#tom riddle theory
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hypothermiatapes · 7 days ago
I’ve been doing some research into WWII for a while now, and considering Tom Riddle grew up during that time I thought I’d detail what his life during the summers was probably like at the orphanage.
(Note that it’s hard to find information, so some of this is more guessing and not fully backed.)
There were two blitzes, the first one being from September 7, 1940 to May 11, 1941 while the baby blitz was from January 21 to May 29 in 1944 (he would be an adult by that summer so I guess it’s not relevant). This means that Tom wasn’t in London during the blitz, but he was there for the aftermath.
This means that when Tom returned from Hogwarts in 1941 it was likely he had to aid in the clearing of rubble. At this time he was fourteen which means that he was most likely working a full time job which wasn’t uncommon at the time for 14-17 y/o’s. This means that Tom either spent most of his summer either clearing rubble or was working in major industries at the time (engineering, aircraft production, shipbuilding, etc…).
I think this is very likely considering he was living in an orphanage and at this time many orphanages in London were operating in over capacity. It is extremely likely the older kids were forced to work to make some income no matter how little and support themselves. The youngest were probably sent to the countryside before the blitz to be kept safe, but I highly doubt the orphanage would have the resources to completely relocate and they were still needed in London.
This means Tom was working full time every summer from the age of 14 to 16/17 (completely dependent on when he left). When he was sixteen Tom could have participated in the Civil Defence and from what I’ve read some form of national service was required at this age. This means Tom could have very well been participating in Civil Defence or something similar.
Nightly during 1941 and 1942 the air raid sirens would go off and people would have to go to the closest tube of air raid shelter so that is likely where most nights were spent. These places were often extremely crowded as well, people basically laying shoulder to shoulder. For someone like Tom I assume this meant getting no sleep whatsoever.
I couldn’t find information on bombs being dropped outside of the blitzes, but I do think it was possible. So, Tom may have lived through a few bombings, but not to the extent of what happened during the blitzes.
Rationing was a large thing at this time and considering Tom was older at this time he would not get as much aid. There is a high probability that he wasn’t eating enough for what he was doing. Including food clothes were rationed significantly and Tom would be at the peak of his growth at this time and considering how tall he is getting fitting clothes would have been extremely difficult. Though minors were given more clothing coupons at this time due to growth.
Rationing also brought the need for people to grow their own food, so Tom and the other children would most likely be responsible for growing and harvesting food.
Now, this goes into theory territory.
I do believe there is a high chance Tom was kicked out of the orphanage for large amounts of time during the summers due to him being old enough to work and little space and resources. This means he was probably homeless a couple times over the summer, and possibly he was for several summers altogether. He also wasn’t liked at Wool’s so this makes it even more likely.
If anyone wants me to go more into detail on any of these points please send me an ask because I would love to.
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balkanradfem · 1 year ago
Had some harry potter thoughts today at work. I was thinking of how funny it was that voldemort set up the 'muggle-born registration', because there's one very funny thing that could have happened in there.
Imagine if someone in the ministry was feeling a little bit daring, or just, high, and sent voldemort the summons for the 'muggle-born registration', maybe a bit for the vengeance. Like Percy did it to redeem himself.
Okay so if Voldemort were to abide by his own laws, he should be showing up, right? Of course he would just murder anyone involved at all, but let's say his stupid 'oh I need to prove to everyone that I'm better than them', comes out, just like he always gets stupid about proving he can kill Harry, and let's say he shows up, thinking how he's gonna intimidate and impress everyone there.
And as we know, everyone summoned there has to prove they have at least one magical relative, in order to prove that they didn't steal the magic. And, he can't, because he killed all of his magical, and muggle relatives. He came from an orphanage, his name is mostly muggle, and if Merope was his mom, there's nobody to confirm it, nobody but Dumbledore knew that, and he's dead now. So, if he abided by his own laws... the ministry would have to conclude he was a muggle born and snap his wand in half and send him off to live with the muggles.
I know he would just murder his way out of this, but it is so funny to me that he could potentially have this kind of experience in a world he set up himself xD.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 1 month ago
I think Voldemort’s resurrection was botched
I was always of the belief that Wormtail messed up the resurrection ritual and that Voldemort’s body wasn't supposed to look like that. Voldemort didn't mind his appearance too much, but he wasn't supposed to look like that.
I was rereading the graveyard scene and found possible evidence for this reading:
Voldemort looked away from Harry and began examining his own body. His hands were like large, pale spiders; his long white fingers caressed his own chest, his arms, his face; the red eyes, whose pupils were slits, like a cat’s, gleamed still more brightly through the darkness. He held up his hands and flexed the fingers, his expression rapt and exultant. He took not the slightest notice of Wormtail, who lay twitching and bleeding on the ground, nor of the great snake, which had slithered back into sight and was circling Harry again, hissing. Voldemort slipped one of those unnaturally long-fingered hands into a deep pocket and drew out a wand. He caressed it gently too; and then he raised it, and pointed it at Wormtail, who was lifted off the ground and thrown against the headstone where Harry was tied; he fell to the foot of it and lay there, crumpled up and crying. [...] Wormtail’s robes were shining with blood now; he had wrapped the stump of his arm in them. “My Lord . . .” he choked, “my Lord . . . you promised . . . you did promise . . .” “Hold out your arm,” said Voldemort lazily. “Oh Master . . . thank you, Master . . .” He extended the bleeding stump, but Voldemort laughed again. “The other arm, Wormtail.” “Master, please . . . please . . .”
I mean, why did he throw Peter like that right after examining his body? Literally, the only thing going on before he does this is Voldy examines his new form, and Peter whimpers off to the side. And after he throws him away he goes over to call the Death Eaters.
To me, this reads like a quick violent reaction since he's unhappy with the results. This looks like a punishment. Why would he punish Peter for giving him back his body unless he got it wrong?
The main flaw with this interpretation is that Harry describes Voldemort’s face as "exultant" which is a sort of extreme joy, usually about a triumph — a positive emotion. This could be attributed to him being happy for having a body at all or, perhaps having a hard time controlling his new form's facial muscles and the expression coming off weird.
But I do admit that if he's unhappy I wouldn't expect his face to be "exultant".
But then again, why did he throw Peter like that when he wanted to use the dark mark? Or if Peter did good, yk? You don't punish someone who does something well, so it's really weird. If he just wanted to get him closer I'd expect it to be phrased a little differently. Like: "and then he raised it, and pointed it at Wormtail, who was lifted off the ground and thrown at Voldemort's feet" since he wanted to activate the Dark Mark. But that's not what he did.
Just thought I'd point it out as a piece of evidence towards: Voldemort didn't look like that before he died the first time.
(I think he looked a little off, not saying he didn't. I think his eyes might've been red even before, but he had hair and looked like a sickly human (not a snake!) in the interview with Dumbledore in 1967 (I think he didn't look as bad as in the interview either because of how Harry describes his appearance) and he didn't make more Horcruxes between then and the night he killed the Potters, so it doesn't really make sense he'd look snake-like before his death)
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sallowtheories · 6 months ago
What would happen if Sebastian became a professor?
This is a long one, but I just realized that if Sebastian somehow manages to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become a professor at Hogwarts, he could have taught Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Newt Scamander, Tom Riddle Jr, among many others.
Imagine it - the year is 1895, and a 20 year old Sebastian Sallow has just accepted the job as the professor of Magical Theory - a job one of his parents (I theorize), used to have before professor Fig. A position that would fit Sebastian, given the goals and values of knowledge his parents has passed on to him.
Sebastian would have been present in the Great Hall the evening Aberfoth Dumbledore would be sorted into Gryffindor, and would have taught him in his first year classes on the subject.
Some time before 1908, Sebastian would be teaching when Albus Dumbledore became a professor at Hogwarts. The same Albus Dumbledore that Sebastian watched getting sorted back in 1892, during Sebastian’s last year at Hogwarts. The same Albus Dumbledore, who his fellow classmates whispered about, wondering if he was any like his father. But now, at the age of 33, Sebastian would find himself in the Faculty Tower, having deep and interesting conversations with Albus about Magical Theory.
At times they would talk about their pasts. Sebastian would let a little slip about his family, and so would Albus, but they would never confide in each other more than that. They just knew about the other’s struggle, nothing more. Maybe there would be a friendship. A professional friendship, yet they would somehow always know a little more than they would like to say.
In 1908 Sebastian Sallow would be sitting at the teachers table, watching as Newt Scamander would get sorted into Hufflepuff, and Leta Lestrange into Slytherin.
In 1926, at the age of 51, Sebastian would have a knowing feeling that Albus had something to do with Newt going to America, and in 1927 his suspicions would be confirmed when members if the aura office showed up at Hogwarts, heading straight for Albus in his classroom.
In 1938, at the age of 63, Sebastian would watch with uneasiness as a certain Tom Riddle Jr gets sorted into Slytherin. He senses something familiar about the boy, but can’t quite place it. However, during their classes together, Sebastian would find himself impressed with the boy’s abilities, wondering if maybe he possessed the same abilities as a certain someone he knows… but soon Sebastian would learn that it wasn’t the case, but that the boy possessed a different ancient ability…
Many professors liked the young Riddle boy, and Sebastian too would find that the young boys charm had won him over. In some ways it was like look at himself at that age. Young, handsome, charming, with a way to bend the rules. Especially after both Sebastian and several other teachers had caught Mr. Riddle sneak around in the restricted section, and each time they would let him go with yet another warning. But that would change on day in 1942, not long before the summer that year.
During a day in April 1942, Tom Riddle would come to Sebastian in his office, asking kindly if he could have a word with him. It wasn’t uncommon for Tom to do so. He often enjoyed taking with his professors, and especially about quite advanced magic. Tom often found and interest in Sebastian’s research, so of course he allowed Tom into his office.
Tom proceeded to ask Sebastian if he knew anything about the name Marvolo. Sebastian asks him what it’s about, thinking of his best friend’s brother, remembering all the things Ominis had told him about the man. Some what mad, having two children of his own, and gambled and whored away all the money he had gotten after their parents death.
67 year old Sebastian asks the 16 year old Tom what it is about. Tom asks Sebastian if he knows about his… home. The orphanage. And to Sebastian he sounds sad, and for a moment Sebastian’s heart breaks for the poor boy. He almost doesn’t catch the look in Tom’s eyes, when he checks for Sebastian’s reaction.
“You see, professor, I just so badly want to know about my family, and it is the only name I can go off of. No year book says anythings about Riddles”.
“I understand, Mr. Riddle, I absolutely do. But I will have to ask you again. Where did you get the name Marvolo from?”
Something flashes in Tom’s eyes. Something dark, for just a small moment. Something Sebastian has seen before. Something he saw in his own eyes as a 15 year old, trying to figure out how that relic worked… But then Tom smiles, the flash in his eyes gone, as if it was never there.
“I’m sorry, sir. I should have told you, sir. It’s my middle name. As I told you, I am researching my family, trying to find some… answers. And there’s nothing about Riddles at Hogwarts, so the only other thing I have to go off of, is Marvolo. I suspect… I suspect it’s from my mother’s side”.
“Tom”, Sebastian started, not seeing the way the boy almost flinched at his name. “I don’t have much to tell you about Marvolo. I never really spoke to him, and he finished during my second year-“.
“But his sister graduated while you were in your third year”, Tom said, almost startling his professor, an intensity in his eyes. “And his brother was in the same year as you”.
“So you have already found what you’re looking for?”
“Sorry sir, that was inappropriate of me. I didn’t mean to pry, but I’m growing desperate in my search. What do you know about the Gaunts?”
And so Sebastian told young Tom about the Gaunts. Their history, their legend and their ancestry. However he know nothing about Marvolo’s whereabouts, and decided lying about Ominis would before the best, having a feeling it would be best to leave him out of the conversation. And then, moments later when young Tom left his office, Sebastian regretted immediately, writing to Ominis at the first moment he got.
Months later, Sebastian and Ominis would find themselves in Feldcroft, when an owl came with the Daily Prophet. Muggle murder - Morfin Gaunt had killed the Riddle family.
Ominis knew straight away. It wasn’t Morfin. His nephew may have been an overly inbred idiot, but it wasn’t him. But how would Ominis know anything about his nephew? He hadn’t even spoken to Marvolo in years. It wasn’t until that day he learned that his brother in fact was dead, and has been so for several years. But Ominis just knew. Tom Riddle was danger.
Upon Sebastian’s return to Hogwarts that September, he was surprised to find that Tom still had many questions about Magical Theory. More than ever before. More… specific. More… dark… than before. Subjects that Sebastian remembered he himself had read about in the restricted section. But the day Tom took it a step too far, and asked about inferi, Sebastian cut the conversation shot, obviously uncomfortable. Especially more uncomfortable when he saw the look in Tom’s eyes, reading him like a book. After that Sebastian avoided Tom like the plague, not caring if it was ethical or not. Talented or not, Sebastian could not handle such a questioning again, especially not about… those. Sebastian did not wish to remember those…
Tom may have asked Sebastian many questions about Magical Theory, bur there had always been specific professor that Tom had taken a strong liking to - professor Slughorn - head of Slytherin house. Strange man in Sebastian’s opinion. If he and the certain person in his life had been Slughorn’s students, they wouls have found themselves collected in these then a day. And of course, Tom Riddle had been collected by Slughorn, invited to his many parties. But never had Sebastian expected the day Slughorn would come to the Faculty Tower, an expression of distress on his face, along with a flinch whenever Riddles name was mentioned. At that point Sebastian was able to put two and two together. Riddle had asked Slughorn something worse. Much worse.
That June, a Ravenclaw student was found dead in one of the girls bathrooms, and Sebastian was not the least bit surprised that Albus already had his theories about who could have done it. Sebastian had one as well, but for the moment he didn’t say a word, not even to Dumbledore. Instead he wrote to Ominis, and Ominis agreed, writing personally to Amando Dippet, calling for him to close the school. And with the rumors of the school closing, whatever had attacked the Ravenclaw girl stayed abay. But Sebastian did not expect, was for Tom to suddenly march the half giant Rubeus Hagrid in front of the staff, telling them about the giant spider the student kept hidden, or as Tom put it - the monster that killed that Ravenclaw girl.
Given wizards and witches ability to age greater than muggles, a few things could happen. Sebastian could decide to retire before the age of 70, spending the rest of his life with whatever family and friends he still had left, or he could continue teaching, doing his research on the side, just like he had always done it. Just like professor Fig had done it. Just like his parents had done it.
In 1945 at the age of 70, Sebastian would have been at the school, when Tom Riddle asked Amando Dippet for a position at Hogwarts the moment he graduated, before he even ventured a foot outside the school. He would have noted the shaken look on Slughorn when he received that Tom was looking for a position at Hogwarts. But Dippet had declined Tom's offer, believing he was too young, telling him to come back in a few years if he still wanted a position.
In 1947, Sebastian and many others would have been watching with great intent, as the Sorting Hat took it's time with Minerva McGonagall, before finally sorting her into Gryffindor.
If Sebastian still found his age to be no trouble, and his job worth the time and energy, he would have been 81 in 1956 when his colleague, and now friend, Albus Dumbledore would take over the position of headmaster at Hogwarts.
In 1961, at the age of 86, Sebastian would not have been the least bit surprised to see the red heads of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett getting sorted into Gryffindor.
Should age still not be of matter, Sebastian would have been 90 when a Lucius Malfoy got sorted into Slytherin, just five years before the first wizarding war would break out.
But would Sebastian still be alive when Harry's parents would start at Hogwarts? We know that in the mid 1990's, the life average expectancy of a witch or wizard was 137 years and three months, so therefore it wouldn't be strange to believe that he would live so long, even if he was from around 1875. Amando Dippet was around 200 years old, when he took up the position of headmaster, and I still wonder how old Bathilda Bagshot was when she died.
So if we continue under the presumption that Sebastian would live to at least 137 and three months, then he would have been 96 in 1971 when Lily Evans, James Potter, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew sat their feet in the Great Hall for the first time.
Sebastian would have been there, as the Whomping Willow got planted, and maybe, at least once, he would have been one of the teachers escorting a young Remus Lupin to the hidden passage.
Around the year 1975, around the age of 100, Sebastian would find Mr. Potter, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black and Mr. Pettigrew standing outside of his office, whispering among each other, figuring out who should ask him.
"Ask professor Sallow about what?"
Watching the four Gryffindor boys scrumbling among themselves, their faces draining of color. Sebastian knew that look. He had seen it on his friends, and he was sure he had been wearing it several times throughout his life. It was the look of getting caught.
"We're sorry if we disturbed you, professor Sallow, but we have some questions about... well you see...", James Potter said, desperately searching for the words, that would make their professor less suspicious of them. "Sirius here really wants to be a map maker for the ministry, but he just have no idea how to do it, and he’s a little bit embarrassed about it. You know… not being able to make a magical map…", James said, ignoring the dead pan look Sirius was giving him, Remus and Peter holding back their chuckles.
Sebastian studied the boys in front of him, knowing fully well their tendency to sneak around Hogwarts. Four troublemakers they were, and Sebastian had had them at detention in his classroom several times. But there was no denying that he had once found himself in the same position as them, running around the school at night, getting up to no good with his friends. So of course the four trouble making Gryffindors wouldn't fool Sebastian. But what was the harm in letting them know the theory behind magical maps. What could go wrong?
Then, in the year 1981, when Sebastian found himself at the age of 106, news broke of the death of the Dark Lord, after he had hunted down the Potters in their house, and killed Lily and James Potter, leaving a one year old Harry Potter as the soul surviver. Both Sebastian and Albus (I have a theory about how and why Sebastian would know about it, other than being the professor of Magical Theory) would know the truth of Harry's survival - Lily. Lily's love saved Harry and got rid of the Dark Lord.
In 1982 Bill Weasley would start at Hogwarts, and Sebastian once again found himself smiling when he saw Leander and Garreth's red gens still running strong.
In 1984, Charlie Weasley would start at Hogwarts, along side who might be Sebastian's own great grandchild (I have theories/headcannons about how the MC from Hogwarts Legacy might be connected to the MC from Hogwarts Mystery, but that is for another day).
In 1987, Percy Weasley would start at Hogwarts, followed by the twins Fred and George in 1989, making Sebastian wonder where on earth Molly and Arthur found the energy. Although, he thought that they deserved a medal for trying to repopulate the wizarding world after the first wizarding war.
Sebastian would be 116 in 1991, when Harry Potter finally came to Hogwarts, along side yet another Weasley. This would have to be the last Weasley, right?
In 1992 Sebastian would have been proven wrong when yet another Weasley came to the school. However this year, Sebastian would once again find himself writing to Ominis in horror, at the rumors of the Chamber of Secrets having been opened once again. But Ominis was at a loss for words. He had no ideas, and he was worried. Very worried. And he was just as worried when he and Sebastian learned that it was the diary of Marvolo's grandchild that had opened the chamber.
In 1993, Sebastian would finally learn of the reason James and his friends came and asked him about maps, finding his newest colleague Remus Lupin once again asking him about maps. Could these kind of maps show people who were dead? And with that confusing question, Remus would finally show Sebastian the Marauders Map. For a moment fear would rush over his face. What rooms did this map show? But to his luck, neither the Undercroft, the Room of Requirement, nor the entrance into the Map Chamber - none of it. Relief fell over Sebastian, before he answered the question Remus had been asking - no, such a map would not show dead people.
In 1995, a 119 year old Sebastian would feel the first signs of age, as he and all the others awaited the champions’ return from the maze. But to alls horror, Harry Potter would return with the body of Cedric Diggory. And when Harry cried that the Dark Lord was back, Sebastian believed him, contacting Ominis as fast as possible.
When a new school year started in 1995, 120 year old Sebastian found himself seated at the same table as a toad stuffed into a pink dress. Horrible woman, who Sebastian time and time again would find in his classroom, keeping an eye on how he taught the first years in the basics of Magical Theory, taking plenty of notes when he taught the older students who had taken the more advanced class.
In the end of June 1996, Sebastian found himself at the receiving end of strange questions from Albus. One asking about Ominis' whereabouts, and another asking if the could join him for tea. Here Albus asked Ominis for permission to destroy some family heirlooms of his. Not any that he himself had gotten, but his brother. Ominis, having an idea of what it could be about, gave Dumbledore permission. Dumbledore then turned his attention to Sebastian, asking him a question he never thought imaginable - "how does one destroy a horcrux?"
"That", Sebastian answered, pointing towards the sword of Godric Gryffindor. "It is goblin metal, is it not? Taking on the powers of what makes it stronger. Mr. Potter used it to kill the basilisk".
"Remind me to thank the boy one day", Ominis muttered.
The September, Sebastian would return to Hogwarts, finding himself surprised at the return of Slughorn as potions master. Upon asking Albus about it, however, he got told a totally different thing. Different, but probably more important.
"Do not attempt to interfere. Neither you, Ominis or the one that hold ancient power. This is not your fight, and if it is to work, you will have to stay out of it. I thank you Sebastian, for all that you have done, both as a fellow student, a teacher and a friend. But I fear that soon, Hogwarts will not be safe place much longer".
"What would you want me to do, Albus?"
"I want you all to flee the country as soon as possible. Take Ominis and your friend and hide them. If Voldemort were to ever realize that he is not the last of his Salazar Slytherin's descendants, he will try to find them. And should he learn of the power of ancient magic, he will try to use it. He will look for it. And I fear he will be more successful than Ranrok".
At the end of the school year in 1997, Sebastian still found himself at Hogwarts. Though Sebastian may be 122 at this point, he would not be any less stubborn, or convinced that he knew of what to do. But that one evening when Dumbledore was seen, falling from the Astronomy Tower, that had just been illuminated by the familiar green glow of the killing curse, Sebastian understood. As the dark mark hung above the school, Sebastian understood. Once again, those dearest to him was in danger.
And so, like so many others that year, Sebastian packed this things. This would be the last year he taught at Hogwarts. But neither he or those nearest him wished to flee. Instead he stayed at his uncle's old home in Feldcroft, listening in, during what they could in an attempt to help the order.
When Death Eaters took over Hogwarts Valley, they gave the order all the information they could.
Maybe in the year 1998, after Harry Potter had done what needed to be done, you could find an elderly Sebastian Sallow and an elderly Ominis Gaunt, together with an elderly friend of ancient magic, among the many students, teachers, aurors and those who wished for a free world, fighting against the Death Eaters. Maybe they survived it, or maybe this was the battle that killed them.
If they did survive the Battle of Hogwarts, I highly doubt that Sebastian would go back to teaching. Not because he didn't want to, but his age. With the time he and his loved ones would have left in this world, than maybe it would be nice for his to take it slow for once, knowing that he and those closest to him had done their part in history, and now it was time for a well deserved break, hopefully with some good books, a butterbeer in hand, and the smell of the ocean.
I might make a fan fiction out of this.
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s-novyd · 7 days ago
Deathly Hallows theory
Bear with me.
It's quite cemented that Sev, Harry, and Riddle symbolize the three brothers. Sev died for love, Harry greeted death, Riddle was killed drunk in power. Even Dumbledore symbolizes Death in some edits (D & D, heh). Hitherto, I completely agreed with it, and I still think I agree with it.
However, I have read a post about how Sev never got his hands on the stone but the cloak, and so and so. The thought process had its merit, which left me thinking about the rightful ownership of each object and its relevance.
The theory:
First of all, Sev is out of the game. He isn't an owner to any of the Hallows, so, he does not symbolize any of the brothers. Although, he is a combination of all.
Wait, wait. Hear me out.
What if the symbolism isn't exactly the same, but quite the opposite?
As in the three people who symbolize the three brothers are not exactly the same but parallel them in opposite direction. It would be like giving death his things again. Or whatever metaphor it was meant to be.
So what belongs to whom?
The wand is rightfully Dumbledore's through rightful conquest. (?)
The Stone is rightfully Riddle's by rightful inheritance.
The Cloak is rightfully Harry's by rightful inheritance.
The parallels:
The first brother and Dumbledore:
First brother wanted power, asked for the most powerful wand, bragged around about how nobody got get him and got killed asleep, drunk in power.
Dumbledore is already powerful, knows he's powerful, doesn't seek power for power, doesn't even show off his power, on the opposite he's always adopted a grandfather-ly mask, and sacrificed himself and got killed while he was very weak and already dying.
The second brother and Riddle:
Well, the second brother loved (italicised), like really loved, to the point that when his loved one couldn't live in the living realm he killed himself.
Riddle, well, the exact opposite. Seeks immortality and is a loveless, narcissistic bastard.
The third brother and Harry:
As we all know, the last brother hid from Death. Death searched for him but he was hiding under the cloak. Until time came, and he greeted Death as an old friend.
Harry? Bruh. Harry dives headfirst into danger, as if he's the one searching for Death. And even when trouble comes to him without him running to it, he doesn't run away. Never hid from it, intentionally. In fact, he, sometimes, yearns for Death to take him. He went to meet Death in the forest but was not friendly greeting Death. He was determined and depressed and wants to end it all.
Dumbledore parallels, and in that symbolizes, the eldest brother. Riddle parallels, and in that symbolizes, the second one. Harry parallels, and in that symbolizes, the last brother.
But wait, who symbolizes Death? Or in this case contradictory parallels Death but is Death..
Snape saved Dumbledore's life and his power facade after the poisoning. Then killed him in his weakest state upon the other's orders, saving his dignity too.
Snape PROTECTS Harry. He hides him from Death, with everything he's got. Then, in a way, sent him to meet Death.
Snape killed Riddle for love. I don't care who served the last blow to Riddle (which would be the elder wand itself, in loyalty to its master; not to mention Snape's role in this too), Sev did everything he did to bring Riddle down avenging his love. He died manipulating Riddle and digging Riddle's grave, for love.
And that's how the cycle ends, or... circulates.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 months ago
Unlikely by ObsidianPen (@obsidianpen) Pairing: Harry/Tom Riddle Rating: T Word Count: 2k “Like all magical people, you will get a soul mark when you get your wand,” the genial wizard explained after calmly lighting Tom’s wardrobe and sense of self-preservation on fire. “Unless, of course, your soulmate is younger than you. Then your soul mark shall appear whenever theirs does. They are always on one’s chest, right over your heart. Usually, they are somewhat vague and take time to interpret correctly. Phrases such as ‘Rival to Lover’, or ‘Instantaneous Love’… But they always make sense in the end, and it becomes apparent whom the great, wild magic intended you to be with.” Tom Marvolo Riddle lived his entire, long life thinking that he - Lord Voldemort - was the exception to love. Harry learned at eleven that he would never escape the damnation of Tom Marvolo Riddle. (translation available in Русский)
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capriddle · 7 months ago
I find it hilarious that so many fans say absurd things to not accept Delphi. There are obviously those who say that TCC is not canon, those who say that Voldemort does not have a penis (why shouldn't he have one?), those who say that Delohi was created with a ritual similar to that of Voldemort's rebirth and even those who claim that Bellatrix may have used a love potion! I mean, Bellatrix raping Voldemort and he never noticing! I can't find the funniest and most absurd, surreal part of this theory! I mean, this is fine but two adults who like each other (confirmed by many elements in the books), have sex and decide to keep the baby is absurd! This fandom is out of its mind.
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tomriddlehyperfixataion · 1 month ago
okay question out of genuine curiosity and also here have my thoughts.
how do people know Mattheo Riddle(the character made from a fanfic which ive never read, i think it got deleted from what i heard/read) is the son of Voldemort? because only like-5 people know Tom Riddle became Voldemort, voldemort hates his muggle name so, and im sure Bellatrix doesnt know his original name since i think the only death eaters who do know Voldys OG name were the ones in the graveyard-why was he named 'Riddle'? i know why but why? if his moms Bellatrix, which i think in the fic he came from is who his mom is, he could take her last name? her maiden name at least, Black. i feel he'd be more well known as Bellatrix's son than Voldemorts son.
but if he's known as Mattheo Riddle and IF his parentage isnt paraded around, (but its most likely known for at least his mother since he's most likely raised by Narcissa since Bellatrix goes to Azkaban), then...no one but Dumbledore, Slughorn, and like...maybe one other person know he's voldemorts son, since Voldemort stopped going by Tom Riddle in his 20s after he created the cup.
i know for the sake of fanfics n stuff he's known to be Voldemorts son, because drama, all fun all good im not going on this little ramble to change that, but i think its kinda....interesting to think about-what if people didnt know he was the dark lords son?
what if everyone thought he was Bellatrix's son but were unsure who his father was? since Voldy is snake like by the time the first war starts-so he holds no visual resemblance to Mattheo-people who actually knew Tom would probably clock it but to most, and the ministry-they'd have no clue.
idk i just had a thought about people realistically not knowing who Mattheo actually is and if they dont know who his mom is-they assume hes like, a muggleborn or half blood with a muggle father or something. hence his muggle last name(which oddly sounds like a wizarding name because what kinda last name is riddle? another crack theory-the riddles did come from magic but married out of it to the point of being muggles.)
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therealvinelle · 2 years ago
PAUSE? i have never considered the idea that TOM created the room of requirement. i actually never thought abt who mightve made it... but considering he hid the diadem "among years of students' discarded items" it was likely made before his time? damn there goes that idea. actually perhaps ravenclaw made it considering the diadem presumably also has some sort of legilimency powers (gives you "wisdom") and its located on the upper levels too
Anon is referring to this post, where I contemplated the Room of Requirements and put out that Tom might be the creator. And while it's not a theory I'm particularly invested in, I was... surprisingly able to come up with good arguments, at least good enough that Tom gets put on the list of possible creators for that room.
Just for the record, the "among years of students' discarded items" argument proves nothing about the age of the chamber. Harry enters the room where things are hidden, it simply means that Tom once entered the Room of Requirements with the thought "I need a good hiding place".
So, to retrace my thinking:
Somebody, somewhere, created the Room of Requirements
We have two scenarios for when the room was created, and it was either constructed along with the castle or it was made later on.
If it's the former then Tom Riddle obviously didn't create it, however, I will assume it's the latter. This room isn't used as a learning resource, it isn't widely known, and it is... a very strange thing to implement.
A bit about the Room of Requirements
Most of Hogwarts' esoteric features read like they were implemented by someone working to improve the school. The moving staircases seem impractical at first glance but I can imagine some genius thought, "this way the students will save energy as they can wait for the staircase to move them to where they wanted to go! Get fucked, Escher stairs!", the portraits are surely excellent guards for the student common rooms, just as the Ravenclaw tower being guarded by riddles will surely be delightful!
Were the people making these features particularly practical about it, no, but the point I'm making is that the Room of Requirements doesn't seem to have a purpose beyond being the place students can stash their porn.
It is, however, a room that detects students who are concentrating on a need, interprets this need and then to the best of its ability becomes a physical space filled with objects that are best suited to accommodate this need.
It reads to me like something someone created as an academic exercise.
We also know, from the Marauders being able to create a map that tracks every person present at Hogwarts, that Hogwarts is not... locked from students, for lack of a better term. However James, Sirius, Remus and Peter gained access to this kind of information (and I imagine they have the map connected to some kind of ward that does the surveillance for them, whether they erected the ward themselves or made a use of an existing one doesn't matter as either option allows students... an alarming amount of leeway) the fact remains they shouldn't have been able to.
Which goes a long way in indicating that rumors of Hogwarts impregnable wards might have been exaggerated.
Where Tom comes in
We know Tom was in the top tier of students to have attended Hogwarts, if the room's creator was a student then he's automatically on the shortlist.
And since the room is in Hogwarts, it would have to be either a student or faculty creating it. A student is in my eyes the most likely option, as a faculty member wanting to a bit of magical experimentation would have better arenas to do this than the hallway at their workplace.
A student growing up in a Muggle household, however, would not. If that student is also a prefect, later Head Boy, then all the more occasion to do this as it means he'd be able to be out past curfew with no questions asked.
As for why I suspect Tom specifically: the Room of Requirements is, at its core, a legillimency room. It reads your mind, and uses the direction of your thoughts to give itself form. It's a very neat enchantment, and something very few people would be capable of.
We know Tom Riddle was a talented legillimens even before he started Hogwarts, we know he was compelling people. We also know that by the time he was sixteen, he could implant false memories of committing a triple homicide in a stranger's mind. In other words, he'd been developing his talents. We also know Tom had a talent for wandless magic, and that he'd been self-taught for the first few years.
Now, seeing the Sorting Hat read minds and make verdicts but not be able to do anything further than that, and learning to make objects transform, vanish, or appear with the power of his mind in other classes, who's to say Tom Riddle wasn't inspired to create an object that would read the wizard's mind and then do the magic itself?
Last of all, we know he used the room.
What we know is that somebody certainly did this, and I think it is likely that this somebody was a student at Hogwarts, somebody extremely gifted and innovative and with a talent for Legillimency, and who didn't have occasion to create this room elsewhere.
I can't prove it was Tom, but he's on the shortlist.
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vyrid · 2 years ago
The way Tom Riddle Jr. was conceived never sat right with me. It has so many plot holes, things that don't add up, and it sounds pretty aggressive towards people who are born under the influence of rape.
In the 6th book, Dumbledore says that Merope used the love potion on Tom Riddle Sr. so that they would be together, and she got pregnant along the way. She stopped the usage of Amortentia when she found out she was with child in hopes that Tom Riddle Jr's birth would make Sr. love her. Instead of loving her, Sr was horrified and ran away from her, leaving her pregnant and broke. He was traumatized from being raped and therefore didn't want anything to have to do with his son.
I don't like Dumbledore's theory. I hate it, actually. Because it doesn't make any sense. We can see from the memories Harry and him go through that Merope was practically a squib and had only a drop of magic in her. She could barely wave around her wand, for God's sake! How the hell would a woman as weak as her make Amortentia not once but multiple times? You need to be decent at magic to even attempt to make the love potion. Her drugging Tom Riddle Sr. suggests that she was a powerful witch, but she clearly isn't, as shown in Gaunt House.
Even if she didn't make the potion herself, there is no way that she bought it either considering she was dirt poor and Amortentia, being the strongest love potion and all, was probably very expensive.
It would have made more sense for Tom Riddle Sr. to dump Merope when he found out she was a witch. Merope would have thought that since she was with a child, Sr. would have mercy and try to look at the situation with a cool head. But he left her, and probably never went looking for Tom Jr. because he would be "freaky" like Merope, too.
It would make a lot of sense for Tom to hate muggle's with such a passion, too, because his own father made his life hell because he hated him for having magic. It makes the whole situation seem like more muggles ruined my life, so I'll ruin theirs instead of I'm a hopeless bully simply hungry for power. It would make the impact of what Voldemort became so much stronger, instead of the usual pure-evil for no reason cliche.
And Tom Riddle killing Sr. would have hit so much different, knowing that Tom knew that Sr. hated him because he was a wizard, just like everyone else in his life (Mrs. Cole, the kids at the orphanage.) Tom wouldn't care for Merope enough to commit murder, no matter how much of a psychopath that he was. But somebody insulting him for who he was? Now that would have done it.
People say that her using the potion was necessary because of Voldemort not being able to love, but I have a lot of things to say about this and none of it is friendly. Claiming that since he was a product of loveless intercourse, he in turn didn't have what it was needed to love another is blasphemy. Children born from rape can't love? What? Yes, it is true that kids born of rape are more likely to be anxious and have anxiety and be more detached than other kids, but they are humans, too. They can and have the right to love, too.
If she wanted to make Voldemort loveless so badly, she could have given him a personality disorder or simply made him aromantic. Depersonalization disorder, borderline personality disorder, or emotional detachment all make it really hard to form healthy relationships with other people. Sarah, an actress with depersonalization disorder, said on BBC news that, "I was unable to love." Something along those lines could have been easily fitted into the story instead of attacking kids born from rape.
If that didn't fit into anything J.K.R could do, she could have just used the excuse of him being a psychopath and not caring for love, or having the time to think about it, because he believed himself superior to anyone else, even in the love department.
She could have done so much with Tom Riddle, instead of making him exactly like all the other baseless villains, and she wasted the opportunity. Anyway, she says that Dumbledore thought that was a theory anyway, so I'm going to continue believing what I said above as canon because nowhere in the book actually confirmed that Dumbledore was right and I don't trust Rowling outside of the series.
Very disappointed, Joanne. 👎
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briarpotter · 1 year ago
How did Harry Survive? HP theories.
Since I had posted the Master of Death fanart, I thought I would address some theories.
Potter heads have always debated how Harry had survived in DH when Voldy kills him. I've heard many theories, but only 2 make sense for me.
The first one being, that since Harry had been in possession of all three hallows, it made him the Master of Death. Since the elder wand had alligience to Harry, people believe that it would not kill it's owner. Voldemort killed Snape, thinking that he was the current owner of the wand, when in reality, it had been Harry. The elder wand shifted alligience to Draco when he disarmed Dumbledore in HBP, and later shifted to Harry, when he snatched Draco's wand from him. The wand had never belonged to Snape, contrary to what Voldy believed. He had believed that Snape had owned the wand because he had killed Dumbledore. I had originally believed this theory, when I started hearing something else.
The second theory is that Harry could not die as long as Voldemort was alive. Since Harry's blood was in Voldemort, hence Lily's protection, Voldy was technically Harry's Horcrux. And Voldemort couldn't die either because Nagini was only killed after Harry comes back to life.
The first one does make sense, but when you think about it, and I mean actually think about it, you realise a simple but complex plothole. The Master of Death cannot die unless he welcomes death like an old friend, like Ignotus Peverrel does, so if Harry was the Master of Death, he cannot die. But didn't he welcome death when he goes into the forest? Some people argue that the resurrection stone brought him back, but after severe analysation, I believe Lily's protection is the reason Harry is alive.
I'll see you guys in my next post. Bye!
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hypothermiatapes · 23 days ago
Tom Riddle Had Lupus: A Headcanon
First, I would like to state this has very little if any canon evidence, which is why it is a headcanon. If you have thoughts on it feel free to leave a note, but you must be respectful, especially if you disagree. I highly doubt anyone will even see this, but what I say still stands.
#1: How I Came Up With This Idea
I, like many people, write fanfiction occasionally whether just for myself or myself and others if I ever post it. I had started a new project that includes Tom Riddle as a teenager and I wanted to incorporate a headcanon I saw. The headcanon stated that Tom Riddle is awfully human, he gets sick often, is always too hot, things like that.
With this thought in mind I started digging around on the internet for something that would cause this. Naturally, I came across autoimmune diseases and immediately rolled with it as someone who has a family history of autoimmune. So, this is where this entire thing started.
#2: Why Lupus?
Lupus, like a large majority of autoimmune diseases, has a genetic component involved in it. This is perfect for someone like Tom Riddle because his family has a long history of inbreeding which is known to heighten the risks of certain diseases.
There is still a lot unknown about lupus, but there is some evidence to back up triggers relating to the disease.
Causes/triggers are:
Genetic factors: there are common genes found in people with lupus that are passed down and heighten the risk of an individual getting lupus. People with parents that have lupus are also more at risk than they would be otherwise.
Hormones: lupus most commonly affects women, so it is believed the hormone estrogen could have something to do with it due to woman having higher levels. Woman also commonly have more lupus symptoms before periods and while pregnant. However, no connection has been found between the two, so researchers have moved onto different hormones.
Environment: people more likely to get lupus through genes and hormones can have it triggered by their environment. Again, scientists aren’t 100% sure what environmental factors could cause lupus, but they do have theory’s. The most backed are: Ultraviolet light, infections, silica dust. Other possible factors: medicines, emotional stress and anything that can damage/tire the body (surgery, injuries, birth).
I will not be going over hormones due to little research and the fact Tom Riddle is a biological male and has lower levels of estrogen. Men are also susceptible to lupus, even if they’re less likely to get it.
I’m going to mention how magic seems to work first before I dig into genetics because I will be mentioning Merope Gaunt/Riddle.
We know witches and wizards have a faster healing rate than muggles, and that can easily be drawn back to magic. Especially since healing magic exists, so we know magic is capable of it. This means that a witch and wizards magic naturally will heal them.
Magic also responds to a persons emotions and desires. In the Philosophers Stone Harry mentions his hair growing back when he really wanted it to and apparating onto the school roof when he desperately wanted to get away from Dudley. Theres also spells like the patronus and unforgivables that rely entirely on emotion and intent.
Now, let’s dig into Merope and also the Gaunts in general.
The Gaunts in Meropes time were incredibly inbred and they were described as nearly being squibs. They did still have magic, yes, but they couldn’t wield it like the majority of other witches and wizards. It was there, but not easily accessible.
I think this could be linked back to an autoimmune disease, especially with how Merope, a witch, died from childbirth (I’ll go into this in a bit, so bare with me). If a witch and wizards magic will naturally heal them, then it surely did for the Gaunts as well. That means that when a Gaunt got lupus their magic immediately was put towards repairing the damage their own immune system is wrecking upon their body.
This quickly becomes a problem because the magical reserves for a Gaunt is decreasing the more and more they inbreed. That means a larger and larger percentage of their magic will be put towards healing them. And yes, not every Gaunt will get lupus, however, their magic reserves are dwindling regardless.
Now, I do believe Merope had lupus, mainly based off of her dying after giving birth to Tom. Let me explain.
Lupus is known to put a person at higher risk of pregnancy complications, especially if they have kidney problems, high blood pressure and blood problems (which is common because lupus can cause anemia).
A person with lupus is immediately at higher risk of all these things, especially during lupus flares where the immune system is actively attacking healthy tissue.
Lupus flare triggers are:
Emotional stress
Physical stress to the body
Exposure to sunlight
I assume we all know what happened to Merope after she got pregnant, but I’ll recap. After she got pregnant (physical stress) she released Tom Riddle Sr. from the love potions which led to him leaving her (emotional stress), and her being left out on the streets (sunlight/exhaustion) due to being disowned.
This creates a scenario where she is at extreme risk of lupus flares and anemia (she doesn’t have money to eat enough and is already at risk due to lupus). The stress alone will also raise her blood pressure.
Now, these circumstances would typically lead to a miscarriage or still birth, but this is where magic comes in. I believe Merope wanted her child to live so much that her magic (no matter how little) went towards keeping the fetus alive. However, by the time she gave birth she was so magically exhausted that she didn’t have enough magic to heal her, and many of her organs were probably already shut down/shutting down.
I mentioned how if a person has a parent with lupus they’re immediately at risk, this is where the genetic factor comes from.
Tom Riddle Jr. now has the proper genes to get lupus, however, they need to be triggered to become lupus. I believe this could have easily happened with Tom living in an orphanage.
We’ll start with ultraviolet light (the sun), growing up in an orphanage I’m sure there were times Tom was forced to go outside for prolonged periods of time. Yes, he’s known to be a bookworm and stick to himself, but that doesn’t mean he never went outside.
It’s clear he definitely did from how he took those kids to the cave, meaning he went to the seaside often and found it, or they went on trips to the beach occasionally and he found it. This means he was exposed to ultraviolet light. We also know that at Hogwarts after exams kids are usually forced outside for a while to enjoy the weather (Philosophers Stone).
Infections can also trigger lupus, and while Tom has magic, he is still young and I believe he could’ve gotten one. Orphanages are not the most sanitary, and most don’t have enough money and resources to care for their charges properly. This means that infection/sicknesses are common ground.
Tom could have very well had an immunity to infections while younger without lupus, but I wouldn’t rule the possibility out.
The final trigger that is backed is silica dust. Now, this is a little trickier to look into because I’m lazy and the internet hates me when it comes to looking into Britain. However, I found some stuff.
Silica dust has been used for centuries for construction, and illnesses caused by it only began to be documented around the early 20th century, the time when Tom was a child. That means many of the buildings in London probably were made using silica dust.
This typically wouldn’t be a problem since Tom isn’t the one making the buildings or mining, but WWII definitely brought about a unique situation. Tom may not have been in the muggle world during the Blitz, but the buildings were still demolished and he definitely would have inhaled some silica dust.
Now, let’s go into the other possible reasons that aren’t properly backed.
The types of medications mentioned in my research are things I highly doubt Tom would come in contact with, so that trigger is immediately null.
Emotional stress can be backed by the fact Tom is living in an orphanage of all places. He doesn’t have a proper support system, he’s raising himself and he’s fully responsible for his own wellbeing. That isn’t including the fact he grew up during WWII which is also highly stressful. I don’t think I have to add more to this.
The final possible trigger is things that tire/damage the body. I can’t really think of anything since, y’know, he’s a magical child that doesn’t get sick often until he gets lupus. He’s also not going to be going through any surgeries (hopefully, but the 1920s—1940s are a wild time).
This concludes why I think Tom Marvolo Riddle had the autoimmune disease lupus, thank you for reading.
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
What causes lupus?
Lupus and Pregnancy
What is a lupus flare?
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elephant-in-the-bloom · 1 year ago
Do you know why Dumbledore is the only wizard Voldermort ever feared? Because his phoenix’s feather is Voldy’s wand core! This explains Harry’s somewhat delusional loyalty to Dumbledore but also Voldermort’s fear of the man, after all his magic is always channelled through a creature that answers to the old headmaster who always saw through him.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months ago
i read your horcrux post, its fascinating and very well done! im just stuck on one thing: while i agree that tom definitely has a good share of self-hatred, enough to cause himself pain and endure an agonising process to become immortal, doesnt the whole idea of "killing yourself" for the ritual seem very risky? like what if you actually die lmao then the whole thing was all for naught. i mean i can also see him being confident and arrogant enough to believe he COULD do it without mistakes, but still. seems like a big risk considering his whole shtick is avoiding death as far as possible. anyway thank you for all your metas they are very enjoyable to read and think about!!!
Thank you so much! 💕 I'm glad you liked my Horcrux theory, it's one of the earliest ones I made here and I'm still pretty proud of it.
As for the risk — yeah, it is incredibly risky, that's kind of the point. This is a ritual we know Tom was crazy to attempt multiple times, a ritual in-universe that even just doing it once is considered insanely risky and potentially damaging, not to mention multiple times:
‘Of the Horcrux, wickedest of magical inventions, we shall not speak nor give direction. ...’I mean, why mention it then?” she said impatiently, slamming the old book shut;
That was what you told me he said. ‘Further than anybody,’ And I thought I knew what that meant, though the Death Eaters did not. He was referring to his Horcruxes, Horcruxes in the plural, Harry, which I do not believe any other wizard has ever had. 
(HBP) - only part of the quote since the rest of Dumbles' analysis of Voldemort's character in the above section is questionable.
JKR stated in an interview there is a final horrible step that must be taken to make a Horcrux, something beyond just murder. Cannibalism, physical self-mutilation, or masturbating over the corpse (Yes, I have read this theory somewhere) don't make sense because then Harry couldn't become a Horcrux. It doesn't really leave us with many possibilities.
Additionally, Voldemort talks of how only he was skilled and brave enough to attempt it more than once, to go "further than anyone" ever had:
I, who have gone further than anybody along the path that leads to immortality. You know my goal — to conquer death. And now, I was tested, and it appeared that one or more of my experiments had worked . . . for I had not been killed, though the curse should have done it.
If there was no risk, more people would make Horcruxes and more people would make multiple Horcruxes. Voldemort himself calls it an "experiment". He wasn't sure it would work at any point but the risk was worth it for him.
when he asks Slughorn what would happen if you made multiple Horcruxes he already made two Horcruxes. He experimented with Horcrux when he had little to no information on them. He experimented magically on himself. Multiple times. (He also mentioned "experiments" in plural so I wonder if he had another method besides Horcruxes that he attempted...). This is not a person who cares about "risk" like a normal person. Riping your soul apart to make a Horcrux, even without my theory, is in itself, a huge risk — and he does so consciously 6 times!
Dumbledore, Slughorn, and Voldemort all talk of Horcruxes like an unknown magic, barely attempted by anyone throughout history. Even Magick Moste Evile doesn't give more than a mention to the concept of Horcruxes because no one actually makes them. (It's the spider georg meme: "average dark wizard makes 1 horcrux in their lifetime factoid actualy just statistical error. average dark wizard makes 0 horcruxes. Horcrux Tom, who lives as a wraith in albenia & made 7 horcruxes, is an outlier adn should not have been counted").
If you need to temporarily kill yourself to become immortal it would explain why not more people have tried it. I mean, Grindelwald wanted to be the Master of Death, so why not make a Horcrux, I'm sure he was familiar with the ritual?
Becouse the risk was too great for him to take.
I talked about this a bit here and @iamnmbr3 has this post about this, but Tom, for all that he is the heir of Slytherin, acts a lot like a Gryffindor. He is prideful, sure, but he is so incredibly brave. Experimenting on himself with a super dangerous ritual 7 times is incredibly in character for him. Yes, he's arrogant, he's sure he'd succeed, but unlike Grindelwald or (younger) Dumbledore, he is willing to take the ultimate risk for the sake of his immortality.
It also makes sense symbolically. Like, to become immortal you have to risk your life — to live forever you must be ready to go through death. It makes sense in a symbolic sort of way. It just feels right.
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sallowtheories · 6 months ago
What does Sebastian’s name mean, and what does it say about his character?
In this post I will take a look at Sebastian Sallow’s name, and see what information we can obtain from it. We will first take a look at his first name, and see what the name Sebastian can tell us about his character. We will then look at his surname, and see where that can lead us, followed by a name pattern and character traits that I’ve spotted within Sebastian and other Harry Potter characters.
I decided to look up some of the names from Hogwarts Legacy, because from a storytelling perspective, there’s usually always a reason for characters to be named a certain way. And in the Harry Potter universe, people are certainly named for a reason. It has been proven again and again with Harry Potter characters, 
Being that Sebastian Sallow is my favorite Hogwarts Legacy character, I firmly believe that his character has so much more to offer in the overall Hogwarts Legacy story, along with the possible upcoming second game. And with his character being added til Quidditch, he is most definitely made to be remembered and make an impact.
The name Sebastian is of Greek origin from the word sebastos meaning ”venerable” or ”revered”. And me, having English as my second language, I decided to check up on what these words meant.
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I must admit, that when I first read “respected”, I had a small chuckle. Not because I don’t believe Sebastain is respected, because trust me, he is - it was because of how fitting it was. Sebastian’s character has just been added to another Harry Potter game (Quidditch Champions) not too long ago, and it is pretty much impossible to Google Hogwarts Legacy, without his face and name popping up everywhere. But it also speaks to how he is viewed, within the world of Hogwarts Legacy.
When I first played Hogwarts Legacy, I didn’t choose to go to Hogsmeade with Sebastian. I am a true Gryffindor, and therefore decided to go with Natty, as that just made more sense to me. But during my second gameplay as a Ravenclaw, I decided to go with Sebastian, and that was when I noticed how the teachers spoke of him - with much revere. Many of the teachers express in some sort of way that they are impressed with Sebastain and his abilities. Now, this could also be because many of the teachers at Hogwarts most likely knew his parents, and have noticed qualities in him that they used to have as well. But they all also express some sort of sadness, as it seems like many have noticed a shift within Sebastian after Anne got cursed. They use expressions such as; “I fear his mind is elsewhere”. Now, I have a whole idea of what the teachers may be sensing within Sebastian, but that’s a theory for another day. What is important to focus on is that the teachers consider Sebastian a bright and gifted student, and whatever he is going through, is not “normal” for him.
It is not only the teachers that consider Sebastian gifted or have respect for him. Lucan even tells the MC, that if Sebastian told them about Cross Wands, they must really be good. Now, as many of you may have noticed, people talk about you and Sebastain when you wander around Hogwarts, and so in Feldcroft. These comments either show admiration for Sebastian’s abilities, or maybe even a tiny bit of jealousy. Now, these traits make me think of a few other specific characters, but I’m getting ahead of myself. For now, let us look at Sebastian’s last name.
First we need to figure out what the word “sallow” means, and I found some quick answers.
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When I first read “grayish greenish yellow color”, I must admit, I didn’t find it very flattering. All though, I have to say it’s a fitting name for what we see of the Sallows in the game. It perfectly describes the color of Anne’s skin after she has been cursed, and does give this vibe of sickness and disease. During my research, I also found that people pointed to how the name was fitting when it comes to Sebastian’s goal to find a cure for his sister, which slowly turns into a slow and sickening descent into dark magic.
However, as many may already have noticed, there’s another meaning to the name Sallow. Sallow is a form of three - a type of willow tree. I’ve already seen many people theorise that Sebastian’s wand wood may be willow, which would make a lot of sense. According to Pottermore, this is what Ollivander had to say about willow wands:
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It is fitting that Sebastian, who tries to find a cure for his sister, would have a wand of wood with healing powers. However, the fact that this is a wand wood that often matches up with an owner with some sort of insecurity, is overly fascinating to me. Sebastian comes across as very charming and very confident, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he was hiding some sort of (unwarranted) insecurity. His home life was far from the best with his strained relationship with his uncle, and how knows how Sebastian might have viewed himself. However, the part of Ollivander’s description that fascinated me the most, is this: “(...) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential (...). It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow”. This speaks volumes to Sebastian’s character, along with my firm belief that he will continue to play an interesting part in the Hogwarts Legacy universe, and maybe even the Harry Potter universe itself. With a wand of willow (known to be rare), I decided to take a look at other known characters with willow wood wands, and I was honestly quite surprised. Known owners of willow wands are characters such as Lily J. Potter, Ron Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy - all very important characters for the Harry Potter universe or the stories in which they’re mentioned.
Returning to Sebastian Sallow’s name, I noticed a name pattern seen in a few other Harry Potter characters. Sebastian is one of only four own characters in the Harry Potter universe, who has the initials S.S. The other four being Stan Shunpike, Severus Snape and of course Salazar Slytherin. It is unknown what house Stan Shunpike was sorted into, but it wouldn’t be too strange if he too was a Slytherin. With that being said, all four have more than just their house in common. All four have had run-ins or dived into Dark Magic. Stan Shunpike was sent to Azkaban, after he claimed he had inside information on the Death Eaters, and would at one point join/help the Death Eaters, though it was suspected to be under the Imperius Curse. We all know the story of Severus Snape, and there’s no need to explain Salazar Slytherin. All four of these characters have an important impact on the story that they are a part of, and are continuously returning, and I have a feeling that Sebastian Sallow will do so as well.
With all these things combined, just from looking at Sebastian Sallow’s, I fully firmly believe that we will see more of him in the upcoming second edition of Hogwarts Legacy, in which he once again will play an important part to the story. And as many of you may already have noticed, I believe that Sebastian is more than just a main B character in a Harry Potter game. I believe that he has an important role to play in the upcoming story, and I have a sneaking suspicion that he may be tied to Tom Riddle in more ways than just being a Slytherin and friends with one of Voldemort’s blood relatives. But that’s a theory for another time.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 1 year ago
Is the chamber of secrets guarded by a snake because normally the gossip bitches that know everyone secrets are snakes?
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