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aurianneor · 9 months ago
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La violence contre les élus
60% des élus au niveau mondial ont été victimes de violences ou de harcèlement et dans de nombreux cas, cela a mené à la fin de leur carrière. Cela ne date pas d'hier. Ces élus sont presque tous des élus progressistes, qui par leur action on challengé la société traditionaliste. Une femme jeune qui dirige, un homme blanc qui veut donner des droits aux Noirs, le contenu de ce qui est enseigné à l'école, etc. Ces élus sont victimes de traditionalistes qui se sentent profondément menacés par les actions de ces leaders. Ils quittent leurs fonctions, ce qui est anti-démocratique. Plus de 600 emails de policiers ont été retrouvés dans les archives du FBI quand Obama était président d'officiers qui disaient ne pas vouloir obéir à un Noir. Obama a reculé pour les droits à l'avortement car il avait peur. Certains n'osent plus critiquer les thèmes de l'extrême-droite ou n'osent plus se présenter aux élections de peur de ces violences. Par exemple, en Finlande, après le harcèlement de Sanna Marin, les principaux leaders de la gauche n'ont pas osé se présenter.
Face aux progressistes, il y a une longue histoire de traditionalistes qui recourent à la violence. Que peut-on faire pour améliorer les choses? Pourquoi la police ne les protège pas plus? Pourquoi ce ne sont que des progressistes qui se font agresser? John Fitzgerald Kennedy s'est fait tuer à Dallas, état Républicain.
Dans les polices du monde entier, il y a un phénomène de corps. L'organisation perpétue des croyances et des traditions. Le corps policier décide de qui il protège et de qui il ne protège pas.
Dans l'empire romain, la garde prétorienne assurait la protection de l'Empereur. C'est eux qui décidaient qui était l'empereur. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Qui garde les gardiens?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quis_custodiet_ipsos_custodes%3F
La police en fait le minimum quand elle protège un progressiste. La police a tardé avant de répondre à l'appel au secours du mari de Nancy Pelosi. Il s'est passé 4h avant que les policiers arrivent lors de l'attaque du Capitole du 6 janvier 2021. Il n'y a eu aucune preuve qu'un dirigeant avait donné un ordre pour ne pas intervenir. Il n'y a pas de garde nationale à Washington. Le corps policier décide ou non de protéger les élus. Cette violence s'applique contre les gens qui veulent changer la société: les élus, contre les LGBT+, contre les professeurs, contre les journalistes. La police traîne les pieds et ne les protège pas.
A quoi sert la police? - Les Idées Larges - Arte: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/117234-001-A/a-quoi-sert-la-police/
Si on veut que la police soit en accord avec la diversité des idées de la société, il faut que le maintien de l'ordre soit effectué sur le modèle des gardes nationales américaines. Il faut donner du temps pour que les gens soient formés au maniement des armes et au maintien de l'ordre. Les policiers de carrière des gardiens de la paix sont sélectionnés, ils sont embrigadés par les anciens, ils peuvent être achetés. Les gardiens de la paix devraient être les citoyens du moment qu'ils sont en capacité physique de le faire. Cela formerait les citoyens à désescalader les conflits, à protéger leurs voisins, etc. Nous avons tous droit à la protection.
La police judiciaire demande des professionnels car c'est très technique, mais pas les gardiens de la paix.
Ce sont les policiers qui sont les faiseurs de roi. Ils devraient protéger la démocratie.
La liste des personnes politiques qui n'ont pas pu mener leur programme à bien à cause de violences est longue:
Matthias Ecke (candidat SPD aux élections Européennes)
Pedro Sanchez (premier ministre espagnol)
Léo Varadkar (premier ministre irlandais)
Yannick Morez (maire de Saint-Brévin-les-pins)
Jacinda Ardern (premier ministre de Nouvelle-Zélande)
Sanna Marin (premier ministre de Finlande)
Nancy Pelosi (président de la chambre des représentants des USA)
Robert Kennedy (ministre de la justice et candidat aux élections présidentielles américaines)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (président des USA)
Léon Blum (premier ministre de la France)
Jean Jaurès (premier ministre de la France)
Abraham Lincoln (président des Etats-Unis)
Ukraine’s new military branch: Citizens protecting their neighborhood - Politico: https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-russia-military-citizen-reservist-defense/
Le nombre d’agressions d’élus marque une hausse - Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2023/03/15/l-inquietante-hausse-du-nombre-d-agressions-d-elus_6165642_823448.html
Violence against women active in politics in the EU - A serious obstacle to political participation: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2024/759600/EPRS_BRI(2024)759600_EN.pdf
A deluge of violent messages: How a surge in threats to public officials could disrupt American democracy - CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/07/politics/threats-us-public-officials-democracy-invs/index.html
Thousands turn out at rally for Spain's PM Pedro Sánchez - BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68914181
Gardien de la Paix - La Chanson du Dimanche S01E11: https://youtu.be/C-nViGKosyE?si=Z1-mFHrqrdy_jl9X
Les autorités illégitimes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-autorites-illegitimes/
Police et justice pour le peuple: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-et-justice-pour-le-peuple/
Police, Armée: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-armee-manif-des-policiers-je-suis-gilet/
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tontonchristobal · 1 year ago
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p4nishers · 1 year ago
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can u believe this was published in 1999
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rimatsu · 1 month ago
if tommy doesn't propose by asking buck "will you be my last, evan?" then what's the point of anything really
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kiddokori · 2 years ago
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they gave link a fuckjng hoverboard
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myimaginationplain · 2 months ago
I completely understand the impetus behind not wanting to fall into easy stereotypes and/or trying to shake up the usual fandom script where omegaverse is concerned. but imo Jayce & Viktor fall so cleanly into the alpha/omega paradigm that it's comedic.
you talk at Viktor funny & Jayce is puffing out his chest & mean mugging at you even though he's so non-confrontational 90% of the time. Viktor never ever raises his voice once in the entire show, even when he's mad as hell. there are multiple scenes in season 1 where Jayce implicitly tells Viktor "be quiet" with his body language & Viktor just. shuts up. with no question or fanfare; not even any annoyance, really. Viktor hangs onto that ratty-ass unwashed blanket Jayce gave him for nearly an entire year. If that isn't classic fandom alpha & omega behavior, then idk what is.
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reborngreater · 22 days ago
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What I want♡
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princesscomplexed · 5 months ago
old fashioned in the sense that i only subscribe and enjoy the butch knight x femme princess dynamic
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pilkypills · 5 days ago
So like I’m not against characters being ooc in a fic because I’m well aware there can be intent behind it or a desire to explore different scenarios and whatnot plus I don’t really feel good complaining about art I get to enjoy for free but ooooooh hooooooo it burns my biscuits when people make Balin the bad guy
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nando161mando · 2 years ago
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I had to read this, now you do too.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 9 days ago
One of the advantages of engaging with old and old-ish media is the way it gives you perspective on the shifting of political discourse, and the current day weaponization of rage-bait by certain despicable pundits.
This week I had a pretty severe episode of dizziness and was basically bed-bound. On Wednesday I tried to watch the 1979 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and I was understanding none of it, so I switched to Walker Texas Ranger because it showed up in my search, and I used to watch it when I was a kid and it was aired on open tv in my country.
I remembered it as being a very 'Murica, Traditional ValuesTM sort of show, and I don't think anyone would have ever called it a liberal device or anything like that. And yet as I was rewatching I couldn't help but think how many choices on this show would be framed by someone like Ben Shapiro if it was airing today. Cfr.
The main cast being composed of a biracial man, a woman, a black man and an indigenous man.
On the pilot, Walker bonds with a rape victim over trauma (his parents were murdered in front of him when he was a kid by drunken white supremacists)
The following episode Alex makes an impassioned speech about how hard it is to be a woman in her job, and how she cannot go into hiding or ask for special protection like others would because it would allow people to call into question her ability to do the job because she is a woman.
Later on a paralytic woman saves the day in a hostage situation and Walker and her briefly date
The following episode spins around dismantling a Christian cult
A few episodes later one of the main players is a young woman determined to see justice for her father, whom she is convinced was murdered and did not die on a drunken driving incident. Walker has a heart to heart conversation with his uncle about why he is attracted to determined, independent, stubborn women, and the conclusion is that they are very much worth engaging with because of those character traits.
That's 14 episodes into the series. And I don't think any of this was in any particular way considered as anything other than run-of-the-mill tropey stuff back when this aired, or as shoving politics down anyone's throats. Someone would say framing is everything, and tbh, it makes you think about the framing and codes rage-bait pundits use to reap engagement from audiences, and how it creates a vicious circle of radicalization (which ties back to what I was saying at the top of the post).
I don't know if I'm explaining well what I'm trying to say about people being radicalized into positions they would have not held 20 or 30 years ago, and how loud the most extremist positions are because of social media amplification, so, hm, try to be kind to this post XD
Another striking example is how tech is framed in the series. Walker, as the most Traditional Man's Man character is very dismissive of new tech, and thinks old fashioned police work remains the best. Trivett, a guy from Baltimore who is very fashionable and hip is all for adopting cutting-edge tech into their work. The series as a whole narratively sides with Walker time and time again. Which is a reminder that distrust of big tech was at the time uncontroversial in a traditional mindset. This right now is a strange innovation (yes, fascist governments like Franco's Spain were technocratic, but we are talking within the frame of the US ideological landscape).
These are my not very well organized thoughts on this, and I'm sharing them because I think it's worth thinking about.
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razberrypuck · 1 year ago
okay but as horrifying as that was to experience its good to know I was right on the money with finn and his sex books. being on the surface was literally the first time in his 150 years of life that he had the chance to explore himself and his romantic/sexual preferences without consequence. for 150 years he was forced to abide by the undersea's VERY STRICT laws by punishment of death. but he can't get in trouble for any undersea laws he violates on the surface -- and even if the oversea had those same laws (they don't) who gives a shit? finn's already a pirate! he breaks the law every day! of course he'd take that opportunity, to FINALLY understand more about himself. to FINALLY understand why he's felt the way he has for so long. of course he would.
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ranarenee · 6 months ago
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Kissing to greet or to say goodbye to someone is a tradition that gets all the hate it deserves, but needs more love that it recieves.
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haveyouheardthisband · 6 months ago
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months ago
wait wait you said that in the hbp train scene malfoy was changing clothes but I thought the robes were like a coat dress thing? Wouldn't he have just been putting it on over his current clothes?
It's not clear. However, the question is, what clothes would he be wearing? He's a Malfoy. I'm quite sure he doesn't own any muggle clothes. Which means he was probably wearing wizarding robes which he then took off to swap for his school robes. But yeah he may have had some underclothes on underneath or something. It's never described too much so I suppose it's whatever you prefer. Whatever the case, Harry was so distracted by seeing Draco is some level of undress that he didn't notice someone swinging a suitcase directly at his head. Which is. HILARIOUS.
The fact that this passage is canon and not from a drarry fic will never not send me:
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