#top 10 roman gods
daancienttime · 1 year
6 Tips for Successfully Working From Home When You’re in the Roman Gods and Their Planets Industry
As remote work becomes increasingly common, professionals in niche fields like the Roman Gods and Their Planets industry face unique challenges when adapting to a virtual work environment. Here are six essential tips to ensure your success while working from home in this specialized sector:
Designate a Sacred Workspace: Create a dedicated workspace that reflects the essence of the Roman Gods and Their Planets industry. Surround yourself with inspiring artifacts, images, or symbols related to your work. This space will help you immerse yourself in your tasks and maintain a strong connection to your field.
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Celestial Time Management: Embrace a structured schedule that aligns with the cosmic rhythm of your industry. Plan your day around significant planetary events or mythological timings that resonate with your work. This will not only boost your productivity but also infuse your tasks with a sense of purpose.
Virtual Colosseum Collaboration: Foster collaboration with your colleagues through virtual platforms that mirror the grandeur of the Roman Colosseum. Leverage video conferencing tools to host interactive meetings, workshops, or even role-playing sessions, allowing you to collectively explore new ideas and strategies.
Mythical Self-Care Rituals: Prioritize self-care routines inspired by the Roman Gods and their planetary influences. Incorporate meditation, relaxation techniques, or rejuvenating activities associated with specific deities or celestial bodies. This holistic approach will enhance your overall well-being and maintain a strong mind-body connection.
Omnipotent Technology Mastery: Become a tech-savvy deity of the digital realm. Master communication and project management tools that facilitate seamless remote collaboration. Stay updated on innovative software solutions that can optimize your workflow and enable efficient information sharing.
Oracular Adaptability: Embrace the fluidity of the cosmos by cultivating adaptability. Just as the Roman Gods adapted to various circumstances, be open to adjusting your strategies and goals. Remain attuned to industry trends and be ready to pivot your focus when celestial alignments indicate new opportunities.
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In the Roman Gods and Their Planets industry, working from home offers a chance to blend modernity with ancient wisdom. By incorporating these six tips into your remote work routine, you can harness the power of the cosmos to drive productivity, innovation, and success in your specialized field.
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Alright. I came across someone saying that Rick "put Jason in a pedestal" and "overhyped" him by emphasizing how good looking he is and that Jason shouldn't have been so attractive looking. (Tbf tho that person made it sound like they seemed more mad bc their least favourite character was considered good looking lol) but I'll yap about the significance here anyways. Beware of a very long yapping session below.
I do understand their frustration though, because jason getting told that he looks good all the time makes it seem very shallow and unfair to the others.
And let me tell you, Jason is SUPPOSED to be gorgeous looking in everyone's eyes. He is supposed to be conventionally handsome, Rick didn't intend for his looks to be "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder " or something like Percy's (like how Piper didn't find him as impressive) Percy's is supposed to be more authentic. Percy's character isnt centred in people idolizing him, everyone can acknowledge that he's handsome looking, but it isn't in a "perfect" type of way, he's a carefree spirit and that reflects on his looks. While Jason is hardwired as this ethereal looking hero in people's eyes that not even ONE can deny that he looks good, bc ppl in Rome had set him as the "standard". Jason said this before in the lost hero, that him being a son of Jupiter, makes him feel like the support he gets is only because his dad is a very regal and intimidating figure.
That's kind of the whole point, he's supposed to look like this perfect man who can do no wrong. His "Golden noble boy" arc is literally the whole concept of his character. Why else do you think rick wrote Aphrodite approving of Jason's looks saying that he needed no improvement (which she rarely does) ?
Because Jason is supposed to be put like a statue to admire and idolize, that's ALSO why rick made sure to add that Jason looks like a Roman sculpture, bc that's like a metaphor for his inner conflicts. The guy was put like an artifact for people to ogle at in camp Jupiter ever since he was a kid of 4. That's part of the tragedy.
Annabeth said it perfectly “Annabeth tried to hide it, but she still didn’t completely trust the guy. He acted too perfect - always following the rules, always doing the honorable thing. He even looked too perfect. In the back of her mind, she had a nagging thought. What if this is a trick and he betrayed us?” Mark of Athena, page 6.
His mother, whom he's supposed to look like, is also a literal world wide tv actress. So you can't expect anything less either.
Also, Jason is supposed to mirror Percy. And let's be real. Rick put Percy in a VERY high pedestal looks wise, aswell, Not just Jason. And that's okay.
Rick made Hazel mistake Percy for a literal god because he was just that good looking (tbf, in a way, when I was younger, I found this to be a little bit of an exaggeration, bro was covered in mud and seaweed and was compared to a god, it was rlly funny to a 10 year old me 😭 yeah but don't mind this though, this was just a younger me jealous that I couldn't be as pretty as Percy was in mud lol) If Percy can be "hyped" up so "unrealistically" in that particular situation then so can Jason. They are both literal half gods, so unrealistic praise is very normal) and rick also made sure to emphasize that almost all the teen characters had a crush on Percy. So apparently that isn't called putting a character in a pedestal but Jason's is? They are BOTH put in pedestals, because they're both heroes.
Jason and Percy are supposed to be equals, so both of them being in the top two when it comes to looks makes SENSE. Because people are supposed to argue about who is better looking, since they're written as foils.
You cannot expect rick to make Percy look like a god and Jason look like a rat 😭 then there's no point of having them as parallels if one has the upper hand in something. Rick did a good job by conveying that they are BOTH attractive, but in different ways. That's why the Percy/Jason looks debate always have mixed answers.
Jason getting complimented by Aphrodite, the GODDESS of beauty, for his looks and her saying that he didn't have anything to "fix" in his face BC it already looks gorgeous = Percy getting compared to a gorgeous Roman god by hazel. They are both equal comparisons in slightly different tones.
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ancientcharm · 5 months
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A recreated Centurion's Phalarae harness, 1st Century AD for Legio XXI Rapax. It would be attached to his Lorica Squamata it holds 10 discs for bravery and service. The two discs upper left (the god Jupiter) and far right (god Janus) are attached to two silver torcs, added bravery awards. They could be small or large, gold or silver, flat or heavily 3D to make them more impressive and visible. Between the two top discs is Herac(k)les battling the Nemean Lion and the middle disc is the Gorgon Medusa (common central motif on Roman high officer's Lorica Musculata for hundreds of years) Above Medusa are two mythical Roman Capricorns that are linked to Augustus, and bottom left is the Emperor Nero. The middle bottom is the Emperor Tiberius standing over his dead enemies. Above Nero, appropriately is a mighty Roman Aquila (eagle) spreading its wings - the very essence of Roma herself. This is one of the most perfect harnesses I have seen, not to over the top but it clearly warns all viewers who these men are.
Text by Dan's Roman History
Photo: Cezary Wyszynski
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
Idioms in Catalan with a religious origin
There's quite a lot of idioms that we say in everyday life, outside of the context of religion, but that come from religious stories or events.
Most of them come from Christianity, and many of them are shared with other Romance languages or other languages from historically Christian countries. To keep this list accessible to everyone regardless of cultural background, I will include the literal translation to English and also an explanation all of them.
Let's see how many of these you can understand before seeing the explanation. Let us know in the tags!
1. Fer Pasqua abans de Rams = "to do Easter before Palm Sunday", meaning to get pregnant, have a baby, or to have sex before getting married. Nowadays it's used in a more general sense to mean to do something before it's time (like English "put the cart before the horse"). Palm Sunday is a holiday celebrated the week before Easter.
2. Per a més inri = "for more INRI", used to add a bad thing on top of something else, making a situation even worse or more humiliating. It's a reference to the sign that said "INRI" (stands for the initials of "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews" in Latin) that Roman soldiers hanged on Christ's crucifix to make fun of him.
3. A la babalà = "in the babalà way", meaning to do something without having thought much about it. But what does "babalà" mean? This word doesn't exist in the Catalan language outside of this expression. It comes from the Arabic Alà bâb Allâh which means "in God's hands".
4. On Crist va perdre l'espardenya = "where Christ lost his sandal", or on Crist va perdre el barret = "where Christ lost his hat", meaning somewhere very far away and usually in the middle of nothing. I don't know of any story that has Christ lose his sandal or hat.
5. Perdut de la mà de Déu = "lost by God's hand", meaning a place in the middle of nowhere.
6. Ser un calvari ="to be a calvary", meaning that something is a cause of suffering. You can also hear quin calvari! = "what a calvary!". This is a reference to Mount Calvary, where Christ was crucified.
7. Endavant les atxes = "ahead with the candles!", meaning "keep going!", used to encourage to keep going in a negative situation with difficulties or a situation that you would have preferred to avoid. An atxa is a kind of big candle that the first people in a religious procession carry. This was the shout that would start a procession.
(Note: in recent years, Spanish media has used this idiom as supposed proof that Catalan independentists who said it are calling for violence, using a fake translation that assumed that "atxa" must mean the same as Spanish "hacha", meaning "axe" 🪓, because the pronunciation is almost identical. This is false, when people were saying "endavant les atxes" they did not intend any meaning related to "bring the axes". This was used to justify violence against Catalan activists, but has no ground in reality. "Axe"🪓 in Catalan would be "destral".)
8. Net com una patena = "as clean as a paten", meaning very clean. A paten is a kind of small dish used in Catholic mass, where the blessed sacramental bread in placed on.
9. Acabar com el rosari de l'aurora = "to end up like the dawn rosary", meaning to end very, very badly, usually in violence. The dawn rosary used to be a procession that was done in the early morning of certain holidays while praying the rosary. The idiom (which also exists in Spanish) comes from the year 1868. Around those years, there were many anticlerical riots, while the Catholic church kept doing the dawn rosary on the streets and often assigning it political meaning. In Barcelona and other cities, anticlerical protestors tried to stop the dawn rosary from happening, and it ended in violence and blood.
10. Plorar com una Magdalena = "to cry like a Magdalene", meaning to cry a lot and very desperately. This is a reference to Mary Magdalene, a character from the Bible's New Testament who cried when she met Christ.
11. Déu-n'hi-do! = "God gives!". This expression is difficult to translate because I don't think English has an equivalent (the closest I can think of are "wow!" or even "holy shit!"), but Catalan people use it a lot. It's an exclamation used to show surprise, awe or to mean a big quantity.
12. Ser més vell que Matusalem = "to be older than Methuselah", meaning that someone is very very old. Methuselah is a character from the Bible's Old Testament who is said to have lived for 969 years. This comparison is used for comedic value.
13. Rentar-se'n les mans = "to wash one's hands", meaning to say you're not responsible for what happens. This is a quote from the Bible's New Testament: when Christ is being judged by Pontius Pilate, the crowd is asking him to sentence him to crucifixion. He asks Christ to defend himself, but he doesn't. Pilate doesn't want to sentence him to death, but he sees he has no other option. Then, he sees his hands are stained with Christ's blood, and washes his hands as he decides that this situation will not be his responsibility.
14. Arribar a misses dites = "to arrive to mass [already] said", meaning to arrive late when something has already happened.
15. Ser com les palmes d’Elx, que vingueren el matí de Pasqua = "to be like the Elx palms, that arrived on Easter morning", this is used in the Valencian Country to mean to be late. Elx is a city with the biggest palm groove in Europe ever since the Middle Ages, and many of these palm tree leafs are used for making the palms used for Palm Sunday, the celebration that happens a week before Easter.
16. Va a missa = "goes to mass", meaning whatever is said is exactly what will happen, without complaining or second thoughts.
17. Endiumenjar-se = "to Sunday yourself" or "to Sunday up", meaning to dress up in your best clothes (same as "to wear your Sunday best" in English). Traditionally, people used to wear their best clothes for Sunday mass.
18. Alt com un sant Pau = "as tall as a saint Paul", someone who is very tall. Saint Paul was not tall, in his texts he describes himself as a "little man". The origin of this sentence is in Catalonia centuries ago. People used to celebrate the holiday of Saint Paul's Conversion (January 25th). In the Sant Pau del Camp church area in Barcelona, the tradition for this day had a man yield a huge sword. For this reason, the man had to be tall and strong.
19. Alegre/content com unes pasqües = "as cheerful/happy as Easters", meaning to be very happy and cheerful.
20. Discutir sobre el sexe dels àngels or parlar del sexe dels àngels = "to argue about angels' sex", meaning to endlessly argue heatedly about something insignificant where neither side will ever convince the other to change their minds. Also called una discussió bizantina="a Byzantine argument". This comes from the historical fact that Biblical scholars spent centuries arguing on whether angels can be male or female or not. Legends say that, when the Ottomans were laying siege on Constantinople in 1453 and getting ready to invade it, the Byzantine theologists were arguing about whether angels have sexes instead of doing anything useful.
21. Pagant, sant Pere canta = "if you pay, saint Peter sings". The person who hears it, might answer i sant Joan fa esclops = "and Saint John makes clogs". This means that money will get you anything, even the things that seemed impossible. It might be a reference to the Bible story where saint Peter was asked if he knew Christ after he was taken to crucify, and Peter lied three times and said he didn't know him. "To sing" in Catalan can also mean "to confess". Maybe, if they had paid him he would have confessed.
22. Perdre l'oremus = "to lose the oremus", meaning to lose control of yourself, or to get disoriented or lose memory. "Oremus" (which means "let's pray" in Latin) is the sentence that Catholic priests say during mass to lead a prayer. It's believed that this idiom comes from some incidents where a priest would start the sentence "oremus..." but then couldn't find the prayer he wanted to lead, which he might have misplaced somewhere else in his book. So he would say "oremus... uh... oremus..." while flipping the pages looking for the right one.
23. A bon sant t'encomanes! = "You entrust yourself to a good saint!", said with irony. It's said when you ask for help or rely on someone who is not competent.
24. Ser més papista que el Papa = "To be more Popeist than the Pope", meaning someone who is too dogmatic, too strict or extremist in following the rules, or who believes in or defends something in a more extreme way than the people most affected by it.
25. Qui no coneix Déu, a qualsevol sant li resa = "He who doesn't know God, prays to any saint", used to compare something very good to something worse that someone else likes, usually something worse but that is very popular.
And there's probably others that I forgot.
How many of these are shared with your language?
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Matricaria chamomilla (shown) | Chameamelum nobile
Known as: Chamaimelon, earth apple, German chamomile, ground apple, heermannchen chamaimelon, maythen, manzanilla, Roman chamomile, scented mayweed, whig plant & wild chamomile
Related plants: There are two species of chamomile, both are in the Asteraceae family (Roman chamomile & German chamomile) with plants that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within the order Asterales. They are commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite or sunflower family. I am from this point forward referring to Matricaria chamomilla in this post specifically.
Parts used: whole flower & leaves
Habitat & cultivation: This flowering plant is native to South-West Asia, Eastern & Southern Europe but can be found on almost  continents nowadays. The wild-growing chamomile species normally grow on sandy to loamy soils that are mostly acidic and should be open.
Plant type: Annual
Region: 5-9
Harvest: Can be harvested as soon as blooms have established which is about 10 weeks.
Growing tips: The roots of chamomile are shallow and just barely grip onto the top soil which makes it more sensitive to water conditions during the initial stages of growth when the plant is establishing itself. However once it's established, it is drought tolerant & need about an inch of water a week. Wait until after the last spring frost to add chamomile to your garden. It grows well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens. Space chamomile plants 8 inches apart in full sun for best flowering. In hot climates, an area with partial afternoon shade is ideal.
Medicinal information: Chamomile has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years. A mouth rinse with chamomile might relieve mouth sores caused by cancer treatments. Some research suggests that chamomile could help with other conditions, like diarrhea in children, hemorrhoids, anxiety, and insomnia. When used on the skin, chamomile might help with skin irritation and wound healing. Some research has documented that it may be as effective as hydrocortisone cream for eczema.
Cautions: Most experts say chamomile is safe. It can cause drowsiness and, in large doses, vomiting. It also has the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to related plants in the daisy family, although such reactions are very rare. Given the lack of evidence about its long-term safety, chamomile is not recommended for people who are pregnant or chestfeeding.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos, Karnaya, Mercury, Oshun, St.Anne & Sun gods
Magical uses:
• Burn as an incense to aid in sleep and meditation
• Plant around your house to ward against psychic or magickal attacks
• Wash your hands with chamomile before gambling to ensure good luck
• Use in an infusion to wash your thresholds to stop unwanted energies from passing through
• Place the flowers in your wallet to attract money
• Keep in a satchet to protect against physical or magickal danger
• Add to a dream pillow with lavender to ensure peaceful sleep
• Anoint a green candle with crushed chamomile for a simple money spell
• Steep in hot water, then sprinkle around yourself as a metaphysical barrier
• Add to spells to increase the chances of success
• Use in ritual baths with catnip and rose to attract a lover
• To alleviate overwhelming emotions, you can hold dry chamomile in your hands as you recite affirmations or prayers to ease the heart
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an0thergl1tch · 2 months
Here are some sanderssides outfit headcanons because I’m gay :
Remus : Definetly had a pair of the Brendan Urie are you nasty booty shorts at some point in time. When alone this bitch either dresses like a emo slut, a toddler who decided to dress themselves for the day, a punk anarchist, or Adam Sandler, there is no in between. Janus has to convince him to put on pants when guests come over. “Who says I can’t wear converses with my dress.” Janus has to stop him from spontaneously cutting his hair or giving himself piercings so has a BUNCH of fake ones. Spends 10 minutes taking off all of his accessories. Puts in funky contacts to be edgy. Never throws old clothes out and thinks it looks punk despite there being very obviously not intentional large holes in them. Either extremely over or under dressed, If there’s a dress code, it’s ignored. Constantly wearing platforms. Definitely has tried to give himself a scar on his face because he thought it would look kickass, he no longer has access to knives. Randomly does sfx makeup to freak people the fuck out.
Janus : So much vintage wear. Definetly has a pin striped suit somewhere in his closet, dosent wear it because Virgil calls him the cat from Tom n jerry. Definetly has tea parties in renissance era dresses. Probably has one of those dramatic 60s newly widowed housewife robes that he wears while lounging with a glass of wine. Probably wore one of those androgynous suit dresses to Thomas’s prom, Roman was pissed because he looked better than him. Extremely overdressed, would wear red to a funeral. So many fucking hats, need I say more. Beauty is pain, there is no functionality, he can’t walk in half his outfits. Wears a lot of layers but actually has the excuse of being cold blooded.
Virgil : Oh so many bracelets, who gave him access to so many bracelets. Spends a solid 2 hours teasing his hair and putting makeup on every morning (this bitch is a GOD at eyeliner.) So many layers, you do not need to be wearing 3 hoodies at once. Somehow always cold despite having enough clothes on to survive in the artic. “Oh fuck one of my bracelets fell off.” Acts like he despises pink despite wearing neon pink raccoon tails during his college scene phase. Extremely underdressed unless he has the energy to dress as a Victorian vampire. Definitely experiments with goth makeup and clothing.
Patton : Its giving youth pastor. Owns every color of polo shirt. Wears aviators to look ‘hip’ and ends up looking like goose from top gun. Definetly has a leather jacket somewhere in his closet that he only wore to college parties to look cool (the obligatory dad mid life crisis leather jacket, probably worn and probably has seen some shit.) Constantly wears a tool belt or a Fanny pack, lord get this man a backpack. Had horrendous emo phase, good lord MySpace traumatized him. Definitely has a jersey and varsity jacket but actually IS into sports. Needs to get outfit tips because he will wear a polo shirt and cargo pants to every occasion. So many dad hats.
Roman : wears jerseys and varsity jackets despite not being into sports at all. Loves makeup but goes horribly every time he tries to do it on himself. Has to be held down to do eyeliner or mascara because he will NOT stop moving and complaining about you poking his eyes out. Loves being overdressed however half his wardrobe is costume pieces he pretends are high end items. So many rings and necklaces. “Buy me Prada” *is wearing thrift store jeans* Takes hours getting ready, getting dressed takes 10 minutes but he has to get his mindfulness meditation for the day in before he leaves. Definitely has a purse collection.
Logan : This dude probably has so much vintage clothing and historical pieces but is absolutely terrified to wear any of it and wrinkle anything. Has a tie collection (extremely obvious) however half of them are funky ties Patton spotted while shopping and gave to him. Has hundreds of the same shirt but tons of blazers and vests to spice things up a bit. Definitely has a collection of very high end leather shoes that he takes care of dearly and gets heavily pissed off if someone steps on them. So many cheesy nerd pun t-shirts that he wears exclusively in his room because Patton would freak the fuck out. Is tired of people calling him Steve Urkel or a newsie when he puts on suspenders. Practicality over looks, however makes a few exceptions (This bitch would look amazing in a corset.) Can run in heels and Roman is extremely jealous and terrified. Can do makeup surpisingly well.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
coming from one of those "born in mid 2000s and is now suddenly an adult, making everyone feel old," people, do you have any resources to learn how to bullshit your way through getting a job with zero experience. cause i cant even put like "babysitting" or anything since covid prevented literally any teenage-typical jobs and i kinda dont know what to put on a resume beyond the university im currently attending and the high school i graduated from. and they still dont teach you this in school even though we've complained for years 😭
Okay my chilluns, listen up. This is how to bullshit your way into a basic 1-page resume even if you think you have absolutely dum-dum-diddlysquat to put on it. I completely feel you, as it's hard as hell to get a job even in the ordinary course of things, and especially when everything seems to want 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree (and still pays like shit). But you gotta be persistent anyway. So here follows the step-by-step guide of How To Resume:
Open a new Word (or other word-processing software of your choice) document.
Pick a nice, professional-looking font (for the love of God, no Comic Sans). Times New Roman is fine; you don't have to overthink it. My own CV is currently in Perpetua, because it's a nice serif that looks crisp and a little different, but it is still clean and readable. Garamond or Cambria or other starter typefaces are fine too. Make sure it is the right size, usually around 12pt.
Put your full name at the top, centered, in BOLD CAPITALS. Increase the typeface size a few more points on this, to make it stand out and to make it take up space.
Underneath this, in regular-sized text, put your contact information: mailing address if you're comfortable sharing it, or if not, at least your phone number and email address. Use a school email if you have it, and not some weird/in-jokey personal email.
Start a new paragraph. In a slightly smaller font (italic if you want to make it look classy) write a few words about yourself. This should be something like I am a [Major] student at [University] looking for a part-time, entry-level position in [sales, retail, office, etc]. A [year] graduate of [High School] in [City, State], I am [prompt, reliable, detail-oriented, mature, friendly, etc] and a hard worker who is eager to gain experience and positively contribute to your business.
Start a new paragraph. Change the alignment from Center to Left. Create a new heading in bold underline labeled Education.
Under this, fill in your education (college first, followed by high school). Include the institution name, city, and state, the year you graduated or expect to graduate, any honors or awards, any extracurriculars, any grade-point averages if they're good (i.e. 3.0 and above), and your expected major in college.
Start a new paragraph. Create another heading: Experience.
This is where you put absolutely anything you can think of (in chronological order, most recent first and counting backward). Did you volunteer for something ever in your life? Put it down! (Title of work, dates, location, brief description of work). Did you do yard work for someone for a weekend? Put it down! Were you (or are you) part of a student club or organization in high school or university? Have you organized or taken part in any local initiatives in your community or neighborhood? Put it down! Basically, absolutely any kind of work, paid or unpaid, that might be relevant, regardless of how long it was or when it took place.
Under that, put the new heading/paragraph Skills and Interests.
Have you worked with Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Adobe, Photoshop? Put it down! People love that shit! Do you use social media and/or know how to work it better than the average grandma? Put 'er down! You get the idea. Think of anything in your daily life that can be put in Job Language and then see if you can do that. You are in university; do you have any projects, papers, or other things that you're proud of? Have you successfully managed a (gasp) group project? Do you make any kind of art? Are you a registered voter who has taken part in civic/political organizations, drives, or events? (If not, REGISTER TO VOTE! This is your angry grandmother speaking). All of that can go down. Even if it's not job experience per se, it's life experience and shows that you are someone who is engaged with the world and working to gain more.
Last paragraph and heading: References. Ask a few trusted adults who know you well and aren't related to you, such as a favorite high school teacher or a university faculty member/degree advisor, if they'd be willing to serve as referees. Put down their full names, titles/place of work, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Voila! You have a full page resume, probably even a little more if you're lucky. Proofread, make sure the spacing is even and the alignment is right, it doesn't look weird, the text is a consistent size, it's all the same color, there are no glaring typos or grammatical errors, etc. etc. Save it as a PDF.
Boom. Done. You are now a Job Hunting Maestro.
If you get an interview, you don't need to pretend that you have tons of experience or that you're something you're not, but you can present what you ARE in a positive light anyway. Don't apologize for yourself or play yourself down pre-emptively; be confident about yourself and what you can offer. You're a college kid looking for your first part-time job, COVID prevented you from a lot of normal teenage work experience, you're willing to work hard and learn new things. Here's your resume. What would be a good time to talk again.
Good luck! I believe in you.
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usafphantom2 · 5 days
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Recently, I was told by Bill Kraus that his father a SR 71 navigator and RSO and a SR-71 Pilot, Tony Bevacqua and four or five other crewmembers would go to the chapel and pray every day they were blessed and protected by God because no Air Force officer was killed in the line of duty flying the SR 71
The actual unofficial top speed of the SR 71 is 3.52. This happened because of the urgings of a Catholic priest!
SR-71 pilot Tom Alison said, “My God, Padre, what more do you want?
I came within 5degrees of burning up this entire airplane! “What more do you want? The Father wanted to make sure that he broke the official record of the fastest speed in the SR 71 that’s what he wanted. Father Hesburgh was used to asking for a lot and getting it. Father Theodore Hesburgh, President of Notre Dame, was an aviation buff. He was hooked after a flight in a barnstormer’s stunt plane at the age of 10 that his Dad paid five dollars for. In his autobiography, he wrote that He has logged nearly three million miles in the air, flying in exotic aircraft such as an F14-Tomcat, a Torpedo Bomber, a Weather Plane, and many more. He also broke the sound barrier several times, flew into a volcanic crater, and piloted a naval bomber over the Pacific despite having no formal flight training. But he wanted more. The ultimate prize would be to fly in the world's fastest airplane and break the current record. That record was set in 1976 at 2193 mph.
President Carter was thanking the Roman Catholic priest for his Goodwill accomplishments; he asked Hesburgh is there anything I could do for you? President Carter recalled the moment Hesburgh asked for the favor: “I said, ‘Fr. Hesburgh, it’s not customary for civilians to ride on a top-secret airplane.’
He said, ‘That’s all right. I thought you were Commander-in-Chief.’”
Two days later, Hesburgh got a call from the Air Force’s chief of staff. He was to report to the Beale Air Force Base, CA, to undergo a training regimen and series of rigorous tests. After passing the physical and psychological examinations administered to astronauts, Hesburgh had to learn how to operate every instrument in the back seat: navigational equipment, radios, and dozens of gauges and meters. He was then put through situational training for various emergency scenarios, including ejection and equipment failure. Father Hesburgh was possibly the oldest VIP to get a ride in the SR 71. He was 61. A close rival for this title would be Senator Barry Goldwater. He was 60 when he got his VIP ride in 1969.
On February 28, 1979, Hesburgh and the pilot, Major Tom Alison, prepared for their attempt to break the Blackbird’s speed record. The priest wanted to push it to the limit..
After cruising at 30,000 feet just under the speed of sound, Allison and Hesburgh dove 5,000 feet and broke the sound barrier. They then turned their nose upwards and rocketed past 80,000 feet, accelerating through Mach 3. As Hesburgh watched the speedometer, the Blackbird pushed past 2,200 miles per hour, breaking the plane’s speed record.
In his autobiography, Hesburgh said that when he’d landed, he “asked Tom if he had pushed the plane as fast as it would go.” Allison responded, “My God, Padre, I went within five degrees of burning us up. What more do you want?”
Hesburgh fulfilled a lifelong dream — he set an unofficial airspeed record in the world’s fastest airplane, an SR-71 Blackbird. This became the Father's proudest accomplishment, a story that he told over and over again to his friends. This is a truly remarkable story about a man who asked for an almost impossible task and received it!
Written by Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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riptideripley · 1 year
Roman’s Cousin.
gif creds: @bloodycowboyclub
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summary:You’re Roman Reign’s right hand woman,helping him with everything in his life. But his cousin,Jey,caught your attention a little too much..
jey uso x black reader
“Well well well..look who’s all alone here” you heard a familiar voice behind you,turning around to see Jey. You two had a few on screen moments were you almost got caught up but masked it. You were Roman’s right hand woman and with the bloodline falling apart,you couldn’t betray him. You were also a wrestler and have won so many matches,even beating Rhea Ripley. “Hi Jey..nice to see you I guess” you spoke with a smug smile on your face,knowing you just wanted him to knock the Mario coins out of you right then and there. “Mm guess I can say the same ma,where’s your ‘tribal chief’” he responded using quotations around the words tribal chief. “He’s busy handling your brother with Paul right now. Though it’s none of your business on what” “mm so we can take things back to my dressing room then?” he said as he kept looking at your glossy lips,wanting to kiss you right there.
“fuck Jey..” you whimpered out as he continued to kiss your sensitive spots,with his hand up your skirt rubbing your clit. “right here baby?” “yes please fuck” you said as your eyes rolled back,orgasm approaching very quickly. There was a knock on the door causing you both to freeze up instantly. “Yo uce! Cmon man we gotta go in 10 minutes” Jimmy spoke through the door,walking away as you both looked at each other hearing his foot steps get farther away. Jey continued his movements,pulling you into a deep sloppy kiss to prevent you from being loud. “oh my god-“ you words were cut short from your orgasm hitting you hard. It took everything in you not to let out a loud ass moan,panting trying to catch your breath. “Better get going before Roman looks for you” he said with a wink,fixing your clothes and opening his dressing room door walking out. You quickly followed behind him trying not to get caught and immediately went to Roman’s dressing room.
“(your name)! Where the hell have you been?” “I apologize my tribal chief,I was in the bathroom” you said in a calm tone,somehow convincing him. “Well how’d things go with Jimmy?” “Just fine I hope. Now come help me get my stuff to the car” you nodded at his words and began grabbing his belongings,taking them to the black car in the garage waiting for him. Once all his stuff was in the car and he left,you checked your phone seeing a text from Jey.
Jey<3 - “hey mama,you still coming by tonight”
You - “Yea give me an hour”
Once you responded you put your phone away and got in your car,driving to the hotel. You two got lucky enough to be put on the same floor so you just went straight to your room to shower and change. Once out of the shower you put on shea butter and some baby oil,along with the strawberry scented perfume he got you a while back since it’s his favorite. You slipped on a matching red lace bra and panty set,throwing on a crop top and shorts. You texted him letting him know you’ll be by soon,fixing your bun and edges before heading out the door. You walked three doors down and knocked,waiting for him to open it.
When he opened the door,he was standing there with nothing but a pair of psds on. You looked him up and down mentally cursing when you noticed his print. You two had sex before but it seemed like every time it got bigger. “You just gon stare at me?” he asked making you snap out of your thoughts,”No just let me in” you brushed past him letting yourself in. You sat on the end of the bed,looking up at him as he hovered over you. “Clothes off ma you know how this go” he said as leaned down to kiss your neck while playing with the hem of your shorts. You whined and was able to get him to move away from your neck,allowing you to remove your shirt and soon yours shorts. He stared at you in awe at the lace garments you chose to wear,since you never wore them around him. He smiled and unclipped your bra,taking your right breast in his mouth. You threw your head back,letting out soft moans at you played with his hair gently. He stood up and turned your body around putting you on all fours. You felt him rip your underwear off and before you could speak you felt his tongue going to work on your clit. “O-oh my god..” you moaned out gripping his hair as he continued to eat you out,this time using his fingers. “You always taste so good for me mama” his words making you shy and more wet than you already were.
You whined when he pulled himself away,but your whines were cut short when he pulled his boxers down and slid inside of you with ease. Your back automatically arched and you shoved your face into a pillow,moaning. "Aht aht pretty girl lift your head up." he said as he pulled your hair making you lift your head. "Fuck right there!" you yelped out,not being able to control yourself or your moans at this point. He laughed at this,running his hand down your back as he continued his movements getting deeper knowing you couldn't handle all 10. You were a stuttering mess,with each thrust you felt him in your stomach not being able to handle it all. "Cmon princess whose pussy is this hm" "Y-yours! SHIT-" you felt his finger massaging your clit. You were on cloud nine right now,eyes rolling deep into your skull letting out nothing but moans and whimpers. He loved seeing you all fucked out,it made him pleased with himself. You felt a swift smack at your ass,making your shoot your eyes open,"Eyes open for me baby." he demanded and you obeyed. He held your head up by wrapping his hand around your throat,keeping eye contact with you. "Please Please daddy I can't-" "Yes you can baby,I know you can. So just hold it for me I'm almost there" he said with a slight moan towards the end. You've never heard him moan before but god did you love it.
You were fighting back tears at this point from overstimulation,but you loved it and he knew it. “Fuck- cmon baby cum on this dick for daddy” he whispered breathily in your ear. Hearing his voice in your ear like that in the state you were in was just enough for you. You let out a scream which was half way cut off with a sloppy kiss,soon he pulled away making you whine and lay on the bed. “shit..yo you on birth control?” he asked realizing he didn’t pull out this time,which made you wanna slap the shit out of him but you were too tired to do so. “Yea I’m on it don’t worry..” you told him making him sigh in relief,as he went in the bathroom and came back with a warm towel wiping your body down which made you whine and jolt your body a bit. You turned over on your back and smiled when you saw him hovering over you leaving kisses down your body and tickling you which made you laugh. “Ok okkk I have to get back to my room Jey” “Fine ma,but call me in the morning ight?” “Ok I promise” you spoke getting up slipping your clothes back on. “Oh and wear lace more often baby,looks good on you” he said smacking your ass as he put his underwear back on along with some shorts,walking you to the door. You smiled and gave him a quick kiss before walking out the door and back to your hotel room. You decided to shower in the morning due to your tiredness.
_the next day_
You walked into Roman’s dressing room seeing The Usos,Solo,and Paul there which confused you but you could tell Roman was upset about something. You then took notice to Jey’s face of nervousness and realized. ‘Shit he found out-‘ your thoughts were cut short with Roman’s words. “My cousin huh?”
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Temple of Vesta/Hercules, Rome
The Temple of Vesta is the popular name given to the round temple near the Tiber River in Rome (now Piazza Bocca della Veritá). The association with Vesta is due to the shape of the building but in fact it is not known to which god the temple was dedicated. It may have been dedicated to Hercules Olivarius, patron of the Portus Tiberinus oil merchants, as three or four temples to the Greek hero are known to have stood in the area of the Forum Boarium where there was also a Great Altar to Hercules.
The temple is Greek in style and was probably the work of an eastern Greek architect. The building also uses that quintessential Greek building material, Pentelic marble, from near Athens. At the time of construction Pentelic marble was one of the more expensive building materials and so was rarely used for large projects. The columns, entablature and cella walls were constructed with this marble whilst the inner cella wall was lined with tufa and stucco.
The temple is 14.8 m in diameter (50 Roman feet) and has 20 exterior Corinthian columns standing on a 360 degree, 5-stepped tufa podium. The unusually high columns are 10.65 m (36 Roman feet) tall and are topped by composite capitals, which have a combination of Ionic volutes with Corinthian acanthus leaves. All of the capitals are constructed from two separate pieces and the flat ends of the column flutes, the single block used to carve the foot, base and plinth of the column, and the integration of the base into the first step of the podium are all typical features of 1st century CE architectural practice. The cella entrance was flanked by two tall rectangular windows, one on each side, and these remain visible today.
Some sort of disaster struck the temple in the 1st century CE as 10 columns on the north side were replaced using Luna marble and a capital, very similar to the originals but not an exact replica, was replaced on the south side.
The relatively good condition of the building is due to the fact that it was converted into a church and the oldest records (1132 CE) refer to the building as the church of S. Stefano alle Carozze ('of the carriages'). The building is today without its original roof and entablature. In addition, the top portion if the cella wall was replaced using brick-faced concrete and windows were added in the 12th century CE. In 1475 CE a fresco was added above the temple's altar. In the 17th century CE the church was re-dedicated to S. Maria del Sole ('of the sun') only to be then deconsecrated within two centuries. Finally, between 1809 and 1810 CE the podium of the building was excavated, the surrounding ground level was lowered, and the building was restored once again.
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thealliasylum · 2 years
🔞Play With It 💋
Warning: Mature language, SMUT, 18+, oral sex (female receiving), mentioning the reader having sex with Jey, SMUT, mediocre-ish editing. Enjoy
“Wassup, (Y/N).” I hear a familiar voice, before feeling a slap on my ass.
“How’d you know it was me?” I ask, seeing that it’s Jey.
“You know we can recognize that ass from anywhere.” Roman answers, slapping my ass like his cousin. “Especially in a pair of jeans that I bought.”
“Whatever. I gotta go get ready for work so I’ll see you tomorrow at Paul’s.”
“You don’t have a few minutes for Daddy?” Roman sweet talks me.
“5 minutes and 5 minutes only.” I tell Roman while he locks the door behind us.
“Nuh uh.” He protests, while unbuttoning my jeans and tongue kissing my neck in the process. “You know I need more than 5 minutes.”
I gasp and smile when his large hand is wrapped around my throat. He takes advantage of my open mouth, by giving it a sloppy kiss. I close my eyes and drift into ecstasy as we tongue kiss and he strips me. I kick my chucks off, while he removes my pants and pull my titties out of my shirt.
“No panties? It’s like you were ready for me.”
I spread my legs and let his fingers tease my pussy.
“Mm~“ I moan when he rubs my clit in circles.
“You sure I can’t have 10?” He asks as his finger slips inside of me.
Before I could even respond or make a noise, I’m being picked up and my legs are wrapped around his waist. I look down and watch him pull out his 8 inches of hard dick, and tease my wet slit with it.
“Beg for it.” He orders after giving me a kiss.
“You’re the one that wanted to fuck me😏”
I kiss him back, and things get heated quickly. His tongue is in my mouth again and I’m tugging at his silky hair. I gasp and break the kiss when he enters me. But it’s just the tip! I know what he’s doing and it’s not gonna work.
“Beg for it.” He repeats, barely moving his hips.
“Just fuck m- *gasps* ahh~”
He cuts me off by giving me a deep stroke and smirking. I become a moaning and blushing mess when he starts fucking me and sucking on my neck.
“Oh my God~“ I whimper, “oh my god~”
“You like that, baby?” He asks, repeatedly hitting my spot with every stroke.
“Yes~” I moan with pouted lips.
“You like that shit?” He grunts before slapping my ass.
Before I can answer, he adjusts our position and snap his hips back and forth with vigor. I hold on to him and squeeze his waist with my legs, as I feel myself coming closer to my first orgasm.
“Hm? You like being fucked like this?” He angrily asks with another spanking.
“YES!~“ I scream while cumming and squirting all over his dick.
My orgasm must’ve lit something in him, because he is fucking me like an animal now!
“Roman—“ I cry while still cumming. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me !?”
“Because you lied to me!” He growls and bury himself inside of me. “You don’t go to work tonight.”
I pant and tighten my walls around him while still trying to hold onto him.
“Why’d you lie to me?”
Before I can answer, he snaps his hips and go back to fucking me.
“Hm?” He asks with a slap to my face. “Why’d you lie to me? You tryna avoid Daddy?”
He stops and pulls out, but he doesn’t put me down. “Then why’d you lie to me?”
“I’m sorry—“
“I don’t want an apology, I wanna know why you lied.”
“I can’t have a day to myself?” I ask, still trying to catch my breath.
“You can but you didn’t have to lie,”
Roman carries me to my bedroom and drop me on my bed and pounce on top of me.
“You know how much I hate liars!” Roman growls while spreading my thighs apart.
“I wanted to be a good girl today, not a slut.”
“You’re my slut.”
Roman lifts my hips off the bed, basically folding me, and dive face first into my pussy.
“Daddy~” I moan.
I watch him flicker and swirl his tongue on my clit, but close my eyes when he looks at me.
He pulls away from my heat. “Look at me!”
I open my eyes and lock eyes with the handsome devil that’s pleasing me with his mouth. Then he wraps his lips around my clit and suck on it, which makes my eyes roll to the back of my head. My hands go down to his hair and that must’ve lit something in him, because he immediately took my pussy lips into his mouth.
“Oh my god, Daddy!”
I scream out and pull his hair as he sucks on my pussy like a lollipop.
“Daddy can you please fuck me?” I beg.
Roman inserts 2 fingers and pump them in and out, not even listening to my begging.
“Daddy please~” I whimper.
“Mm-mm!” He declines.
My legs stiffen as I cum on his face and fingers, and scream his name.
Roman chuckles. “That’s my slut. You Daddy’s little slut?”
I bite my lip and nod, while he gets back on top of me.
“Are you Daddy’s little slut!?” He repeats with a slap to my face.
He wraps his large hand around my throat. “Yes what?”
“I’m your little slut.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want your dick.”
He grants my wish and thrust all the way inside of me. “Thank me.”
“Thank you Daddy.” I say while holding his hand in place.
I gasp and pout my lips when he squeezes my throat, and starts moving his hips. I stick my tongue out and let him spit in my mouth, before pulling him down so he can kiss me. We share a sloppy kiss as he fucks me at the perfect pace. Our bodies rock while our tongues dance and our salivas mix.
One thing about Roman that I love, is how passionate he can be. When Jey fucks me, there’s no kissing, just stress being relieved and hair being pulled. Don’t get me wrong, I love that shit, and it’s great. But when Roman fucks me, he give his all and then some, without overwhelming me.
Roman pulls away and slap me across my face before holding my face in his hand. “You gonna lie to me again?”
“This my pussy? Hm? This pussy belong to me?” He says with another slap.
“Yes Daddy~”
“It’s all mine?”
With every question, there’s a long deep stroke, and more aggression in his voice.
“It’s all mine, and not Jey’s?”
“It’s all yours Daddy.”
My legs shake and my back arches when his thumb meets and plays with my clit.
“Daddy I’m gonna cum!” I scream out.
He moves his thumb faster and snap his hips with vigor, until I’m cumming and squirting on his big dick.
“Mmhmm~” He groans. “Cum on this dick, you little slut!”
Roman puts my legs on his shoulders and chase his orgasm while I come down from mine.
“Pretty ass!” He grunts before cumming inside of me.
Roman collapses on top of me, and pepper kisses on my neck, making me giggle.
“😏 I’m still gonna let Jey eat my pussy.”
Time for round 2
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mythologer · 1 year
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A recreated Centurion's Phalarae harness attached to his Lorica Squamata it holds 10 discs for bravery and service. The two discs upper left (the god Jupiter Amon) and far right (god Janus) are attached to two silver torcs, added bravery awads. Centurions often affixed their military Paludamentum to these to high light that he had two of the prized awards, they could be small or large, gold or silver. Between the two top discs is Herac(k)les battling the Nemean Lion and the middle disc is the Gorgon Medusa (common central motif on Roman high officer's Lorica Musculata for hundreds of years) Above Medusa are two mythical Roman Capricorns that are linked to Augustus and bottom left is the Emperor Nero. The middle bottom is the Emperor Tiberius standing over his dead enemies. Above Nero, appropriately is a mighty Roman Aquila (eagle) spreading its wings - a symbol of Rome itself.
This was a very decorated group of 80 staunch warriors led by two seasoned, elite officers in the Optio and his commander, the Centurio. Exemplary on the battlefield to have been awarded all of these medals." The Mighty XXI" apart from being a walking "shing trophy case" of crazy bravery, it also oozes blatant propaganda, it positively dribbles with thematic Roman values: honoritas, gravitas, dignitas and nobilitas. When the Centurio or Optio weren't wearing it, one of the elite standard bearers was able to done it, an absolute honour in itself.
Image: Cezary Wyszynski Legio XXI Rapax.
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imnameimswrld · 6 months
⃘ ֹ ִ 𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 ★ ִ a series ꒱
in which I make a moodboard and write some calculated nonsense about my biases as taylor swift songs (my queen) !
status, in session...
❪ kpop masterlist ❫
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 as ...call it what you want by taylor swift.
stray kids. skz. leader. producer. '97. aussie-korean. my ult / husband. christopher bahng. 3racha. vocalist. rapper. dancer. gnabnahc. don't touch his laptop aka the mother-load. swarovski knows what's up. peak husband material.
𝐕 as ...maroon by taylor swift.
bts. bangtansonyeondan. vocalist. '95. korean. daegu boy. celine's top model. kim taehyung. thv. yeontan's dad. his boxy-smile, ugh. he's served enough, send him home please. visual. actor.
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘𝐔 as ...dress by taylor swift.
seventeen. svt. rapper. vocalist. visual. hip-hop unit. kim mingyu. my favourite tall tan boy. vampire. '97. korean. mr bullied by his 12 brothers. his lisp dear lord. cute puppy with the body of a greek god. dior, bvlgari & cartier doing God's work out here. min9yu_k.
𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐎 as ...gorgeous taylor swift.
blackpink. bp. vocalist. visual. mother. '95. kim jisoo. actress. ceo of blissoo. jisoo turtle-rabbit kim. i am so in love with her goofy ass. sooyaaa__. flower. pretty sure she's a billionaire. korean. blackpink in ur area (except for mine). blackpink is indeed the revolution.
𝐘𝐄𝐉𝐈 as ...new romantics by taylor swift.
itzy. leader. main dancer. vocalist. rapper. '00. korean. hwang yeji. a literal lightfury. the cat is cating with this one. the eyes chico. a total loser girl but I love her for it. lucy hwang. my oppa. yezyizhere. ms english is about confidence. visual. midzy's protector fr.
𝐒𝐀𝐍 as ...lover by taylor swift.
ateez. vocalist. dancer. demon liner. '99. choi san. korean. mountain. my kitty cat. the fluff is fluffing. blonde brought me to my knees. stage presence. the de-twinkafacation is too real. shoulders for days. mr flirts too much his photocard that I don't have should be sleeping on the porch. deja vu eyebrows... ya just had to be there. kq give my boys their own insta accounts right now. totally kisses his band mate jung wooyoung.
𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐆 as ...delicate by taylor swift.
nct. nct 127. nct u og. super m. leader. lee taeyong. korean. rapper. dancer. '95. a parent of 26. korean. bless his hair. mr ty. my bubu. he is peak comfort. I just want to hug him forever and never let go. ai. he bleeds neo-green. taeoxo_nct. please don't send him away, he's already been serving since 2016. sticker's no.1 defender. visual. tik_tyong.
𝐓𝐄𝐍 as ...king of my heart by taylor swift.
nct. wayv. dancing king. vocalist. rapper. '95. a cat dad. a sassy king. chittaphon leechaiyapornkul. lee yongqin. gender-envy is real people. mr oh no your have to taste it. nct u og. thai and kinda chinese too I thinks. I wanna say multilingual king but according to bambam he can't even speak thai (his mother-tongue) well. a 10/10 fr. tenlee_1001. birthday was a cultural reset. visual. pretty sure he's in love with a guy named johnny suh from chicago.
𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐎 as ...mastermind by taylor swift.
nct. nct dream. dancer. rapper. '00. lee jeno. a samoyed doppelganger. so fluffy. leejen_o_423. hot sauce jeno is my roman empire. visual. korean. makes my heart so warm. kinda wanna put him in my pocket. he might be in love with some kid that goes by the name of na jaemin.
𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 as ...enchanted by taylor swift.
aespa. leader. rapper. main dancer. '00. real ? I think not. literally ai. my adorable stupid cheese cat. yoon jimin. korean. one of them laughing slappers. such a cutie pls just get in my pocket and let me protect your forever rina. katarinabluu. quite literally meows. a cat has never cat-ed like her before. run run run kitty kitty run run. visual.
𝐊𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐇𝐀 as ...dancing with our hands tied by taylor swift.
le sserafim. rapper. vocalist. dancer. ballerina. '03. zuha. japanese. literally lee hojung's sister because, huh. looks a little line jeon wonwoo too, but that just could be me. nakamura kazuha. my girlfriend (real). body goals fr, SLAY QUEEN. such a cutie patootie it makes me cry. the rizz is lowkey but so real. zuhazana. the swan song is literally her song. SOUNDS LIKE MONSTER BABY KING KONG, such a banger. visual.
𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 as ...wonderland by taylor swift.
txt. tomorrow x together. leader. vocalist. dancer. that dolphin song boy. '00. choi soobin. my favourite tall awkward and shy boy. he's just such a cutie pls. korean. I live in his dimples. I love that we collectively hate on math, my soulmate fr. you know you know soobin. page.soobin. so boyfriend dammit. visual. BRING BACK PURPLE HAIRED SOOBIN RN.
𝐉𝐀𝐘 as ...getaway car by taylor swift.
enhypen. enha. an all-rounder honestly. he plays guitar and that's hot. '02. blonde jay makes me spiral. korean but spent some time in america too. park jongseong. if angry bird, then why so gorgeous. he shouldn't be allowed to wear jeans because holy moly. he makes me giggle like a girl and I LOATHE IT because I'm supposed to be a feminist jason (his name isn't jason btw). I wanna kiss him. my boyfriend (REAL).
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐊 as ...paper rings by taylor swift.
p1harmony. piwon. p1h. rapper. dancer. such a cutie I can't take it. he likes almonds. hwang intak. intakie. intak-attack. taki taki rumba. '03. he's soooo... BEIDJEDKWNDKED. I can't think straight when I see the guy. I love him. korean. his music taste is bangin'. I can't handle short-haired intak lord haveth mercy. okay okay, but fr this time, he's my boyfriend.
❪ more might be added... ❫
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menelaiad · 1 year
can I prompt you to talk about Menelaus sparing Helen I'm just like :chinhands: about everything u say about the house of atreus
hey, if you're willing to listen, i'm more than happy to talk - thank you!
so. again. we got Big Three versions.
menelaus says 'guys it's chill i'll kill her at home. let's all cool our jets' (this is the version in euripides)
menelaus goes to kill her himself. helen shows her boobs. menelaus suddenly very chill (this is also implied by euripides)
menelaus gets men to kill her. helen shows her boobs. men suddenly very chill (stesichorus)
CAN YOU GUESS WHICH TWO I DESPISE? no. fr. the last two (the boob two) are far too dependent on helen being vain. and helen .... almost not feeling any guilt or shame from what's happened. and we know that's not true from the iliad. these two, to me, are classic. THIS IS JUST HOW HOT HELEN WAS propaganda. cause yknow. ur a greek/roman/ancient dude and you hear that helen of sparta showed you her boobs like 'damn bro i wouldn't kill her either ahahahaha pass the wine, maximus'.
but helen was never vain. she was never arrogant. she was confident and self-assured. but it's pretty much everyone AROUND helen that comments on her beauty and stuff. she never really does herself? which is another fascinating element of her character tbh. so her doing THIS as a means to be spared? doesn't suit me. do i think helen wanted to die/was willing to die? no. but i think she would have gone about pleading for her life a different way, y'know? also i hate the whole 'her tits got her into this mess they'll get her out of it' like shut UP. menelaus is not 12. he's fucking 60 odd at this point. he is tired. he is wounded. he is so beyond mentally well. give him some respect. he wouldn't have been blind sided by this.
but i don't think menelaus EVER planned to kill her. i can accept euripudes' version cause i think there would have been a lot of greek men that would have wanted to see helen dead. it makes sense yknow? they dont see the full narrative. the big picture. as far as they're concerned helen ran away. loads of people died. and now she's gonna get away with it. they're not narrative aware enough to see all the cogs of fate and the gods and all this. so i can respect that some greeks would have wanted her to suffer and menelaus would have risked a fuckin riot if he outright said 'nah lads she's fine lets crack on' so the whole 'wait til we get home' narrative is a good way for him to save time. to buy him and helen some time to come up with a plan, a story. to hear each other out. to work through stuff. they don't get back to sparta for like. 10 more years. they can EASILY have come up with some reason why she's not been killed yet. or why he's not gonna go through with it/why it's all worked out.
in regards to menelaus never wanting to kill her, i believe that because of how menelaus behaves in the iliad. menelaus is constantly lamenting the deaths of the greeks. the needless death and suffering. how these men are working and sacrificing to get helen back. to bring her HOME. what would killing her do? another senseless death. all the sacrifice for naught because menelaus doesnt get his wife back. he goes back to sparta alone. as if he never even went to fucking troy and tried to get her back?????
and also because menelaus loves her. despite everything he loves her and he never stopped. it's why i really like his portrayal in IOA even if he is a giant ass clown. he's a man desperate to get his wife back. and he's under the impression they're just gonna go to troy and get her back. simple as. two months tops. he's frantic and desperate and willing to try anything to get her back (yo bro kill ur daughter for me kthx). and i don't think that desire to get her back changes. menelaus grows more subdued and quiet. and has less fire. but he's still trying. he goes toe to toe with paris, is willing to take on hektor. menelaus is very much: 'i am dying at troy or i am leaving with my wife' and how is that not love? it's literally. he is going to get her back or die trying.
(also idk how much people value to fall of troy texts that are around but like. menelaus kills deiphobus in those. when dei is with helen. the man is insane in those moments he could easily have took helen out too in his madness. but he doesn't. also also. when he's in the horse and he hears helen, he's said to 'groan' when he remembers her and given the context of the other men weeping and stuff. this is like. a groan of pain. hearing helen's voice after so long and remembering her. HURTS him. he's missed her so much.)
menelaus and helen loved each other. you see it in odyssey 4. the healing they must have gone through in those 10 years. is so admirable and powerful. and they did it because they wanted to. because they were gonna see this out. they were gonna make this work. and even zeus acknowledges it. because he lets menelaus into elysium just to be with helen (his own DAUGHTER) for eternity. even though menelaus has LITERALLY no elysium qualities. not even zeus cant bear to separate these two.
they're just so fucking powerful.
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mlp x chb crossover
no u don't need an explanation. pinkie pie is cabin 12, dionysus cabin. dionysus is the god of parties and being craaaazy (ok it's actually madness but close enough). she's a party planner through and through
rainbow dash. you'd think something like ares or hermes but no. it's actually cabin 17 - nike. my mans is obsessed with winning and yeah she's fast, but she cares about winning more ithink <3 (i do think making her a child of iris could be funny as well)
applejack is cabin 4 - demeter. next question
fluttershy you'd think is demeter but what the fuck bro. no. the best estimation i'd have to say is a satyr. and yes i know satyrs are technically biologically exclusively males, and that their biologically female equivalent would be nymphs. but 1. nymphs are still about fucking flowers and 2. more power to transfem!fluttershy innit
rarity is. if we're not calling her a roman and child of minerva (which we can't, because minerva doesn't have children in rick's canon), the best i can do is really putting her in aphrodite's cabin 10 edit: oh fuck she could be a child of pluto and summon gems im so sorry miss please don't step on me
okay okay i know what you're thinking, twilight could be a child of hecate, but then again, she's giving major athena kid vibes. well, i think this is so fucked up because i truly can't decide if i prefer her being a cabin 20 kid who yes, learns magic, but generally just learns friendliness and all the other shit too, and then later down the line when starlight joins, she'd be wayy more powerful than twily, despite her being an athena kid (whos probably a hecate legacy imo), OR yeah just leave them as athena!twilight and hecate!starlight bc she is such a powerful sorceress naturally. there'd also be like interesting potential in making twi and star hecate siblings, because we get to see the duality of cabin 20
fuck you i'm still going bc i love these bitches octavia is definitely a child of apollo and vinyl is a child of one of the muses. *checks notes* calliope.
i think trixie could plausibly be a child of hermes, as her magic is mostly.. heh.. tricks
sunburst is a child of athena. trust me bro
obvsly mfs like carrot top, strawberry sunrise or bonbon would be demeter kids
i think it would be really funny to genuinely have maud as pinkie's cabin 12 sibling
do i shallowly think sunset shimmer would be a child of apollo? yes im sorry apollo just fucks a lot
zephyr breeze? definite satyr.
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newathens · 8 months
i totally agree, the relationships between fathers and sons are prolly my fave elements of pjo, but let's not nerf our goddesses ricky!!
i can't even begin to explain how much i loathe rick's depictions of femininity in the series, he will pay for his depictions of aphrodite and hera, two goddesses very feminine in what they represent. he did the entire concept of aphrodite's children so so poorly, he doesn't even try to show us their skillset and shows them sitting out of capture the flag to do their makeup or whatever?? and i like the idea of hera being obsessed with the 'perfect family' ideal she is trying to get the olympians to live up to but the way rick has portrayed it has fallen so short and it is obvious in general fandom reception of hera that it is inherently misogynistic (the amount of times i've seen people call pjo hera a bitch, keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth!!). like hera is so misunderstood, she is one of the only gods to challenge zeus and take action especially since she's in a position to do so with less repercussion than others might receive (with the exception of the rebellion and whatnot), but no!! she is evil stepmother!! bitch who goes after zeus' lovers and children!!
and then you have slightly less feminine goddesses (though i'd argue they're still quite feminine in nature) artemis and athena, the former being a manhating stoic girlboss, how fucking creative rick go girl give us nothing. and what's the deal with artemis kicking out two sapphics from the hunt, like that is so icky to me in so many ways. then there's athena, who rick goes out of his way to show that she is a bad mother and person in general (using the roman myth of medusa on a greek goddess?? boooo, tomato, tomato). rick has the most annoying tendency to find one stereotypical trait about a greek god and just latch onto that for their characterisation and nothing else, you see it with some of the gods but it is so so prevalent in the goddesses. poseidon gets his good moments as a dad and viewed quite favourably in percy's eyes (on another note, the blatant bias in the greek gods and heroes books is laughable but that's another time), apollo gets a whole book series to have a redemption arc (good for him, though), hades gets some good moments too (though it's quite annoying to me seeing the fandom praise him as one of the 'good ones' lmao). zeus... i don't like rick's depiction of him for reasons entirely unrelated lol, but the point is that the gods are allowed to be multifaceted and complex, but the goddesses get their stupid stereotypical traits exacerbated and maybe one or two half-assed moments of something else. it pisses me off so much!!!
(sorry for leaving an essay in your inbox but in my defence you asked for this XD)
when did u send this !!!!! 10/10. no notes
he does this all the time and it’s not just the olympian goddesses either. his recent depiction of nyx was so….. i can’t even adequately form my thoughts on the matter. the characterization of the goddesses in the pjoverse are not given much thought. even when i try to rationalize and analysis it, they still fall short. iris, medea, khione off the top of my head, all fun characters but each have something umm distasteful(?) in their depictions. definitely a part of all three series that deserves more examination
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