#top 10 discord bots 2020
retrocanvas · 2 years
13 Discord Bots for Your Web3 Server by Category
#Discordbots are a great way to make your #web3server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few
Discord bots are a great way to make your server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few discord bots that we think are worth checking out: Best Bots for Discord Moderation Discord moderation bots are a great way to keep your Discord server clean and organized. By using a moderation bot, you can automatically remove…
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minieggukie · 3 years
challenge: 30 questions tag
apparently someone is on a tag game roll so here i am also rolling 
(it’s @gimbapchefs​)
+ the lovely @jiminslight @jkjms
1. name/nickname: kristine/kris
2. star sign: leo
3. height: 5'3/160cm because we use metric here ok 
4. birthday: aug 12, 1996
5. favorite band: I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE
6. time: 6.18a.m. and I’M STILL AWAKE DAMN IT
7. favorite solo artist: chungha
8. song stuck in your head: highlight - not the end 
9. last movie you watched: the croods 2 lmaooo
10. free space! memories 2020 when
11. last show: trying and failing to finish ep 1 of 千秋 (thousand autumns)
12. when i created this blog: 2021!!
13. what i post: bts, reblogs other stuff very rarely
14. last thing i googled: DISCORD BDAY BOT DOWN?? 
15. other blogs: i mean @rawrkats is still there but i don’t use it anymore 
16. do i get asks? NOT ENOUGH
17. why i chose my url? JIKOOK (calico + cooky)
18. following: 119
19. followers: im gonna reach a milestone give or take 50 followers yeah
20. average hours of sleep: weekdays, 4-6hrs. weekends, YOLO. 
21. lucky number: 7! 
22. instruments: tried and failed to learn the guitar because i cannot commit. and it hurts my fingers??
23. what am i wearing? black shirt, shorts. im bout to sleep yo
24. dream job: anything that’s more time flexible 
25. favorite food: i eat everything
26. tea or coffee: coffee (iced)
27. nationality: malaysian
28. favorite song: of all time?! i don’t have one D: instead let me tell you ONE of my fav bts songs: pied piper
29. last book i read: what’s a book?
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: ✨ BTS UNIVERSE ✨, 2. whatever universe that bt21 is in, 3. ....hogwarts? idk
I DID IT. now to let other people suffer (jk i love you all): @loversmore @rosebowl @userjiminie @kerasines @jungkooksglasses @pjmsdior @parkandblues @taehkims @euphhorias + others who want to overshare 
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stratuscloudsurfer · 4 years
Stratus’s Comprehensive Shiny Den Exploit Guide
Have you heard about the shiny den exploit in Sword and Shield? If you haven’t, it is basically a method that can be used to obtain a limitless amount of shiny pokemon from dens in the wild area and (to a certain degree) being able to choose which specific pokemon you would like limitless shinies of. Neat, huh?
Maybe you have heard of this method before. Maybe you’ve attempted it yourself using youtube videos as guide. Maybe, like me, you became extremely frustrated at your percieved inability to get it right. If that is you, know that I feel your pain, having spent countless hours trying to obtain a shiny pokemon from a den only for it not to be shiny at the end because of one small step that I missed or mistake I made. In fact, that is exactly what inspired me to create this guide. 
Below the cut, I will explain, in as much detail as humanly possible, how to take advantage of the shiny den exploit. Follow each step exactly, and you will be rewarded with a shiny for your efforts. Are you ready, dear reader? Well, here we go.
1. This method, to me, is one of those things that is all about the set-up. If you don’t set up everything exactly right, something might be off at the end and prevent you from your ultimate goal. So, this is how you should prepare yourself to begin: 
1a. Before you get started, go to settings in your game and make sure that auto-save feature is switched OFF. 
1b. Now, press the home button to get out of your game, go to your Switch’s system settings, scroll down to “system”, and then to “date and time”, and make “synchronize clock via internet” is set to OFF. 
2. Buy a wishing piece, if you don’t have one already. Please note that this method ONLY works if you use a wishing piece. If you just use a den you got naturally in the wild area, none of the following will work.
3. Now, throw the wishing piece into an empty den. (If you are searching for an event Pokémon, make sure that the Pokémon in the den is one of the event Pokémon. It doesn’t have to be the exact Pokémon you want, so long as it’s part of the same event, because you will be able to reset your shiny pokemon, as I will explain later.) If you are looking for a specific shiny Pokémon, be sure to check Serebii’s dem listing to ensure that the Pokémon will spawn in the den. (Serebii’s den listing: https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/maxraidbattles/den106.shtml )The game should save while you are tossing the wishing piece in the den. After this point, DO NOT SAVE.
3. Go into the raid and catch the Pokémon. You MUST catch the Pokémon to proceed to the next step. To make this easier, you may turn on the internet and invite others to help you take down the Pokémon in the den. The Pokémon that you catch in this den is known as the seed Pokémon.
4. Next, we will check the seed Pokemon. To do this, you will need to connect to a seed-checking bot in a trade and offer up your seed Pokemon. I know of two free options: Dudu Bot ( and Dizzy’s Pokémon server ( https://discord.gg/WDUYBA ).I will describe how to use the seed checking bot on Dizzy’s server because that is the one that I prefer to use.
4a. In your game, connect to the internet.
4b. Go to the discord server (on your phone, computer, whatever). In the server, go down to one of the “seed checking” channels.
4c. In the channel, type $CheckMySeed or !CheckMySeed depending on which channel you are using, 1 or 2. This will put you in Jiggly or Wiggly bot’s line.
4d. Once it is your turn in line, Jiggly or Wiggly bot will send you a discrete link trade code. In your game, click link trade, enter the given code, and start searching. You should connect with the Jiggly bot shortly.
4e. After you connect with the bot, offer your “seed” Pokémon—that is, the one you caught in the den—for trade. You should get a communication error, and the trade will be ended.
4f. Go back to the seed checking channel to see the results of your seed checking. It should look something like this:
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The important thing for us to note here is the number listed after Star Shiny at Frame: This number represents the amount of frames you will have to skip to get to your shiny den. In this example, I would have to skip 558 frames to get to my shiny den, where one frame = one day.
5. Now that you have these results, use a date calculator to find your “target date.” Here is a link to the calculator I use: (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html). I will describe how to use it in detail below:
5a. Put in today’s date as your start date.
5b. Put in the number of frames to your shiny den in the “add” section
5c. Calculate new date.
5d. Now, SUBTRACT 4 from the date you calculated. This will be your target date, and places you 3 skips before your shiny den date. The target date is not the date that the shiny pokemon will appear at, but rather will serve as a save point for you, just prior to the date that the shiny pokemon will appear.
6. Now that you have your target date figured out, WITHOUT SAVING, close your game. By this, I mean, press the home button, press X on the game, and close out the software.
7. This brings us to our first important checkpoint. Open your game again, and check that your game meets the following conditions: 
7a. You are standing in front of the den that you dropped the wishing piece into, and a beam of light should be coming out of it. DO NOT TOUCH THE DEN AGAIN. 
7b. You do NOT still have the Pokémon you traded to the bot (that is, the seed pokemon is gone).
If you don’t meet 7a, this likely means that you used a naturally occuring den rather than one triggered by a wishing piece. If you don’t meet 7b (that is to say, you still have the seed pokemon) this likely means that you saved somewhere after catching the pokemon in the den. If either of these are the case, you will have to start this process over from the beginning with another wishing piece. 
If you meet conditions 7a and 7b, you can continue with the next phase of the process. 
8. WITHOUT SAVING, fly to a Pokémon center. This is where you will begin the process of date skipping. (The reason why you want to be in a Pokémon center instead of the wild area is that if you skip so many days in the wild area, where the weather changes, your game is likely to crash.)
9. Now it’s time to preform the date skipping glitch. Below is the method I use.
9a. In your game, click the Y button, and then click + to turn on internet communication
9b. Go to link battle.
9c. Select single battle and start looking for an opponent.
9d. Press home button for several seconds to bring up a mini menu that pulls up on the side of your game. It should look like this:
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9e. As soon as you see the black box at the bottom that says that an opponent has been found, switch airplane mode ON.
9f. You should get a communication error, see the blue battle screen appear, then disappear, leaving you standing in the Pokémon center. Now that this is done, we can begin to date-skip.
!!!MAKE SURE THAT NO MENUS ARE OPEN BEFORE PROCEEDING ANY FURTHER. If a menu is open, the date-skipping will not work!!!
10. To skip dates, do the following: 
10a. Click the home button. Go to system settings, and go down to date and time. DOUBLE CHECK THAT INTERNET SYNCHONIZATION IS OFF. 
10b. Select date and time. Move one day forward. Click OK. (For example, if your date is 1/1/2020, change it to 1/2/2020.)This counts as skipping one frame.
10b. You will have to skip forward ONE DAY AT A TIME. BE EXTRA CAREFUL AROUND THE ENDS OF MONTHS/THE END OF YEARS. Repeat step 10a until you reach your target date.
If you would like an indication that you are doing the date skipping correctly, you can go into your game and check for a very brief black flash. This tells you that you have successfully skipped frames.
11. This brings us to our second important checkpoint. Open your game, and make sure that your game meets the following conditions: 
11a. The screen flashes black for a split second. 
11b. Your character is standing in the pokemon center. 
11c. Leave the Pokémon center and find your den again. The beam should still be in it and the bottom should be glowing.
If you meet 11a, b, and c, you may continue to the next step. 
12. In front of your den, WITHOUT COLLECTING THE WATTS FROM IT, save the game. You have now established your save point. 
Optionally, you can check to verify that you have completed your date skipping successfully by completing step 4 a second time. To do this, simply go into your den, catch the pokemon in it, and use Dudu or Jiggly/Wiggly bot to check it again. If you have successfully completed your date skipping, it should tell you that you are 4 frames away from your Star Shiny Frame. After you have completed this, close the software of your game and reload it. You should be standing in front of your den with the beam still in it. 
13. This is where things start to get kind of tricky. The method we use to date-skip the final 3 days will be different than the method we previously used. I will describe it step by step: 
13a. Turn airplane mode OFF. 
13b. Make sure your game is on LOCAL COMMUNICATION (not connected to the internet). 
13c. Click on your den. 
13d. Click “invite others”. 
13e. Wait until your game starts looking for participants. The timer at the top of the screen should be counting down, and the pokeballs should be spinning underneath your name. The screen should look like this: 
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13f. Click the home button. 
13g. Go to your Switch’s system settings. 
13h. Go down to date and time. 
13i. Skip one day forward. Click ok. 
13j. Go back into your game. 
13k. Stop looking for participants (select quit), and go back to where you can see your character standing in front of the den. The weather should change, and the bottom of the den should begin glowing again, as to where you can collect watts from it again. If this isn’t the case, click the home button, close your game, reopen it, and complete step 13 again from the beginning.
13l. Complete steps 13c-k TWO MORE TIMES. If you are using Jigglybot, you should notice that the date that you are currently on is 1 day prior to your originally calculated shiny date. That’s fine. 
14. This is it. The moment of truth. The pokemon that is in your den now should be your long-awaited shiny. However, we are going to check to make sure that it is. There are two methods you can use to check your den: 
Option A: If you like the pokemon in your den, and would like to keep this pokemon in the den, you may check it by doing the following: 
-connect to the internet 
-invite others to join your raid. Note: you must have an actual person join the raid for this to work. This will not work with NPCs.
-once you click “start battle”, bring up the side menu that allows you to turn on airplane mode. 
-as soon as you see your characters feet, turn on airplane mode. You will get kicked out of the den, and will end up standing in front of the den again with the beam still in it. First, though, you will be able to see the pokemon, and note whether it is a shiny or not.
-From here you can go back in and “host” the den over and over again, turning on airplane mode as soon as you see your character’s feet. You can round up some friends to catch the pokemon and trade it to you later. 
Option B: if you don’t want to keep the pokemon in the den, you can simply check it yourself by going into the den without inviting others. Once you determine whether it is shiny or not, without finishing the raid, close your game. You will be back to 3 frames before your shiny den. To get it back, simply repeat step 13 again. Note: when you repeat step 13, DO NOT reset your date three days backward. Simply start from the date that you are currently on. For example, if your original shiny date was March 5th, you will skip three days forward to March 8th. 
Of course, you also have the option of simply going into the den and catching the shiny. However, if you catch the pokemon in the den and complete the raid, the beam of light in the den will disappear and you will no longer have a shiny den. 
What if my pokemon is not shiny? 
If your pokemon is not shiny the first time you check your den, don’t fret! You probably are off just a tiny bit on your date skipping. Here is how to troubleshoot: 
1. Once you determine that your pokemon is not shiny, close out of the game without finishing the raid. When you reopen it, you will be back at your save point. 
2. At your save point, go into the den and catch the pokemon again. Follow step 4 to check your seed again. This should tell you exactly how many frames you are away from your shiny. 
Alternatively, you could try doing step 13 again, but skipping 4 times instead of 3, or 2 times instead of 3. This will likely yield you your shiny pokemon. Note: when resetting, do not reset your date 3 days backward. Simply skip forward from the date you are currently. NEVER reset your date backward.
How do I change the shiny pokemon in the den? 
It’s easy! Simply close out of your game and return to the save point. From here, repeat step 13. You will notice that the first 3 pokemon you encounter are the same, but the 4th (your shiny) is different. You can repeat this process over and over until you find the shiny you want!
This concludes my shiny den exploit guide! I hope to anyone that used it that it worked for you, and that you found the shiny pokemon you sought! If it didn’t work, or you still find yourself hopelessly confused, feel free to DM me or send me an ask. I would be glad to walk you through this process step-by-step and answer any questions you might have!
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unibrowzz · 4 years
My 2020 reviews
All the cool kids were doing these so now I finally dragged my ass into doing them too lmao. 
Albania- Fall from the Sky
A song I swear cursed this whole contest from the moment it won Festivali i Këngës. Like with the shitshow this song caused I just knew the whole year was fucked. With half the fandom whining they didn’t get their first club song of the year to the other half smugly shoving it as their winner despite no other songs being around to compare it to, the whole fiasco just left me knowing that 2020 would end in tears, just hopefully not my own. As for the song, it’s lame. It’s a standard ballad with OBSCENE amounts of autotune, which is weird because the girl can actually sing pretty decently without it, so why they decided to make her sound like a damn computer is beyond me. And WHY did they translate it, haven't the past few years proven that Albania's better off leaving their songs in Albanian? 
Armenia- Chains on You
A bootleg Ariana Grande song, and a really shit one at that. The kind of song only people who think being young, gay and mean counts as having a personality would say is good.
Australia- Don’t Break Me
One of the few decent Australian entries (but that REALLY isn’t saying much coming from me, I barely care they’re in the contest by this point) but marred by a horribly untidy performance and lacklustre lyrics. At least it’s not fucking pop-opera, that’s all I can say. I’d rather listen to the sound of my face being dragged down the runway at Heathrow airport than be subjected to another Zero Gravity.
Austria- Alive
One of those pseudo-jazz dance songs, á la Olly Murs or Bruno Mars (I swear there’s a song like this in every recent contest). I mean, it’s good, but it’s just kinda meh since I’m kinda getting tired of this genre rearing its fedora-wearing head every time a new lineup rolls in.
Azerbaijan- Cleopatra
One of the “better” trashy entries this year, comprised of about five different musical genres, six ancient cultures being appropriated and absolutely zero class. Probably sounds at least 50% better when you’re absolutely steaming drunk and face down on the floor in the middle of a gay bar.
Belarus- Da Vidna
Somehow, this song sounds both very unique and original yet trite and average at the same time. I couldn’t decide whether listening to it was a new experience or if I’d heard it a million times before.
Belgium- Release Me
A song which just drones on till it ends. I would say it’s ripping off the song that won last year, but it forgot that having a chorus stops your song from being three minutes of snooze.
Bulgaria- Tears Getting Sober
A typical breathy mumble-girl song, AKA a genre I can’t fucking stand. Really don’t see the hype with this one, the melody is pretty but the vocals are out for lunch and it’s otherwise completely and utterly boring.
Croatia- Divlji Vjetre
One of the token big dramatic ballads you listen to once, enjoy, then forget about until Darius in the Discord server plays it one night whilst you’re hitting up the radio bot with requests. You’ll find that “nice, but forgettable” is a common theme for this year.
Cyprus- Running
Ironically Cyprus didn’t send a crappy Fuego knockoff for 2020, and I say ironically because a crappy Fuego knockoff would’ve actually stood out this year, and I say crappy because honestly Fuego wasn’t even all that great to begin with. "Running” itself is just one of those edgy tortured soul pop songs which, let’s be honest, would have been paired with an impressive performance which would’ve overshadowed how bland it is. Kind of like “You’re the Only One”. Or even Fuego for that matter.
Czech Republic- Kemama
Standard Afro-pop, a genre we don't often see at the contest so I'll let it pass. I feel like this is the kind of song that’s infinitely better live, and that it would’ve been one of those songs that suddenly became a frontrunner after the semi finals, but I guess we’ll never know eh?
Denmark- Yes 
The quintessential mid-10s Eurovision song. It's got guitars, happy people, Scandinavian origins… it’s just a typical radio guitar song, nothing special.
Estonia- What Love Is
I mean it's better than La Forza. Granted, the sound of someone pissing directly onto a microphone installed in the bowl of a toilet would sound better than La Forza but still. Going back to this song, it’s just... a standard Eastern-ballad with some very desperate lyrics. It feels kind of outdated, if I’m honest. Like something about this just reeks of 2011.
Finland- Looking Back
Yet another dreary, forgettable ballad. It comes to something when the best song they COULD have sent was a party song which sounded like it was from the mid 90s. At least that song was memorable. That said, this one at least has some decent lyrics. Bravo for that I guess.
France- Mon Alliée
France decides to say “fuck it” to being an underground fan-favourite and takes a leaf out of the UKs book by sending the same rent-a-Swede schlock they’ve been sending since 2015. I’m just confused as to why anyone in their right mind would choose to follow the UKs example but you do you France.
Germany- Violent Thing
A rehash of Sweden's entry from two years ago, but this time sung by Justin Bieber circa 2008. Kind of alright if you can stomach the singer's whiny voice, but otherwise pretty dull and kinda forgettable.
Greece- Superg!rl
Hello fellow kidz, we are hearing you like the girl power? The super heroes? The t3xt $p3ech? We made you song, please give us the votes *dabs*
Georgia- Take me as I Am
I mean… this sure is a choice. This feels like one of those songs that everyone memes on because the lyrics are kinda janky and the singer’s voice (and accent) take a bit of getting used to, but other than that it’s just one of those NQ songs for hipster fans to declare as their unironic winner at a later date. All in all this just feels like the male equivalent of one of those mid-10s fat acceptance women’s songs, only a lot shoutier and this time he has more flaws than not being skinny.
Iceland- Think About Things 
A bootleg George Ezra song, performed by a load of disinterested tumblr users in their pyjamas. Because if there’s one thing that sells me on a song, it’s being given the evils by a bunch of nerds who look like they’ll send me death threats for not agreeing with their Pokémon headcanons. To be fair, the song is kind of groovy since it sounds so 70s, but the performance is very off-putting to people who aren’t in the Eurovision loop. And also people who are, because I sure as Hell don’t see the appeal in this myself and this whole performance just feels like Save Your Kisses for Me without the charm. I feel like this would’ve come second or third, definitely with a lot of televotes but either the jury would’ve dragged it down or it wouldn’t have scored enough televotes to win.
Ireland- Story of my Life
A song that’s at LEAST ten years out of date by this point, think like an early Katy Perry, Jessie J or Avril Lavigne song. I’ll forgive it because even though it sounds like it should’ve been entered in 2013 (at the latest), it at least evokes some nostalgic memories of shitty school discos and holiday parks.
Israel- Feker Libi
The female equivalent of the Czech song. Unsurprisingly, people went wild for it when it was released. I guess only women are allowed to sing Afro-pop at this contest. Like with the Czech song, I’ll forgive it since Afro-pop is a cool genre anyway, and even though this is just another club song I can at least see myself dancing to it.
Italy- Fai Rumore
Well, at least my wish of “Italy sends a typical power ballad devoid of anything the mainstream fandom likes” finally came true. It was pretty refreshing to have a year where people weren’t shoving Italy’s entry up my nose left right and centre. In terms of my actual thoughts I can’t deny that the guy has a tremendous voice, but for some reason the song just doesn’t… click with me. I guess I like my male Italian singers a little more gruff and raspy, if you know what I mean. They gotta sound like they smoke at LEAST five packets of cigarettes a day for me to take notice.
Malta- All of my Love
Listen I am 100% rooting for Destiny Chukunyere to win this contest some day but man was this song a disappointment. It feels so… un-special and generic, like it gets the job done and that’s it. It’s not the stand-up-and-belt-it-out soul anthem I’d hoped for, it’s just… there.
Moldova- Prison
All I remember about this song is that it vaguely reminds me of that one Meccano song about the gypsy who makes a deal with the moon or something. And I’ve TRIED to remember more about what it sounds like, trust me.
Latvia- Still Breathing
The one horrible weird song you get every year which overuses strobe effects to the point it comes with an epilepsy warning. Would be bearable if it wasn't for the singer’s insistence that this is actually some feminist masterpiece when it's really just a self-empowerment club song about the singer fingerbanging herself over the fact she writes music.
Lithuania- On Fire
One of the songs everyone thought was going to win at one point, even though it seems like a surefire non-qualifier to me. It’s one of those weird entries, but not the kind of over the top, batshit insane, you’d-have-to-be-drunk-to-enjoy-it weird, the kind of subdued surreal weird. Like this is weed instead of LSD or cocaine weird. Granted my mom, who I consider to be a "typical" Eurofan, actually really liked this song when she saw it in the recaps, so who knows maybe this would have done well with televoters after all.
Netherlands- Grow
I appreciate this song for how artsy and clever it is with its structure, since it starts off acapella and the instrumental builds up with the song until it stops suddenly, symbolising a person’s growth from a child into an adult, and ending suddenly with their death (Geddit? The song’s called “Grow”). But it feels like the kind of song that would be lost on a Eurovision audience. The juries would have taken note, for sure, but the televote… let’s be honest, they’d have been too busy drunk voting for Russia to care about anything else.
North Macedonia- You
Well, it's better than the miserable dirge they sent last year, but given how I'd rather pleasure myself with a steak knife than listen to that song, that really isn't saying much. Going back to “You”, it really just feels like a diet version of Switzerland’s entry from last year, combined with Sweden’s song from 2018. What I’m saying is it’s your average “I’m a man in a club and I want to dance with and probably fuck this hot girl I just met” song, which I a new genre I just made up. You’re welcome.
Norway- Attention 
One of those songs you appreciate because it sounds nice and the singer has a good voice, but instantly forget because it’s really not all that interesting. If I sound like I'm repeating myself, welcome to Eurovision 2020.
Poland- Empires
“Rise Like a Phoenix” but sung by a wannabe Adele and not a mascara-wearing Jesus in a dress. Like a lot of other songs on this list, it’s just average across the board, likeable when it’s on, but instantly forgettable as soon as the next song comes on.
Portugal: Medo de Sentir
Pretty, but also similar to their ill-fated 2018 entry, only with a bit more energy and less pink hair. What I’m saying is this would have been another NQ unless the crowd who enjoy subtle ambience music come in to save it like they did with Slovenia's entry last year.
Romania- Alcohol You
See Bulgaria, because this is practically the same song. It’s just as dreary, just as badly sung (if not worse because holy shit this girl sounds like she’s being suffocated), and I suppose you COULD excuse that by saying she’s drunk or hungover… but I don’t want to listen to someone ungracefully mumble into a microphone for three minutes.
Russia- Uno
A classic big camp party song, the kind of song people who haven’t watched Eurovision since 2003 think wins on the regular. I can see why people would like it (especially in this boring year lmao, I applaud Russia for taking the opportunity to loosen their corset and just send a complete mess instead of their usual clinical vote grabs), but it’s just not something I enjoy. It's the song that plays into the misconception that Eurovision is just a clown show for drunk people, like this is just here to be that one flash-in-the-pan meme song that only entertains people who don’t really care about Eurovision until the day before it airs. Kind of like the old ladies they sent in 2012 (remember them?).
San Marino- Freaky!
San Marino, in true Sammarinese fashion, have yet again sent a decade-ambiguous song which sounds like it was either released in 1978 or 2003. I feel like this would have been one of those songs which could have surprised us if it had a really wacky, creative performance (think like Moldova in 2018), but this is San Marino so you know that would never happen.
Serbia- Hasta la Vista
Insert unoriginal joke about a decade wanting their shitty trend back right here. Okay maybe that’s a bit harsh, especially considering how this song is actually, yanno, unique in comparison to the rest of this year. But it still feels weirdly dated, in a way where I can’t decide whether it sounds like it belongs in 1998 or 2018. I suppose girl power ages a song regardless of when it was released.
Slovenia- Voda
Yet another standard Balkan-European power ballad which you appreciate because it’s well sung, but forget the moment it ends because it’s kinda boring. … Does anyone else have a bit of deja vu?
Spain- Universo
For some reason I feel like this song is shilling itself out to someone but I have no idea who. Aside from the horny people voting solely because the singer is moderately attractive even with that wretched Jedward haircut.
Sweden- Move
Imagine soul but… boring.
Switzerland- Répondez Moi
Imagine Arcade but… in French.
United Kingdom- My last Breath
Not the best the UK could have done, but it’s at least a modern offering unlike the residual dregs of the mid-90s that we sent throughout the 2010s. It’s definitely a bit too generic to have done any better than maybe 15th, but hey at least the cancellation means we won’t have to see it not do as well as the BBC thinks it’s entitled to do, prompting a billion clickbait articles about how Brexit somehow affected our performance.
Ukraine- Solovey
At long last we come to something you probably weren't expecting: a song I actually really like. Which is weird because I usually don't care for or don't like whatever Ukraine vomits into the contest, so I was pleasantly surprised to find a song I liked from them in such a weak year. This song isn’t for everyone, it’s white noise singing which is a very acquired taste, but this is honestly the only 2020 song I find myself coming back to over and over. And it’s in Ukrainian too, so you don’t have to put up with their usual mangled English offerings.
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teenagesoulvoid · 4 years
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clubmudkip · 4 years
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The final moments of Mixer - What happens at the end of all things?
There weren’t a lot of people online for Mixer’s final moments, and I feel like this should be documented somewhere. So here it is: what it was like to watch interactive livestreaming platform Mixer exhale its very last breath.
It was announced that Mixer would be shut down on July 22nd, 2020. So hundreds of users gathered to watch the few final streams. In the minutes leading up to 12:00 midnight PST, users watched a purple and orange confetti graphic fall from the banner at the top of the site, covering streams and chats in small circles. A celebration of the end, we waited for the clock to roll over. What does the End look like? What happens when a website ceases to exist? We all wanted to find out. 
For the final hours I watched Mixer user Magiccake62 (now on Twitch under the same name!) stream her usual creative art stream; on this night she chose to make clay figures to celebrate the release of indie game Ooblets. From her hands sprang small birds, mushrooms, and frogs; all collectible creatures from the game. Finally she said, “What are they gonna do, BAN me?” and streamed a movie from her childhood. Fortunately for Maggiccake62, no copyright strikes were received, and she was able to continue until the movie’s end. 
Midnight came, and then went. And it was uneventful. We were all still here. Streams were still running. I was confused, so I did what every person born into the Age of the Internet would do. I googled it. I found one single source. (https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/mixer-shutdown-reportedly-set-for-july-23-after-marketing-error) Gaming news website DotEsports was the only reporter of... a marketing error? Despite all official sources listing the 22nd as the true shutdown time, DotEsports insists the true shutdown to be 11am PST on the 23rd. Honestly, this is so on brand for Mixer, you wonderful garbage website. 
So we laughed and shrugged, some of us kept streaming, but most of us went to bed. 
I needed to see the End. What does it feel like when our provider provides no more? Where do you go when you are kicked out of your home?  How often does a community simply cease to exist? 
I set my alarm early. I woke up at 8:45 PST. Only a few streamers were active. Most were bots running pre-recorded content; facecams saying “Thank you and remember to follow me on Twitch.tv!”. Of the few active users, I saw gamers playing Miinecraft, Fortnite, and various first person shooters that I’m not familiar with. I saw one dude streaming porn (because what are they gonna do, BAN him?). Someone was doing a radio show entitled “Mixer’s Funeral” which featured a looping gif of Gibby from iCarly playing a trumpet in front of a coffin, accompanied by various ‘80’s popular music titles. At 9:00am PST Halo Infinite was announced; many users livestreamed their reaction to the title. 
Around 10:00am PST I stumbled upon a co-stream hosted by users DigiDuncan, Gambiy23, and DB05 (all can be found on Twitch under those same names). Each streamer did their own thing; Gambiy23 streamed sitcom King of Queens right from Netflix (because what are they gonna... you know the rest), DigiDuncan scrolled through Mixer watching bits and pieces of others’ final streams, and DB05 watched Youtube poops. On a Discord call together, they wanted to stream until the very end. So this is where I stayed, tuning in and out of chat, laughing along at the long-forgotten sitcom. I got cozy, and waited. 
At around 10:40am PST, Gambiy23 received a copyright strike from Mixer and was banned, ceasing the King of Queens stream. I guess even at the End of all things, there are still rules. 
[First Screenshot] Knowing that the end was near, DB05 began playing a cutscene of the moon falling to the earth from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The building music made my heart pound. At 10:54am PST, Mixer pushed notifications reading “So long, and thanks for all the fish :)”, a quote mentioned before the planet Earth is demolished in order to make way for the hyperspace bypass, featured in the book series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy written by Douglas Adams. When I hear this quote, I think of it as a goodbye to the universe itself; an acknowledgement of the many wonders one has experienced in their life; one last expression of gratuity for the world they inhabited and the gifts they received from it. It was fitting. Mixer, unafraid, gazed into the void and shouted a final “thank you”. At the same time as the push notifications, MixerBots spammed chats with emojis of goldfish, prompting users to do the same. We sent to chats our final “i love you’s”, “thank you’s”, sent emojis and encouragements, “goodbye’s” and “goodnight’s”. DigiDuncan scrolled through the front page of Mixer, and we watched the streams start to blink out, leaving a blue Mixer “X” logo in their place. The confetti showers returned. The site began to lag. Finally, the clock struck 11:00am PST. 
And the moon fell. 
For a few seconds, the streamers laughed. “Is that it?”, “Is it over?” DB05’s moon had fallen, and the cutscene continued to play. A brilliant flash of white, and Link awakens in the past. The streamers look on, “We’re still he-” Silence cut them off. 
The voices of 10 million users, silenced in an instant. 
I think we expect the End to be deafening, chaotic, and frightening. Like an Action/disaster movie, filled with explosions and screams and panic. But instead the End was peaceful. Quiet. Almost comforting. It was like sitting atop a hill in the morning before the birds start to sing, watching the sun rise over the horizon. Alone, yet serene. 
[Second Screenshot/Third Screenshot] Almost immediately, I realized I could still click around the site. The confetti continued to fall. At 11:12am PST, I returned to the userpage of my friend. All the streams had ended, but the content was still there. User’s “About Me” pages were still active, along with all of their clips, previously recorded streams, and other things like “Stream rules”. I was able to watch the tail end of Magiccake62’s stream from the previous night. I scrolled through Mixer’s homepage, clicking on names to read their bios and watch the stored video clips. It felt like wandering through a neighborhood evacuated before a storm; no time to bring your possessions with you. Houses left unlocked, devoid of life and frozen in time. 
[Fourth Screenshot] by 11:13am PST Chats still remained active as long as you did not navigate away from the page. I continued to talk with some of the users that had been watching the stream. Just a few remaining voices, alone in this huge, empty city. 
[Fifth screenshot/Sixth Screenshot] As I continued to look through the abandoned homes, I caught the tail end of DMacAttack12’s pre-recorded finale stream from the previous night. He was playing indie game Celeste: Farewell. The main character, upon reaching the top of the mountain, experiences a dream where she sees a long dead friend. She apologizes to the friend for not attending the funeral, and the friend laughs. “The Funeral wasn’t for me. It was for all of you, stuck living on without me,” she chortled. The main character awakens from her dream, and takes the time to reconnect with her friends in the present. Perhaps Mixer’s last day was always meant to be that; not a goodbye, but a way to reconnect with each other. 
[Seventh Screenshot] At 11:30am PST, the majority of the streams’ “offline” screencaps had vanished. Chats continued to function, but you could not join new ones. Trying to visit a new stream would result in the chat section loading forever. The voices were dwindling. As far as I could tell, it was just myself and DigiDuncan. We talked about the future and exchanged Twitch handles, and thanked each other for being here - at least we could watch this noiseless sunrise together. We wondered if we were truly alone, if anyone could hear us. We wondered how long this would last. How long did the two of us have, in the End? 
[Eighth Screenshot] At 11:38am PST, chat function disconnected. I could no longer send messages to my new friend. Error messages began popping up in place of streams. DigiDuncan told me they were using chat via OBS, a client that helps you set up and organize your stream (I was just using in browser), so their world was completely different from the one that I was experiencing. I worried about DigiDuncan. I was forced out, and I don’t know if they were left to experience the End alone. 
[Ninth Screenshot] At 12:10pm PST, All mixer URLs began returning this error message. The End was no longer a void, but a brilliant blinding white light. But as quickly as it came, it vanished. 
[Tenth Screenshot] I returned to the Mixer homepage at 12:11pm PST to find it completely empty, but still stylized with the Mixer logo and signature blue backgrounds. The booming voice of the error message notifies me that something has gone wrong as the homes filled with memories I had been visiting vanish around me, leaving endless winding pavement streets and empty grass lots in their wake. What was once a bustling community was now nothing at all. Any presence of the people who once lived here, their culture, their love and their stories, had simply evaporated into the sunrise. With no other words or pictures to advertise streams, everything is quiet. It is peaceful. It is the End.
[Eleventh Screenshot] By 12:16pm PST, all Mixer URLs displayed a graphic of a blue robot with hearts for eyes. This continues to be the case at the time of posting. With no users and no staff, Mixer itself is Alone, yet serene. In this graphic, at the End of all things, Mixer sighs a final “thank you” to the diaspora.
Goodnight Mixer. So long and thanks for all the fun :)
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orbemnews · 4 years
Still Looking for a New Gaming Console? Here’s Why One Saturday in mid-December, Chris Vernon was driving as fast as he could to a GameStop in Memphis. He had spent weeks combing the internet for new PlayStation 5 consoles, and had just heard about a new shipment’s arrival at a store nearby. It was the only present his 10-year-old son, William, wanted for Christmas. The problem was, lots of other children around the country were asking for new video game consoles, too. Mr. Vernon, a local sports radio host and podcaster for “The Ringer,” arrived too late. He waited in line for four hours before being told that the store had run out. He returned home, “crestfallen,” to tell William the bad news. Since their highly anticipated release in November, the new generations of consoles — Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Sony’s PS5 — have been in short supply. Gamers have flooded online stores in the hundreds of thousands, crashed websites, lined up outside stores and shaken their fists in frustration when scalpers snagged devices, then resold them for double the price. “It’s completely chaotic,” said Rupantar Guha, an analyst at GlobalData, an analytics company in Britain. Microsoft and Sony would not give sales totals for the devices, which arrived on the market during a pandemic-fueled surge in gaming. But David Gibson, the chief investment officer at Astris Advisory, a financial advisory firm in Tokyo, estimated that Sony had sold at least six million PS5s through the end of 2020 and that Microsoft had sold three million of the Xbox Series X and the smaller Series S. “In a lot of ways, they don’t want to satisfy demand initially. They want to have an ongoing gap between supply and demand,” Mr. Gibson said. “They want to have buzz and excitement around it for a longer period of time.” Scarcity is typical for new consoles, but the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated it by closing factories in China early last year. Then the demand for laptops and other electronics for remote work led to a shortage of chips and other computer parts. Malfunctioning chips played a role in the supply problems as well. Sony declined to comment, instead referring to a November post on Twitter in which the company mentioned the high demand. Microsoft said in a statement that it saw huge demand, too, and was “working tirelessly with our manufacturing and retail partners to replenish Xbox hardware as quickly as possible.” Mike Spencer, Microsoft’s head of investor relations, said in an interview this week that the company had topped $5 billion in gaming revenue in a quarter for the first time. Microsoft sold every Xbox unit it had last quarter, he said, adding that supply is likely to be constrained at least through June. U.S. consumers spent $7.7 billion on video games in December, according to the NPD Group, up 25 percent from a year earlier. Hardware sales accounted for $1.35 billion, the most for a December since 2013, the last time new-generation consoles were released. (Nintendo’s Switch, which first went on sale in 2017, outsold both the PlayStation and Xbox last month.) When Mr. Vernon, 42, recounted his console-hunting tale on his radio show, a listener with an extra PlayStation reached out to him. Mr. Vernon drove to the man’s house, bought the console and surprised William with it days later. “It was the hardest gift for anyone that I’ve ever tried to buy,” Mr. Vernon told The New York Times. “It ended up all being worth it for that moment.” One of the most vexing issues are the scalpers. Some are using so-called purchase bots — also known as “Grinch bots” — to snap up online offers faster than humans can. “None of these devices are reaching their customers,” Mr. Guha said. “They are just going missing somewhere in between.” Online scalper groups are claiming credit for buying thousands of consoles, though their numbers may be exaggerated. Walmart said in a blog post in December that it had blocked more than 20 million bot attempts to buy PS5s in one 30-minute stretch in November. Resellers list consoles on places like eBay and Facebook Marketplace for up to $1,000, double the retail price. Mr. Guha said he had seen a PS5 advertised for $5,000. Crep Chief Notify, a British reseller company that scalpers use, said it had more than 5,000 customers. The group charges $40 a month for a suite of tools, advice on how to resell items and access to a server on Discord, a messaging app. Max Heywood, a 19-year-old British student who is one of the company directors, said Crep Chief Notify did not use purchase bots but supplied software that monitors online stores and notifies users when new items are in stock. Bradley Gee, another Crep Chief director, pushed back against criticism that the company helps people resell the consoles at higher prices. “To be totally honest, it’s basic supply and demand,” Mr. Gee, 21, said. “There’s millions of consoles available. If you didn’t get one, it is unfortunate.” He added: “We just help members secure them. They can then do what they wish with the console.” To beat out scalpers, buyers are following Twitter accounts that announce when stores like Target, Walmart and Best Buy get new shipments. And a group of college students has seen huge interest in a free browser extension they created to notify people when digital stores restock. More than 100,000 people have installed OctoShop, a Google Chrome extension made by five students from schools in Texas and Pennsylvania. Rithwik Pattikonda, a computer science major at the University of Texas, said the idea for a shopping aide had come about during the toilet paper shortage at the beginning of the pandemic. It morphed into a tool for outsmarting scalpers chasing consoles. “The goal is to give the power to regular people,” Mr. Pattikonda, 20, said. He added that several thousand people have said OctoShop has helped them obtain a console. For many, though, the search has remained fruitless. Shannon-Leigh Bull of Warwickshire, England, has been trying to surprise her boyfriend with a new PlayStation since November. “Sometimes, you’re waiting more than an hour and you finally get through and it’s out of stock,” Ms. Bull, 22, said. “It’s like having your dreams crushed, because you thought and hoped you’d actually get one.” “I feel like giving up, and that I’m never going to get it.” Karen Weise contributed reporting. Source link Orbem News #Console #Gaming #Heres
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tomwolfgangascott · 5 years
Russian Internet Efforts Go Further Than Just Helping President Trump Being Elected
This post originally appeared on RUSI.org on 10 May 2019
The findings of Robert Mueller’s report demonstrate the sophistication of Russia’s information operations. Yet the 2016 US election may have been a proof of concept for future efforts.
Most of the investigations into Russian interference in the US electoral campaign and the alleged collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential electoral campaign and Russian elements are now over; the debate will continue to rage in the US media, and questions will endure about how Special Counsel Robert Mueller discharged his duties. Still, the report is out, and most of the opinions now expressed are largely along well-established partisan lines. Yet a less-discussed but nevertheless critical aspect of this episode is what it reveals about the broader details of Russia’s disinformation campaigns on social media. The Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is accused of running a ‘Troll Farm’, generated most of the hostile activity related to the US elections. It had two goals in the run up to the 2016 American ballots: a broader goal of ‘sowing discord in the in the U.S. politicalsystem’, and more narrowly to successfully elect Donald Trump as president, through a wider series of operations known as ‘Project Lakhta’.
Russia has long felt the West has been using the internet to influence Russia’s youth and, in Moscow’s view, the West simply got a taste of its own medicine. This operation was almost certainly seen in Moscow as defensive, notwithstanding its offensive character, being implemented to expose the hypocrisy Russia saw in Western societies and their discourse about democracy.
And the operation was long in the planning. In 2014 the Russian IRA consolidated its US ‘specialists’ into its ‘Translator’ department and started creating fictious personas on social media networks; these would be imaginary individuals sharing profile images created in-house at the Russian IRA.
The fictious individuals, in turn, produced written posts about political topics, and images designed to go viral within their political demographic target area; Russians had used a similar strategy that same year during their war which led to the seizure of Crimea from Ukraine.
Though total numbers of such imaginary actors are hard to gauge, a 2018 US Senate reportindicates that the Russian IRA had managed to reach extensive audiences, as ‘posts on Instagram received 187 million engagements and that Russian IRA posts on Facebook received almost 77 million engagements’.
Mueller’s report pushes these estimates higher; up to 126 million users on Facebook engaged with or actively helped spread Russian propaganda, including Donald Trump, who on 19 September 2017 tweeted from his personal account to a Russian propaganda account, @10_gop. The Russians had tweeted him ‘We love you, Mr. President!’ He replied: ‘I love you- and there is no question - TOGETHER , WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!’.
Of course, Mueller does not suggest that President Trump knew this was a Russian propaganda account when he replied to it.
Either way, these fictitious personas would start a pattern of interactions with American citizens, reaching out to and contacting them personally. Once they started to build a relationship they would inform US citizens of rallies they were planning to hold. These were deliberate ruses, similar to ‘spearfishing’ attacks, which are more typically reserved for hacking. They required specialist researching and tracking of individuals before making contact. The purpose was to mobilise people for various rallies and other activities, and the ruses often succeeded in attracting hundreds of participants.
In the past the Russian IRA has set up ‘help hotlines’ for people ‘struggling with sexual behavior’ in order to use the information provided to them as blackmail. They have had some success with such traps.
In 2015, Moscow’s scope widened; apart from creating fake accounts for individuals, Russia started creating ‘grassroots’ organisations. Their goal, broadly, was to sow discord. This applied to both the far left and far right of the US political spectrum. A series of ‘hard left’ groups, mostly centered on race relations in the US with various names such as ‘Blacktivist’, ‘Black Matters’ and ‘Don’t Shoot Us’ were promoted; so were pro-Muslim groups, such as ‘United Muslims of America’.
New Knowledge, a think tank, noted in its 2018 report that ‘some of the most sophisticated IRA efforts on Facebook and Instagram specifically targeted Black American communities’ and that the Russian IRA was able to create a sprawling mass that mixed fake and real news, to create a believable but false news system designed to exploit organic protest movements.
These groups could draw from one another; if a Russian propaganda promoting left-wing issues posted something controversial, it could be reposted to a far-right group as evidence of Black or Muslim radicalisation.
The process could be infinitely repeated, with both political sides feeding off of one another. As well as simply posting reactionary content, the Russians also generated ‘counter protests’ to protests they had set up, another example of their infinite flexibility and flair to read local situations.
It is likely that many of these activities were designed to show ‘proof of concept’, to justify to the political leadership of the Russian IRA that the entire effort was worthwhile, and that it was producing the expected results.
And the costs, for the advertising at least, were very low. The various Russian-sponsored groups took out approximately 3,500 adverts on Facebook and spent just over $100,000doing so, a small amount compared to the large media ‘footprint’.
The high rate of content production obscures the fact that much of it appears to be low quality; many of the images were hastily put together and the copy is sometimes sloppy. But to a large extent this did not matter as the content was amplified by a Russian-created ‘bot network’.
Unlike the specialists, which are real agents of the Russian IRA, the purpose of a bot network is not to create new content or contact American citizens. Rather, it is designed to ‘repost’ or share content with a wider audience. Such networks are often easier to detect and can be removed by social media companies, but they are cheaper to maintain.
Overall, the total cost of the operation would have been relatively high and must have enjoyed support from the top of the political leadership in Moscow. For, while the advertising spend of $100,000 may seem low (for context Marvel spent £153.5 million on adverts recently to promote its latest film), the overall cost of the Russian operation is likely to have been much higher, although still trifling if compared with the outcome.
And there is no question that this was an operation to which Moscow devoted a great deal of attention. Russian agents, engaging in online accounts, coming into the office every day, creating fictitious personas, going online to engage in local issues in US politics, over years, to create an entirely plausible narrative. It requires an ability to be both responsive to local American politics and creative in how it is spun to fit a narrative.
No space online is immune from such operations. Even ‘architecture Twitter’, where architects on Twitter discuss buildings they enjoy has become a meta political discussion on both sides; classical buildings, it seems, are linked with ideas of white cultural hegemony, and brutalist architecture with, allegedly, the failings of immigration. Alt-right commentators, such as Lauren Southern, make links between cultural and architectural traditions and anti-immigration, which they see as disrupting cultural hegemony. The Russian IRA can use any online space, in any discussion, and slowly pivot towards political ideas and make links to ‘far right identity politics’.
To a large extent, therefore, a Russia-led operation to disrupt the US elections would have happened, even if Trump had not won the Republican nomination. The US would have likely seen a different, but equal in size and scope, disinformation campaign. There was extensive Russian interest in information warfare since before Trump, and there will only be more of an appetite for it in 2020.
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kalpeshnitore · 4 years
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FlyQuest 2-3 Team SoloMid
Congratulations to TSM! They have secured themselves NA's first seed at the 2020 World Championships! FlyQuest is locked as NA's second seed.
Player of the Series: Bjergsen
FLY | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit TSM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
Winner: Team SoloMid in 34m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee twisted fate hecarim leona 52.7k 4 1 H4 TSM thresh Lillia shen leblanc syndra 68.7k 20 11 C1 H2 M3 I5 I6 B7 E8 B9
FLY 4-20-9 vs 20-5-50 TSM Solo ornn 2 0-5-2 TOP 6-3-12 3 camille Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 2-4-2 JNG 2-0-11 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil viktor 3 1-4-2 MID 8-0-10 2 zilean Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 1-4-2 BOT 4-1-9 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar lux 3 0-3-1 SUP 0-01-8 4 karma Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 41m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean camille volibear 67.3k 7 1 M1 H2 H4 I5 I6 I10 TSM thresh Lillia shen orianna syndra 85.9k 20 10 O3 B7 I8 B9 E11
FLY 7-20-19 vs 20-7-48 TSM Solo ornn 2 1-7-5 TOP 6-1-5 3 jax Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 1-4-4 JNG 3-3-12 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 3 2-2-2 MID 2-1-10 2 twisted fate Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 3-4-3 BOT 8-1-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 0-3-5 SUP 1-1-16 4 bard Biofrost
Winner: FlyQuest in 42m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh shen Lillia rakan mordekaiser 73.1k 12 6 H2 I3 C6 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean jax lucian 74.8k 14 7 M1 H4 C5 C7 B8 C9
TSM 12-14-31 vs 14-12-33 FLY Broken Blade jayce 3 3-3-5 TOP 1-4-4 3 gangplank Solo Spica sett 1 3-3-7 JNG 3-3-8 1 hecarim Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 2-1-8 MID 2-2-9 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift ashe 2 1-6-4 BOT 6-1-6 1 senna WildTurtle Biofrost bard 3 3-1-7 SUP 2-2-6 4 nautilus IgNar
Winner: FlyQuest in 35m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean evelynn bard 69.0k 19 10 M1 O3 I4 I6 B8 I10 B11 TSM thresh Lillia shen gangplank mordekaiser 60.1k 8 2 H2 H5 I7 I9
FLY 19-8-40 vs 8-19-20 TSM Solo ornn 3 6-1-7 TOP 1-2-6 3 jayce Broken Blade Santorin volibear 2 3-2-10 JNG 2-5-4 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 2 1-3-11 MID 4-1-0 2 syndra Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 6-1-7 BOT 1-5-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 3-1-5 SUP 0-6-5 4 morgana Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 33m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh lillia shen pantheon mordekaiser 66.5k 18 11 H2 C4 H5 C6 B8 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean bard tahmkench 56.2k 11 1 O1 I3 C7
TSM 18-11-42 vs 11-18-25 FLY Broken Blade camille 3 4-2-5 TOP 6-6-0 4 gangplank Solo Spica graves 2 3-1-6 JNG 2-2-5 1 sett Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 5-0-11 MID 2-3-4 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift senna 1 6-5-8 BOT 1-3-8 1 ashe WildTurtle Biofrost rakan 3 0-3-12 SUP 0-4-4 3 leona IgNar
*Spoiler-Free Schedule;
**Patch 10.16 Notes: Yone Disabled — LCS Summer Playoffs.
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by /u/TheRogueCookie to r/leagueoflegends [link] [comments] https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/
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scottmapess · 4 years
With #bitcoin recovering slightly from the recent dump, could another pump be on the cards taking it above that $12,000 level we faced resistance at previously! Let’s take a look at some #btc analysis.
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Take everything I say as pure entertainment value only. Do not take any financial advice from me at all. I am not a financial advisor, I am only documenting my crypto journey for others to watch. With every investment platform, altcoin or program there are a lot of risks. Know what you’re getting into and do your own research first!
Please understand that leverage trading is very risky and around 70% of people who leverage trade over a period of time may lose money. Keep this in mind and aim to learn the right techniques and trading style before jumping in blind.
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source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-to-all-bitcoin-bears-anther-breakout-is-coming-ethereum-pumping-like-crazy-to-500/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/08/warning-to-all-bitcoin-bears-anther.html
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isearchgoood · 4 years
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin DOUBLE Trap Analysis?! April 2020 Price Prediction & News Analysis
It’s a trap. My son, my son and my son. Let me let me get me to my son. Welcome back to Crown Crypt, OK? That’s. We’ll get started for the Saturday morning over here from a actually a very bright and sunny Helsinki, Finland. It’s almost six degrees Celsius here. So for those of you who speak Fahrenheit where just above freezing, which is good and I didn’t get some sun of which I will not be getting any myself because I’m gonna be on Twitter all day after this as I have as I plan to. To carry on the tradition that we’ve been doing for the last like three, four weeks now. So if you want to hang on our side, if you want to hang out a little bit later, I’ll be on probably right after this. Right after I post a stream. Also, I apologize for the very dark hue on this video right now. I don’t know what’s going on, but OBSS has been darkening, whatever the output is, more and more over the last like month or so. I have no idea why this is happening. It’s rather annoying. I wish it was like true to color because it’s obviously a few shades, more than a few shades lighter than what you’re seeing right now. But of course, me being a visual person, I like to harp on those sorts things. Maybe you care, maybe you don’t care. But hopefully everything is visible here. And if anyone you happen to know a quick fix for this. If this is a known issue, because for whatever reasons happened on this computer. But on my other one, which is rather strange anyways, I would appreciate some help with that. If you do happen to know, if not all good you can do is deal with it as it stands right now and I’ll figure it figured out over time. Also, what else do I want to say? Yeah. With the discord. I figure I should make another announcement about it. But the disco community, if you haven’t already found out, or if you just kind of came back and haven’t watched any TV is from the last few days or this past week, you probably noticed a bunch changes with discord. What’s happened is we require now a verification by this verification bot, which essentially promptly with a message the first time that you log into the server. So that means if you are already a part of the server before this past week, then you will actually need to leave the server and rejoin the server if you want to have those those that that access restored back to the general community. It’s very simple to do. It’s a little bit annoying, little bit of an inconvenience, but it does make for a better community. And I’m actually really enjoying kind of the more intimate feel right now as it’s actually helped a little bit lessen the load on my inbox, which means that I get to hang out more in the community, which is what I enjoy most. Not fucking answering the same goten question in DMD all fucking day anyways. On top of that, what I should say all GICs side is if you are in the program, if you have if you have the team program, the options program or even the jewel, you don’t need to do any of that. You already have access and and you won’t need to make any change with that. Please not leave unless you actually want to leave. Of course, you know, we’re not here to handcuff you, but it’ll just create more work for both yourself and myself. And we don’t even do that. But if you own part of the general community, yes, you will be prompted with that private message. If you do leave the server and then come back to the server again, there is a an invite lincoln. description of the video or on Crown dot net, whichever one you want to take. And and then and then just follow the rules in that private message or site. Not the rules, but the directions and that private message to basically verify yourself with like a quick capture, some like that and and then all get. So other than that what else do I want to say. Crouching application front of a very face. Found it aptc crown attorney dot net. It’s free. And now our developer is actually he’s recovering. He’s going to be released from quarantine, I believe, either tonight or tomorrow. He actually even joined in on the twitch stream last night. It seemed to be really good spirits and really looking forward to the next update for this, which is what’s gonna bring out the open interest trout, which couldn’t come fucking sooner. It’s so funny how the delay happened right at like the most critical moment because this would have been perfect to actually show the interplay between open interest price action volume and volatility, of which we’ll just have to wait a little bit longer. But it should be relatively soon right after he gets ready if he gets well and his wife’s already covered. So that’s really good as well and we’re very much happy for that. Now, it’s it’s because he’s creating amazing things for us for free, but or for the community for free. But but also, while that’s a person I like. So fair enough. Anyways, anyways, looking at this right here, we do see that open interest is more or less steady from yesterday to today. We haven’t seen any major breaks the upside or to the downside, which still lets us know that the big break out of this formation has yet to come. Meaning that in open iron, an open mind is the right is the right call in this as we are still a part of some greater hole formation. And that’s what I’m gonna be doing today. A little bit different because mostly the analysis from message to today’s can be very similar. However, I’m just gonna redo my charts here from fresh scratch and see if we see anything different, anything new and to go on from there. So there’s gonna be a little bit of a shorter video. I do think and and I but I do want to keep that in the back of my mind. The open interest still kind of still kind of within range, suggesting that we are still a part of some greater formation here. And that’s further going to be verified by metrics anyways. Looking at all the other all the other top dashboard metrics. More or less steady. We really haven’t seen too much change in these for like the last couple weeks, actually. Fear and Greed Index was awesome in between like a 10 reading. 20 Reed We are right at Rio right now to an 18, I still think that this is the one thing that makes me reconsider my inherent bearishness on this, as that would be a damn good indication that we are kind of climbing the wall worry as bitcoin is to next off the lows and the market’s incredibly fearful still. But does that supersede price action? Fuck no, it does not. So let’s go to Price Action Mountain over here and start off with actually the four hour. Now, do you want to start off with this right here? Just very simple. Bitcoin could have a chance to undo unfuck the death cross and go back in the Golden Cross land on the 4 hour, which I do believe would at the very least give us a test back up to about 70, 350, 70, 400 ish region. And that’s where things get interesting once again from the higher term time frames. Do I think that they weren’t going to break above that, you know, right now? No, actually, I don’t think so. Again, I I actually do still lean a little bit more to the downside on this. I think that this is I think that this ends up being a trap, but my opinion is not relevant. You should not give a fuck about my opinion, my opinions wrong all the time. He thought wrong yesterday when I was when I was our side two days ago when I was bearish. And we had this nice little pump up over here. Now, for full disclosure, I’m not short right now. I’m completely covered and I’m just waiting for the next piece of edge. But but at the end of day, I do not trade my opinion on trade. Technical analysis and technical nous right now is shaping up for a little bit more of a test. The upside here as the Golden Cross is being hinted at and will inevitably happen. The longer that big remains, both 69 50 pivot and and if and if we do initiate that, I will at the very least look for a test back up here to the top side of this prior range, which could now plot in with a nice little Bluebox territory. Got a 73, 50 to 70, 300 ish regions where I have it now and we’ll put a nice little blue box in there is going to look Apsley massive for our. But realistically, this is only $50 range. So so we can actually even while we’re on here in the lower term timeframes, take this one step further and put a nice horizontal lot, a current resistance, which seems to be holding holding Bitcoin back for the time being. In fact, we can actually mark this off as a little bit of a liquid zone as the Wix and bodies do seem to match up pretty damn well and just shove it in right there. And if you trading the very, very, very, very low time frames, which I think is absolute death and destruction on especially on a fucking weekend, for God’s sakes, that’s what I’ll be using, although I would certainly not use that at all because I do not trade on the weekends and I don’t care to trade on the weekends. Doesn’t mean that you can’t have great trade opportunities on the weekends. But I’ve found that over time my edge as a technical and technical analyst, my edge is seems to be stronger during the weeks trading period. Whenever you know, as long as the are kind of trading alongside anyways to the downside, a little bit more easy as that 200x mentioned average on the four hours still offers up the lovely, the lovely trampy trap behavior. So if we do want to reference the sort of opening statement of this video of which the opening statements are usually just for fun and whatnot, but there is a pretty important one right here. If Bitcoin does break back down below the chin ADX Benjamin average. This will be a this will be a trap and this will get in this. This is very much under question right now. And again, this is very low time frame stuff right here. But this is very much on a question right now because this is a weekend and I am very skeptical of any sort of moves that I do see on a weekend as this. As it stands right now, we are still still in a downturn on the 4:00 hour. It’s looking like the can have a chance to actually reverse this trend, though, especially if we know especially we take out on a closing basis 31 sites, 31 30, which we’ve gotten pretty damn close to already closed net last. That last local high somewhere right around 50, 100. Even so, it will very likely have a chance. And if it is going to happen, it probably does actually happen today or tomorrow. That being Saturday or Sunday, depending upon your part of the world. And then it will initiate the aggressive sorry, the Golden Cross right over here. And at the very least, a touch back up here to 7:03, Sony to 7/3 50ish region. That’s where the higher term time frames can change around. If I do see a break above Sony, three fifty and a four hour closure above there, especially if it’s like, you know, a higher time frame, like a 12 hour or daily, although plane, the plane a lower term time frames right now, maybe a little bit more relevant than I would look for. Extension actually much higher. Much, much higher. In fact, all the way to the tippy, tippy top from this last little auto block area right here from the higher time frame perspective, in a range between about seventy seven fifty and seventy nine 50ish region could be collapse and make it a little bit shallower. So it’s a little bit less, less massive actually. Yes we can. Because what I’d actually like to do is if we really do get that leap up, it’s really this liquid zone right here that I think is actually more more important because that’s where your distribution is gonna come from, most likely if it does turn into distribution anyways. So I would be looking at that as a range between about. Yeah. Seventy nine and 80, 50, so a hundred all range. I think that’s a little bit more reasonable than a $20 range. So see as a big one does calls on new highs, especially on a higher type from like a twelve hour ordeal. I do think that we will very likely work our way up here. But remember, according to the according to our opening metrics like the open interest rate here, we are still seeing what we would expect if Bitcoin was caught in a greater formation on the whole macro scale. Because what I really want to show, which I can’t right now, is an open interest chart, which would have shown you that open interest hit the rock bottom that we’ve seen. And typically the rock bottom for, you know, four major moves down around about 500 million open interest at around March 13th down here in the. Lower 4000 to our region. And ever since then, it’s just been also about a 200 sorry, about 150000 or sorry, 150 million dollar range from here to where we are right now. And when usually we do see the moves, the upside actually open is typically coming down. When we see the moves coming to the downside, we typically see open interest going up, which is actually indicative of redistribution, which I do believe we have a good case for as well. So while I am presenting a little bit more of a bullish case right here, I want to first say at the outset, this is a weekend. I do not trust this. I think that this is like the perfect time for a trap. And and I do think and I do have my reservations that Bitcoin will close above sunny 350 ish region right here. If it does, you know. Fair enough. I’m happy to. My my my opinion obviously proven wrong again. This is why I don’t trade it. But but but I would be looking much higher as we just kind of looked at, you know, another 700 hour move perhaps in the cards, which is very much tradable, especially at a seven thousand or price point, cause that’s a 10 percent move. And that’s fucking amazing home by itself. But as it stands right now, what I would be looking at again is with critical importance on the 200X. Benjamin, have it right here because there’s you know, we’re obviously shopping around right now. Trend technically is still down as it is right now, but very it is going to have a chance to actually reverse itself. It has a damn good. It has damn good setup right here, to be fair. We do see momentum. Positives are floating, but for our stocks technically still upright here, they are getting a little bit more mature. But I do think that that’s going to at least give it a try. We’re pregnant at the very least, get another way to the upside. And then the question is, does it turn into rejection or not? I don’t have any real opinion on that, especially on a weekend. I just have an opinion on what it would look like if we get a wake up and then closed back down below, let’s call it seven thousand especially or or especially 69, 50. That would be a damn good indication that we are gonna be testing the bottom side, our side, the down side of the range. By the same token, if we if we see if we see a closure above Saudi 320 350, an open interest shoots up above 700 million. Again, that would be a damn good indication that this is that this is getting ready to have a little bit of boola enjoyment to the upside. Anyway, it’s three hours soap’s headed down right now and we do see that there quite literally nosediving. So I think that that’s a little bit more on the bear side to our stocks are up right now hourly are going to be floundering around, most likely an up. So the the general consensus among the lower term time frames that it actually is up right now. So I do think that at the very least, we’re gonna to get a test up here. And this is flagging down. This is constructive. This was a weekday. I’d say that this is bullish as fuck. But because it is a weekend, I’m very skeptical looking at a stock vaulted percentile on our hourly. We are we’re very, very likely to have a move today. You know, very likely to have a move to not just a short term timeframe range, but probably the medium time frame range, which is basically up here towards that twenty three hundred dollar number. And to the downside, that’s not this guy right here at 69 50, that’s actually a little bit lower, probably somewhere down around here, around 60, 70, 50 ish region to sixty seven hundred even is what I’d be looking toward. So I’ll put another blue box in right there. Still kind of the same range that we’ve been looking at yesterday. But this is just this is just looking at liquid zones and order blocks right now. We can now combine this with an analysis of the greater formation. But before we get into that, again, with recalling that the open interest has been essentially suggesting that we’ve been in one major massive formation this whole way from March 13 to where we are right now. That’s further confirmed by the volume signature, which, as you can see, has been that nice tailing off from left hand, right hand side as. As that does suggest that we aren’t when massive consolidation, some like this with a resolution point or an apex coming in early May. So that means we’re very likely to get a resolution probably within the next probably within the next week. And I do think less than that. I think I said earlier this week, probably around somewhere, somewhere between this the middle of this current week, that we just kind of finish here and then also like the Monday, Tuesday of this coming week. And I do still think that that actually does kind of align with that, say about, you know, 75 percent fall. We’ll still call it about April 21st. It looks like that’s three days away. So I’d be Monday, Tuesday ish region, depending upon which which part of the wall that you’re in. So, you know, this this read right here now tells us that it’s very likely that we should be looking at this as one massive pattern formation. Now, does anything fit in the way that we’ve been looking at it? Well, I think actually, yes, although we’ll need to go to not beat Mexico because there’s you know, we have an outlier price action right here. Or do we? Well, let’s actually let’s actually order the daily first. And let me let me let me chart this off. First and foremost. So for USAn, again, you know, tailing off from left hand, right hand side, also tailing off on the stock, 42 percent on a daily, which suggest that we’re going to spend a lot more time in this stuff in this region, actually. But the 12 hour, which should get a pretty damn good move is getting well. Now, as is kind of kind of in that same trajectory, actually, let’s see when we’re the apex come in around middle of May rather than early May and probably has a resolution here. Twenty fifth to twenty seventh of April is usually when they become extremely likely to break. So still within the range of next week. So both you know, both metrics suggesting somewhere in, you know, in the range of like early next week. Till late next week. This is why I’d like to see the open interest, because I’m sure that we’d be able to kind of like cut it to the middle there as well as we’re using, you know, vault volumes can be a little more direct volatility can be more of a derivative, but both very much, very much important. And now it’s actually look for a potential pattern going on right here. So let’s see if we are if we are going to be on a bit Mexico, how this operate. Well, we do see some like this. The problem is, is that while you can kind of plot this out right here, which would suggest that, you know, we’re probably in some sort of like major, massive rising channel, which is a redistribution formation. It’s not going to look the same on the other majors. And I do think that it’s important to get consensus on this market. Saarland Right. So I should’ve gone to a daily. OK. Apologies hold. I need to redo this. That was that was not proper. This one now just looks all kinds of weird, all kinds of wonkiness. Perhaps even this area works a little bit better. Of which maybe we just tested already. But again, this this is kind of the odd man out. This is the alpha. This is why we really have to look at all different ones. Now, we already know G. DAX kind of plotted out from yesterday. We do see some sort of a rising wedge going on right here. Vimes Signature does fit on it. And we actually would have technically already broken it. But we’ve read what? But we’ve re-approach the broken support and now testing as resistance once, twice, maybe been working on a third time, which, by the way, would be coming in right here at our next topside blue box on the top side of this current formation at about 70, 300 ish region in this in this range between 73, 73 and 7:03 50ish region. So it would just be considered a retest of that. Now, do you have a competing one going on right here? I think that that’s actually also relevant to we’ll talk about that, but that’s only relevant to the lower term timeframes. But I wanted to pull up a fresh chart if I can. Let’s see and see if we can recreate this in a more obvious way. Well, actually, yeah, we do have one here. However, could we chart it equally the same as something like this? I think so, yes. Which would still say that we’re within the context of the greater rising channel. And I do trust channels a lot more than wedges, of which the one that we’re looking at probably was a wedge. So what you know, what’s the right answer here? Technically, both. Actually, technically both, because they do fit. And it would suggest that we’re slowly but surely kind of tipping this one over as long as we are below that last broken trend line, which I had charted more like a wedge formation like this and that we’re just kind of retesting right now, as you can kind of see, it’s kind of like hard to fit it right now, which is not a good sign. So maybe it’s not the one to be doing. But I think the channel fits a lot more obviously, and does fit the narrative of the descending volume and does fit the narrative of the descending historic vaulted percentile and does fit the narrative of what you would see on the open interest if we could actually try to back out because it was down around about 500 million right here, popped up to about 700 million PSI. But you know, also to between about five million, 7.2 million on all these moves, downside moves, which seem to be accumulating open interest and upside moves seem to be lessening open interest. And we did see the same thing yesterday as well when bitcoin did or started two days ago or a day and a half ago, I guess now where Bitcoin did move its way to the upside. Let me just make sure that recording I am according to my phone’s working. That’s great. Fuck. Can you hold a thought? Maybe crown you fucking moron. But but my point is, is that, you know, on that last move, the upside, we did see openings just go from I think a little bit above 700 million. I think 710 million down to where we are right now, 650 million. So that’s suggesting that shortz’ closing is running the price actually the upside. So it’s it’s still shorts and control as far as I’m concerned. And with the overall great information still in a redistribution pattern, I am skeptical on this price action, as I have been saying. So. So, you know, on this on this fresh chart right here, I think it’s I think it’s just more easily seen that we are going from level to level on a daily something like this to the upside, something like this to the downside. And until we break one of these, there’s not really like a another medium or even long term trend to really be made as there’s no real resolution below sixty six hundred. Yes, we do have resolution. And I would be looking for a move back down to at the very least fifty eight fifty nine hundred and that’s you know that’s almost a thousand or move at a six thousand dollar price point. I mean that’s what more it’s certainly more than a 10 percent move and almost a fifteen percent move. Pretty damn good. Again these are I just want to show that the edges on these trades are worth waiting for. To the upside, as I said as well above this region right here. I do, you know. You know, we could even stay within the context of this rising channel gun for the two accidentally damage up here. And that’s 79, 30. Remember, that’s pretty much it within the confines of this blue box. So we have the upside right here. And I’d still be kind of testing the topside resistance on this baby right here. So I just want to show that, you know, longer term, I am skeptical on Bitcoin, like actually just fucking greengold on its way to the to the moon from this region, even with the having all that good stuff in order, you know, could that come into play? Yeah, absolutely. But I think that there’s just more tangible things on the board right now that I as a trader would trust in more than me, you know, events that everyone’s fucking known about since the eternity since the dawn of eternity. So because, you know, the general kin’s are the general knowledge is that. If it’s public information and you’ve already known about it and you’ve been making decisions based upon it, then it’s very much reasonable to think or you have to defensively think if you’re like a money manager managing big funds that other people are doing the same thing. It’s fucking free information. So it’s probably probably priced in, especially with regards to the fact that we have features now too, which is essentially what allows those miners to kind of make decisions well, quite late in the future. So they get to make decisions, you know, for like last year calling with this year’s knowing that they that they’re gonna have the having, you know, relatively within, you know, some somewhere within that day. Anyways, I’m getting way off topic right now. Jesus Christ, man. Let’s go see what is closed at us. Seems close. A little bit more of a more as a rejection, a little bit more TOPY ish to me, 1725. So keep that in mind, because going in to Sunday, I do believe that we’re prall going to be held around this region. Now that again, that doesn’t really give us any real buys on this price action as the way that I look at this right here is that I’m not. While we do have the death crossing, while the death cross moving averages are getting much divergence, waking each other. I don’t play this bearish as longs for as long as are above the 21 expansion on average, which right now we obviously are. And that will not be taken out to the downside as long as we are above about sixty nine eighty five, which is essentially where the twin index mentioned average will be on spot. And I think that this is a easier look on price action as well, because if we do take out the low side of this, it’s going to look like a D-O-G total plus plus fall due to the downside plus below a major moving average. And I’d imagine that going to see much more cities turn back down around with it. We do see yeah. We’re gonna see Stokes carry on to the downside daily. RSI probably do the same thing as well. Still looks overall bearish to me, so I would say that I’d be a damn good insight, but that means that at least for myself, I’ll have to wait until Sunday at some are 8 p.m. Eastern time or so. It’s actually Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour, Central Standard Time. In order for these babies to open back up and potentially give me a source of edge for this. So again, putting all the puzzle piece together and going back to spot price action right here. Let me actually go back to our Bit Mexican chart. Well, let’s actually go look at the let’s let’s let’s let’s actually look at the measure move of this as a rising channel. If this is going to operate is right, that channel will actually go back to a fresh chart here. I’m just curious. Again, this videos can be a little bit in the short aside. I think overall this one going to show potentially a break. You know, if we were to break down, if we were to break down a measure, move all the way down to the. It’s hard to know because, you know, you don’t, you know, really take it until we actually break down. But proverbially speaking, is assuming that it would come maybe like early next week if it does come to the downside outlook for a move down to about 50 500 ish region of fifty six hundred. That does make sense with the 200X Benjamin average and turn it simple moving average or so and more so the churn, it’s simple actually at this point is a unit expansion we have is getting way up there. Turn it simple as all the way down around actually 56 it looks like right now. So it’s got a little bit of work to do. What’s up, Alex? Good to meet you, man. And welcome to the cave. And also, I wanted to see how Samis closed the weekly. The other weekly on SGMD looks a lot more like a hang mandella right there as well, which is more inherently bearish if you are just going off of dildo formations, which I actually don’t trust that much in bitcoin land. Weekly stuff is going to certainly be sorry. Are they going to suddenly be down? Let’s go look at this. The reverse stock indicator says they will cross. They will cross the upside if we do close anywhere above 60, 350. So they should close. They should cross up next week. By the same token, we do have a rejection on the weekly RSI. And I do think that that’s probably going to be held there. So, you know, is this going to be a one off to the upside here? I think probably, yeah. Looking at the reverse RSI EMC cross yet just shows 73 50. So that areas can be a big area going forward here as long as are below there. I am not bullish for the medium or long term. It’s only short term ranges. And that’s something I can say with well, at least for myself, for my trading behaviors with, you know, ads like kind of like an anchor of my trading behaviors right now. And of course, major moving averages on the weekly as well are in a much in a very bearish posturing. You know, even if we do pop back up and test around seventy eight to seventy nine hundred ish region, as we’re kind of showing earlier, I would look at that area as another area of massive fuckery as well. So patients here is gonna be a little bit of a virtue as it as we can. Trading is rather annoying to deal with. Typically speaking, at least for myself, you know me, I’m sure some people out there love it and you know more power to you. I hope that you’re making as much money as fucking possible. And I sincerely mean that. I really sincerely mean that because well, why the fuck not, man? Go do good. It’s like I fucking hate it when people say like money is bad. No. If you if you’re going to be good with money, then it’s just going to accentuate your goodness. That’s all. Just do some good things with it. Jesus Christ. Is that such a hard concept to understand? But for fuck’s sake, man, for fuck’s sake. It’s like an amplifier. You know, it’s it’s it’s it’s like it’s like it’s like beer. It’s like it’s like getting drunk. You know, if you’re an asshole, when you get drunk, you turn into a bigger asshole. If you’re that nice guy and or just even doesn’t even need to be a nice guy, but a good guy. And he gets drunk. He’s just, you know, happy and given hugs people. Rogers does that even more. You know, it’s just like that amount. It’s an amplifier as far as I’m concerned. OK. Another stupid rant that I’m getting off of. I’m getting off a chart on here. Sorry about that. I apologize. You don’t want to hear about that. You wanna hear more about price action. And I think now is a good time to go check in on traditional markets. We spoke about this yesterday. That tradition marks where the best case for bitcoin kind of going to the upside here. And let’s see, they closed yesterday. Now, we did come down. We spoke about this during the twitch stream yesterday, that we are likely to come down actually exactly to this level. Eighty seven thirty ish region did bounce from there. And I do think that we are going to open up next week, probably retest in the high. But is the momentum waning on this on this right now? I think so, yes. I think I think that we actually are going be putting in a local top here for the short and medium term and possibly come back down into this region somewhere right around the eighty four is low. Eighty four, as I’d say, maybe, maybe maybe upper eighty threes sometime in next week. So I do think that again to kind of like synthesize those thoughts down, look at us looking especially at Nasdaq futures which I think are running this market, you know, and again, just going from level to level. This is just beautiful right here. Fucking beautiful. Gotta love it, man. Gotta fucking love it. The simplicity of this. Sometimes we did say that we were likely to hit around eighty nine hundred. We got up to eighty nine fifty. That’s fine. And then I said likely a short term and medium term reversal. I think that’s what we’re gonna get coming into next week, although next week should open up around around yesterday Friday’s high. Looking at many futures probably be about the same thing actually still within the context of this rising wedge. Sounds familiar now, doesn’t it? And also a very precarious place as well, because not only are we in a redistribution pattern, but volume signature is is is confirming that. And we do see that we’re kind of at the prep’s the precipice of a major change in behavior here, too, because the longer that it stays above the 55, the screen moving average, the you know, the more and more likely it will unfuck this death cross. But if the death cross does want to play out, this would be a damn good place to reverse from. And if we do break down below, I mean, even just even us, Friday’s low would probably do it for me. Confirming that as reversal, I look for a measured move to be initiated. Somewhere down around here, somewhere down it down back into like the twenty five twenty five to twenty six hundred range which is going to correlate with like 255 to 60 ish region on spot price action. And we’ll come back and reassess after that. By the same token, to the upside, if this thing makes another leg of the upside, we’re gonna see three ton great to see like three or five A310 is going to and everyone’s gonna get very, very happy and very, very bullish. And that would be another good place for, you know, for a massive meltdown. The only thing that really concerns me about tradition marks right now is that everyone, everyone, their mother thinks that they’re good being the genius, thinking like, fuck, I watched that movie called what was it called? The Big Short. And you know what? I know exactly what’s going on. It’s gonna be right now we’re gonna be going to zero this. Things sucked and maybe it is. But you’re not alone in thinking that you’re not the fucking only person thinking that that is the majority of the market right now. So that, you know, that’s the other thing making me think that ad. Do we have another move back, if you like? Three 310 first? Probably, yeah. It’s certainly not other question, but. But, hey, if we take out Friday is low, then yeah, I will look for for for that house of cards crumble it a bit more. But for right now, I’d say caution against the wind. Let’s go check out the other market leaders. Mr. Beautiful. And this is like wine, Mr. β, all actually breaking the long term downtrend, it looks like if you are gonna be using this as a long term downtrend. Some like that. Bitcoin nowhere near actually breaking that same level. We can go back on over here and look at it. In fact, what you know, this level even correlates directly with holy shit that Bluebox of destiny, perhaps perhaps destiny. You are looking at as such. Oh, also that and with the top three reasons. So this baby as well. So strange, right. And I’m sure I’m sure people are going to be like. But Crown. Don’t you know this one right here too? Yes, I know about this one right here, too. It’s all good. I don’t really trust diagonals that much. Yea, I know. At least not not enough to trade, but it is funded to an analysis size on. But you know, going back down to lower timeframes here, I didn’t get to talk about this. This is relevant as well. We do see. To quote my fucking hate for a diagnose, we do actually see that there is something resembling a falling channel here which typically does break out to the upside. If we did make a measured move on this, it is a little bit funny that we would actually see the measure move correlate. Actually nowhere near what the fuck that’s that’s cause is getting the bottom of the of the order block right here. So I’m doing a more aggressive read on this. Looking at the liquid zone, if I were looking at the order block it would say about 70 100, which would be the bottom side of this. It’s all within range that write them. It depends where we break out from, too. So, you know, if you know, if we were to break out from this region right here. It’d be obviously higher anyways. Enough of that. Jesus fucking Christ, man. To me, it’s pretty damn simple for even even like a four hour delay closure about sunny 130. Very, very likely we will toss up this region of the cup on a bux higher. That’s where things actually can change for the macro. But I don’t think. I don’t think that that’s what’s happening to be actually directly clear and deliberately clear maybe. But again, I know my opinions not necessary for that to the downside. A little to the downside. Actually, a lot more easy, but live more diabolical. Any any four hour delay, closure, blow 64 50. And I do believe that this that this will play out as a whole. As you know, as an efficacious death cross, we will very likely come down to this region right here, 6, 7, 50 tests their pride, pride to another anemic bounce. But I do believe that that bounce would be sold into. And then we will likely come down into the mid 5 thousands. So things are kind of shifting around here. And I think it’s also still relevant to talk about this. It’s not going to be so much of a shorter video now, is it, to be so much of a shorter video? Anyways, um, um. Looking at the two day, we can just quickly go through this as well. You know, the two day duel to Death Cross? I do. Again, I do think that day to day till Death Cross is still very much relevant. And I do think that it could still very much play out, as we do see a very similar signature to here to what we seen in the past in both in both instances. Now, the third one kind of formally in front of our very eyes. So this could be a trend if it does play out. But this one about over here, green and purple, fit five and 200. Crossman downside. Slowly but surely, it’s round now below the 21, although it does have the 55 along the way. And that is a that is a hallmark of the last pass crosses. And then boom, massive move. The downside, 50 percent. You already know from 6000 basically to 3000 times before that was running over here in 2014/2015 at this price point. Price action very far away from front from the cross itself, which I think is kind of a it’s kind of similar. What we’re doing right now to Bitcoin gets another test back up to the 55, although after that gets quickly rejected. And once it’s back down below the 21, that’s when the inevitable downside does play out. So what I’m looking at right here is, is same thing as a daily eye. You know, I look at this as overall bearish. As long as you’re below the death cross moving averages, which are where they’re conveniently right at that fucking over $7000 a number, right around seventeen hundred if you wanna get super exact. But. But I don’t play to the downside as long as we are above the 20 1 expense to an average on especially a closing basis. And we will be closing this 2 day doled out now. Not tonight, tomorrow night, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. So it’s gonna be a long day, I suppose. But if we do get another test up to the 55, as we have in the past couple instances, I’d say that that would be pretty, pretty stock standard. And it also would be in line with even the short term ranges as that was really such change things around. So I feel like I’ve missed quite a few things on this video. But again, I feel like this past week’s videos have been more or less on topic for that anyways. And realistically, I’m looking at this price session right here, especially on a weekend when it’s kind of flagging now is probably going to, you know, like likely to be trampy. Just higher higher degree, higher degree of crappiness behavior on a weekend. We can go quickly, check out the probability ranges right over here and can actually look at this a little bit differently as well. If we won’t actually do some ring analysis, which should we can we can do future bars. Yeah. If I do it on. Future buys, it should actually do better with the with the with the slopes of these babies, and right now they’re both squeezing on each other. The downsides are side the upside, the site, the ones to the bottom side, which are squeezing the upside, the slope on. That’s a little bit more a little bit more impressive, a little bit more a little bit more direct. Not too crazy. Maybe it’s just my eyes kind of making that up, Knight. I do think I do things with a bit more study them. So technically speaking, it would be a little bit more angled to the upside. However, what I really want to be looking at is the probabilities of the range that we’re looking at. As of the current moment in time and by the way, current, if I use current, it actually does push down a little bit more I think is going to turn into a little bit of a fake out. So Sunny, 350 is still the relevant air to the upside. I would say seventy six to seven hundred. The downs in a more conservative estimate, more aggressive. Seventy six. Seven fifty. And what do we see? Actually, the range is for both relatively small in comparison limit. Just make sure you do have my settings right. I believe and above target probability. Seventeen and a half percent on today’s Daily Dose closure. So it you know, it certainly is possible. It’s bet it’s better than one standard deviation, however. Say it’s what is within one’s own deviation. It looks like just right there. I think that’s a half one on the grey. So that so so as you put them in perspective, that actually is rather high, 14 and a quarter percent to the downside. Again, still within the realm of possibility. But realistically, we have more that y what’s our inside probability is going to be. Well, the difference between those, which is about 68 and a quarter, that we’re just gonna be Ossana between 60, 70, 350 to the upside and sixty seven 50 to the downside, which I think is most likely here, especially on a weekend. I think that we’re progam to test sides of the ranges on the short term. But do we get an actual break on the short term. Well a break of the week’s trend. In this case would be what would be continuation of the downside, not to the upside as this is still a four hour downtrend. As it stands, can very easily revert itself here, but as it stands, it technically is that way. So I think this 50th priority way too long. Porges for that I thought is give me a shorter video. Apparently not. Do you like how the 4 hour turn and simples gonna start to align with the Bluebox A piece in Destiny? To the downside right here. If we do drone on a little bit longer, that should be happening by tomorrow. I do believe unless things just Apsley shatter before end of day today, which I think is a little bit unlikely. I think that we’re perogative to wait until tomorrow for like, you know, a nice move and then we should resolve the range either. Sorry, and I’m not talking about the short term range. Which guy and this guy, but rather the medium term range. This guy over here, sunny, 350 and 6, 750. The downside, I think that we’re gonna be resolving that early this next week. Very, very likely. Quickly, we can look at like the troll and your bands to see if we can come up with any sort of other biases trolling you. What? Actually actually showing some more inherent bullishness here. I did have a fake up to the downside right here, and that usually isn’t that usually is pretty damn good. And what what, you know, wears the tops out of the trolley bands on a daily S300 fucking obviously will quickly look at the MacDonalds as well and see what that one’s showing. See, what do you what do you got for me today. Could it be. Could it be that we’re just gonna be putting another set of bearish divergence here on them on the histogram. Maybe. But that’s that’s fucking crystal ball bullshit which I need to call my shell self out on on a really. And that also imply that we’re gonna get higher has some price action too. So could we move up here and put another set of devant there. Yeah, could be. So there you go. I’m not really getting too much else off the other than that the the only way that I really get some off this is if is if we come down below the zero, read again and cross the downside which we’re not doing right now and that’s not going to happen. Very unlikely to happen today. In fact, so you know what I’d like to see on the Mac? He is like an obvious signal. I’d like to see like a medium term timeframe range broken. So 6 700 in this region. In this case would be great. Plus that crossing back down below the zero read. That would be damn good for some some inherent downside back down below 6000 into like the mid 5000 probably to the upside, a little bit more difficult. I actually think that the shorter term time from the reps and in that a little bit more accurately, a little bit more easily. Right here. So other than that, really not very much has changed from USA to today. Bitcoin’s flagging now and improving its bullish chances. I think a little bit more, but I’d keep an eye on this because when these when these guys start to kiss, if if there’s gonna be a trap, I’d look for it somewhere right around there. Anyways, that’s gonna do it for right now. I’m not gonna be trading today. I will be on Twitch later, say for a long, long, long, long time. In fact, I’m debating just not eating and just playing all day. So so we can maybe see some moves together. Other than that, I want to wish you well once again. Take care and add until next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-double-trap-analysis-april-2020/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-double-trap-analysis-april-2020-price-prediction-news-analysis
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin DOUBLE Trap Analysis?! April 2020 Price Prediction & News Analysis
It’s a trap. My son, my son and my son. Let me let me get me to my son. Welcome back to Crown Crypt, OK? That’s. We’ll get started for the Saturday morning over here from a actually a very bright and sunny Helsinki, Finland. It’s almost six degrees Celsius here. So for those of you who speak Fahrenheit where just above freezing, which is good and I didn’t get some sun of which I will not be getting any myself because I’m gonna be on Twitter all day after this as I have as I plan to. To carry on the tradition that we’ve been doing for the last like three, four weeks now. So if you want to hang on our side, if you want to hang out a little bit later, I’ll be on probably right after this. Right after I post a stream. Also, I apologize for the very dark hue on this video right now. I don’t know what’s going on, but OBSS has been darkening, whatever the output is, more and more over the last like month or so. I have no idea why this is happening. It’s rather annoying. I wish it was like true to color because it’s obviously a few shades, more than a few shades lighter than what you’re seeing right now. But of course, me being a visual person, I like to harp on those sorts things. Maybe you care, maybe you don’t care. But hopefully everything is visible here. And if anyone you happen to know a quick fix for this. If this is a known issue, because for whatever reasons happened on this computer. But on my other one, which is rather strange anyways, I would appreciate some help with that. If you do happen to know, if not all good you can do is deal with it as it stands right now and I’ll figure it figured out over time. Also, what else do I want to say? Yeah. With the discord. I figure I should make another announcement about it. But the disco community, if you haven’t already found out, or if you just kind of came back and haven’t watched any TV is from the last few days or this past week, you probably noticed a bunch changes with discord. What’s happened is we require now a verification by this verification bot, which essentially promptly with a message the first time that you log into the server. So that means if you are already a part of the server before this past week, then you will actually need to leave the server and rejoin the server if you want to have those those that that access restored back to the general community. It’s very simple to do. It’s a little bit annoying, little bit of an inconvenience, but it does make for a better community. And I’m actually really enjoying kind of the more intimate feel right now as it’s actually helped a little bit lessen the load on my inbox, which means that I get to hang out more in the community, which is what I enjoy most. Not fucking answering the same goten question in DMD all fucking day anyways. On top of that, what I should say all GICs side is if you are in the program, if you have if you have the team program, the options program or even the jewel, you don’t need to do any of that. You already have access and and you won’t need to make any change with that. Please not leave unless you actually want to leave. Of course, you know, we’re not here to handcuff you, but it’ll just create more work for both yourself and myself. And we don’t even do that. But if you own part of the general community, yes, you will be prompted with that private message. If you do leave the server and then come back to the server again, there is a an invite lincoln. description of the video or on Crown dot net, whichever one you want to take. And and then and then just follow the rules in that private message or site. Not the rules, but the directions and that private message to basically verify yourself with like a quick capture, some like that and and then all get. So other than that what else do I want to say. Crouching application front of a very face. Found it aptc crown attorney dot net. It’s free. And now our developer is actually he’s recovering. He’s going to be released from quarantine, I believe, either tonight or tomorrow. He actually even joined in on the twitch stream last night. It seemed to be really good spirits and really looking forward to the next update for this, which is what’s gonna bring out the open interest trout, which couldn’t come fucking sooner. It’s so funny how the delay happened right at like the most critical moment because this would have been perfect to actually show the interplay between open interest price action volume and volatility, of which we’ll just have to wait a little bit longer. But it should be relatively soon right after he gets ready if he gets well and his wife’s already covered. So that’s really good as well and we’re very much happy for that. Now, it’s it’s because he’s creating amazing things for us for free, but or for the community for free. But but also, while that’s a person I like. So fair enough. Anyways, anyways, looking at this right here, we do see that open interest is more or less steady from yesterday to today. We haven’t seen any major breaks the upside or to the downside, which still lets us know that the big break out of this formation has yet to come. Meaning that in open iron, an open mind is the right is the right call in this as we are still a part of some greater hole formation. And that’s what I’m gonna be doing today. A little bit different because mostly the analysis from message to today’s can be very similar. However, I’m just gonna redo my charts here from fresh scratch and see if we see anything different, anything new and to go on from there. So there’s gonna be a little bit of a shorter video. I do think and and I but I do want to keep that in the back of my mind. The open interest still kind of still kind of within range, suggesting that we are still a part of some greater formation here. And that’s further going to be verified by metrics anyways. Looking at all the other all the other top dashboard metrics. More or less steady. We really haven’t seen too much change in these for like the last couple weeks, actually. Fear and Greed Index was awesome in between like a 10 reading. 20 Reed We are right at Rio right now to an 18, I still think that this is the one thing that makes me reconsider my inherent bearishness on this, as that would be a damn good indication that we are kind of climbing the wall worry as bitcoin is to next off the lows and the market’s incredibly fearful still. But does that supersede price action? Fuck no, it does not. So let’s go to Price Action Mountain over here and start off with actually the four hour. Now, do you want to start off with this right here? Just very simple. Bitcoin could have a chance to undo unfuck the death cross and go back in the Golden Cross land on the 4 hour, which I do believe would at the very least give us a test back up to about 70, 350, 70, 400 ish region. And that’s where things get interesting once again from the higher term time frames. Do I think that they weren’t going to break above that, you know, right now? No, actually, I don’t think so. Again, I I actually do still lean a little bit more to the downside on this. I think that this is I think that this ends up being a trap, but my opinion is not relevant. You should not give a fuck about my opinion, my opinions wrong all the time. He thought wrong yesterday when I was when I was our side two days ago when I was bearish. And we had this nice little pump up over here. Now, for full disclosure, I’m not short right now. I’m completely covered and I’m just waiting for the next piece of edge. But but at the end of day, I do not trade my opinion on trade. Technical analysis and technical nous right now is shaping up for a little bit more of a test. The upside here as the Golden Cross is being hinted at and will inevitably happen. The longer that big remains, both 69 50 pivot and and if and if we do initiate that, I will at the very least look for a test back up here to the top side of this prior range, which could now plot in with a nice little Bluebox territory. Got a 73, 50 to 70, 300 ish regions where I have it now and we’ll put a nice little blue box in there is going to look Apsley massive for our. But realistically, this is only $50 range. So so we can actually even while we’re on here in the lower term timeframes, take this one step further and put a nice horizontal lot, a current resistance, which seems to be holding holding Bitcoin back for the time being. In fact, we can actually mark this off as a little bit of a liquid zone as the Wix and bodies do seem to match up pretty damn well and just shove it in right there. And if you trading the very, very, very, very low time frames, which I think is absolute death and destruction on especially on a fucking weekend, for God’s sakes, that’s what I’ll be using, although I would certainly not use that at all because I do not trade on the weekends and I don’t care to trade on the weekends. Doesn’t mean that you can’t have great trade opportunities on the weekends. But I’ve found that over time my edge as a technical and technical analyst, my edge is seems to be stronger during the weeks trading period. Whenever you know, as long as the are kind of trading alongside anyways to the downside, a little bit more easy as that 200x mentioned average on the four hours still offers up the lovely, the lovely trampy trap behavior. So if we do want to reference the sort of opening statement of this video of which the opening statements are usually just for fun and whatnot, but there is a pretty important one right here. If Bitcoin does break back down below the chin ADX Benjamin average. This will be a this will be a trap and this will get in this. This is very much under question right now. And again, this is very low time frame stuff right here. But this is very much on a question right now because this is a weekend and I am very skeptical of any sort of moves that I do see on a weekend as this. As it stands right now, we are still still in a downturn on the 4:00 hour. It’s looking like the can have a chance to actually reverse this trend, though, especially if we know especially we take out on a closing basis 31 sites, 31 30, which we’ve gotten pretty damn close to already closed net last. That last local high somewhere right around 50, 100. Even so, it will very likely have a chance. And if it is going to happen, it probably does actually happen today or tomorrow. That being Saturday or Sunday, depending upon your part of the world. And then it will initiate the aggressive sorry, the Golden Cross right over here. And at the very least, a touch back up here to 7:03, Sony to 7/3 50ish region. That’s where the higher term time frames can change around. If I do see a break above Sony, three fifty and a four hour closure above there, especially if it’s like, you know, a higher time frame, like a 12 hour or daily, although plane, the plane a lower term time frames right now, maybe a little bit more relevant than I would look for. Extension actually much higher. Much, much higher. In fact, all the way to the tippy, tippy top from this last little auto block area right here from the higher time frame perspective, in a range between about seventy seven fifty and seventy nine 50ish region could be collapse and make it a little bit shallower. So it’s a little bit less, less massive actually. Yes we can. Because what I’d actually like to do is if we really do get that leap up, it’s really this liquid zone right here that I think is actually more more important because that’s where your distribution is gonna come from, most likely if it does turn into distribution anyways. So I would be looking at that as a range between about. Yeah. Seventy nine and 80, 50, so a hundred all range. I think that’s a little bit more reasonable than a $20 range. So see as a big one does calls on new highs, especially on a higher type from like a twelve hour ordeal. I do think that we will very likely work our way up here. But remember, according to the according to our opening metrics like the open interest rate here, we are still seeing what we would expect if Bitcoin was caught in a greater formation on the whole macro scale. Because what I really want to show, which I can’t right now, is an open interest chart, which would have shown you that open interest hit the rock bottom that we’ve seen. And typically the rock bottom for, you know, four major moves down around about 500 million open interest at around March 13th down here in the. Lower 4000 to our region. And ever since then, it’s just been also about a 200 sorry, about 150000 or sorry, 150 million dollar range from here to where we are right now. And when usually we do see the moves, the upside actually open is typically coming down. When we see the moves coming to the downside, we typically see open interest going up, which is actually indicative of redistribution, which I do believe we have a good case for as well. So while I am presenting a little bit more of a bullish case right here, I want to first say at the outset, this is a weekend. I do not trust this. I think that this is like the perfect time for a trap. And and I do think and I do have my reservations that Bitcoin will close above sunny 350 ish region right here. If it does, you know. Fair enough. I’m happy to. My my my opinion obviously proven wrong again. This is why I don’t trade it. But but but I would be looking much higher as we just kind of looked at, you know, another 700 hour move perhaps in the cards, which is very much tradable, especially at a seven thousand or price point, cause that’s a 10 percent move. And that’s fucking amazing home by itself. But as it stands right now, what I would be looking at again is with critical importance on the 200X. Benjamin, have it right here because there’s you know, we’re obviously shopping around right now. Trend technically is still down as it is right now, but very it is going to have a chance to actually reverse itself. It has a damn good. It has damn good setup right here, to be fair. We do see momentum. Positives are floating, but for our stocks technically still upright here, they are getting a little bit more mature. But I do think that that’s going to at least give it a try. We’re pregnant at the very least, get another way to the upside. And then the question is, does it turn into rejection or not? I don’t have any real opinion on that, especially on a weekend. I just have an opinion on what it would look like if we get a wake up and then closed back down below, let’s call it seven thousand especially or or especially 69, 50. That would be a damn good indication that we are gonna be testing the bottom side, our side, the down side of the range. By the same token, if we if we see if we see a closure above Saudi 320 350, an open interest shoots up above 700 million. Again, that would be a damn good indication that this is that this is getting ready to have a little bit of boola enjoyment to the upside. Anyway, it’s three hours soap’s headed down right now and we do see that there quite literally nosediving. So I think that that’s a little bit more on the bear side to our stocks are up right now hourly are going to be floundering around, most likely an up. So the the general consensus among the lower term time frames that it actually is up right now. So I do think that at the very least, we’re gonna to get a test up here. And this is flagging down. This is constructive. This was a weekday. I’d say that this is bullish as fuck. But because it is a weekend, I’m very skeptical looking at a stock vaulted percentile on our hourly. We are we’re very, very likely to have a move today. You know, very likely to have a move to not just a short term timeframe range, but probably the medium time frame range, which is basically up here towards that twenty three hundred dollar number. And to the downside, that’s not this guy right here at 69 50, that’s actually a little bit lower, probably somewhere down around here, around 60, 70, 50 ish region to sixty seven hundred even is what I’d be looking toward. So I’ll put another blue box in right there. Still kind of the same range that we’ve been looking at yesterday. But this is just this is just looking at liquid zones and order blocks right now. We can now combine this with an analysis of the greater formation. But before we get into that, again, with recalling that the open interest has been essentially suggesting that we’ve been in one major massive formation this whole way from March 13 to where we are right now. That’s further confirmed by the volume signature, which, as you can see, has been that nice tailing off from left hand, right hand side as. As that does suggest that we aren’t when massive consolidation, some like this with a resolution point or an apex coming in early May. So that means we’re very likely to get a resolution probably within the next probably within the next week. And I do think less than that. I think I said earlier this week, probably around somewhere, somewhere between this the middle of this current week, that we just kind of finish here and then also like the Monday, Tuesday of this coming week. And I do still think that that actually does kind of align with that, say about, you know, 75 percent fall. We’ll still call it about April 21st. It looks like that’s three days away. So I’d be Monday, Tuesday ish region, depending upon which which part of the wall that you’re in. So, you know, this this read right here now tells us that it’s very likely that we should be looking at this as one massive pattern formation. Now, does anything fit in the way that we’ve been looking at it? Well, I think actually, yes, although we’ll need to go to not beat Mexico because there’s you know, we have an outlier price action right here. Or do we? Well, let’s actually let’s actually order the daily first. And let me let me let me chart this off. First and foremost. So for USAn, again, you know, tailing off from left hand, right hand side, also tailing off on the stock, 42 percent on a daily, which suggest that we’re going to spend a lot more time in this stuff in this region, actually. But the 12 hour, which should get a pretty damn good move is getting well. Now, as is kind of kind of in that same trajectory, actually, let’s see when we’re the apex come in around middle of May rather than early May and probably has a resolution here. Twenty fifth to twenty seventh of April is usually when they become extremely likely to break. So still within the range of next week. So both you know, both metrics suggesting somewhere in, you know, in the range of like early next week. Till late next week. This is why I’d like to see the open interest, because I’m sure that we’d be able to kind of like cut it to the middle there as well as we’re using, you know, vault volumes can be a little more direct volatility can be more of a derivative, but both very much, very much important. And now it’s actually look for a potential pattern going on right here. So let’s see if we are if we are going to be on a bit Mexico, how this operate. Well, we do see some like this. The problem is, is that while you can kind of plot this out right here, which would suggest that, you know, we’re probably in some sort of like major, massive rising channel, which is a redistribution formation. It’s not going to look the same on the other majors. And I do think that it’s important to get consensus on this market. Saarland Right. So I should’ve gone to a daily. OK. Apologies hold. I need to redo this. That was that was not proper. This one now just looks all kinds of weird, all kinds of wonkiness. Perhaps even this area works a little bit better. Of which maybe we just tested already. But again, this this is kind of the odd man out. This is the alpha. This is why we really have to look at all different ones. Now, we already know G. DAX kind of plotted out from yesterday. We do see some sort of a rising wedge going on right here. Vimes Signature does fit on it. And we actually would have technically already broken it. But we’ve read what? But we’ve re-approach the broken support and now testing as resistance once, twice, maybe been working on a third time, which, by the way, would be coming in right here at our next topside blue box on the top side of this current formation at about 70, 300 ish region in this in this range between 73, 73 and 7:03 50ish region. So it would just be considered a retest of that. Now, do you have a competing one going on right here? I think that that’s actually also relevant to we’ll talk about that, but that’s only relevant to the lower term timeframes. But I wanted to pull up a fresh chart if I can. Let’s see and see if we can recreate this in a more obvious way. Well, actually, yeah, we do have one here. However, could we chart it equally the same as something like this? I think so, yes. Which would still say that we’re within the context of the greater rising channel. And I do trust channels a lot more than wedges, of which the one that we’re looking at probably was a wedge. So what you know, what’s the right answer here? Technically, both. Actually, technically both, because they do fit. And it would suggest that we’re slowly but surely kind of tipping this one over as long as we are below that last broken trend line, which I had charted more like a wedge formation like this and that we’re just kind of retesting right now, as you can kind of see, it’s kind of like hard to fit it right now, which is not a good sign. So maybe it’s not the one to be doing. But I think the channel fits a lot more obviously, and does fit the narrative of the descending volume and does fit the narrative of the descending historic vaulted percentile and does fit the narrative of what you would see on the open interest if we could actually try to back out because it was down around about 500 million right here, popped up to about 700 million PSI. But you know, also to between about five million, 7.2 million on all these moves, downside moves, which seem to be accumulating open interest and upside moves seem to be lessening open interest. And we did see the same thing yesterday as well when bitcoin did or started two days ago or a day and a half ago, I guess now where Bitcoin did move its way to the upside. Let me just make sure that recording I am according to my phone’s working. That’s great. Fuck. Can you hold a thought? Maybe crown you fucking moron. But but my point is, is that, you know, on that last move, the upside, we did see openings just go from I think a little bit above 700 million. I think 710 million down to where we are right now, 650 million. So that’s suggesting that shortz’ closing is running the price actually the upside. So it’s it’s still shorts and control as far as I’m concerned. And with the overall great information still in a redistribution pattern, I am skeptical on this price action, as I have been saying. So. So, you know, on this on this fresh chart right here, I think it’s I think it’s just more easily seen that we are going from level to level on a daily something like this to the upside, something like this to the downside. And until we break one of these, there’s not really like a another medium or even long term trend to really be made as there’s no real resolution below sixty six hundred. Yes, we do have resolution. And I would be looking for a move back down to at the very least fifty eight fifty nine hundred and that’s you know that’s almost a thousand or move at a six thousand dollar price point. I mean that’s what more it’s certainly more than a 10 percent move and almost a fifteen percent move. Pretty damn good. Again these are I just want to show that the edges on these trades are worth waiting for. To the upside, as I said as well above this region right here. I do, you know. You know, we could even stay within the context of this rising channel gun for the two accidentally damage up here. And that’s 79, 30. Remember, that’s pretty much it within the confines of this blue box. So we have the upside right here. And I’d still be kind of testing the topside resistance on this baby right here. So I just want to show that, you know, longer term, I am skeptical on Bitcoin, like actually just fucking greengold on its way to the to the moon from this region, even with the having all that good stuff in order, you know, could that come into play? Yeah, absolutely. But I think that there’s just more tangible things on the board right now that I as a trader would trust in more than me, you know, events that everyone’s fucking known about since the eternity since the dawn of eternity. So because, you know, the general kin’s are the general knowledge is that. If it’s public information and you’ve already known about it and you’ve been making decisions based upon it, then it’s very much reasonable to think or you have to defensively think if you’re like a money manager managing big funds that other people are doing the same thing. It’s fucking free information. So it’s probably probably priced in, especially with regards to the fact that we have features now too, which is essentially what allows those miners to kind of make decisions well, quite late in the future. So they get to make decisions, you know, for like last year calling with this year’s knowing that they that they’re gonna have the having, you know, relatively within, you know, some somewhere within that day. Anyways, I’m getting way off topic right now. Jesus Christ, man. Let’s go see what is closed at us. Seems close. A little bit more of a more as a rejection, a little bit more TOPY ish to me, 1725. So keep that in mind, because going in to Sunday, I do believe that we’re prall going to be held around this region. Now that again, that doesn’t really give us any real buys on this price action as the way that I look at this right here is that I’m not. While we do have the death crossing, while the death cross moving averages are getting much divergence, waking each other. I don’t play this bearish as longs for as long as are above the 21 expansion on average, which right now we obviously are. And that will not be taken out to the downside as long as we are above about sixty nine eighty five, which is essentially where the twin index mentioned average will be on spot. And I think that this is a easier look on price action as well, because if we do take out the low side of this, it’s going to look like a D-O-G total plus plus fall due to the downside plus below a major moving average. And I’d imagine that going to see much more cities turn back down around with it. We do see yeah. We’re gonna see Stokes carry on to the downside daily. RSI probably do the same thing as well. Still looks overall bearish to me, so I would say that I’d be a damn good insight, but that means that at least for myself, I’ll have to wait until Sunday at some are 8 p.m. Eastern time or so. It’s actually Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour, Central Standard Time. In order for these babies to open back up and potentially give me a source of edge for this. So again, putting all the puzzle piece together and going back to spot price action right here. Let me actually go back to our Bit Mexican chart. Well, let’s actually go look at the let’s let’s let’s let’s actually look at the measure move of this as a rising channel. If this is going to operate is right, that channel will actually go back to a fresh chart here. I’m just curious. Again, this videos can be a little bit in the short aside. I think overall this one going to show potentially a break. You know, if we were to break down, if we were to break down a measure, move all the way down to the. It’s hard to know because, you know, you don’t, you know, really take it until we actually break down. But proverbially speaking, is assuming that it would come maybe like early next week if it does come to the downside outlook for a move down to about 50 500 ish region of fifty six hundred. That does make sense with the 200X Benjamin average and turn it simple moving average or so and more so the churn, it’s simple actually at this point is a unit expansion we have is getting way up there. Turn it simple as all the way down around actually 56 it looks like right now. So it’s got a little bit of work to do. What’s up, Alex? Good to meet you, man. And welcome to the cave. And also, I wanted to see how Samis closed the weekly. The other weekly on SGMD looks a lot more like a hang mandella right there as well, which is more inherently bearish if you are just going off of dildo formations, which I actually don’t trust that much in bitcoin land. Weekly stuff is going to certainly be sorry. Are they going to suddenly be down? Let’s go look at this. The reverse stock indicator says they will cross. They will cross the upside if we do close anywhere above 60, 350. So they should close. They should cross up next week. By the same token, we do have a rejection on the weekly RSI. And I do think that that’s probably going to be held there. So, you know, is this going to be a one off to the upside here? I think probably, yeah. Looking at the reverse RSI EMC cross yet just shows 73 50. So that areas can be a big area going forward here as long as are below there. I am not bullish for the medium or long term. It’s only short term ranges. And that’s something I can say with well, at least for myself, for my trading behaviors with, you know, ads like kind of like an anchor of my trading behaviors right now. And of course, major moving averages on the weekly as well are in a much in a very bearish posturing. You know, even if we do pop back up and test around seventy eight to seventy nine hundred ish region, as we’re kind of showing earlier, I would look at that area as another area of massive fuckery as well. So patients here is gonna be a little bit of a virtue as it as we can. Trading is rather annoying to deal with. Typically speaking, at least for myself, you know me, I’m sure some people out there love it and you know more power to you. I hope that you’re making as much money as fucking possible. And I sincerely mean that. I really sincerely mean that because well, why the fuck not, man? Go do good. It’s like I fucking hate it when people say like money is bad. No. If you if you’re going to be good with money, then it’s just going to accentuate your goodness. That’s all. Just do some good things with it. Jesus Christ. Is that such a hard concept to understand? But for fuck’s sake, man, for fuck’s sake. It’s like an amplifier. You know, it’s it’s it’s it’s like it’s like it’s like beer. It’s like it’s like getting drunk. You know, if you’re an asshole, when you get drunk, you turn into a bigger asshole. If you’re that nice guy and or just even doesn’t even need to be a nice guy, but a good guy. And he gets drunk. He’s just, you know, happy and given hugs people. Rogers does that even more. You know, it’s just like that amount. It’s an amplifier as far as I’m concerned. OK. Another stupid rant that I’m getting off of. I’m getting off a chart on here. Sorry about that. I apologize. You don’t want to hear about that. You wanna hear more about price action. And I think now is a good time to go check in on traditional markets. We spoke about this yesterday. That tradition marks where the best case for bitcoin kind of going to the upside here. And let’s see, they closed yesterday. Now, we did come down. We spoke about this during the twitch stream yesterday, that we are likely to come down actually exactly to this level. Eighty seven thirty ish region did bounce from there. And I do think that we are going to open up next week, probably retest in the high. But is the momentum waning on this on this right now? I think so, yes. I think I think that we actually are going be putting in a local top here for the short and medium term and possibly come back down into this region somewhere right around the eighty four is low. Eighty four, as I’d say, maybe, maybe maybe upper eighty threes sometime in next week. So I do think that again to kind of like synthesize those thoughts down, look at us looking especially at Nasdaq futures which I think are running this market, you know, and again, just going from level to level. This is just beautiful right here. Fucking beautiful. Gotta love it, man. Gotta fucking love it. The simplicity of this. Sometimes we did say that we were likely to hit around eighty nine hundred. We got up to eighty nine fifty. That’s fine. And then I said likely a short term and medium term reversal. I think that’s what we’re gonna get coming into next week, although next week should open up around around yesterday Friday’s high. Looking at many futures probably be about the same thing actually still within the context of this rising wedge. Sounds familiar now, doesn’t it? And also a very precarious place as well, because not only are we in a redistribution pattern, but volume signature is is is confirming that. And we do see that we’re kind of at the prep’s the precipice of a major change in behavior here, too, because the longer that it stays above the 55, the screen moving average, the you know, the more and more likely it will unfuck this death cross. But if the death cross does want to play out, this would be a damn good place to reverse from. And if we do break down below, I mean, even just even us, Friday’s low would probably do it for me. Confirming that as reversal, I look for a measured move to be initiated. Somewhere down around here, somewhere down it down back into like the twenty five twenty five to twenty six hundred range which is going to correlate with like 255 to 60 ish region on spot price action. And we’ll come back and reassess after that. By the same token, to the upside, if this thing makes another leg of the upside, we’re gonna see three ton great to see like three or five A310 is going to and everyone’s gonna get very, very happy and very, very bullish. And that would be another good place for, you know, for a massive meltdown. The only thing that really concerns me about tradition marks right now is that everyone, everyone, their mother thinks that they’re good being the genius, thinking like, fuck, I watched that movie called what was it called? The Big Short. And you know what? I know exactly what’s going on. It’s gonna be right now we’re gonna be going to zero this. Things sucked and maybe it is. But you’re not alone in thinking that you’re not the fucking only person thinking that that is the majority of the market right now. So that, you know, that’s the other thing making me think that ad. Do we have another move back, if you like? Three 310 first? Probably, yeah. It’s certainly not other question, but. But, hey, if we take out Friday is low, then yeah, I will look for for for that house of cards crumble it a bit more. But for right now, I’d say caution against the wind. Let’s go check out the other market leaders. Mr. Beautiful. And this is like wine, Mr. β, all actually breaking the long term downtrend, it looks like if you are gonna be using this as a long term downtrend. Some like that. Bitcoin nowhere near actually breaking that same level. We can go back on over here and look at it. In fact, what you know, this level even correlates directly with holy shit that Bluebox of destiny, perhaps perhaps destiny. You are looking at as such. Oh, also that and with the top three reasons. So this baby as well. So strange, right. And I’m sure I’m sure people are going to be like. But Crown. Don’t you know this one right here too? Yes, I know about this one right here, too. It’s all good. I don’t really trust diagonals that much. Yea, I know. At least not not enough to trade, but it is funded to an analysis size on. But you know, going back down to lower timeframes here, I didn’t get to talk about this. This is relevant as well. We do see. To quote my fucking hate for a diagnose, we do actually see that there is something resembling a falling channel here which typically does break out to the upside. If we did make a measured move on this, it is a little bit funny that we would actually see the measure move correlate. Actually nowhere near what the fuck that’s that’s cause is getting the bottom of the of the order block right here. So I’m doing a more aggressive read on this. Looking at the liquid zone, if I were looking at the order block it would say about 70 100, which would be the bottom side of this. It’s all within range that write them. It depends where we break out from, too. So, you know, if you know, if we were to break out from this region right here. It’d be obviously higher anyways. Enough of that. Jesus fucking Christ, man. To me, it’s pretty damn simple for even even like a four hour delay closure about sunny 130. Very, very likely we will toss up this region of the cup on a bux higher. That’s where things actually can change for the macro. But I don’t think. I don’t think that that’s what’s happening to be actually directly clear and deliberately clear maybe. But again, I know my opinions not necessary for that to the downside. A little to the downside. Actually, a lot more easy, but live more diabolical. Any any four hour delay, closure, blow 64 50. And I do believe that this that this will play out as a whole. As you know, as an efficacious death cross, we will very likely come down to this region right here, 6, 7, 50 tests their pride, pride to another anemic bounce. But I do believe that that bounce would be sold into. And then we will likely come down into the mid 5 thousands. So things are kind of shifting around here. And I think it’s also still relevant to talk about this. It’s not going to be so much of a shorter video now, is it, to be so much of a shorter video? Anyways, um, um. Looking at the two day, we can just quickly go through this as well. You know, the two day duel to Death Cross? I do. Again, I do think that day to day till Death Cross is still very much relevant. And I do think that it could still very much play out, as we do see a very similar signature to here to what we seen in the past in both in both instances. Now, the third one kind of formally in front of our very eyes. So this could be a trend if it does play out. But this one about over here, green and purple, fit five and 200. Crossman downside. Slowly but surely, it’s round now below the 21, although it does have the 55 along the way. And that is a that is a hallmark of the last pass crosses. And then boom, massive move. The downside, 50 percent. You already know from 6000 basically to 3000 times before that was running over here in 2014/2015 at this price point. Price action very far away from front from the cross itself, which I think is kind of a it’s kind of similar. What we’re doing right now to Bitcoin gets another test back up to the 55, although after that gets quickly rejected. And once it’s back down below the 21, that’s when the inevitable downside does play out. So what I’m looking at right here is, is same thing as a daily eye. You know, I look at this as overall bearish. As long as you’re below the death cross moving averages, which are where they’re conveniently right at that fucking over $7000 a number, right around seventeen hundred if you wanna get super exact. But. But I don’t play to the downside as long as we are above the 20 1 expense to an average on especially a closing basis. And we will be closing this 2 day doled out now. Not tonight, tomorrow night, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. So it’s gonna be a long day, I suppose. But if we do get another test up to the 55, as we have in the past couple instances, I’d say that that would be pretty, pretty stock standard. And it also would be in line with even the short term ranges as that was really such change things around. So I feel like I’ve missed quite a few things on this video. But again, I feel like this past week’s videos have been more or less on topic for that anyways. And realistically, I’m looking at this price session right here, especially on a weekend when it’s kind of flagging now is probably going to, you know, like likely to be trampy. Just higher higher degree, higher degree of crappiness behavior on a weekend. We can go quickly, check out the probability ranges right over here and can actually look at this a little bit differently as well. If we won’t actually do some ring analysis, which should we can we can do future bars. Yeah. If I do it on. Future buys, it should actually do better with the with the with the slopes of these babies, and right now they’re both squeezing on each other. The downsides are side the upside, the site, the ones to the bottom side, which are squeezing the upside, the slope on. That’s a little bit more a little bit more impressive, a little bit more a little bit more direct. Not too crazy. Maybe it’s just my eyes kind of making that up, Knight. I do think I do things with a bit more study them. So technically speaking, it would be a little bit more angled to the upside. However, what I really want to be looking at is the probabilities of the range that we’re looking at. As of the current moment in time and by the way, current, if I use current, it actually does push down a little bit more I think is going to turn into a little bit of a fake out. So Sunny, 350 is still the relevant air to the upside. I would say seventy six to seven hundred. The downs in a more conservative estimate, more aggressive. Seventy six. Seven fifty. And what do we see? Actually, the range is for both relatively small in comparison limit. Just make sure you do have my settings right. I believe and above target probability. Seventeen and a half percent on today’s Daily Dose closure. So it you know, it certainly is possible. It’s bet it’s better than one standard deviation, however. Say it’s what is within one’s own deviation. It looks like just right there. I think that’s a half one on the grey. So that so so as you put them in perspective, that actually is rather high, 14 and a quarter percent to the downside. Again, still within the realm of possibility. But realistically, we have more that y what’s our inside probability is going to be. Well, the difference between those, which is about 68 and a quarter, that we’re just gonna be Ossana between 60, 70, 350 to the upside and sixty seven 50 to the downside, which I think is most likely here, especially on a weekend. I think that we’re progam to test sides of the ranges on the short term. But do we get an actual break on the short term. Well a break of the week’s trend. In this case would be what would be continuation of the downside, not to the upside as this is still a four hour downtrend. As it stands, can very easily revert itself here, but as it stands, it technically is that way. So I think this 50th priority way too long. Porges for that I thought is give me a shorter video. Apparently not. Do you like how the 4 hour turn and simples gonna start to align with the Bluebox A piece in Destiny? To the downside right here. If we do drone on a little bit longer, that should be happening by tomorrow. I do believe unless things just Apsley shatter before end of day today, which I think is a little bit unlikely. I think that we’re perogative to wait until tomorrow for like, you know, a nice move and then we should resolve the range either. Sorry, and I’m not talking about the short term range. Which guy and this guy, but rather the medium term range. This guy over here, sunny, 350 and 6, 750. The downside, I think that we’re gonna be resolving that early this next week. Very, very likely. Quickly, we can look at like the troll and your bands to see if we can come up with any sort of other biases trolling you. What? Actually actually showing some more inherent bullishness here. I did have a fake up to the downside right here, and that usually isn’t that usually is pretty damn good. And what what, you know, wears the tops out of the trolley bands on a daily S300 fucking obviously will quickly look at the MacDonalds as well and see what that one’s showing. See, what do you what do you got for me today. Could it be. Could it be that we’re just gonna be putting another set of bearish divergence here on them on the histogram. Maybe. But that’s that’s fucking crystal ball bullshit which I need to call my shell self out on on a really. And that also imply that we’re gonna get higher has some price action too. So could we move up here and put another set of devant there. Yeah, could be. So there you go. I’m not really getting too much else off the other than that the the only way that I really get some off this is if is if we come down below the zero, read again and cross the downside which we’re not doing right now and that’s not going to happen. Very unlikely to happen today. In fact, so you know what I’d like to see on the Mac? He is like an obvious signal. I’d like to see like a medium term timeframe range broken. So 6 700 in this region. In this case would be great. Plus that crossing back down below the zero read. That would be damn good for some some inherent downside back down below 6000 into like the mid 5000 probably to the upside, a little bit more difficult. I actually think that the shorter term time from the reps and in that a little bit more accurately, a little bit more easily. Right here. So other than that, really not very much has changed from USA to today. Bitcoin’s flagging now and improving its bullish chances. I think a little bit more, but I’d keep an eye on this because when these when these guys start to kiss, if if there’s gonna be a trap, I’d look for it somewhere right around there. Anyways, that’s gonna do it for right now. I’m not gonna be trading today. I will be on Twitch later, say for a long, long, long, long time. In fact, I’m debating just not eating and just playing all day. So so we can maybe see some moves together. Other than that, I want to wish you well once again. Take care and add until next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-double-trap-analysis-april-2020/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615905576394850304
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin DOUBLE Trap Analysis?! April 2020 Price Prediction & News Analysis
It’s a trap. My son, my son and my son. Let me let me get me to my son. Welcome back to Crown Crypt, OK? That’s. We’ll get started for the Saturday morning over here from a actually a very bright and sunny Helsinki, Finland. It’s almost six degrees Celsius here. So for those of you who speak Fahrenheit where just above freezing, which is good and I didn’t get some sun of which I will not be getting any myself because I’m gonna be on Twitter all day after this as I have as I plan to. To carry on the tradition that we’ve been doing for the last like three, four weeks now. So if you want to hang on our side, if you want to hang out a little bit later, I’ll be on probably right after this. Right after I post a stream. Also, I apologize for the very dark hue on this video right now. I don’t know what’s going on, but OBSS has been darkening, whatever the output is, more and more over the last like month or so. I have no idea why this is happening. It’s rather annoying. I wish it was like true to color because it’s obviously a few shades, more than a few shades lighter than what you’re seeing right now. But of course, me being a visual person, I like to harp on those sorts things. Maybe you care, maybe you don’t care. But hopefully everything is visible here. And if anyone you happen to know a quick fix for this. If this is a known issue, because for whatever reasons happened on this computer. But on my other one, which is rather strange anyways, I would appreciate some help with that. If you do happen to know, if not all good you can do is deal with it as it stands right now and I’ll figure it figured out over time. Also, what else do I want to say? Yeah. With the discord. I figure I should make another announcement about it. But the disco community, if you haven’t already found out, or if you just kind of came back and haven’t watched any TV is from the last few days or this past week, you probably noticed a bunch changes with discord. What’s happened is we require now a verification by this verification bot, which essentially promptly with a message the first time that you log into the server. So that means if you are already a part of the server before this past week, then you will actually need to leave the server and rejoin the server if you want to have those those that that access restored back to the general community. It’s very simple to do. It’s a little bit annoying, little bit of an inconvenience, but it does make for a better community. And I’m actually really enjoying kind of the more intimate feel right now as it’s actually helped a little bit lessen the load on my inbox, which means that I get to hang out more in the community, which is what I enjoy most. Not fucking answering the same goten question in DMD all fucking day anyways. On top of that, what I should say all GICs side is if you are in the program, if you have if you have the team program, the options program or even the jewel, you don’t need to do any of that. You already have access and and you won’t need to make any change with that. Please not leave unless you actually want to leave. Of course, you know, we’re not here to handcuff you, but it’ll just create more work for both yourself and myself. And we don’t even do that. But if you own part of the general community, yes, you will be prompted with that private message. If you do leave the server and then come back to the server again, there is a an invite lincoln. description of the video or on Crown dot net, whichever one you want to take. And and then and then just follow the rules in that private message or site. Not the rules, but the directions and that private message to basically verify yourself with like a quick capture, some like that and and then all get. So other than that what else do I want to say. Crouching application front of a very face. Found it aptc crown attorney dot net. It’s free. And now our developer is actually he’s recovering. He’s going to be released from quarantine, I believe, either tonight or tomorrow. He actually even joined in on the twitch stream last night. It seemed to be really good spirits and really looking forward to the next update for this, which is what’s gonna bring out the open interest trout, which couldn’t come fucking sooner. It’s so funny how the delay happened right at like the most critical moment because this would have been perfect to actually show the interplay between open interest price action volume and volatility, of which we’ll just have to wait a little bit longer. But it should be relatively soon right after he gets ready if he gets well and his wife’s already covered. So that’s really good as well and we’re very much happy for that. Now, it’s it’s because he’s creating amazing things for us for free, but or for the community for free. But but also, while that’s a person I like. So fair enough. Anyways, anyways, looking at this right here, we do see that open interest is more or less steady from yesterday to today. We haven’t seen any major breaks the upside or to the downside, which still lets us know that the big break out of this formation has yet to come. Meaning that in open iron, an open mind is the right is the right call in this as we are still a part of some greater hole formation. And that’s what I’m gonna be doing today. A little bit different because mostly the analysis from message to today’s can be very similar. However, I’m just gonna redo my charts here from fresh scratch and see if we see anything different, anything new and to go on from there. So there’s gonna be a little bit of a shorter video. I do think and and I but I do want to keep that in the back of my mind. The open interest still kind of still kind of within range, suggesting that we are still a part of some greater formation here. And that’s further going to be verified by metrics anyways. Looking at all the other all the other top dashboard metrics. More or less steady. We really haven’t seen too much change in these for like the last couple weeks, actually. Fear and Greed Index was awesome in between like a 10 reading. 20 Reed We are right at Rio right now to an 18, I still think that this is the one thing that makes me reconsider my inherent bearishness on this, as that would be a damn good indication that we are kind of climbing the wall worry as bitcoin is to next off the lows and the market’s incredibly fearful still. But does that supersede price action? Fuck no, it does not. So let’s go to Price Action Mountain over here and start off with actually the four hour. Now, do you want to start off with this right here? Just very simple. Bitcoin could have a chance to undo unfuck the death cross and go back in the Golden Cross land on the 4 hour, which I do believe would at the very least give us a test back up to about 70, 350, 70, 400 ish region. And that’s where things get interesting once again from the higher term time frames. Do I think that they weren’t going to break above that, you know, right now? No, actually, I don’t think so. Again, I I actually do still lean a little bit more to the downside on this. I think that this is I think that this ends up being a trap, but my opinion is not relevant. You should not give a fuck about my opinion, my opinions wrong all the time. He thought wrong yesterday when I was when I was our side two days ago when I was bearish. And we had this nice little pump up over here. Now, for full disclosure, I’m not short right now. I’m completely covered and I’m just waiting for the next piece of edge. But but at the end of day, I do not trade my opinion on trade. Technical analysis and technical nous right now is shaping up for a little bit more of a test. The upside here as the Golden Cross is being hinted at and will inevitably happen. The longer that big remains, both 69 50 pivot and and if and if we do initiate that, I will at the very least look for a test back up here to the top side of this prior range, which could now plot in with a nice little Bluebox territory. Got a 73, 50 to 70, 300 ish regions where I have it now and we’ll put a nice little blue box in there is going to look Apsley massive for our. But realistically, this is only $50 range. So so we can actually even while we’re on here in the lower term timeframes, take this one step further and put a nice horizontal lot, a current resistance, which seems to be holding holding Bitcoin back for the time being. In fact, we can actually mark this off as a little bit of a liquid zone as the Wix and bodies do seem to match up pretty damn well and just shove it in right there. And if you trading the very, very, very, very low time frames, which I think is absolute death and destruction on especially on a fucking weekend, for God’s sakes, that’s what I’ll be using, although I would certainly not use that at all because I do not trade on the weekends and I don’t care to trade on the weekends. Doesn’t mean that you can’t have great trade opportunities on the weekends. But I’ve found that over time my edge as a technical and technical analyst, my edge is seems to be stronger during the weeks trading period. Whenever you know, as long as the are kind of trading alongside anyways to the downside, a little bit more easy as that 200x mentioned average on the four hours still offers up the lovely, the lovely trampy trap behavior. So if we do want to reference the sort of opening statement of this video of which the opening statements are usually just for fun and whatnot, but there is a pretty important one right here. If Bitcoin does break back down below the chin ADX Benjamin average. This will be a this will be a trap and this will get in this. This is very much under question right now. And again, this is very low time frame stuff right here. But this is very much on a question right now because this is a weekend and I am very skeptical of any sort of moves that I do see on a weekend as this. As it stands right now, we are still still in a downturn on the 4:00 hour. It’s looking like the can have a chance to actually reverse this trend, though, especially if we know especially we take out on a closing basis 31 sites, 31 30, which we’ve gotten pretty damn close to already closed net last. That last local high somewhere right around 50, 100. Even so, it will very likely have a chance. And if it is going to happen, it probably does actually happen today or tomorrow. That being Saturday or Sunday, depending upon your part of the world. And then it will initiate the aggressive sorry, the Golden Cross right over here. And at the very least, a touch back up here to 7:03, Sony to 7/3 50ish region. That’s where the higher term time frames can change around. If I do see a break above Sony, three fifty and a four hour closure above there, especially if it’s like, you know, a higher time frame, like a 12 hour or daily, although plane, the plane a lower term time frames right now, maybe a little bit more relevant than I would look for. Extension actually much higher. Much, much higher. In fact, all the way to the tippy, tippy top from this last little auto block area right here from the higher time frame perspective, in a range between about seventy seven fifty and seventy nine 50ish region could be collapse and make it a little bit shallower. So it’s a little bit less, less massive actually. Yes we can. Because what I’d actually like to do is if we really do get that leap up, it’s really this liquid zone right here that I think is actually more more important because that’s where your distribution is gonna come from, most likely if it does turn into distribution anyways. So I would be looking at that as a range between about. Yeah. Seventy nine and 80, 50, so a hundred all range. I think that’s a little bit more reasonable than a $20 range. So see as a big one does calls on new highs, especially on a higher type from like a twelve hour ordeal. I do think that we will very likely work our way up here. But remember, according to the according to our opening metrics like the open interest rate here, we are still seeing what we would expect if Bitcoin was caught in a greater formation on the whole macro scale. Because what I really want to show, which I can’t right now, is an open interest chart, which would have shown you that open interest hit the rock bottom that we’ve seen. And typically the rock bottom for, you know, four major moves down around about 500 million open interest at around March 13th down here in the. Lower 4000 to our region. And ever since then, it’s just been also about a 200 sorry, about 150000 or sorry, 150 million dollar range from here to where we are right now. And when usually we do see the moves, the upside actually open is typically coming down. When we see the moves coming to the downside, we typically see open interest going up, which is actually indicative of redistribution, which I do believe we have a good case for as well. So while I am presenting a little bit more of a bullish case right here, I want to first say at the outset, this is a weekend. I do not trust this. I think that this is like the perfect time for a trap. And and I do think and I do have my reservations that Bitcoin will close above sunny 350 ish region right here. If it does, you know. Fair enough. I’m happy to. My my my opinion obviously proven wrong again. This is why I don’t trade it. But but but I would be looking much higher as we just kind of looked at, you know, another 700 hour move perhaps in the cards, which is very much tradable, especially at a seven thousand or price point, cause that’s a 10 percent move. And that’s fucking amazing home by itself. But as it stands right now, what I would be looking at again is with critical importance on the 200X. Benjamin, have it right here because there’s you know, we’re obviously shopping around right now. Trend technically is still down as it is right now, but very it is going to have a chance to actually reverse itself. It has a damn good. It has damn good setup right here, to be fair. We do see momentum. Positives are floating, but for our stocks technically still upright here, they are getting a little bit more mature. But I do think that that’s going to at least give it a try. We’re pregnant at the very least, get another way to the upside. And then the question is, does it turn into rejection or not? I don’t have any real opinion on that, especially on a weekend. I just have an opinion on what it would look like if we get a wake up and then closed back down below, let’s call it seven thousand especially or or especially 69, 50. That would be a damn good indication that we are gonna be testing the bottom side, our side, the down side of the range. By the same token, if we if we see if we see a closure above Saudi 320 350, an open interest shoots up above 700 million. Again, that would be a damn good indication that this is that this is getting ready to have a little bit of boola enjoyment to the upside. Anyway, it’s three hours soap’s headed down right now and we do see that there quite literally nosediving. So I think that that’s a little bit more on the bear side to our stocks are up right now hourly are going to be floundering around, most likely an up. So the the general consensus among the lower term time frames that it actually is up right now. So I do think that at the very least, we’re gonna to get a test up here. And this is flagging down. This is constructive. This was a weekday. I’d say that this is bullish as fuck. But because it is a weekend, I’m very skeptical looking at a stock vaulted percentile on our hourly. We are we’re very, very likely to have a move today. You know, very likely to have a move to not just a short term timeframe range, but probably the medium time frame range, which is basically up here towards that twenty three hundred dollar number. And to the downside, that’s not this guy right here at 69 50, that’s actually a little bit lower, probably somewhere down around here, around 60, 70, 50 ish region to sixty seven hundred even is what I’d be looking toward. So I’ll put another blue box in right there. Still kind of the same range that we’ve been looking at yesterday. But this is just this is just looking at liquid zones and order blocks right now. We can now combine this with an analysis of the greater formation. But before we get into that, again, with recalling that the open interest has been essentially suggesting that we’ve been in one major massive formation this whole way from March 13 to where we are right now. That’s further confirmed by the volume signature, which, as you can see, has been that nice tailing off from left hand, right hand side as. As that does suggest that we aren’t when massive consolidation, some like this with a resolution point or an apex coming in early May. So that means we’re very likely to get a resolution probably within the next probably within the next week. And I do think less than that. I think I said earlier this week, probably around somewhere, somewhere between this the middle of this current week, that we just kind of finish here and then also like the Monday, Tuesday of this coming week. And I do still think that that actually does kind of align with that, say about, you know, 75 percent fall. We’ll still call it about April 21st. It looks like that’s three days away. So I’d be Monday, Tuesday ish region, depending upon which which part of the wall that you’re in. So, you know, this this read right here now tells us that it’s very likely that we should be looking at this as one massive pattern formation. Now, does anything fit in the way that we’ve been looking at it? Well, I think actually, yes, although we’ll need to go to not beat Mexico because there’s you know, we have an outlier price action right here. Or do we? Well, let’s actually let’s actually order the daily first. And let me let me let me chart this off. First and foremost. So for USAn, again, you know, tailing off from left hand, right hand side, also tailing off on the stock, 42 percent on a daily, which suggest that we’re going to spend a lot more time in this stuff in this region, actually. But the 12 hour, which should get a pretty damn good move is getting well. Now, as is kind of kind of in that same trajectory, actually, let’s see when we’re the apex come in around middle of May rather than early May and probably has a resolution here. Twenty fifth to twenty seventh of April is usually when they become extremely likely to break. So still within the range of next week. So both you know, both metrics suggesting somewhere in, you know, in the range of like early next week. Till late next week. This is why I’d like to see the open interest, because I’m sure that we’d be able to kind of like cut it to the middle there as well as we’re using, you know, vault volumes can be a little more direct volatility can be more of a derivative, but both very much, very much important. And now it’s actually look for a potential pattern going on right here. So let’s see if we are if we are going to be on a bit Mexico, how this operate. Well, we do see some like this. The problem is, is that while you can kind of plot this out right here, which would suggest that, you know, we’re probably in some sort of like major, massive rising channel, which is a redistribution formation. It’s not going to look the same on the other majors. And I do think that it’s important to get consensus on this market. Saarland Right. So I should’ve gone to a daily. OK. Apologies hold. I need to redo this. That was that was not proper. This one now just looks all kinds of weird, all kinds of wonkiness. Perhaps even this area works a little bit better. Of which maybe we just tested already. But again, this this is kind of the odd man out. This is the alpha. This is why we really have to look at all different ones. Now, we already know G. DAX kind of plotted out from yesterday. We do see some sort of a rising wedge going on right here. Vimes Signature does fit on it. And we actually would have technically already broken it. But we’ve read what? But we’ve re-approach the broken support and now testing as resistance once, twice, maybe been working on a third time, which, by the way, would be coming in right here at our next topside blue box on the top side of this current formation at about 70, 300 ish region in this in this range between 73, 73 and 7:03 50ish region. So it would just be considered a retest of that. Now, do you have a competing one going on right here? I think that that’s actually also relevant to we’ll talk about that, but that’s only relevant to the lower term timeframes. But I wanted to pull up a fresh chart if I can. Let’s see and see if we can recreate this in a more obvious way. Well, actually, yeah, we do have one here. However, could we chart it equally the same as something like this? I think so, yes. Which would still say that we’re within the context of the greater rising channel. And I do trust channels a lot more than wedges, of which the one that we’re looking at probably was a wedge. So what you know, what’s the right answer here? Technically, both. Actually, technically both, because they do fit. And it would suggest that we’re slowly but surely kind of tipping this one over as long as we are below that last broken trend line, which I had charted more like a wedge formation like this and that we’re just kind of retesting right now, as you can kind of see, it’s kind of like hard to fit it right now, which is not a good sign. So maybe it’s not the one to be doing. But I think the channel fits a lot more obviously, and does fit the narrative of the descending volume and does fit the narrative of the descending historic vaulted percentile and does fit the narrative of what you would see on the open interest if we could actually try to back out because it was down around about 500 million right here, popped up to about 700 million PSI. But you know, also to between about five million, 7.2 million on all these moves, downside moves, which seem to be accumulating open interest and upside moves seem to be lessening open interest. And we did see the same thing yesterday as well when bitcoin did or started two days ago or a day and a half ago, I guess now where Bitcoin did move its way to the upside. Let me just make sure that recording I am according to my phone’s working. That’s great. Fuck. Can you hold a thought? Maybe crown you fucking moron. But but my point is, is that, you know, on that last move, the upside, we did see openings just go from I think a little bit above 700 million. I think 710 million down to where we are right now, 650 million. So that’s suggesting that shortz’ closing is running the price actually the upside. So it’s it’s still shorts and control as far as I’m concerned. And with the overall great information still in a redistribution pattern, I am skeptical on this price action, as I have been saying. So. So, you know, on this on this fresh chart right here, I think it’s I think it’s just more easily seen that we are going from level to level on a daily something like this to the upside, something like this to the downside. And until we break one of these, there’s not really like a another medium or even long term trend to really be made as there’s no real resolution below sixty six hundred. Yes, we do have resolution. And I would be looking for a move back down to at the very least fifty eight fifty nine hundred and that’s you know that’s almost a thousand or move at a six thousand dollar price point. I mean that’s what more it’s certainly more than a 10 percent move and almost a fifteen percent move. Pretty damn good. Again these are I just want to show that the edges on these trades are worth waiting for. To the upside, as I said as well above this region right here. I do, you know. You know, we could even stay within the context of this rising channel gun for the two accidentally damage up here. And that’s 79, 30. Remember, that’s pretty much it within the confines of this blue box. So we have the upside right here. And I’d still be kind of testing the topside resistance on this baby right here. So I just want to show that, you know, longer term, I am skeptical on Bitcoin, like actually just fucking greengold on its way to the to the moon from this region, even with the having all that good stuff in order, you know, could that come into play? Yeah, absolutely. But I think that there’s just more tangible things on the board right now that I as a trader would trust in more than me, you know, events that everyone’s fucking known about since the eternity since the dawn of eternity. So because, you know, the general kin’s are the general knowledge is that. If it’s public information and you’ve already known about it and you’ve been making decisions based upon it, then it’s very much reasonable to think or you have to defensively think if you’re like a money manager managing big funds that other people are doing the same thing. It’s fucking free information. So it’s probably probably priced in, especially with regards to the fact that we have features now too, which is essentially what allows those miners to kind of make decisions well, quite late in the future. So they get to make decisions, you know, for like last year calling with this year’s knowing that they that they’re gonna have the having, you know, relatively within, you know, some somewhere within that day. Anyways, I’m getting way off topic right now. Jesus Christ, man. Let’s go see what is closed at us. Seems close. A little bit more of a more as a rejection, a little bit more TOPY ish to me, 1725. So keep that in mind, because going in to Sunday, I do believe that we’re prall going to be held around this region. Now that again, that doesn’t really give us any real buys on this price action as the way that I look at this right here is that I’m not. While we do have the death crossing, while the death cross moving averages are getting much divergence, waking each other. I don’t play this bearish as longs for as long as are above the 21 expansion on average, which right now we obviously are. And that will not be taken out to the downside as long as we are above about sixty nine eighty five, which is essentially where the twin index mentioned average will be on spot. And I think that this is a easier look on price action as well, because if we do take out the low side of this, it’s going to look like a D-O-G total plus plus fall due to the downside plus below a major moving average. And I’d imagine that going to see much more cities turn back down around with it. We do see yeah. We’re gonna see Stokes carry on to the downside daily. RSI probably do the same thing as well. Still looks overall bearish to me, so I would say that I’d be a damn good insight, but that means that at least for myself, I’ll have to wait until Sunday at some are 8 p.m. Eastern time or so. It’s actually Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour, Central Standard Time. In order for these babies to open back up and potentially give me a source of edge for this. So again, putting all the puzzle piece together and going back to spot price action right here. Let me actually go back to our Bit Mexican chart. Well, let’s actually go look at the let’s let’s let’s let’s actually look at the measure move of this as a rising channel. If this is going to operate is right, that channel will actually go back to a fresh chart here. I’m just curious. Again, this videos can be a little bit in the short aside. I think overall this one going to show potentially a break. You know, if we were to break down, if we were to break down a measure, move all the way down to the. It’s hard to know because, you know, you don’t, you know, really take it until we actually break down. But proverbially speaking, is assuming that it would come maybe like early next week if it does come to the downside outlook for a move down to about 50 500 ish region of fifty six hundred. That does make sense with the 200X Benjamin average and turn it simple moving average or so and more so the churn, it’s simple actually at this point is a unit expansion we have is getting way up there. Turn it simple as all the way down around actually 56 it looks like right now. So it’s got a little bit of work to do. What’s up, Alex? Good to meet you, man. And welcome to the cave. And also, I wanted to see how Samis closed the weekly. The other weekly on SGMD looks a lot more like a hang mandella right there as well, which is more inherently bearish if you are just going off of dildo formations, which I actually don’t trust that much in bitcoin land. Weekly stuff is going to certainly be sorry. Are they going to suddenly be down? Let’s go look at this. The reverse stock indicator says they will cross. They will cross the upside if we do close anywhere above 60, 350. So they should close. They should cross up next week. By the same token, we do have a rejection on the weekly RSI. And I do think that that’s probably going to be held there. So, you know, is this going to be a one off to the upside here? I think probably, yeah. Looking at the reverse RSI EMC cross yet just shows 73 50. So that areas can be a big area going forward here as long as are below there. I am not bullish for the medium or long term. It’s only short term ranges. And that’s something I can say with well, at least for myself, for my trading behaviors with, you know, ads like kind of like an anchor of my trading behaviors right now. And of course, major moving averages on the weekly as well are in a much in a very bearish posturing. You know, even if we do pop back up and test around seventy eight to seventy nine hundred ish region, as we’re kind of showing earlier, I would look at that area as another area of massive fuckery as well. So patients here is gonna be a little bit of a virtue as it as we can. Trading is rather annoying to deal with. Typically speaking, at least for myself, you know me, I’m sure some people out there love it and you know more power to you. I hope that you’re making as much money as fucking possible. And I sincerely mean that. I really sincerely mean that because well, why the fuck not, man? Go do good. It’s like I fucking hate it when people say like money is bad. No. If you if you’re going to be good with money, then it’s just going to accentuate your goodness. That’s all. Just do some good things with it. Jesus Christ. Is that such a hard concept to understand? But for fuck’s sake, man, for fuck’s sake. It’s like an amplifier. You know, it’s it’s it’s it’s like it’s like it’s like beer. It’s like it’s like getting drunk. You know, if you’re an asshole, when you get drunk, you turn into a bigger asshole. If you’re that nice guy and or just even doesn’t even need to be a nice guy, but a good guy. And he gets drunk. He’s just, you know, happy and given hugs people. Rogers does that even more. You know, it’s just like that amount. It’s an amplifier as far as I’m concerned. OK. Another stupid rant that I’m getting off of. I’m getting off a chart on here. Sorry about that. I apologize. You don’t want to hear about that. You wanna hear more about price action. And I think now is a good time to go check in on traditional markets. We spoke about this yesterday. That tradition marks where the best case for bitcoin kind of going to the upside here. And let’s see, they closed yesterday. Now, we did come down. We spoke about this during the twitch stream yesterday, that we are likely to come down actually exactly to this level. Eighty seven thirty ish region did bounce from there. And I do think that we are going to open up next week, probably retest in the high. But is the momentum waning on this on this right now? I think so, yes. I think I think that we actually are going be putting in a local top here for the short and medium term and possibly come back down into this region somewhere right around the eighty four is low. Eighty four, as I’d say, maybe, maybe maybe upper eighty threes sometime in next week. So I do think that again to kind of like synthesize those thoughts down, look at us looking especially at Nasdaq futures which I think are running this market, you know, and again, just going from level to level. This is just beautiful right here. Fucking beautiful. Gotta love it, man. Gotta fucking love it. The simplicity of this. Sometimes we did say that we were likely to hit around eighty nine hundred. We got up to eighty nine fifty. That’s fine. And then I said likely a short term and medium term reversal. I think that’s what we’re gonna get coming into next week, although next week should open up around around yesterday Friday’s high. Looking at many futures probably be about the same thing actually still within the context of this rising wedge. Sounds familiar now, doesn’t it? And also a very precarious place as well, because not only are we in a redistribution pattern, but volume signature is is is confirming that. And we do see that we’re kind of at the prep’s the precipice of a major change in behavior here, too, because the longer that it stays above the 55, the screen moving average, the you know, the more and more likely it will unfuck this death cross. But if the death cross does want to play out, this would be a damn good place to reverse from. And if we do break down below, I mean, even just even us, Friday’s low would probably do it for me. Confirming that as reversal, I look for a measured move to be initiated. Somewhere down around here, somewhere down it down back into like the twenty five twenty five to twenty six hundred range which is going to correlate with like 255 to 60 ish region on spot price action. And we’ll come back and reassess after that. By the same token, to the upside, if this thing makes another leg of the upside, we’re gonna see three ton great to see like three or five A310 is going to and everyone’s gonna get very, very happy and very, very bullish. And that would be another good place for, you know, for a massive meltdown. The only thing that really concerns me about tradition marks right now is that everyone, everyone, their mother thinks that they’re good being the genius, thinking like, fuck, I watched that movie called what was it called? The Big Short. And you know what? I know exactly what’s going on. It’s gonna be right now we’re gonna be going to zero this. Things sucked and maybe it is. But you’re not alone in thinking that you’re not the fucking only person thinking that that is the majority of the market right now. So that, you know, that’s the other thing making me think that ad. Do we have another move back, if you like? Three 310 first? Probably, yeah. It’s certainly not other question, but. But, hey, if we take out Friday is low, then yeah, I will look for for for that house of cards crumble it a bit more. But for right now, I’d say caution against the wind. Let’s go check out the other market leaders. Mr. Beautiful. And this is like wine, Mr. β, all actually breaking the long term downtrend, it looks like if you are gonna be using this as a long term downtrend. Some like that. Bitcoin nowhere near actually breaking that same level. We can go back on over here and look at it. In fact, what you know, this level even correlates directly with holy shit that Bluebox of destiny, perhaps perhaps destiny. You are looking at as such. Oh, also that and with the top three reasons. So this baby as well. So strange, right. And I’m sure I’m sure people are going to be like. But Crown. Don’t you know this one right here too? Yes, I know about this one right here, too. It’s all good. I don’t really trust diagonals that much. Yea, I know. At least not not enough to trade, but it is funded to an analysis size on. But you know, going back down to lower timeframes here, I didn’t get to talk about this. This is relevant as well. We do see. To quote my fucking hate for a diagnose, we do actually see that there is something resembling a falling channel here which typically does break out to the upside. If we did make a measured move on this, it is a little bit funny that we would actually see the measure move correlate. Actually nowhere near what the fuck that’s that’s cause is getting the bottom of the of the order block right here. So I’m doing a more aggressive read on this. Looking at the liquid zone, if I were looking at the order block it would say about 70 100, which would be the bottom side of this. It’s all within range that write them. It depends where we break out from, too. So, you know, if you know, if we were to break out from this region right here. It’d be obviously higher anyways. Enough of that. Jesus fucking Christ, man. To me, it’s pretty damn simple for even even like a four hour delay closure about sunny 130. Very, very likely we will toss up this region of the cup on a bux higher. That’s where things actually can change for the macro. But I don’t think. I don’t think that that’s what’s happening to be actually directly clear and deliberately clear maybe. But again, I know my opinions not necessary for that to the downside. A little to the downside. Actually, a lot more easy, but live more diabolical. Any any four hour delay, closure, blow 64 50. And I do believe that this that this will play out as a whole. As you know, as an efficacious death cross, we will very likely come down to this region right here, 6, 7, 50 tests their pride, pride to another anemic bounce. But I do believe that that bounce would be sold into. And then we will likely come down into the mid 5 thousands. So things are kind of shifting around here. And I think it’s also still relevant to talk about this. It’s not going to be so much of a shorter video now, is it, to be so much of a shorter video? Anyways, um, um. Looking at the two day, we can just quickly go through this as well. You know, the two day duel to Death Cross? I do. Again, I do think that day to day till Death Cross is still very much relevant. And I do think that it could still very much play out, as we do see a very similar signature to here to what we seen in the past in both in both instances. Now, the third one kind of formally in front of our very eyes. So this could be a trend if it does play out. But this one about over here, green and purple, fit five and 200. Crossman downside. Slowly but surely, it’s round now below the 21, although it does have the 55 along the way. And that is a that is a hallmark of the last pass crosses. And then boom, massive move. The downside, 50 percent. You already know from 6000 basically to 3000 times before that was running over here in 2014/2015 at this price point. Price action very far away from front from the cross itself, which I think is kind of a it’s kind of similar. What we’re doing right now to Bitcoin gets another test back up to the 55, although after that gets quickly rejected. And once it’s back down below the 21, that’s when the inevitable downside does play out. So what I’m looking at right here is, is same thing as a daily eye. You know, I look at this as overall bearish. As long as you’re below the death cross moving averages, which are where they’re conveniently right at that fucking over $7000 a number, right around seventeen hundred if you wanna get super exact. But. But I don’t play to the downside as long as we are above the 20 1 expense to an average on especially a closing basis. And we will be closing this 2 day doled out now. Not tonight, tomorrow night, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. So it’s gonna be a long day, I suppose. But if we do get another test up to the 55, as we have in the past couple instances, I’d say that that would be pretty, pretty stock standard. And it also would be in line with even the short term ranges as that was really such change things around. So I feel like I’ve missed quite a few things on this video. But again, I feel like this past week’s videos have been more or less on topic for that anyways. And realistically, I’m looking at this price session right here, especially on a weekend when it’s kind of flagging now is probably going to, you know, like likely to be trampy. Just higher higher degree, higher degree of crappiness behavior on a weekend. We can go quickly, check out the probability ranges right over here and can actually look at this a little bit differently as well. If we won’t actually do some ring analysis, which should we can we can do future bars. Yeah. If I do it on. Future buys, it should actually do better with the with the with the slopes of these babies, and right now they’re both squeezing on each other. The downsides are side the upside, the site, the ones to the bottom side, which are squeezing the upside, the slope on. That’s a little bit more a little bit more impressive, a little bit more a little bit more direct. Not too crazy. Maybe it’s just my eyes kind of making that up, Knight. I do think I do things with a bit more study them. So technically speaking, it would be a little bit more angled to the upside. However, what I really want to be looking at is the probabilities of the range that we’re looking at. As of the current moment in time and by the way, current, if I use current, it actually does push down a little bit more I think is going to turn into a little bit of a fake out. So Sunny, 350 is still the relevant air to the upside. I would say seventy six to seven hundred. The downs in a more conservative estimate, more aggressive. Seventy six. Seven fifty. And what do we see? Actually, the range is for both relatively small in comparison limit. Just make sure you do have my settings right. I believe and above target probability. Seventeen and a half percent on today’s Daily Dose closure. So it you know, it certainly is possible. It’s bet it’s better than one standard deviation, however. Say it’s what is within one’s own deviation. It looks like just right there. I think that’s a half one on the grey. So that so so as you put them in perspective, that actually is rather high, 14 and a quarter percent to the downside. Again, still within the realm of possibility. But realistically, we have more that y what’s our inside probability is going to be. Well, the difference between those, which is about 68 and a quarter, that we’re just gonna be Ossana between 60, 70, 350 to the upside and sixty seven 50 to the downside, which I think is most likely here, especially on a weekend. I think that we’re progam to test sides of the ranges on the short term. But do we get an actual break on the short term. Well a break of the week’s trend. In this case would be what would be continuation of the downside, not to the upside as this is still a four hour downtrend. As it stands, can very easily revert itself here, but as it stands, it technically is that way. So I think this 50th priority way too long. Porges for that I thought is give me a shorter video. Apparently not. Do you like how the 4 hour turn and simples gonna start to align with the Bluebox A piece in Destiny? To the downside right here. If we do drone on a little bit longer, that should be happening by tomorrow. I do believe unless things just Apsley shatter before end of day today, which I think is a little bit unlikely. I think that we’re perogative to wait until tomorrow for like, you know, a nice move and then we should resolve the range either. Sorry, and I’m not talking about the short term range. Which guy and this guy, but rather the medium term range. This guy over here, sunny, 350 and 6, 750. The downside, I think that we’re gonna be resolving that early this next week. Very, very likely. Quickly, we can look at like the troll and your bands to see if we can come up with any sort of other biases trolling you. What? Actually actually showing some more inherent bullishness here. I did have a fake up to the downside right here, and that usually isn’t that usually is pretty damn good. And what what, you know, wears the tops out of the trolley bands on a daily S300 fucking obviously will quickly look at the MacDonalds as well and see what that one’s showing. See, what do you what do you got for me today. Could it be. Could it be that we’re just gonna be putting another set of bearish divergence here on them on the histogram. Maybe. But that’s that’s fucking crystal ball bullshit which I need to call my shell self out on on a really. And that also imply that we’re gonna get higher has some price action too. So could we move up here and put another set of devant there. Yeah, could be. So there you go. I’m not really getting too much else off the other than that the the only way that I really get some off this is if is if we come down below the zero, read again and cross the downside which we’re not doing right now and that’s not going to happen. Very unlikely to happen today. In fact, so you know what I’d like to see on the Mac? He is like an obvious signal. I’d like to see like a medium term timeframe range broken. So 6 700 in this region. In this case would be great. Plus that crossing back down below the zero read. That would be damn good for some some inherent downside back down below 6000 into like the mid 5000 probably to the upside, a little bit more difficult. I actually think that the shorter term time from the reps and in that a little bit more accurately, a little bit more easily. Right here. So other than that, really not very much has changed from USA to today. Bitcoin’s flagging now and improving its bullish chances. I think a little bit more, but I’d keep an eye on this because when these when these guys start to kiss, if if there’s gonna be a trap, I’d look for it somewhere right around there. Anyways, that’s gonna do it for right now. I’m not gonna be trading today. I will be on Twitch later, say for a long, long, long, long time. In fact, I’m debating just not eating and just playing all day. So so we can maybe see some moves together. Other than that, I want to wish you well once again. Take care and add until next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-double-trap-analysis-april-2020/
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allspark · 5 years
New official images and official product info has been released by Hasbro to let us know that the Goldrush Games are still going strong as 2020 rolls on, and that BotBots series 5 AND 6 are going to be amazing! Aside from new tribes, but also got new mystery-box packaging, following series 4’s gumball and claw machines — in the form of a Treasure Chest and, uh, a Toilet?! (Not to be confused with the actual toilet BotBot!)
Due April this year, welcome the Los Deliciosos, Frequent Flyers, Hibotchi Heats, Cardio Clique, and Party Favors!
BotBots Goldrush Series 5 Tribes Transformers: BotBots Series 5 Collectible Blind Box Mystery Figure (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $2.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Hidden inside each TRANSFORMERS BOTBOTS blind box is a little mystery figure with a big personality! Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each blind bag randomly includes 1 of 24 available characters in series 5. Reveal the mystery figure waiting inside! You can collect 60 characters in series 5. Convert and see what bot you got!
Transformers: BotBots Series 5, 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $9.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each 5-Pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the themed packs such as the CARDIO CLIQUE, PARTY FAVORS or LOS DELICIOSOS, and 3 from other themed teams. Lots to collect and 1 hidden character to discover inside each pack! Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! You can collect all 60 characters in series 5. Available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
Transformers: BotBots Series 5, 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $14.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each 8-Pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the themed packs such as the FREQUENT FLYERS and HIBOTCHI HEATS, and 6 from other themed teams. Lots to collect and 1 hidden character to discover inside each pack! Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! You can collect all 60 characters in series 5. Available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Transformers: BotBots Series 6 Surprise Unboxing: Toilet (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $19.99 / Available: August 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! This Toilet surprise unboxing pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures, 1 rare gold BOTBOTS figure, and 4 stickers. Use the plunger accessory to plunge out the 10 surprises inside one at a time. Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! There are 190 BOTBOTS to collect in 2020, which are available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
Transformers: BotBots Series 6 Surprise Unboxing: Treasure Chest (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $19.99 / Available: August 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! This Treasure Chest surprise unboxing pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures, 1 rare gold BOTBOTS figure, and 4 stickers. Dig through treasure chest to discover the 10 surprises inside. Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! There are 190 BOTBOTS to collect in 2020, which are available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
  Whew! That’s a lot from the now-six-series-strong line of cute little bots that caught everyone by surprise in 2018. Join the BotBots hunt on the Allspark Facebook page, on the Allspark Forums, or on our Discord server!
Toy Fair 2020: BotBots series 5 AND 6 tribes and mystery boxes! New official images and official product info has been released by Hasbro to let us know that the Goldrush Games are still going strong as 2020 rolls on, and that BotBots series 5 AND 6 are going to be amazing!
0 notes
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