#toast secretly still really enjoys that music
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werewolfgenesis · 5 months ago
I don't remember if Toast being emo in highschool was canon or just something I saw someone else headcanon But
Something something Johnny Toast was emo/scene in highschool and absolutely listened to like MCR, Green Day, Evanescence etc
Ghost listening to that music cause Toast showed it to him and then. As they get older Ghost continuing to listen to that music while Toast doesn't, and everytime he plays it in the car or something Toast just gets horrific flashbacks to his edgy teenager years and tries his hardest not to cringe at himself
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ridingtorohan · 4 months ago
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Generic Headcanons for the Tulpar Crew!
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Masterlist _ Join the taglist _ Ask box
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Curly can't bowl. Absolutely can not. As coordinated as he is, this sport is absolutely not under his forte. Somehow, he gets all strikes or only one pin down.
Used to have a bubble blowing pipe as a kid. Still collects bubble blowers but doesn't really use them.
Sentimental in that he doesn't throw gifts away, even if he knows he won't use them. Has them neatly packed away in boxes
His hair is usually slightly frizzy and brushed on trips but back at home, he does the full oil, scrunch, curl routine, resulting in amazing curls
Prefers vanilla ice cream
Diagnosed insomniac. Sleeps like the dead when he does actually sleep; his heart rate slows down a lot so he actually scared a few roommates in the past
Hairy chest
Usually wears two shirts. After the crash, he's far more sensitive to temperature changes and bundles up, even if it's sweltering outside
Has a nasty scar on his knee from when he tripped as a kid. Didn't get stitches but probably should've
Listens to a mix of rock and foreign music, even when he doesn't know what they're saying
Wanted to be an astronaut but settled for becoming a pilot
Curly was an only child to a single mother. She had a serious disease that had him taking care of them both at a young age. He used the insurance money to become a pilot. She really believed in his dream.
Slightly colorblind (mixes up yellow and green) but by the time he's an adult he's able to tell the shades apart, so it didn't affect his pilot's course
Really enjoys raisin toast and cheese whiz.
A little forgetful. Usually keeps a notepad in his pocket or his keys on a long string
Can imitate accents really well, especially Southern drawls
Has English ancestry
Secretly terrified of the concept of the immortal snail
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Daisuke sings horribly, but in such a charismatic way that somehow gets everyone joining in.
Does very bad puppetry, usually with socks. However, he's surprisingly good at miming.
He likes to draw!
He alternates between being the absolute boss at video games vs scoring almost nothing.
However! He's the absolute king at dance dance revolution and guitar hero.
Can't sit still for puzzles but surprisingly has a lot of fun with games like candy crush (and is really good at it)
Likes lemon hard candies
Pours whipped cream on anything. Bread? Whipped cream. Coffee? Whipped cream. Swansea had to kick that habit out of him
On that note: sweet tooth
Drools in his sleep and has the worst bedhead known to man
Has three sisters, all older and with set careers. He loves them a lot, despite feeling inadequate sometimes. He also has two moms!
Can't hold his liquor BUT surprisingly can never get drunk off of cold medicine
Watches a lot of thrillers, action and romcoms. Is always captivated by them (and cries a little when the couple gets together)
Quotes Mean Girls a lot
Was definitely a Disney kid. Belts into Lion King songs all the time (Swansea wants to strangle him)
Listens to screamo when he's tinkering with machines (usually with cars or where he can't readily change the songs)
Otherwise has a playlist that has songs from every genre. Never skips any of them.
Believes in sasquatch. Vehemently.
Tends to have bad luck with electronics, usually sparking himself somehow. His electronics usually have a lot of scuff marks and dented corners but surprisingly no cracked screens
Fluent in Spanish and passing in at least three other languages
Knows beauty routines better than most people do (including social media infleuncers)
Either has flawless skin or has a strict routine to prevent breakouts.
Definitely had a crush on Marty McFly poster in his bedroom. Still does.
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Jimmy is, surprisingly, a good writer. He usually drops them only a few chapters in, but they're captivating and really enriched
Taps his foot a lot
Scrunches up his face when he's concentrating, often comically so
Absolutely hates black coffee but refuses to drink any other.
Says he hates the song that's playing but 9/10 he'll be nodding along to it. Absolutely despises Swansea and Anya's playlists
If the person he hates likes a song/movie/snack, he'll absolutely hate it. Even if he loved it before.
Sleeps with his arms crossed and head tipped back
Knows a lot about a bit of everything but in a weird way. Such as how to replace a car radio but not how to hot wire a car
Acts like the "tsundere" trope where he's mean if he likes someone
Prefers uniform clothing and goes for simple button ups otherwise
Somehow always finds himself at the receiving end of gossip. He knows all the tea but doesn't care enough to share it
Crazy skilled at board games, especially strategy and Monopoly. May or may not cheat. The absolute biggest sore loser
Mint or rocky road is his go-to ice cream snack. eats ice cream cones from the bottom up
Really good at visual puzzle solving. ("How many cubes are there?", mazes, etc)
Plays guitar and does it well. Favourite song to play is probably Country Roads
Hates the song Pumped Up Kicks. The school he used to go to before meeting Curly had way too many incidents to be comfortable.
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Somehow, he does really well at baking those fancy deserts. Souffles, creme brulees, macarons, caramel, you name it. Probably would have made it as a chef somewhere
Always packs light and never keeps anything. Doesn't even have cards to the stores he frequents a lot.
Usually has a lighter or one of those "7 tools in 1" tool in his pocket.
Gets super bored with horror and nature documentaries. A fan of thriller and action though.
Somehow winds up with 57 pens in his drawers. He's never sure where they come from.
Likes to keep his facial hair short or with a shadow. It makes him feel unkempt if he goes longer.
He's more of a hands-on kind of guy, preferring to be outside in the fresh air instead of reading a book or watching TV.
Salted pretzels are his go-to snack.
Anya wears contacts (based on the soundtrack cover art)
Licks her finger before turning a page of the book and dog-ears to bookmark it
Always has ink smudges on her fingers. She never knows how it gets there
Twirls pens when she's lost in thought
She has a neutral resting face, so when she smiles or frowns, it crinkles a bit but you can always tell it's genuine
Never keeps her hair short; it always leaves her itchy. Closest she'll get is chin length
She's definitely a homebody
She doesn't often like switching hobbies but when she does, she focuses all her attention on it. However, it takes her a really long time to master it, leaving her discouraged.
Had difficulties in school.
All her books are filled with highlighted passages and writings in the margin
Tummy sleeper with her face smooshed in a pillow
Sleepwalks in a horrifying way. She'll stand at the foot of the bed and say cryptic things like, "He knows you're here" before walking away. Doesn't remember it the next day.
Prefers tea over coffee and dark chocolate
Doesn't really care for ice cream but likes freezies and Gelato
Prefers dogs over cats and loves labradors, even though she doesn't have the energy for them
Never could stomach the smell of puke or fecal matter
Doesn't know how to swim
Absolutely burns in the sun, no matter how much sun screen she uses.
She drives with audio books on, or while she's studying. Constant interruptions stress her out
Knows how to play the flute!
Has a few Russian lullabies memorized and knows the translations for them, though she doesn't know much Russian otherwise.
Mother died young, so it was her and her dad for a long time. She never felt like she lived up to his expectations.
Really close to her cousin growing up, who acted like an older sister to her.
Somehow, knows all the obscure lore about haunted locations and folklore. While she believes in ghosts, she doesn't believe in other entities.
Never swears. It's just not who she is.
Anya listens to a lot of indie and instrumental music.
She once had a pet parakeet named Timothy but gave it to her cousin when she tried to study for med school.
She has a music box, gifted to her by her mother before her passing. It's one of her prized possessions. Anya plays it before sleeping.
She likes to watch silent movies, black and white, and those that relate to her experiences in life.
Audrey Hepbern is consequently her favourite actress.
While most of her books are educational or self-help, she owns a few classics like Moby Dick and Pride & Prejudice.
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Swansea knows how to crochet
He's a GOD at gambling. Everyone is sure that he's cheating, but it's honestly a lot of skill
While he doesn't know any other languages, he knows enough basic phrases to navigate in most foreign countries.
Very old in his ways (men must be gentlemen type thing) but progressive in others
Doesn't vote
Annoyed when Daisuke arrived in his floral shirt. Not because Daisuke skirted past the full uniform but because Swansea owns a lot of them (and oddly enough, many that match with Daisuke). So he never gets out of uniform
Can fall asleep anywhere
He's the fastest typer out of the Tulpar crew, second only to Daisuke
Still uses a Nokia phone though
Listens to podcasts or radio stations, but if he ever sits down for TV, it's usually dramas (think, SVU or Young & The Restless). Gets super invested in the soap dramas, even if he swears he doesn't or otherwise. He knows everyone's names and backstories off hand.
Gets grumpy if you turn off the show he's watching.
Tried growing a beard once. Never again
Keeps photos of his entire family in his wallet. Mother? There. Wife? There. Kids? There. His dentist? Somehow, there.
Never went to AA. He doesn't exactly deter people from drinking, but he'll outright shove people in chairs and take their car keys if they're too drunk to drive
Owns a really beat-up sports car. The upkeep is horrible, but it's what he got in the divorce, and he won't trade it for anything. Let Daisuke drive it exactly once (1)
Took wrestling and boxing in his youth! He gives a mean right hook. He still has the arm muscles from it
Absolutely cannot stand sticky, tacky items. Hates the feel of gum on his hands. Okay with chewing it.
Very efficient at multitasking! Even if it looks like he's focused on something, he notices things from his peripheral vision asap. Also weirdly attuned to Daisuke and just knows when he's grabbing something that he shouldn't
Scary good intuition about people.
Absolute king at barbecuing. Steak is his favourite food, especially accompanied with beer (he misses those days), roasted mini potatoes and garlic vegetables.
Makes the meanest stew and soup you've ever known. Throws the absolute wildest ingredients into the pot, but it comes out miraculous every time.
Adds salt and pepper to his meal anytime anyone else is cooking. Even if it was adequately seasoned
Knows how to ride a horse!
His part of the city isn't the best (high crime rate), but all the kids know his name and go to him whenever they need to escape from home or a warm meal. He doesn't know why they're so drawn to him, but something about Swansea makes them feel secure. It's put him in the good graces of the not-so-good folk and he's left well enough alone by them.
Definitely owns a shotgun and probably had to fend thieves away from his home prior to that though.
Definitely has Irish and Scottish ancestry. Maybe a bit of German.
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holmesianlove · 3 months ago
Chapter 12 - Red
Sherlock had been out when John arrived home. Another failed date which barely made it through the first drink of his evening and ended before the second drink had been delivered to their table. He had hoped to come home and find Sherlock on the couch. He wasn’t really sure why. There was just some sense of comfort in that. Even though Sherlock would have deduced ten things about the date and ribbed him mercilessly, it had become their little ritual. Somehow, it made John feel better, despite his grumblings to the contrary. Sherlock noticed things about him. About his comings and goings to Baker Street and he secretly enjoyed it: which shoes were his good date shoes; what shirt signified a second date; or when it was a clinic day, based on the trousers he chose. Sherlock’s little quirks made John’s every day feel important, somehow. Someone noticed him.
But Sherlock wasn’t there tonight. The flat was cold, empty, still. It was unnerving. He much preferred the detective to be at home, even when he was contorted on the couch in a sulk, or messing up the kitchen with an experiment. One time he was even using a staple gun to attach photographs to the wallpaper for a case. It was never dull at Baker Street. His home. He smiled to himself, very briefly, before his face fell again. What on earth was he going to do with himself, all alone? He’d lost his appetite on the date, but maybe he’d make some toast and a cup of tea. He could read through the case notes again. There were a couple of things he was still wanting to read back over.
He dropped his keys on the table beside his laptop and he noticed, on top of the mess of papers, the new pair of headphones that Sherlock had purchased during the week. Noise cancelling, top of the line, beautiful headphones. It was too late to respectably play music to unwind after the date, but with the headphones, maybe he could put on something loud and angry to lament the fact he would be a bachelor forever. Mrs Hudson wouldn’t be disturbed and he could do some rage cleaning or something. The bathroom was due a scrub down.
He put them on and paired it to his phone, picking something to listen to. Some heavy rock was in order. At first, he stood there enjoying it - the loud angry rage music. Single, pathetic John Watson. A soldier and surgeon and now crime solver, and still he couldn’t hold someone down long enough for a third date. These days, he was just hopeful he’d pick someone who didn’t stand by the three date rule. There has been some dirty alleyway trysts and a bit of uncomfortable car sex and occasionally an offer to come up to theirs. John never brought them to Baker Street through. It somehow felt wrong. He never had figured out why. It just did. He sat precariously, on the edge of the coffee table, pondering that for a moment and the image of Sherlock with the kitten nestled against his neck came flooding into his head. He blushed. Again. What was that? Why was he getting strange stirrings about snuggling up to Sherlock? Sherlock didn’t do relationships. It had always just been the two of them. As friends. And Sherlock never wanted to discuss it.
He needed to stop thinking about his flatmate in that way. Nothing good could come of that. He actually hadn’t really dated any men for a long time. Now that he thought about it, maybe he’d have more luck on Grindr. Men were always more prone to one night stands on Grindr. Women always wanted to start with the pretence of a date, at least. Fake romance before admitting to wanting to just get off with someone.
A particularly good song came on and John was inspired to dance. He started dancing across the whole flat, using the furniture as props to grind against or lean into. He grabbed a chair and straddled it and then ran up and down the stairs to his room. He kicked off his shoes and socks and started stripping down piece by piece, twirling items of clothing around his head. Yeah, John Watson. You’ve still got it, he told himself. You could absolutely be one of those hot male strippers. He looked down and tried to ignore the little belly he had there. Maybe he needed to do some jogging again. Get back into shape. But here, right now in Casa del Baker, he would be the hot stud that everyone wanted.
By the time he was stripped down to his underpants, the plan had been to grab pyjamas and go have a warm shower. But a particularly good song came on and distracted him, so the dance moves now took priority. He used every inch of the floor space. Dancing in his favourite red underpants. Very festive. Red for speed. Red supposedly induced hunger in the brain. John Watson was the house stud.
Bathroom. Stay focussed, Watson. He was going to rage clean that bathroom and then he could shower and get in pyjamas and make some toast and tea. Yes, that was a good plan.
Meanwhile, Sherlock had finally returned home from his brother’s after a really long walk home, trying to think through the sorts of things he might say to John, to potentially, maybe flag that there was something between them he’d like to discuss. He stood in the foyer downstairs just mulling over his options one more time, trying to encourage himself to get up the courage, give himself a gee-up.
Just make the first move. That’s easy. Right? That’s all you have to do. Then, apparently, he will jump off a cliff with you… or maybe without you… in terror.
He rolled his eyes at the very thought. But willed himself to go forward. As he came up the stairs, he could hear John humming from somewhere in the flat. Good mood. That’s a good start.
“John? You there? I had something I wanted to…?” Sherlock looked around the empty flat. “John?”
Some of John’s clothes were balanced in odd ways on parts of the furniture and a Sherlock struggled to piece together what was happening. The humming kept coming, but John didn’t seem to be responding so Sherlock wandered over to the kitchen and then back to the lounge.
“John?” he called out with more volume. Why wasn’t he hearing this?
He was going to go up towards John’s room next, but his ears told him it was coming from the corridor.
Ah. Bathroom. Was he in a bath? On the toilet? Was that a bad time to do this? Or maybe he could say it through the closed door and save some of the embarrassment.
As he turned towards the corridor, heading for the bathroom, quite suddenly, out of nowhere, John Watson leapt out from the bathroom, into the corridor, straight in front of Sherlock. He had not been expecting to see Sherlock. Clearly. And Sherlock had not expected to be under attack either.
John Watson stood there in his red underpants and noise cancelling headphones and a sponge in hand. His body glistened with the sweat of an excellent rage cleaning session. He had planned to grab one more product to get a particularly stubborn stain out, but it was in the kitchen. So he had planned to dance there and unfortunately leapt out dramatically into the corridor to find Sherlock gaping at him. The embarrassment was acute. He wanted to shrivel up and die in this moment.
The two of them froze in place, eyes wide. John had let out a yelp in fright and Sherlock had sucked in a breath that he had almost forgotten about until he let out an aggravated growl in frustration at being surprised in that way. Especially with the thoughts that were spinning around in his head in the moment.
John dropped the sponge and ripped the headphones off his head, creating a sweaty, scruffy mess of hair in its wake. The music could still be heard, albeit in a much softer incarnation as the headphones continued playing the track he had been on. John reached down and pressed the pause button on the side of the headphones without his eyes leaving Sherlock’s. They were two flatmates locked in a confused stand off, neither able to process the moment.
“What the… hell… John?” Sherlock finally asked loudly. His eyeballs drifted up and down John’s entire body. He didn’t even hide the action, and then he dropped his key to the floor, and turned bright red with embarrassment as his brain caught up. That had completely put a spanner in his plan.
“Sorry I���” John also stood, completely frozen, utterly humiliated. Suddenly his brilliant idea seemed very un-brilliant. This is why Sherlock thinks you’re an idiot.
“You had… a date.” Sherlock stuttered out, suddenly looking horrified. “Did you bring her here? You never… Sorry, I didn’t… You really should message me if you want… privacy….” He sounded disgusted, though. He was disgusted. He was about to declare his love and John was about to copulate with some below-par woman in their flat.
“We never set up any rules,” John retorted, completely caught off guard by Sherlock’s slightly aggressive tone.
“No. But it’s never come up before. And I’ve certainly never come home to you dancing around in your underwear either. Is she upstairs? Or did you just decide to go all out and use my bed?” Sherlock snapped.
“What kind of psychopath do you take me for?!” John yelled back not understanding Sherlock’s behaviour.
“I don’t know, John. You’re the one naked in our flat.”
“You’ve been naked plenty of times.” John stormed past Sherlock, their shoulders colliding as he moved to the lounge, grabbing his shirt to cover his torso at least. Not that an open shirt really did much, but somehow he felt less naked in the moment. A protective layer. He turned back to Sherlock. “You were naked in the god damned Palace, need I remind you. Perhaps you should have mentioned your double standards before I moved in too.”
“Oh is that another cat-related-criticism, is it?” Sherlock spat back.
John crossed his arms. “I’m not going to stand here and argue with you in my underpants.”
“Good, I’d much prefer that you didn’t.” Sherlock crossed his arms as well. “And you should tell her to leave too,” he said, nodding towards the stairs. “She’s not welcome.”
“There’s no-one bloody here, Sherlock!” John yelled. He sucked in a few breaths trying to calm things. What the hell was going on? “I was just… bored… and you weren’t home… and I was listening to music and… ugh never mind. It shouldn’t matter either way, but for your information, I’m here alone.”
“Alone. In your underpants?” Sherlock scoffed in disbelief.
“Yes. So?” John bristled.
Sherlock just stood staring at John. His brother’s words challenged him over and over in his head and yet, somehow even he knew this was not the best time to suddenly make a first move. Despite how ridiculously enticing John looked, and how incredibly charged the room was with their testosterone-fuelled argument now. Sherlock could easily just cross the floor and kiss John right now. That’s what his brain wanted him to do. His whole body flushed with embarrassment as the realisation hit him and he glanced briefly over at the mirror on the mantle to see he was almost as red as the stupid underpants that somehow were glaring back at him, almost as aggressively as John was.
“Where were you tonight, anyway?” John asked, trying to save some face.
“I went to see my brother, if you must know.”
“Your brother?” John was surprised.
Sherlock avoided seeing his brother at all costs. In fact, he often sent John in his place to annoy everyone as much as possible. “Is everything… alright?” John suddenly found himself asking, his demeanour relaxing somewhat as he stepped forward, dropping his arms, genuinely concerned, but this only seemed to upset Sherlock more as he took a step away from John.
“God, could you just put some clothes on!” Sherlock snapped, turning on his heel and storming to his room. He slammed the door and threw himself down on the bed, face planting with an impressive level of dramatic flare.
John stood alone in the lounge room completely humiliated. He and Sherlock rarely argued like that. They yelled and carried on all the time and took their moods out on each other but this one felt so very different. Sherlock had been startled by John’s appearance. And properly angry about it. And John didn’t understand why. He certainly felt mortified to his bones. He put his face in his hands and ran straight back up to his room. He pulled the shirt off and grabbed a dressing gown instead, collapsing backwards onto his bed. “You are a bloody idiot, John Watson. You may as well have gone out and danced in the middle of the street. What the devil were you thinking?” he whispered. He never did anything like that. Sex in public? Maybe. Solo John Watson showing off in any way, with no clothing on? Never. It had felt so freeing and wonderful for the length of a few songs. And then the fun had crashed down around his bare ankles.
After a considerable time lying there in his dressing gown feeling like a real idiot, he remembered he hadn’t eaten and really did need something in his stomach. He put on some socks and padded down to the kitchen, his dressing gown wrapped safely, tightly around his body and double knotted for safety.
While he waited for the kettle to boil, he heard a phone vibrating loudly and he walked back into the main area to find his phone. No, it wasn’t his phone. He could still hear the vibrating so he searched around and finally found the spot Sherlock had put his scarf and coat and his phone - probably when he came in before he was set upon by a naked pesterer. John groaned to himself as the memory refreshed itself in his brain and re-established new levels of embarrasment.
He grabbed the phone and answered. “Sherlock’s phone.”
“Oh John, it’s Greg. I wanted Sherlock to look into something for me tonight. Is he home?”
John paused before answering. Was Sherlock home? Was that Sherlock in his usual form? Or some demon clone? Clearly whatever had happened at his brother’s house had upset him. Maybe it was best to leave him alone. But Sherlock prized The Work over everything and would never forgive John for ignoring a call-out. If he had been that mad about John’s red underpants, ignoring this call would probably be eviction worthy.
“Yeah, hang on Greg. I’ll get him.”
John made the terrifying walk down the corridor to Sherlock’s bedroom and stood outside, unable to muster up the courage for a moment.
“How urgent is it, Greg?” John asked, hoping for an excuse to not have to do this.
“Pretty time sensitive,” he replied.
John tapped lightly at the door. “Ah… Sherlock? It’s Greg. It’s work stuff,” he said. He was embarrassed to hear a little quiver in his own voice. He was a coward. He stood there for what felt like too long. Maybe Sherlock wouldn’t come out. Maybe he’d crawled out a window and escaped to the streets of London below, disgusted by his naked flatmate.
Suddenly the door unlatched and Sherlock peeked through a crack. His eyes raked over John’s full length to check for clothing first, then he looked into John’s eyes, very hesitantly in silence. They stood just staring at each other, assessing. It seemed the argument had equally frightened Sherlock.
“Greg,” John reiterated holding up the phone to show him in the crack.
Sherlock opened the door more and went to grab the phone but stopped. “John…”
“I’ll get dressed and come with you,” he simply said, handing Sherlock the phone and walking away to put on some clothes.
And with that, the argument would remain unresolved and festering between them. And they would probably behave as if nothing had happened.
— —
Thanks @notjustamumj for the prompt list. I’m so enjoying writing these for you all!
@lisbeth-kk @totallysilvergirl @221beloved @helloliriels @safedistancefrombeingsmart
@givemesherbet-blog-blog @naefelldaurk @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @peanitbear @starlitkeys @lumilama @yorkiepug @talkativeanxiousturtle @kettykika78 @kittenmadnessandtea @whatnext2020 @egregiously-chuffed @chriscalledmesweetie @catlock-holmes@battledress @kholkate @randomquadballpun @little-owls-things @daltongraham @sillygirlsmindpalace @oetkb12 @odditiesandeverything @johnlockficclub @rainstarboii @bheadhe @hospitableasacactus @wssh13 @br-nz @solarmama-plantsareneat @givemesherbet-blog-blog @dw91165
@r4venlyn @ineffably-chloe @fuck-off-watson-rp@rhasima @salmonsown @westandforships
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izzyyys-world · 19 days ago
Riverdale headcanons
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Archie Andrews
1: The type of guy who genuinely believes punching his problems will solve them (it rarely does)
2: Has way too many pairs of Converse because he swears they make him run faster.
3: Will 100% stop in the middle of a conversation just to pet a dog.
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Jughead Jones
1: Can go on a full rant about the death of print journalism at any given moment.
2: Will eat anything if it’s free, even if it’s questionable.
3: Secretly enjoys really cheesy detective shows but acts like he only watches serious noir films.
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Betty Cooper
1: Has a perfectly organized planner but somehow still takes on too much.
2: Is the best at keeping secrets, except when she really wants to tell someone.
3: Loves horror movies but will definitely have nightmares after watching them.
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Veronica Lodge
1: Owns way too many pairs of designer sunglasses, even though she only wears the same two.
2: Orders the most expensive thing on the menu just because she can.
3: Can flawlessly deliver an insult that sounds like a compliment.
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Cheryl Blossom
1: Never enters a room quietly—she makes sure all eyes are on her.
2: Has a collection of fur coats for every season, including summer (she suffers for fashion).
3: Gives the most dramatic toasts at parties, even when no one asks for one.
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Toni Topaz
1: Somehow knows every cool underground music venue in town.
2: Will fight for you even if she just met you—loyalty is everything.
3: Has a collection of leather jackets and claims each one has a "story."
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Kevin Keller:
1: Knows everyone’s business before they do.
2: Will drag you to a musical whether you like it or not.
3: Has perfected the art of giving side-eye.
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Reggie Mantle
1: Thinks lifting weights counts as therapy (it does not).
2: Has a secret soft side but will never let anyone see it on purpose.
3: Buys expensive cologne just because the bottle "looks cool."
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phoebe-delia · 3 years ago
Phoebe's Ultimate Drarry Playlist
@ginnyxdarling-1, you asked me to list the songs that I think best encapsulate Drarry. You were very sweet to inquire, multiple times I might add, as to whether I was putting too much effort into this. And I did. But you see, Jet, you know as well as I do that when our ADHD brains are interested in something, they will sink their claws in and not let go until they're satisfied.
As you can guess, there are mostly Taylor Swift songs on here *gasp* shocker I know. But there are other songs by other artists, if for no other reason than to prove that I listen to *some* other things. (But in my defense, Taylor has songs in so many fucking genres and styles that I can satisfy pretty much any musical craving with her music. I fucking love her.)
Anyway, on to the list! I'm going to list the songs by other artists first, and then all the Taylor songs in their own category since there are so many of them. There will, of course, be a little explanation for each song. (There also may or may not be self-recs in there if I wrote a fic for a song.)
Read on to see my essential Drarry songs listed in no particular order. Enjoy!
"I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett:
Why it's Drarry: I think the title sorta speaks for itself, doesn't it? It's not a perfect fit, but here's what I imagine. Drarry have been secretly dating sorta on-and-off, but Draco wants more/to go public. So, naturally, rather than communicate, he makes Harry jealous in some club. Harry storms over and pulls Draco away from the stranger and kisses him in front of everyone.
Stand-out Lyrics:
I hate myself for loving you Can't break free from the things that you do I wanna walk but I run back to you That's why I hate myself for loving you
"Savior Complex" by Phoebe Bridgers:
Why it's Drarry: This, to me, is Drarry trying to work out their baggage from the war, both with each other and their own individual trauma. It's going to mean a lot of vulnerable, emotional conversations, but it's worth it for them both. And it'll be easier than they think. Also the title, I mean c'mon that's Harry right there.
Stand-out lyrics:
I'm a bad liar With a savior complex All the skeletons you hide Show me yours, and I'll show you mine
Read I fic I wrote for this song here!
"Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson:
Why it's Drarry: I need to write a songfic for this and I will, probably soon. But, as you can probably guess, this song is Draco admitting to Harry that he has a lot of issues and asking him to be there to bring him back to who he really is, who he wants to be when the self-loathing kicks in. It's so perfect for Draco, my goodness.
Stand-out lyrics:
Or will you stay Even if it hurts Even if I try to push you out Will you return? And remind me who I really am Please remind me who I really am
Everybody's got a dark side Do you love me? Can you love mine? Nobody's a picture perfect But we're worth it You know that we're worth it Will you love me? Even with my dark side?
"The Thrill of First Love" from the musical Falsettos:
Why it's Drarry: Oh my GOD the bickering. This entire song is JUST BICKERING AND FLIRTING!!!! *imagine me flailing emphatically* Marvin is Harry from Cursed Child, and Whizzer is so Draco it almost hurts. I want so so so bad to capture this dynamic for a fic...somehow. I don't know how, yet, but I'll figure it out I swear. Go listen to this song you will thank me later.
Stand-out lyrics (ALL OF THEM! Seriously GO listen to this song. You don't need the musical's plot context. But I'll give you this): "We ask for passion at all times/We stand for passion and drink this toast/Still it's awfully trying/And we're not denying/That of all the lesser passions/We like fighting most."
"History" by One Direction
Why it's Drarry: This, to me, is Drarry about to break up because they've been fighting a lot and it's strained. But it all ends up okay! They decide to do whatever it takes to work it out. They love each other more than they want to be prideful, and they're determined to stay together. They're happiest together, and they'll fight for each other. Plus, they have a lot of history ;)
Stand-out lyrics: "You and me got a whole lot of history/We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen/You and me got a whole lot of history/So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever."
⊱ ───────{.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
All the rest of these are Taylor Swift songs :)
"The Way I Loved You"
Why it's Drarry: This song is perfect (PERFECT) for a Drarry make-up break-up fic (...more on that in a minute). It just perfectly captures their dynamic if they were to have a secret relationship that ends because they're scared of public reaction. One of them (Draco in the fic I wrote because I couldn't bear to do Ginny that dirty) starts dating someone else who should be Societally Perfect for him, but he misses the other man so much. Their relationship was dramatic and a little turbulent but it had passion and chemistry and all the things we love about Drarry. And, of course, they get back together.
Stand-out lyrics (seriously the whole song is perfect but):
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name So in love that you act insane And that's the way I loved you Breakin' down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kinda rush And I never knew I could feel that much And that's the way I loved you
Read the fic I wrote for the song here!
Why it's Drarry: This is Draco falling fast and hard for Harry in the early stages of their relationship. Honestly, this is a little OOC for Draco, too sickly sweet and hero worship-y. But the sentiment is there in a lot of ways because Draco does have a lot of admiration for Harry and sees him as an imperfect hero. Plus it has the theme of saving people, which is pretty real for them.
Stand-out lyrics:
He's got his mothers eyes, his father's ambition I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
(RIGHT???) okay also:
And I watch superman fly away Come back, I'll be with you someday I'll be right here on the ground When you come back down
"I Know Places"
Why it's Drarry: This is basically the opposite of "Ours." It's Drarry in a secret relationship or a new one, and they're avoiding the media and haters as much as possible. They've got to find stolen moments together away from the rest of the world.
Stand-out lyrics:
Baby, I know places we won't be found and They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down 'Cause I, I, I, I know places we can hide I know places I know places
They take their shots, but we're bulletproof (I know places) And you know for me it's always you (I know places) In the dead of night, your eyes so green (I know places) And I know for you it's always me (I know places)
Read the fic I wrote for this song here! (it's technically a sequel to another one but you don't need the context to understand)
"Call It What You Want"
Why it's Drarry: This song, out of all of Taylor's discography (thus far), best captures Drarry's post-war dynamic. It's just lovely for them. This song is great because it's about them facing the world, despite their baggage and damage. They seek comfort and strength in each other. They don't care what people want to label them, because how they feel and treat each other is more important. It's great for Draco after the war, slowly rebuilding himself, learning to forgive himself, and letting Harry forgive him. He's starting to believe that he deserves the kind of love Harry wants to give him, and he'll learn to trust both himself and Harry.
Stand-out lyrics: (okay, truly all of them, so this is gonna be a lot, hang on.)
My castle crumbled overnight I brought a knife to a gunfight They took the crown, but it's alright All the liars are calling me one Nobody's heard from me for months I'm doing better than I ever was, 'cause
My baby's fit like a daydream Walking with his head down I'm the one he's walking to So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to
And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right I did one thing right
I recall late November, holdin' my breath Slowly I said, "You don't need to save me But would you run away with me?" Yes (would you run away?)
See the fic I wrote for the song here!!
"The Archer"
Why it's Drarry: Well, really it's Harry. It's soooo Harry, my poor baby. He's processing a lot of trauma. This song really captures that, and it is almost scarily, eerily accurate. Like. I'll just show you the lyrics.
Stand-out lyrics:
Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone I never grew up, it's getting so old Help me hold onto you
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke And all of my heroes die all alone Help me hold onto you
All the king's horses, all the king's men Couldn't put me together again 'Cause all of my enemies started out friends Help me hold onto you
The fic I wrote for this song is the third in a series of three ficlets. I am very proud of all three, and you can read them all here.
Why it's Drarry: This is similar to "Dark Side" in some ways. It's Draco asking Harry to stay with him even though he's not easy to be with. He's prickly and difficult and sarcastic, but he'll always be loyal and ultimately loving. He wants to be enough for Harry, and he knows they face challenges, and he'll do his best but being with him is going to bring criticism. It would be easier for Harry to marry Ginny and become an official part of the Weasley family, but Draco loves him and wants to do his best to be the right person for Harry.
Stand-out lyrics:
I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall I talk shit with my friends It's like I'm wasting your honor.
Read the fic I wrote for this song here!
"gold rush"
Why it's Drarry: This song was the one that inspired me to write Taylor Swift/Drarry songfics in the first place, actually. It's perfect for a pining Draco, IMO. It's about wanting someone so beautiful, so perfect, and so beloved by everyone, and you hate yourself a little for wanting them so much and feeling so raw and vulnerable around them, but you can't help it.
Stand-out lyrics:
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore At dinner parties Won't call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town We never found will never See a love as pure as it 'Cause it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause it will never be
Gleaming Twinkling Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in
Read the fic I wrote for this song here!
33 notes · View notes
iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years ago
Meant To Be // G.W.
Request: Hi! Could you do a George x Reader where he asks her to teach him to dance for the yule ball, because he wants to impresses somebody else, but then they ✨fall in love✨, maybe they didn't know each other before this for that extra awkwardness? Thank you 💕 - anon
A/N: This is so utterly self indulgent and heavily inspired by that one scene from Anastasia. Dimitri was my first love, not even gonna lie to you all. Also, I am the furthest thing from a dancer so if I have explained anything wrong in this, I am so sorry! Despite that, I hope you all enjoy!!
Warnings: she/her pronouns, pining, feelings, emotions, dancing, mentions of food, feelings of sadness, very very light angst. THIS HAS A HAPPY ENDING!!
Word count: 4.1k
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Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry had many traditions that dated back to the time of the four founders; the houses and their competition, the Quidditch tournaments, but the one that excited the entire student body had to be that of the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball accompanied the Triwizard Tournament – a competition held between the magical schools of Europe to promote cooperation and boost friendly relations between students. From the very announcement of the Triwizard Tournament, the student body of Hogwarts became more focused on the Yule Ball and what to wear rather than the dangers posed by the trials being faced by their fellow students.
“The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the other houses for over ten centuries. I will not have you, in one night, besmirch his name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons,” McGonagall’s voice calls out across the hall; her eyes steadily meeting every single gaze of the students sat around her.
Those in the hall seem to cower under her scrutiny; the power that she wields over this house being enough for every student in Gryffindor to try their best to impress the head of their house.
George has very little faith in himself at this point. A master prankster, and secretly one of the smartest wizards in the school, he has little talent when it comes to dancing. As he watches his youngest brother take to the floor with the head of Gryffindor, George feels something close to dread settle like lead in his stomach.
He would need help, and he would need it fast, especially if he wanted to ask Margot Banbridge to the ball. Margot – the girl who had caught his attention at the beginning of the month with her secret smiles and wide blue eyes. George so desperately wanted to be the one to take her to the Yule Ball, but then again, so did many of the other lads in the year. George needed to stand out and being able to dance would be the perfect way to do so.
The common room is loud that very evening. All students talking about the upcoming ball and the lessons completed today. Ron’s face was still red from his dance with McGonagall; he would never live this down. However, for now, George wasn’t too concerned on joking with his brother, but rather how he was going to solve the predicament he finds himself in.
“What do I do, Fred?” George pleads to his twin, “I have no idea how to dance!”
Fred laughs, “Can’t help you there, mate. I’m just as clueless as you.”
George groans; resisting the urge to shove his face into a cushion and wallow in self-pity. If he didn’t know how to dance, how could he impress Margot?
“Talk to (Y/N),” Hermione offers, absentmindedly turning the page of the heavy hardback laid in her lap, “She dances as a hobby. She might be able to help you, George.”
“Do you think she would?” George asks, worry niggling the back of his mind. He had so rarely spoken to you before despite being in the same house, “We’ve never really spoken before.”
Hermione nods, “I think she would. She’s always been kind to me when I’ve asked her for help.”
George smiles; nodding at his younger brother’s friend. “Alright,” He decides, “I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”
You could feel his gaze burning a hole into the back of your head. All morning, in every class your shared with the Weasley twin, his eyes had rarely left the back of your head. By morning break, it had started to get on your nerves. By lunch, you were more than ready to accost the redhead and demand the reasoning behind this newfound attention he seems intent on giving you.
Pausing outside the Great Hall, you move to one side to let younger Gryffindor’s pass. Out of the corner of your eye, you see George pause, turning to his twin to look as if he wasn’t just following you for the sake of it.
“Weasley!” You shout. George jumps; not out of terror, but out of being caught ogling so openly. Fred laughs as he leaves his twin to talk to you. George rubs a hand across the back of his neck, “(Y/N)… fancy seeing you here.”
You roll your eyes, “What do you need?”
“What? What makes you think I need something from you?” George questions; slightly affronted at your sudden jump to his needing of something, even if it was right.
You place your hands on your hips; shooting him an unimpressed look, “This is the longest conversation we’ve ever had in our whole seven years of education so it’s safe to say you want something from me. That, and the fact that you’ve been burning a hole into my head all morning so what do you need, George?”
George sighs; running a hand through his too long hair, “Hermione said you would be able to help me.”
Your face softens at the mention of the bright witch; you had a soft spot for the younger girl, her knowledge and thirst for witchcraft something to be found as inspiring. “What did Hermione say?”
“That you dance as a hobby and that you might be able to teach me.”
“Hermione is right on both counts. I do dance, and I am able to teach you,” You state, “But why do you need to be taught, George?”
George leans closer to you; his voice dropping to a whisper as he confesses, “I want to ask Margot Banbridge to the Yule Ball.”
“Ah,” You sigh, “So it’s all for one night with a girl.”
George frowns, “It’s for more than one night. Hopefully something will start after the Yule Ball, but I need to be able to impress her first and not step on her toes.”
A small smile graces your face as George struggles to get through the sentence without blushing. “Meet me every Saturday in the Room of Requirement. I’ll teach you how to dance.”
“You will?” He asks; hope shining in his voice.
“I will, but I’m doing this to protect the poor girl’s toes, Weasley,” You state sternly; your smile lingering at the sweetness of the redhead.
George nods solemnly, “And it’s a service you shall be recognised for. Thank you, (Y/N).”
Without helping it, a smile crosses your face. Grabbing your bag, you hoist it up on your shoulder, “Room of Requirement on Saturday at 10am, Weasley. Don’t be late.”
By 10am on Saturday, George can only be described a bundle of nerves. He had barely made it through breakfast; Fred teasing him all the way through it as Ron and Harry laughed along with him. The only support he found was in Hermione who seemed genuinely pleased that he had asked for help. George sent her a small smile as he managed half a piece of toast before rushing from the Great Hall; frantic about not wanting to be late for his first lesson with you.
His hands shake as he walks past the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, thinking of you and your whereabouts. The door appears after his third walk past and George hurriedly tugs open the door before he can talk himself out of it.
The room in which you have conjured reminds George of the Hall in which McGonagall had taught her first and only dance lesson. However, you’ve conjured a whole wall of mirrors that have a bar running across the middle.
George pauses in the entryway as the large wooden door slams shut behind him. The noise still hasn’t alerted you to his presence as you fiddle with a record player, a small collection of vinyl’s laid out on the small table. He watches you twiddle with the settings; the volume dial and checking that the needle is secure before turning to survey the room.
You jump when you spy George standing by the door. You greet him with a large smile, beckoning to him with an outstretched hand, “Come on in, George, I don’t bite.”
George laughs despite himself; stepping further into the large room. “What is this place?” He asks.
You turn around; arms stretched wide as you explain, “This is what the dance studio back home looks like. It’s where I spend all my time when I’m home for the holidays, so I bring it here when I can.”
“It’s wonderful,” George comments; breathless at the sheer amount of detail and personality personified by the room. He barely knows you, yet he realises he’s standing in an incredibly personal room that you’ve trusted him with. He feels honoured that you’ve put this much trust in him already.
You smile at him in thanks before turning your attention back to the vinyl’s littering the small table. You tap your fingernails against the table as you sift through the records, trying to decide which would be best to start with.
It takes a moment or two, but eventually you settle on a vinyl catering to classical music. You turn to George, holding the cover up for him to see much to his dismay, “The first few dances will be to instrumentals I’m afraid, so it’ll be classical for now.”
George frowns, but he nods, nonetheless. He’s never been a fan of classical music; not understanding the feelings that could be evoked from it. He needed lyrics in order to feel something; he needed to hear the pain or joy in the singer’s voice for him to feel the true extent of the song.
“First things first, show me what you think a hold looks like.”
George raises his arms; only feeling slightly foolish as his right arm stretches out and his left arm curls around an invisible body. His left splays across an invisible back, and he watches you appraise him.
“Am I okay to touch you?” You ask; not wanting to make him jump as you start grabbing his arms. At the nod of his head, you start to feel his framework, checking for where it lacks in definition.
It takes the better part of fifteen minutes to explain why his frame is essential to the dance when George believed that it would be his footwork that solely mattered, but by the end of your rant, he understands it all a lot better.
Then you move onto the footwork. Explaining to George that spending every minute of the song staring down at his feet was going to cause more issues than anything. You can’t help but laugh slightly each time he steps on your foot; he apologises with such sincerity that it’s hard not to forgive him either though you know your feet will be bruised tomorrow. However, as the song finishes and the needle begins to click onto empty record, you feel that George has what it takes to become a good enough dancer to woo Margot.
Breaking the hold, you rush to the record player, lifting the needle from the record and setting it to one side. “Tell me about Margot, George. Why her?” You ask as you pat your face down with a towel and grab a bottle of water, offering another to George.
George shrugs, taking the offered water bottle, “She’s gorgeous, and she’s ridiculously talented in Charms and Transfiguration.”
“Huh,” You comment.
“I don’t know,” You reply, shaking your head with a smile George couldn’t define, “I didn’t think you would favour brains over looks for some reason, but you’ve surprised me.”
“Have you got a date?” He asks; curiosity getting the better of him.
You shake your head, “No date, but I am going to the ball with a group of my friends. It’ll be a good night; I’m looking forward to it.”
“It will,” George echoes; mind faraway, to a night in the future where he grabs and keeps the attention of Margot.
“All we need to do now if get you ready for it. You’ll be a pro in no time, Weasley.”
“You think?”
“I don’t think, I know,” You gloat, a smile crossing your face, “If we continue to meet every week until the ball, you’ll be waltzing Margot into a tizzy.”
George barks out a laugh at your words, heading for the door, “I’ll see you every Saturday then.”
“Every Saturday,” You echo as George leaves. You shake your head; vaguely wondering about the outcome of these lessons.
Two weeks into the lessons and a friendship forms between yourself and George. He was so enthusiastic; he was happiness personified. It was hard not to find yourself caught up in his retellings of pranks he was behind, or stories of being at home over the holidays. He had a knack for storytelling; punctuating in the right places and creating a set up that had your sides hurting from laughing so hard.
You find yourself sitting with his friends more – at meal times and in the common room; getting to know the rest of the golden trio other than Hermione, and finally meeting Fred Weasley.
“So you’re the one who’s been teaching our Georgie how to dance,” Fred states; mischief in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
“I am,” You comment, smiling politely, “He’s doing well, if you wanted to know.”
Fred grins, reaching for the jar of orange juice in the centre of the table, “I don’t doubt it.”
George rolls his eyes at the small conversation taking place between you and Fred. You smile at his reaction, but also at the blind faith placed in George by his twin brother.
“You should have seen him the other night, (Y/N),” Fred cackles, “He was practicing some footwork, stating that he needed to get it right before your lesson.”
“You weren’t?” You ask George; delighted in the blush staining his cheeks.
“I was,” He admits shyly, “But it was that really tricky part that I couldn’t get last time.”
“That’s adorable, Georgie,” You coo; reaching over to pinch his cheek. He bats your hand away with a laugh but keeps hold of your fingers for a tad longer than he should have, enjoying your attention and the sound of your laugh.
“How did you get into dancing?” Ron asks; voice curious as he munches on a piece of toast.
“It was something my mum signed me up for when I was four years old and it grew from there.”
“Do you mainly dance ballroom?” Hermione asks; eyes bright as she basks in the happiness to have her older friend sit with her usual friends.
“Not just ballroom,” You state, “I tap dance too as well as some ballet.” At their wide eyes you backpedal, “My mum wanted me to have the grace and dexterity of a ballerina before she realised I much preferred the other two. I finished ballet when I was thirteen, but I still do the stretches,” You shrug, “They help with the warm ups for other dances.”
George grins; eyes darting between you and his friends, “What did I tell you? She’s a wonder.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re only calling me that because you feel guilty for how often you step on my toes.”
Fred snorts, “Does that often does he?”
George blushes; reaching for his drink. You shake your head with a laugh, “Not now. He did a lot in the beginning, but he’s much better now.”
George’s blushes deepens as the warmth of your words settles on your skin and he meets your eyes. The gaze holds; both of you forgetting you’re sat at a table with friends as you both smile softly at the other.
Someone clearing their throat has you breaking the gaze with George. Your face heats as you meet the interested stare of his twin brother; Fred’s eyes darting between you and George as if seeing something that wasn’t obvious for the two of you.
Conversation starts up again; Fred talking to George and Ron asking Harry about a piece of homework. As their voices gather around you, you give yourself a moment to come to terms with the feelings raging in your body. You let yourself have a single instant in which you wonder whether this friendship has developed into something more for you.
A week before the ball and you’ve accepted your feelings for the redhead. You’ve accepted that in just over a month, he’s not only formed a friendship with you, but he’s also gotten you to fall in love with him. At eighteen years old, the world tells you that you’re too young to know the meaning of the word, but what else could describe the way you feel when you look at him? What else could explain the racing of your heart when he meets you outside your classes, an arm ready to grab your bag?
At eighteen years old, the world expects you to know so much, but not your own mind. However, at eighteen years old, you know that you’re in love with George Weasley, and all from him asking you to teach him how to dance.
“What do you think? Ready to practice a waltz, George?”
He laughs lightly; the sound being music to your ears, “Let’s try a waltz.”
From the moment the needle meets the vinyl, George has his hold ready. You glide into it seamlessly; hands joining together as George begins to lead you through the one, two, three steps of the waltz.
Distantly, you hear the music sounding from your record player. Distantly, you hear your footsteps on the wooden floor, but all you can focus on is how good it feels to be in George’s hold. To have his hands on you; how warm they feel against your skin and just how much you want him closer to you.
He continues to lead you round the floor; his eyes not leaving yours as his grip on you becomes tighter. Your mind heads into overdrive; wondering how it would feel to have his hands on different parts of your body; how he would react if you leaned forward that little bit and kissed him.
“I’m feeling a little dizzy…” You murmur; whether it’s from the spinning or from the close proximity of George, you can’t tell.
“Kind of lightheaded?” George asks; a small smile on his face, “Me too.”
“Maybe we should…” You trail off; truly not wanting this moment to end as George pauses mid spin.
“Stop spinning? I think we should too.”
“We have stopped,” You say; refusing to drop the hold, refusing to leave him.
George shakes his head; his mind becoming clearer as he comes too from the daydream he found himself in as he spun you around the Room of Requirement.
Neither of you know how long you stand there; his hand on your waist and yours on his shoulder. Neither of you know how long your chests heave; from the breathlessness of the dancing, but also from the hormones and emotions flying about the room that neither of you are truly ready to address.
Stepping back - protecting your heart mainly - you drop the hold, moving off to the side where your bag waits for you. George opens and closes his mouth a few times; unable to find the words he wants to say, unable to comprehend the feelings coursing through his body this very minute.
Holding your bag to your chest, as if having a physical barrier between yourself and George will stop the cracking of your heart, you whisper, “I think you’re ready, George.”
“You do?” He asks. They aren’t the words he wants to say; they aren’t the words that are carved into his heart, mind, and soul, but they are what he says because he can see the look on your face, and he doesn’t know what to do.
You nod, trying your best to stave off the wobbling of your lip and the breaking of your heart until you’re back in your room. “Yeah,” You say; smiling weakly, “You’re ready, Georgie. Go get your girl.”
You leave him there; rushing from the room with the last of your broken heart trailing behind you. The tears begin to fall on your way back to the common room; unable to look anyone in the eye as you sprint to your room and throw yourself on your bed.
Hiding your face in your pillow, you barely repress the scream that’s been working its way out of your chest. The way your heart was cracking in your chest, you felt certain the whole school could hear it. You felt the fool; how could you not fall for him? How could you not fall for every aspect of him? You saw him at his most nervous and you saw him at his most confident; you saw every aspect of him, and your heart gave itself so willingly that you hadn’t even noticed until it was too late.
It was too late. He was ready; he could waltz the night away with Margot and he would be none the wiser to your feelings. There was no need for him to know just how he made your heart race, or how he was the reason behind most of your smiles these days. He didn’t need to know how he featured in your daydreams; distracting you from classwork.
He didn’t need to know any of that because by the end of the Yule Ball, he’ll have wooed Margot and you’ll have returned to your dance studio alone.
The dance studio feels cold without him; as if in the sort time you had been teaching him, it had also gotten used to his warm presence and the light he exudes.
Following your old routine, you select a record and place it on the player. Setting the needle down, you roll your neck, stretching your muscles out as the first song begins to play.
Needless to say that while you lose your body to the music, the steps being second nature to you, you do not lose your mind. Your feet follow the steps, but your mind does not quieten as it flips through images of what George could be doing right now. How his hand would feel on small of Margot’s back; how his hand would clasp hers tightly as he leads her confidently around the dancefloor.
You hadn’t been able to attend the ball in the end. Too afraid of what you might see, and what you might feel. Too afraid to meet the eyes of those you now class a friends and see the pity reflected in their eyes as you realise that your feelings for the Weasley twin had been obvious to everyone but him.
You gasp as you catch movement in the corner of your eye; regretting leaving your wand so far away on the table. You hold a hand to your heart as you face whoever had found your room.
He stands just in front of the door; chest rising rapidly as if he ran to all the way here.
“George?” You question; automatically stepping closer to the redhead, your heart starting to sing at his very presence. Every part of you wants to reach for him, but the logical side of you makes you wait.
“I waited for you,” He states plainly with no greeting, “I waited for you and you didn’t come.”
Your eyes drop to the floor as you confess, “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t watch you with her.”
You couldn’t watch from the sidelines as George danced the night away; dancing what you had taught him. It only felt like further punishment, and for now, you had had enough of that.
“I waited for you,” He repeats.
“Why?” You ask; needing to know.
“I couldn’t take her. Not after our final dance lesson, it wasn’t fair to her or to you. So I didn’t take her. Instead, I waited outside the Great Hall for over an hour, hoping you would make an appearance. When you didn’t, I had to come find you. I knew you would be here.”
You sniffle, “You came for me?”
George nods, “I realised something after our final lesson.”
He steps further into the room; striding forward until he stands in front of you. He tilts your face up sing two fingers; his eyes shine with happiness as he whispers, “I don’t want to dance with anyone but you.”
“You don’t?”
“I don’t. If I’m to dance with anyone, it’ll be you. I think we were meant to be; don’t you agree?”
You nod your head, faintly brushing your lips against his as you whisper, “I agree. I think we were meant to be.”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @theweasleysredhair @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @idont-knowrn @birdie-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @breadqueen95 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @slytherinsunrise @kylosleftbuttcheek @remmyswritings @xfirstfemale-marauderx @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @ria-rests-here @superbturtlemakerathlete @inglourious-imagines @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @ithilwen-lionheart @ilovejjmaybank​
George Weasley taglist: @susceptible-but-siriusexual @ickle-ronniekins
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years ago
Strike! (Jaehyun x reader)
a/n : okaay soo this was almost from a real story :)) i twisted and improvised something that happened to me :p not important though, but please enjoy this scenario!
warning : none, i think this is save for everyone.. except if you have bad memories with bowling...
characters : you, Jae, and his friends (Yu,Tae,Johnny)
tagging @yutahoes (since she knew what happened) and @neopalette anyone else wants to be tagged in my works tell me :)
Spring is happening, the flowers are blooming, and the sun has been staying up longer! Everyone’s toasting under the heat and hoping that summer can just come now. You personally enjoy the heat rather than shivering in the cold winter wind. It’s just that you don’t really have anyone to enjoy this beautiful weather with. Just like any other day, you got down from your room to look for dinner. The sun is still up and you choose to just use one of your jacket and plop into your shoes before locking the door and walking nicely to look for food.
You turn on your earphone, playing on some light music so you feel less lonely. It’s just that you have friends but today you don’t feel like eating with them. You’ve been to two classes today and worked on some homework, you noticed it’s time for a “me time”. So, with the sun shining warmly and you enjoying your afternoon walk you smile when you notice how many couples are walking around the campus.
You’re jealous, you wont lie. Come on, who’s not jealous to see cute happy couples walking under the sun and with the blooming flowers things just look like a scene from a movie. You personally slow down to think of which dining hall to visit today. You choose to go to the west side and see what menu they offer.
You don’t see much student there which make you settle quickly on pasta and have them wrap it up to go. Now, with your boxed food, you walk happily to go back to your room only to pause when there’s a sport car filled with hot guys zooming through you.
You notice a lot of people have their eyes glued on the car, or maybe the guys in it. You don’t know them, but one of them seriously looks cute. You locked eyes for a second and you swore you love him at first sight.
“Woah, last time there were girls zooming around in their opened-cabriole cars and now guys too. Guess summer is really near.” You shrug your shoulder and continue to walk.
You pass by the car again but this time it is parked and the four guys are just chilling around their cars. Sipping on some cold energy drinks while giggling and tossing light smiles to the people passing by.
“Who are you looking at young boy?” The man behind the wheels earlier nudges the boy who has his eyes glued on you.
“Um no one-“ he stammers before turning away to look at his feet and feeling his ears burn.
“Oh I see, some freshman I guess-“ the guy with a Japanese accent teases the younger boy.
“Where? I wanna see too!” the smallest one between the three extends his neck to look around.
Their actions bring the crowd’s attention, and you realize you should keep walking. Why were you stopping in first place?
So, without much thought you continue to walk down your road while humming to your music.
“Stop staring,” the guy who’s looking at his feet finally speaks up.
“Why Jaehyun? You’re shy?” The tallest, Johnny aka guy behind wheel, pokes his cheek.
Jaehyun turns red “Nah, I don’t know her. She just passed by and I locked eyes with her.”
“Don’t worry, if Yuta saw her he will know her name.” Taeyong puts a hand over Yuta’s shoulder “Right Yuta?” he asks to clarify his statement.
Yuta nods “If only you justified if that was the girl you’re staring, I may have her name tomorrow.” Yuta plays with his phone.
Jaehyun sighs “Come on, this school is big… there’s no way you’ll get her name.” he hugs his three friends’ shoulders and sighs “Guess that will be the first and last time I see her.”
Johnny clicks his tongue “So dramatic. Duhh, I know how to see her.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen “How?”
Taeyong giggles “She went that way, there’s only three houses there. We can just hang around there and see her if she goes out of her building. It’s that simple Jae, don’t be so sad.” Taeyong pats his shoulder and jumps into the car.
“Come on, we have a bowling match tomorrow might want to practice a little bit before the game.” Taeyong calls his other friends into the car and once they’re all in, Johnny hits the road again with high speed to show off his car and the guys inside.
You finish your dinner and clean up your room already. In an hour or two, you’ll wrap up your task and readings then maybe take a rest because tomorrow is a big day. You got more classes to suffer and some dance class to attend.
Your mind flashes back the image of the cute guy seating in the back seat of the sports car earlier. His dimple, his carefree smile and his fluffy wind-blown hair looks perfect. Oh you really wish you can see him one more time.
He doesn’t look like he belongs in your major, man like him probably is an athlete or studies something related to business or sports.
“Come on come to your senses (y/n)! What are the odds he meet you again? Even if he sees you, he won’t notice or realize you’re there.” You try to burry your hope by reminding yourself boys like him belong to the pretty girls with long legs. Unlike you, totally you’re way out of his league.
That night you dream of a fortunate encounter with the mysterious guy and he gives you his name. Weird how you cannot remember his name at all when you wake up, but the day is running and you need to wake up and face reality. He is a prince charming and you’re no Cinderella.
“I told you, I can get her name by today.” Yuta proudly shows Jaehyun and the guys an Instagram profile.
“Wait whoah you really did.” Taeyong says after examining the profile picture because of the private account.
“How did you?” Jaehyun stops asking when his eyes accidentally spot you coming into the room.
“Am I seeing things or is she really here?” Jaehyun whispers to his friends and Johnny gives him a smack “Hurts? It’s real. I see her too.”
Yuta chuckles “Come on, I see her walking to this place and thought maybe she’s here this afternoon. So, I made a quick run through the participant list and look up one by one.”
“Thank you- but oh I am so fortunate to see her again.” Jaehyun is literally having his moment. If this is a drama he’d have romantic bgm and flower petals falling out of nowhere. But this is the bowling room in the campus and it’s far from romantic. Especially when the judge calls for the competitor to get ready.
“Good luck there bro, focus on the game not on the girl.” His friends tease him before leaving to sit in the spectator seat.
You tie your bowling shoes and pick out your own ball. Polishing it and feeling it with your hand before bumping into someone’s sturdy chest.
“Oh- sorry.” You mutter an apology before looking up and freezing in place when you lock eyes with the same man you’ve been dying to see again.
“You-“ he turns pink.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump you. Please don’t kill me.” You beg for him
He chuckles “I will not kill you, but if you want my apology…” he trails off and bends a little bit to see your face closer “Give me your name.”
You turn red now and you feel your face heat up “It’s (y/n)”
He smiles and reaches out his hand “Jaehyun, nice to meet you (y/n)” he shakes your hand and you grin. This is awkward…
“I saw you yesterday on the car. Nice car.” You whisper after both of you sit down to wait for your turns.
Jaehyun nods “Wasn’t my car sadly, but it’s my friend’s.” he points to the three guys enjoying pizza on the spectator bench. You only nod, his friends all look hot.
“So, bowling eh? Good at it?” you ask him when it’s almost his turn. Jaehyun stands up and wears his bowling glove “Good? I just pick this up as a new hobby and I join this to look for new friends.” He gets up to his lane and picks his ball before posing nicely and hits a strike.
You smirk, not bad. He has some talent.
Jaehyun returns after his turn is over and it’s yours now.
“What about you?” he asks
You sweetly smile “Watch and see,”
Jaehyhun notices how you change. Your posture is different, and your gaze definitely burns hole to the wall. He secretly has to control his heartbeat from going up when he sees you hit a strike.
You’re not a newbie, he notices that
“Great posture, accurate and precise.” Jaehyun offers a high-five and you take it.
“Well, thank you that came from years of practice. Pleasure to be your competitor tonight, I am (y/n) the school’s official bowling team leader.” You wink and Jaehyun feels his heart burst into million pieces.
How can you be so cute and so attractive at the same time? Plus what, you’re the bowling athlete team? Hot.
He sure is going to brag on you to his friends, but most importantly he’ll win your number first after the hot tight match. He’s glad Johnny forced him to sign up for this competition, and he’s glad he has the courage to talk with you.
“So, nice game and you’re really good.” Jaehyun nudges your shoulder when the game ends with you winning.
You grin “Oh yeah? Well, what do I get for winning?” you playfully tease him.
He knits his eyebrow for a while before grinning “Do you want my number? We can have lunch together or dinner someday.” He offers you his suggestion and you feel your cheek burns.
“Sure, yes I’d love that.” You gulp and type in your number to his phone.
“Okay, I’ll text you my number so you can save it.” He winks and turns his head around when his friends call him
“I got to go, do you want to go back to your dorm with us?” he offers you a ride but as much as you want to, you know not to accept rides from stranger easily.
You shake your head “I will go with them,” you point to a new group of friends living in the same building you just met earlier.
Jaehyun nods coolly “Okay, text me when you got home.” He points to your phone that lights up with a message from him.
You smile and wave your hand as you walk to the other friends “Bye Jaehyun! It was nice meeting you.”
Turns out yesterday was not the first and last time he sees you.
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imagintheworldaway · 4 years ago
Used Pt 2
Anonymous said: Hello i loved your post “used” with Harry and i just wanted to know if you are planning a part 2 in the future?!?
Anonymous said: Loved your most recent imagine of Harry! Can you plzzzzz make a part 2 of used, where she’s a bad B and becomes even more successful and she’s better off without him? Thank you!
A/N I loved that you guys loved the first one! I went through a few different ideas / endings for this one and I think I'm happy with the outcome! warning it is a long one so strap in!
Used Pt 1 can be found here
Requests are open!
That night at Harrys apartment felt like a life time ago. The breakup wasn’t messy as neither of us addressed it really, I archived all of my posts of him and he had done the same for me and that was about it. It didn’t take the fans to catch on but what can you expect, they know more about me than I do. it had been almost 6 months to the date, not that I was counting or anything but I honestly felt like Harry was my soulmate at the time. Oh how love can blind you. 
The past few months I had submerged myself into my channel and my fans. I had done an array of meet and greets and was interacting more with them, and honestly my love for YouTube was restored and I felt like a whole new person. I had had a full make over and due to this my channel had grown immensely and I had hit 50 million subscribers, a huge achievement which I never though would happen. it was amazing to see the amount of support I was gaining from my fans and how much I had grown, from a naive teenager to a young adult. I had received an overwhelming amount of support from my friends. When Harry and I broke up they tried not to take sides but It was evident that that couldn’t last forever and I was ok with that. 
I had just finished a meeting with my manager at her office. With my new look and attitude brands seemed to swarm at me and I was gaining so many new opportunities it was kind of crazy. It was like I was a completely different person and it seemed to be working in furthering my career. I got in my Uber and made my way to my new apartment, after the break up I felt like starting a new was best and so I moved into my new multi million apartment in knightsbridge. It was nice to be in an area by myself as it meant that I had more privacy and was able to truly live my best single life. Plus a tour of new apartment left many of my friends in awe, and honestly I loved that I could show off all my hard work. 
I thanked my Uber driver and made my way to my apartment, once inside I collapsed on my sofa and kicked off my heels, which I was still getting used to in all honesty. Having changed from living in baggy jumpers and old trainers was a bit of a shock but I loved wearing my more out there wardrobe, with tighter clothes and higher heels, my makeup always done to perfection, I always felt like people had their eye on me and I felt amazing.  My change in personality and look hadn’t gone unnoticed either, although they didn’t say anything I could tell my friends liked my new attitude, after wallowing in self pity for a few months I think they’re happy that I’m back and stronger than what I was before. 
I still thought about Harry from time to time. How I not so secretly still had one of his jumpers and when I was alone id wear it, just to feel his embrace once more. When we had initially broken up it took him less than two days to send Freezy round my apartment to drop off my box of things and to request his stuff back. I know Freezy felt bad but what choice did he have if Harry wanted to erase me from his life then so be it. More fool him, I had grown so much and if he was truly clout chasing then he should’ve stuck around a little longer. 
I woke up to my doorbell ringing. I must’ve fallen asleep on the sofa. I stretched a little when the doorbell kept ringing. “Jeez I’m coming” I mumbled to myself. I pressed the array of buttons for who ever it was to get through the front gate and after a few minutes I opened the door to reveal Talia. “Have you been sleeping?” She giggled at me as she walked into my apartment, propping herself up on one of my breakfast stools. “Hmm, oh yh, busy day” I laughed closing the door and standing the other side of the breakfast bar looking up at her. 
“Soooooo” I edged her to start talking. “Oh right sorry, your release party, Simon was pestering me to ask you if a certain arsehole could come?” She said the last part in a sheepish tone. Fuck, my release party I completely forgot, I had had so much on my plate that I forgot I was opening a club and releasing my own line of spirits. I stood up looking at Talia with a confused look “why the hell would I invite my ex to my release party?”. I reached up and grabbed two wine glasses pouring us each a glass of rosé. Passing over a glass to Talia as she pondered her reply. “Honestly I said the same but apparently all the lads feel bad as everyone we know is invited except for him” she swirled her glass of wine and took a sip as I copied her mentioned. In all fairness it was rude that I invited everyone but him, plus it was going to be the event to beat, and I had a few spaces on the guest list. “T, I don’t know” I shrugged at her sighing. “If I was you id tell him to stick it where-“ Talia started before I cut her off “I know, I know, it does seem a little harsh, I have invited so many people and, well, you know what fuck it, I’ll get my manager to add him to the list if you let him know” I decided. Talia looked gobsmacked, I had never seen her this speechless in our lives. “Are you sure, he’s a dick like you really don’t have to” she said cocking an eyebrow at me. “Look its not fair, plus there’s going to be hundreds of people there and the likelihood of us actually interacting are practically 0” I stated. Which was true, there was going to be just about the whole British YouTube community there, as well as some celebrities and journalists, and I would have my team around me at all times so the chance of him even getting near me is slim. 
That night Talia and I had gotten wasted, watching movies and just have a nice little girly night. However, right now I was shaking in my heels. My hair and makeup had been done to perfection and I was in a body hugging dress which showed off all of my curves perfectly. I looked almost like a model that’s how good I looked. I of Course was going to be the last to arrive at the venue, I needed everyone to be chatting with flutes of complimentary champagne when I entered so all attention was on me, as conceited as this sounds my publicists and manager had worked months for this to run as perfect as possible. I arrived at the venue and I could hear the music from outside “you ready?” My manager, Lucy asked. I nodded my head and made my way through the back entrance. I stood behind the stage door with a mic in one hand and a bottle of my own vodka in another. “Deep breaths, you’ll smash it” Lucy smiled at me, I just nodded and plastered on a smile, I heard the music die down a little and the door opened and I made my way on stage. An eruption of applause and cheering began from my friends and guests. I smiled taking it all in for a moment before I raised the mic to my mouth. 
“Thank you all so much for being here today and supporting me in my new business venture. If you would have told me a year ago that this is where I would be I would have laughed. These past few months I’ve grown more than I ever have, my channel, my business and more importantly myself. I can’t thank you all enough for the continuous love and support, without you guys or my fans I wouldn’t be where I am today. So id like you to all enjoy a complimentary glass of my new Vodka and enjoy yourselves. Because tonight is about friends and loved ones. So let’s get wasted!!!” I recited my speech cheering at the end. I got a mass amount of applause and cheers and I smiled looking over the crowd. I could see all my friends together happy, the way it should be and I smiled until I saw him, he actually came. My smile faltered slightly and my breath hitched in my throat. I quickly shook it off and made my way to the stairs, exiting the stage. I was quickly engulfed in a mass of hugs and bodies, people I knew and some I didn’t all congratulating me. 
I had done it I had made it and all on my own. 
After about half an hour I made it over to my closest group of friends. They all cheered when I went over and I did a mock curtsey, careful not to reveal too much. I got handed a glass of something and started polite conversation. “We’re all so proud of you” Gee gushed “you’ve done so well I can’t believe that you are basically the most sought after name at the moment” freya added. “ I couldn’t have done it without you guys” I smiled. “Oh shut up little miss humble” Ethan who had clearly had a bit much to drink already. “You’re  the queen of UK YouTube, you have your own empire going and you built it all yourself” he grinned at me before smothering me in a hug. “You need to be in more of our vids then maybe we’d be doing just as well as you” Simon commented earning a laugh from the group. “Here’s to Y/N the baddest bitch I know” Talia toasted and everyone joined in. I smiled as we fell into polite chatter. “I’m just nipping outside” I informed my friends smiling at them before making my way to the balcony. I leant over the edge and smiled, nothing could ruin my life right now. I thought to myself. That was until I heard footsteps approach me from behind and the body heat of someone I could recognise in an instant next to me. “Before you say anything I’m here to congratulate you” Harry said. I kept my gaze forward, not wanted tears that I didn’t know still existed for him to spill. “I’m so proud of you, honestly I am, so are my family, they miss you, I miss you” I turned my body and met Harrys gaze. I studied his face, he had bags under his eyes and the usual scruff on his beard was longer than he usually kept it, his hair was also scruffy, not scruffy like usual but tangled and unkept. He was wearing smart trousers and a nice button up shirt, no blazer, Harry hated formal clothes. “Thank you” was all I was able to say as I smiled at him. “You know, with every day that goes by someone reminds me how I fucked up and should have kept a death grip on you, that you were the best part of me and now I’m just some boring kid who plays Fifa” I half chuckled at the end. I felt sorry for him, it seemed that I had grown and succeeded and that Harry had stayed stagnant in his life. “Harry, I, I don’t know what you want me to say” I looked at him with sorry eyes, I think maybe I still loved him, but I had been doing so well without him I just I didn’t know whether I wanted to kiss him or kill him. “No I, I get that, I was a dick. I was in a rut and I took it out on you. And well honestly seeing you do so well without me just shows how I was holding you back. I’m proud of you, I’m happy for you, honestly I am bear, sorry Y/N” we had made eye contact at this point. So many memories came flooding back to me. Our first kiss, our first date, the nights we spent talking about what we wanted to name our children, and how we wanted to have a house in Guernsey and one in London. How we were going to grow old together and never let the other go. 
I broke my gaze when I heard Lucy call my name. I took a deep breath. “I loved you harry, with all my heart, with all my being and I was willing to stay and love you no matter what. I think I still do love you. But right now I need to focus on me, my empire has only just started and I don’t want us to back peddle. The only way for me is forward no mater if you’re there with me or not.” I spilled my heart out to Harry before I heard Lucy call me name again. “Sorry” was all I could say before I headed back inside. I wiped a stray tear from my eye and took one last look at harry, I had left him so broken. But now was time to put me first Y/N is number one in my life and as much as I wanted to fall back into my old self I couldn’t. I had made promises and shown that after heartbreak you can build and make yourself stronger than before. And I was not about to throw it all away.
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years ago
Life’s Lessons - Epilogue
Title: Life’s Lessons - Epilogue: A Lesson in Making a Life
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 4,160 (song lyrics in italics)
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF, YOU GUYS. Some swearing, Lots of kissing, Happy Tears, Dean being the cutest and sweetest he’s ever been in this series. Implied sex. Just a whole bunch of happiness. I don’t want to say anything and ruin the surprise, but there’s absolutely nothing but fluff here!
Music: Thank You by Led Zeppelin (Lyrics spaced out throughout, listen to it during the whole epilogue. Loop it if you can lol!)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: I made myself cry with this epilogue. There’s just so much fluff, you guys! So, happy reading and enjoy! Thank you so much to everyone for coming along on this journey, I have loved every minute of it and I hope you have too! Who knows, though... it might not be completely over! ;)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics​! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
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6 Months Later
If the sun refuses to shine
I would still be loving you
“So, you don’t know what he has planned for tonight?”
Y/N stood in front of her mirror, applying her make-up. Charlie, who sat on the bed behind her, had just asked her that question, to which Y/N shook her head.
“No idea” she said, before picking up her eyeliner and bringing it to her right eye first.
Meg walked into the room, handing Charlie one of the glasses of water she had in her hands. “If he told you to dress up, it’s something important.”
Y/N smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe. I just want to have a good time tonight. He’s been so busy with the house; we can finally relax tonight.”
“You still want it to be a surprise, huh?” Charlie asked, smiling.
“Yeah” Y/N replied, quietly, smiling to herself.
A lot had happened in Dean and Y/N’s life.
They had spent nearly every waking moment together, when they weren’t at work or with their friends or Dean’s family. To say that they fell more in love with each other every day was an understatement. They both couldn’t believe how much more they were able to give with each passing moment. Since Dean had told her about the house, they had begun planning everything for it together. She would give him her ideas from her home magazines, telling him different ways to go about doing the internal re-model. However, Dean being Dean, didn’t tell her which of her ideas he was taking on board. He had taken her saying she wanted to be surprised very seriously.
Y/N couldn’t believe how far they had come; from just being neighbors and liking each other, to a proper couple in the span of several months. She had met his family, and everyone loved her instantly. They had their first Valentine’s Day and Dean had pulled out all the stops, taking her to a fancy restaurant and then a hotel in the city for the night, taking work off the next day which she did too, enjoying spending time together before their late check-out.
Then, the time came for Dean to meet her parents. She had been nervous, but she knew her family would give him the same treatment that his gave her. They had come down from New York to visit her just as summer break started. Her parents along with her sister and brother-in-law and the kids all hauled themselves down to Kansas to see her and meet Dean. When she had told him, he had been incredibly nervous to meet them, but had agreed, nonetheless.
They spent an entire afternoon together, Dean played with Y/N’s nieces who were obsessed with him now, took her dad and Brian out for a spin in the Impala, and charmed her mom and Jill all day until her sister and brother-in-law returned to the hotel with the kids, as Y/N’s parents were staying with her. Dean had passed with flying colors, which they were both so relieved about. The family’s trip there pretty much cemented that things were serious, and they were moving onto a bright future together.
Once the family had left after visiting for a week, Dean took Y/N on a trip to California, on a two-week getaway that he cited they needed to take after working so hard for the last several months. It was their first trip together, and Dean had driven them down there. The beach house they got to stay in belonged to a friend of Sam’s from college, which they had all to themselves as the friend and his wife had gone to Europe for the summer. Sam and Eileen weren’t able to go, as she didn’t want to endure a long drive while pregnant, and she also couldn’t fly now. So, Dean took the opportunity to be alone with Y/N, spending a romantic trip away together. They spent their days on the beach, exploring the town and soaking up the sun, with their nights spent at bars, restaurants and night walks along the shore, before exploring each other once they got back to the house.
It had been exactly what they needed, both of them falling even more in love with each other if that was even possible.
Sam and Eileen’s son was born a week after the trip, both parents exhausted but over the moon with their bundle of joy. Dean and Y/N had taken on babysitting duties a couple of months later, knowing the parents definitely needed a break. As if seeing Dean with her nieces hadn’t been enough, Dean with his baby nephew was a sight to behold and had given Y/N plenty of thoughts she shouldn’t have had. Not for a while, at least.
She knew they were heading in that direction, and she also knew that Dean felt the same way, but it was better to not get carried away with thoughts of marriage and children until those things were properly on the cards for them.
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
Six months later, nearly a year to the day she had met him, and she had fallen harder with each day that passed. He made her feel loved, protected and safe. He cared about her and her job, her passions and her wants and needs. He was completely satisfying in every department, especially the bedroom, getting her to admit to fantasies she had hidden and even playing out a very particular one. She had given him his teacher fantasy, so it was only right he gave her one of hers.
Through it all, there was only one thought she had. That she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Dean Winchester. She wanted to make a life with him and only him. He was her person.
As Y/N reflected on everything that had happened, she quickly changed into her wine-red dress and nude heels, put on her thin, diamond, drop earrings and made sure her Y/H/C hair was still perfectly styled and her make-up was flawless, having gone for a lighter look with a light pink lip.
“So… how do I look?” she asked, turning to her friends.
“Beautiful” they both sighed, smiling at her.
“He’s not going to know what hit him” Meg said with a wink.
Just then, the doorbell rang a couple of times, signalling Dean had walked over to her house to come and get her. She still only used it to keep her clothes and do her work in her office, spending most of the days and all her nights over at Dean’s.
“Alright, I better go” she said, doing one last check in the mirror. “You girls stay as long as you want, just-”
“Lock up when we leave, we know” Charlie smiled. “Go.”
Y/N smiled as she walked out of the bedroom, Charlie and Meg hanging around in the hallway as they watched her greet Dean with a kiss.
“She really has no idea what’s going to happen soon” Charlie quietly squealed.
“I know” Meg said, excitedly as they both waved at Dean, giving him a thumbs up as he winked at them when Y/N’s back was turned. She smiled back at them one last time before shutting the door, leaving the girls in the house.
“I always knew they’d get to this point” Charlie said, beaming. “Gosh, I’m so happy she came into his life.”
“Amen to that” Meg said, as she clinked her glass of water against Charlie’s. They both took a few sips, before rinsing the glasses and picking up their bags.
“Alright, what time did Dean say they’ll be done?” Meg asked, as they stepped out the door and locked up Y/N’s house.
“Around 9” Charlie replied, as they got into her car.
“Good. That means we have enough time” Meg said, as she buckled her seatbelt.
They both couldn’t wait to help Dean make this a night Y/N would remember forever.
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Kind woman, I give you my all
Kind woman, nothing more
Dean smiled at the look on Y/N’s face as the waitress popped the champagne he had ordered, pouring them each some in the champagne flutes before putting the bottle in the ice bucket, and walking away. He loved the look of surprise and giddiness on her face, but she really had no idea what was in store for her tonight.
“This is all too much, Dean” she said, shaking her head even though she was smiling. “Champagne, the restaurant to ourselves…”
He waved her off, smirking. “I’ve been coming here for years, so Tony owed me at this point.”
He had taken her to the restaurant he took her to on their first date, just six months ago. He had known the owner for years, coming in here often enough plus Dean fixing Tony’s car several times in the past few years, plus the place practically being an institution of Lawrence, all added up to Dean being able to have the place for themselves that night.
“Well, I’m glad it didn’t cost you much” she smiled, as she picked up her glass and held it up for a toast. “To six, amazing, official months, but to one whole year of knowing you.”
“To knowing you, too” he smirked as he clinked his glass with hers, secretly touched that she had said that.
Dean knew that he was truly blessed to have the amazing woman sitting in front of him, in his life. She had saved him from a life of misery, something he never would’ve realized or gotten out of if she hadn’t shown up and completely turned his life around, for the better. She made him feel appreciated, valued, cared for and loved. She was genuinely excited about his achievements when it came to work, and even gave him ideas on how to do things when he voiced that he was lost sometimes. She supported him and his passion, being equally passionate and driven, just in her own profession.
She was absolutely stunning, knocking him down a few pegs every time he looked at her, and god damn it, if she wasn’t the sexiest woman he had ever been with. She had fulfilled a fantasy of his, and he had returned the favor recently, finding out while he enjoyed her being dominant towards him, he absolutely loved seeing her being submissive for him.
He knew from the moment they met that she was going to be sticking around for a while. Then, a while turned into him wanting her around forever, once things became more serious between them.
Meeting her family sealed the deal for him, however. He wanted Y/N in his life for as long as they lived.
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain
Tears of love lost in the days gone by
They ate and drank, chatting about everything they could, enjoying each other’s company. They never ran out of things to talk about, and they both hoped they never would. Once Dean paid for dinner and dessert which had consisted of an incredibly rich chocolate cake, they took a stroll through the park to get to the car. It was a pleasant night, not blazing hot like it had been during the day, with a light, cool breeze. Y/N kept looking over at Dean, dressed in his best dark jeans, a light blue shirt and his good boots, proving that he always looked incredible.
Their hands were intertwined as they walked, stealing kisses and touches from each other as they made their way to the car. They could barely ever keep their hands off each other, but Dean was being extra lovey and Y/N had begun to wonder what he was up to.
“Ready for the next thing?” he asked, as he sat in the car, turning the ignition on.
“Absolutely” she replied, smiling brightly.
“Good” he said, before he reached over and opened the glove compartment, taking out a tie he had stashed in there. “Turn around, sweetheart.”
“Oh my god, Dean, what kind of thing do you planned?” she asked, her eyes widening as she saw the tie.
“It’s nothing like that, Y/N” he replied, as he nudged her to turn. “Unless you want it to be” he smirked, even though she had turned and couldn’t see him.
He wrapped the tie around her head, covering her eyes before tying it at the back.
“Is this really necessary?” she asked, pouting her lips.
He chuckled, leaning in and kissing them. “Yes.”
He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message before he started the Impala. The engine roared to life, before he put it in drive and made his way down the road.
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They hadn’t been driving long, but Dean had taken several turns in the last few minutes. Y/N was confused as to where they were going but didn’t say anything. She knew he had a knack for surprising her, and she didn’t want to spoil that for him.
Dean quickly pulled up outside his newly renovated, two-storey house. He shut off the engine, just as he saw two figures walk out of the house. He got out of the car and smiled at Charlie and Meg who waved at him, before quietly making their way down the driveway and towards Charlie’s car. He waited until they had completely driven away before walking around the front of the car and opening the passenger door.
“Can I take this off now? What took you so long to get here from the other side?” she asked, starting to get a little suspicious now.
“Y/N, you gotta relax” he laughed, as he turned her around and held onto her shoulders, guiding her up the sidewalk, after he had locked the car.
He walked her up the path in the still-to-be-finished garden, which she wouldn’t be seeing at that moment. He carefully led her up the porch stairs, making sure she didn’t trip with her heels on. He opened the door and led her in, her heels echoing on the hardwood floors.
“Dean, what’s going on?” she asked, impatiently as she heard her shoes on the floors.
“Just one more second” he replied, as he moved in front of her and guided her through the hallway, past the living area and into the middle room. When he stopped, he felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“Okay… ready?” he asked, holding onto the tie being used to blindfold her.
“Yes” she replied, somewhere between exasperated and excited.
Dean laughed to himself, as he moved in front of her. “Okay. 1… 2… 3…”
He counted down and opened the knot, dropping the blindfold. He watched her eyes flutter open, smirking as they immediately widened when she realized where she was. She let out a loud gasp, her eyes flitting to every part of the room, lit up with candles everywhere.
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes as she looked around the room, turning in circles to see every part of it. The hardwood floors, the beautiful dining table that she loved from one of her magazines, a large archway leading to the living area, still to be furnished. However, the thing that got her immediately was the huge kitchen. It was her dream kitchen, with a big island bench in the middle, a beautiful stove and oven, the cabinets painted a dark shade of green with gold handles, and marble countertops. There was a picture window in the kitchen with a ledge, with an empty glass box for her herbs.
Y/N looked back at Dean, his smirk wide as he bit his lip, gaging her reaction. She laughed as she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt tears prick her eyes as she shook her head.
“You like?” he asked, rubbing his hand down her back.
She pulled away slightly to look up at him. “Like?” She shook her head, as she looked around again. “Dean… I’m speechless. I-I… I absolutely love it.”
“Okay, good, because it’s still not quite done. I left a few things like the living area and painting unfinished, so they we can decide that stuff together.”
“It’s all perfect, and it’s going to be even more perfect once it’s completely done. Dean… it’s beautiful. It’s… it’s my dream house” she choked up, not being able to talk.
There were large windows in the living area, and large French doors that led out to the covered porch, and then the backyard.
“Everything’s done, just needs furnishing and your touch. Master suite is done but not furnished. Guest room’s done and we can put your bed in there for now, but I left the other two rooms unfurnished too… for… well, you know” he muttered, his cheeks turning red. He was already thinking about how their future kids.
She smiled through tears, leaning in and kissing him, feverishly. “I love you. I love that you put everything into this for yourself, for me… for our future family.”
My love is strong
With you there is no wrong
Together we shall go until we die, my, my, my
He leaned in and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her deeper into the kiss.
“That’s a lot of candles” she laughed when she pulled away.
“Thank Charlie and Meg for that. They wanted to help make tonight special for you” he told her, smiling as he kissed her softly again.
“For us” she playfully corrected him.
He chuckled, nodding. “Yeah. Us.”
He looked down at her and Y/N smiled at him, squinting slightly as she noticed something different in his eyes. She couldn’t quite place it but it didn’t seem like it was a bad thing.
An inspiration is what you are to me
Inspiration, look, see
Y/N slowly pulled away from him and smiled as she walked away, going into the kitchen. She ran her hand over the countertops, opening cabinets and drawers, smiling the entire time. Dean was glad she had taken a moment to do that, as he took a deep breath, nervously touching his back pocket to his jeans. He smiled as he watched her; the dream he had so many times over the years was finally taking shape. She looked up at him and frowned, seeing his nervous stance as he stood there in the room. She walked over to him, placing her hands on his chest. He gulped as he looked down at her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Dean… are you okay?” she asked, her voice slightly scared.
“I’m okay” he nodded, as he took her left hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it. “In fact, I’m better than okay. I’ve been better than okay since you came into my life.”
She smiled at him, feeling the same way for him.
And so today, my world, it smiles
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles
“You came here and changed everything; you turned everything upside down in the best way possible, sweetheart. You made me realize what I was missing. You’ve been everything I’ve ever needed in my life. You’ve supported me and actually cared about what I do. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so glad I have you. You saved me” he told her, pulling her in close as he looked into her eyes.
“Dean” she sighed, looking up at him with all the love she had for him.
“I want us to make a life here. I want us to be a family. I promise you, right here, right now – I’ll always take care of you. I’ll never hurt you, or make you feel you’re less than what you are. You’re beautiful, strong, smart, kind and caring. You love everyone around you, and they know that you’ve got their back. I know you’ve been hurt in the past, but I promise… I’ll never do that to you. I never thought I’d get to have this; a beautiful woman to make a life with, but I know I don’t want it with anyone else but you” he said, as he moved back slightly.
Y/N’s eyes widened as Dean crouched down, getting down on one knee, her hand still in his.
And thanks to you it will be done
For you to me are the only one
“Dean” she gasped, as fresh tears welled in her eyes.
“I want you for the rest of my life, sweetheart. I love you, more than I ever thought possible to love someone. I promise I’ll love you for the rest of our lives” he smiled, his voice shaking with emotion. He reached into his back pocket and took out the little black box, opening it to reveal a beautiful, sparkling modest diamond ring in a platinum setting.
Y/N sobbed as she cupped her other hand over her mouth, the tears running down her face. She looked Dean in the eyes as he spoke, seeing everything he promised her, right there in his beautiful green orbs.
“Y/N Y/L/N… will you marry me?” he asked, his heart feeling like it would explode any minute.
Y/N pulled her hand away from her mouth, laughing through tears. “Yes! Yes, Dean, yes!”
Dean beamed, his smile brighter than ever before, as he took out the ring from the box and slowly slipped it onto her ring finger. He stood up, slightly off balance as she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His automatically went around her waist, lifting her up, her heeled feet dangling above the ground. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him hard and passionately.
“I love you” she said, between kisses. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, sweetheart” he whispered, unable to stop kissing her. “Fuck, I love you so damn much.”
Happiness, no more be sad
Happiness – I’m glad
Y/N pulled away to look into Dean’s eyes, her face level with his. She leaned her forehead against his, tears still running down her face. Dean leaned in and kissed them away, smiling at her. She looked down at her ring, her smile beaming as bright as the diamond.
“It’s so beautiful” she said, wiggling her finger against the light of the candles in the room.
“It’s was my mom’s” he told her, smirking. “When I told her that I was planning on proposing, she gave it to me.”
Y/N was shocked as she shook her head. “She wanted you to give this to me?”
“Yeah, Y/N. She loves you; we all do. You’re a part of our family. She wanted you to have it… I want you to have it” he explained, looking into her eyes with all the sincerity of the situation.
“But, Eileen…” Y/N shook her head, not understanding.
“Sam bought his own ring back then, because he told mom when she offered hers that I should be the one to give it to someone. Who knew it would take this long to find the one woman worthy of it, but here we are” he said, smiling down at her.
Y/N choked out a sob, as fresh tears started. “I love it. I love you, Dean. I’m so happy.”
“Me too” he said, feeling his eyes getting misty.
They stood there in each other’s embrace, in the middle of the room, unable to stop kissing and touching each other. They weren’t sure how much time had passed. All they cared about in that moment was each other. However, Dean slowly put her down on her feet and took her hand, leading her across the room and up the wood staircase. He walked her slowly down the hallway once she admired the space near the landing, knowing that it would make a nice space for their future children. He led her past the rooms and into what would be their bedroom, smirking as he saw a few candles there too, blankets on the carpeted floor and a few throw pillows.
Dean turned to Y/N and pulled her close to him, leaning down and kissing her, feverishly. They slowly undressed each other as Dean laid her down on the blankets, her head on one of the pillows. Dean moved within her, wrapped tightly in her embrace, as they made love in their new home for the first time.
As they laid back against the pillows and basked in the afterglow, Dean leaned in and kissed her again, smiling against her lips as they continued their passionate exchange.
It wasn’t the first, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
There would be many more for years to come, as it held the promise of a lifetime together.
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
Tags: @flamencodiva​ @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @katehuntington​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @michellethetvaddict​ @spngirl05​ @kyjey​ @halesandy​ @440mxs-wife​ @stoneyggirl​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @redbarn1995​ @marianita195​ @babypink224221​ @deans-baby-momma​ @parinarain​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @mandalou29​ @castiels-a-winchester @ellewritesfix05​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @supraveng​ @roonyxx​ @supernatural-love14​ @vicmc624​ @prettyboyswow​ @lunarmoon8​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​
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fandomlovingfreak · 4 years ago
You Can’t Marry a Malfoy (12/12)
George Weasley/Reader
Ch1. Ch2. Ch3. Ch4. Ch5. Ch6. Ch7. Ch8. Ch9. Ch10. Ch11.
Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: 1305
AO3 Link
Summary: When reader comes running to George Weasley because her parents have arranged a Pureblood marriage between her and Draco Malfoy, what will George do? He's been secretly in love with his best friend since their time at Hogwarts, and he knows he can't let her go. He definitely can't let Malfoy have her.
Notes: Thank you for reading! This has been a lot of fun to write. Look out for either an alternative story that somewhat goes alongside this story, and/or a sequel. 
"Smile for the photo," the photographer says, snapping another photo. George holds his wife close to his body, grinning like a man who just won the Magic Lottery.
"Kiss her mate!" someone yells. He glances down at his wife. She grins back before pulling his face down to hers, kissing him deeply as people cheer. Her fingers are warm against his face as his hands pull her flush to his chest.
"Blimey," he mutters when she pulls away. Her eyes are still closed, a wide smile on her face as their noses brush slightly as they bask at the moment.
"I love you," her eyes flutter open as the words leave her lips. George grins wider, chasing her lips once again. Her arms wrap around his neck as she leans into the kiss. Eventually, she pulls back just enough to catch her breath. 
“Auntie (y/n)!” Victoire runs and hugs (y/n) 's leg.
"Hello V" (y/n) gives him an exciting look before kneeling to talk to their niece.
"I like your dress," Victoire touches the white material of (y/n) 's wedding dress.
"Thank you, dear," (y/n) brushes her thumb across Victoire's chubby pink cheek. George plucks Victoire up from the ground, causing the little girl to squeal and giggle. He places her on his hip between himself and (y/n). The clicking of the camera can be heard as they continue to talk to the young child.
Dinner is served as light conversation flows around the tent. He has (y/n) 's hand in his on the table as they chat with their friends. Every so often, she'll turn to him and grin. A few of those times, he's pulled her in for a quick kiss.
Charlie makes a toast focusing on embarrassing stories about his childhood, ending the little speech with how he knew George was completely and totally in love with (y/n) since he was seventeen. (y/n) grins, looking over at him. Once his personal embarrassment is over, (y/n) 's maid-of-honor Amelia gets up to speak.
"I know I promised you (y/n), back in fifth year not to say anything, but you married him, so I guess the promise is off then?" Amelia winks at (y/n), whose eyes are wide. (y/n) looks over at George.
"Oh no…" she laughs, looking away in embarrassment. 
"Anyways," Amelia laughs, "Back in fifth year, as everyone remembers, Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament, which included the Yule Ball. For weeks, (y/n) would pout over the fact that her best friend and secret crush, George Weasley, hadn't asked her to go with him yet." He glances over at (y/n), remembering this instance. (y/n) hadn't directly said anything to him about them going together, just hinted repeatedly to him that she hadn't been asked by anyone yet. Of course, he had planned to ask her, but as he also had a pesky little crush on his best friend, he had chickened-out of asking her a few times. "Finally, George asked her, though! She was ecstatic. Literally bouncing off the walls of our dorm room with excitement. (y/n) was sure that because he asked her, he liked her too, and this was their first date." (y/n) is looking down at her hands in her lap. He hadn't known she was so invested in that night. It hadn't exactly gone the way he thought it would either--
"Unfortunately, it hadn't gone exactly how she had planned. It wasn't really a date, but afterward (y/n) still had hope. And I guess, that hope did pay off." Amelia grins, "I love you so much (y/n). I always knew you'd get him." (y/n) smiles at her friend. "Merlin's beard, kiss him." Amelia rolls her eyes playfully. 
(y/n) laughs before pulling him down for a quick kiss. "That's for not kissing me at the Yule Ball," she whispers.
"Biggest mistake of my life," he lets his thumb caress her cheek.
He holds her close as they sway to the music as her head rests on his chest. He feels complete for the first time in a long time. Everything feels right as they dance together. Like everything they've gone through, Hogwarts, the war, losing Fred, and going through all of the pain, has a resolution in a sense when she's in his arms. 
"What are you thinking of?" She looks up at him.
"You," he leans down to softly kiss her forehead.
(y/n) smiles, pulls him down for a proper kiss, her fingers threading through his hair.
Other couples join them on the floor as the song changes to something more upbeat. When he pulls away from his happy bubble with his wife, he notices even Percy is dancing with someone. Percy, who never danced, was out on the floor swaying with a girl!
He leans down slightly to whisper in (y/n) 's ear, "Who is Percy dancing with?"
(y/n) looks around, spotting her brother-in-law, "That's Audrey!" She whispers back excitedly.
"Like your friend, Audrey?" He asks like he's never met the girl.
"Obviously," she grins, maneuvering him so she can watch her friend laughing. Percy's gone bright red, grinning like she's never seen him grin before, "She's laughing at something he said!"
He turns them around again to witness this moment, "Percy's never been funny in his life! There's no way she's laughing at anything he's said." But, (y/n) 's right. Audrey seems to be enjoying Percy's company. 
(y/n) looks giddy as she says, "Imagine if they got married--!"
"You're getting ahead of yourself, darling."
"It would be so nice to have Audrey in the family," she winks. George's smile broadens.
"The family, huh?" 
She leans her head against his chest again as his arms grip around her back tightens. "Yup." She seems to melt into the embrace.
When the party starts to die down, they escape into the warm summer air outside the tent. The moonlight and dusky sun blend together in the sky, painting the world around them in navy blue, white, and deep orange. They stroll through the dimly lit garden hand in hand.
"Are you happy?" She whispers.
"Am I happy?" he asks, "Am I, George Weasley, happy?"
"Stop teasing! I'm honestly asking you," (y/n) rolls her eyes, looking down at the ground. George slowly moves her chin up to meet his gaze.
"I've never been happier, Mrs. Weasley."
(y/n)'s mouth opens slightly, her eyes searching for something on his own. Her voice is breathy, "kiss me." He does. 
He kisses her slowly like he has all the time in the world. Kisses her like he's making up for every time he could've throughout the years, but didn't. Her hands rest on his lower back, slowly moving up and down tantalizingly as he tries to make up for each lost kiss.
Eventually, he pulls back just enough to rest his forehead against hers.
George grins, "did that satisfy you?"
(y/n)'s squints at him, scrunching her nose, "mmm...almost."
"Almost?" He smiles, amused.
"You owe me so many more, George Weasley." Her fingers dance across his jaw, caressing right below where his ear would be. 
"I plan on rectifying the situation every day for the rest of our lives." He glances down towards her lips before kissing her again.
"I like the ones with Victoire," she looks over his shoulder. He's sitting down at the breakfast table, wedding photos his mother sent over this morning, in hand. George hands (y/n) the photo she's been eyeing, the one with their niece chatting with them. He's focused on one of them dancing. They seem to be in their own world as sway slowly on the dance floor, their eyes locked.
"Yeah, that one's good." He answers absentmindedly. (y/n)'s fingers touch the corner of the picture he's holding.
"This one is good too." She wraps her arms around his neck, pressing her cheek against his.
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hysterialevi · 4 years ago
Hjarta | Chapter 10
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Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
Author’s note: Sorry about the delay on this one guys! As I said before I wasn’t feeling that great these past few days because of the vaccine, but I’m doing much better now. Thanks for being patient.
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
This was it. This was finally the day.
After what felt like an eternity of going back and forth with his emotions, Eivor would see Sigurd married to Randvi at last, and the alliance would be set in stone. Their two clans would be joined into one fearsome army, and they would stop Kjotve from ever roaming Norway’s seas again.
It was a wondrous day for everyone in the village, considering the nature of their agenda. Vibrant decorations had been placed on every surface imaginable in Bjornheimr, and lively laughter could be heard ringing throughout the air.
Ribbons and banners hung from the roofs, lanterns dangled from the trees, and all across the ground, Eivor saw nothing but fresh flower petals adorning the paths. Meanwhile, the sounds of drums and lyres harmonized with the whispers of Mother Earth, and not too far away from him, the young man could see people dancing with one another.
It was a sight that normally would’ve inspired happiness in Eivor’s heart, but for today, all he felt was loneliness. 
Ever since he woke up, he hadn’t been able to shake off the shadow that loomed over him. The weight of Sigurd’s absence continued to linger on his shoulders, and it hindered his motivation to get involved with the festivities.
At the moment, he was currently sitting on a bench that rested just beside the temple and overlooked the wedding, giving him a clear view of its events. He saw clusters of familiar faces beckoning him to come join them, but no matter what, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. And he knew exactly why.
Underneath the wedding arch, Eivor saw Sigurd and Randvi chatting with a group of people as they shared drinks with one another, getting a head-start to the wedding’s celebrations.
The prince was dressed in an ornate, white tunic paired with a crown of flowers that sat on his head, and his broad physique had been relieved of all the armor that he usually wore. He was smiling and laughing in the presence of the other guests, and on the surface, it looked like he was actually enjoying himself.
But underneath all the pretenses, Eivor could tell that the man was just as conflicted as he was. Every time he got a brief moment to himself, or was spared from the attention of scattered onlookers, his expression would drop, and a look of despondency would darken his eyes.
Sigurd seemed miserable, if Eivor was being honest. It was clear that he wasn’t willing to settle down with this marriage, but knew he had to for the sake of their clans’ safety... and it was ruining him.
Eivor just wished he could summon the courage to speak to him again. There were a thousand different things he wished to say to the man, but he had no idea how to word any of them. 
How could he talk to Sigurd while acting as if nothing happened between the two of them? Or that they weren’t both upset about this wedding? How was it possible that they’d be able to keep up that kind of charade?
At this point, Eivor knew better than to believe he’d be able to conceal his true emotions. He had already seen how easy it was for Sigurd to crack open his shell, and he didn’t want to risk losing control of any more of his impulses. Especially not on a day such as this. Ingrida’s warnings had yet to take their leave from the Wolf-Kissed’s list of worries, and the last thing Eivor wanted was to be the reason they came true.
“Everyone!” Arngeir called out, breaking Eivor’s train of thought as the music came to a pause. “Everyone, gather around!”
The jarl was currently standing at the front of the wedding with Styrbjorn at his side, and held a tall tankard of mead in his grasp. He addressed the crowd before them while Sigurd lingered next to the archway, greeting his people with a radiant smile.
“My brothers!” Arngeir said proudly, “my sisters! Today is a day for celebration. The seas of this war have been relentless with chaos, and we have endured a great deal to stand where we are now. I know many of you have sacrificed your heart and soul in the name of survival. You have fought, you have bled, and you have known pain unlike any other. But no more. Today,” he placed a hand on Styrbjorn’s shoulder, “the Bear and Raven clans will become one, and we will finally have what it takes to deliver Kjotve into the jaws of Nidhoggr himself!”
A unanimous cheer erupted from the villagers.
“So, drink!” Arngeir exclaimed over their voices. “Drink and feast to your hearts’ content! Let your spirits sing with joy as we celebrate this marriage, and let the gods hear our thundering war cries when the time for battle comes! May Freya bless this new couple with her loving embrace, and may Tyr guide us into victory. Or to Valhalla.” He raised his tankard in the air. “Skål, my drengir!”
The guests returned the toast. “Skål!”
A series of merry cries rose from the crowd as they happily downed their drinks in unison, eager to get the mead flowing. The music of the festival quickly resumed its lively beat, and chirps of laughter returned to the air. 
As for Eivor, the man remained seated by the temple and simply watched the festivities unfold, wishing more than anything that he could talk to Sigurd again. He knew the prince would likely welcome him with open arms despite the tension between them, but even then, there was just something holding him back.
He didn’t have the strength to approach Sigurd now that the man was officially married. Despite all his efforts to ignore it, Eivor did feel a spark of jealousy flickering in his heart whenever he laid eyes on Randvi, and he hated himself for it.
Randvi didn’t deserve any animosity. She was simply doing what she was told, just like Sigurd. Still, part of Eivor secretly wished he could be in her position. He wished he could openly display his affection for the prince, and not constantly feel the need to hide it.
But alas, there was no longer any grey area about the matter. Sigurd and Randvi had officially been bound by this alliance, and Eivor would have to stay away from him, no matter how alluring the thought might’ve been. They wouldn’t be able to repeat what they did last night, and to go against this marriage would’ve been a betrayal. 
“Eivor?” A stray voice blurted out, causing the Wolf-Kissed to glance over his shoulder. He hadn’t expected anyone else to be up here, and yet, he found himself gazing back at the one man who could’ve potentially eased his pain.
“What are you doing here, little cub?” The old raider asked, pushing through the snow. “I assumed you’d be enjoying the festivities by now.”
Eivor turned back around and rested his elbows on his knees, staring blankly at the ground.
“I’m not in the mood.”
Ulfar cocked a brow at the response. “Not in the mood for a drink? That doesn’t sound like you.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips. “Must be something bad.”
He took a seat next to Eivor, allowing himself to rest for a moment.
“...Care to share your thoughts?”
The young man paused, throwing Ulfar’s inquisitive nature right back at him. “Before I do -- what are you doing up here? I’m surprised you’re not at my father’s side. He usually keeps you close.”
“Indeed, but today’s not exactly a usual day, is it? Eirik and I are patrolling the village at your father’s behest. He wants us to make sure the people are safe whilst they celebrate the wedding.”
Eivor glanced at the view in front of them. “See anything yet?”
“Nothing urgent so far. Eirik spotted a longship on the horizon earlier, but it’s impossible to see which clan it belongs to from here. He’s keeping an eye on it as we speak.” The warrior tilted his head at the other man. “And what about you? What brings you to the temple on a day like this?”
Eivor hesitated. “I... I don’t know if I should say.”
A tone of genuine concern took hold of Ulfar’s voice. “Is it truly that bad?”
“Yes. I’m afraid so.”
The raider leaned forward in his seat, looking the young man in the eye. “Eivor. Speak plainly to me. What’s going on?”
The Wolf-Kissed turned away from Ulfar, pondering whether or not to tell him. He trusted the man to keep this conversation between them -- he had never known him to be a snitch -- but even then, part of him feared how Ulfar would react.
Eivor was aware of the warrior’s doubts towards Sigurd after all, and the last thing he wanted was to tarnish the prince’s reputation even further. This alliance was as fresh as a newborn babe, and the young man wondered if it would’ve been foolish to expose his secrets so soon.
Still, Eivor knew he couldn’t keep it in for much longer. The stress that came with suppressing his emotions was quickly taking its toll, and he needed to let it out somehow. 
“Ulfar...” the young man said, “I’ll tell you what’s going on because I trust you, but this must stay between us. I mean it. No one else can hear about this. Alright?”
The older man’s brow was crinkled with confusion, but he complied nonetheless. “...Alright, Eivor. I understand. Now, what’s the matter?”
Eivor took a deep breath. “...Do you remember the conversation we had at the feast? When the Raven Clan first arrived?”
Ulfar chuckled. “No, not really. I’m an old man now, Eivor. My memory isn’t what it once was.”
Eivor returned the laugh. “You were telling me about Geirmund’s fortress. And how you met Linnea.”
The raider’s expression lit up with remembrance. “...Ah, yes.”
“You also asked me if I had found anyone significant in my life,” he continued. “I told you no.”
Eivor knotted his hands together in nervousness. “Well... that’s changed recently.”
“Has it? Then why do you seem so upset? That’s a good thing, Eivor.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew who it was.”
Ulfar shrugged. “Well then, who is it?”
The Wolf-Kissed gazed down at the wedding. “...The man who just got married today.”
The old warrior followed his line of sight, instantly falling into silence once he realized whom Eivor was referring to.
“...You mean Sigurd?” Ulfar clarified, unable to hide the dread that was rising in his chest. “Oh, Eivor...”
���I know.” The younger man said. “I know it’s bad. I’ve told myself I shouldn’t feel this way over and over again, but no matter what I do, these thoughts just won’t go away. Sigurd and I tried to keep things platonic in the beginning, but over time, we just... couldn’t help it anymore.”
Ulfar let out a troubled sigh. “...And what about Randvi? Does she know about this?”
“No, I don’t think so. You’re the only one so far.”
That seemed to bring some relief to the raider. “Good. You’d do best to keep it that way. There’s no telling how others would react, especially the king.”
Eivor pressed a finger on his temple. “What should I do though, Ulfar? Out of honor, I can’t approach Sigurd now that he’s officially been wed. To entice him would be wrong. But I also can’t ignore how I feel.”
Ulfar’s gaze fell to the ground. “...I wish I had an easy answer for you, little cub. But the truth is, nothing about this will be easy. You have a special connection with Sigurd, and it isn’t going to disappear just because of this alliance.”
The young man grew despondent. “I only wish there was some way to forget about all this. Perhaps then, my mind would finally let me rest.”
The warrior shot a glance at his friend. “Eivor, are you listening to me?”
Eivor paused, urging Ulfar to continue his train of thought.
“You can’t make these feelings go away.” He reiterated. “You’re trying to fight a battle that’s already been lost. The best thing you can do right now is talk to Sigurd. Straighten things out with him. Clean up this mess before it becomes worse. It may not bring the outcome you want, but it will bring the closure you need. Trust me.”
Eivor peered in the prince’s direction, reluctant to accept reality. He knew there was truth to Ulfar’s words, but a part of him still wished for another solution. A solution that didn’t involve discarding his relationship with Sigurd. 
“...Perhaps you’re right.” He conceded in a downcast manner.
The raider’s voice softened with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Eivor. This must be difficult for you. But it isn’t your fault.”
That piqued Eivor’s curiosity. “You don’t think so?”
“No, of course not. We do not choose who we love. The Nornir determine that for us. Unfortunately though, our plans do not always match what the gods have in mind. I only wish you didn’t have to be the one dealing with this dilemma.”
“...So do I.”
Ulfar switched to a more encouraging tone, hoping to lift the young man’s spirits. “Hey, there��s no need to sulk. Remember what Ingrida always says. Any attempt to deviate from the path will be met with what was destined to be. Your time will come. Just not today.”
Eivor displayed a faint smile in response to his words. “Thank you, Ulfar. I--”
Interrupting their conversation, a third voice suddenly jumped into the scene, causing the two men to glance towards the source. The voice was sharpened with a deep rasp that sat on its edge, and it seemed to scrape against the throat of its owner. It didn’t have much force standing behind it, but even then, Eivor could still hear the desperation behind its words.
“Yes?” Ulfar replied at the sound of his name. “What is it--?”
He came to a halt, taking a moment to process the peculiar sight approaching him.
Not too far away from them, Ulfar and Eivor saw Eirik limping towards the temple, practically dragging his feet through the snow. His labored breathing trudged along to the rhythm of his heavy footsteps, and his movements were sluggish with exhaustion. The main detail that caught Ulfar’s attention though, was the fresh trail of blood dotting the ground in his wake.
“Eirik!” The raider exclaimed in alarm, immediately rushing over to him. He supported the man’s weight in his arms, lifting him up as he spoke.
“Hey,” he called out, trying to get his attention. “Hey! Can you hear me? What happened to you?”
Eirik weakly gripped onto one of Ulfar’s arms, staring him in the eye. “...K-Kjotve. He’s... here. You must--” a numbing pain racked his body, coaxing a groan out of him.
“We must what?” Ulfar asked. But Eirik had already moved on.
“...please,” the injured man whispered, “keep my mother safe. Tell her... it isn’t...”
He fell limp in the old warrior’s embrace, passing onto the next realm with his final words trapped in his throat. His body keeled forward as his spirit departed from its shell, and upon greeting death, Eirik tumbled into the snow, revealing a number of arrows protruding from his back.
Before Ulfar had any time to mourn though, the rallying cry of a horn suddenly blared in the distance, calling for Bjornheimr’s warriors as Kjotve’s men emerged from the shadows.
The sounds of battle quickly rose throughout the village, and down at the wedding, Eivor could see Sigurd rushing to defend their people, storming around with a sword in his hand.
“Shit!” Ulfar cursed, rising from the ground. He whipped his axe out of its sheathe and placed a protective hand over Eivor’s chest, urging him to take shelter.
“Eivor, gather any survivors you can find and take them to the longhouse! I’ll join the other warriors and protect the wedding.”
“Wait!” The young man protested, grabbing Ulfar’s wrist just before he could leave. 
The raider glared at him with a bewildered look in his eye. “What is it?”
“...Let me defend the wedding. I’ll go in your stead.”
Ulfar clearly wasn’t on board with the idea. “What? This is no time to be arguing! You need to go, Eivor. Now!”
“Please,” he insisted. “I need to make sure Sigurd’s safe. He’s down there with the rest of my family. Let me do it. I’ll do whatever it takes to get them out of there alive. You know I will.”
The older man quickly shifted his mind, not willing to waste another second.
“...Fine,” he said in a hasty tone. “Do what you must, but do it carefully. I don’t want you following Eirik’s footsteps today. And don’t forget about the alliance, Eivor. I know how you feel about Sigurd, but we cannot lose him for the sake of this war either. Do you understand?”
Eivor gave him a firm nod. “I understand.”
“Good. Then may the Defender of Midgard guide our hand today, and may we pummel Kjotve’s skull with an axe at last.”
“Odin watch over you, Ulfar.”
The raider parted ways with the young man. “Odin watch over us all.”
Sprinting towards the ruined festival, Eivor fought his way through clumps of Kjotve’s warriors as they stormed the village and set fire to the buildings, staining the sky red with their morbid flames. Vivid sparks could be seen erupting from black pillars of smoke, and in the distance, the young warrior saw nothing but clouds of ash obscuring the path.
It looked like Ragnarök itself had been unleashed on Bjornheimr. Shrieks of panic filled the air like an orchestra gone mad, and just sitting on the horizon, Eivor spotted the striking silhouettes of Kjotve’s ships latching onto their docks.
It was a view the young man had been dreading for the past decade of his life. The memory of his parents’ deaths remained fresh in his head, and terror paralyzed his heart at the idea of losing a loved one again.
...But no. He couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t. Ulfar was depending on him to protect everyone at the wedding, and that was exactly what he’d do. Even if it meant sacrificing himself. He wouldn’t simply stand by and watch people die like before. This time, he would defend them.
Heaving his axe with a ferocious amount of effort, Eivor let out a rough shout as he lodged the sturdy blade into the neck of a raider, cutting them down within a heartbeat.
By now, it looked like Kjotve’s men had taken control of the wedding and gathered a handful of captives, lining them up as if they were livestock for sale. They had bound them with numerous bundles of rope and shoved them down to their knees, forcing them to watch their attackers from below. 
What concerned Eivor the most though, was that the raiders were no longer alone.
Towering over the rest of the scene like a lion searching for its prey, the Wolf-Kissed spotted the very same man who slew his parents all those winters ago, now staring down at the prince he loved. His face had been folded with wrinkles due to years of waging countless wars, but the rest of his stature remained as intimidating as ever.
Eivor felt like a scared little boy again just by looking at him. Kjotve’s mere presence was more than enough to bring back a flood of unwanted nightmares, and the young man suddenly found himself questioning whether or not he was fit for this task. He still heard his mother’s desperate cries thundering in his head as if she were there, and the haunting view of his father’s lifeless gaze had been branded into the back of his eyelids.
“Do not abandon him or his memory,” Eivor thought to himself, repeating Ulfar’s words from when he was just a boy. “You wish to reclaim the honor your father lost? Then you must fight for it.”
A sprout of fury flared up in his chest at the profound memory, and he shouted across the battlefield at Kjotve himself, speaking with a level of rage he had never experienced before.
“Kjotve!” Eivor roared, leading the man to come to a halt.
The gargantuan raider turned around to see who was calling his name and peered through the smoke, narrowing his eyes as he tried to identify their face.
Emerging from the sea of fire, Kjotve saw nothing but a lone warrior prowling towards him with a strangely familiar axe in his grip, sauntering across the blood-stained dirt. Gusts of wind distorted the ash blanketing the battlefield around him, and behind strands of golden hair, Kjotve spotted a pair of arctic orbs glaring back at him, wide-open with wrath.
Before he could address the warrior though, his son stepped forward first.
“What do you want, bacraut?” Gorm barked, pointing a finger at them. “A blade to the gullet, perhaps?”
Kjotve held out an arm. “Hold, Gorm. Don’t bare your fangs just yet. There’s something... different about this one.”
The man scoffed. “Different? He looks just like every other ‘warrior’ in this village to me. Weak and cowardly.”
“...Perhaps,” Kjotve said, glancing down, “but that axe...” He approached the stranger. “You there! Where did you find that weapon? Who are you?”
The blonde viking stopped in his tracks, keeping his gaze nailed onto the other man as the entire wedding froze to see what was going on.
“My name is Eivor.” He announced, his voice resembling the hiss of a serpent. “...You know me.”
Kjotve grinned immediately upon hearing the name and strolled towards his opponent, meeting him in the middle. 
“...Eivor? The son of Varin and Rosta? Heh. My, my. You were just a little boy the last time we met, Wolf-Kissed. I must say, I’m surprised to see you drawing breath even after all these years. You’ve certainly grown a lot since then. But alas... you are still no more than a child chasing after his father’s honor. It seems you’ll never learn.”
Eivor clenched his hand around the grip, doing his best to keep his anger at bay.
“...I have no interest in your taunts, Kjotve. I’ve only come for my family. Let them go.”
The older man laughed and planted his battle axe in the ground, resting an elbow on its hilt. “And tell me, Eivor -- why exactly would I do that?”
The young warrior raised his own weapon, looking at the line of captives sitting behind Kjotve. “I may have been defenseless during our first encounter, but don’t think I’ll cower away from you now. I will take my family back, with or without shedding your blood.”
Sigurd’s head perked up at the response, and he struggled in his restraints. “Eivor...! Don’t!”
Kjotve noticed the prince’s reaction, allowing him to think of a different approach. He doubted there would be much difficulty in slaying the Wolf-Kissed one-on-one, but he wanted to indulge in another method.
“Hmm,” he said in thought, “you wish to rescue these fools from their fate? Perhaps... there is a way we could arrange that.”
Gorm snapped his head in Kjotve’s direction. “Father!”
“Silence, boy.” He commanded. “These are my slaves. Not yours. I will bargain with them as I please.”
Kjotve shifted his focus back to Eivor, presenting his idea. “Listen to me carefully, son of Varin. I am willing to offer your people a way out of this, but only one. It’s your choice whether you take it or leave it.”
Eivor grew impatient. “Just say what you have to say and be done with it.”
The slaver smirked maliciously. “As you wish.” 
Kjotve tugged his weapon out of the ground and rested the blade on his shoulder, preparing it for battle. “...Lay down your axe. Surrender yourself to me, and I will let everyone else go, including your beloved prince here.”
Eivor fell silent at the demand and clenched his jaw in spite, almost having to stop himself from laughing at the absurdity of the request.
“You expect me to believe you?” He nearly growled. “After you spewed the same lies to my father, and broke your oath to him? No. I won’t do it.”
Kjotve lifted a brow. “Are you certain, Wolf-Kissed? You could be right, of course... but are you willing to bet your family’s lives on it?”
The young warrior’s expression twisted into a glower. “...You are a rat, Kjotve. A dishonorable wretch that will forever serve as a sheathe to Nidhoggr’s fangs...!”
The raider merely chuckled at the response, undeniably amused by his enemy’s distress.
“Well, if you prefer, I could always erase your doubt and simply kill them all right now.” Kjotve positioned his blade under Sigurd’s chin. “Starting with him.”
Eivor felt the urge to leap forward then and there, but held himself back. 
“Don’t... touch him.” He whispered, almost sounding feral. The slaver smiled back at him.
“You know what you have to do to stop me.”
The Wolf-Kissed gritted his teeth in rage and strengthened his hold on the axe, practically crushing it in his grip as his knuckles turned white. 
He couldn’t believe it. After thirteen years of planning for revenge and fending off the grief that came with his loss, he was now being forced into the exact same position as his father, and being humiliated like a thrall. Everyone’s lives depended on the sacrifice of his honor, but to comply would’ve meant giving up everything he had fought for.
What would happen to Eivor if he accepted the deal? What would Kjotve do with him? Would he truly keep his word and set the captives free? Or would he simply cut the young warrior’s throat, and demolish the rest of the village once he was dead?
Eivor didn’t know what to do anymore. He couldn’t bear the idea of watching anything happen to Sigurd or his family, but he also despised the thought of failing to avenge his previous one. 
Kjotve was the one who took everything from him. He destroyed his home, his childhood, and his life. To spare him now would’ve been an even greater shame than the one his father suffered.
But still... he loved Arngeir. He loved his sisters. And most of all, he was starting to fall in love with Sigurd. He had gotten so used to a world with the prince’s influence, that to see him drop out of it now would’ve devastated him.
He couldn’t allow him to die. He couldn’t disappoint Ulfar, and he couldn’t let the alliance crumble. Sigurd’s life carried far more value than his, and at this point, Eivor was willing to do anything to preserve it.
So, without saying another word, the young man reluctantly bent down towards the ground and gazed at Sigurd with an apologetic look, gently placing the axe right by his feet.
“No!” The prince exclaimed, his eyes widened with panic. “What are you doing? Pick up your axe, Eivor! Remember what this snake did to your father! Don’t let him corner you into his trap--!”
“--Quiet, you!” Gorm commanded, striking Sigurd over the head.
Meanwhile, Kjotve ignored his prisoner’s cries and grinned in satisfaction, focusing entirely on the man in front of him. 
“It seems you were correct, Gorm,” he remarked. “He is the same as everyone else. Weak... and cowardly. Just like his father. I should’ve guessed.”
Eivor’s glare only sharpened. “I did what you asked, Kjotve. Now, do your part and set them free!”
Kjotve shook his head in a patronizing manner, laughing shamelessly at the unarmed viking. A sheen of deceit plastered itself onto his barbaric smile, and simply by looking at him, the young man knew he had been fooled.
“Did you really think it’d be any different this time? I almost pity you, Wolf-Kissed. You’re an even bigger fool than Varin was. I suppose you’ll be joining him and your mother in Helheim, then. Send them my regards.” He turned to his son, bellowing a new list of orders at him. “Gorm! Take the strongest ones back to the ship alive. We can make use of them. As for the rest -- kill them all. We’ll leave their corpses for the ravens to feed.”
Gorm began strolling towards the prisoners. “With pleasure.”
“Wait!” Eivor shouted. But it was too late.
Within the blink of an eye, the man had already unsheathed his blade and pulled Randvi’s head back by the hair, preparing to slit her throat. Just before he could carry out Kjotve’s commands though, a lone arrow suddenly bolted through the air and planted itself into his shoulder, sending him reeling to the ground.
He flailed around for a moment and flicked his eyes around in shock, only to see the archer face-to-face once the chaos finally settled.
It was Ulfar.
“Cut them down!” The raider yelled, his voice thundering across the village.
Charging out from the smoke, Eivor saw a small army of men storming the wedding as Kjotve’s people froze in bewilderment, giving their clan the exact opening they needed to shift the balance of this fight.
The warriors immediately seized the battlefield and overwhelmed it like a fire feeding on kindling, driving their weapons through the hearts of their enemies. They hunted them down like animals running through a field, and showered the invading raiders with a hurricane of arrows.
As for Kjotve himself, the man fled to his longship with as many prisoners as possible and nearly dragged Gorm onto the boat, signaling his men to leave Bjornheimr. It was evident to him that he was now on the losing side of this fight, but even then, he still managed to take a group of captives that he was no doubt going to sell -- including Thora.
Ulfar, on the other hand, was busy freeing what prisoners remained. He had already released Randvi from her binds and was now carving his way through Sigurd’s rope, setting the prince free.
“Are you hurt?” The older man asked, helping Sigurd up to his feet.
“I’m fine, I’m fine!” He blurted out, eager to contribute to the battle. But Ulfar wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.
“Where’s Eivor?” He questioned. “I was able to see Kjotve and Gorm, but I couldn’t find the boy from where I stood.”
Sigurd gestured in the opposite direction. “He’s over there. He’s--” The man came to an abrupt pause, leading Ulfar to follow his line of sight.
“What is it?” The raider said, but it didn’t take him long to realize.
Kneeling in the dirt, Ulfar found Eivor sitting somberly amongst all the pandemonium, seemingly unfazed by the death and destruction surrounding him. His eyes were locked onto the axe lying beside his legs, and just by observing the boy, the old warrior could tell that he was trapped in another battle of his own.
Eivor just let his parents’ murderer escape for a second time. After thirteen years of waiting for him. He had been tricked by the same deal his father fell prey to, and now, there was nothing but humiliation weighing him down. 
He felt like a complete failure. His honor had been stolen from him once again, and now all of Bjornheimr was going to know it. They would see him as a coward for deciding to drop his weapon, and Kjotve’s forces would only grow stronger because of it.
But the part that stood out the most to Ulfar, was the fact that he did it all for Sigurd. Eivor had only known the man for about two weeks, and yet, he was willing to give up Valhalla itself in exchange for his survival. He knew the possibility of Kjotve going back on his word was likely, and even then, he still decided to take the risk.
Just how much did this man mean to him, exactly? Ulfar was aware of Eivor’s feelings for Sigurd, but he never expected the two of them to share such an adamantine bond. He could see now that the young man was truly in love with the prince... and it frightened him to the core.
This would not bode well for the marriage. Eivor could try to conceal his emotions as much as he wanted, but Ulfar already knew it would be for naught. It was impossible to ignore a love as strong as this, and he could only pray that the alliance wouldn’t fall apart so long as Eivor’s affections remained alive.
He supposed the best thing he could do now was guide the young man. Ulfar didn’t plan on telling anyone about his secret, but he also knew it’d be foolish to let his feelings roam free.
Kjotve was still out there. His army was still growing. And now, he had Thora as a slave.
If the people of Bjornheimr wanted to rescue her from his grasp, they would need the help of Styrbjorn’s entire clan to assault the slaver’s fortress. It would require every single warrior they had under their command, and Ulfar didn’t intend on letting Eivor’s hidden relationship put Thora’s safety in jeopardy.
He just hoped he wouldn’t hurt the boy by doing so. It was clear to him how much the Wolf-Kissed cared about Sigurd, so the last thing he wanted was to push the two of them apart.
But Arngeir needed Ulfar to maintain a clear mind. He needed his pragmatism. He needed his rationality. That was the whole reason he had kept Ulfar at his side for almost two decades now.
As much as it pained the old man, he would have to approach this objectively. He would have to keep Eivor away from Sigurd’s company, and ensure that the alliance remained strong.
Otherwise, he had no idea how the future would unfold. If anyone learned about their secret affair, Ulfar assumed that all hell would break loose. The friendship between their clans would instantly shatter, and the fires of a second war would likely ignite.
It was a dilemma that Ulfar wouldn’t wish on anyone in a paternal position, but alas, it was the one the gods had granted him. So, with a quick shift of the mind, the warrior brought his attention back to the battle at hand and left Eivor alone, allowing him to regather his thoughts.
He assumed the boy would be in a state of distress after the day’s events, and he didn’t want to be the reason he finally tipped over the edge.
Ulfar had enough to worry about at the moment, and he imagined it was just the beginning.
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theplushmaker · 3 years ago
Vector headcanons!
took me some time but I finally made it! hope you guys enjoy!
I did not put this through Grammarly so, sorry for any mistakes in advanced
• Vector is legally known as Charmys dad, though he had to fake a few things given the fact that he was 14 when they met and also a gang member, after getting Charmy though he promptly left the gang and decided to instead become a detective
• Vector is constantly listening to music on his headphones
• When Charmy was only a few months old, Vector would let him climb on him while he napped, sometimes he would let Charmy draw on his arms with washable markers
• Vector was once in a gang and has gang branding tattoos on his hands. Only a few of his friends know about it and even fewer friends have seen them (thank you @majesticvaporeon for the tattoos headcannon!)
• During the first two years of having Charmy, Vector was worried about being too strict or too lenient towards Charmy because he might end up joining a gang, which is something he didn't want, luckily he had Espio and Mighty to help balance it out
• Vector doesn't want Charmy to know anything about him being a former gang member but would sometimes say things like "fell off the truck" or "he's getting whacked" luckily for him Charmy took that literally
• Vector once told Charmy to make toast while he was doing paperwork, Charmy then learned to never get toast out of the toaster with a metal fork, Vector got scolded by Espio when he got back from shopping
• Vector has a net in his closet, reason? When Charmy had his first sugar rush he was bouncing off the walls and ended up breaking the TV, (luckily he had his helmet but had to be held to make sure no glass shards were in his shirt) so after that Espio made a net to catch Charmy whenever he gets a sugar rush
• When Vector found out about Charmys lightning abilities he was quite shocked, literally, Charmy had just woken up in the resistance med bay with no clue how he got there and Vector slams open the door scaring the poor boy, luckily Vector wasn't hurt, just surprised when he got zapped by a little bit of lightning
• Vector's scales are thick enough to protect him from bullets
• Vector is part dragon
• Vector secretly refills Charmys secret stash of candy that's under his bed, he and Mighty make bets on when Espio will find it
• Vector met Espio when he was looking for a place to hide from "the Zeti" Vector offered his place and while Espio was distant at first he slowly warmed up to Vector (mostly thanks to Charmy)
• When Vector met Sonic he was still part of a gang, so he was surprised when Sonic hired him to find info on a baby two-tailed fox, even though he'd probably get in trouble for helping a hero he decided to not run off with the money and actually look, as he kept digging he ended up at an orphanage where he met a two-month-old Charmy, he didn't know why he became so attached to the little guy but he knew he wasn't leaving without him
• Vector may not look like it but he likes reading murder mystery novels and point out inconsistencies
• Vector flirts with Vanilla whenever he feels like it, Charmy, still being a kid, thinks love is gross
• One day Vector went into his room to listen to one of his CDs, however, when he played it he was very confused when he heard airplane takeoffs. when he finally registered the giggles of a toddler nearby, he was livid, he ended up chasing Charmy around the house for the rest of the day and grounded him with no games for a week (I got this idea from SAJ_Man07 story "Charmy Nonsense" on AoOO when it was mentioned, go check it out, it's pretty great!)
• When Sonic introduced Mighty to Vector they were fast friends, after the party Vector learned that Mighty and Ray didn't have anywhere to go, so he offered his place and didn't take no for an answer, (he did not tell Espio about this till the last second) Vector later learned that Mighty was a thief and decided to change that by offering Mighty a job and a home, which he gladly accepts (by that point they were essentially considered family)
• Vector taught Charmy gun safety
• Vector's jaws are strong enough to pierce metal
• When Vector was still part of a gang he was normally the guy who did the dirty work, mostly because he could do a death roll, he isn't proud of it and hasn't done that since he left
• Vector got his gold chain from a fellow member who he considered as a brother, though he hasn't seen him since he left
• Vector has taught Charmy to hold his breath for 10 minutes
• Vector can not function without a cup of coffee in the morning
• Vector and Espio tend to get into a lot of arguments when it comes to money, mostly because Vector has a kind heart and is willing to do jobs for free while Espio is more logical and serious, though, in the end, Espio will always follow Vector's lead
• Vector can be stealthy when he's in the water
• Vector can be a worrywart if someone he cares about gets hurt, though he'll never admit it even though it's obvious
• Vector knows a bit of Japanese thanks to Espio
• Vector has a hard time understanding puns
• Vector is still waiting for Eggman to pay for hiring them in Heros, he has thought of going to one of his casinos and getting the money
• Vector is really competitive in Uno
• While in resistance HQ, Vector was in charge of training some of the rookies and building beds for others (sometimes Knuckles helped)
• Vector met Knuckles through Sonic at a festival when Charmy was three months
• Vector sometimes trains Charmy in self-defense
• If it weren't for Espio, Vector would have spoiled Charmy
• Vector sometimes takes care of Cream when Vanilla needs to do something important
• Vector would let Charmy sleep with him if the boy has a nightmare
• Vector is considered the dad of the Chaotix
• Vector still hates Neo Metal
• Vector would sometimes tease Knuckles about his fear of ghost
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yunhos-treasure · 4 years ago
𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 ☆ミ 𝐣𝐰𝐲
༄𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Wooyoung is so excited to have a day off with his friends and fellow ATEEZ groupmates and does his best to cook something yummy for a Sunday picnic, and everything is so perfect and tasty that it is to die for!
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 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life, fluff and a little surprise at the end.
 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1,9k
 [𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]: so... there's something like a plot twist, hehe ٩ (ᐛ) و I'm sorry I can't put it on the tags
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I made some mistakes, I'm still learning.
For Wooyoung today is definitely a wonderful and beautifully sunny day, perfect to have the best picnic of his life. Anyone who looked at the young man would instantly know that he was more than ecstatic with the big and genuine smile spread across his pretty face.
It was eight in the morning and the black-haired boy was in the kitchen listening to music with his headphones while he happily cooked for himself and his friends.
The sun was streaming in through the window and the rays of it made the young man's dark hair appear to have reddish tones giving it an ethereal touch.
Everyone in the apartment were asleep, and all that could be heard was the sound of cabinet doors and countertop drawers opening along with the the soft humming to the rhythm of the music coming from the kitchen.
Wooyoung made sandwiches, prepared orange juice and lemonade in cute glass bottles, and also made cupcakes with strawberries and kiwis with cream for dessert, as well as put fruits cut into animal shapes in small tuppers.
As he thought about what might be missing for the picnic, he realized that he didn't know where the baskets and blankets were even though Seonghwa had packed the baskets yesterday and told him at least three times where he had kept them, but Wooyoung was too busy playing with San that all he did was say “Yes, yes, I know! You don't have to say it so many times, I'm not going to forget it.”, without really listening to what the older man had said.
And there he was, trying to remember what the blonde told him without succeeding so he started looking all over the place.
“Basket, basket.... Where are you, basket?” He called out as if the basket was a puppy that could run to him.
After several unsuccessful attempts, he thought about talking to Seonghwa but the fear that Hongjoong would scold him for being so careless made him retract and decided to go back to looking in the first places where he had looked at the beginning: because for some unknown reason things are always in the first place they seemed not to be.
And he was right. With a victorious smile he took the baskets and ran to put them on the table to start packing the food and drinks, then grabbed eight glasses and put them away along with a couple of pastel napkins.
With excitement he went to his room to change his clothes and take the opportunity to wake up San and Jongho, who seemed reluctant to get up, mainly San who hugged his Shiber plushie tighter. The raven-haired boy smirked and uncovered him, then grabbed the other boy by the ankles to drag him off the bed, but the latter grabbed onto the bed as hard as he could while he screamed in a high-pitched voice.
“Let me and my son Shiber sleep in peace!”
But Wooyoung didn't care and while he laughed in an outrageously way he kept pulling him. Jongho, who shared a room with those two got up disheveled and in a bad mood. All the noise made it impossible for him to stay more time in that room and before leaving he let out a groan of annoyance as he went to the bathroom.
“Why do I feel like I'm the oldest in this place?”  
Due to the noise, the others began to wake up, but not before cursing Wooyoung and San mentally, like every day.
Little by little the place began to fill with the noise of the voices of the other boys, and the doors of their rooms opening and closing.
San struggled to get up, grabbed a pillow and started hitting Wooyoung on the head while the shorter one laughed like a maniac, his laughter was contagious and the pink haired boy started laughing too.
Hongjoong walked into the room with his face half pale and his hands slightly shaking, he looked at the two boys and told them to hurry up and go to the living room.
San and Wooyoung looked at each other with concern before getting done, and heading to the room where the others were already, waiting for Jongho to come out of the bathroom so they could enter and wash.
In the living room Hongjoong and Seonghwa were talking in whispers in the corner, their expressions looked worried while Mingi and Yunho commented on what they would do at night when they returned home and Yeosang looked at them with an empty expression, it was Sunday and definitely too early in the morning to join an actual conversation, though it's not like he's very talkative after all.
Jongho came out of the bathroom and went to look for something in the living room, where he accidentally overheard a bit of the conversation of the older boys in the group.
“[...] and that's why I'm telling you not to worry, Hongjoong. Today will be a great day, it is impossible for a bad dream to come true and there is no point in staying locked up at home. So coming with us to a picnic will not kill you.” half consoled and half joked the older.
The leader just nodded and agreed, laughing a little and realizing that in reality the situation was absurd, dreams are only dreams and nothing else, no matter how real they may seem.
He just needs to go out and clear himself up a bit and it would be much better if it's with the people he cares the most, so he's more than determined to go out thanks to Seonghwa's persuasion.
The youngest continued on his way to his room to change his clothes without giving much thought.
The other boys ran to the bathroom, and then to their rooms to put on clothes suitable for the day.  When everyone was ready, San asked Hongjoong what was wrong with him because he was still worried because the older one had looked very strange today when he went to talk to them, and he only answered that he had slept very little and had a nightmare, and that he only needed a little air and he would feel better already, which calmed everyone present who had also noticed Hongjoong's state but hadn't said anything before.
───── ❀ ◦ ❀ ◦ ❀ ─────
The trip was full of laughter, music and talk, it really was a very beautiful day and it was getting better and better, all the unnecessary worries of the morning and days gone by were left behind, without leaving room for anxiety or stress. This break was exactly what they needed and they knew it.
The weather was sunny but it wasn't hot at all, everyone were wearing light clothes without being so summery because every so often a small cold wind ran that gave you chills, and with the warmth of the sun's rays they were the perfect contrast wich feels like a good sensation against the skin.
They arrived at the planned place and got out of the van, while they stretched they observed the beauty of Mother Nature that surrounded them and the peace that only she can transmit.
It looked like a scene out of a Studio Ghibli movie with soft colored flowers, the trees gave beautiful shadows perfect to sit under them and the wind swayed the grasses from time to time but without being annoying. There was also a small stream with transparent cold water and you could heard the sound of the water running and hitting the stones at the same time that you could also hear the songs of birds, cicadas and some frogs. It was fresh and peaceful.
Wooyoung threw himself on the grass and started rolling followed by a very excited Yunho, Mingi, and San. Seonghwa and Yeosang were looking at them with expressions of 'I'm judging you intensely', but they secretly wished to do the same.
Jongho and Hongjoong looked for the baskets and blankets and then began to set up the picnic and take photos as if they were in an impromptu photoshoot to save memories and upload a couple to Twitter for their beloved Atinys, to which the other boys also joined and took photos with them. Some turned out fine and others... well, some were blurry or someone would always appear in the back with a derp expression causing the photos to be ruined, but it was funny so no one complained and they just continued to enjoy each other's company.
“We should have more days like this.” Mingi said with a huge and sweet smile as he collected flowers and put them in his hair to take pictures. Everyone agreed with what the tall boy had said and Yunho imitated his friend by putting flowers in his hair as well and they both challenged the other to a duel over who would get the most likes on his posts.
“Guys ... I spent a lot of time preparing the food, why don't we start eating at once?”
An annoyed Wooyoung said while taking a sandwich and starting to eat, his friends laughed and ate with him. All the food tasted very good and they all thanked the boy for putting so much effort into this day and taking care of them.
“Why don't we toast Wooyoung's delicious food and our friendship?” San suggested, breadcrumbs on his cheeks that made him look adorable.
Yeosang took the glasses that were still stored in the basket, served them all lemonade and orange juice, and smiled as he said playfully.
“Everyone, consider this an act of charity on my behalf”
The other members started saying things to him and he just laughed as he raised his glass and toasted the others.
No one noticed how Wooyoung did not even take a sip of the juice and simply put it on the blanket on the ground, while looking at the sky, it was very clear and beautiful, everything was so calm and the wind began to sway the leaves of the tree over his head causing the sun to hit his face, when he looked down at the ground his friends looked strange.
The black-haired man looked at them more closely and their pupils were excessively dilated. Hongjoong was choking and struggling for air while a worried Seonghwa tried to help him but felt nauseous and with drowsy legs he tried to run to vomit, Jongho was confused and his brain couldn't process anything that was happening around him, Yunho had a hand pressed on his heart which was beating very fast while Mingi was lying on the ground motionless, not even breathing and San was trying to wake up Mingi with a dry mouth and a really bad bellyache.
Yeosang looked at Wooyoung, who was perfectly fine, as he tried to speak.
“Woo.... Wo.... Young... What... did you do to us?”
But he never got an answer before his joints completely stop working and he drops with a dry sound just like his other friends.
The black-haired boy took a cupcake and calmly ate it, ignoring the seven lifeless bodies of his friends because for Wooyoung today is definitely a wonderful and beautifully sunny day, perfect to have the best picnic of his life. Anyone who looked at the young man would instantly know that he was more than ecstatic with the big and genuine smile spread across his pretty face.
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never-enough-fandoms · 4 years ago
FACE family headcanons
This is older, and I didn’t know the characters as well as I do now when I wrote this, but I’m writing more headcanons so I thought I’d put this out there
When England gets really upset, he slips into old English, and no one has a clue what he's saying. He sounds like he's speaking German, bit it's not quite right, and he confuses everyone
Alternatively, he slips into a random language. Maybe French, maybe old English, maybe Norse, it's unpredictable
America makes really odd decisions when it comes to food. He'll mix two foods that seem like they would be disgusting together but they aren't. That isn't to say that they're particularly good either, but they aren't bad
Canada is a good cook. He gets it from France, who taught him a lot of stuff that he took to heart. Also a lot of stuff he completely ignored
Canada accidentally flirts a lot. He doesn't even realise he's doing it. He's just talking to someone, and they're swooning
He also doesn't realize when he's being flirted with. He registers it as flirting, he grew up with France, he isn't an idiot, but he thinks he's probably mistaken, because who would want to flirt with him?
France once tried to get Canada to call England really rude names, but it backfired, and he ended up complimenting him
America knows lots of phrases in other languages. He isn't fluent in any other than English, but he can make simple requests in plenty
He's also conversational in Spanish. It's a bit disjointed, and his grammar isn't great, but you can understand the point he's getting at
Canada knows a bit of Spanish too, though he isn't fluent either, and when he needs to speak Spanish he keeps a dictionary on him because he isn't quite conversational
Canada gets upset with America easily and often, and struggles to forgive him, but in the end, he has a soft spot for him and caves every time
Occasionally he'll get fed up with America and yell at him, and while he pretends to have not heard due to being distracted, he always does and it bothers him
America knows how rude he can be, and how overbearing he is, and wants to try to be better, but in the end he gets too caught up in having fun that he doesn't realize he's being an asshole. He still feels terrible about it afterward
England has freckles. They only show during the summer and are very faint, but they're there
The reason Canada has grown out his hair is so he won't get mistaken for America as much. It's barely helped, sadly. He also did it in an attempt to resemble France more because he looked up to him so much
When presented with just one of the brothers, England struggles to differentiate which one it is, but when seeing them side by side, he can always tell them apart
England and France both prefer their own little brother, and neither attempt to claim they don't have favorites. They constantly argue about who's better, America or Canada. 
The boys think it's stupid, but secretly enjoy watching them argue. It's a confidence booster for Canada, having France point out everything good about him
Queen is both England and America's favorite band, though America listens to a lot of different bands and artists
France like more classical music, though he also likes love songs
Canada listens to just about anything and doesn't really have a preference or favorite
England listens to the Beatles and Queen and that's about it. Not saying they're bad, not at all, but he never listens to anything else. If someone is playing something else, he will just tune it out and mentally play some other song over it. Or actually play another song over it just to piss the other person off. He also listens to a lot of rock, though he'll never admit it
America loves meeting his celebrities. He has a book of autographs from throughout the years of his favorites. He plans to get Chris Evan's next
He also has signatures from all the characters at Disneyland. He got as many as he could as soon as he could, and gets in line as quickly as he can whenever a new character is added to the parks
France likes to stand dramatically on balconies overlooking his city. If you find France on your balcony holding a wine glass gazing out into the night, don't freak out and call the cops, he's just being France
France has revealed to random citizens that he's the actual embodiment of their country despite it being a national secret. They rarely believe him anyway
England calls the queen mom on a regular basis. She's used to it
America called George Washington dad on accident once, and Martha joked about adopting him, and George said they wouldn't be able to handle him with his superstrength and all. He's also accidentally called other presidents of his dad. None had quite a positive reaction
England used to jokingly call America Hercules, and they still joke about it to this day. Mostly America though
America loves poptarts. On busy days he'll eat them for breakfast. Just poptarts, nothing else. He also likes bagels with cream cheese
America eats a lot of breakfasts that shouldn't be considered breakfasts
-Toast and jam
-Just the first thing he pulls from the fridge
-Ice cream
America eats a lot. It's why he's seen eating junk food so much. He can just stop by McDonald's on his way to a meeting and pick up a hundred hamburgers and give large sodas
He eats really unhealthily purely because that's what's easiest to get in bulk. He eats bbq a lot too. And steak. And chicken. And anything with meat, really
He eats so much because he needs to eat a lot to keep up his strength. Being a superpower doesn't come easy!
America picked his human name to be Alfred when he first became a nation. After Davie died he took his last name. After he became independent of England, he changed his last name to Freedom briefly. He felt bad after a while, and felt he wasn't properly honouring his fallen friend, so he changed his last name back to Jones, and now his middle name is Freedom, hence the F
Canada and America go on hunting trips together occasionally, and will hunt invasive species in an area. Sometimes they just relocate them instead of killing them
Sometimes Canada will forget a word in English, but remember it in French, so he'll just sit there mumbling to himself, trying to figure it out, listing synonyms, until either it clicks or France recalls it for him
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kuronanox · 5 years ago
Jazz lies - Shinji Hirako
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It would be wrong to say that (Your Name) was having fun at this jazz bar that a few coworkers wanted to check out, but it definitely wasn't a place she would call fun.
Out of courtesy of some of the artists at the bar they decided to stay for about an hour and half listening to the music.
"Excuse me miss the lovely gentlemen over there bought you a nice drink." One of the bartenders told (Your Name) setting the nicely made drink in front of her.
She looked at the man who bought her the drink, he had weird teeth and a grin on his face. His hair was a bit long and girly for her taste.
By the time the performance was over (Your Name) and her coworkers got up to exit the bar. She didn't touch the drink once. The whole time it sat in front of her as the man with the weird smile stared at her most of the night.
"Awe yer really left a man hanging!" Shinji jokes as he leans against the door watching her exit.
"Sorry I don't take drinks from strangers." She responds blandly not looking at him in the eye.
Shinji just chuckles and walks out after her side by side, as a few of her coworkers were a bit ahead of them.
"Can't a man try?"
"I've seen better." (Your Name) awkwardly says looking him up and down and then straight ahead to avoid eye contact.
"Damn girls these days sure are harsh." He says with hands in his pockets. "Yer new to town?" He proceeds.
"No, just checking the place out."
"Ahh! So you will come around more often?" Shinji pipes up excited to see her more since jazz bar tended to be on the older side of age.
"Nah, Jazz isn't my vibe."
"Ouch, I thought you were cute too."
"I'm sorry but who are you?" (Your Name) stops walking and looks at Shinji with slight irritation. "Isn't it weird to talk to a man I don't even know the name of?"
"It's Shinji and this man is trying to make a friendly conversation with a cute girl."
A feeling of guilt build in her because he was rather nice the whole time, but it was always good to be defensive just in case he was a real weirdo.
"(Your Name)." She says and continues "sorry I'm just being cautious, there are a lot of sick people out there."
Shinji sighs and rolls his eyes. "It's okay baby doll I've seen sick people in my life time and I ain't one of em."
(Your Name) just smiles, she was still being careful though because he was still a stranger, but it was good to converse with someone new once in a while.
"So I'll let you go now only if I get yer number!" He grins noticing the hesitation in her eyes. "Don't worry, if you don't wanna talk to me anymore after this just don't respond to me." He assured the girl as she willingly gave her digits.
"I'll see you around." (Your Name) says bidding a farewell catching up with her coworkers.
(Your Name) couldn't help but be a bit interesting in this Shinji man because he was a sweet heart. Shinji was being a hopeless romance, but she couldn't tell if he was being over dramatic or if he was foreal.
He told her she was his 'first love' but she knew he was probably joking.
Although they didn't meet a second time they spend a few weeks sending text messages to each other. (Your Name) thought he was going to be pushy and ask her out again, but to her surprise he didn't.
Shinji genuinely was interested in her.
"Why the hell you keep smiling at your phone like a idiot baldy?" Hiyori says peaking over him curious who Shinji had been texting the last few weeks. "AHH!" She screams and snatched the phone reading a loud.
Shinji - "Good morning baby doll, how was yer day?"
"HIYORI STOP OR ILL-!" Shinji screams chasing the smaller girl as the other visords attention grew to them.
(Your Name) - "Good morning! It's been nice! I've just been cleaning my place. What about you Shinji?"
Shinji - "I'm glad you had a good day <3 I went to the store to get the newest record."
"Like I said Hiyori it's no one!" He continues as she kicks him in the face and continues to read out loud.
Shinji - "Shopping alone ain't fun, when yer going to join? I'll pay for dinner!"
(Your Name) - "is this a lame way of asking me out to eat lmao?"
Shinji snatches the phone back with red tints on his cheeks as Hiyori laughs on the floor. "Shut up will ya!"
"Oi Shinji, my books will come in handy if she decides to go out with you." Lisa seriously says flipping her book the couch.
"Hate to admit it but she's right." Kensei butts in getting ready for dinner.
"Oh shut up." Shinji says embarrassed as he walks into his room and slams the door.
To Shinji luck (Your Name) agreed to go eat with him for dinner a week after he asked her. Although it was their second time meeting the atmosphere was smooth and easy.
"Yeah! I graduated college a year ago and I work at the hospital in town!" She tells Shinji passionate about saving life's everyday. "What about you Shinji?"
Shinji was sweating because he didn't actually work. So he tightly gripped his knife and put the steak in his mouth as he smoothly played it off. "I work at a company, top secret for the government only." He winked.
"Kami I'm safe, being dead actually is inconvenient."
(Your Name) face lit up as she took a bite of her wagyu. "Nice! Never thought I'd meet someone so high in status."
"Yer not missing much baby doll, I live ina abandon warehouse actually."
Shinji grins as they take a toast together and enjoyed the view of Tokyo below them.
"So what are your future plans?" She then asks Shinji as he tilts his head.
"Oooh we already wanna start thinking about the future together?" He jokes as she laughs and playfully roll her eyes. Which for (Your Name) was good because it lighten the mood.
After dinner was finished and Shinji paid they walk down the busy streets of Tokyo admiring the views. "Isn't it pretty?" (Your Name) asked Shinji as they walked side by side with linked arms. "What? My face? Oh I know!"
"No dummy the lights of Tokyo!" She lightly flicked his forehead as he shuts his eyes tight.
"Yeah, one day I'll show you the view of Tokyo at a better place, maybe." He tells her as she happily nods her head eagerly.
The night was getting late as she grew tired but the city was still awake. "I'll see you off then? Please get home safe baby doll."
"I will! Maybe we can go out again later!"
"Of course I'll really like that." Shinji grins as she walks down her path towards home. Watching from afar Shinji shunpo to see if she got back in the house safely and after he left.
"Spill the beans how could anyone possibly like you baldy?" Hiyori asked one night as they all sat around.
"Oh shut up! I'm pretty handsome!"
"More like a hand full." Kensei added.
"That's Mashiro who is." Shinji bites back as Kensei could only agree to that statement.
"Young love, can't wait to see what the future holds for you." Rose says.
Shinji just left to his room after that, they were giving him a headache. He laid onto his bed and closed his eyes. (Your Name) was pretty, kind and mature. She had a future ahead of her, but Shinji was living in a dump with lots of roommates and plus he was basically a soul.
Shinji was surprise she stuck around as long as she did. They had went on many dates after that and he successfully earned a kiss on the 5th date.
The only problem for Shinji was the fact that he basically lied about his whole life to her, he wasn't sure if it was right to tell her the truth or wait it out.
It wasn't until 6 months into their relationship that the problem he feared worse appeared.
They had left the bar shortly after midnight, Shinji was walking her back safely to the train station, and then he would secretly watch her go home to make sure she was safe, but a drunken man had appeared from a ally way.
The drunken man was causing a problem for (Your Name) as he said some rather vulgar remarks. Shinji was a laid back man as he told the drunken man to beat it and go cat call someone else.
"Yer really pushin my buttons." Shinji tells the drunken man giving him a glare and lightly grabbing (Your Name) to safety behind him.
The drunken man crossed the line when he tried to grabbed (Your Name) shoulder as Shinji puts his foot onto his chest not allowing him to come any closer.
Before they could walk away the sound of a gun click appeared as Shinji pushed (Your Name) out of the way.
"I don't hurt humans but it seems like you want to harm someone precious to me. I don't mind being naughty just for this special occasion." Shinji grins calm and composed as he stopped the bullets from flying between his fingers.
(Your Name) was in panic mood at first because they were at gun point and then second Shinji was using some unknown godly powers to her.
"Don't worry baby doll, yer safe with me." Shinji says disappearing from her sight as he grabbed the gun from the man and broke it in pieces with his bare hands. "Don't play with toys sir, I've seen scarier!"
Of course the man got terrified and ran away scared for his life. "See ya!" Shinji calls out.
(Your Name) watched from her spot unsure what to be afraid of.
The man who was about to possibly rape her or Shinji who was lying about his identity the whole time. The tears grew in her face because of how frighten she was.
"What's wrong bab-"
"Stop, don't get any closer." She tells him as Shinji sees the water in her eyes. She looked terrified and hurt. "I can explain to you about all this."
"Explain what? That you've been lying about yourself the whole time? What are you? Some kind of god?"
Shinji knits his brows and grabs her hand lightly but she pulled away. "No. I'm going home alone tonight. I'll talk to you when I'm ready."
"I'm not letting ya walk home this late alone." He tells her as she protested but by a flash of a step they were back at her place as he set her down lightly.
"Talk to me when you are ready, I'll be waiting." Shinji says as she looks away from him obviously surprised on how they got home so fast.
"Whatever, thanks for tonight." She slightly says in a forgiving tone as she walked into her place.
He didn't hear from her in weeks, it was only 6 months together and during that period of time he felt happy and light. He didn't think about Aizen or any ill thoughts when he was with her.
Shinji knew it wasn't going to work out, they were so different and so far from each other's world yet he wanted so bad to make it work.
"Is this the common word to say that I got ghosted?" He sulks in the corner as his phone rings to see a message from (Your Name).
(Your Name) - "Meet me at the bar we first met."
Shinji walks in and spots her sitting alone but beautifully shining. She notices him and gives a small smile.
"Alright get it to it, if you wanna call me a freak I understand." He says.
"No one is calling you a freak, I just want an explanation. I had time to think and I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was scared and confused."
He takes her hands and grins. "Of course baby."
The music started to play as the bartender served them a couple of drinks.
"Just please let me finish before you ask any question. Basically you are dating a dead man, I'm from the world where souls live and we have powers that protect and balance the living and dead. Remember when we were talking about how sick people can be? Well there was a guy that got me and few of my comrades exile from the Soul Society and that is how I ended up here."
(Your Name) had to process everything, it was so unreal. At the same time she was curious and slightly interested about another world out there. Of course she wanted to be angry at him for lying about his identity, but she understood from his perspective.
"Well that was a lot to take in, you must be serious about me if you told me all this."
"100% percent, I ain't leaving soon." He sips his wine now.
(Your Name) smiles and then looks down.
"Just don't lie to me anymore. Keep everything real."
"I won't. At the mean time, I'm glad we had this talk so now I can finally use my godly powers as you say." He grabs her hands as they run out the bar.
Stumbling a bit she grips his hand tightly and follows. "Where are we going?!"
"You will see!" He shouts as Shinji hoisted her and lifts them up to the sky.
The view from Tokyo was below them and this time she could see everything.
"How?! This is so beautiful!"
Shinji was happy, although they haven't talked serious yet, he was willing to give it time and effort.
"Remember I told you I would show you a better view. Well here it is!"
(Your Name) was overwhelmed with happiness as she clung onto him. It was weird for her because they were basically standing in midair.
"We won't fall right?"
"Nah just relax I got you."
The night came to an end in a positive way as both parties understood each other and why things were the way they were. Shinji had a sense of relief because he didn't have to hide anymore.
They laid in bed at her place, god forbid he brought her back to his.
The night was cold but the room was warm, they laid peacefully and in each other arms.
(Your Name) would make sure in the future to talk about their relationship because it was a complicated subject. A human and soul together as a couple.
Everyone always says it doesn't hurt to try something new so that's what she was taking this as but genuinely she wanted to brag about how strong and cool her boyfriend was but that was for another time.
For now they both just want to cherish the easy and smooth moments together before anything complicated comes up.
"So our next challenge is to meet my peeps." He tells her as she groans.
"Are they weird like you?"
"Oh baby doll, we are a mix of hip and style."
(Author notes: Heya! I'm taking request at the moment! I'll be on vacation so I might have some time to write a few pieces! The rules are telling me a character and a general plot on what you want the story to be! Also none of my one shots have been edited.)
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downwiththeficness · 4 years ago
A Need So Great-Chapter 4
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Summary: Eva Moore is assigned to work the last year of her contract with the DEA in Colombia. She just wants to get to the end of her tenure, but she keeps getting drawn further into a string of murders in the city. It isn’t long before she’s forced to face the ghosts of her past.
Word Count: ~3,700
Warnings: Canon typical Violence
A/N: For the purposes of this story, Carrillo isn’t married--or, if you like, divorced. A/B/O dynamics are prevalent, and they come with their own warning. The overall rating for this story is Explicit, although not every chapter will contain adult themes.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 10.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
They’re sitting at the bar again. Rather, they are sitting at a table at the bar again.  It had been a hard day for almost everyone sitting there.  Javier, Steve, and Carrillo had managed to thwart a production route at the cost of three men. Connie had watched a young mother die in childbirth, the baby barely alive.  Eva had watched from the sidelines, feeling guilty that there wasn’t anything that she could do. So, she’d suggested a drink.  One drink had turned into two, then three.
At present, Connie was standing at the juke box, looking for a selection. Eva was watching her look through the offerings, wondering if she should switch to water so that she could drive home.
“I’m telling you,” Steve said, banging his hand on the table, a wide smile on his face, “He literally pissed himself when we busted in.  Tell him, Javi.”
Javier held up his hands, “I’m not in this argument, man.”
Rolling her eyes, Eva pointed a finger at Steve, “You’re telling me that some big bad--,” she looked at Carrillo, “What did he call them?”
“Sicario,” he prompted, bringing his glass to his mouth to hide the smirk.
“Thank you,” Eva said, waving her hand a little, “Peed himself because you put a gun on him.”
Steve leaned forward, “Yes, that is exactly what happened.”
“I’m—hey, Connie, can you get us another round—I’m not lying!”
Eva shook her head, “No, nope. Didn’t happen like that. You got no witnesses to prove it.”
“Just because I don’t have a witness doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.”
“You made the assertion, Murphy, you’ve got the burden of proof.”
“Fuck off.”
“You fuck off,” Eva shot back, “All you agents walk around like you’re hot fucking stuff because you got a badge and a gun and the support of the US government, tellin’ tall tales to make yourselves look like John Wayne. I swear to God, if I have to hear one more dick measuring contest on the break room I will literally puke.”
Connie came back to the table, a tray full of...not beer.  She set it down and Eva counted enough shots for each of them, a couple salt shakers, and some cut limes. Oh, shit.  
“We have to go to work tomorrow, Connie,” Eva censured gently, despite taking the glass from Connie’s outstretched hand.
Connie scoffed, “Like you’ve never had a hangover before.”
Eva noticed Carrillo hadn’t taken one of the glasses.  She leaned over, nudging him, “C’mon, you gotta do this, too.”  When he balked, she picked up one of the glasses and held it in front of him, “We’re all in this shit together, Horacio.”
He stared at her for a moment before pulling his lips between his teeth, a reflexive movement he sometimes did when he was thinking. She wiggled the glass, smiling when he relented. The salt shakers went around to everyone and Eva licked the back of her hand between her thumb and forefinger, tapping a bit out.
“What should we toast to?” Connie asked.
“We’re toasting?” Eva asked with a laugh, “I didn’t know you could toast over tequila shots.”
Connie leveled a baleful glare at her and Eva rolled her eyes, holding the glass towards the center of the table, “Its your toast, man.”
“To catching one of the bad guys,” Javier announced.
That was good enough for the group.  The glasses made a dull sound as they clinked them together. Eva licked the salt from her hand, threw back the shot, and stuck the lime in her mouth.  She hadn’t had tequila in a long while, but the movements were still buried in her muscle memory.  Salt, shot, lime. Glancing over, she caught Carrillo pulling the lime from his mouth, tongue catching juice that remained on his lips.  She dropped her gaze, feeling her neck heat an a way that had nothing to do with the alcohol. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep her eyes off him, let alone her hands.
To keep said hands busy, she threw the rind onto the tray with the empty glasses just as Connie shot up, both hands in the air.
Eva could feel her brows hit her hairline, “Steve, is she like this every time she drinks tequila?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” He lit a cigarette, a smirk appearing beneath his mustache.
She watched Connie head for the bar, “Is she gonna be okay?”
“Until she wakes up tomorrow,” he laughed.
“Cool, cool.”
The song on the juke box ended and ‘Careless Whisper’ queued up, the saxophone out of place and yet Eva couldn’t imagine that Connie would choose a different tune. She turned from the bar with a wide smile, shots completely forgotten.
“I love this song.  Stevie, come dance with me.”
And there they went, Connie dragging Steve to the dance floor which, surprisingly, had quite a few people on it.  Eva watched them go, laughing.  
“I can’t wait to tell her all about this later,” she said.
Javier snorted with contained laughter, “I should have brought a camera.  I’m getting another drink, you want anything.”
Eva and Carrillo both waved him off and he headed for the bar.  
“He’s right, we should have brought a camera,�� Eva said as she gestured towards where Connie was spinning Steve, pulling him in for a dramatic dip.
“We can always get the security footage from the owner,” Carrillo suggested with half a smile.
She looked at him, not quite believing, “You think he’d give it to us?”
One of his brows lifted, “We’d have to pay him.”
“We could do that.” She thought about it for a minute, “Man, that would be comedy gold at the office Christmas party.”
Connie gave a little shimmy, hands on Steve’s shoulders as they swayed back and forth.  He was acting like he was annoyed by it, but Eva had been around him long enough to know that he was secretly enjoying every second of his wife happily dancing after a hard day’s work.
Leaning forward, Eva took up her discarded beer, eyes catching on the bar.  She leaned a little towards Horacio, gesturing with the bottle.
“Looks like Javier’s trying to close a deal.”
He was talking with a pretty girl with long, curly hair.  They were both smiling, she was touching his arm. Eva had heard some of his pick up lines, she wondered if he was actually using any of them. If so, he was sleeping alone tonight.
“He’s probably negotiating price.” When Eva looked to him in question, he shrugged, “She’s a sex worker.”
“No,” Eva gasped, looking the woman over to see how he could possibly know. “How can you tell?”
Horacio shrugged, “I see a lot of them in my line of work.”
“Oh?” Eva said with both brows raised.
He shot her a sarcastic look, “We arrest them from time to time.  Most of them are informants.”
“To you?”
He nodded.
“And you pay them?”
He made a noncommittal sound, but the little roll of his neck gave her all the confirmation she needed. She opened her mouth to say something and thought better of it, shutting her jaw with a click.
His eyes narrowed, “What was that?”
“Nothing,” Eva responded quickly, sipping to distract herself.
“No,” he held up a finger, moving into her space a bit, “You were going to say something and you stopped.  Why?”
She blinked, “It was an inside thought.”
His brows drew together in confusion. She felt her cheeks heat, embarrassed that she’d actually said ‘inside thought’ for the first time since she was a kid—a concept that her parents had taught her before she’d learned to filter out the sentences that should not be uttered.
“Ah,” she stalled a little bit, not quite believing that she was going to say this out loud, “An inside thought is when you think a thought that should absolutely not be said on the outside.  Like, ever.”
His head tilted to the side, “Tell me.”
“Oh, no,” she shook her head, “Absolutely not.  Were you listening? Its an inside thought, its supposed to stay inside.”
“How do you know its an inside thought?”
Eva hesitated, considering. She watched him figure out that he had an opening, his expression opening up just a little bit.
“Because people are usually insulted by inside thoughts,” she offered lamely.
“And you think I’ll be insulted by it? Or, Javi?”
She held her silence, pressing her lips together to keep from answering. He was a lot closer than was strictly necessary. Although the music was playing loudly, Eva felt herself zero in on him, focused on his every word and the shape of his mouth as he talked.
“So,” he continued, “We’ve established that you’ve had a thought that you don’t think is appropriate and you feel I would be insulted by it.”
Eva wondered if this was how people felt when he was interrogating them, somewhere between helplessly drawn in and desperate to change the subject.
She cocked her head to the side, “We’ve established nothing other than I had an inside thought and voice that they are typically insulting.”
“That’s a fine distinction,” he conceded turning a little in his chair to face her a bit more fully, “But, there’s only one way to really settle this. You have to tell me.”
Eva ran her thumb over her brow, dropping her eyes to the side and breathing deep, “I was going to say … that I was surprised you had to pay them.”
He paused, then, “Why is that?”
She was having a hard time breathing, but she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Because, if it were me, I’d probably just tell you.”
Whatever he might have said after that was cut off by Connie sliding into her chair with a high pitched giggle. She was sweating a little, leaning hard into her husband with a wide smile. She looked happy.  Eva smiled at her, saluting with her beer.
“Nice moves, sweetie.”
“Ah, thank you! I bought, like, ten songs, so we’ll be getting back to it soon.”
As if on cue, the song changed and “We Built this City” started up. Eva shook her head, her attention snagging on Javier at the bar.  Another man had walked up and he was arguing with him, tongue rolling across the front of his teeth.  He looked pissed.
Carrillo noticed her attention straying and she felt him tense a little next to her. A few more guys had walked up.
“Aw, shit,” she said, already moving to stand as the fight broke out.
Glass shattered, and Eva circled around Carrillo to where Connie was sitting, pulling the woman with her over and down towards the bar.  She could hear voices screaming and the sound to flesh hitting flesh.  Without much care, she shoved Connie into the space between the bar and the wall, holding up a finger and leveling a determined look at her.
“You don’t move,” she said. “Not an inch.”
You say you don’t know me, or recognize my face.
A hand grabbed Eva’s ankle and she yelped as she was dragged out into the fray.  The man was average size and weight, but he had the jump on her.  He climbed over her body and had his hands around her throat before she could get her bearings.  Eva threw both hands out and into his shoulders, balancing his weight while she tucked her knees into her chest. Her hips shimmied and she was able to get her heels up. She kicked. Hard.
As hard and as fast as she could, Eva kicked him in the face until he let go of her neck.  And then, she grabbed his wrists to keep him there and kept kicking until there was so much blood that it looked like a mask of red had settled over him.  With a grunt, she shoved him to the side, wheezing and touching her neck gingerly.
Too many runaways eating up the night
Across the room, Javier was holding a guy down while Steve gave him a vicious kick.  Not far away Carrillo was dodging a punch, throwing a hard uppercut and catching the guy beneath the chin. His opponent’s head flew back with such force that Eva was kind of surprised that it was still connected.  He fell to the floor, unconscious.
Eva caught his eye and she gave a little wave, seeing his eyes flick to her right a little too late. A man wrapped both arms around her chest, caging her arms in.  Carrillo’s eyes narrowed and he was moving towards her. Eva yelled and swung both legs out in front of her to mid air.  The man struggled under the sudden weight of her body. Bend, snap, roll the shoulder. He fell over her arm to the floor, winded. She used the palm of her hand to hit at his exposed throat, satisfied when he choked.
And then he was right there with her, his scent sharp with the exertion, his hands carefully running over her arms to check for injury. Eva couldn’t help but to smile, a little dazed.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” she breathed, pushing the hair from her face. “Oh, fuck!”
One of the idiots had pulled a gun.  And, while she knew he was armed, Eva couldn’t stop the automatic response that kicked in.  She shoved Carrillo down behind an up ended table as the shots rang out. Curling over him, Eva covered her head, eyes squeezed shut.
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll.
A few more shots and he was rolling her into the wood of the table, rising up on a knee and pulling his pistol. Eva plugged her fingers into her ears, feeling his body sway a bit with the recoil.
We just want to dance here. Someone stole the stage.
His hands slammed down on the floor as he ducked down. The table behind her scooted forward as a shot ricocheted into the far end, exposing him.
“Horacio,” she yelled, grabbing his polo shirt and pulling him back and into her chest.
The movement set him off balance and his full weight collapsed on her, pushing all the air out of her lungs. Another shot, another screech as the table moved.  Horacio pushed to his knees again, firing off another shot.  Eva looked around for something they could use that would be better cover. There was literally nothing.
Marconi played the mambo, listen to the radio.
And then she saw it, an unbroken bottle had rolled from somewhere in the bar, right next to a discarded bar towel.  Perfect.
“Cover me,” she yelled upwards, already crawling the few feet out to it.
Horacio cursed a blue streak, firing off a few rounds as she shuffled back to him, “The fuck are you doing?”
“Give me your lighter,” she demanded, opening the bottle and shoving the towel inside with two fingers.
To his credit, he hesitated only a fraction of a second before he was digging into the pocket of his khakis and handing her a silver Zippo.
“Thank you,” Eva said primly as she tipped the bottle over a bit to soak the towel.
We built this city. We built this city on rock and roll.
Getting to her knees, Eva looked at Horacio, who was eyeing both her and the bottle with a look a clear and unadulterated delight. She really, really liked when he smiled.
“Bottom’s up!”
And then she tossed it in the direction of the people shooting at them, smiling wide when it hit the mark. Fire burst forth, giving Javier and Steve enough of a distraction that they could get a clear shot.
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Eva knelt on the floor, watching over the rim of the table as they went person by person, disarming the ones that were still alive. Eventually, Horacio stood up and she followed suit, moving to check on Connie.
She looked pissed, “I was having a good fucking time and these assholes…” She sighed deeply.
“I know,” Eva agreed, “Next time we do this at your place.  Less chance of gunfire there.”
“Tell me about it.”
We built this city.
It took an hour or two for the boys to clean up the mess, cuff a few people, and clear the scene. Eva sat with Connie at the bar, drinking coffee and watching them work.
“I saw what you did there with that guy,” Connie commented, leaning one elbow on the bar, “How did you learn all that...self defense stuff.”
Eva shrugged, “After my marriage ended I thought it would be good to learn a few things, just in case.”
Connie didn’t need to know that she’d learned it in case one of her husband’s family members decided to get vengeance.  
“Death,” Eva clarified.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it was the best thing for everyone involved.”
Connie laughed a little, “Even your husband?”
“Especially my husband,” Eva confirmed with a smile. “Real asshole, let me tell you.”
Eyes following her husband across the room, Connie asked, “He cheat on you.”
“Worse,” Eva answered, her good mood evaporating.  
She closed her eyes and ran a hand over her face, working to right herself. She was saved by Javier approaching, a little saunter in his walk.
“The owner has agreed not to press charges for the fire setting.”
Scoffing, Eva snipped, “What’s a little fire to bullet holes?”
There were several lining the walls.  Almost every piece of furniture not nailed down to the floor was either overturned or broken entirely.  The table she’d been hiding behind with Horacio had splinters up and down it.  If she hadn’t thrown the bottle, the next round of bullets might have gotten through the wood to the other side.
“If anything, this’ll make this place more popular,” he said, tapping out a cigarette and lighting it.
Eva sighed, “Did you have to start the fight?”
He looked at her, “I didn’t start it.”
She rolled her eyes, “I’ve known you for like three months.  You started it.  I don’t know why, but you started it.”
Connie had the good grace to lift her brows and spin a little on her bar stool, sipping her coffee. Javier took a drag and shrugged.
“Right,” Eva said, hopping down. She waved to Connie, “See you at next week’s class.”
She grabbed her purse and headed for the exit, more tired than she cared to admit.  So tired, in fact, she didn’t notice that Carrillo had followed her out.
“Do you ever park closer to where you’re going?”
Eva jumped, hands coming up in front of her.  When she recognized him, she laughed a little, “Sorry, wasn’t paying attention. And, to answer your question: I like the longer walk.  Gives me time to, I don’t know, settle myself.”
He nodded, “Maybe consider parking a little closer when you know you’ll be staying after sundown. Might be safer.”
At this Eva shot him a bemused look, “I think you either shit canned or shot anyone who’d give me trouble.”
He put his hands in his pockets as he walked with her, “You’re the one who set them on fire.”
She gave him a deferential nod, rolling one shoulder, “You may have a point. But, I’d argue that my actions were justified, given that they were shooting at us. I mean, I haven’t been here long, but I’m pretty sure the cultural differences aren’t so dissimilar that—were I to be fired upon, I could be forgiven for returning fire.”
They’d reached her car, and she opened the driver’s door, throwing her purse in the passenger’s seat before turning to look at him. He was just… staring at her, hands in his pockets, looking mystified.
He took a breath, “You took one look at that gun and threw me down to cover me.”
Eva paused, going over the memory a bit and agreeing with him, “Yeah, I did.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t save your life?”
He stepped into her space, “You save yourself. Let me take care of me.”
“I make absolutely no promises, Carrillo.”
Slowly, to give her time to know what he was doing, he curled a finger beneath her chin, “You do that when you’re trying to deflect, use my last name.”
In the moment, she hated him a little.  It had taken years to develop her defense mechanisms so that she could function normally with people.  A joke here, a little sarcasm there. Just enough to keep them at a distance.  And, here he was, seeing through her bullshit.
“You are frustrating,” Eva said without any bite.
He smiled, “I’ve been told that.”
“Did they also tell you that you have the cutest little dimples when you smile?”
The laugh that followed was surprised and Eva was gratified to see that he was blushing. She curled a hand over the arm still holding onto her, fingers curling over his bicep.
“No, no one has told me that,” he said after he’d gathered himself.
She considered it, “That’s a shame.”
“Is it?”
They’d moved closer together. Eva could feel the heat from his body, the smell of him that she liked so much tinged with sweat and smoke.
She settled against the side of the car, “Damn shame.”
He ran the back of his fingers over her cheek, considering, “I’ll take your word for it.”
“See that you do.”
Horacio made a soft sound of assent, leaning down to press a soft, tentative kiss to her mouth. He pulled back, but not far, dipping down again for another soft kiss that was entirely too short. Eva’s every breath was filled with him, her skin alight. She leaned up, taking the kiss she wanted. Deeper, harder.
Hands gripping both her hips, he pushed her into the car, his weight preventing escape—not that she particularly wanted to move.  The feeling of being held almost immobile and kissed senseless was delicious in a way that made her toes curl.  She clung to him, inviting more kisses, more touches—just more.
He was the first to break away, breathing hard, “Get in the car.”
He shook his head as if to clear it, “Get in the car before I drag you to my truck and take you home with me.”
She smirked, “You probably wouldn’t have to drag me.”
He leveled a serious look at her, “Car. In.”
“Sure thing, Big Guy,” she said, sliding into the seat. “See you at the office.”
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