#top five in no particular order are:
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years ago
nothing will ever make me as angry as the moment I learned that young Archibald is like top 5 hottest character in the game
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ruushes · 1 year ago
top 5 couple poses >:)
oh great ask thank you >:) wasn't sure how to choose so i had fun going through wips and older stuff looking for recurring poses ☺️
Almost-kiss (many such cases)
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Lift (encompasses the spin kiss, a personal fav)
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Hand kiss (what is more classic)
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Lying in lap (😭)
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months ago
Hey quil, I trust your book taste, can you give me some reccs perchance? I’m not picky, whatever your faves are
of course! you'll have seen some of these before in my dragon recs list, but I'll throw in some other ones too :)
A Chorus of Dragons by Jenn Lyons; My favorite book series of all time. I can't tell you what it's about because discovering that is part of the plot. Genuinely changed how I think about fantasy and writing. This post goes into a tiny bit more detail but I cannot stress enough it only covers like 2% of the story it makes me FERAL you just need to trust me and stick it out through the confusion (trigger warnings)
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by RF Kuang; young Robin is taken from his home in Canton to England when his family dies, his knowledge of Cantonese invaluable in a world where language, via silver bars, can literally become magic. The British Empire is working to collect all it can for its own gain, but as Robin grows up and learns more of how the world works, how it wants to use him, the more he finds it shouldn't be this way. A beautiful story on loss, oppression, imperialism, injustice, and language's role in identity. I cried.
The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan; Isabella, now an old woman, recounts how she became the most renowned dragon naturalist in the world--overcoming misogyny, maneuvering through politics, and more. Follow her from childhood to present day around the world, studying dragons in the field. This story has wonderful characters, critiques the "not like other girls" trope, has beautiful relationships (including platonic!), a lot of action and intrigue alongside the fascinating science, animalistic dragons, and!! SO many pictures! the artwork it's seriously incredible. Love this series
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd Jones; around Colbren, the dead don't stay dead. Ryn, a young gravedigger, agrees to take the mysterious visiting mapmaker, Ellis, to the abandoned castle, because she needs the money to support her two siblings and in hopes of stopping the worsening curse. Ellis, found near the woods as a babe, hopes to find some remnant or clue to who his family was, who he was. together, they must face the walking dead, find the abandoned castell where this all started, find the answers, and find themselves. I adored it's tone, characters, how it handled death and grief, everything. it reads like a fairytale in the best way
The Martian by Andy Weir; Mark Wattney's an astronaut on Mars when a storm hits, forcing the mission to return to earth prematurely--but he doesn't make it to the shuttle in time, they presume him dead, and leave devastated. now alone on Mars, Wattney's got to figure out how to survive--and how to get in contact with earth and let them know, hey, uh, I'm still here guys. one of my favorite hard sci-fi books of all time. Wattney is such an entertaining, intelligent guy; he'll have you laughing, then on the edge of your seat as Mars tries its best to kill him. this one also comes with a movie :)
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn; Bree's in an early-college program, grappling with the very recent death of her mother. when she stumbles into creatures that shouldn't exist, magic, it starts to look like her mom's death might not have been an accident. she finds a secret society of the descendants of king arthur + the round table, inheriting their powers to defend the world from a different plane--and Bree needs to find out what they know. but getting in is difficult as a Black girl, especially when their guard dog is convinced she's a demon. a beautiful story on grief, Black generational trauma, racism, identity, and more. we're eagerly awaiting book three this spring <3
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir; of course I had to include this one--tonally similar to ACOD in that you WILL be confused <3. The Emperor Undying needs necromancers; Gideon doesn't give a shit, but the girl she's been raised alongside, Harrowhark, the heir of the house on their far away planet, doesn't give a shit that Gideon doesn't give a shit. She contracts Gideon to serve as her guard, her cavalier, as Harrowhark travels to the Emperor's planet to compete to become one of his right hands. Except as the competition progresses, something's...wrong. fatally, lethally wrong. people keep turning up dead, and if they don't figure this out, they could be next.
I'll stop there, but I hope you find something you like on that list! If you (or anyone else) have any more specific requests or guidelines for recs, feel free to send them :)
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aletterinthenameofsanity · 1 year ago
Chip Thorn & Lauren Shiba character fic!
What's that? A completely new Power Rangers one-shot in the year of our lord 2024? You heard that right!
When working on the playlists for this series, I suddenly got hit by the similarities/differences between Lauren and Chip's stories in this 'verse, the ways that they reacted to the abuse they suffered as children, the hope they became, and the families they found, all while both being wrapped in fire/light symbolism. So I decided to do this little character study thing. It's not as much of a straightforward narrative as a lot of the other fics in this series, but I couldn't help myself from this pouring out. Welcome back to the madness!
Also, here's the song I used to write this one:
@our-raven-strife-universe @augment-techs @skyland2703 @madhare0512 @disastardly @liveinalovelyway @khruschevshoe
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grimst4rs · 1 year ago
top five controversial characters (in hp fandom) you like:
1. bellatrix black
2. narcissa black
3. peter pettigrew
4. percy weasley
5. lavender brown
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lilliankillthisman · 2 months ago
3, 14, 15 📚
3. What were your top 5 books this year?
Ouooough. One thing I've become very conscious of over the last couple of years is that I suffer from really strong recency bias; I always rate good books I've read recently higher than good books I read at the start of the year. So by instinct my top five books this year include Interview with the Vampire, The Tale of the Body Thief, and The Vampire Armand, all of which I read in the last 5 weeks. If I had to limit myself to one book per author... I'm going to say:
Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice;
Ancillary Mercy, by Ann Leckie;
Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov;
My Sister, the Serial Killer, by Oyinkan Braithwaite;
and Bridge, A Love Story, by Zia Mahmood <- don't read that last one unless you're into Bridge.
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
I've just read the first six books of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles; I need to read something that appreciates women. As a palate cleanser. I've been recommended No Gods For Drowning, by Hailey Piper - allegedly it serves butch realness, which I haven't had enough of lately. I'd also like to read the seinen martial arts manga Batuque, which I read multiple volumes of in 2020 and which concluded this year.
15. Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year? What did you think of them?
I managed to read two (2) Sci-Fi books published in 2023/24 this year, and they were both shortlisted for the Hugo Awards. Some Desperate Glory, which won, was refreshing, energetic science fiction; I read most of it in a single plane journey. Translation State was a bit more niche and much less of a thriller, but I hugely enjoyed it - I think I would recommend it even if I hadn't read the rest of the Imperial Radch series over the week beforehand, but as it is I'll just recommend the series.
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fourthactdrawsstuff · 3 months ago
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity
1: mcsm, obviously (also my other fandoms)
2: my friends (including pets and family i like)!!!
3: music, listening as well as creating
4: the fact that i have a really clear inner voice and can make myself hear music/voices if i focus enough
5: the mcsm discord server i’m a part of (y’all know who you are), it’s helped me in a lot of ways and generally makes me super happy!!!
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applejongho · 1 year ago
so now that I've listened to like every single song a billion times today, I am a silver light, emergency, we know, crazy form, and arriba lady 🫡
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gideonthefirst · 11 months ago
separate post that show was so fucking awesome. probably not entering my top five because my top five is pretty near untouchable at this point but almost certainly top ten. 5432whatareyouwaitingfor.......
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man-im-so-high · 11 months ago
i hope no one ever asks me to name my top 3 favorite artists
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saw2th · 1 year ago
whatever. favorite albums of all time topster
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rainbow-bowtie · 2 years ago
songs i was not prepared to hear played by various corps at the DCI competition today, in no particular order:
Welcome to the Black Parade (my brother and i both had a visceral reaction)
Everything in its Right Place by Radiohead (for personal reasons. i cannot escape this song)
Hymn of Axciom (also for personal reasons. very creepy lyrics in that one but it fit with the show so very well)
Take Me to Church (and it was beautiful. my soul left my body)
Wellerman (as in. the sea shanty. and it slapped)
Idk what the song was but troopers had a harmonica (and also the coolest props their show was amazing)
Tank! (as heard in cowboy bebop, a show me and my father love very much)
in conclusion: i love marching band. DCI is so cool. all of these songs absolutely slapped in each performance
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werebutch · 2 years ago
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just-paukku-is-fine · 23 hours ago
1. TF2. As in the one with a fortress and some teams. no mechs in this one, unfortunately
2. Undertale (I watched a playthrough)
3. Spore
4. Blur/FUEL/Burnout: Paradise City (racing games)
5. tboi: Rebirth/Enter the Gungeon/Nuclear Throne
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heatwa-ves · 6 months ago
feeling like I'm gonna throw up rn
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pissfizz · 1 year ago
Begging y’all to read the last dimension by leaglem on webtoon. Literally one of my favorite webcomics of all time
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