#toad x pipe
balfazuar · 1 year
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fandomlit · 2 months
academic affair, prologue (remus lupin x reader)
series summary being a professor at hogwarts always brought you an interesting day, but your past starts to reappear in odd ways: in the son of one of your former best friends, a dog you can't stop seeing, and an old crush getting the cursed job the school. it all looks to mean one thing--it's time to stop running from the things you tried hard not to think about.
warning none
a/n if you all are interested in seeing this continue as a series please please let me know!! im loving this concept :)
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gif cred belongs to @rxmuz
harry, hermione, and ron were gathered in the empty classroom you were to begin a lesson in after your snack break--a habit they had grown into shortly after meeting you their first year. your feet were propped up on your desk as you ate your salad, watching harry pace and complain about his third-year classes already, despite only being a few days into the term.
"i think they're all riveting so far," hermione spoke bossily, shaking her head at the complaining boys.
"how would you know? you weren't even in potions today!" ron accused. you winked at hermione as her face flushed slightly. you knew her little time turner secret--it was a fate few students endured, but you had been one of the professors to recommend her for the honor when dumbledore inquired.
"i was there! we learned about the benefits of frog liver in healing potions!"
ron and harry looked to each other. "I actually don't know if that's true or not."
you let out a laugh before speaking, "it's just the second week, harry. it'll get better! patience is key."
harry huffed as he flopped into one of the chairs in the front row. "why can't i just take your class already?"
you shrugged. "i'll let you in." his head piped up. "if you can read my leaves from my old cup of tea for me." he sunk back down into the chair as you tutted, "have to know divination to take theory, harry. sad, but true."
he sulked for another moment before admitting, "i do like the new defense against the dark arts professor. lupin seems good."
the other two agreed and began to chat about it as you froze mid-chew.
when you heard remus lupin was taking the dark arts position, a rush of old, buried emotions came flooding back to you. your stupid schoolgirl crush seemed to take up space in your heart once again before you had even seen him again, and you cursed yourself for letting it happen. but remus was one of your best friends in your hogwarts days, and you had always wondered what could have been if you had ever had the guts to pursue something with him..
" .. professor? y/n!"
you snapped back into the moment, swallowing your bite as you gave your attention back to the trio. "sorry. got lost in thought. what's up?"
"did you know lupin when you went to hogwarts?"
your heart jumped unwillingly. "oh--yeah, of course. i don't want to air out his business for him if he hasn't said.. but he was very close to your parents, as well, harry." harry blinked in surprise. "but again, not my place to say without knowing if he wants all that to be said." the trio nodded.
"has he always had those scars?" ron asked, waving to his face. 
you smiled a little. "yes. not those, specifically, but he always had a knack for getting new wounds back in our hogwarts days. never without a scratch."
"sounds like-"
"professor l/n?" all four of you looked to the open door of the classroom to see professor lupin himself standing with one hand on the frame, as if he had been summoned when you began to talk about him. your heart skipped while he swept his gaze to the students, lifting a hand in greeting, "hello harry, miss granger, mister weasley." they greeted him in return before he looked back to you as you swung your feet to the ground a little clumsily. you prayed your face wasn't as hot as it felt. "have you all seen a toad hopping about? had a student say he lost sight of him after charms this morning."
"oh, neville?" you laughed softly and the other three chuckled. lupin nodded. "no, we haven't seen trevor. we'll be sure to inform the owner if he's spotted, however."
lupin gave you a nod. "thanks." he paused for a moment in the doorway, looking like he was going to say something more, before patting the doorframe and moving away. after a moment you cleared your throat, swinging your feet back onto your desk and shuffling your fork through your salad.
"so, what were we saying before all that? something about divination?"
"you totally fancy professor lupin!" hermione scoffed. it was the first time you had seen her gaze properly off of her homework all afternoon. and she looked delighted about it, too.
now you knew your face was bright red. "you're loony, hermione. i'm thirty-five years old--i don't 'fancy' people."
"oh, what do you call it then?" harry grinned. "a crush? taking a liking too? or do we skip straight to pining at your age?" he dodged when your shoe came flying at him, but he was laughing the whole way. ron was chortling just as loudly.
"you three have lost it!" you declared, standing unevenly from your desk. "remus and i were good friends back in the day--nothing more, nothing less."
"remus, is it?" harry gawked, making the other two laugh and tease again while you stripped off your other shoe. the warning bell rang just then.
"you've been saved, you have!" you called as they scrambled to get their things together. "teasing a professor like a student--rotten children!"
"and yet, you keep inviting us around!"
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Broken Warp Pipe AU
Based off of a concept by @multicolour-ink and @wiz-witch​ where the warp pipe in Brooklyn breaks down, leaving Mario and Luigi stranded separate dimensions: X.
From there I just went off the rails.
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Mario (Brooklyn Side)
Mario has not stopped working toward finding a way to The Mushroom Kingdom since he and Luigi were separated, and has run himself ragged in the process.
He started off trying to discover if there is a working warp pipe somewhere else in the world. After all, if there was one just under their noses in Brooklyn, surely there’s another somewhere! He just needs to search, and search hard.
He’s always on the move, working some side-gigs to stay afloat while spending every second of free time pursuing and studying warp pipes. He eats bad, sleeps bad, and even smokes sometimes when he’s sleep deprived and can’t focus (though he always feels guilty about it afterward. Luigi would NOT approve.)
Mario hates being alone, but spends most of his time alone, because he feels that’s what he deserves at this point. He’s reached so many dead ends he feels like he’s already failed his brother, but refuses to slow down all the same.
When he’s feeling particularly hopeless or lonely, sometimes he talks to nobody as though he’s talking to Luigi. This helps a little. 
He calls his family every couple of months to let them know he’s okay, and to see if there’s any sign that the Brooklyn warp pipe is working again. These phone calls are brief, and he never properly explains where he is or what he’s doing.
 Mario has stolen (and usually returned) many ancient artifacts and documents, and broken into many a location trying to uncover a warp pipe. He hasn’t hurt anyone, but his impatience and determination has earned him a bit of a criminal record in the human world. 
In his travels, Mario found one or two working warp pipes, but they led to weird alternative dimensions not even close to The Mushroom Kingdom. He has done some heroism in these places whenever the situation presents itself (he’s still a good guy), and has been rewarded with helpful information about warp pipes and how they work.
Through knowledge he gleaned from his travels, combined his own advanced skills with traditional plumbing, Mario eventually pieces together how to repair warp pipes, which he uses to fix his own pipe back in Brooklyn.
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Luigi (Mushroom Kingdom Side)
When Mario first got trapped in Brooklyn, Luigi desperately tried to fill his brother’s shoes until he returned. When Bowser inevitably reattempted to destroy The Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi tried to channel his brother by taking the tyrant on alone. He was very nearly killed as a result. DK, Toad, and Peach successfully fended off Bowser in the end, but Luigi was left physically and emotionally scarred in a way he has not quite recovered from.
Luigi still does his best to be a hero despite everything, but is only barely functional unless he has someone backing him up. Princess Peach sticks close to him whenever possible, and Toad is ecstatic to have him as a friend and adventuring buddy.
 Luigi has an official place on the Toad Brigade, and is happiest when he’s doing missions with them.
He eventually develops into one of the most formidable heroes in the dimension, especially after he gains the powers of the thunder hand. He rarely gets recognition for this though, because he very much does not behave like the traditional hero, and far prefers the sidekick position. He wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Luigi does not spend a lot of time in his and Mario’s house, save to keep it clean and tidy. He has not moved any of his brothers things, except to keep them dusted. A part of him still holds out hope that he’ll be back one day.
Princess Peach hooked Luigi up with an apprenticeship with Professor E. Gadd during one of his slumps, and he spends most of his nights sleeping over at the lab. The professor is happy to have him around; Luigi keeps the place so neat and organized, and makes the best cup of coffee!
Though they have some wardrobe changes, both Mario and Luigi have their original hats, and are extremely protective of them. 
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Breathless P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet
Requested: That was great please can we have a part two, also absolutely love your writing Part 2? Warnings: Medical emergencies / Asthma attacks / medical instruments / medication
I lay in the little cheap metal hospital bed, the white enamel paint flicking and flaking off, the sweet sheets around my body, the scent of cleanliness in the air. I had been here for the amount a week now and so far I had been taken excellent care of, Jack was my doctor and he would check up on me almost on the hour or close to it, to check I was alright, he even gave me my own room so I wasn't on the ward with other people. 
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Jack asked as he opened my door and came inside, shutting the door behind him.
I blushed a little to see him again as I had only seen him about an hour ago, and given the time this would likely be the last time he visited, but I noticed his clothes adjusted and hair fixed since the last I saw him. His hands are a little dirty with blood.
"What did you do today?" I asked looking at his hands, 
"Humm? Ohh, bandaging." He answered pushing up his sleeves and showing his hands off, he went to the side and washed up his hands, "So? How are you feeling?"
"The same. Wheezy, tight chest, coughing nothing up." I explained, 
"Alright, You're not getting any better it's concerning me." He said coming to sit on my bed briefly fixing some hair from my face, "Come on. I'll be quick." I nodded and sat up turning to the window as he took his little listening tool and carefully slipped it up my nightie but I gasped 
"You alright?"
"It's cold," I complained 
"Ohh sorry" he chuckled taking it off and breathing on it a little and then putting it back, a little warmer 
"Good girl, In... and out. just breathe with me, In and out" He whispered  "And around the front" He said moving his tool to my front still under my nightie "In... and out." He muttered "Alright" he sighed moving away 
"What about the other tests?" I asked
"Still waiting." He said "Go on lay back down" he reassured 
I nodded and laid back in bed "Can't I have a cigarette?"
"No." he glared
"Half a one?"
"... can I breathe next to a leaf?"
"No. Those damn things were only making you worse" 
"A pipe then?"
"No. I'm not telling you again" He warns 
 "What is it you're scared of Jack?"
"...Nothing." He answered clearly lying to me "Get some rest, I'll check up on you tonight." He said tapping my hand and giving it a little kiss before he headed to the door 
"Yeah?" he asks turning to face me 
"You'd tell me if you knew something was wrong... wouldn't you?"
"I'm a doctor. I have to give bad news... as much as it might hurt." He said, "Get some rest." 
"Yes doctor" I nodded, his words stung my heart leaving me breathless, I felt like he was lying to me, but I didn't want to push him perhaps I was wrong. 
I sat in bed with my book listening to myself wheeze when the door opened, 
"I come baring soup" Jack smiled setting the soup on my table "It's not great I admit but, there is enough spice in that soup to jump the heart of a toad, so hopefully it should clear your airways a little, if nothing else... you'll certainly feel the air a lot more" he chuckled sitting on the bed with me "How are we?"
"The same" I coughed into my tissue the moment I stopped he glared clicking his fingers and offering his hand so I handed the tissue over
"Thank you," he said stuffing it in his pocket to run tests on later "I also have something else for you"
"Ohh noo... Please no more bellows Jack" I pleaded 
"No, no more. I don't know why I listened to him about that" He sighed "Medicine," He said getting the bottle from his pocket 
"What will it do?"
"I don't know. I hope it's going to stop you from wheezing..."
"But... it may cause you to have a heart attack."
"Ahhhhh" I whined 
"I'm only going to give you a tiny. Tiny about barely even half a teaspoon, if it dulls the wheeze I'll give you more if it doesn't I'll be here to stop the heart attack"
"I don't much like being your experiment Piglet" I pouted 
"I know you don't,"
"Do I have to?"
"Do you want to get better?"
"Yes" I sighed 
"Good, besides your too cute to be a piglet" He winked  "Come on, for me?" He cooed getting the little spoon for me 
I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth
"Good girl" He cooed pouring the tiniest about from the bottle into the spoon and letting me take it "There, not give it a minute I will get the Spirometer."
"Do you have to?" I whined 
"Yes." he glared fetching the little contraction from my table it was basically a tube, a glass, and a weight, the weight sat in the glass filled with water and the rubber tube offered to me, I had to breathe as much as I could to cause bubbles to push up the weight which Jack would then read and write down "Big big breath for me," he says I took the tube and did as he asked even if I almost felt like passing out "Ummm... that is, actually a small improvement over yesterday" he smiled giving my nose a kiss "Right, in a few hours We'll check again" 
I sat at the window blowing the smoke out the window but I heard the familiar footsteps, so I quickly put it out threw it out the window and climbed back to bed grabbing my perfume spraying it around the room and me, as the door opened to Jack, "afternoon," He smiled 
"afternoon," I smiled back 
"What's that smell?" He asked as he came over getting the Spirometer from the table and sitting it beside the bed 
"Ohh uhhh wild English rose. My perfume" I smiled giving my bottle another spritz and trying to smile innocently 
"No, I like your perfume." he said coming over to my bed sitting on my bed and glaring at me as he came closer "Y/n."
"Yes, Jack?"
"Where are they?"
"Where's what?"
"You know what."
"I'm sure I don't."
"Yes you do."
"What are you talking about?"
"Where. Are. They."
"Where are what" I pouted
"The cigarettes."
"I don't have any." I snapped 
"Don't you?" he warns 
I couldn't help but glance at my hiding spot but he noticed and rushed to grab them before I did leaving us fighting over who could get their hand under my bed the quickest and I lost. 
"HA! You lied to me." He snapped grabbing the box of asthma cigarettes my father dropped off yesterday when he came to visit "What did I tell you about these." He warns getting up and dropping the box, stepping on them hard to destroy them, as he knew if he merely threw them away I'd get them out the bin, he picked up the wrecked box and threw it out the window before turning his attention to me, so I sheepishly pulled the covers to my nose trying to hide "the only reason you are not getting bent over that bed and getting the absolute worst bloody spanking of your life y/n. Is because I know you'll tell your father and he'll have me hanged."
"eep" I whined hiding under the covers like a ghost "Don't hurt me Jack" I giggled 
he sat on my bed again and tried to remove the covers but I held them too tight, so he sighed and moved the covers over his own head to join me in my tent of fear "I'm not doing it to be mean, I know your struggling, but they are making you so so much worse you know they are."
"I know." I nodded 
"Hey, come on," he cooed stroking my cheek "A little smile for the doctor?"
I forced a smile but ended up having to cough 
"We're gonna have to up your dose"
"No. Jack please it tastes like bones"
"I know but it'll make you better."
"No. I won't."
"Please. for me."
"You're taking it. either you open your mouth or I'm fetching the funnel." 
"Noooooo" I whined 
"You gonna take your medicine?"
"Fine" I huffed 
"Good girl" he cooed getting the bottle from his pocket and giving me a full spoonful as my dose had only been getting larger "Open up come on" he smiled and I sighed opening my mouth and taking it 
"Ehhhh!" I complained about the terrible taste 
He smiled looking at me a moment before he closed the gap between us and kissed me I had to admit, it was so very nice indeed. His lips were so smooth and gentle, and his slightly metallic woody smell filled my nose, barely any light reached my eyes, our bodies still under the cover like children in a fort, the only issue was such a kiss took my breath away... figuratively and literally. when he pulled back I wheezed and coughed "Is it worse?" he asked a little worried
"You really thought that would help?" I glared with a wheeze throwing the covers off "Yes make the asthmatic hold her breath and both one of her breathing holes with your own mouth"
"Good point." He nodded
"I know you've been waiting for those test results a while jack, I didn't think you'd resort to testing with your own tongue"
"I will do whatever is necessary" He smirked 
"I bet you would" I glared
He smiled kissing my nose before he got up "I'll see you later?"
"I'm not going anywhere." 
"you know what I mean." He glared "Be good. I'll see you later. Ohh and uhh don't tell your father about this-"
"I suppose I could..." I smiled innocently he gave me a look and I just pouted my lips he smirked and held my cheeks giving me another kiss 
"Good girl, I'll see you for dinner" He said stroking my cheek before he headed off back to work. 
I woke up clutching my chest trying desperately to breathe in but no matter how much I gasped nothing arrived in my lungs, I sat up in a rush clawing at my throat as I took in as much as I could but nothing quelled this feeling of needing air, like drowning but above water. 
"Whoa, Whoa, slow. Slow down" Jack told me as I woke him up, he grabbed my face sat on my bed and walked me through some breaths through my nose which did allow air in just not as much as I needed, and once I relaxed I was able to breathe as normal as ever. "You alright?" he asked and I nodded "That's the third time this week." He said fear in his words 
For a moment or two, we just sat following one another breaths, I felt bad seeing the tiredness in his eyes, I had woken him, ever since these night-time attacks Jack would come down to deliver my dinner and sit in the chair by my bed for the rest of the night, I know he mostly slept in the chair but it still left him exhausted, and that was before me waking up breathless in the night which would wake him too and then he would struggle to be able to sleep again merely sitting up all night to watch skin and ensure I was still breathing. 
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... chipper." 
"Come on, lay down." he said "Get yourself back to sleep."
"what if it happens again-"
"Then I will be here, and I will make sure you okay," he said "Now come on get some sleep"
I laid down as he asked me to "You need to sleep too."
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do." I told him tapping my bed 
"I shouldn't-"
"Come on. For me?"
"Alright" He chuckled a little at me using what he so often said back to him, he climbed in with me and laid down slowly and gently holding me, our noses touching  
"You think I'm dying, don't you?"
"...No." he lied
"How much longer on those tests you've been running?"
"I got the results back weeks ago."
"Which are?"
"... I can't"
"You're my doctor. You have to tell me bad news."
"You really can't think of a reason I wouldn't want to tell you" he whispered "After... all our time together, I- I care about you too much now to tell you the truth..."
"I'd tell you. If I knew... Because I care about you." 
"... Your lungs are inflamed and I don't know why. the bronchioles in your lungs aren't working, it's like there being strangled."
"My lungs are disintegrating?"
"More or less. They are heavily damaged and only getting worse, I'm worried you could have full-on Pneumonia but ... I can't tell for sure."
"What can be done?"
"....Nothing. I open you up you'll die of shock. or blood loss before I knew where I was and what I was doing, even so... I can't go into your lungs and fix it- I put a hole in your lying you're as good as dead." 
"So what? You're just going to stay here, and cuddle and kiss me till I die?" 
"Don't you think this hurts... I'm a surgeon. and the one person I can't save is you." He said, "Don't you think that tears my heart in two?"
"Is there anything?" I asked
he shook his head "If it was possible, I would tear out my lungs and give them to you."
"That would kill you, Jack-"
"I know that. I would... if it meant you survived." 
"I know you would" I nodded "Is there any chance?"
"....I don't know" He answered giving my lips a sweet kiss "Come on, get some sleep."
"Will you stay with me?" I asked nuzzling into his chest
"Always. I promise" He answered 
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jungle-angel · 4 months
Morning Moon (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Never smack a bull first thing in the morning
Warnings: Sex, SMUT (no minors allowed 18+ only), Rhett showing his naked ass to the world
Tagging: @floydsmuse @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia @attapullman
You lay in your shared bed, you and Rhett still naked from the shenanigans of the night before and breathing in each other's scent. Outside it had grown warm, typical for May, but the early morning haze settling over the Abbott land. Amy had gone to have a sleepover at Joy and Martha's, her and Rosie able to run around and play with each other before their last day of preschool.
"S'fuckin hot in here," you mumbled, burrowing your face in the curve of his neck.
"Gimme a sec," he said.
Rhett gently moved you but you scooted over to his side of the bed. He was still naked, running his hands over his face and letting out an obscene groan as the light spilled in through the windows. When he rose up off the bed, there it was, Rhett's naked ass in all its morning glory.
You could hardly contain your laughter, even as Rhett scrambled back into bed, pressing his weight on top of you. "What.......have I told ya'll.......about smackin my ass?" he growled in your ear, delivering a sound smack to your own rear.
You and Rhett went at it, laughing and giggling the whole entire time. He rammed his red hot shaft right into you, drawing one obscene moan after another out of you. His name fell off your lips with every moan, drawing him further and further into his high and causing the bed to shake, squeak and clatter against the bedroom wall.
When Rhett finally released himself into you, you both fell against each other, laughing and kissing. "Shit darlin ya'll are amazing," he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
Your intimate little moment was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a bed in the other room clattering against the wall. Rhett made a face and turned bright red. "Oh my God are they......?"
"I hope not," Rhett said, faking a gagging noise.
He pounded a fist on the wall, loudly to the point where you were afraid he was going to put his fist through it. "Who the fuck is disturbin the peace?!" Royal bellowed on the other side of the wall.
"Your son, that's who!!"
"You wanna pipe down over there? You guys are bein kinda loud."
"Loud?!" Rhett bellowed. "Loud?! You wanna hear loud? I'll do ya one better and pray your ticker doesn't explode!"
"Then spin the wheel horny toad! Cause it's on like Donkey Kong!"
"Are you serious?" you whispered.
"Give it a few and we'll see," Rhett whispered back, kissing you.
"It's quiet over there, I don't like it," Royal remarked.
"You're the one who talked him into it," Cecelia told him.
"Sugar Bear, I did no such thing."
"Bullshit you didn't."
Royal rolled his eyes. "Hey where'd ya'll learn how to do that anyways?"
"In the back of YOUR old '76 Firebird," she told him. "Now get back down here and fuck me like you mean it!"
Neither of the two rooms remained quiet the rest of the day.
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
Pretty Rain Cloud
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can he read as Platonic As Well, because Platonic love is valid AF!
You were in a horribly sour mood. You swore you would never smile again, and never be happy. No way. Of course, you make this vow to the likes of Fred and George. What were you thinking?
Warnings: Umbridge. She’s a warning in general/Set during Order Of The Phoniex: Slight blood, tending to wounds, intense stress, I mean it’s about Umbridge. You know what’s up
Writing Commissions Open
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“Never ever ever again-!” You sniffled, as Fred was currently being your support. Letting you lean his head on his shoulder, as you two sat in The Room Of Requirement’s. Everyone busy with their Defense Practices, while George was busy cleaning the newly made scar on your hand. How it ached, and still burned. He tried to be as gentle as he could, but that toad knew how to make it hurt.
“Oh don’t go saying something like that-“ George would pipe up, as he wade sure your wound was clean. Having had plenty from Umbridge, let alone from the crazy life he lived in general. “We love your smile-“ Fred was quick to echo, as you would squeeze his hand. Since the pain of the fresh scar was so sharp.
“But you heard her. She said I was ‘Smiling To Much, And Distracting The Class’ and all that-!” You hiccuped, as George was finished with wrapping your hand. Being extra cheesy with kissing it. In the hopes you could smile again. To think, she would find a way to punish anyone wand everyone. You were wondering if she was just doing this to hurt Fred and George. Yet, it seemed like no one would escape her wrath. Not even Draco.
“Oh she hates that you actually have a pretty smile, and she doesn’t.” Fred tried to reason, as he rubbed your shoulder. Letting his older brother instincts take over. Doing whatever he could to help you. All the same with George, who remained at your feet. Holding that wounded hand, and feeling the pain throbbing into his own. How the white fabric was already growing a red tint.
“When that’s all healed up, gonna slather it in our latest invention. It’s a bruise removal puddy we got working on-“ George tried to cheer you up with, as Fred would pull out the tin. Inside was a shiny goop. Was rather similar to a glittery dark grey puddy. It did have you curious, but you refused to smile. As if those twins would quit that easy.
“How about this new candy we just made-“ George offered, as he pulled out another tin. Rattling it around. You were not budging. They loved a challenge anyway. They were older siblings, to Ron and Ginny. Harry as well, if anyone got technical with it. That boy was horribly traumatized, yet they could still get him to grin ear to ear. They won’t give up on you just like that. No sir.
“What about….” Fred hummed, as he looked around. They were inventors. Men that thought outside the box. They could figure this out. Those for eyes would scan the room, and watch as everyone would practice. Mastering the spells that she refused to teach. Seeing the dummy’s go flying had sparked an idea. The duo looked to each other, and just grinned.
“Up ya go-!” They said, before suddenly having their arms under each one of yours. Lifting you up, and making your legs kick and dangle. You were basically being kidnapped now. Those darn twins, and being stupidly tall. Along with strong. Even though Umbridge basically banned Quidditch, that didn’t stop the twins from practicing their beater skills.
“Where are we going-?” You asked, just accepting your fate. Better that way. You’ve seen what happened when people tried to escape. You knew you weren’t in actual danger. If you asked them to put you down, they would. They were pranksters, not monsters. Like how they made sure not to do pranks that involved books around Ginny, ever since the Snake Incident. Moral code, that just likes to bend a little bit.
“And here-!” Plopped down you went, with a brow raised. Just in front of one of the many test dummies the room held. Where was this going? Seemed everyone was now looking, fascinated at what the twins were planning. Ron was already grabbing your arm, and pulling you a solid five steps back. Ginny having mimicked the same action with Luna. Given she was spaced out a bit.
“Just five seconds-“ “-We know what we are doing-!” They spoke, which made everyone back up an extra large step. A mixture of curiosity, yet total anxiety at the same time. Just left to wondering what the ever living hell those two were doing, with the dummies right now. Casting quick spells, and working fast. In a blink, it was made clear.
“TA DA-!” They sung, as their ingenuity was unmatched. With some color changing spells, and some quick shifting of fabric, the dummies were turned into mock up dolls of the pink toad herself. “Not as ugly as her, but it gets the job done-!” They echoed, as they knocked on the dummies head. Having poorly done lipstick on. Given they had a little sister, and were basically the dorms collective older sibling, it was on purpose.
“HAVE AT IT-!” They chanted, before quickly ducking away. As if everyone was on edge to fire. They were, but you were able to have the first swing. A proud Flipendo Maxima was called by you, and that pink dummy went flying. Right into the wall, with a loud crumple, before being a crumpled up mess on the ground. You were just giggling in glee, as you did something you wish you could have to the real one.
“To easy-“ The twins snickered to each other, with such pride. Elbows to each other, before they were returning to your side. Watching as the other students would take advantage of this as well. All needing some serious stress relief from that hag. Everyone was able to gain some smiles, and you were included.
You could hardly recall you even dared made a promise like that around them. To never smile again. Maybe, deep inside, you knew what you were doing. That deep down you did deserve to smile. To spite that woman. No matter what your head said, you knew this. Never challenge a Weasley. Let alone the twins. They’ll make you smile, one way or another.
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caesarhamato22 · 1 year
Hi thank you for accepting my request it was AMAZING!
if it’s ok, could I request another dk fanfic
but if yes how about some ANGST😈 (with happy ending tho😭)
so basically dk’s s/o ends up getting kidnapped while saving Mario and dk wasn’t around. And bowser decides to marry reader instead of peach and I don’t think dk’s happy bout that
Welcome back, lovely! I'm so glad you enjoyed the last request and OF COURSE you can request another one!!
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I need to get into some more angst fr
Taken: Pt 1/2
Donkey Kong X Fem!Reader
Summary: While in the middle of a battle, Donkey Kong is separated from you and comes back to find you've been taken by Bowser when you were saving Mario.
Warnings: Language, kidnapping, attempted forced marriage, details of injuries.
*In honour of hitting 50 followers, I wanted to make this one a bit longer for you guys <3*
*This is part 1 out of 2. I'll link part 2 once it's posted!*
*This is set outside the movie*
Spoiler Warning: These headcanons include the first half of the oneshot.
• First things first, DK would definitely be hesitant with you joining the mission.
• He knows how capable you are and how well you can fight, but he couldn't help but worry about something going wrong.
• He knows Bowser has an interest in you, similar to his interest in Princess Peach.
• But it seems Bowser was going for you more often.
• Probably because he'd been obsessed with Peach for so long with no prevail.
• This made DK even more protective over you.
• It may have annoyed you to an extent but you knew he meant well.
• Throughout the battle, he would be watching you 24/7.
• After getting separated, he panicked and sprinted over to where he last saw you as soon as he got the chance.
• Finding out you were taken sent DK over the edge.
• And finding out that you were hurt in the process of saving Mario made him furious.
• He almost broke down.
• How was he going to get you back? Would you even be alive if he found you?
• Actually getting to you was the most stressful part.
• He wasn't sure what state you'd be in, even if it hadn't been that long.
• He went on a rampage to get to you once they got on Bowser's ship.
• The pure rage in his eyes almost scared Bowser for a second.
• But nothing could prepare DIK for the loss he was about to witness.
Mario had received word that Bowser was planning an attack on the Mushroom Kingdom. He was informed by some Toad Guards that a large group of Koopa Troopas had made camp just outside the kingdom's premises.
Since his brother, Luigi, was accompanying him at the time, they asked the guards to show them where the camp was.
After making their way into the forest, they all hid in the bushes and made notes on everything in the camp.
Almost twenty Koopa Troopas were setting up tents, sharpening weapons, looking over plans, but what Mario and Luigi noticed in particular was Bowser was nowhere to be seen. The Koopas were seemingly by themselves. Their karts were parked surrounding the camp, like a blockade.
Before they could be spotted, Mario, Luigi and the Toads retreated back to the Mushroom Kingdom to deliver the news to Princess Peach.
With the help of a new warp pipe created to connect Peach's home and the Jungle Kingdom, you and Donkey Kong made it to the meeting in no time.
"Bowser's back." Mario announced.
With the Koopa King returning, there was no doubt he'd be resuming his mission in kidnapping the Princess.
Or, potentially, yourself.
"The guards found a Koopa camp, just outside the kingdom." Mario explained. "They showed Lu and I everything. Their set up, their karts, and we even overheard their plans."
While standing around the circular map in the centre of the throne room, the group listened. "They mentioned an ambush. Happening either tomorrow or the day after." Luigi warned. Mario nodded along. "We didn't see Bowser but-"
"I thought you said he was back." Donkey Kong stopped him.
Mario quickly came to Luigi's aid. "That's what we heard the Koopas say. He's coming on the day of the ambush." He furrowed his brows.
He found it annoying how casually DK interrupted people, especially his brother. But, of course, Donkey Kong never dared to cut you off whenever you spoke.
"So, we don't know what day they'll be attacking? Or even when Bowser will get here?" You questioned. Being this uncertain on when the kingdom would be invaded would be a massive disadvantage for your team, and it worried you. Would it be late at night, early in the morning, or at the exact time that you sat down for lunch?
"Doesn't matter. Because we're-" Mario began.
"It matters, you know, a little." DK shrugged.
Toad and you glanced at each other, obviously having the same worries of the argument that could be taking place very shortly.
"Because we're going to stop them before they try anything." Mario raised his voice firmly. "If we crash their camp, destroy their supplies, and even their karts, they'll retreat."
"Then technically, they could be attacking right now, as we speak." Donkey Kong realised. Mario slowly turned his head and glared at the gorilla. "And we wouldn't even know, like, at all."
"Sometimes I wonder how, or better yet, why (Y/N) puts up with you."
"I get free rides." You answered, giving a shrug with your crossed arms. You knew the current topic was serious but you couldn't help but poke a little fun at the red plumber.
"And kart rides too." DK added with his smirk that infuriated Mario every time.
"OKAY, let's move on." Peach leaned against the map and began discussing their plan. "We want to stop them quickly. We'll sneak in tonight and stay hidden to destroy everything we can. If they spot us, we attack."
Everyone nodded, agreeing with her strategy.
"You guys are sure Bowser won't be there tonight?" She aimed her question at the Italian brothers.
"Well, he wasn't there when we were there." Luigi admitted.
"And he won't be there tonight." Mario guaranteed confidently with his fists on his hips. "The Koopas mentioned he'll arrive tomorrow, the earliest. It's best we attack A.S.A.P."
"But what if he's-" Toad raised a hand.
"He won't be! And if he is, we'll defeat him!" Mario practically begged everyone to side with him. He looked to Luigi for support. His brother hesitated for a moment but joined him regardless. A face full of fear turned to pure determination.
Mario's eyes softened when he locked them with Peach. He could see how she wasn't completely on board with the plan, and he understood why. She wanted to protect everyone. Every plan must be perfect.
But Mario felt it in his gut. This plan would work.
His gaze was a silent ask for permission, pleading for her trust. He wanted them all to trust him. He only ever wanted the best for his friends and family.
Yes, that includes Donkey Kong.
Peach thought it over and smiled at her companion.
Toad, as always, followed his princess's lead.
Then it came down to you and your stubborn boyfriend.
Glancing at each other, almost speaking telepathically. You may have trusted Mario but you definitely didn't trust this plan. Fighting the Koopa Troopa army was one thing, but fighting them and their boss, who also had the ability to breathe fire?
"I'm in." You smiled.
Truthfully, you worked better as a team. You joined your friends and Donkey Kong watched you. He was usually the one to rush into every battle the group came across, much to your dismay. Sure, you loved fighting alongside your lover and friends, but this fight could go a few different ways. And DK knew that.
He may be reckless, pretty much all the time, but this was different. Something felt off. This plan was risky, even for him. They weren't prepared for what they would face because they didn't know what they would be facing. All they could really do was improvise with the minimal time they were given and hope for the best.
As long as you were safe and he got to bash some Koopas, everything would be fine.
"Alright. I got nothing better to do than to save your butts. But if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you." Donkey Kong pointed his finger an inch from Mario's face, to which the short man slapped his hand away.
"Sure, yeah, you can blame me. But you won't need to! Not unless we hurry up and attack."
It was strange seeing Mario so eager to prove himself. He wanted to show that trusting his gut was the right way to go, even if it meant rushing into a battle unprepared. It was unlike him.
Luigi had seen this side of Mario before when they were kids. But this is an entirely new situation that could end horribly if something unpredictable were to happen. He always trusted his brothers gut. That was how their plumbing business started, and look at them now!
Everyone dispersed and gathered what weapons they commonly used in battle. In the midst, Mario approached Donkey Kong after you had walked away.
"You really don't trust me, do you?" He asked offended.
"Not really, no." No hesitation. DK kept has back to Mario while he sorted the raid preparations.
"And I don't understand why. We heard the Koopas, we know their plan. What, do you think I'm making it up?" Mario couldn't lie, he was hurt.
"I'm joking. Yes, I trust you and I know you're not making it up. It's this plan I don't trust. And that's coming from me." DK gestured to himself after turning to the short man. "I've seen, and been apart of, battles my dad's army fought in. This might not be as dangerous as those, but it's still dangerous. And if anything happens to-"
"(Y/N) will be fine. I've seen her fight, she can handle herself!" Mario cut him off. It's true, you could fight. Why couldn't Donkey Kong believe in your abilities?
"I know she can fight, Mario, but that's not the point. The main part is we don't even know if Bowser won't be there. Remember how we almost died last time?" DK started to walk away on all fours with Mario trying to catch up to him.
"No one's dying tonight."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because if we go now, before Bowser gets there, we can stop their plans and potentially set them back weeks or even months!"
DK stopped and faced Mario, still slightly unimpressed.
"And I promise, (Y/N) will be okay."
DK watched him, scanning for any sign of a lie. But Mario was telling the truth. He fully believed this plan would succeed. And you were officially going too. So whether Donkey Kong liked it or not, the mission was going ahead. And he was coming along.
"Fine." He said begrudgingly. Mario smiled, thankful he could convince his friend to join him and trust him.
Now all he needed to do was stick to his promise.
How hard could that be?
You and the group silently stalked through the bushes surrounding the enemy camp. Donkey Kong stayed near you, as that's what he always did. Specifically in these situations.
The first thing they noticed was how many Koopas there were. And there looked a hell of a lot more than the twenty Mario mentioned. They gave each other a knowing look. This battle wouldn't be as easy as they thought.
Taking a peek through the bushes to where the others had gone, they saw Mario's expression was the same as theirs.
There weren't supposed to be this many. He was certain they'd be in and out in practically minutes.
There was still no sign of Bowser. Just soldiers, running around, still preparing. Their weapons were ready and their karts were loud yet parked.
As the Koopas were distracted, it was the perfect time to attack. They each took out lone soldiers but were eventually caught when one alerted everyone in the camp.
The adrenaline picked up fast as more Koopas came to fight. By having multiple soldiers fight each member of the group, it was easy for them to separate everyone, including you and DK.
While you focused on the shells, fists and spears thrown at you, DK tried to keep an eye out. His heart raced as it got increasingly harder to spot you through the crowd.
The amount of Koopas targeting you and your friends lessened, and it felt like it was almost over.
Then the wind picked up. The temperature had spiked.
You fought off three red-shell soldiers before they stopped and faced the sky. You took the opportunity to force them back with your weapon before looking upwards for yourself.
Your eyes widened, and you caught Mario doing the same.
"No... it's too soon." He whispered. Koopas dove down from the sky, more than any of you could take on your own. "He's not supposed to be here, yet."
You looked to the opening in Bowsers ship as it lowered itself near the ground. A large figure jumped out of the ship, landing without a scratch.
Bowser's menacing grin spotted your friends. His eyes land on you. A sickening smile greeted you.
"There you are."
You held your weapon tightly, perfecting your stance. He took a step towards you before being struck by Peach. Toad followed pursuit and attacked Bowser's legs as best he could. With this only doing as much as pestering him, he kicked back Peach's loyal subject, causing the princess to aim her poleaxe right at his face and neck.
Blocking her attacks, Bowser shot fire where she stood, not caring about her wellbeing as much as he did before. Thankfully, she jumped out of the way.
His main goal was you. Getting to you. Taking you.
Why not Peach? Did he finally give up after stalking her for so many years?
Mario and Luigi attempted to help, only to be held back by more Koopas exiting the ship.
The same for you and DK, the soldiers wouldn't let you interfere. They purposefully split you from the group, holding you arms back after disposing of your weapon.
"(Y/N)!" DK called. He pushed through the multiple shorter enemies who kept him occupied. "Let her go!"
While attempting to break free, you watched Mario sprint over near the Koopa King, putting all Bowser's attention on the himself.
Mario kicked him back, just slightly to daze him. He landed hits whenever he could, blocking any attack he could avoid. He fought proudly, before Bowser caught his body in his grasp.
"No powerups? Sad... you never stood a chance without them." He spoke so closely to Mario's face. A couple drops of sweat sat on his forehead as he clawed Bowser's hand, desperate to escape.
You witnessed the encounter and used all your strength to escape the Koopas hold. You kicked them back and retrieved your weapon from the ground and ran to Mario's aid.
Bowser talons grazed Mario's face, almost digging into his skin. Your friend hissed at the stings as blood rose to the surface.
Yelling a battle cry, you leaped in the air and kneed the side of Bowser's face. He dropped Mario and you landed in front of him, protecting your friend.
"Mario, move!" You ordered quickly.
He wanted to help, he desperately did. You couldn't be hurt in this battle, he made a promise that you wouldn't.
You blocked Bowser's blows and landed a few of your own while Mario still hadn't moved. You sliced Bowser's shoulder and he stumbled for a moment. You quickly turned to get Mario standing while he still frozen in shock.
"What are you doing?! Get out of-" Bowser swatted you out of the way and you fell to the ground. The Koopas launched a net around you and Bowser threw Mario back, breaking his trance.
"Let's move!" He called to his soldiers before locking eyes with you. "We got what we came for." You shook under the weight of the net and you were lifted and brought back to Bowser's ship. With your weapon back on the ground, you couldn't escape. As you pulled at the net and pleaded for them to let you go, Mario watched from below. Luigi met up with him, trying to get his brother to look at him.
You got on the ship, still in the net, as Bowser stomped over to you. He leaned down to be almost eye-level. You exhaled shakily, unable to look away.
"I've never gotten a good look at you, my dear." His voice was low and haunting. "And I'm hearing wedding bells."
All the remaining Koopas flew after the mothership, leaving the group to watch as one of their own was taken. Yet, half of them didn't know . One of which being Donkey Kong.
Mario had silent tears staining his cheeks as his friends came together.
Donkey Kong ran on all fours and caught sight of the ship leaving. For a second, he was joyful. The plan worked! They retreated! Why couldn't he hear cheers?
His eyes darted around to find you. He found Princess Peach, instead. "Peach, are they gone?"
"I think so. Hopefully." She panted as she watched the ship leave.
"Have you seen (Y/N)?" He asked. Peach looked at him, then scanned the area. You were nowhere to be seen. After she didn't answer immediately, he looked at Toad. His short friend just shrugged with worry in his eyes as he turned to search for you as well.
Donkey Kong walked over to the Italian brothers and asked Luigi.
"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked, internally begging Luigi count point you out. The green plumber stared at the gorilla before looking to Mario, who was facing away in guilt.
"Mario. Where's (Y/N)?" DK called him. Mario kept his back turned. DK didn't have any patience for this. He needed to know where you were. "Mario, where is she?" He asked firmly. His friend turned to him, a couple fresh tears dropped. DK was taken aback. His breath shook. He needed answers. And Mario wasn't giving them to him.
"Tell me where she is." DK ordered. Mario took a slight step back. Too much time has been wasted during this interaction and the ape grabbed Mario by the shoulders and shook him, forcing him to look into his eyes.
"Mario! Where is she?! Where's (Y/N)?!" He yelled. A growled settled in the back of his throat.
Mario was terrified. Donkey Kong had been mad at him before but it was usually over petty things like who won a silly contest. But these circumstances were much more dire.
"Bowser has her! She saved me and he took her!" Mario blocked his face as best he could, knowing that there could be a possible punch coming his way. But Donkey Kong just stopped. He stopped shaking Mario and stared at him, his vision slightly blurry from rage.
Did he just hear him correctly? No, he couldn't have. Surely not. You were somewhere here, on the ground, with him.
He looked to the ship as reality set in. You were... up there?
"No..." He gasped as he dropped Mario. The man landed with wobbly legs and backed up away from his friend.
As DK took a couple steps forward, he felt cold.
"No, no, no, no," he repeated over and over. His hands grasped his face. Slowly he went to his knees, unwilling to blink in case he lost sight of the ship.
Luigi placed a hand on Mario's shoulder. Mario looked to his brother and Luigi saw he was telling the truth. The ungodly truth.
Peach watched DK begin to shake and stand. He turned and faced Mario.
"Kong, I... I'm sorry I..." Mario couldn't find the words.
"She saved you, and now Bowser has her."
Mario fiddled with his overalls. He'd never recalled feeling such fear and guilt.
"That monster has (Y/N), doing who knows what, because she saved you." Donkey Kong stalking over to his friend, slowly, on his feet and fists.
"...DK, I didn't mean-" Mario stumbled over what to say.
"Didn't mean what? To- to lose the battle? To break your promise of everything being "fine"? Or you didn't mean to get (Y/N) captured because you were too busy watching your own plan fall apart?!" DK screamed at Mario. His eyes were almost red, with tears forming.
Mario had tears of his own as he raised an arm over his face, not knowing what lengths DK would go to to release his anger.
Peach stood in front of Mario, “(Y/N) saved Mario by choice. This is not his fault.” She argued. She knew DK was hurting, but they weren't going to get you back by screaming. DK stopped and glared at the princess.
“So you’re saying it’s (Y/N)’s fault?" He challenged, despite knowing that wasn't what she meant.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Peach shook her head. "If we're going to blame anyone, blame Bowser. He took (Y/N)." She pointed to the ship.
DK glanced at the ship, his hard gaze weakened. Peach put a hand on his shoulder to make him turn around.
"And we're going to get her back."
DK watched her for a second, almost wanting a hug. But he didn't want a hug from Peach, or anyone, he wanted a hug from you. He wanted you in his arms, safe and sound. He glared at Mario as the guilty man kept his eyes on the gorilla warily.
DK slowly walked up to him. Everyone froze knowing he could snap at any moment. He stopped in front of Mario.
“If anything happens to her by the time we get there,” he spoke low at the level of a whisper. Mario didn't dare to look away. He noticed his friends voice almost shook, but DK remained steady. “I’m killing you.”
Mario knew Donkey Kong was telling the truth.
If you were hurt in any way, he was a dead man.
IT'S HERE!!!!!!
Yes, there will be a part 2! I didn't want you guys to have to wait any longer so here's the first part. Hope you enjoyed!
See you soon!
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
With the mere existence of your blog I already adore you, I loved all your writings and I wanted to make a small request, how about DK with an s/o who loves mechanics (the kars scene drove me crazy with emotion) and speed? (extra points if she is a little sister of mario and luigi)
forgive my bad english! <3
Donkey Kong x Reader who likes cars
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You were the younger sister of Mario and Luigi, but you weren’t in their little plumbing business.
Unlike your brothers you had taken a little more interest in cars.
Your parents also weren’t to happy about your choice, but they knew you wouldn’t change your mind so they just let you do your own thing.
But with the three of you being seen as the “disappointments” of the family, you were always together.
You even tagged along for their plumber appointments just in case their van had any issues.
On the day Brooklyn was flooding and your brothers took it upon themselves to fix it, you decided to come along since you had nothing better to do.
But you really wished you stayed home because getting sucked into a sketchy green pipe was not on the bucket list.
You and Mario had the fortune of staying together but sadly, Luigi did not.
You were pretty freaked out upon landing in the Mushroom kingdom, you were in an unfamiliar place with talking mushrooms.
It was hard not to freak out.
But the little mushroom you met by the name of Toad agreed to help you find your brother by taking you to the princess.
When you entered the actual kingdom part you realized they didn’t seem to use cars around here, instead they used the kind of pipes that got you here in the first place.
Pretty cool.
Toad crawled inside the clear pipe and you watched him flow through at high speeds.
You were curious on how the pipe worked, was some kind of machinery operating it? or was it magic?
Well there was only one way to find out.
You followed behind Toad in the pipe, flying through it smoothly with intense speed.
“Isn’t this fun Mario?!” You giggled having the time of your life with this new way of transportation.
Things weren’t going as well for Mario as every turn he would roughly smash against the side of the pipe.
Eventually the three of you made it to the top of the hill, approaching the castle.
Toad had to distract the guards for you and Mario since the guards were trying to play with your mind and redirect you somewhere else.
But even inside the castle the guards caught onto you guys pretty quickly and began chasing you through the maze of hallways.
Running into the princess was…interesting.
She threw Mario to the ground and turned her attention to you, but before she could get you the guards had tackled you to the ground as well.
“Wait wait! Let them speak” The princess demanded and the guards let you and Mario free.
“Princess we need your help. I need your help to find our brother.” Mario explained.
After a little bit of talking with the princess you guys sorted out a deal.
If you and Mario helped her take down Bowser, Then your brother would be found.
But first, you had to train.
You and Mario were taken to a course with lots or crazy jumps and obstacles, but you were pretty confident in your skills so you decided to go first.
You finished first try, But poor Mario worked himself until the sun went down.
Next morning The princess along with Toad traveled with you and Mario to the Jungle kingdom.
You enjoyed the travel part. This place was so much than Brooklyn, you wished you could stay here forever.
The arrival to the Jungle Kingdom came up fast.
And you were excited.
You wondered what they were like in this kingdom. Was it more mushroom people? Humans? And did they drive fast cars?!
The residents of the Jungle Kingdom turned out to be gorillas, but much to your happiness they did in fact drive fast cars.
You pestered the gorilla who let you guys inside the kingdom to let you drive his cool car but he grumbled every time you opened your mouth.
You sat in the middle seat, between Mario and Peach.
What’s the point of a younger sibling if you can’t third wheel the two love birds?
The ride was unlike anything you’d felt before, no rollercoaster could compare to all the fun you had riding on the twisty roads at high speeds.
You were sad when it was over, cause after that you had to have a serious talk with the king of the apes.
Peach talked about forming an alliance with the army but the king wasn’t gonna let her have it just that easily.
Instead we would have to do it by winning some stupid fight.
“I’ll do it.” Mario offered
Long story short Mario ended up kicking Dk’s ass.
And Dk was not happy about it.
You honestly felt a little bit sorry for him as he felt his whole reputation was destroyed by a plumber.
So you decided to take some personal time with the gorilla to assure him that it’s okay to loose every once and a while, you used the plenty of street races you had lost in the past as an example.
“Wait you race?” He asks, interrupting your story.
“Uh yeah? I love cars!” You gushed.
He smiled at you and pulled off the ground, now seeming very eager to show you something.
He brought you to the huge workshop where all the karts around the Jungle Kingdom were made.
You looked around as you saw all the other gorillas working on karts and vehicles of all kinds.
“This way.” Dk said placing his large hand on your back to guide you around the place since it was easy to get lost in.
He brought you over to a wheel with different options for a car, wheels, and a parachute of some sort.
“Go ahead, take your pick.”
You looked at him with wide eyes and looked back at all the options for your car.
“This doesn’t cost anything right?” You asked wanting to make sure before designing your dream car.
“You’re with the almighty Dk, of course it’s free.” He smirked.
You nodded and looked through all the options, making sure to pick all the fastest things on the wheel.
After about 10 minutes of looking you finally decided on your karts final design.
It was pretty sick, It was your favorite color and It was supposed to be the fastest kart combo here in the Jungle Kingdom
You squealed excitedly as you watched your kart being made from behind the glass
“Pretty cool huh?”
“Its amazing! We don’t have this stuff where I’m from.” You said, sounding slightly disappointed at the end of your sentence.
Dk thought you were pretty cute, never had he seen someone so interested in cars.
You and Dk didn’t notice but while you two were caught up in your own conversation you didn’t notice Mario and the others enter the workshop.
When Mario laid his eyes on you and Dk laughing together he was pretty mad about it.
“Are you kidding me?! You’ve been with him this whole time?!” Mario exclaimed angrily at you.
“Yeah and he helped me get my kart ready!” You smiled at your brother and pointed to the now finished kart in the window behind you.
Dk and your brother scowled at each other while you were off in your own world, staring longingly at your kart.
“Make any moves on her and I wont hesitate to beat you again.” Mario threatened.
“I’d like to see you try plumber boy.”
“Oh oh! It’s finished c’mon let’s go!” You interrupted their little banter by pulling Dk with you to come pick up your Kart.
When everyone was done with their karts, they made their way to line up in front of the door that would lead them to the path of rainbow road.
You and Dk were next to each other while you waited for the doors to open.
“Is Rainbow road an actual rainbow?” You asked.
Dk chuckled at your question but answered nonetheless.
“Yes its an actual rainbow.”
When the doors opened you sped off in your kart, the wind violently whipping through your hair.
You enjoyed the scenery around you, the beautiful floating islands off in the distance and the waterfalls that seemed to go on for miles.
Dk pulled up next to you and matched your speed so he could watch you experience driving with your new custom kart for the first time.
He saw how happy you were and couldn’t help but smile.
“You know…I know a lot of roads with cool views like this.” Dk said still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Really?! I would love to see it!”
“How about after all this is over, we’ll go drive through them together?” He asked you.
He was asking you on a date.
You smiled at him and accepted his offer.
“Yeah I would like that a lot.”
A/N: Sorry it came out kind of late I was busy today!!
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dybynyght · 1 year
An Okay Pretender I (Bowser X Reader)
A/N: This is my first post and I wanted to do something kind-of-chapter-y! Dunno. Wanted to take a stab at it. It is GN reader! Sorry if things are a little wonky. I'm used to the AO3 platform! Either way, thank you for stopping by!
Word Count:473
Never take this crown off.
It was the only rule Peach gave you when she placed a baby pink crown with gold linings atop your head. Straightening from your kneeled position with your eyes locked on the polished palace floors, you watched as your appearance morphed completely. Your (h/c) hair bleaching out and becoming a bright blonde, (e/c) eyes becoming blue with a single blink, and your usual palace attire being replaced with a matching pink outfit. You had seen this type of magic before. If you could call it that. Toadette had done it a few times over back when this power was first discovered and had even changed her name to Peachette when she entered this state. You gave yourself a quick twirl and watched as your newly dyed blonde hair swayed over your back in a hairdo you favoured. You were grateful you had control over at least one defining feature despite looking like Princess Toadstool. Peach nodded to herself in content as a smile slipped onto her pink lips.
“You’ve seen me run this place a million times over, I’m sure no one will know the difference.” With determination swirling in her eyes, she clamped her white gloved hands on your shoulders. “I’m trusting you to run the kingdom in my absence. Are you sure you’re up to it?”
Giddiness raced through your body. Of course you were ready! Well, about as ready as one could be. You suddenly weren’t sure if the giddiness was from excitement or nerves. What if something goes wrong? Something was meant to go wrong! Something always did at least once in the week and the culprit was usually the same person: the King from the neighbouring Darklands. It wasn't to say you feared him…at least, that was the story you made up for yourself and you were sticking to it. Don’t show fear. Realising you hadn’t answered, you quickly nodded. “Yes. I can do this!” You gave her the warmest smile you could muster before peaking over her shoulder at the primary colour wearing brothers behind her. “You all have fun. If anything, I’ll be sure to send word to you immediately.” Carefully, you took Peach’s hands into your own and gripped them tightly as you met her gaze once more. “I’ll be alright.” And with a final tight squeeze, you sealed your promise. 
You watched as a sliver of worry you hadn’t noticed before vanished from Peach’s face as she hummed softly. Turning to her travel group, each grabbed a bag before making their way to the centre room wrap pipe with a few Toads padding after with piled high pink luggage. With a silent wave, you saw them off and hoped that their trip to Sarasaland wouldn’t be as long as predicted. A lot could happen within a month.
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cosmic-spider · 10 months
The beginning of a battle of love
Rottmnt four kings au x reader
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There are four kingdoms in the land the
First mushroom kingdom in the east that was nice and calm and colorful that had the toads as there people. As they had a not of hold and the rulers castle was on the highest hill of the land for all to see.
There king well not really king since he called himself the prince instead of a king. There ruler Leo although was nice to the kingdoms even if there tule didn’t go to the importante meets or anything that was urgent.
Second in the north what the Koop kingdom that was known for there volcanic lands and many hot environments. That had koopas and gumbas as there people.
With militant lava lakes and rives and well and a castle have of stone and iron that was many in the ground but was also able to be mobile as well if wanted to be.
This kingdom was manly known for there battle and grate fighting army as well as defense, and a good king to go along with it.
The kingdom of the topas had there king Raph that looks to be very mean and scary at first glance.
With his spikes she’ll that poked throw his cape and scarp claw as and horns. Plus with how big he was also intimidated many. But Raph was a good king and a nice one at that even with his looks. Self training the army making the kingdom stronger and re building homes and places free of charge after a battle. He also unknown to many has a few fundraiser for children and orphanages in his kingdom.
Next in the West was the boos kingdom where all the boo’s and other ghostly creatures are. This kingdom always had a more 1900’s haunting house feel to it. But as well had a a constant climate of rain and thunderstorms.
The kingdom as well was many surrounded by a a big forest.That was almost dead looking giving more to that Victoria hunted ascetic.the homes were many mansions apartments had very few houses and hotels to stay in.
This kingdom had the castle of the king very deep into the forest, where it was very hard to find if he did try to go on foot m. If you weren’t part of the royal army, or someone sent specifically to the king, it would be a very hard chance for you to find it.
The castle looked more like a manner, but with this tall towers in some corners in a very distinguished look it did look like a very Victoria castle. 
The king Donnie or rather Donatello as other officially call him. Was very proper and full the them with his kingdom. With his lavish suit and we’ll as crown.
We was a very good king knew about politics, economy, and society. Although may not seem to many of his tracks, since he was rather cold to everyone, he does very much care about his kingdom, and as well as the most technical advanced kingdom of them all.
Lastly was the boom kingdom in the south in the middle of the desert. Although to many it way not seem like the best place for a kingdom but this kingdom was in a oasis areas that were semi close to each other.
The kingdom had brick walls to protect the areas from the sandstorms and others weather that passes by. Most of the people that live here were boomb’s that came in different sizes. There kings castle was like a Egyptian pyramid, or a Sandcastle mix.
The king on the surface seems so nice and cheery. They always had a smile on your face and as well always nice to the king another people even outside of the kingdom.
But do be warned under there kind face there were a literally a time boom of there pásense and kindnesses until they snapped and let out all there rage in a literal explosion.
There king Mikey was very artistic that not only was in painting and drawing. He also was in sculpture, culinary and pottery and many more things.
This king was the nicest out of them all but just like the phrase . This kings kindness is not a weakness or anything to take advantage off.
What happens when a human enters into this world through a old server pipe she found one day in a forest close to her home. As she wonders around from kingdom to kingdom making the kings of these kingdoms to fall for her. As looks for a way to get back to her world or to find what to do in this new home of hers?
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so I hope you all like this. And I made this after rewatching The Super Mario Bros. Movie again while babysitting my cousins. I still can’t believe I made this whole thing in less than a hour after rewatching the movie.
Should I continue with this story?
Inspired by @gal-with-pastels
Other creators of this type of content
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chellerbelles · 3 months
Rogue & Gambit Fanworks Week 2024
Day 5: Legacy as a Concept or Character & Noir AU
Well, for those who have been reading my story, you'd know that Legacy is one of the main characters, and you'd think that she would be my answer to this prompt. But she's only the obvious half.
See the second half of my answer is Amalgam. The original Amalgam made her first appearance in Uncanny X-Men Annual #16, and it was hinted that this was a future version of Rogue. Amalgam would time travel and find mutants on deaths door to offer to absorb them, but only the ones who didn’t have more to do, and they had Destiny to verify if this was the case. In the short story in the Annual, Amalgam appears to Warren Worthington, and he remembers that he actually met them first during the Morlock Massacre.
Amalgam is basically the original version of Legacy from Age of X, only taken to a bit more of an extreme. I find them interesting, and I'm sorry I didn't get to do as much with them as I was originally planning this story.
Below the cut is my poor attempt at writing Noir. I've never done Noir before and it's not a genre I really dip into, so it probably just reads like everything else I've ever written, haha.
Noir universe
Rogue’s power kicked in and she absorbed Toad’s lifeforce through her bare fingers on the back of his neck.
“Amazing timing there, chere,” Gambit said, his eyes on her as he walked over.
Rogue released Toad and he dropped to the ground, his gun clattering on the gravelled ground behind the bar.
“I had a hunch you were in trouble,” she said while pulling her glove back on and scanning the area. “I’ve learned to listen to my gut.”
“Good thing for me,” Gambit said as he lifted Toad back up to his feet. “How about the pipe?”
“Hmm? Ah, perfect.”
Rogue picked up the rusted pipe and bashed Toad over the head with it. Gambit let him drop back down.
“Yeah, that’ll leave a good mark,” Gambit said approvingly.
“That was the idea,” Rogue said, and tossed the pipe into a shallow puddle.
Gambit took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Pick up anything interesting, chere?”
“Not really. He was just completely convinced that you were the one who killed Erik. He remembered seeing you sneak into the house on the day of Erik’s murder,” Rogue replied as they began to walk off.
“Oui, I remember seeing him too,” Gambit said as they approached the alley leading back to the street. “Spying on Wanda again, no doubt.”
Rogue stopped in her tracks, a deep frown on her face. “He saw someone else that day too. Pietro!”
“Wasn’t he forbidden from coming back home?” Gambit asked.
“Yes, he was.”
Rogue and Gambit looked at each other. Then Rogue sighed.
“I suppose I should pass this information on to Bishop,” she said.
“May as well get your moneys worth.”
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seconds-2-midnight · 11 months
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X-Men Evolution universe Geiger!
Real name: Lenore McLeary
Nicknames: Ankle-biter (twin brother), Glowstick (Todd/Fred), Glowbug (Rogue), The Nuke Mutant (Logan), Lo (everyone)
Birthplace: Doune, Scotland
Occupation: Bayville High transfer student
Powers: Radiation emission, inducing mild radiation sickness, small detonations (As a teenager, she can only create small explosions, akin to a pipe bomb. As an adult, she can cause 10-15kt nuclear blasts once every few days but with great physical pain and risk of self-destruction).
Weaknesses: Powers are unstable and uncontrolled, leading to huge fluctuations between very weak to very strong radioactive energy. High likelihood of making friends and loved ones sick on accident (sorry, Todd). Very weak to the cold.
Passive abilities: High body temperature (120 degrees F average). Glowing eyes/skin randomly appear and disappear. Appears surrounded by specks on camera, smells like ozone, causes headaches and ringing ears with close physical contact.
Interests: Drawing, insects, animal bones, horror comics, gory old monster movies, vintage clothes and antiques, ww2 era music, 80s goth music, gross-out humor.
Love interest(s): Rogue (shoots her down politely, become good friends), Kurt (shoots her down HARD, become rivals), Toad (requited but both are too oblivious to make the first move, RIP nerds).
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sundove88 · 10 months
The Super Bronze Saint Bros Movie (The Super Mario Bros Movie Parody) Casting
For Charles Martinet- Thanks for all the epic moments as our fave plumbers! 🍄
While working underground to fix a water main, Brooklyn warriors and brothers Andromeda Shun and Phoenix Ikki are transported through a mysterious pipe to a magical new world. But when the siblings are separated, an epic adventure begins.
Andromeda Shun as Mario (Saint Seiya)
Charlie as Princess Peach (Hazbin Hotel)
Eri as Herself/Peach’s Little Sister (My Hero Academia)
Phoenix Ikki as Luigi (Saint Seiya)
Pegasus Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, and Cygnus Hyoga as Themselves/Mario and Luigi’s Friends (Saint Seiya)
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul as Bowser (My Hero Academia)
Haoyu Chang as Toad (Balan Wonderworld)
Purple Yam Cookie as Donkey Kong (Cookie Run)
Mammon as Cranky Kong (Helluva Boss)
Milk Cookie as Diddy Kong (Cookie Run)
Various Characters as The Kongs
Sir Pentious as Foreman Spike (Hazbin Hotel)
Athena as Pauline (Saint Seiya)
Various Characters as The Citizens of Brooklyn
Colress as Kamek (Pokemon)
King Dedede as The Penguin King (Kirby)
Various Characters as The Koopa Troopa Soldiers and Bowser’s Army
Cass Milligan as Yellow Toad (Balan Wonderworld)
Ghost Types as The Dry Bones (Pokemon)
Special Forces Cookie as Toad General (Cookie Run)
Yor Forger as Mario and Luigi’s Mom (Spy X Family)
Loid Forger as Mario and Luigi’s Dad (Spy X Family)
Anya Forger as Herself/Mario and Luigi’s Little Sister (Spy X Family)
Aristotle as Giuseppe (Billie Bust Up)
Present Mic as Uncle Tony (My Hero Academia)
Shota Aizawa as Uncle Arthur (My Hero Academia)
Various Characters as Mario and Luigi’s Family Members
Steelbeak as The Koopa General (Ducktales)
Fantoccio as Lumalee (Billie Bust Up)
Krookodiles as the Shy Guys (Pokemon)
Charizard as Yoshi (Pokemon)
Yuri Brand as Toadette (Balan Wonderworld)
Mirabel Madrigal as Princess Daisy (Encanto)
Asha as Princess Rosalina (Wish)
Gravity Beetle as Wario (Mega Man X)
Boomer Kuwanger as Waluigi (Mega Man X)
Tomura Shigaraki as Bowser Jr. (My Hero Academia)
The League of Villains as The Koopalings (My Hero Academia)
Here’s your hint for the next casting (It’s Don Bluth):
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
It’s my blog and I’ll post what I want to even if what I want to post is a Post Mario Movie Mario X Luigi mini fic because it’s my blog and I’ll post what I want to
So far away, and still together.
In which Mario and Luigi move in
“Last box!” Mario called, the loud thud of said cardboard box hitting the floor causing Luigi to flinch. “We’re officially moved in.”
Moved in... Moved in to Toad town, in a world so far away yet just a single pipe from Brooklyn. So far from that apartment they’d grown up in, from their food thief uncles, and mama’s fresh pasta. So far..
Mario’s hand brushed Luigi’s, and the younger flinched, pulling his hand quickly away on reflex.
They’d always been together, Mario and Luigi, as more than just brothers, as long as they could remember. When they were kids it was fine, no one batted an eye. Why was Luigi in Mario’s bed? He’s scared of the dark, and they shared a room anyway. Why does Mario kiss Luigi on the forehead so much? He’s affectionate, let the boy be affectionate.
It wasn’t until Middle school, when their father clonked their heads together, when they’d almost had their first real kiss, when their mother sat them down and talked in her worried, loving voice. She’d explained it like they didn’t know what they were doing, like they were confused, like she’d done wrong by not splitting them sooner.
They got separate rooms after that.
Sense then it got harder. They remained ever the same, but quieter. Secretive. Careful. They didn’t want to disappoint their mother, or get whacked over the head again by their father. They were lucky they were Italian, and affection was the normal between their family. Though somehow it never felt like enough.
“Lu. Luigi. Look at me.” Mario’s hand laced in Luigi’s, there in the living room. Their living room. Their home. Luigi turned to his brother, face red and eyes wet. Here in this house so far away from everything they’d ever know, in a locked house all their own, Mario laid a gentle hand on Luigi’s cheek and pressed his lips over his brother’s.
It wasn’t their first kiss, they’d snuck in a few, and it wasn’t like it’d been forever sense they’d kissed, just earlier today in fact while packing up Luigi’s room they’d exchanged a peck, yet this one. This one. It made Luigi’s leg’s shake.
Luigi wrapped his finger’s around Mario’s overall straps and pressed closer, closer, closer, never close enough. Mario held onto Luigi’s cheeks, bending back into the desk from his bedroom now propped here in their living room, it was all he could do to stop himself from toppling over.
Here in their home Luigi thought this kiss could go on forever and he wouldn’t care. He could run out of breath and keep going. He could starve and still stand there, his lips pressed against his brother’s.
When Mario moved his hands to Luigi’s shoulders and pushed him back, the younger resisted, using Mario’s overalls to pull himself back, pressing back into his lips harder, closer, deeper.
“Lu-” Mario spoke into his brother’s lips, pushing him back again. The older gasped for breath, practically sitting on his old wooden desk.
Luigi found himself snapped out of his trance, immediately retreating three large steps back and he spilled apologizes, wringing his hands together in front of his chest. His cheeks flushed, his eyes stung with tears. He’d gone overboard, he’d always gone overboard. He’s the reason they’d gotten caught in the first place, and nearly gotten caught so many times after. And now here he was, putting Mario at risk again in their brand new home. Why’s he gotta be such a screw up-
Mario’s lips once again pressed to Luigi’s, soft and quick and enough to shut him up. “Deep breath, bro.” He said gently, placing his hand on his brother’s waist, “In and out, nice and slow.”
Luigi took a few steadying breaths before laying his forehead on his brothers shoulder, “I’m sorry..” He shook softly, gripping onto the front of Mario’s overalls.
“For what? Kissin’ the love of you life openly and passionately for the first time in your life? Taking my breath away? Pinnin’ me to my desk like a horn dog?”
“I-I did not PIN you!” Luigi shot up, face deep red as he pushed away from his brother.
Mario chuckled, pulling Luigi back, “You didn’t bend me over the desk kissing at me like you’d never see me again?”
“Shut up!! Shut Up!!!” Luigi slapped his hand over Mario’s face, pushing at him again, “I did not bend you over!!!”
Mario continued to laugh, kissing at Luigi’s hand before scooping him up and spinning them both and toppling onto the couch with Luigi on his lap. The younger buried himself into his brother’s shoulder, ears burning red.
There were boxes to unpack, cleaning and sorting and probably some paper work to be done, but it all could wait.
For now, Mario and Luigi laid comfortably together on their little beat up loveseat they’d bought off some guy in Kings for $250, in their living room, their house, so far away from the little apartment they’d grown up in. So far away, and still together.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 1 year
Could you do Anna with a survivalist reader
Anne x Survivalist! Reader
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A/N: Finally got to work on my inbox!! Requests are open, kinda wasn't sure what to do at first so I hope this is okay! <33
Y/N is gn here btw, love you guys!! Word count: 1.6 k
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As a survivalist you were prepared for every case, you knew how to start a fire, how to hunt, forage. Anything there was to learn about surviving you knew. So when that one day while walking through a park, you suddenly landed in a place hostile at every step, you were more than prepared. You learned how to survive on your own many years ago, sometimes sneaking out just to spend your night outdoors with nothing.
By the mark of two months you were already stacked, you found out about civilizations living around this place called Amphibia. Frogs, Toads and Newts you supposed. But it didn’t matter, you were by yourself, put through dangerous situations out there in the wilderness, by choice. And all this—the harsh weather, hostile brutes lurking at every other living creature and the strangeness of it all—had no effect on you. That was not for the fact that you were long familiar with it, you were a newcomer in the land. But it was for that you were well prepared for anything coming your way. 
Dressed in chitin cuirass, made of Barbari–Ant’s hide that you polished and remade, it consisted of a hard chestplate and backplate fastened together, leaving the limbs free and light. You killed off two of them after they lost their horde, although they’re fast, aggressive and vicious, they were no match for you. Their pincers served as tools for your use.
Walking through the local market all the eyes were directed at you, knowing you weren’t in this town yet you realized it wasn’t the best idea. “Oi look! There is another one!” – You heard one of the Frogs say, you sent him a cold glare and saw his soul almost leave his body. 
The locals stared in awe at your cuirass and knives made of stings of many unfortunate insects that crossed your road. You sighed as you heard another whisper – “This one is surely less, hm, lanky than our Anne.”. 
Remembering the town’s motto, you couldn’t really be mad. — Slow to accept, and even slower to respect. — You muttered to yourself.
Sighing, you walked into one of the shops. “Leopold Loggle’s”: The sign read, door creaked loudly as you walked in, your armor scraping against the wooden frame. Everything inside was wooden, the shopkeeper nowhere in sight. Looking around you finally spotted a light blue axolotl with dark blue gills, his mouth was almost covered with his large ashy mustache. You could tell by the looks of it that he was a rather passionate wood carver.
You walked over to him, the axolotl was rather surprised at the sight of you, gasping slightly he looked at you cautiously. 
— Can I find a weapon here? — You said, waiting for his response. 
— Of course you can… not. — He said with a pause, giving you hope for a moment.
— Do you know a good place for that then? 
— Absolutely, I do…n’t. I don’t. — He said weirdly again.
— Why do you keep doing that? — You finally asked, confused by his pattern of speech. By now he moved, standing behind his counter.
— Old smithing accident, I tripped on an anvil. Landed neck–first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through! That’s why there is no blacksmith in Wartwood anymore. — He said, you nodded, not really disgusted by his story. Bad things happen, as a survivalist you learned how to accept them and adapt to them. — Switched to wood after that. Anyhow, I’m afraid I can’t do much for you. 
Nodding again you turned around, ready to head out. — Wait, tell me, few have made it out alive after meeting a Barbari–Ant, fewer yet collected a trophy. You seem different from the other one of ya monster ‘round here, and I haven’t seen ya here yet, you from somewhere else? 
— I’m currently resigning in the wilds near this town. — Before leaving, a sudden realization hit you. 
— What do you mean, “different from the other one”?
— I am fairly sure I’ve seen another one of ya creatures here, in Wartwood. — He said, you acknowledged the fact and nodded to him as a sign of saying goodbye. You noted his words and carried on with what you were doing.
Once outside, you left Wartwood rather quickly, skipping its main road and just heading off back to the wild woods you had your camp in.
As you came back to your resting area, you set up some traps along the way, hoping for a game to fall into them. During this time, a foreign to you girl ran through the town’s square with her best friend, Sprig, by her side. 
She couldn’t shake off a feeling that she missed something prior to now. Both of them ran into the Leopold Loggle’s. At the sight of Anne Lepold murmured to himself. — Yes, yes I knew that there were other kinds of ya ‘round here somewhere.
— Did you say something? — Sprig asked him, as for they were close enough to hear.
— Oh yeah, yeah. — He turned to Anne herself and spoke up. — Ya didn’t tell anyone there were more of you around. It stirred up the whole Wartwood just a second ago. 
Anne and Sprig looked at eachother confused, the girl quickly jumped into action asking questions, hoping it was either Marcy or Sasha, her other best friends also stuck in Amphibia. 
— What did they look like? That was probably Marcy! My friend from back home.
— Well, they had H/L that was H/C colored, they also wore Barbari–Ant armor. They were slightly taller/shorter than ya. Kinda different, really different. They were definitely stronger and more harsh looking than ya, kid. — That confused Anne, her friends were very different from the description that Loggle gave her. 
— Are you sure dude? — She said, confused.
— Of course… — They expected him to say something that fit his style but he continued. — I’m sure. They said they live in those wilds next to Wartwood, pretty dangerous if you ask me.
Both best friends looked at each other and ran out of the woodsmith’s shop. — Thanks Loggle! — They yelled behind them.
— Do you think what I am thinking? — Anne asked Sprig he nodded.
— Yeah! We gotta find that person. — He said as Anne agreed. 
Soon they came up with a plan, it only took a few minutes, they decided that Sprig will stay and deceive Hop Pop as Anne will go out and find the mysterious person. Meanwhile you were chilling by a fire you set up, laying on the soft moss, a calm moment among the dangerous wilderness. 
As Anne entered the woods after asking for directions, she was met with nothing other than light footsteps left in the mud. She stepped forward and regretted not having both shoes on. Walking cautiously she looked around, only wind accompanied her. 
Shuffling through the woods she realized she's not even sure about the person you are. Lost in thought, Anne didn’t even realize when she stepped into a trap, a handmade rope tied around her foot and pulled her up, she shrieked, now dangling in the air she realized the bad situation she landed in. 
Growing nervous she heard something inching closer. A figure soon emerged from the thick bushes, walking over to the place where rope was tied, she saw them taking out a makeshift knife. She heard a snap as she came tumbling to the ground, scrambling to get up she saw the person coming closer and taking out a hand towards her. — Uh, are you okay?
Anne froze in her place, she looked you up and down, shocked to see other human in Amphibia after all this time spent with Frogs and others. — Hello..?
— Oh my god, am I dreaming? — She said, more to herself.
— ..Sorry..? — You asked confused, blushing from the weird reaction of Anne’s, she quickly picked herself up and blushed slightly, she could swear she had seen you before, somewhere in her school and then it clicked. She knew you, Marcy and Sasha always teased her about looking at you during lunch or always stumbling on her words when she talked with you. 
— You’re Y/N, right? I’m Anne Boonchuy, we used to go to the same school before… — She mentioned everything around her. — all this happened. You don’t even know how happy I am to see another human after all this time dude! 
You observed her closely before she tackled you into a bear hug, she was right, you remembered her, vaguely, but still. You remembered how she always talked with her friends and got into trouble. After breaking apart you saw her grin at you. Then you noticed a slight gash on her forehead. — Come on. — You gestured for her to follow you, while you walked she asked you questions to which you replied quickly. 
Finally you walked back to your camp, the fire was shining and burning brightly. She gasped and started to look around, slightly flustering you. — This is where you’ve been living all this time? — She asked as you nodded, taking out a bangade and purified water you previously boiled. 
Anne sat down on the hammock you set up for you to sleep during the night. You washed off the wound and bandaged it while talking with her about everything that happened in Amphibia, comparing your experiences so far, you talked for a long time, to your surprise, you missed talking with anyone. It reminded you of the fun but short times you shared with Anne.
Maybe you can finally get closer to each other? 
You smiled at the thought and went back to talking with Anne, this encounter marking a new chapter for both of you.
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
Ok I'll write the Donkey Kong x Mario fics myself. It's not going to be good though. This is also really fukin long I apologize in advance. I wanted to make a joke about riding pipe but I won't. I could, and it would be hilarious, but I won't.
On off days when they aren't trying new obstacle courses that the princess Peach made or answering emergency house calls, Mario would be exploring. The mushroom kingdom was vast and spectacular. Even in the Jungle every corner was a new sight, a new creature to meet or fight. Bowser had relaxed a lot and now his abduction of the Princess was few and far between, more political than romantic. The Toads have gotten braver. Learning how to defend their home wasn't easy. They relied on a steady, easy life; but agreed it would be best for any emergencies. It kept Mario busy too. Luigi would be off clearing areas that had rumored ghosts, though Mario knew it was an excuse to see Bowser. He shuddered. What his brother saw in that guy was beyond him. Although, he paused, when his brother found out about his teeny Itty-bitty miniscule really, crush on Donkey Kong he would never drop it. Always sending amused looks whenever Mario came up with an excuse to race or he "needed" a new kart. A race! That's what he needed. Just a rush to escape the cobwebs in his head. Doubling back to the city to find the pipe, he really thought about it. Peach made sense right? I mean not really. He was a plumber and she was the Princess of an actual genuine kingdom. Although his brother was seeing a king so maybe not. But Donkey Kong was funny. And nothing phased him. Even when he lost most fights against Mario, he took it as a learning opportunity instead of an insult. His people loved him effortlessly. He was smart and driven. Mario sighed, leaning on a wall in front of the pipe to the Jungle Kingdom. Would it be weird to show up? Would he be normal talking to the guy he had a crush on? He had a crush on a gorilla that played go karts, what was he thinking. There was nothing normal about this. He took a step forward and accidentally triggered the pipe and before he knew it, he was on his way. A minute later he tumbled in to lush grass and took a deep breath. He really needed to learn how to use those better. Mario stood and brushed off his overalls. Rhythmic thumping was headed his way and Mario looked around desperately for a power up box. Donkey Kong came out from the deep and rushed in front of Mario. "Hey what are you doing here?" He smiled and bumped his shoulder. Mario smiled and rubbed his now aching shoulder. "Can we talk? I need to tell you something."
Fucking idk man, two heartfelt confessions later they were raw dogging it in the forest and Mario got dick drunk. They did it every few days cause Mario is like half his size and he's now 100% a size queen. I'm not writing that but that's where this was going.
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