#i am very embarrassed by the 3 korean songs in my top 10.
noxtivagus · 2 years
this is crazy
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egle0702 · 4 years
[TRANS] GQ June ‘20 - Wooyoung Interview
2PM Jang Wooyoung: “I lived hard like crazy”
2020.05.21 INTERVIEW
Wooyoung has blazed through life, but he also knows how to be quiet. That’s why he’s smart and strong. Like steel that has been repeatedly heated and cooled down.
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You’re attentively monitoring during the shooting, has anything changed since you’ve been discharged from the military? My face hasn’t changed or anything like that. Rather than that, I’m just amazed. I had no idea I would be shooting a pictorial so soon after the discharge.
I suppose there must’ve been so many things you wanted to do. Every time I had some time off in the army, my head felt overwhelming. What should I do next? How should I live? All sorts of thoughts flooded in. In order to not have that time wasted, I transferred those thoughts and worries into written words. At first, there was a lot of embarrassing content, even for me. But it got better after a while. Aside from my future plans, I also looked back on my interpersonal relationships and my way of life. I thought whether I have lived well, whether I haven’t made mistakes when dealing with others.
I can feel your determination. In the army, there are a lot of kids who are younger than me. If I ask them about their worries, they would usually say: “You’ve already achieved everything, you don’t know how we feel.” We might come from a different starting point, but the fear of a beginning is the same. I’m more afraid compared to when I was 17 or 20 and just honestly ran towards my dreams.
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You’re 32 now. In your opinion, what privilege does this age give you? Disregarding how you’ve spent your 10s and 20s, I think it gives you the chance to be kinder. You could say that you become mature. You become a better and stronger person when you look back at your past mistakes and experiences. If you add a drop of that 20s spirit into the mix, it’d be even better.
What was Jang Wooyoung like in his 20s? I was busy filling myself up, and then pouring everything out the moment I was full.
You’ve lived hard; after all, your work requires you to keep on showing something to the public. Generally speaking, I could divide my 20s into “before” and “after” by placing the mark on when I was 25. Right after the debut, I really lived and worked hard. Back then, there was a saying “killer schedule,” and the saying wasn’t a lie. I worked hard and was extremely busy, but I’m thankful for it. When else you’d be able to live like that. Compared to my efforts, the popularity achieved was great, I also made money. But once I turned 25; shall I call it adolescence? It was a mess. I wasn’t present in my life. I considered dropping everything and going back to my hometown in Busan.
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But that didn’t happen. There’s only one thing that proves my existence; and that was the reason I pulled myself together. “I’m a member of 2PM, I cannot betray 2PM.” From that moment on, the meaning of “let’s live hard” changed. Making sure that I wouldn’t cause harm to others, I had fun, met a lot of people, and decided to learn a lot of things including drawing. Through feeling and experiencing as much as possible, I wanted to awaken the senses within me. I lived hard like crazy.
You expressed those feelings in the song “I like” that’s included in your 2nd solo album, right? 2PM, drawing, piano; you talk about the things you like, and then you say “I’m curious about everything in this world, I want to know, I scoot off.” True. I feel strongly about that song, but every time I listen to it, I can’t help but snort. I wonder whether I really should’ve been that honest with my lyrics. On the other hand, I wonder how hard it must’ve been. I feel sorry for Jang Wooyoung from that time.
What are you curious about these days? Laundry know-how. Haha.
I heard you say you’re into laundry in the video interview just now, too. I’m nurturing my daily life skills. I want to try and deal with things like laundry and cooking on my own, without any help.
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Aren’t you curious why 2PM’s “My House” that was released 5 years ago is suddenly riding a new wave of popularity? It’s definitely something we’re thankful for. I think about it this way. 2PM as group never did anything by force. At first, we showed high level performances that could be practically carried out by young men in their early 20s. We danced, sang, and did acrobatic performances. Brimming with energy, we sang straightforward love songs. After that, we toned down on that power a bit. We began telling sad love stories with our eyes in love, and then we arrived at “My House.” Like a natural process of a brat growing into a mature and charismatic lover. I saw a comment that said “I’m sorry, I’ve become your fan just now,” but I’m actually thankful because it feels like these people have recognized the things 2PM have done in our natural flow.
It’s your 13th year since your debut. How does it feel when you hear that someone has just found out about 2PM? It’s only natural that someone doesn’t know us. The general flow of the trend changes really fast. The competition is also fierce, so you need put a lot of effort if you want to appeal to the masses. But then suddenly, we’re back into the spotlight through “My House.” In the middle of a hiatus no less. I think it’s a miracle.
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Aside from “My House,” what other song comes to mind if you had to perform it again? I want to try and pour my entire soul into performing “Without U” that was released 10 years ago. I was responsible for the part where I had to make my singing feel like crying out loud, but back in the days I was the only one to lip sync because the situation with my voice go so bad, I even had vocal cord nodules. I’m still very disappointed I couldn’t perform it live.
2PM has reached the top, your skills were also acknowledged. How do you see yourself in the context of Korean music scene? Hmm, I can’t think of anything else than “Korean idols.” Our activities haven’t always been smooth, but I’m proud of it.
I heard that the meaning of your group’s name is the “hottest time of the day.” When was Jang Wooyoung the hottest? There was a concert in Germany in 2013, commemorating the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany. We performed together with senior Lee Mija. I was shocked when I saw her rehearsal. It’s already amazing that she’s still actively performing, but I could feel that she’s constantly striving to sing well. At that, I couldn’t help but freeze and promise myself “Jang Wooyoung, pull yourself together, and work hard.”
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You’re the type who learns everything first-hand by experiencing it, right? I heard that you sought out senior Choi Baekho after watching his documentary to share your worries about music, even though you’ve never met him before. That was when I was going through that “adolescence” in my 20s. I felt consoled after watching senior Choi Baeho’s documentary, but there were still things I was frustrated about. So, I contacted him because I wanted to know how he managed to endure everything through his long years in the music scene. Here’s what he said during our first meeting: “My songs will keep on getting better with age. Just like the songs I sang in my 40s were more beautiful than the ones I did in my 30s, I’m heading towards being complete.” When I heard that, I felt like someone slapped me.
I think you can already give advice to someone who’s having similar worries. Have you ever experienced that? I have younger friends in Busan. We danced and dreamed of debuting together. It might sound selfish, but ever since my debut, I’ve never told them anything positive or hopeful about this line of work. When I passed the JYP audition, there was one young friend who cried together with me. Even to that friend, I said: “Can’t you please give up? I wish you didn’t suffer as much as me.” Back then it was really hard mentally and physically. Now my thoughts have changed. If you’re desperate and you’re confident that you will enjoy this constant fight with yourself, I would tell them to go for it. But I would like to tell them to come up with a wise approach to this because it’s easy to get tired and give up along the way.
You’re famous for having focused only JYP auditions. Do you still remember when you placed 1st at the 1st open audition? That must’ve been my 6th attempt to audition. Had I failed back then, I would’ve tried again. I sometimes watch the videos from that time, and I both like it and feel regret. Because the me on the screen looks somewhat tired. If I had allowed myself a little bit more freedom, stepped back and looked at the reality, I would’ve been a lot stronger kid.
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What do you think you’ve done really well in life? That I’ve never calculated or analysed anything rationally in my relationships. I liked the other person without knowing anything about the world, and I suffered a lot when the relationship ended. I have my regrets, and I’ve also heard that it’s not a good way to approach a relationship, but someone like me just couldn’t help it. That experience made me into what I am today. I don’t regret it.
How important is love in life? If a person is of no. 1 importance, then love is no. 0. It’s a vague concept, I don’t even know if I can express love properly, but I can feel love through people.
It’s your birthday in 3 days, what would you imagine as a perfect gift? When I was serving, our company moved to a new building. The building is big, and the facilities got better. The practice rooms are also great. I wish I had my own personal space there, could be small too, where I could practice dancing all day long without bothering about others. For real.
So, shall we make an appeal? In your opinion, how much did 2PM contribute to JYP’s new company building? A lot, I think. It’s a 9-storey building, so I’d say around 4.5 floors?
·   Feature editor: Kim Youngjae
·   Photographer: Go Wontae
·   Hair: Yang Hyungshim at Yangyangsalon
·   Makeup: Kim Doyeon at Yangyangsalon
·   Editor: Heoram
Kor-Eng: Egle0702
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justjennaslife · 3 years
Night Out + TXT concert (3/5-3/6)
Day 2
As I was up late the previous night I slept in a bit to 10. I hung out for 2 ish hours and got ready to go shopping.
We left at 12 to arrive at 1 and wanted to hit a few shops so I could complete my concert outfit. I had the skirt and shirt but I needed a belt. I had a few stores already in mind which made it easy. The first store we got to was perfect and since I couldn’t decide which one I liked more I got both and wore one immediately. Our shopping trip was done very fast.
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We decided to walk around for a bit since I was not meeting my other friend for a little while. We saw a place that takes photo booth pictures so we got those done. They were cute.
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We ended up just chilling in a cafe for a while waiting til 3 when my friends tattoo appointment was over. We got strawberry smoothies. I have had strawberry smoothies at many different chain cafes but this one ranks top 3. It was the perfect consistency, the right amount of sweetness, and it was to heavy to make you feel bloated.
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I met up with my other friend and headed to the concert. We arrived at 4 got a snack and the concert started at 5.
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My seat was pretty good. The girl in front of me left after about an hour and I had no one sitting on to my right. Reminder I didn’t buy this specific seat, I won the raffle in which they gave me a random seat.
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So this was not technically a concert but a fan meet. A fan meet has some performances but lots of talking and interactions between audience and artist, while a concert is strictly performing. It was honestly so fun. The songs they performed were the super fun ones. And the one I went to was the global edition so they performed English and Japanese songs rather then the Korean ones. But the talking corners were hysterical. For people wondering I understood 80-90% of the talking but I knew what was going on 100% of the time. Since we weren’t aloud to cheer, scream, or stand, we were given these banners that we folded and clapped with. They were incredibly loud so I occasionally couldn’t hear what they were saying because of the clappers but that didn’t matter. There was a corner that the audience decided which action they needed to do, for example a sexy dance vs acting cute. There was another corner where 4 of the members voices were distorted and the 1 member would sit at the end of the stage and the other 4 would talk about what annoyed them or thing they did. We got to hear lots of great stories and have them get embarrassed. That was the funniest corner.
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So the fanlive ended. Since you were not aloud to record or take photos I had no idea what time it was. But at the very end when they were leaving I was able to sneak a few. On the ticket it was run time 150mins. When I got out it was 8:45. If you remember it started at 5. The concert ran for 3 hours and 45mins. Like I had a blast and it was so much fun but it completely messed up my plans. I was going to get some food and take the 10pm bus home but I could no longer do that since I had no time. My plans were a mess.
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I decided that I would just spend the night in Seoul and head home in the morning since I had work at 2. I stopped at KFC since bia (in america) was craving something only korea kfc has and send her a video so I did that. That was it for the night since I was gonna have to get up early
The next morning (day 3 kinda)
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It is 630 in the morning I wake up. I packed my bag the previous night so I was all ready. I decided to take the 8 bus home. The bus ride is 4 hours long. I make it back to pohang and miss my bus by 1 minute. It take 45 mins to get back to my apartment and now I have to wait 20mins to my next bus. The buses at my spot near my house come every 20 mins. I am worried I won’t make it on time but I am really not dressed for work and I have my shopping bag from Saturday when I went shopping. I decided to risk it and stop home first. I get home at 1 and as I’m walking home it’s market day so I stop and buy some apples. I get home i quickly change, throw all my stuff on the floor, and check the bus schedule. The bus was coming in 15mins so I had about 8ish minutes to rest. I headed back to the same bus stop took the bus and arrived at work at 1:45 for my 2:00 class :)
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dreamca7cher · 6 years
Dreamcatcher Dream of US in LA Fanmeet write-up
Hello friends! I have enjoyed reading fanmeet write-ups from others in the past, so I figured that those who weren’t able to go might like to give this a read. *Disclaimer* this is ridiculously long, It was actually about twice as long before I condensed and edited. I’ve had a week now to supplement my memory with the fancams and photos that have been trickling out, but I do apologize if I’ve misremembered or left anything out.
I basically jumped at the chance to attend kcon as soon as I read that Dreamcatcher would be there. I was lucky to get some good P1 seats with 2 other kpop-loving friends. At first I was a little bummed that DC was billed as a special guest, which meant they would not be doing any official kcon “artist engagement” activities like hi-touch. But then news of their solo LA fan meeting was announced and I was absolutely ecstatic. It just so happened that my flight was scheduled to arrive early enough Friday to make it to the fanmeet venue just in time.  On the day tickets were to go on sale, I barely got anything done at work and watched my computer clock like a hawk, refreshing the site every millisecond, ten seconds before ticket sales opened. Fortunately, I was lucky to secure one of the 125 seated spots. This would be my first in-person experience of any kind concerning kpop, so I was insanely excited and simultaneously nervous af.
I arrived at the venue about 15 minutes before it was scheduled to start and saw a decent line around this real hole-in-the-wall looking place. The people in line said it was for the seated spots, which surprised me. I thought there would be more standing than seated positions, but it turns out there were only maybe 10-15 people standing. It was hot as balls out there, and we were standing directly in the sun so we were all quickly drenched in sweat. I learned later that the girls had actually arrived earlier in a black van in front of the venue. I was probably still in transit at that time, but it must have been nice for the fans already standing in line to get that first glimpse of them! When we finally made it inside, the staff checked our names off a list and we were able to sign a giant American flag that the girls would hold later for a group picture. The fans who did not bring their own album to be signed were given a small poster. It was basically free for all seating, I was on the far right side on the last row but no matter – the venue was small enough to see everything clearly. As soon as I sat down I realized either the A/C wasn’t on.. or there was none at all. There were a few floor fans pointed at the stage, but I felt bad for the girls once they entered and I saw they were wearing sorta heavy looking tops L There was a slightly raised wooden stage in the front and a long table for them to sit at. Two tall speakers flanked the stage, but the music later wasn’t too loud. The crowd was ethnically diverse and probably around a 50%-50% gender split, proving Dreamcatcher’s wide appeal to all sorts of fans. It was however a much older crowd than the average makeup of the kcon attendees, as this was not a boy group.
The girls soon entered, which was such a surreal moment. It was almost like I couldn’t believe they were real people ya know? Having only watched them on video, it’s more like you’re watching a fictional movie sometimes. I know it’s cliché, but they really are sooo much prettier in person. I think they did look a little tired and/or nervous, but their smiles were illuminating and they did little fan service gestures whenever possible. They did their standard introduction with JiU speaking the most as leader, with small remarks like how hot it was and that it was nice to meet all of us. I thought Yoohyeon would speak the most, but she was probably nervous to use her English with us. The event went straight into the fan-signing with rows lining up one by one while the crowd was free to take pictures/videos. There are much better quality videos out there from the front, but I’ll post my crappy phone videos in case anyone wants to see from the right-hand perspective. I apologize for any shaking, as tripods were not allowed. The signing was fairly quick, everyone had just about enough time for each of the girls to sign their album or poster and maybe exchange a sentence or two.
I was one of like the last 4 people to go since I was at the back, and by this point my adrenaline was going crazy. I’ve never fainted before, but if there would be a time to, then that would be it. I didn’t know if this was strictly allowed, but I did see a few fans high five the members. I refrained however because then that would mean I could never wash that hand (j/k I didn’t want any chance of getting kicked out). So I decided to stick to a compliment or two which I had gone over in my head again and again for a few days prior. I wrote down a longer version of what I was going to say on some notes, since that’s all we were allowed to gift the girls. I had also decided to write my notes on origami paper of their favorite colors and fold my notes into paper cranes to stand out, because I am a crazy person. The research (I got their favorite colors from an interview which I’ll post later), the writing, and the folding all took much long than I anticipated which resulted in me only getting 1 hour of sleep Thursday night before my early flight. So this all culminated in a peak state of nervousness. All too soon it was my turn! I won’t go into what exactly I said or what was in my notes, it was just basically a compliment or encouragement. SuA was first, she waved and said hi as I approached. She was consistently the most hyper and playful that day, possibly because it was her birthday. She seemed really genuine too, and seemed the most relaxed I think. Handong was second, she was predictably shy, but was very appreciative of the crane and said it was cute. Her signature is the most unique too. I wrote some really crappy Chinese in my note that I hope she could read haha.. Next was Siyeon, she looked a bit tired, but she was hella pulling off the dark concept look with her black hair and colored contacts. She also spoke a lot of English that day, even if it wasn’t complete sentences like Yoohyeon. I think previous reports are accurate too, she was very quirky with her mannerisms. JiU was in the middle, and was positively glowing  :O she was smiling pretty much the whole time and I think even picked up the crane and flapped it around a little adorably. It was hard not to grin widely as well the whole time. Idk JiU just has this like unlimited energy that shines no matter how hot or tired she was. I pictured her as like a Super Saiyan or something with her positive aura. Yoohyeon was next and also looked a little tired. But she said a few things in English to me, and had an absolutely gorgeous smile. I haven’t 100% settled on a bias yet, but girl makes it hard to not choose her. Gahyeon was 6th and actually was saying a lot of things in English. She also seemed to like the crane a lot and has a really cute smile. Dami was last, and was so cool and reserved. She’s really good at the appreciative head nod, no wonder she seemed to be the most popular that day. I forgot to tell all of them that the cranes were actually notes they could unfold and read, I may have told 2-3 of them but I’m not sure if they understood. Ah well. The whole signing probably only lasted a couple minutes, but seeing them up close and actually chatting with them is something I will never forget. After the staff also got their signatures, they moved the big table so the girls could perform.
First up was You and I, and boy was it a sight to behold in person. Their movements were so sharp and energetic, and it’s probably my favorite choreography of any kpop song. They just lip-synced which is ok, since it let me focus on the dance. Dami’s baton reveal probably got the loudest cheer, it was really awesome to see up close, and she does it so nonchalantly. Siyeon’s scarf throw also got a loud cheer. SuA definitely had the most powerful dancing, as expected.  I didn’t know all the fanchants, but the other InSomnias obliged well. The girls sprinkled in little hearts and waves to the audience throughout the performance. Right after, they performed Full Moon, which was a very nice gift to the American InSomnias  :] The chest pumping part probably had the loudest cheers, as it was the fiercest part of the choreo. During Dami’s solo rap part, she came up real close and waved to everyone, which also brought lots of cheers. The part where SuA and Handong get dragged across the floor was also popular for some reason. I haven’t watched as many fancams of Full Moon, but I really like the choreo, especially Siyeon’s parts. She rules that performance with her movements and expressions.
After the performance, the girls played a question and answer game from a board made up of stick notes that the crowd had written earlier (via translator). The first question I think was for SuA to do a solo funny dance. She asked “no music?” and Siyeon tried to do beatboxing and failed hard hahaha. So Yoohyeon sang to and SuA did a short hilarious dance to Dame Tu Cosita before collapsing in embarrassment. It was so adorable XD the 2nd question was what was the girls favorite Dreamcatcher song. SuA said Mayday, and sang her part a bit. The next question was “what’s it like performing for fans who don’t speak Korean and understand the lyrics?” Handong said that there was nonetheless a connection and that she was surprised and thankful that fans still sing along to the songs. SuA also said we felt like family, sister, brother, mother, father.. lol. The next question was what is your favorite choreography/point move? JiU said she likes the “baby you and I” part of You and I, and Yoohyeon likes the Chase Me part where they grab their hair lol. SuA likes the kiss blowing parts, and Siyeon likes when the members are dragged in Full Moon (probably because it’s not her being dragged haha). Then there was a question about superpowers, and Gahyeon said teleportation and JiU said she never wanted to get tired so she could always meet her fans, like the perfect leader she is. Siyeon said “you already do that” lol. Then Dami was asked how the baton worked, which I’m sure we all have always wondered. It’s basically like a spring-loaded telescoping thing held by a cap. Super cool, and got a resounding applause. Next was one of the more anticipated questions “which member would you marry?” and SuA immediately stood up lol. Siyeon took the mic and said JiU, because she makes really cute noises when she sleeps, revealing her creeper status lolol. Siyeon asked “will you marry me” and JiU said “oooh, yes” lmao. The next question was who has the best legs, to which Yoohyeon crossed her legs expectantly. But then she said she thought Handong has the best legs and asked her to stand up, which she did! Doing some model poses for us, very uncharacteristically ^^ JiU also said Handong has the straightest legs. Then Dami was asked to do some aegyo! Haha poor Dami, she chose to say “hi, nice to meet you, thank you” very adorably. The girls were then asked what songs they listen to in their personal time. SuA is currently obsessed with This is America and did the iconic gun pose lol. Siyeon likes Ariana Grande, and sang some No Tears Left to Cry. They were then asked what artists they want to collaborate with, and Yoohyeon said Day6 which got a big cheer. I also love Day6, and that would be such a match made in heaven! She also beautifully sang a little bit of Letting Go. Siyeon said she wanted to cover Sean Mendes Treat You Better and SuA wanted to do a Taylor Swift song. They were asked about actors they want to meet in LA, and they said the Avengers lol. I think they visited Hollywood Boulevard and said they kinda felt like they met them because there were people dressed up in costumes. Gahyeon also wanted to meet Daniel Henney because he lives in LA. Then JiU said I want to meet my fans with this huge dorky smile lol. The next question was about any future America tour plans, and JiU said of course, and asked us to visit them again next time. They were then asked who their other favorite kpop group was, and JiU said Red Velvet. Yoohyeon asked if she could dance a little bit, so JiU cutely danced to Bad Boy briefly. Siyeon also said KARD. They were asked what their favorite part of LA was, and SuA said she really liked In-N-Out burger and that it was yummy, specifically combo #3 lol. She also wanted to ride rides at Santa Monica and swim, to which Siyeon reminded her that she can’t swim lmao. The last question was about their favorite quotes. Dami’s motto is “in life there are no answers, so do what makes you happy”. JiU said “let’s live happy”, which she definitely exudes all the time ^^. Also that we were all beautiful and smart enough, so to live a happy life. Yoohyeon said that her mom always said to her “if you have a dream, imagine it will happen, and it will be”. Lastly, the girls took a group photo with all three of the sections, holding the American flag we signed earlier. JiU closed out with thanks and a promise they would see us again. SuA said thank you for celebrating my birthday, and Handong said thank you for your passion. Then the staff brought out a birthday cake and we surprised SuA by singing happy birthday. She looked so happy the entire time, and  even did a little moonwalk haha. Dami did one last tour around the crowd waving to everyone, and that was it.
And the rest of the weekend was downhill! J/k the kcon stages were amazing, and I saw them again multiple times at the convention, but the fanmeet was of course the highlight of the trip. As my first in-person kpop experience, this will definitely be hard to top. I vaguely wondered before the fanmeet if finally meeting them in person would diminish my perfect image of them in my head, but actually the opposite is true. Now they feel like real people I know, which just makes me like them even more. I was also very proud of the American InSomnias, everyone was respectful, there were no crazy incidents, no one had to be thrown out by security, it just went as smooth as can be. I also want to thank 7-dreamers for organizing this whole thing, and for the smooth operation. I could talk forever about my experiences, but I will end it here. Maybe I’ll do a write-up of the convention and concert if anyone’s interested? Thanks for reading!
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jvipm · 7 years
Radio: Daesung on InterFM897 December 22, 2017
The host is Masayuki Furuya, BIGBANG's regular MC in Japan and MC at Daesubg's release events MC: Today's guest is D-LITE-san! Good evening! DS: Good evening! This is D-LITE! MC: The two of us are traveling through Japan for release events of your new album Delight 2 and today we are in Osaka. How do you feel about your release events? DS: Ah... they're so much fun. Of course (laugh) 3 times a day is a bit tough MC: (laugh) DS: But I'm enjoying them so much that it's totally worth it. I'm spending a very fun time. MC: These events are to commemorate the release of your new album Delight 2 on December 20. A few songs of this album had been released digitally, I believe? DS: Right. Originally we planned to release these songs as a digital single only, but thanks to my fans it turned into a mini album. MC: This project follows your highly successful Delight album [released in 2014 with a similar concept]. Was this 2nd concept project decided at an early stage already? DS: You mean Delight 2? Actually... I received the offer for this project during my tour D'na SHOW, which is when I started to work on it. To be honest, there were no schedules for this year at all. MC: (laugh) DS: Honestly. My album D-DAY and the following Dome tour were my only schedule for this year. Everything that came after up until today is completely thanks to the support of my fans. MC: I see! But truly, you released D-DAY this year, a masterpiece, and then your tour... it was a very busy year for you in the end. DS: That's true. I was so active in Japan that you could almost say that I lived the whole year here (laugh) but it was a truly blissful year, a very valuable year. MC: With D-DAY you expressed yourself as an artist. But in your D'na SHOW tour that started in Maihama Amphitheatre on August 12, I think your gift for talking/MCing really came through. DS: Ah (shy laugh) I'm happy that you'd say so. Well, half of the shows were a talk part... it was my forst time to hold a talk & live performance show, I haven't even done it in Korean so starting off in Japanese made me feel uneasy and I felt pressured in the beginning. But as the tour progressed, the teamwork with my fans was really good and this tour turned out to really, honestly be so much fun! MC: You held 39 events in 3 months! DS: That's right. It was a quite tight schedule (laugh) but this tour made me grow in many ways, I learned a lot, including (how to maintain) my stamina. MC: And the final of this tour is in Hawaii. DS: It is, I'll hold my final events in Hawaii on January 6 and 7. I believe that will be my last official schedule. I hope I can make good memories with my fans until the end. MC: D'na SHOW in Hawaii! Of course there's a common concept between the past shows, but there must be something specific to Hawaii in the show? DS: Eh... if you put that sort of pressure on me... (laugh) I guess I have no choice but to adapt the contents. So I wish this could be cut from the radio show (laugh) anyway! Since we go all the way to Hawaii! MC: That's right! DS: It's good to do something Hawaiian. I want to gift my fans who came so far to see me with special memories. MC: So nice (sigh) I really want to go! But I can't. DS: Of course you can. As long as you have the money, you can always go. MC: (laugh) right, it's a question of money! I apologize! DS: No need to. Just pay (laugh) MC: (laugh) so scary!! At this timing, I'd like to play one of your new songs. Your last album D-DAY included the song VENUS that was a collabroation with Mizuno-san from Ikimono Gakari. You collaborated with Mizuno-san again in this new album, Delight 2. DS: I did. I'm really happy that we could work together again, it was a lot of fun. So... can I introduce the song? MC: Yes please! DS: Please listen! A ze cho! (song plays) MC: BIGBANG is holding the final concert of LAST DANCE tour this weekend in Osaka. Tomorrow there's a fan event as well. At the fan event [in Tokyo] there was a corner where you looked back at your debut days. What did you feel watching those videos? DS: Ah... I was really embarrassed and wanted to run away (laugh) really, we changed so much. How to put it... my voice changed too. Well, some members haven't changed much at all as well. For example TOP's... MC: TOP's way of moving hasn't changed at all, true! DS: Right. But it was nostalgic and made me realize how hard we have worked. So that corner made my heart feel at peace. But I never want to do it again! MC: (laugh) I wonder how the remaining shows in Osaka will be. This is your 5th consecutive Dome tour, the first overseas artist to achieve this record. BIGBANG has made a lot of history in Japan. Did your Japan activities come to hold a special meaning for you after all? DS: Of course. Not just as BIGBANG, but also for me personally. My activities in Japan have made me feel more confident about myself, and made me enjoy myself more on stage, enjoy that atmosphere more. I think my fans who supported me all this time and enabled me to become the person I am now, I can't remember - ah that's not what I wanted to say!! I won't forget!! (laugh) I was- I just- I was just thinking "I can't remember the right word" so I ended up saying "I can't remember" (laugh) it just comes out like that! I'm sorry! (laugh) It was full of unforgettable moments! I'm sorry, everyone! I'll work harder on my Japanese to not get lost like this! MC: (laugh) but it was funny! I got a bit shocked though (laugh) DS: (laugh) I just realized how loud my head is [to say what he was thinking at the moment even though unrelated to what he really wanted to say] MC: But this was really characteristic for you, I love it! DS: (still laughing) MC: Come to think of it, I have been working with you for 10 years by now! DS: Ah, you're right! Wow, time really flies. MC: It does! DS: We (BIGBANG) are really willful on stage, we're very free/careless. So, I'm very thankful that you keep this freedom and somehow alwqys manage to wrap it up nicely. Thank you! MC: (laugh) Me too, thank you so much. I'm glad to be able to work with world stars of your level. So, should I keep my schedule free and wait for you? Is it okay? DS: For when? MC: Uh, I mean when the time comes! DS: Sure, do whatever you like~ (laugh) MC: (laugh) I see! Thank you for discussing many topics today. Actually on December 26, we will hold your last release events in Saitama. DS: That's right. MC: And that's your last schedule of the year. DS: Oh! You're right. In Japan, that is. MC: The last time you'll be on stage in Japan. DS: It is. The actual last time will be in Korea on December 30 and 31, our tour final. MC: Please come to see D-LITE in Omiya on December 26. It seems you can purchase tickets at the venue. We'll be waiting for you. DS: We'll be waiting! MC: So at the end, please say a message to our listeners. DS: Everyone, thank you so much for always spending a fun time and making fun memories with me. I really think that it's thanks to you that I have come safely until this point today. I will work harder, BIGBANG will work harder to bring you joy. Please keep supporting us! MC: Well then... I'll wait, for now. DS: Right. I'll give you a call, anyways. MC: (laugh) ok! I'll be waiting. At the end, I'd like to play one more of your new songs. You say at your release events that this song holds your feelings for your fans. Could you please introduce the song? DS: Right, this song "Soba ni ite yo" is a message to my fans, reflecting on my solo activities until now and holding my feelings of gratefulness. A message that fits the current timing well. Please listen: Soba ni ite yo. MC: Thank you so much! DS: Thank you~!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. So, what are you doing later? I mean, it’s 12:02 AM and I just got home from dinner with friends after a very hectic 8-hour shift. ‘Later’ is the last thing on my mind lol, but I guessssssss I might make plans to go to the mall later today to get new glasses. The left arm of my glasses snapped last Sunday evening and I had to go through the entire work week without them, which had been extremely inconvenient.
2. What is your favorite thing to have for dinner? Probably anything my dad makes that’s part of a cuisine we don’t normally have, like tonight – he made burritos. Since I went out this evening, he left a couple for me knowing I would ask him to save some so I’m now enjoying one for my midnight snack :)
3. If you drink it, what do you like in your coffee? I can’t drink black coffee :( Any other kind with like sugar or cream or caramel drizzle or whatever I’m fine with.
4. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? Gabie would sometimes poke fun at my listening to Top 40 songs, but I wouldn’t say it was toxic or cruel. I’d sometimes poke fun at her as well since she refused to listen to anything that isn’t obscure or indie, but our banter was all in good fun.
5. Whose birthday did you last celebrate? What did you do? My dad’s. We went to Tagaytay for a weekend trip where we just bummed around in our room for the whole two days, and had samgyupsal delivered so that we could grill it ourselves instead of having to go to a restaurant and dining outdoors.
6. Who is your favorite male singer? Hozier and Bruno Mars are my favorites. 
7. What kind of computer are you using? I’ve had a Macbook Air for nearly four years. I don’t use a lot of programs so an Air will probably still be my next purchase should the time come to get another laptop; I love how light and low-maintenance it is.
8. Are you listening to your favorite song right now? It’s my favorite song for the week, yeah – it’s called RAIN DROP by Ravi and Lee Naeun. 
9. What is your favorite day of the week, and why? Friday. I love leaving all my work behind by the end of the day, knowing I don’t have to touch it for the next two days. In general, Fridays also just make me feel super freeeeeeeeeeeee.
10. Why do you think people lie? Mostly to save themselves or others, or to elevate a story. < Agree, let’s go with these.
11. How often do you watch television? What do you watch? Continued the next day. I’ve been regularly watching a Korean variety show called 2 Days 1 Night, but I do so through my phone or laptop and never through a TV. Other than that, I find getting hooked to a TV series quite draining since the whole thing about having to wait for new episodes every week/new seasons every year doesn’t work well with my impatience haha. It’s very rare that I get to find a series that I’d be more than happy to go through, but even then most of them have already concluded by the time I start them.
12. When was the last time you burned any part of your body? Not since 2005 when I willingly touched a clothing iron as a kid. I do have the tendency to kinda burn myself when I pull out my plates or bowls from the microwave while they’re still piping hot, though.
13. Do you hate when people invite themselves to events? Hate? Not really, but it’s a rude thing to do. < This, and I also feel embarrassed for the person :/
14. Do you take off from school, or work for your birthday? From kinder to high school, when the Philippines still followed the old academic calendar, my birthday was actually in the middle of summer vacation, so I never got to have birthdays with friends, or experienced being sung to in school. In college, I only got to experience my birthday on a weekday once, and I attended school that day because it seemed dumb to cut class. Two of those birthdays took place on a weekend so no school, and then obviously my last birthday fell during the lockdown so I wasn’t in school to begin with.
For my birthday this year, I’ll actually still be under the probationary period in my workplace and I don’t get paid for leaves just yet, so I might choose to work that day.
15. If you attend school, what do you do on your days off? I’m trying to remember what I used to do on weekends, but I think it’s just about the same set of things I do now – lounge around at home, find videos to watch, take surveys. The only difference is that when I was still a student, I also did my readings and studied during the weekends; now, I avoid all my emails and shut down my Viber and Whatsapp by Friday night.
16. What are you listening to? Nina’s cooing over Cooper in the living room. Now she started singing something in Korean. I can also hear a motorcycle outside.
17. If you smoke, what color is your lighter? I don’t own a lighter of my own.
18. What is missing from your wardrobe that you need to buy? New clothes, lmao. I haven’t bought any in a year now, it’s sad.
19. Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? I don’t think so.
20. What city, state and country do you live in? Philippines, some city that’s just a stone’s throw from Manila.
21. Is there anything you want to say to someone? I’ve already thanked her but I wanna keep thanking Angela for inviting me out to dinner last night, even though the group I went out with is majorly her friend group. It was my first group thing without Gab so even though it felt weird to be the only single one and even though I was quieter than usual, I still had a lot of fun and I just appreciated being invited at all.
22. Are you really pale? If so, do you mind? No, I’m pretty tan.
23. Are your nails painted? What color? They aren’t.
24. Do you listen to any acoustic bands, or singers? No, and I don’t typically like acoustic songs or acoustic versions of songs that I already like as is.
25. How many arm chairs are in your house? We have two wooden armchairs. It used to be in the living room, but ever since we got a larger couch we’ve since relocated them to the rooftop.
26. Do you have a favorite YouTuber? Who? I am reeeeeeeeally loving Louise Pentland’s vlogs lately. Even though her videos are about life stuff I can’t really relate to just yet – adulting, motherhood, even what tiles she’s been buying for her house, etc. – she shares everything in such a relaxed, chill, conversational way that I can’t help but be interested and listen. I will also click on any video that has Andrew Ilnyckyj in it; and I enjoy BuzzFeed people Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara, Steven Lim, and Rie McClenny as well.
27. When was the last time you witnessed a sunshower? It happens a bit often here, so it must’ve happened within the last few months, I’d say.
28. Do you think roses are an overrated way of showing love? No? I’d always love to receive flowers.
29. When was the last time you saw one of your best friends? Last night.
30. Would you say you cry often? Not anymore these days.
0 notes
gudetama-studies · 7 years
Lol so this is for the ask thing 1,7,8,9,10,12,15,20,23,26,27,32,35,36,37,38,42,44,47,48,49,50,5,52,53,54,55,56,57,59,61,62,66,69,70,78,79,80,88,89,87,81,82,92,93,94,95,96,97,99,100
get to know me  | ask one 
 🍳 // I just copy pasted everything and went to delete those you didn’t ask haha oh man I think my answers are going to be boring af, thanks for sending these in though! did you pick these numbers off the top of your head or 
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop wallpaper is gudetama bae (ofc), my lock screen is of sakura, and my home screen is some random grid I downloaded off line deco. 
7) What was your favorite 90s show?
noooo I was born in the tail end of the nineties and barely made it into the club I’m going to have to be super lame and say friends. 
8) Who was your last kiss?
hershey kiss ( the peppermint flavour is so good gdi)
9) Have you ever been stood up?
um ya and I hate hate hate hate it when people cancel plans last minute it’s my pet peeve I think 
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
I used to like this flavour they sold at a place near my house, called Blue sky but I think they’ve stopped it. I love caramel biscuit and cream though! 
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
Adidas sneakers atm 
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
hahah hmmmm no?? Like I’ve made good friends but I guess for me a relationship requires like more commitment and also knowing more about each other, so I don’t really have those thoughts. 
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
23) Your fears?
That I won’t be able to support myself in the future, but I feel like it’s a very common fear amongst people my age. That nobody will want me because I have no experience (jobwise or anything) and that I’m too complicated for anyone to love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
 I think it’d be nice to just have a meal or something where you can talk to the person f2f and get to know each other, develop a connection. 
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
I have a birthmark of a broken heart on the back of my left leg lol32) Are you single?
y e s 35) Coffee or Tea?
coffee! but I’m weak Only weak coffee for me. 
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
Shopping in person is just easier and it helps me resist temptation haha it’s really fun to go to online shops and put things in carts whilst oohing and aahing at everything tho 
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
hmmm younger! I feel like when you’re younger, as trying of a time as it is, there is more stability and also more possibilities.. do I sound like someone who has many regrets? Like it feels now that I’m older that my life is just spiralling downwards..  
38) Cats or Dogs?
cats. I’m scared of dogs. 42) What kind of music to you listen to?
recently I’ve been listening to some korean songs but usually I listen to mostly indie.. it really depends on my mood44) Where are you from?
the little red dot aka sg 47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
N o t e b o o k. I fed my stationery addiction 
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
I have no idea actually haha hopefully bc they like gudetama but then again who doesn’t. 49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
Depends, it can be anywhere from 10 hours to like
50) What worries you most about the future?
as a humanities major there are 1 million worries about getting a job and being able to support myself and doing something I love but I do worry about my family too. Their health, and how they will do for themselves.
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
quite awhile???? I don’t think I’m that harsh of a critic on myself, which sounds terrible to admit. 
52) Are you happy with yourself?
hmmmmm not in some aspects, I wish I was more spontaneous, and more daring, and less of a picky eater. More involved with my community, that sort of thing. But I think everyone has things they want to change about themselves. 
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?take chances lol don’t be so shy 
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?television series???? can I have gatsby’s house in the great gatsby (but that was a movie oops)
56) What’s your favorite Website?
I’m on tumblr a lot. And I know it’s not a c o o l thing anymore but oh well. 
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
not taking care of my skin lol 
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
the planner I recently bought!!! Ok it wasn’t a thrift store but sg doesn’t really have that big of a thrift culture ok 
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
ARKANSAS ( bc the pronunciation haha idk I never really got people naming their children after countries and places like ??? ) 
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
umm lITERATURE IS FUN GUYSSSS 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
yes. Once. I think it was a bee. It was on a train in hk and stupid me forgot I saw a bee on the seat in front of me and stuck my elbow there w o w 69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
I answered something similar to this recently! tldr: intro to lit 
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
EGGS BENEDICT I’m a cannibal 78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
if it meant saving their life, yes, and only if it was someone in my immediate family. 
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
where do I even begin 
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
I believe in human rights mostly,
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
n O I wouldn’t even marry myself what
89) Do you get easily distracted?actually I’m quite good at multitasking and I think I can focus q well 92) How do you feel about tattoos?
I think they’re really pretty! Well most of them anyways, there are ones that I am tempted to get ( watercolour tattoos look amazing ) but I am far too afraid of pain. 
93) Do you have any pets?
fish guppies and snails and prawns my cousin owns a fish shop 
94) How tall are you?
151/150 ( every centimetre counts )
95) How old are you?
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
haha um my smile, my hair 
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?
The survival of the arts in Singapore 99) Do you believe in love at first sight?Yes, but it hasn’t happened to me. welp 
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be-a-nice · 7 years
Hello! I am Eunice! I’ve existed on this planet for a little more than 17 years. I decided to make a studyblr because two of my close friends have a studyblr (@biochemistryy (which I’m manually linking because Tumblr refuses to acknowledge its existence?) and @symphonystudies ) and that seems fun! 
Plus, I’ll be starting university this fall and it’ll be nice to start a blog at the same time as I start this new chapter of my life. I’m undeclared for now, but I intend on majoring in Computer Science. I hope to major in something else as well, although I don’t know what yet. I’m the worst at studying but I want to work really hard and be the best that I can be in college, so I hope that making a studyblr will help make me more productive!
This ended up being really long so… more after the break!
I’m really relaxed, slow, and carefree but I’m also really timid and cannot operate under stress at all. I’m also kind of scared of people (and being judged–actually, I’m well aware that this introduction is super long and I’m having second thoughts about posting it so that maybe 1.5 people will see it and judge me on it. But `I spent way too much time on this so there’s no going back) and not very sociable but I’m working on that, so talk to me! I have the tendency to be vague (”Concerning this project… I have goals in mind. What goals? Well, to be specific… many”) and to exaggerate things (”The clock may have shown only a minute has passed, but I’ve literally been doing this for 10 years and I can feel myself dying already”).
I tend to dream big and would usually set my standard way higher than my current ability level or I just don’t have standards at all. For an example. I realize most people’s introductions are not as long as this or as self-obsessive as this, but I before I began, I had established the goal of having several subheadings in my introduction and a decent chunk of writing per subheading and I am not about to give up on that goal because of something as silly as “the reader will get bored.” My tendency to overshoot is not the best since I also have approximately zero energy ever and I’m super lazy so I never do anything if there are no repercussions to my inaction. I’m also terrible at finishing things and I usually have a ton of half-written stories or projects lying around, although this might be a byproduct of my inability to set and follow through on reasonable goals. I’m trying to do and finish more things, though. I’m making some progress. I mean, I have this studyblr now, right?
That quickly got kind of negative at the end, but in general, I love being myself. It’s great. I just tend to compare myself to people and feel inferior sometimes, but I bounce back in a day, at most.
I’m not really an intense kind of person and usually, I fall in love with something for a couple of days or hours and then move on from that honeymoon phase so I don’t actually belong to any fandom.
It sounds way lame, but my extrinsic motivations to do things are usually one of the following:
+ I can listen to music more
+ I’m expected to do this
+ People will think I’m cool
+ People will dislike me if I don’t
+ People will like me if I do
+ I wanna make my friends/my family/whoever proud/surprised
+ I want this to exist but it doesn’t
My favorite genre of music is musicals! Ahaha… That doesn’t really count because there is a wide range of genres in musicals. I’m not a super-fan with knowledge of some obscure musical or whatever, but I casually listen to a couple of popular ones, and I’m fine with that. Currently, I really like Be More Chill, In the Heights, Spring Awakening, and Evita. I really like musical cartoons like My Little Pony and Steven Universe. They’re just so cute and brightly colored! There might be more, but I can’t think of any right now. I wish there were more cartoons with a ton of songs. I like any music though–although I’m super partial towards music with vocals because I’m a choir person–and I would love getting music recommendations! 
I vaguely know the theory behind guitar and piano. I never practice ever, though, so my ability level is embarrassingly low.
Since I was small, my response to the question “What do you like to do?” has been “write, draw, sing, read.” I don’t do them all in equal measure though. For an example, this year, I’ve hardly written or drawn for fun. I’m doing those more so far this summer, but it pales in comparison to when I was in that “phase.” My writing phase was mostly in late elementary school and then it happened again early high school. I was in my drawing phase in early elementary and the middle of high school. I had my singing phase late middle and high school and my reading phase was all of elementary school, early middle and high school, and late high school. I really like fantasy and supernatural kinds of stories. Or anything funny, I guess. I also like books about cognition and sleep. Basically, the functionings of the mind. Recently though, the only thing I’ll read are translated light novels about transmigration of a modern human to another fantasy world that’s usually an otome game or something. It’s so niche and cliche I could die of embarrassment. Luckily no one will read this except for maybe the two people I gave a shoutout to, so… Hello, friends! Please ignore me!
I’m absolutely terrible or at best, average, and all of those things, though, so that’s kind of sad. Although I can read pretty fast and stay focused for long periods of time while still retaining the information if I am actually interested in the text, though, so I’m kind of proud of that.
Other than those things I do all the time, varyingly, there are other things I picked up recently that I love and want to do more of. I really like sewing because the idea of making things is just so nice to me, programming because that’s amazing and I can do everything with is and that’s amazing I just need to actually figure out what I’m doing first, and probably other things, but they aren’t coming to mind right now.
The only language I know is English but I want to know literally all the other languages that exist in the world. My top five, however, are:
1. Japanese - Most of the media I consume are natively in English or Japanese so it’ll be nice to learn Japanese so I don’t have to wait for forever for the translations. Plus, I’ve always wanted to learn since I first watched anime while I was an elementary school kid.
2. Mandarin - After English and Japanese, Mandarin makes up the greatest amount of media I consume (mostly light novels). Plus, it’s widely-spoken so it must be useful! Since it’s spoken in so many places, there are a ton of different accents and so native speakers are more forgiving if I mess up so I don’t need to worry that much about my accent! A lot of my friends speak Mandarin as their mother tongue or are fluent in it, and it’ll be nice to connect with them in this way.
3. Cantonese - My parents came from Hong Kong and speak Cantonese as natives. I really want to get in touch with my roots and learn it too! Plus, a lot of my family and some of my friends speak it natively and I want to be able to connect with them in their native language.
4. Spanish - Spanish is also really popular and musicals like Evita and In the Heights make me want to learn Spanish. Besides, I live in California and California has a sizable Spanish-speaking population. One of my best friends speaks Spanish natively and it’s so cool and I want to talk to her in Spanish too! Plus, it is from the same family as English so it won’t be as hard as learning something completely different like Hindi or something… ?
5. Korean - A lot of my friends are excited about K-pop and want to learn Korean and I want to learn Korean with them and be a part of that experience. But really, the main reason why I first wanted to learn Korean was because the spelling is very logical and I thought “eh, why not?” I couldn’t remember the Hangul at all though, so I dropped it by the day’s end, hahaha. But I went to Korea recently and I love the clothes and things and the people seem really nice and I want to be able to make a friend in Korea and maybe didn’t even know English because that would be different! And cool!
I love cats! I’m allergic, but that doesn’t stop my love for cats! Dogs are cute too and birds are way up there too, but cats have purr-loined my heart! I really like puns too. I think they’re cute and clever and people who can make constant puns and turn of phrases are amazing. My favorite characters are the energetic, excited child (or child-like) characters such as Seven from Mystic Messenger or Wheatley from Portal 2. I also really like Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights and Erik from Phantom of the Opera though, so that’s not a hard and fast rule. Although… I like writing dark and moody characters as well as childish and excited characters, especially them being best friends and acting as each other’s foils, so that’s probably where my character preferences come from. I love pastels and I love clothes and I love pastel clothes! I’m terrible with fashion though and I’ve been wearing yoga pants and a jacket basically all my life. It recently changed to leggings, a t-shirt, and an outerwear, and I’ve been trying to dress more nicely recently, but all in all, I’m still pretty hobo-like in appearance. I like anime although I haven’t really been reading or watching anything in particular. I just like anime in general and it really reflects in everything I do, whoops. I’m kind of embarrassed by that though.
(For this summer)
+ Be more sociable
+ Be more cheerful, excited about life
+ Actually stick with things and don’t drop them in three seconds
+ Set goals better
+ Accomplish something measurable by the summer’s end
Welp, it’s 1:11 AM here in Canada so I should sleep.
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schizopagan · 8 years
Get to know me... 1) Sexuality? Complicated and unhealthy 
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Brandon Boyd
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "-nam War Memorial in Washington D.C. In this very powerful and moving place,"
4) What do you think about most? Freedom from my abuser
5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? "Pravastatin and lock top lock and close door glass"
6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? With clothes on 
7) What’s your strangest talent? Catching things that suddenly fall before they hit the ground 
8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence) Girls are pretty fucking awesome. Boys can be awesome too, I just wish they were nice.
9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? I wrote a poem about myself in junior high. I was a Christian then. Paint walls white Shut windows tight Feel the room cold as the night Sit still and blow out the light Plunge into abyss Kick down door Trip, fall to floor Lay there, stay there, move no more Be the fool just as before No better than this Must defeat Must rise to meet Bright face shining, peace complete Strength to help thee to thy feet Break from killer's kiss Shining face shall show thee grace Walk with thee at steady pace Stay until you finish race Welcome you to bliss.
10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? I don't think I ever have.
11) Do you have any strange phobias? I have a phobia of being on the phone.
12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? I stuck a small ball up my nose when I was little. Thankfully, it occurred to me to blow it out.
13) What’s your religion? I don't have a religion exactly, but I am into Witchcraft.
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Checking on/watering my plants, or watching the dog
15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind the camera, definitely
16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Coheed & Cambria. They got me through some seriously hard times.
17) What was the last lie you told? I'm fine.
18) Do you believe in karma? Mmm...I don't know. I think it's hard to obtain evidence of karma, but it's a possibility.
19) What does your URL mean? I have schizoaffective disorder, and I'm a relatively new Pagan.
20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? My greatest weakness I can think of is fear of people. I don't know that I have any strengths, other than that I'm still holding on.
21) Who is your celebrity crush? It changes from time to time, but currently it's Kim Namjoon, a Korean rapper. He's not that pretty really, but I love the sound of his voice.
22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope
23) How do you vent your anger? I hold it in because I can't take it when someone gets mad at me, even if I think I'm right.
24) Do you have a collection of anything? I collect toys that I find laying around.
25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both freak me the fuck out, but if I had to choose I'd pick the phone.
26) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? I'm happier than I was when I was a Christian, but I'm not sure that really answers the question. I guess I'll say I may be getting there.
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the sound of my abuser's voice. I love the sound of good melodies and harmonies.
28) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I'm stuck living with my abuser for the rest of my life?
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts are a possibility, but I've never met one. I do believe in aliens. I think the universe is just too damn vast to have life only on earth.
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. My right arm just feels the air from my fan. My left arm touches the northern wall of my room.
31) Smell the air. What do you smell? I smell my own BO, I haven't had a shower in 3 weeks.
32) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? The King's Academy, where I went to school from Kindergarten to 9th grade
33) Choose East Coast or West Coast? I've never been to the west coast, so I'm stuck with the east coast. I live in south Florida.
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Do Kyungsoo, another Korean. He may be short, but I do not care. He's beautiful to me, and his voice is amazing.
35) To you, what is the meaning of life? It varies from being to being.
36) Define Art. Definition 1) expression of one's feelings. Definition 2) depiction of one's surroundings. That's about the best I can do, although I get the feeling my definitions fall short.
37) Do you believe in luck? That's a tough one, I really don't know.
38) What’s the weather like right now? 78 degrees, no real breeze, skies partly cloudy 
39) What time is it? 2:23am
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes, and yes. But it was the other girl's fault. I was driving the speed limit going straight through a green light, and the other girl was on the other side making a left turn. She didn't have an arrow, so she was supposed to wait for me. But she didn't see me, and started making her turn when I was right up on her. I slammed the brakes, but it was too late. 
41) What was the last book you read? Striped Ice Cream by Joan M. Lexau 
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes
43) Do you have any nicknames? Chrissy, Spoo Pooka, Poota, Buttons, Christal Louise
44) What was the last movie you saw? Babies. Such a cute movie
45) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Just a knee scrape
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes
47) Do you have any obsessions right now? Kpop
48) What’s your sexual orientation? I don't quite know...? Like I do find some people attractive, but I have no interest whatsoever in sexual intercourse. 
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yeah, back in middle school I had a rumor spread about me that I was in love with one of my friends. I'm black and he was white, so it was kind of a big deal. Some people thought that the Bible said you weren't supposed to date outside your race, so it was really embarrassing.
50) Do you believe in magic? I've only tried very little, but I still lean toward yes.
51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Not with the little things, like if someone ate my food, or borrowed something without asking, stuff like that. But deep pain that lasts for the rest of my life does not get forgiven.
52) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
53) Do you save money or spend it? Spend it
54) What’s the last thing you purchased? Just some food stuffs from Walmart 
55) Love or lust? Love please
56) In a relationship? I've never even been on a date.
57) How many relationships have you had? 0, big fat ostrich egg
58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope
59) Where were you yesterday? Home all day
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Some pink underwear 
61) Are you wearing socks right now? Always, unless it's absolutely sweltering 
62) What’s your favorite animal? Cats, domestic and feral
63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Kindness 
64) Where is your best friend? You mean my older sister? Either at her house, or at her boyfriend's house
65) Spit or swallow?(; Spit or swallow what? Saliva? Swallow, I think spitting saliva is gross unless you have a cold and can't stop salivating.
66) What is your heritage? Well I'm basically African American, but I don't know what African country my ancestors were from. I was also told that my family has Cherokee in our blood, but I can't verify that.
67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? I was either trying to sleep, or I was checking all my social media.
68) What do you think is Satan’s last name? According to Christianity, which I think is where Satan came from, he used to be an angel, and they didn't have last names. Or do you mean a human that I think is really evil? I couldn't choose just one.
69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? You can't ask me that!
70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? I suppose so, I think I'm alright.
71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Assuming I can swim? Save the dog, of course! It's hard to imagine though, because dogs are generally good swimmers. Right?
72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I would probably end up telling my mom. I think I would just live my last days normally. I would only be afraid if death was going to be painful. I have a very low pain threshold.
73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love. I trust no one, so I guess I'll take love.
74) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Between the Rent and Me by...Snowden? I forget who it's by.
75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Now why would you need to know that?
76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? I want trust, love, and longevity.
77) How can I win your heart? Smile at me genuinely in a way that is neither creepy nor flirtatious. This tells me that I have your positive attention, and that you are not a threat. Give me a compliment that is neither creepy nor flirtatious. This is just more normal-person treatment for me, and if I believe you it'll make me feel really good. Don't be a Christian, you will lose my trust immediately. Be somewhere in between smart and stupid. You can have a talent, but you better not be a genius. I could go on...
78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? Define "insanity" first.
79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Quitting Christianity 
80) What size shoes do you wear? 11
81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Oh I don't care about that.
82) What is your favorite word? I like the sound of the word "androgynous".
83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Break
84) What is a saying you say a lot? "Change is the only constant."
85) What’s the last song you listened to? BTS Cypher 4. Yes, it's Korean. 
86) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? Deep purple, and deep green
87) What is your current desktop picture? The Atlantic Ocean 
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? My abuser
89) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Number 69
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Pass out
91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Invisibility 
92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? The moment when I became the fastest runner in my Kindergarten class
93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Can I erase my whole childhood? Oh wait no, wouldn't wanna erase the day I became the fastest runner in my Kindergarten class...
94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I don't want to have sex so...if we were just going to have a slumber party I guess I'd give Brandon Boyd a shot.
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? NYC. Can I take my sister?
96) Do you have any relatives in jail? My uncle went to jail once. If I remember correctly, he was trying to steal some sea turtle eggs.
97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes, but it wasn't car sickness, it was having taken my antipsychotic without food.
98) Ever been on a plane? Yes
99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Good morning! My name is Christal B- and I'm looking for a friend. I am: schizoaffective, a budding Witch, black, shy, introverted, in school part time pursuing an AS in Environmental Science, unemployed, living with my parents, a little chubby, 5'7", punkish, emotionally sensitive, and overall fairly decent I would say. I have: a learning disability, athsma, a car, no pets, and no children. I like: plants, animals (wild and domestic), food, books, traveling, MUSIC, clothes, art, and thunderstorms. I dislike: sports, sex, drugs, and alcohol. I'm serious. I'd like you to be: kind, understanding, reasonably intelligent, and interested in some of the same things. If you have any questions please ask, and if you think we might get along please contact me. I can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Thank you for taking the time to listen, and have a wonderful day.
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survevs · 7 years
if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react? i'd probably be very confused and disoriented.
if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be? i don't think i'd reverse anything. i think everything that happens to us should be like a lesson, and if i erased anything it would be like "unlearning" something.
how do you deal with people who don’t like you? i would just ignore them and we'd both keep on with our own separate lives normally.
what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom? i'd feel like anne hathaway.
what’s your coffee order? a large cappuccino, please.
what does home mean to you? that's very cliché, but i think it's where your heart is. i believe it's where you feel comfortable enough to be yourself entirely, a place that gives you comfort. it might not be the place where you live, or your family lives. it can be a house, a city, a country, it can be everywhere or nowhere. it doesn't matter. as long as you feel at home, it's where you belong.
when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change? it depends.
who would you want to spend the last day of your life with? with my family and my closest friends.
goal that you would like to achieve within the next year? finish at least level 5 of korean.
one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more? it's really hard to think of something lol ...i think maybe i'd like certain people to realize how much i care about them, even though sometimes it's hard for me to show.
what is your weakness when it comes to spending money? books and mugs. definitely books and mugs.
favorite childhood memory? i can't choose one single memory, so i think just playing around with my little brother in our old apartment when we were kids.
what is your ideal ‘type’? i don't really think i have a 'type' because all the guys i was ever attracted to were the complete opposite of the ideal guy i created in my mind.
have you ever had a near-death experience? yes. twice. the first time i was 10 months old and my babysitter tried to throw me off the stairs but my mom caught her (i obviously don't remember that though). the second time was a couple of years ago and i almost got hit by a car.
most embarrassing moment? so many... lol i guess falling in a split position in the middle of a crowded avenue and trying to stand up before the cars ran over me? yeah that was pretty memorable...
three songs that are meaningful to you? home by gabrielle aplin, dia especial by cidadão quem, dear world by echosmith.
are you good at keeping secrets? yes.
most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? i can't think of a specific thing to be honest. but people say i'm pretty spontaneous.
favorite outfit to wear? there's this one outfit that makes me feel very powerful and classy for some reason. it's basically black skinny jeans, black boots, black turtle neck shirt and my favorite black coat. all black.
longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)? i slept for more than 16 hours once. my mom thought i was dead.
what are you most looking forward to? i can't wait for my new laptop to arrive (!!!) my old one doesn't work anymore, so i've been struggling to survive only with my phone for like 2 weeks.
do you have any hidden talents? i can twist my tongue 3 times (how am i supposed to explain this?), and i can also bend only the tips of my fingers (i have no idea how to explain this as well).
proudest accomplishment? self-teaching both english and guitar.
are you in love? not romantically.
does physical contact comfort you? it depends. sometimes it does, sometimes i feel suffocated even when people come near me.
ever had your heart broken? yes.
how loyal are you? 101% loyal.
last time you cried? a couple of days ago.
most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? the first sunrise of 2017 from the top of a dune at the beach.
do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation? i LOVE traveling. anywhere. i'd love to go on a road trip with my friends or with a lover.
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? seoul, south korea.
do you vote and/or keep up with politics? yes. my major is deeply related to politics.
what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now? i wanted to be either a singer or an actress. the job itself is completely different, but the purpose is the same: somehow helping others through my work.
your favorite place on earth? the beach. especially during the winter or at night. it's just so peaceful and quiet and infinite. i love to go on long walks at the beach, it's great for organizing my thoughts.
what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure? the lion king.
how many pairs of shoes do you own? 10 i think.
weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? once i was at this neighborhood where young people usually go to meet up with their friends and have a drink, and i saw a friend of mine from behind with a group of friends i didn't really know, so i went up to him and closed his eyes with my hands and said "guess who", so he said a random girl's name and turned around. turns out it wasn't my friend, but a random guy in the street. it was great.
weirdest dream you’ve ever had? it's pretty long so i'm not gonna explain all of it. basically it had to do with flying m&m's and a tiny fat green alien with a big head and my friend's face coming out from a random door that seemed to be a bathroom and running at me until i thought it was too weird to be real life, so i started laughing and beating the alien up because i realized it was just a dream.
when was the last time you felt sexy? at an event i attended last saturday. i loved my outfit.
have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? yes. underage drinking and driving without a license (it was at a desert place though).
what is the worst thing you have ever done? i think i hurt this guy's feelings because i never got the chance of explaining him the reason why i did something. i think he misunderstood my actions and it might have hurt him.
who are you most grateful for in your life? my mom.
biggest fear? becoming an old lady with many regrets.
would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death? neither.
do you believe in soulmates? i like the idea of it, but i don't really believe it.
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be? it will get better, i promise. great things are coming. keep your head up, and never forget to be yourself.
are you good at giving advice? i'm usually the type to listen more. my friends say i don't give many advices, but when i do, they're great.
if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be? a daisy.
how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily? i'm TERRIBLE. i managed to get lost inside a mall i've frequented for more than 17 years (and it's not even a big mall).
what do you do to treat yourself or relax? i take a long shower, put a face-mask on, prepare a nice snack, open up the windows and listen to calm music (like daniel caesar) in my pajamas.
you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory? probably the apartment i used to live in during most of my childhood.
do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting? texting.
who do you miss right now? my friends from college. we're almost like family, because we see each other more than we see our own actual families. it's weird not to see them during summer break.
what are your procrastinating right now? nothing really. i'm on break from college and work.
on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat? window seat, without a doubt.
how many people do you trust with your life? one. my mom.
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v-le · 7 years
My Trip to S. Korea (5/25/16 - 6/2/16)
Hello, friends!! I am back! Ahaha I have several posts that I’ve been wanting to make, but this one in particular has been fueling my interest more than ever these days. Rather than a review or a rant, this post is simply.. a log? :)
On May 25th of last year, I had the opportunity to travel to Korea as a 16 year old junior. I left school a week and a half earlier than everyone else, but it wasn’t just for fun. I was a part of IVSBP, the Interact Vietnam Soccer Ball Project (s/o to my wonderful team: Rotarians Nick, Marriane, Avis, and Sue, Roteractor Oliver, & fellow Interactors Gina and Abdul), a service project that aimed to bring the power of play to less fortunate children in Vietnam. In 2016, the Rotary International Convention (RICON) was being held in Korea, and I was blessed enough to be a part of the team that represented IVSBP with its very own booth at RICON. In this place, over 45,000 Rotarians from all over the world would gather for several special days. 
Each and every day, I documented my journey by quickly (and messily) scribbling each entry onto a currency conversion diagram paper that was partially cut up for reasons I cannot recall. Here is my 7-day “diary”, as transcribed word for word from the paper itself, with extra commentary below each entry:
Day 1
Arrive in Seoul Incheon + struggle tremendously to find driver. Astounded/fascinated/freaked out by tons of tall apts. Notes smog. Eat funky dinner w/ ppl, walked late at night.
Yes, I was admittedly spooked by the massive apartments that stretched on and on for as long as the eye could see LOL. The drive from Incheon to Seoul was one that I will never forget. That foreign feeling of being in a country that I dreamed about so many times makes my heart bulge with longing excitement. Also, our lodging was an Airbnb located in the heart of Gangnam. And so, our first night-walk was one that I wished could last forever.
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Day 2
Wake at 6:45 am. Go to convention to set up. Kintex was rly cool. Cooler empty. Ate lunch (self-service). slow business. Went home to rest. Took metro home b/c no shuttles running. Took a long ass time & struggled little bit but managed to get it down. Went to COEX. Good shops, not enough time. Son Hoyoung fansigning + mini stage. Ate kbbq alone + did well even though scary. Home @ 11:30. 1:30 am sleep.
RICON was not held in Seoul, but rather in Goyang, which is a city about an hour away from Seoul. Kintex is the convention center, a massive two-structure building, with its own restaurants inside. To this day, I have spotted several shows / dramas / music videos that were filmed at Kintex as well. The Korean metro system is hands down my favorite part about Korea. It is very affordable, convenient, & easy to use once you get the hang of it. My team and I struggled a little bit at first because we were confused by the questionable red/green colors for some stops & routes, but I quickly realized it simply meant express versus “all-stop”. Myself and two others managed to go to the COEX Mall by metro, which was about a mile from our own apartment. One of my goals for Korea was to see a celebrity randomly, and it just so happened on our first full day! I was shopping in Aland with my friend when she suddenly ran up to me and said “Vanessa, Vanessa come look over here, come with me, there is someone singing outside!!”. We hurried outside, and there was Son Hoyoung, promoting his solo album with a mini fansigning event! After shopping, we wandered the streets of Gangnam once again, settling on a random bbq place for dinner. We were just 3 measly American high schoolers in a foreign country, but we ordered, ate, and paid for everything with ease. It was quite an exhilarating experience.
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Day 3
Wake 6:45 am. Preconvention. Slow business. (BTW saw Music Works notice about Song yoo bin busking the night before --> day goal: leave & get to COEX by 6 pm) Talked to lotsa ppl. Managed to rush to shuttle station 9 @ 5 pm. Very late bus out of all 20 stations. Eventually wound up @ COEX at 7:20 pm w/ a very distraught heart. Went & finished COEX shopping. Struggled to eat stew at place w/o menu. Abdul + soju = dafuq is wrong w/ you; gtfo. 1:30 am sleep.
Ah yes, this day will go down as one of the most frustrating/ stressful/ depressing days I have ever experienced. RICON offers 20 different shuttle stations, each w/ their own buses & unique routes that run all throughout Seoul. The one that was crucial for me that day was Station 9, specifically at 5 pm. I remember stressing out the entire day about how we could get permission to leave early enough, which route to use, and simply making it to Song Yubin’s event with ease. And yes, I was able to successfully figure all that out throughout the day’s activities. It was just up to the bus to take us there. Unfortunately, although each station should have had buses running every 15 minutes starting from 5 pm & onward, Station 9′s bus was late to begin with. In fact, there was just one bus at first, but it filled quickly, and with only 3 seats left, we didn’t want to separate our group of 4, so we decided to wait for the next bus that would come in “5″ minutes. Those “5″ minutes trickled into the longest hour of my life. I remember standing in the burning sun, looking towards the end of the street the entire time, keeping my eyes peeled, standing on my tippie toes, my forehead sweating, my face twisting into distress as each minute passed. We finally made it onto the bus around 6:10. Yubin’s event started at 6. I remember falling asleep on the bus ride there, but waking up every ten minutes or so, just to see if we could still make it. By the time we walked out into COEX’s exhibition hall (the same one that Son Hoyoung was at the day before), it was completely empty. I didn’t cry because I wasn’t that petty, but.... I definitely felt extremely down. I had completely missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. To see one of my favorite, young & talented vocalists before he became popular and ventured into the kpop-idol scene. There was just some terrible kinda fate happening that day, in which the world just really didn’t want me to see him. For dinner, us 4 wandered around Gangnam again, but settled for something closer to our apt. It had no English menus nor pictures at all. And so once again (the other time would be the metro debacle), my handy dandy Korean-reading skills helped us out, and we barely managed to order various ... ingredients?? (only ones that I understood, though) that all went together in some sort of soup... To this day, I’m not really sure what we ate, but I remember it tasted delicious nonetheless.
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Day 4
Same wake. Opening ceremony cool = k-tigers + Lena Park. Sleep-inducing speeches. Arrived back to booth @ 1 pm. Mango six yucky bubble tea. Left to Namsan. Actually used diff shuttle route + taxi to end up @ Namsan cable car. Went to tower. Managed to wander into Myeongdong. V cool. Metro home.
RICON officially begins! Lena Park performed and I was awestruck. At the convention, there are hundreds of different kind of volunteers, and some of them aid convention-goers with travels going to and from Kintex. We asked about getting to COEX the day before, and this time, we came back to ask about getting to Namsan, because my friend especially wanted to go there. I remember hearing the girls behind the table whisper about how we were just using them for our own personal, mini adventures, and I started to feel a bit embarrassed ahah. Regardless, the shuttle we took didn’t take us directly to the cable car site; we had to take a taxi after it dropped us off. I remember we struggled immensely with flagging it down and relaying our destination, but the driver thankfully understood perfectly, and took us right to the cable cars. From there, it was smooth sailing to the tower. It was very dreamlike, arriving at the top as the sun was setting, and leaving when the night had settled in completely. I remember taking a panoramic picture of the view, which I later used (and still use) as my facebook cover photo LOL. Wandering to Myeongdong was also quite the adventure, for we tried asking a civilian about “Myeongdong market” or something, but could not receive any helpful advice. If anything, I think we simply wandered farther into the city around Namsan, and *poof* there we stood in the middle of all the stores. And of course, we conveniently used the metro to make our way back home from there.
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Day 5
6 am wake WTF?!?! Still left @ 7:30 anyway. V tired today. Kept falling asleep + lightheaded. Ate 떡볶이 & fell asleep disgustingly. Waited excruciatingly long for Nick to decide to go home. Left @ 5:30. Got back to station @ 7:15. Ate expensive bbq. 쌈 so good. Ate the snow w/ signatures like 정유미, 인순이, 박서준, 유아인 etc. 100% milk! Very nice lady :) . Gong cha jumbo. cool. Night @ 12 am for once.
By this time, the long days were getting to us, and we were thoroughly exhausted. However, dinner was quite fun, we ate with other convention-goers from the Bay Area as well. To this day, whenever I eat 쌈(ssam), it never compares to the kind I ate in Korea, and I have immediate withdrawals. And im not sure why i decided to write those names in Korean, but yes, the bingsoo place we stopped by had various signatures of celebs plastered around the walls, like Jung Yoo Mi, Insooni, Park Seo Joon, Yoo Ah In, and more. The “ice” was made of 100% milk, which was the entire shop’s selling point, & it was delish. Also, I, of course, had to get my pmt fix at the gong cha located near our apt. too.
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Day 6
STOP waking us @ 6!!! Went about the usual day. Learned about fire w/ DC advisers :( . Ate frozen sticky dog for lunch. Fell asleep a lot still. Oliver felt much better: Myeongdong! The travel/transportation ladies seemed to dislike us so we managed to find proper shuttle. Shopped for a while. Felt rly sad that I couldn’t find good stuff for EZ. Going broke. Ate 김치 볶음밥! Yummy! w/ cheeseee. So full; couldn’t finish. Store ppl are scary. Very late. Everyone exhausted except for me. Got home 12:30. Slept 2:15. *written on the side* Gina lost her phone :( . 
Not a super eventful day, but we went back to Myeongdong again because we felt like we didn’t have enough time to fully explore the first time we were there. Once again, whenever I eat some form of kimchi fried rice here in the states, it never ever ever compares to the kind we had that night. Literally the best fried rice I ever had. Cheap and generously filled, too. Our team was dead tired by the night, as in they kept falling asleep on the subway LOL. Except I stayed alert, out of duty, amusement, and just pure excitement for another deep night in Seoul.
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Day 7
Leftovers for breakfast. Very slow day @ convention. Left later than usual. Fell asleep @ booth a lot. Closing ceremony PSY, but everyone else was p lame. Ravi’s speech was very sleep-inducing; I’m sorry :( . Went to shuttle + left @ 8 pm. Ate super expensive dinner beef 한우 w/ M & N. They r weird. Service 짬뽕! But too spicy. Large Gong cha @ 10 pm; only 5 bucks left :( . But Nick paid for the pmt. Its 1:30 am rn but we gotta wake at 3 am b/c flight @ 7:30 am. I GOT MY PERIOD, FUCK!!!
And that, is how I ended my last log in Korea LOL. The leftovers for breakfast refer to the kimchi fried rice leftovers ahaha. Getting to see PSY was also pretty cool. I’m not sure why I said “beef 한우(hanwoo)“, but yes, it was quite expensive, where like 1 of the slabs of meat costed about 50,000 won! But this restaurant was also where I finally got to experience the concept of “service” in which they gave us free food :’) Also,I’m not sure why I said 5 bucks, but I meant 5,000 won ahaha. Having a flight late at night was quite exciting, for the Seoul nights were my favorite kind of memory overall. Or rather, they were all I really had since I spent all my days at RICON.
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Welp, this ended up wayyyy longer than i anticipated, but it was honestly really refreshing to go over some memories that happened over a year ago. Although this trip was mainly for RICON, I had the amazing opportunity to delve into the culture that I had only seen countless times through a computer screen. As Oliver had said, we were volunteers by day, & tourists by night. I enjoyed my time more than I ever expected, and I have promised myself that I will go back. Soon.
Thank you, sk, for treating us so well.
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s3venpounds · 7 years
1. selfie (no can do, i honestly am too lazy and i have no clue how to add photos into these lel)
2. what would you name your future kids? Skylark, Silver, Thorn, Pas
3. do you miss anyone? yes
4. what are you looking forward to? waking up to a S.O that loves me, a house that we both love, a job I love, income I can live off comfortably, and the only source of stress I have is if something isnt routine
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? @artbeetle hands down
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? yeah
7. what was your life like last year? happier
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? nope
9. who did you last see in person? Aleksi
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? nope. I’m an open book.
11. are you listening to music right now? yeah, the beauty and the beast soundtrack Evermore lol
12. what is something you want right now? a million dollars would be nice
13. how do you feel right now? groggy and i have a stomach ache from last night so not feeling 100% right now
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? a long time now that i think about it. i guess thats my fault since i’ve been avoiding hugs because i’m still worried people think of me as the “wheres my hug?” guy from middle school lol
15. personality description: a steaming pile of bile tbh. loud when I’m trying too hard to be friends with you, cuss like a trucker, quiet when youre in the innermost circle of friends. i make a lot of jokes that cross lines and unless someones seriously offended and says something I don’t stop.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? yes
17. opinion on insecurities. go ahead and have them, just don’t let them become permanent. you only have so much time in this world and youre going spend it worrying about other people who will forget everything in like 10 years max? like no one really cares if you tripped on nothing that one time. sure they’ll laugh but realistically theyll laugh for about 15 minutes then forget it completely by the next 3 days.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago? yeah
19. have you ever been to New York? nope. dont plan to.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Lie To Me George Nozuka
21. age and birthday? 21, may 17
22. description of crush. she’s reliable, comforting, pleasant to be with, gives off an air of happiness and contentment, easy on the eyes and knows how to keep the flow of conversations or mood going. She can be spontaneous or mysterious when she wants to. She warms my heart with her smile and I will never forget the little thing her cheeks do when she does smile.  
23. fear(s) death. thats it. 
24. height 5 foot 6 i think. i may have grown to 5 foot 7 haven’t measured in a while. wish i grew more tho
25. role model my friend William lol he is goals.
26. idol(s) I don’t really keep track of any celebrities so none really.
27. things i hate. 3 people i hate specifically, uhhhh break ups, my dad, some “friends”, when apologies arent enough( otherwise whats the point of having the word exist), when I take a joke too far and it hurts a relationship I like, when i stub my toes or bang my fingers on something, when friends snapchat me of a hangout I wasn’t invited or even told about when the whole group is there, when people are at a dance and everyone forms that dance circle for random people to go in and dance their heart out then someone busts out breakdancing in a crowd thats literally the worst group of dancers( like seriously i dare you to watch that shit. unless someone has some serious balls no one will go in the circle after that for a whole 5-10 minutes because no one can follow that up. like thats fine if youre in a group of other really good dancers or break dancers but like come on man. thats like having a seasoned and grown ass michael jordan in your middle school basketball game. )
28. i’ll love you if… you make me a handmade gift, you tell me you were thinking of me, you give me a lot of attention lol, you share your food with me, you try some of my favourite games or watch my favourite animes with me, we end up saying the same shit at the same time, do crazy shit with me, ride rollercoasters with me, if youre cold or something and you need to borrow my jacket or sweater i will gladly lend it to you unless its like - 30 then we share lol, if you rant to me or vent to me. if you keep the conversation going unless you know im in a bad mood or something serious happened
29. favourite film(s) Treasure planet. thats it. 
30. favourite tv show(s) Spider riders? di gata defenders, samurai jack, martin mystery, totally spies, jacob two two, team galaxy, ben 10 ( only up to ultimate alien and alien force, the rest sucked), code lyoko, master chef, chopped, medabots, gundam seed, the weekenders, code name kids next door, uhh theres probably like 30 other ones but nothing else i can remember off the top of my head.
31. 3 random facts I have a bottle of taro flavoured gin sitting beside my desk, I have reading glasses, I like the feeling of cleaning my ears with cotton swabs
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? guys. although in highschool it was girls
33. something you want to learn? the italian, korean, and japanese language. maybe russian. I want to learn how to juggle and do card tricks, I want to learn everything about my friends, I want to learn how to profile someone and deduce things sherlock style. I also want to learn more about volleyball tbh
34. most embarrassing moment. I pooped my pants while at a friends 6th birthday and my brother had to help me
35. favourite subject. English. I like poetry the most
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? To be in a rowboat in Venice Italy with my significant other under the moonlight and right as we’re about to kiss, fireworks go off in the distance. to be a world renowned psychologist/psychiatrist but working in my old high school trying to help people who are bound to do the same dumb ass shit I did. to wini the lottery or just raise enough money off a really good paying job i like to send my parents back home to philippines like they dreamed. 
37. favourite actor/actress. Mary Elizabeth Winstead or Ellen Page
38. favourite comedian(s) Gabriel iglesias, christopher titus, bo burnham
39. favourite sport(s) volleyball, i dont play many others
40. favourite memory: that one day at cap ex. “ what about this ship?” “ well, we’ll see where it takes us”
41. relationship status pringle.
42. favourite book(s) perks of being a wallflower, eleanor and park, Somebody up there hates you, nick and norah’s infinite playlist, an abundance of katherines
43. favourite song ever Pocket full of dreams by hedley
44. age you get mistaken for: no one guesses my age
45. how you found out about your idol: i met him lol hes my friend’s boyfriend
46. what my last text message says “ like I don’t want to get out of bed”
47. turn ons:  Short hair, freckles, dimples, tits that fit perfectly in my hand or bigger is cool too, into kinky shit, still makes jokes even in sex( not all the time though), likes passionate aggressive sex, tom boyish, asian, very physically touchy/clingy, smells nice, soft skin, tongue when kissing, knows how to dirty talk or sound seductive.
48. turn offs: smells bad(breath or body odor), those dirty white people dreadlocks, being like professional body builder ripped levels, and sure fuck it I’ll say it; being extremely overweight. 
49. where i want to be right now, Venice Italy
50. favourite picture of your idol again, can’t do photos. too dumb
51. starsign Taurus
52. something i’m talented at , guessing a pokemon after hearing its cry only applicable to the first 2-3 generations
53. 5 things that make me happy. friends, food, sleep, money, video games
54. something thats worrying me at the moment. my future and how dark it is
55. tumblr friends I dont have many and the ones i do have i don’t know if i should tag on here
56. favourite food(s) bbq ribs, pulled pork, pizza, bimbimbap, filipino bbq skewers, tosino, lechon kawale, lechon adobo, insemada(not sure how to spell that), pasta, and curry
57. favourite animal(s) cats
58. description of my best friend, hes asian
59. why i joined tumblr, my friend kept using inside jokes and memes from tumblr so i got curious
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kiingmango · 7 years
11 questions meme
1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
I was tagged by @notbrogues @thisbirdhadflown and  @embersofimagination  thank you! (under a cut because this will be looong)
notbrogues questions:
1. Describe your least favorite character
Okay so if I’m being completely honest, my least favorite characters all really come down to just plain irritating behavior. Daisy in Bones has a sort of insensitivity to her that bothers me, and Sophie in the BFG due to her almost blunt treatment of the BFG.
2. A go-to comfort meal/snack/treat
Noodles and Rice because I’m the most Korean to ever Korean
3. Describe a perfect vacation, with no limit on funds or how long you can stay there.
Honestly I would probably take a vacation in Europe, touring all the sites there and traveling between Germany and France and England with only a car (Is this how people travel between countries though? I feel as if Ive been misinformed)
4. Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what are you favourites?
I have to say that I do not listen to Podcasts. I actually don’t understand what a Podcast is exactly?
5. One widely accepted fanon headcanon that you just don’t agree with?
The name of Eggsy’s younger sister. When i first came in I thought it was canon but now I’m kind of eh about it. What if they change her name in the second movie? 
6. One story/movie/song/album/piece of art that resonated with you and that you will never be able to forget?
Really for me I have read multiple first-hand account stories of people experiencing an array of different situations. that I won’t forget that I probably couldn’t choose one. (I find it hard to emotionally connect with music, and I’m not really a big art person)
7. If you have a day off, no responsibilities or pressing matters to attend to: what are you doing for the rest of the day?
I’m probably playing some soft music, reading for a while with a comfy blanket. Alternatively, I’m hanging out with my family 
8. Favourite past trend that you are most nostalgic for?
When everyone had DS’s (I’m pretty sure this is a trend..?) IDK I miss when I could whip out my DS and play Mario Kart and then switch to message my friend to come battle me. Technically, I could do that on my phone but my DS was pink and I had a cute carrier for it
9. What’s a hobby/skill you’ve always wanted to learn?
How to defend myself. Like i can throw a basic punch, and fight off someone if I need to but I’ve always wanted to learn how to box, or do karate or something super cool. (Idk don’t ask me I’m strange)
10. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Done with school, and maybe with a family. I’ve gotten quite a few of my life goals done and now I’m ready to settle with someone :)
11. What was your first fandom? First OTP? First NOTP? Any memorable experiences from those early days?
My first ever fandom was Avatar the Last Airbender. My first ever OTP was Katara and Zuko, and my first ever NOTP was in the Avengers fandom, being Cap and Natasha. I just could only ever see them as friends, or in a brother/sister way
thisbirdhadflown’s questions:
1. We all did embarrassing things as teenagers. Share a story!
So there was a lot of fake piercings in sixth grade that I made from key chains and a nail file.
2. What is a headcanon for one of your OTPs?
Im going to go with Hartwin on this one. For them it’s a lot of lover’s squabbles about not wanting to do the dishes, folding laundry, and then kisses and smiles and deciding they would do it together. 
3. One book that had a huge influence on you?
I read this book called Wonder by RJ Palacio that I found helped me when I was younger to understand people who were different from me, and it opened some doors for me to understanding people’s disabilities and what they needed. 
4. Who is one misunderstood character?
Probably Natasha Romanoff. I feel like because people who watch the movies have such little information on her background that she’s easily misinterpreted. 
5. What are your pet peeves?
Lying. I mean, sometimes lying is necessary, but most of the time if you’re lying to me I’ll be very annoyed. 
6. One thing you wish you knew as a child/teen that you know now?
That I can wear what I want and it doesn’t matter what other people think. I struggle with it even today, but back then it was a lot of loose t-shirts and pants. Now, I feel more comfortable wearing dresses and crop tops. 
7. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
I’m comfortable not being famous, and really I have little desire to. But if I was famous I would have to say I would want to be famous as a movie producer, or script writer. 
8. Best part about getting older?
I’d have to say independence. 
9. One thing you really enjoy and one thing you really dislike about fandom?
So I am going to base my answer off Kingsman since that’s my main fandom right now. I really enjoy the talent and creativity, and the people in it are all friendly and so welcoming! I really love how simple things like how OTP’s spend their down time can bring people together. I also love how little drama this fandom has. However I dislike the occasional anon hate that we get, and of course like in every fandom we have the “we don’t have enough of this but I’m not going to do it so YOU have to do it” 
10. What makes and breaks a fic for you?
I think it’s the flow of the writing, I really can’t read choppy writing. It makes my brain go “huh? why?” 
embersofimagination’s questions:
1. Do you prefer tea, coffee, or neither?
Neither. I’m more of a juice person really. Although occasionally I’ll have some fancy coffee with my mom 
2. Do you go through “phases” with fandoms? Where you are all about one fandom for days, weeks, months, etc. then go onto the next or do you have one primary fandom you don’t stray far from?
I feel that I’m actively in multiple fandoms, but I switch my focus. If something is happening with Sherlock that’s where all my attention will be. I’m pretty much knee 
3. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
A bit of both. I can really only handle one or two people at a time, but I will go out with more. I always come home from those days absolutely exhausted so then I spend a few days by myself. I love talking however, so yeah. A bit of both
4. Do you have otps? If so, name three.
Ah yes, I have many. Hartwin, Merwin, and Stony (from marvel)
5. Why do ship what you ship? Ex: they look pretty together, they compliment each other’s character, just for the lolz?
I ship Hartwin and Merwin for the same reason. Not only does Eggsy look good with both of them (ugh Merhartwin is swoon worthy also) but there’s so much to play with! Physical Hurt comfort? Emotional hurt comfort? fake/pretend relationship? Domestic fics???? #Blessed
6. What is one thing you learned/know that you wish more people knew about?
How to cook honestly. I get a lot of “I burn water” and sometimes people can literally not cook anything. But a lot of the times people just never had anyone to teach them how 
7. Are you a morning person or night owl?
Night Owl. Which in turn makes me hate mornings haha
8. Do you like tropes or trope subversion?
I think I enjoy both. I love a twist at the end but I also love when a scene plays out like I wanted it to.
9. What inspires you?
Other people inspire me. I think it’s the idea that other people believe in me and want me to succeed just as much that pushes me. Of course, I try my best to return the favor, and it’s that mutual system of support inspires me. 
10. Do you have an aesthetic? If so, what is it?
I think it would probably be rainy days and warm kitchens. Also, copper pots. (Oh god I love copper bottom pots)
11. Favorite season (if you have one)? 
Autumn! Sweaters make me so happy <3
Thank you guys for tagging me! I had fun answering your questions! Now here are my 11 questions :)
Favorite Character? Why?
What’s the weather like where you live?
Do you have a major goal in life you haven’t completed yet?
Do you have something from your childhood that you miss? 
Favorite memory from school? 
Any strange phobias?
Are you a hugger or a no touch kind of person?
Describe something that made you happy this week
Do you get motion sick/carsick/airsick?
Is there a special skill you have that most people can’t do?
What’s a phrase you say a lot?
I'm gonna tag people in the next post!
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