#tracked down my favorite gum!!!
arrow-guy · 1 year
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
In college I did this production of Alice in Wonderland. I got cast as the Dodo who’s part of the caucus race and it was really fun. As part of my character I developed this absolutely unhinged laugh, because our scene is basically just chasing each other around in a circle screaming.
The laugh was a full throated undulating crazy burst of sound, like a mashup of every other 90’s anime villain and SpongeBob, if they were tripping balls and having the best time of their life. It is not a laugh for indoors.
As the production got under way our costumes rolled out and it was Very low budget so my costume was a purple tshirt with a feather boa wound through it, feathers spirit gummed to my face, a purple skirt, and purple pantyhose.
Now the trouble was that my scenes were all running, and there wasn’t shoes in my costume. The pantyhose slid on every surface like ice, from the stage to the aisles. I brought up concerns about falling but basically got told to just be careful.
The show must go on and so I took to the stage with my extremely slippery feet, vowing that if I fell I’d stay in character.
We had two performances and a dress rehearsal and in each one we run out three times and on the last we run down through the audience. The dress rehearsal and first performance I got through and kept my feet, slipping but flailing myself upright each time and laughing my insane character laugh at the foibles.
The final show dawned. I was confident I’d be able to manage. The first two caucus races went by and I stayed up. On the third I circled the stage okay but as I was dashing off stage through the aisle, my foot slipped out from under me.
It was slow motion for me as I felt the eyes of the audience tracking my slow tilt forward. I reached out to catch myself and landed with a hard whumpf on my stomach, seeing stars as all the air left my body. A hush fell as everyone waited with bated breath to see if this was part of the show or if they’d just watched a performer eat shit and injure themself.
The second I could reinflate my lungs I shrieked out with, “AhAhaahaHaA!” Scrabbling to my feet I flapped my arms and followed after the dormouse and turtle, laughing hysterically.
My elbows and pride were bruised but by god, I stayed in character.
Afterward my friends said, “Did you have to do that every time? It was my favorite part! Your laugh was so good!”
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r0-boat · 4 months
Headcanons for favorite ice cream flavor of your favorite whb characters?
I will do all of them
Ultimate whb ice cream headcannon! Please let me know how you think of them in the comments I love reading them :)
Cut for length.
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This man is an cookies and cream bastard. He crushes Oreos and puts them into his ice cream the more the merrier. He'll still eat his ice cream even though it's just a pile of cookies and little bits of ice cream. Genuinely gets mad that there's not enough cookies in his ice cream.
I think he would like a more uncommon flavor like pistachio or matcha. He understands not many people like his flavor but it's his.
Chocolate ice cream with chocolate chip. Drizzled with chocolate... He just really likes chocolate.
He likes those character popsicles with the eyeball gum. he always takes out the eyeballs first and then eats their heads.
He likes sherbert with gummy bears. I can see him really liking fruity flavors. Occasionally he does also have sprinkles.
Bubble gum flavor is a masterpiece and if you disagree you're wrong.
Rocky road. He likes the richness of chocolate paired with the nuttiness of the almonds and the softness of marshmallows delicious!
Chocolate chip! He's a simple man.
Anything with caramel has his heart, it's sweet and delicious and he likes watching it roll down. So butterscotch caramel. Don't forget the gold shavings
He'll have whatever Mammon is having having. extra gold shavings please... (a scoop of pineapple with coconut shavings)
Strawberry with sprinkles! He is a strawberry die hard. Constantly getting into fights with chocolate and vanilla fans.
Butter pecan with caramel as well. He'll also politely ask what ice cream flavor are you having and then politely asked for some of yours in exchange for some of his.
Neapolitan ice cream because it has three flavors and that's better than one. but then would rudely steal a spoonful of yours and wants to try everyone else's because he's jealous of what you're having because it looks good.
He also likes Neapolitan not because he wants to copy Levi He just genuinely likes the flavors.
He can't decide between Cherry or raspberry. He just really likes strong fruity flavors. He doesn't mind a little chocolate drizzle either.
Of course he would like red velvet And he likes mixing bits of brownies.
Cotton candy with sprinkles. Anything sweet enough to give you diabetes
His favorite changes every other day once you ask him It will take in about 10 minutes to think of an answer just to change it three times.
(funny headcanon one time visiting Leviathan He got into his ice cream stash to separate the three flavors and reorganize them as a prank. That's how he got banned from Hades for 100 years.)
Likes root beer float, He likes it because he can mix it in and then drink it while he's working.
My brain is telling me that he likes cookie dough. I don't know why I feel strongly about this.
Peanut butter. He's such a sucker for peanut butter ice cream. He'll be eating it with his tail wagging happily.
Strawberry cheesecake ice cream! And don't you dare tell him it's girly or be mean because he will cry!
Paradise Lost
Moose tracks is the most old man dad flavor I can think of.
He's more of a snow cone guy. But he likes Sorbet anything with citrus and he'll be there.
He's a plain guy He just likes vanilla. If he feels like something different than he'll add to it it's perfect.
He likes vanilla but he's more of a French vanilla person. He thinks of himself as the better vanilla fan. He's kind of prideful about it.
Not much of an ice cream fan but he'll have whatever you're having
Mint chocolate chip. We don't know much about him it's just a vibe.
Coffee flavor, no one saw this coming.
He likes flavors from different countries like Ube, moonmist or hokey pokey. Any flavor that's specifically unique to that place he'll try it.
Rainbow sherbert he likes tasting all the little flavors. He also likes the name because if he could see he wants to see all the pretty colors it has. Probably just as beautiful as he imagines it.
Man likes grape flavor He's just dying to get stabbed.
Banana split. He eats the banana whole ;)
Mango surprisingly normal...
Always orders the same ice cream as yours when he's alone he just orders vanilla topped with MnM's
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kingcho · 2 months
In honor of Cinderella’s Castle opening, I call upon this video @curtmega made some time ago…
Curt Mega | In honor of us all achieving Tinlightenment, here’s my VERY specific head-canon about why Agent Mega might have a kid. This is not endorsed… | Instagram
…and introduce to you a little original idea I’ve been brewing up. Because I’m insane. Aren’t I so normal?
Introducing: Sharon Booker !!
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my sweet little angel who is so so so dastardly
And here’s a cheesy little backstory blurb:
The year is 1946
Sent on a covert operation to expose Illinois Senator Jackson Booker of corrupt dealings with foreign countries, Agent Curt Mega finds himself in the company of the Senator’s daughter, Elizabeth Booker. Willing to spread her father’s gossip in the right company, Curt does what he has to for the sake of the country.
Nine months later, Sharon Janelle Booker is born to a single, disgruntled, and now disinherited mother.
Sharon grew up in Chicago, attending a number of public schools in her lifetime- before finally being exiled to St Agatha’s School for Girls. Sneaking cigarettes during mass, sticking gum on the crucifixes, and getting into fights with the other girls, Sharon was labeled a teenage delinquent the moment she turned 13.
The only thing that could calm this troubled teen’s soul was none other than her favorite Saturday afternoon Spy Drama- Agents of Doom. Delighting in the secret world of espionage, Sharon found escapism in the daring adventures of Agent Maverick Wolfee.
Growing up without a father and a mother who- to put it lightly- wasn’t much involved, Sharon made it her mission to track down the man who made her. Using every resource available to her (see: phonebooks), she managed to locate a Curtis Mega living in a bachelor pad in Queens. Very glamorous.
Meanwhile, the year is 1963. Curt Mega, after being fired from the CIA, has made it his personal mission to track down the remaining scraps of CHIMERA and take them down. Living in New York temporarily, the last thing he expected was a 17 year old girl to arrive at his apartment building, soaking wet and claiming to be his illegitimate daughter.
His mission just got a whole lot more complicated.
Here’s her Spotify playlist bc it’s kind of a banger:
(Curt Mega if you see this don’t banish me to the cringe dimension I am simply a Man obsessed with the 60s 🙏🙏)
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
Do you got any Ponyboy headcanons you’d like to share? ✨
Ooh sure’ (sorry this is so late 😭)
His favorite kind of meat is fish. He will literally eat an entire boat full of them because he loves them so much
He used to be a very picky eater as a kid and then Darry started making him eat other foods when their parents died and Pony just grew out of it
He spent his entire 14th birthday crying in his room. He was absolutely inconsolable. Soda and Darry made him a cake but it wasn’t the same as his parents
He’s only been to jail once for beating someone up after Johnny and Dally die
I don’t really have LGBT headcanons for the gang but he is kind of a bi-con
He has a preference for girls tho
He never eats breakfast on school days because he feels bad for “wasting food” so he just spends the entire day hungry (he gets made fun of for it during school)
He has jumped people with Dally but felt super bad after
He writes down his dreams for the future in his journal and doesn’t know Soda snoops through his diary lmao-
Most of it is just poetry but sometimes it’ll be stuff like “I wish I could afford a copy of ‘insert book’” and sodden my boom-he finds that book on his nightstand the next day (Soda buys it for him)
He gets a job at a diner because Johnny worked there and got jumped, so he takes up a job too in order to help keep Johnny safe
Hes a favorite of the customers because he’s genuinely kind of charming when he wants to be
Him and Johnny gossip about the shitty customers tho like he’s so two faced at work lmao
He also gets a part time job working at the library and recommends all sorts of books to newcomers
He also helps people out with homework sometimes if he knows them (like if they’re school friends)
Hes not as quiet as he thinks he is-he can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. He just doesn’t like to.
Soda teaches him pretty privileges (Pony ends up being a pretty boy I know it)
He has a bit of a southern drawl and it comes out when he’s nervous or upset
After the book he starts yelling back a lot more
Him and Soda never fight and when they do it’s over the stupidest shit like Pepsi or Coke being better but they’ll actually start fighting and won’t talk for hours
He had a girlfriend (canon) and she when broke up with him. He was a wreck for weeks
Him and Darry start watching football together and the two are OBNOXIOUS
They will scream and cuss at the TV when their team is losing
He starts working out too with Darry but he overdid it and had to be dragged out by Darry in the end
He actually has really nice legs from doing track
Darry successfully gets him off cigarettes and onto Nicotine gum but it took almost four years to do so
He breaks his streaks really easily though and will absolutely beat himself up about it because he doesn’t want his brothers to be disappointed in him
He has pretty bad PTSD after the church and is afraid of fire for quite some time after (coincidentally not his own lighter fire tho)
I feel like he would take up unhealthy habits to exhibit control because he feels like his life is falling apart and he needs something in his control (idk what exactly it would be but y’know)
He has a hard time ordering at restaurants because he tends to be self conscious about what he’s ordering. He knows he has a humongous appetite and is mortified by it
His brothers used to tease him for it until he just broke down in tears after they went too far. They felt AWFUL
he gets really and seasonal allergies. Catch him in spring and his nose is a faucet.
He LOVES animals and will feed the strays with Johnny. Especially after he died, Ponybwould try to find homes for the animals that could be kept as pets and those that couldn’t be tried to release into the wild
He has rehabilitated a number of animals-squirrels, birds, a kitten once…
Darry is so over it
He cries at music. He’s more emotional than he lets on. He has big feelings just like Sodapop but doesn’t let them out like his brother does
He gets REALLY ticked off when people ask if his real name is Ponyboy. Especially after his parents death because he feels like they’re making fun of his dad for naming him as such.
He loves Italian food
He isn’t touchy with anyone in public because “he wants to look tuff 😡”
But in private you can’t get him off you. Good luck trying.
He LOVES catching fireflies
He cries at Bambi
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hoes4hoseok · 1 year
txt reacts: you’re preparing for finals
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boyfriend!txt x gn!reader requested by :: @unlocktxt (thanks for requesting, babes!) beta reader :: @goldenhypen (thank you for your feedback :) author’s note :: writing this was genuinely so fun and managed to relax me while i was actually losing my mind over finals 😭. dhmu about how inconsistent the tenses are i know they're bad HAHA i hope you guys enjoy and good luck to everyone taking finals now or soon! warnings :: a lot of food and eating habits talk,, i think that's it though. lmk if i need to add anything.
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soobin would be so sweet while you were prepping for finals
if you were struggling with something that he didn’t understand, he’d literally spend 15 minutes on the computer with a pen & paper in hand trying to figure it out 
&& then he’d call you over to explain it but get confused in the middle 
but by that time you’d understand & explain it to him (◡‿◡✿)
you’d probably have many visits to the library since it’s more quiet (& less messy) there than the dorms
you’d also share earbuds while you worked
every once in a while, amongst the slow tracks, a random banger like ‘that that’ by psy would play & the two of you would be sent into a fit of laughter that you tried so hard to contain
luckily, the librarian never busted you
although it did earn a few looks from elsewhere in the room (whoops)
he’s also definitely the type of boyfriend who makes you really good tea
&& it probably became a very important part of your day (because how could it not?! the tea was amazing)
he would prioritize sleep quite a bit, so lights are off for him by 11 every night during finals week
&& that rubbed off on you!
the days would end with an episode of your favorite show playing on his laptop while you drifted off to sleep on his bed together (。-ω-)zzz 
stress be gone!
if you were in a long distance relationship with yeonjun, you & him would have planned for him to fly in the night your finals ended 
but yeonjun found a cheaper flight for the week before :) so naturally, he bought it!
he was so excited to surprise you, especially because he knew how stressed out you were from the several late night facetime calls you had 
&& you were indeed happy to see your boyfriend at your doorstep with takeout from your favorite restaurant in hand
it improved your week tenfold just seeing his face (ꉺᗜꉺ)
he, on the other hand, while happy to see you, was shocked to see how poorly you had been taking care of yourself
considering the dark circles under your eyes & the fact that you were in pajamas at 3 pm,, he knew something was off
&& you, as every student does at one point or another, were living on instant ramen & cereal — he could tell from the state of your dorm alone (╯•﹏•╰)
you didn’t plan for him to find out because he tends to worry about you a lot <3 (SORRY JUN)
&& the ‘less than 6 hours of sleep during finals week’ thing was pretty standard for people at your school
“eat with me” ( •_•)
he set the bag down on your table & looked at you with the playfully threatening stare that you had missed so much
“then i’m getting groceries while you nap” he continued, looking over at your kitchen area
oh wow had you missed your boyfriend
it only came to you when you felt as helpless & overwhelmed as right now
but you needed him. & so, you pulled him in for a tight hug, cutting off his mumbles about the lack of fruit in your kitchen (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
oh, how he loved you <3
beomgyu would not want you to overwork yourself. obviously.
but,, if you were gonna be pulling all nighters & working your butt off, so was he
y’all are in this TOGETHER (。-_-。 )人( 。-_-。)
he strikes me as the type to know those random life hacks so he might come to you excited with studying ones HEHE
like he’d tell you to chew a different flavor of gum while studying & then chew it again during the exam so you can remember the content better
&& ofc you’d comply to make him happy, but a few of them definitely helped you!
you two probably made plans to go on a little getaway together after the semester ended
so whenever you seemed particularly down, he’d remind you that you’d be miles away from all this in just a week :)
beomgyu is 100% the one making ramen runs to the kitchen (he made sure to stock up before finals week!)
&& he makes yours with the little modifications that you like, whether it’s extra spice, an egg, or some chopped vegetables – he’s got it all
he’s got flashcards, he’s got tea, he’s got hugs…& he’s also an absolute pain in your side when it comes to sleep
ಠಿ_ಠ “it’s 1:30…you said you’d sleep at 1:00” 
he’d have to physically pull you away from your work sometimes 
it wasn’t hard either because you were so tired that your eyes were closing
he’d probably sleep in the mornings of your exams,, but would slice some fruit for you to eat before going to bed
&& leave a little note of encouragement on a sticky note with a couple sticks of gum next to it :)
“good luck. you’re gonna ace this test. love you ♡”
you & taehyun had a whole finals prep schedule planned out. this man was not about to let you fail any of your classes or fail any himself
so, your finals prep started at least a month early
he’d be up at seven am shaking you awake & threatening to pour his water on you ʘ‿ʘ
even though he knew you’d tackle him to the floor if he actually poured it 
once you finally rose, he’d give you a quick forehead kiss & push you off towards the bathroom to brush your teeth
you’d eat breakfast & start working relatively quickly
the two of you quickly realized that the pomodoro method worked best for you – finishing a task in 25 minutes, taking a five minute break, & repeating three times before taking a 20 to 30 minute break (y’all should try it frfr)
by noon, you’d be internally thanking him for waking you,, bc as much as you hated to admit it,, you are definitely more productive in the morning
&& on taehyun’s plan, you were actually getting enough sleep somehow?
&& he definitely had special allocated time slots in the schedule for personal time & date nights so that you two wouldn’t get burnt out
the routine definitely got harder to keep up with as finals inched closer & he could tell 
so he took you for a much-needed massage the day before finals started to destress (°◡°♡)
&& as expected, y’all would CRUSH finals week
he’d be so proud <3 but also he knew you would succeed bc of how hard you worked!
[honestly this is such a dream. i made taehyun my dream bf in this LMFAO but hey he already is so…]
hueningkai would be there for you during your breaks. sure, he’d help you with the flashcards if you asked him, but he’d support you most by making you smile!
he’d make sure there’s always food in the fridge, especially if your schedules didn’t line up & he couldn’t eat with you
hueningkai would also give GREAT back massages & it’s all because he would NOT hold back ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ no knots would be left when he’s done
&& he’d probably also put on your favorite show or music while he did it which would be really odd at first, but you’d grow to appreciate it hehe 
he’d also go on a walk with you every night to help you unwind 
that would always do you wonders, especially after being cooped up inside all day 
it would also be a time when the two of you could finally talk about something other than everything stressing you out (because boy, had it become all-consuming)
on the mornings of your finals, he’d walk you to class & buy you your favorite drink with a bagel or donut on the way
if you got really anxious before going in, he’d hold your hand tightly & tell you to take deep breaths
&& to remember that you’re prepared & that one test will not matter in the grand scheme of things
he’d also send you in with a hug & a peck on the cheek. (´ ᴗ`✿)
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prettyrainsstuff · 4 months
i hope im not really bothering you right now but can i request a ———
yandere reader x ranpo
knowing ranpo will figure it out that someone is stalking him but pretended to be dumb yet the reader or y/n really doesn't care about it knowing he was pretending to be stupid yet they still stalk him
But ranpo still gets weirded out someone stalks him but doesn't care
( he prob know where the reader live or he knows every info bout them)
(you can continue the rest sorry for the bad explanation)
HEYY!! I am SO sorry for taking SO long to write/answer this ask!! I’ve been currently stressing out with school and my up coming tests this week! So here you have it! Also again sorry that this might not have a lot of what you asked the fanfic to be..😓
Ranpo x Yandere! Male reader
(Female aligned DNI)
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Context: Reader(you), develops an obsession with Ranpo even though he is aware.
Warnings: Stalking, murder, blood, slight gore, possible grammar mistakes, NOT proofread.
A/N: Please know that I am not trying to romanticize stalking, this is COMPLETELY fiction.
A couple years ago you had recently found out about this detective around your area, Yokohama. They called themselves “The Armed Detective Agency”.
you just thought it was some dumb Agency that just does regular old detective crap but as soon as you laid eyes on the photo of a particular person that went by “Ranpo Edogawa”,
You had immediately changed your mind about it.
Over time you started to get obsessed with this detective. Looking up more information about him, looking through news papers looking at recent crimes that he himself had solved.
And oh god..He. Was. Perfect.
You would sometimes see him when you went out to run some errands and would see him in the candy aisle looking for some sweets.
So he liked sweets, huh..? Add that to your notes!
You would find yourself making baskets of his favorite candies and then setting them outside of his apartment door.
Everyday you would search up more and more information about Ranpo.
You would try and track down Ranpo and where he would be. You would immediately get on the news and check for crimes that had happened during the day and would try and see if you could see him there.
Sometimes when you would see him out in the ordinary you would take a quick photo of him when he wasn’t looking.
And when he would spit out the gum he was chewing you would secretly take it and put it in your little shrine you had of him.
One day when he was talking to one of his co-workers, inside of this cafe.
The person that looked like who he was talking to had, medium dark hair and had a tie on. She looked like a doctor but you were only focused with your precious Ranpo.
Your thoughts were cut off by a man who had got up from his seat and decided to approach Ranpo.
“Hey—Uh-Your that Ranpo guy—From the Armed Detective Agency, right..?” The man stuttered nervously.
“Yup! Thats me!”. Ranpo said with that beautiful smile of his.
“I-I know this might sound weird but—Can I..Have your number..?” The man blushed.
“Uh oh, Ranpo…! Looks like you have a fan..!” Yosano said smiling teasingly at Ranpo.
“Uh..No thanks..Im actually quite busy with all my important detective work, If ya know what I mean.” Ranpo said as he looked to the side slightly.
“Oh—Uh..Thats okay..! Of—Of course.” The pathetic man walked out of the cafe awkwardly.
That made tour blood boil.
It was your breaking point. You just COULDN’T let this disgusting rat get away with this.
You followed him out and after walking for about 5 minutes you finally saw him.
It had looked like he had just gotten of the phone with someone, probably telling them about how he met with Yokohama’s greatest detective.
You pulled him into an alleyway and got out your knife and stabbed him in the back first and then stabbed him in the chest in which made him start to cough up blood.
You stabbed him one more time to put him out of his misery.
You looked at his corpse. Taking care of the body wouldn’t be that much of a problem since you could see the sun setting.
After that mess you turned around to see the one and only Ranpo Edogawa, looking at you dead in the eye.
The color from your face drained almost immediately and you could feel and hear your heart pounding in your chest.
How long..Has he been standing there..
“H-how..How long have—Have you been standing there…?” You manage to blurt out.
“Oh I don’t know..~ For as long as you’ve started to clean up this mess you’ve made.” He says, taking out his lollipop.
“Oh yeah and these..?” He takes out the photos you had taken of him.
You had probably dropped them on your way out from your bag..
“How—“ you were cut off by Ranpo leaning his face towards yours making you blush madly.
“Im a detective, idiot. Of course I know when someone like YOU is stalking me.” He says sounding slightly irritable but not fully.
You wanted to slap yourself.
Of course he knows..
“Do you know that I love you..?” You say back.
“Of course I do..” He smiled. “Killing someone for a detective..Is quite bold of you, Mr [Name]..” He whispers before kissing your cheek softly.
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softboynick · 8 months
word count: 1055 | firstprince, fluff, post-rwrb
Making History
#meetcute #love #romance #relationships #brooklyn #couplegoals #streetinterview
“Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. Are you two a couple?”
They’ve been living in New York long enough that people have stopped ogling them on the street. A former prince and the son of a U.S. president, they blended into the city seamlessly, like they had always belonged there. New York was home. The brownstone tucked away in Brooklyn was home. The nightly walks with their dear David were home. They were home . They nearly ignore the man and keep on walking—weirder things have happened in New York—but the question does intrigue them and stop them in their tracks. 
“Uh, yes,” Alex answers with a grin. He glances over at Henry, who sends him a questioning look as if asking him why they had stopped. Alex simply shrugs in reply - he can’t help it, and they don’t have anywhere else to be soon. He turns back to the stranger holding the phone. “Yes, yes. We’re together. Wait- I know you guys. I love you guys.” He laughs and the man joins in with a quick ‘thank you.’ “Baby, this is the guy who runs the Instagram account I was telling you about the other day. Meet Cutes NYC.” 
“Yes, that’s us. Would you mind telling me a quick story of how you two first met?”
The question sparks a moment of laughter between the two men. As bizarre as it is, being asked by a complete stranger about how they met, it leaves them giddy because of course they would want to share their love to the whole wide world. And if they had to do it through someone else’s Internet content, so be it.
“Uh, sure.”
They stumble over each other, causing another fit of giggles to erupt between them. 
“It all started with a cake,” Alex says.
“And the rest is history,” Henry finishes.
Alex smirks. “History, huh?” 
Henry shakes his head, a wide smile brightening his face, and turns back to the man, who was still happily recording them. “There was cake involved, but it really started back at this climate conference in Australia. It’s funny.” He chuckles. “Back then, we hated each other. Or at least, this one-” He gives Alex a gentle nudge with his elbow. “-hated me.”
“It’s not my fault I thought you wanted to get rid of me,” Alex interjects with a laugh, which causes Henry to roll his eyes.
“I never said-” Henry starts in fond exasperation. It was clear that they’ve had this argument many times, but the years spent together had softened the hard edges into something they could joke about. “I told Shaan I needed to get out of there, which had nothing to do with you, love. You see, I was going through a, let’s just say, a difficult time with my family, and I was being a right prick to everyone, so you could probably see how that played out when I first met him.” 
“He looked at me like I was a piece of gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe, and I swore to never speak with him again.”
“Always with the dramatics, darling.”
“You know you love it, sweetheart.”
“I was already halfway in love with him. I mean, how could I not be? But past circumstances had made it, er, quite difficult to let him know how I felt, but as you can see,” Henry holds up their intertwined hands, “we’ve cleared the air since then. Got our heads out of our arses. Though, we did nearly cause an entire international incident to happen in the process.” 
“And that is where the cake comes in,” Alex adds, rather unhelpfully. 
“Yes, yes. The cake. At my brother’s wedding. He was rightfully pissed.” Henry laughs. “What was everyone calling it back then?” 
“Ah, yes. A scandal for the ages.” 
“And a very sticky one at that.” 
“What’s your favorite thing about each other?”
“Do you want to take this one first, baby?” 
Henry’s grin turns a bit wistful as he looks down at their hands, the glint of gold peeking through their fingers. “My favorite thing about him is his selflessness. He’s so loving and caring, and he just puts his all into everything that he does. He’s such an amazing person, and I- I just love how he loves and accepts me for who I am. We’ve come a long way to get to the place where we are now, and I’m just so glad that he’s been with me through all of it.” 
Alex is a little teary-eyed when Henry looks at him. “Oh, god. How am I supposed to compete with that?” He laughs. “I love his smile, his laugh, his dry sense of humor, and how my entire world just stops when he enters a room, but I think my favorite thing about is just how brave he is. He has such a big, kind, beautiful heart. He always stands up for what is right, and it just inspires me to do better and be better. He makes me a better person.” 
“What’s your biggest pet peeve?”
“His cold feet,” Alex smirks. 
Henry rolls his eyes. “He always likes to play lawyer with me to get out of things, like doing the dishes.”
“What are you both excited about for the future?”
They share a look with each other, smiles growing soft even though there are years of love lighting up in their eyes. 
“Spending the rest of my life loving him, and just to keep loving one another. We just got married a couple months ago, so we have an entire lifetime of adventures to spend together,” Alex says, releasing Henry’s hand to curl an arm around him instead. He rests his hand in the divot of his waist like a puzzle piece slotting into place and presses a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. It’s a struggle to contain his smile. “And I can’t wait.” 
“Oh! Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Henry smiles, leaning into Alex’s embrace. “As for me, I’m excited to hear his laughter every day and see his smile in the morning every time I wake up. We only have this one life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of it with him.” 
“And lastly, what are your names?”
“I’m Henry.”
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tparker48 · 1 year
My new favorite type of predator,,, “the cv prostate farmer predator” he hasn’t named the kind yet.
I like the idea of him talking to me while I’m inside him like I’m his little buddy/son and I also like the idea that he has a special blue tooth device he inserts anally so I can talk back to him.
The night has been endless since your descent into your giant friend. For almost an hour, you slid through his meaty shaft before you disappeared into the base with a messy squelch. It was when the ring bridging the entrance swallowed your feet, that you knew your journey had begun. 
You travel through your friend's tubes at snail's pace, the pink walls growing ever so darker the deeper you travel. You felt your body bend, twist, and even squish at  every turn the flesh would take you. The blood pulsing through them playing its drum through your ears, before being joined by the deep groans of his body. It took a moment, but your moving started to slow down, gliding over a puckered surface as it gummed at your shirt.
 Its suction threatening to take you in as white ooze drooled from its folds. But it did not take you, instead you glided over as the muscles’ waves dragged you upward. The tube became narrow as they vacuumed to your side. Up ahead, another sphincter would approach, winking as if to greet you upon your descent. Crowning at your head, its squeezed into a dryer space, quick to swallow up your body as you were encased. 
It was like being inside a deflated rubber ball, flesh extending beneath your push and pries before they raced to tuck at your side. The bests were deeper, shaking your entire form as the walls shifted in place. It appeared that your friend was walking somewhere. But where? You were not certain. Instead, you laid there and let the flesh around consume you. Cradling you into a soft cocoon as they snugged against your body.
Sway after sway, you started to lose track of time. The warm heat illuminated them, making you feel tired. But just as you were about to rest your eyes, something from behind drew your attention.
Glorp! Something beyond the layers of flesh would enter your friend's body. Flesh quickly overwhelmed it as it dragged up to your back. When it reached your head, you heard a muffled hum from beyond the voice. A muffled voice following behind it.
"Hello?" A muffled voice said, tapping beginning to ensue. "Can you hear me in there bud?"
You wiggled around the walls in response.
"Good! Good good, i finally managed to this thing working. Man it was hassle to figure out the frequency. Had to do a lit of angling and.."
 You placed a hand at the wall as you jiggled it around.
 "sorry I'm trailing off. But all that counts is that it worked right? We can communicate while you're there! So, how's it like in there? Can you breathe? Are you comfortable? Ooo i have so many questions!"
You tried to speak to them from the object at your back, but your voice was too low to decipher.
"Huh? I can't hear you from there. Not to worry, when I get things configured on my end, I'm sure we'll be able to talk to each other in no time! For now though, you get some rest there. Got plenty of me to keep you comfortable. Hehe, literally."
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married-2-the-music · 10 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: TXT
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
Here are my credentials: yeah…none. I think the amount of TXT songs I know can be counted on one hand, and besides one, they’re all singles. But like with BTS, I’ve been a K-pop fan for four years and I figured that it was about time I make an effort to give them a try. It’s funny; I feel like with every girl group I cover I’m like “well obviously it was July 2017 because Joy had red hair” and with every boy group I’m like “um…are there seven or eight of them again?”
But I digress. TXT was formed in 2019, by Big Hit Entertainment, with five members (and yes, it’s five, I googled it, I promise), Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Heuning Kai, Soobin, and Taehyun, and they’ve been pretty popular since then, which is an achievement in and of itself, coming from an agency best known for the biggest boy group of all time.
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They debuted with double title tracks, the first of which was Crown. With the somewhat moodier image they have now, I didn’t expect to think their debut so adorable, but that’s definitely the word I’d use. Despite them being a 4th generation group, the way this is shot, the bright colors, and the comic book drawings remind me very much of late 2nd, early 3rd gen, which hey, I’m not complaining. The song, fittingly, is upbeat and bubbly, very much pop with some synthy influence. Overall, I liked it, as a 2nd and 3rd fan, but something about it doesn’t leave that much of an impact on me. Maybe it’s that I’m not the biggest fan of very young-sounding music, and this is a little too reminiscent of Chewing Gum by NCT Dream for my liking.
Cat + Dog is also from this first EP, and basically all of the comments I had for Crown repeat here, though I did like Crown more. I know that this is more me than the song, but something about this one just…creeped me out?, in a way that Crown didn’t. I know that they were young when this came out (between 16 and 19), but they’re acting like they’re 10 and it’s a bit unnerving. From the EP The Dream Chapter: Star, I liked the calmer but still poppy beat of Our Summer, though I wish it was a little slower to stand out from the other songs in the album more.
Run Away is a song I’d already heard from TXT, but I like it more in the context of their work thus far. It’s still pop, still full of that youthful energy and hope, but leans into an ethereal and nostalgic feeling, and overall feels a lot more suited to them as older teenagers. It has some good humor, and both its Harry Potter references and its message of running away from the monotony and cruelty of the real world with your friends turns it into something universal.
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From The Dream Chapter: Magic, I enjoyed the odd percussion and the melodic chanting in New Rules, the gentle vocals in Magic Island, and the sweet love story between childhood friends in 20 CM. My favorite was probably Can’t We Just Leave The Monster Alive, for the interesting trope deconstruction and its encouragement of taking your own path in life.
Can’t You See Me starts with some interesting almost-stop-motion in its ruffling pages, and I couldn’t decide where I thought it was going to go. At first, it combines both the young love idea of Crown and the themes of magic and isolation from the world from Run, which work pretty well, but it soon devolves into something resembling a cry for help with its unusual structure and odd vocal fry segways. It leans very into ethereal, while speaking about the dark side of a friendship gone bad. It took me a couple listens to make up my mind, but I do like this one.
From The Dream Chapter: Eternity, I had two standouts in Fairy of Shampoo and Maze In The Mirror. Fairy of Shampoo (despite the odd name) feels a bit like floating with its citypop synth and jazzy background, and I wish it’d been promoted as a special single instead of Puma. Maze In The Mirror is another song here that was written by the members themselves about their time as trainees, the difficulties they faced, and their friendship. As I’ve said before, some of my favorite songs in k-pop are this kind of acoustic, genuine b-sides that convey such honest emotions, so of course I loved this one.
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Blue Hour’s very calm vocalizing and acoustics caught me off guard before the synths I was expecting came in, and I found myself nodding my head. Like with Run, I appreciated the brightness and humor here much more than I did in the first couple of songs because I thought it was better balanced here without overdoing it on the aegyo. It’s not a world-changing song, but I did have a good time with it and it made me laugh a few times (especially with that cowboy hat because what on earth were they thinking).
Minisode 1: Blue Hour reminds me a lot of BTS’ ON album, down to having a song about COVID (in this case the aptly titled We Lost The Summer), which I can’t bring myself to actually critique because of how sweet it is, though in the year of the whoever 2023 I wince to remember 2020. Besides it, I loved the airy vocals and video game esque synthy production on Ghosting and the anthemic chorus in Wishlist.
0X1=Lovesong was another song I had already heard of TXT’s, because I happen to be a fan of Seori, who’s featured on this track, and I have to say that my biggest gripe with the track is that she’s just not featured enough, but that’s really the only criticism I have of this one. I confess that I love this song, and it was actually the reason I wanted to do this review. Remember how I called Wishlist anthemic? Well, clearly I don’t know the meaning of the word, or didn’t until I heard this song. It takes TXT’s youthful energy and pairs it with a full on alt-rock ballad. It feels like a follow-up to Run with its immaculate roadtrip energy, and though the verses are a bit slow, that chorus is just a knockout and just makes me want to be a kid again, grab my best friend’s hand, and run for the goddamn hills. Probably won’t be lighting a car on fire, though, sorry.
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Far be it from me to dissuade from some extra drama, but LO$ER=LOVER…well, it’s giving full on “when I was…a young boy…my father took me into the city…”. No but really, I want to think that this level of ridiculousness is some kind of intentional My Chemical Romance parody, because it’s honestly hilarious. It has some of that anthemic quality that I so loved in Lovesong, but that great build-up in the front half of the chorus is just undercut by a lack of payoff and the abject silliness that is “I’m a loser, I’m a loser, lover with a dollar sign is a loser.” I think that I would like this more if I was sure that the joke is intentional, but I’m honestly not sure that it is. Either way, they’re clearly having a lot of fun with this, so it’s tough to dislike.
From The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape, I have a lot to talk about, since it’s such a long album. Firstly, I already knew the chorus of Anti-Romantic due to its popularity, but I liked it more in context with the rest of the song. No Rules (which I assume is a follow-up to New Rules) has a great beat and in my humble opinion, there’s never enough disco. MOA Diary, a song for their fans, is very sweet and I can totally see it being a crowd favorite at a concert; I loved the harmonizing. Dear Sputnik was probably my favorite though; it’s another song written by one of the members and has an excellent alt-rock drive that totally should’ve made it be the single instead of LO$ER=LOVER.
Good Boy Gone Bad had me wincing before it even began, because the title already hints towards more non-self aware drama. And it turns out my instincts were right, because while LO$ER=LOVER is so ridiculous it’s basically camp, Good Boy Gone Bad just had me rolling my eyes and wondering not why the good boy had in fact gone bad but why I had to hear about it. Also why Yeonjun was driving a motorcycle in a faux fur coat, but that’s a story for another time.
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From the EP Thursday’s Child, which is the second “minisode”, I liked the intro Opening Sequence more than I expected, mostly due to the charisma in their vocals, which really do the heavy lifting in such a minimalistic song. I also enjoyed Trust Fund Baby (give it a chance, I know the title doesn’t inspire confidence), again due to the strength of their vocals and the emotion they carry, when singing a song about a relationship that’s ended due to poverty. This is overall a very melancholy EP, a sharp contrast to Blue Hour’s optimism. Even the more synthy Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go isn’t totally upbeat, but as an album closer, it does hold a little hope that things won’t always be bleak and ended up being my favorite.
Sugar Rush Ride is, thankfully, a return to the synthy, ethereal, upbeat sound that has become TXT’s signature for its verses and pre-choruses, but for some reason opts for a very simple whistling hook and an incredibly jarring anti-drop chorus instead of resolving its great build-up. The bridge, likewise, feels harsh in what’s otherwise a calm song, and honestly, I find this song more disappointing than I would if it used a style I hate throughout, because I really enjoy the greater part of it…but I just can’t get past that chorus.
From The Name Chapter: Temptation, there’s three b-sides I want to talk about. Devil By The Window is a fully English song, which normally I would complain about, as I often do. But this one’s actually really good; it’s tense, attention-grabbing, and has a very taut arrangement. Also, this is probably me reading too much into it, but the chorus is giving me such queer energy (“I met the devil by the window, traded my life, temptation touched my tongue, spread the wings of desire. He’s whispering ‘give up, don’t you put up a fight.’”). But…c’mon guys, maybe I’ve missed something, but last time I checked straight people don’t get seduced by random devils of the same gender standing near their window, but hey, how should I know?
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Besides that, I also liked the acoustic guitar in the pop-rock Farewell, Neverland and the chill vocals here as they sing goodbye both to a childhood lover and to childhood as a whole. Tinnitus (Wanna Be A Rock) pleasantly surprised me with its Afro-pop influences, because it’s not a common pairing in k-pop and I was surprised by how well it works here. Also, apparently some of the members wrote both of these, so kudos!
Do It Like That is an English-language collaboration with the Jonas Brothers, and between its very mainstream pop sound, the English, and its beat, I admit that it gave me war flashbacks to Dynamite. Here is where I invoke my disclaimer of: Dynamite is not a bad song (see my way-too-long BTS review for a whole two paragraphs of thoughts on that), but k-pop doesn’t need to try and replicate it. I know that this is totally down to my own bias, because Do It Like That isn’t a bad song either, but I won’t be returning to whatever concerningly white void they filmed this in anytime soon.
Back For More is another English-language collaboration, this time with Brazilian singer Anitta. I was preparing myself for another paragraph of disclaimers and having to do some overly dramatic sighing, but actually, I liked this! It feels like any other TXT single with its disco influences and catchy beat, just in another language, as it should be. I also appreciate that they collaborated with a Latin pop star, who sings in both English and her own language too, which made it feel less like a cop-out. The first time I heard this one, it was the shortened version that they performed at the VMAs, but the longer version with the bridge really elevates the song and I’m glad I watched it. It’s not my favorite but I’m not going to throw a tantrum if it comes on.
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Chasing That Feeling is from their latest comeback just a month or so ago. I was feeling optimistic from the first verse’s beat, although after being burned by Sugar Rush Ride, I was still a bit wary. But, thankfully, Chasing That Feeling does what it predecessors didn’t do: it delivers, with those head-bopping synths, citypop influences, and electronic background. I admit that I wish it had a bit more of a climax and went against the grain, but it’s hard to not be won ever when a song’s chorus starts by saying “I’ve turned my back on heaven” and telling fate “come on and kiss me”.
The Name Chapter: Freefall is another full length album, so I have a lot of highlights. I loved the exploration of a harsher version of rock mixed with metal in the teen angst driven Growing Pain, which their voices were surprisingly suited to. I also enjoyed the vulnerability and slowing rising vocals in Deep Down’s pre-chorus, the acceptance that “life is not a fairytale” but is still worth living in Happily Ever After, and the moody Skipping Stones, which tells the listener not to be too hard on themselves, because what they’re going through will pass. I think that Skipping Stones was also written by the members themselves.
So, I enjoyed this more than I expected! I confess that I did expect something similar to BTS, which is probably unfair given the fact that besides having the same company, they have nothing to do with each other. Calm down, I’m not laminating my stan card just yet. I’m not a MoA, but I think that I could probably consider myself at least a casual fan after this. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe the next comeback will absolutely blow me away.
My Top 5 songs are Lovesong, Run Away, Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go, Dear Sputnik, and Maze In The Mirror, with Skipping Stones as an honorable mention. TXT gets an 8.75 out of 10 from me, which, again, is a surprise for both of us. I do love synth, rock pop, and disco, and I’m excited by the fact that they’ve already written a bunch of songs. Here’s hoping that they keep getting better and they end up getting as much creative freedom as some entirely self-produced groups.
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We’ll be covering a girl group next week (that was supposed to be a one parter but accidentally became two posts long, oops), so stay tuned! Tschüss!
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aajjks · 3 months
“sucks to be you because i got a 93 on my anatomy and physiology exam!!” you cheer as you shove the test in your best friend’s face before happily prancing around.
kim y/n, the polaroid-obsessed, sassy, smart future nurse practitioner friend that has been there for jungkook through thick and thin. you’re spider-man’s jungkook’s personal doctor that tends to his wounds at midnight after he’s convinced you that the reason behind his cuts, scrapes, or bruises were due to a fight with a stray cat, falling down the stairwell, or (his favorite) he has no idea.
“isn’t this your third time failing your english exam? you need to quit being scared and ask mj to tutor you” you say as you pop a strip of mint flavored gum in your mouth before passing a strip to jungkook as well.
“maybe you should quit that secret job you keep talking about and just work on campus”
oh yes, the ‘secret job.’ yet another lie jungkook has used to cover up his secret identity. the truth is, jungkook hates lying to you. he wants nothing more than to tell you the truth but he knows that with great power comes great responsibility. he’ll never forgive himself if you got hurt, so he has to keep his identity a secret.
“Or maybe you should tutor me because you’re great.” He winks at you, matching your pace.
You make Jungkook feel so at ease. You have returned back to your normal self after a little hiccup he had with you.
It’s true that this is his third time failing at English but hey it’s a hard subject. “Nah… MJ… is gorgeous but she’s dumb.” Harsh but true. She’s not the brightest when it comes to studying.
But her extra curricular activities make up for her record.
Jungkook tenses when he hears you mention his so called extra job. “Uh… sorry yn can’t quit.” He shakes his head as you both make your way out of the campus. “Gotta make some extra cash so I can keep paying for my football academy.”
He’s passionate about football. But today he’s too exhausted and skipping practice sounds awesome but some dreams require alot of sacrifice and hard work in order to come to fruition. “Come watch me play sometime.”
As you’re walking, Jungkook grabs your hand as you both exit the door, he chews on the mint flavor gum and waits for your response.
“Oh yn… you have rejected me once.” He sighs, the memory hits him. It was hard getting over your rejection because you didn’t want to lose your friendship with him, but unfortunately, he did catch some feelings for you and it was a heartbreaking time
Even though the first few months, he was really angry because you have known each other for a really long time since College days and now you’re near your graduation, but it looks like you never really saw him more than a friend.
He was wrong to catch feelings for you and you made him realize that your friendship was way too precious for him to loose so he tried his best to get over you.
And then MJ came along.
“It’s just a game and I swear I’m over you.”
You’re his comfort place and he never wants to lose you. No matter what the cost.
“O-Oh and eunwoo just texted me to remind me to join the team for practice- come on pretty girl the game is soon so just agree.”
Jungkook stops in his tracks, making you stop as well.
“You know, you’re my biggest cheerleader, right?”
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pink-whiskey-woman · 1 year
Happy Haunts Materialize
Warnings: 18+, oral (m receivng), fingering, creampies, heavy kissing, flirtations Dieter, no use of y/n for reader, Disney kink
A lazy hazy sunshine filtered in through the open window of the bedroom, a cool fall breeze blowing in leaving goosebumps on your naked shoulders. Arms wrapped around your west broad chest pushed smack against you, a firm dick notched against your ass leaving you with more goosebumps as a patch beard tracks kisses down your neck, shoulders and spine. Shuffling onto your side you see Dieter and his childlike smile and warm brown eyes looking back at you studying your eyes, your lips and your body, licking his lips and kissing you sweetly. “If we’re gonna get there for rope drop we need to start getting ready” you softly whisper to Dieter. “I know, I know my love just hard to get up so early but for you I’ll do anything” You both yawn and stretch and amble out of bed for breakfast. Scarfing down some toast and coffee you both get upstairs, grab your costumes for the day and jump in the shower together. Soaping each other up while hot water courses over you both wakes you up and makes you incredibly horny, Dieter’s hands massaging your ample breasts pinching and rolling your nipples as his cock grows hard pressed up against the curve of your lower back and you press yourself into him as he moves his hands lower down your hips and ghosts his fingers over your clit lightly drawing circles and whispering in your ear “If you love Disney so much just wait till we get back home you have VIP access to the best ride ever” You turn to push your fingers into solid, tan chest and soft belly behind you wrapping a hand around his semi hard cock and teasing a little yourself. “ I can’t wait, gonna ride it more than once, baby” You both chuckle and turn the cooling water off and step out of the glass doored shower to towel off. Dieter goes to get ready in his guest room and you get ready in the bedroom the outfit purposefully picked to e a perfect mix of sweet and sexy the baby pink dress and satin petticoat hitting at just the right length on your leg a snug fitting bodice and delicate gauzy straps finish the dress while white thigh highs with a pink bow and pink converse on your feet. Underneath a silk pink crotchless thong and bustier set makes you feel like the perfect coquettish princess and hopefully this outfit will do its magic throughout the day. Hair in perfect ringlets, a soft sweet makeup and a dab of your favorite perfume Gucci Guilty and you make your way downstairs and your jaw drops, Dieter who loves nothing more than his comfy clothes and crocs is in black converse high tops, black almost painted on jeans so tight you can see the curve of his sweet little ass, white button down henley sleeves rolled up to his elbows to show off his sexy forearms, and gray vest. Black leather fingerless gloves on his hands, his usual rings and a few chunky chains complete his look. His hair is spiky and messy and his glasses are thick black rims but look hot as hell on his face and you almost trip on the last stair. 
His hand grabs you, the massive size of it alone swallows your wrist and you regain composure. You smooth out your dress and have Dieter put your necklace on that he bought you a pink opal the size of a bottle cap. Gingerly he places the chain around your neck and kisses the nape after he secures it. His cell rings alerting him that the limo is 15 minutes away to take you two to the park. You share a quick joint, slap some gum in your mouth, grab your sleeping beauty loungefly and out the door you go for Dapper Dan day and for a special VIP tour of the park and rides that Dieter secured for you as a birthday present. He may not understand the logistics of it but he knows how special Disney is to you so if it puts a smile on your face he lives for it. You and your magic self saved him from a shitty life and career so to him you're his Cinderella, Belle and every other princess he can name. The limo arrives and whisks you two away to the happiest place on earth for some much needed fun and alone time. You pass lush trees and neatly manicured houses on your way to the park. 20 minutes pass and you are pulling into the VIP lot.
The park is abuzz for how early in the morning it is with people dressed as every era and style of Disney they can muster. A soft sun hits and the sky is nothing but blue clouds. You go to the vip entrance and meet your guide for the day Sophia, a college program trainee who is sweet-faced and bubbly. She is so happy she gets to be your guide and show you all the tricks of the park. The rope drop ceremony starts Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Donald and Daisy make their way out to greet everyone and cut the rope and confetti streamers pop as the mad dash to get on rides, shop and run in is happening all around you. Sophia takes you both for some coffee and she starts her tour. A few hours have passed and it's gotten warmer but pleasant and you two have had breakfast, shopped and went on Mad Tea Cups, Snow White, the carousel, for sweet pictures of course, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise, gotten dole whips, took castle pictures, gotten pixie dusted which Dieter enjoyed more than you somehow the glitter falling on his hair like snow shining in the sunlight and a few landing on his lips which you kissed off of him. Lunch was approaching and he took you to Be Our Guest for a private tour and pictures with Belle and The Beast in the library room. Sophia left to grab lunch with another vip guide so it gave you a little alone time to rest and take in the sights and sounds of one of your favorite movies come to life. After the main course was through DIeter whispered something to the waiter and off he went. Just the two of you alone the stained glass casting rainbow shadows on your faces he moved closer to you and rested his hand precariously high on your thigh drawing figure eights with his thumbs. “Are you having fun so far” he asked hoping that you were and that he did a good job with his gift choice. “Amazing, this has been the best day of my life so far, you are so thoughtful and sweet and you look so sexy” You put your hands on his chest and glided them down over the buttons on his vest, down his stomach and his belt and placed them square on either side of the bulge in his pants only lightly tapping your fingers on the outline of his cock when the waiter came waltzing back in the room with two glasses of champagne in fancy gold flutes. Dieter stared into your eyes black pupils that looked hungrily at you, down to your lips and back to your eyes again and he grabbed your hands in his and kissed them with the tiniest smirk forming on his lips. You turned to the waiter and each grabbed a flute and thanked him. He went away again to presumably settle the bill so you could be back on your way. You turned back to Dieter who still held both your hands in his massive one and swiped your thumb on his bottom lip which he grabbed and sucked on for only a second the pupils still blown black with lust. He took a sip of champagne and moved your chair close enough to his and guided you to his lap. He went to kiss you and the taste was sweet and buzzy the champagne and cookie mousse dessert intermingling with Dieter’s weed from earlier gave an interesting taste to his kiss bit you couldn’t care less. He let go of your hand and wound his hands in your curls savoring every kiss like it was his last, the headiness and the champagne made you feel like floating but you were grounded as if his lips and hands would never let go of you. When you finally took enough of a break for air you finished your champagne and his hand playfully grabbed your ass as you got up to join Sophia for the remainder of your tour. You rode more rides saw a parade, got a balloon and ended your tour at your hands down favorite ride Haunted Mansion.
You squealed with delight as you walked through the VIP line and noticed no one else was coming with you, “Why isn’t anyone else going on the ride” “One last surprise for you, I rented the ride out for our last hour of the tour so we have it all you ourselves” Dieter exclaimed You threw your arms around him face nuzzled into his neck and kissed him there “This is the craziest surprise ever, thank you love” You two walked hand and hand to the entrance where you bid Sophia goodbye and thanked her for being an amazing tour guide. The entrance was closed off and you began the pre show queue laughing to yourselves on how silly it was after all these years. You went down and entered your doom buggy,  a large black vehicle and began your journey on the ride. After the third or fourth trip around you were quoting stuff to each other finding little details and sitting on top of one another practically. On the 5th time around you were making your way up the hill to enter the beginning of the ride when it lurched to a stop. Wondering of there was a malfunction you waited about 5 minutes when a voice came over the speakers ``Don't worry there's a small glitch in the track programming but we’ll get you going again shortly” Sitting in almost complete darkness except for the blue, purple and silver ride lights you peered down to watch the ballroom scene partners dancing their ghostly forms captivating you. You enjoyed the fact that the ac was working and that you were cool. Lost in your thoughts and watching the forms dance  you felt large hands and long,strong arms wrap around you and pull you close. Lips found yours and the kissing began again, the pool of desire blossoming in your lacy panties, your hands finding their way through messy hair fingertips scratching the nape of his curls spurring him to kiss you harder and hold you tighter. The leather fingerless gloves making their way to cup you under your dress starting to pull off the petticoat underneath. You shift yourself enough to get the petticoat off and thrown to the side of the ride track. His fingers continue to creep upwards and you can see a surprised look when Dieter realizes he's touching bare skin, the wet fold of your sex already dripping.
He moves you onto his lap and you bookend his crotch and fingers with your thighs. One large finger at first teases you and his thumb makes steady pressure on your clit, another massive digit enters while his other arm holds you firmly in place. You rock back and forth unbuttoning his vest and throwing to the side of your vehicle and slowly unbutton the white henley more lips kissing down his neck and his collarbone and what you can reach of his chest, strong and golden and warmed by the sun earlier and your body heat now. He puts a third finger inside you and you buck your hips, moan and roll your eyes to the back of your head. Illuminated only by shadows and very little lighting you see that little smirk from earlier has grown into a full shit eating grin now as if it was the Cheshire Cat you were facing. His fingers deftly work inside you, scissoring and moving with deliberate urge as he stretches you and gets you wetter by the minute. In a brazen move he puts his last finger inside you and you mewl fisting his shirt and you buck and ride his fingers with ferocity. “ That my good girl, my dirty princess, taking all my fingers inside you all the way up to the leather knuckles of his glove, his cock twitching and growing harder underneath you as you are soaking his jeans with your slick. You hold his shirt in your fists and kiss him passionately working hard to move your dress up enough to undo his belt and button on his jeans, unzipping and moving just enough so he can slide them down and you notice he's commando. You take your fingers and slide it under your dress collecting some of your wetness and wrap your hand around his thick massive shaft and start pumping and making sure he's as hard as he can be. You scoot to the side so you can bend down and take his head in your mouth, rolling the foreskin back and licking it as you do as well as scooping up the salty drips of silver precum leaking out of the slit. You tongue his head and hear him moan and push his fingers in your deeper as you continue to blow your boyfriend on a Disney ride like it was an everyday occurrence. After a few more licks and pumps Dieter can’t take it anymore and gets you in position on top of him. “This pussy is mine, get ready for the ride of your life baby” voice dropping to that low octave bedroom voice he does on the tv show he’s on. 
You situate yourself and slide down his length slowly letting each inch by massive inch fill and stretch you, the slight sting making you even hornier as it drives you wild knowing he's all yours and this massive thick cock comes for you and you alone. Once you're fully engorged by him you start rocking your hips and he meets your rhythm at a steady pace of thrusts and each one feels deeper than the last, he fills and hits spots that make you see little stars each and every time. Without missing a beat he flips you onto the seat of the ride and stands behind you cock never leaving your entrance and pushes you down holding you to the seat bench with one hand the other alternates between pulling your hair to arch you even more open for him and smacking you on the ass with his hand or his belt making you scream and squirm and ask him for more. Dieter, always willing to oblige such requests, gives you exactly what you want unzipping your dress to mark you up your spine and your neck with his mouth little red marks you feel forming his hands undoubtedly will leave bruises in the same spot on your hips they always do, the slight pain becoming a badge of honor. He takes his belt and ties your wrists behind your back all while fucking into you at a hedonistic pace the thrusts making a sloppy wet sound that echoes in your buggy, his balls slapping against your ass along with his hand every once in a while just because he likes and knows what limits he can bring you too. His thrusts become harder and you know any moment now you are gonna explode the music from the ballroom dance scene below you coming to its crescendo as are you and as drums and violins hit their high notes you are exploding onto his dick fireworks are going off internally as he grabs you up by his belt and fucking gives you one of the most mind blowing knee buckling orgasms of your life and as you are trying to regain composure you feel a hot mouth near your ear face buried in your hair ready to explode as his breathing gets ragged and wth a few more deep cervix kissing thrusts your insides are being painted in white hot ropes of his cum his moans in your ear make your clit throb and he steadies himself by enveloping your breasts in his massive hands massaging them as he floats off his high and slumps onto the seat bench next to you. He takes his belt off your wrists and kisses them as you wiggle and stretch them, smoothing out your dress and hair. Lights begin to flicker back on as he’s pulling on his jeans and buttoning them and quickly grabbing the petticoat off the tracks. “ So so so sorry about that inconvenience we got the track working again so we will extend the private ride time for you. You giggle to each other as the ride starts up again and you leave your dancing ghost friends behind for the time being. You sit next to Dieter for the next 30 minutes or so coming off both your highs, fixing yourselves before the last ride loop and sweetly kiss each other the whole last go around.  Steadying yourself Dieter exits the ride first and helps you off and onto the moving walkway. You throw the petticoat in the garbage and walk out of the ride into the perfect golden hour, perfect time for a Mickey pretzel and the perfect photos. As you walk to explore more of the park you think which ride you want to conquer next and think of something slow and easy, maybe like small world…
As always thank you to my magical sluts.... love yall @sparklefarts38 @exquisiteserotonin @legendary-pink-dot @magpiepills @imalrightllama @redhotkitchen @youandmeand5bucks @arcanefox207
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redvioletarts · 5 months
Novel Loading Progress Bar Stickers & Notebooks to help you track your writing
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[Image ID: five stickers displayed against a wooden textured background. Each says "Novel Loading" in hand lettering, alternating light and dark letters in the sticker color, above a blank progress bar with each quarter marked, and below that is written "Word Count Goal:", a blank space to fill in, and "K" as an abbreviation for one thousand. The stickers come in kelly green, violet purple, denim blue, rosy pink, and dark red. End ID.]
You know what sucks about writing? It's lonely, at least most of the time. Unless you've got a rabid AO3 or Patreon readership waiting for your next chapter, or a really dedicated writer's group, you end up spending a lot of time just plugging away at what looks to other people like basically the same task... all. the. time.
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[Image ID: Mockup of a person sitting on a fluffy blanket, holding a pen and a pale blue notebook featuring the same Novel Loading artwork as the stickers above. They rest their wrists and the notebook on a coordinating blue fluffy pillow. End ID.]
"When are you going to finish that so I can read it?" your friends ask, inevitably when you're at that 75% mark and you hate every word you're putting down. You really don't have an answer.
Now you can get a sticker (for all you laptop and phone writers) or a notebook (for the longhand sentimentalists, or those who like keeping a writing journal specifically to write about their writing) that has a visual progress tracker right on the front, ready to be filled in with your favorite Sharpie.
Both come in five colors to match the vibe of your story--or enable you to track more than one story at once without mixing them up!
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[Image IDs: First image shows a person sitting on a bench with a pencil and the pink version of the Novel Loading notebook. Second image shows the red version on a black desk surrounded by black and gold office supplies. End ID.]
We writers know progress on a novel isn't exactly linear--a thousand words near the beginning of the novel is usually way easier than a thousand words dragged sentence-by-sentence out of your brain as you're poring through your notes trying to tie everything together near the end. But who cares? Rip off the loading bar idea from the programmers--they're BSing it too!
Fun fact! Most of the loading bar graphics you see on computers are fake--they're just there to reassure you the computer hasn't frozen. But by gum do they make us feel better.
So slap a loading bar on your novel! Track your progress visually to keep yourself motivated, give your friends an opportunity to encourage you, and maybe meet some new writer buddies when you're sitting in a coffee shop with your laptop sporting one of these stickers.
Or get the perfect gift for your writer friend--because seriously, how do you buy for a writer? New notebooks, obviously. Yeah, they have about eighteen blank ones stuck in a box already and they mostly write on their laptop, but they still get really excited every time they get fresh paper. It's a writer thing.
(Yours truly once asked for loose-leaf binder paper for Christmas as a kid. No, my family never let me live this down.)
Both products ship out pretty quickly from my print partners. The stickers are nice splash-resistant vinyl ones, and the notebooks are hardback with a smooth matte finish that feels good in your hand.
Get the sticker here, and the notebook here!
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wishiwaspretty · 8 months
Safe Food 3: Gum
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alright, so I know that this is a pretty obvious one, but it's also one that I'd like to emphasize because i love it.
Gum keeps me going throughout the entire day. Because of gum, I fast 12-13 hours every day. Some pros are that it's tasty (for the first minute or two at least), it can curb your appetite, it burns calories by chewing (not many, but a few), it occupies your mouth so that if someone asks you if you want to eat you can turn them down because you have gum, it can somewhat mask your bad breath if you're in ketosis, and I do think it helps my jawline a bit.
The only downside is that it usually causes you to swallow some air, which can make you bloat. (and you sometimes bite your tongue/cheek, lol)
There are also soooo many different flavors and brands! The picture above is my favorite atm, but you can get mint, bubblegum, cinnamon, etc. Just remember to always buy sugar-free gum, and to track your gum calories! It's almost always no more than five, but even though you're not swallowing, it still counts.
Stay safe and skinny! <33
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peachjaem00 · 1 year
save one, drop one - nct dream edition // from this video
tagged by: @neonunau thanks for the tag love!
istj vs. glitch mode (look i love glitch mode but istj slaps hard!)
broken melodies vs. dive into you (it's the 1D vibes bro!)
love again vs. 1, 2, 3 (hey shawty)
deja vu vs. diggity
blue wave vs. walk you home
tangerine love vs. better than gold (better than gold is one of their superiro b-side tracks and i will die on this hill)
hot sauce vs. boom (the latina in me would be dissapointed if i didn't save hot sauce)
like we just met vs. to my first
119 vs. drippin' (in all honesty, if i can't have both, i don't want them, literally my favorite dream songs how dare you?)
anl vs. arcade
dunk shot vs. trigger the fever
quiet down vs. poison
be there for you vs. never goodbye
candle light vs. puzzle piece (a little controversial but i am a candle light hater to my core)
life is still going on vs. yogurt shake
irreplaceable vs. replay
sorry, heart vs. moon
ridin' vs. go (go is the superior song, the bad bitch of nct dream songs)
bungee vs. rocket
dear dream vs. my page (i still need emotional compensation for the trauma)
stronger vs. countdown (3, 2, 1)
my first and last vs. chewing gum (i mean!!! it was chewing gum against the word bro, that's just iconic behaviour)
saturday drip vs. sos
on the way vs. graduation
my youth vs. dreaming
7 days vs. best friend
beatbox vs. hello future (the only good thing about beatbox was jeno's hair)
starry night vs. take my breath
rainbow vs. teddy bear
candy vs. don't need your love (they changed lives, including mine, with this song)
we go up vs. we young
dream run vs. pretzel
best friend ever vs. fireflies
bye my first... vs. beautiful time
tagging @neochan @cappujeno @rainyjeno @ohmytyong and whoever wants to do it, feel free to say i tagged you
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sammy-smiles-531 · 2 years
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Been a while since I posted about these guys. I still have my Alton CatCF gang on the mind. Now with two new peeps based on cut characters Miranda Piker and Marvin Prune! Maud and Margo first appear in the epilogue of Charity and the Chocolate Factory. They make their official appearance in Charity and the Great Glass Elevator.
Here are the characters (from left to right):
Margo Plume (23): A French model and star who longs to be a fashion designer. Vain and an absolute idiot, but lovable all the same. Tends to carry a mirror with him at all times. (Height: 6’5”)
Artur Gourmand (21): A German lad with a huge appetite and a love for cooking. Wants to be strong and learn more about the world he was sheltered from most of his life. Strong but very sweet and friendly. (Height: 6’2”)
Vincent Blanchette (20): Has an interest in track, baking, and gum chewing. A man who wants to live a life free from the restrictions of his overbearing mother. Favorite desserts are all blueberry related. Just an overall chill and easygoing guy, is also French. (Height: 6’7”)
Charity Beckett (19): A hardworking girl who tries to see the best in every situation. Poor, but tries doesn’t let it get her down. Lives in the same cottage her family used to live in, promised to protect it after they died. Just an overall very sweet girl who wants to see those around her happy. The luckiest girl in the world, she just doesn’t know it yet. (Height: 5’1”)
Maud Parker (20): A college student, very studious and a very serious young woman. A very “no funny business” kind of gal. Has been learning to let loose and have fun. Tends to be kind of nerdy, and loves to flaunt her intelligence. (Height: 6’0”)
Maximillian Thorn (24): An absolute gremlin of a human being. Learns what he knows from television and video games. Very chaotic and tends to be kind of an asshole. Knows how to hack into various computer systems. Deep down he is very loyal to those he gets close with and is tamer around those he cares about. (Height: 6’11”)
Vasilisa Sarris (22): A professional ballerina from a rich household. Loves pink and frilly things. Her father is from Russia who married her mother who lives is British in England. Tends to practice ballet to take her mind of how her parents constantly argue. Very graceful and elegant but is not afraid to kick your ass if the time calls for it. (Height: 5’8”)
Just your casual guardians from Alton Towers. By the way, they’re in a poly relationship, Charity being the one that brings them all together. I have little info dumps about these guys, might release them later on.
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