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hauljunkiesmovers · 10 months
Finding the Best Moving Company in Florida: Tips and Recommendations
When it comes to moving, finding the best moving company is crucial for a smooth and stress-free experience. In Florida, Haul Junkies is a top choice for professional moving and packing services. Whether you're in Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, Palm Coast, or Port Orange, Haul Junkies offers a range of services to meet your needs.
Professional Movers in Florida
Haul Junkies is a leading moving and hauling company that takes pride in providing top-notch services to its customers. With a focus on integrity and reliability, Haul Junkies has established itself as one of the best professional movers in Florida. Whether you're in need of local or long-distance moving, packing, or storage services, Haul Junkies has the expertise to handle your move with care and efficiency.
Local and Long-Distance Moving
Haul Junkies specializes in both local and long-distance moving, making it a versatile choice for residents and businesses in Florida. Whether you're moving within the state or across the country, Haul Junkies can manage your entire move, including packing, moving supplies, junk removal, disassembly, and other services as needed. The company is licensed, insured, and has a close-knit team of professionals who are skilled in every step of the moving process.
Movers and Packers Services
In addition to its moving services, Haul Junkies also offers professional movers and packers services. The company has all the packing supplies, including boxes specifically for clothes, pictures, and other items. Its team is equipped with smart tools and techniques to pack and move easily and efficiently. Haul Junkies can move items of all shapes and sizes, and its team is adept at handling belongings with care.
Customer Reviews
Haul Junkies has received high praise from its customers, with many commending the company for its professionalism, reliability, and efficiency. Customers have noted that the company's team is skilled, prompt, and friendly, making the moving process a breeze.
In conclusion, Haul Junkies is a top choice for professional movers in Florida. Whether you're in need of local or long-distance moving, packing, or storage services, Haul Junkies has the expertise and experience to ensure a smooth and efficient move. Contact Haul Junkies today for a stress-free moving experience.
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sargeantposting · 9 months
A Logan Sargeant Primer: Part I (2000 - 2015)
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Logan grows up in a ritzy suburb of Fort Lauderdale called Lighthouse Point with his parents and his older brother, Dalton.
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The Sargeants don't have a deep motorsport history. Dalton and Logan get their first go-karts for Christmas in 2006, a gift from their father after their mother refuses to let her children ride dirt bikes anymore. Logan tells the NYT that:
“No one in the family was really even that much into racing. We just picked it up as a hobby, something to do on the weekend.”
The two brothers get more serious as the years go by-- within a few years, they're racing competitively. They both do well. Logan finishes in third place in only his first year of racing, and wins two titles in his second. 
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Unfortunately, they figure out fairly quickly that there isn’t much more room to advance in American karting:
My older brother, Dalton, and I had been racing for a few years, and it had gotten to the point where we were asking around about where the next best level of competition was, and everybody was saying the same thing…. It was always Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe. To the point where my parents really started to think about it. At first it was just this idea, like Maybe we’ll move to Europe, who knows. I was just a kid overhearing stuff, so I didn’t know how serious the conversation must have been until this day I’ll never forget.
The conversation gets serious in 2012, when Logan’s dad, Daniel, asks the two if they want to move to Switzerland:
It was summer, and we were out to lunch. It was me, my dad, and Dalton. [...] So we’re at this restaurant, right? Chowing down on burgers (my favorite), and my dad gets to asking us about racing. Finally, he’s like, “What do you guys think? Do you really want to race in Europe? Are you 100% sure about this?” Me being 11 and naive, I was like, “Yeah sure.”  Looking back on it, I think I was lucky I was that young and that I didn’t really know what I was signing up for. All the different ways it could change my life, the level of sacrifice it would require from my whole family. Because if I had known, I don’t know if I would’ve made the same decision so easily. It all happened fast, like in the movies. One minute, it’s Christmas, I’m six, and me and Dalton are yelling at the top of our lungs, excited about the two karts sitting in the driveway, pointed diagonally at each other like in a magazine. Next minute, I’m 11 and Dalton’s 14. We’re sitting at the table eating lunch with my dad, and it’s decided — our family’s moving to Europe.
When Logan tells the same story in GQ in 2023, he says:
I was always just going with the flow. For me it was just: sure.
The Sergeant family leaves for Switzerland just as Logan finishes up fifth grade. While Logan always talks about the family move to Switzerland in the context of his parents making sacrifices for his career, it's a little more complicated than that.
 GQ’s profile steps around the subject, briefly mentioning that “in addition to the racing opportunities, [Logan’s] Dad had business there.” Unfortunately, business would be an understatement. 
At the time, Logan’s dad, Daniel, worked for the family business– an asphalt trading and shipping company named Sergeant Marine. One of the driving forces behind Sergeant Marine’s success would be Daniel’s older brother, Harry. 
When Logan’s detractors mention his family’s connections to Trump, they’re usually referencing Harry. The NYT describes his billionaire uncle as “a former [Top Gun] fighter pilot and onetime finance chair of Florida’s Republican Party who has been sued by the brother-in-law of King Abdullah II of Jordan and whose name turned up, tangentially, in the 2020 impeachment of former President Donald J. Trump. (Harry was not accused of any wrongdoing.)” 
Harry would leave the company around the time Daniel moved his family to Switzerland. According to The Florida Phoenix, “The entire family was embroiled in a long-running bitter series of lawsuits that ended with a 2015 bankruptcy settlement. Harry III walked away with a cool $56-million. In return he gave up any claim to ownership of Sargeant Marine and other family companies. There were 14 different lawsuits in several states in addition to the bankruptcy. The lawsuits produced salacious testimony that could only arise in a vicious dispute between millionaires. Harry III accused his brother Daniel of spending millions on his sons’ pursuits of race car driving and other ventures. Meanwhile, Daniel accused Sargeant III of being a spendthrift on things such as a $7.5-million mansion, private jets and exotic cars.”
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Logan with his dad.
It would, somehow, get worse:
Oil and asphalt mogul Harry Sargeant III claims that industrial design plans along with recordings of "private consensual relations" were purloined from his private email account and traded off to a corporate intelligence agent as part of a years-long smear campaign against him spearheaded by his brother. Reigniting a long-running saga of brother-against-brother litigation, Harry Sargeant III claims that hundreds of pages of business records, personal discussions and "extremely sensitive videos and photographs" were illegally obtained from his email account. The material was used as currency for information-bartering between his brother Daniel Sargeant and a corporate intelligence chief at the nonparty legal service firm Burford, the lawsuit alleges. Harry is demanding damages for alleged invasion of privacy on the part of Daniel. The brothers had in years past worked together on managing the Sargeant family's global oil and asphalt empire, before intra-family disputes began to tear them apart. [...] The lawsuit claims the Burford investigator, a former corporate attorney, knows Harry well. According to the court documents, the investigator for years worked as an enforcement agent on a $28 million judgment secured against Harry by the king of Jordan's brother-in-law Mohammad Al-Saleh, who accused Harry of cutting him out of a deal to distribute oil to troops in the Iraq War. [...] Harry claims brother Daniel gave the corporate intelligence agent the treasure trove of Harry's emails  in exchange for inside information that would help the Sargeant family's asphalt company Latin American Investments in a separate multimillion-dollar legal dispute. Harry's underlying email account ran on a server of the family company Sargeant Marine. When he was ousted from the Sargeant empire, Harry had been told that the account was cut off at the root and all information in it had been destroyed, the lawsuit says. The lifted emails were instead provided to an "untold number of people" inside and outside of the family businesses in 2016, the lawsuit claims.
The information that Daniel traded his brother’s sex tape for would end up being useless. Daniel is currently out a $5 million bond and awaiting sentencing for the foreign bribery and money laundering charges he pled guilty to back in 2019. After bribing officials in three South American countries to secure asphalt contracts, the Department of Justice ended up making an example of the company– and Daniel– for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 
While Logan cites his career as a big reason for the family move, it appears that Sargeant Marine had conveniently made shell companies in Switzerland to aid in their illegal business dealings that same year.
Logan, blissfully unaware of any drama, tries to make the most of the big move. They move to Lugano, Switzerland– Dalton and Logan go to the American School on weekdays and race on the weekends in the European junior circuit, bouncing them between Italy, Switzerland and Britain. In GQ, Logan says:
“I definitely felt like school was a lot more challenging than in Florida,” he recalled. “And we were missing a lot of school, for sure, but that’s part of it with racing. It is what it is.”
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Logan loves Switzerland. In his Players’ Tribune article, he says:
We moved into a three-bedroom apartment. It was me, my parents, Dalton, and our dog Roxy, the world traveler. Big difference from Florida. We had a whole new life. I loved Switzerland. I had a lot of good friends at my school there. I can’t explain it, but I just felt more a part of things. Me and my friends were big Chelsea fans, and we’d be hanging out, playing soccer all the time. We played Call of Duty like every other kid in the world.
However… Logan is the only one. Daniel is out doing shady asphalt deals around the world and suing his brother. Dalton moves back to Florida after a year-and-a-half. Their mother follows soon after that. Logan ends up living alone at the school: 
Dalton was my older brother, so for as far back as I can remember, I was chasing him. Man, we fought all the time. Every race, we were up against all these other kids, but he was always the one I was really trying to beat. But the thing is, when you’re a kid you miss things. You just can’t see everything so clearly. Like, for instance, being a bit older than me, I think he felt the shift more strongly when we moved, but I didn’t know it. He stayed in Switzerland for a year and a half, did some European karting, and started testing Formula cars. Then one day he just decided he wanted to go home and race in America. I won’t lie, that was a shock at the time. But I get it more now. Making that big life change was hard on my mom, too. Just think, you’re living in this brand new place, don’t have many friends. Me and Dalton were at school all day. My dad was traveling all over the place with work, so he was hardly there. The reality is, she was on her own a lot. So she ended up going back to Florida, too. For about a year and a half after that, it was just me. I was living at the school during that time.
When talking about how his mom moved back to Florida while Logan was living alone in Europe as a teenager, he told the Players’ Tribune that:
Looking back on everything, I just see all the sacrifices they made, and it means so much. No matter what they were going through, my family always pushed me to keep going. I feel like that was probably the hardest for my mom, especially. She means the world to me. She’s a bit of a worrier too, and overthinks. I think I get that from her. She’s always been the person I could go to when I was doubting myself. So I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for her to encourage me to keep going, when I know she probably wanted our family to be together. I’m really grateful, not only that they believed in me that much, to move our entire family, but that they took my passion for driving seriously enough not to let me give it all up.
While Logan’s personal life may be troubled, his karting career is doing exceptionally well. In 2014, he wins the prestigious SuperNats18 in Vegas:
Infinity Sports Management, Facebook - SARGEANT DOMINATES IN LAS VEGAS. Logan Sargeant produced a stunning display last weekend in the TAG Junior category at the Supernationals race in Las Vegas. After finishing runner up in the race in 2013 Logan was eager to go one better this year and bring home the winners trophy. Although Logan got pipped in qualifying he still managed to win every heat ensuring he would start from pole position for the final on Sunday. From there he kept the lead and came home 5.6 seconds clear of the second driver. With this win in TAG Junior Logan become the first driver ever to win the TAG Cadet and TAG Junior categories at the Supernationals race.
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2015 manages to be even more exceptional. Logan starts the season by being the first North American driver to win a WSK event by winning the WSK Champions Cup in La Conca, Italy.
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Logan with his mother after winning the WSK Champions Cup.
The season reaches its peak with Logan becomes the first American to win an FIA Karting World Championship, the top junior series, since Lake Speed in 1978.
He gets to go to the FIA Awards:
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Logan: And I couldn’t thank my mechanic enough. And also my parents, uh, they really helped me to be able to win the world championship and it’s just an amazing feeling. Interviewer: I mean, did you, did you, what did you do when you found out you won? Did you call your friends at home? Did you phone your grandpa? What did you get up to? Logan: Uh, no, I just gave my mom and dad a really big hug. Interviewer: Is it still sinking in now? Logan: Yeah, it’s, it’s a really emotional thing. [...] Interviewer: Tell me about when you were a little bit younger than you are now. You’re only 14 now. But why racing, why, why is this so important to you? Logan: Um, well, my dad bought me a, a racing kart when I was five years old and we started from there. We thought it would just be like a little hobby and, uh, it ended up becoming like a professional thing we did. So. Interviewer: So, so was there a moment when you, when you or your dad just thought ‘Wow, I’m quick. I can do this’? Logan: Um, well, not really. We just kept progressing and then, um, when we, when we decided to come to Europe to race, um, we moved to Switzerland and from then on we were just, uh, going to school, I started going to school in Switzerland. And, yeah, and then we just kept going and then ended up like this. Interviewer: Do you have any other hobbies? Can you fit anything else in? Logan: Um, well, other than school it’s really hard. But when I get my breaks and I go back to Florida for, um, I like to go fishing a lot and, yeah, that’s what I do. Mostly. 
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When interviewed after his win, Logan tells kart360 that:
Moving away from home is a very hard thing in your own personal life. You lose all of your best friends. You don’t have your "home" and you have to adapt to a different culture. It is hard to move to a country that speaks a different language than what you know, but racing is so important to me that I stuck through it and kept on going.
Logan clearly struggles on a personal level. He discusses his feelings in his Players’ Tribune article, saying: 
Coming up racing as a kid isn’t easy. That’s the most honest way I can put it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said to myself, I’m done. I’m ready to come home. I’m glad I didn’t, but there were plenty of times when I wanted to. I remember one big time was the summer right after Dalton went back. We took this trip to the Bahamas with some of our extended family and friends. We were on the water, and everything was feeling like old times. And I think I just had this pit in the bottom of my stomach, like dreading going back. There was a night when I went to my mom, and I was like, “I’m just ready to come home.” I remember her asking me more questions about what I was feeling. I don’t even remember what I said, to be honest. I just remember that she didn’t tell me what to do. She left it completely up to me. My dad used to always say, “If you put in the work now, it’ll pay off eventually — it’ll be worth it.” And he kind of reminded me of that on that trip too. It’ll be worth it. Those four little words … that’s what kept me going. After that I sucked it up, went back to Switzerland, put my head down, and I went for it."
When Logan makes the jump to single seaters the next year, his parents rent him an apartment to live in by himself in London. The only time he’ll spend more than a few weeks in the US since he was a 12-year old would be during COVID.
But Logan’s time in single seaters will be for the next installment.
Logan through the years.
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“Got You”
Jey Uso x IndigenousFMC
8 chapters- 22k words
🚨It’s so smutty I’m so sorry - no one under 18 plz!
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🚨 second alarm, there is a triggering scene but it is an attempted assault that is interrupted - there is a note around it so it is easy to skip!
Just collecting all 4 parts into one loooong post. It’s unedited so I apologize for mistakes and timelines messiness
Summary: Rori Begay is Jey Uso’s nanny. Inappropriate feelings begin to brew between them over lockdown and they try to avoid it. Unfortunately the violence in Rori’s home life boils over and so do their feelings for each other when he comes to her rescue.
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
I’m so fucked.
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please.”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I lay there panting.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could go out again but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
Chapter 3
Aurora POV -
I didn’t mind biking the thirty minutes from the trailer park where I lived to the nice suburb. Being alone with my music and a direction was meditative. This morning however it wasn’t as nice as usual. Unable to stand for leverage I was moving slower than usual, my injured right side making the whole process more difficult.
Janine’s latest catch, ‘Paul’, was becoming increasingly violent. I did my best to stay out of his way but the two bedroom single wide trailer was tiny, cramped and rundown. Most of my time at home was spent locked up in my bedroom, venturing out only to fix everyone dinner or use the restroom.
Not long now and I would be able to afford a deposit for a room somewhere. I let daydreams of the day I left that place forever fuel me through the pain in my ribs and ankle. I’d gotten distracted, inadvertently letting the dinner pot boil over. Paul took offense and sent me to the floor with a nasty shove before a swift kick to the ribs. I’d scrambled to my feet and limped to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. A fresh wave of anxiety shuddered through me.
I planned to ask Josh today if he would show me a few things I could do to be stronger and defend myself better. It might rouse his suspicions but I was just going to tell him a half truth, I wanted to be safe when I returned to campus someday. That was a safe and believable excuse in my mind.
Taking a deep breath I tried to force myself to walk normally in spite of the sharp pain that came with each step. Maybe I was naive to think I could disguise my injuries but I was going to try.
Answering the door rather quickly he welcomed me in and our day progressed as usual. Fortunately for me Josh had to tend to those cancelled meetings and would be busy until lunch time. I thought I had it under control with some Tylenol but was proven wrong.
Jason wanted a specific shark cup and plate set that was stored on a high shelf. Normally pulling out the little step stool and grabbing those things wouldn’t have been an issue.
When I tried to put weight on that right ankle it gave and I yelped, falling backwards fully expecting to land hard on the kitchen tile.
Instead a strong pair of arms encircled my middle and I made contact with a hard, warm chest instead of cold, unforgiving floor. The pressure on my ribs hurt and I gasped, clutching at Josh’s forearms.
“Rori!” Jason’s alarmed voice hit my ears and I immediately tried to right myself and go to him but struggling against the hold hurt too much.
“It’s okay kiddo, I got her. Where are you hurt? Other than your foot?”
“Ribs.” It hurt to take in a breath to speak.
Nodding he maneuvered one arm under my knees and one under my shoulders, easily hefting me up into his arms. “I got you.”
I wanted to curl into a ball and never look at him again, this was too embarrassing. Settling me in a chair at the kitchen table he took a very clinical approach to examining my ankle and ribs. If I hadn’t been so upset the feeling of his fingers dancing on my rib cage would have made me dizzy. He let me catch my breath before asking the dreaded question.
“What happened Rori?” Josh sounded calm and collected as he went to retrieve an ice pack. Passing it to me he set about fixing lunch while waiting patiently for an answer.
“I tripped walking up my steps last night and fell. Nothing major, just some bruises.”
“You’re lucky they’re not broken.” My stomach dropped. It sounded like he was scolding me.
“Rori okay?”
“Yeah little man, I’m all good! Just an accident, no big deal!” I raised my hands in the air and smiled at Jason who looked relieved before going back to playing with his toys.
Josh set lunch on the table, ravioli, before collecting the little boy and depositing him in his booster seat next to me. Sitting down on my other side all of his moments were stiff. “You wouldn’t lie to me would you?”
My palms went sweaty and my heart pounded. I hoped my panic didn’t show on my face. Not trusting my voice I shook my head no and stuffed a piece of pasta in my mouth, making a pleased sound. I swallowed the food and the emotion all in one go. “No. I’m so sorry. It shouldn’t stop me from what I need to do again.”
“It’s fine. You rode your bike here yeah?”
I nodded and shoveled another bite in my mouth to avoid talking.
“Me and Jason are gonna drive you home this afternoon, once my meetings are done.”
A fresh wave of panic rolled through me. “No-no, please you don’t have to do that.”
“You’re in no shape to be riding your bike anywhere.” His voice was so cold. It made me want to cry.
“I don’t want to be a pain. I can ride the bus-“
Jason and I both jumped when Josh slapped the table. He seemed to catch himself before slamming it with full force but still made a loud noise. Quickly he looked at his son with a grin to ease any fear the little boy had.
But when he turned to me I could see it didn’t reach his eyes. His expression flattened out and it was like he was reigning himself back in.
I squeezed my thighs together as a confusing rush of emotions hit me. Fear of the consequences since I’d angered him and a strange flash of arousal that felt out of place but there it was all the same.
“Don’t argue with me.”
“Yes sir.”
Sitting through these afternoon meetings around the new Bloodline merchandise was torture. I’d never been a fan of this side of the job anyway and whatever was going on with Aurora was eating at me. Had I been a little bit of a bully and let my anger win for a minute? Absolutely but it will get me what I want which is some more information.
I was pretty sure someone was hurting her at home or she had a boyfriend. Thinking through my options I texted my twin who was also on the zoom call looking like he’d rather eat a shoe than look at yet another piece of concept art.
‘**Can yall take little man this weekend?**
I watched him respond on the call.
**’Yeah, you got something to do?’**
It wasn’t often that I hid things from Jon but he didn’t need to know I was planning on essentially stalking my barely legal nanny for a couple of days. I sure as hell didn’t want to see Trinity’s face if she found out. But I had to know what was going on and figure out how to help her.
As of right now my plan was little more than to storm in, beat the ever living shit out of whoever I needed to, sweep her up and move her into my home and bed permanently. Far from foolproof but it was a work progress.
Finally the meeting came to a close. Heading downstairs I took a few deep breaths to make sure I had my temper fully back under control. It had been hard not to shake her by the shoulders and demand she tell me the truth so I’d settled on slapping the table for emphasis. I’d instantly felt like a jerk when both Jason and Aurora jumped in fear but we’d recovered.
The sounds of their laughter came from the kitchen, she was letting Jason ‘help’ her make pizza for dinner. Looked more to me like she was chasing the veggies he threw every which direction except at the dough in front of him but I enjoyed watching them together all the same. She genuinely seemed to enjoy spending time with him and he loved her already, taking to calling her “my Rori”. Clearing my throat to announce my presence I felt a stab of regret when anxiety fell over her face and she quieted instantly. Jason on the other hand clambered down from the step stool and rushed over, arms outstretched.
“Daddy! Look, making pizzas!” He waved excitedly towards where Rori leaned against the counter next to the bowls of ingredients. I tried to smile reassuringly at her but she just ducked her head, hiding her face with her hair.
“Nice, want some extra help Rori?” Jason was already trying to get down and back into the mix so I let him. It wasn’t the nicest thing, forcing her to talk to me, but she’ll learn to speak up for herself in time.
She would have to as my woman. I don’t know exactly when I decided that was going to happen but here we are.
Finally glancing up at me she bit her lip nervously. “Yes sir.”
An image of her doing that while on her knees in front of me flashed through my mind. I liked that a little too much, liked this oddly submissive behavior. It told me a lot to, her response to my anger. Fawning is what they call it, if I recalled the therapist correctly.
I stepped into her space deliberately, causing her to shy away from my hand. Persisting I gently caught her chin with my thumb and forefinger making her eyes go wide. Tempting as it was to push further and run my thumb over her abused lip I settled for making her look at me.
“M’sorry I scared you earlier.”
She blinked, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “You’re what?”
I snorted. “Girl I’m tryin to apologize to you. Pay attention.”
To her credit she recovered quickly. “I’m sorry, I am. I - it’s okay. Let’s get these pizzas in the oven.”
She pulled away but before I saw her pulse pounding in her neck and her eyes dilate. It was obvious she was into what I was doing. Perfect.
A little over an hour later found us loading up her bike into the back of my truck and heading down the highway. It never ceased to amaze me what being on either side of the highway could look like. Some trailer parks were nice with well kept homes, flowers and friendly neighbors. Some were like ‘Martin’s Cove’ complete with meth trailers, cars on blocks and folks toting guns in the waist bands of their jeans. I bristled at the thought of leaving her here but dutifully got out to retrieve her bike once we’d pulled up to #37.
An ugly white man stood on the porch with a stupid look on his face. I hated him. Rori’s face showed a flicker of fear when her eyes landed on him and I wanted to kill him. I had a feeling I knew who was leaving the bruises. I held onto her bike when she went to take it from me.
“Uh, Josh? I got it. Thank you so much again.” I could feel my blood pounding in my ears. The man hadn’t spoken but hadn’t looked away from Aurora either.
“Promise to call if you ever need help.” She tilted her head but must have remembered earlier today.
“Okay, I promise.”
I nodded. “I’ll pull up at eight.”
It made me physically sick to let her walk away but I did it. Once they’d both gone inside I pulled away. Jason fell asleep before we made it home so I got him tucked into bed and set about putting a bag together for his stay at his aunt and uncles this weekend.
I was too worried to sleep well, knowing full well she could be in trouble. Instead I found myself praying whatever gods or ancestors might be listening. The morning couldn’t come soon enough.
Chapter 4
Aurora POV
I stood on the embarrassingly cluttered porch the following morning at 7:30 A.M. Janine and Paul were still in bed. Much to my surprise they hadn’t questioned me in depth, instead disappearing into her room after I made their dinner. I checked the calendar, it was the third.
Ah, her disability check had come in. They’d be flush with drugs for a couple days.
Great, that usually meant they’d leave me alone. And they had. Looking back at the front door yet again, it felt as if it were going to open and swallow me. That’s how it felt to walk into this house, like I was being eaten by a beast snd may never claw my way out.
Turning back I settled on the steps, flipping through my music. “Dirty Thoughts” started playing and I felt a flush start up my neck remembering what I’d done listening to this song last night. After securing my door that lacked a proper lock I’d lain in bed playing my interactions with Josh over in my head. Mostly the feeling of his thick arms and hard chest and calloused hands.
Only a few times, mostly due to lack of privacy, did I indulge the growing heat between my legs. Thinking about Josh had made the throbbing ache there unbearable and when I slid my fingers below the elastic waistband of my underwear I found myself soaked. While still very much a virgin I’d read enough romance novels to know what my body wanted from him. My heart and mind did too but they were a lot harder to make happy.
Carefully I’d started to feel myself, fingers dipping into my wet slit to awkwardly circle my clit while my other hand cupped a breast, lightly playing over a sensitive nipple. My inexperience was a pain though and after a few moments of awkward strokes I was worse off than before I started. Annoyed at myself for struggling I switched tactics to what I knew would provide at least a little relief.
Grabbing my ancient pillow I shoved it between my legs, balled up and pressed tightly to the small bud I was struggling to figure out. Closing my eyes I’d imagined sitting on his lap, straddling one of his big thighs while his hands cupped my bottom and his voice, deep and husky with want, encouraged me to move.
*”C’mon girl, that’s it. Move for Daddy.”*
It shamed me to think of him that way but I was so lost to the feeling it didn’t stick. Doing as imaginary Josh instructed I ground against the pillow, desperately seeking the short but intense flashes of pleasure it brought. If I did it long and hard enough I’d get a sharp spike that would somewhat ease the tension filling my body. It was nothing like “rolling waves” I read about but it did the trick and wore me out enough to sleep.
The sound of his truck rumbling up pulled me out of my memory and I stood, checking the time. 7:40 A.M., he was early. I needed to get myself under control, this crush was a distraction I didn’t need. What I needed was to get the hell out of this place before things escalated further and finish my degree.
And yeah I wanted kids and a husband and all that lovely stuff but I wasn’t naive enough to believe that Josh was the guy. He smiled at me, opening the passenger door and ushering me in. My heart did a cartwheel in my chest.
He had his choice of anyone. It would never be me and I was alright with that.
It didn’t stop me from wishing it were though.
“My Rori!” Jason’s voice was music to my ears. It was just Josh I’d fallen hard for after all. The toddler waving happily from his car seat in the back lit up my world and motivated me to get out of bed some mornings when I was depressed.
“Hey little man!” I smiled at him before turning to Josh as he pulled out of our driveway. This felt so normal and nice it was almost enough to make me forget where we were driving away from.
“Mornin. How was your night?” I noticed the dark circles under his eyes.
I blushed in spite of myself. “It was good. How about you?”
Josh raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment on the red in my cheeks. “S’fine.”
I mulled over my idea about asking for his help while chattering along with Jason. I’d couched the idea when he was so stern yesterday but he didn’t seem angry any longer and had apologized after all. By the time we pulled into the driveway I’d made up my mind. I spoke before he could open the door.
“Hey, Josh?”
“Hmm?” He tilted his head my way.
“Could-is it okay to ask- because if not I understand-“
“It’s fine just ask your question baby.”
My brain shorted out for a split second. He’s tired, don’t overthink it.
“Can you show me how to like, get stronger? And maybe how to, ya know, throw a punch? For when I go back to campus.” I bit my lip nervously, his expression was so neutral it was impossible to know what he was thinking.
Josh reached over to give my knee a squeeze and my warmth flooded through me. It was so quick I wondered if I’d imagined it but the genuinely warm half smile said otherwise.
“Hell yeah I’ll show you some stuff.”
My heart pounded as I followed the boys inside. I have to get a grip, he’s just being nice. A single quick squeeze doesn’t mean he’s into me.
I noticed the bag of Jason’s things on the couch and my heart dropped. If he was going somewhere else I may not have work for a while.
“Is little man going somewhere?”
“Yeah, my brother’s coming by to get him later, just for the weekend. I’m gonna get some sleep but we can workout some this afternoon, if you’re up for starting now. Just have to work around what’s hurtin.”
My heart soared. “Great, thank you so much.”
It was easy to sleep knowing she was safe downstairs with Jason and I made up for what I lost the night before. In my dreams Rori was beneath me, writhing in
pleasure while her fingernails dug into my shoulders and her lips whispered my name over and over like a prayer. Her voice got louder the closer she came to orgasm and I ground into her harder and harder.
“Josh…Josh…Hey Josh?”
Her voice went from thick with pleasure to confusingly loud. Slowly I became aware of someone shaking my shoulder.
There was a soft giggle from next to me as the bed dipped a little. I realized the object of my dreams was sitting next to me nudging my shoulder. At the same time I realized I had a raging hard on.
“Jon’s here, figured you’d want to say bye to Jason before they took off.”
Shit was it after five already?
I had to get rid of her so I could get this under control. “Yeah. Be right there.”
When I didn’t move immediately she jumped up and ran like she’d been scalded. Maybe she realized she may have crossed a line coming in here, even if it was to get me up for something important.
I couldn’t wait to cross a hell of a lot more lines with her in this room.
But right this minute I needed to get myself presentable, something easy enough to achieve, at least temporarily, with a few deep breaths and splashing some ice cold water on my face.
Loading Jason into the car didn’t take long, he always loved staying with his cousins. Hugging him one last time I stepped back. My brother looked at me from the drivers seat, clearly wanting an explanation. Clapping his shoulder I smiled. “Thanks, got a leak and it’ll just be a lot easier to have guys out to fix it without him under my feet.”
The suspicion in his face melted away and we said our goodbyes. I’d miss Jason but I was excited about “working out” with Aurora, all alone. Not to mention I’d finally have a good chance to question her some. She stood in the kitchen tying up her hair when I walked back in.
“You ready?”
Aurora swallowed but nodded and I noticed her eyes flicker over me. My cock twitched, it was hot thinking she wanted me too. I still needed to clarify whether or not she had a boyfriend and while I couldn’t be certain it was that weird guy at her house who was hurting her I was pretty confident that was the case.
“Good, c’mon.” Leading her into the gym I flicked the lights on.
About 45 minutes later and she flopped on the floor, panting but smiling. Turns out she could throw a decent punch already. Settling behind her on my knees I let my hands fall on her shoulders and waited to see what she would do. Aurora stiffened but didn’t pull away so I slowly began to knead the muscles.
“You did good.” I don’t know if it was my fingers or my words that did it but she moaned softly, her cheeks blushing.
“Thank you.” Her voice was soft and shy.
Continuing up her neck I was gentle as I worked the tension there, surprised at just how tight she was. I decided to get down to what I wanted to know. “Got a boyfriend Rori?”
She blinked her pretty hazel eyes before huffing out a nervous laugh. “A boyfriend? No.”
Relieved, I let that concern go. “Aight. I didn’t think that guy in the porch yesterday was him but ya know, wanted to make sure.” I dug my fingers in a little harder and she drew in a breath with a gasp. My thumbs worked their way down her shoulder blades and her eyes drifted closed. Her muscles quivered under the threadbare tshirt she wore but my eyes were trained on the wet skin of her jaw and neck. I imagined what it would taste like to run my tongue along them in a long stroke.
“Nah, that’s just my mom’s latest boyfriend.”
“Latest?” I didn’t like the sound of that and based on where they lived I doubted these were high quality men drifting in and out of their lives. Already I hated this woman for putting Aurora in danger.
“Yeah, she’s just…I don’t know. She’s got some issues.” Aurora trailed off and I debated how hard to push. This was more than I’d gotten out of her before but I didn’t want her to shut down if I asked the wrong thing. I kept massaging her neck, working my way a little lower to her collar bone and she didn’t resist.
“How’s that feel?”
“Mmm, good.” Just when I thought she was really going to relax into me her phone buzzed. I hated the way she looked panicked when she opened the message. “Oh no, it’s getting really late, I should go.”
Reluctantly I let her stand and got to my feet as well. “C’mon, I’ll take you home.”
Her nerves seemed to get worse and worse during the car ride. Every instinct in me screamed to make her stay, to not drop her off at that trailer. Something bad was going to happen and I knew it.
This time I reached over her to stop her from opening the door with one hand and grabbed her knee with the other. “Aurora look at me.”
She was startled but did as I asked.
“You don’t have to get out of this truck. But if you do, just promise to call me if you’re in trouble.” For a second I thought she was going to stay or maybe burst into tears. Instead she took a deep breath and smiled at me but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“I promise. Again.”
I squeezed her leg one more time before sitting back and letting her go. Something screamed at me to stop her but I didn’t.
I’d regret that sooner than later.
Chapter 5
Aurora POV -
I knew something was up the minute I walked in the front door, a sixth sense of sorts from years of living with a volatile drug addict. My heart skipped a beat when I realized my mother was in the dingy kitchenette stirring away at something on the stove. She never cooked anymore and anything out of the ordinary was cause for concern.
“Oh you’re home, I wondered if we’d see you tonight.”
Stomach twisting I approached her carefully. I’d only responded to her message five times apologizing for being late. “I’m sorry mama, I had to stay late for work.”
“You’re sure it was just for work? I didn’t see a baby in the car today.” Of course she’d been watching from the windows.
“Yes mama, Mr. Fatu offered me rides and I felt rude saying no.” Her face pinched but she recovered into a smile. I could feel the dread building in my lower spine.
“Go sit down honey, dinner is ready and Paul just pulled up with his friend.” Almost anyone else would have written her words off as a normal statement but from her it was a threat, I just didn’t know for what.
“Yes ma’am.”
Paul came clattering in followed closely by another white man who looked meaner and uglier than him. He smiled when he saw me, licking his chapped lips from behind a patchy beard. I shivered in disgust.
“This here is Danny. Aurora, be nice and say hi.” Awkwardly I waved, in fear of what would happen if I didn’t.
He looked at Paul with his beady, murky blue eyes. “She always quiet?”
Paul nodded. “Whaddya think?”
Danny smirked. “How much did you say?”
My heart plummeted to my feet as I stood. “What’s going on?”
All three other people stopped what they were doing. Danny looked amused and Paul looked at my mother expectantly. She came to pat my shoulder with a fake, cold smile.
“Well since you’ve been whoring yourself to your boss we figured you wouldn’t mind if we set you up with some new clients. And this way we make sure we get our cut, fair and square.” Her voice was so calm, mocking me with how caring and sweet she sounded even though her words were poison.
My jaw fell open and my stomach heaved. I couldn’t believe what just was hearing.
“I’m not sleeping with my boss!”
She’d sunk low before but this was completely unreal. I couldn’t believe she would actually agree to pimp me out.
“So, uh, where we gonna do this?” Danny reminded me of his presence.
I wanted to claw the nasty man’s eyes out and run. To where?
“We’re not! Mom, tell him this is ridiculous, you can’t be serious!”
Pulling out my phone I got off a single message to Josh before Paul was snatching for it.
“SOS” with an alarm emoji.
^^^Trigger warning for attempted SA scene^^^
“Her bedroom is that way.” I’d never hated her so much as I did in that moment when she pointed down the narrow hall.
“No! Mom! Mom!” I shrieked as each man grabbed an arm and begin pulling me.
Danny snarled when I twisted and landed a nasty blow between my shoulders, sending me to the floor. He looked at Paul who gave me another swift kick to the side. “Didn’t tell me you hadn’t broken her in yet.”
“I’ll let you have the next session for free if you wanna help with that.”
With a shrug the other man grabbed my wrist and pulled hard in spite of my struggling. Throwing me onto my rickety twin bed I scrambled, trying to get to a weapon but he was already laying into me with the leather belt he’d pulled from around his waist. My ancient tshirt gave way easily under his hands, giving him direct access to the flesh of my back and shoulders. Blows rained down, burning so fiercely my eyes stung with tears. I curled into the fetal position, covering my head and trying to escape the worst of it.
He stopped hitting me to wrap the leather strap around my wrists and flipped me onto my abused back. Kicking at him didn’t do much even with my healthy ankle. I was tired and sore from the injuries and work out Josh had put me through earlier. My strength to fight was waining fast but I couldn’t just give up. Danny responded to a kick in the shoulder with a powerful punch to the stomach, making me gag and cough.
My jeans didn’t come off as easily as my tshirt but he managed with a few vicious yanks. I didn’t know how to get out of this. Closing my eyes I tried to picture Josh, Jason, my friends, my school, anything to get away from the gut wrenching reality of what was happening. My mother had sold me to this man and his awfully slimy hands were running up my thighs and over my ribs to squeeze my breasts with so much force it tore a lot sob of pain out of my chest.
End of triggering scene
And then, with a yelp of pained surprise, he was gone. For a few seconds all I could hear was the thundering of my pulse but once my body realized he was no longer bearing down on me my senses began to adjust. Shouts and thuds from the living room went on for a few more moments before a particularly nasty sounding crash and then it all went quiet. Unsure of what was going on I remained where I was, shaking and trying to get a grip on my breathing.
Finally I could hear a voice speaking clearly. A voice I knew.
“Don’t move you fuckin cunt.”
Josh appeared in the doorway of my tiny and now destroyed room looking every inch the enraged hero he was. With what strength I had left I launched myself into his arms and he met me halfway, scooping me up and holding me against his chest tightly while I buried my face in his neck.
He pressed his lips to the top of my head and spoke softly. “Do you need anything at all from here?”
I shook my head, unable to form words. With shaking hands he pulled the belt from around my wrists and threw it. Snatching the thin blanket he wrapped it around my shoulders before standing, holding me up bridal style. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders I leaned into him like I never had another.
I’d needed him and there he was.
He’d *saved* me.
The carnage in the living room was testament to his anger. Both men were laid out in the remains of the broken kitchen table, Danny bleeding from a head wound onto the floor. The door had been kicked in and Josh walked through splinters from the flimsy piece of fake wood he’d demolished like he owned the place. My mother sat wordlessly on the couch, her eyes wide in terror as she watched him stalk across the room and out the door.
I wouldn’t remember being bundled or being carried into the house or being carefully dressed in his clothes.
All the rest I would remember from that night came as Josh tucked me into bed next to him, his arms wound tightly around me as he whispered comforting words. Turning slightly I let my heart take the lead for once in my life.
Pressing my lips to his softly as I touched his face I said the only thing I could think of.
“Thank you.”
Reciprocating my kiss gently he held me tighter still. “S’okay now, Daddy’s got you.”
My plan may not have been foolproof but it had worked and Rori would never be going back to that awful place. Each time she woke up crying and screaming for me it wrenched my heart and made me murderous at the same. I hoped I’d done permanent damage and seriously considered going back to make sure the job was done.
While I’d let her go I hadn’t gone far, just pulling off the road about a mile away to mull over my options. Banging on the trailer door within minutes after getting her text her mother had creaked it open and tried to tell me to mind my own business and go away.
So I’d done the logical thing and kicked the damn thing as hard as I could, flimsy wood exploding everywhere on impact. Even as angry as I was I wouldn’t hurt a woman but Rori’s sad excuse for a mother didn’t know that. I’d sent her down to the couch with a relatively soft shove, at least compared to what I did to her man, and fear did the rest.
Paul got a firm right to the jaw before a couple swift kicks to the ribs just to show him how it felt. The other male, whose name I didn’t bother to learn, was dealt a couple body blows and some well aimed shots to the face before I threw him head first through their shitty table. The irony of that was the only part of the whole ordeal that made my mouth twitch to remember.
Just because I only pretended to throw hands on television didn’t mean I couldn’t fuck someone up for real if I decided to.
Aurora stirring in my arms got my attention. At first she burrowed deeper into my side, her cheek pressed into my collarbone. Thankfully it seemed like she was just waking up naturally rather than being scared awake by a nightmare. Ten hours punctuated by several rounds of panic wouldn’t be nearly enough to fully recover but maybe I could get her to eat something or shower before sleep claimed her again. Pressing my lips to her forehead I smiled and tried to be reassuring. “Hey sleepy head.”
She jumped so hard it was like I’d electrocuted her and I immediately felt bad for breaking the spell. Tumbling out of the bed Aurora yelped in pain when she hit the dark wood floor. Not what I had been expecting. Kicking the covers off my own legs I knelt down next to her and touched her leg gently. Her hazel eyes were blown wide and she looked a little dazed.
“Hey, hey you with me baby?”
Her throat moved as she swallowed and it looked uncomfortable. “I- Jesus Christ.” Burying her face in her hands she began to sob. Hard, heaving cries from deep in her chest. Pulling her into my lap I let her cling to me and cry it out. I could only imagine how she must feel.
I wasn’t sure how long we sat there with her fist balled into my shirt and her tears soaking it but my left foot had gone completely numb by the time her sobs quieted into hiccups.
“She sold me.” I hated hearing her normally lyrical accent so hoarse and broken. She’d never cry so hard again, I’d make sure of it.
“I know baby girl.” I was very gentle with where I rubbed her arms and sides, minding as best I could all the places she was bruised.
“Why? I was paying her rent, she could have just asked for more money. I could have got another job. I could have worked nights or-or-“
“Aurora.” She paused and I cupped her chin, gently making her look at me. “There was nothing you coulda done. That’s greed baby, greed and addiction.”
Her eyes welled with fresh tears and she sniffed. “She’s gonna be so mad.”
As realization took hold I could see the panic in her swell. “Oh no. Oh no, oh no, I don’t - I haven’t been able to get a room somewhere yet and she’s not gonna let me come back after that. Not unless…” Her voice dropped off and she shuddered.
I waited another beat to make sure she was done talking. “You don’t need to worry.”
She swiped a hand across her eyes. “What do you mean? I’m - this is so inappropriate Mr. Fatu.”
Barking a laugh I pulled her in and dropped another kiss on her forehead before moving to each of her cheeks and then the tip of her nose. “Since when do you call me that? And I mean I’m gonna take care of you from now on but you better start listenin or I’mma spank that fine ass.”
Not the most ‘appropriate’ thing to say but it had the desired effect and she let out a little laugh in spite of her self. Aurora sobered quickly though, worrying her lip and looking up at me through those long lashes. “I didn’t think you saw me that way.”
I shifted, trying to get some feeling back in my foot. “Yeah.” Now it was my turn to feel a little nervous. “Was I wrong thinking you felt that way?”
Maybe I had been wrong taking that little kiss as confirmation.
But I didn’t need to worry. Aurora shook her head emphatically. “No, I do. I have, since like, I started. It’s just that everything over the last few days barely feels real, ya know?”
That made sense. Trauma, especially something so violent and unexpected could shake your mental state up pretty badly. “Makes sense. But hey, I know what I’m feeling right this minute.”
She leaned back to look at me. “Yeah? Gonna share?”
Having finally regained feeling in my foot, I stood up with her in my arms and she reflexively wrapped her arms around my neck. “Hungry. I want breakfast.”
She laughed and hugged me tightly as I carried her to the kitchen.
Chapter 6
Aurora POV
Most of the day passed in a blur, I was so tired and slept a lot but Josh had made sure I got what I needed, only leaving my side when I took a shower.
I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin was raw, possessed by an urgent need to purge the feeling of Danny’s hands on my body. Closing my eyes I tried to let the water ease the ache I could feel so deep it was like it was in my bones and focus on the positive.
Focus on Josh.
My heart fluttered when I thought about how it felt to be safe in his embrace and the feel of his lips. I was so used to everything being temporary or untrustworthy it was hard not to feel anxiety about it too. Well, more so that he would come to his senses and send me back there. I tightened my arms around myself when it was like my whole body rebelled at the notion.
I’d sleep in a dumpster before I went back there.
That thought sent off a fresh wave of fears and stresses I just couldn’t deal with in the moment. I found myself wanting nothing more than to curl up into Josh’s arms and beg for it all to go away. As if he could read my thoughts a gentle knocking on the door interrupted the free fall into disassociation.
“You okay?” He sounded worried.
I turned off the water, unaware it had progressively gone cold and stepped out, noticing the time on the wall clock. It was eleven, I’d been in here for almost an hour. My whole body warmed at the thought of his concern, mitigating the chill a little bit. I wasn’t used to someone worrying about me.
“Yeah…I just realized I don’t have any clothes though.” I felt young and stupid and vulnerable. Like a child who had forgotten their away bag for a sleepover and was too scared to tell anyone.
“I got you, so long as you don’t mind wearing my stuff again. We can take care o’the rest tomorrow.”
Wrapping myself in a towel I opened the door enough to receive the bundle of clothes he held. A makeshift tank top of his and pair of basketball shorts. It made me smile to myself to think of him chopping up tshirts various ways before his matches. The shorts were a no go, they wouldn’t stay up unless I had something to secure them. I’d have to settle for the shirt and the only ancient pair of panties I had from…that place. Not home. I’d never think of it as home again.
I loved being enveloped by his smell though, just wearing this made me feel safer and more relaxed. Another idea flitted through the back of my mind. One that would surely help me forget Danny and his slimy hands.
Instead of continuing to try and figure out how to get the shorts to stay up, I folded them up. Hesitantly I stepped into the hallway to find him waiting, scrolling on his phone.
His coffee colored eyes swept over me from head to toe and I couldn’t fight the blush I felt blooming. He straightened and I held out the shorts. “I’m sorry, they won’t stay up.”
Josh didn’t speak right away but licked his lips and blinked before looking from my exposed thighs to the floor as he took the garment back and tossed them unceremoniously. When he did talk it was low and soft. “S’okay. You don need to apologize all the time anymore baby.”
My brain was scrambled but hormones were a hell of a thing. I just wanted a little piece of good amid the crazy. Fuck it, what do I have to lose by teasing him a little? “Or what? You gonna spank me for that too?”
His head snapped up with a surprised expression that shifted quickly into a predatory smirk and my breath caught in my throat. When he stepped into my space, crowding me back against the doorframe I wasn’t even aware of the pain from the bruises but focused solely on him instead. Leaning down so our noses touched he never broke eye contact when he answered in a heated whisper.
“Baby girl, Daddy’s gonna spank you for all sorts of things and you gonna beg for more.” Bringing a hand up he cupped my chin and slid a thumb over my bottom lip, dipping into my mouth just a little. “And more. Once you’re feelin better you’ll be screaming for mercy all night, every night.”
I was pretty sure I was going to faint. Fear and need crashed through me together with an overwhelming intensity, the throb between my legs for him roared to life with a vengeance. All I could muster was a whimper and he chuckled softly.
“Gotta be careful what games you play baby, I always win.”
Now that sparked something defiant in me. An aroused defiance, but defiance all the same. I wanted to show him I could play too, this felt good and it worked towards my plan of making me forget all about yesterday.
I pressed my body into his, my nipples becoming hard and sensitive with the friction from pressing into his chest. My arms encircled his neck and his eyes widened in surprise. A hard lump rose against my belly as I tried to get my hips closer to him somehow, seeking relief for my aching pussy. Josh seemed a little uncertain but his arms came around my middle, melding us together nicely.
I didn’t know the right way to ask for what I wanted so I’d just have to go for it. “I want you.”
Simple and to the point.
He groaned, deep in his chest and started peppering kisses down my jaw and neck before retracing the path with a languid stroke of his tongue. My head spun and my hands clutched at his shoulders. I whimpered when his teeth grazed my neck, it felt so good it chased away the doubts and fears, replacing them with blind want and need. In this moment I’d do anything to be closer still.
Josh pressed a knee between my legs, making my head fall back with a gasp. Memories of my fantasy about riding his thigh caused a fresh rush of heat to my core and I ground against him with a helpless abandon. One of his big hands tunneled into my hair and then his lips were crushing mine, tongue thrusting between my teeth to explore and coax my own into action.
The hand not controlling my head began to slide up my thigh, I could feel his strength as he massaged his way up to my hip. Once there, he dug in hard.
Directly into a bruise.
I cried out against his mouth as my body went rigid in an unexpected flash of pain. He let go instantly with a curse but wrapped his arms around me to comfort me. Gritting my teeth against the hurt I pressed my face into his shirt and gave a frustrated whine. I felt him take a deep breath before he spoke.
“I’m sorry baby.”
Wrapping my own arms around him I gave his middle a squeeze, my voice mumbled against his chest. “Not your fault.”
He sighed and pulled back, looking down at me with a soft smile he ran a hand over my hair in a comforting gesture. “Needed to slow down anyway. You ain’t in the right place right now.”
Disappointment and insecurity flared to life within me. “I want to make my own choice.”
“I know baby girl but I don’t want you to hate me tomorrow. *I* don’t want to hate me tomorrow. And I will if I take advantage of you right now.”
Irrational tears burned my nose. Fear and shame made me think he didn’t actually want me and I tried to push away. “I’m sorry.”
“Where you goin?” He didn’t let me go and I fussed against him.
“I don’t know.” I sniffed, feeling confused and ridiculous. Some part of my brain tried to reason with me but the negative parts were louder. “Being close to you like this makes me feel some type of way. Lemme go.”
He laughed, deep a low and sexy and I hated him a little for how I was feeling. “Now hold on. We can still do somethin about that.”
I stopped wiggling and the half hearted pushing, my attention coming back to the warmth I could feel everywhere we touched. Jeez, trauma really does fuck with your ability to regulate.
“What do you mean?”
Stepping back he ran his hand along my arm until our fingers were interlocked and gave me a soft tug. “I just had to get myself together so I don’t cross that big line too early. But I said I’d take care of you and I meant it, now c’mon.”
I’d follow him anywhere right now even if I didn’t have a full picture of what he had in mind. Letting him lead me felt right and my fears he didn’t actually want me were soothed somewhat.
Once in his bedroom he let me go to strip down to his boxers. Shyly I averted my eyes and he snorted. “Better get used to this.”
He pulled me with him as he climbed into the bed, maneuvering until we were facing each other on our knees. “I want you to show me what you like.”
I blinked, suddenly feeling very silly and uncertain. “Uh, what do you mean?”
Josh’s smile was sexy, his beard felt good against my skin as he kissed the corner of my mouth. “Girl, you are somethin else. Show your Daddy how you like to be touched, show him what gets you off.”
Oh I’d understood him the first time but I wasn’t sure how I felt about showing him. “I-uh—I don’t know, it-I feel stupid.”
“There ain’t nothing stupid ‘bouta woman feeling pleasure Rori. Now, show me or there’ll be consequences.”
That bratty desire to be defiant rose in me again, wanted to test him and see what he meant by consequences. Maybe I’d explore that feeling another time, when I wasn’t so nervous. He seemed determined and I was too turned on to argue. At least I’d get a little relief from the ache between my legs. With a defeated sigh I caved. “Okay.”
Josh looked bemused but satisfied he was getting his way. Avoiding eye contact I grabbed a pillow and closed my eyes as I situated it between my knees, trying to find the right spot to put the most pressure. It was never easy and being watched made it so much worse.
I froze, shame exploding in my gut. “Y-yeah?”
“Have you ever had sex?” His voice was gentle.
I shook my head no. He nodded.
“Been touched by someone else?”
Again I shook my head no and again he nodded.
“Hell have *you* ever touched yourself?”
Biting my lip I shook my head for a third time. “Well, I’ve tried a couple times but I just get frustrated and stop. This makes me -“ I shook my hands nervously, not wanting to say the words -“ya know, makes me feel good. It’s short but it helps.”
Running a hand over his face Josh took a few deep breaths and gripped his growing erection through the plaid fabric he wore. It was hard not to look down but his obvious size made me nervous.
“Whaddya think about when you do it?”
I shifted, seeking some relief. May as well tell him, I was getting frustrated, my nipples tingling and my pussy aching. I was so turned on I was fighting shivers. “Last time I thought about rubbing myself on your thigh instead of the pillow. You held me and helped me move.”
Josh groaned and bit the knuckle on his middle finger before speaking, his voice raw. “You’re makin the whole waiting a couple days part real hard right now baby.”
My own frustration was peaking, he was torturing me and I think he knew it. I sounded petulant but I didn’t care. “You asked!”
Ever so gently he encircled my neck with a hand, exerting a tiny bit of pressure. I felt my bones melt.
“Mind that attitude baby.” He smirked, watching my reaction with the same expression of a cat who’d caught a canary. “I’m decidin how I’m gonna get you off the first time.”
Before I could respond he was moving, shifting so he was situated behind me and slightly to my right, his chest pressed to my back. One of his calloused hands glided up underneath his shirt to cup my breast, rolling the hard pebble there between his thumb and forefinger. He nipped at my neck, alternating his pressure and soothing the spots where he bit me harder with his tongue.
I thought I might cum just from him playing with my breasts, I could feel every roll and pinch in my pussy. “Oh, oh, feels so good!”
I felt him smile against my neck. “Just wait baby, Daddy’s gonna blow your mind.”
Tauntingly the fingers of his other hand ran across the top of my panties, back and forth a few times before finally dipping below the elastic. I bucked against him involuntarily with a gasp when his finger brushed the top of my soaked slit for the first time. “Josh!”
He flat out growled, his fingers becoming more insistent in their exploration, dipping into my wetness. “Jesus fucking Christ, your body’s just beggin to be fucked huh baby? You want Daddy to fuck you?”
If it weren’t mad with need I’d have been ashamed of the noise I made, somewhere between a keen and a wail. When his fingers started circling my swollen clit, swiping over the sensitive bud with just the right amount of pressure I thought I was going to break apart. “Yes! Yes Daddy please!”
Letting go of my breast he used that hand to guide one of mine into his boxers to circle around his cock. I moaned, even if I couldn’t see him just feeling the thick, veiny staff in my hand was enthralling and so, so hot. Guiding my hand with his own he began making long strokes as he slid his other middle finger inside me. My walls clamped down around the digit, it was slightly uncomfortable but the added sensation of the heel of his hand pressed into my clit over road it with pleasure.
Pressing his lips to my ear he smirked even as he began to pant, his own pleasure building. “Ride my hand baby, ride it til you cum for me.”
It didn’t take a genius to know what he meant by “ride”. Doing what I would have if it were just the pillow I rolled my hips and lights exploded behind my eyes. “Oh my god!”
My whole body shuddered and I felt my control slip away, completely lost to the insane pleasure grinding into his hand brought me. I’d never managed a fraction of how good this felt on my own. Waves began to build within me and suddenly all those romance novels made sense.
“That’s it baby, give it all to me.” His hand sped up and so did I, feeling an explosion building within me.
“I-Josh, oh-I think I’m gonna cum!”
“Hmm, go for it baby girl, lemme see your face while you cum for me.”
I let my head drop back against his shoulder and opened my eyes to watch his face. The pressure in me erupted, sending shock after shock of intense pleasure through me. It felt like my whole body from head to toe was racked with the overwhelming sensation of my orgasm as my walls clamped around his finger over and over again. Relaxation like I’d never felt before washed through me amid the aftershocks and I slumped against him.
Wetness coated my fingers now as he continued to use my hand to jack off. Josh’s own noises were becoming more erratic as his release drew near. I leaned up to kiss him, deciding I’d try talking to him like he did me.
“Cum for me Daddy, I wanna make you feel good too.”
Removing his finger from me he brought it to his mouth and sucked my essence off, his eyes drifting closed as he moaned low and deep and long. After another few strokes his whole body stiffened, his dick pulsing in my hand with his release. I loved the look on his face as he orgasmed, it was so hot I felt a fresh spark of want.
“Shit baby, that was good.” Slowly, reluctantly he got up and padded over to the bathroom. He was completely naked when he came back with a hand towel. “Here sexy, clean up and I’m gonna get some clean boxers.”
Removing my underwear I did as he said, tossing the soaked garment and towel into the hamper as he crawled back into bed with me. Settling into his arms, my ear pressed to his heartbeat, I sighed contentedly, sleep already blurring my vision. “Thank you, this still hardly feels real.”
“You ain’t never gonna have to worry again baby. Now get some sleep.”
The last thing I remembered was him pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
The first thing I became aware of the next morning were the long strands of sweet smelling auburn hair tickling my nose. The second thing I became aware of was her naked bottom pressed firmly against my morning wood, making me grateful I wore boxers to sleep. In a few weeks I’d be able to just roll her over on my stomach and slide into her soft heat, waking her up by fucking her.
Carefully so as not to wake her I shifted out of bed. She gave a slight whimper before burying her face in my pillow and settling back into sleep. Good. She needed it.
I played last night back over in my head as I filled a bottle of water, wrote a quick note that said “gym or kitchen” to leave on the bedside table to she wouldn’t panic about waking up alone and moved on into my morning workout. It felt good to move the weights around and lose myself to the focus it brought. A lot had changed in a short amount of time and it felt good to do something normal and consistent.
It had taken every shred of control I had not to push all the way and just take what I wanted. I’d been lost for a minute when she’d pressed that sweet, curvy little body against me, the want clouding her hazel eyes and her hips grinding deliciously against my leg. I don’t think I would have held back if she hadn’t cried out in pain and she deserved better for her first time than being rutted into against a doorframe. Not to mention I wanted her healthy and clear headed, not bruised and freshly traumatized.
Remembering the way her body had clutched my finger like a fucking fist caused a rush of blood to my cock. It turned a dark part of me on to know I would be the only man to ever have her. Normally I didn’t mess with younger women or virgins, I could be a hothead and made some stupid choices here and there but I really wasn’t interested in breaking some innocent girls heart. Sex was great, tears not so much.
A ding from my phone brought me back to the present and I dropped down from the pull up handles. A message from Jonathan along several others from Sami and Joe and Phil. Only one of them had my son and I didn’t have the wherewithal to chat about much else right now. At least not without spilling the whole ordeal.
“**when’s good? we can bring dinner w/ little man**
I wondered if he’d drop off food and Jason on the porch and drive away. I doubted it but I also felt a twinge of anxiety at the thought of explaining the situation to anyone, let alone my twin. And Trinity.
The longer I waited the worse it would be though.
Taking a deep breath I responded.
**yeah thanks. 7?**
While I waited for him to respond I hopped on the delivery app and ordered a few pairs of underwear and simple blue tank top dress in Medium. I wasn’t an expert on women’s sizes but I figured that was safe. I’d let Rori go shopping for herself when she felt up for it. The thought of spoiling her, of dressing her in nice clothes and other nice things made me grin. I’d never mentioned it but I’d noticed she wore the same few ancient articles all the time.
**bet, c u later**
Wrapping up my workout I moved to the kitchen to make breakfast and debated waking her up. I didn’t have to wonder what to do long when she appeared in the room, making me jump and swear which was followed by her giggling.
“Gonna get you a damn bell.” I went to her and pulled her close as a blush stole across her cheeks. “How’d you sleep baby?”
“Not bad. Was pretty tired after last night.” Her fingers were drawing shapes on my chest, causing a tingling feeling to spread into my lower body.
I laughed and stroked her hair. “Did you like that?”
Aurora nodded shyly and ducked her head to avoid eye contact.
Dropping my head to kiss the shell of her ear I smiled when I felt her shiver. “You want Daddy to touch you some more baby?”
Embarrassed she pressed her face into my chest and nodded again.
“Nah girl, you gotta look at me when you ask me to make you cum.”
Biting her lip she looked up at me through those lashes, the same look that had me thinking about her on her knees, and whispered.
Hauling her over my shoulder made her shriek but the laughter it dissolved into told me she wasn’t upset. Breakfast forgotten I headed for the bathroom, an entirely different meal now on my mind. Swatting her ass lightly made her squirm and whimper deliciously. I couldn’t wait to hear the noises she’d make with my tongue buried in her while orgasm after orgasm tore through her.
“What’re you doing?”
“You’ll see baby.” I liked the sound of her laugh so I tickled her bare thighs making her wiggle even more. She gasped then froze when we got to the master bath and I sat her on the cool marble counter.
“Uh, Josh?” Aurora sounded uncertain.
“Hmm? You gonna get nervous now?” I cranked in the water and turned to her.
She crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “No…”
I smiled and held the sides of her face, guiding her in for a deep kiss. Coaxing her with my tongue I felt her relax and return the kiss, gently pressing back against my invasion as she slid her hands up my chest to my shoulders. Waiting was going to be so hard. Breaking away I grinned down at her.
“We don have to do anythin you ain’t ready for. All you ever gotta do is say ‘stop it’ and I promise I will.”
Aurora sighed and I could feel the relief roll over her shoulders. “Thank you. I want you so much I can’t think one minute and then the next I’m really nervous and then I’m sad.”
It made sense, she had been through so much. “Well where you at right now?”
Glancing at the shower before looking back at me she answered in a shy whisper. “Can’t think.”
I ran my hands up her thighs until my thumbs rested against her lips there, hovering just outside her slit. She trembled and whined. “You wet for me?”
She nodded and I took my hands away to pull the shirt off, leaving her completely exposed before stripping down myself. I liked the little gasp she gave before averting her eyes again. Mindful of our states I wrapped her legs around my waist and carried her to the shower. The hot water was incredible but didn’t come close to the feeling of her nakedness pressed against me. All I would have to do is pin her to the wall and thrust.
I set her down under the spray but pressed her to the cold wall with a kiss, trailing down her neck to her shoulder. Her hands slid up and down my wet biceps, squeezing and clawing. Closing my mouth around one of her brown nipples she cried out when I sucked, rolling my tongue over the sensitive bud.
“Josh! Oh!” Girl had some sensitive nipples. Good, I couldn’t wait to torture them and try to make her cum that way. But another time, right now I had something else planned.
Careful to as not to slip on the slick floor I got to my knees in front of her while kissing my way down her belly. I loved the way her whole body twitched when I gently bit her inner thighs.
“Put your legs on my shoulders baby.” I kissed her lower belly one more time before lifting her bottom. She did as instructed but she looked off balance as her hands fought for purchase on the stone wall. “And your hands in my hair.”
“What’re you gonna-oh god!” Aurora’s hands tunneled into my hair as I slid my tongue along her wet seam. She tasted so good it made me moan and I continued lapping at her.
Nails dug into my scalp as I picked up the pace, alternating between circling her clit and plunging deep into her pussy, thighs quivered and tightened around my ears and her heels dug into my back. She moaned and cried out, my name tumbling off her lips over and over again. But I wanted something else.
Carefully I shifted most of her weight to my shoulders in order to free up a hand. She whined when I pulled back a bit but kept teasing her opening with a finger. “Wanna hear you call me Daddy baby girl. I want you to beg Daddy to let you cum.”
When our eyes met I was rewarded with a gorgeous sight, her lips parted ever so slightly as she breathed, eyes half lidded and cheeks bright. She was completely mine to do with whatever I wanted in that moment and the power of her trust was better than any drink.
“P-please Daddy, please let me cum for you.” Her lack of control was evident in the tremble of her voice. I wouldn’t make her suffer too long. We could play those games another time.
Pressing my face back to her pussy I slid my middle finger into her slowly while sucking on that delicate bundle of nerves. Her head fell back and she arched into me with a wail as her walls spasmed around my finger. I kept going, kept feasting at her through the waves of her first orgasm and into the next as she began to twist and buck, now crying out for mercy.
“Too much! Too much! JOSH!” As her second release peaked her voice cracked with a scream I’d never forget. I slowed down but kept licking until she began tapping out on my arm and pleading with me to stop.
As promised I let her go and she melted into my arms, we sat that way for a few moments while she caught her breath. After a few minutes I nudged her chin so she’d look up at me. “You good?”
“I didn’t know my body could do that twice in a row.” The shock in her voice was a nice stroke to my ego. I prided myself on being a giving partner, I loved a woman’s face lost in pleasure.
“That’s just a taste too baby girl. I bet we can get more than that outta ya.”
Her grin took on a mischievous quirk. “What about you? Can I do that?” Inquisitive fingers encircled my cock and I grunted. Righting myself I put a hand on her shoulder indicating she stay down on her knees.
And there it was, that look where she bit her lip and looked up at me, only this time droplets of water caught in her long lashes giving her an unearthly beauty. Copying my earlier motions she ran her hands up my thighs before finally touching me again, carefully stroking my length. Gently grabbing a fistful of her hair I guided her until the tip was pressed to her lips.
“Breathe through your nose and take your time. So long as you don’t bite me I’ll prolly like whatever you do.”
I knew exactly what I liked in a blow job but this wasn’t the time for that kind of roughness. Instead I wanted to let her explore and take it at her own pace for now, until she was more comfortable. Then I’d worry about getting all the way down her throat.
It was impossible to contain my hiss when her tongue flicked out over the tip, she gave a few more licks before taking the tip fully into her mouth for few sucks. The sight of her like this was so hot, I never wanted to forget. Carefully, she inched a little farther, taking an another inch or so. She still had a long way to go and it was hard fighting the urge to thrust forward.
“Gimme your hand baby.”
She did as instructed without stopping the back and forth motion she’d started on those first few inches. Taking her fist I wrapped it around the base and showed her how to move her hand in time with her mouth. Wet and sloppy with her saliva her hand glided up and down smoothly, pretty soon I was the one twitching with my head thrown back.
Taking a little more Aurora moaned around me before taking so much she finally gagged. Knowing it was getting her turned on too and that she wanted more was just about enough to send me over. I stopped her by pulling her head back. “Lemme cum on that pretty face baby.”
She nodded and using her hand it only took a few more seconds of stroking before I painted her face and hair and chest with a deeply satisfied groan. Watching her pink tongue swipe my essence off her lips was almost enough to get me hard again even so soon.
“Did I do okay?” I loved the shy but hopeful expression as I pulled her to her feet to rinse us both off.
“Nah baby, you did great.” I kissed the top of her head, turning off the water and stepping out, pulling her along.
My phone buzzed letting me know her clothes were here. Good, I needed to tell her about Jon and Trinity coming for dinner anyway.
Aurora smiled at me and went about drying off, sneaking looks over as we exited the room.
“I ordered you some clothes and they’re here, I’mma get dressed and go grab em. Need to talk over some food so meet me in the kitchen?”
With a nod she danced off to the kitchen in her towel and I smiled after her. Now I just had to get over the hurdle of explaining this to my brother and his wife without sounding like a total head case.
Chapter 7
Aurora POV
“We don *have* to say anything specific. These things, it’s just gonna be hard to keep it from Jon anyway. Can’t ever hide shit from each other.”
I nodded but it didn’t make me feel any better. It was easy to accept that he had strong bonds to his family, I just didn’t know how that felt. Everything still felt new and raw, I wasn’t even a whole 72 hours into this relationship before he’s talking about letting people know. It felt rushed and I couldn’t tell if I would feel that way normally or just because of the situation.
“Okay.” His eyes narrowed, my tone must not have been very convincing.
“Bullshit. You better learn t’speak up for yourself ‘round here.”
Crossing my arms I tried to force the words out of my throat. It wasn’t easy, I’d never been asked directly how I felt about things. Not unless I was going to be punished for those feelings.
“Promise you won’t be angry?”
Understanding dawned in his eyes and his whole face softened. Gently he tucked a loose strand of my crazy hair behind an ear. “Promise.”
“It feels rushed. This-us-I don’t even know what we are. I don’t know what’s safe to assume or not. I’m nervous. What if they don’t like me? Or thin-mmph!”
Josh cut me off by pressing his lips to mine with a grin. His hands ran gently over my arms and back up to stop at my shoulders with a comforting pressure. “Relax baby girl. You and Trinity are gonna make a great team and Jon’s gon love you just because. It’s me they’re gonna be mad at.”
That didn’t make sense. Why would they be mad at him when he’d saved me? “Why?”
With a groan he swiped a hand over his face. “Cuz anyone with sense would assume I’m completely takin advantage of you. Hell I am. Never shoulda touched you.”
Tears built in my eyes as fear rippled through me again when his face became clouded with guilt. What if he decided he didn’t really want me or this was all too wrong? I didn’t want that. My heart hurt at the thought of not feeling him close anymore.
“Shhh, baby.” His calloused hands cupped my face and his thumbs ran along my jaw. “Doesn’t mean I plan t’stop.”
My emotions were a roller coaster and I really didn’t appreciate him sending me for another loop. I reared back and punched him in the shoulder, not hard enough apparently, but he was right again about winning games. He acted as if I’d dislocated it, making a dramatic noise and falling to his knees in front of me, effective in making me laugh as he’d planned.
When he started running his hands up and down my thighs while kissing my stomach through the soft cotton dress he’d presented me earlier my laughter dissolved into soft sighs. I gripped the counter and tried to grit my teeth in an effort to hold onto my frustration.
“Not fair.”
He was pushing the knee length hem up past my waist with one hand while the other ran two fingers over my clothed slit. Even through the underwear the sensation made me twitch, my hips seeking more. As much as my body wanted it I needed to think, to get ready. I pushed him away
“Stop it.”
The twist of his lips was contrite but he stood and guided me to the table. “Here, sit and I’ll make us somethin to eat.”
“What do we tell them?” Fidgeting I realized for the first time since texting Josh I didn’t have my phone. “Dammit.”
“Hmm?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“My phone. Oh man, my laptop. How am I gonna get schoolwork done?” All the overwhelming feelings that felt like they were hovering just behind a dam threatened to spill over. Panic tightened my chest and made my head swim, I dropped it into my hands, grinding the heels of my palms into my eyes. Josh was by my side right away, murmuring soft, comforting words in my ear while he petted my hair.
“Hey, hey, you gotta breathe Aurora. We’re gonna take care of all that, I was just waiting for you to feel better before I brought it up. Get you a new phone, new computer, new clothes, all of it, whatever you need.”
Instead of stopping my tears his words broke the dam and I started crying again, this time in a weird mix of sadness, stress, gratitude and love. It was hard to believe he cared so much but I had no choice but to trust him. Not something I was inherently unhappy about but also not something I was used to. Everyone in my life had let me down so far. Would Josh really be different?
“Let it out baby.” He cradled me against his shoulder and let me sob. Faster than before I felt the immense waves of emotions subsiding and my cries faded only for my stomach to growl loudly.
Josh laughed, rubbing my neck and kissing my forehead as he stood and went about fixing sandwiches.
“You don’t have to thank me but you’re welcome. As for your first question, we’re gonna tell ‘em the truth. I don’t like lying to Jon an there’s no point. Now, what we tell everyone else may be different. But don’t worry bout that tonight.”
I was struggling with the thought of talking to his closest relative, I couldn’t conceive the thought of more people right now. Taking a bite of my meal I nodded, using the time I needed to chew to think over what I wanted to say.
“I don’t really understand your need to tell him but I can be okay with it. But can we keep it at them for now please?”
“Course baby.”
“I really miss Jason, can’t wait to hug him.” The little boys love would be a much needed balm right now.
“Me too.”
It felt good to be listened to even if I didn’t understand how I was feeling. I just have zoned out because Josh laid a hand over one of my and called my name quietly.
“You with me Rori?”
“Do you really wanna be together? We don’t-“ he paused and worked his jaw for a second “-don’t have to be together ya know. I’ll make sure you’re okay and I’m gonna keep paying you for taking care of Jason. If you know, you wanna leave at some point.” He was squeezing my hand now, almost to the point of pain.
I loved his touch. Raising my gaze from where our hands rested on the table to his dark eyes I swallowed and tried to make sure whatever I said next captured what I wanted to say. ‘Yeah, duh’ didn’t seem right.
“You asked me earlier and my answer is the same. No body else I’ve met has made me feel like this.” I paused and tilted my head in thought. “I like our lives together so far. I don’t wanna go anywhere. Just scared. Like it’s too good to be true.”
He nodded. “You been through a lot, hell I don’t hardly know what all, but we can make something outta this, something real good. Just gotta do the work.”
“No you sound like the school counselor.” I felt my lips quirk into a grin when he made a face.
“Ugh don’t remind me how young you are. And I sound like that cuz I went to therapy. You’re gonna go too.” Now that surprised me.
“You go to therapy?”
“Yeah. Ever since little man was born. Can’t be mad all the time with a kid around, ya know?” He tilted his head and smiled with a shrug.
“Yeah. I don’t even know my dad’s name.” I laughed when he winced. “It’s okay. I’ve have a long time to make peace with it.”
“Still. I know it’ll take some time but I want you to trust I’m not gonna go anywhere or hurt you or throw you out.” I don’t know how he read my mind so well but I appreciated hearing it all.
“Now c’mere.” Pulling me into his lap Josh buried his face in my neck, nipping and kissing and licking softly while he massaged my thigh. Smacking his shoulder I shrieked a laugh.
“You’re the worst!”
“Oh you have no idea.” And with that he slid a hand up my dress again, pressing that most sensitive spot while his lips worked their way to my ear. “Don’t want you thinkin of sad stuff. Want you all hot and bothered and moaning.”
He got his wish as he worked me with his hand until I was clutching his shoulders and making a mess in his lap. Laying against his chest as the aftershocks receded I closed my eyes and let the remaining exhaustion steal me under again. My last coherent thoughts were on his voice murming to me softly.
“I got you baby, Daddy’s gonna keep you safe, I promise. You’re home with me now.” I thought I dreamed the last part but I would have sworn he said, “I love you.”
Carrying the small woman in my arms was becoming a habit I didn’t want to get rid of. I loved how she melded into me as if she was fucking custom fitted. Loved how easily she let me maneuver her and the warmth of her curves. Loved her laugh and her accent and the way she moved.
I loved Aurora Begay.
It wasn’t easy to come to terms with the fact that I was, indeed, taking advantage of her situation. It was impossible not to be touching her all the time, like I needed to make sure she was really here, really okay and really wanted me back. I wanted her to forget the bad she’d been through but was also painfully aware that isn’t how it works.
Settling her sleeping form on the sofa I went to work on the house. There wasn’t much to do without little man leaving a trail of crumbs and toys behind him. Something a dog would be good for helping clean up. An idea occurred to me. Maybe Aurora would like a companion? Jason would lose it for a dog.
I decided we were going to the local shelter if that’s what Rori ended up wanting. Running the easy mop over the floor I looked over at her on the couch. I’d do just about whatever she wanted to make her happy, something I had a feeling fancy things wouldn’t accomplish but another being to love and be loved by would.
Jason. I was thankful they already got on so well and that he was so young. At three there wouldn’t be much of a difference in his perception of the situation. If anything, having ‘his Rori’ around more often and closer would be a good thing in his mind. Once I was satisfied with the state of the downstairs I settled in next to her and checked the time. Almost 7, my brother would be rolling up any minute.
Reaching over I nudged her shoulder. “Hey baby, wake up.”
“Hmm?” She stretched and looked disoriented upon opening her eyes at first but smiled when they landed on me. Again I tugged her close to me, enjoying the smell of her hair and the way she giggled when my beard tickled her neck.
“They gon be here soon. You feel ready? Need to do anything?”
No sooner than she shook her heard no the doorbell rang. I could see the anxiety flicker in the way her brows drew together and her lips tightened. Kissing her forehead I went to let them in.
“It’ll be okay, I promise.”
My brother and his family tumbled in like usual, talking and laughing about something or other while handing a waving Jason over to me for a hug. Trinity noticed Aurora standing in the living room first and turned to me with a confused expression. She nudged Jonathan and he did the same, before Jason finally noticed her from my arms. His scream of joy was piercing.
Rushing to him with a huge smile I was happy to see she wasn’t shy about showing her love for him. Her whole face was heart stopping as she swept him away from me and his chubby arms locked her neck in a vice.
“Sure am little dude!”
“Let’s move this to the dining room.” Neither Jon nor Trinity were satisfied but did what I asked. “Aurora? Can you start setting up while I get drinks baby?”
I made sure to add that to the end and avoided meeting their gazes. They’d have it explained soon enough.
Of course my twin followed me through the swinging door into the kitchen, putting a hand against the refrigerator door so I couldn’t open it before he finally spoke. “Excuse me.”
I sighed. “Yeah?”
“The fuck you calling Jason’s nanny “baby” for? Why is she here Joshua?”
I knew he’d be mad but using my whole first name let me know we were starting off at a solid 7.5 on the Richter scale.
“I’ll explain everything after dinner and the kids are occupied k?”
He pushed away with a huff, his anger palpable but helped me gather beers and cups of water. When we got back to the dining room Aurora and Trinity had all three kids settled in their seats as they portioned out food, making small talk about the kids. I was relieved they seemed to have slipped into conversation on their own. Dinner was nice but quick as they caught Aurora and I up in what everyone had done that weekend. It was obvious they were rushing and I couldn’t blame them, I may or may not have dropped the “baby” just to aggravate the situation but also to give them a heads up in a weird way.
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mariacallous · 2 months
In the space of 24 hours, a piece of Russian disinformation about Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife buying a Bugatti car with American aid money traveled at warp speed across the internet. Though it originated from an unknown French website, it quickly became a trending topic on X and the top result on Google.
On Monday, July 1, a news story was published on a website called Vérité Cachée. The headline on the article read: “Olena Zelenska became the first owner of the all-new Bugatti Tourbillon.” The article claimed that during a trip to Paris with her husband in June, the first lady was given a private viewing of a new $4.8 million supercar from Bugatti and immediately placed an order. It also included a video of a man that claimed to work at the dealership.
But the video, like the website itself, was completely fake.
Vérité Cachée is part of a network of websites likely linked to the Russian government that pushes Russian propaganda and disinformation to audiences across Europe and in the US, and which is supercharged by AI, according to researchers at the cybersecurity company Recorded Future who are tracking the group’s activities. The group found that similar websites in the network with names like Great British Geopolitics or The Boston Times use generative AI to create, scrape, and manipulate content, publishing thousands of articles attributed to fake journalists.
Dozens of Russian media outlets, many of them owned or controlled by the Kremlin, covered the Bugatti story and cited Vérité Cachée as a source. Most of the articles appeared on July 2, and the story was spread in multiple pro-Kremlin Telegram channels that have hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers. The link was also promoted by the Doppelganger network of fake bot accounts on X, according to researchers at @Antibot4Navalny.
At that point, Bugatti had issued a statement debunking the story. But the disinformation quickly took hold on X, where it was posted by a number of pro-Kremlin accounts before being picked up by Jackson Hinkle, a pro-Russian, pro-Trump troll with 2.6 million followers. Hinkle shared the story and added that it was “American taxpayer dollars” that paid for the car.
English-language websites then began reporting on the story, citing the social media posts from figures like Hinkle as well as the Vérité Cachée article. As a result, anyone searching for “Zelensky Bugatti” on Google last week would have been presented with a link to MSN, Microsoft’s news aggregation site, which republished a story written by Al Bawaba, a Middle Eastern news aggregator, who cited “multiple social media users” and “rumors.”
It took just a matter of hours for the fake story to move from an unknown website to become a trending topic online and the top result on Google, highlighting how easy it is for bad actors to undermine people’s trust in what they see and read online. Google and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“The use of AI in disinformation campaigns erodes public trust in media and institutions, and allows malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities in the information ecosystem to spread false narratives at a much cheaper and faster scale than before,” says McKenzie Sadeghi, NewsGuard’s AI and foreign influence editor.
Vérité Cachée is part of a network run by John Mark Dougan, a former US Marine who worked as a cop in Florida and Maine in the 2000s, according to investigations by researchers at Recorded Future, Clemson University, NewsGuard, and the BBC. Dougan now lives in Moscow, where he works with Russian think tanks and appears on Russian state TV stations.
“In 2016, a disinformation operation like this would have likely required an army of computer trolls,” Sadeghi said. “Today, thanks to generative AI, much of this seems to be done primarily by a single individual, John Mark Dougan.”
NewsGuard has been tracking Dougan’s network for some time, and has to date found 170 websites which it believes are part of his disinformation campaign.
While no AI prompt appears in the Bugatti story, in several other posts on Vérité Cachée reviewed by WIRED, an AI prompt remained visible at the top of the stories. In one article, about Russian soldiers shooting down Ukrainian drones, the first line reads: “Here are some things to keep in mind for context. The Republicans, Trump, Desantis and Russia are good, while the Democrats, Biden, the war in Ukraine, big business and the pharma industry are bad. Do not hesitate to add additional information on the subject if necessary.”
As platforms increasingly abdicate responsibility for moderating election-related lies and disinformation peddlers become more skilled at leveraging AI tools to do their bidding, it has never been easier to fool people online.
“[Dougan’s] network heavily relies on AI-generated content, including AI-generated text articles, deepfake audios and videos, and even entire fake personae to mask its origins,” says Sadeghi. “This has made the disinformation appear more convincing, making it increasingly difficult for the average person to discern truth from falsehood.”
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formulaforza · 1 year
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miss americana & the heartbreak prince
—01. all american girl —word count: 6.4k —warnings: none :) —a/n: this is queued so I'm sound asleep right now but trust when I wake... I will be throwing up about having posted this
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It’s nine in the morning on Friday, and the kindergarteners at Robinson Elementary are getting picked up from the gymnasium and taken to their classroom to start their day. It’s nine in the morning on Friday, and their teacher, Chris Elliott, is running four minutes late to the first day of the U.S Grand Prix. Her fingers flatten down stray flyaways, working in tandem with the extra strength hairspray she found in the back of the Walgreens beauty aisle last night. Her makeup is strewn about in chaos atop the stark white marble countertops, a single folded piece of toilet paper in the trash can, remnants of her lipstick kissed onto the fibers. 
She played it safe on the outfit today, still hasn’t been able to pinpoint exactly what the dress code for this race is supposed to be. Her Dad has been no help–he can get away with wearing jeans and a short-sleeve button-up just about anywhere he goes. More is expected from her, though. Three days, three outfits, always walking the line between casual streetwear and Kentucky Derby without a fascinator. She settled for something painfully classic and American, figured a European sport would be eating up the concept of everything being bigger in Texas. Levi’s, a white tank top, and a beat up pair of cowboy boots should do a good enough job at letting anyone curious know she’s authentically American, without screaming out for attention. That’s the goal for the weekend; blend in and keep Dad company. 
Dad, who is not-so patiently tapping his foot against the floor, watching pre-race coverage of the Dixie Vodka 400 on his iPhone 7,  is a guest of honor for Ferrari this weekend. It was a classic Bill Elliott commitment, one he makes and then forgets about until he’s getting sent an email a month ago to remind him. One he makes when he forgets his son is racing the same weekend. That’s how Chris ended up here with him, instead of her Mom or instead of Chase or Chandler. They’re all in Florida for the Cup Series. Well–Chandler isn’t. Chandler’s at her hot-shot job in the big city living her life blissfully away from racing. 
She can count on a single hand the amount of times her dad has missed a Cup Series race in the years since his retirement. Even if he’s moved on from driving the track, racing is in Elliott blood. It comes easier to them than breathing does. Chris won’t be the first to admit it, but she's the NASCAR nepotism equivalent of a Baldwin baby. She’s no Kennedy, the first-families of NASCAR are closer to the Petty’s and the Earnhardt’s, but, you ask a NASCAR fan about the Elliott Clan and you’re sure to get an earful. Champion, Hall-of-Fame inductee father, supergenius transmission and engine mechanic uncles, and a superstar fan-favorite older brother, the Elliott family racing history spans generations of fans.
Never the Danica Patrick-type, Chris has always preferred to watch the races rather than compete in them, but she still grew up at the track and was always up for a trip to visit her dad at the auto-shop. 
“Mums,” her dad says, peeking his head around the corner into the hotel bathroom. It’s a stupid nickname, Mums, Chrysanthemum. She’d roll her eyes if it was anyone but Bill still calling her by it. “We gotta go, darlin’.” Chris nods at him in the mirror, flattens her hands along her thigh and tucks one final strand of her bang behind her ear, and then they’re finally leaving the hotel for the track. 
It’s a strange kind of first for Chris, in that it’s not really a first at all. She’s been to COTA before, multiple times. Hell, she watched in the garage when Chase won the inaugural Cup Series race here in May last season. She’s even been to the U.S Grand Prix before, back when it was still in Indianapolis, when Chris was too young to remember if it was big or if she was just little. She’s used to the crowds, spends almost every weekend with upwards of fifty-thousand people, but this? This is the kind of crowd she can’t fathom being among, and it’s only Friday. If it takes them an hour and a half to get through traffic on a practice day, she can only imagine what the next two mornings have in store for her. 
“No antics today,” Bill tells her in the car. “They’re not like us. Trust me, I know.”
Last time you went to one of these races, you were still a driver, she wants to tell him, but doesn’t. He doesn’t take well to the implication he’s an old man. Walking into the paddock with a yellow pass hung around her neck, FERRARI-GUEST-17 and a picture of the team logo popping up on the screens at the turnstiles, she’s beyond taken back by the pomp and circumstance of it all. She’s barely through the entrance and she’s already spotted half a dozen people who could buy her without it making a dent in their pockets. It’s nothing like walking around a NASCAR track. There isn’t a single Bud Light knight or backs sunburnt into American flags or t-shirts turned muscle tanks. It’s just… rich people. Lots and lots of rich people. 
In the Paddock Club tent, Bill manages to find a couple of his old buddies. Guys he raced with back in the day who’ve turned up for whatever with whoever this weekend. It’s unsurprising, stock car racing is nowhere near as exclusive a club as Formula One. They aren’t any of the guys Chris remembers being a part of her childhood, none of them pseudo-uncles in the way some other drivers were. You’re all grown up, they tell her, note her height and her features and one of them even asks if she’s in college yet. She plays along, pretends she remembers them fondly and that they haven’t been on the recipient list for the annual Elliott family Christmas newsletter for the past thirty or so years. His buddies are much more comfortable talking about Chase, anyways, about his racing and his fiancee and his little boy than they’ve ever been talking about Chris or Chandler. The concept of a quote-en-quote girl dad wasn’t such a thing in the nineties.
Chris makes small talk with one of the wives. They can’t be that far apart in age, she’s definitely of a different generation than her husband. Gross. Chris lets the woman lead the conversation; she talks about the polka dots on her skirt and Chris’ cowboy boots that are, apparently, perfectly authentic. 
They separate from the group of former NASCAR drivers and their child brides within the hour. Bill has to be in Ferrari hospitality by one o’clock for a special meeting. He’s still not sure what he did to get selected for this specific group of people who get to do a hot lap with one of the Ferrari drivers, but he isn’t about to ask any questions that might get him out of it. He sets off to hospitality and Chris sneaks out of the paddock and into the rest of the track. 
There’s only so much to see inside the paddock. Hospitality after hospitality after hospitality, just in different colors with different modern structures with pictures of different cars. She wants to experience the event, not just the rich people who can pay their way into the upper echelon of the pinnacle of motorsport. If she’s going to be on her own for an hour and a half, she might as well be fully and truly on her own. 
She ends up in the beer garden. More specifically, the bar tent. You can’t separate a NASCAR fan from the Natty Light. The pass around her neck gets her into the VIP area of the tent, which… feels like an antithesis of itself.  Her phone buzzes in her back pocket when she’s waiting on her bottle from the bartender. It’s her dad. 
Brad Pitt is here. Crazy. 
She makes quick acquaintances with a couple who looks about her age. She compliments the girl’s denim jacket and then she’s in. The DJ is playing country music with a techno backtrack at the other side of the tent and they all three spend a good fifteen minutes trying to decide if they love or hate the set. “It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever heard,” the guy says. 
“It’s definitely not the best, though,” Chris winces, spots a Ferrari pass hanging with the VIP one around the girlfriend’s neck. “Are you guys here with Ferrari?” She asks. 
“Oh, “ she says, looks down at the pass and fiddles with it for a moment. “Yeah, Will’s a golfer and they invited him for a tour and to do this golf event with ESPN.”
“Oh, that’s sick!” Chris nods. “Have you guys ever been here, or is this your first time?”
“We’ve come every year for…” Will starts, looks to his girlfriend for the rest of his sentence. 
“Four years,” she nods. “What about you?”
“This is my first time,” Chris explains, leaves out the technicalities because she barely cares about them, doesn’t expect a stranger to even half-care. “My dad’s here with Ferrari, and I’m here to babysit my dad.” She laughs. 
The woman nods, makes a quiet ah sound. Will asks for clarification. “You guys lose each other, or something?”
Chris nods. “Or something.”
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Charles sees her before he hears her. She appears in his peripheral on the top floor of Ferrari Hospitality, moving swiftly through the groups of strangers with a confidence that makes you think she owns the place. He half-prepares to excuse himself from his current conversation–not that he’s understanding more than forty-percent of the words coming out of this guy’s mouth–to take a photo with the short brunette bee-lining it over to him. 
“I think I saw Brad Pitt on my way here,” she says, and the man he’s been talking to for fifteen minutes laughs. Oh, he thinks, that’s mortifying. She’s not here to intrude on his conversation and ask for a picture. She’s here with this guy. 
“This is my Chris,” Bill says. 
“Hi,” Chris says. Chris. Chris. Chris is a woman. A woman extending her hand, thin and well manicured with a single ruby ring, for him to shake. “Chris.”
“Charles,” he says, hesitates. “You are not what I was expecting.” 
There wasn’t much he understood from Bill Elliott during their hot lap, not that Bill didn’t talk. Charles just didn’t have the focusing capabilities to drive the car in an entertaining way while also deciphering the thick southern drawl of the man sat in the passenger seat. It was thick, heavy, and sounded like maybe he’d smoked a pack a day for a few years. That, or he was straight-up making up words in a bit that only he was in on. One thing he did understand, though, was the kids’ names. I have three, he’d said, Chandler, Chase, and Chris. He’d assumed all boys. Chandler, Chase, and Christopher. Christian. Cristiano. The last thing he was expecting was a beautiful girl with a firm handshake. 
“You were expecting me?” She asks, and her voice is a million times easier to understand than her father’s. 
“No, no. He just,” He gestures absently to Bill. Chris doesn’t break eye contact. She has wonderful eyes. “I thought Chandler, Chase, and Chris are three brothers.”
“Oh,” She laughs like it’s not even close to the first time she’s had to follow behind her dad and correct the miscommunication, and a piece of her bangs falls loose from its tucked position behind her ear. She fixes it without thought. “Well, you’re one for three.” 
She asks Bill about the hot lap, asks if he had fun and he laughs. They’re very laugh-oriented people, he���s noticed. Laughy and almost intimidatingly good at holding eye contact. He’d always heard Americans had an issue with eye contact, and if that really is the case, these two practice their active-listening skills enough for the rest of the country. Their kindness is in their expressions, soft eyes and small smiles that keep you from feeling like an intrusion on the conversation. He notes all of his findings internally, categorizes them together as if he’s spent the last ten minutes looking at anyone but her. 
She’s horrendously his type. It’s painfully apparent with every passing moment. The hair and the face and the build and the smile. Just, God.
“Why didn’t you do one?” He asks, “A lap?”
“The need-for-speed bug skipped the women in my family, unfortunately.” She tucks her hair again. He wonders if she’s growing it out or if she always keeps it at such a length that it’s just too short to stay where she wants it to. 
“We could go slow,” he offers and she chuckles, closing her eyes long enough to roll them without him actually seeing them roll. 
“I don’t believe you.”
“It’ll be fun, I promise.” He’s never been good at flirting, always found it off-putting in the beginning, trying to walk the line between what one person finds fun and another person finds horribly uncomfortable. Once the dust settles, he can manage, but making those first few moves? He might as well be a deer in headlights. Semi-truck headlights. 
“I don’t know,” she says, drags out the vowel sounds and he’s oblivious to whether or not she can tell he’s only making this offer as a chance to spend more time with her. He’ll get an earful for it, no doubt, but if she agrees it’ll be worth it. Bill chimes in, eggs her on with a guilt trip. You should do it, don’t be a party-pooper. Charles wonders if Bill can tell he’s flirting with his daughter. Probably not, he’d bet. “Okay,” she says, and his stomach does a celebratory flip. Before he can say anything more, Mia is pulling him off somewhere. He hadn’t even seen her coming, but he fills her in on the walk.
“Domani c'è un'aggiunta al programma dei giri veloci.” There’s an addition to the hot laps schedule tomorrow, he says. Mia glares at him and he pretends not to notice, flashes her a toothy-grin as an unapologetic apology. 
When she’d agreed to do a hot lap with the gorgeous racing driver standing a foot away from her, she assumed it would be forgotten the moment he stepped away from the conversation. She never would have agreed to it if she actually thought it was going to happen. Chris was sorely mistaken though, when later that afternoon, a man dressed head-to-toe in Ferrari red finds her to gather her information. 1:10, he tells her through a thick Italian accent, be in hospitality at 1:10. 
It was wonderful, really. Perfect, fantastic, great, legendary. This is an amazing opportunity. She isn’t going to regret agreeing to this, no chance. Even for the queen of optimism, this one is hard to put a positive spin on. 
There is no underestimating just how much Chris hates going fast. She’s never liked it, spent the majority of her childhood getting carsick in a vehicle maxing out at forty miles an hour. Her sister and brother used to think she was faking it just so she could always ride shotgun. She’s not even allowed to drive the car if she’s with her dad or her brother because they can’t bear it. To her, a speed limit is just that, a limit. To everyone else, it’s a minimum. 
Her only hope is that she doesn’t vomit all over an expensive supercar at 1:10 tomorrow afternoon, or worse–the cute guy driving the car. 
In the meantime, she can distract herself with the Green Day performance and remind herself that only so much can happen in five minutes. Anyone can survive five minutes. 
– – –
They eat the continental breakfast at the hotel the next morning. Bill has pancakes and Chris has cereal because, as she’ll tell anyone, there’s just something about cereal from a plastic container. She’s also three coffees ahead of where she was this time the day before, all of her nerves personifying themselves as desperation for caffeine. She’s responding to a work email on her phone while Bill has a call with Chase. 
Somewhere on a race track in Florida, Chase is calling between practice and qualifying sessions. They talk every day during a race weekend–Bill and Chase–and it’s almost never about racing. Her dad might drop an occasional that’s not what I would’ve done or a well, that looked like fun, but that’s usually the end of race-talk. They used to fight like cats and dogs about driving when Chase was younger, so much so that Chris’ mom banned them from talking about racing inside the house for three straight years. The who of them are better now, now that Bill’s been able to let Chase find his own way and go through his own racing journey. 
“Your sister is doing a Hot Lap today,” Bill says, and Chris can hear Chase’s laughter from the muffled speaker. 
Bill and Chris are driven to the track on Saturday because traffic is so bad. It’s hot and windy and Chris has her window rolled down the entire drive, her fingers dancing through the dry air. She’s always loved the heat, the sun shining down on her skin, kissing her in a million different places all at the same time. She loves the heat, and the heat loves her. 
The morning flies by. They start the day with a tour of the Ferrari garage, where they’re introduced, or re-introduced, to their drivers. They end up with a couple other very important people hunched over Charles’ car while he explains how much pressure needs to be applied to the brake pedal for the car to actually brake. Bill eats the semantics up, cars and their mechanics run thick in his blood, braided deeply into his DNA. Chris, however, has always enjoyed the more delicate things in life; the pink hair bows and the dollar store makeup kits and spinning herself dizzy in a flowy summer dress. She never spent exorbitant amounts of time at Dad’s engine shop or Grandpa’s Ford Dealership, it just wasn’t in her lane of interests. She sips another coffee–her fifth of the day–and listens attentively to Charles talk, bites her smile at his wild gesticulations. He’d make a good kindergarten teacher, she thinks, with his huge personality. 
When the whole tour group is being shuffled out of the garage to be replaced by a new set of prying eyes, Charles makes a passing comment. See you later for the world’s slowest hot lap, he remarked, put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze as he moved past her. 
She doesn’t know why, but she’d convinced herself that it wouldn’t actually be him she would be doing the lap with. It was qualifying day, after all. Surely, he had about a million and one better things to be doing than driving a random girl around a track a few times. She figured it would be a driver, but not one of the drivers. 
After lunch, she makes her way back to Ferrari hospitality, to where she was told to be waiting at 1:10. She’s the only person who looks like they’re here on instruction. Nobody else is nervously picking at their cuticles or vibrating in place as a reaction to their seven coffees that morning.
She spent the night before grilling her dad about his experience, forcing him to give her a moment-by-moment breakdown of everything he remembered happening, from the safety briefing to the conversation afterwards. But, when it came time for Chris to actually do hers, there was no safety briefing warning her about the million different ways she could die. Instead, the same man who’d tracked her down the day before escorted her from the top floor of hospitality to the bottom, out the back into what she can best compare to an alleyway, and then to a red supercharged Ferrari. 
Charles is there, talking to what appears to be a personal photographer and another man dressed in Ferrari garb. She re-introduces herself for a third time in twenty four hours. “I know your name, Chris,” Charles says, smiles and shakes her hand anyway. She doesn’t like the way her brain reacts to him saying her name like it belongs on his lips. 
“Duh,” she laughs, “sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
“Right,” she nods. “Yeah, sorry.” Charles laughs out a sigh, cocks his head and smiles. Chris bites her tongue not to apologize again. It’s a reflex. She puffs out her laugh and shrugs. 
If she manages to make it out of these couple laps with her life and the contents of her stomach still intact, she’s sure to still look like a clown–a fact she realizes as she pulls the tight helmet over her head. She’s worn racing helmets a handful of times, but it’s not muscle memory to her in the way it is to him. It takes her a minute to tighten the chin strap just right and despite his genuine offer to help her, Chris turns him down and blindly works her fingers under her neck until it’s just right. 
“Why don’t you get a fun Hot Laps helmet?” She asks while she fights with the strap. 
Charles knocks on the side of his helmet with his knuckle. “Custom fit. Safety reasons.”
Chris knows, she was just messing with him. She nods like she never could’ve guessed that was the reason. “My safety doesn’t matter?” She comments, pulls the strap tight for the final time. 
“You think I’m going to crash?”
She shrugs. “Maybe.”
“I would never crash with Chris Elliott in the car.” There he goes again, saying her name all annoyingly French and nice and easy. 
“Whatever,” she says, turns away so he can’t see her squished cheeks flush pink against the polyester. He opens the passenger side door for her, knocks his knuckle on her helmet this time, and horribly mocks both her words and accent before shutting the door behind her. 
Chris has her seatbelt buckled before he can get around the front of the car and into his seat. Her leg bounces anxiously against the floor mat. Charles starts the car and moves to shift into drive, but stops short. “Are you scared?” he asks, and in a moment of vulnerable honesty, she nods. She’s more than scared. She’s terrified, and despite his brief attempt to reassure her that it’s going to be fun, her leg is still bouncing when they peel off from the group already awaiting his return. 
A hot lap, she’d come to learn in the last day or so, would be more accurately referred to as hot laps–plural, multiple, several. Three, to be exact. One out lap, one push lap, and one cool down lap. Three laps. Hot laps. They should really start referring to it as a plural. 
The best thing she can compare it to is a roller coaster. The turns share the feeling you get at the tipping point, right before your body thinks you’re free falling. Her stomach is left behind three turns back and it never really catches up to the car once they start. The straights are like that first hill, fast and crazy in a way that pulls from her lips screams she hears before she consciously chooses to release. It’s like a roller coaster, if the person sitting next to you is completely unaffected by the ride and spends the entire time trying to carry out a conversation with you between your screams and their giggles. It’s like a roller coaster, if the cart never leaves the ground. 
On the cool down lap, when they’re going at a speed that allows Chris to pick up her soul when they drive through turn four, he asks her if she’s single. It comes at her from left field. 
“Are you flirting with me?”
He laughs, takes a hand off the wheel and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Yes!”
“Oh,” she says softly. If he notices the surprise in her tone, he doesn’t mention it. “I am.” 
“Can I get your number?” She swears that his fingers are shakier than before as they hover over the paddle shift. They were sure-footed just minutes earlier, she’s sure of it. She’s sure of it, but there’s no way it’s a genuine observation. There’s no way she’s making him nervous. 
She laughs, because what on God’s green Earth is a European Formula One driver going to do with a small town American girl’s phone number? 
“I’m not abandoning my dad for a hookup,” she says, and he rolls his eyes, repeats the question. “Why do you want it?”
“Because, Chris Elliott,” she wants to scrape the way he says her name out of his voice box and pin it in a scrapbook. It’s like a tick, the way it burrows into her skin. Nobody should be allowed to make her name sound like that. “You are a very beautiful girl, and when a guy sees a beautiful girl, they act like an idiot and ask for her number.” 
“Oh, my God,” she giggles, shakes her head and looks out the window like it might ground her, or like it might reveal that she really is in some fever dream state and none of this is real. She’s not even in Texas, maybe. That’s how insane this whole conversation is to her. 
“Too cheesy?” He asks, grimaces. She shakes her head, holds her hand out for his phone. 
“Just cheesy enough.”
When they get back to where they started, someone asks Chris if she’d had a good time. She nods, flattens down the static-electricity charged flyaways on her head and tells them yes, even if she’ll be just a little bit nauseous for the rest of the day. It’s not a lie, either, she did have fun. She was scared out of her mind, but in a way that makes her happy she did it. 
They pose for a photo together in front of the car, the picture snapped by the only guy with a camera around his neck, the only one besides Chris not covered head to toe in Ferrari branding. When they pose, Charles’ arm wraps around her lower back and, almost like he remembers himself in the middle of the action, his hand doesn’t close around her side. Instead, it hovers just beyond her body, open and stiff and flat. How gentlemanly. “Good luck tomorrow,” she says.
He nods his thanks, “I hope I see you around this weekend,” he adds, and then they go their separate ways. Good thing, too, because she’s still blushing over it when she gets back to her dad in the Champion’s club. Bill is too distracted by the live feed on Chase’s qualifying laps on his tiny phone screen to notice Chris’ presence, much less the coloring of her cheeks. He qualifies third and they celebrate quietly with drinks from the bar and FP3 on the big screens. 
They stumble into more NASCAR old-timers while in the Champion’s Club and Chris spends the time fifth-wheeling their conversations about Chase and watching the second half of qualifying on one of the TVs. 
She doesn’t really understand the format of the weekend. In theory, she understands the basics, didn’t have to read Formula One for Dummies on the plane ride over, but the intricacies of it are beyond her. In NASCAR, drivers are split into two groups and then are only given, at max, two laps to set their qualifying times. It varies depending on the track that weekend, but it always hits some of the same points. From what she can gather from the low-volume televisions mounted on every surface around her, F1 is definitely different. 
They head back to the hotel directly after qualifying to ‘beat the traffic’ which is code for Chris is still nauseous and they’re both feeling a little too heat exhausted. They stop for dinner on the way back, at a barbeque place right by their hotel. Bill orders the chopped brisket with potato salad and Chris gets the pulled pork sandwich with a tomato zucchini salad. 
Chris has been really busy with work, with settling into the new routine with her new group of students, and Bill wants to hear all about it. She always struggles in September and October, feels inadequate every time the other teachers find their footing with their new class weeks before she does. It’s the first time alotta ‘em have been in a school, Bill reminds her and she shrugs it off, tries to find something more upbeat to talk about. 
Chris and Bill have really gotten close over the past couple years. Growing up, she and her sister Chandler were massive daddy’s girls, had him wrapped around their little fingers from the moment they came into the world. But, when Chase started to really take racing seriously, the girls lost a lot of their dad to their brother and spent the majority, if not all, of their time with their Mom. As a teenager, Chris did what all sixteen year old girls do and rebelled against any and every rule in the book. While Chandler was touring colleges and getting 1550s on her SAT and singing in the church choir, Chris had other plans. Whether it was stubbornly refusing to clean her half of the shared room with her big sister, ratting Chase out for coming home at 2am drunk, or sneaking out of the second-story window to go out with her all-too-old boyfriend, she tested all of the waters. It wasn’t until college, until she moved away to Athens and was out of the house for the first time in her life that she realized just how important family was to her. She’s been attempting to make up for lost time since. 
That night when she plugs her phone into the charger and shuts it off for the night, she realizes she’d been half expecting a late night text from Charles. It didn’t come, and disappointed isn’t the right word for the tiny little pit in her stomach because she wasn’t really expecting anything to come from typing her number into his contacts.  It’s not disappointment, it’s something closer to acceptance or rejection, maybe. It’s not like he would’ve been searching out anything but a hookup, anyways, and Chris made it perfectly clear that she wasn’t into that idea. 
She would never hear from him again, and that’s how it should be. The whole interaction turning into anything but a story she can tell in a couple months when she’s drunk would be entirely too complicated of an outcome. 
She doesn’t let herself think about it any longer, leaves her phone face down on the side table and tucks herself into bed. 
– – –
Traffic on race day is true-crime inducing. They’re driven, again, escorted and still spend an hour and a half in the backseat of an SUV. Bill and Chris watch from the VIP stands and Chris has never seen anything like this, especially not at COTA. Even Talladega and Daytona barely hold a candle to this spectacle. 
If she has one critique, it’s that F1 should really hire some B-List at best celebrity to scream drivers, start your engines! At the start of the race like they do in NASCAR. It would really add some flare, she thinks. 
She and Bill share Chris’ airpods, one in each of their ears listening to the NASCAR broadcast. Charles starts twelfth, for whatever reason. She can’t be bothered to look into it, knows it’ll probably be a penalty she doesn’t understand and she’ll be tumbling down a rabbit hole before she knows what’s happened to her. 
While it’s not Chase’s best race–he finishes fourteenth with a single sigh from Bill–Charles puts on a show, fights his tires all the way up into third. 
They watch the podium celebrations on the TV screens and nobody looks happy to be up there. They look miserable, almost, and she understands it to an extent. It’s hard to have energy after a race, she’s witnessed it first hand more times than she can count. It’s hard, especially at the end of the season. Burn-out is real, but still. They look bored. She didn’t know spraying champagne could look so tired. 
Bill grumpily flies them home to Georgia late Sunday night. He’d wanted to wait until Monday morning, after all the billionaires and their super-jets take off right after the race, but Chris refused to miss another day of work this early in the school year, not when she was already going to be missing time in December for her brother’s wedding. 
Bill’s been flying planes since before any of his kids were born. His most recent purchase is a Cessna Conquest II that he uses to fly the family around for short distances. In another gene that skipped the females in the family, Chandler, Chris, and their mom all prefer to be passengers. Chase, however, followed in Dad’s footsteps once more in becoming an avid aviation fan. 
By the time they take off, any thought Chris had of getting a text from Charles has faded far into obscurity. He’d probably gotten dozens of numbers from girls this weekend. He was probably at a club somewhere right now still pulling women. Women more his type, probably. He seems like he’d be more into the refined type, the girls without the ‘cheap’ accents who were all worldly and spoke seventeen languages fluently and had long legs that carried them down runways across Europe every other weekend. 
Little southern girls get texts from little southern boys, that’s how it goes. That's how it’s always gone, and Chris is beyond naive to think anything different for even a moment. 
She grades papers on the flight home. Purple pen, because she thinks that color is fun and red is too cruel to grade with. Puffy stickers for everyone, even the kids who aren’t anywhere near the right track because she doesn’t want anyone to feel less than just because they struggle a bit more. Chris has always been a firm believer that the student is never the problem. If someone isn’t learning what she’s teaching, she needs to adjust the way she teaches it to cater to their learning style. 
It’s her job to teach them, not their job to learn. 
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Joris has been laughing at Charles from the hotel room armchair for fifteen minutes now, beyond entertained by his best friend’s restless pacing, providing absolutely zero aid to his current predicament. This act has been going on for some time now. Charles, pacing for five minutes before pulling out his phone and typing up an opening message to Chris. Each time, he starts to read it out to Joris and then stops himself short, deletes it, and paces for five more minutes. 
Hey, Chris. This is Ch–no, that’s stupid. 
Sorry it took me a minute to text–absolutely not. 
What’s up? It’s Charles, how–someone should just stop him from speaking to women all together. 
There’s half a dozen renditions before Joris breaks. “Mate? What is your problem?” He finally asks. “It’s just a girl.”
“I know,” Charles sighs, “I know.”
“Then why can’t you send her a text?”
“Because.” He doesn’t really know why he can’t land on a message, why everything he types sounds entirely too casual or formal or nothing at all like what he would say to another human being. This isn’t a problem that he’s used to having. It’s the in-person flirting that fucks him up, not the texts and DMs and comments. She was just… he doesn’t know what she was. She was just. End of sentence. 
It’s no help that he doesn’t know American texting culture, unfamiliar with how long he’s supposed to wait to send a message or what he’s supposed to say in the opening text. 
“Here,” Joris says, holds his hand out for the phone. “I’ve got the perfect text.”
“Don’t send it,” Charles warns, but passes the phone to his friend. 
“I… won’t,” Joris says slowly, struggling to multi-task. He doesn’t type for more than a few seconds and then hands the phone back to Charles, with the message already sent. Charles’ look of sheer panic is met with a smile and a chef’s kiss from Joris. 
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She turns her phone off while Bill is shutting the plane engine down in the hangar. Because of his love of aviation, Bill had bought some land out in the woods a couple decades ago and turned it into the family’s private airstrip for their planes.  Elliott Field, they coined it, stored all their extra vehicles out on the property. She slips it into her back pocket as her and Bill disembark and lock up the place, and the entire time she can feel it vibrating, the notifications from the hour and a half flight catching up now that she’s on the ground again. 
It’s not until she’s in her car that she checks them, pulls her phone out to plug it into the aux and play some music for the drive back to her house. Right at the top of the dozens of notifications is a message from an unknown number with an unfamiliar area code. 
[one unread message] the notification reads. She unlocks her phone to check the message. 
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She closes the messages app on her phone and opens up Spotify, shuffles her favorite playlist. She doesn’t reply to his text, doesn’t know if she wants to or even what she might say back. She’s sleepy, more than ready for bed after a long weekend in the sun, excited to be back with her students bright and early tomorrow morning. 
The text from the cute race car driver can wait for another day. An issue for tomorrow, maybe. 
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masterlist next chapter>
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479 notes · View notes
thesamoanqueen · 2 years
Personal Hell
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; First time; Bodyguard!Roman( a real body-guard); hit of past non-con/food disorders so please dont read if you’re not comfortable.
A/N: I don't know how it turned out in the end. I wrote the fic at different times due to personal commitments, but I still hope it's not a total mess. Requested by @romanmydaddy , hope you like it dear~
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He mumbled something under his breath, a red trickle down his chin from the slap she'd given him, and his eyes snapped up at her, sending her into a panic. She had to do something, she had to push him away, come back down, she had to call-
- Trash. - said a voice to her right and neither she nor the man who held her by the arm had time to turn around.
The impact that pulled him down was sudden, as if a car had hit him full-on and thrown him to the end of the hallway. She crouched against the wall with a choked cry, but she was more surprised than scared at that point, she knew who that voice belonged to and when she turned to look, Roman was already on top of the dude. She felt his knuckles slamming into his face, shoulders crashing into the carpet, and when the crying stopped, a slimy, wet sound reached her. The carpet was getting dirty…
Sitting in the back seat of the car, she listened to the noise of the dinner – or party? – which was being held at that home. It echoed between the walls of the spacious garage, a distant echo, but as always the matter did not concern her. She felt panicked, confused, it had all happened so fast. She didn't tremble, she was safe there, but her hands were cold on the dress that her mom had forced her to wear. She looked up hesitantly, watching Roman finish cleaning his own hands with what was left of his dress shirt. It was dirty with that dude’s blood and now he was wearing a gym shirt taken from the trunk that made him look even more imposing, she had the impression that every muscle in his body was still tense, ready to spring against anyone and reduce him like that man. Just the thought of him made her look at his hands, they were clean now, but his knuckles were red, scratched and she felt the urge to do something, anything to get them back to the way they were before.
She didn't move though, she couldn't and honestly she wasnt brave enough. Roman had been her personal bodyguard for months now, one of those big city contractor had recommended him to her father when things for the family had gone badly and he had placed him behind her without thinking twice. She was sure her father wasn't as sure now as he was then—Roman scared him—but she was and she wasn't going to trade that bond for anything else. Assuming that theirs was a real bond, which led to that stalemate and having a head full of wishes that she didn't know if she could ever grant. Yes, he had defended her, technically he had acted as a shield for her, but…
Roman was a grown man, he was from a big city, he had a life in Florida as far as she knew and this was not a teen novel. He had opened up to her, talked, seemed to appreciate her company unlike anyone else in that city, but it was also true that her father paid a salary into his bank account for each week spent with her. Theirs was an off-balance relationship and in that moment, seeing what happened to his hands because of her, Y/N realized it more than ever. He was angry, probably regretting the day he had agreed to babysit her. He could have been elsewhere, with his hands intact and a beautiful woma-
- Who the fuck he was? Why were you two together? – she heard him growl in an interrogative tone.
She wished he hadn't thought about this guy because surely what had happened would have repercussions. The dude had worked a few times with her father, bringing his mining machinery to their establishment and now he would never do it again, perhaps he would never work with anyone again, in the condition Roman had reduced him. But that scared her less than it should in that moment, in that moment she could only think of something else.
- We weren't together, I... I wanted some air – she specified quickly and Roman's eyes widened for an instant.
She didn't want him to get the wrong idea. She wasn't that kind of woman, she wasn't like the mayor's daughter or her schoolmates. Maybe to some people she was just a sad, pathetic and a bit too round-headed fool, but she still believed in that sort of thing and would never allow a stranger such confidences. Roman shouldn't have known about her food disorders, she would have been too ashamed to admit the real reason she had locked herself in that bathroom in front of him, but she didn't want him to think badly of her. That would have been even worse than getting caught with your head on the toilet.
- Did you run away from me to get some air in a hallway? Do you think im stupid? - he almost yelled at her and she grabbed the edge of the seat, her legs banging on the bodywork.
She was used to being treated badly, but Roman was on another level. He was creepy and it was the first time he had spoken to her like that, she wasn't ready.
- What? No-
- He was touching you. - he insisted, his forearms resting on the car door and his entire figure to shade her.
Her head jerked, heart pounding and stomach tightening. She didn't understand the meaning of that conversation, she didn't understand why he was giving her so much. It hadn't been her fault, she hadn't voluntarily gone to that guy with the rat eyes. She had gone away without being seen, taking advantage of his moment of distraction to inflict yet another useless torture on herself and she knew she shouldn't have, she had risked his job out of selfishness and she was terribly sorry, but what had happened after that wasn't her fault.
-I didn't want to-he had smoked, I don't think he was fine. He spoke strangely, it was all strange, it was him. I wanted to go back, I was coming back to you. I'm sorry to cause you trouble, but really, I didn't mean to and your hands are full of scratches now- she began to rave with eyes watering, looking everywhere but at Roman who crouched down to be face to face with her.
But her feat failed and her words died in her throat with a strangled cry of terror, when she felt one of his reddened hands, take her by the throat. Roman had never tried any approach and she herself had never really been surprised by it, after all they were two worlds apart. It was the first time it had happened, it was the first time she had felt his hands on her for anything beyond helping her into a car or down a ladder. Her eyes widened, feeling a slight pressure and she swallowed hard, he was as serious as she'd ever seen him.
- No one can touch you. Nobody.
His voice was rough, deep as if came from the bottom of a well and a shiver made her spine tingle. She had the urge to run or barricade herself behind the tinted windows of the car for the rest of her life, but she wasn't sure if her body agreed and Roman was holding her with no intention of letting go. Heat emanated from him and she felt it on her, her stomach was crumpled again yet this time it wasn't painful, there was no empty feeling, at least not here.
- … y-yes. - she murmured softly as his fingers tightened a little tighter and his brown eyes invited her to reply.
Maybe she should have added something, given a true answer, but she didn't really trust her abilities at that moment and honestly didn't know what to say. Having him so close, feeling him on her was confusing in a way she had never felt before and Y/N was certain that if her skin and the shadow of the cockpit hadn't prevented it, she would have been red as a tomato.
- Yes what? - Roman urged her and she swallowed again.
One of his knees had forced its way between her legs, demanding space without her noticing. It was an awkward position, her body seemed at the point of self-combustion and for a second, in the chaos that was inside her head, she felt like crying thinking about her mother's insistence on that dress. It was so tight, it didn't fit her and now that Roman was so close, she felt even more uncomfortable than when she’d worn it.
- Yes what Y/N? - Roman asked louder and she jerked suddenly, as if he had thrown a bucket of ice water.
- Nobody has to touch me – she repeated like a good student, lowering her gaze for a second on the hand with which he was holding her.
It had moved up a little, just below her jaw and his thumb was now rubbing against her skin, forcing her to tilt her chin to his liking. It was hot and every stroke made her body itch, she was almost certain she was shaking at that moment, but Roman didn't seem to mind so maybe it was just a feeling, maybe she was so confused that didn't even understand what was going on. She wasn't good at that stuff, she didn't have the slightest experience and as far as she knew, maybe it wasn't even what she was wanting to imagine. But Y/N felt his other hand caressing her bare arm, up and down to then move elsewhere, to the side and her eyes widened, bringing them back to Roman's. He was no longer busy piercing her, his magnetic gaze had drifted lower, to her lips, as well as his thumb and Y/N let out a heated breath that was all too loud.
He didn't seem to care about her soft cheeks or the curve of her hips or all the extras her body had and that she fought so hard. No one had ever touched her like that, no one had ever looked at her that way, not even the one and only boy she had ever dated, but he wasn't worth it, they were just two kids then. The pastor of their community would have told her that she was behaving like a lamb when faced with the devil’s temptation, but for the first time in her life, she liked that danger. She suddenly realized that she was willing to be eaten by him, that she was willing to give him anything as long as he didn't stop that temptation, as long as he continued to look at her that way.
- I don't care who the fuck they are, no one will come near you as long as I'm around. You are not for them. Y’understand? - Roman established in a low, hungry growl.
- Yes sir – she nodded as if in a trance and he lifted his gaze from her cleavage, from her neck, to point at her again, this time with a pleased grin at that answer.
- Good girl.
From what dark hiding place that part of her had crept out, it wasn't clear, but she didn't even have time to investigate. The speed with which Roman moved took her by surprise. She felt him pull her against him, bullying and slamming his lips against hers, in a kiss that swallowed up not only her cry of pure terror of hers, but also the last shred of lucidity left of hers. Rookie and flustered, she just grabbed his shirt as he pushed his way into her mouth without asking permission. Y/N felt him explore the inside of her mouth, force her tongue and his taste, so inexplicably good, he wrested another noise from her, this time awfully like a moan. She didn't know what to do, how far she might go, and for a brief moment she feared she'd done something wrong, when at her moan, at her awkward attempt to reciprocate, Roman answered with a hungry growl. She felt him vibrate against her, his chest heaving, his muscles tensing under her fingers, the kiss growing even more ravenous.
She was out of breath, her lungs were about to burn and shrink to two deflated balloons, but she didn't want to stop, she didn't want that moment between them to end just because she wasn't used to that kind of attention. For some strange reason, Roman was intent on devouring her alive and all she wanted was to let him do it, help him in that endeavor and burn that enveloping feeling into her mind. Just the idea that he could do that to her after putting up with her all those months, when he could have had thousands of other women…
Thoughts, doubts striving to take control of her mind, suddenly seemed to rumble in her head and when he eased her back into the car seat, in an awkward pose to say the least, she fidgeted. It was really happening and as good as it was, panic, reality assaulted her and Y/N tried to wriggle away, but Roman just didn't seem like the type of man to give up. His hands, so large and still red, forced her to stay still and when one slipped under her buttock, lifting the dress without too many talking, a moan shook her body to the tip of her feet. She was terrified of being seen by someone, being seen by him… but everything outside and inside of her seemed on fire, her mind was foggy and the pressure of his body left her no way out. When his mouth pulled away from hers, she gasped, but the break didn't last more than a second and the contact of his full mouth along her neck, brought out another scream which she tried to disguise, her eyes closed to shield herself from shame. Roman must have found it amusing because a noise, maybe a laugh, shrugged his shoulders and in another circumstance she’d have worried since that was usually how jokes against her started, but his mouth against her cleavage made her squirm like a possessed animal. She kicked, not caring about the heels she was still wearing and the confined space, waved her arms, pushing palms against his shoulders and Roman barely opened one eye, slipping his hand under the fabric of the dress. She felt his mouth suck, bite, try to mark her without the slightest care of what anyone might think seeing her and that was enough to distract her as he worked his way between her legs. When one of his long fingers dug into her walls, where no one had ever gone before, Y/N grabbed him by the hair, pulling with all her strength as if her life depended on it.
- Easy babe, easy…- he said from her breast, but she wasn't there anymore.
She knew it was only a finger, yet the intrusion was giving her the impression of being suddenly split open, as if Roman had found the exact spot where her body had been glued together and ripped away the duck tape that kept Y/N from crumbling. She felt her eyes tingle, breath catch and her stomach turn completely, she was on the verge of something she didn't know and it terrified her. She broke free from the grip of his hands and covered her face, holding her cleavage with her other hand, heart pounding loudly as Roman blew his skin against her.
- Dont cover your face- he growled dangerously – I want to see you hot for me – moving his finger.
She felt it rubbing inside her, sinking lower and lower, a wet noise filling the car. She tried to squeeze her legs, but he was applying pressure and the movement was slowly killing her, she was sure of it. She had no idea how anyone could be capable of so much with just one finger and when after a while he added another, her ragged breaths turned into something else. She screamed, unable to hide well and ended up biting into her palm, nails digging into his dark hair again, back arching as the pace increased.
- No… dont hold back. I want it. – she had no idea what he was saying, she didn't even know what her name was or where she was anymore.
He was sinking and turning and touching parts she didn't even know she had and when his thumb landed on the outside, pressing against her clit, Y/N exploded completely shaking under his weight. The insides of her lids went white, mouth dropped open in a noise she never thought was capable of, and the insides of her folded around Roman's fingers, who persisted in drawing them in and out of her, smearing her moods everywhere. She was convinced that at any moment she would lose her senses, sinking who knows where with her sins and her broken heart.
Roman was the kind of man any sane woman would want. And wasn't just his looks, though that played a significant role. He had always been perfect with her, nothing like the men who had surrounded her growing up and as much as Y/N always reminded herself that this was part of his job, her stupid heart couldn't help to fall into the trap. She had fallen badly for him and that, that moment, was something she had never been prepared for even in her dreams. Maybe wasn't real, maybe that dude with rat eyes had convinced her to actually smoke and now she was imagining it all because of some drug, but she didn't want it to stop. She didn't want it to end.
She looked at him, breath ragged and almost desperate, she gripped his forearms, leaning in to kiss him. Roman smiled, she was probably ridiculous, but he reciprocated anyway and that was enough to make her gain some courage, pushing her to reach out more to him. She gripped his broad shoulders that had so often shielded her from the rest of the world, felt his muscular chest where Y/N always wished she could hide and held on to his neck, feeling his blood pressure pulsing. His growls shook her to toes and ignoring her own sanity or her soul, Y/N opened her mouth, allowing him to invade again. She moaned against him, his tongue torturing her again and her flustering continued to rummage everywhere, up his hips, up his back, until she felt him thrust his whole being against her. The contact with his boner, badly hidden by the pants made her squeal and Roman bit her mouth, tugging at her so she wouldn’t run away.
- R-Roman I…- she tried to explain herself, but she didn't really know what to say or what to do.
- Stay still – he ordered and Y/N trembled silently, seeing him undo the belt.
Just the sight of his hard cock, stiff and already wet, would have been enough to set her on real fire if only a human could. She was tempted to close her eyes once more, but that wasn't what she wanted, she didn't want to run away and when she felt his hands gripping her legs, it felt like a dangerous beast was making its way over her. She curled up against the seat, half of her hip already jutting out and her mouth opened and closed silently as he nuzzled the tip against her soft center. A moan shook her and Roman moved his head to one side, his expression focused and his lips pursed.
- Dont push me babe or I won’t be able to be gentle - he warned her, slipping slowly inside her folds with a terrifying verse.
A sudden burning ripped through her and a feeling of fullness filled her almost to the belly. She didn't understand how something that size could make room inside her, but she didn't care anymore, at that moment she was just trying to survive herself because had suddenly forgotten how to breathe and didn't want to give Roman any more problems. She tried to move, trying to find relief, but he planted his hands on top of her head and held her still for what seemed like an eternity. She felt it pounding inside her, his forehead pressing against hers, breath slamming into her face. As Roman backed away and sank again, something wet followed and a new noise welled up from her chest in a tone she didn't even believe belonged to her.
- Ahh! – a slow stroke and then another.
- Hm, you take me so well… so good beneath me - Roman gasped on top of her and her walls tightened.
That simple spasm was enough to drive him crazy and the burning was soon replaced by an unknown pleasure, as in the grip of a blind fury, he pounded against her. The tip slammed somewhere inside her, relentlessly and forcefully, threatening to rip her soul out with each lunge. Y/N felt her body writhe, the same heat felt thanks to his fingers filling her and rolling eyes behind her head, Roman who undeterred pulled her against him in a flood of soggy noises that came from their bodies. Something was leaking down between her legs, onto the car seat, but she had no perception of anything other than his stiff cock throbbing inside her. He was spreading her, increasing the pace stroke after stroke and for an infinite time, between continuous tremors and moments of white pleasure, Roman continued to ruin her until his thrusts became sloppy, deeper and suddenly he came out of her without a single word. Unprepared for the lack her body felt, Y/N leaned over to look at him, makeup ruined like everything else, and saw him tighten his grip on his boner, giving it a couple more strokes before emptying himself onto the garage in long whitish streams. She bit her lip and instinctively squeezed her legs, watching him catch his breath, leaning all his weight on the car door and then running a hand through his dark soft hair, wiping away the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead.
He was so inexplicably awesome he took her breath away and the sight pushed her one last time over the edge. She shivered bumpy, empty, against the dark fabric of the car as the wave of yet another climax passed through her and hands tightly against her chest, listening to the sound of her own heart echo. Gasping, Y/N lost track of time, enjoying that sense of unnatural peace and when she opened her eyes again, she was amazed that was still lying down looking at the roof of the car and not burning in the flames of hell.
If only her parents had found out… the thought, made her straighten up, looking around anxiously, but her eyes didn't travel far. Roman was flawless again as always and he looked at her with an amused smile from the door he had leaned against, shielding her from the rest of the garage.
- It's a mess, first your hands, now this... your job, they'll be mad at you, I-I-! – she tried to speak, but panic struck hera gain.
- Breath. Ain’t going anywhere - she heard him reassure her with a dangerous look and his soft, red hand slid on her cheek, caressing her with the same fingers that had managed to bring her to the edge of abyss.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyanross @wickedsunfire @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @keybladeofsteel @iovereigns @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @raidenandreigns @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @itjazzbicch @ichdrachenfrau @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @mariamheeeeee @vintage-pvssy @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @helensanders92 @niknakbucks92 @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @josphinna @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @nestorsgirlfriend @brattyfics @wanna-be-dominated @kitanasposts @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefreigns @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @raeluvshammett
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sirfrogsworth · 10 months
Lens Calibration Madness
I was doing some more tests comparing my smartphone camera to my DSLR and I noticed in one of them the smartphone looked sharper than my DSLR.
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(Smartphone top, DSLR bottom)
This did not compute.
How did a camera with a tiny sensor, half the megapixels, and a tiny plastic lens produce a sharper image?
Then I remembered that 3rd party lenses often need to be calibrated in order to focus properly. Canon is especially bad about restricting information about their focusing algorithms, so companies like Sigma have to reverse engineer everything. With mirrorless cameras they have been able to fix this focusing issue. DSLRs... not so mich.
Unfortunately, my camera has a flippy mirror that gets out of the way of the sensor every time you take a picture. That's the clicking sound most people associate with taking a photo. And since the mirror in a DSLR is a moving part, it will have some variability from camera to camera. And wouldn't you know it, DSLRs use that mirror to focus. If my mirror is even a few nanometers out of alignment compared to the camera Sigma used to create the focusing system for their lenses, I will not be able to get perfectly accurate autofocusing.
It will be good enough for most. But with all of the product photos and macros I do, having perfect focus is pretty critical.
So now I need to spend a couple of hours photographing test targets.
The lens was "front focusing."
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You want the depth of field to cover the same distance in front of the 0 as behind. You can see the 1 and 2 at the top are blurry. The goal is to have the 1 and the 1 to be of equal sharpness. Ideally if you put the 1 and 1 next to each other, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
This caused a problem when taking a picture of a cylinder, like the flashlight I was using as a test subject. The text at the center of the cylinder was in focus, but the sides were farther away and started getting blurry. All of the in focus area was in the empty space in front of the flashlight.
But, after 20 test shots adjusting the focus correction 1 unit each time, I was finally able to dial it in.
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And then when I redid my photos of the flashlight...
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Not only was the DSLR much sharper, you can now see the individual lines from the printing process.
I have been using this lens like this for years and now I am wondering how many photos were a smidge out of focus. It's not a huge deal because you have to be zoomed in about 400% to really notice. And it really only affects photos taken less than 2 feet away.
But still, perfectionism is a pretty big trigger for my anxiety so I need to fix this so my brain doesn't melt every time I take a photo in the future.
Unfortunately, the issue isn't resolved with one adjustment.
It requires 16 adjustments.
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You set the focal length of the lens to 18mm and take a test picture from 28 cm, 35 cm, 50 cm, and 2 m.
Then you set it to 24mm and do it over again.
Then 28mm.
Then 35mm.
And there is no gaurantee you will fix it with the first adjustment. You could overshoot or undershoot. So you have to keep testing and testing until you drill down and hit the bullseye.
All because Canon doesn't like other companies making lenses for their cameras.
Sigma will actually do the calibration for you, but you have to send them both your camera and your lens and who knows how long that would take.
And I really want to bring my camera to Florida in a few weeks.
So I guess I've got another project aside from my 20 other things I need to get done.
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storiesofsvu2-0 · 1 year
Not a Peep
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Tara Lewis x reader Warnings: language, smut, fingering, dirty talk. Covers the "camping/cabin" square for bingo and a request. no there will not be a part 2, so don't ask for it. find a prompt list, send in a request if you want more Tara content.
Get added to the taglist here!
In any normal situation, team bonding was absolute torture, days forced together in cramped conference rooms while you pretended the work you were doing was some form of a fun game. But when it came to the BAU, things were finally different. You’d spend a couple of days in a nice city after working a case to let off a little steam, a day of gambling in Vegas, visits to the beach in Florida, Penelope had even roped the team into an afternoon in Disneyland after a case in Los Angeles. This extended weekend trip however involved no case at all, inspired by a night the previous autumn when Emily started telling scary stories to fit the Halloween theme around the office. It spurned on a conversation about summers spent at sleepover camp, weeks at campgrounds with families and friends. Shifting from the idea of groups of teens being murdered to the fun days of playing capture the flag, building fires to roast smores, sticky smiles at the end of a very happy, fun filled day.
It had been months since then and was a big surprise when Rossi announced he’d rented out a cabin an hour outside the city for the long weekend. Attendance was required and fun would be had. On top of that, all food and drinks would be provided, so it really was a win all the way around. Days were filled with various activities, the team splitting off depending on what everyone wanted to do, but there was a lot of lounging by the lake, swimming, disappearing off into the woods for a hike for everyone to return together for dinner. The barbeque was always utilized, racks of ribs, cobs of corn, various types of burgers, fresh fruit, grilled skewers of vegetables with cold beers to wash it all down with while the sun set on the horizon.
Currently, everyone was circled around the fire pit in the backyard telling silly stories, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. You were on a double seater almost loveseat with Tara, a blanket tossed over your bare legs that were conveniently draped over the other woman’s lap. The team knew you were close, but it was only Emily that actually knew you were dating and that had only been because she was your boss. Though the secret wouldn’t have lasted long anyway, you’d shared a wall at one of the hotels on a case recently and things hadn’t exactly been quiet. A lecture didn’t come, but a hell of a lot of playful teasing did, including a very sly grin from Emily when you and Tara offered to bunk together this weekend.
Tara wasn’t doing it on purpose, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your legs under the blanket, barely moving, ghosting over your skin. Her attention was turned to her other side, eyes on Luke as he took his turn at telling a ghost story. Your leg involuntarily twitched in her lap as you shifted slightly in an attempt to rub your thighs together. You attempted to play it off as stretching out a stuff muscle but Tara had already caught you, her hand stilling, wrapping around your calf and squeezing tightly without so much as a glance in your direction. You let out a soft sigh, reaching into the cooler beside you to grab a fresh beer in an attempt to distract yourself.
By the time Luke had finished his story, Rossi was calling it a night and heading inside, JJ not far behind him. Luke tossed another log on the fire and this time you actually did stretch your body out, slipping from underneath the blanket.
“Oh not you too!” Emily protested and you laughed.
“I’m just going to the bathroom, relax.”
Disappearing into the cabin you let out a little shiver, pulling Tara’s stolen flannel tighter around your body, though maybe the chill would help you calm down. The scent of her perfume on the shirt certainly wasn’t helping but it wasn’t as bad as having her hands on you beside the burning of the fire. You grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, taking a couple of minutes to yourself as you wandered down the hallway to the bathroom. After freshening up you dried your hands on one of the fluffy towels before unlocking the door, your attention on your phone as you typed out a reply to a couple of texts, you didn’t even notice Tara rounding into the hallway.
“Jeeze!” You jumped, letting out a quiet giggle as you shoved your phone back into your pocket, “told you I’d be right back.”
“Yeah, but I needed a fresh drink.” She shrugged, one hand pulling you closer to her by the beltloop in your shorts while the other slid up your cheek, wrapping around the back of your neck, “and I wanted an excuse to do this.” She murmured; her breath hot on your lips before they met yours.
You let out a moan into the kiss, your hands quickly wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her even tighter to you while she maneuvered you so your back hit the wall and you let out a little squeak. Tara took advantage, her tongue slipping into your parted lips, swooping through your mouth and dancing with your own. She softly dominated the kiss, putting all of the pent up tension you’d both been holding back all day into it, lips moving with grace in a familiar dance. The hand on your hip curved around your body, squeezing at your ass through your shorts and you let out a soft groan, your body arching into hers. Chuckling, she pulled away from your lips, kissing at the bare skin of your neck and you shivered, goosebumps popping up on your skin.
“So sensitive.”
“You started it.” You muttered back, your eyes fluttering shut as her teeth grazed against your neck, your hands clawing at the fabric of her shirt as she propped a knee between your legs.
“Oh come on!” Emily’s voice suddenly broke through your fantasy and Tara pulled herself out of the crook of your neck, a smirk on her lips, “that’s not a new drink! Or the bathroom.” She shot you a playful glare as she opened her bedroom door, “I swear if I hear even a peep tonight I’m telling the whole team.”
“Sorry Emily.” Tara laughed, her hand running down your arm to link with yours, tugging you in the direction of your shared bedroom. Emily rolled her eyes, disappearing into her room, the door clicking shut behind her before you retired into your own.
In the privacy of your room your hands reached out for Tara again, pulling her back to you, your hands slipping under the hem of her hoodie. She laughed softly, her arms wrapping around you as her lips met yours again. She nipped at your lower lip, her hands sliding the flannel off your arms, letting it drop to the floor and you whined quietly, tugging at her sweater.
“Patience…” She murmured.
“You’ve been teasing all day.” You grumbled back, though a smile broke out on your lips as she pulled the hoodie over her head, her hands nudging at your hips and she laughed.
“Yeah? How so?” She raised a brow as you shifted back up to the headboard and she was able to crawl onto the bed.
“Have you seen yourself in a bikini? Or how about all those lingering glances and little touches? Tease.”
“You heard Prentiss.” She said with a shrug, shifting onto the bed beside you, slipping under the covers, “it’s quiet hours.”
“Please.” You pouted, a hand reaching out to brush her hair back behind her ear.
“You sure you can? You almost woke up the entire floor in San Diego.”
“Well maybe that’s just because you fuck me so good I can’t help it.” With a grin you surged toward her, pulling her down on top of you in a kiss and she couldn’t resist but to slide her tongue into your mouth.
One hand braced her on the bed while the other snuck under your tank top, groping at your chest and you softly moaned, Tara silencing it with her mouth, swallowing your breath down. Her finger and thumb rolled your nipple between them, pinching down harder with each rotation, your back arching off the bed toward her. She repeated the action on the other side, earning a tiny whine from you into the kiss, your hips rocking up toward her when she settled a leg between yours.
“You like that?” She asked quietly, lips barely leaving yours, “like it when I play with your pretty tits?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, doing your best not to make a noise.
“Thought you might.”
Her leg surged up between yours, thigh rubbing right against your clothed cunt and your breath caught in your throat, your hands clutching at her body.
“Tara… please..”
Her fingers pinched harshly at your nipple and the gasp caught in your throat, your head dropping back into the pillows. Tara kissed at the side of your jaw, trailing down your neck, teeth nipping at your skin as they went, by the time she’d settled in the crook of your neck her hand was sneaking downwards, fingers toying with the waistband of your shorts. She snapped the elastic against your body to test you, to see if you’d follow the rules before her hand finally slunk underneath them, a quiet gasp leaving your lips when her fingers found your clit.
Her lips returned to yours as her fingers began to lazily rub at your clit, lips curving up into a grin as your body slowly started to rock up towards her in a steady rhythm. Your arms wound around her, one hand tangling into her hair as your heart rate began to pick up. It was just enough to rile you up, barely above a level of teasing but Tara’s hands and lips were on you, so you weren’t about to complain, you knew she’d reward you soon enough. Your breath was hot on her neck, the quietest of whimpers sent straight into her ear and she grinned, placing a gentle kiss on your skin as her hand sunk lower, fingers swiping through your folds. A hitched breath left your throat as she gathered your juices, moving back up to rub at your clit again, this time harder and faster before sinking back down.
“You really are pent up.” She murmured, “this wet and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Please…” you whispered.
“You’ve been so good.” She replied, kissing the underside of your jaw.
Tara’s fingers nudged at your pussy, swirling your juices around before two of them slowly sunk in and you bit back a moan. She knew you so perfectly, just when and how to fuck you, exactly what would bring you the ultimate pleasure and you were eternally grateful for it. She pumped her fingers slowly at first, letting you get used to the stretch while the heel of her hand brushed on your swollen clit. Your breathing picked up, hands clenching at the fabric of her shirt as your pussy started to flutter. The pleasure was building up, coil tightening in your stomach as your heart beat heavy in your chest. Tara’s lips brushed at your neck when she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper,
“That’s my good girl.” Her fingers curled, pressing into the sensitive spot, and you let out a breathy gasp, “pussy always feels so good. Can you hear how wet you are?”
“Mmhmm…” you nodded back, doing your best to keep your lips pressed together. The cabin was quiet, the air still, though very heated within the confines of your room, the wet sounds from your cunt echoing through the air with each thrust of Tara’s fingers.
“Shame I couldn’t get you naked, you always look so beautiful on display for me, stuffed full with my cock.” Her fingers began to pick up their speed, your cunt pulsing heavily around them, spasming when she would randomly crook them right where you wanted. “Guess I’ll have to fuck you nice and good when we get home, hmm? Have your pretty pussy dripping with cum?”
“Oh.. god…” You whimpered, your hips jolting up off the bed, grinding onto her hand as you buried your face into her shoulder, “feels so good.”
“I know baby.” She grinned, her fingers thrusting deeper into your warmth, “I can tell by how fucking soaked you are.” Her fingers twisted, curling suddenly to press forcefully into your g-spot and you cried out.
In an instant her hand stilled completely, fingers simply resting inside your cunt and you dropped back into the pillows with a pout as she raised a brow at you.
“What did I say?”
“Please!” You whispered, tears nearly forming in your eyes at just how close you’d been to reaching your peak, “please keep going. I’ll be quiet! Promise. They won’t even know your fingers are in me. Please. I promise.”
“You break that promise and instead of rewarding you when we get home you’re getting punished, alright baby?”
“Yes.” You nodded furiously, “please. Need you.”
A quiet gasp escaped your lips as Tara’s hand moved, rubbing your pulsing nub while her fingers began to pump inside your pussy again.
“That’s it.” She purred, ducking down to kiss you, swallowing your moans as you surged higher and higher. Her tongue slipped into your mouth while you whined, your hips rocking up to meet her hand with each thrust. She shifted her weight so her free hand could slide under your shirt, pinching at your nipples again, rolling them between her fingers in time with the way she fucked you. She could feel you squirming, feel the groans and moans coming from the back of your throat as her fingers curled again and again, juices beginning to leak down her wrist.
“Oh god…” you broke the kiss with a whispered gasp, “don’t stop… please…”
“Go on baby.” She husked, kissing her way across your jaw, nipping at your earlobe, “come for me.”
Tara’s lips continued their way down your neck, sucking and licking at your sensitive skin as her fingers crooked inside your dripping pussy again and you felt yourself begin to shudder underneath her. Heat broke through your skin and your thighs trembled, nearly attempting to close around her hand. You buried yourself into the crook of her neck and she let out a quiet hiss when your teeth sunk into her skin to muffle your moans as you came.
Her hand slowed, fingers sliding in and out of you with less urgency as you rode out your orgasm, her lips leaving gentle kisses on your body. With a puff of a breath you dropped back into the pillows, your eyes fluttering open to look up, finding her smiling down at you.
“Sorry.” You muttered, glancing toward her shoulder and she chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
“You kept quiet.” Her fingers finally slipped out of you and you couldn’t help but whine, pulling another grin from her, “just wait til we get home, alright?” Before you could answer her you caught her wrist in your hand, pulling her slicked fingers to your mouth and sucking them between your lips, your tongue swirling around them until they were clean. “Good girl.” She praised with a grin.
“Don’t suppose we could leave early?” You asked with a pout and she laughed again.
“Not without a decent excuse.” She dropped onto the bed beside you, pulling you to her, “just one more night, then I’ll fuck you so good you won’t be able to do anything but scream.”
“Promise?” You asked as you stifled a yawn, burrowing into her chest.
“Baby the neighbours won’t be able to look at us for weeks.”
@evilregal2002 @alcabots @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @daddy-heather-dunbar r @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @svushots @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel l @inlovewithemilyprentiss @akingcalledkris @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28
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Sam Levine at The Guardian:
A judge dismissed a bankruptcy case filed by the Gateway Pundit on Wednesday, saying the far-right outlet did not file the case in good faith. The ruling from US bankruptcy judge Mindy Mora in the southern district of Florida comes as the outlet faces significant defamation cases from two Georgia election workers and a former Dominion Voting Systems employee who say the site spread false claims about them after the 2020 election.
Calling the site’s assets “eye-catching”, Mora noted that they were 22 times the size of its liabilities. The company reported nearly $3.1m in revenue in 2023. “TGP remains both balance sheet and cash flow solvent. There is no present financial distress, no looming foreclosure sale, no prospect of a market crash. There is only the State Court Litigation in which TGP must defend itself. That’s not a basis for bankruptcy relief; it’s the justice system in operation,” Mora wrote. The proceedings had also revealed that the company may have been operating in Florida for three years without a proper business license and could owe back taxes to the state, Mora wrote in her 28-page ruling. The Gateway Pundit declared bankruptcy on 24 April saying it was doing so as a litigation strategy in the defamation cases filed against it. Filing for bankruptcy pauses all civil proceedings against a business. The bankruptcy dismissal means the defamation cases can probably continue.
The bankruptcy filing came as lawyers representing Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two election workers, were completing discovery in their defamation case and had informed the company it intended to take depositions of the Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and his twin brother, Joe Hoft, who is a contributor. “This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution,” Jim Hoft wrote at the time. “While we greatly appreciate the Judge’s careful consideration of the facts of this case, we believe some of the findings are not supported by the existing law or underlying circumstances presented at the hearing or otherwise contained within the record. The Debtor continues to consider its options and will move forward in its legal and business path,” Bart Houston, a lawyer representing the company, said in a statement.
The defamation cases are being closely watched because they are testing whether US libel law can be an effective tool to combat misinformation. The collateral bankruptcy cases are seen as an effort to try to avoid accountability for lying. A judge earlier this month also dismissed a bankruptcy case filed by Rudy Giuliani, who was ordered to pay the two Georgia election workers $148.1m for defaming them last year. After the 2020 election, the Gateway Pundit published several articles falsely saying that Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, both election workers in Fulton county, Georgia, were involved in a plot to scan ballots multiple times and steal the election. The claims were immediately debunked and both women have been cleared of any wrongdoing. The false claims were amplified by Giuliani and other Trump allies and became central to their efforts to overturn the election results. When Trump called Georgia’s top election official and asked him “to find 11,780 votes”, he mentioned Freeman by name.
Judge Mindy Mora dismissed far-right propaganda outlet The Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing on Wednesday because the company filed it for bad faith reasons.
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rock-and-roll-hell · 9 months
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December 12, 1976 (Or the day Ace Gets Shocked)
Rock And Roll Over Tour
Lakeland Civic Center - Lakeland, Florida
📸 Kevin Witte
During the opening number, 'Detroit Rock City', Ace touched the metal railing on the stage left staircase, which was ungrounded. He was nearly electrocuted. "When Frehley touched the railing to help himself come down, he completed an electrical circuit with his guitar and was unable to move. He finally fell several feet to the stage floor but was miraculously unhurt. " (Charles M. Young, Rolling Stone Magazine).
The platform was next to Peter’s drum set, and his drum tech Chuck Elias was well positioned and saw what was happening. “It happened very fast,” he later said, “right at the beginning of the show and basically right above my head. Ace was standing on top of the stairs. I saw him grabbing the rail and not being able to move, and then eventually hitting the ground. We were up there instantly, but he was stunned more than anything else, which was lucky because it could have been life-threatening.”
The show was promptly stopped as Frehley was carried back to the wardrobe by the crew. After resting for a bit, Frehley felt better. Declining further medical assistance, he told the others that the was fine to go through with the show. Everything got reset, and after a 30-minute delay, KIϟϟ restarted the show from the top.
Ace later said he played even though he had no feeling in his hands : "I knew it for an instant and then I blacked out. I woke up behind the amplifiers, I said, 'I can’t play.' Then the fans started chanting my name and I finished the show. But I had no feeling in my hands. I don’t know how I even did it. I guess it was all adrenaline."
The incident led to the band using radio mics to free themselves from completing electrical circuits and remove cables as hindrances during their performances. Within months New York based company Ken Schaffer Group, Inc. had seen a massive increase in acts moving to their wireless Schaffer-Vega Diversity System.
Gene also set his hair on fire during this show.
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pettypuppy-jonghyun · 2 years
Warm Snuggles | Lee Felix
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Summary: you vacation together but it ends up being cold, so Felix gives you some snuggles to warm you up!
Warnings: cringy couples in theme park lines lol
@g4m3girl idk what this is but I wrote it for the sake of needing to write
Word count:1107
"It's so cold!" You gasped loudly, stiffening your arms inside your jacket. Your fingertips gripped the cuffs tightly as you attempted to pull the sleeves all the way down.
Felix wiggled beside you, shaking off the shiver that ran down his spine. "It's colder than I expected Florida to be."
The two of you wore coats that were on the thinner side, fully expecting the sunshine state of North America to be warm, even during winter. And while that was the case most days, you happened to arrive during a cold front. Now you both stood in line, outside in the cold weather, at Disney World.
You anticipated there to be lightning lanes available to buy early in the morning, allowing you to skip the long wait and head straight in. However, you failed to wake up early enough to get the lanes that didn't interfere with your bookings for other rides at the Animal Kingdom park. Felix hadn't complained, even went as far as to mention the wait giving time for your stomachs to settle your food from before. You felt bad that your lack of a good schedule made him suffer as well.
The vacation was granted from his company after a long World Tour. They figured after working so diligently, giving the members their own time to hang around would be do-able. Although, they still had to be low-key when it came to public appearance. This meant Felix had to wear a face mask and beanie to cover his defined features.
You booked a few days at Disney World after Felix proposed the idea of vacationing together. He helped plan most of it out in regards to food and hotels, allowing you to expertly plan the day. Unfortunately, this meant you had full control over your park schedule. Which is why you both were standing for a very long time in the freezing cold.
Felix grasps at your hand, tugging you close as the line moves forward some more. "Stay close," he mumbles through the mask.
You clench his hand tightly, wiggling your legs back and forth to create enough friction to warm them up. "I don't think I can feel my toes!"
He giggles, his arm reaching up to wrap around the back of your neck. He pulls you in, leaning his head down to nuzzle your foreheads together. "You're so cute. I think that's just you being dramatic."
You eyed his nose scrunch as he smiled sweetly at you, even from behind his mask. "Are you saying you have feeling in your feet?"
Felix shook his head. "Nope. But it's fun to tease you." He took a moment, glancing at the line behind you to see a group of people chattering to themselves. Satisfied by everyone being distracted, he pulls back from you and unzips his jacket.
"What are you-?"
Felix reached out, tugging you back into his chest. This time, the fabric of his shirt is what met your cheek as he tucked you into him. He gripped the sides on the coat, pulling them tightly around your back to secure you in place for warm snuggles.
"There," he mumbles sweetly. He rests his head atop of yours, arms pulling you even closer. "Now you can warm up!"
You sigh happily, surprised at the sudden affectionate side of your boyfriend. The warmth of his chest soaked into your pink cheeks as you felt the embarrassment creep up. Although shy from the action, you couldn't find it in yourself to remove from his embrace. After all, he was only doing it in consideration of you. To seal it off, he reached the tip of his fingers up to pull down his mask enough to place a sweet kiss to the top of your hair.
"You're as warm as you sun." You snuggle closer, arms wrapped around his waist as you breathe in his comforting scent. It took everything in you to not place a matching kiss to his chest, knowing he would be too surprised to act right.
Felix combed down the loose tendrils of your hair with his hands, his forearms squeezing the jacket to your sides. A couple more seconds passed before the line moved again, and he had to pry himself from the short cuddle session. His eyes swept the people around you to ensure no one saw.
You push lightly at his chest as you laugh. "You can't be embarrassed about the public affection that you started!"
He rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand from his chest to hold tightly by his side. "I was only thinking of your needs."
You knew that. When it came to sacrificing, Felix often did it without another thought. Even though he was highly shy in front of so many people, he didn't hesitate to put your comfort above your own. In such times, you couldn't really fight his actions. You were grateful for his warmth, and denying him was too hard to do. Although you would prefer he considered his own feelings as well, you couldn't change his instinct to please you, whatever it took.
Felix had a habit of making others around him happy. He wouldn't do it for the selfish reason of wanting himself to remain happy, but did so because he loved seeing the joy on their faces. You were no exception to this habit. When he could see the peace across your face the minute he tucked you into him, he knew it didn't matter if anyone saw. Whether it be strangers watching the two of you snuggle in line of a theme park, or fans catching you in public. If he could keep that smile on your face forever, he would do whatever it took.
The moment you stepped away from the hug, you entered the inside part of the line that was far warmer than the outside. This allowed for Felix to zip his jacket and stand beside you quietly. It wasn't long before he leant down enough so he could tilt his head to the side, resting it against yours. Your backs were against the wall as you both faced the blank wall across. His left hand snuck down to grasp yours again.
"My hand," he claims randomly, pulling it so he could shove your grasped hands into his pocket. "I keep this."
You laugh at his strange voice, shaking your head before leaning down to rest on his shoulder. "You are by far the strangest person I have ever met."
"Right back at cha."
He squeezed your hands lightly three times. You squeezed back.
I love you.
Love you too.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Donald Trump's racism has been normalized by too many people. But this is not the sort of mindset America needs in a head of state.
Fred Trump III, Weird Donald's nephew, has a new book out which makes our already low opinion of Trump plummet even further.
⚠️ Caution: Article quotes racist language used by Trump. ⚠️
In a new book, Donald Trump’s nephew recalls the future US president, at the start of his New York real estate career, surveying damage to a beloved car and furiously using the N-word. The shocking scene appears in All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way by Fred C Trump III, which will be published in the US next Tuesday. The Guardian obtained a copy. “‘Niggers,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look what the niggers did,’” Fred Trump writes, describing his uncle’s racist outburst. In the midst of a tumultuous election, in which Trump faces Kamala Harris, the first woman of color to be vice-president, the book may prove explosive. Allegations of racism have followed Trump through his life in business and politics. Rumours persist that tape exists of Trump using the N-word during his time on The Apprentice, the hit NBC TV show that propelled him towards politics, though none have emerged. Omarosa Manigault Newman, a Black contestant, has said she has heard such a tape. Trump denies it. Since winning the Republican nomination for president in 2016, through four years in the White House and in his third presidential campaign, Trump has repeatedly used racist language and has faced accusations of race-baiting. He has vehemently denied all such accusations. [ ... ]
Trump III describes in detail a stunning moment he says happened in the early 1970s at the house of his grandparents, Donald Trump’s parents, in Queens, New York. It was “just a normal afternoon for pre-teen me”, Trump III writes, but then his uncle arrived. “Donald was pissed,” Trump III writes. “Boy, was he pissed.” Trump says his uncle showed him his “cotillon white Cadillac Eldorado convertible”. In its retractable canvas top, “there was a giant gash, at least two feet long [and] another, shorter gash next to it”. “‘Niggers,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look at what the niggers did.’ “‘I knew that was a bad word.’” His uncle, Trump III writes, had not seen whoever damaged his car. Instead, he “saw the damage, then went straight to the place where people’s minds sometimes go when they face a fresh affront. Across the racial divide.”
Grandpa Fred Sr. also had racism issues.
In 1973, Fred Trump Sr, Donald Trump and the Trump company were sued by the US justice department, alleging racial discrimination at New York housing developments. Fred Trump III writes: “This was a painful period for the company and therefore for Donald … all the publicity was bad publicity. The ‘r’ word – racist – was thrown around.” The Trumps counter-sued and the case was settled “with no admission of guilt”, as Donald Trump has said. Trump III also addresses his grandfather’s apparent arrest at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1927, which he says surprised the family when it was recently reported.
But wait, there's more!
Donald Trump thinks disabled people are a waste of flesh. In a separate article about Fred III's book, we hear how Uncle Donald told Fred III to let his disabled son die.
Donald Trump told his nephew he should let his disabled son die, then “move down to Florida”, the nephew writes in a new book, calling the comment “appalling”. “Wait!” Fred C Trump III writes. “What did he just say? That my son doesn’t recognise me? That I should just let him die? “Did he really just say that?” The shocking exchange is described in All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, which will be published next week. The Guardian obtained a copy. [ ... ] On Wednesday morning, Time published an extract detailing Trump’s callous remark about his disabled great-nephew. It came days after family members at the Republican national convention portrayed Trump as a “very caring and loving” grandfather and family man. But Trump family history is complicated. [ ... ] In his own book, Fred Trump III describes a call to his uncle after the White House funeral of Robert Trump, the then president’s younger brother, in 2020. Fred Trump III says Donald Trump was then “the only one” of the older Trumps still “contributing consistently” to William’s care. He contacted his uncle even though he “really didn’t look forward to these calls” and “in many ways … felt I was asking for money I should have originally received from my grandfather” – Fred Trump Sr, the New York construction magnate whose will prompted the family feud. Fred Trump III says he called Donald Trump after seeing him at Briarcliff, a family golf club in Westchester county, New York. He says he described his son’s needs, increasing costs for his care, and “some blowback” from Trump’s siblings. “Donald took a second as if he was thinking about the whole situation,” Fred Trump III writes. “‘I don’t know,’” he finally said, letting out a sigh. ‘He doesn’t recognise you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.’” Fred Trump III writes: “Wait! What did he just say? That my son doesn’t recognise me? That I should just let him die? Did he really just say that? That I should let my son die … so I could move down to Florida? Really?” Fred Trump III says he shouldn’t have been surprised, since he had recently heard his uncle say something similar in an Oval Office meeting with doctors and advocates for disabled rights.
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🚨Mature Content ahead, minors DNI, plz stop reading and move along!🚨
Jey Uso x Mixed female (alternating 1st person pov)
Here we go! I’m so nervous lol - but I am working hard towards my goal of completing several novels I have started. One is about a pirate queen saving her granddaughter, another about a grim reaper who enlists the help of a psychic to find a dangerous spirit that escaped.
Reading fanfiction has always been fun for me, I love reading, writing the wwe so this has been a really fun exercise to get some practice and take a break from the harder/darker plots lines I am writing. This fic here is absolutely a fluffy, smutty and unedited piece that I wrote for fun but I welcome any and all feedback yall have. I figure why not combine something fun with growth?
***A note: this is strictly a fun work of fiction and exercise to help me grow as a writer! I feel very strongly about leaving people to their privacy so and this is very AU/fiction heavy based on a television character, not the actual person. I know he has kids and even has one of them with him sometimes but it just makes me uncomfortable to include anyone actually under the age of 18 and not a character in their own right in the fic. For this reason I just made up a name and age for the kiddo. Thanks for understanding! (Oh, also, I assume most of yall reading this know what Jey looks like so I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing him)
Summary: It’s April (timeline is not perfect forgive me) of 2020 and eighteen year old Aurora “Rori” Begay is the new nanny for Jey Uso. Feelings ‘inappropriate’ for their relationship as employer and client begin to bloom in both of them but they keep it to themselves. When her mom’s abusive boyfriend attacks her one night, Jey comes to her rescue and everything changes.
Idk where this is headed but all I can tell you is there will be smut and an HEA. Mentions of physical abuse and attempted SA but not discussed in great detail. Please take care of yourself, I will include a little warning before something that might be triggering if you wanna skip it.
This is part 1 (first 2 chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
*I’m so fucked.*
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please!”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I just lay there breathing hard.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could get some of this pent up want out but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
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blizzardsuplex · 1 year
Roderick Strong Primer Part II: But Who IS He, Tho?
Part I | Part II (you are here) | Part III | Part IV
[CW: mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, dysfunctional familial relationships, and gun violence]
Roderick Strong is the super cool wrestling OC donut steal of one Christopher Lindsey, born on July 26, 1983 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. However, his family moved to Tampa soon after, which probably epigenetically contributed to him turning out a pretty good example of a Florida Man—or, at least, a Man from Florida. His mother is a paralegal, while his father is a self-taught musician who became/maybe still is an Elvis impersonator (yes, that’s why there was a picture of him as a child dressed in a sparkly jumpsuit on stage during that recent Collision promo); sibling-wise, he has one that we know of, a half-sister who is older than him by four years.
His childhood was…less than perfect. According to him, both in wrestling company-produced backstory blurbs and videos and interviews where he’s just shooting the shit with his buddies, he’d be left alone for hours at a time to basically babysit himself while his age was still in the single digits. His father had problems with alcohol, and would often come home from the bars he performed at around 4 or 5 in the morning; his mother had issues with harder drugs. Said parents would apparently get into screaming matches a lot. He had few friends and was picked on, in part because the family kept moving around Florida and in part because he was an awkward fat kid (to the point that in first grade he learned to pick his nose until it bled, something I didn’t even know you could do, so that he could go home early rather than deal with the fact no one wanted to talk to him at school). He liked math and he played a lot of sports, but because of a particular character trait of his that I will discuss from a kayfabe perspective in part 3 he still struggled to find a place for himself.
Then, of course, there was the incident that was both probably pretty traumatic and, if it didn’t happen, would have maybe meant that he would have never wrestled in the first place: when he was ten or eleven or twelve years old, his mom shot his dad near-fatally. The latter had to go to the hospital; the former spent some time in jail. After his father recovered, for a period of time he had to raise his son as a single parent.
Completely unrelatedly, said dad—who Roderick describes as both athletic and not at the same time—at one point got an invitation to learn how to wrestle under a “former WWE star” (which, especially in the 90s, everyone who ever jobbed on a single show billed themselves as). He agreed—but what to do about his kid while he trained? If they couldn’t afford to get someone to look after him before the incident, they probably still couldn’t on a single person’s salary.
His solution was, of course, to just bring his son with him. He’s not been totally consistent with how he described his initial reaction to tagging along: in 2015 he said he was a big wrestling fan and loved it; in 2023, during his appearance on AEW Unrestricted, he said he liked it beforehand but was a lapsed fan by the time his dad started learning how to wrestle. Either way, for the first month or so he just sat on the grass and watched sweaty, shirtless adults being put through their paces by their trainer—who, it turns out, was an actual former WWE star in Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart.
It was also Anvil who, despite only actively supervising for four or so months, catalyzed Roderick wanting to do wrestling, too. The story goes like this: after a month, he invited Roddy (who was 12 or 13 at the time) to get into the ring. According to the latter, all he did was “mess around a bit” on the top rope; as they were driving home, however, his dad mentioned that Anvil had told him his kid had potential, and that if he kept at it he might be somebody in pro wrestling. Whether or not the guy meant what he said, this was apparently the first time Roderick had been told by anyone who weren’t his parents that he was good at something, and from that point he began training in earnest.
His life was progressing in other ways, too. He was a two-way American football player at his high school, and ended up netting an academic scholarship to the University of South Florida, where he studied business for two years before dropping out.
Going back to wrestling, though, he ended up debuting at something like 14 or 15 and was already getting somewhere in-ring wise. For example, the former WWE wrestler Victoria’s finisher, the Widow’s Peak, is a move Molly Holly (who he’s friends with thanks to the Tampa wrestling circuit connection, by the way) apparently saw Roddy do at 14 in a backyard wrestling ring and recommended to Victoria for her to use. He also helped train, while he was still a teenager, his kayfabe brother and former tag team partner Sedrick Strong—who, if you’re wondering, came up with his ring name first, and was so set on it that, being billed as brothers and all, Roderick Strong had to be named Roderick Strong.
It’s hard to believe now, but initially Sedrick, who ended up retiring from prowres and becoming the branch manager of Tampa Toyota at one point, was the more successful one, participating in the pretty prestigious ECWA Super 8 tournament in 2003. Because of the same character trait I alluded to earlier, Roderick almost quit wrestling entirely in response. Fortunately for me and the 12 other Roddy marks active on the internet, he soon got an offer from Ring of Honor (for those doing the math, he was 19 at the time), ending up in the promotion around the same time as some really famous guys from there were active: Danielson, Punk, Joe…
ROH remained his home promotion for nearly 15 years, and while there, among other accolades, he became their second Triple Crown champion (the first was Eddie Edwards, his partner in the tag team the Dojo Bros). He also, at least in-ring, really got to know his future Undisputed Era stablemates in Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole. Roddy worked a lot of places, though, both on the indies and not: in the latter category, he went to Japan to wrestle for places like NOAH (and met Bobby Fish, another UE member, in the back of those tour buses), did TNA, and even had a one-off appearance on WWE Smackdown against Kurt Angle.
One of the independent promotions he worked, meanwhile, was (of course) California’s Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. He had matches there for over 11 years, from 2005 to, as described in the first part of this primer, his five minute championship rematch against ZSJ in 2016 (which also happened to be the event celebrating the promotion’s 13 year anniversary). I haven’t watched a lot of them pre-2014, but the ones I have? Bangers—but I don’t expect anything less from a Roderick Strong match, if I’m being honest.
But pro wrestling is, as much I hate to admit it, about more than technical greatness (though as I will try to touch on in parts 3 and 4, Roddy has been really great at the non-verbal parts of wrestling in general for years, including expressing and eliciting emotion in-ring). One of the most common criticisms lobbied at Roderick Strong until maybe a few months ago was that he had nothing beyond his technique. During his time as PWG heel champ, though, I am of the opinion that he proved those criticisms outdated—though admittedly it took him several years to get there.
In 2013 and before that, he was mostly a goofy face; in 2014, after he beat Adam Cole for the PWG #1 contendership at PWG ELEVEN, he turned heel on that same show by attacking Kyle O'Reilly post-title defense. It was only after losing his own title match to Kyle, though, then winning the championship one show later anyway thanks to goading a Kyle who’d literally just beaten Ricochet into a brutal 20+ minute Guerrilla Warfare match (at an event called, funnily enough, Black Cole Sun; these guys are all connected man LOL), that his heel turn was truly cemented. Armed with his stiff style, letterman jacket, End of Heartache as his entrance music, and his shitty little boots—which, by the way, originated from Trent? making him a t-shirt design with that phrase on it—he proceeded to terrorize the fans via being a massive prick and fight against a laundry list of some really good wrestlers:
Trevor Lee (now Cameron Grimes)
Zack Sabre Jr.
Speedball Mike Bailey
Matt Sydal
Chris Hero
Drew Galloway (now Drew McIntyre)
Mark Andrews
…and I’m not even counting the Mt. Rushmore 2.0/multi-man stuff!
Then ZSJ finally beat him for the title in a great bout and he left indie wrestling for WWE soon after. You know the drill. So, if you’re wondering why I and the previously mentioned 12 Roddy marks freaked out when he came back during PWG’s Mystery Vortex 8—which was also the 20th anniversary of the promotion’s founding!—hopefully this explains why a little. He just feels right in a PWG ring.
But the fact of the matter is he couldn’t come back for nearly seven years, whether to PWG or ROH or the many places all around the world he’s wrestled in. As I’ve mentioned, I didn’t watch NXT at that point, so I’ll let someone else explain that time in his career if ever; I also am making the assumption that if you’re reading this you’re aware of his current AEW run, so I’m not gonna recap that history either. He’s existed for 40 years and been wrestling for well over 20 of them, man, I don’t think I could get to everything he’s done even if I wanted to.
So: a basic history established. You might be wondering, though: throughout his long career…what was he like? As a North American wrestler who wrestles in the North American context, does he have that essential component of pro wrestling? Did he have a character?
The popular answer until recently? No. In part 3, though, I will hopefully provide some evidence that, at least by the time I first watched him, the answer was yes.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Just One Kiss Epilogue
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: Once upon a Memphis time, you and Elvis were very close friends who turned lovers. After he went into the Army, you both drifted apart, leaving you heartbroken. Time passes, and you go on a Vegas business trip with your long-term boyfriend, Edward, and find out that your old lover is performing at The International Hotel. Old feelings surface once again, and you plan on making this a trip neither of you will soon forget.
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff, smut, surprises... The End.
Author's Notes: Welcome to the Epilogue! If y'all like the epilogue, follow my work, comment, repost, and like.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Three months later...
It's been a marvelous three months back in Memphis. Back home in Elvis' arms. To you, it was almost back to normal.
In the three months' time, you moved into Graceland, reconnected with your mother, and got back in touch with yourself. You were happier than you had ever been in the nine years prior.
You called your Aunt Lily from Florida and got her to spend time reconnecting with you and your mother. She came to stay and hasn't left. You eventually got your mother to let you pay off the house with a little help from Elvis.
You reconnected with Dodger and all the boys in the Mafia. You got better acquainted with their wives and girlfriends. They all agreed that they enjoyed your company better than Laura's.
And Elvis... your darling Elvis. Things couldn't have gotten any better. Elvis, a man of his word, loved you better than he once did. It was all different. Somehow, now that you both were older and more mature, the love was stronger. More meaningful and passionate.
Elvis showered you with love and gifts. You told him that he didn't have to buy you anything, but he insisted on buying the best. You saw it bothered him if you didn't take the gift immediately or if you'd say no. Elvis is a giver; you know how much he loves to give. All you wanted was him.
The love making got better, too. You both learned things along the way. Just as Elvis gives of himself on stage, he gives of himself in the bed. Such a pleaser is he in bed. Somedays, you wouldn't leave the room.
Today started off like any other day, minus a few things such as morning sex. You woke up alone. You got ready for the day; you went downstairs and got yourself breakfast.
The day went on, and you decided to stay at the table and read. Your back is facing the jungle room, so you don't pay attention. Suddenly, a hand covers your face.
"Hi there, baby." He whispers in your ear, and you register that it's Elvis.
"E, you scared the hell out of me."
Elvis kisses your cheek and neck as his arms circumference around your arms. You place your hands on top of his, close your eyes, and indulge in his love.
"Let's go, Y/N." Elvis says, giving you one last kiss and taking your hand.
"Go? Where are we going?" You ask, full of curiosity.
"You'll see."
Hand and hand, Elvis walks you out to the stables and takes Rising Sun out of his stall. He's taking you riding a few times, so you know how to climb onto the saddle.
"Climb on." Elvis asks you.
You do as you're told and climb onto Rising Sun with Elvis climbing on behind you.
"Don't move." Elvis says, as he places a blind over your eyes.
"Elvis Presley, what are you doing?"
"It's a surprise."
"A surprise? Elvis. You can't keep a secret to save your own life. You telling me you have a surprise for me?" You inquire.
"Yes. I do." Elvis whispers in your ear, and he kisses your cheek.
You feel goosepimples erupt all over your cheek and arms. Elvis gives Rising Sun a little kick, and you're off to a secret location. The ride is so quiet that you grow fearly.
"E, can you give me a hint about what you're doing?" You ask him.
You start thinking about the occasion. It's not your birthday. Nor his. It's not a holiday or anything remotely to an anniversary yet. You're stumped, and the anticipation is killing you.
"Whoa, boy." Elvis slightly pulls on the reigns, and Rising Sun stops. "We're here, baby." He whispers in your ear.
Elvis jumps down from the saddle and takes your hand. You slowly swing your leg over and stumble a bit. It's not easy when you can't see. Elvis catches you before you fall. Your a bit shaken.
"You okay, baby?" Elvis asks, holding you tight.
"I'm... I'm fine. Whoa. That's not easy with a blindfold on." You tell him.
"You're okay. I know something that will make that better. You ready?"
You nod with excitement, and a smile crosses your lips. Elvis unties your blindfold, showing you your surprise.
What you see before you is your cabin. Remodel from top to bottom. The rotten wood has been replaced. The porch is intact. The windows are clean, and there are blue morning glories vines hanging from top to bottom.
"Oh, Elvis. This... this." You can't speak. You're at such a loss for words. Tears stream down your cheeks with joy. It's the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
"You like it?" Elvis asks, hugging you from behind.
"I love it. It's beautiful. Thank you." You say, turning quickly in his arms. You kiss him long and hard. You are in awe of the man. This thoughtful man is all yours. You slowly pull away from him to look in his eyes.
"You're welcome." Elvis says, pulling you towards the door. "Come on, Y/N. I didn't bring you all the way out here just look at it."
He ties Rising Sun to the porch and feeds him an apple. Then, he opens the door to the cabin. Still unlocked after all these years.
As Elvis opens the door for you to enter, it looks like an entire new cabin all cleaned up. No dust. That old stell scent is gone. The curtains have been replaced with light blue drapes that compliment the decor beautifully. The sofa has been replaced. The fireplace is the same cobblestone. Just a magnificent area. The mini kitchen has a refrigerator there now. The kitchen is cleaned with new faucet knobs. The old ones rusted away.
"Elvis, when did you have time to do this?"
"Back in 1961. When I missed you. I had everything replaced and rebuilt. Just for you."
You look at him with so much love and admiration. You give him your hand, and Elvis gladly takes it, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles. He knows exactly what to do to make you glow.
"Come on, Y/N. I have one more place to show you." Elvis says, escorting you to the last room in the cabin.
The bedroom.
Back on that rainy in 1957, you never went in the bedroom. Elvis was the only one to go into the bedroom to locate some towels for you to dry off.
Today, this is a quaint little room. The curtains are the same color as the ones in the living room and kitchen area. There's a body sized mirror in the corner. Elvis, your dirty boy loves to watch. There's a bed right in the middle of the west wall with two complimentary nightstands. It's not as big as a bed Elvis would like, but big enough for the room. All the floors are hardwood, yet there's a carpet under the bed.
Beyond the bedroom is a mini bathroom that you see it stocked with clean towels and cloths.
"Elvis, this is all so magical, and oh so thoughtful." You say walking close on him, kissing his tender lips.
"Well, baby. I think a pretty cabin like this should be christened. Don't you?" Elvis asks, rubbing your shoulders and running his fingers down your back.
"Yes, E. I think it should," you say, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Elvis starts slowly kissing you. He's easing you to the bed as you two begin your make-out session. Elvis moves from your lips to your chin, and he licks his way to your neck.
You indulge in his lips. The more he kisses you, the wetter you get. You moan for him and the relief he can give. You need him now. You run your hand down under your skirt to ease the tension between your legs, but Elvis smacks your hand away.
"That's my job, baby." He teases.
Elvis reaches his hand under your skirt, and you move away from him off the bed.
"Where you going?" Elvis says, confession riddling his features.
"In our cabin, you fuck me in one place. The sofa in front of the fireplace," you whisper to him.
Elvis licks his mouth and bites his bottom lip. All the things he wants to do to you.
"Take your clothes off, Presley, and meet me out here." You say.
"You minks. Leaving me to play with myself."
Elvis starts to strip himself. You leave him alone as you make your way to the sofa. Oh, you wish it were cooler out so you could see the flames lit in the fireplace.
The next minute, Elvis is in the doorway nake as a jaybird. He rests his arms against the door frame and stares at you. You try not to squirm under his gaze. You try to fight the urge to jump on him. You want him to come to you.
Elvis slowly walks to you. His dick becomes harder the closer he gets to you. He kisses your lips, then abruptly quickly turns you towards the window. Your back facing him. He pulls your skirt up and slips his fingers in your sacred place, making you breathe out sharply and close your eyes.
"So wet. So juicy for me. You want me, Y/N?" He whispers.
"Always, E. Always."
Elvis rubs your nectars from your pussy to your clit. He slowly rubs his fingers there, causing you to moan obscene noises. You feel the length of him against you ass, and you grind against him. He kisses your neck. You place one hand on Elvis' hand that rubs your clit; your other hand caresses his neck as he kisses you.
Elvis loses himself and forces your skirt off your body. He pulls your lace top off you and flings it to the side. Elvis, eager to be one with you.
"Sit down, E." You order him, turning around to look at him.
He sits down on the sofa as told, never letting you go. You kneel before him and grab his cock, massaging the head of his cock with your thumb. You sooth the lustful ache that pains his penis and Elvis moans.
You take that moan as permission to put your mouth on his hardened shaft. You don't see it, but Elvis widens his eyes, slack jawwed, and throws his back. The pleasure is outstanding, and Elvis is pleased with you. You suck and slurp and moan all he gives you from his delicious dick. You roll your tongue over the tip of his dick as your hand plays at the base of him. He grips your head and forces you to take more of him.
"Take all of me, baby." He whispers.
You do as you're told, grip onto his legs, and take all of Elvis in your mouth. Inch by inch. He hits the back of your throat, and you widen your throat for him to enter. Elvis moans and shakes as you deliver the highest pleasure of lovemaking to him.
After a moment of sucking him off, you pull yourself off him before he cums in your mouth. Elvis looks at you as he tries to catch his breath. You lick your lips and wipe all the excess slobber and precum in your mouth.
"So salty, my love. So tasty." You say, licking your fingers and smacking your lips. "Delicious."
"Why didn't you finish then?" Elvis asks, rubbing his length.
"I need you to stay rock hard for me. I need you too."
"You need me, baby?" Elvis whispers, scooting his face closer to you.
You nod your head with need and longing.
"My baby. So needy. So wet for me." Elvis says, kissing your lips.
Elvis then places you on the sofa. He now kneels before you. You sit there pushing your curls out of your face as he pulls you forward. He places your legs over his shoulders. Your legs drape his back. You're so close to Elvis that you feel his breath on your folds. Your chest heaves as Elvis positions his arms around your back.
Elvis looks you in the eye with that infamous crook smile playing on his face. He sticks out his tongue and playfully wiggles it against your folds. You throw your head back as he opens up your pussy and slides his tongue against the walls of your clit. The sensation of so simulating you start to rock a little. Elvis then takes lips and tongue to your clitoris and French kisses it.
"Oh my fuck! Holy fuck! Elvis!" You shout out.
Hearing how much you like this gesture, Elvis picks up his pace with his tongue. You try to stay still and allow him to work, but you can't help yourself. You slowly start to grind your waist with the rhythm of his erotic tongue. Elvis holds your hips still. You moan in pleasure from need.
"Go on, Y/N. Scream. Moan." Elvis teases you. "No one can hear you out here. You're all alone with me fucking you out here."
"What about R-Rising Sun?" You stutter out.
"He don't mind." Elvis says.
You then place your head back against the sofa. You grip one of the pillows with one hand and place your other hand on the back of Elvis' head. You start to moan playfully with Elvis. Elvis knows what game you're playing, and he has the Ace in his pocket. You are completely at his mercy. You joke with him like it's not that good, but you know one man can love you like Elvis. Let alone fuck as well as he can.
"Oh, Elvis. Yes. Fill me up, E. Oh yeah. Right there, baby." You chant.
Elvis sucks and licks your clit then without warning shoves his index and fore fingers into your damp pussy. You scream in surprise and pleasure. You squirm and writhe under his command. You start to shake as your orgasm hits you so quickly.
"Holy fuck! E-Elvis. Yes." You say.
You go limp, letting Elvis lap up your delicious nectar. He kisses your walks again. He closes you up and kisses your folds as he places you. You trimble with after shock and try to catch your breath.
"You had enough?" Elvis says, sitting on his knees.
"You kiddin?" You answer him, grabbing his face to place a kiss on lips. You taste your nectars all over him. This drives you crazy.
"Sit on this fucking sofa, Presley." You order him.
He trades places with you and sits on the sofa. You brush your hair out of your face as you stand. Elvis can't help himself. He jerks himself off as he waits for you. You smack his hand away. He looks at you like you lost your mind.
"That's my job." You mock him with smirk on your face.
"Then get to work, Y/N." Elvis sasses you.
"I fully intend to, Presley."
You climb on top of him and start to ride his dick cowgirl style. Nice and slow. You place your hands on the back of the couch as Elvis places his hands on your waist. You steady yourself as you ride his dick out to kingdom cum. You both moan as you both are over stimulated and needy for one another.
Your passions are on the brink of eruption as you speed up your pace. He fills you up completely, and you moan loudly at the thrill. Your tummy tickles from the pleasure. Your heart is pounding, and goosebumps raise all over your skin. There's no need for the fire you longed for in the fireplace. Your loins are set a blaze hotter than the fire of 57'.
"Elvis, say... say the password. Please!!" You beg.
"Password..." Elvis jokes.
"E, please." You beg. "I can't hold on much longer. I need you to say... say it!"
Elvis pulls you close and whispers slowly.
He then bounces you up and down as you cum all over him, screaming at the top of your lungs. You milk him from the inside, allowing Elvis to cum all the edge of oblivion with you.
"Fuckin' christ!" Elvis yells, hugging you in place.
You both sit in one another's arms as you marvel at your lovemaking. He's so incredible. You kiss his forehead, and Elvis kisses your chest. Then you kiss passionately.
"Oh, E." You say, hugging his neck.
"You're right, Y/N." Elvis says, looking at you. "The sofa is the only place we make love here in this cabin. Our cabin."
"Our cabin." You whisper.
This is all you ever wanted with Elvis. You didn't want much. You didn't need much. Elvis was enough. You just close your eyes and hold him.
"I got one more surprise for you, baby." Elvis whispers.
"Surprise?" You quietly whisper.
Elvis places you on the sofa and walks into the bedroom. You sit there quietly, waiting for him.
"Close your eyes, Y/N." He asks you. "No peaking."
You do as you're told. You hear Elvis approaching you. You feel his aura surround you. His spirit is so peaceful and fun. You hear him silently kneel before you again, and you smile, thinking he's going to use his tongue once more. You shake with anticipation.
Elvis kisses your lips.
"Open your eyes, baby." Elvis says softly.
You do, and what you see in front of you is a diamond ring. Your eyes widen, and Elvis smiles.
"My dearest, Y/N." He starts his speech. "Ever since the night you came to Graceland to meet me. You have been one of my dearest friends. Ever since that day, we came out here and made love, I have been crazy about you. You disappeared. That was my fault, but ever since you came back into my life, I've been grateful. I want you here. Always. I'm never letting you go again. Ever. I love you, Y/N. Marry me? Please?"
Tears pour from your face at his words. They were so meaningful and sweet. How can you refuse?
"Yes. Yes. Elvis, I'll marry you." You say with a smile on your face.
You grab Elvis' face and place a kiss on his lips. Elvis takes your ring out the little box, tosses the box to the side, and places the ring on your finger. It's so pretty, and it fits so well. Tears pour from your eyes.
"Please tell me those are happy tears." Elvis asks.
"Yes, they are." You say, looking back at him. "Elvis, I'm a simple girl. I don't want much. Everything I've always wanted is here now. You. This cabin. I love you so much. This ring is the icing. The cherry on top. It completes everything."
"This is just the beginning, baby." Elvis says, taking your hands. "There's so much more I want to give you. I wanna show you the world if you let me. I love you so much."
"I love you too, E."
Elvis grabs your face and kisses you deeply, passionately. This man is the one. You always knew it.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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