Toto I've a feeling we're not in rehearsals any more
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unibrowzz · 2 days ago
Eurovision Fact #948:
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In 1979, left-wing groups including the workers' representative association CAFIT (Collectif d'Animation pour la Formation et l'Information des Travailleurs) and the activist group Pour le Socialisme hosted an alternative to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Held in Brussels at the Cirque Royal concert hall on March 31st and April 1st, the Counter Eurovision was supposed to provide people with an alternative to the Eurovision Song Contest, which many leftists at the time considered cheesy and host to only conservative pop music. Additionally, the event was considered to be a protest against Eurovision being hosted in Jerusalem that same year.
The Counter Eurovision was meant to host progressive music and give the stage to marginalized groups with small amounts of political influence.
The event had a very different format to the Eurovision Song Contest, as those taking part played a set as opposed to a single song. The most famous of these sets was the 40 minute set by the reggae band Misty in Roots, also known simply as Misty. The set was later turned into the celebrated album Live at the Counter Eurovision 79.
Aside from the album, little information survives about the event.
"Eurovision dissenters and the making of a classic reggae album," RTE.ie.
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unibrowzz · 2 days ago
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Nucha representing Portugal in the Eurovision Song Contes 1990, with the song "Há Sempre Alguém"
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unibrowzz · 5 days ago
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un fucking believable 😬💀 (x)
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unibrowzz · 7 days ago
Anyways look like we just have... a few songs to go until a full house.
Can't say it's been a good season but now that the spectre of Måns Zelmerlöw has been defeated (for now), I'm feeling a little more optimistic 👀
Emphasis on "a little" 🤣
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unibrowzz · 7 days ago
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From eurovision reddit
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unibrowzz · 10 days ago
it's so funny how people are now screeching that "EBU IS BANNING A NORMAL MALTESE WORD" guys, guys, the whole song is built around barely censoring the word "cunt", that's the point, that's the joke, that's the fucking appeal of the song don't play coy now, Miriana isn't saying some totally normal phrase in Maltese, we all know what "serving cunt" is girlie slayed too close to the sun, this was an expected outcome, honestly
also, i don't think the EBU itself has any problems with the song, it's BBC which has to oblige to OFCOM's regulations
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unibrowzz · 12 days ago
Found out there's a Mecano song about Laika the space dog and I have to ask... how historically accurate is it, if at all? 🤔
I cannot hear this song without crying, so I can’t honestly tell you.
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unibrowzz · 15 days ago
The juries are working my last nerve and it's not even may yet
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unibrowzz · 15 days ago
Taking a proper look at the mascot design and I think I'm starting to pinpoint why it looks so off putting (aside from the "AI sheen"):
The face is way too detailed for such a simplistic body shape, like it's essentially a head on legs but with these gigantic eyeballs which thankfully don't have flecked irises but they do have iris rings, and Hell, I'd say having irises in general just adds too much unecessary detail and that maybe regular cartoony sclera-and-pupil eyes would've looked more appealing.
Also why does it have lips. Who gave it lips. Why the lips and no nose. Stop that.
Thirdly the hair suffers from the same problem as the face in that it's too much detail on an overly simplistic design, there isn't really need to have every last strand rendered (unless they're trying to flex their animation budget I guess?). If the hair is suppose to represent fire, then why not just have the hair be fire?
Fourthly I'm not sure whether I like the gradients or if the gradients even make "sense", like why are the hands and feet the same orange as the face, why not have the hands and feet darker to direct your attention TOWARDS the face (other than the face being ugly as per point one)?
Fifthly, undynamic pose is undynamic and boring, take a look at like... any Olympic or World Cup mascot to see what I mean well maybe not any but a few of them definitely illustrate the point that having your character just standing hands by their side with a generic smiley expression is the worst pose possible when you're INTRODUCING YOUR CHARACTER
At least it passes the silhouette test I guess.
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unibrowzz · 16 days ago
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we are going to talk about this, right?
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unibrowzz · 16 days ago
Anyways shitty Five Nights at Freddy's clone with Eurocat, Eurobird, Eurodrone and Euroaigeneratedabomination when
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unibrowzz · 17 days ago
Eurovision Fact #993.5:
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SRF has released the designs in 2nd through 5th place in the mascot design competition.
From right to left, starting with the top row the designs are:
2nd place entry "Luvdilove" by Adrian Künzl, "Meet ESCY" by Basil Huwyler, untitled entry by Florence Baeriswyl, and "Legato" by Sarah Klein.
"12 Points: Kunst-Studentin macht Rennen um ESC-Maskottchen," SRF.ch.
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unibrowzz · 18 days ago
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of that monstrosity they call mascot
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unibrowzz · 20 days ago
I'm not even joking when I say I'm genuinely considering not even watching this year, thinking about it is just depressing at this point.
I know this blog's dead but honestly I'm so unfathomably done with Eurovision right now, like I was already pretty tired of it by 2022 but last year stamped out whatever remaining passion I had for it. It just doesn't bring me any joy at all, just fatigue and a quiet resignation that I'll never love this thing again, and considering I've devoted over half my life to caring about this contest I'm honestly not even sure how I feel about that.
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unibrowzz · 21 days ago
i'm so fucking done with Käärijä's buddies sending progressively worse songs to eurovision
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unibrowzz · 21 days ago
I know this blog's dead but honestly I'm so unfathomably done with Eurovision right now, like I was already pretty tired of it by 2022 but last year stamped out whatever remaining passion I had for it. It just doesn't bring me any joy at all, just fatigue and a quiet resignation that I'll never love this thing again, and considering I've devoted over half my life to caring about this contest I'm honestly not even sure how I feel about that.
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unibrowzz · 23 days ago
So Ireland's Eurovision song is an inappropriately peppy song about Laika, the dog that the Soviets sent to space and then accidentally overheated to death during the course of like six hours and then they lied about this for 40 years
So on reddit there was some debate about whether this song was like, actually genuine, or if it was like an ironic commentary on the positive spin that the Soviets put on this story for so long, and someone who possibly wasn't a native speaker of English kept referring to the Soviet Union in the present tense and eventually I was like "clearly we have underestimated the power of the KGB's Department of Time Travel"
But since I'm actually currently writing a time travel story, my mind then immediately went to, wait, that's actually a somewhat interesting writing prompt? Probably for someone who has done more research on the Soviet Union than I have. But just imagine them sending operatives into the future to get Soviet propaganda songs sent to Eurovision even after the Soviet Union is gone
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