#tommy x ravi
eddiespornstache · 2 months
Ravi waiting for the absolutely most devastating time possible to reveal to Buck that he’s already had sex with Tommy
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 5 months
Love in a Hosptial Room
For @911buddieweek Prompt : "I swear it wasn't my fault this time."
Pairings: Buddie, Bobby/Athena, and minor Tommy/Ravi
Can be read on ao3
I swear it wasn't my fault this time!” 
Bobby smiled at a panicking Ravi as he patted him on the shoulder, “No one is saying you did anything wrong. Injuries happen on jobs like ours. We know this, and we still choose to do this job because we want to be out there saving lives and helping people.”
Still, Ravi couldn't help but toss a glance at the hospital room behind him.
“Go. Tommy is waiting to take you home.” Bobby ordered.
Ravi couldn't stop the blush or smile that graced his face at the thought of his boyfriend. “If you are sure?”
“I'm sure,” Bobby promised. Bobby waited until Ravi was down the hall, and Tommy waved at him as he led the younger man out of the hospital before taking a deep breath and steeling himself for what was to come.
“Hey, Bobby is here!” 
Eddie Diaz high on the good pain medicine.
“Yes, Eddie Bobby is here.” Buck sounded so fond as he gazed at his husband.
Eddie gave Bobby a goofy grin. “Did you know I am going to marry Buck?”
Biting his lower lip Bobby did his best not to laugh. 
“He is the love of my life, and I baby-trapped him, so now he is mine. Take that Abby and Taylor Kelly, she is the devil itself.” Even high on medicine, Eddie still remembers his hatred of those two women. Turning his head, Eddie looked at Buck with pleading eyes, “Don't marry them. Marry me.”  
“You are the only one I will ever marry. You are the love of my life.” Buck kissed Eddie softly.
“He kissed me!” Eddie looked beyond happy as he clumsily pulled Buck into another kiss.
“Has he been like this the whole time?” Bobby asked Athena who had arrived at the hospital first to support Buck who was going out of his mind with worry after learning Eddie had been injured on one of the rare shifts they didn't work together. 
“Oh yes, first he wanted to know when sausages were alive, did they have legs? Then he spotted Buck; he then spent the next five minutes debating with himself what the exact shade of blue Buck’s eyes were. Then he moved on to all the dirty things he wanted to do with Buck that I did not need to hear, that man has a dirty mind when it comes to Buck. I'm glad you missed it. We were just on how Eddie has baby-trapped Buck for years and how they need to get married so Buck can be Buck Diaz.” 
Glancing at the couple Eddie was wearing a look he only got on his face when he was with Buck and/or Christopher that was pure love. He looked settled and happy, it was a look that suited him well.
Eddie caught his eyes and pouted at him, “Cap tell Buck to kiss me! I can't live without my Buck kisses!” 
“How can grown firefighters look so cute when pouting? Tell Buck to kiss Eddie or he will never stop pouting.” Athena ordered.
“Buck, you can kiss Eddie as much as you want.” 
Eddie grinned smugly at Buck, “Hear that Cap ordered it so you got to obey him. Now kiss me!” Eddie ordered tugging at Buck's shirt.
“I guess orders are orders,” Buck murmured as he kissed Eddie.
It was when Eddie's free hand reached out a squeezed Buck’s ass did Bobby and Athena went to find a nurse to see how long it would be until Eddie was discharged, Athena was right there are some things they shouldn't see. 
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missingexaltation · 29 days
Everyone's talking about what they want from 911 season 8 but this is just popped into my head and won't go away.
There's some dumbass reason why some of the 118 need a helicopter (treasure map part 2 maybe? Or something equally dumb.) It's NOT an actual emergency, just general tomfoolery.
So naturally they go to Tommy, who initially refuses because it's a dumbass reason and the poor guy just wants to go home and have a nap after finishing his shift of...flying a helicopter.
But the 118 deploy their not so secret weapon of Buck, who pouts and gets Tommy to give in because Tommy has zero capability of saying no to him.
So they all get into the nearest available helicopter, and when they're all settled Tommy just looks over at Buck and says "ok Evan, whenever you're ready.", and Buck is like "wait you want ME to fly this thing?"
Because he's been taking lessons, and is more than capable. Tommy's just all "I told you I'm not gonna do it" and the 118 in the back are all contemplating their life choices and wondering if it's safer to get the hell out now.
(Buck's actually not a bad pilot in training, and they pull off their shenanigans without crashing 😂.)
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firewasabeast · 4 months
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I need Team Who Cares to go on a rescue mission at least once a season.
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winchester27 · 8 days
I’m curious to see what our demographics are. I’m an oldie I’ve been here since S1 🥲
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aaronsinferno · 1 month
All I said was that I’d love to see Ravi wake up shirtless covered in sweat after having an erotic dream about Buck and Tommy after watching them flirt and tease each other nonstop all day. And now everyone’s ready to kill me. Like, sure, let's kill the only guy who's actually thinking around here. My god
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tevanbegins · 4 months
So Ravi really went from asking "Who's Tommy?" with the world's most genuinely puzzled expression on his face, to adopting Tommy's deadpan joke "Enjoy it while it lasts" as his motto in the blink of an eye! 🤣🤣🤣
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In Buck's own words about Tommy, "He's made an impression in a very short time." And not just on Buck, on everyone it seems! 😂
Thomas Kinard is here to STAY and SLAY forever! ❤‍🔥
(Gif credits to: @sunglassesmish !)
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Favorite Buddie Moments Per Episode: 7x4 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered (Part 1)
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antisocialpyromaniac · 3 months
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 month
Buck: So, what are your intentions? Ravi: Intentions with who? Tommy: With our best friend, Eddie. Ravi: Oh. For him to fuck me hard into his bed. Ravi, walking back towards Eddie: See on Monday.
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buckyoulsrs · 4 months
we don’t care about Tommy , we want Albert back and Ravi begins !!!!!!!!
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things i need from season 8
the diaz sisters - at this point the only thing that can help eddie is the not-so-silent judgement of a younger sister. ideally, one of them will show up and be like "you left chris with mum and dad?????? wtf??" and for him to flounder while she tells him chris is now spending the summer with his other aunt and cousins while she deals with whatever "this is" as she makes vague gestures towards him
a pet for buck - maybe dog but honestly i think he should adopt a number of the ugliest cats you've ever seen and have it be an ongoing joke that no-one ever sees the same cat so you don't know how many he has (truthfully i want someone to give that man a baby but ugly cats are the next best thing) (if we could get one shot of him [and tommy😉] waking up in a bed completely covered in cats it would make my year)
karen to be allowed one free punch at councilwoman ortez (and obvi to get mara back)
hen also gets a free shot but i almost feel karen deserves it more - she puts up with so much shit
taylor kelly redemption - maybe its just that i imprinted on her like a baby duckling but i want them to bring taylor back and have her do an expose on ortez & gerard
recast michael and bring him back - give bobby back his friend and let them resume their shenanigans!!!! honestly maybe they do the initial research into ortez&gerard and poor taylor has to work with them to make it into an actual news story
previously stated monster truck accident
more ravi - i need a ravi, begins episode more than i need oxygen
just like more silly calls - a toddler who's got their leg stuck in a stair railing, a grown man stuck up a tree trying to get down a cat (the cat jumps down easily by itself right in the middle of the rescue), MOUNTED POLICE!!!! i have just recently learnt that there are mounted police in LA (thank you the rookie) and WHY we haven't had a call with them and buck being a secret horse whisperer i'll never know but i need it
athena/bobby honeymoon redo - they deserve one nice vacation okay!!!!!
hostage-negotiator!may - i think the actress has gone to uni (good for her) and i also don't know how long it takes to learn to be a hostage-negotiator but i just think that she would be good at it and it would be fun (also i really just want may back! i love and miss her 😭)
and more jee!!!!! i love her too!!! and the enormous wendy house i hope buck, eddie, and tommy build for her
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 5 months
I kinda wish that when Ravi saw Tommy, he went, "Oh, so that is Tommy." Boom, Ravi has a crush and starts freaking out because he can't have a crush on Buck's boyfriend.
Then, when Tommy and Buck break up and stay friends, Buck plays matchmaker for Tommy and Ravi wanting Tommy to be as happy he is with Eddie.
Poor Eddie grumbles but goes along with Buck's plans because he silently agrees Tommy would be good for Ravi.
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typicalopposite · 4 months
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• BuckTommy Fic | T | 3,254 words •
ao3 link | tumblr post
Summary: Buck’s eyes are suddenly drawn to what Eddie is holding that his full attention is currently on, his hand scribbling away on a piece of paper. “What’s with the clipboard?”
I usually don't tag people in these but a few people showed interest in this fic... so figured I'd tag yall! <3
@here-there-be-fics, @somethingaboutfirefly, @arwenismyrealname hope yall like it!
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serensational · 3 months
counting down the days until september so new episodes of 911 and 911ls air
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I’ve seen angst posts about the idea of in a fic or in the show someone tells Tommy that Buck doesn’t really like being called Evan and Tommy feels so bad so he tries calling him Buck (even though it sounds so strange to him) and Buck is upset thinking he’s done something wrong or Tommy isn’t really interested anymore even though he very much is he just didn’t want to make Buck feel uncomfortable.
But the comedy element instead where he still tries to call him Buck but Buck is like yo wtf and is like “why are you calling me that? You call me Evan” and Tommy is just like “oh the others said you don’t like that name I’m so sorry” and so Buck is half heartedly annoyed now because he had a mini heart attack and goes to tell the others he’s fine with it and like jokingly tell them off.
Meanwhile Chimney is just chilling in the firehouse and is like why do I hear boss music? Buck just comes in like wtf did you do???
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