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owcsautism · 4 months ago
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crackedknucklez · 1 year ago
(Tr33 S@UCE)
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captain-naree-log · 2 years ago
Rastaban TR33 II-a & SD-I Colony
Rastaban TR33 II - a
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So, a tarball planet was necessary in order to find tar blocks, with which to make asphalt, with which to make the colony with.
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I don’t want the colony tenants in my space so I picked a spot a bit east of my lab in a nice mountain that has a few cave structures that I might be able to work with.  The asphalt was for an underground tunnel to quickly get over there.
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After some math the core was placed and building of the colony on SD-I began.  
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l1ftinggqueen · 7 months ago
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also ignore my dog he wouldn’t leave me alone bc he saw the toys 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾
i’m literally so happy i got the shoes too i needed some more shoes for back to school
and bru i’m so pissed bc me and my lifting buddy went to ulta and couldn’t get ANYTHINGG bc 3 LPs were on our ass, one of them might’ve recognized us, and like she literally followed us to every aisle, so i had to buy something small and then dip 😢😔
and i did have to spend some money for bags but i spent less than $20 so i can’t complain for all the stuff i got 🤷🏽‍♀️
sol de janeiro perfume (x2)- $48
touchland hand sanitizer- $10
doll@r tr33
takis- $1.25
watermelon gum- $1.25
arizona tea that i opened in the store and pretended was mine- $1.25
reese’s pieces- $4.50
sour patch kids oreos- $1.50
takis- $1.50
bracelets- $7.99
sunglasses- $14.99
earrings- $16.99
s@llys be@uty supp1y
edge control- 3.99
opi nails- $10.99
nail file that i forgot to include- $6.99
giraffe toy- $15.99
duck toy- 3.99
red chew toy- $7.99
cashews- $7.99
f@mous f00twear
nike shoes- $79.99
GRAND TOTAL- $251.13
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catariaxoxo · 2 years ago
we love a nap!! 😌
excellent. i am very good at napping. 10/10 napper right here.
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jammyjams1910 · 5 months ago
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@blackwolfflame @just-an-emily-existing @stanfordpines-enbyhusband @the-tr33s-have-eyes @beatrixblog @cutejk123 @uselessalexis165 @prismsofmystery @stuarts-randomplace @flamingoprincess25 @jessythebunny @smolcrow826
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firstprincehornyramblings · 4 months ago
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Henry Fox is a hairstylist, working in a salon owned by his best friend. Life is good, peaceful, he has a dog, his own apartment, and the ability to live life however he chooses. He's happy with the way things are, until he gets a new client who he finds just irritating enough to completely captivate him. OR Hairstylist Henry and his Least Favorite Client. - This was absolutely a self indulgent endeavor and so my darlings Chloe (@catdadacd), Aga(@henrysfox), Leika(@softboynick), Alex(@redlipstickandglitter), M(@thighzp), Mads(@henfox), as always, thank you for convincing me it was a good idea. - Tags: Alternate Universe - Salon, Smut and Banter, Some Plot, Gay Disaster Henry Fox, Lawyer Alex Claremont-Diaz, Drunk Texting, Drunk Sexting, Flirting, so so much flirting, Good Wingman Pez, Unsafe Sex, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Alex Has a Praise Kink, Anal Fingering, Masturbation, Rimming, Come Eating, Anal Sex, Jealous Alex, Drunk Henry
I am using this area to tag anyone who said they wanted to be tagged or that I know wants to be <3
@pinkamour1588 @luainthewild @onthewaytosomewhere @catdadacd @lfg1986-2
@forest-0-da-tr33s @caressthosecheekbones @anti-homophobia-cheese @cancmbyn
@missmistyrain @anchor-bird-94 @fakefromthestart @lekrua @bitchymagazinefirstprince
@yvy85 @eusuntgratie
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reilikeslifting · 2 months ago
Rei’s Masterlist <3
so i saw someone making their own more current masterlist of tips, tricks and other things to know about finessing billion dollar corporations so i thought id jump in and make one of my own! you may have seen my post about the actual business masterlist (which is outdated so dont take it as 100% fact) but this is more of a general list of tips you can use for any store!
1. Be NICE. i literally can’t stress this enough, say hi to the workers, respond kindly if they ask you a question, smile. however, don’t strike up a conversations and don’t ask them any questions. if they ask you if you need help with anything, politely and quickly decline. you don’t want them remembering you for any reason, so be short and kind and don’t linger around them. that leads us into number 2.
2. Dress plain. this ties in with the last tip, you don’t want workers looking at you and making note of something about you, facial piercings, vibrantly colored hair, clothes with pop culture references, charms, pins and keychains are all identifying features and accessories that can help you stick out. try to dress down, but not dirty. you want to look clean and put together but also casual like you’re just shopping. my best advice is jeans and a plain t-shirt or long sleeve.
3. Make a list. making a list will help you stay on track and help eliminate anxiety and wandering around without direction. this will also help prevent you from going overboard and getting cocky or greedy. it happens to ALL of us, so don’t feel bad if you start to notice yourself wanting more. take a break, reset, and make a list! this isn’t to say that if you see something that isn’t on your list you can’t get it, but you’ll have an easier time deciphering between your wants and needs.
4. Get to know the store. this is crucial because many stores, despite being the same company, are run and managed very differently. for example, someone’s d0ll@r tr33 might be incredibly easy, while someone else’s could have workers who specifically look out for l!fters. shop at the store beforehand once or twice to get a feel for what you’re working with. check cam locations and check for tags, that way you know what to expect.
5. Actually buy something. this isn’t so much hard advice as it is a good suggestion, since i know many of us don’t have money to spend in the first place. but if you can afford to buy a few things, it will really help remove any suspicion. ONLY do this if you’re 100% positive that nobody saw you conceal, otherwise it would cause more issues.
6. Stay calm. the last thing you want is to look anxious or suspicious. be calm, you’re just shopping remember? as long as you’re checking your surroundings, concealing quickly and hiding from cameras you will be okay. there’s no need to panic. if you can do that, you’ll be a-okay.
okie dokie that’s all for now cuties but if you want me to do like store-specific lists i can do that too! grocery stores, malls, thrift stores, lmk!! 🫶🏼
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asktoxicgriefer · 3 months ago
The woodmen should charge you rent.
TH3Y D0.
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owcsautism · 4 months ago
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"the mama birds"
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borrowingbarbie · 4 months ago
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haul from dollar tr33 and petsm4rt :3
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nightfang22 · 2 years ago
Get Angry
As a special treat for my friend @p34ch-tr33 who always pulls out my best work! Enjoy!
TW:Angst,smut insinuation,alcohol,18+
A tear runs down my cheek as I blow out the last candle on the cake. 20 candles nearly completely melted, wax mixed with icing, I sat alone in the dark as I waited for him. He should've been here 5 hours ago. Kenny promised this year would be different. He promised. I scroll through my Snapchat just looking at people's stories and watching dog videos. I clicked on Stan's story expecting to see cute photos of Sparky or videos with Wendy. What I saw broke my heart. Stan's story was filled with nothing but videos of a party at Kenny's house. I could see Wendy and Bebe taking shots and Cartman and Heidi making out. Butters was hitting on some poor drunk girl in the corner and Kyle was playing video games. Craig and Tweek were watching Jimmy break dance on a cardboard box in the middle of the room. I choked back a hard sob stuck in my throat but ultimately I failed. Then I remembered what my father told me when I was little: Don't cry, get mad. And when you get mad, get even. I picked myself up and brushed myself off, tossing the ruined cake in the garbage before fixing my makeup. I grabbed my keys and sped off in my car to Kenny's house.
Ever since Kenny's dad got that oil rig job and is never home anymore, Kenny hasn't really been Kenny. We used to celebrate each other's birthdays together all the time when we were kids but he's missed the last couple of years. He always made it up to me in the end but this time he completely forgot and didn't invite me to his party! I'll show him. I pull into Kenny's driveway and get out of my car. I knock on the door but there's no answer. 'Maybe the music is too loud for them to hear anything else?' So I knock again but louder. Stan opens the door looking back over his shoulder laughing at something before turning his head to face me. His eyes widen in shock. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He has a glass in his hand that has a golden brown liquid in it. I relieve him of his glass and down it. 'Hm, Kenny's dad's Scotch from the fancy liquor cabinet.' "I just came to say hi to Kenny and to remind him of the date. You know, since he didn't invite me to his little shindig." I said through gritted teeth. Stan is just staring at me dumbfounded before saying, "What? Kenny told us you couldn't make it cause you were sick. Everyone was asking about you." I smile softly and hug him. That makes me feel a teensy bit better. "Thank you, Stan. Where's Kenny?" I ask, my voice now calm and soft. Stan steps aside to let me in and points over to his dad's recliner where Kenny is sat watching Kyle play Nintendo. I give Stan back the empty glass and march over to Kenny. I stand in front of him, blocking his view of Kyle's game. I see his eyes widen for but a moment before I kick him square in the junk. "KENNY MCCORMICK, YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND AND BIGGEST ASSHOLE I'VE EVER MET AND THAT SAYS SOMETHING CONSIDERING WE'VE KNOWN CARTMAN OUR WHOLE GODDAMN LIVES!" I scream at him in front of everyone. He's not wearing his parka so I have a full view of his face and just how red his cheeks are from embarrassment. The music suddenly stops and the whole room falls silent as everyone has their eyes on us. "NOT ONLY DO YOU THROW A PARTY AND TELL EVERYONE I'M SICK BUT YOU FORGET MY GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A MOTHERFUCKING ROW, YOU PIECE OF ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT! I HOPE YOU GET TOSSED ONTO A PIKE YOU SON OF A BITCH! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS BUT I THINK THAT KENNY KABOBS SOUND PRETTY GODDAMN GOOD RIGHT ABOUT NOW!" And I kick him square in the junk one more time. Just for good measure, of course. "Okay everyone, let the party continue! It is my birthday, after all!" I slit my eyes in Kenny's direction when I say the word 'birthday'.
     The music starts up again and everyone goes back to partying like nothing even happened. I walked into the kitchen to pour myself a heavy drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I roll my eyes sighing. Spinning around, I say "Kenny, I'm not sorry for kicking you in the balls and I'm especially not sorry for crashing your party, either." But when I spin around I am not met with blonde hair and blue-green eyes. I am met with messy black hair peeking out of a cute blue hat. "I'm not sorry you did either of those things, too. He really deserved it." It's Craig. I look up at his rather tall frame. Craig has towered over me since we were little. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were Kenny." He fakes being wounded in the chest. "Ouch, (Y/N). That bad, huh?" I could only laugh at his cheesy joke and brush his arm as I reply, "Nah, you're way cuter." His cheeks turn bright pink and that's when I notice Kenny watching out of the corner of my eye. I wrap my arms around Craig's neck and pull him in. We start to makeout and he has me pressed up against the wall. I break away only to pull him up the staircase to Kenny's bedroom. I open the door as Craig takes off his shirt. I turn to him as he pins me to the door, shutting it. He pulls my shirt off and unclasps my bra. He moves me to the bed and takes his hat off, placing it gently atop my head. Removing my skirt and undergarments, Craig kisses his way up my legs before he has me pinned beneath him. I never thought that my first time would be like this. As a revenge tactic with someone I didn't love. Especially not with Craig Tucker. He's leaning down to kiss me again when the door slams wide open. Kenny bursts through the door and pulls Craig off of me by the back of his head, slamming him into the wall. I jump up to my elbows. It appears that Craig is rendered unconscious. He's still breathing at least. I can see his chest moving rhythmically. I stare at Kenny as his head turns to me, his breathing hot and heavy. I can see why. He has a raging boner in his jeans. He pulls off his shirt and crawls on top of me. We make very intense and intimate eye contact for a few silent moments. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't have forgotten." I clear my throat. "Or lied to everyone about you being sick. Can you please forgive me?" Kenny gives me his best puppy eyes, the ones that always got me to do whatever he wanted when we were little and even still to this day. "Okay, fine. I'll forgive you." He smiled at me softly kissing me on the lips. "You weren't really about to give away what's mine to Craig, right?" I shake my head while giggling. He chuckles. "Good. Now let me give you your birthday gift." He strips his bottoms and I flip him over. "Let me." I whisper. I get real close to his face before I whisper, "Nice try, asshole." I sit back up and slap him across the face. "You could never have me no matter how bad you want me, McCormick." I spit in his face as I got up, Craig's hat still atop my head. I saunter over to the door taking a final turn to look at Kenny. "You'd just die on me anyways, you fucking flip phone." Those were the last words I ever spoke to Kenny McCormick as I left him laying there confused and sexually frustrated with his cock out in a room with an unconscious Craig.
Word Count:1,358
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frommybedroom · 4 months ago
talking with @forest-0-da-tr33s has given me the urge to write a heartstopper x the outsiders crossover fic with:
tori as darry
charlie as pony
oliver as soda
nick as cherry (and there would be more obvious romantic themes)
elle as johnny
darcy as two-bit
and the rest of the paris squad as the greasers (minus imogen who is definitely a soc… maybe nick and imogen are dating at the beginning)
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l1ftinggqueen · 8 months ago
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panties- $7
0ld n@vy
shirt- $12
nyx lip liner- $8
s3phor@ inside k0hl$
ordinary lash serum- $14.90
doll@r tr33
eyeshadow palette- $1.25
also feel free to ask me any questions you have abt what bag i use, how i conceal,etc.
total- $56.05
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celestle-m0th · 2 months ago
@leaf4e this is how I imagine the thunder sage. Man might be mincraft Odysseus
Video from: Cup Tr33 on Tik tok
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jammyjams1910 · 7 months ago
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It’s the munchkin’s BIRTHDAYYY 🎉🎉🎉
@beatrixblog @the-tr33s-have-eyes ehehehe
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