#toh au vitimir
project-zamico · 9 months
So wanted to ask, what were the reason for the redesign choices for Raine, Eberwolf, Adrian, and Vitimir?
Sorry for the late answer, College has been hell haha. So! I'll go design by design and answer as much as i can without spoilers.
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Raine was changed to give them more of a story, explore them more. Also when i was talking to some of my friends about how i wasn't too sure what to do with Raine, as they "just looked like a pirate" , wwe figured that'd be perfect! So, Raine is a pirate, and a sea myth beast/demon. Won't sppil which one/ :]
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With Eberwolf I won't lie, they were one of the last I did redesigns for as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them. Wether to keep them as a demon or change that. As in the show, despite being an adult who's clearly strong as they're a coven leader, they're depicted as an animal. And when pupetified the design looks like how in old media girls would be portraying to "dress up" pets. There fore, I decided on having them be a witch. As either way it's.. weird that an demon that acts animalistic controls other beasts. I still wanted to keep Eber short, as I know short adults exist. And planning to keep them mute still. And working on a sort of 'sign language'? or just a way that Eber deals with it in their day to day life.
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Adrian. oooo This one constains a lotta spoilers. But one thing i CAN say is that I wanted to include more demon designs, as having prettymuch ALL of the characters we see being witches felt odd and boring.
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Vitmir!! So, bc the og show never really, made it clear if theres any issues with racism between witches and demons (which i doubt theres none) I wanted to actually adress it. Such as, the less "witch like" a demon looks, the more expresive things are, and harder it is to find clothing for yourself. Which includes Vitimir right here. Because of this he was taught how to sew from a young age and makes his own clothes.. kinda. he tries! Also, the leg change is bc i felt it didnt fit in wit hthe rest of the design. as those were more bird like but the legs they have are more like, for hooves or paws. I gave him long ears because i thought itd fit nicely, and he was never given ears og so . I removed the mask,as I dont want TOO MUCH going on. And bc i cnahged, or like, actualyl made how it works. The chest's shelfs are on both sides, and have the colours of the covens. This is so Vitimir can stay more organsied. And i have him a tail as a treat. and the bun is so that his hair doesnt fall into the potions they're making.
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jess-the-vampire · 8 months
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got asked to come up with more palisman designs so here ya go, i had fun
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helis97 · 1 year
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King is NOT taking any of Belos crap.
This is my Au were Belos mysteriously returns to the Boiling Isles years after his complete defeat. Offering a ritual to release the palismans he has consumed in exchange of asylum. And it’s just shenanigans from this point on.
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aroacemisha · 1 year
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*transes your himbo*
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hasturstoad · 4 months
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quick WoF! Vitimir (hivewing)
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theowlhousesaga · 2 years
CovenKidsAU Character Reference Sheet!
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thedodgyau · 7 months
Explaining my ‘Coven heads adopt Hunter AU’
So basically in an AU where Luz never came to the isles, but everything goes smoothingly, just without her??
I mean Willow and Amity might take longer to reconcile, but they will eventually.
Things might take a bit longer, but I imagine that Phillip will have figured things out by himself just a month or two later without her.
So basically, the au starts on the DOU, Hunter has defected at this point, but instead of it being the Hexsquad who run to the human realm, it’s the coven heads.
They have to adapt to life in the human realm, get over there fued, and maybe even develop a bit of a found family bond. Adrain even manages to get a job.
Back in the Demon realm Hunter, who was close with Gus and Willow, had taken refuge at ‘New Hexside’ occasionally thought about the coven heads, and wondered what had come about of them. He has a lot of mental trauma to process, and isn’t doing so good.
Belos, who followed the Coven heads into the human realm, eventually possessed Raine, who was able to fight him off, and ended up with the tear scar things we see in WaD.
They open the portal, get back home, and now have a crusty child abuser and little starbrat to face.
Hunter, needing to clear his head, goes on a walk, and gets attacked and possessed by Belos.
Belos takes Hunter the castle and tried to manipulate The Collector, but when the two get separated, Hunter finds a large body of water and tried to drown him out, and Belos separated from him, and Hunter tried to chase after him, but he was exhausted, and fighting down a massive panic attack. Belos ends up connecting himself to the Titans heart.
The coven heads find the collector, and after being tortured for a bit they manage to try and connect with him, and then go to try and defeat Belos.
They find Hunter in similar circumstances to the way they found Raine, and after a quick reunion with a child whose kind of frightened of them, they end up trying to defeat Belos.
And then Hunter, the child they were starting to grow just a little fond of and realised they’d greatly wronged over his short life, dies trying to save the collector.
Where he meets the golden guards and Papa Titan, gets a hug, some reassurance, and also some badass Titan powers.
So then- Belos is dead, Hunters got some serious trauma that he needs to talk about, The coven heads have managed to aquire a child, The Collector is back in the stars, and everyone is happy.
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darrowfire15 · 6 months
The Dragon House AU
A self-indulgent AU with my OCs. It's a lot, so please take your time going through it.
(Original Role - Replacement)
Luz Noceda - Akari Hisakawa (OC, “Akari” is Japanese for "light" or "brightness") 
Edalyn Clawthorne - Robyn Long (OC, cursed with the dragon curse) 
Raine Whispers - Vitimir 
Darius Deammone - Hettie Cutburn 
Eberwolf the Huntsman- Mason 
Lilith Clawthorne - Wilder Long (OC, One of Robyn's older brothers, a small personality change) 
Dell and Gwendolyn Clawthorne - Alto and Giselle Long (OCs, Robyn and Wilder’s parents) 
Terra Snapdragon - Darius Deammone 
Adrian Graye Vernworth - Raine Whispers 
Amber, Katya, and Derwin - Edalyn, Lilith, and Morton 
Amity Blight - Kenzie Zamora (OC)
Willow Park - Orion Cutburn (OC, Hettie’s son)
Augustus Porter - Yule Fiedler (OC)
V/Vee - III/Ree (pink basilisk)
Masha and 2 human friends - Purple-shirted friend of Vee, random human, and Luz
Morton - Huxley Long (One of Robyn’s older brothers)
Boscha, Cat, and Amelia - Bria, Gavin, and Angmar (They hold themselves higher than the weaker students) 
King Clawthorne would be renamed to Malik.
Hooty would be renamed to Scaly and have a dragon motif.
All of the palismen change to fit the witch, aside from Hunter, who still receives Flapjack and then Waffle through Dell’s new apprentice.
Jacob Hopkins, The Collector, Papa Titan, Osran, Steve, Emperor’s Coven members, Kikimora, Hunter, and Belos are the same. 
Location Changes
The Dragon house is located outside of Latissa, deep in the woods. It’s a treehouse with a spiral staircase around the tree to the top. It’s situated on one of the bigger trees in the forest and connects to other buildings in the trees with bridges. 
Hexside is switched out for Glandus High, along with the students, teachers, and principal. The detention track exists here as well as a separate classroom. 
Everything that happened in Bonesburough now happens in Latissa, and vice versa, the coven scouts are just a bit more prominent. 
The hill that Raine and Eda sit on is swapped with a cave in the woods where Vitimir and Robyn hung out in school and later in adulthood. 
Blight Industries and the Blight Manor are switched out for Zamora Technology and the Zamora Estate. 
The Looking Glass Ruins are swapped out for a jungle temple that is the resting place for the most powerful Bards. It holds their most powerful instruments and guarded by a large manticore. It is located east of the Titan’s skull on the shoulder. 
Series Changes
Akari would have a single father instead of a single mother. His name is Mamoru Hisakawa. They also have a tradition for the other parent’s birthday since they passed away. 
Orion would be in the Oracle track with Kenzie before being changed to the Healing Track. Hettie did this because she didn’t want him to be ostracized for being a Cutburn.
Robyn turns into an Eastern dragon when cursed and into a Dragonborn when he comes to terms with his curse. 
Robyn gets his elixirs from his brother Huxley, who makes and sells them in Latissa at his own stand. 
Instead, we experience how Glandus would have handled the greater basilisk if they had a human at their school. They win in the end. 
Wilder cursed Robyn because he thought it would encourage him to join a coven and get healed. It backfired very quickly and horribly.
Robyn, in his cursed form, injured Alto to the point of making him unable to play the violin and make instruments. 
Wilder turns into a wyvern when cursed (larger than Robyn’s cursed form) and into a Dragonborn in the epilogue. 
In flashback sequences with the Long family, Cillian and Huxley are present, but do not speak (Robyn’s other brothers).
Cillian comes to the Dragon House instead of Giselle and tries his own methods to drive out Robyn’s curse. He wants to try and fix everything because he’s the oldest. 
Flashback moments with Robyn and Vitimir are centered around potion-making and playing hooky with Vitimir’s work (Platonic with a few romance moments, not dating). 
The BATTs are renamed to PATs (Potions Against Tyranny) and CATTs are renamed to CATs (Covens Against Tyranny).
When fighting against Hettie and Mason, Robyn and Vitimir create a ‘super potion’ that will stun their attackers when coming in contact with Robyn’s curse via playing the violin. 
IFWOT/HECK is not how Robyn and Vitimir meet. Instead, they meet in school where Robyn approaches Vitimir. Darius (same age as them) and Hexside’s Grudgby team is there for a game and problems ensue. 
Orion and Hunter are not shipped together, just friends/brotherly who bond when the Emperor’s Coven arrives at Glandus to brand the students. Orion is 13 years old, Hunter is 16 years old. 
Robyn’s human disguise name is Gerald. He hides his ears and horns with a big cowl and his tail is hooked to his belt like a chain. 
Darius begrudgingly plays the part of Robyn in the Collector’s “Dragon House” game and makes fun of him for liking Potion brewers.
Kikimora goes to Glandus disguised as Miki and her Abomatron as Roka, students from St Epiderm. She builds her empire there with those students.
Hunter, with Orion, would be greeted by Mason and Hettie when everyone is turned back to normal. 
Hettie, Mason, and Vitimir team up with Zamora Technology and Blight Industries to find a way to remove the sigils. It turns out successful.
Unchanged Parts
Gravesfield is still the location of the portal door, therefore Akari and her dad live there and Akari goes to school there. 
The portal door is found buried in the ground. 
Belos’ past (whatever we have of it) is the same with Caleb and Evelyn, and slowly taking over the Isles with the grim walkers he made with Caleb’s dead body.
The Emperor's Castle, the Conformatorium, and the Archives locations do not change. 
Training on the Knee still happens, just with Akari, Robyn, Kenzie, and and Kenzie’s cousins.
Palisman Adoption Day still happens, just at Glandus High. 
Time-traveling to the past to meet Philip Wittebane with Akari and Wilder. 
The Titan Trappers exist and still want to look for the last Titan. 
Hunter leaves the Emperor’s Coven after going through Belos’ mind and learning about his true intentions. 
More students start learning multitrack. 
Hunter tells the school about Belos’ Draining Spell plans. 
The Coven heads still fight on the Day of Unity, the roles are just swapped.
No matter how, Vitimir’s hat gets cut in half at the Day of Unity.
Robyn’s arm gets pulled off during the Draining Spell. 
Belos enlisted the help of the Collector for the Draining Spell, and did not keep his end of the deal. 
S3E1’s events happen the same way. 
The Archives get built over the Titan’s head. 
The Collector’s backstory is the same. 
The Titan gives the human his remaining powers to help stop Belos. 
Dell still gets an apprentice and hits his goal to replenish the palistrom trees with the Bat Queen. 
Hettie changed Orion’s last name to Pines to keep him safe from Belos (Reference to Gravity Falls). 
Yule is in the Bard track playing the cello. Their dad works as an author and was in the Illusion track. 
Kenzie’s parents are the biggest manufacturers of crystal balls in the Isles. Their company is called Zamora Tech. 
Her mother is in the Illusion Coven and her father is in the Oracle Coven. 
New Palisman with witches:
Robyn has a brown griffin palisman named Ginger. 
Kenzie has an orange moth palisman named Squeak.
Orion has an forest green Aesculapian snake palisman named Basil. 
Yule has a gray jumping spider palisman named Lucas.
Akari has a yellow axolotl palisman named Hibiki.
Wilder has a white porcupine palisman named Spike. 
Alto has a muted green manticore palisman named Brutus.
Giselle has a green-blue Cerberus palisman named Cerb. 
Bria has a purple poison dart frog palisman named Yahir. 
Glandus High’s Principal has a brown squirrel palisman named Chestnut. 
Cillian has a navy blue eel palisman named Thunder.
Huxley has a black wolf palisman named Forrest. 
Spell Circle Colors
Robyn Long
Alto Long
Hunter (with staff)
Belos (with staff)
Akari Hisakawa (training wand)
Raine Whispers
Hunter (with Flapjack)
Edalyn Clawthorne
Huxley Long
Yule’s dad
Glandus Oracle teacher
Kenzie’s cousins
Glandus Oracle Teacher
Yule Fiedler
Akari Hisakawa (with Hibiki)
Kenzie’s mother
Lilith Clawthorne
Glandus High Principal
Hettie Cutburn
Orion Cutburn
Giselle Long
Cillian Long
Kenzie Zamora
Kenzie’s father
Darius Deamonne
Akari Hisakawa (with Titan powers)
Wilder Long
Emperor’s Coven members
The PATs wear steampunk-inspired lower-face masks and goggles. Vitimir only wears the goggles. 
Their outfits are also to help conceal their identities. 
Giselle is in the Healing Coven and has been trying to use different healing methods on Robyn’s curse. 
Alto is in the Bard Coven. He used to teach young witches how to play certain instruments and used to hand-make instruments. 
Glandus High’s principal is trying to diminish the whole “Strongest students at the top of the food chain” thing. It’s not going well, but he’s trying. 
Wilder, after leaving the Emperor’s Coven, starts working a job that studies extinct beasts on the Boiling Isles. 
When Robyn and Wilder’s curse starts showing, they sprout scales on their skin the same color as the scales on their tails. 
Robyn’s personality is not like Eda’s, so his way of teaching magic is a bit different, but still strange to Akari and everyone else. 
Of the Glandus Group: Orion is the youngest (13), then Akari (14), Kenzie (14), then Yule (15), and Hunter is the oldest (16). 
Vitimir uses his corrosive breath to fight against the spreading mold from Belos when he possesses the Titan’s heart. 
Kenzie’s cousins live in the Palm Stings, but enjoy visiting once in a while to bug their cousin and help their aunt and uncle. 
Akari and Kenzie confess to each other and start dating after Scaly tries to get them together. 
Akari also comes out to her dad as bisexual and is accepted. 
Kenzie has a job at Latissa Inn at the Front desk and the Inn’s IT witch. At Zamora Tech, she tests out their beta versions of new projects. 
She dyes her hair from dirty blonde to Oracle purple after she loses her job for leaving her post. Her real hair color is black.
Scaly is still an anomaly to the Glandus group and to Robyn, despite being a house demon. 
During the Apocalypse:
Most of the Boiling Isles inhabitants were turned into puppets. 
The Collector and Malik play “The Dragon House” game.
Robyn, Wilder, and Malik stay together as the Collector thinks Robyn is still in his cursed form. 
Glandus High is being run by the students and Bria with “Miki” helping her. 
The Glandus Group was thrown into the Human realm, then found a way back to the Demon Realm. 
Darius plays Robyn in “The Dragon House” game until he steps out of line and gets turned into a puppet by the Collector. 
Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are the three who want the throne while the Isles is being rebuilt and are scared off by Hettie and Mason. Eberwolf sneaks back to touch the throne before a scalpel is thrown at him. 
Time-skip stuff:
Akari and Ree graduate high school and Akari goes to the Boiling Isles for College (all majors).
Orion is a nurse at his mother’s clinic taking on a Dr. Frankenstein role and part-time Flyer Derby player. 
Hunter works with Alto to create instruments that younger witches can play. 
Alto and Giselle are seen at their work with Orion and Hunter. 
Wilder and Scaly get to work at the University of Wild Magic for Abominations. Wilder also gets his Dragonborn form. 
Kenzie works at Zamora Tech with her (now divorced) father as head engineer. 
The Glandus Principal is still at Glandus, mostly diminishing its student rules. 
Vitimir, Hettie, and Mason collaborated with Blight Industries to help create a machine that removes sigils. 
The Manticore from the Jungle Temple is living peacefully, now with cubs.
Yule is a big musician who’s released a few albums. 
Robyn works with his brother Huxley to produce an elixir that helps ailments and lasts longer. 
Robyn gains a mechanical arm to replace his disintegrated one, made by Zamora Tech. 
Vitimir gets a palisman.
The group celebrates Akari’s birthday as she starts college in the Boiling Isles. 
Malik shows Akari his new light glyph. 
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stormvanari · 2 years
so i extended the “Coven Heads Fight, but they’re TF2 Mercenaries” thingy I did because I performed a “copy and paste” trick of sorts to save my phone’s storage from exploding
in retrospect, there are a few things I could have done justice on this clip, but y’know what i like it: coupa parts I enjoyed editing here
Featuring (highlighted in red are new):
Darius (Demoman); Abomination Form (Horseless Headless Horsemann)
Raine (Sniper)
Eberwolf (Scout)
Mason (Engineer)
Hettie (Medic, duh)
Adrian (Spy)
Osran (Heavy)
Terra (Soldier)
Vitimir (Pyro)
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Goofy ahhh luz bad end au
Empress luz au 2.0 Empress luz au/Corrupted noceda au.
Basically a future au set after the epilogue,where instead of there being a portal between both worlds,the two realms are fused together which was the collector's doing prior to them going back to the cosmos,as their "gift" for luz's king-ceañera (also the fusing happend after their collector magic fireworks display).
Luz the hexsquad and the rest of the former catts members have to deal with the consequences of the collector's mistake as the humans are racist towards and are afraid of the witches as well as their culture while the witches don't like how simple and weak the humans are (unnamed witch to a human: omg you don't eat kraken tentacles everyday?. and you think it's gross and unnatural?,stop being so childish ffs 🙄. also the witches only view this towards other humans and not luz hunter or camila. and the main witches in the series don't judge the humans for having a hard time adjusting to demon realm culture),
the collector attempts to help as well since they're the one who did this,and at some point luz realized that the isles needed a ruler more than ever with the culture clash crisis and someone better than belos and who else would be able to rule the isles without fucking it up than luz?,thus she chose herself to rule since she knows that her good heart and intuition would be able to fix most of the issues that arose due to the realm fusion. Several months passed and things were going great besides luz getting more fatigued than usual due to empress duties,but after five years of ruling the isles she is now stressed asf and is basically losing her mind due to the responsibilities of being the empress plus her human body cannot handle such a large amount of stress even with help from her friends and family,
thus eda went out to find a potion to help luz relax and get her energy back but she ended up finding nothing despite looking at every potion stand in the star realm (what the collector calls the new human demon realm fusion world. since the fusion world is now imbued with collector magic and celestial beings due to it being created by the collector),luz was ready to give up and give the position to someone else but then a potion was conveniently delivered to her by bird a few hours after eda told her about not finding anything to help her,the potion had a label reading "fatigue be gone! sun ray energizer brew. only 99 snails per bottle. it also enhances your stamina!" and it had black mist coming out of it so luz knew that the potion was fishy and so she told amity to look at it under a microscope and amity surprisingly found nothing bad or poisonous in the potion,so luz decided to drink it and she suddenly feels so much better and later on she uses it as her main medicine for when she feels super tired from being the empress.
However.. overtime luz slowly became more and more.. off as she kept drinking the sun ray energizer potion,to the point that she sleep walks while randomly holding a knife in her hand or getting drunk silly on occasion even though she's a lightweight that can't handle alcohol,and it eventually came to the point where luz was starting to become ridiculously evil with her making a plan to kill everyone via several giant ice spikes from ice glyphs shooting out of the ground from a machine (she almost succeeded and would've done so if amity wasn't there to stop the machine) suddenly hating everyone and no longer being the empathic sweetheart that she once was or even trying to literally disembowel hunter with an abomination blade,and the worst part is that she only does this when she's asleep and wakes up with no memory of it,and this is only the beginning,also luz eventually finds out that the potion is actually a liquid curse that was delivered to her by terra's plant bird (a raven that looks like a regular raven but is actually just a shit ton of vines once cut) and that it was made by vitimir with the purpose of luz being taken over by the potion's corruption ingredient and
that vitimir terra n' adrian are secretly planning to overthrow luz in order for them to all rule the isles the way they want to (adrian wants to be taken seriously and believes that being a ruler will allow him to achieve that vitimir wants to be seen as more than just a potion demon and gain a better reputation than the creepy potion man whereas terra is just power hungry. this thing of these three being the villains is based off of them being the "while some others would prefer that things were still the same as before" scene aka the part where they were trying to lift up the remains of belos' castle). And when i said that the above info was the beginning of luz's corruption,i actually mean that what she did to everyone wasn't the worst of her deeds,her most horrific deed of all,is her most recent one which is attempting to literally destroy the star realm (human demon realm fusion) and everything in it via her new explosion glyphs along with a machine that'll help enhance the explosions but corrupted!sleeping luz cruelly left a three month deadline for everyone to prepare for their demise or to prepare stopping her.
The W.I.R.T committee (Witches In charge of Ruling The isles. It was formed named and conceptualized by raine after they figured that luz would need some help with taking care of the entire isles) consisting of eda lilith raine eberwolf camila the hexsquad and luz's new friends (ocs. hemlock hollis ramona roux valerie and zeno. manager of plant and environment affairs,manager of abominations and the abomination golem military,manager of medicine pharmacy and disease know how, manager of farm animals making sure that no animal cruelty is being done forest/habitat protection and zookeeping,and manager of most musical perfomances bard safety [making sure there's no instrument related accidents reminding bards to not be too loud as to accomodate for hard of hearing people etc] and bard advice) are going to attempt to stop her before it's too late (and they succeed).
Also adrian terra and vitimir are gaining more trust from the people of the star realm via their weird cult that worships belos called the order of the emperor,although the cult members consist of the people who used to be belos' followers during his reign in s1-s2,and the three bastards are actively brainwashing/propagandizing belos' teachings to the public whilst gaining the faith of the belos worshippers from their cult,they're doing all this so that they can overthrow luz with their army of believers but it doesn't work as the hexsquad deal with them prior to stopping luz like two months into the three month deadline luz gave them (the now adult hexsquad all defeated adrian terra vitimir and their army within just two months of investigation and preparation. i'm so proud 🥹). Also the au title came from luz joking about her curse potion's effects and how it corrupted her,luz: luz noceda? more like corrupted noceda *laughs bitterly while holding back tears*. After all the drama and action,luz will be so immensely guilty for what she did and sincerely apologizes and everyone forgives her despite her literally almost destroying everything if it weren't for the w.i.r.t preventing her from doing so,and she cries so much due to thinking that she basically turned into belos while in her corrupted state but camila reminds her that she's not belos as it was the curse potion's fault that she acted that way and that she's truly a good person without the effects of the potion and she becomes relieved,happy ending yayyy but not without trauma and damage to the isles though (empress luz 🤝 canon hunter = feeling like they're similar to the wittebros due to trauma™ even though they're not like those guys personality wise).
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
Ok but like, an AU where the hexsquad stays in the Boiling Isles and the Covenheads recover quickly, then go through the portal and into the human realm to escape the collector.
(For the sake of the AU to work, Eda was the one clever enough to remember her curse and she cut off her arm herself, then the Covenheads recovery was quicker and try to find a way to escape by going to higher ground. Terra and Adrian see the Portal and make a run for it and the others follow suit. Raine follows to say that they don't want to leave Eda and the others but Darius drags them with him to get to safety. Terra and Mason get greedy and knock the Hexsquad away from the portal. Luz and the others try to catch up but it's too late as the portal closes and ends.)
Think about it. It'll be played seriously as they try to find a way back. Of course, there'd also be some humor too about them being stuck in a different world.
Raine and Darius would share the single braincell trying to hold everyone together. Raine is the one who suggests that they lay low while trying to find a way back.
Then Raine gets the idea that they need to not only hide their ears, but also need to blend in with regular human clothes. (So naturally, they have to resort to stealing clothes ATLA style.)
They'll also have to do some small accommodations for Vitimir's legs, Hettie's horns (if they're horns it could be a headpiece we don't know) Terra's hair, Osran's extra hands, and Adrian has to just hide his tail with an illusion.
They also pass off Eberwolf as a type of feral wolf they keep as a pet.
They keep shelter at the portal house and Mason is the one to repair it up a bit to make it more livable. (Albeit, with Terra's floral but deadly touches as decoration/security)
Of course they don't get along, but they do their best to put it aside in order to find a way home and stop Belos. (Terra and the Covenheads that were previously loyal to Belos now just want to get some revenge for being manipulated the entire time.)
In terms of food, they resort to stealing food from markets via illusions and sneaking around since they have no idea how human currency works.
About the Rebus, Mason finds it while remodeling the interior one day, coincidentally around Halloween-time. (since it's Halloween they don't need to hide their ears and one tail, people will think it's a costume.)
They try to decipher the rebus but to no avail, so they have to resort to asking someone and of course they run into Masha and they help.
Darius notices the golden guard symbol again and Raine notices the statues of the Whittebane Brothers where one looks like Belos.
For a small break they decide to sit down and watch Masha's retelling of the "Brothers Whittebane". During the ride, Darius notices the bird that looks an awful lot like Hunter’s palisman.
It isn't until after that one by one they piece together that Belos came from the Human realm and was one of the brothers on the statue. (They don't know what happened to the other brother though.)
Then Darius notices something in the woods and goes after it. The others follow and see Belos possessed Darius and they fight him and manage to get him out of his body.
The try to fight him again to defeat him but it doesn't work. Darius is severely hurt so she stays back to heal him. (This time, while they're fighting Adrian manages to look inside Belos’s mind via a similar spell that doesn't need an amplifier.)
Belos manages to escape through the portal, and with Darius healed within time, they quickly go in through the portal.
I really liked this sudden idea I just had to share.
Also yes Darius is the equivalent to Hunter here because of his connection to the previous golden guard.
And Adrian is the equivalent to Gus in this scenario (in his own twisted way) because he has the magic to look into a person’s memories. (Then it'll come up as he pieces it together that Belos killed his brother and made him into a grimwalker.)
Then Darius has to face the fact that Hunter is a grimwalker as well as the previous Golden Guard.
What can I say except that I live for parallels?
I may do a part 2 of this for how the rest goes, who knows.
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project-zamico · 10 months
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Theres specific reasons for the ones which are more drastic, esp ones like Raine, Adrian, emberwolf, and Vitimir. I can answer any questions abt the redesigns in the Asks! :]
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jess-the-vampire · 5 months
Hunter staring at Vitimir's box backpack, disturbed.
Hunter: "Are those claws? And tentacles? And they're still moving in the backpack???"
Caleb: "Best to stay away from Vitimir."
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daughterthethird · 8 months
rereading my favourite manga for the 4th time !!!! :] (its beastars)
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon the owl house au: the coven heads and their partners
Vitimir and reapermon
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Fresh: mokumon
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In training: demimeramon
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Rookie: candlemon
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Champion: wizardmon
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Mega: reapermon
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Vitimir, Osran and Eber from the Mob Vs Law AU~ 
Eber didn’t get fully sketched out, yet, but we’ll get there, lol
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