#borrowing tips
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borrowingbarbie · 5 months ago
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loft34 · 1 month ago
NOW is the time to sh*pl*ft.
take as much as you fucking can from this country. make those fucking corporations lose as much money and resources as humanly possible. take what you want from the state, hell, take what you DON'T even want.
fuck. shit. up.
make a scene. cause problems. riot.
sincerely, a criminal defence law student
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My most recent haul, all in a day’s work.
The playboy backpack was a big risk, I literally just walked out with it 💀
Total $1,768
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rawrkitties · 3 months ago
collab w @ladyliftzz
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟
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𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 / 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐬
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𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩!!
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𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 = 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 $𝟏,𝟒𝟒𝟓 (𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞)
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s0wh4t1f1l1ft · 9 months ago
Tip for l1fting skincare/makeup/haircare/etc.
When i go out and lift i always hit şěpħøřą AND úłțà in order to get the biggest haul, think about what brands are úłțà exclusive, what brands are şěpħøřą exclusive, and what brands are at both. Then think about how comfortable you are lifting from the store, do u feel more comfortable lifting more from úłțà or şěpħøřą? Then i make a list of brands/products i want and which store ill get them from:
şěpħøřą: glow recipe, one size, summer fridays, rare beauty, amika, saie, huda beauty, tower 28, gisou etc (basically i just go for the şěpħøřą exclusives because i there is a bathroom where i can make sure eveything is detagged, sometimes if i cant pull something off at ulta ill try to get it here)
úłțà: drunk elephant, charlotte tilbury, tarte, too faced, ouai, sol de janiero, etc (i go for the easier stuff at úłțà thats still good quality, concealing is a lot easier because of ulta blind spots but checking for tags is super important)
when looking for tags on products i pretend like i am examining the package to make sure nobody else has used it, i do this on the decoy products that i dont borrow so it looks like something i do for everything.
I also tend to browse a little but try not to go back to the same section more than twice, DONT BE AFRIAD TO SWATCH, swatching looks natural and can ensure your getting something youll actually wear and can help SAs think that your really thinking about the products your going to perchase.
speaking of looking natural when l1fting makeup and skincare PLAY THE PART, do a full face of makeup, esp if you can make yourself look different. SAs see someone wearing makeup and often assume if your wearing a lot of makeup you obv have money to purchase more makeup. I hate to say this but dont do too much either, you need to look basic still, unassuming, so if your alt it may be a good idea to have a “basic” persona for lifting.
Dont forget for the biggest and safest haul park far away to avoid cameras and empty your bag between stores, into a bag from the last store if you can so if anyone looks in your car it looks like you just bought it all
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l1ftinggqueen · 8 months ago
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also ignore my dog he wouldn’t leave me alone bc he saw the toys 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾
i’m literally so happy i got the shoes too i needed some more shoes for back to school
and bru i’m so pissed bc me and my lifting buddy went to ulta and couldn’t get ANYTHINGG bc 3 LPs were on our ass, one of them might’ve recognized us, and like she literally followed us to every aisle, so i had to buy something small and then dip 😢😔
and i did have to spend some money for bags but i spent less than $20 so i can’t complain for all the stuff i got 🤷🏽‍♀️
sol de janeiro perfume (x2)- $48
touchland hand sanitizer- $10
doll@r tr33
takis- $1.25
watermelon gum- $1.25
arizona tea that i opened in the store and pretended was mine- $1.25
reese’s pieces- $4.50
sour patch kids oreos- $1.50
takis- $1.50
bracelets- $7.99
sunglasses- $14.99
earrings- $16.99
s@llys be@uty supp1y
edge control- 3.99
opi nails- $10.99
nail file that i forgot to include- $6.99
giraffe toy- $15.99
duck toy- 3.99
red chew toy- $7.99
cashews- $7.99
f@mous f00twear
nike shoes- $79.99
GRAND TOTAL- $251.13
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shopliftingstarter · 22 days ago
Getting caught at Sephora
I got arrested about a week ago at Sephora ( no one is shocked ) here’s a small tidbit on getting caught;
( also I’m in Texas so laws may differ)
Don’t return to Sephora within the same year if you do a huge haul, they hire private investigators that’ll get you in store
Huge hauls also mean they’re not gonna get every item you took, most likely they’re gonna miss a few which will luckily bring your total down
Don’t run from the cops or assault workers, you did what you did don’t make things harder on yourself just cooperate but also remain silent
Don’t be scared, most likely in the holding cell you’ll find someone with the same crime and you’ll eventually realize this is very common
After your first offense, no more huge hauls. At the end of the day a worker isn’t gonna call the cops over a soda but huge hauls are a thing of the past if you get caught, limit yourself to 1-2 items
Truthfully after 6+ years of shoplifting and getting caught once and having it on my record i genuinely would say it was worth it lol, I’ve stolen upwards of 7,000+ dollars total worth of stuff last year after December and completely revamped my makeup and closet for a ticket of about 1k, good sale if you ask me.
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4lyskaverse · 4 months ago
Shop Lifting Tip
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Hey babies, in gonna tell you how I borrow small products cause Ima bitch 💋
🇺🇸I'm pretty new at this, but no one has noticed yet and I've almost always used the same method. What I do is basically take my phone and get close to what you want to pick up. You can take a picture of something that's next to what you want to pick up, or take a picture of what you want to pick up (I find it less suspicious) and do a stunt like calling someone or sending an audio message talking about the product. Whenever I do this, if there's a employer looking at me or near me, they either leave or let their guard down. And this is where the trick is, which is to pick up the object you want with the same hand that you're holding the cell phone, and put it in your bag. The cell phone will cover the object, and then you can put it in your bag. But obviously, check the basics first, like the position of the cameras.
It's always best to do this on busy days, because employees won't be able to keep an eye on everyone to see if they're picking something up or not.
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Oioi pessoal, decidi contar sobre como eu faço minhas colheitas com objetos pequenos porque eu sou uma safada💋
🇧🇷 Eu sou bastante nova nisso, mas ainda ninguém notou e eu quase sempre usei o mesmo método. Oque eu faço é basicamente pegar o celular e se aproximar do que você quer pegar. Você pode tirar uma foto de algo que está ao lado do que você quer pegar, ou tirar uma foto do que você quer pegar (eu acho menos suspeito) faça uma encenação como ligar para alguém ou mandar um áudio falando do produto. Sempre que eu faço isso, se tem algum vendedor me olhando ou perto de mim, eles vão embora ou abaixam a guarda. E é aqui que está o pulo do gato, que é pegar o objeto que você quer com a mesma mão que você está segurando o celular, e colocar na sua bolsa. O celular vai cobrir o objeto, e ato você vai poder colocar na sua bolsa. Mas obviamente, verifique o básico antes, como a posição das câmeras.
É sempre melhor fazer isso em dias que a loja está movimentada, porque os funcionários não vão conseguir cuidar de todas as pessoas para saber se elas estão pegando algo ou não.
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4dd1l1ftzz · 6 months ago
stuff i've learned recently as a baby l1ftr
don't raise suspicion. don't act shady, don't look shady. what i mean by this is to not have a mask and huge sunglasses on and hair in your face and baggy pants and a huge hoodie on when you l1ft. look and act normal. walk around like you're actually going to buy something. look at different colours, sizes, prices. seem to gravitate towards the rack of clothes on sale.
think about what you're wearing and if it's suitable for what you know you're going to l1ft. if you're going to lift something like makeup (mascara, concealer, lipstick, small powder or liquid products), i suggest a hoodie (not oversized, not skintight) with a tight long-sleeve top underneath. maybe some tighter pants. am i the only one who's terrified of my l1fted stuff falling out of my sleeves? exactly. slide them under the tight sleeve and you're good to go.
don't get greedy. you just concealed 30 dollars worth of merchandise on your body. you don't need that shiny new makeup pallette. you just l1fted from that store 2 days ago. don't try your luck too soon.
be ready to change the way you look. change out of that top if you can. if you got caught, the cameras have captured your whole outfit already. let your hair down. take out your earrings. take off your big ass headphones. take off any recognizable jewellery.
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antisocial-hatred · 1 year ago
y'all friendly reminder to check for hidden tags because i just walked out with a whole purse thinking it didn't have the metal tag, the alarms went off and i ended up paying €15 for this stupid purse (the bodyguard saw it on the floor after i threw it away sneakily so i just bought it to avoid getting searched), left and then realised the security sticker was actually inside the box of a €5 serum i had stuffed in my sleeve like 😭 i don't even know why the towers didn't ring when i left the second time but fuck off i could've gotten the purse for free and now i'll have to check inside every box every time smh
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borrowingbarbie · 5 months ago
my guide as someone whos been lifting for 6+ years and never been caught 😇🤞
apperance: i usually wear hoodies and or leggings under sweats or just leggings and a hoodie. i try to not look too much of a bum so i do minimal “clean girl” makeup and grab one of my tote bags
up the sleeve: this one is my go too, first i usually shove it up the sleeve and then either put it in my waistband or just keep it tucked in my sleeve,i stole a whole mini christmas tree one time just by shoving it up my oversized jacket sleeve obviously be careful tho
in the waistband: if wearing leggings under sweats you can store things in your leggings
fluffy boots: those big y2k fluffy boots are perfect for shoving things in.
bras: if your medium- big chested yk the bra is a way to
hats:put things in your beanie and put it back on
cups: use a empty stanley/hydro flak / any tumblr and put things in
socks: long socks under jeans are good for small things like lipgloss chapstick etc
**obviously be sure the store you are borrowing from isnt a small business and has multiple areas to easy conceal items**
i make sure not to hit the same small stores too often as in dollar general/dollar tree etc, id only recommend once or twice a week if that
**PSA this post is for entertainment purposes only i do not take any responsibility for any actions partook by this post xx**
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loft34 · 2 months ago
don't be fooled by the aesthetic of small businesses
lyfting from small businesses is pretty damn unethical, and companies are aware of this, so they will try to make their environment SEEM like a family owned independent anti-corporate space, but that's just bullshit.
by extension this applies to shops like hot topic - punk rock is thrifting and dni, hot topic coopts that aesthetic but it is a corporation. hot topic is not punk rock.
now to the actual meat here - stores like East Meets West are a great example of this. you'll find them in a mall looking like an independent lovely little pagan shop but they are a chain.
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they purposely decorate the place with hippie tapestries and pagan stuff but they are a corporation nonetheless. BUYING your religious items from a soulless corporation is soulless in and of itself. it's okay to lyft from these kinds of stores.
how to tell if it's really an indie shop or not? look up locations for it, if there's more than just one, even if it's just a couple in the same state, it's a chain. try and find where they get their inventory, check if they have a website, look for any parent companies on the site, check if they have their own domain rather then selling off of ebay or sm.
if it's a corporate product, you can borrow. if it's actually an independent business, don't. the aesthetic if the product means nothing.
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Huge S3Phora Haul from last weekend! 😮‍💨
Total~ $2.5k
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hole34 · 2 months ago
w4lm4rt dressing rooms people 👏👏👏
wear baggy/lose clothes and a jacket, take whatever u want into the dressing room (easier if they’re not like big puffy things obv), put the clothes on as ur base layer and put your regular clothes on top of them. bam. if there's security tags you can rip the little bit of fabric they're on off easily.
if you wanna be really careful bring two of the same item in the dressing room so you can walk out with one and put it back!
don't pay for clothes my friends
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s0wh4t1f1l1ft · 9 months ago
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I go by Pinkie for annonimity
i am just now joining the community after lurking for years and taking a break from l1ft1ng
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some fun facts about me:
i have only started l1ft1ng within the past 4 years
i l1ft both nonessentials and essentials
my favorite thing to l1ft is lip products
i am willing to l1ft for other people
my favorite color is pink
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e/d, s/h, nsfw, and terf blogs
antis of l1fting
anyone who l1fts from small buisnesses
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l1ftinggqueen · 8 months ago
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panties- $7
0ld n@vy
shirt- $12
nyx lip liner- $8
s3phor@ inside k0hl$
ordinary lash serum- $14.90
doll@r tr33
eyeshadow palette- $1.25
also feel free to ask me any questions you have abt what bag i use, how i conceal,etc.
total- $56.05
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