#too good to say goodbye
logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
helloooo my love🎀
i just wanna let you know you're my favourite logan writer and your writing is so good. can't wait for more of 'too good to say goodbye'!!! mwah
Thank You so much, you're too kind to me! You don't know how much this means to me! So with that being said here is
Too Good To Say Goodbye part 6
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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I can't be pregnant right? I mean I had my daughter almost 5 months ago, I’m not ready to be pregnant again.
When Lando brought me back some water, I had him grab me a pair of comfortable clothes because I wanted to “take a shower”. The second Lando closed the door of the bathroom I quickly grabbed the box from the cupboard and pulled out a test.
I let out a shaky breath after I peed on the stick and waited for the results. I just had to wait three minutes for an answer. I heard footsteps coming to the bathroom and I knew I had to hide the test, I just didn’t have anywhere to hide it. I quickly shoved the the test to the back of the cupboard before the door swung open.
“Hey, I couldn’t find the PJs that you like so I brought you one of my shirts and a random pair of your Mickey Mouse shorts. Is that fine?” Lando looked so worried that I randomly got sick.
“Perfect. Thank you” I said as he placed my clothes on the bathroom sink
“Do you want me to help you shower? I know how you get when you’re sick and I don’t want you passing out in the bath again.” It’s true, when I get sick and shower my blood pressure plummets and I go down fast.
“I’m okay, I’ll call out if my blood pressure drops. I promise.” with a quick kiss to my forehead Lando left.
That means only one thing now. Time’s up and I can check the results on the test. I quickly turned on the shower to make it seem like I was about to step in before I bent down to grab the test from the back of the cupboard.
I held the test in my shaky hands, whatever this result was is gonna change my life forever. Either I’m pregnant again but with Lando’s baby this time and I get to have that joy of being pregnant again and giving Lando his first born or I’m not and I want to get pregnant by Lando. I flipped the test over and let out a shaky breath while I read the result.
Holy shit, I’m fucking pregnant again. So many questions have been floating around in my mind like how am I gonna tell Lando, when am I gonna tell Lando, Is he gonna be happy, does he want to be a dad, and more importantly how is Logan going to react? No, stop why are you thinking about Logan? He has no say in any of this. Stop having such a soft spot for him.
I placed the test down on top my clothes while I stepped in the shower. I have to process all this new information before I tell Lando. Maybe I should wait until I know this pregnancy is going to stick. Last thing I want is a Theo 2.0, I don’t want to be happy about this pregnancy and find out the gender of the baby only to lose it in the end.
A soft knock of the bathroom door pulled me out of my thoughts before I heard the door creak open a little and my head shot to look out of the shower curtain to make sure that the pregnancy test is out of eyeshot of Lando in case he poked his head in. Thank god he just opened it enough for me to hear him
“Baby? Are you okay, it’s been 45 minutes?” 45 minutes?! No. I haven’t been that deep in thought, have I?
“Oh sorry, lost track of time. I’m fine, coming out now.” I yelled, trying not to sound nervous. Lando and I have talked about having a kid together but we didn’t think it would happen this fast I mean yeah we fucked raw all the time but Lando almost always pulled out. Only 4 times he hasn’t and that was all in one night, 3 weeks ago. There was no way I’m 3 weeks pregnant, I can’t be.
I mean the test says I am but false positives are a thing. I can't believe it until a doctor confirms it or a bump grows if I wait it out. Having Yelena was such a joy, it still is. That little 5 month girl brings so much joy into my world and she doesn't even know it. She's a little carbon copy of Logan and I love that. I love it because I love Logan. Now imagine a little carbon copy of Lando running around the house? Aww, just makes my heart melt thinking about it. I have so much love in my heart for Lando because I know deep down, he is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Lando is the one I want to grow old with, I want to share a last name with him, a family, a life. I want to do and have it all and I want it all with Lando.
I tried to sneak out of the bathroom and have it go unnoticed by the man who's baby is snug as a bug in a rug in my uterus but to no avail.
"Babe! You had me worried, I thought you went down for the count. I was about to call 911" Lando said as he jogged to where I stood as he pressed both his hands on either side of my face while moving it around inspecting every inch of my face for a scratch tor bruise.
"Lando.." I whispered. Doubt started to seep in as I opened my mouth
"Babe?" Lando's voice barely audible, scared that if he spoke any louder he'd hear words that he never want to hear.
"We need to talk" I didn't make eye contact which only sent him more into the 'we're breaking up' frenzy
"No, please" I could see the tears welling up in his eyes
"No! It's not bad," I started as a faint chuckle leaves my lips "At least I don't think it's bad"
The look in Lando's face told me that he didn't find my little joke funny, he wanted to know what I had on my mind before he would end up being 100% again.
I attempted to grab Lando's hand to guide him to the bed but he wouldn't budge. Exhaling a sigh I just told him as it was
"I'm pregnant" I let his hand go as I searched his face for any type of reaction. I needed something whether it was anger, joy, fear, disgust, I needed SOMETHING. Instead, I was met with a blank and unreadable expression.
As the seconds turned into minutes I started to regret my decision of telling him. I started to doubt whether Lando was ready to be a dad, I mean he takes care of Yelena like she’s his own but to actually have a kid with your own DNA is way different. You have to make decisions for the well being of your child together whereas Lando just asked me if he was able to do whatever with Yelena because she’s my daughter.
“You’re preg- what?” Lando shook his head as if he was trying to refocus his eyes after he spaced out.
There was not many things that could leave Lando speechless and this was one of the many FEW things that did.
“I am pregnant. I’m sorry, I know that we discussed maybe having kids in the future but I didn’t think it was gonna happen this fast. I don’t know if you want a kid and I really don’t want to do half this pregnancy alone again like how it was when I was pregnant with Yelena and I really, REALLY don’t want to have to go through that again but if that’s what you want I will leave and you’ll never have to see me again. Wait that’s actually a lie because I work for you, well technically McLar-” Lando cut me off by smashing his lips to mine and lifting me off the group and spinning us. When he pulled away he had the biggest grin plastered on his face.
“I’m gonna be a dad?! You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, I love you so much. So so so much. Can I kiss the baby?” he gestured to my tummy
“Honey, the baby is nothing but a clump of cells right now” I light chuckle left my lips as I lifted my hands to wipe a few stray tears away from my face that I didn’t know had fallen.
My rebuttal wasn’t enough for Lando though, because he bent down, lifted my shirt just above my tummy and started to whisper sweet nothings to it.
"Hi baby, I'm your dad. You can't hear me but I already love you so much, more than you'll ever comprehend when you're born. I want you to know that I'll protect you forever and I will spoil you rotten, even if your mommy says no. Only with certain things though, she'll kill me.” This ended up going on for about an hour, so much so that while Lando was talking to our soon to be baby he’d actually picked me up and gently placed me on our bed so I didn’t have to stand while he kept talking.
My heart was filled with so much joy and happiness and I wanted to relish in this moment forever. I’d closed my eyes 10 minutes after Lando placed me on the bed and I had my hand in his hair “You’re gonna have the best Aunts and Uncles in the whole world. You’re gonna love your sister, she’s amazing. She’s gonna love you so much, your brother also loves you so much. You’re probably with him right now having a good time. Tell him his mommy and daddy miss him so much.” Lando assumed I was asleep when he said what he said and I tried so hard not to cry.
In that moment, Lando talked about Logan with the most respect than he’d had since before the fight we had.
I think seeing Lando slowly start to forgive Logan has really helped me in my healing process of becoming a new mom and also co-parenting. I would be lying if I said life wasn’t hard right now because it is. It’s terrible right now and I would do anything to change the way I’m feeling but living for Yelena makes all this pain and stress worth it.
I would go through all this pain over and over again even if it gets worse just to give my baby a good life. I would do anything for her and her wellbeing and I know Lando would do the same for our kid.
“My little baby, I would do anything for you. Even if it meant giving up racing, I would do it all for you. I’m so excited to meet you, I already love you so much. You make me want to be a better version of myself and trust me, you’re gonna be the new favorite on the paddock, well, you and Yelena. You both would top Roscoe and Leo” Lando’s hand went to rest on my tummy. Even though he knew he would just be touching fat Lando didn’t want to feel like he was gonna miss any part of this pregnancy. He’d been there for the better half of my pregnancy with Yelena and he’d done any and everything he could’ve to make me feel better. I felt safe with Lando.
It had been 3 months since I found out I was pregnant, which means I was just starting my second trimester and I’d woken up so drained and nauseous and I had to quickly rush to the bathroom or Lando would be unfortunately the one who had to clean the mess. I slowly made my way out of the bed making sure to take deep slow breaths and tried to distract myself so I wouldn't puke until I got to the toilet but that didn't last long.
"Baby? Is Yelena up?" The thought of responding to Lando was enough to make me want to hurl so I had to run to the bathroom and I just barely made it. After spilling my all my guts into the toilet, I looked over to see Lando holding Yelena, bouncing her up and down while pacing back and forth in our room.
"Did I wake her?" I sounded defeated and that's because I was. I'm in my 2nd trimester of this pregnancy and I'm still getting nauseous in the mornings. My first two pregnancies weren't like how this one is shaping out to be and I can't help but have a bad feeling about it.
"Do you want to get checked out? I read about somethings that could be wrong and I just want make sure the baby is okay, I mean I care about you so much more but I want both of you to be alright." Lando has been my rock throughout this pregnancy, always getting me what I crave even if he knows I won't be able to keep it down, always running hot baths for me, letting me occasionally drive his McLaren.
"Yes please, I don't know how much more of this I can take." I whimpered, it sounded pathetic but I couldn't muster up any energy to sound okay.
No one on the grid or any of the WAGS new I was pregnant. I learned my lesson last time when I told the whole world about my pregnancy with Leo and then had to very publicly grieve with Logan.
"I'll call Logan to take Yelena for the day. I'll tell him you got some type of food poisoning and I have to take you to the hospital." All I could do was muster up a little energy to nod slightly.
Lando had a sad look in his eyes. He looked like he regretted putting his girlfriend through this much pain and agony. Lando was one to always want to take her pain away but right now and until I gave birth, he couldn't.
ten minutes later Lando walked back in the bathroom, where I still laid by the toilet, with Yelena. She looked all cute dressed up in her little Williams outfit that she was gifted from James when I told the world via instagram.
"Logan's 5 minutes out, I'll put her in her play pen and then I'll be back to help you get up and dressed, okay?" Lando took my silence as an agreement and he quickly placed Yelena in the makeshift playpen in her nursery before jogging back to me.
“Okay, cmon up you go.” Lando said as he placed both his arms under mine and clasped his hands together to pull me up “good girl, okay let’s go” we started walking to our room “I’m gonna sit you on the edge of the bed and grab you some comfy clothes okay?” Lando said as he placed me at the end of the bed.
I watched as Lando went to our walk in closet and grabbed me a pair of grey sweatpants and a rhea ripely t-shirt and my favorite pair of socks and crocs.
“Okay Honey, lift your arms. Good girl, okay now I need to to stand up so I can take your shorts off, good good. Thank you honey, okay lift one leg, good. Now the other, amazing. I know you’re exhausted but you’re doing so good for me.” after a few more minutes of him helping me get dressed we heard the doorbell ring.
“COMING!!” Lando screamed before he turned his attention back to me
“Okay honey, Logan’s here so I’m just gonna carry you to the sofa. Okay, up you go.” Lando carried me bridal style to the living room before he opened the door and let Logan come in.
I saw them whisper indistinctively while simultaneously looking in my direction. Logan had a look of pity on his face and I very rarely got that reaction out of him.
“Hi babygirl, I’ve missed you so much!” Logan said as he picked up Yelena and started peppering her with kisses. Logan made his way towards the door but he stopped and turned around and looked at me
“I’m sorry you’re sick. I hope the doctors can help you feel better, Yelena needs her mom to be 100% by the time she leaves her daddy’s house” Logan tried to make a small joke just to take my mind off being sick and part of it worked. A small smile creeped on my face as Logan bid his farewells and took our daughter and left.
Lando pre started the car before he made his way back over to me.
“Okay, up we go again. Good, you’re doing so well for me. We’re almost to the car, just a few more steps,” he unlocked the car and opened the passenger door “In we go, you’re doing so good for me. I love you so much” Lando put my seatbelt on for me before closing the door and jogging to the drivers side and starting driving to the hospital.
I’d gotten admitted into the hospital about 30 minutes ago and the doctors had hooked me to an IV for fluids and electrolytes, since I couldn’t keep anything down and I was severely dehydrated while they ran several tests to determine what was wrong with me.
After being poked and prodded and waiting for results for what felt like forever, the doctor and his follow student finally came back with some results.
“Hello Ms L/N, as you know we took several tests and at first we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with you but after the most recent test we ran, we found out that you in fact have developed hyperemesis gravidarum, It’s where you have extreme morning sickness during just about all stages of your pregnancy, there is one way to help with that.” The doctor had explained what my condition was
“Well, how can you help my wife? She’s suffering and she’s severely dehydrated, this obviously isn’t good for her or the baby.” Lando is always worried about my health but right now he was 100x more protective of me, probably because I’m carrying precious cargo.
“Well, I can start her right now on this pump that’ll inject her with Zofran which is basically anti-nausea medicine so you’ll be able to eat and drink without throwing it up” The doctor went on to explain the pros and cons of this little device but I was too out of it to listen. The IV that was injecting me with fluids was helping me for sure though, I felt like I had a lot more energy now than I had when I first got admitted.
“Thank you so much Doc. We really appreciate everything you did for us. Oh thank you ms, we really appreciate it” Lando said to the nice student doctor who had just wheeled a wheelchair into the room.
“You’re welcome. Ms L/N, I'm gonna help you up okay, are you okay with me putting my hands here to help you?" The doctors assistant, Kelani asked.
"Yes, that's fine. Thank you" My voice hoarse from vomiting non-stop for just about 4 months on end.
When we got back home, I felt 30x better. I hadn't felt this good since 2 months after I had Yelena. I felt like myself again and boy was I hungry.
"Hey babe?" I whispered, unsure if Lando was awake seeing as when we got home immediately went to our room to put on a movie and take a nap, I had one hand combing through his curls while my eyes were laser focused on the movie currently playing on the screen. We had put on Captain America: The First Avenger before we took a nap and when I woke up, I saw that we were just about half way through Captain America: The Winter Soldier (my personal favorite movie)
"Yes my love? Are you okay? Are you gonna be sick?" Lando's head immediately shot up assuming the worst
"Quite the opposite actually. I'm starving" I watched as Lando's face contorted in confusion. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I knew it was going to be hard because the first trimester is always tough with all the nausea and not wanting to eat but this pregnancy I didn't want to even look at food because I wanted to vomit. I felt like there was no point in eating or drinking anything if I wasn't going to be able to keep it down and there were times where Lando had to force me to eat.
"Oh! Yes, I'll grab you anything you want. What are you and baby in the mood for? I mean it when I said I'll go anywhere"
"Baby is really in the mood for Wingstop, I don't know, baby's saying something about Mango Habanero wings and Voodoo fries" I chuckle
"Okay, I'll be right back" Lando said as he leaped from the bed and was about to run out of the room
"Wait!" That stopped Lando dead in his tracks "I want to come with"
Lando was quickly right back at my side as he was when he left and he helped me get up from the bed and then we made our way to the front door.
Opening it, we were met with a surprise. Logan was standing there with Yelena in his arms.
"Hey sorry, I ran out of milk for Yelena do you have any frozen breast milk?" Logan asked as he stared at the floor, almost as if he was ashamed to ask his Ex-Girlfriend for food for his baby.
"Oh yeah, let me grab you some. Are you gonna take her this weekend since it's Thursday and this is technically 'your weekend'?" Me and Logan have 'scheduled weekends' that we're supposed to have Yelena ordered by the courts but since we technically work together and we're on good terms, we take turns alternating each week. I started to make my way to the kitchen before stopping dead I my tracks at what Logan said next.
"Yeah, I just wanted to come grab some milk because I know we discussed rarely using formula when you were pregnant with Theo."
Hearing his name always stings, no matter how much time passes.
"Um, yeah. Well- uh here's the milk." I said as I handed Logan a little thermal bag of 10 frozen bags of frozen breast milk.
"Thank you. Sorry to bother you again, say 'bye' to mommy Yelena" Logan poked her tummy with one finger and she lifted her little arm and waved it in my direction.
All I kept thinking was man, I can't wait to relive all these 'first' moments with this baby.
Lando and I waited about 15 minutes to leave after Logan did. We both made our way to the car in a quiet but comfortable silence.
The Wingstop was about 10 minutes away which only meant one thing "All Too Well (Taylors Version) (10 minute version)"
By the time the song ended we'd already placed the order online and just had to wait until the pickup time to go in.
I think now that this Zofran is kicking in, I'm just so excited to eat.
"C'mon babe, It says it's ready." I sounded more excited than usual and rightfully so; I can (hopefully) actually eat.
We had gone inside hand in hand, Lando went to grab the food while I was getting our drinks. All was going well but I should've known that I couldn't keep my peace and pregnancy a secret for long and this proved it.
In a matter of minutes after grabbing the food, both of our phones were being bombarded with a lot of incoming texts and calls, one of them caught my eye though
Lily: Check your instagram now!
What? I opened instagram scared and when I saw the first thing on my feed I let out the biggest sigh and looked over at Lando who was already looking at me with a deflated look on his face.
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"So much for telling them on our own terms eh?"
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti@dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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yourangle-yuordevil · 10 months
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what if we flirted at the gentlemen club 😳 (and we were both flirting) 😞❤️😞Discreet Gentlemen's Club
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ohsleepie · 10 months
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The prince and his Physician. A role-reversal au based on a dream I had that I wanted to draw something for. More ramblings under the cut
In this au, there is a kingdom of men where the briar valley once stood. Silver, the heir to this kingdom, has been the only member of the royal family for centuries, the result of a curse that causes him to die before he's old enough to ascend to the throne and reincarnate days after his passing. Silver's immortality was once a symbols for the kingdom's permanence, but the repeated death of their monarch every two decades or so has left the citizens with perpetual, generational sorrow with seemingly no solution as no one besides Silver was alive when the curse was placed.
A few centuries after Silver was born and it was believed the last full-blooded fae in briar valley had either abandoned the land or died, a draconian fae child is found in the brambles. This fae, given the name Malleus, was brought to the kingdom at the request if the prince and raised as part of the royal court with the express purpose of becoming the royal physician/chemist. It is believed that Silver's curse, as everlasting as it seems, was placed on him by a fae with extreme magical prowess and if anyone has a chance of breaking it, it's another fae. The kingdom believes that Malleus will be able to break the death curse and allow Silver to become their immortal king.
However, Silver has other plans for his chemist. From an early age, Silver requested that Malleus use his talents to find a different kind of solution to his curse that he can never tell anyone. He wants Malleus to find a way to stop his reincarnations entirely and let him unburden his people with the monarchy. Whether to fulfill the request of the kingdom he calls home, or the prince that took him in is in Malleus' hands.
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the-holy-ghosted · 1 year
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congrats 2 henry peglar for being the only bitch confirmed as to be Fucking That Old Man
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the-way-astray · 2 months
hi, hello, yes, if you ever use the word "deserve" with regards to romantic relationships between fictional characters (and real people, honestly) then i kindly invite you to go fuck yourself
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marxistswiftieism · 1 year
have you guys seen this 13 minute megamix of every song taylor has ever released?????? its SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!
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A goodbye (but not a sad one!!!!)
I've been on antidepressants for almost a year now. This is the first year of my life in many, many years where I've been, genuinely, enjoying life. And, even in the moments where things are Not Great, I still feel great because I'm not constantly trying to off myself.
And it's not just the meds. I've been more in contact with my friends, I'm going out, meeting people. I'm getting the opportunity to be a young woman in my early twenties, to drink and wake up in the morning kind of regretting staying out late, but still having so. much. fun.
I still go to church, sometimes. Because it doesn't bother me anymore, because I can sit there, finally comfortable in my own skin, knowing that I know who I am and what I believe and that's enough.
And all of that has got me thinking: this is truly the only life that I have. There's no way of knowing what comes after this.
And I finally feel safe enough to feel really fucking great to affirm that there is no way that I'm going to spend the only life that I know I have denying myself of all the joys that exist in being a human being. I don't want to spend my days thinking of all the ways I was made wrong. Of all my shortcomings. Days of Making myself little, so He can be Great.
Which is why I think I'm ready to let go of this blog.
I created this space when I was feeling so much rage, so much sadness, and I needed community. And I got that, I truly did! I never really interacted much, but it was so great to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings.
This space means so much to me, because not only it helped me heal, but it's also proof that, yeah, I didn't think I would, but I survived.
I've been thinking of this for a while, and this post was supposed to be just this: a rant. But I feel like, in order to continue, I need to put some things behind, which includes my lovely blog.
I don't know if anyone cares, but I felt like I needed to say goodbye. I've been here for a while, and I've seen people come, and go, and I know I remember people and still check their blogs even when they disappear, so to anyone that might remember me and come across this blog:
I was here. I stayed, and it hurt so much, and I thought this kind of suffering would be never ending. And it wasn't. So I left.
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jflower278 · 21 days
The pieces are all coming together 🤓
Although I'm confused on who set that camera there I'm pretty sure it's implying that dome saw the camera and took the chip out to throw it into the lake and that's how the crab sellers found it
And we were right that the police are covering it up for title but win got to tell tonkla so tonkla then saw the video because the crab sellers son is smart(or incredibly stupid) enough for save the video before giving it to the police
Then tonkla kidnaps and I assume kills title and shots great
Now great is currently dying and tyme (and his grandma and aunt :( ) gets shot for meddling by that warit guy who admits to getting rid of his parents to steal the gambling business
I don't get why the dude had to kill the parents though how would that stop the people investigating the gambling business to track it back to him and greats dad but maybe I'm missing something
And we'll one small happiness in a sea of sadness is now we know why tyme knows great is afraid of dogs. This is one of the few times I like the "they knew each other as kids before" trope because it actually makes sense in the plot and the age gap between the kids isn't too awkward unlike some other series I won't mention
But seeing younger them hang put together was sweet and it could've been a sweeter childhood friends to lovers story if their parents both weren't rich criminals. Doomed soulmates indeed
But my most favorite shot in the whole episode is the scene where tonklas dead cat walks across the frame and reveals the gun to tonkla sight
It was just complete cinema to reveal the cat as a motif of tonkla call to violence as revenge from killing his dad to title to great
AND FUAIZS ACTING IN THAT SCENE the smirk and laughter tonkla did as he realized how wins way of getting justice is not enough *chefs kiss*
I also loved all of jes's amazing acting moments in this episode especially the scene where he runs after being shot the first time
But then the clock in the last scene being at 11:00... is the 3rd tyme timeline theory correct?
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lavenoon · 1 year
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on care, and scary things
@naffeclipse let's see if I'll ever be normal about this line
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bonsai-maze-wanders · 1 month
Literally sobbing in the shower rn since I was bored and decided to watch Technoblade's goodbye for my friends who are dsmp fans. Since I myself am not a dsmp fan this was my first time seeing it. But goddamnit it I was crying 2 minutes in.
I know this might not mean much from a person whose never watched any dsmp vids (except Fundy a long time ago) and still knows nothing about it, but I just wanted to say rest in peace, Alex.
Technoblade never fucking dies 🕊️🗡️
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logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt7
Warnings: cursing
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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I wanted to cry in the middle of the Wingstop. I wanted to break the news on my own terms but thanks to whoever runs the ‘F1GossipRoom’ account on instagram, I couldn’t. They ruined one of the biggest moments of my and Lando’s life. I know I've done this twice before but I wanted to witness all of Lando's firsts with this baby and the surprise pregnancy announcement was off the table.
I knew I was being overdramatic but I couldn't help it when the one thing I wanted to do got ruined and all these pregnancy hormones going through the roof I wasn't thinking clear but there was one thing I was sure about. I was going to find the person behind this gossip account and I was going to make their life a living hell.
"Baby, it's okay. It sucks because I wanted to just randomly drop this in a cute instagram post but we can still do that. We can't let these random no-lifers ruin this moment for us." A small chuckle escaped my lips as Lando had placed the wingstop down on the table and embraced me in a tight hug.
"I know baby, I'm sorry" I started to sob into Lando's shoulder which only further upset him.
"No, no baby please don't cry. How 'bout this: we go home, eat our food and we can watch Tangled again. How 'bout that? That sound like a plan?" Lando tried to negotiate while rubbing his hand up and down my back.
"And the second Captain America movie again?" I said as I pulled back from the embrace and wiped a few tears away from my face with a small smile becoming present.
"Anything for you" Lando said as he placed a quick kiss to my temple.
It took us about 30 minutes to get home, Lando had to make a quick pitstop at our local Dairy Queen because the baby really wanted a Mint Oreo blizzard.
"Okay babe. This is STRICTLY dessert. You AND BABY," Lando started before poking my tummy "need to eat actual food first"
"I know that, but I don't know if Baby gets it yet because they want a teeny tiny bite." I gave Lando puppy dog eyes
"Does the baby want a bite or do YOU want a bite?" Lando smirked as he cocked a brow in my direction
"Potato pahtato" I shrugged whited caused Lando to let out a laugh
"Just ONE bite." An excited shriek left my mouth as I quickly grabbed my blizzard and took a huge spoonful before letting out a satisfied moan at the taste of the cold, minty, chocolaty goodness that exploded on my tongue.
“Okay babe, I need you to get home now so I can eat because this is too good!!” I almost took another spoonful but Lando took it out of my hand, put the lid back on and put it in the cup holder on the door to make sure that it was out of my reach.
“That was so unnecessarily rude Lando. You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” I said with a huff as I shifted my whole body to face the door with my arms crossed.
We’d gotten home about an hour ago and we were about halfway through Tangled (and our blizzards) when we heard a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it baby.” Lando said as he placed a quick kiss on my temple before getting up to answer the door
“Oh hey Logan, did you forget something?” I heard Lando say as I watched him side step to let Logan and Yelena in the house.
“I need to talk to Y/N, where is she?” Logan sounded a bit angry when he said that but Lando brushed it off. He probably thought it had something to do with Yelena and he thought it best to not push him further.
“She’s in the Living Room. We’re watching Tangled and eating.” Logan just handed Yelena over to Lando before brushing past him to get to me.
Lando held Yelena for about 5 seconds before he smelt a strange smell, lifting her up to smell her diaper before cringing at the smell radiating from it.
“Mmm girl, you stinky. Let’s give you a bath.” Lando cooed as he bounced her up and down before taking her up to our room to give her a bath.
While Lando was upstairs giving Yelena a bath my eyes stayed laser focused on Logan whom was still angrily walking over in my direction.
“Y/N, Really?!” Logan almost screamed as he finally reached me.
I just stared at him dumbfounded because who is he to barge into my house and start talking to me like this.
“I would really love some context here Logan.” I said as I placed my already melting blizzard on the coffee table.
“You’re pregnant?!” I should’ve sensed this coming given that it took months of convincing me that I wanted a baby for I even tried for one with Logan.
Being a mom wasn’t in my ‘To-Do Life Agenda’ but being with Logan and seeing how he was with his nieces, nephews and younger fans started to make me feel like maybe I wanted to be a mom.
“Logan, please. I was going to tell you before we told everyone else.” I tried to keep our voices hushed because I didn’t want Lando to hear how everyday of my life was after the loss of Theo when Logan and I was still together.
“No! That’s bullshit! It took me MONTHS of convincing you to get pregnant but you let HIM knock you up less than a year after having Yelena?! I should’ve known you were just a whore.” Logan murmured that last part and I wasn’t even sure if I heard him right.
“OKAY LOGAN! You’ve outstayed your welcome. Get out of my house now.” Lando’s voiced boomed as he was coming down the stairs with a clean, sleepy baby in his arms.
“What did you say to me?!” Logan challenged
“Get. The Fuck. Out. Of. My. House. Now. Before I call the cops.” Lando said sternly as he held the front door open once he reached the bottom of the steps ushering Logan through it.
“I’m not done with this conversation yet Y/N/N. We will-” was all we heard before Lando slammed the door shut cutting Logan off.
I wanted to cry, I felt so humiliated. Was I really a whore for being pregnant with Lando’s kid barely a year after having Logan’s? Maybe I was.
Lando quickly pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Let’s go to bed, we have our clinic tomorrow to make sure Lily picked up the gender reveal envelope so they can start planning the reveal and we can see if maybe Lily and Oscar can take Yelena too?” With a quick nod of my head Lando made his way to the nursery to put Yelena to sleep while I started to clean the mess up in the living room.
after about 10 minutes I entered our shared bedroom to see Lando scrolling for a movie to watch.
“Oh let’s watch-”
“Captain America: The Winter Soldier? It’s already waiting to be played” One thing about Lando is he knows what to do to make me feel special.
I got in the bed and cuddled close to Lando while also being cautious of my belly. I didn’t make it 10 minutes into the movie before I knocked out.
The next morning I made my way into the clinic while Lando and Yelena stayed in the car. I need to be the one to make sure that Lily did her gender reveal planner duties.
“Can I help you?” the nice young lady at the front desk asked
“Hi, yes. Could you tell me if the gender reveal envelope under the last name ‘Norris’ was picked up yesterday?” I asked politely
“Yes ma’am it was.” The lady said, her voice laced with nervousness “Was it not supposed to be picked up yesterday?”
“Oh it was! I just wanted to make sure!” A sigh of relief echoed through the air from the lady “Thank you!” I cooed as I walked away from the front desk and out the door into the car that was double parked waiting for me.
When I got in the car the look on Lando’s face asked if Lily picked up the envelope, to which I nodded my head before saying “Let me call Lily and ask if we can drop off Yelena while she’s planning.”
After a few rings Lily picked up the phone
“Hey Lily! I saw that you picked up the envelope yesterday. I was wondering if while you’re planning today if we could drop Yelena off, Logan came by yesterday and I have to deal with him” I said joyfully into the phone.
“Hey girl, sorry but I didn’t pick up the envelope yesterday. I had too many meeting to attend to, I was actually on my way to get it now” Lily replied back
A nervous look coated my face.
“If you didn’t pick it up. Who did?” my voice AND hands shaky
“Babe! Hang up the phone now and look at instagram! I’m gonna fucking kill him”
Lando’s face was 50 shades of red when I looked over. There was no way my worst fear was gonna come true. He’s not THAT disrespectful.
Unfortunately when I opened instagram it confirmed my worst nightmare.
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@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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wickerfemme · 8 months
I don't have a weight goal right now (I haven't weighed myself in months), but I do have a size goal: I'm aiming to be 2–3 inches bigger in the waist, so I can grow into this oversize skirt I have.
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caramellles · 8 days
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"as time passed, we gradually began to feel that the worst was over. we still had to heal our physical and mental wounds, but we really started to come back to life."
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
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First pic with my dog Bella (seven years ago) vs the last (today)
Had to say goodbye to my sweet angel earlier. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. She got me through some really rough times and I’ll always be grateful that I had her in my life❤️
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I know I'm going to get ratioed so hard on this one but mostly I just want to see who else is like me.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
sorry i'm thinking abt megumi's incessant desire to be the first to die vs. the narrative keeping him alive despite and how the most tragic ending for him is not actually dying, but being left behind. for megumi, the worst fate is living a long life
#megumi growing up assuming he will be the first to die out of those he loves#bc gojo is the Strongest and tsumiki is a non-sorcerer so they should both be Safe while megumi is just. megumi#vs megumi at 15 having lost tsumiki gojo nobara nanami etc etc and knowing it's only a matter of time before he loses yuuji too#megumi not knowing how to be the survivor because he never thought he'd live long enough to have to say goodbye#also sometimes i think abt that post that was like... remember in thg how katniss' motivation for Everything is saving prim?#and then prim still died at the end because the world they lived in could not allow someone so good to live? it could not allow#katniss the One thing she wanted most#yeah so like. everything megumi is doing and has done has been for tsumiki. it's all been for her#but the world they live in is cruel and tsumiki is too good of a person#and when has megumi ever been granted anything he's wanted? why should the world allow him his one biggest desire of tsumiki's safety?#and what is megumi supposed to do when he outlives the one person who has been by his side - the one person he wanted most to save#how is he supposed to live a long life when everyone he cares about is gone? how is he supposed to care about new people?#what's that one quote that's like. a son or a husband can be replaced but who can grow me a new brother#no one can replace tsumiki. megumi cannot find a new sister#yes losing gojo and yuuji would be devastating. but at the end of the day megumi has known yuuji for only a few months#and gojo was already a replacement for his father#tsumiki has been with him longest and she's always been megumi's main motivation#she's the reason he didn't go to the zenin clan. she's the reason he was trained by gojo. she's the reason they're all in the culling games#trying to fix it from the inside and running on a time limit#and what happens if he CAN'T save her. what happens if. like katniss and prim. despite EVERYTHING. tsumiki still has to die#THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF TSUMIKI#BECAUSE MEGUMI WANTS TO SAVE HER#DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE TRAGEDY IN BEING ALIVE WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#sorry i'm not normal about fictional sibling dynamics. btw if you even care#hello grace here#jjk spoilers#update i just realized it's not even 7am. as you can tell i'm having a great time today
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