#toh au angst
captainmera · 9 months
Omgomgomg so I just started reading tgb a few days ago, and I just passed the part where Hunter hears belos in the grey dog, and has the panic attack, and AAAA!! the scene where Willow goes to comfort him when he's curled up under the sink, and HE PULLS HER INTO THE HUG HAD ME IN SHAMBLESSS (´▽`)
Your story is so well written, I can vividly picture and hear every scene in my head as if I were watching it on screen!!
This beautiful story is definitely top-tier toh content, thank you for this masterpiece ❤️
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I really liked that scene too. :') [chapter 12. The grey dog]
Thank you for reading, I'm glad you enjoy my writing..! ;-;/
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keanoble · 1 month
been thinking about possessed willow and OH BOY does it make these all the more gut wrenching
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idoodlestuffsometimes · 8 months
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Story Post 14 (Part 3)
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: Two pages of a black and white comic. PAGE ONE PANEL ONE: On Dell as Gwen, from off panel, offers him the crow phone. "Well, your father wanted to call for good reason," she says. "Here, I'll put him on the phone!" PANEL TWO: "You should really talk to--" Eda stares down at the crow phone, horrified. PANEL THREE: "CLICK" The phone hangs up. A large panel of Gwen and Dell at their dining room table, stopped in the middle of Gwen giving and Dell taking the phone. "...him," Gwen finishes. PANEL FOUR: The same angle as before, but the the panel is mostly blank, empty except for Gwen and Dell. The two of them hold hands, their heads bowed in sadness.
PAGE TWO PANEL ONE: Whip! Eda hurls Lilith over her shoulder. PANEL TWO: Crack! Lilith slams against the ground. PANEL THREE: An overhead view of Eda standing over a defeated Lilith, crumpled on the ground. Instead of looking at Lilith, she glares up at the crow phone flying overhead in the foreground. "I told you to stop coming," she growls. PANEL FOUR: In the foreground, Eda's fist clenches around her lowered staff. Beyond it, Lilith stares up at her, hair in disarray, furious. PANEL FIVE: A distant view of the cliff-side path leading away from the Owl House. Eda stands near the house, glaring down at the ground while Lilith flies away on her palisman, glowering over her shoulder. Her scouts, groaning and decidedly worse for wear, trudge after her. PANEL SIX: Close on Eda's face, turned away, scowling. The panel is very wide, but the rest of it is empty. /End ID]
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emoreooo · 1 year
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everything and every one you touch, you infect
based on @lsoer 's fic eyeballs to entrails
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strawberrus0da · 2 years
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crimeronan · 1 month
Super indulgent too. The previous asks have awakened something feral.
But, what if Amity & Lilith do manage to get away with Hunter before Belos also offs him??? And maybe Luz stays longer in the in between with Papa Titan as they come up with a plan to destroy Belos. In that time, Belos brands Hunter, Amity, and Lilith as traitors and accuse them of having killed the princess. Then, Luz comes back epic style with titan powers, obliterates Belos, and takes back the throne. Now a grief stricken Hunter/Amity/Lilith see Luz with kickass titan powers and don’t think it’s her because OBVIOUSLY she died and they did see her dead. It’s only when she ends up saying something that only Hunter can know that they’re convinced and all like wtf happened. While at the same time Luz doesn’t want to reveal the grimwalker secret and Hunter can only keep guessing what happened to her while with Belos.
WOOOOO yeah sure. we can leave the characters crazed with grief for a little longer :)
the initial question is "where would they go," but given that lilith is with them, i think the Clear Answer is the owl house.
really i think the biggest obstacle here wouldn't even be the empire, it would just be hunter himself. he'd want to drag himself back to the castle and finish what he started. aka get himself killed. he has no expectation that he can Actually kill belos
i was trying to figure out what, if anything, could dissuade him from this path. and my main thought is that after a lot of exasperation on lilith's part and being corralled on hooty's, amity finally shouts, "she FUCKING DIED FOR YOU and you're just going to THROW IT AWAY???"
amity's sense of righteous fury is So Strong here. SHE wouldn't throw away a sacrifice like that. or at least she likes to think she wouldn't. that hunter doesn't seem to Care what luz did just makes the entire thing seem even more senseless.
and hunter just kind of. shatters. sinks onto the floor with his head in his hands like, "i can't do this, blight. i get it, i do, i'm hearing you, you think i have options but i'm telling you, i Can't Do This. i Have to keep moving or i--"
and then amity summons a weighted abomination blanket and goes over and wraps it around him. and he doesn't fight her or snap at her. despite his apparent determination not to stay still for more than, like, thirty seconds at a time.
& amity is just like, "okay. you can't do this. i hear you. but, also. you're Gonna Have To."
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dreamy-pill · 4 months
Luz and Steven fusion!
I wanted to get a slightly better picture how they would look like in motion…
I spent the past couple hours just trying to get the animation right, and I feel like I’ve finally done it. 😁😁😁
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a-e-redacted · 6 months
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Special Delivery: PAIN
Attempt at drawing That Scene from MoonShadow Chapter 11
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scarletgemstone · 4 months
pomni comforts Jax after seeing his cursed
(Pomni is seen sitting with Jax on the roof)
pomni”soo Jax about earlier I”
Jax”yeah I guess you’re not use to seeing me and rags turn into nightmares but it happens when we don’t drink the elixirs “
pomni”does it happen when you guys get stressed?”
Jax”yeah but it’s over for now”
pomni”if you don’t mind but how do you stay so …clam?”
(Jax’s eyes widened slightly)
people “get out of here beast!”
Garuds”that kid’s a monster!”
pomni”Jax ?” Are you ok?”
Jax”I’m fine!”
(Jax’s face softins)
jax” look all it takes is having an elixir and having cool magic “
Jax”yep like this “
(Jax pushes pomni off the roof but before she can hit the ground Jax catches her )
Jax”haha you should have seen your face haha “
pomni”Jax that was not funny!”
Jax” come on I caught you didn’t I ?”
pomni” just don’t do that again “
Jax” ugh fine”
(pomni gets off his broom and they both head inside)
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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adrenaline rush ❄️💙
more fanart i did for @lsoer ‘s BTVS au fic - chapter 23 held me hostage and made me go insane
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dejaroze · 2 months
Oohhh kissing behind the church scandalous oh me geeee
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demifinnyfib · 2 years
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A screenshot edit for an AU of mine! I’ll share more later maybe hehehehe
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Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 11
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Hunter doesn't know anything about his family, and if Caleb can help it, he never will.
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white ink and pencil comic. PAGE ONE PANEL 1: A close-up on Hunter's eye as he looks at Belos' empty seat behind him. "So, Dad…" he says. PANEL 2: "Can I ask you something?" Hunter is sitting on Caleb's bed, watching as Caleb waters a potted plant in the corner, facing away from him. The room is brightly lit by the window, but with stark shadows in Caleb's corner. "Hmm?" Caleb responds. PANEL 3: "I've been thinking about your illness," says Hunter. The angle has changed so that we see Caleb facing us in the foreground, but we can't see his eyes, only his mouth fallen open in a frown. "I know Uncle says it'll be cured by pleasing the Titan on the Day of Unity, but I just thought…" continues Hunter. "Maybe I could help more." Caleb's watering can rattles. His hand is shaking. PANEL 4: A profile view of Caleb, still facing away from Hunter. He's in shadow, lit from behind. His eyes are wide in horror. "What are you saying?" he asks. PANEL 5: "There's so much I don't know," Hunter says, nervous but hopeful. "I don't even really know what our family was like before the accident. Or what exactly happened! If I just had more information, I could help look for a solution!" In the foreground we can only see Caleb's other hand, clenched and shaking on the grip of his crutch. "Fledge…" he warns. PAGE TWO PANEL 1: Hunter leans forward eagerly, excited now. "What kind of wild magic was it? Maybe some kind of oracle, illusions, and beast combo? If I did some resear--" PANEL 2: "HUNTER!" Caleb cries. The speech bubble and panel overlap with Hunter's dialogue, cutting him off. The panel is completely black. Caleb's eyes are screwed shut, his brows drawn down and his shoulders pulled up around his ears desperately as he shouts. PANEL 3: A wide black panel, small and isolated on the white page. In the center, Hunter sits small and chastised, his ears drooping. PANEL 4: Caleb sags on his crutches in the shadowed corner. He still hasn't turned around to face Hunter. "Please…" he says, "Don't ask me." PANEL 5: "You should listen to your uncle. Do not speak of wild magic," Caleb is looking away guiltily as Hunter sits, distressed, behind him. "Promise me, Fledge. Please." PANEL 6: Hunter turns away. Behind him looms Belos' chair. "I'm sorry," he says. "…I promise." /END ID]
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thechaoticscenejester · 5 months
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I had no idea on what color Zim's tears would be but I personally think that Irkens have black tears 🤷‍♂️ idk lol
Also have some angst for an up-coming au ♡
First one
2nd one
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strawberrus0da · 2 years
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“You know…”
“Sometimes I’d wonder if I’d ever really been free in the first place.”
“If outside wasn’t just something I’d made up inside my head.”
“If the Inbetween wasn’t all there was.”
“It all just kept getting blurrier and blurrier until I started to wonder if any of it had ever been real.”
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crimeronan · 1 year
i do eternally think it's really funny to take amity's canon "i do stupid things around you and i don't know why" thing and transpose it into an AU where luz is the empress & amity is very very very intimidated by her power. amity is like this girl has the capacity to end me with one twitch of her finger and every reason to do so (vaguely true?), she's a calculating manipulator who thinks through everything she ever does (BLATANTLY false), we're technical co-conspirators in a violent political succession (sure), and my sworn nemesis who's kinda my closest friend is the captain of her guard (UNFORTUNATE). i need to be So So So careful around her.
and then she just. keeps walking into walls. and falling over. and saying the stupidest, most dangerous, most reckless shit IMAGINABLE.
because. 1) she's too invested in honesty and in winning arguments to shut the hell up, and 2) she is too gay to function.
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