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thefeliciastarks 3 years ago
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You have to want it bad enough to #dothework for YOUR body. Make a decision today to do things differently this time....You'll certainly get a different outcome! . #changeyourthinkingchangeyourlife #legionofboom #1stphorm #goaldigger #purposedriven #fitfam #fitspo #personaltrainer #transformation #transformationinprogress #totalbodyfitnesscamp #dfwfitness #fittips #inspiration #inspiringyouintoaction #youbuthealthier #starknakednutrition #fatlosshacks #beastmode #mindset #ditchthescale #ditchthediets https://www.instagram.com/p/CThXXwqn3Li/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thefeliciastarks 5 years ago
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馃崙 How to Squat馃崙 . . Some of the instructors leading these workouts don't have the best form馃憖 when they're teaching the basics so here's a tip to make sure your squat form is on point! . . Squats in proper form + resistance = fuller quads, thighs and glutes馃崙馃崙!馃挏馃挏馃敟馃敟馃敟 - Form: Your knees should NOT go over your toes, push your butt back (like you're trying to avoid sitting on that nasty toilet) and low as possible (ATG..assets to the grass!) with your chest up. Think "L" shape / Movement: Sit back slowly with a 3-2 tempo (down on a count of 3 and back up on a count of 2) and squeeze your glutes. at the top....repeat! 馃崙Build those glutes with deadlifts, good mornings & hip thrusts using resistance/weights so use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. . . Photo credit: FlashingLight Location: @vivebydesign Hair and makeup by @_alteregobeauty_ #squatsnotshots #squatchallenge #howtosquat #feliciaknowsfitness #transformation #fitnessforbusymoms #fitnessadviceforwomen #feliciastarksfitness #healthyeating #formercrushbooty #howtosquat #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fitspo #fitfam #npc #bodybuilding #ifbbpro #bodybuilder #fitness #momswholift #busyfitmoms #workingfitmoms https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wr5BOjMVi/?igshid=1vs06861hcsbi
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thefeliciastarks 5 years ago
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Should I eat this? . Do you eat that? . CAN you eat this? . I thought this was off limits?....These are just some of the common questions or comments that I hear on a weekly basis.... so,.here's the deal. You can have WHATEVER you want to eat.....the most important question that you should ask yourself is.....whether this going to help me get closer to my goal? We most likely don't have the same goals, so what I eat may "seem extreme" to you...yet, since our goals aren't similar, why would we eat the same? Here's my recommendation: 馃挜Get clear on YOUR SMART goals (specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and time sensitive) 馃挜Map out a REALISTIC plan of action for reaching your goal 馃挜 Find a suitable accountability partner or a nutrition coach, like myself, to help hold you accountable for what you said you wanted 馃挜Set a "check point" to make sure you're on track...like weekly checkins 馃挜Decide how you'll reward yourself for reaching your goal (non food related) 馃挜Do the work, MYOB (Mind your own business) and stay focused on YOUR goals. 馃弳Celebrate your accomplishments with something other than FOOD! Contact me if you need help figuring it out, I only have 5 spots left for new nutrition coaching clients. #eathealthiergetleaner #mealideas #eatingcleanandtrainingdirty #eataccordingtoyourgoals #goaldigger #busyfitmoms #personaltrainer #progress #getresults #totalbodyfitnesscamp #transformations #healthyhabits #nutritioncoaching #ditchthediets #fitnesslifestyle #fitness #flexibleeating #macros #eataccordingtowhatyouwanttosee #fitfam #igfit #fitmom #loseweightnow #fitspo #nutrition https://www.instagram.com/p/B3t3l3qjtZu/?igshid=wxv344l3jrcv
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thefeliciastarks 6 years ago
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Squats in proper form + resistance = fuller quads, thighs and glutes馃崙馃崙!馃挏馃挏馃敟馃敟馃敟 - Form: Your knees should NOT go over your toes, push your butt back (like you're trying to avoid sitting on that nasty toilet) and low as possible (ATG..assets to the grass!) with your chest up. Think "L" shape / Movement: Sit back slowly with a 3-2 tempo (down on a count of 3 and back up on a count of 2) and squeeze your glutes. at the top....repeat! Just say 馃毇 to air squats! You build those glutes with deadlifts, good mornings & hip thrusts using resistance/weights so use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. Photo credit: FlashingLight Location: @vivebydesign #squatsnotshots #squatchallenge #howtosquat #feliciaknowsfitness #transformation #fitnessforbusymoms #fitnessadviceforwomen #feliciastarksfitness #healthyeating #formercrushbooty #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fitspo #fitfam #npc #bodybuilding #ifbbpro #bodybuilder #fitness #momswholift #busyfitmoms #workingfitmoms https://www.instagram.com/p/BwCLesujy7_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=125rk19448cf5
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
No time to get to the gym? Let's workout together virtually! Join me on Thursday at 830pm CST, for my Facebook LIVE Workouts! Invite a friend! You don't even have to leave your house for this LIVE 25 min workout! Start where ever you are....in your own home! If you are an advanced fitness enthusiasts.....you can still join me....I give variations for all fitness levels...so invite your friends too! No matter what your fitness level or age is, you can join us & get moving!!! Join me onThursday at 830pm CST at Facebook.com/FeliciaJStarks We'll be doing a #totalbodyworkout, so most of the exercises will be done using your bodyweight...however if you have weights, you can add them for more resistance! Share this post, invite your friends & family and we can restore our health and all workout together virtually! Connect with me if you haven't already, (FeliciaJStarks) and you'll get notified whenever I go live! Looking forward to working out with you! #bodyweightworkout #igfit #fatloss #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fastweightloss #totalbodyworkout #personaltrainer #momonamission #fitfam #fitspo #transformation #fatlosstips
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thefeliciastarks 7 years ago
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Squats in proper form + resistance = fuller quads, thighs and glutes馃崙馃崙!馃挏馃挏馃敟馃敟馃敟 Form: Your knees should not go over your toes, butt back (like you're trying to avoid sitting on that nasty toilet) and low as possible (ATG..assets to the grass!) with your chest up. Think "L" shape Movement: Sit back slowly with a 3-2 tempo (down on a count of 3 and back up on a count of 2) and squeeze your glutes. at the top....repeat! Just say 馃毇 to air squats! You build those glutes with deadlifts, good mornings & hip thrusts using resistance/weights so use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. Photo credit: @flashinglightphotography Location: @vivebydesign #squatsnotshots #squatchallenge #howtosquat #feliciaknowsfitness #transformation #feliciastarksfitness #healthyeating #formercrushbooty #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fitspo #fitfam #npc #bodybuilding #ifbbpro #bodybuilder #fitness #momswholift (at Viv茅 by Design, LLC Fitness & Dance Studio)
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thefeliciastarks 7 years ago
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Should I eat this? Do you eat that? CAN you eat this? What do you think about....keto, intermittent fasting, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, pescaterian, etc......none of that really matters if the plan/lifestyle isn't sustainable! They will all work....as long as there's a caloric deficit.....but is it something you can do or that you'd want to do long term? I thought this was off limits?....These are just some of the common questions or comments that I hear on a weekly basis.... so....here's the deal. . You can have WHATEVER you want to eat.....the most important question that you should ask yourself is.....whether this is going to help you get closer to your goal? We most likely don't have the same goals, so what I eat may "seem extreme" to you...yet, since our goals aren't similar, why would we eat the same? Here's my recommendation: 馃挜Get clear on YOUR SMART goals (specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and time sensitive) 馃挜Map out a REALISTIC plan of action for reaching your goal 馃挜 Find a suitable accountability partner or a nutrition coach, like myself, to help hold you accountable for what you said you wanted 馃挜Set a "check point" to make sure you're on track...like bi-weekly check-ins 馃挜Decide how you'll reward yourself for reaching your goal (non food related) 馃挜Do the work (lift heavy stuff often), MYOB (Mind your own business) and stay focused on YOUR goals. 馃弳Celebrate your accomplishments with something other than FOOD! 鉁擟lick my profile link and select Stark Naked Nutrition, if you need help figuring it out and would like to apply to work with me. #fitnesslifestyle #mindset #fitnessnutritionspecialist #personaltrainer #progress #getresults #totalbodyfitnesscamp #transformations #healthyhabits #nutritioncoaching #ditchthediets #fitnesslifestyle #fitness #flexibleeating #macros #eataccordingtowhatyouwanttosee #fitfam #igfit #fitmom #loseweightnow #fitspo #nutrition
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thefeliciastarks 7 years ago
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Here's the only time you'll see or hear me use the words......I can't. I can't want it more than you do....but guess what...I do believe in you....do you even believe in yourself, what you're doing or even know WHY you're doing what you're doing? Your results, consistency and dedication, which show up from your belief and will show me better than you can tell me. You got this! #inspiringyouintoaction #personaltrainer #feliciastarks #dothework #health #fitness #fit #athletic #physique #core #weights #like4like #cleaneating #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #love #life #like #train #performance #igers #exercise #lifestyle #shesquats #fitnesslife #photooftheday #strength #instadaily#fitspo #fitfam #feliciastarksfitness #totalbodyfitnesscamp #tlc
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thefeliciastarks 7 years ago
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You have to want it bad enough to #dothework for YOUR body. Make a decision to do things differently this time....You'll certainly get a different outcome! #changeyourthinkingchangeyourlife #legionofboom #1stphorm #goaldigger #purposedriven #fitfam #fitspo #personaltrainer #transformation #transformationinprogress #totalbodyfitnesscamp #dfwfitness #fittips #inspiration #inspiringyouintoaction #youbuthealthier #starknakednutrition #fatlosshacks #beastmode #mindset #ditchthescale #ditchthediets
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
Come work out with me this Saturday at 830am! All fitness levels welcome so you can go at your pace and still get a GREAT workout! 馃敟Cardio HIIT 馃敟Ladder foot work 馃敟Tire work/flips 馃憖 馃敟Battle Ropes 馃敟Bodyweight plus weights....if you wanna burn some calories while burning fat and building muscle, come see me. Aren't you tired of jumping on those cardio machines everytime you go to the gym that aren't getting you the results you are looking for anyway? 鉂e stubborn about your goals yet flexible about the methods to reach your goals! Your 1st class is FREE, bring your friends and make it even more fun! 2704 W. Park Row Dr Arlington Tx at 830am What's stopping you? #friendssweattogether #accountabililty #transformation #momswholovefitness #fitover40 #fatlosshacks #fitmoms #fitspo #fitfam #womeninfitness #fitafterkids #fitandfeminine #support #mindset #nutritionmatters #getupandgetmoving #getresults #transformyourbody #transformyourmind #youwantitornot #noexcuses #totalbodyfitnesscamp #feliciastarksfitness #healthyeating
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
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Oh My god, Becky look at her butt! Building a glorious butt the best way, starts with doing the moves correctly! Why buy it when you can build it? #squatsnotshots #glutes #girlswholift #shesquats #brickhouse #fitnesslife #fit4life #fitafter40club #championfit #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessphysique #championfit #npc #bootygains #changeyourthinkingchangeyourlife #legionofboom #1stphorm #goaldigger #momonamission #motivation #inspiration #noflatbooty #totalbodyfitnesscamp #applebottom #nolongbutts #buildingbetterbodies #buildmuscle #loseweightnow
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
No time to get to the gym? Let's workout together virtually! Join me on Thursday at 830pm CST, for my Facebook LIVE Workout! Invite a friend! You don't even have to leave your house for this LIVE 25 min workout! Start where ever you are....in your own home! If you are an advanced fitness enthusiasts.....you can still join me....I give variations for all fitness levels...so invite your friends too! Have your resistance bands, Kettlebell or dumbbells ready! No matter what your fitness level or age is, you can join us & get moving!!! Join me onThursday at 830pm CST at Facebook.com/FeliciaJStarks We'll be doing a #totalbodyworkout, so most of the exercises will be done using your bodyweight...however if you have weights, you can add them for more resistance! Share this post, invite your friends & family and we can restore our health and all workout together virtually! Connect with me if you haven't already, (FeliciaJStarks) and you'll get notified whenever I go live! Looking forward to working out with you! #bodyweightworkout #igfit #fatloss #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fastweightloss #totalbodyworkout #personaltrainer #momonamission #fitfam #fitspo #transformation #fatlosstips
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
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Be STRONGER than your excuses! Let's workout together virtually! Join me on Thursday at 830pm CST, for my Facebook LIVE Workouts! Invite a friend! You don't even have to leave your house for this LIVE 25 min workout! Start where ever you are....in your own home! If you are an advanced fitness enthusiasts.....you can still join me....I give variations for all fitness levels...so invite your friends too! No matter what your fitness level or age is, you can join us & get moving!!! Join me onThursday at 830pm CST at Facebook.com/FeliciaJStarks We'll be doing a #totalbodyworkout, so most of the exercises will be done using your bodyweight...however if you have weights, you can add them for more resistance! Share this post, invite your friends & family and we can restore our health and all workout together virtually! Connect with me if you haven't already, (FeliciaJStarks) and you'll get notified whenever I go live! Looking forward to working out with you! #bodyweightworkout #igfit #fatloss #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fastweightloss #totalbodyworkout #personaltrainer #momonamission #fitfam #fitspo #transformation #fatlosstips
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
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Squats in proper form + resistance = 馃崙..."OH My Gawd, Becky, look at her butt!" Form: Your knees should not go over your toes, butt back (like you're trying to avoid sitting on that nasty toilet) and low as possible with your chest up. Movement: Sit back slowly with a 3-2 tempo (down on a count of 3 and back up on a count of 2) and squeeze your glutes. at the top....repeat! Just say 馃毇 to air squats! You build them glutes with squats, lunges, hip thrusts using resistance/weights so use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. Scroll through to see the front and side views! Photo credit: Vic "Flashinglight" #squatsnotshots #squatchallenge #howtosquat #feliciaknowsfitness #transformation #feliciastarksfitness #healthyeating #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fitspo #fitfam #npc #bodybuilding #ifbbpro #bodybuilder #fitness (at Viv茅 by Design, LLC Fitness & Dance Studio)
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
You don't need another fabulous kick-butt workout, kickboxing class, etc. The one thing that you're probably overlooking is the 馃棟 and game changer that will make the biggest impact in your transformation! Ready for a sustainable transformation blueprint? Let's chat https://goo.gl/O8pzBn #feliciaknowsnutrition #nutritioncoach #getresults #cherishyourlife #gains馃挭 #fatloss #gymflow #nutritioniskey #feliciastarksfitness #seasonedwithgraceblog #totalbodyfitnesscamp #arlingtonnutritionspecialist #fitnessnutritionspecialist #fitspo #fitfam #healthyeating #transformation #beastmode #byefelicia #ditchthescale #ditchthediets
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thefeliciastarks 8 years ago
No time to get to the gym? Let's workout together virtually! Join me on Thursday at 830pm CST, for my Facebook LIVE Workouts! Invite a friend! You don't even have to leave your house for this LIVE 25 min workout! Start where ever you are....in your own home! If you are an advanced fitness enthusiasts.....you can still join me....I give variations for all fitness levels...so invite your friends too! No matter what your fitness level or age is, you can join us & get moving!!! Join me onThursday at 830pm CST at Facebook.com/FeliciaJStarks We'll be doing a #totalbodyworkout, so most of the exercises will be done using your bodyweight...however if you have weights, you can add them for more resistance! Share this post, invite your friends & family and we can restore our health and all workout together virtually! Connect with me if you haven't already, (FeliciaJStarks) and you'll get notified whenever I go live! Photo credit: Jay Sahara Gym: @metroflexftworth Looking forward to working out with you! #bodyweightworkout #igfit #fatloss #totalbodyfitnesscamp #fastweightloss #totalbodyworkout #personaltrainer #momonamission #fitfam #fitspo #transformation #fatlosstips
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