#top 10 games 2021
traincoded · 2 years
.... 🌠🐸
1. you're so funny. every few weeks you coin a new tag or phrase and my brain repeats it to me like a broken record while im waiting for something to compile at work.
2. nice to meee.... and most importantly honest with a very prickly person. the strugglebus is everlasting but the friends we made along the way matter most.
3. so talented but so shy abt it. your art is the most evocative ever ever and filled with so much personality in a distinct style. love how you play with pretty challenging concepts. and your filthy little snippets are masterful.
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macmcclung · 2 years
Sidney Dean Ally-0op to Mac McClung 2 Hand Dunk #sidneydeane #billyhoyle #macmcclung #macmcclung0 #allyoop #allyoopdunk #whitemencantjump #whitemencan
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retrocanvas · 2 years
13 Discord Bots for Your Web3 Server by Category
#Discordbots are a great way to make your #web3server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few
Discord bots are a great way to make your server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few discord bots that we think are worth checking out: Best Bots for Discord Moderation Discord moderation bots are a great way to keep your Discord server clean and organized. By using a moderation bot, you can automatically remove…
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noxtivagus · 2 years
this is crazy
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bruhnze · 5 days
CHAPTER 1 – United in Manchester (Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze)
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Summary: Ona Batlle has had a crush on Lucy Bronze for a little while now… how will it go when she joins Barça? A 10 chapter series.
Warnings: Slow burn, angst, fluff, smut. All the things, but I give this as a complete warning for the whole series. Not every chapter involves all the warnings :).
Wordcount: the series is around 50k words (10 chapters)
Note: no Spanish or Catalan is used for continuity purposes, probably most team dialogue you just have to imagine it being not in english xx.
Summer 2023
Ona closed her final suitcase, her last belongings packed away. Most of her things had already made the journey to her new apartment in Barcelona, leaving her with only a few essentials like a couple of shirts, a pair of jeans and her toothbrush.
Tomorrow marked the official farewell to Manchester United, a place that had been her home for the past few years. Although the team had already celebrated her departure with a party, this final day felt like the true goodbye. After tomorrow, she would close the chapter on her England adventure and return to her beloved Catalonia to begin a new journey with FC Barcelona. Joining Barça again was a dream come true, as she regarded it as the best football club in the world. Despite her excitement for the future, there was also a little sadness with leaving behind Manchester and all the memories she had made there. It made the farewell bittersweet, goodbyes were never easy.
As Ona gathered the last of her things for her hand luggage tomorrow, her gaze fell on her small, worn diary. This little book had been her loyal companion through the highs and lows of her Manchester adventure. Unlike her other personal items that been shipped off in boxes, this diary was something she couldn’t part with like that. It had been her friend during tough times and a place to celebrate her victories. Every page was filled with a piece of her journey, from the rivalries to the moments of joy she had shared with new people she had met.
Flipping through the final pages, Ona’s eyes lingered on the section at the back of the booklet she had dedicated to players she admired and when she’d played them. One of who was Lucy Bronze. She had always felt a special kind of feeling towards the defender, she was drawn to her. And with Lucy now becoming her teammate at Barça, Ona felt a surge of excitement at the thought of finally sharing the pitch with her idol on the same side.
This part of her diary held memories of their past encounters, it described Ona’s admiring for Lucy’s talent and her growing ambition to be just as great as her, or maybe even greater, although she didn’t know if that was possible.
19 January 2020 – WSL – Manchester City 3-0 Manchester United“This match was tough. I tried my best to contain, but Manchester City was relentless. I remember one moment vividly—Lucy managed to slip past us and set up a goal with such ease. It was a harsh lesson in what it means to be at the top. Even though it stung, I couldn’t help but admire her skill. I wish to be as good of a right back as her”
13 February 2021 – WSL – Manchester City 3-0 Manchester United ‘’We faced City again, and it felt like déjà vu. Lucy seemed to be everywhere at once, and despite our best efforts, we couldn’t turn the tide. Losing like this for the second time was hard, but it only strengthened my resolve.” 9 October 2021 – WSL – Manchester City 2-2 Manchester United“This game was a nail-biter. We managed to hold City to a draw. Lucy made a brilliant run just after half time, but we managed to recover in time. Walking off the pitch, I felt a mix of pride and respect. Lucy’s talent was undeniable, and this game was a reminder of just how high I had to reach. We shook hands and she said ‘good game’ to me.” 24 February 2022 – She Believes Cup – England 0-1 Spain “Beating England was a sweet victory, but Lucy’s presence on the pitch was undeniable. Her leadership pushed us to our limits, I noticed how she figured our play out, and directed her players, but luckily we were scored a goal. This game was a turning point for me, a chance to measure myself against the best and it was an important step for Spain.” 13 March 2022 – WSL – Manchester United 1-0 Manchester City“Finally, we got the win we’d been chasing with United. I intercepted a pass from Lucy, leading to the goal that secured our victory. It was a moment of personal victory, knowing that I had finally gotten the better of one of my greatest rivals. Although she as a player is still better then me, our team was better this time.” 20 July 2022 – UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 – England 2-1 Spain“We came close, but England clinched the win, it was a tough loss. Seeing Lucy lift the trophy was a powerful reminder of the heights I aspired to. It was a tough pill to swallow, but England’s success was a testament to the dedication and skill required to reach the top. I vow to come back stronger with Spain, I believe we will come back stronger.” 20 August 2023 – FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 – Spain 1-0 England“Winning the World Cup was incredible, but I couldn’t help but feel for Lucy. Seeing her disappointment was a stark reminder of how fleeting triumphs can be and how hard it is to stay at the top. It also highlighted the thin line between success and heartbreak. It made me even more excited to join her at Barça and hopefully share many successes together. I walked after her to comfort her when I saw her tears, she walked away at first and I didn’t know if it was my place to consolidate her, but I felt the urge to do it and in the end I feel like she got cheered up a little. I can’t wait to spend more time together when we play for the same team. She said she was excited for me to join too. We even saw eachother inside again, in the tunnel, there we had another quick conversation, she was already analyzing the game in her head, she told me I had an amazing game. I thanked her and then we hugged. She thanked me for coming after her, and then she laughed and told me to go celebrate.”
As Ona closed the diary, she felt a profound sense of gratitude, each little reflection told a story of growth, rivalry and respect. She was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. She was about to join a team that included Lucy Bronze, a player she had always admired from afar. The prospect of working alongside her idol, and now also her teammate, was both thrilling and daunting. She couldn’t wait to maybe even become friends with the English defender.
Recently, during last winter, Ona had met Lucy Bronze off the field, at the wedding of their mutual friend Lucy Staniforth. It was a different experience entirely - Lucy turned out to be even kinder and more down-to-earth than Ona had imagined. Their day together was filled with laughter, personal anecdotes and even some dancing, breaking down the barriers of their on-pitch rivalry.
Despite the connection they shared that day, Ona had hesitated to reach out to Lucy afterward, doubting whether the English defender would welcome the contact. Stani had reassured her that Lucy would have appreciated it, but Ona’s lingering uncertainty had held her back.
She was just another stranger to Lucy right, they only knew eachother vaguely from being rivals, Lucy didn’t know, and didn’t need to know, how much Ona looked up to her. Especially with their coming colleagueship for the same team, it would be a little unprofessional, and not to speak of the fact it was embarrassing.
Ona took a deep breath and looked around her very-soon-to-be-former training ground, she allowed herself a moment to appreciate her journey. The rivalries here, the victories, the defeats - they had all shaped her, preparing her for this new step ahead. Finally she had build enough experience to play for Barça’s first team with a big contract this time.
The cool Manchester air was heavy with nostalgia as she walked towards the building one last time. The crisp morning light filtered through the clouds, casting a soft, almost melancholic glow over the pitch.
As Ona moved into the busy locker room, memories of her time here flooded back, each one a bittersweet reminder of her impending departure.
Preparing for her final practice session, Ona's mind drifted back to a series of encounters that had come to define her time in England. Her time in England had been transformative. She had arrived in Manchester with a mix of excitement and dread, eager to prove herself in a new league and a new country. The transition had been challenging—the climate, the culture, the language—all required adjustments. Yet, as the months rolled by, Ona had found herself adapting and thriving. Manchester, with its gray skies, had become a part of her journey in ways she hadn’t expected.
One of the best things about her time here had been the friendships she’d built. The locker room, once an intimidating place, had turned into a second home. As Ona walked by the familiar lockers, she felt a little tug in her chest, knowing she’d soon leave it behind.
Lucy Staniforth sauntered over with a smile, but a hint of sadness. "So, last practice, huh? You ready for it?"
Ona gave a small laugh, even though her throat tightened. "I think so? It’s weird, though. Feels like I just got here, and now it’s already over."
Lucy nodded, her arm slipping around Ona’s shoulder as they sat down together. "It’s going to be so strange without you. You’ve gotta keep in touch, yeah?"
"Of course," Ona said, smiling. "And you’re always welcome to visit, you know that."
Just then, Mary Earps wandered over, her face showing how much she’d miss her too. "Onita!!!" Mary said, with a raised voice, drawing attention from the whole team. "You better invite me to sunny Barcelona at least once."
Ona pulled Mary into a tight hug, laughing. "Ofcourse."
Although the team had already held a goodbye party last week, they gathered around Ona one by one again, each declaring how much they were going to miss the tiny Spaniard and asking to be invited to her house or a fc Barcelona match when to opportunity was there.
The next morning, the reality of her move finally hit, but instead of feeling nervous, Ona was filled with excitement. A new life in Barcelona was waiting!
The club had set up a beautiful, modern apartment for her close to the training facilities. Her family had already sent her photos of all her things neatly unpacked. Everything looked perfect, but with one thing still missing—herself, and ofcourse her little dog Coco.
Ona felt a twinge of sadness as she checked Coco in for the flight. She hated that he had to travel in the hold, away from her, but she knew the flight wasn’t too long and they would soon be walking the sunny streets of Barcelona together.
During the flight Ona gazed out the window. She watched the familiar English countryside fade away and not much longer then two hours, the vibrant colors of Spain came into view, the bright sun shining down on the city below. The lively atmosphere of Barcelona, so different from Manchester’s gray skies, felt like a warm welcome.
When she had landed and gathered all her belongings and Coco, Ona’s heart skipped a beat as she spotted her family waiting for her. Her brother was holding a colorful sign that read “Welcome home Ona!”, but it was her mother’s open arms that she rushed into first.
Hugging her mother tightly, Ona felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over her. She had missed this—missed the warmth and comfort of her mother’s embrace, the real feeling of being home. Her father and brother joined the hug, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.
As they drove to her new apartment, Ona couldn’t help but smile as she looked out at the familiar sights of her beloved city. This was it, her dream was finally coming true. She had faced the challenges of living in England, grown as a player, and now she was back in Barcelona, ready to play football she had always dreamed of.
Surrounded by her family and with Coco by her side, Ona knew she was exactly where she was meant to be.
After a drive which wasn’t supposed to take this long, but with all the traffic in the streets of Barcelona, it did, Ona and her parents finally arrived at her new apartment. Her brother had already said goodbye after their greeting in the airport.
The moment she stepped inside, she felt happy. Her belongings already unpacked, made the place feel like home. The afternoon was spent in the company of her parents, laughing together and talking about the exciting time laid ahead.
They had ordered some local food, paella ofcourse, to celebrate her return to Spain. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, they sat around the small kitchen table, enjoying their first meal in her new home.
Ona’s mother fussed over her, making sure everything was in its place, while her father admired the view from the balcony. Ona ensured them for the hundred time she would be okay and they could go.
Finally Ona’s parents began to gather their things, preparing to leave. Her mother, with a warm smile and a kiss on her forehead, reminded Ona that she was just a call away. After a few more hugs and goodbyes, they were gone and the apartment fell into a peaceful quiet.
Ona was exhausted, the day’s events catching up to her all at once. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, but there was one last thing she had to do: taking Coco for a walk.
She grabbed his leash and headed outside. The night air was refreshing against her skin. The neighborhood was peaceful, with only the sound of distant traffic and an occasional passerby.
Suddenly, she heard someone call out, "Ona? Ona Batlle!?"
Assuming it was a fan, Ona turned around with a kind smile.
But her smile grew wider with surprise when she saw Lucy Bronze standing just a few steps away, a dog by her side.
"Ona! I didn’t expect to see you here," Lucy said, her face lighting up with recognition. "I mean, I knew we’d run into each other soon, but not like this."
"Lucy! What are you doing here?" Ona asked, still wrapping her head around the coincidence.
"I live here," Lucy replied with a playful chuckle, joking. "I play for Barça, remember?"
Ona laughed, the initial tension melting away. "ahh, ofcourse," she chuckled and pointed to the building she had just left. "wait, you mean in that building?"
"Yeah," Lucy confirmed with a warm smile, finally reaching her. "are we hugging?"
Ona smiled back ‘’ofcourse, we’re teammates now’’, nodding as she stepped into the embrace. "Nice to see you again" she said softly as they pulled back, "I wasn’t expecting to see a familiar face so soon."
"When did you get back here?" Lucy asked, knowing Ona had a history with Barcelona but also recalling their brief encounter in July, when Ona had come down to the club to officially sign her contract.
"Today, just a few hours ago. My parents picked me up from the airport and we had dinner together before they headed out, they just left actually."
"Oh, you must be exhausted," Lucy said, sympathy lacing her voice.
"Yeah, I’m sure I’ll crash as soon as I hit the bed, but Coco needed a walk first." Ona chuckled. The dog looking up as he heard his name.
"Am I keeping you? I can take another route?" Lucy offered.
"No, not at all," Ona shook her head, her smile widening. "I’m glad I ran into someone familiar before training next week. Even though I used to play for Barça and I know a few girls from nationals, it still feels like a new beginning, honestly I’m a bit nervous."
They chatted for a while, sharing stories about moving clubs, discussing their excitement for the season to start again and even the world cup made a brief appearance, but Lucy assured Ona that she didn’t hold a grudge about that, chuckling that England would beat them next time.
Both dogs seemed to get along well too, happily trotting beside each other as their owners talked. The conversation flowed easily, much like it had the last times they had met. It was comforting for Ona to find a familiar face in the new place, especially someone she admired so much and it helped a lot that Lucy was being so nice to her.
Ona couldn’t help the fact that she had considered that Lucy might not be warm towards her, given that they were both playing for the same position. Something which could come with a bit of rivalry within teams if players were both eager for a starting position. She didn’t get any of those vibes off of the English defender, but maybe that was yet to come, she hoped not.
As they said their goodbyes in the building’s lobby and headed back to their respective apartments, Ona couldn’t help but feel a spark of excitement. Not only was she living her dream, but she also had a friend and teammate just a few doors down, with who she had just exchanged phone numbers to carpool next week.
When Ona finally shut her apartment door, she still wore the smile on her face, she had had a good day. A perfect day.
She tucked Coco into his bed and as she crawled under her own blankets, she still couldn’t stop smiling. This new chapter in her life was already off to an incredible start.
The next week, on a bright august morning, Ona and Lucy set off together for the FC Barcelona training ground, the sun casting a golden glow over the city. During the drive they chatted and Ona tried to ease her worries about fitting in with both her new and the familiar teammates. Lucy, with her easygoing and kind nature, reassured Ona that it would be like coming home for her.
Upon arriving at the club, the day was a whirlwind of medical tests and introductions. Ona was welcomed back into the fold by familiar faces. She saw Aitana, her national camp roomie, as they were both having their bike test at the same time. She hugged her and Bonmatí said she was very excited to see Ona back and couldn’t wait to play with her again.
Alexia, Jana, Salma and also some players she didn’t yet know, like Keira, Caroline and Esmee, everyone was kind and even though the medical examinations were thorough and took up most of the morning, she had had a good time.
The few nerves that Ona had started the day with were long forgotten as her first day of work went by.
By the end of the day, Lucy and Ona drove back together, sharing their impressions of the day. Ona had barely seen her neighbor around at the club, but she hadn’t expected Lucy to stay around holding her hand either. And after all it hadn’t really been necessary , she knew most off the girls there maybe even better then Lucy so it would’ve been weird. But she did feel really comfy near Lucy and was definitely eager to become friends with her.
The long hours had been exhausting, but the mood in the car was great. They reflected on the promising start to the season, discussing training plans and their hopes for the future. The drive back was filled with laughter and mutual encouragement, reinforcing the feeling that this new chapter was going to be an exciting adventure. Already planning out all the trophies they would win, all of them ofcourse.
The week had gone better than Ona could’ve imagined. Joining a new team was always a mix of excitement and nerves, but Ona was settling in well. Her developing friendship with Lucy helped a big part in that. They quickly fell into a rhythm, driving together whenever their schedules matched up. It was comforting to have someone to talk to during the rides—Lucy’s calm and laid-back demeanor put Ona at ease. They even walked their dogs together, sometimes by chance when they bumped into each other outside, and other times when one of them texted to arrange it. Those small moments of connection gave a spark to Ona’s days.
The training sessions were intense, but Ona was also starting to find her place within the team. Over the course of the week, she had formed a tight-knit group with Salma, Vicky, Bruna, Jana, Patri, and Pina. It came naturally—they joked around, supported each other through drills and even helped each other out with little things like advice on new drills or finding the best spots for post-training snacks.
This Saturday morning’s session was typical pre-season work: sharp, focused and designed to get them all in peak condition. The mood was upbeat, everyone knowing they’d have the afternoon off once they were done. Lucy had texted Ona earlier, suggesting they grab lunch together after training and Ona had agreed, excited about spending more time with her new friend.
As they finished the session, the group drifted towards the locker room, still chatting animatedly. The conversation quickly turned to lunch plans, with Vicky and Salma leading the charge.
“There’s this rooftop restaurant in the city that has the best views,” Vicky said, her eyes lighting up. “You guys have to come. The food’s amazing.”
Salma nodded enthusiastically. “And the vibe is so chill. Especially on a day like this.”
Ona was about to say yes when she felt a gentle nudge at her side. She turned to see Lucy, who was freshly showered and ready to go. “Hey, chauffeur, ready to go?” Lucy asked with a teasing smile.
Ona smiled back, feeling a bit torn. “I’d love to go with you guys another time, but I’m carpooling with Lucy.”
Vicky wasn’t going to let her friend off the hook so easily. “Why don’t you join us after you drop Lucy off?” she suggested, not missing a beat.
Lucy, responded with a grin. “I was actually going to buy Ona lunch for driving me to training, but if you’d rather go with them, we can always reschedule.”
Vicky waved off the idea with a laugh. “Lucy, you can join too, you’re a cool old person.”
Salma chuckled, adding, “Yeah, sure Lucy can join.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended. “Old? I’m not old.” She huffed.
The whole group standing around bursted out in a chuckle.
Ona quickly jumped in, without having control she called out to defend the older player. “Lucy’s not old.”
With a smile, Lucy draped an arm around Ona’s shoulder. “See? I’m not old,” she said, pulling Ona a little closer. The gesture was casual, but it made Ona feel warm inside.
The rest of the group laughed, the teasing and banter making the decision easy. Vicky grinned. “Alright, so it’s settled. We’re all going.”
Lucy nodded, still smiling. “Sounds like a plan.”
As they all headed out of the locker room together walking to the parking lot. Ona turned to Lucy, ´´sure it´s allright?’’, ‘’I don’t want to bother you, we can go another time for lunch together?’’.
Lucy looked at Ona curiously, ‘’do you not want me there? It’s cool if you just want to with your friends, I just-‘’ she smiled awkwardly, ‘’thought it could be fun?’’.
Ona shook her head, ‘’no, no’’ she put her hand on Lucy’s lower arm, ‘’I would really like for you to come’’.
‘’Sure?’’ Lucy asked, ‘’you can just drop me off at home if-
‘’No’’ Ona shook her head, ‘’I just thought-‘’.
Salma and Vicky called out from Ona’s car ‘’Ey, can you open the car Ona?’’.
Ona looked up annoyed, ‘’why? what are you two doing?’’.
‘’Patri and Pina said we could drive with you’’ Vicky said proudly.
Ona internally groaned, she would’ve rather sat alone with Lucy, but she didn’t show her discontentment and just clicked open the car.
‘’I really like you joining the lunch’’ she quickly said to Lucy on more time before they made it to the car too.
The lunch was great, Ona couldn’t help but glance at Lucy every once in a while, especially when she laughed at one of her own jokes. She normally didn’t like people that did that, but with Lucy it was so cute, so innocent. She wanted to watch her laugh for hours.
Lucy had paid for the lunch of everyone, Ona hadn’t expected it, no one had. But she had been gone for a second and when they’d asked for the bill the waiter had told it had been paid. Then Lucy had confessed she’d already paid.
After dropping Salma off they were now at Vicky’s place. ‘’Thanks Ona, and thank you Lucy, you’re a G’’ Vicky said before closing the car door, ‘’see you next week’’.
‘’Bye Vicky’’, Lucy called out as Ona stayed silent.
She drove off again, now headed to their apartment block, about a twenty minute drive.
‘’You good?’’. Lucy said, turning the music down a little, ‘’you seem very far away in thoughts’’.
Ona blinked, ‘’uhm, oh, yeah, no’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’tired?’’.
‘’Yes,’’ Ona nodded, happy with the excuse easily offered to her, ‘’a bit tired’’.
‘’Ah, maybe a nap when you’re home then’’.
 ‘’Maybe, but I have to walk Coco first’’.
‘’Ah, Narla also has to go on a walk, maybe we can walk together?’’.
Ona smiled, but quickly put her face in neutral again, trying to stay casual. ‘’Mhm, okay.’’
‘’If you’re too tired it is fine too,’’ Lucy said, ‘’don’t feel pressured’’.
‘’No, no’’ Ona said, momentarily glancing over to face Lucy, ‘’I would like to walk together’’.
‘’Good, I like walking them together.’’
‘’Yeah me too, they seem to like eachother.’’ Ona said, a little blush creeping up her cheeks.
‘’Mhm.’’ Lucy chuckled, ‘’becoming besties like their moms’’.
Masterlist: Playing for keeps
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videogamepolls · 3 months
Video Games Polls 6-Month Report
To celebrate 6 months of this blog and 1,291 games polled, I wanted to share the top 10 games across each of the four options included in my polls.
🏆 Most Played
Games with the highest percentage of "Yes" votes:
Pac-Man (1980) - 93.4%
Tetris (1985) - 86.9%
Pokemon Go (2016) - 82.9%
Minecraft (2011) - 81.1%
Stardew Valley (2016) - 79.3%
Space Invaders (1978) - 78.5%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) - 72.2%
Kahoot! (2013) - 72.2%
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018) - 70.5%
Among Us (2018) - 70.0%
🏆 Most Unplayed
Games with the highest percentage of "No" votes:
Raid: Shadow Legends (2018) - 85.8%
Halo Infinite (2021) - 77.6%
Baldur's Gate (1998) - 76.1%
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000) - 75.8%
Call of Duty (2003) - 75.2%
Counter Strike 2 (2023) - 74.9%
Valorant (2020) - 74.7%
Donkey Kong 3 (1983) - 74.5%
The Last of Us: Part II (2020) - 74.4%
Assassin's Creed Valhalla (2020) - 73.9%
🏆 Most Watched
Games with the highest percentage of "I watched someone play it" votes:
I Am Bread (2015) - 51.3%
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2014) - 47.0%
P.T. (2014) - 41.0%
Raft (2022) - 38.3%
The Convenience Store (2020) - 38.1%
Façade (2005) - 38.0%
Iron Lung (2022) - 36.0%
Papers, Please (2013) - 35.4%
Until Dawn (2015) - 35.2%
Detroit: Become Human (2018) - 35.0%
🏆 Most Obscure
Games with the highest percentage of "I've never heard of it" votes:
Just, Bearly (2018) - 96.9%
Anito: Defend a Land Enraged (2003) - 96.6%
That Damn Goat (2023) - 96.5%
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory (1983) - 96.1%
Turovero: The Celestial Tower (2017) - 95.8%
I am Magicami (2020) - 95.8%
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening (2020) - 95.5%
The Unholy War (1998) - 95.2%
Yanya Caballista: City Skater (2001) - 94.9%
Dark Scavenger (2012) - 94.5%
*I did not take most Pokémon games into consideration since I handle those polls a little differently.
Check out my results spreadsheet for an alphabetized list of all poll results plus some other stats.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Masterlist Drarry Recs - Pt 4
A/B/O | Bottom Alpha | Omega Harry
8th year enemies to friends to lovers
Age difference
An event brings them together
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang AUs
Blowing each others mind (smut)
Cutesy 8th year
Curses, pranks and bad luck
Competent Drarry
D/s undertones
Demon Drarry
Drarry in fist fights
Ensemble cast
Emotional maturity
Fics set in a forest
Forced marriage | Married Drarry
Funny Mpreg
Gay awakening + trans Drarry
Hurt/comfort manipulation
Love/hate relationship
Magical theory and worldbuilding
Marauders Map
Morning after (intimacy)
“It isn’t like this with other people”
Drarry as each other’s safe place
Drarry in America
Drarry surprising the world
Drarry sacrificing their relationship
Drarry working through relationship issues
Realizing feelings and running away
Situationship | Toxic relationship
Long-distance relationship
Power imbalance
Pride and Prejudice AU
Draco in Azkaban
Draco learns about the Dursleys
Draco helps Harry heal his trauma
Harry defends Draco in the trials
Harry thinks Draco is Up to Something
Mental illness
Kid fic + humour | Secret pregnancy 1 & 2
University AU
Water-centric fics
Wedding planning
Witty fics
Workplace romance
T-rated comfort fics
Age gap + Next Gen
Casual Drarry with other people | OMC
Drarry in a M/M/F threesome
Ron & Hermione dating other people
Draco & Ron friendship
Smart Harry
Harry helping Draco heal
Harry learns about old magic/pureblood society
Harry spoiling Draco
Harry comes back “wrong”
Sad but sweet Harry (8th year)
Harry living in a cottage
Dominant Harry | Possessive Harry
Talented Harry
Injured/disabled Harry
Magically Powerful Drarry
Rugged Drarry (manual labor)
Sexually inexperienced Harry
Harry cheats on Ginny with Draco
Dark Draco
Drunk Draco
Smitten Draco | Smitten Harry
Stalker Drarry | Unhinged Drarry
Draco changes after the war
Draco on parole
Guilty Draco & redemption arc
Draco is adopted by the Gryffindors
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Draco
Older Draco x younger Harry
Long Draco-centric fics | Long Harry-centric fics
Drarry recs 2021-2023
Drarry WIPs
Canon style
My comfort rereads
Emotionally complex stories
Underrated fics
Long plotty fics (2024)
Spring reads
Top 5/10 ask game lists
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emotoangel · 2 months
hi phannies I’ve seen so many tag games on here recently and I love them all so I’m making my own <33
shoutout to all the twitter phannies coming over in the great migration I love u all and hope u bring all the porn we supposedly have bc I personally haven’t seen it and think we could do with more fr 🫶🏼
ANYWAY here are my top 10 favourite movies of all time, pick your favourite no nuance and then tag your faves so they do it too 🧚🏻‍♀️
imo no better way to get to know people than to see what they love fr
tagging @fryday @sparkly-dnp @thighguys @beachcollector @emojackolantern @fromemotoangel @wdapteo @laprasboat and anyone else that wants to do it too !! ✨
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thisisnotthenerd · 24 days
with misfits & magic season ii coming out on 9/25, it's time for a spreadsheet update!
links to the relevant sheets:
thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats: the og spreadsheet. where this all started.
d20 episode randomizer: watch orders! go here to see all of the episodes listed in various ways, and to pick a random episode!
d20 seating chart stats: the table and how it plays out every season. check the compiled chart for basics on each character
anyways, on to the stats!
general stats:
total episode count: 251, spread over 22 seasons.
there have been 8 main cast / intrepid heroes seasons, that make up 147 of the 251 episodes, or 58.5% of the total count. if we include oneshots in this count, the count goes up to 151 of 251, for 60.1%.
total runtime: 541:54:53. that's 3 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours, 54 minutes and 53 seconds of dimension 20.
average runtime: 2:09:32. the median is 2:08:32, which i thought was funny. the episode that's closest to the average, with 2:09:33, is 'the house always wins' from a starstruck odyssey.
some more recent updates: never stop blowing up has the third-shortest average (1:49:18), following fantasy high (1:39:43) and coffin run (1:43:16).
nsbu is the shortest of the 10-episode seasons, with a total runtime of 18:12:59. compare that to the longest 10-episode season, the seven, with a runtime of 23:55:12.
for mismag, this is our first sidequest sequel season. aabria is the first guest dm to get a sequel season of her own (matt is a little diff by virtue of brennan running acoc). it's the first KOB sequel season as well--that speaks well for d20 expanding their game systems.
mechanically, they're now using a version of nsbu called never stop making magic, so i'll be tracking stat explosions this season as well. i do think d20 is leaning towards expanding the systems they use, so we'll see how they continue to expand going forward.
it's also the first odd-numbered sidequest season, with 11 episodes. by december 5, we'll have had 16 episodes in the world of mismag, which is just under a main cast season.
player stats:
aabria's back in the dome for her 7th season, and 4th as the game master! with an 11 ep season she's up to 59 episodes, and remains the most common guest on d20. at this point she's the second in-house dm. she has the Q4 10-ep season on lock. the first sidequest sequel season is hers.
brennan is up to 21 seasons and 257 episodes (including time quangle and mismag ii). he now has 2 seasons on the right, evening his split out a little bit (3:2)
lou has dethroned ally and taken the top player spot, with 12 season and 187 episodes. he has a new fave seat, with 4 seasons in L1 as well as R3.
erika isn't far behind aabria, with 47 episodes and 6 seasons. they're split between L3 and R2 (2 each)
danielle's joining the ranks of what i consider the recurring guest cast, with 3 seasons and 22 episodes under her belt. she's behind rekha and izzy (tied with 36), erika, and aabria.
production notes:
in terms of production, the release of the time quangle episodes puts us at 45-46 episodes for 2024, depending on when the december releases start. this also sets us at a total of 268 episodes by the end of 2024.
if we include all of the adventuring parties, adventuring academies and various other d20 auxiliary content, 2024 might take the cake for the most total episodes, dethroning 2021.
i'm guessing that this was the first season filmed after brennan's parental leave, so they're probably still 6 months to a year ahead of the releases
production calendar is looking like main cast season in Q1-Q2, varying number of sidequests/oneshots through Q2 and Q3, with aabria/another guest dm in Q3-Q4. depending on when aabria's season starts, they may start the intrepid heroes' season in Q4 going into the following year. general disclaimer that this is just a guess.
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undersprite · 4 months
Ah, jeez, did anyone remember to dust in here while I was away?
Hello, everyone—CHAOS_FANTAZY here, former entrant and judge to the Undertale/Deltarune Sprite Comic contest. It's been a while since the previous one hosted in 2021, but I've been thinking about running this contest again ever since.
So why not now?
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As of right now, I've reopened the official contest Discord server in preparation for the 3rd """annual""" comic contest—slated to run throughout the summer, with the submission period running from June through August. I'm making this post to inform everyone of the contest's return, with all the general information given below:
Huh? What? Sprite Comic Contest? I don't understand anything!
A sprite comic, as its name suggests, is a web comic that uses sprites rather than artwork as the main means of depicting its subjects. This is commonly done to produce fan comics for video games, and Undertale is no exception—many prolific AUs, including @invertedfate, began as sprite comics.
This is a contest to produce a sprite comic about Undertale or Deltarune—a game jam but with comics, as it were. If you've ever had an idea for a story you want to tell using these games' characters or setting, but could never justify dedicating time to telling it...this is the excuse you need!
Who's running this show now?
As aforementioned, it's me, CHAOS_FANTAZY! I'm joined by a panel of three volunteer judges, Mufeet, Subna, and Soufon (Whom, much like myself, has no major social media platforms). All four of us are not only long-time Undertale fans who can remember when sprite comics were a highly popular storytelling format, but also participants in previous sprite comic contests!
What's in it for me?
Although he's no longer directly involved in running the contest, the former host @fmsdraws has graciously offered to supply it with illustrated prizes. Additionally, we have a small cash prize pool to distribute among the top three (Via Paypal/Cashapp, or an alternative if both of these are unavailable to the winner):
First place will receive $25, and a custom illustration with up to two characters from Fms.
Second place will receive $15, and a one-character custom illustration from Fms.
Third place will receive $10, and a custom sprite from Fms.
Additional prizes may be added to this pool over the next week or so; this post will be edited to reflect these changes.
How do I participate?
I'm glad you asked! Our official Discord server is not only the proper avenue to send a submission, it also contains all the official rules regarding the production and submission thereof. (The original contest's rules are here, but there have been some revisions and modernizations made since.)
As aforementioned, the contest is planned to run through August—make sure you get your submission in by 11:59 PM EST on August 31st!
That's all for now. Good luck, everyone!
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Games PB5 and AF35 played together in but also their injuries to really put in perspective how little they have truly played.
I bolded the games I thought were their best together and realized they never have played their best together truly. Like the one time Azzi was healthy and going off, Paige was recovering from knee injuries. Between the two of them, they probably had one healthy leg in those 17 games.
For rewatch purposes: https://www.youtube.com/@mjl2434
Paige coming back from right ankle surgery after being NPOY as a freshman.
Azzi came in with a foot injury from the World Cup after winning her third gold medal and it never really healed the entire season. She said later it was all about pain management but she was never really free. It really affected her movement and shooting.
11/14/2021 Arkansas: PB scored 34 at 78.9% and AF scored 7 at 42.9%
11/20/2021 Minnesota: PB scored 8 at 42.9% and AF scored 5 at 33.3%
11/21/2021 South Florida: PB scored 21 at 50% and AF scored 18 at 60% (the presser after is iconic haha)
11/22/2021 South Carolina: PB scored 19 at 42.1%. AF only played 10 minutes and didn't score.
12/1/21 - Azzi suffered a foot injury forced her out of the lineup for 11 games.
12/7/21 - Paige injured her left knee - tibial plateau fracture against Notre Dame and it kept her out of 19 games.
During that time while PB was on the bench (and all her fun reactions), Azzi played three games that I absolutely love rewatching and rank in her top 10: 2/6/22 Tennessee (her first start); 2/9/22 Villanova (note that UConn ended up losing this but I honestly rank this one of her best performances ever); 2/13/22 Marquette.
2/25/2022 St. John's (NY): PB scored 8 at 80% and AF scored 19 at 77.8% (there was so much joy because PB was back and this has a great presser afterwards)
2/27/2022 Providence: PB scored 2 FT but still made a big impact in limited time and AF scored 14 at 62.5%
3/5/2022 Georgetown: PB scored 16 at 66.7% and AF scored 11 at 30.8%
3/6/2022 Marquette: PB scored 2 at 25% and AF scored 4 at 11.1%
3/7/2022 Villanova: PB scored 2 at 25% but didn't play much in this game and AF scored 9 at 80%
3/19/2022 Mercer: PB scored 12 at 71.4% and AF scored 9 at 75%. Statistically great game for both but also early round of March Madness where they play like 20 minutes. So I suppose you can watch it for feels.
3/21/2022 UCF: PB scored 9 at 44.4% and AF scored 16 at 30.8%
3/26/2022 Indiana: PB scored 15 at 41.2% and AF scored 13 at 27.3%
3/28/2022 NC State: PB scored 27 at 66.7% and AF scored 19 at 43.8% --- AF helped get it to OT before PB finally took off. Probably their best game together but I don't know if their best overlapped completely during that game.
4/1/2022 Stanford: PB scored 14 at 53.8% and AF scored 8 at 25%. This game was not fun from what I can remember. I don't think I enjoyed it at all.
4/3/2022 South Carolina: PB scored 14 at 46.2% and AF scored 3 and 33.3% ---- Azzi had the stomach flu and only played 16 minutes. Between this and Dorka getting injured against NC State, I don't think this team really recovered.
Paige tore her left knee ACL on August 1, 2022.
After having a NPOY level November 2022, Azzi injured her knee on December 4, 2022 against Notre Dame  and was out of 9 games. She made her return in January 2023, only to reinjure the same knee on Jan. 15 and miss an additional 13 games. She never really recovered that level she had during November 2022.
I highly recommend watching the games in that month of November 2022 if you want to see Azzi Fudd play lights out basketball. And truthfully, I don't even think that was half her full potential. She was warming up to it in the first month of basketball.
11/8/2023 Dayton: PB scored 8 at 33.3% and AF scored 13 at 33.3%
11/12/2023 NC State: PB scored 27 at 61.1% and AF scored 9 at 30.8%
Azzi tore her ACL and meniscal tear in her right knee - second ACL tear for her. I actually think Azzi never really recovered her knee from the previous season and in the same way Paige came back too soon, Azzi did as well.
So now as we approach 2024-25, may the basketball gods bless us with potentially the best backcourt duo in the nation, because truthfully, we have never actually seen it at the college level. One thing I know is Azzi is a second half assassin (like statistically speaking). Looking forward to that the most. - 🔎
It was really interesting and a great read, but depressing af 💔.
We deserve to see them play for a full season, and more importantly, THEY deserve to play together for a complete season.
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macmcclung · 2 years
Sidney Deane Ally-0op 2 Mac McClung Reverse Dunk 2023 #shorts #sidneydeane #billyhoyle #macmcclung
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fandomtrumpshate · 7 months
Listed fandom fun
A bit of random data before we jump into the rankings for listed fandoms …
Since the numbers post yesterday we've had signups for nearly 60 new auctions, bringing the current total to 779. That beats the number of signups for 2016/7, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and puts us withing spitting distance of our record last year of 819. Can we do it? Will we do it? Signal boost FTH posts and encourage others to participate. More money raised for good causes, more fanworks in the world — it's a win/win!
We posted yesterday about the state of our unlisted write-in fandoms (we've had nine new ones since then!). Time to check in with the rankings for the listed fandoms.
At the top of the pack we have:
87 K-Pop * 66 Good Omens 50 Sherlock Holmes * 44 Harry Potter * 37 Marvel * 32 DC * 31 Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed 27 Red, White, & Royal Blue 25 Star Wars * 23 Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Our first tie is for 11th place -
22 Avatar The Last Airbender 22 Teen Wolf
And after that, nearly every other place is a tie. And which ones are ties for which places can be shifted slightly with just one signup. Or completely upended with two. Where will your fandom land?
Remember that if your fandom isn't here (or in the rest of the list below the cut), you can write it in. Signups are OPEN through Monday!
19 Supernatural 18 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star 18 Locked Tomb Trilogy 18 Stranger Things 17 All for the Game 16 Our Flag Means Death 16 Tolkien * 16 The Witcher 15 Boku no Hiro Akademia (My Hero Academia) 15 Original Work 15 Percy Jackson and the Olympians 14 Baldur's Gate 3 14 Hockey RPF 12 The Old Guard 12 Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) 11 The Magnus Archives 11 Star Trek * 10 Check Please! 10 Dungeons & Dragons 10 Haikyuu!!! 10 Hazbin Hotel 10 Jujutsu Kaisen 9 A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon 9 One PIece 8 Doctor Who * 8 Hades (video game) 8 Heartstopper 8 James Bond 8 Kingsman 8 Merlin 8 Naruto 8 Suits 7 Dragon Age * 7 Justified 7 Raven Cycle 7 Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast 7 The Sandman 7 Shadowhunters 7 SK8 the Infinity 6 Captive Prince 6 Critical Role 6 Final Fantasy * 6 Fullmetal Alchemist 6 Hannibal 6 Kinnporsche 6 The Maze Runner 6 Queen's Thief 6 Stargate 6 Steven Universe 6 Top Gun Movies 6 Yuri!!! On Ice 5 Alex Rider 5 Grishaverse 5 Interview With The Vampire 5 Malevolent (Podcast) 5 The Murderbot Diaries 5 Nirvana in Fire 5 The Owl House 5 RWBY 4 Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (The Husky & His White Cat Shizun) 4 Genshin Impact 4 Les Misérables 4 The Magicians 4 Pokemon 4 Witch Hat Atelier 3 Arcane 3 Disney's Descendants 3 Elder Scrolls 3 Hetalia 3 Hunger Games 3 Legend of Zelda 3 Spy x Family 3 Tian Ya Ke / Word of Honor 3 Trigun 3 Welcome to Night Vale 3 Wheel of Time 3 Young Royals 2 Benoit Blanc Mysteries (Knives Out, Glass Onion) 2 Disco Elysium 2 Encanto 2 Gundam Wing 2 The Last of Us 2 Leverage 2 Miraculous Ladybug 2 Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 2 Mysterious Lotus Casebook 2 Schitt's Creek 2 Super Mario Bros. 1 Assassin's Creed 1 Attack on Titan 1 Diamond no Ace 1 Fire Emblem Three Houses 1 Homestuck 1 Stellar Firma 1 Wednesday / The Addams Family
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f1-ferraero · 5 months
Over these last few races there has been a lot of people saying that "Sainz doesn't need to give a f about Ferrari anymore, he's driving for his future" which is so so contradictory.
Sure, his results on paper are going to be important for contract negotiations, but HOW he gets those results is more important.
The situation Sainz will be in next year is either 1st driver at a midfield team, or 2nd at a top team (with only RBR and Merc potentially having open seats, and Verstappen and Russell will be prioritised there).
If he wants to fight for wins he will need to accept a 2nd driver seat, and to get there he needs to show that he can be a team player, regardless of his situation. Otherwise a midfield team is his only option. Even then, there is no driver's championship in the midfield, only the constructor's matters. Look at Magnussen in Jeddah, and all the praise he received for putting the team first and helping Haas score their first point. That's what the midfield teams need and want.
Sainz is a good driver, yes, but while the media might like the "he's only driving for himself" narrative, the teams would be a lot more impressed by a "he's putting the team first, despite not having a seat with them next season" narrative.
Besides, he's not the only one without a seat. Essentially half the grid is jobless next season, but they are playing the team game, and that actually makes them much more attractive candidates (even if Sainz might be the faster driver).
And if we look at RBR and Merc. Checo is doing exactly what he needs to do: finishing and qualifying p2, while also having a history of being a brilliant team player when need be. Even if Sainz does get signed, he won't be challenging Max. Max is the 1st driver, and the car will be designed towards his preferred extreme oversteer (which we know Sainz struggles with, given the beginning of 2022 and the end of 2023). And with Sainz being older than Max, and with Lawson coming up in 2025 he'll probably not be given more than 1-2 years with RBR.
Mercedes is struggling, and are in no way in contention for titles or wins. The drivers know that right now the team needs to focus on just maximising their joint results (e.g. Hamilton asking if he should let Russell pass in Suzuka). Merc has also already made it clear that they want Antonelli, either for 2025 or 2026. Toto has said that they might just give up on 2025 and use it as prep for 26, and in that case they'll probably sign Antonelli.
If they decide to sign Sainz it'll, again, only be for 1-2 years (with 2025 being a write off and 2026 being a total unknown). Sauber is definitely Sainz best option: he'll be the 1st driver and they might be competitive with Audi in 2026.
It doesn't matter what he or his fans think he "deserves". This is the truth of the situation, and he's not doing himself, or anyone, any favours by driving only for himself. And besides, despite the media claiming that Sainz is hot property, he is not actually that much more desirable as a driver than anyone else.
On one hand there is the matter of his age. Sure, he's not old (considering Alonso and Hamilton are driving into their 40s, but that's ALONSO and HAMILTON) but he is turning 30 this year, which means that while he might be in his prime he won't be getting any better. He doesn't have the potential that a young rookie has. He is delivering what he should be so far in 2024 considering he's in a Ferrari, but so has everyone else who is in contention for a good seat.
The second thing is his racing cv: 3 wins in 10 years and a highest championship position of 5th. I know people are arguing that he simply hasn't had the car to do more than that: "he was stuck in midfield cars for 6 years (7 if you include the 2021 Ferrari)". Let's rephrase that: "he didn't perform strongly enough to be promoted to a top team for 6 years".
Between 2015 and 2021 Bottas, Leclerc, Verstappen, Gasly and Albon received promotions to the 3 top teams and Sainz did not (Bottas after 4 years and the rest after 1 year (Albon a bit earlier and Verstappen a bit later)). Sainz IS a good driver, I'm not denying that, but he doesn't have championship potential and that's okay. He's not being "underrated" by the teams. They know exactly what he is capable of, and he WILL get a seat next year, but he isn't being disrespected by anyone because they aren't signing him.
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videogamepolls · 21 days
Video Games Polls 9-Month Report
It's been 3 months since my last report and I've polled over 500 more games since then so I wanted to post an update on the top 10 games across each of the four options included in my polls, plus a couple other new categories.
🏆 Most Played
Games with the highest percentage of "Yes" votes:
The Dinosaur Game (2014, AKA Chrome Dino Game) - 93.9%
Pac-Man (1980) - 93.4%
Wii Sports (2006) - 87.7%
Tetris (1985) - 86.9%
Pokemon Go (2016) - 82.9%
Minecraft (2011) - 81.1%
Angry Birds (2009) - 80.1%
Stardew Valley (2016) - 79.3%
Space Invaders (1978) - 78.5%
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) - 74.1%
🏆 Most Known but Not Played
Games with the highest percentage of "No" votes:
Raid: Shadow Legends (2018) - 85.8%
Final Fantasy XI (2002) - 82.1%
Halo Infinite (2021) - 77.6%
Baldur's Gate (1998) - 76.1%
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000) - 75.8%
Call of Duty (2003) - 75.2%
Counter Strike 2 (2023) - 74.9%
Valorant (2020) - 74.7%
Donkey Kong 3 (1983) - 74.5%
The Last of Us: Part II (2020) - 74.4%
🏆 Most Watched
Games with the highest percentage of "I watched someone play it" votes:
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (2017) - 54.2%
I Am Bread (2015) - 51.3%
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2014) - 47.0%
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach (2021) - 45.6%
Phasmophobia (2020, Early Access) - 41.3%
P.T. (2014) - 41.0%
PowerWash Simulator (2022) - 40.4%
Slender: The Eight Pages (2012) - 38.4%
Raft (2022) - 38.3%
The Convenience Store (2020) - 38.1%
🏆 Most Obscure
Games with the highest percentage of "I've never heard of it" votes:
Just, Bearly (2018) - 96.9%
Anito: Defend a Land Enraged (2003) - 96.6%
That Damn Goat (2023) - 96.5%
Star Seeker in: The Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff (2020) - 96.4%
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory (1983) - 96.1%
Quando Fuori Piove (2018) - 95.9%
Turovero: The Celestial Tower (2017) - 95.8%
I am Magicami (2020) - 95.8%
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening (2020) - 95.5%
The Unholy War (1998) - 95.2%
🏆 Most Balanced
Games with the most even spread of votes:
Human Fall Flat (2016) - 19.3% Yes | 28.5% No | 26.1% Watched | 26.1% Never Heard
Kerbal Space Program (2015) - 21.9% | 31.1% | 24.5% | 22.5%
The Henry Stickmin Collection (2020) - 19.3% | 29.2% | 22% | 29.5%
Ib (2012) - 24.1% | 26.8% | 19.2% | 29.9%
Superhot (2016) - 24.9% | 25.1% | 30.5% | 19.5%
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (2010) - 25.8% | 31.1% | 20% | 23.2%
Limbo (2010) - 30.2% | 28.7% | 23.9% | 17.1%
Wobble Dogs (2022) - 18% | 25.4% | 25.2% | 31.3%
Slay the Princess (2023) - 30.2% | 27.4% | 26.1% | 16.4%
Baba Is You (2019) - 26% | 32.9% | 19% | 22.1%
🏆 Most Votes
Games with the most number of votes:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) - 4,329
Flight Rising (2013) - 4,132
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004) - 4,053
Final Fantasy XV (2016) - 3,056
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (2009) - 2,844
Dark Souls (2011) - 2,823
The Dinosaur Game (2014, AKA Chrome Dino Game) - 2,758
QWOP (2008) - 2,636
Dragon Age II (2011) - 2,576
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006) - 2,398
*I did not take most Pokémon games into consideration since I handle those polls a little differently.
Check out my results spreadsheet for an alphabetized list of all poll results plus some other stats.
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suzy-queued · 2 months
DVD Commentary: Under Lock and Key
@callivich invited me to share behind-the-scenes commentary from a fic. I hope you dig this deep dive into Under Lock and Key!
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) I wrote it in 2021. I posted a chapter a week, and I was actually writing those chapters each week as I went along. 15 weeks of their life = 15 weeks of my life.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I have general non-specific angst about college. It feels like an earworm, a time in my life where so many things were unfulfilled or unresolved. So many roads not taken. I needed to write something to put those thoughts to rest.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character? I alternated Ian's and Mickey's POV, because I love seeing both of their sides. That also helps increase the tension, because you can leave one person's thoughts on hold while you go see what the other person is doing.
What was your favorite scene to write? Any of the scenes in chapters 5-8, the simmering time before they actually get together. I love to write their push and pull.
How did you come up with the title? Because hair metal rules.
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Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? The story started as a college radio station, where Mickey was a shock jock and Ian was a new volunteer. It would be told via journals that Ian wrote for one of his classes.
I wrote a couple of Ian's journal entries, but nothing was gelling. Once I changed the setting to the lost keys office, the story took off.
Initial ideas, original opening, the day I decided to switch the setting.
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Oh, by the way, I usually handwrite everything.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this? This is the sweetest story I had ever written. I had always tried to write compelling plots before, things with adventure and intrigue. For this one, I wanted no villains, hardly any angst, just two people falling in love.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story? So, so many.
The original chapters from the radio station.
That night after the mid-semester party, I had about 5,000 more words of them making their way back to Ian's dorm.
I had more descriptions of Mickey being completely into the Chicago music scene.
I outlined an epilogue from 10 years in the future.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story? I do have that epilogue outlined. Not sure if it'll ever see the light of day!
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? There aren't references to my other stories. I had only published one fic before that. But, man oh man, are there references to my college experience.
The lost keys office was the most fascinating place on my campus. It lived in the basement of the next dorm over. I never needed it, but many people I knew did.
Mickey is based on my friend Sam, who I spent late nights with in the architecture building. He hated every guy I had a crush on and wasn't afraid to tell me. We climbed on yellow steel-beam sculptures, stole signage from the parking garage, scaled buildings and sat in windowsills, talked about music, and harassed each other endlessly. It was one of those "lightning in a bottle" friendships.
Trey Kanahele is based on Gordon, who lost his keys so many times, usually while in the shower. He made it a point to walk across campus in his towel, with his long black hair flowing.
Hannah is based on Leslie, the coolest girl I met in Moore Hall my freshman year.
"Charlotte" and "Clemson" were my top two picks for colleges.
Dr. Neal is based on my current friend Jayme, who is a forensic nursing professor and takes her students to Africa in the summers.
The bulletin board, the grounds of the school, the fire drills in your pajamas, the dining hall, the crazy late-night games, the challenges of registering for classes, the meetings with advisors … all of it is plucked from experience.
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity? This one has the most hits of any of my stories. I'm surprised that it's the one that people keep coming back to. I've written a bunch more since then, but this one has staying power.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? I'm nervous to post everything. Even now.
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote? No, I'm stubbornly beta-less.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? I make my own merch for the stories I write. Here's me in actual college and me today re-imagining college through a Gallavich lens.
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This is open to all writers! Pick your favorite story you’ve written or your most popular or the one you think deserves some more love! Or ask your followers to suggest their favorite fic of yours!
And hey, if there's another story of mine you want to hear about, I can share more!
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