#top growth stocks to buy now
randyorton66 · 2 months
The World of Growth Stocks: 3 Top-Ranked Stocks to Buy for Big Growth
Are you ready to supercharge your investment portfolio with high-growth stocks? In this video, we delve into the world of growth investing to uncover 3 top-ranked stocks to buy for big growth. Uber Technologies, Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), and Salesforce.
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Welcome to Financial Life, your go-to destination for all things finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. In today's video, titled "3 Top-Ranked Stocks," we delve into the dynamic world of investments to bring insights into three stellar companies poised for success.
Join us as we analyze their recent performances, explore their growth prospects, and discuss why they could be the next big winners in your investment journey.
Discover why these companies represent more than just investments—they embody visions of a future ripe with potential. Embrace growth and watch as your portfolio ascends to new heights!
If you found this video helpful, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more content on investment strategies and market trends. Happy investing, and may your portfolio flourish with abundance!
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dmwealth · 11 months
14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India
आज में आपकों 14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India के बारें में बतानें वाला हूँ मुझे उमीद हैं की यह आपकों पसंद आएगी। भारत में लंबी अवधि के लिए निवेश करने के लिए सबसे अच्छे स्टॉक्स कौन से हैं? यह प्रश्न हर निवेशक के मन में होता है, जो अपने पैसों को समय के साथ बढ़ाना चाहता है। लंबी अवधि का निवेश का मतलब है कि आप कम से कम 1 से 3 साल तक किसी स्टॉक में पैसा लगाते हैं, और उसकी कीमत में…
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moneyhustlers · 1 year
Top 5 Best US Stocks to Buy Now
Top 5 Best US Stocks to Buy Now Top 5 Best US Stocks to Buy Now: High Growth Stocks for June 2023 Hey everyone, welcome back! It’s time for the June 2023 edition of the top 5 best US stocks to buy now. These are the stocks that I believe are poised for explosive growth in the future. If you’re looking for high-growth stocks that have the potential to double or triple in the next one, two, or…
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digitalguap · 2 years
How To Invest In Growth Stocks For Beginners In 2022 [FREE COURSE]
How To Invest In Growth Stocks For Beginners In 2022 [FREE COURSE]
We're going to be doing a course here Talking about growth investing 101 some Of the basics i believe we have 15 Different videos outlined and in this Video being the very first one all i Want to talk about is what are growth Stocks what are growth investments these Are going to be some of the basic Characteristics of growth investments And First of all number one the reason why We call these…
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Got any Carrie Kelly headcanons? She is such an underrated Robin
For those of you who are new here, Carrie Kelley is technically the third Robin after Jason. She's had a couple of cameos across different universes (like as Damian's acting teacher), but the majority of her appearances are confined to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns where she is a 13-year-old girl who takes up the Robin mantle herself after an aging Bruce returns to the vigilante scene. Her canon sucks, but since I'm out here butchering the batfam anyway, I might as well revamp her characterization.
In regards to her place in the batfam, I think 13-14 is a good age for her because it helps fill in the gap between Tim/Duke and Damian, plus it adds balance because the rest of the girls skew older and it gives her more room for growth. Also 13 is prime Chaotic Weird Girl age and Carrie would absolutely be one
And I know she was briefly Batgirl in canon but can we also revamp that? There's a Batgirl void that she can totally fill but canon is like unseasoned boiled brussels sprouts. In my mind she's Batgirl but with a better costume, different mindset, and keeps her fun and distinct firecracker slingshot
Every time she goes shopping with Alfred, she comes back with another candlestick. She's up to ten now and they're all sitting in her room, fire hazards waiting to happen
She volunteers to help with the kindergarten and she's really good with kids... when she's not acting like one herself. She comes home after the first day with finger paint all over her face
A carjacker tries to break into the Batmobile and she just walks up to them like "Excuse me that's not yours"
She always keeps the dictionary up on her phone in the unlikely event she needs to prove to someone that contranyms are thing
She knows exactly what certain words mean, but pretends she doesn't and uses them wrong in the family groupchat because she knows Bruce will ask, which forces the other batkids to not only explain what a malewife is, but also correct Carrie by demonstrating how to use it correctly
She remembers every Taylor Swift song by heart and she's not ashamed
"Any pool is a public pool if you have the initiative," she says before selling wristbands for Bruce's pool
She gets the pets their own phones so she and Damian can text them throughout the day
She asks Bruce before taking any money, but the way she frames it is weird. For example, she'll ask him for a hundred bucks to buy some video games because that's the market price only to get them for $20 at a garage sale and spend the rest at on a really expensive burger
She's one of the privileged few to come across a person buying 300 watermelons in real life
Her invitations to hang out are like "Wanna come over? We can watch a movie or clean the Batcave, whatever works"
Damian is the "don't eat meat" type of environmentalist, but Carrie is the "I'll spam you with sad turtle pictures so you'll recycle plastic" type of environmentalist
She stocks up on Teen Spirit deodorant so she can say she smells like Teen Spirit
Her makeup skills are... not good. Jason mistook her for a Joker sidekick
She also snuck into Jason's phone and hid one of his Robin pics in his profile
She clips her nails during Bruce's briefings
Carrie and Duke go to the bookstore and see who can find the most Written By A Male Author book
She drinks water with a dash of olive oil
At galas she wears suit tops with skirts and light-up Sketchers
Carrie also doesn't care too much about gender or pronouns. She has a "she/they" pin on her backpack, but that's only 'cause she found it on a bathroom floor and liked the color
Her favorite nap spot is Bruce's favorite chair. It's a huge plush armchair and she's small enough to pass off as a cushion, so Bruce always has to double-check before sitting down
Carrie can read cues in other relationships, but not her own. After Kon offers to refill Tim's drink she's like "ooh he likes you" but when a kid at school gives her flowers on Valentine's day she's like "I think they were just being friendly"
She's the only Robin not to have dentists ask about broken or missing teeth
At a sleepover, she and a few other kids catfished someone on Hinge using a terrible teacher's picture
Her drawing skills are pretty good (not Damian level though) and one time when Dick was sad she drew him as the Dreamworks crescent moon kid
She's friends with the old lady that shops at Trader Joe's the same time she does every week
She puts all her phone calls on speaker. ALL. OF. THEM
She goes to Canada on a short mission and promises to bring back souvenirs. She brings bagged milk
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bit-b · 2 years
The Pi's gone bad...
TL;DR: Raspberry Pi showcased police surveillance and police activity in a positive light. And that makes the Bit upsetti spaghetti. ------------------------------------ I don't know how many people on Tumblr are into geeky computer tech, but I felt like making a blog post to vent my frustrations about a recent goings-on. There's a company called Raspberry Pi that's been around since 2011 (with early development of Raspberry Pi starting around 2006). They're known for making small micro-computers the size of a credit card. It was originally an education initiative to get kids interested in coding. These computers run Linux, have a variety of ports for various uses and flexibility, and have a very low introductory cost. They've been utilized in all sorts of places. -Hobbyists used them in custom builds for robotics and automation. -Coders have used them to create all sorts of programs that help with entertainment, productivity, internet security, etc. -Educators have used them to help teach the fundamentals of Linux to students. It's a group and product that I've supported for a long time.
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WELL, on December 8th, Raspberry Pi made a news post on their site announcing that they've hired a new person. Which is totally fine. It's good to see company growth. Only, this person was an ex-policeman in the UK surveillance division.
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In the interview for the article, this ex-policeman said: “I used to be a police officer tackling serious organised crime and terror threats across the east of the UK. I was a Technical Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide video, audio, and other covert gear. You really don’t want your sensitive police equipment discovered, so I’d disguise it as something else. The variety of tools and equipment I used then really shaped what I do today.” "I started playing with Raspberry Pi hardware at home around the same time I started using Linux at work. I have used Raspberry Pi a lot in various police tactics over the years. They were dependable, low-cost, portable, and supported by such an awesome community. I tried almost every ‘fruit-based’ single-board computer out there, but I always came back to Raspberry Pi." Now, I don't blame Raspberry Pi for their computers being used as surveillance devices. It's a very open-source type of device. People are gonna get ideas. And sadly, using a micro-computer for this kind of job makes sense. HOWEVER, Raspberry Pi have full control over who they choose to hire. AND they have full control over what they choose to post to their website. If this hire and this information are things that they are happy to showcase to the world, I can't interpret this any other way than them endorsing their product for secret surveillance. Others saw it the exact same way. People went to the replies on Twitter and Mastodon to voice their concerns. But the social media manager chose to start blocking and hiding posts from people that were talking negatively about the ex-policeman and/or the article. To be fair, there were a LOT of hateful and trollish posts. And I DO NOT in any way support the harassment of anyone. Still it's not a good look to silence criticism on something so potentially contentious. It's ESPECIALLY not wise to word your replies to these comments in a dismissive and antagonistic way.
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I don't know if they're still blocking people and hiding comments at this point. There seem to be plenty of angry comments left under their Twitter post. So I'm gonna guess they decided it wasn't worth trying to fight. On top of this issue, people continue to point out that it's legendarily difficult to purchase a new Raspberry Pi computer nowadays. The retailers that sell individual units can't seem to keep steady stock. This means that you either have to be VERY lucky when a supply drop happens, or you have to buy one of the scalped units being sold on either eBay or Amazon. The deluxe model is routinely sold for twice it's normal price.
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That being said, if you're a business and want to buy a bulk shipment of Pi computers, that option is still readily available. Seems like the Pi company is more than happy to move inventory around if it means getting bulk batches out the door for businesses that want to stick Pi computers in random things (whether it be service devices or consumer products). And that's who I think Raspberry Pi's current REAL customers are: big businesses with big pockets. I don't completely believe that they hired this ex-policeman for the sole purpose of pushing the idea of using Pi computers in covert surveillance to law enforcement. That hinges on conspiracy talk. But I DO have a suspicion that someone in the marketing department saw the opportunity. The interview at times has an ere of advertisement. It puts Raspberry Pi computers in a position of looking like the perfect solution for police equipment. This is all my own interpretation. I can't really know 100% what their intentions were with this. I could be completely off on my assumptions, and they could turn around and say that it was a complete misfire on the PR side of things. What I do know is that I am now much more wary about Raspberry Pi. I once had interest in seeing how their newer units performed. But now I can't in good conscious hand my money over. I'm a major advocate of only allowing the police what they need within reason. And surveillance like this steps over that boundary. I was one of the first people who ordered the OG Raspberry Pi. I have great memories of learning Linux and tinkering around with it. It's one of the big reasons why I'm so interested in Linux today. I hope the Raspberry Pi company takes a minute to remember where they started. To remember their original goal. Making learning and computing accessible to all.
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static-hum · 1 year
pulling threads #241323
inflation being spoken of as ‘balloon expands when air blows in’ is embarrassing, terrible, awful. if such childish analogies are attempted in science conferences there will be a lot of humiliation that awaits the speaker. i will now try my own idiot-man’s version of trying to work out my thoughts. from what i understand, the govt prints money into existence lets consider a period of time when it has printed quantity M units of currency. if the country in question now creates goods and services whose value reliably equals M, there is parity - there’s growth because the quantity M in circulation reflects all the goods there are or all the infrastructure there is in the country. now what is G’s best route to do this? let me consider options.. it can either hand this M units of money to banks who then loan it out to companies creating debt that collects interest (which when paid back fully, is M+dM including the return on the bank’s investment), or it can freebie ‘hand it to bigwigs’ by slashing interest rates for bigwigs to near zero. in this second case, real money with real value that can be exchanged for goods is left unconditionally with bigwigs who are ‘trusted to be geniuses wrt investing’. the hope, is that they will create huge manufacturing and other jobs, that build *infrastructure* - i.e. something real and tangible that comes out of said money M as we discussed earlier. now do these hotshots do what we expect them to do? no. the myth seems to be that they will make big factories, employ people to make pots out of clay, machines out of mud, clothes out of plants blahblah and give them salaries for the value they add. the salaries in turn get used up to buy these goods, people carry wealth and ‘development’ as measured by how much total goods+money they hold as their own. in reality, a lot of this money flows out of the economy and lives in shelters. a tiny amount gets invested, but not in anything that reflects value, but in a ‘stock’ that others are encouraged to invest retail in, essentially a rigged exercise the odds of which are usually stacked in favor of the bigwig. the other awful solution is for the govt to take some of the spending and manufacturing tasks into its own hands, and make sure money is handed out after the value is created. here too, people are people and they leach - there is corruption, money flowing to shelters, unfinished useless goods ‘valued’ high by govt releasing funds, bureaucrats doing the swindling this time. plenty-of-evidence that trickle-down econ is a fairlytale, as is now easily googlable. the water that is poured at the top floor mostly flows out to a secret stash outside, and only a miniscule amount even circulates in the real economy for it to trickle anywhere. ultimately, the pot of money M needs to be distributed to people who do the work of making the finished goods in proportion to all they do, including the CEO and the fund managers. one could even pay people in proportion to the risk they take, the stress they swallow. but when M becomes 0.2M because 0.8 flies out to shelters never to be seen again we have a bad system. i think a good answer is to have a mixed system that ‘churns’ regularly, seeing both public and private sides competing. when things get too big on scale they command too much power and call dibs on M.  if there’s a fire in the second floor, maybe the water needs to be poured in it to douse it - not on the 51st floor to trickle down. an alternative approach could be to give people some of the amount ‘M’ and ask them to reward whichever production that is most needed by them. if one keeps marketing and hogwash to a tolerable amount people will spend on what they need first - and work jobs to supplement their income with a larger portion of M they command say over, but without living in embarrassingly dire, worthless conditions. europe does some of all this, which is one reason people live more human there and less like beasts. there is a lot of shaggy-dog-stories that pass for deep wisdom in some of these matters, and things don’t fucking work. it’s terrible, awful. unless we all plan to sacrifice our necks to babies wearing golden diapers, it behooves us to at least use our skepticism to try and smell bullshit when it’s dealt.
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potsmart · 1 year
Ground Weed and Pre-Rolls Explode in Popularity in Canada… Southern Neighbours Still Not So Sure
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In the past, cannabis consumers generally preferred to buy their weed whole and grind it themselves. However, it seems that in Canada, this is changing, and more and more consumers are now willing to purchase pre-ground cannabis, which was once considered “mids,” or worse, “Boof.” Heady bois groan from their studio apartments in Denver, but as mentioned earlier on this site, fans of pre-ground flower have no time for that negativity. Consumers are voting with their wallets.
It shouldn’t need defining, but here we go, pre-ground or milled weed is available in a ready-to-use form, which can be easily poured into your vape, pipe, or pre-rolled cone.
According to data generated by Seattle-based cannabis researchers Headset Analytics, pre-ground cannabis had a rather negligible presence in the burgeoning Canadian market at the start of 2020. However, fast forward and by December 2022, it occupied a significant share at 7.3% of Canadians’ flower purchases. This data was obtained through tracking in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan and reported by MJBizDaily.
“That’s very, very much a significant portion of the highest-revenue category,” Headset Analytics Manager Cooper Ashley said.
What’s more is that brands are growing devoted fanbases who come back and ask for them by name.
“We were, in my opinion, probably a month too late jumping on that trend, even though customers were asking us for it,” said Cavion, founder of two Calyx + Trichomes stores in Kingston, Ontario.
Perhaps another boost to purchases of pre-ground bud is infused products. It’s becoming more common on shelves and delivery menus all over the world to see massive selections of infused pre-ground and pre-rolls. This gives the product that little extra kick chronic chronic smokers like. Growers used to throw out their trim. Now they grind it up with bud, pack it into pre-rolls that they roll in trim bin kief and sell at a premium. It’s really a win-win. People love the product, growers get to turn what once was waste into gold.
Apart from its convenience, there are several other advantages to purchasing pre-ground weed. One such benefit is the price point, and you know stoners love a deal. In fact, pre-ground cannabis often retails at a lower price point than whole flower, with an average price of around $4 CAD or approximately $3 USD per gram. This marks a significant decrease from the average price of $7 CAD or $5.25 USD in early 2020.
This trend of buying pre-ground weed is not as popular in the United States, where it currently only makes up about 0.9% of the total flower market share. One possible reason for the relatively slow adoption of pre-ground weed in the USA could be its negative reputation. Some Canadian Entrepreneurs have admitted that they were initially hesitant to stock pre-ground weed due to its less-than-stellar reputation.
“In the early days of legalization in Canada, I don’t think the perception was there for milled flower – I think it was seen as maybe inferior to other products,” – Maria Guest, Pure Sunfarms Vice President
Despite its plus sides, it just wasn’t cool in the beginning. That changed incredibly fast. The verdict is still out whether Americans are simply snobs or if the pre-ground weed in Canada is just better.
You know what else Canadians love? Canadians love pre-rolls. If you need further proof Canadians love convenience, according to data also provided by Headset Analytics and reported on MJBizDaily, the market for infused pre-rolls in Canada has experienced an astounding growth of nearly 1,100% within a year.
(Still reading this?! I know you want a pre-roll now!)
I think again here the variety available on the shelves in mind boggling numbers. Smokers today have options from the bottom of the shelf to the top, infused, coated, premium, hash filled, whatever you can imagine, someone is rolling it up into a joint, sticking it in a little plastic tube and willing to sell it to you. Our little monkey brains can’t help but buy them up like candy and enjoy them. Listen, I am that heady boi, and I buy pre-rolls. They are awesome.
To be fair it is doubtful that heady bois everywhere are going to pawn their Motherships and custom bangers to load up on pre-ground cannabis.These are not the same markets and that’s okay. That’s the beauty of a legal market, it creates a massive variation of products that may never have been available otherwise. In the same way, a lot of consumers are just looking for an easy way to get blazed, and a familiar bag of ground up stuff to roll your own cigarettes like a hipster outside a music venue. Good for all 7.9% of them.
You know what else is awesome? Kief.
Just saying. If you’re rolling Js, you might as well pick up some of that to top it all off.
By Richard “Dick” Weed, Ganja Guru and Guest Contributor, for Potsmart
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
Right Property Value in Indian Real Estate?
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In India, investing in real estate has never lost its attractiveness. Even while property may not be as profitable right now as stocks, Indians don't buy homes only for the return on their investment. Owning a home has a significant psychological benefit. For the owner's family, it serves as the cornerstone of financial stability. It always preserves its worth whether it is used for living or for renting out. Due to this, second residences are highly common throughout the nation.
In the past few years, residential investment in India has increased dramatically. Despite the consistently rising costs of labor and raw materials, property values have increased significantly along with the demand. An ordinary 2BHK residential unit that cost between Rs 40 and 45 lakhs in 2013–14 is now offered for between Rs 60 and 70 lakhs. Industry research claims that over the past ten years, the average housing value in India's top seven cities has climbed by more than 40%.
Although the average growth rate has recently decreased noticeably, the cost of owning real estate will continue to rise over time. Therefore, according to analysts, this is the best time to invest because the COVID-19 pandemic has created a fertile market and given consumers greater negotiating power. The most important question, however, is how much money you should put into real estate to achieve the best capital returns and what possibilities are available for different price ranges.
The location of an excellent rental property is its most crucial feature. The property must be near or have good access to the city's central business districts.
Two- and three-BHK apartments are typically cheaper in most Indian cities, and middle-class renters choose to rent them. Purchasing a bungalow or villa in a location where there is no need for expensive rental properties makes little financial sense. Look at places where individuals can afford to rent a large luxury house if you wish to invest in one.
If you overpaid for the property, it will be very difficult to make enough money from rentals to cover your initial expenses and make a profit. Searching for the cheapest houses is not advised, though. These residences are either excessively small or situated in undesirable areas. A house's price should be contrasted with its worth four to five years ago.
One must carefully assess the infrastructure of the immediate vicinity, including the presence of malls, hospitals, and educational institutions as well as the ease of access to roads and trains. Consider yourself a renter and ask the right questions to ascertain whether a residence might generate a good rental income.
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yourmoneywise6 · 1 day
Top Bank Stocks to Buy Now: A Guide to Investing in Bank Stocks
Bank stocks can be an excellent addition to your investment portfolio, offering stability, consistent dividends, and potential for growth. With the right research and strategy, investing in the best bank stocks can yield substantial returns. This article will explore the top bank stocks to buy now, providing insights into why they are considered strong investment choices and how to make informed decisions in the banking sector.
Why Invest in Bank Stocks?
Banks play a crucial role in the economy by providing financial services, lending, and managing deposits. Investing in bank stocks offers several advantages:
Stability: Large, well-established banks tend to have stable earnings and are less volatile compared to other sectors.
Dividends: Many banks pay regular dividends, providing a steady income stream for investors.
Growth Potential: Banks can grow through expanding their services, increasing their loan portfolio, and leveraging technological advancements.
Best Bank Stocks to Buy Now
Identifying the best bank stocks involves analyzing financial performance, market position, and growth potential. Here are some top bank stocks to consider:
1. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)
JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest and most diversified banks in the world. It has a strong balance sheet, robust earnings, and a wide range of financial services. The bank's consistent dividend payouts and strategic growth initiatives make it an attractive option for investors.
2. Bank of America (BAC)
Bank of America is another major player in the banking sector, known for its extensive branch network and diverse product offerings. The bank has shown steady growth in earnings and dividends, making it a reliable investment choice.
3. Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC)
Wells Fargo, despite facing some regulatory challenges in the past, remains a strong contender in the banking sector. It offers a high dividend yield and has a strong focus on improving operational efficiency and customer service.
4. Citigroup Inc. (C)
Citigroup is a global bank with a significant presence in international markets. The bank's extensive global network and focus on innovation provide growth opportunities, making it a good pick for investors seeking exposure to global banking.
5. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)
Goldman Sachs is renowned for its investment banking and asset management services. The bank's strong financial performance and strategic acquisitions position it well for future growth.
How to Choose the Best Bank Stocks
When selecting bank stocks, consider the following factors:
Financial Health: Review financial statements, earnings reports, and balance sheets to assess the bank's financial stability.
Dividend History: Check the bank's dividend payout history to ensure consistent and reliable income.
Market Position: Consider the bank's market share, competitive advantages, and growth strategies.
Regulatory Environment: Be aware of regulatory changes and their potential impact on the bank's operations and profitability.
Investing in bank stocks can provide stability, income, and growth potential. By focusing on well-established banks with strong financials and strategic growth initiatives, you can build a resilient investment portfolio. Stay informed about market trends and continuously review your investment strategy to maximize returns. Explore the top bank stocks mentioned in this article and take the first step towards securing your financial future through prudent bank stock investments.
For more:
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jeneesa-michael890 · 2 days
How Safe is it to Invest in the US Stocks from India
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Trade Safely in US Market from India
Understanding the Landscape
Assessing the Risks
Strategies for Safe Investing
Trade Safely in US Market from India
Today, the globalized market is so tangible that the attractiveness of local investments, especially the US ones has gone on planets. Through the introduction of digital platforms and brokers services, the entire process of participating in the US stock market has been made very easy, and people from different countries including India can now do it effortlessly with focusing on safe stock investments.
The appeal of the US market, with its potential for enormous profits and presence of global brands becoming commonplace among Indian investors, cannot be simply disputed. While opening to foreign markets does entail careful consideration of the inherent risks and safety implements, you need to do so. Trade in the US market from India with proper guidance on how to play it safe, ensuring maximum returns.
Nonetheless, in this world, danger is the reality, and it comes with the understanding of the risks. In this blog let us discuss some safety tips for trading in US Stocks from India and look into possible ways and means to combat risk and seek opportunities for profit. Learn how to safely invest in US stocks from India stocks with Anand Rathi.
I. Understanding the Landscape:
RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is the authority that oversees foreign assets purchased by Indian people following the license of the Remittance Scheme (LRS). This plan represents an opportunity for people of India to purchase up to USD 250,000 per financial year for shares and mutual funds based overseas.
Besides participation in the Indian market, buying American shares from India also provides an opportunity to fund the exchange-traded stocks of companies from different industries that may not be available for local investment. On the top of that, it attracts investors interested in security and growth of the life of the US economy - one of the strongest economies around the globe by indulging in safe stock investments.
Get more insights on the landscape with our blogs and research reports.
II. Assessing the Risks:
Despite the potential benefits, investing in US stocks from India entails certain risks that investors must consider:
1. Currency Risk:
There are two GIFT City Exchanges - that is, financial hubs - located within GIFT City. These exchanges, India INX and NSE International Exchange (NSE IX), are the actual media through which Indian investors can unlock global financial markets. In other words, if you wish to make international investments, the way to gain access to US stocks is through GIFT City Exchanges.
2. Regulatory Risks:
Regulatory environments of India and US are differentiated by different regulatory frameworks that govern investment activities in each country. To indulge in no risk investments, investors must know the laws about foreign investments, taxation and repatriation of funds, as they have to be in accordance with the compliance requirements and laws they don’t violate. They must gain the required knowledge to learn how to safely invest in stocks.
3. Market Volatility:
US stock markets have volatility at their heart, which is to a great extent caused by the interaction of a number of factors such as economic measures, geopolitical events and investors’ moods. Volatility not only offers huge opportunities for investors, but also brings about the chance of margin call and other capital loss. Considering the volatile market, one should learn about the safe stocks to invest in long-term.
5. Tax Implications:
The tax aspects of investment in the US equities in India have to be considered. If you attain any kind of profit from US stock sales, as an Indian resident, then you may have to pay capital gains tax. Similarly, India has a dividend withholding tax system, which is applied to income from US investments that residents receive. To ensure no risk investments, investors must consider the tax implications beforehand.
Know how to access the US Stocks through GIFT City exchanges.
III. Strategies for Safe Investing:
Despite the inherent risks, investors can adopt several strategies to safely invest in US stocks from India:
1. Diversification:
Investing capital into various kinds of assets, sectors and geographies as well as diversification could be useful for general portfolio risk reduction. Combination of various instruments may serve as a protective mechanism against unwanted market risks. Investing in varied kinds of safe stock investments ensures overall security and numerous benefits. Trade in the US market from India by diversifying the stocks into varied investment baskets.
2. Research and Due Diligence:
Before investing any stock in the US, assure yourself of all fundamental factors, such as a financially healthy company, its strength against its rivals, and how likely the company to grow in the future is. Identify industry currents and macroeconomic nuances that could be underlying the equity.
3. Long-Term Perspective:
One should know about the safe stocks to invest in long-term by instilling proper knowledge and keeping the portfolio in accordance with the volatile market. Instil discipline whereby you should hold on to your stocks over a reasonably long investment horizon as you venture into the American Stock Market. Nothing can be done towards the short-term market upheavals; therefore, investors should better focus on those fundamentals of companies with quality that over time can bring them durable profits. By doing so, they can gain insights on how to safely invest in stocks.
4. Utilize Investment Vehicles:
If you are considering dedicating some of your investments to US stocks, you may consider Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) or mutual funds which offer such exposure. Precisely these investment tools serve as diversifiers whilst they provide a professional management and an inexpensive access to retail investors.
5. Risk Management:
Determine what you intend to accomplish, how much risk you are willing to take on and use stop-loss orders in order to avoid sizable investments. Frequently check how and in what proportion you invest your money to make sure that your commitments and the level of risk in your portfolio are right. Reinforce the assurance of no-risk investments by implementing risk management, particularly when considering safe stocks to invest in for the long term.
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IV. Conclusion:
No risk investments in US stocks from India does bring forth the chance for investors of this region to generate wealth as well as see the diversification in their portfolios. Investors should consider the safe stocks to invest in long-term to gain higher profits.
'Moreover', by knowing and evaluating risks, thoroughly researching your prospects and setting in place sound investment strategies, it is possible to find the way safely and profitably to trade in US stocks from India. Augmenting your investment portfolio with secure stock investments in the US can substantially enhance its benefits and features, ensuring stability and growth.
However, the best decision is to remember that there is risk everywhere. With the help of sufficient information on how to safely invest in stocks, you can lessen the risk and make safe stock investments to gain the highest profit from your investments over the long term.
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leprivatebanker · 4 days
2 Top Growth Stocks to Buy With $500 Right Now
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moneyhustlers · 1 year
Top 13 Best Mega Cap US Stocks on the Buying Support Now
Best Mega Cap US Stocks on the Buying Support Now for Long Term Welcome to an insightful post where we delve into the Top 13 Best Mega Cap US Stocks currently backed by strong buying support. Investing in these stocks can lead to promising future returns. Inside, we’ll share our personal experience and discuss various aspects including company information, industry, market capitalization,…
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stockxpo · 15 days
10 Best Value Stocks to Buy Now
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Discover the top 10 value stocks poised for growth:
1. Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO)
2. Comcast Corp. (CMCSA)
3. Telus Corp. (TU)
4. Unilever PLC (UL)
5. Sony Group Corp. (SONY)
6. Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
7. Solventum Corp. (SOLV)
8. Essential Utilities Inc. (WTRG)
9. Aflac Inc. (AFL)
10. JD.com Inc. (JD)
Value investing offers stability and growth potential. Remember to research thoroughly and consult a financial advisor before investing.
For more insights, visit https://stockxpo.com/10-best-value-stocks-to-buy-now/ .
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optionperks · 19 days
Stocks to buy: Axis Bank, Dr Lal Pathlabs among top four stock picks by SMC Global Securities for this week
Indian stock market benchmarks consolidated for the second consecutive session on Tuesday, June 11, amid weak global cues.Despite opening higher and trading in positive territory for a significant part of the session, equity benchmarks—Sensex and Nifty 50—ended flat on profit booking in the absence of fresh triggers. Sensex hit its intraday high of 76,860.53, but prey to profit booking in the fag-end and ended 33 points, or 0.04 per cent, lower at 76,456.59. Nifty 50 opened at 23,283.75 against its previous close of 23,259.20 and touched its intraday high of 23,389.45. The index settled 6 points, or 0.02 per cent, up at 23,264.85.
Axis Bank: Current Market Price (CMP): ₹1,193.85; Target Price: ₹1,376 Upside: 16 per cent Axis Bank reported a net profit of ₹7,130 crore in the January-March quarter results for fiscal 2023-24 (Q4FY24), compared to a loss of ₹5,728.4 crore in the corresponding period last year. The private sector lender's net interest income (NII)-the difference between interest earned and paid-rose 11.5 per cent year-on-year (YoY) to ₹13,089 crore, compared to ₹11,742 crore in the year-ago period.
Zydus Lifesciences CMP: ₹1,058.45; Target Price: ₹1,273; Upside: 20 per cent
Zydus Lifesciences' revenue rose 10 per cent to ₹5,533.8 crore in Q4FY24. The EBITDA for the quarter was Rs. 1,630.5 crore, up 30 per cent YoY. EBITDA margin for the quarter stood at 29.5 per cent, an improvement of 440 bps on a YoY basis. The net profit for the quarter was Rs. 1,182.3 crore, up 299 per cent YoY. In FY25, the management expects high teens growth and maintain EBITDA margins of 27.5 per cent. 3.Dr Lal Pathlabs Ltd
The 200 days exponential moving average (DEMA) of the stock on the daily chart is currently at 2,401. On the weekly chart, the stock rebounded after breaching its 200-day exponential moving average (EMA) and is now trading above this key indicator. It has also broken through a trend line resistance and is sustaining above it, indicating strong upward momentum. 4.Oberoi Realty
The 200 days DEMA of the stock on the daily chart is currently at 1,392. On the weekly chart, the stock has formed a pattern of higher highs and higher lows, indicating an uptrend. It consistently trades above its 200-day EMA, supporting this positive trend.
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dailystockinsight · 26 days
Top 2 Stocks to Invest in 2024 for Long-Term Growth 
As the Canadian stock market hovers within 1% of its all-time highs, many investors are considering whether now is the right time to increase their holdings in TSX growth stocks, before the Bank of Canada contemplates rate cuts. The situation in the U.S. markets after Memorial Day adds another layer of complexity, with Federal Reserve rate cuts seemingly further off than some had anticipated. While inflation has markedly decreased, the Federal Reserve appears cautious, requiring more data before initiating what could be a series of interest rate reductions. Should inflation spike again, rate hikes might remain on the table. Central banks are notoriously difficult to predict, which is why seizing current market opportunities in TSX growth stocks can be a prudent strategy. 
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Restaurant Brands International's Potential for Summer Gains 
Restaurant Brands International (TSX: QSR) emerges as a compelling dividend growth pick for the summer, especially after a significant, likely unjustified, 17% drop in share price. At around $91 per share, this correction may present a valuable buying opportunity. The fast-food sector has been under pressure as consumers tighten their belts in the face of economic recovery and lingering inflation concerns. More people are opting for home-cooked meals over dining out, but this trend could reverse as summer approaches. 
Brands like Burger King, a part of Restaurant Brands International, are well-positioned to capitalize on value menu offerings, which could attract cost-conscious consumers. Recently, Burger King introduced a $5 meal deal in the United States. Although this deal hasn't reached Canadian markets yet, it hints at potential future promotions that could boost customer traffic. Considering these factors, QSR stock appears attractively priced at 17.3 times trailing price-to-earnings (P/E), coupled with a solid 3.4% dividend yield. 
TD Bank's Contrarian Investment Opportunity 
TD Bank (TSX: TD) has been grappling with fears over potential money-laundering penalties and regulatory challenges, which have significantly impacted its stock price. The magnitude of these issues remains uncertain, and it is unclear how long TD might face restrictions on making deals in the U.S. market, a crucial growth area for the bank. Despite these uncertainties, TD Bank's robust capital ratio provides it with the ability to pay any penalties and engage in substantial share buybacks. 
Currently trading at around $75 per share, TD Bank's stock is nearing multi-year lows. The recent analyst downgrades due to the money-laundering concerns present a contrarian buying opportunity. TD Bank is a fundamentally strong institution, and its undervalued shares make it a tempting proposition. Even if the U.S. regulatory hurdles persist, TD can redirect its capital towards enhancing shareholder value through buybacks and other initiatives. 
Balancing Risks and Opportunities 
Investing in the stock market always involves a balance of risks and opportunities. The current environment, marked by uncertainties in interest rate policies and economic recovery, underscores the importance of a thoughtful investment strategy. For those willing to navigate these uncertainties, companies like Restaurant Brands International and TD Bank offer potential rewards. 
As the Canadian stock market approaches historic highs, now might be an opportune moment to enhance your portfolio, particularly with stocks that show promise despite recent setbacks. Restaurant Brands International presents a growth opportunity with its strategic positioning in the fast-food market and attractive dividend yield. On the other hand, TD Bank offers a contrarian investment play, with its strong fundamentals and potential for recovery despite current challenges. Investors should weigh these opportunities carefully, keeping in mind the broader economic context and potential central bank actions. 
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