.” They nodded blankly at Daichi, leaning back against the wall to rest.
The two third years jogged back into the court, returning to their drills as Tobio silently cracked one eye open.
Ukai pretended he didn’t see it, continuing on with his coaching and making sure to keep Suga in task.
They all wanted them to nap, but if Tobio couldn’t practice, they at least wanted to watch.
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