#tony stark car chase
yellowocaballero · 10 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on MCU Tony stark. Irondad specifically. 😌🎤
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I do not have very sophisticated opinions. Tony Stark, as a character, is defined by his flaws. He fucks up, he does his best to make up for it, he helps people. That's what makes him a hero and a good person. He makes a mistake and he takes responsibility for it. He tries, fails, and tries again until he gets it right. Otherwise he'd be pretty unlikable.
Pulling Peter into the Germany thing in Civil War was a massive mistake and I think Tony understood that. I mean it was actual literal child trafficking. It was incredibly messed up. Tony behavior, but not at all appropriate for an adult to do.
It's interesting to go from there, because now this guy absolutely took responsibility for the one child in NYC who is physically incapable of being normal about anything, and he completely dodged that responsibility. Hoco seemed like the process of him realizing "holy shit I'm doing what my dad did", taking responsibility for Peter, and helping him out and giving him the support he should have had in the first place. In his really clunky and earnest but very weird and ineffective Tony way.
Like that was my impression? My impression was "he sucks, but he's trying". That's IM in a nutshell. It's interesting. It's physically incapable of being interesting if you strike through the "yeah but he's terrible at it" aspect of this. There is nothing left. Their relationship is built on a foundation of Tony Being Absolutely Terrible At This. But he's trying, because Tony always wants to be better even when he doesn't know how.
You have officially thrown me under the Irondad bus are you happy. Did you win, king.
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astroph1les · 2 months
second guessing [h.c]
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summary: hazel makes the mistake of getting caught up in her studies at stark industries, causing you to question your relationship. may has a talk with hazel about what she sees as more important: you or her future?
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language and content, spider!hazel, smoking cannabis, relationship angst, pass relationship trauma, pj & may being real ones, hazel’s deceased parents mentioned.
word count: 4.1K
a/n: HELLO!! HI!! after i can’t even remember how long it’s been since the last update :/ but i am so so so excited to get back into spider-hazel! i hope everyone enjoys <3
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“So why exactly am I here?”
Hazel was walking with Tony and Happy down the lengthy hallways made of glass windows. She had swung in through the window and quickly changed into a normal outfit, sporting a multi-patterned button-up with a brown sweater vest and dark blue jeans with her white beaten-down Converse. She always felt so out of place when she had to be at Stark Industries.
Here, a broke nineteen-year-old college girl in the most casual outfit, amongst scientists of all fields in the fanciest and most expensive suits. She’s pretty sure everything on her body was thrifted.
They passed Josie’s office where she was typing god-knows-what into her computer. She perked up at the sight of Hazel, waving a friendly hand. Hazel reciprocates the motion, and Josie points with narrowed eyes at Happy’s figure. Happy’s eyes widened in… fear?
“You’re a filthy cheat, Hogan. I started another game,” Josie threatens as she clicks out of something on her desktop.
Happy looked like he wanted to say something but kept quiet for the time being. Hazel swore she saw Tony smiling to himself.
When Tony didn’t answer her question earlier, her eyes widened as she thought of the car chase yesterday afternoon. The bill.
“If this is about the bill for the damaged car, I-I completely forgot to tell you about it. That was my bad.” Hazel spluttered out, fidgeting with the rings covering her fingers.
This made the powerful man turn his head slightly to the side as they continued to walk.
“Kid, what damaged car?” He questioned Hazel, brows setting that intimidating furrow.
Hazel shook her head and pursed her lips. “Nothing. I’m sure it was nothing.”
Tony then glanced at Happy who shrugged. They exchanged so many words in such little silence. Hazel blew out a breath of air as they rounded a corner into someplace she was familiar with.
The three entered Dr. Connors's office where the man was standing and flipping through files. Tony knocked on the glass door with a single knuckle, capturing the blonde man's attention.
“Dr. Connors,” Tony nodded his head with a professional smile on his lips.
“Mr. Stark,” he replied with the same gesture. “Happy.”
Hazel straightened her aching back from the previous day, eyes bouncing from every knick-knack in Connor's office. The second she entered the space yesterday, a weird tingle had traveled down her spine every time. There was something eerie about Dr. Connors in a way that she couldn’t explain.
But Mr.Stark trusted him so she would learn to trust him too.
Connors turned to Hazel’s figure. “Miss Callahan, it’s lovely to see you again.”
“It’s always a pleasure, Dr. Connors,” she replied with a charming smile.
“Now, kid, Dr.Connors, as you know, is in need of some assistance with his cross-species genetics project,” Hazel nodded to confirm she was listening, glancing down at the missing part of Dr. Connor's arm. “I, so brilliantly, suggested that you can take this on as a… trial run to see how big that brain of yours really is.”
Dr. Connors's eyes flicker to Hazel who curtly nods.
“I’ve never really worked on cross-species genetics, Dr.Connors, so fair warning,” Hazel jokes with a nervous chuckle.
“Well if you’re as gifted as Mr.Stark says you are, I’m sure you’ll pick up everything rather quickly.”
Hazel beams at Tony who just stares at Dr.Connors like he had been caught doing something out of the ordinary. This gave her a little pep in her step to know that Tony Stark had praised at least one person about her intelligence.
“Gifted?” Hazel recites, looking at Happy with a cheeky grin.
“Yeah, don’t let it get to your mullet-y head, kid,” Tony quipped as he tugged down his sleeves. “To the lab, Dr.Connors?”
Happy had a knowing look on his face at the way Tony quickly changed the subject, throwing Hazel a discrete wink. Dr.Connors even held an amused grin at his urgency to move on. Hazel hopped excitedly behind Happy and Tony, alongside Connors as they made their way to the lab in Stark Towers.
Tony Stark thinks she’s intelligent.
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“So what exactly do you mean she just disappeared?” PJ questioned while she rummaged through her brown corduroy bag.
After waking up this morning to see an empty bed and all of Hazel’s stuff gone, a wave of sadness fell over you. You understood that her internship sometimes called for her to come in the early hours of the morning but it didn’t ease your anxious mind when she would just not answer your texts or calls.
When call five again went straight to voicemail, irritation flooded your system. It was your day off and you didn’t want to stress over Hazel’s disappearance.
You were quick to text PJ to ask her if she could bring some of her weed as a stress reliever. PJ was at your door within minutes, a cheeky grin on her face. You led her to your room and propped open your window so that the two of you could smoke on the fire escape. You sat on the ground, back against the brick walls with a pillow underneath you while PJ sat in front of you on the stairs, her purse in her lap.
“She slept over last night and it was so nice, you know? I woke up this morning, excited to spend one of my days off with her and she’s gone.” You sigh as you lean your head on the red brick.
PJ smacks her lips as she whispers a ‘Where the hell are they?’ before lifting her head up to nod at your words to show she was actively listening.
“It’s that Tony Stark shit, right?” PJ questioned as she continued to rummage through her messy bag for her pre-rolled joints.
“Yeah, but am I being too… clingy? Or overreacting or something?” You ask PJ as you twiddle with the ends of your gray sweats.
PJ deadpanned to you as she sternly shook her head. Her slightly frizzy wavy hair bounced with the motion.
“No! You are a worried girlfriend, dude,” she continued to shake her head.
PJ’s hands pull out of her bag and hold up a retro tin box that reads ‘I can’t cook, Who cares?’ that she had probably found at an antique store.
“Come on, we gotta take your mind off that shit. Do you have a light?” PJ excitedly grinned as she bounced her knees from where she was sitting across from you, her red and white basketball shorts shifting up her thighs.
You nod with a snort as you lean over to your bedroom window to snatch it from your bedside table. As you’re backing out, you notice a few dirt marks on the window sill that look like tennis shoe imprints. Like Hazel’s Converse, now that you’re staring at it more and more.
Huh. Interesting.
You place the black lighter in PJ’s palm with a tight-lipped grin. PJ took a singular joint out of the tin box and held it between her lips. She flickered on the flame, shielding it with a cupped palm. You watched the end lit a faint red as PJ sucked in a deep breath.
She coughed a bit as she handed it to you, blowing out the smoke with a relieved sigh. You take the warm joint in between your middle finger and thumb to breathe in the relaxing toxin.
“So, are you going to break up with her?” PJ hummed as she tilted her head at you.
You coughed harshly in shock at the bluntness of the question. The smoke left your lips in a staggered pattern as you waved it away.
“What the fuck? No,” you chuckle as you hand the joint back to her after taking a smaller hit. “I think we just need to have a talk about this.”
PJ took a long hit between her pointer and middle finger, nodding slowly. Her eyebrows raise which causes you to scrunch up your face in confusion.
“I’m just saying this sounds oddly familiar,” PJ sing-songed as she blew out the smoke in your face.
A stab of fear entered your system for a moment. No. Hazel wasn’t like her. She would never do what she had done to you.
“I know her, P. She’s not like… you know,” you defend your girlfriend.
PJ passed the joint back to you, jerking a bit at the sudden honk coming from the streets below. You take it from her to take another long drag, wanting to be nearly light-headed.
“Okay, if you say so but let’s not worry about that right now. Are you hungry?” PJ quipped with a small grin.
“Oh shit, yeah. We can make sandwiches.” You nod slowly, taking another small drag from the joint.
“Let’s finish this first, actually before we get inside. I know your uncle would, like, flip the fuck out if he smelt this in your apartment.” PJ began to giggle softly, shaking her head as she leaned against the rusted railing of the stairs.
You hum with a content smile, Hazel being long gone from your mind within seconds. Whatever. It’s nothing. The situation was under your control and definitely was not Hazel keeping secrets from you.
Nope. Not one bit.
You were getting high with a friend, letting the midday sun pour into your system as you let your mind wander away from your distant girlfriend—
Wait, were you going to get a sunburn? Or sun poisoning?
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Hazel was so fucked. So completely fucked.
When she had checked her phone after her hours with Dr.Connors accumulating the perfect formula for the cross-species genetics, she saw phone calls and text messages from you, May, and PJ.
You had called her 10 times and texted her 15 times while May and PJ were only twice with each. The first few texts were just: ‘Hello?’ and ‘Where did you go this morning?’. The messages then turned more concerned for her well-being: ‘Haze, baby, are you okay?’
Hazel sprinted out of the lab, shouting an apology to Dr.Connors as her Converse squeaked against the tile floors. She made a b-line to the stairs door to hurry to the roof. She snatched her backpack that she had thrown up here when she had arrived at Stark Towers. She practically rips it open to stuff her clothes into and slides her mask over her face.
Hazel anxiously jumps off the ledge, the whole city becoming a permanent image in her brain. Her arms ached as she swung from building to building, her anxiety at its peak.
“Karen, can you check Honey’s location? Please?” Hazel asked as she swung herself to land on a sign of a movie theater.
“Locating honey,” Karen repeats back in her robotic voice. Within seconds, Karen speaks up once again to say: “Honey’s location is in the alleyway between Dunkin’ Donuts and Wo Kee Noodle on 168th Street. According to satellites, she is not alone.”
Hazel’s heart dropped at Karen’s words. She immediately began to follow the tracker within the inside of her mask, an awful sense of fear in her stomach.
“Karen, how many other people are there?” Hazel asked as she rounded a corner, using two web strings to tug herself up and onto the roof of the buildings.
“I am detecting two other cellular devices.”
“Shit,” Hazel muttered to herself as she ran down the rooftops on 166th to get to 168th.
It was past 7 pm, the sun was on the cusp of disappearing on the horizon. Hazel couldn’t bear the thought of you getting caught up in a mugging or having done something against your will. You knew how to handle yourself and she knew that.
But against two people? You were only one person.
Lingering in the darkness, Hazel peeked over the rooftop of the Woo Kee Noodle to see if you were in fact getting mugged or worse. From what she could see from the weird above angle, you were surrounded by her Aunt May and your Uncle Karter.
Guilt flowed through Hazel’s veins at the sight of you in a quite obviously distracted state as your uncle and her aunt tried to assure you that she was okay. You held your cup of noodles to your chest, stabbing into the cardboard cup with a worried look on your face.
Hazel couldn’t take it anymore. She felt like the worst person in the world. Seeing you like this was a slap to the face.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sure Hazel’s gonna text or call soon saying she was up in that Stark Tower all day,” May rubbed your back to rest her head on yours.
“No, I know. I just… She’s been distant recently.” You admit, taking a bite of your noodles with a sigh. “Am I going crazy? Am I overthinking it?”
“Bee, I’m sure she’ll text or call you soon. Don’t stress it too much.” Karter nodded his head, his tone indifferent.
Hazel cursed at herself mentally, backing up slowly on the roof to not draw attention to herself. She sprints off of the roof to shoot her web towards the next tallest building to swing to your fire escape.
You, while eating your food with May and Karter, for some reason glanced up at the deep blue night sky, eyes squinting as you swore you saw a flash of blue and red. No, Spider-Woman kept more towards the city. God, you were driving yourself up the wall with Hazel being MIA.
“I think it’s time to go home, Bee,” Karter spoke up with a small grin.
You nod weakly in agreement, giving May the same smile. The three of you take the METRO to May’s apartment building first, sadly seeing no sign of Hazel. May gave you a kiss on the cheek and your uncle a friendly hug, assuring you that Hazel would be home soon and she would give her the scolding of a lifetime.
The whole bus ride home, you rest your head on your uncle’s shoulder as you blast music through your headphones. Once you arrived home, you tossed your empty box in the recycle bin and told Karter ‘goodnight’. You made a B-line to your bedroom as your headphones were still destroying your eardrums.
You twist your doorknob open and push the door open, looking down at your shoes as you peel them off. Your brows furrow as you feel a sudden breeze. Did you leave the window open?
You glance over at your bed, letting out a shout of shock when you see Hazel, panting slightly as she holds a weak smile on her lips. You moved your headphones off your head to rest on your neck and shoulders, staring at Hazel in disbelief.
“What the hell? You scared the shit out of me,” you held your rapidly beating chest, shutting your eyes for a moment.
“I’m sorry. For everything. For being distant, for not answering you whatsoever today. All of it.” Hazel blurted out, her leg bouncing nervously.
You shoot your eyes open at her apology, letting your bag slip off your shoulder onto the ground beside your door. You walk over to plop down on the bed beside her, sighing softly.
“I accept your apology, babe, but,” you suck in a deep breath, “why have you been so distant recently? Other than the Stark Internship because I know it’s something else, Hazel.”
Hazel stayed silent for a moment, her shoes and her heavy breathing were the only sounds that you could hear. She can’t. She wants to so so badly to ease your mind but Mr.Stark said she can’t risk your life.
“I… can’t tell you,” Hazel winced as she spoke, rubbing her hands over her face.
She can’t bring herself to look at you.
“You can’t tell me?” You repeat in confusion, a twinge of sadness in your voice.
“I-I want to tell you. I really do but I can’t. I’m sorry,” Hazel begs for you to just move on from the subject.
You stand up from your bed, shaking your head in disbelief. You let out a scoff at her words, a bubble of anger rising up to your throat.
“Hazel, that doesn’t ease my mind whatsoever. Do you understand how that makes me feel?” You try to keep your voice at a normal volume but this argument, just like PJ had pointed out earlier, felt all too familiar.
Hazel finally locked eyes with you, revealing her glazed-over blue eyes. You’ve never had such a serious conversation with her. It’s been smooth sailing from the first date you two went on and now you’re questioning if she even wants to be with you. Her words seemed genuine.
“I don’t know what else to say,” Hazel whispered.
“You need to go home, Haze. May is worried about you,” you respond, not knowing what to say either.
Hazel didn’t want to leave but what else was she to do? You were obviously upset and there wasn’t anything she could do. She couldn’t give you the one thing you wanted, which was the truth.
Hazel nods in understanding and you bite back the heavy tears that were threatening to fall from your tired eyes. She grabs her backpack that was placed next to your rug, giving you one last look. You avoided her gaze as she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. You shut your eyes at the gentle touch, the first tear falling from your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Hazel muttered one last time as she left your bedroom, the door clicking shut behind you.
The second you heard the front door lock shut, a heavy sob let your lips. The tears came pouring out of your eyes as you walked over to your bed. You were exhausted and didn’t even bother changing out of your outside clothes. Plopping down onto the soft mattress, you grabbed the knitted blanket that you kept at the end of your bed to lift over your body to shield yourself from the room.
“Bee?” You heard your uncle speak softly through the door.
“I’m fine,” you reply, sniffling and wiping your damp cheeks.
“Are you sure?” He pressed.
You shut your eyes as your bottom lip wobbled.
“I really don’t want to talk about it right now. Tomorrow, please?” Your voice cracked as you begged for him to leave you alone.
You listen to the sound of his footsteps receding, letting out a shaky breath of relief as you shut your heavy eyes. Minutes later, you fell asleep with a sense of sadness about the state of your relationship.
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Hazel approached her apartment door with hot tears in her eyes, sniffling and wiping underneath her nose. She reached to pull her key out of her pocket only to find that it wasn't there. She lets out soft curses before knocking on the door a few times.
Seconds after, the door locks twist from the inside and squeak open. May stands at the doorway with a wave of silent anger.
“Hey Aunt May, I’m sorry. I lost my key and—”
“Save it. Get in and sit down,” May cuts her off and steps to the side as she jerks her thumb into the small apartment.
Hazel closes her mouth without question as she rushes into the house and sets her bag down on the couch. She sits on the left side, immediately twisting her middle finger band around her finger. May shut the door with a soft sigh before walking over to Hazel who had yet to look at her.
“What’s going on, huh?” May questions, standing in front of Hazel’s seated place on the couch. “I mean it. Don’t lie to me, okay? I’m not, you know, trying to attack you. I want to help you in whatever way I can, sweetheart.”
Hazel looked up as tears fell from her deep blue eyes, sucking in a deep breath.
“I think I’m screwing up my relationship,” Hazel admits.
May looks at her niece with understanding. She makes her over to the empty side of the couch to plop down next to Hazel with a soft sigh.
“Did you talk to her about it?” May questioned but Hazel let out a frustrated sound.
“That’s just it, May. I-I can’t talk to her about it. Mr.Stark told me not to tell anyone,” Hazel ran a hand over her face to also wipe away her tears.
May’s brows shot up at this, tilting her head and leaning forward to try and get a good look at Hazel’s face.
“Can you tell me about it?” May asked with hope.
Hazel shook her head as she sucked in a deep breath. Her aunt meant the world to her as did you and she couldn’t risk what could come out of either of you finding out.
“No one.”
May sighs as she messes with her chipping clear polish on her fingernails.
“Well, that sucks. I was really hoping you’d give in and tell me that you’re Spider-Woman by now.”
Hazel’s eyes shot open at her words but attempted to remain calm. She moved her hand from her face and let out a scoff at her words like she was making a ridiculous accusation.
“Spider-Woman? Yeah, that’s hilarious, May.” Hazel shook her head.
“Is it really?” May plastered on a knowing smile.
Hazel didn’t want to believe it. How could she have figured it out? Is she that obvious about her secret — or not-so-secret now— identity?
As if May could read her thoughts, she cleared her throat: “Harry accidentally told me after dinner.”
“Who’s Harry?” Hazel’s brows furrowed. How does he know about me being Spider-Woman, she thought.
May blinked at her niece before sighing and messing with her fingernails once again.
“Sorry, Happy told me over dinner.”
Hazel blankly stared at May with a mixture of confusion and amusement. She let out a soft laugh of disbelief.
“When are you and Happy going to ‘dinner’?” Hazel slyly grinned as she used air quotes over the word ‘dinner’.
“You…” May trailed off and pointed at Hazel. “You need to focus on what we were talking about before.”
Hazel kept a mental note to press her for questions later. She hadn’t been a mini-Avenger for long so when would they even have gone out?
“So…?” May egged Hazel on to finally just admit it.
“Yes. Okay, yes, it’s about me being Spider-Woman.” Hazel turned to her aunt with a loud sigh.
May stared at her with a gaped mouth in shock.
“Oh my god, what if I was working for, like, a bad guy and turned you in just now? What if I was wired?” May shook her head at her niece.
Hazel mimicked her dropped jaw but out of offense.
“May,” she whined and covered her face.
“Okay, okay, I’m teasing you. I’m sorry,” May chuckled as wrapped one of her thin arms around Hazel’s frame, placing a kiss on her temple. “Now, sweetheart, you really have to think about this, okay? I know and I can see how much you care about her. You need to think about if it really would be so bad if she knew. She might even be at ease to know the reason you’ve been instead of angry at you because you hide things from her. I can’t speak for her, you know, but if she’s as amazing as you know she is, I don’t think telling her the truth could be as harmful as you’re making it out to be.”
Hazel shut her eyes as she listened to May’s words against her temple, sinking into her embrace. May brought up the same reasons that Hazel had gone over in her head probably hundreds of times; every time she looked at your gorgeous smile, every time you spoke to her, just being around you caused an itch in her throat to just blurt out that she was Spider-Woman.
Every single day has been mental torture. Has it been the same for you?
“What if Mr.Stark finds out and I lose everything?” Hazel whispered as she snuggled her shoulder.
“Well, then he was never worth it. You’re a smart girl, Hazel. I know that. Your mom knew that. Your dad knew that. My future daughter-in-law knows that,” Hazel softly chuckled at that, a pained expression on her face at the mention of her parents.
“I know you’ll do the right thing,” May finalizes, nodding with certainty.
Hazel nodded at her words, wiping away the tears that managed to escape from her drowsy eyes.
She hopes she’s able to do this the right way and to not hurt you more in the process.
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observeowl · 5 months
Unwanted Marriage | Chapter 10 - Mrs Romanoff
Series Masterlist
You were stunned as you looked at the wedding invitation given to you by Sharon. "Y/N, am I mistaking the name of the groom?" Even Wanda wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Sharon was going to get married to Chase Adler.
"Y/N, don't think I will let you off so easily. Now Chase is going to back me, it's a matter of time when I will get rid of you!" Sharon was still unable to let go of her grudge on you even after almost getting injured. "Y/N did not force you to be with anyone. You are the one that gets yourself involved with Adler." Sharon was about to shout at her when you stepped up to protect her. "You have chosen your own road, nobody asked you to marry him."
"You are the one that pulled us together! The person on that day should have been you! You are really a bitch. You trick thousands of people. You and Chase are the perfect match!" You were no longer going to suffer in silence and gave her a resounding slap. "You bitch. You dare to slap me!"
"What happened? Sharon is looking for trouble with Y/N again?" // "I don't know, it seems that Y/N just hit Sharon." // "All the grudges she bears finally turned into a slap?" In an open office, there was hardly any privacy.
"Sharon Carter! Y/N Y/L/N! Into my office. Now!" Tony Stark came out of his office and ordered. "Millicent, you too."
"What happened just now? Why did you start a fight?" He asked to get to the bottom of it. "She hit me! I just gave her my wedding invitation, does she have to be that angry? I'm afraid that someone had a bad marriage, and is jealous that I'll get married."
"If she doesn't have a good marriage, then who does." Tony thought. "Y/N, you tell me, what happened?"
"Chief Editor, I can't tell you clearly what happened, so why don't I just show you? A fox like her deserved to be hit while walking down the street. I think, any woman would have hit her when they heard someone talk about them like that."
"What do you mean, am I wrong?" Sharon was still adamant on her ways to the end. "Sharon Carter! What happened at the dinner had a serious impact on the company. So I will let someone more suitable to come and take your position. From today onwards, you are no longer editor of Group 1."
"I am demoted? (I never realised this bitch has hooked up to Tony Stark. No wonder she can be this overbearing in the office!) Y/N! You better watch out!"
It was pretty much peaceful for the rest of the day except when Natasha texted you saying she'll be waiting for you outside the building after work. "Ah ha, from your look I can tell it's from the goddess himself." Wanda pushed her chair close to you and ambushed you from behind. You pushed her away and faced away, there was no way you were that obvious.
Once it was time to get off work, Wanda rushed you off saying she'll clear the rest for you. You thanked her before packing your bags and leaving. "Do we have plans today?" You asked as you entered the car. "Yes, I'll take you to meet Rick Mason, he has been wanting to see you."
"Rick Mason?"
"A family friend."
You realised anyone related to Natasha or gets to call Natasha a friend are all very rich people. When you entered the estate. To get to the front gate of this mysterious Rick Mason, you have to drive through a long stretch of road.
"You must be Y/N." He greeted you at the front door.
"That's right, I am Y/N, nice to meet you."
"Hi, you can call me Rick. Come on in. Today I have asked the cook to make some of Natasha's favourite dishes, but I don't know whether it is to your taste."
"It smells nice." You complimented. "Never know that you would be so homely."
"I also know how to cook." Natasha said when he heard you complimenting him. "Really?" You questioned. You can't really picture her standing in the kitchen cutting vegetables. "You don't believe it?"
The three of you began eating and talking and the topic eventually landed on Natasha's legs. "I heard that you have not been to the hospital for a long time for a check up? The doctor said there is still hope, you cannot be so wilful."
"Rick, it's all in the past."
"I know in your heart you will never let it go."
"I understand what you mean, but as long as I don't get some things cleaned up, my legs will not recover." You didn't join in on the conversation as you know it was not your place to do so.
You had a lovely time there but it reached the time where you needed to head home. Rick stopped you from entering the car. "Y/N, ever since she was young, Natasha always has her own ideas, so you try to talk to her."
"Alright, I understand." You were deep in thought as Clint drove the two of you back. "What are you thinking?"
"Nat, haven't you thought of getting your legs checked? Rick is right, there is a chance that you will recover."
"Now is not the right time." She didn't give any more explanation. "Is it because of your stepmother? Were your legs also because of them?"
"You don't have to worry about these things, I will handle it." She has to manage so many things. From your estimation, she took over the company for 10 years and fell into an accident a few years after that. You wondered how she got through it all those years. "You don't have to be sympathetic to me." She pulled you closer to rest your head on her shoulder. "I only hope to see admiration and love in your eyes."
"Sharon, this is so pretty." She was flaunting her diamond ring in the office and of course there were people who were jealous of her.
"That's nothing, I think she purposely said it in front of you."
"People love to talk, so whatever, we should let her talk if she wants to." As long as she was not actively doing something against you, you don't want to spend your energy on her. "Y/N, someone is looking for you." A colleague told you.
"I will go with you, I am very worried after what happened last time." Wanda was ready to leave her seat and go with you. "Okay."
"Excuse me, are you all looking for me?" You asked the group of guys. "Are you Y/n Y/L/N?" You nodded. "Please come with us." Wanda became suspicious of them when they didn't state their reason for being here. They showed you their police badge, but it wasn't like you could differentiate the real from the fake "We are the police, we need to clarify with you what happened during the dinner."
"Sorry, I wasn't involved in that incident. You have the wrong person."
"Yeah, the victim is just over there, why don't you ask her to assist with your investigation, we don't know anything."
"Please cooperate with our investigation." They started being forceful and grabbed your wrist. "What are you doing?!"
"Help!, we are being kidnapped!" Wanda shouted. "Give me back my phone!"
"Want to call your lawyer? You should wait till you are in the station first!" The two of you started hitting them in the head and their manhood. "You dare to assault the police! You dare to obstruct our work, you can't get away with it now!"
"Hit the police?" // "Are they really the police?" You and Wanda glanced at each other. If they truly are the police, you just got yourself in trouble...
"What is this?" The voice that you came to hate appeared again. "Kidnapping or assaulting the police?"
"She didn't do anything, don't you want me? Let's go then." You tried misdirecting them. "You actually assaulted the police. Policemen, you shouldn't let them off so easily." In the end, the two of you got escorted out the building by the police with a crowd behind you.
Y/N Y/L/N, you will suffer the same pain as I did! No, it's going to be a hundred times worse! I want to see who will save you in the police station this time!
Two of you were thrown into a room when you arrived at the station. "Wait! I need to inform my family! You have no reason to detain us!" You shouted through the door. "No reason? You both assaulted policemen. Is that not reason enough? Just stay here and shut up!"
"What are we supposed to do now?" Wanda asked. "Where is your phone?"
"They have taken it away saying that I cannot bring my phone." Wanda sadly revealed. "Just now when we came, I heard those people were making a call to Adler."
"Adler? Chase Adler?"
"If it's really him then what should we do?" Wanda asked. "Don't worry, it might not be such a coincidence. I mean if it is Adler, he is trying to get back at me but not you."
"Look at this, such deep sisterly love, so touching." A sarcastic clap sounded. "Of course it's me! Last time you escaped, but this time you are at my place. I want to see how you can escape." He makes his way closer to the both of you. "What do you want?"
"Aren't you clear what I want to do? Don't worry, I have prepared a lot of things today, you will like it."
"Adler! Do you know where this place is? Aren't you afraid that people will know about it?!" You shouted at him. "I told you, this is my place. My dad is the Chief of this police station, do you think they dare to leak anything out?"
"Ad-Adler, you, you calm yourself down, just let us go, okay?" He ignored Wanda's words and told his subordinates to hold her and separate the two of you. You screamed for them to let her go but Adler was very focused on you. "Y/N Y/L/N, if you beg me, I might be nice to you." He said in a sickly sweet voice. "Stop dreaming!" You spat on him and shouted.
"Bitch!" He wound his hands and gave you a slap before grabbing you by the throat and pushing you at the wall. "I think you prefer the hard way! The more you resist the more I like it. No hurry, later you will know what heaven is!"
"Adler, you will regret this!"
"I will be a happy ghost even if I get to die underneath the peony flower, but you can think of how you can make it happy so that I might be gentle to you!" He tightened his hands around his neck before dropping you to the floor.
Your pants rode down a little due to the movement and Adler was about to seize the opportunity when you pushed him away and adjusted your clothes. "You stupid whore, stop pretending to be chaste! You just wait there like a good girl and I'll guarantee that you'll feel like you're in heaven!"
"Bastard!" He wasn't fast enough to react as someone wrapped his arm around his neck and slammed him to the floor. "Who was that?! How dare you? Do you know who my father is..." He dragged on when he saw a cane in his peripheral.
"Dad? Why are you here?" He asked. "How dare you randomly arrest people here?!"
"Dad, don't you already know about this..."
"Shut up! How dare you say that!"
You flinched when you felt someone touch you but her scent surrounded you made you look up. "Don't be afraid, it's me." It's as if her voice is opening a door and rescuing you from this never ending darkness. Tears cascaded down your face when you realised you were finally going to be safe with her.
"Ms- Ms Romanoff? Why are you here? This..."
"Ha, how can I miss a show that you prepared so well for? After all, you secretly took my wife here!" Her hands didn't leave you even when he was talking to Adler. "Wi-wife? Dad, I didn't know!"
"I am really sorry, Mrs Romanoff, my son is truly ignorant, this is just a misunderstanding... Sorry for troubling you... you can deal with this however you like." His son looked up at his Dad in shock, why was he not defending him? "This is all because... this is all Sharon Carter's fault! I really don't know anything!"
"Sharon Carter, Sharon Carter! You don't know anything even though you're married? Aren't you ashamed?!"
"What's wrong with our Adler Family?! What did we do wrong that we're afraid of Natasha Romanoff?! Is it because of her vicious tactics? No matter how vicious she is, she's just a disabled guy! What can she do to us?" He reached over to grab her legs and Clint was about to intervene when Natasha told him to stop. "Dad! Look at how she's lost her mobility! She can't even walk, why should we be scared of-?!"
Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a foot on his face, kicking him to the floor. Natasha folded her leg rest and pushed it aside before standing. Adler was visibly shaking when he saw Natasha standing in front of him. "Even if I am disabled, I won't let the Adler family off!" When she spoke in a calm tone, it made her even scarier.
"Na...tasha?" You looked at her. To see her standing was not something you imagined. At least not so soon. She walked closer to you and lifted you up bridal style. "Y/N, from now on no one will dare to hurt you. Because, I promise, even if the whole world is against me, for you, I will let the whole world know that Y/N Y/L/N no longer exist, only Y/N Romanoff. And that you are my woman, my wife, and she will be happy."
Series Masterlist
@natsxwife @franfineashell @dvrkhcld @reginassweetheart @marvelogic @autorasexy
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Part 2 of Monet Issue by Chase Petra
Summary: A phone from your best friend alerts the Avengers of your disappearance. It’s a race against the clock to save you before it’s to late. 
Warning: Torture, forced experiment, truth serum, 
Word count: 3.6k
Natasha was surprised it took him this long to confront her in the weapons locker of all places. It was mid-morning on the day after you left. She was cleaning her pistols and fine toning her Widow Bites. They still had no idea when they were leaving as the information was still coming in. But it was still good to be prepared. “Romanoff,” Tony said. He leaned against the wall. 
“Stark.” She didn’t look at him. She was still furious with the man but out of respect for you, she would be civil. At the end of the day, they were a team and they had to watch each other’s backs. 
“I’m guessing you are upset with me too.” She loaded the bullets into her magazine. “This is probably the worst place to talk to the person sleeping with my daughter,” Natasha smirked. 
“I’m not going to kill you.” She said. He laughed. 
“Well, that’s a relief.” There was a silence between the two. “So how long have you been sleeping with my kid?” He finally asked. Natasha sighed, placing her guns. She faced the man. She knew a shovel talk was in her future but she didn’t expect it to be like this. 
“8 months,” she answered honestly. There was no reason to lie. 
“I’m guessing if I ask you to call it off you won’t.” She smiled. 
“You could be correct.” Natasha took a step closer to him. Her arms crossed. She noticed he was becoming nervous. “Let me ask you something, Tony. Do you love Y/n?” She asked. 
“Yes,” The man answered without hesitation. Natasha wasn’t surprised by that. She’s caught him reading every article he could find about you. 
“Have you told her that?” He didn’t say anything but Natasha saw his head shake, no. “Let me make an educated guess here. Howard didn’t show any emotions, right? He didn’t spend time with you, didn’t praise you when you wanted him to, and didn’t tell you he loved you when in fact he did. Which makes sense because it was probably how he was raised.” She went back to her guns to put them away. “I’m not your therapist but to your surprise, I care a lot about Y/n. So stop the generational trauma and be the father she deserves. 
“How-how do I do that?” He asked. Natasha has never heard the man so unsure of himself. She put her guns away. 
“I don’t know, Tony, but I see the way you act with Peter. That fatherly instinct is there somewhere.” She had a training session with Wanda to get to but her phone ringing stopped her. She half expected to see your name on the caller ID but it was Taylor. The Black Widow had met your best friend a handful of times. “Hey Tay,” she answered.
“Is the Egghead still with you?” Taylor asked. Natasha smiled at the nickname but the smile was short-lived. She heard the sound of a car so Taylor must be driving. 
“No, she left yesterday. What’s going on?” Taylor sighed. 
“She didn’t show up for work this morning. I tried calling her but she’s not answering her phone so I thought she stayed another night at the compound and you and she were engaging in adult-related activities. Natasha rolled her eyes at that. She turned to face Tony, who was watching the Russian. 
“Maybe she overslept.” That was unlikely but she needed to give another option besides the worst-case scenario. She heard Taylor turn off her car and slam the door shut. 
“I’m at her place now and will dump cold water on her.” Natasha waited for Taylor to take the elevator to your floor and unlock your apartment. “Shit,” Taylor said. Natasha put the phone on speaker. 
“Tay, what do you see?” She asked. Taylor was calling out your name, oblivious that Natasha asked her a question. She could tell Taylor was running throughout your apartment. 
“Taylor,” Tony said. “What is going on?” The sudden voice of your father cut through her fog.
“She’s not here,” she said. “Her window is broken and her coffee mug is shattered. There is graffiti on her kitchen cabinets.” Natasha’s phone dinged and she opened the text message Taylor sent. Her heart stopped. She looked up at Tony. The color was drained from his face but his jaw clenched. HYDRA had you. 
Your eyes slowly opened but you admittedly closed them as a bright light was shining down on you. A pain throbbed behind your eyes. You were so thirsty. You reopened your eyes and looked around the room you were in. It was a 4 wall room with a door. You were chained to a metal chair. An IV was attached to your right arm. You looked down at your chest and noticed CAM patches attached to a monitor of your heartbeat. The only sound in the quiet room was the quiet beeping of the heart monitor on your left. It was comforting to some extent. You tried to test the resistance of the metal chains but your arms wouldn’t move. No matter how hard you tried your arms wouldn’t move. There was a discount between your brain and your limbs. “Impressive,” you looked up at the door. You didn’t notice it open. “We thought you would be out much longer.” The man was German. You noticed the slight accent. He wore a black uniform with the HYDRA symbol on his shirt. 
“HYDRA,” you said. The man smiled. A female walked from behind him. She was wearing a white lab coat and a mask covering her mouth. She checked your vitals. 
“So you know who we are,” Of course you did. The Avengers were working day and night to remove the organization. 
“Her vitals are good,” the doctor said. “We can begin.”
“Begin?” You questioned. Your throat was killing you. “Begin what?” The man nodded. The doctor pulled a syringe out of her pocket and inserted it into your IV. You tried to fight her but it was no use. She pushed the clear liquid. 
“You should be honored, Miss. Stark,” he said. “You are going to be a part of history.” The heart machine began to beep rapidly indicating your growing panic. 
“What did you inject me with?” You asked. Breath, you told yourself, breathe. You were no use to anyone if you sent yourself into a panic attack. The beeping settled down. 
“A truth serum,” he answered. “In 30 minutes, no matter what question we ask you, you will be forced to tell the truth.” Impossible. He smiled at the disbelief clear on your face. He took a step forward, taking your chin in his hand. “In 30 minutes, you will tell us all of your secrets.” 
Tony was abnormally quiet as Peter and Kate gave their report on your apartment. Since they were stationed in the city it made sense to have them check it out. The security camera caught you being dragged out of the back door and into the van. FRIDAY was tracking the van but Tony wasn’t hopeful. They’ve spent months trying to track down HYDRA bases and have only found a handful. “Thanks, guys,” Steve said. “Report back to the compound.” They nodded and the feed ended. It was all hands on deck even Bucky and Yelena were being pulled from their missions to help out. 
“Do you think it could be connected to the upcoming mission?” Wanda asked. Their next target was a Russian factory. It was rumored that they were developing a new drug. 
“They took her alive,” Natasha said. “That means they want something.” You were alive. Tony had to keep reminding himself of that. You were alive but in the hands of a monster. There is so much Tony wanted to say to you and the way things were left between you and him left a sour taste in his mouth. 
“Tony,” Steve said. The conversation directed at him pulled him out of his thoughts. He hummed, looking at the super soldier. “We are going to find her.” Of course, they were. They were the Avengers but Tony was afraid of the state they were going to find you in. 
You were extremely warm. A layer of sweat was covering your body. The doctor would place a wet towel on your forehead. It offered you some relief. “Her temperature is stable at 99.2,” she looked at the man. “We can begin.” The man smiled. 
“Let’s start with a baseline,” he said. “Who is your father?” Lie. Lie. Lie. You licked your lips. 
“Go to hell,” you said. His smile grew. 
“It’s useless to fight it. You know the saying the truth will set you free,” There was a pressure building in your chest. You squeezed your eyes shut. Lie. Lie. Lie. 
“Tony Stark,” you said. The pressure lifted on your chest. 
“Who is your mother?” Lie. LIE. 
“Meghan L/n,” you mumbled. 
“And what happened to your dear mother?” He asked. You squeezed your hands into a fist. 
“She died from cancer.” You missed her so much. He touched your cheek. 
“You poor, little girl,” you flinched from his touch. “Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.” He let go of you. “The Avengers are hitting our facilities. Where are they hitting next?”
“I don’t know,” the pressure was slightly building on your chest. He frowned. 
“Move to plan B,” he said to the doctor. “I forgot she’s a Stark. They are stubborn.” The doctor pulled out another syringe. This time she pinched your skin with a needle. It didn’t even hurt. “She just injected you with adrenaline. A mix of that with the truth serum is a deadly combination.” 
“I don’t know,” you said again. “They were looking at a factory blueprint somewhere in Russia.” You never felt this weak. Your heart was thudding against your ribs. “Please,” you whispered. “I need water.” The man nodded and the doctor left the room. 
“This factory,” he continued. “Tell me about it.” You squeezed your eyes shut. The image of the blueprint was engraved in your mind. You couldn’t tell him. If the Avengers were interested in this factory it must be important. HYDRA must be planning something. 
“You know,” you said. “They are going to find me and when they do you are fucked.” The door opened and the doctor came back in with a cup of water. But the man grabbed it from her. 
“I’m impressed,” he said. “You are still fighting it. Our other test subjects submitted much faster.” He poured the water on the ground and crushed the paper cup in his hand. “But even the strongest metals can bend. We just have to wait and we have all the time in the world together.” He opened the door and the doctor wordlessly followed him. “We will see you soon, Miss. Stark.” They left, closing the door behind him. You rested your head back looking up at the ceiling. You just needed to hold out till you were found. 
Natasha needed to busy her hands. They were going through all known HYDRA associates and trying to connect it to the factory. It was slow work but it was the best option they had instead of blindly engaging. One slip-up could alert whoever took you. So Natasha was in the kitchen making a sandwich. “Hey,” she turned to look at her sister. “How are you?” Yelena was one of the few people at the compound that knew of the relationship between you and Natasha. 
“I’m fine,” the blonde rolled her eyes and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 
“Bullshit,” she said. “It’s not nice to lie to your baby sister.” Natasha cut the sandwich in half and handed one half to Yelena. They sat down at the table. Natasha took a few bites of her sandwich. It tasted bitter in her mouth. 
“I feel useless,” she told her sister. “We have no leads and the longer she’s with them the worse it will be.” Yelena finished her half and Natasha pushed her half so she could eat it. 
“We’ll find her and then you can tell her that you love her,” Natasha kicked her sister underneath the table. “Ouch, that hurt,” she whined. “It’s the truth!” Natasha sighed. 
“I know, I know,” she rubbed her hands against her face. “She’s just had a lot going on and no time seemed right.” You were so focused on your work and then the issue with Tony came up. Yelena smiled. 
“That’s the thing. This life is so uncertain no time will seem right. You just have to tell them before it's too late,” Natasha was surprised at how much Yelena has healed from the hands of the Red Room. 
“Widow 1 and Widow 2,” Clint said. Natasha looked at her oldest friend. “We have a lead. Come on.”
“Wake up, sleepyhead,” you opened your eyes. The man was in front of you holding your head up. “How are we doing?”
“Bad,” you said. “Bad.” Everything hurt and you were so hungry. He removed his hand and your head fell to the side. A new set of hands touched your face. It was the doctor. She whipped your face with a wet towel and an alcohol pad to clean up the dried blood on your face. You weren’t sure when your nose started bleeding. 
“Are you ready to be good and tell me what I want to know?” You nodded. “Tell me about the factory.” You licked your lips. 
“I saw the blueprints for a split second and the words were in Russian,” You let out a shaky breath. “But it mentioned that the factory was on a lake and that is where it got its power from,” you had to admit you were surprised that HYDRA was so into clean energy. “That’s all I know.” The man nodded and the doctor put a cup to your lips. You almost sobbed as the cold water touched your lips. “Thank you,” you said when the cup was dry. The man smiled. 
“Of course, you’ve been very good to us.” He pulled out a phone and sent a text message with the information provided. “Do you know when they plan to attack?” You shook your head. 
“No, but their priorities shifted when you kidnapped me.” The man put his phone away. 
“Are we good to move on to phase 2?” He asked the doctor. She nodded. 
“Her vitals are stable and she’s the strongest test subject we’ve had.” She moved a rolling table over to her with a briefcase on it. 
“Miss. Stark, I do appreciate your willingness to be part of our experiment,” she opened the briefcase. “Our lovely doctor has been fascinated with mutants and how to turn normal people into one.” She took out a big needle with red liquid swirled in the syringe. “Unfortunately, all of her other test subjects died. But we have strong hopes for you.” She cleaned a spot on your arm. 
“Wait,” you said. “Please.” But your pleas went on deaf ears as the needle pinched your skin. You watched helplessly as the red liquid was pushed into your system. An alarm began to go off. 
“Impossible,” he opened the metal door and the sound of shooting and yelling echoed against the wall. Your body felt like it was on fire. You groaned in pain. Patches of darkness began to cloud your vision. You swore you heard your name. 
“Get away from her,” Was that Tony?
“It’s too late,” the doctor said. It was the first time you’d heard real emotion in her voice. “She’ll either die or be reborn into something beautiful.” You heard her yell and a crash as she fell against the table. 
“Hey, squirt, can you hear me?” Tony asked. He removed the gloves from his suit and wasn’t sure where to touch you. He decided on your arms. 
“D-dad?” You questioned. You weren’t sure the last time you called him that. He nodded. 
“Yeah, I’m here,” he said. “We’re all here. We are going to get you home.” 
“Home?” You put your head back and yelled in pain. “It hurts.” You forced out. Tears were forming at the corner of your eyes. “Dad, it hurts. Make it stop.” You sobbed.
Tony removed the IV from your arm. He felt helpless as he watched you cry in pain from whatever they did to you. The skin of your arms started to bubble and your normal eye color began to flicker from red, to green, gray, and blue. “Romanoff, Belova, I found her. Where are you?” He asked over the coms. The Black Widow sisters were given medication from Helen before they left and they were tasked with going through the office to find what they did to you. 
“On our way, Stark,” Natasha said. Gun fire could be heard through the coms. 
“Dad,” you mumbled. Your eyes were fluttering close. 
“Hey, squirt, I need you to stay awake,” you looked at him.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m sorry.” Your eye color stopped rapidly switching. It stopped on red. 
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said. “And when we get out of here, we are going to be a family.” You smiled. 
“I’d like that,” your eyes closed. The only indication that you were alive was your shallow breathing and the heart monitoring beating. 
“Stark,” Tony looked at the doorway and saw Natasha and Yelena. Natasha had a vial in her hand but she was frozen as she stared at your still form. Yelena took the vital out of her sister’s hand and ran to your side. 
“This should halt whatever they gave her and give us enough time to get her back to the compound.” Yelena opened the vial and tilted your head back. 
“Should?” Tony questioned. 
“We didn’t have a lot of time to check our work.” She poured the vial down your throat. They waited in silence for something to happen. Soon you began to cough and your eyes opened slowly. The billionaire let out a sigh. 
“Lena,” you mumbled. The blonde smiled. 
“Gave us quite a scare,” you laughed. Yelena moved out of the way and Natasha took her sister’s spot. 
“Let’s get you home,”
You sat on a bed at the compound in their med bay. Helen said the truth serum would make its way out of your system in 24 hours. As for the mystery red injection, they were running tests on your blood and DNA to find out more. But you sneezed when Helen brought you food and almost set the doctor on fire, you had a pretty good idea of what your new ability was. You slowly ate your soup when the door to your room opened. It was Tony with a bouquet. “I thought you’d prefer this to a teddy bear,” he said, placing them on your side table. 
“It’s a good choice,” he sat down in the empty chair. “Hele did tell you that the serum isn’t totally out of my system, right?” He nodded. 
“She did but this conversation can’t wait,” he sighed. “I meant what I said when I told you we would be a family when we got you home. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness and I don’t want it. I’m sorry for not being the father you deserve. You’ve done so well on your own and I’m so proud of you,” you looked down at your soup unable to look at the man. “I’d like to earn your forgiveness if you’ll give me the chance.” 
“Dammit dad,” you whispered, whipping away a few tears that fell from your eyes. “I’ve waited so long for you to say that to me. I just didn’t think me getting kidnapped would be the thing that changed your mind.”
“It shouldn’t have come to that,” you looked at him again. “I love you, squirt. You being born was the best thing that happened to me.” You held out your hand and he took it. 
“Please don’t break my heart,” you said. “I don’t think I’d be able to take it.” He squeezed your hand. 
“I won’t be perfect but I promise to change.” You smiled. “Now about you and Romanoff.” Your smile fell and you groaned. “I’m just messing with you.” You weren’t sure if you believed him. “Finish eating and get some rest once you heal, we'll discuss your choice in women.” You pulled your hand away from him but you didn’t miss his smile. 
“You are the worst,” you said. He stood up and kissed the top of your head.  
“I’m so happy you're safe.” He whispered. 
You must have fallen asleep because when you woke up Natasha was sitting next to you. She was reading a poetry book. You smiled at the sight. “Hi,” you whispered. She closed the book at the sound of your voice. 
“Malyshka (baby girl),” she said, standing up. You moved over to make space on the bed and she sat down next to you. 
“Kiss me,” you said. “Please.” She smiled and connected your lips. You loved kissing Natasha. It was your favorite thing because each kiss was so different. Right now it was slow as if she was savoring it. When the need for air was too great, you pulled away and rested your forehead against hers. 
“I was so worried,” she whispered. “I was scared I’d never see you again.” You’ve never heard so much vulnerability in her voice.
“You would have found me,” you said, pulling her onto the bed so she was laying down next to you. You rested your head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. You smiled as you watched goosebumps on her skin. “I can’t lie, remember.” She chuckled and kissed the top of your head. 
“There is so much I want to tell you,” she said. You nodded. 
“I know and we’ll talk but right now I just want you to hold me.” You felt safe in her arms. The safest you’ve felt since you woke up in that chair.   
Part 3 
@natsxwife @mymommawanda @doudouneverte
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tonysslut · 8 months
spare parts
pls do not copy or repost my work
hiii! i know it's been forever since i last posted but i found this in my drafts and decided to finish it! ending isn't great but that's never been my strong suit anyways. hope you enjoy! <3
tony stark masterlist
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metal clanking against the floor startles you awake. you groan as you sit up, not bothering to look over at tony's side of the bed. rubbing your eyes, you make your way out of the small apartment and down the stairs.
tony was crouched in front of the old car, his elbows rested against his knees, head hung low in annoyance. you kneeled behind him, resting you head on his back as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
you could feel his tightened muscles relax as he registered your touch.
"didn't mean to wake you." he huffs out, rubbing his hand across his face before turning around to face you. he sat on the floor, turning his body to grab you by your waist, pulling you into his lap.
"you promised you wouldn't wake up to work on it." you spoke, stroking your thumbs under his eyes as he rested his head against the car.
his dark under eyes gave away how tired he was, but the urge to finish this was stronger than the need to sleep.
"i know, i'm too far in to stop now." he groaned, rubbing circles into your lower back. his hands on your body suddenly gave you an idea.
you lean into him, pressing your chest against his as you placed kisses on his exposed neck. you felt a content hum vibrate his throat, quickly turning into a low moan as you started to rock your hips back and forth.
"what're you up to?" he says with a raised brow, sitting up so you're face to face.
you smile at him, nudging your nose with his. "i'm distracting you." you whisper before kissing him.
tony leaned into the kiss, his hands gripped your waist, causing you to arch into him.
you instantly turn into putty in his hands, the kiss becomes feverish. the both you pressing into each other to get impossibly closer.
hands start to wonder, you feel tonys big hands cup your breasts gently squeezing as you run your hands under his black tank top. you feel his soft belly before roaming lower, dipping your hand into his sweats to pull his already hard cock out.
you spit into your hands, smearing the saliva onto his head as you tease him. he jerks his hips up, trying to get you to give him more, but you take your time, working your hand around his head, slowly stroking his shafts. slow movements that drive him crazy.
"c'mon, don't be a tease." he groans, leaning in to kiss you.
you decide to just give in, working him up as affecting you just as much. using your free hand, you move your shorts to the side, lifting your hips so you can slide his cock inside you.
he moans into your mouth, finally feeling your warmth. you lift yourself up just to drop back down, digging your nails into tony's shoulder at how full you feel. nothing could compare to him.
tony places his hands on your ass, encouraging you to roll your hips. each roll has a wave of pleasure washing over the both of you. it was addictive, you couldn't get enough. he grips your ass, moving you faster, trying to push himself deeper inside you.
"look at you, so pretty riding my cock, baby." he groans, eyes glazed over as he watches you.
his words just spur you on. you manage to move your already sore hips faster, legs burning but you didn't care, all you cared about was chasing your release.
tonys hot breath fanned across your neck as you threw your head back, letting out a loud moan when you felt his thumb connect with your clit.
"cum with me, baby. i need to feel you pulse around my cock."
you look back at tony and kiss him. he wasted no time in sliding his tongue into your mouth. that was all it took for you to reach your high.
your eyes rolled into the back of your head, incoherent moans leaving your mouth as tony continued to thrust into you, which only prolonged your orgasm.
you heard tony choke out a moan but feeling his warm release coat your walls, grinding against you to make sure he was buried to the hilt.
tony slumps against the car, neck resting against the cool metal. you rest your head on his shoulder, legs almost numb as you felt a wave of sleep take over you.
tony ran his hand up and down your back, and you pressed kisses into his chest.
"will you come to bed now?" you asked, sitting up to look at him.
he gives you a sleepy nod, helping you off of him and up the stairs. you stopped by the bathroom to freshen yourself up as he laid out new clothes for you to wear.
you both slide into bed, tony quickly pulling you close to him. it doesn't take long for his soft snores to fill the room. you knew he probably wouldn't sleep long but just knowing he was getting some rest settled your nerves.
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From Vormir, With Love - Part 6
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Tags: strangers to lovers, love in space angst on earth, slavery mention, alien abduction, post Endgame, survivor guilt, suicide ideations, will add as we go on
Summary: As you're being chased you crash on Vormir. So far, so bad. But things take a turn when you come face to face with a marooned Black Widow.
Word count: 2.7k
A/n: it's hard to realize how fast time goes by sometimes. Also i know some people are asking for a tag list but i kinda lost track so i'm sorry but i won't make one i think :/
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You go back to Clint's the same day, late at night, in the car you borrowed while everyone else went to Tony Stark's funeral. Your dad's words are still resonating inside your mind, despite trying your hardest to ignore them. You don't know what to do, or what decision to make. Lucky for you, something is there to distract you when you arrive in the form of the lights being on on the porch of the house. You frown; it's almost 2am, so you expected everyone to be asleep at this point. But no. You recognize the redhead sitting on the bench and a slight wave of worry washes over you. Why was she still awake? Did something happen? You exit the car and close the door as silently as you can before you join the spy on the porch. She's holding a beer in her hands, and you guess it's not her first one seeing a few empty vessels are down on the windowsill behind her.
"Did something happen?"
Natasha looks up at you with a questioning eye at your worried tone, then it dawns on her she must look pretty miserable, so she shake her head to answer you.
"No, nothing happened. Just… grieving. It feels weird after arboring so much hope." The high of hoping to see their plan succeed against the cost of it. She clears her throat that started to constrict again, and offers you the seat next to her. "Care to join me?"
You agree, and she grabs a bottle to give to you from the cooler on the other side of the bench. You take it and open it in one swift move. She bring her bottle closer to yours for a small toast.
"To saving the world, and the heroes we lost."
"To coming back to a life you don't want," you answer in kind.
You clink your bottles together. Both of you drink. There is a lull in the night that you both enjoy, before you break the silence first. You're hesitant at first.
"You know… for what it's worth, I'm really sorry. It must be really hard."
She sighs after taking a swig of the beer. It stings, the loss, but more so, the what ifs. What if she'd been there, what if she could have saved him. Obviously, it likely wouldn't have changed the final result, but maybe, just maybe… she lets out a sigh.
"Sorry about your reunion with your parents. Sounds like it didn't go so well." She prefers to change the subject. No point in wallowing now. You take the change of topic gracefully, understanding she wishes to talk about something else.
"It went well, actually. We're having a barbecue on sunday. You and the crew are invited."
She snorts, then raises an eyebrow when she realizes you're serious. She tilts her head and pinches her lips. "You know what? Sure, I'll be there. Maybe I can go as your date," she offers with a wink.
Your heart skips a beat at those words and you blink a few times. Your date? Wait, is she serious? You look at her, trying to read her and make sure you're not hallucinating. There is a bit of a blush on her cheeks, but you quickly attribute it to her drinking. She's probably just slightly drunk and teasing you, you reason before you roll your eyes.
"Sure, why not," you answer, now certain that there's nothing serious there. "Just get ready 'cause my mom is going to ask you a lot of questions."
"I faced death and came back, I'm sure I can deal with her. I'm very charming."
You both laugh and you shake your head, drinking more of your beer. You were glad to see that at least she could still laugh even on this heavy day. You have no idea that it's because she feels so much lighter now that you agreed to have her be your date, after she got to reflect on the fleeting nature of life some more, and finally decide to take the plunge one way or another.
"Well, as charming as you are, I think I need to get some rest," you admit with a yawn that you hide behind your hand, your eyes watering with your need to sleep. It is 2am after all. It makes Natasha smiles at how cute you are, right as she nods.
"Alright, I'll join you soon. Oh, and careful in the living room, someone is sleeping on the sofa."
"Explains what you're doing outside." You put your hands on your knees, ready to get up.
"Truthfully? I was also waiting for you," she admits with a slight blush. You're surprised at the admission and almost lose your balance trying to get up. You almost can't believe your ears, but as usual, you decide to ignore the way her words make you feel. You turn around to look at her and try to not notice the way the pink of her cheeks makes you want to caress them and lean forward to kiss her, or how fragile she suddenly looks from where you're standing.
"You were?"
"Someone had to tell you we had another guest." She arches a teasing eyebrow. There is another reason, not so obvious to you, but she likes to keep you on your toes. You laugh behind your hand and nod.
"Obviously. Alright. Good night, Natasha."
She smiles at you, it is more tender than anything she ever said to you so far. "Good night. And thank you for checking on me."
You then disappear inside the house, careful not to wake up the sleeping form on the couch, and go to your room. You easily fall asleep, and after you do, you're joined by a sleepy redhead who, after a minute of internal debate, finds a way into your arms. After all, you said yes to a date with her, didn't you?
You frown as you awaken, feeling something tickling your face. You scrunch up your nose and get your face out of… what was it even? You opened an eye only to be met with red and blond hair everywhere up in your face. That's when you notice that Natasha is in your arms, keeping you warm and cozy and, oh god you're blushing like crazy now that you notice what your hand is. You quickly take it off and get a groan from the smaller woman.
The sound of protest makes you blush even more, so you decide to find a way out of there really fast, or as fast as you can considering that extracting yourself without waking the woman is as easy as taking a bear cub from its mama bear. But, against all odds, you succeed and leave for the bathroom. There, you take the time for your heart to calm down and your blush to recede before heading downstairs.
How did you end up in that position? You aren't particularly cuddly during the night, at least not accidentally, so something must have happened. You just hoped Natasha didn't notice anything.
When you arrive downstairs, you notice that you're not the first one awake. There is a woman with long red hair there too, and you recognize Wanda Maximoff. She must have been the surprise guest who was staying on the sofa last night. You offer her a nod.
"Hi. Y/n," you introduce yourself.
"Wanda," she goes, and you grab some of the coffee she made. She seems lost in her thoughts, and you notice the rim of red around her eyes, like she cried. You're unsure about what to do before you take a seat opposite from her.
"I'm sorry for your loss," you try, and it startles her. She scoffs.
"Everyone keeps saying that, it doesn't feel like it means anything anymore." You nervously wet your lips and play with your mug. She's not done. "You don't even know me, you know nothing of my grief."
She's being a bit of an ass, but you decide it was okay considering she looks at the end of her life.
"I don't, you're right. Doesn't mean I can't feel your sorrow and want to take a chunk of it away for you."
"Is that what it is? Or is it just pity?"
With those words, she stands up, jaw set and tears filling her eyes. She leaves the room, and you sigh. You have no idea what she's going through, and you feel bad for her, but there is nothing you can do about it. You stay in the kitchen for a few minutes longer, when Clint joins you. He notices Wanda is missing and sends you a questioning look in case you know anything.
"I tried to be civil," you simply say, and with a frown, he goes outside to try and comfort Wanda. Once again, you stay inside. Clearly you're not close enough to be of any help whatsoever, no matter how bad you feel for the woman.
Lucky for you, you don't have to think about it much longer when other people start to pour inside the kitchen. Apparently being able to properly rest is conducive to getting up early. You make small talk while you drink your coffee peacefully, until Natasha shows up.
You blush upon remembering the way you woke up, and try to act natural when she comes and sits next to you.
"Good morning," she says your way after greeting everyone else, her hand ghosting over your thigh briefly. Your heart is about to beat out of your chest and you tense slightly, awaiting the contact, but it never comes. Feeling your tension, Natasha decides against touching you. Maybe it was too soon for you, and she doesn't want to push you. "How are you doing?"
You force yourself to relax slightly, and a smile comes naturally when you answer her.
"Pretty good, but I don't think the new girl likes me."
"Give her time. She needs to heal first." You nod at Natasha's wisdom, even if you have no idea what she's talking about.
"I guess Tony mattered a lot to her, huh."
"Not really. It's more complicated than that. Don't worry about it too much." And with that, she captures your hand briefly. You can only nod in answer, and breathe again when she lets go of the contact. You immediately miss it and the way it makes you feel. The conversation from yesterday comes back to you and you think it's a good idea to actually ask what she meant when she offered to be your date, especially since you agreed.
"On another note," you start, "what did you–"
Before you can ask anything more a crashing sound came from outside and you both immediately stood up ready to fight. June comes running and turns to Natasha.
"Your friend is losing it, you need to do something."
"I need to go save Clint's ass. Talk later?" She offers and you nod, dumbfounded. Seems like you actually could have gotten in a lot of troubles by upsetting Wanda.
"Yeah, definitely. Hum, good luck. I feel like you might need it."
Natasha smirks, then puts her game face on before she goes through the door. There is a beat of silence between you and June before you decide that you might as well ask her opinion.
"So, I have a question," you start very hesitantly. Your friend gets her hand up almost in your face, as if she already knows what you're about to ask.
"Don't bother, I already know."
"You do?" You arch an eyebrow, and it doesn't stop June.
"You need to bang it out with superspy."
You sputter, blush, frown, and look at the woman in front of you.
"What the hell June?!"
"What? Don't tell me it wasn't about her!"
"It was, but come on!"
"I said my piece then." You bang your head on the table, and June looks out the window to see how the situation is going. She sees she still has time to keep going and sits opposite from you. "Okay, just, listen, I think she likes you, and I know you like her! Don't let it go to waste. We lost enough of our lives like that."
Of course, June has a point, whether you like it or not. You feel something for Natasha, but you're too scared to act upon it, and if she feels the same - which you doubt - she isn't going to wait forever for you, so you have to act. Or at least ask if you're right to doubt there is anything there instead of assuming. Be brave. You owe it to her.
"Alright, alright," you concede with a sigh. "I'll talk to her."
"Finally." She looks up at the sky in silent thanks and you roll your eyes at her theatrics. You decide it's time to give her a bit of a heart attack in turn.
"How is it going with Carol, by the way?" You ask in turn, a smirk adorning your lips. A very light blush takes root on her cheek. Got her.
Her answer comes in the form of a finger.
"Do you need some help with that?" You offer when you catch Natasha alone in your bedroom.
You came upstairs to tell her food is ready, and she was taking care of a cut in her back. Calming down Wanda went poorly, and even if she seemed apologetic after the facts, it wasn't going to heal the redhead's bruises. It was unfair, but you understood that grief could make you do crazy things.
"I could do with some help." Her admission is small.
You approach Natasha slowly and sit on the bed next to her, a leg under you, grabbing the first aid kit for some disinfectant and gauze. Carefully, she surrenders the material she's holding on the side of the kit and turns around so her back is facing you. You look at her skin which is peppered with scars, and you can only imagine all she went through. All the hurt, all the trauma, everything that led to her being in front of you right now, so vulnerable.
You start your work carefully. You learned how to take care of cuts and bruises during your travels.
"Do you ever wish you could take someone's place?" She asks you in the religious silence. There is a tremor in her voice that clues you in how serious the conversation is. You swallow your jokes and answer truthfully.
"The first few months after the abduction I did. Then I realized it meant someone else would be in my place so I stopped."
"I do. To take off the pain from my friends." Her words made no sense at first, but as you thought about it, you realized she is talking about lessening the pain of Wanda. Taking the place of her lover who died long ago now, but only moments before for the witch. Carol told you everything in a way only someone who wished they had been there could.
"Displacing people's grief wouldn't really lessen the pain. Just make it different."
"I still think I could have… maybe if I stayed…"
She can't bring herself to finish her sentence, but you understand. If she were dead maybe things would be different.
She hangs her head low. You sigh, almost groan at her truth. You finish patching her up, and lay your hand against her back. Against her scars. Her past laid bare against your palm.
"For what it's worth, I'm glad you're here with us." With me, you don't add but still think so loudly you're sure she can hear you. If she understands the subtext, she says nothing about it.
"Thank you," she simply answers, still looking away, but relaxing against your touch. It's a moment of vulnerability, but more importantly of trust. It lasts until a shiver runs along her spine with the cold. She smoothly puts back her shirt and you put your hand away. She gets up, and when she turns around, she has a shy smile directed at you.
"I can smell the food, should we join everyone?" She extends a hand towards you, and you take it. In a swift move, she helps you up and brings you against her in a hug. "Thank you."
You hold her, hum when she rubs her nose against your neck, your heart ready to burst. You wish for this moment to last forever against your better judgment.
Damn you're in deep.
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darsynia · 1 year
Um if it sounds fun to you could you write a reader (character of your choice but I think Tony works for this, maybe Stephen or Steve) where reader is a professional and has been so focused on work they don’t feel sexy or desirable anymore? New or established I guess but fluffy/cheeky and uplifting. Only if it inspires you, LOVE YOUR WRITING!
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This was fun as hell, and thank you! I chose Tony Stark/F!Reader.
Summary: Tony wakes you up in the early morning after staying up working on his cars. He knows your job is stressing you out, and if he can't make things better at work, he can at least make you associate certain work things with him…
Warnings: Minors DNI! Oral sex (f receiving) and PiV sex.
Length: 2,288
Tags (if you'd like to be tagged for Tony posts or other characters please let me know!): @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @fyreball66 @themaradaniels @starksbf @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne
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Liquidity (Or, Well Deserved)
You’re dreaming, and it’s a really good one. In the dream, you’re on your stomach draped over a cloud, and a warm, loving hand is stroking your back. The hand slides up into your hair to scrape fingernails along your scalp before moving back along your neck and over your shoulder blades, pushing your wide-necked nightgown out of the way.
The realism of the dream is wonderful. You can even feel the way the front of your nightgown presses against your nipples in tension as the man drags the fabric down and out of the way. He starts dropping kisses along your spine, and you shiver, mmm-ing in your sleep at the tingling way his comfort is turning erotic.
The dream-cloud shakes a little, and you can picture the whole scene. You are sleeping in Tony's bed when he comes up grease-stained and horny after taking advantage of your late hours at work. Once he’s scrubbed his hands, he gives up on the shower, hoping you’ll join him if he can manage to be persuasive enough. 
That thought sends half-asleep you into a spiral of dirty thoughts, but you aren’t quite sure if you’re actually dreaming or if the confident, sensual kisses on your back are real. Tony’s usually not quiet-- but he can be, if there’s motivation enough.
The word ‘motivation’ reminds you of everything that’s stressed you out at work lately. It derails the heated scrape of beard hair that trail after each open-mouthed kiss, and, fuck, what time is it? It’s not Friday, is it? It’s Saturday, right? If it’s Friday, you’ll have to rush to--
“You just tensed up,” Tony whispers, and he’s right, you did.
“I’m sorry, I was up in my own head again,” you groan, sliding your knees up underneath you in a vain attempt to hide your disappointment. You’re a compact package of overworked misery. “It’s Saturday, right? My boss would totally invent a time machine just for the glee of demanding an extra workday.”
“If I wasn’t pretty sure you’d roll off the bed in frustration at my inability to shut up about it, I’d order you to quit your job. Again,” Tony says, grabbing a handful of your nightgown and throwing himself onto the mattress beside you. 
With him anchoring you, you can’t roll over or move away, and he knows it. Tony moves his head near to where yours is, reaching over with his free hand to move your hair out of the way so he can see your face. 
“It would serve you right if I rolled off anyway,” you tease.
“Do it. I’ve always wanted to rip this thing off of you,” he grins.
“Tony!” you groan in frustration, but suddenly he’s pulling you over on top of him. He’s hot as a furnace, clearly hard, and the clock on the nightstand reads 4 AM. “Don’t,” you whisper, suddenly shy. “I didn’t have time to do anything but fall into bed. No shower, no teeth, and the bags under my eyes--”
He stops you with a kiss that’s filthy and enthusiastic, sliding his big hand up to the back of your head to hold you steady as he symbolically chases all of your objections away with swipes of his tongue against yours. “Good,” he whispers against the curve of your jaw. “Be dirty with me. I probably got grease swipes on your back, I was too impatient.”
That word sends you into another anxiety spiral, no matter how hard you try to fight against it. Tony’s impatient because it’s been days. The project at work isn’t finished, and you have a feeling you’ll get a call sometime today from your boss promising a bonus that won’t actually materialize if you pop into the office for a few hours.
“There you go again. Hon, if you can fuss about work, I’m clearly not on my A game,” Tony says from beneath you. In a move that takes your breath away and coincidentally presses his barely-clothed cock right where you want it, he expertly reverses your positions. You end up on your back with your nightgown hopelessly twisted up out of the way, and Tony’s sliding down.
You want that, but fuck… Tony Stark may be your boyfriend now, but before that he was known for his women, clean women, women who spent their whole lives hoping that he might look sideways at--
Tony interrupts your spiraling thoughts by yanking you toward the foot of the bed, and you lift your head to see that he’s actually dry humping the mattress as he grins up toward you, barely visible in the dim light of his bedroom. Every line of his body is painted with desire, desire for you, and as soon as he sees that you’re watching, he slides his bent knuckle along your core. Just to ensure you’re well and truly wrecked, he pulls his hand back to lick it.
“You’re going to relax, and if you don’t, I’m going to make you associate work stress with this,” Tony says, hooking your knees in his hands and pulling you down just within reach. He leans his head down to kiss you right above your mound, nuzzling you with his nose as though that soft part of your body makes him wild with desire. Hell, Tony doesn’t seem to enjoy faking things much, so maybe it does.
While you’re reckoning with that, Tony settles in, groaning low and deep as he caresses you on the way to resting his hand on your stomach. There’s something about being known like that; he has to anchor you, you’re always like a wildcat when he tastes you.
Does he know that the warmth and pressure of his possessive hand on you while he takes you apart is half the reason you’re so responsive?
“Fuck,” Tony says. “One sec.” He lifts up and you watch as he tears his sweatpants off, unable to resist pumping himself once as he glares at you as though you’re completely to blame. “Waistband was going to chafe, and I need to be able to focus,” he says.
You laugh and take the opportunity to pull off your nightgown, too. Tony is nothing if not controlled chaos in bed. His hands are usually everywhere; he’s always swearing and praising under his breath, hips always moving, but sure, his waistband will derail him.
“Oh, that’s it,” he says, crawling up to look sternly down at you with one hand on either side of your head. “You’re going to tell me your morning routine while I do this. If you stop talking, I’ll stop.”
“Tony, I do not want to mix--”
His mouth takes yours, one hand cupping your face tenderly even as he nips your bottom lip and soothes it with his tongue. “Neither do I. You started this, I’m going to finish it.”
With that he drags his cock right against you, following that with beard hair on your nipple to make you cry out from the overstimulation and smack him.
“Oh my god, it’s not like you’ll get up and walk away if I don’t--”
Tony interrupts you by reaching down to jack himself, his knuckles brushing against your heated core incidentally, nowhere near enough.
“Goddamnit Tony!”
“That’s my girl,” he purrs. “Go on.” Another hand movement, and you’re desperate.
You grab two handfuls of sheet to anchor yourself and start speaking, using an annoyed, disapproving tone. “I walk in and say hi to whoever is working reception.”
Tony swirls his tongue to soothe your nipple and runs his nose along your stomach on his way back down. There’s no time to be self conscious, because he’ll just make you watch him instead, probably while teasing you with useless, sexy touching.
“I head upstairs, usually on the stairs, because you never know who will be lurking near the elevators,” you continue, maintaining your tone of disinterest right till you reach the word ‘elevators,’ because that’s when Tony spreads you with both thumbs. “Oh my God, if you make me think about this while I have a meeting with my boss, I’ll have to quit my job!” you whine, hating the way he just stops.
“They’d have to hire three people to replace you,” Tony says, his lips brushing the thin skin of your inner thigh. “I’m sure I could come up with something for you to do.”
“Just don’t hire three women to do this,” you mutter under your breath. 
Tony says your name, and you bite your lip and look at him. As soon as you do, he slides two fingers inside you, slowly and gently, his gaze intense. It’s an effort to keep yours open, it feels so good. Then, because he’s making a point, he pulls back out and strokes his cock, using your arousal as lubrication.
“Keep going, love.”
The ‘love’ just slays you. The man is inexorable in everything, and the promise of a mind-blowing but agonizing orgasm (not to mention an exciting life together) forces you to capitulate, begrudgingly.
“I sit down at my desk,” you whisper, eyes caught by the way the uneven shadows cast by the dim lamps heighten Tony’s sensuality as he allows himself one last swirl of his fist. “I turn on my-- ahhh, my computer,” you whimper at the first swipe of Tony’s tongue. The next minutes are a fight for coherence as you rock your hips against the steady pressure of his hand holding you still, gasping out mostly nonsense syllables that barely resemble your log-in tasks. Tony clearly relishes what he’s doing, drawing reward words with the tip of his tongue after each completed sentence.
Your orgasm takes both of you by surprise in the most delightful way; one second you’re swearing because Tony’s challenged you to remember all the headings in your most-used Excel spreadsheet, the next second he’s pulling his glorious fingers out of you and lifting his head, tutting at your inability to focus. You’re so frustrated that you put all your strength into bucking your hips up to chase him, and for once, you overcome Tony’s strength. His hand slips on your stomach, sliding up to crash into your breast, and he falls face-forward onto you.
His throaty chuckle and opportunistic nipple tweak send you, and as you shudder and moan, Tony recovers enough to thrust in.
“Oh fuck, that’s--” he gasps, hand desperately grabbing for yours. You wrap your legs around him and pull him down for an open-mouthed, gasping kiss that’s more about sharing breath than anything else. Tony’s hand is bigger than yours, and his finger-threaded grip is just this side of painful, but he’s driving into you like his life depends on it, anchored by the places you’re joined. It’s emotional, sexy, and affirming as hell.
Your orgasm lengthens, spurred into extra ecstasy with Tony’s fervor. Once you’re in that post-bliss intensity, the final column header he’d been demanding comes to you, even as Tony gives up trying to kiss you and just presses his forehead onto the pillow. He’s swearing again, praising the friction, the feel of your smooth legs against his sides, and a number of things you’d blush to even think to yourself in the privacy of your own mind.
“Tony, I remembered the last column,” you whisper against his ear, capturing the lobe in your lips. His hips stutter against you, and you scrape him with your teeth gently before he groans and moves in for a greedy kiss. You lose focus for a few heady seconds, but you can tell Tony’s close, so you pull back. “The column,” you remind him. “Aren’t you going to punish me for stopping?”
Tony lets go of your hand so he can grab your hips, holding on with an iron grip. He’s glaring at you, looking joyful but frustrated.
“I deserve this, don’t I?” he groans, but manages to hold still inside you. “Well?”
You arch your back and run your hands along the corded muscles of his arms, letting out a sigh that you know for a fact drives him crazy. When you lift your head again, he’s trembling against you, so you take pity on him and make direct eye contact. Tightening your inner muscles around his cock, you say a single word on a breathy sigh, sliding your fingers around your nipple just to enhance the effect.
“Oh, I’ll give you liquidity,” he growls at you, grinning.
“Are you saying you’ll show me your assets, Mr. Stark?” you blink up at him innocently, holding completely still but for another pulsing squeeze of your inner walls. 
Ever since you started dating, Tony’s joked about Accountant/client roleplay, and even though you knew he wasn’t serious, you’ve always teased that you couldn’t possibly. Now you’ve turned the tables on him, and the litany of swear words Tony lets out in utter amazed, erotic frustration is only balanced by the power of his renewed thrusts. He basically drives your body back up the bed, and it’s so fantastic you feel another peak rising. Tony does too, and he slips a hand between you, capturing your lips and fucking you with cock, fingers, and tongue into a devastating orgasm that leaves you both breathless.
When Tony finally rolls off of you onto the bed, reaching to twine your fingers together in silent satiation, you can’t stop smiling.
“You asshole, you woke me up at four o’clock in the morning after I worked all day and I’m not even mad at you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m the one in trouble here,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder.
“I have an appointment with my financial advisor today.”
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Note: I'll be honest, after 20+ years of marriage I often forget about protection, because it's just not part of my life anymore. Definitely protect yourself and protect your partner, but also please forgive me for letting that slip my mind. It's important, but this is also fantasy.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Pleasures Framed in Polaroid
young!Tony Stark x fem!Reader
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Warnings: 18+ | unprotected p in v | afab reader | one she/her/feminine pet name used | blowjob | cunnilingus | pussyjob | light choking | photography + mirrors 😏 | overstimulation
Word Count: exactly 3.7K lol
It was all fun and games when you found that old black Polaroid camera in his dad's garage. Tony wasn't quite as excited as you were about flashing him with that bright light while under the hood of a car, or being caught all smiles and giggles after a few drinks. It took a few tries and an increasingly irritated boyfriend, but you even managed to get a few shots of you kissing his cheek. For someone so photogenic and always after your attention, he sure hated for you to take his picture. But it is cute that you keep those strung-up photos on the wall above your desk, and sometimes he finds a few that you've hidden around his room, sometimes decorated with a heart or two. Then he remembers that he needs to get a new pack of film to put in it for the next time you decide to pick it up, or maybe for him to try out this time. You have noticed him fiddling with that sable-colored camera here and there, often too nervous to try his hand at capturing your likeness, but you know a few photos are lying around that he's taken. Ones that cutely try to replicate your candid shots of him, and adorn his desk as a scattered mess until he figures out where to put them. 
And even though he hasn't figured out where he wants to put them, it doesn't stop that bright light from prepping you for another photo. From your uncovered spot on the bed, you couldn't help but crack open your eyes at the bright light behind your lids. The camera shuttered and flashed, lowering to reveal its photographer and dropping into his lap. 
"You were supposed to be asleep," Tony mumbled mock disappointment, swiveling back towards his desk and gently tossing the dark film to the side. 
"Sorry, I'll be sure to model for you next time," you teased. He looked back at you while fiddling with the latch on the back of the camera. You stretched out in a bought of playful seduction. He looked you over with a small grin before turning back to replace the pack of film. You were pretty sure that still-developing photo wasn't taken just for your cute sleeping form, given that your legs were exposed in only a pair of underwear and one of his band tees riding up your waist. The idea of him having an intimate picture by his bedside was admittedly... thought-provoking. The sharp snap of the latch as he closed in another roll of film must have relayed your thoughts.
"Well, we have eight tries," he chimed, standing from his seat. You watched him make his way over to you, camera in hand and up to no good. He climbed onto the bed with you, caging your legs between his knees. You rolled onto your back, looking up at him with narrowed eyes and a knowing smile. "Weren't you supposed to be getting ready for bed soon?" The sternness in your voice was all play. He'd been complaining about his restless week and pleaded for you to stay over with the promise of finally getting some sleep (but only after he finished drawing up something for a project, of course). He laid the camera at your side to tug at the hem of his shirt, stretching just as dramatically as you had as he tore it over his head and threw it to the side. You snickered. 
"Whose modeling- me or you?" 
"Definitely you," he hummed, smacking your thighs. You yelped out a laugh that was quickly drowned out. You smiled into his kiss, lips parting with his slow lead and closing over his tongue teasing at your upper lip. You chased after him for the split second he pulled away, the hand on your cheek guiding you to his new angle that had you giggling when his nose bumped yours. You couldn't help but card your fingers through his hair and try to push him closer. With a head tilt, he deepened the kiss, pressing into you with a new fervor and licking into your mouth. You moaned into his mouth, sloppily kissing back around your dancing tongues. He suddenly pulled away, leaving a trail of saliva falling over your lip. You licked your lips at the feeling, and sharply drew in your next breath at the feeling of teeth grazing to a close on your neck. "After I get you ready first," he purred. 
You didn't need much imagination to guess how he would achieve his picture-perfect look. Your grip tightened in his hair as he bit at your pulse, sucking the sensitive skin between his teeth and taking his time trailing those bruising bites up to the spot below your ear. You hummed a moan, letting him tilt your head the other way and letting him dig back in with sharp teeth and a wet tongue trailing warmly over the darkening marks he wasn't done making. You jumped at the colder fingers trailing under your shirt and dancing over your waist. A soft kiss to the base of your throat apologized for the startle, but quickly turned into a flattened tongue trailing next to the collar of your shirt in time with the hands that lifted it higher, only halting when chilly hands cupped your boobs. He pulled his face from your throat, licking over his parted lips as he watched himself play so harshly with your hardening nipples. As if he couldn't keep his mouth off of you, he dove back into your body, mouthing at the soft flesh in his palm and sucking one of your pebbled nubs into his mouth. The gentle tug of grazing teeth sent a hot shiver down the base of your spine, and the sharp bite to your rib cage below sent you jolting against him. This time there were no soothing pecks. Instead, he eagerly nipped his way around your stomach, occasionally sharing that aching attention with your breasts. Your hands twisted at the pillow beneath you, legs rubbing together impatiently the lower he drifted. 
You looked down excitedly when hands wedged their way between your thighs. You didn't need much encouragement, letting his palms part your legs with ease. Wet kisses found their way to your thigh, turning into teeth working at your soft skin and gnawing their way down. Your hips rolled when Tony licked a hard stripe over your clothed pussy, moaning when he played his tongue around your clit. The soft cotton of your panties provided an extra scratch of friction that had your legs squirming against the hands holding them open. He licked down, easily soaking your panties as he tongued circles over the wet already pooling from you. He seamlessly switched out with his hand, fingers rubbing through the wet material while he worked on decorating your other thigh with bruises. 
By the time he finally pulled back to admire his handiwork, you were clenching around nothing and close to cumming. With a new mission in mind, two fingers flicked rapidly at your nub in response to your moan. Your legs squeezed his arm tightly, toes curling with the throbbing of your release and legs now trembling against his arm. You whimpered, barely catching the smirk on his parted lips between your heavy blinking. But before you had a chance to fall over the edge again, he abruptly yanked his hand from between your legs. 
"Look at you," he cooed. You'd nearly forgotten about the camera now nestled into the curve of your waist until he picked it up. You looked away from him with a shy smile, head lolling to the side to expose the line of marks trailing from your neck and dotting down your breasts. You felt him shift next to you, and a familiar mechanical shuttering captured your love-bitten body. 
"Spread those legs for me, princess," his low voice demanded, "let's see how wet you are." There was still an ache between your legs left unattended that had your thighs rubbing together for any relief, and the hand wedging between had no intention of helping. Once again, he was granted an easy access, humming in a pleased tone at either your compliance or the sight. The slightly rough pads of his fingers drifted over the marks he'd made earlier, leading a trail to the obvious wet spot you'd both played a part in. He pulled away before reaching where you needed him most. 
You couldn't help but giggle at yet another click of the camera, biting your smile and turning to look at him again. The clunky camera in his hands slowly spit out another picture. He carefully caught the film between his middle and index fingers, and scooped up the first one that was still fading into view. Still on his knees, you watched him shuffle his way to your side and straddle over your waist. He leaned over, gently tossing the photos onto the bedside table before looking down at you. The voracious gleam in his eye let you know that he wasn't done, if the growing tent tightening his boxers didn't. It was hard to meet his gaze when it was right above you and begging for attention. You cupped your palm over him. "Would you like some help with that?" 
You had your answer when his free hand cupped over yours. He humped himself against your palm, groaning. Impatiently, you pulled down his last bit of clothing, just enough for his cock to spring into your hand. You shimmied and sat up a little to reach him, flattening your tongue to the base of his shaft and licking a stripe to his tip, trailing over a prominent vein as you went. You suckled the underside of his head, feeling a warm drip of precum trickle over your lip. It left a thin string when you pulled away. You licked over your lips and followed the trail to his slit, his salty taste invading your tongue. He moaned at the long stroke you gave him before finally taking his frustrated red tip past your lips. You barely bobbed your head, only sucking the head of his cock in and out of your mouth. He hummed another moan as you tilted your head. You parted your lips with a smirk, purposefully giving him a good view of your tongue flicking over his leaking slit. Your grin only grew wider with the flash of light above you, at Tony taking quick advantage of the scene you were giving him. You could hear the film skidding across the wooden nightstand to join the others. 
Fingers threaded through your hair as you took him further, but instead of encouraging you further, a grip pulled you off of him. 
"Fuck, baby, get up here," he panted. You eagerly complied, drawing your legs out from under him and sitting up, pressed between him and the headboard. The hand behind you brought you closer, lips roughly meeting yours and his tongue darting over yours for a quick taste. You moaned into his mouth, the only other noise in the room besides the wet smacking of your makeout. His cock jumped against your thigh, begging for your attention again. It was his turn to moan into your mouth when you stroked down his length. You took the opportunity of the broken kiss to nip at his jaw. He lifted his chin and turned his head, giving you more room to work with when you drifted down his throat. He swallowed hard under your kiss, cock throbbing in your hand. 
"Fuck, I want you in front of the mirror," he suddenly declared, thinking out loud about whatever he'd been staring at while you were busy being buried in his neck. Whatever he'd been staring at was the full-length mirror that lay propped against the wall, near the foot of his bed. 
"Might wanna turn off the flash for that," you sang quietly, leaving him with a wet kiss below his ear. You made your way to the mirror and sat at the edge of the bed in front of it. You quickly slipped out of your underwear and tossed it to the side. Glancing back, Tony had already done the same, walking around the bed to you. He clambered his way behind you, cock in hand, and sitting up on his knees behind you. He looked down at you expectantly, waiting for you to join him. 
You twisted around, drawing your legs back onto the mattress with his lead. Back to him, you sat up too. One arm made its way around you, trapping you against him. You carefully watched his reflection, the view of him holding you from behind and mouthing his way along your shoulder had you as impatient as the hard-on pressed to your ass. You rolled your head back against his shoulder, relaxing into the lips that were much more gentle this time. The arm over your waist drifted down. A strong hand gripped the inside of your thigh, urging you to spread for him again. You held onto him for leverage, straining to get your legs around his and leaning into him with a stretch. His hand left your thigh when you found the position he wanted you in, snaking down your back. You were well-rewarded when he pushed his cock between your legs. 
You sighed at the feeling of him sliding through your folds, thick head bumping your swollen clit. You reached down to slide your fingers along the underside of his length, holding him closer and grinding with his thrusts. A low, throaty moan from him had you clenching around nothing. He gave your shoulder a rather enthusiastic bite and your hip a hard squeeze before shooing your hand away. You kept your eyes on the mirror, lifting your hips a little to help him as he guided his cock to your entrance. His head easily popped into you, making you go stiff against him and rolling your hips needily. He didn't make you wait. 
His hand retreated back to squeeze your hip, leverage for him to start thrusting into you. He instantly found that sweet spot, tip digging in with each short stroke and sending bolts of pleasure through your throbbing walls. Your already strained legs were quickly sent trembling at trying to keep up. With a low wail, you tossed your head back against his shoulder, turning cheek to moan into his ear. You couldn't help but close your eyes, heavy again from the pressure building in your core. 
At this point, the shuttering clicks of the camera were enough to make you want to close your legs and cum. He stopped for a moment to capture the moment, groaning a fuck when you constricted hard around him and pushing into you as deep as he could. He curled into you, arching his back a little and burying his face in the crook of your neck as he sped up the pace. You hook a hand around the back of his neck, carding your fingers through the soft curls there and moaning with him in both pleasure and frustration. He couldn't quite tap that spot deep inside you, so close to bottoming out and yet so far. Somehow it was enjoyable, tortuous and tantalizing. The feeling kept your soft walls nearly too tight around his hard length and so close to the edge that every shortfalling stroke kept adding to your ballooning pleasure that never seemed to pop.
"Look in the mirror for me." Tony's whisper was muffled. You felt him shift from your neck, chin resting on your shoulder. He took your pitiful whine as protest. The grip on your hip was just as harsh around your throat. You didn't need a tug to tell you twice, eyes at attention and resting your head sweetly against his to hold yourself up. "Watch how good I fuck you," he growled into your skin, hand flexing around your pulse. It was a view you'd never had the privilege of seeing. Getting to see your tits bounce with every hard thrust and cock glistening from gathering your wet arousal. You met the reflection of dark eyes that hadn't left yours, smiling goofily at the blushing cheek that squished against yours. You couldn't say that the pair in the mirror didn't look good together. With Tony's hand around your throat and yours anchored around his neck, the dynamic was rather obvious. 
He turned just enough to nip at your jaw, eyes still drinking in your reflection. With his thumb stretched to the button and camera nestled in his hand, he once again slowed to a stop, wet cock nearly pulling out of you. Only after the approval of the camera's mechanical clicking did he eagerly bury himself back into you. Both arms wrapped around you now, no longer interested in chasing after the next photo, but instead in chasing after your release. Teeth bit into your neck, holding you down in any way he could as he desperately fucked into you. Just as desperate, you reach down to touch yourself, fingers brushing his dick as you circled your clit. It was all you needed to finally find release, tensing up and letting your legs squeeze together. You kept a firm press on your nub, humming a lengthy moan and cumming in waves around him. Tony's thrusting stopped altogether, hot breath fanning against your neck in the form of a moan. You nearly milked his own orgasm from him, but e had other plans, abruptly forcing his way out of you and smearing the warmth of your release along the insides of your thighs as he went. 
"I want you to lay down," he gave you another command, panting and voice strained. He was already on it, gently pushing you down right where you were with protective arms and a hand brushing at a few loose strands of your hair. You rolled to your back, shakey legs once again being spread so he could settle between them. He couldn't give you a break if he tried, you thought. 
You braced yourself when that fever-hot tip teased around your hole, but instead, he thrust his cock through your folds again. The camera was now discarded somewhere at your side, as both hands gripped at your thighs. He stroked himself with your pussy, pistoning hips sending rubbing him harshly over your overstimulated clit. Your legs closed around his waist, unable to shut him out and jolting hips only grinding you against him more. You reached for his wrist as another orgasm tore through you, barely able to cry out his name. All your squirming and sobbing was enough to send him, grunting as he finally came with you. 
The first white rope of cum splashed warmly over your stomach with another long stroke over your clit. He kept his next thrusts short, grinding the underside of his head over your nub. You could feel him throbbing against you with each spill. Hot cum pooled over your clit and dripped through your folds, mixing with your release over your slit. He finally stilled, observing over the white mess that clung to him as he pulled away. His mouth agape in a silent moan, he reached for the camera. You moaned at the thought, and the camera hummed in pleasure at the sight, taking in your creamed pussy and eagerly spitting out the results. The duo was tossed to your side, but you didn't have much time to look before something else just as warm and wet lapped up the trail of cum on your stomach. 
"Oh, god, Tony~" you nearly sobbed, unprepared for the tongue that mercilessly licked over your clit. He thoroughly licked the cum from your folds, torturing your abused nub as he went and lapping at your entrance. You could hear him practically sucking your mixed fluids into his mouth, tongue digging in for more. You shakily reached for the camera at your side, your own ideas popping into your head. Your moment came when he came back up to suck at your clit, fucked-out eyes raising to meet yours. He smirked into you and mockingly tilted his head a little at the sight of the lens aiming for him. For once, he didn't seem to mind that you were taking his picture, buried between your thighs. 
At the shutter, he finally left you alone, taking it as his cue. It was a little disappointing, even with the exhaustion in your core. Tony made his way out of your enclosed legs, stepping off the bed and picking a few scattered photos from the sheets to join the pile on his nightstand. The brand new photo of him fell onto your chest. You tossed in with the others. A few were finally faded in, but you didn't have the strength to reach over and sift through. Rubbing your thighs together, you shivered at how wet you felt, and trembled from the night's strain. 
You bit your lip when you noticed Tony snatching your panties from the floor, using them to wipe the sticky releases from his dick as he stumbled to his side of the bed, throwing them back to the floor. He fell into his spot, looking pleased with himself. He rolled onto his stomach while you played with the camera on your chest, taking count of the films next to you. You looked over at him, smiling softly. 
"There's still one left," you said suggestively, knowing damn well neither of you ad anything suggestive left at the moment. He groaned tiredly, eyes closing as he shuffled his way to your side. He threw an arm over you, nuzzling his way under your chin with a satisfied huff. With a kiss to his hair, you raised the Polaroid one last time before setting it on the edge of the nightstand, as far as you were able to reach. 
If you had known the perverse thoughts that would've been running through that pretty head of his, you would have picked one of these up sooner. 
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Check this out if you want more camera-based action 😉
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scottxlogan · 4 months
StonyAUniverse Bingo Master List
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It's that time of year again for another round up and this is my master list for the Stony AUniverse bingo up at @stonyauniverse that I had a blast participating in and helping out with. For anyone who loves these two I would highly recommend you heading on over and checking it out as there is a lot of fun to be had. Under the cut is my personal master list for my fills this round. Thanks to all that were part of the bingo! It was a lot of fun!!!!
Title: One Step Closer Author(s): scottxlogan Rating: Explicit Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Peggy Carter Friendly, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Past Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Artist Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Popstar, rock star Tony Stark, Rancher Steve Rogers, Second Chances, Sexual Content, Divorced Steve Rogers, Divorced Tony Stark, Rehabilitation, References to Depression, Angst and Romance, Not Howard Stark Friendly, Drug Addiction, Swearing Summary: Tony Stark was pushed into popstar fame by his ambitious father early on, but over the span of more than two decades Tony has seen the highs and lows of stardom hitting rock bottom in more ways than one. Through it all there was always one person that Tony felt was his saving grace. Steve Rogers was always the one that got away and no matter how many times they tried to cross that line into love they couldn't quite get there. As Tony's once close friend and brief roommate, Steve turned Tony's world around in all the right ways until fate intervened, and they were pulled in separate directions. Now fresh out of rehab on his 45th birthday and looking to keep from making the same mistakes, Tony reflects on his past and follows his heart to new beginnings hoping that it's not too late to find his way back to Steve in his hopes for a second chance. Square Filled: T1: Multiple Orgasms, T2: AU: Popstar, T3: Unresolved Sexual Tension, T4: Car Sex, T5: Au: No Powers Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48437332
Title: The Quest Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Week: 1 Profession Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Alternate Universe, Treasure Hunting, Archaeologist Steve, Swearing, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Implied/Referenced Sex Summary: Archaeologist Steve Rogers finds himself in the thick of danger and adventure after teaming up with his former mentor's son and current sidekick Tony Stark to chase down a rare treasure set to unlock all of humanity's mysteries along the way. Square Filled: N2: AU: Archaeologist Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49077973
Title: Out with the Old... Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Week Two: Time Period, Bingo Square Y1: AU Cashier Rating: Mature Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Non-serum Steve, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Alternate Universe - 1990s, New Year's Eve, New York City, Dirty Talking Steve Rogers, Dirty Talk, Swearing, Sexual Content, Alcohol, Hook-Up, Hopeful Ending   Summary: AU: Alone on New Year's Eve in 1989 in New York City, Tony decides to go all out in throwing a solo party for himself until sexy cashier Steve offers him a better alternative to a night of drunken loneliness. Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49199674
Title: The Journey Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Explicit Pairing: Bucky/Steve/Tony Tags: Esta https://archiveofourown.org/works/49272082 Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Anniversary, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, Spanking, Sub Bucky Barnes, Dom Steve Rogers, Dom Tony Stark, Light BDSM, Sexual Content, Fluff and Smut, Restraints, Aftercare, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Role Playing, Dirty Talk, Feelings Realization, Friends to Lovers, Pole Dancing Summary: Steve and Tony decide to take a special trip for their anniversary together. To spice things up they decide to gift each other a vacation with Bucky who is ready and willing to be what they need to make their anniversary even more memorable. Will it prove to be exactly what they needed to strengthen their marriage or will they find something more in their playtime with Bucky? Square Filled: N5: AU Dancer Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49272082
Title: Just Like That...Back to Love Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Idiots in Love, Feelings Realization, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Swearing, Light Angst Summary: Super spy Steve Rogers reflects on the mission he and his work partner/on and off lover Tony Stark put behind him and what it means to their future moving forward where matters of the heart are concerned.   Square Filled: Week Three: No Powers, N3: Wrapping him up in a blanket  Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49366717
Title: What If We...? Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, AvX Fix-It Fic, Mention of the X-Men, Friends to Lovers, Feelings Realization, Implied Sexual Content Summary: Caught up in deciding what to do about the problem of the Phoenix returning to the world again and causing chaos, Tony offers Steve a suggestion to prevent a war between the Avengers and the X-Men from happening. It sounds like the perfect plan, but along the way Tony finds that perhaps there's something more beyond saving the world with Steve that he's looking to find in their conversation. Square Filled: AUgust Stony AUniverse: Week 4: Nice Try, Canon, Stony AUniverse Bingo N1: Friends to Lovers Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49535506
Title: Lazy Weekend Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Mature Tags: Domestic Fluff, Tony's POV, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, Implied Sexual Content, Fluff, Morning Cuddles, Sleepy Cuddles, Established Relationship, contemplations, Reflection Summary: Snuggled in bed with his lovers, Tony contemplates how far they've come together from their sexy beginnings. Square Filled: O5: Domestic Fluff Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51525229
Title: Only In New York Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Mature Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Artist Steve Rogers, Meet-Cute, First Meetings, Mild Sexual Content, Awkward Flirting, Blind Date, Flirting, Miscommunication, Threesome - M/M/M, Shy Bucky Barnes, reclusive Tony Stark, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Summary: Tony grudgingly agrees to go out on a blind date in the city that Pepper has set up for him. In doing so Tony meets devastatingly handsome artist Steve Rogers who is catching Tony's eye in all the right ways. When a series of mishaps and misunderstandings brings Steve and Tony closer to one another, will it prove to be the spark they need to fuel the fire between them or will fate have other plans with Steve's sexy roommate Bucky in the picture?   Square Filled: S2: Meet Cute, Stony AUniverse JAnUary Week 1: No Powers Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52923937
Title: Sweet Dreams Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Romantic Soulmates, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Flirting, Kissing, Anxiety Attacks, Insomnia Summary: For years Tony abandoned the idea of ever finding his soulmate, yet somehow after he's hit with a panic attack at one of the worst possible times and Steve comes around to comfort him, Tony discovers that perhaps his soulmate is closer than he thinks. Square Filled: O3: Free space Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53104438
Title: A Journey Through Time Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Endgame, Post-Canon Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship Summary: Post endgame after Tony's death Steve makes the decision to go back in time to travel to the past to see Tony in the hopes of changing what's ahead for them. Together Tony and Steve share a touching reunion as Steve's journey leads him closer to fixing the mistakes of the past and being close to where he's always wanted to be. Square Filled: Y4: AU: Time Travel Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53155555
Title: After The War Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Mature Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Established Relationship, Amputee Tony Stark, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sexual Content, References to Depression, Aftermath of war, survivor Tony Stark, Dirty Talk, Swearing Summary: Weeks after the battle with Thanos, Tony finds himself in a place where he's left feeling uncertain about himself and what remains of the man he once was. Lost in his struggles, Tony tries to sort his thoughts out, but struggles with his new life until Steve offers him a reason to get lost in a welcome distraction. Square Filled: Y2: Steve’s blush Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53443666
Title: The Gift Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Short One Shot, Established Relationship, Amputee Tony Stark, Tattoos, Artist Steve Rogers, Bonding, Romance, Short & Sweet Summary: Steve and Tony share a moment together after Steve puts his new artistry skills to the test in bringing to life a tattoo design he created for Tony. Square Filled: O2: Body Modification Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53486125
Title: Jealousy Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Miscommunication, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Reunions, Feelings Summary: For some reason even though it's been a while since Steve and Tony have been together, Steve can't shake the sudden burst of jealousy he feels in seeing Bucky and Tony getting along with one another. Steve knows it's for the best that his best friend and former lover are at peace with one another, yet Steve can't shake the unsettling ways it feels to be on the outside of things with Tony knowing that Tony's still the only one in his heart. Square Filled: Y5: Jealousy Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53830381
Title: Wrong Turn Author(s)/Artist(s): scottxlogan Rating: Teen and Up Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, Tattoos, 5 Times, Romance, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Tattoo Artist Steve Rogers Summary: Tony reflects on the five times that Steve made a mark on his life while Steve takes a moment to consider the one time Tony made a mark on his Square Filled: O4: AU: Tattoo Artist Steve Link(s): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53831182
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Here You Are | Prologue
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x SingleMom!Reader
Summary: Natasha likes to think she's prepared for anything to happen. Nothing could ever surprise her because she was always prepared for the worst. But no one warned that she was sorely lacking in preparing for the best when it came to you.
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Series Masterlist || Library Blog
Warnings: None
Count: ~500
The snow was crisp, crunching under Natasha's steps no matter how nimble she was. The cool air bit at her cheeks, making them rosy. It was far too cold to be out, yet that meant nothing to an Avengers.
"Anyone got eyes?" Natasha asked through her earpiece.
"It's way too snowy to see anything," Tony grumbled.
"I don't think we'll find the guy," Natasha mused, making Tony groan.
"It's supposed to be a drop," Steve's breathy voice came through. They could tell he was on a light jog.
"Yeah, but I bet the guy probably sent someone else to pick it up," Bucky groused. "I know I would. Fuck, I had it too good in Wakanda. This weather is ass."
"Watch your language," Tony mocked. "Your best pal might unfriend you."
"God," Steve groaned. "Let it go, Stark!"
"Yes, Elsa."
They all laughed through the line before quieting. Natasha looked around, searching for the best tree to get her view advantage. Maybe a little further south. It'd be unlikely someone would want to meet this deep in the forest in this weather. It'd be like asking for death.
"Hey, I think I have my eye on something," Sam's voice came through. "Outer southwest."
"I'm in that area," Natasha jumped in. "Give me the coordinates."
Natasha turned slightly as she took off in the direction Sam gave her. As she got closer, something was coming into her view, barely visible in the dark.
A car.
It was abandoned, but when Natasha came closer to inspect it, she could feel the tiniest heat radiating off the hood.
"It's a car," Natasha muttered as she walked around it. Footsteps on the driver's side led to the backseat before taking off north.
The trees prevented the snow from covering the fresh tracks too quickly, but they were starting to disappear.
"I'm going to check it out," Natasha told everyone.
"Need backup?" Steve asked.
"Maybe. Doesn't hurt."
"I'm close," Bucky said. "I'll chase after ya."
"Romantic," Natasha teased as Bucky huffed.
The footsteps took Natasha a lot further than she expected. It was clear whoever walked them was trying to get out of the forest, continuing to perhaps the closest town. They were trying to remain hidden inside but close enough to the road.
Natasha walked and walked until she found a small clearing. And in the small clearing, the footsteps kept going and going until Natasha gazed upon a body.
A young woman, which made Natasha feel something twist inside her. Her hair was crisp like the snow, littered with snowflakes. Her eyes were closed, and her skin had lost its saturation from the cold.
Frozen to death.
"Shit," Bucky's voice in the distance didn't startle Natasha.
"What? What is it?" Steve asked, an edge to his voice.
"Think we found a body."
Natasha came closer, finding the young woman leaning against the tree with her knees up, her coat over them.
How odd.
But the width of her legs was certainly too wide to be her own.
And then she heard it.
Teeth chattering.
Natasha felt something drop in her stomach as she lurched forward, grabbing the coat and gently lifting it up.
There was a young child, sheltered by your legs, holding her tiny hands together, rubbing them, and blowing on them. Her eyes were watery, her mouth trembling.
"Can you help?" Her voice was so small and so vulnerable. "Mom's sleeping, and she's getting really cold."
Chapter 1
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics)The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies) Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Melinda May, Phil Coulson Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Established Bucky Barnes/Loki, Mission Fic, Madripoor (Marvel), Magical Artifacts, Power Broker Sharon Carter (Marvel), Not Sharon Carter Friendly, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sex, Flirting, Pet Names, BAMF Loki (Marvel), BAMF Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Loki (Marvel), Theft, Gunshot Wounds, Car Chases, Tony Stark's Cars, Coulson's Bus, Affection Language: English Collections: Marvel Rare Pair Collection, Marvel Rare Pairs Secret Santa 2023 Published: 2024-01-30 Words: 6,854 Chapters: 1/1
To prevent the Ka Stone from being purchased and in the wrong hands, Bucky and Loki are sent in by the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D to Madripoor, a place Bucky is far too familiar with. The mission, however, should be easy enough. Until it isn't and the Power Broker gets involved to keep it for an even higher paying client.
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 8 months
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark chapter 25: All The things Lost
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Ben Parker x May Parker, Ben Parker, may Parker & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, M.J and Peter, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis, Skye. Fitz, and Simmons, Phil Coulson & agent may, Harley Keener, Adrian Toomes & Liz Toomes, Nick Fury & Maria Hill, Maria Hill & Reader Summary: The reaction from people that reader met Warning: Mentioning of child abuse (look up maria's hill dad from marvel comics) , flashback
Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique
In their Queens apartment, Ben Parker was trying to explain your story to May.
Since the two had come home, it was all they could talk about. Ben had to reveal he had known the truth all along and that Fury organized everything between you and them. It was a lot for May to process, and more than once she found herself taking a break just to comprehend the stories.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked tearfully.
Ben sighed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."
"But you told me about your brother and Mary being with SHIELD right after we got engaged. What was so different with Ellen? O-Or... (Y/n)? I would've understood."
"I'm so sorry. It was a sensitive topic and we were all worried for her."
"I'm your wife, Ben."
"And I'll never forget it. That day, our vows, how beautiful you looked in that dress..." He closed his eyes. "It was the hardest thing I had to do, keeping this from you."
"We vowed that we wouldn't lie to each other." She reminded him. "Do you remember that bit?"
"Of course I do, sweetheart. If it was my choice, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you everything. It was Fury who made the call to keep it quiet. (Y/n) wasn't comfortable with people back then either."
"What does that mean?"
"She didn't want to be known as the Stark Runaway or some rich guy's rebellious kid. She wanted a clean slate, to just be a person, a friendly neighbor. And she was going to tell you herself eventually. She just didn't want you to see her differently."
"I wouldn't." May looked away. "I love that girl so much. She's still going to be Ellen Campbell to me. She's not a runaway. She's her own person."
She found herself gazing at the apartment door. It was right on the other side of it where they first 'bumped' into you.
"She's always there when we need her, Peter loves her like a sister... And now that I mention it, she's practically a daughter to us too." She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. "Is she going to be in danger?"
Ben wished more than anything that he could give a definite answer but the truth was that he simply didn't know. His silence gave that away too.
"Oh, my God." May whispered, hiding her face in her hands. "She told everyone who she was, said people would be after her... What's going to happen? Are we in danger too? The SHIELD leak-"
"Hey, hey, hey." He quickly wrapped her up in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to worry about that. Fury took precautions. He destroyed the files about Pete's parents and us when they died so he wouldn't ever be a target."
"And Ellen?"
"I... I don't know. But you know what she's like."
She managed a little nod, looking up at him. "She's strong."
He nodded, kissing the top of her head. "That's right. She's like a superhero."
"She'll be okay. She has to be."
"Before I left the station, the guys were showing off these videos of some car chase in Battery Tunnel. This car was driving up the walls and there were guys on bikes shooting at it. It had to be her."
"The other nurses showed me that too!" May gasped. "I thought it was, but there wasn't a clear line. I don't know if I'm more proud or terrified."
"At least we're on the same page about that."
As they continued to discuss the matter, Peter was sitting in the living room. He was busy with homework and completely oblivious to the conversation happening a few feet away.
However, it wasn't the homework that had him distracted. Coincidentally, it was also you.
Just because he'd spent the entire day stuck in middle school, it didn't mean he didn't know what was going on in the city. The teachers talked, but the kids talked even more. He'd heard all about what was happening in the capital and how you were being chased by what sounded like evil agents.
In his head he kept envisioning that you made it out okay and that you finally got to reunite with your dad. He hadn't forgotten about the day when you told him who you really were, so for you to get a hug from your dad was all he wanted for you at that moment.
He almost jumped a foot in the air when the laptop screen on the table started flashing to signal an incoming video call. He recognized Ned's username and quickly accepted, hoping his friend could distract him.
If the call wasn't surprising enough, it was even more of a shock to see Ned with a girl from their class. She was extremely quiet and they hadn't really talked before, but he was pretty sure her name was Michelle Jones-Watson. She seemed to avoid all forms of human contact unless absolutely necessary.
"I'm telling you, he probably already knows!" She was saying.
"Well, I'm telling you, I'm telling him anyway!" Ned argued back, the pair unaware that he had accepted the call already.
"Fine! But don't be shocked when he remains emotionless."
"Yeah, you'd know all about that."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Uh, guys?" Peter spoke up, startling them both. "Yeah. Hi. What's going on?"
"'Sup, nerd." Michelle greeted.
"Peter!" Ned exclaimed, grinning. "I need you to look at the news!"
He frowned. "Why?"
"It's Ellen! You'll never guess who she is!"
"Ellen?" He frowned. "(Y/n)!"
While he launched himself out of the seat to find the TV remote, Ned and Michelle resumed their argument. Ned was pondering how Peter already knew the truth and Michelle was all too happily gloating with several 'I told you so's.
Peter scrambled to find the right channel, eventually settling with CNN, where a blurred image of you in a fancy car was stuck on the screen.
He had a huge grin on his face, glad that you were okay. Maybe the news was reporting on you finally returning to the world. It certainly seemed so with the way the reporter was talking about everything.
But then the headline changed.
Peter felt sick as a sudden wave of disbelief, shock, and sadness overwhelmed him all at once. Despite the wailing of alarms outside, the rain battering the windows, all he could hear was the reporter's voice.
"The missing daughter of famed billionaire and Avenger Tony Stark has been reported dead this afternoon after a failed surgery in an attempt to save her life. (Y/n) Stark shocked the country when she revealed her identity to the world several years after apparently running away from home. There are several eye-witness accounts who claim she was shot at long-range just feet away from the entrance of Avengers Tower. They also report that Tony Stark himself witnessed the act and was last seen carrying her inside the building."
May and Ben had returned to the living room at this point and had heard every word. They watched in horror as a picture of you at sixteen showed up with the words '(Y/n) Stark - Daughter of Tony Stark - dead at 21'.
"Uncle Ben? Aunt May?" Peter looked up at them with tears streaming down his face. "Ellen... (Y/n)... She-"
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(I couldn't find kid! peter hugging aunt may, so this will do!) He started to sob and May rushed to hug him, trying to quieten her own cries so she could comfort him. Ben slowly dragged himself towards them, putting his arms around them both as he closed his eyes tightly.
It didn't make sense. It didn't seem real. You were so precious to them all, and now you were just... Gone.
It wasn't fair.
Coulson had been sitting in his room in the dark for a while now.
Maybe a few hours had passed but he couldn't be sure. He didn't really care about it. He was just tired after all the chaos that had unleashed during the HYDRA-SHIELD reveal. He had his team in one piece - save for Ward who turned out to be a traitor - and they were all safely on the Bus. It was a good time to take a break.
The silence was only interrupted when Agent May opened the door, letting in a stream of light from the other room.
"I see the notion of knocking has become old fashioned." Coulson commented.
"You need to see this." She said, getting right to the point.
She held out a touchpad, her expression holding an emotion that even Coulson couldn't quite figure out. Curiosity got the better of him as he accepted the pad and looked at the reels playing.
He felt cold as the news of your death reached his ears. The whole room seemed dark again.
Elsewhere, in the rec room, Skye and FitzSimmons were also unfortunate enough to find the news channel.
They couldn't believe it either.
"Oh, my God." Simmons gasped, a hand over her mouth.
"(Y/n) Stark?" Skye questioned, eyes wide. "How did we not know that?"
Fitz didn't say a word, his arm around Simmons as she continued to stare at the TV with a saddened gaze.
Their time with you may have been short but it didn't mean it wasn't meaningful. After all, you were the one who brought laughter and jokes to the room, bettering a bad day. You got a smile out of everyone, even Agent May. No one could ever forget that.
You really were the rich girl in the end.
Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis stood in their rented London apartment, watching the news report in stunned silence.
It had taken them a while to remember why you looked so familiar, and it had been Jane who pointed out that they saw you way back in New Mexico after Thor got his powers back.
How could they have known back then just how important you were?
The next person to discover your death was Harley Keener.
He was in the garage working on the latest version of the potato gun when he heard your name on the news and almost dropped the weapon in his hands.
He didn't understand half of what the reporter was saying when the man talked about organizations named HYDRA and SHIELD and then a leak exposing secrets about both of them. Of course, in contrast, the news about you dying was as clear as day.
He knew you looked familiar.
You weren't just the Mechanic's friend, you were family.
The latest update didn't mean much to the people that hadn't encountered you before, but to those that had, it was indescribably shocking.
There was now a video of you being carried into the Tower up on the Internet. It was posted anonymously but naturally people ate it up.
It was the people of New York who took the grief the hardest. The Parkers, Ned and his family, and even Mr. Delmar. For them, it wasn't just (Y/n) who had been killed, it was Ellen Campbell. They loved her, and now she was gone.
You were gone.
People searched through all the different channels and websites to find a version of the story where you survived. They needed to believe it was a hoax, that you were going to show up the next day with your usual smiles and jokes.
Even a spokesperson from Stark Industries was forced to armor up in the end and confirm the news. They requested time to grieve the loss of the company's heir, refused to let anyone question Tony, and promised to answer any questions in due time.
Another New Yorker had discovered the news as well now.
It was the girl you had saved two years ago during the Battle of New York.
Liz was in the car with her father and watching the news on the small screen between the seats. She hadn't been paying much attention until she caught sight of your picture and gasped so loud the car almost swerved.
"Dad!" She yelled, pointing at your picture. "That's her!"
He looked between her and the screen in confusion. "What's that, honey?"
"She said her name was Ellen but that's the girl who helped me when the aliens came!" Liz insisted. "It says she was shot!"
Now, Adrian Toomes held a deep hatred for Tony Stark, but unfortunately he couldn't help but be grateful to the woman who had saved his little girl's life.
He may have vowed vengeance on the father, but he wouldn't be able to forget the daughter.
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Surprisingly enough, the last people to hear about your death were the real SHIELD agents.
Fury, Hill, and the very few people they trusted enough with the truth were gathered in a base while they waited for the Triskelion incident to calm down.
Fury stood by the window, a somber look in his eyes as he watched the rain slide down the glass. The sky was dark and the clouds gray, but he could also make out the several plumes of smoke wafting into the air from the crash sites of the helicarriers. It was hard to believe that a day hadn't even passed yet.
There was a buzz from inside his coat then. He cautiously took a phone from the pocket and saw a notification light up the screen. It was an unknown number, but he knew who - or what - had sent it. Fury always knew.
I am sorry, sir. I have failed my mission.
Fury, who was never one to show his feelings, let out a barely audible sigh. No tears fell, he didn't say a word, but he did feel a pang of remorse.
He was proud of you in a way. Not many would have the guts and strength to reveal themselves as you did, certainly not after so many years of hiding and paranoia. You had done a lot for SHIELD, and he respected you for it. You saved good agents, built valuable weapons, and even if you thought a plan was ridiculous you still listened.
Yet you were only human.
After being informed of all the details, he was extremely wary of the fact that HYDRA had repossessed the scepter. It was a dangerous weapon anyway, but now it was guaranteed to be used for bad.
Agent Hill entered the room then, her feelings vexed and torn.
"Sir?" She asked hesitantly. "Is it true?"
Fury kept his gaze on the phone in his hands and didn't even look up. "Agent Campbell is dead."
Hill immediately looked away, quite astounded by how much emotion she felt by the confirmation. It felt like just yesterday that you had awkwardly approached her for the first time and asked if she could train you to fight.
She had spent more time with you than she realized due to all the training, making projects, and even getting coffee during breaks. Not many saw it, but she could have considered you a genuine friend.
It was about a month after Thor had returned from Asgard in 2012.
Loki would be awaiting trial and for now the world was at peace once more. Well, the outside world anyway. You had just finished yet another practice round with Hill in which she had completely destroyed you.
Hill watched with an amused glint in her eyes as you dropped to the ground with a huff.
"Tired?" She quipped.
"Too much cardio." You grumbled in response.
She raised a brow, having heard that phrase at least three times during every session.
"You need to work out more." She said.
"I do!" You whined, picking at the mat aggressively. "I walk to the fridge and I run to the coffee machine and... And other stuff."
She crossed her arms, waiting for a better answer, and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but me plus effort equals no go."
"You'll need to get used to it if you want to defend yourself." Hill shrugged, sitting beside you. "If you have any ambitions of becoming better, it'll take years of focus and hard work. How do you think I got here?"
She passed over a bottle of water which you eagerly took a long swig of before twisting the cap closed again.
"I'm not you." You eventually said.
"I know." Hill shrugged. "But we're more alike than you think."
You scoffed, clearly not believing the claim. "Oh, yeah? What's your poison? Did your dad also pretend you didn't exist for your entire life too?"
You blinked. "What? Really?"
She nodded. "Yeah."
You waited for her to elaborate, but she remained silent. "Well, come on! Don't leave me hanging, Hill. Spill the gory deets."
Maria Hill didn't trust a lot of people, that much was true, but she'd known you a long time now. She'd spent hours giving you advice on how to survive as an agent and knew pretty much all there was to know about you. Perhaps you were one of the few who deserved the favor returned.
"I never really knew my mom either." She confessed. "My dad didn't care. He was a drunk. Said I was responsible for all his problems. I got into the bad stuff, ended up with the marine corps, and then SHIELD. Haven't spoken to him since."
There was a silence after the short yet oddly detailed summary and you just stared at her for a moment before letting out a low whistle.
"Damn, girl." You mused. "I guess dads really can't do their jobs right."
While Hill smiled, she didn't encourage the mindset. "At least yours wants you home."
"Ha. That's funny."
"I mean it, Campbell."
"Okay." You sat there for a moment, considering it. "But what if I don't want to go home?"
Another silence followed your question and for a moment you thought the subject was being dropped. With that thought in mind, you raised your hand expectantly.
"Gimme five?" You offered. "Shitty fathers club? You can be the treasurer."
Hill cracked a smile, shaking her head as she reluctantly accepted the high-five.
"Yay!" You exaggerated a grin. "We're, like, totally besties now."
"Even so, I still gotta train you. Up you get, Campbell."
You whined again but she only laughed, easily hoisting you back to your feet.
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Back in the present, Hill's mind had been running wild with possibilities and solutions.
"Project TAHITI." She finally suggested.
Fury looked up at last, an array of feelings settling inside. Of course he wanted you back, but he also knew exactly how you felt about that particular project.
You had said 'If I die, don't ever do that to me.'
He respected you too much to go against your wishes like that. Even if it worked for Coulson, he couldn't do the same for you.
"She wouldn't want that."
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marvelrarepairbingo · 5 months
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies) Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Melinda May, Phil Coulson Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Established Bucky Barnes/Loki, Mission Fic, Madripoor (Marvel), Magical Artifacts, Power Broker Sharon Carter (Marvel), Not Sharon Carter Friendly, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sex, Flirting, Pet Names, BAMF Loki (Marvel), BAMF Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Loki (Marvel), Theft, Gunshot Wounds, Car Chases, Tony Stark's Cars, Coulson's Bus, Affection Language: English Collections: Marvel Rare Pair Collection, Marvel Rare Pairs Secret Santa 2023 Published: 2024-01-30 Words: 6,854 Chapters: 1/1
To prevent the Ka Stone from being purchased and in the wrong hands, Bucky and Loki are sent in by the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D to Madripoor, a place Bucky is far too familiar with. The mission, however, should be easy enough. Until it isn't and the Power Broker gets involved to keep it for an even higher paying client.
For Artemis Day on AO3
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scavengerssuccotash · 6 months
Of the two, who is more likely to be legit spooked by unexplained weird shit? Clint or Natasha?
Ohh good one. Now I get to expose you to my more weird headcanons!! (That may or may not be inspired by real events.)
Clint’s a firm believer in aliens and UFOS. He saw one in the summer of 1998 on base out west. He was driving home with his unit after a night of drinking off base and the truck he was driving just stopped. RIGHT THERE!! In the middle of the road! Like completely shut off, no headlights, nothing. It was like someone detonated a small EMP above his beat up truck. Of course his buddies thought he was fucking with them. Their laughter however quickly turned into frantic yelling when the engine wouldn’t turn over. (“Fucking Barton! If we get our asses caught again I’m going to personally shoot your ass!” “I’m fucking trying Ramirez!”)
And then!
A ball of light slowly descended in front of the windshield, completely silent. No one breathed. And then just as fast as it appeared the mysterious light disappeared, zipping vertically and disappearing into the black night sky!
Clint still talks about it to this day! He swears on his life that he saw a UFO that day. Natasha however thinks he was just drunk of his ass, which he was. BUT STILL HE SAW IT!
(Clint gets vindicated though after Loki, Thor and the other galatic hullabaloo that happens later.)
Natasha’s pretty straightforward. She’s the seeing is believing kind. Her experience with the weird and unexplained shit was always rooted in something scientific, her brainwashing (at least for my iteration of it for my fic), the super soldier serum, and Tony Stark’s eventual tech all have an air of plausibility to them.
This worldview however is completely shattered when she fights Clint while he is under Loki’s influence. It scares her to the core, simply because she couldn’t explain it. (It had happened so fast! And by a rock? No days months and years of conditioning?!)
It’s after Loki that she starts to believe Clint when he said he saw a UFO in 1998.
Both of them get a bit shaken up by the unexplained. Natasha I think more so than Clint because of her overly analytical mind.
That was such a fun ask! Thank you dear! I might definitely have to write a cute little one shot about Clint’s UFO experience. It’s partly based on my own mom’s story. (She was out west in Arizona and had one chase her in her car! I haven’t ever seen one tho!)
Oh! Your cookie?! I hope you like generic Chocolate chip! 🍪🍪
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 2 months
Write a Different Chapter for Us
While on a much needed vacation on the Barton Family’s Farm, Natasha shares some life-altering news with Tony...
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Chapter One: Fields & Fences
Summary: Tony and Natasha arrive at the Bartons’ farm and meet the newest member of the family.
Rating: Teen
Words: 2849
Characters: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel
Relationships: Tony Stark/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton
Tags: established relationships, marriage, pregnancy, family, team as family, hurt/comfort, angst
(Author’s note at the end)
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Natasha, weary from a week of anxiety that had yet to settle, lay back in the passenger seat and let her mind wander through the fields and weatherbeaten fences slipping by out the window.
Though lost in contemplation, at irregular intervals, she shifted her gaze from the passing scenery to glance over to Tony. One hand steadied the wheel while he propped his other arm against the door, resting his head in his bandaged hand. Seated to her left, he couldn’t obscure the side of his face discoloured with a vivid splash of indigo rimmed with yellow.
It hadn’t been a terribly long or strenuous drive; quite to the contrary, it was the most peaceful trip one could take. But concern niggled at her whenever she caught a glimpse of a pained grimace flitting across his expression or noticed him shift in his seat.
A set of familiar wooden gates bordering a tree-lined driveway interrupted the landscape of fields and fences, signalling that their two-hour long journey had reached its end.
With a soft sigh, Tony straightened in his seat and returned the bandaged hand to the wheel. Working down the gears with the smooth skill of a racecar driver, he slowed dramatically, pulled off the road and through the gates left open in anticipation of their arrival.
Fading sunlight trickled through the leaves overhead, playing with the cloud of pale dust billowing in their wake as they drove down. The cloud lazily swirled around the rust-red station wagon as it came to a stop outside a quaint, double-storey farmhouse dressed in flaking white paint and framed in gold, courtesy of the setting sun.
Keys jangled as he turned the engine off, a cricket choir all too readily filling the absence of the rhythmic hum. “We’re here,” he stated, redundantly, voice dim and hoarse from fatigue and disuse but still too loud for the sudden quiet blanketing the car. He scraped a hand down his face in an attempt to wake himself up, wincing when he thoughtlessly aggravated the still sensitive bruises.
Natasha set her seat upright, rolled her window closed and unfastened her seatbelt but made no further move to leave the vehicle. Blinking a little faster, hand hovering over the door handle, she rushed to reach the decision she had procrastinated making for the entirety of a three-hour long flight and a two-hour long drive.
Her husband noticed the uncharacteristic hesitation and glanced to her, his brow furrowing. “Something on your mind?”
Something heavy lodged in her throat. She had maintained the silence to accomodate clear thinking, not to worry him. To chase away the unease, she swallowed, took a deep breath, and gave up mustering courage.
“I’m fine,” she said and opened her door.
They knew each other far too well for the reassuring smile she offered to have any chance of fooling him into believing the half-hearted sentiment, but he didn’t call her out right then. With an absent nod of the head, he abandoned the subject as quickly as he had addressed it.
She stepped out the car and a breath of warm summer air blew through her long curls. Loose gravel crunched under her boots as she made her way around to retrieve her rucksack and the duffel bag from the backseat.
Tony moved to get out his side, shifting his aching body carefully. Gripping the door for support, he hauled himself out the car and stood. Tentatively, he stretched, his expression scrunching in pain at the necessary procedure.
His wife watched on, waiting for him to finish stretching before she came up to give him a quick kiss. “You’re getting old, babe,” she teased; an ironic joke given the fact he’d only just stepped into his mid-thirties.
“If I am, you are,” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and grimacing.
She handed him the duffel bag and motioned to the house. “Age before beauty,” she sang with a lighthearted, mischievous smile to brighten the mood.
It worked: a corner of his lips quirked to mirror hers.
He reached past her to get his rucksack. Slinging it over his shoulder, carrying the duffel bag the other side, he stepped up to the creaky old porch and she followed. “Don’t get cocky,” he warned her, automatically lowering his voice as he opened the never locked screendoor. “You’re only five years younger than me.”
. . . . .
They entered the house as if they lived there, welcomed by the smell of clean cotton and fresh bread. The door announced their presence with an old wooden creak that echoed through the cozy house better than a bell could.
A chorus of gasps and exclamations rang out from the kitchen and excited footsteps came racing down the hall.
Without a glimmer of apprehension, Tony let his rucksack slip off his shoulder and fall with the duffel to the floor as he lowered himself down on one knee and spread both arms out, a genuine smile brightening his battered features, chasing the aches away like sunlight did clouds.
“Uncle Tony! Aunt Nat!” twin voices cried.
“Smaller agents!” Tony returned the greeting, bracing himself as two small bodies launched at him like a set of torpedoes. They didn’t knock him over but they did manage to knock the air out of him. “Oof! Good to see you munchkins, too,” he said, sounding suffocated but still wrapping them up in a tight embrace, a child on either side.
Kept innocently oblivious of the world beyond their little town, they knew of nothing relating to the bandages and stitches holding him together; neither would he want them to. Happily, he ignored the pain for their sake.
Lila extended and curled an arm around her aunt’s knees to draw her near. Natasha dropped her bag and bent to properly join the ardent embrace, all worries fading as she indulged in the familial love.
Pulling away, Tony held the children at arm’s length and looked them up and down, eyebrows dipped in exaggerated skepticism. “Did you guys shrink?”
“No,” Lila refuted, a giggly lilt in her young voice.
“Are you sure? I swear, you guys were, like—” he held his hand up high over their heads, as far as his arm could stretch from his knelt position, “—that tall last time.”
Cooper shook his head, emphatically, almost sending his glasses flying. “We were not!”
Tony’s expression crumpled into a faux pout. “Were too!”
“We’ve grown!” the boy countered, a smile suggesting he recognized the joke as such despite his indignant tone.
Tony shook his head. “Nah, I don’t believe you.”
“Well, you stand to be corrected,” their father chimed in as he came through from the kitchen. Amusement crinkled the edges of his sharp grey eyes. “Laura marked their heights on the pantry door yesterday; they have proof.”
Tony glanced up. “Hey, Clint.”
“Hey, man,” his sometimes-teammate returned the greeting. His jovial expression fell when he saw his friend’s bruised face, but he quickly masked the surprise and said nothing.
The brother and sister seized their uncle’s hands and tugged in unison. “Come see!”
“Okay, okay!” Tony clambered to his feet as a little human on either side attempted to drag him down the hall with their combined—and admittedly impressive—strength.
“Go easy on him!” their father called after them.
“It’s fine!” the inventor assured over his shoulder, a laugh in his voice. “I can handle myself!”
They disappeared into the kitchen, the children chattering on like morning birds.
Natasha stored up every moment in her memory. She adored the effect children had on her husband, miraculously bringing him back to life and reviving his joviality. What she wouldn’t give to have him permanently so...
Clint turned to her. “World still in one piece?” he asked, opening his arms.
“More or less,” she replied, comfortably slipping into a warm embrace with her dear mentor and oldest friend. “Crazy and complicated as ever.”
“Ah. Just the way I left it.” He pulled away and the lightheartedness faded as his brow crinkled in honest concern. “How’re you two holding up, though?” he inquired, lowering his voice. “Tony looks pretty beat up. What happened?”
Her expression fell away and she bent down to pick up the carelessly discarded luggage. “Last week, the Maggia hired Scarlotti to take him down,” she explained, simply, as if it were as typical an occurrence as grocery shopping—for them, it practically was.
Not waiting on an invitation, Clint helped with her task, retrieving the other rucksack and the duffel for her. “Whiplash?”
She nodded but didn’t meet his gaze. “Yeah. It wasn’t pretty.”
A grimace pinched his calloused features. He knew firsthand the mobster’s reputation for brutality—he was one of the few who lived to tell the tale. “How bad?” he asked in a sympathetic whisper.
With a shrug, she stepped past him to reach the stairs. “Bit of internal bleeding, cracked ribs, concussion,” she rattled off. “The usual,” she concluded, trying to sound nonchalant and unaffected.
Clint caught up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, asking her to stop and face him; she conceded willingly. “If you guys were dealing with that, you didn’t have to come,” he told her, genuinely concerned for his friends.
She shook her head and gently shirked off his hand but didn’t immediately turn and continue up the stairs. “Tony wouldn’t miss summer vacation with you guys for the world. Seriously, you should have seen him: he was ready to stage Mission Impossible to get out of the hospital. Thankfully, he wasn’t up to doing anything too stupid; he just spent the week pestering the doctors to discharge him early.”
While the worry didn’t ease, the archer still managed a light chuckle. “So this is actually a respite for the poor medical staff that had to deal with a Stark who couldn’t stand to stay in bed?”
“Pretty much...”
. . . . .
After confirming they had—according to the latest marks on the pantry door—grown at least two inches each, Lila and Cooper bounced from one topic to the next with little correlation between the subjects.
They explained their plans for the summer holidays, focussing their excitement on the coming two weeks of Tony and Natasha’s stay; shared some random gross facts about exotic bugs and bodily functions they learned from their classmates; and then caught their honorary uncle up on all relevant recent events: Lila had lost a tooth in a toffee (which she kept, much to her mother’s disgust); and Cooper had new glasses (which didn’t have night-vision, much to his dismay).
They talked fast, as if allotted only an hour with him and not a whole fortnight to come. He didn’t mind. Sitting on a barstool, strategically leaning on the kitchen counter, he listened to their stories and ideas with genuine interest.
Eventually, despite concerted effort, his eyelids began drooping and his body kept trying to curl in on itself.
Despite his superhuman capacity for denial, he could soldier through the repercussions of being attacked by Whiplash’s razor-sharp, electrified whips for only so long. Even so, he couldn’t find it in him to excuse himself...
Midway through a retelling of an incident involving frogs and drainpipes, Lila’s eyes widened as she realized something astronomical. “You haven’t met Nathanial yet!” she cried.
“No, I haven’t,” Tony admitted with a shake of his head. “I thought he might be sleeping.”
“He’s always sleeping,” Cooper muttered. Clearly, he had only recently learnt that babies weren’t instant playmates.
Lila slipped off her seat and tucked her small hand into Tony’s, not at all perturbed by the bandage. She led him down the hall and up the stairs and he followed as best he could, though he struggled to keep in step with her. She paused when they reached the landing and looked up at him. “You have to be quiet,” she told him in a whisper, her finger held to her lips.
“And don’t sneeze, even if he’s awake,” her brother added, coming up behind them. “It scares him.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Tony assured, matching their volume as they made their way to a spare room. Bruce usually stayed in this particular room when he visited but now it was furnished and designated as the new baby’s nursery.
Clint made the furniture himself, from scratch; the archer’s secret competence with carpentry never ceased to amaze his teammate who once believed the man didn’t even possess the ability to glue two popsicle sticks together. Tony, a craftsman himself (albeit a different branch), marvelled at the skill and finesse demonstrated in the sturdiness, functionality and aesthetically pleasing appearance of the cot, the bassinet, an upholstered rocking chair, and a changing table/wardrobe.
Some in the team had rallied and put to use their own various hidden talents to provide a few sentimental finishings that now decorated the room: Tony’s mobile of cartoonish robots made from scrap metal hung above the cot; Steve’s beautiful, almost realistic painting of a family of ducks on a peaceful lake hung on the wall above the changing table; and Peter’s delicately sewn quilt lay spread over the bassinet, the playful animal motifs paying tribute to their odd assortment of themed teammates.
Near the window, in the rocking chair, Laura idly rocked back and forth, looking exhausted but still managing a warm-hearted smile at the inventor and the children as they entered. Like a loyal sentinel, Clint stood beside her, a hand resting on her shoulder.
Natasha stood near the bassinet, swaying gently as if to a lullaby; the family’s one-eyed mutt, Lucky, sat at her feet, happy and calm but with a protective air about him.
Only when Tony approached did he see the swaddled baby sleeping soundly in his wife’s arms.
“So this is little Nate, huh?” he said, voice softening in that way everyone’s automatically does when a baby is present.
“Yeah. Little traitor,” she said, her voice so warm and fond.
She shifted to let him see their godson better, the motion mildly disturbing the infant. With a tiny whine, he stirred and his expression pinched. Then glazed eyes blinked open and searched but quickly slipped closed again as if disinterested. He easily settled and resumed snoozing.
Lila and Cooper predominantly took after their mother, but the last Barton child inherited their father’s features. In contrast to his siblings’ long-lashed hazel eyes and silky chestnut hair, Nathanial sported steel grey irises and a soft tuft of sandy-coloured hair. Even though he was only four weeks old, his face resembled Clint’s sharper, sturdier outline as opposed to Laura’s smoother, rounded shape.
“He’s incredible,” Tony breathed, genuinely awestruck by the wonder tenderly cradled in loving arms and snoring peacefully; up until that moment, he didn’t know babies could snore at all.
“He really is something, isn’t he?” Snuggling him close, Natasha kissed Nathanial’s little head; he seemed to smile at the gesture but Tony wasn’t sure how much awareness to credit the baby with. “Do you want to hold him?”
“Huh? Me?”
“C’mon; it’s not difficult.”
The offer sent a small flash of panic through him, but also a spark of excitement. He turned to the baby’s parents as if to ask permission. Clint’s lips curled and parted like he had a snarky joke waiting, but Laura silently dug her elbow into his ribs to halt the quip.
“Go ahead,” she encouraged Tony with a nod and a smile.
“Yeah, okay,” he finally answered, secretly eager.
He had held babies before, but usually briefly and in rescue situations where there was no time to consider technique. Every other time an infant was in his presence, he naturally shied away from holding them, sure that the finesse was beyond him and he would only end up hurting them.
Presently, he awkwardly fumbled with his arms and hands, struggling to determine the best way to fold them in preparation and receive the delicate being.
“It comes naturally,” his wife assured, reading his mind as ever. Before he could lose any courage, she smoothly transferred Nathanial from her hold to his.
All apprehension, uncertainty, and inadequacy evaporated the moment the tiny human bundled in a blue and white striped blanket lay cradled in his arms. Just as his wife had said, an undocumented instinct surfaced then and he settled comfortably into holding and even rocking the infant.
“Hey, kiddo,” he found himself effortlessly cooing in a voice too soft to be his.
Steel eyes drowsily blinked open again and locked onto the new face. He braced for the inevitable, customary cry he’d seen countless times in movies, but Nathanial seemed too intrigued and captivated by this new person to begin wailing for no good reason.
“I’m your crazy Uncle Tony,” he introduced himself, somehow feeling it was only appropriate to follow with the disclaimer: “Don’t worry, we’re not actually related.”
As he mindlessly babbled on, enjoying the warmth and the weight of a baby in his arms, out of the corner of his eye, he caught Natasha watching him with a satisfied smile and an unreadable sparkle in her eyes...
. . . . .
Next Chapter >>>
. . . . .
Author’s Note
I started writing this about seven years ago and I’ve come back to it I can’t tell you how many times. At one point, about four years ago, I posted it on ao3 but ended up deleting it shortly after (which I am sorry about because I know some enjoyed it).
My reasons for deleting it back then were complicated but mostly it boiled down to a really rough patch in my life where I just lost all confidence in myself and anything I made. For the first time in years, I stopped writing and it got bad enough that I couldn’t stand to leave my works posted.
I’ve gotten a lot better since then. I took a chance and got back into writing and I ended up crafting a whole series in another fandom. I’ve learned so much and I’ve come back to enjoying this craft that I’ve loved since I could hold a pen.
But this story has never left my thoughts.
I’m reposting it as it was. I don’t know if I’ll continue it but I’d like to share it again anyway.
If you’re here, reading this work again after all these years, I want to thank you for your patience with me.
If you’re new (and you’ve made it this far), I’d like to thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest (there’s five more chapters to come 😉)
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blu3cl0v3rs · 3 months
I Can't Explain Ninjago
Season 3: Rebooting Rebooted
So, apparently the world goes on after possessed Satan becomes a DILF, and "The Ninja" apparently went to college or are teaching without a license. But not Trauma Child, he's busy being paraded around Ninjago! Anyways, Spiky, Freezy, Coal, Bluejay, and Meow all become teachers.
Meanwhile, newly named New Ninjago City becomes super duper techy and all of the vehicles fly. The teachers go on a field trip to the tower of the guy who invented all of the new technology: Anxious Tony Stark, who will be called Cyborg. Cyborg has a robot daughter named Pixie Dust, who gets Freezy's heart, metaphorically. Cyborg summons "the Ninja" (obv not including Trauma Child, he's busy fucking around with god's gold powers that he got by sort of taking the other "Ninja's" elemental power last season) and gives them a statue of himself.
These assholes break the statue, but it's okay because it was built to break. It has some funky Hacker Sticks and ninja outfits inside. Now, they're being chased by evil robots because, surprise, the Evil Liquid Cat didn't actually die; he's now a computer virus! So, he's trying to kill them again 👍 The fuckwads run away and put on the outfits that somehow fit them. Also Meow takes a buzzfeed quiz which tells her that she should date Coal, and Gandalf gets kidnapped by Evil Liquid Cat.
The six scamper off to Sensei DILF's house, and Trauma Child gets his ass whooped by running into a pole. They then get jumped by the Evil Roombas, and Freezy makes Pixie Dust turn Normal TM. Trauma Child and Sensei DILF steal a car from the Big Fighter Mech base, and they drive off into the sunset while actively being hunted down. The others go shut down the power, and then Pixie Dust now literally gets Freezy's heart. Or, well, half of it. So, she lives.
Trauma Child wants to use the god's gold powers to travel, but Sensei DILF tells him to shut up and stop, because Evil Liquid Cat can slurp up the remnants to become solid. Trauma Child also kidnaps a baby bird, and the bird's dad almost kills Sensei DILF. But, everything works out. Y'know, until Sensei DILF's chucked into the ocean and Trauma Child is kidnapped.
Meanwhile, Bluejay is mad at Coal because Bluejay wasn't the result of Meow's buzzfeed quiz and they fight, the others got their asses whooped by evil Gandalf because Evil Liquid Cat corrupted him, they learned that the evil robots are now being powered by electric eels, and they figure out that the Evil Liquid Cat was stolen by porple snek, who kidnapped Trauma Child.
"The Ninja" then decide to play the VR game that Evil Liquid Cat is trapped in, and [insert freddy fnaf at five bears reference here]. Anygays they holy grailed the motherfucker out of the game, but surprise surprise! After slurping almost all of Trauma Child's gold power from god, he gains a mostly corporeal form!!!! yayyyyyy 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 so the parkour pisschickens go to space and almost die. again. wooooo.
Oh hey also the Evil Liquid Cat finds the Big Gold-Stick Thing + god's gold weapons from the past and makes it into a portable lava lamp stand for himself. "The Ninja" fight him again, and porple snek shrinks and gets eaten by a robot bird.
They're fighting, it's really intense, all has failed and Ssomething needs to happen Now, and Freezy hopscotches his way over to the Evil Lava Lamp Cat, andddddddd.......
Freezy explodes.
Yep, he sploded 😔
Sorry, he's (supposedly) dead.
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sorry this took so long, school's been dragging me to my living room (aka hell) and i've been fighting through a writing slump-
Tournament of Smellements will come..... eventually? i'll try my best idk 😭
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