#to the point of me asking myself why i didn't get into it sooner
miumiins · 3 months
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ponypuffle · 7 months
Hey! Hello! I saw that you have open requests and I would love to ask you something, Rainbow Dash x fem! reader, a pretty unicorn who is Rarity's cousin and went to Ponyville to visit her.
And Rainbow Dash is amazed when she sees her for the first time, a pretty and adorable Canterlot unicorn who likes to see pegasi fly since she has a fascination with wings, and Rainbow takes that point in her favor ;)
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Pairing: Rainbow Dash x Fem!Reader
Word Count: idk im on my phone rn so i'll check when i have access to my computer l8r Warning(s): rainbow checks the reader out (idk if that's a warning but to be sure lol) A/N: tbh i gave rainbow too much rizz to the point that she managed to rizz me up from an rd enjoyer to rd simp 😔😔
As a pony who's lived her entire life in Canterlot, you knew for certain it didn't happen as often as most tourists expected, but to each their own. You certainly weren't about to stop them if it meant Canterlot's local businesses profited from their visits.
You loved Canterlot as much as the next pony, but Celestia, was it a lot. Every pony always had something to do and somewhere to be whether it be for business purposes or to simply go to a luxurious outing. Not to mention the overabundance of tourists who clambered to see the next big thing or perhaps their favorite "attraction"; a glimpse at the princess walking out onto her balcony.
All of this to say that you needed a break from Canterlot, even if it was for a moment. Every pony loved to say that Canterlot "has it all", but they all seemed to fail to consider the city's lack of peace. Hence why you reached out to family for help who then reached out to more family until you finally ended up in communications with your cousin, Rarity.
You remembered her well from the playdates and family gatherings you went to as little fillies. Unfortunately with how life goes, you'd lost touch with her. The last time you'd seen her as more than a child was years ago! Truth be told, you were excited to reunite with her. A whole week in Ponyville with your favorite cousin sounded like the perfect remedy to your Canterlot-ailment.
When the day came, you were the first to board the train and the first to exit. The moment you laid your eyes on your cousin, you rushed over with a wide grin. "Rarity! I'm so happy to see you again! Celestia, your mane is to die for! You have to tell me how you get it looking so gorgeous."
"Why, thank you, dear. We'll have plenty of time to discuss mane products soon enough." She giggled before directing your attention towards a pegasus and a little dragon. "In the meantime, these are my friends, Fluttershy and Spike."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, dear. I'm so sorry for not introducing myself sooner!" You quickly greeted the two with all the sweetness you could muster as if it would make up for your obliviousness.
The kindness was only reciprocated, much to your relief. Before you could delve into further conversation, Rarity cut in. "I'm sure you must be starving after the train ride. Why don't we go drop off your bags and we can all go out together? My treat."
"That sounds amazing." You agreed, only just realizing that you were too distracted by the trip to think of eating a proper breakfast.
"Splendid! Spike, would you be a dear and help our guest with her bags?" Rarity nodded towards the dragon.
Before you could protest, Spike had eagerly obeyed her request as he took the two travel bags from your magic that held them up. "Thank you, Spike." You smiled softly.
As the four of you walked through town, you couldn't help but be mesmerized by Fluttershy's wings. "Have you ever thought of wearing wing accessories? I saw some amazing jeweled accessories back in Canterlot that I think would look divine on you." You commented.
Rarity overheard you, chiming in with her own praises. "The ones by Nimbus Shop?"
"Yes! The delicacy of the piece would look so darling on you, Fluttershy." You hummed.
Fluttershy blushed under your compliments. "Thank you. I'd love to try it out, but I'm afraid my line of work would only dirty the jewels before I could show them off."
Rarity nodded in agreement. "It's a shame, but I respect her passion for caring for those adorable little critters."
"Oh, perhaps I could pull a few strings and get you both invitations to this garden party out in Canterlot next month. Would that be reason enough to let me buy you those gorgeous wing accessories?" You suggested.
Rarity gasped. "A garden party? Goodness, could you really do that, dear?"
Your cousin's smile was infectious as she tried to hold in her excitement. "Of course! It's no problem at all. Besides, I don't know what kind of pony I'd be if I didn't get to see such beautiful wings enhanced by glittering jewels."
"Oh, that's so kind of you." Fluttershy was beginning to buzz with the same excitement, even it was toned down.
You turned your head to look back at the little dragon behind you. "Would you like to come to the garden party, too? I'm sure they could squeeze in cute baby dragon like you."
Spike began to stutter as if he was shocked that you'd bother to ask. "Are you sure you can get enough tickets?"
"Between just us," You hushed your voice down, "Two of the hosts owe me a huge favor."
Before anypony could respond, a gust of wind swept past you with a pound against the dirt just as you neared the front door of the Carousel Boutique. A blue coated pony with a rainbow mane stood with pride, her wings spread out to frame her form perfectly. The powerful mare found eye-contact with you, but she was quickly directed towards Rarity when she scolded her for the sudden landing.
While they spoke, you crouched down to Spike's level and whispered to him, "I'll just get you that ticket, yeah?"
"Thanks!" He whispered back. "C'mon, I'll show you your room before Rainbow tries to bother us."
Spike led the way around the ponies while you followed suit. You stared at Rainbow in amusement, letting your gaze glide over those strong wings.
Unbeknownst to you, the rainbow pegasus had checked you out, her eyes glazing over your form. You were far out of ear shot when Rarity noticed the way her friend looked at you, gasping loudly. "Rainbow Dash, don't you dare!"
"What? I'm not doing anything!" She held her hooves up, feigning innocence.
When both you and Spike came back out, the rainbow pony was still there with a disgruntled Rarity and a wide-eyed Fluttershy. The pegasus stepped into your view of your cousin with a smirk. She held her hoof out for a hoofshake to which you took. "Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's resident top flier and Wonderbolt."
"Wonderbolt?" Your jaw dropped as you held your hoof to your mouth in shock.
Rainbow chuckled in pride as she flexed her wings. "Yeah, what can I say? I'm just that awesome, y'know?"
Rarity rolled her eyes, sighing in disbelief as she cut in. "Come on, dear. Rainbow Dash is coming along for lunch with us."
Rarity herded you to her side, making sure she was between you and Rainbow, but that didn't stop Rainbow from trying to chat with you. "So, Rarity tells me your her cousin and you're visiting?" She called over through Rarity.
"Oh, yeah. I live over in Canterlot, but Rarity was so kind to let me stay with her as a vacation." You explained, but the separation made it a struggle, just as Rarity intended. She took the opportunity to keep you distracted with conversation, trying to keep Rainbow away. It wasn't that she didn't trust Rainbow, but she worried that if the relationship were to end, the relationship between you and Rarity would be severed, too.
But, Rainbow Dash was determined. When you made it to the restaurant, she dashed towards the seat right by you before Rarity could even touch the chair. "Lucky me, I get to sit by the new girl in town."
"You're lucky? I get to sit next to a Wonderbolt!" Your ears perked up with excitement. "I don't even remember the last time I got to watch a Wonderbolt show."
"You like the Wonderbolts?" Her voice was laced with happiness to know that you found interest in her work.
You nodded eagerly. "Of course! You guys are so talented. I just adore seeing your flight routines."
"Well, maybe I could get you a private showing, sweetheart." Rainbow nearly purred in a low voice, causing your cheeks to heat up at the nickname.
"Or!" Rarity chimed in. "You could take us all to the next performance, no?"
Rainbow snapped her head towards Rarity, glaring at her for disrupting her game. "Yeah... Or, that."
"Wow, that'd be amazing!" You couldn't hide your grin at the prospect of watching the Wonderbolts again.
Rainbow stretched the wing nearest to you out, letting it rest on your back. Your eyes drifted to her muscular wing, skin buzzing in delight at the feeling of her slick feathers. "Think that's amazing? You're getting a VIP ticket and a backstage pass, if you're into that."
Your eyes widened in shock, jaw dropping. You never expected in your wildest dreams you'd be offered such an opportunity. Rainbow had to reach out her hoof to get your mouth to close with a little chuckle. "I'm taking that as a 'yes', then?"
"Most definitely!" Your heart thudded against your chest.
Rainbow glanced at Rarity in triumph for a moment before she met your eyes again. "It's a plan then."
The next showing was thankfully only a few days after you returned from Ponyville. By the end of the week, you'd become good friends with the rest of Rarity's pals. You wanted to offer them to stay over, but your little Canterlot apartment was hardly enough for you and seven friends. Thankfully, Twilight had reassured you that she'd be able to get hotel rooms for everypony.
You'd made plans to meet up at a cafe you frequented to grab a cup of coffee and a few pastries before you went to the Wonderbolts show.
"Wow, I can't believe I've never been here." Twilight said as she sipped her coffee in utter bliss.
"Oh, it was opened a few years back, not long after your coronation actually." You replied, taking a bite of your chocolate croissant.
Rarity pouted. "I guess we've all been too busy to take the time to explore the finer details of Canterlot."
"I'd be happy to show you guys around!" You offered, eyes brightening. "The tourist spots are great, but I know all of Canterlot's hidden gems."
Pinkie Pie lit up. "That'd be amazing! Imagine how many tasty treats I've never even tried!"
The group laughed out loud, agreeing to join in on the insider tour for tomorrow. When breakfast was done, you all made your way to the Wonderbolts Stadium.
The VIP box was luxurious, plush seats in a shaded area that allowed for the perfect view of the performance. Your coat prickled along your legs in excitement at what was to come, and it wasn't for naught.
The moment the Wonderbolts made their entrance, you were entranced. You watched each well practiced maneuver, barely staying in your seat as you leaned in for more.
The show neared its end, much to your dismay, but it didn't stop you from yelling out with a cheer.
Applejack chuckled in amusement. "You sure do love them Wonderbolts, don't 'cha?"
You looked back with a grin. "How could I not? It's just so..." You tried to find the word until it finally clicked. "Exhilarating!"
"Then, let's go say hi to them." Twilight began to lead the way. "I'm sure they'd love to meet one of their biggest fans."
You hopped towards Twilight, nearly mirroring the same energy as Pinkie. At some point, Pinkie took charge with each bounce, so you eagerly followed close behind in anticipation. While you waited outside the locker room, waiting for the Wonderbolts to ready up, Pinkie was happy to tell you all about Rainbow Dash like her famous Sonic Rainboom.
When the doors opened, you could barely keep yourself composed. Your eyes were set on whoever was closest which just so happened to be Spitfire, the poster pony of the Wonderbolts.
"Hey, kid." Spitfire looked at you through her sunglasses. "I'm guessing your Rainbow's new friend?"
You nodded with a big smile, introducing yourself to her. "You have no idea how excited I am to meet you all."
Spitfire chuckled at your enthusiasm. "We've been waiting to meet you, too. Rainbow's been talking up a storm about you."
"She has?" You blushed, briefly glancing towards the rainbow pegasus.
"Non-stop. She tells me you're real interested in the Wonderbolts."
Part of you was glad Spitfire changed the topic, much too nervous to figure out whatever feelings came of the statement. "Yeah, but it's mostly just flying that I'm so intrigued by. All of you are so talented! I can't imagine how much work goes into your performances."
"A unicorn into flying? That's a new one for me." Spitfire commented, stretching out her wing when she noticed you staring at it in wonderment. "But, yeah, we work almost everyday. Wings like this don't come from nothing."
"I imagine so." You stared at the sleek feathers that made up her large wings. It wasn't long before the rest of the Wonderbolts team came to meet you, curious to see who Rainbow Dash was so interested in.
The next day, you went along with the tour as planned. With your friends following behind, you made it from destination to destination, making sure to have fun at each spot. You didn't have much of a plan, simply deciding where to go on a whim, but Pinkie had begged you to go to a little part of Canterlot for the end of the day. When it comes to Pinkie, how could you say no?
To your dismay, Rainbow had to leave early half way through the day. She told you she had Wonderbolts practice which you respected, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss her presence. Regardless, the outing went smoothly and you still enjoyed yourself.
When you made it to your final stop made by you, Pinkie Pie led the group to the special location. As you neared further and further into the outskirts of Canterlot, you began to wonder where she wanted to go so badly. Every time you'd ask, she'd say something about how it's a surprise.
By the third time you asked, you decided to just trust her. As you reached the top of a grassy hill not too far from Canterlot, the sun had begun to set, creating a warm glow in the sky.
"Here we are!" Pinkie exclaimed.
You blinked, looking around in confusion. There was nothing in sight except nature. "Pinkie, why are we—"
A gust of wind flew above you, making you look up in the sky. Were those the Wonderbolts? You stood, watching the little performance with the same interest as the day before. You were beginning to wonder if it was somepony's birthday and you were simply not told.
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subfootboii · 3 months
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[Part 1]
You started a new job where you met Tyler, a hot tall guy with at least size 13 feet. He was so charismatic and confident you had a big crush on him. Since you both worked in the team you always saw him and had conversations with him.
One day you told him that you think he is good looking and if he would be interested to go oit on a date with you. He smirked and rolled his eyes without giving any answer. You thought he might be straight or not looking for a relationship.
The next day he kept staring at you and smiling for most of the day. At some point you were both alone in your office.
"So about that date you invited me on yesterday, would you be interested if you came back with me home tomorrow. It's Friday and you can come spend the weekend if you want."
"Ohh. I thought you weren't interested in me or something. I would love to spend some time with you so yeah sure."
Again he smirked and gaved you a pat on the back without saying anything else. You were so excited by hus invite, after work you rushed home to prepare yourself. You shaved and moisturized your body so that you are ready for this hot weekend.
On Friday Tyler didn't speak much to you. After work you followed to his car. The drive was silent and he was smiling the whole time. You thought he was nervous and didn't want to make uncomfortable.
You arrived at his place and get out of the car. You were carrying your luggage and he opened the door.
"Honey, I'm home."
You were completely shocked by what you just heard. Seconds later a man was hugging and kissing Tyler while you stood there watching not understanding what was happening in front of you. After that Tyler looked at you smiling.
"Babe, that's my coworker... the one that asked me out. He will join us for the weekend as we agreed."
"Ohh let me introduce myself to our guest, didn't even see him there. Hey I'm Axle, Tyler's husband. Nice to meet you... I forgot your name... doesn't matter keep your luggage here, you won't need them."
You couldn't respond. Tyler is married to a gorgeous man. All you could see in front of you was an alpha couple, two powerful sexy men together. What you didn't understand was how you fit in this situation, what was your role, why where you here.
"Hey. Nice to meet Axle. Didn't know Tyler was married, but you too seem perfect together."
"We sure do, and that's why you are here. We are missing something... or should I say someone."
Axel and Tyler went back to kissing passionately. Your dick was starting to get hard from seeing them clearly in love. But you didn't understand what do they mean and what are you here for.
They started walking to the living room and Tyler signaled for you to follow them. You followed them as they mad their way inside and sat on the couch. You approached them when Axel gave you a sharp look.
"Floor. You sit on the floor."
"What do you mean? Why would I sit on the floor?"
"Because I said so. What do you think you are here for boy? Tyler told me you are a bit slow so I guess I'll spell it out. You are a loser beta. Tyler amd I are a successful alpha couple. You are here to worship and serve us. You are here to be owned by us. So you have less than a minute to sit on the floor or see your way out."
Listening to that made you rock hard. You didn't think about what he said as you were so horny and since you needs to hide your boner you sat on yhe ground trying your best to hide it.
"I told it would be easy to have them at our feet babe. We should have done that sooner."
"I agree. Look at him trying to hide that dicklet from us. How should we deal with that?"
"If he want to have the present I bought him today he needs to get rid of it. Maybe he'll jerk it off while he watch us make out."
"Hear that boy? Don't make my man wait."
You mindlessly took your dick out and started to stroke it watching them making out. They were completely ignoring you while they confess their love to each other and kiss. They were perfect. They were everything you never had. You jerked while you fantasized about being used by them.
Then you came all over the floor as they continued to make out and cuddle. You stayed there without moving or making a sound. At some point they finally acknowledged your existence again.
"That was fast boy. Didn't expect you to last any longer though. Now lick your cum off our floor and get naked."
You followed through without any second thoughts. Both of them together where so powerful for you to even think about resisting. After you got naked Axle pulled something from the drawer next to him and throw it your way. You held it amd discovered ot was a chastity cage. Again without thinking much you put it on.
"Pathetic. I've never seen anyone with such eagerness to be nothing. A cuck. A loser cuck. That's what you are."
"Cuck pet? Fits better."
"Yeah babe. You are our cuck pet boy. Bow. Bow and submit to us."
Before Axle finished his sentence you were bowing before them. You heard them laughing followed by some whispers amd kisses. You didn't dare to got up and you stayed like bowing for a long time.
"Up cuck pet."
You got up to see them both shirtless. Their ripped alpha bodies were perfect. But it wasn't just that as they were both resting their bare feet on the coffee table.
You already knew that Alex had big feet but they were even bigger than you thought. His toes were long and sexy and his sole was meaty. Axle on the other hand had a smaller foot. His toes were symmetric and his sole looked soft and meaty.
You were in heaven. Your dick was straining against your new cage and leaking already. You were before two alpha men and you couldn't wait to start worshipping them.
(Story suggestion by: @tidodore2)
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
✨️Bodhi durran ✨️ that's it.
Imagine him being the most amazing boyfriend. I don't know if you have seen lockwood and co on Netflix but that scene where lockwood dresses Lucy's wounds and is looking dead ass deep in her soul smiling, my god bodhi material.
To get to my point if you could write a one shot of bodhi finding out you're injured and going ballistic to anyone that let her out of their sight and got hurt and then finding you trying to wrap your wounds and instantly going all soft and helping I would be forever in your debt
Ps. If you haven't watched lockwod and co it's absolutely worth it.
I haven't watched the show so if this isn't exactly how you pictured this, I apologize✨🤍
"Where is she?", Bodhi yanked onto one of the recruits, who was in the same formation as you, shirt up. The poor lad looked like he was about to shit himself at best as he stumbled over words. The thing was... Bodhi was fun and games until he wasn't. And that wasn't part come a lot sooner than expected. Considering that the past weeks of him being a section leader had been rather calm. But that sorry fuck just had to show off. Had to break formation. Had to try to prove his piss poor ego and get you hurt.
"You're speechless all of a sudden?", Bodhi shook the guy in his grip, "Answer the goddamn question before you end up like a roasted chicken on the solstice table". You could hear a pin dropping in the background that's how silent the squad had gotten. "I think I saw her entering the building", some other recruit cut in. Bodhi narrowed his eyes, "You think or you saw?", shoving the quivering male he stepped aside sizing everyone up.
"You weak shits better listen and better listen well", he practically growled through gritted teeth. His first instinct was to run after you. He saw the blood gushing from your hand after the coalition. But he also knew his title. Causing a bigger scene than necessary would only turn heads your way. And neither of you needed that. Neither of you wanted to become a target leading to one another. "If any of you will ever do anything similar to what Marco did today", Bodhi grunted. Gods, he felt like Xaden. "I will skin you myself and believe me your dragons will smoke you alive. Dismissed", he practically roared as the recruits hurried away. Bodhi ran a slightly shaky hand through his hair.
"She is up in your room", the voice made Bodhi jolt slightly. Garrick was leaning against one of the pillars. "I passed her, she's fine, man", Garrick continued to speak since Bodhi just stood there, "You did well here too. More and more like our beloved Xaden every day". He knew it was a dig. The two cousins had been compared ever since their interactions were brought to the daylight. "Why don't you go fuck yourself", Bodhi grunted as he walked past his friend. "Gets boring after a while", Garrick chirped in return. Bodhi simply snarled but that of course earned a satisfied chuckle from Garrick.
"Show it to me", the sudden bag of the door practically hitting the wall and the raised voice made you drop the blood-soaked rag. You knew Bodhi was gonna find you eventually. Your dragon was practically counting the minutes for you ever since you had flown back first and dismounted. "Bodhi, it's okay", you tried to keep your voice calm. The wound wasn't all that bad it was the angle and the damaged tissue of the skin that caused it to bleed so much. "Don't you it's okay, me", he grunted, "Show me", his voice was lethal low. He never used that tone with you. It was his section leader's voice. The voice he gave a report in. But it never was showcased around the people he trusted and cared for.
"There's nothing to look at it's...", "I didn't ask, I gave you an order", he cut in, grabbing your upper arm gently so he could look at the damage himself. Bodhi's eyebrows knitted together for a moment, his jaw flexed. "Sit", he muttered motioning towards the bed. "Bodhi", you breathed out. "Baby, I swear to everything holy to me", he exhaled a shaky breath, "you either sit or I am carrying to the healer's wing and will put you on bed rest for a week". You huffed at his threat but you knew that he wasn't bluffing so you followed his orders.
Bodhi was so gentle as he carefully wiped away some of the blood before pressing a clean bandage on your cut, securing it in place. Make sure it's tight for a couple of hours before the bleeding slows down. He would redo it in a couple of hours. Wash it off with a salve he would go ask for. Then another bandage. Then... "Bodhi, I can hear you making plans in your head", you muttered. It was cute watching him fuss at times. It was his way of showing love but you also knew that his head was a wild space and it only took one bad thought to have it all spiraling out of control. "Does it hurt a lot? Do you need something for the pain?", he asked, his concerned eyes searching yours. "Start by giving me a hug and then sit down with me", you said softly, "I promise, I'm fine". You reached out for him, taking his hand into yours, squeezing it.
"I just hate seeing you hurt", Bodhi breathed out, his shoulders drooping. "The feeling is mutual but there are times we can't do anything about it", you reached to run your fingers through his messy curls. That now was completely out of control since he no doubt had been pulling at them. "Do we have a murder scene in the backyard?", you nudged your boyfriend's shoulder, making him snort. "Not yet but we might...", Bodhi exhaled, turning to face you.
"You promise you're okay?", you met his worried gaze but this time instead of answering him you just leaned in and kissed him. Slowly and tenderly. Letting him feel your love. "Good enough proof?", you asked when you two finally broke apart. "Not sure... maybe a couple more kisses", Bodhi thoughtfully nodded his head. You giggled slightly before cupping his face once more.
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mayullla · 1 year
A little present event: fem reader 🦋 + yandere Al Haitham 🌺 🥺
Title: Learning to love
Character(s): Al Haitham (Genshin Impact) Summary: He offered a proposal, a trial of sorts to see if you and him were really a match. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, soulmates au, toxic relationship, manipulation
The continuation to: The Akasha's choosing [ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You bit your lip when you saw Al Haitham waiting for you outside your small humble home again seated on one of the outdoor stools. "You are awake. I thought you would sleep a little more considering how tired you were last night from getting lost in the forest."
"Thank... thank you for finding me back then..." You looked down, it was because of him that you were able to find your way back home. But it was him that you were running away from that you winded up there. You know it was much, if anyone knew that someone was trying to avoid them this much to the point they would become lost... it would hurt the person. Yet you could not help yourself.
These feelings inside yourself felt like they were twisting your stomach yet you just can't push it down.
"Hmmm. Well, you don't have to worry about that though you should really consider other ways to avoid me."
You flinched at his words, feeling your heart rate speed up as you looked away guilty.
"I notice a long time ago that you were avoiding me, heading out so early in the morning when you usually stay in bed a little more in the past." Al Haitham looked at you from his book, waiting to see if you have something to say before continuing "I am guessing you are not really fond of this idea of soulmates. That you are acting like this? Personally, I think I would be much better if you were to say outright say that you hate me rather than run away constantly like this."
"I-I don't!"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I really don't... I just don't think that uhh... you and me are meant for each other." You sighed finally admitting to why you have been acting like this for a long time. "That there might be a mistake in the Akasha... I just don't think we are compatible. I am sorry... I should have told you that sooner."
You glanced at Al Haithams face wondering how he would react before looking down again in guilt. You didn't know how to bring the subject up and had avoided it for the longest time. In all honestly you were intimidated by him.
"So you are saying that the Akasha had made a mistake?" Al Haitham asked closing his book. "Are you sure? I don't think most people if any would take too kindly to what you said especially the sages." You flinched again suddenly realizing what you were implying. That the akasha that was created by the past dendro archon, which was used by everyone in Sumeru had made a mistake. You wanted to take your words back, your face flustered as you tried to think of a way to recover from the situation.
Al Haitham watching you sighed, leaning back a little as he stared right at you. "I understand having doubts. Even I wanted to see for myself whether this was just some delusion someone in the academia made yet was accepted by those sages. Those who only rely on the akasha when it is also controlled by mere men are nothing but fools who can't think for themselves."
You found his words harsh but stayed silent.
"Hmmm, how about this. We shall do a little test between us to see if we are compatible or not." You looked at Al Haitham in surprise. What did he mean by that?
Al Haitham shook his head a little a small sigh escaped his lips, raising a hand a little as he started to explain. "While I too am not particularly fond of the idea myself, how about seeing for ourselves whether we are actually compatible or not and stop playing this cat-and-mouse chase that would only lead to nowhere."
"We can do a series of tests for an extended period of time. If we don't think we are compatible we can go our separate ways and forget all this happen. But if we do, we can continue on and see where this takes us."
Your eyes looked at him in surprise, but the more you thought about it the more it made... sense. You could see for yourself if the two of you were actually compatible with each other.
Agreeing to his proposal you could not help but feel a little determined but you could not help but wonder, "But what should we do first?" Much to your embarrassment you never really dated before too focused to take care of yourself and putting food on the table.
"Hmmm just do things that couples do. We could start by *not* avoiding each other and work away from there." You flinched a little at this personal attack, unable to look at him in the eyes again.
But you did see a small smile on his lips.
The two of you started slow, Al Haitham being patient with you as you tried to be less awkward with him on your side. You guys started first by going to the forest when you needed to go there to collect herbs, mushrooms, and berries. With him mainly there to protect you from monsters or eremites and treasure hoarders. Most of the time he was reading a book a little farther than you as you go about collecting.
He tried to offer help to you a bit, but still too awkward you declined telling him that he should instead rest while you do your work. Instead, you had to promise him that you would tell him if you need his help getting something that was too far of reach or dangerous.
A lot of your lunches were spent with him. You now purposefully pack up meals meant for two people rather than one. As you seat in the grass or under a tree or maybe at home when you worked on the small farm you had you would share your meals with Al Haitham. He would eat without saying much, but you did notice he would look a little annoyed when you brought soup and later made sure not to bring them too often. (Al Haitham also offered to pack or buy lunches every so often to be fair, and when you first time you tried his cooking you could not help but be surprised. It was good!)
You didn't go out in public much with him since both of you did not want the attention of others. And when you did most of the academia students would stare in shock unable to understand that the famed scribe had a partner while others cooed at how cute of a couple you guys were.
An old granny had called the two of you cute when you were out picking groceries with Al Haitham right beside you examining the vegetables as he too needed to stock some food in his own home. You were flustered at her words, wanting to deny that you were a couple but with a glance that Al Haitham gave you, no words came out of your mouth as you tried to smile.
You thanked the grandmother for her words.
Next were small touches and kisses, your face was never this hot till when Al Haitham told you to kiss him. You were embarrassed when he started grabbing your hand or placing a hand on your shoulder but you stifled all your complaints as you told yourself this was a trial and that it was fine. But you still could not help yourself but become nervous as you stare at his face after what he said.
Al Haitham was always patient with you, and if you didn't want to do this you were sure that he would be fine with it. But seeing that he was trying, you would feel guilty if you were to say no now.
You looked at Al Haitham's face an eyebrow raised waiting before he asked if you do not want to do it. You shook your head telling him it was fine. He always reminded you that both sides needed to put in the effort, and you knew he did. So you must... it was just a small kiss really.
He waited for you, made no movements to take the lead in the kiss, and left you to do it as you took small hesitant steps toward him shyly. With Al Haitham sitting down you were forced to lean towards him as you close your eyes unable to stare to look into his face in such a close distance. You didn't see his reaction back then as you quickly kissed and then turned your back from him unable to look at him.
What was a small peck on the lips soon spiraled from there. Moving too fast you thought to yourself, as if whatever wall that you thought was there between you and him was never there from the start. But you thought that it was fine, that this was just a test to see if you were compatible. As you forced yourself to get used to the thankfully rare kisses that Al Haitham would make. But more often than not you were forced to sit on his lap or he would lie on yours as you both either nap, read a book, or finish an essay for his case.
There were some days he would stay at your place, stating that he was too "lazy" to go back home when he was tired and told you to think of this like another test. He didn't like it when you offered to sleep on the sofa scooping you and tossing you on the bed with a hand on your waist to prevent you from leaving the bed stating that this would be the most comfortable way to sleep at a single person bed, pulling you closer to him. You felt it was too intimate but didn't voice your thoughts when you heard his small snores already fallen deep asleep.
Whatever you tried to make space between you and him on the bed whenever he decided that he would stay for the night would quickly be gone as you would find him always holding you tight in his arms the moment you wake up almost like a stuffed toy that a kid liked.
You kept repeating to yourself that this was a trial if you were compatible and if things just did not work out that everything would just work out as you two separate unknown to you that Al Haitham was still awake looking down at your hair, his arms tightening around you.
To him, this was never a trial, but you were just too precious after all as he let you think as you please. He knew that you were never comfortable with his affections. But he knew you would get used to it. He would not let you go even if you didn't. You would get used to his touch, the idea of him by your side, he would make you get used to him and let him mold you to love him just as much that anxiety would drive you insane when he is not around.
He would never let you go.
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 year
Homework Part 2 (Modern AU fem!reader NSFW)
Part 1 here
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Aether, Albedo, Kaeya, Alhaitham
Warnings: NSFW, dom!reader, sub!reader, fem!reader, cursing, riding (sex position), squirting, clothed sex, spanking (Kaeya), creampie, slight semi-public sex (Kaeya), dacryphilia
NSFW, Minors DNI, by scrolling down past this point, you have decided to read the content below of your own accord!
Childe was finishing up the last bit of an assignment for one of his classes when you walked in, having just woken up. It was nighttime by now, and you had been asleep because you’d decided to take a nap. You were wearing one of his shirts, which was hanging off of one of your shoulders. You walked over and sat on his lap, resting your head against his chest. “Mmm… how long have I been asleep?” You asked, looking up at him. He ruffled your hair gently as a smile appeared on his face. "You've been out for a little over three hours. Sorry I didn't wake you up sooner." he replied, looking down at you. You were always so adorable whenever you were half asleep like this. You moved on his lap to get comfortable, and were about to fall asleep when you felt him roll his hips against yours. You opened one of your eyes and looked up at him, mumbling to yourself before he leaned down and spoke.
“If you keep moving, I’m not going to be able to control myself for much longer.” He whispered, his voice low and smooth as it hit your ears. You looked up at him before you spoke. “Who said you had to control yourself?” You asked, your face reddening as he reached up under the skirt and hooked his thumbs under your underwear. “You sure you wanna do this right now? You look pretty tired.” He asked, his voice suddenly turning soft again. You nodded, gripping his shirt as you lifted your hips and watched as he threw the underwear on the floor. You kept your hips lifted before feeling him press against your entrance. You whined softly when he slowly slid in, your grip on his shirt tightening. Childe slowly rolled his hips against yours as you tried to take all of him, sighing softly when he finally bottomed out, pressing his hips tightly against yours. “Shh, stay still, hnn~ I still gotta finish my work.” He said, causing you to nod. You sat still and waited for him to finish, slowly adjusting to him as he worked. You still felt sleepy, and subconsciously rocked your hips against his. You hid your face in his chest, continuing to rock your hips against his. “Hey, what did I- Ngh~ what did I say? I need to- ahn~” he moaned softly, such a pretty noise to your ears, which now burned redder than roses. “I’ll take a break- hnng~” he muttered, before setting down his pencil and gently placing his hands on your hips. You felt his grip tighten on your hips as he lifted you up and dropped you back down on his lap. His tip knocked against your cervix, causing you to moan loudly against his chest. “AHh~ Mng~ Ajax!” You squealed, before he started moving faster. You could only hold onto his shoulders as he kept thrusting up into you, hitting all the right spots as you saw stars. “There you go, just let me take it from here, pretty thing.” He cooed, lifting one of your legs to get a better angle. You felt him hit that one spot that made you see stars, and cried out loudly as he kept going, hitting that spot over and over. Your eyes rolled back and your tongue lolled out of your mouth as you came, squirting all over his lap. Your cheeks reddened and you hid your burning face in his shoulder as he came with a groan. He fucked you through it, not a care in the world that you had ruined his sweatpants. He smiled dreamily down at you, slowing his thrusts to where he rocked his hips against yours. Once you had both come down, he looked down at you, who was still hiding your face from him, and laughed when he realized why. "Aww, what's wrong? Are you embarrassed that you made a mess?" he asked, causing you to nod softly. "Aww, don't be. You look so pretty when you cum that hard. Why don't we go again?" he asked, grinning wildly down at you as he spoke. You could only shake your head as you pressed yourself close to him, feeling even more embarrassed. However, when he pulled you back and kissed you, you relaxed a little more. "Are you ok? You look a bit out of it." he said, causing you to nod. "Do you wanna just stay here for a bit?" he guessed, watching as you nodded quietly. "Ok, but this time, you have to stay still, alright?" he asked, causing you to nod. You felt him slowly readjust the two of you to where he was sitting a little more comfortably, before leaning against his chest as you rested. He looked down after a few minutes to ask you something, and then smirked when he saw that you were asleep. He resolved next time to finish his work and then finish inside of you instead of the other way around. He noticed the stain on his sweatpants and sighed. "Man, these were my favorite ones, too." he mumbled to himself.
You were finishing up an assignment when Diluc walked into your room, knocking on the doorframe and clearing his throat. "Oh, hey, what is it?" you asked, turning your attention from the assignment to look at him. "Do you mind if I stay here for a bit? Kaeya's decided to be a royal pain in the ass today, and I don't want to deal with him right now." he said, causing you to nod as you rose from your seat. "Sure, do you want to stay with me while I finish this last assignment? We can cuddle afterward if that's what you want." you offered, before noticing the red that tinted his face. "Did... did Kaeya say something to you earlier?" you asked, causing him to shake his head. "No, it's just that..." he trailed off when he saw the doe eyed look you gave him, before he stepped closer and set his things beside the door, kicking it shut behind him. You knew what he wanted to say, and decided to help him out a bit. "Do you want me to sit on your lap while I work, instead? Because I still need to finish this assignment, since it's due tomorrow." you offered, causing him to nod wordlessly.
"Hnng~ Diluc, stay still, m'gonna cum if you don't s-stay- ahh~ stay still." you moaned, gripping the table with one hand as you held your pencil in the other. "Sorry, didn' mean to- ngh~ move." he bit his lip and held back a groan as you shivered slightly. You continued working slowly, rocking your hips against his every so often for a bit of relief. Diluc buried his face in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin before biting down and tugging at it with his teeth. He twitched slightly inside of you, groaning softly as you continued to work slowly. "I'm almost done, just hang in there for a little longer, ok?" you said, causing him to nod. "Ok." he replied, digging his fingers into the soft skin of your thighs. You finished the last problem and put the paper away, before lifting your hips and dropping back down on him, giggling softly as his hips jolted against yours. "Mmh~ you can move now, Diluc." you whispered, causing him to sigh in relief. "Thank you." you heard him whisper, before he stood up slowly and pressed your chest against the desk. "I'm sorry in advance if I make a mess." he mumbled, watching as you nodded softly. He braced himself on one arm and grabbed at your ass with the other, before pulling his hips back and slamming them into yours. After almost an hour of staying still with little to no friction, that alone was enough to make you cum. "Ahhngh~ 'Luc- hnn~ m'cumming- hAH~!" you gripped the desk tightly as he pulled back again and snapped his hips against yours, his knees almost giving out when your walls spasmed around him. You rode out your high slowly, as. "Th-thank you- fuck- thank you so much. Needed you s'bad it hurts." he slurred, kneading your ass as he leaned down and pressed kisses against your upper back, before he pulled back and started thrusting again, causing your walls to keep clenching harder around him. “Hnm~ m’gonna cum- ahhg~!” He pulled his hips taut against yours as he came, leaning down and kissing the back of your neck again. His cum sprayed out in thick ropes of white, filling you up and making you whimper as you leaned against the desk. “Are you ok?” He asked after a minute. “Mhmm~” you hummed softly, before yelping quietly as he flipped you over to get a good look at you. Diluc leaned down and kissed your lips, holding you close as he did so. After he pulled back, he pressed his forehead against yours. “Now then, let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” He asked, causing you to nod.
You dropped your stuff by the door and made your way past the living room to Aether’s room. You waved to Lumine as you passed her, receiving a wave in return. You and her got along well, and for that, your boyfriend was thankful. You came over to spend some time with him after changing out of your uniform and into a cuter outfit. You knocked on the door, hearing a faint “enter” from the other side of the door. You opened the door and walked in, closing it behind you. “Hey.” You said, walking over and resting your head on top of his as your arms snaked around his waist. “Oh, hey.” He said, turning around to face you. “Homework?” You guessed, causing him to nod. “Yeah, it’s the worst.” He groaned, turning around and going back to his assignment. “Did you finish yours?” He asked, still looking over a particularly difficult problem on the sheet. “Yeah, I brought it with me, if you want help with yours.” You offered. Aether nodded, inviting you to join him on his bed. “We can study like this.” He said, grabbing his homework from the desk and sitting beside you. “Ok, I’m struggling with problem two and problem five now, but I got the other ones.” He said, showing you the sheet. You leaned against him, taking the sheet from him as you spoke. “Problem two takes you back to using the basics of our first unit in this class. You have to think back to simpler problems to solve these.” You said, looking up at him. He picked up his pencil and got his phone, pulling up the lesson and starting to solve the problems he missed. You, meanwhile, were thinking of all the things you wanted him to do to you once the two of you were done. Aether handed you the sheet once he finished the problems and asked you to check it, watching as you looked through them. “Hey, can you do me a favor after this?” He asked. “Depends on the favor.” You replied, giving him a knowing look. Your eyes flicked over to him as his face flushed, and he hid his face in his hands. You laughed, continuing to check over the problems before setting the sheet on the nightstand. “They’re all correct.” You said, causing him to nod softly. You then straddled his lap, leaning in and pressing your lips against his. “I’ve missed you for a while now, why so busy all of a sudden?” You asked. “Mmh, well, finals are coming up, and I've been trying to turn in the mounds of homework the teachers keep giving us now that the year's coming to a close. However, this is, thankfully, the last assignment I have to do before we start going over the final in this class." he said, causing your eyes to light up. "Why are you like this?" he grumbled, hiding his face again. "Because you look absolutely adorable whenever you get all blushy like this." you said, pulling back and starting to unbutton your shirt as you spoke. "Are the walls soundproof? Because if not, we can head over to my place to do this." you said, watching as he gave you a look. "What? I may be horny, but I have standards. Besides, I don't think that Lumine would like to know what the two of us do together in the room next to hers almost every time she's not here." you giggled, causing him to sigh deeply. "She's having a girl's night at Fischl's place tonight, and she's already left by now." he said, making sure he was right when he called for her down the stairs after getting up and opening his door. When silence was all that answered him, he closed his door and got back on his bed with you, letting you straddle him again.
He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the side, watching as you went to unzip your skirt. "Keep it on." he mumbled, watching as your face reddened, but you complied with his wishes. You watched him reach under and take your underwear off, throwing them on the floor before he told you to lift your hips a little. You did, lifting them until you felt the pads of his fingers up against your slit. "Gotta stretch you out, or else it'll hurt, right?" he asked, causing you to nod. You sighed softly when he slid two fingers into you, his thumb brushing up against your clit as you leaned against him for support. You grinded your hips against his hand as he drew sloppy circles against your clit, scissoring his fingers inside of you and curling them to hit your sweet spot. "Aether, please." you whispered, causing him to look up at you as he spoke. "Are you sure? I don't want you to hurt yourself." he asked, causing you to nod. "Please." you whispered, gasping when he pulled his fingers out and undid his pants with the other hand, taking his cock out and pumping himself a few times. He grabbed your thigh and slowly guided you down on him, grunting softly as you took him in one go. He fell back against the pillows and let your walls spasm a bit around him, slowly adjusting to the way you were squeezing and clenching around him. His breathing was ragged and uneven as he tried to calm down, but you noticed, and swiveled your hips against his as he throbbed against your gooey walls. "Hnn~ hey, slow down, m'gonna cum if you keep doing that before I'm ready." he whined, gripping your hips tightly. Aether lifted your hips after a minute and groaned when you clenched around him from the sudden movement. You pulled back and looked down at him, slamming your lips against his as you slowly lifted your hips and dropped back down on him. You moaned against his mouth as you reached up and pulled his hair out of its braid, letting it fall loose as you tangled your fingers in it and tugged on it. He kept kissing you, bucking his hips up into yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist and fisted the back of your shirt. You kept bouncing on him, pulling away after a minute as you spoke. "You're such a good- ahH~ such a good kisser, Aether. I just wanna kiss you over and- hAH~ over again." you moaned, your face flushed red as you spoke. He could only babble praises to you as the two of you got closer to your orgasms. He twitched inside of you as he picked up the pace and his thrusts got sloppier. You pulled your hands away from his hair and pressed them against his chest, the contrast between your cold hands and his warm chest making him shiver as he kissed you again. He reached for one of your thighs and lifted it over his shoulder, the new angle serving to force him deeper inside of you. "Mngh~ Aether!" you cried out as he kept you teetering on the edge of your release. "Please, please lemme cum- ahHN~!" you cried out as he hit particularly deep, shoving you over the edge of bliss as you came. He moaned loudly as you spasmed around him, your gummy walls clenching and squeezing him for all he was worth as he fell over the edge after you. He lifted your skirt and saw you sucking him in, keeping him inside of you as you milked him. "Hnng~! Feels s'good when you squeeze me like this." he groaned, letting you have all he could give before he fell back and collapsed against the bed, panting heavily. You slowly came down from your high as he kept rolling his hips against yours, fucking you through it. After a few minutes, you laid down against his chest and locked your ankles around his waist, sighing softly as you spoke. "You're lucky I played it safe tonight and took the pill." you mumbled sleepily, watching as he nodded softly. You were exhausted, but gasped softly when he kissed you, picking you up and flipping the two of you over. "Alright, you had your fun, now it's my turn." he said, looking down at you with a lustful look in his eyes. You better be ready, because you're not leaving that bed until he's fucked you dumb.
You were working on your chemistry homework when Albedo, your boyfriend, walked in, turning the chair around as he spoke. "Care to let me help?" he asked, causing you to nod. Albedo took the paper from you and prompted you to get up, taking a seat in the chair and letting you straddle him. You were almost done, and could check the homework so far with the notes, except for the last problem. The last one was a sort of bridge problem into the next unit of the class, which Albedo was excelling in, as always. He was the type to do science experiments in his free time for extra credit and actually have the time to do them, as well as enjoy them. However, he sometimes took it a bit too far, like the time he did one in your house and almost set the kitchen on fire. He had to deep clean the counter tops to get rid of the smell of chemicals so that your parents didn't know. Now, he stuck to more tame ones than that, and usually asked you to help him. "After this, I'll need your assistance for my research. Can you help me with that?" he asked, looking up from the paper at you as he spoke. "Sure, I guess, so long as it's not something as wild as that one time." you said, causing him to shake his head. "No, far from it. The only chemical I can think of that is produced during this particular experiment is dopamine." he explained, confusing you. "Isn't that a chemical that only the brain really produces?" you asked, causing him to nod. "This particular experiment tests how much dopamine the human brain produces when someone is exposed to certain stimuli." he said, fascinating you. "That sounds cool, but it would have to cater to the person's particular interests or wants, wouldn't it?" you asked. "Well, yes, and I've done that. If you want, we can start now." he offered. "Sure." you replied, not knowing what you'd just gotten yourself into. "Alright then, to start, you'll have to trust me." he said, causing you to nod. "Ok, why are you saying that?" you asked, causing him to sigh as you readjusted on his lap for the nth time, causing the tent in his pants to worsen. "I need you to lift your hips a little." he said, causing you to do so. He reached under your skirt, his cold bare hands against your skin causing you to jolt slightly. "H-hey, what are you doing?" you asked nervously, before feeling him hook his thumbs under the waistband of your underwear. He pulled them down and threw them on the floor, before moving on to undo his pants. "I said I'd made sure that the experiment was catered to your wants, unless you're telling me that you don't want to do this?" he asked, causing you to look to the side nervously. “If you’re nervous, then I promise you that I’ll be gentle.” He said, watching as you nodded softly. “Please.” You whispered, hiding your face in his hair. Albedo undid his pants and slid them down, holding your hips in place as he pressed his thumb against your clit and his tip against your slit. “Are you ready? We can take this to the bed if you want to.” He offered. You shook your head and wrapped your arms around his neck, slowly sliding down on him.
His grip on your hips tightened as you slid further down his shaft, his hand going up to cradle the back of your head and pull you closer to press his lips against yours. He bucked his hips up against yours, causing you to gasp softly. He rested his forehead against your shoulder and sighed as he bottomed out, sighing deeply as he relaxed a little. He looked up at you as his face reddened, speaking softly. “I think my experiment is- ngh~ is a success.” He mumbled, kissing your neck. He lifted your hips and dropped you back down on his lap, groaning softly as you moaned from the delicious friction you were receiving. “Ahh~ ‘Bedo, mnh~ m’so full!” You whined, wrapping your arms around his neck as you started lifting your hips again. His spongy tip always hit so deep, his thick girth making you feel nice and full every time. You rested your head on top of his, grinding against him every few thrusts. “Does it- Mngh~ does it feel good?” He asked, bucking his hips up against yours. You could only whine and moan as you slowly lifted your hips and dropped back down on him. He groaned loudly as you spasmed around him, leaning up and kissing your neck. “A-Ahhn~ Hnng~ ‘Bedo please, please lemme cum!” You pleaded, gasping and moaning loudly when he reached upwards and grabbed your breasts, pinching and pulling at your sensitive nipples. “HAH~ please don’t stop- hAhn~! M’so close!” You felt his tip bump up against your cervix as his thrusts got sloppier. “That’s it, just keep- hnng~ keep squeezing me just like that. M’gonna- Anh~!” He moaned softly into your neck as he came, his orgasm triggering yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist and rode out your high with him, his cum slightly leaking out of your stuffed cunt. He scooped it up with two fingers and pushed them right back in, causing you to let out a high pitched whine in protest to his actions. He waited for you to calm down enough to understand what he was saying before he spoke. “Did you like the experiment?” He asked, lifting his head from your neck as he panted softly. You nodded softly, burying your red face in his hair. “Do you want me to stay inside for a little longer?” He asked, causing you to nod again. “Alright, just let me know if you get uncomfortable, ok?” He asked, looking up at you. He was about to say something when he noticed that you were asleep, and eyed the homework on the desk. “Well then, we can’t have you stressing over schoolwork like this, can we?” He asked, speaking to himself. He picked up the pencil and slowly moved the chair back closer to the desk, looking over the problems as you slept. Albedo would surprise you with this tomorrow, even though he didn’t usually help people or do their homework for them, but he felt that he at least owed you that since you were now asleep because of him. He finished the paper and set it down on the desk, before leaning back against the chair as you moved on his lap a little in your sleep. He decided to clean you up, balancing you carefully in his arms as he carried you to the bathroom. He was very tentative as he wiped you down with a warm wet wash rag, before carrying you to the bed and getting in with you. The two of you would wake up later and probably end up just sleeping in what you were wearing now, not that you were complaining, since Albedo always wore such comfortable clothes. He pulled you close to him under the covers and fell asleep, his head against your chest as he rested peacefully.
There were few who disliked Kaeya Alberich, and many who wanted to date him. He was very popular since he was on the track team. Not to mention that he was easy to talk to, and a very social person. You, on the other hand, weren’t, and didn’t really like going to social events all that often. Every time he dragged you out to eat with him and the rest of the track team at Teyvat College, you always just clung to him and let him do the talking. However, going out on such short notice drained your social battery and made you feel exhausted when you got home. Tonight, he was planning on taking you out to dinner with them again, but when he got to your place, he saw that you had on a pair of headphones as you steadily finished your homework.
Kaeya walked up to you and gently lifted the headphones off of your ears, before gently kissing your neck. “Hey there, sweetheart~” he said, causing you to turn around in your chair at your desk and get up. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, resting your head against his shoulder. “Hey.” You mumbled, reaching for your headphones. He lifted them out of reach for you, smirking as you huffed softly. “Kae, give them back, please?” You asked, reaching for them again. You stood on your chair and balanced on your toes to reach, grabbing his shoulder and leaning up to get them. You fell forward, causing him to wrap his arms around your legs to balance you as he stepped backward to keep you from falling. Due to your position, he had his face pressed right up against your chest. “Oh my, if I weren’t as smart as I am, I’d say that you did that on purpose.” He said. Your face reddened as he chuckled softly. “Please put me down.” You mumbled, covering your face with your hands. You had been having a bit of an off week, and wanted to relax and stay at home today. You looked down at him as he sighed, setting you down gently. “Do you want to go with me and the guys to dinner? We just finished a meet a few hours ago, so they should be ready by now.” He asked, leaning down and kissing you. “Can we just stay here? It’s been a long week, and I also still have homework to do.” You mumbled, looking up at him. “Hmm, I suppose we could.” He said, handing you back your headphones. You put them on the desk and went to sit back down when Kaeya sat down in your chair and dragged you down into his lap. You looked back at him, but he just gave you a reassuring smile and told you to keep working. “If you’re willing, after you’re done with your work, we can go out and get something to eat just the two of us.” He offered, causing you to nod softly. You picked up your pencil and went back to work, looking over the paper and making sure each problem was filled in correctly.
You pushed yourself forward a bit, before feeling Kaeya’s hands on your hips as he dragged you back onto his lap. He dragged you over the tent in his pants, grunting softly at the feeling of the friction he desperately craved. “Stay still, sweet thing, unless you plan on fixing the problem you just caused.” He said, pushing the chair forward a bit so that you were closer to the desk. He reached under your skirt and hooked his thumbs under the waistband of your underwear, pulling them off and throwing them on the floor. You shuddered when he pressed the pads of his fingers against your slit. He slowly pushed two digits into you, scissoring them to stretch you out. You couldn’t help but grind back against his hand as he fingered you open, cupping a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. “Aww, come on, don’t get all shy on me now.” He cooed, pressing his thumb against your clit. You moaned loudly as he drew hard circles against your clit, curling his fingers to hit your sweet spot. “Ahhn~! Kaeya, I- Ngh~ need to finish my work.” You kept grinding against his fingers, so close to the edge of bliss, but whined softly when he completely pulled them out, smirking down at you. You felt him move his hands to spread your legs, and then heard him unbuckling his belt. Before you could look back, he moved the paper away from you and pressed his tip against your slit, dragging himself against it. You looked back at him and spoke. “Please just let me finish this last problem before anything else.” You said, causing him to sigh. “Fine, I suppose I can wait.” He said, pulling back and letting you finish the problem. Once you were done, you put the paper in your folder and then looked back at him, nodding softly. “Are you sure you want to? While I admire the fact that you’re so very needy right now, I wouldn’t mind waiting until after dinner to do this with you.” He said, turning you around to face him. Your face was flushed and your eyes were half lidded as you nodded softly. “Use your words. I can’t do anything unless you tell me what to do.” He said, causing you to sigh before you spoke. “Yes.” You mumbled against his neck, before yelping as Kaeya quickly turned you around and pressed his tip against your entrance, pinning your chest against the desk. “H-hey, what are you- AAhng~!” He cut you off by shoving himself up to the hilt inside of you, watching as you clawed at the desk and whimpered softly. “Hnn~ look at you, so- ah~ so tight, so warm, all just for me. Isn’t that right, pretty thing?” He asked, taking hold of one of your legs and raising it slightly. He stayed still for a few minutes, and was about to move when his phone rang, causing him to jump a little in surprise. You felt his spongy tip bump up against your cervix, and moaned softly as he bent down and grabbed his phone from his bag beside the desk. The contact displayed was Diluc’s, and despite the rather compromising situation he was in, he still answered the call.
“Hey, where are you? I just got here and you said that you and (Y/N) were going to be here in a few minutes.” He said, clearly annoyed with him. “I’m at her place, she felt bad, so I’m staying here to take care of her this time.” He said, covering his mouth and holding the phone away from himself as you grinded against him. “Why is she feeling bad? She looked to be fine yesterday.” Diluc asked. Your body jolted as Kaeya lifted your skirt and pushed it up your hips, before he reeled his free hand back and brought it down on the fat of your ass, covering your mouth to muffle your cry of surprise and pain. “She’s been feeling a bit under the weather lately is all.” He said, forcing your hips still. You moaned softly, slightly frustrated that he stopped moving, and defiantly pushed your hips back against his. He slapped your ass again, before hearing Diluc speak. “Ok, just tell her that I hope she feels better when we get back next week, since Spring break is almost over. She really can’t afford to miss any more of the lessons in Mr. Zhongli’s class.” He said, sighing. “I will, see you when I get home.” Kaeya replied, before hanging up the phone and setting it back down in his bag. He then turned to you and slapped your ass again. “Needy little slut, you almost gave me away. You should be grateful that I’m so good to you.” He said, continuing to slap your ass. He was about to do it again when you spoke. “M’sorry, Kae, didn’ mean to.” You mumbled, tears in your half lidded eyes as you looked back at him. He sighed, massaging your ass. “Are you ok?” He asked, rolling his hips against yours as you gripped the desk tighter. You panted and moaned softly, turning to look back at him. “S’too much, feels too good.” You whined, before gasping as he kissed your neck. “Shh, shh, relax, sweetheart. I’ll make you feel good.” He cooed, before giving a particularly rough thrust that had you practically sobbing his name. “Nnh~ Kae-ya- AhHn~! R-right there, please- mmnh~!” Tears rolled down your cheeks as he sank his teeth into the area where your neck and collarbone met. You whined and sobbed as he picked up his pace and fucked into you a little rougher. “Does that feel good?” He asked, knowing that you were close. “Mnh~ y-yes- aHh~!” You pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts, before crying out as his thumb found your clit again and started drawing hard circles into your bundle of nerves as his tip hit the spot deep inside of you that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back into your head. You wailed his name as you came, trembling under his touch as he lifted your leg and kept thrusting. “AhHNg~ Kaeya- ahH~!” You felt him twitch inside of you as he spoke. “Do you want it- fuck- inside?” He asked, eyes widening slightly as you nodded softly. “Mmh~ please~!” You sobbed, gasping as he slammed into you one last time and came. You whined and gasped as he fucked you through it, ropes of sticky white filling you up in thick spurts. You grinded back against him and milked him for all he was worth, spasming and squeezing around him as he started slowing down. He finally slowed his hips to a stop against yours, panting softly as you looked back up at him. “Do you feel better now?” He asked, causing you to nod wordlessly. You slowly pushed yourself up and balanced on your forearms, before gasping as he flipped you over onto your back. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” He mumbled. You did as he said, locking your ankles around his waist. Kaeya lifted you up and supported you with his arm underneath you, his other arm keeping you pressed close to him. You held onto him tightly, your eyes shut as you rested against him. He walked over to the bed and got under the covers, unzipping and taking off your skirt. You sighed heavily and relaxed against him as he continued undressing you. When the two of you were both completely undressed, you felt him slowly pull out, whining loudly at the sudden change of stretch. You leaned against him as you slowly fell asleep, with him following soon after.
Being a student majoring in English, Alhaitham was usually found in the library or in his apartment after the school day ended. If ever you needed to find Alhaitham, Kaveh, his roommate, was the best person to ask. He would find him most of the time in either of these places with a book in his hand and his computer in his lap, studying for the next report that was due in one of his classes. The library was seldom used by others, which is why Alhaitham went there more often than his apartment. However, when he started dating you, that changed, and he started bringing you over to his place to have dinner and study with him. He was often the one who cooked, mostly leaving Kaveh to make his own dinner, but occasionally he made some extra and gave it to him. More often than not, Kaveh just stayed with Cyno and Tighnari in their apartment, spending the night there most of the time.
Alhaitham finally turned in the paper he had been writing for the past two weeks, before turning to look at you, who was on your phone. You were wearing your favorite skirt and your favorite shorts underneath, since today was hotter than usual. You, noticing his gaze on you, looked over at him and smiled softly. “Did you finish the paper?” You asked, watching as he nodded. “Isn’t that the last paper of the year or something?” You asked, moving over closer to him and sitting down on his lap, straddling him. “It is, did you finish your assignments?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist as you nodded. “So, what do you wanna do now that we’re both done with our work for the day?” You asked, moving a little on his lap to get more comfortable. “You.” He said, his hold on you tightening a little bit. Your cheeks reddened as you looked at him, before looking away from him and resting your head against his shoulder. He’d always been straightforward like this with his wants from you, but it still caught you off guard every time. “May I?” He asked, looking down at you. You nodded wordlessly, before he lifted your chin to where you were looking at him again. “Use your words.” He said. “Yes.” You muttered, wrapping your legs around his waist and letting him carry you from the living room to his room.
Your back hit his bed as he stared you down. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, his gaze softening slightly as he looked at you. You nodded wordlessly, your eyes half lidded already as Alhaitham pulled your leg up to his shoulder and hooked his thumb under the waistband of your underwear. He slowly slid them off, throwing them on the floor. He threw his belt to the floor and put his headphones on the nightstand, unbuttoning his shirt soon after. He remembered something, and walked to the door to lock it, before walking back to the bed. He then pinned you down against the mattress as he pulled his cock out of his pants. He got under the covers with you and watched as you looked up at him with wide eyes. “Do you want me on top this time or not?” He asked, watching you think for a minute. “I’ll be on top this time.” You said, gasping softly as he flipped the two of you over and held your hips over his. You felt his tip press up against your entrance, and whined loudly as he slid into you slowly. It always felt like too much at first, but he always made sure you were ok before he ever started moving. You moaned loudly as he finally bottomed out, wrapping your legs around his waist as he grunted softly. Alhaitham looked up at you and sighed deeply, muttering a soft “sorry” before he thrusted his hips up against yours. “HnAHhn~!” You held onto him tightly, your nails digging into his broad shoulders underneath his shirt, leaving little red crescent moons in their wake. He loved it when you scratched up his back like this, the sting of your nails digging into his skin bringing a sort of pleasure along with the pain. He grabbed your hips gently with his large hands, grunting softly as he lifted you and let you sink back down on his cock. The moment his spongy tip hit your cervix, you gasped and moaned loudly, before pushing him onto his back against the bed. His head hit the pillow as you looked down at him, spreading your legs further to fit even more of him inside. You grinded down against his lap, your nails scratching up and down his chest. He kept thrusting up into you, the sound of skin on skin reverberating off the walls along with the sound of your moans and the lewd sounds of squelching from between your legs. “AhH~! HnNg~! ‘Haitham- Ngh~ s’big, please- ngHAn~!” You were babbling at this point, and he was dead set on fucking you dumb tonight. “Please what? I need you to use your words, sweetheart, or I don’t know what to do.” He said, giving a particularly rough thrust that had you moaning and clenching tightly around him. “Come on, you can tell me.” He coaxed, his palms gently cupping your face. “Mngh~ please cum inside. I wanna feel you so bad, wanna feel you deep inside- AhNng~!” You moaned, tears welling up in your eyes as his hips slammed upwards into yours. “Mnh~ since you asked so sweetly…” he groaned loudly as you leaned down and kissed him, locking your ankles around his waist. “Look at you, such a sweet mess for my eyes alone.” He hummed, gently taking your hands into his. Your tears rolled down your cheeks as you all but sobbed his name, teetering on the edge of blissful release. Your eyes rolled back and your tongue lolled out of your mouth as you came, clenching and squeezing around his cock as you squirted on his lap. Alhaitham grabbed at your hips and slammed them down against his, a low moan leaving his lips as he came. His cum filled you up in thick spurts that painted your gooey walls white. Your cunt sucked him right back in as he rocked his hips against yours to ride out his high, milking his heavy balls dry. You came down slowly, gasping and panting as you flopped down on his chest, exhausted from so much pleasure and overwhelming stimulation.
Alhaitham looked at you as you hid your face in his neck, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close as he looked down at his lap. “These were my favorite pants, naughty girl.” He teased, his voice a low rumble in your ear. He knew you weren’t even halfway paying attention to him, but he didn’t care. He flipped the two of you over and pulled out slowly, kissing you to silence your whines of displeasure. You slowly relaxed against the bed, covering your eyes as his cum leaked out of your sensitive cunt. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom to clean you off. He slowly undressed you and himself completely, leaving your clothes and his in a pile on the floor beside the door. You sighed deeply as your skin made contact with the warm water, relaxing almost instantly. You hummed softly as he got in the water with you, pulling you closer as he spoke. “We can get out in a few minutes when you’re ready, ok?” He asked, causing you to nod. After what felt like an hour, you’d finally relaxed completely, and felt lucid enough to say something as he finished conditioning your hair. “Can we get out now?” You asked, looking back at him. “Of course we can. Are you sure you want to?” He asked, watching as you nodded wordlessly. Alhaitham got up and out of the bath to get some towels, returning several minutes later with a few in his arms. He slowly helped you sit on the rim of the bath and wrapped you up in the towel. “I changed the sheets, that’s why I was gone a little longer.” He said, carrying you to the bed. You sighed, letting him take care of you as you dozed off in his arms. He set you down under the covers and dried himself off, before getting in bed with you and falling asleep with you in his strong arms.
Perhaps he could end study sessions like this more often.
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denial-permanente · 4 months
I love your page and that the two of you share so much of your lifestyle on here. I’m not sure if this is a statement or a question. I’ve read your answers about realistic feeling of this strap on you have and the technique of warming it up first. I just can’t wrap my head around your preference for it compared to the real thing. There has to be some give and take here like, it doesn’t feel as good but Tom’s technique with it is better than the real thing? Something along those lines. Stamina maybe? Either way thank you both for sharing so freely and so often!
😅 Oh boy, this is a hard one for some people... both women and men... to understand.
A lot of, women say that they don't like the feel of dildos, that they are unnatural, or they feel off, or they're too cold, or they just don't like the idea. I was kind of like that myself, and honestly I never even thought about using them with my husband. He was... very satisfying in bed and I honestly didn't feel the need to bring anything else in.
So, when my husband discovered the Vixskin company, he researched them carefully and bought a model that had a size and shape that was very close to his own. There was something about the feel of it that felt more normal to me. It wasn't quite him, but it felt okay and it was attached to him... so it was him close to me, his smell, his muscles, his arms holding me. I decided that I could live with it.
But here is the important part. After a while his wearing it began to feel totally normal. Just like having him locked all the time felt totally normal. I loved him being horny and affectionate all the time, I loved having all the control over our love life, and I loved how passionate he was making love to me while wearing the Tex.
When I missed feeling him come inside me I would unlock him... but those times became less and less often. We often went for months at a time without me wanting to unlock him... which meant that his wearing the Tex felt more and more natural to me.
Eventually he figured out the trick of warming it up before we made love, and that made things go from feeling natural to feeling... better. Like, I don't know why he didn't think of it sooner, it's so simple. But because I could feel the heat inside me it made our lovemaking more intense.
And now here the part that you men always ask about: unless your wife is a porn star, do not assume that she really wants a foot long monster inside her.
After 4 years of using only the Tex my husband asked if I wanted to try something bigger. While I honestly did not feel the need to I went along out of curiosity. We ended up with the Ranger X for several reasons. One is that it was supposed to have been made with a different process that made it more lifelike. Another is that when looking at the dimensions it was only a little bit bigger... maybe an inch longer and a half inch thicker. But when we first opened the package that little bit bigger on the website looked huge!
I have written before about what it was like getting used to it. But to the point of the question, I found that it made my husband feel the same to me but different... and in a good way.
Remember... when we make love I am feeling my husband holding me close, whispering in my ear, his weight on top of me, his hot cage pressing into my ass. All of those things are him... how he feels and smells and sounds. And because he is totally focused on me, he moves the way I want him to move to give me pleasure depending on my mood.
I guess what you were looking for was for me to say "I love the Ranger, but I miss my husband because..." except that there really isn't anything because I don't think of it that way. I do not think of him as wearing a strapon... I just think of it as doing what was very natural for us... just with something that feels even better than the Tex.
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brunchable · 2 months
We Can’t Be Friends || Doctor Strange x F!Reader.
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Genre: Angst(?) || Song MV inspired
Pairings: Stephen Strange x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.2K
Quick Summary: Your relationship with Stephen Strange has been strained to the breaking point by his constant absences and mystical duties. Despite Stephen's attempts to mend your fractured bond, you decide to seek a more permanent solution.
A/N: Lisssteeen, this is not proof read lol. I haven't written in a while, I am feeling rusty so please be forgiving hehe. Every nice interactions are most valued <3
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Stephen had been gone for a month for the third time, with no word, no warnings. You had spent countless nights worrying, wondering if he was safe, if he would ever return. And now, as the sparkle of the portal opened and caught your attention, Stephen stepped out, looking weary and worn from his latest mission.
You were waiting for him in the living room, feeling a mixture of anger and frustration, yet your expressions show otherwise. You had been rehearsing what you would say, but now that he was here, the words felt heavy on your tongue.
“You're back. Where in the seven hells have you been this time?” You began, your voice firm but calm, you had that motherly tone when a teen returns home from sneaking out.
“Seven hells pretty much sums it up… can we do this later? I just got back,” Stephen chuckled, rubbing his temples, the tone of your voice grating and adding up to his headache, “I’m exhausted.”
“No, I think we should address this, now,” You insisted, pointing to the ground for emphasis.
Stephen sighed, sensing the confrontation he so wanted to avoid. “Alright, I’m listening.”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. “Stephen, you’ve been gone for a month. No warnings, no pass the message from Wong. . . What is going on?”
“Y/N, you know what my responsibilities are. The world needs me. I can’t just ignore that,” Stephen said defensively.
“A heads up would be nice. Like how you were before. It feels like I’m nothing more than a distraction to you,” You shot back, your eyes narrowing.
Stephen’s expression hardened with irritation. “You knew what you were getting into from the start. My work–my duty is important. Do I need to explain myself every single time?”
“Why are you so defensive? Is it wrong of me to at least know where you are? So I don't worry all the time? At least still show me that I matter to you. Right now, it feels like you and your missions are all that matter,” you replied, rolling your eyes. 
“This is ridiculous, Y/N. Clea and I are working to protect this world. It’s not like I’m off on a vacation. I’m trying to keep everyone safe, including you.”
It was impossible to overlook the single name that slipped from Stephen's lips. The air seemed to thicken even more with tension. Your face transformed dramatically; what had been a mask of frustration quickly crumbled, replaced by a deep, probing suspicion. Your eyes narrowed, searching Stephen's face for any hint of deceit, and your heart pounded in your chest, echoing the name that now hung heavily between you. 
“Who’s Clea?” you asked, making sure to stress the name you didn't want to say, your voice tinged of disdain.
“Fuck,” Stephen muttered under his breath. A wave of regret washed over him as he realized he should have told you who he was teaming up with sooner. He wondered why he had left out such an important detail, knowing it would have made a difference in your reaction. . . or make it worse?
“Clea is from the dark dimension, I have caused an incursion in reality and I had to go with her and fix it, okay?” Stephen explained it for what it is. . . to him at least.
“So, you were with her every time you vanished without a trace?” you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm and a barely concealed resentment that felt like a knife twist in your chest.
“Like I said, I had to fix the incursion I caused,” he responded, his tone distant, as if the gravity of his words could shield him from the emotional storm brewing between you.
You stared at him, not caring what he even meant by 'incursion'. Your mind was a whirlwind, fixated on the crushing weight of this new revelation, which felt like an earthquake shattering the foundation of everything you thought you knew. 
The man who once made you feel safe and cherished now stood before you, a stranger entwined in secrets and sacrifices you couldn't begin to fathom.
Stephen ran a hand through his hair, clearly exasperated. “I don’t have time for this. If you can’t understand that my work is important, then maybe we do need to rethink this relationship.”
You were stunned into silence for a moment, the weight of his words hitting you like a physical blow. Your throat stings badly as you fight to prevent any tears from falling. “So, that’s it? You’re willing to throw everything away because I worry about you?”
“I’m not throwing anything away, Y/N. All I do is try to save the world. If you can’t see that, then maybe we need to reconsider,” Stephen replied coldly.
“Okay. . .so you find a new partner in crime and the first thing you could think of is to ‘reconsider’,” You nodded, a little laugh might've escaped from you and it triggered something in Stephen.
“Do you hear yourself? You’re acting like I’m choosing Clea over you. This isn’t some petty love triangle, Y/N. This is about life and death, about the safety of the entire world!” Stephen’s voice was now raised.
“Oh my god! Enough about saving the world already! You belong to the world! Alright, I get it! But don't expect me to be nonchalant when you've spent your time ‘saving the world’ with her. Meanwhile I rot in my apartment worried sick if you're even still alive because I only want to belong to you.” Your voice was sharp, cutting through the air, firmly jabbing his chest with your finger
Stephen clenched his fist tightly, the knuckles turning white, as he took a deliberate step closer. His presence loomed over you, casting a shadow that seemed to amplify the tension in the air, “You think it’s easy for me? You think I don’t miss you? I have responsibilities that go beyond us—" 
“If you're thinking I am asking you to abandon your responsibilities, I am not. I didn’t think you’d understand me.” You replied, striving to maintain your composure under his unwavering presence and the intense gaze fixated on your face.
Stephen shook his head, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. “I never hid what my life was about, but you knew what signed up for when you said yes to me.”
“I did but I didn't sign up to be treated like an afterthought,” Y/N said, your voice softening slightly but still firm.
Stephen sighed and was silent for a moment, “So, what then? What do you want me to do? It is so hard to find balance with all this shit happening around us.”
“I don't know. . . whatever I may want, it'll be impossible for you to do,” You said, your voice resigned as you crossed your arms, a gesture of both self-protection and defiance.
Stephen’s eyes narrowed. “And what’s your solution? To just walk away?”
“That was your suggestion first, wasn't it?” You responded, a low, mirthless chuckle escaping your lips. 
Stephen looked down, his silence speaking volumes. The decision crystallized in your mind. You turned away, grabbed your keys from the table, and headed toward the door, needing to cool off and get your head straight. The sound of the door closing behind you echoed through the Sanctum, a final punctuation to your heated exchange.
× × × × ×
You gripped the steering wheel tightly as you drove through the darkened streets of New York City. The familiar hum of the engine and the blur of passing lights did little to calm your racing heart. Your eyes were red from preventing a single tear to shed, but the tears came after being alone, blurring your vision and forcing you to blink them away repeatedly.
Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, sadness, confusion, and a deep, aching sense of betrayal. The argument with Stephen played on a relentless loop in your head, each word echoing with painful clarity.
"Maybe we do need to rethink this relationship."
"Maybe we shouldn’t be together."
You shook your head, trying to dispel the hurtful words, but they clung to you like a stubborn shadow. How did it come to this? How did your love, once so vibrant and full of promise, deteriorated into something so cold and distant?
Your thoughts drifted to the early days of your relationship. The way Stephen's eyes would light up when he saw you, the warmth of his touch, the way both of you would laugh and talk for hours about everything and nothing. You remembered the adventures you shared, the quiet moments of intimacy, and the feeling of safety and love that enveloped you whenever you were with him.
But those memories felt like they belonged to another life, another couple. Now, Stephen was always preoccupied, always focused on his missions with Clea. You couldn’t shake the feeling of being an afterthought, a secondary priority in his life. The loneliness you felt was suffocating, and tonight’s argument had only confirmed your deepest fears.
You pulled over to a quiet spot by the Hudson River, the soft glow of the city lights reflecting off the water. You turned off the engine and sat there in silence, the sound of your own breathing loud in the stillness of the night. 
You leaned your head back against the seat and closed your eyes, taking a deep, shuddering breath. You felt a crushing weight on your chest, the sense of impending loss almost too much to bear. You loved Stephen with all your heart, but you couldn’t keep living like this—constantly feeling like you were competing for his attention, always coming second to his duties as a sorcerer.
A part of you understood the importance of Stephen's work. You admired his dedication, his unwavering commitment to protecting the world from mystical threats. But at the same time, you couldn’t ignore your own needs, your own desire for a partner who was present, who made you feel valued and loved.
The idea asking Wong to use the Runes of Kof-Kol had come to you in a moment of clarity during your drive. It was a drastic measure, but it felt like the only way to save yourself from the inevitable heartbreak of this deteriorating relationship. If you both forgot each other, if you became strangers once more, maybe then you could find peace.
You opened your eyes and gazed out at the river, the dark waters flowing steadily under the moonlit sky. You felt a strange sense of calm wash over you as you made your decision. It wouldn’t be easy, and it would hurt like hell, but it was the only way you could move forward without the constant pain of their fractured love.
As you started the car and drove back towards the Sanctum, you knew what you had to do, and you hoped that in forgetting, you could both find a way to heal. The city lights blurred once more as fresh tears welled up in your eyes, but this time, they were tears of acceptance. You were ready to let go, ready to find yourself again, even if it meant losing the man you had loved with all your heart.
× × × ×
After driving aimlessly for hours, you finally pull up in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum. The building looms before you, its ancient architecture shrouded in an almost foreboding silence. You sit in the car for a few moments, gathering your strength, knowing the decision you have made is final. The city is quieter now, the hustle and bustle having died down to a gentle hum in the background.
You take a deep breath and step out of the car, your legs feeling like lead. You walk up to the front door and pause for a moment, your hand resting on the cold brass handle. Memories of happier times flash before your eyes—moments of laughter, love, and a bond that once felt unbreakable. But those memories are now overshadowed by the reality of your fractured relationship.
Pushing the door open, you step inside. The familiar scent of incense and ancient books fills your nostrils, but instead of comfort, it brings a pang of sadness. The Sanctum feels emptier than ever, a reflection of the void that has grown between you and Stephen.
As you walk into the living room, you see Stephen sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. He looks up as you enter, his eyes filled with the weariness which mirrors your own.
“Y/N, you're back,” Stephen says softly, standing up. “I was worried about you.”
You nod, your face devoid of emotion. “I needed some time to think.”
Stephen takes a few careful steps, “I know I haven’t been around much. And I know tonight's argument was... I didn’t handle it well. I’m sorry for that.”
You feel a flicker of acknowledgment at his words, you look into his eyes, the eyes you once found so much solace in, and feel a deep sense of finality, “I need to see Wong,” you say, your voice steady and cold, “Is he here?”
Stephen steps closer, his gaze searching your face for any hint of what you might be feeling. “Are you okay now? About earlier. . .”
“I'm fine, Stephen. Really,” you say with a forced smile. “I just need to speak to Wong.”
“Wong? Sure, I'll summon him for you.” Stephen's eyes narrow slightly, sensing something is off. He didn’t think he’d get out of trouble that easily.
A few moments later, Wong enters the room, his expression pondering about what you might need him for. “Y/N, Stephen said you wanted to speak with me. What’s going on?”
You took a deep breath and glanced at Stephen who remained curious about why you needed Wong.
“Are we able to chat somewhere private?” You asked, your eyes flickering towards Stephen which Wong took notice of.
Wong turned his head towards Stephen and then you, “Of course. Follow me.” He headed towards the door to Kamar-Taj. 
He led you to the empty library, ensuring no one else was around, and gestured for you to sit across the table from him.
“How can I help?” He asked.
“I hope this isn't too much to ask. . . but can you please cast the Runes of Kof-Kol on me?” 
Wong's expression shifts to one of alarm. “The Runes of Kof-Kol? Those spells are dangerous, Y/N. What could possibly make you consider using them?”
You explained the situation, trying your best to keep your voice from breaking, “Stephen and I... we’re not working anymore. It’s too painful. I need to forget him. I want to move on quickly. I don't want to spend months wallowing in heartbreak.”
Wong listens quietly, his expression softening with understanding. “I see. But you know the risks, don’t you? The Runes of Kof-Kol only erases memories, not feelings.”
“I know,” you say firmly.
Wong nods slowly, his gaze thoughtful. “I understand your pain, Y/N. But this is a decision that cannot be undone. I urge you to think about it very carefully. Take some time to reflect on whether this is truly what you want.”
You shake your head, your decision unwavering. “I've already thought about it, Wong. I’ve thought about nothing else. This is what needs to be done.”
Wong sighs, his expression resigned yet compassionate. “Still, I urge you to give it a few more days. I suggest you stay here at Kamar-Taj. Meditate, reflect, and if you still feel the same, we will discuss it again.”
You nod slowly, appreciating his concern. “Alright. I’ll stay and think about it.”
× × × × ×
After you left the library, Wong stood silently, his thoughts troubled by your request. He knew the depth of the pain you were feeling, but the Runes of Kof-Kol were not to be taken lightly. As he pondered the situation, he sensed a presence lingering near the bookshelves. Turning his head slightly, he caught sight of Stephen, partially hidden in the shadows, clearly eavesdropping.
“Strange,” Wong called out, his tone firm but not unkind. “You can come out. I know you've been listening.”
Stephen stepped out, a mixture of guilt and concern etched on his face. “I didn't mean to intrude. I just… needed to know what she was thinking.”
Wong crossed his arms, looking at Stephen with a mixture of disappointment and empathy. “You heard what she said. She's feeling hurt. . . more than I think you realize.”
Stephen sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. “I know. I know I've been neglecting her, but my responsibilities... the missions... They demand so much of me. I never wanted her to feel like this.”
Wong nodded, his expression softening slightly. “Your duties are important, Stephen. But so are your personal relationships. Y/N came to you because she believed in you, trusted you. But right now, she feels like she's lost in your shadow.”
Stephen's eyes glistened with unshed tears, a rare display of vulnerability. “I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose her, but I also can't abandon my duties.”
Wong walked over to Stephen, placing a hand on his shoulder. “The balance between your responsibilities and personal life is delicate, but not impossible to achieve. You need to make her feel valued and prioritize your time better. She asked about the Runes of Kof-Kol, so she's considering erasing her memories of you. Right now, though, she needs space to think.”
Stephen's breath hitched, the gravity of Wong's words hitting him hard. “She wants to forget me completely.”
Wong nodded solemnly. “She believes it's the only way to move on from the pain. I advised her to stay here for a few days, to meditate and reflect before making such a drastic decision.”
“I can't let her do this. I need to talk to her, to make her understand that I can change, that I can be better.” Stephen closed his eyes, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He was about to walk away to find you but Wong stopped him.
“Right now, she needs time. Barging in and trying to convince her otherwise might only push her further away. Give her the space she asked for. If she decides to go through with it, we'll deal with it then. But for now, respect her wishes.” Wong shook his head gently.
Stephen glanced in your direction with a sigh, shrugged off Wong's hand, and returned to the New York Sanctum. That night, sleep eluded him despite his restless tossing and turning. No position felt comfortable, not when your scent lingered on his pillowcases.
Anxiety ate him up, twisting his stomach into knots as he replayed the argument repeatedly in his mind. Each harsh word and dismissive gesture haunted him, intensifying his regret.
He had always prided himself on his composure and control, but now he felt them slipping away. The weight of his mistakes pressed heavily on his chest, making it difficult to breathe.
“I should have been more understanding, I should have put myself in her shoes,” he thought, his mind consumed by remorse.
The thought of your hurt expression cut him deeply, more than any physical pain he had ever endured. He realized how much he valued your presence, your support, and the warmth you brought into his life. The fear of losing you was a constant ache, gnawing at the edges of his consciousness.
He was ashamed of how he had dismissed your feelings, how he had let his pride overshadow the love and respect he had for you.
Desperation clawed at him as he searched for a way to make things right, to prove that he could be the partner you deserved. In the silence of the night, he vowed to himself that he would do better, that he would learn from his mistakes and show you how much you meant to him. That is if it’s not too late.
× × × × ×
Two days later, the peaceful atmosphere of Kamar-Taj had failed to ease the unrest in your heart. Despite your attempts at meditation and introspection, the serenity of the surroundings could not calm the storm of emotions within you. Your resolve remains the same. You knew what needed to be done, and it was time to inform Wong of your decision.
You found Wong in the courtyard, meticulously tending to a small garden. The scent of blooming flowers mixed with the crisp mountain air, creating a serene environment that contrasted sharply with your inner conflict.
“Wong,” you called softly, approaching him.
Wong looked up from his work, his expression calm but observant. “Y/N, have you made your decision?”
You nodded, taking a deep breath. “I have. I still want to use the Runes of Kof-Kol.”
Wong sighed, setting aside his tools. “I was hoping you might reconsider, but I respect your decision. . .” he trailed off, noticing Stephen walk towards you, “Give me a moment? I'll back.”
As Wong turned to leave, Stephen entered the courtyard with his presence of authority. He had been waiting for this moment, fully aware that your decision was imminent.
With careful, deliberate steps, he approached you. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and each passing second felt like an eternity as he stood there gathering the right words to say.
“Y/N,” Stephen began, his voice calm but carrying a hint of vulnerability, his eyes intensely scanning your face for any hint of doubt or hesitation. “Is this truly what you want?”
You jumped slightly, startled by his sudden appearance behind you. “Stephen,” you exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”
“I came to—I just wanted to apologize... that it has led to this. I was wrong…” Stephen began, but his voice seemed to fade into the background as you stared at his face intently, trying to memorize every detail.
As Stephen spoke, the reality of the moment hit you hard. You felt an overwhelming need to imprint his features in your memory: the way his brow furrowed with concern, the earnestness in his eyes, and the subtle lines that hinted at the weight he carried.
Time seemed to slow down, and every second stretched into an eternity. You noticed the slight quiver of his lips, the way his hair framed his face, and even the small scar on his cheek that you had always found endearing.
Your heart ached with the knowledge that this might be the last time you saw him like this, so close and vulnerable. Each detail became precious, a fragment of a moment you desperately wanted to hold onto.
The intensity of your emotions made it hard to breathe, and you felt a lump forming in your throat. Even though Stephen's voice was a distant echo, the look in his eyes told you everything—you were both struggling with the same pain, the pain of letting this story die. 
“. . . I love you, Y/N—but if this will save you from the hurt I’ve caused you then so be it. I will cast the spell on you.”
You were taken aback, surprise flickering across your face. “You would do that?”
Stephen stepped closer, his eyes earnest. “Yes. If this is what it takes for you to find peace, then I’ll do it.”
Stephen leads you back in the New York Sanctum, heading towards the ritual chamber in the Undercroft. Each step you took echoed with the weight of what was about to happen. Stephen’s mind was a whirlwind of memories and emotions.
He glanced at you walking beside him, your face a mask of calm determination. Opposite to the storm he knew must be raging inside you. He wished he could reach out, take your hand, and pull you back from the edge of this irreversible decision. But he knew he had no right to, not after everything.
As you descended the final set of steps into the Undercroft, Stephen’s heart ached with regret. He had always prided himself on his ability to solve problems, to find solutions where others saw only obstacles. But here, in this most personal of battles, he had failed. He had failed to protect what mattered most.
Every step felt heavier than the last. Stephen’s mind raced with unspoken words, a torrent of emotions he struggled to contain.
He remembered the early days of your relationship, the way your laughter had filled the Sanctum with warmth, the quiet moments of understanding, and shared dreams. Those memories now felt like shards of glass, cutting into him with each step he took.
He glanced at you again, your determined stride a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between you. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you, how sorry he was for every time he had put his duties before you, for every missed moment, every broken promise. But he knew that words would not change the course you had set for yourself. Actions had spoken louder, and they had driven you to this point.
You reached the entrance to the ritual chamber, Stephen paused, taking a deep breath. The room beyond was prepared, the symbols drawn, the components ready. It was a place of power, of ancient magic, but today it felt like a tomb for the love you had shared.
“Y/N,” Stephen began, his voice soft but heavy with regret. “I want you to know that this isn’t easy for me. I never wanted to hurt you. If I could turn back time and make different choices, I would. But I respect your decision. I hope you find the peace you’re looking for.”
You looked at him with eyes glistening of unshed tears, “Thank you, Stephen. . . I hope you find happiness, I really do.”
With that, you stepped into the center of the circle, and Stephen moved to the edge, his heart pounding in his chest. He began to chant the incantation, his voice strong and unwavering despite the storm of emotions inside him. The symbols around you began to glow, the magic swirling in the air like a tangible presence. You felt a strange sensation, a mix of warmth and cold as the spell took hold.
As Stephen chanted, your mind drifted to the memories you were about to lose. The first time you met flashed vividly in your mind—the way Stephen had looked at you with those piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. You remembered feeling an instant connection, a spark that ignited something deep within you. You had been fascinated by his intellect, his confidence, and the way he carried himself with such purpose.
The mornings you woke up wrapped in each other’s arms, sunlight streaming through the curtains, casting a warm glow on your intertwined bodies. The way he would brush a strand of hair from your face and kiss your forehead, making you feel like the most cherished person in the world. You remembered the laughter, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the sound of his voice when he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
As the incantation reached its peak, a bright light enveloped you, and you felt a sudden rush of memories and emotions being pulled away. The love, the pain, the shared moments—all of it faded into a distant, forgotten dream. Your vision blurred, the light intensifying until it was all-consuming.
Then, everything went dark. You felt your knees give way, the world tilting as you lost consciousness. The last thing you heard was Stephen’s voice, calling your name out of concern as you slipped into oblivion.
When you finally stirred, you found yourself lying on the familiar softness of your own bed, the morning light filtering through the curtains. The familiar hum of the city outside your window grounded you, your arms reaching on the other side of the bed and it was empty. You shook it off, chuckling to yourself.
You sat up slowly, looking around your apartment. Everything was in its place—the books on the shelf, the photos on the wall—now mostly of you by yourself, the cozy blanket draped over the armchair. Nothing out of the ordinary and yet you feel disorientated.
You made yourself a cup of tea, the warm liquid offering a small comfort. As you sipped it, you stared out of the window at the bustling city below. The people, the cars, the rhythm of daily life—it all seemed so normal, so unremarkable. Yet, there was an inexplicable void within you, a sadness that lingered just beneath the surface but you try not to dwell on it.
Days turned into weeks, and while the feeling of emptiness persisted, you found ways to move on. You immersed yourself in work, reconnected with old friends, and took up new hobbies. Slowly, you began to carve out a new life for yourself, one that was no longer defined by the shadows of forgotten memories.
× × × × ×
Stephen sat alone in the Sanctum Sanctorum's library, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the ancient tomes that lined the walls. The room, once a place of solace and knowledge, now felt suffocatingly empty. He absentmindedly traced the spine of a book he had read countless times, but the words blurred together, unable to hold his attention. His mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts of you.
He stood up and walked to the window, looking out over the city. The lights twinkled in the distance, a stark contrast to the darkness he felt inside. He remembered how you used to stand there with him, your hand in his, both of you silently watching the world below. Those moments had been a rare reprieve from his responsibilities, a time when he could just be Stephen, not the Master of the New York Sanctum.
The silence of the Sanctum was interrupted only by the distant hum of the city's nightlife, but it felt louder than ever. Every corner of the room seemed to echo with memories of you—the laughter you shared, the quiet conversations late into the night, the way you used to tease him about his incessant need to organize his magical artifacts. Now, those echoes were all he had left, but he guesses that he at least deserved to go through this heartbreak alone.
Wong quietly stood with him, the silence heavy between them. After a moment, he cleared his throat, “Keeping yourself busy?”
Stephen nodded, his response short and clipped. “Yep.”
“She did brighten up the place, didn't she?” Wong glanced around the room, taking in the emptiness that seemed more pronounced now. 
Stephen's eyes followed Wong's gaze, a hint of a sad smile touching his lips. “Yep.”
Wong shifted slightly, turning his head to look at Stephen with curiosity and concern. "So, what's next for you?"
Stephen sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he contemplated the question. The thought of waiting was both a comfort and a torment, a reminder of what he had lost and what he still yearned for.
“I don't know... Wait for her, I guess. Wait until our paths cross again, wait until she loves me again.”
TAGS: @goldencherriess @strangeions @sobeautifullyobsessed
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mxqlss · 8 months
Sypnosis: In which, Luke realizes how he misses reader after cheating on her in August and now has to deal with trying to get you back.
Pairing: Luke Hughes x Reader (Song-wise: Betty)
jess’ song choice:
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September of 2020.
Betty, I won't make assumptions About why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's cause of me
Luke sat in class, listening to the teacher speak until he noticed reader wasn't in the room. With that he raised his hand "Uhm, Miss where is Y/N?" he asked in confusion as to why she wasn't there.
"Ms. L/N has switched homeroom classes, she will no longer be in this class anymore," she said as Luke's eyes widened. He knew exactly why she switched classes after that, he knew he fucked up big time but he didn't think that she would switch classes because of it.
You heard the rumours from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time, it was true
Everyone was whispering around her. Luke always wondered why, because every time they whispered to her they always pointed at him. Till he found out that everyone knew about what he did this summer.
He looked around him to which he found Y/N's eyes staring right at him, her eyes looking glassy and her lips trembling, once her eyes met Luke's she turned around and walked away.
Luke always tried to find a way to talk to her with no one else around them but everytime he would see her she would end up walking the opposite way from him, completely ignoring him at all costs.
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself
Luke sat in his room in the middle of November with a box in front of him. A box he wanted to give her for her 17th birthday. It was filled with memories of them and her favourite things like candy and things they did together, along with a letter to her about how much he loved her.
He kept contimplating wether he should go or not, he wanted to go but he didn't think she would want him there after what he did. She kept ignoring him at school so why would he go? What would she say to him if he showed up at her doorstep? Tell him to go fuck himself? Would she want him there to begin with?
In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
Luke sat up from his bed and walked over to his shelf with memories and gifts from you that he kept as his trophies. In his head he kept asking himself why he did it when he was with her. As tears started to stream down his face he knew he fucked up big time and deep down he knows he misses her and loves y/n so much.
As Luke took deep breaths and wiped the tears off his face he yet again contemplated wether he should go or not, looking back at the gift he had for her. He wanted to go to her house so bad and just hug her and kiss her telling her how much he hated being away from her and how he hated what he did to you. He knew as a seventeen-year-old he didn't know what he was doing and for infact he knew nothing at all about how to love.
It affected him so bad that it interfered with his hockey. Making him mess up every game and practice, listening to his coaches yell at him not understanding how he went from becoming a great player to a messy and unorganized one, and even dealing with his brothers telling him how bad he's fucked up and how it affected him so bad he had to do something about it sooner.
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep And I planned it out for weeks now But it's finally sinkin' in
Luke stood there staring at the door in front of him. The door he would go to every few nights to take his girl to dinners and dates or even to hang out with her at her house. It finally sank in that he was there, holding her gift in hand as he rang the doorbell while loud music was playing in the house that you could hear it from outside.
It took him weeks to convince himself to go to her house, even if it meant for her to yell and scream at him to get out or go away and never contact her or approach her at all.
Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when You see my face again The only thing I wanna do Is make it up to you
As the door opened, his gaze caught hers. She was wearing one of his favourite dresses he had bought for her. In his favourite colour. She stared at him briefly, wondering why he had come to her door.
"Luke.. you showed up?.." she asked, tears starting to form in her eyes. He let out a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, uhm.. here's your birthday gift. Happy birthday, Y/N" he let out one of his smiles, making her heart break even more. As she examined his face, she noticed his features, all the baggy eyes and puffy bloodshot eyes.
Luke had done the same and noticed how her face looked like she had been crying for the past month not getting much sleep. It had both affected them like crazy. They had both missed each other's simple gestures they would do for each other.
Behind Y/N was a picture frame of both of them, sitting at the lake house one year. Jack had taken the picture and sent it to his mom and her mom where they had both printed the picture and had it in their houses.
"You still have the photo framed.." Luke smiled softly again, making Y/N nod and give one of the smallest smiles. "Yeah, It never left that spot," she said as she looked behind her and back at him, tears now running down her face
Yeah, I showed up at your party Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch In front of all your stupid friends?
Luke and Y/N were now on the porch with the door still wide open, tears streaming down their faces as they talked. Luke had wiped his tears before wiping hers leaving his hand resting on her cheek. Her hand held the hand on her cheek, melting into his soft touch.
They both kept on talking and comforting each other till Luke had to leave as he had practice in the morning. As his hand left her cheek, she began to feel lost without his touch and him to guide her like he always did, they were perfect but it's always the right person wrong time.
As he began to leave he just wanted to feel her lips against his one last time, would it always be the same kiss he dreamed of when he kissed her? He stood there facing away from her before turning to face her again, she stood there as she watched him leave. Watching the one she wanted to marry and be with for the rest of her life walk away.
If you kissed me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
"I hope you know, I miss you.."
"I miss you too, Lukey."
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authors note!
I thought of this today and finished today.. which was kinda odd but it’s whatever! I hope you liked it since its my first time writing something like this instead of insta posts!
I have more works but im trying to perfect them so its good and not all choppy like this one! Overall I hope you liked this! If not, thats okay!
xoxo jess
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Reading the Room at a 5th Grade Level: MC's Curse and Taiga's Memory Issues???
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Hi. My name is Yuri and I am an idiot. You see, when I downloaded Tokyo Debunker and I saw what happened to the MC I was confused. "Why did everything go red?" I asked myself. "It's like we were in another dimension!" I unhelpfully said at some point probably. Well I finally googled the name of the station the MC said "was not her usual stop" and guess what? I should have done that way fucking sooner because it's related to a Japanese urban legend, much like Takeru in Episode 2. And helps me with what I noticed yesterday while I was re-reading the Hotarubi episode.
This post contains spoilers for Hotarubi's Episode, viewer discretion is advised.
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When the MC is contacted by the spirit who allegedly curses her she is riding the train home from a concert. She receives a text message from someone with a spider lily profile picture, in English their user name is "Mina." Before we are confronted by Mina, the conductor announces that the train's next stop is Kisaragi Station, a station that dear reader, does not exist. It's also extremely famous! But I am not smart or up to date on horror things so I didn't know (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) so sorry if this is all stuff you guys already knew.
Kisaragi Station
The original post about Kisaragi station was, as best I can tell, made on a site called 2chan, which is a Japanese anonymous forum. I was able to find a post about it on r/nosleep from 2019 which claims that people started posting about it on reddit in 2010, and another post on Quora translating a thread that was posted to twitter. There are a few common themes to the urban legend, but there are three I find particularly relevant to our situation.
The station is believed to be on the border of our world and the "other world." It is possible to leave the station, we will get into how in a moment, but attempting to leave it by following the train tracks will get you killed. Especially if you attempt to cross through the train tunnel, that will take you across the point of no return. The original post describes hearing the sound of drums and bells, similar to a Japanese festival, that get louder the closer you get to the tunnel. Accepting rides from people in the vicinity of the station will also kill you. Cell service is active in the area, but you aren't able to find location information and people will not be able to find you. The anomaly on the train we see isn't tied to Kisaragi Station as far as I can tell, and I have been combing through various yokai to see if I can find anything like it but so far I haven't had much luck.
Back to how to leave the station, you have to light something on fire. Specifically something that causes smoke. Paper seems to be the most common suggestion. It's a small detail, but since the game starts with us seeing the school on fire I thought it was an interesting thing to note.
I added Taiga into the title of the post as in the translated twitter thread, the concept of memory loss the longer you stay in Kisaragi is brought up. We never actually see Taiga leave the station, and the MC only leaves it because Haku does something with his artifact. In Episode 5 Haku says he was not using his stigma to put the children's spirits to rest, implying that spiritual energy adn stigmas are different powers he can use. I am going to propose something kind of crazy at the end of this entire post about Haku, but for now just dealing with the facts presented in game he specifically says he "cordoned off" the area. Does he mean that he took the train to Kisaragi station? Or was MC always going there? And if he was the one responsible for doing that then uh. How did Taiga leave the station and get back to Darkwick? Was he trapped there and did he wander around for a long time, doing permanent damage to his memory in the process? Or am I over thinking this and he lost track of the anomaly and lit something on fire so he could leave. I like the idea of him lighting the station on fire and the ghosts asking him to leave, but that's probably not what happened lol
When the train reaches Kisaragi Station in game, the color pallet swaps to red. Much like it does in Episode 5 when MC receives a certain visitor:
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We learn later on that this is Zenji, and that Zenji is dead. MC seems to be reacting to his presence and I would like to think that the color choice is deliberate. If we go back to Episode 2, Takeru only has light amounts of red shading around him in his comic panels, when he kills the streamer and when Alan beats the shit out of him are two that immediately come to mind. Interacting with him does not turn the world red like interacting with Zenji or Kisaragi Station does, further strengthening Leo's conclusion about him being a Talupa and not a ghost as this red tint seems to be used for when MC is interacting with the spirit world. Which I am once again asking, how did Taiga get home from Kisaragi Station? Did he carjack a Taxi ghost?
This raises some questions about the anomaly that cursed MC. Is it a ghost and is it something unique to Japan? And if neither of those things are true then why was Haku there? I can think of two reasons for him to be there: the first is if he is there to keep an eye on Taiga for Cornelius/the Institute because Sinostra is on probation but they need him (he was specifically assigned this mission because of how aggressive he is) or it was meant to be a Hotarubi mission because it fit their criteria but Haku couldn't handle it so they arranged for Taiga to come along with him. That last thing is sort of countered by Haku saying that he doesn't think Hotarubi would be able to help with the MC's curse, but he could be lying about that I suppose.
Anyway who wants to hear my really stupid out there reason for why Haku is there-
The Part of the Show Where I do a line of coke Cope
So hear me out, what if Haku's stigma is time travel. So in this post on the subreddit donsaadali suggested that the powers you pick from in the personality test are powers the ring could give MC. I had the thought before that maybe it was a list of stigmas that the various characters had completely forgetting about the time travel line. But it does sort of fit with my line of thinking: make people follow my orders? That's Jin. Elemental powers? Towa. The others: extreme luck, never having to sleep, shapeshifting, and gravity control aren't ones that we have concrete information about but I am tempted to say that "extreme luck" could be Taiga, as turning things into ammo struck me as a quality of his artifact and not his stigma but I'm not really convinced of that. Anyway, if Haku can time travel, he could go back in time, pick up MC, and bring her back to Darkwick even if that's not what happened in the first place and Taiga was the one who brought her back the first time! But why he would do that is lost on me. Well not completely lost, I do think he wants to "help" her but with what and why is not something I have a theory on just yet.
To be clear, that was just me spitballing. I do not really think that Haku's stigma is time travel, there isn't enough evidence for me to think that. I do think that if there is a timeloop going on he is probably aware of it, but again. I don't know why.
Translated original post (x)
The above post also has a youtube video linked at the top if you want an audio version of the post and some other train related stories
Translated Twitter thread (x)
Shitty r/nosleep post (x)
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fatetainted · 2 months
Clearing the air here though I'm genuinely afraid for my own safety to.
I didn't block @whitexdove "for no reason" and if they had an ounce of self awareness they would know they were an abusive, manipulative person who drove me to attempt suicide because "it's been a week now" and I "need to stop being so negative all the time." If I didn't respond to their messages they would ask me if I hated them or tell me I was ignoring them or I was making their paranoia worse so I would update them that I wasn't in a headspace because I was having a breakdown or a meltdown and would look later. Because of this they accused me of making their anxiety worse and I needed to get over it because I was having a very bad week with my life falling apart. I nearly killed myself because of years of manipulative abuse and them telling me to just get over it when I was suicidal.
But they've been suicidal for years and I was meant to comfort them every time and several times now they have threatened to cut me off multiple times over the most minor, insane little things. Instead of actually communicating what was wrong and how they felt they made essentially a break up playlist blaming me entirely and told me to listen to it to see what I did wrong and the only fault they would ever take was that they didn't say anything sooner. But suddenly when everything was fine again they would ask when I would send them a gift I bought them. However they had essentially convinced me we were over to the point where I grieved the friendship and returned the gift because I had no use for it anymore.
They hide behind mental illness and autism as if that excuses them being abusive to me and the things they've said to my friends. They blame my BPD for blocking them when it's their own actions and I'm sick of your annoying pity parties.
For years they have emotionally abused me and for years my therapist has been telling me they're not a good influence on my life and she was correct. I developed a THC and xanax dependency because they caused me so much anxiety with their abuse that I could not speak to them without using both daily (and of course, if I didn't speak to them or tell them why I wasn't going to be, they would tell me how paranoid I was making them, but if I DO tell them then I'm being too negative and ignoring their boundaries)
They were ALWAYS setting unreasonable boundaries and I bent over backwards to accommodate. Blocking them is my boundary. And now they're fishing for attention and sympathy for a situation they caused themselves and to drag me back into their abusive cycle.
In addition to this they would say very shitty things about my other friends that actually treated me well and tried to manipulate them into not only making them a LOT of free art but making the character details and backstory (which is a very similar thing they got mad at another artist for!). Most of my friends didn't even like them and were being cordial because I was their friend.
They are now refusing to remove characters based on my original work and flipping out on my friends for no reason other than jealousy and pettiness. Stop plagarizing me, stop claiming you just added to my lore when you added NOTHING and nearly everything is based on my ideas, including Dreameater who is literally the twin of my oc in my original work. And Caelum who is the brother of another oc of mine in my universe. You said you "won't throw away characters you worked hard on" but you have no lore that isn't mine and barely ever spoke of these characters or developed them. You added nothing to this universe or these characters. Don't you EVER use the design I made for the alien species (that is my lore and not yours!) again. It's no longer yours and you can have back that mime design you gave me, I truly do not care. But if you don't listen to me now then by your own logic I can bring back those ocs I made in your universe and I will use them because I worked "so hard" on them.
Before you pull the "I'm younger than you, how can I be manipulative?" Like you did before when you had a major fall out JUST like this (and yes! You also force shipped with me and guilt tripped just like you did with her!) Anyone of any age can manipulate someone else of any age. Just because you're younger doesn't make you the victim.
Stumpy. You are a toxic person the refuses to seek out ANY form of help and expected me to play therapist for you all the time but God forbid I need someone to listen and you expected me to accept how terribly you treated me forever. That's why I left.
You identify with and project heavily onto a character who has canonically killed her entire school and drugged her crush to get him to like her and you ship them despite the clear sexual assault and how canonically abusive and terrifying her obsession with him is. She's a genocidal white savior and that's fucking terrifying. Even more so terrifying is the way you joked about how you kill your rats and feed the dead rats to raccoons. And the fact you fetishize trans men being pregnant, it's a very clear very gross fetish you cannot let go of and forced on me constantly. The fact you seem to fetishize sexual assault and rape and ship people like that with their victims is vile. The way you talked about sleeping next to me in the same bed was disturbing as I look back on these things and I truly don't trust you to have not done things while I was unconscious. I have that little faith in you because of how you act and fetishize things.
You also told me you were going to whitewash a canon poc character and it's okay because it's you doing it. Genesis is Asian. He isn't white. You drew my Japanese character with yellow skin. You white knight in public but you're shitty to any race that isn't Korean or Native American.
For the record, I don't hate you. But I'm happier without you in my life and I don't feel anything for you anymore because of your own actions that broke our relationship irreparably. You're a toxic, vile person and completely self centered and extremely possessive.
Get help. And stop playing the fucking victim.
Allow me to return the favor. I take accountability for not saying anything sooner even though with your unreasonable boundaries and constantly telling me you're suicidal that I could never bring it up with you or any bad thing you were doing to me because you would probably kill yourself if I upset you.
Now you take accountability for your actions and deal with the consequences of abusing me.
You literally never loved me, you just miss having someone love you so much you didn't have to love them back (which you pretty much told me several times you were incapable of even with your own family).
Good riddance. Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great. I truly will not be returning to this blog so don't bother trying to contact me here or anywhere else. I'm done.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Going with the theme of your recent 2 fics, can i request lighthearted/silly fic of diluc x reader in which he forgot your birthday but you also forgot about it and you both dont realize until someone asks what your plans are for the day or smth lmaoo
I see you xD of course I can do that!
Pairing: Diluc x reader
Content: gender neutral reader; not really anything specific, should be safe; not proofread yet!
Word count: 1,1k words
Please enjoy!
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It was finally here.. the day your boyfriend had dreaded so much finally arrived..
Today, he would have to attend an official event alongside the knights of Favonius, within their headquarters.
And since Dawn Winery was providing the drinks for the event, and Diluc was the Master of the Winery, it was required for him to attend as well, to represent his work.
You knew that he really wasn't looking forward to this. He had complained about it almost daily for the last few weeks, and it only got worse the closer the event came.
Now, as he was getting dressed to attend, he almost looked lifeless, already bored out of his mind.
"I know a thousand other things I would love to do rather than this.", he complained as you helped him organize the last few details of his attire.
You smiled, still concentrating on his clothes, but asked nonetheless. "Oh really? Like what?" Your tone was teasing, but Diluc payed no mind to that.
Instead, he leaned down to you, grabbing your chin as he held eye contact with you.
"Wouldn't you like to know.."
Then, he closed the distance and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you wrapped your hands around his neck and deepened the kiss like this.
But before things could get too heated, he parted from you again. You were both catching your breath as an idea came into your mind and you had to refrain from slapping yourself on the forehead. How come you hadn't thought of that sooner?
"Say, Diluc.. how about I accompany you? So you don't have to be all on your own there."
He looked at you for a second, eyes wide like he had the same thought you just had. Why didn't he think of that sooner?
"I would love that, darling."
So, you quickly scanned through your closet, trying to find the right clothes for the occaision.
After picking out an outfit and getting ready, Diluc took you hand in his as you set out on your way, getting seen off by the staff of the winery, wishing you lots of fun.
And you really thought, that with Diluc there, this could actually turn out pretty funny.
You both walked the familiar road to Mondstadt, conversing the entire way there, with a bit of teasing here and there from both of you.
At one point, Diluc even leaned down to whisper compliments about your appearance into your ear, making you blush.
"You look absolutely breathtaking."
"This outfit really compliments you."
"I wish I could just pull it iff you right now."
All those words brought a blush to your cheeks and ears, and every time, you would lightly hit hin on his arm, making him laugh at your cute reaction.
Soon enough, you arrived at the gates of Mondstadt, the guards recognizing you both and letting you pass with no issue.
Only a short walk after, you saw Kaeya standing by the fountain. He noticed you two and walked over.
You smiled as you greeted him, yet Diluc had returned to his usual stoic expression when approached by the man.
"Ah, Diluc. Glad to see you made it here safely. And you even brought company. It's a pleasure to see you, (Name)."
Saying that, Kaeya took your hand and placed a quick kiss to the back of your hand, but quickly let go of you again as he saw Diluc's piercing glare directed at him.
"It's nice to see you too, Kaeya. We haven't seen each other in a while. How have you been?", you tried to stay calm, gently squeezing Diluc's hand that was still holding yours, reminding him to stay civil.
"Oh, you know, the usual. I'm doing quite well for myself. Ah, but that reminds me..", he trailed off as he looked around. It seemed like he was searching for something or someone, but didn't seem to find it. He just sighed.
Then, he took your free hand again, this time ignoring the glare Diluc threw at him.
"Happy Birthday, (Name). Thank you for participatikg today, even though the event fell on your special day. Still, I wish you all the best."
You were taken aback by Kaeya's words.
Birthday? You? No, that couldn't be..
It was today??
Shocked, you looked at Diluc next to you, who wore the same expression as you. Seeing as you had the same reaction as him, it took a few seconds, but then you both burst out laughing.
Confused, Kaeya looked between the both of you. Did he say something wrong? He didn't mistake the day, right?
Meanwhile, you were still laughing so hard that your stomach started to hurt. You held it with your free hand, trying to calm yourself down again to catch your breath.
"And what's so funny about that?", Kaeya asked, clearly not amused about this reaction.
"We forgot!", you said, still trying to breath properly again.
Baffled, Kaeya looked over at Diluc, who was covering his mouth, but his eyes still betrayed that he was laughing as well. Dilic just nodded, confirming that he had forgotten about it as well.
There has been so much going on for the both of you that it simply slioped your minds. Once calmed down again, Diluc turned to you, gently taking your face in his hand.
"Is it too late to congratulate you now?"
"It's never too late for that.", you said as you gently placed a hand over his, closing your eyes as he leaned down to kiss you. You return the kiss, completely forgetting about the world around you.
As you both separated again, Diluc still held your face, holding your gaze. "Happy birthday, (Name). I thank the Archons every day that you were born and for bringing you into my life."
You smiled and were about to pull Diluc into another kiss when an awkward laugh sounded from next to you guys. Suddenly, you remember that Kaeya was still there and that you were here for a reason.
Awkwardly, you separated from Diluc as you both followed Kaeya the the headquarters of the Knights. Along the way, you felt a gentle squeeze on the hand Diluc was holding, making you look at him.
It didn't matter to you that he forgot about your birthday. All that matters was for you to be in his life and to know that he loved you, entirely. That was the greatest gift you have ever recieved in this life and nothing could top that, anyways.
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assistant-of-drama · 5 months
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What if Owen angrily called out Alejandro?
"Owen," Chris chimed. "It's time to go pal."
"What?" Owen gasped, turning to the rest of the contestants.
Most of them don't bother looking at Owen, either out of shame or apathy.
Except for Alejandro, who was squinting and smiling cruelly at Owen.
"But I don't understand." Owen said. "I thought I was getting along great with everyone. Why would you guys vote me off? What did I do wrong?"
"Do the reasons honestly matter?" Alejandro asked smugly. "Just accept your defeat with dignity like Noah did, mi amigo."
"Yeah, the reasons actually do matter, Al." Owen said, with surprising firmness. "I would get it, if I had gotten voted off for eating something I'm not supposed, like back at Germany with the sausage. But I managed to control myself from eating the cake! I didn't do anything wrong this time! So, I think I deserve to know why I'm being eliminated!"
Sierra couldn't take the guilt anymore and awkwardly raised her hand. "Uhh, Alejandro said that he would bless my marriage with Cody, if I voted for you... I'm sorry, Owen."
"Yeah, the guy told me to vote for you too." Duncan said, while pointing at the charming man.
"Me three." said Courtney calmly.
Owen's jaw dropped. "Wait a minute... Al... You... You want to get rid of me?... But I thought we were friends..."
"Yeah, I had to make you think that, so you'd listen to me." Alejandro scoffed and then chuckled. "I mean, did you really think that I would EVER want to be friends with someone as childish as you?"
"I can't believe you just said that!" Owen gasped again in disbelief. "But you said I was your amigo... You mean, every terrible thing that you did to me, was done on purpose?... The glares, hitting me with a baby carriage, leaving me to get eaten by caterpillars..."
"Don't forget when he hypnotized you into giving yourself a wedgie and dance a jig." Duncan pointed out with a small smirk.
"Oh my god! I thought I dreamt that! You seriously did that, Al?!" Owen yelled with a glare. "What the hell is wrong with you?!?"
Alejandro blinked at the larger and softer man's surprising fierceness, but the charming yet cruel man keeps his cool. "Well, that's what you get for being childish and incompetent... My only regret was not getting you eliminated sooner... Even Noah and Tyler would've been much more useful to me than you."
Heather gazes at Alejandro in pure shock. "Wow, that's cold even by my standards."
Owen's glare hardens. "You know Al, when Noah first told me about your true colors, I didn't want to believe him at first. Not even when he pointed out all the messed-up stuff you did to people, including me. I kept telling myself that those things you did were accidents or that you were misunderstood, like how Noah, Izzy and Eva often are. But boy, was I wrong! Heather was right about you all along! Behind that charming face you're nothing but a mean, nasty, selfish, heartless, cheap con artist! And you're also a big, fat, dumb-"
Everyone's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at what Owen said next. Alejandro's jaw goes slack as his left eye twitches a bit. The only ones who weren't in shock were an amused Chris and Chef as well as a strangely proud looking Heather.
"-in all of Kalamazoo!" Owen finished with ragged breathes. "Wow, I feel better already! No wonder other people curse!"
Owen grabs his parachute and looks back at the others with a calm, accepting smile. "Bye, guys."
The contestants awkwardly said their goodbyes, still trying to get over their shock at Owen's previous rage.
Then the big guy looks straight at a certain girl with a bright grin. "Bye Heather, kick Al's butt for me!"
"Trust me Owen, I will." Heather responded with a bold smirk.
"Oh, and Al?" Owen called for Alejandro's attention. "One last thing..."
Owen had a suringly evil smile on his lips, as he says his next words. "See you later, Alligator!~"
Owen jumps through the open plane door with a loud cackle, already long gone before the slippery Charmer could do anything.
Owen's cackles were quickly replaced by the laughter of Heather, Duncan, Cody, Sierra and Blaineley.
Even Courtney was trying to hide her own smile.
"Oh, the audience is gonna love that!" Blaineley piped up.
All Alejandro could do was wait until he could angrily curse at the confessional camera, again.
Noah is going to be so proud of Owen.
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months
Church Girl, Don't Hurt Nobody Part 2 (Slight NSFW)
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Synopsis: The time has now come for you to confront your mother about your relationship with Jack. Your mind is already made up, and the last thing that you would ever do is ruin your happiness. It doesn't go as planned, and you are left with a lot to think about.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 first
Requested by: so many of you lol so I had to run it back
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You currently had both of your legs on your boyfriend's shoulders as his face was between your thighs with the sunlight peeking through the floor length windows.
This had been going on for close to a week since you were hiding out from your parents for as long as you could. You knew that you were going to have to face them sooner or later, but later was beginning to sound better and better. 
After Jack had found out from his friends the truth about you as well as your family, he was obviously upset, but could understand from your point of view why you did it once you had explained everything to him and had a few days to think about. He was lowkey still upset about it, but didn’t want to let you see it since now everything was out in the open and he knew your mind was on overdrive. He had lost track of how many times you had cried about it.
You were scared shitless of what was about to happen when you went home and was putting it off for as long as you could. Of course that night even though Jack was clearly upset with you, he wanted for you to stay with him. In the back of his mind, even though he initially said that he was probably going to break up with you because you lied to him, he quickly changed his mind after hearing your explanation and the bottom line was he didn't want to be without you.
Your phone had been going off nonstop since the picture was posted and you hadn’t answered anyone. You were actually surprised that not once did your mother call you and you knew that she was pissed. But at this point, should you even care what she thought about you? Your fate was sealed anyway.
After the picture was posted the two of you were sitting across from each other in silence. You knew he was mad at you and you were trying to create a plan in your head for the both of you to get through this with no harm done, but you were coming up short.
You were always so careful when going out at night and the one time you weren't, someone snapped a photo of you. 
Wanting to give your boyfriend some space (if he was still your boyfriend at that point for that matter since you didn't know) you didn’t even say anything and had gotten up to start making your way to the door but as you went to open it, you saw Jack's hand come from behind you to close it.
"Where are you going?" Jack asked from behind you and when you didn't answer him, he turned you around to face him with tears in your eyes and a trembling lip and knew they were about to fall down. 
"I… just… you're my escape and my peace from everything that goes on around me and it's just why can I never do anything for myself? Why can't I do what I want? I am 27 years old, still sneaking out of my parents house to see my boyfriend. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I should have been honest from the beginning and I'm sorry for that.”
"Dragging me into what? I don't regret asking you to be my girlfriend so don't you think that for a second."
He wanted to be with you for the long haul and this was just something that the two of you had to face together. He was going to do his best to protect you to the best of his ability from the world and also your parents.
“Talk to me in a week and we'll see if you feel the same way.”
“The way I feel about you isn't going to go away in a week so I know that my answer is going to be the same.”
“I don't even know where to begin to fix this.”
“Let me ask you this. What exactly needs to be fixed? We're together like we want to be aren’t we? So what's the problem? You know that they already don't approve so fuck it.”
"Damn, baby it's like Niagara Falls down here." Jack said as he looked down at his fingers.
"You want a side of eggs with that?"
"Pussy juice, side of eggs, that's my breakfast." You said while repeating Jack's lyrics to him and giggling. 
All Jack did was smirk and laugh at you.
"Nah, I don't need the eggs. This is enough to get me full." Jack said as he grabbed your legs to pull you towards the end of the bed and you let out a yelp.
Jack then leaned down to kiss you and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer to give him several more. When he finally pulled away, he began to place kisses all over your face making you laugh.
Next thing you knew, you felt him slide into you and you immediately gasped since you had been caught off guard.
He was going at a slow, even pace taking his time to give you as much pleasure as possible to take your mind off of everything going on around you.
You then wrapped your left leg around him wanting for him to get as deep as he possibly could. 
You were now laying on Jack's chest as his arm was wrapped around you in a comfortable silence and Jack was the one to break it. 
"Baby, as much as I want to, we can't hide out in my condo forever. I have to promote this album and I've already done what I could to push it back for a week to make sure you were okay.”
"I know and I appreciate you for doing that for me because you definitely didn't have to. I'm not okay in the slightest, but I know that I just have to deal.”
"I would do anything for you. You know that. And I'm going to make sure you get to the point where you are okay." Jack replied as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I just… don't want to face them. My mother more than anyone else."
"I don't like how she has it where you're actually scared of her." 
“I… it's not the fact that I'm scared of her. I just know that no matter how perfect I try to be, that it will never please her and that I'm always going to fall short. All of my siblings don't care for me either except my big sister Eden. Because I'm the only one that will somewhat challenge my parents. It's always been this way.”
“Just know that I only want the best for you and want you to be happy. You deserve that and not be stressed out all the time over what someone else might think about you.”
“I know.” You quietly answered, but your mind was still running a mile a minute.
“You think that you'll be okay when I leave later tonight? I'd rather you come with me. I just don't want to leave you here with them.”
“I don't really have a choice. I have to face them sooner or later. Even if I don't want to.”
“Look if anything happens, anything at all. Say the word and I'll come and get you.” Jack said as he moved a curl out of your face and lightly kissed your nose.
“You're going to be busy and the last thing I want to be is a distraction.”
“Baby, I can promise that you won't be. I would rather have you with me instead of people who upset you on a daily basis. Because how is that a good thing? You don't need to be in that type of environment.” Jack replied as he started playing with the bracelet that graced your wrist that he gifted you.
“She's probably never going to let me sing again.” You quietly said as you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“Why do you need her permission to do it? Just because she might not want you to sing there, doesn't mean you have to stop altogether. Still not over how amazing your voice is and how well you hid that from me.”
“Trust me, it wasn't easy.” You said while laughing.
“No more secrets. Promise?”
After you had helped Jack pack all of his things and the two of you decided to have a quick dinner together, it was time for you to make your way back home as much as you didn't want to while Jack was set to go to New York.
He had given you several kisses, but you were still holding onto him for dear life not wanting to let him go just yet. 
“You know you can come with me. The offer still stands. Because now you are definitely stalling.” He said while looking down at you. Jack knew your mind was made up, but he didn't want you going back there at all. If your mom is as bad as you had told him, he wanted to keep you far away from her. 
“As much as I want to, I have to do this. I don't want to drag it out longer.”
“Tell me when you get there and what happens when you two talk. I just have a strong feeling that you are about to call me in tears and that is the last thing that I want. If I have to protect you from your own family, then so be it.”
“It might go better than we think.” You said trying to reassure him.
“Babe, are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
“Hmm, maybe both? But I promise to call if something happens.”
Wearing one of Jack's hoodies and a pair of your black leggings, it was around 10 at night once you had slipped through the entrance to your part of the house. 
Once in your bedroom, you turned on the light to see your big sister Eden once again staring at you.
“For future reference, if you are trying to hide out with your boyfriend, turn off your location. Even though you only share it with me.”
“You have got to stop sneaking up on me, Eden!”
“Not a chance. I let you have your fun but now I'm about to yell but this is only out of love and concern.”
You simply nodded as you took a seat next to her on your bed.
“Now you know you can tell me anything and I will never hold it against you. Being in this family is hard enough and you are my baby sister. If you would have come to me, I would have helped you to tell them.”
“I… so many times I wanted to. But I was just scared. He's really important to me and I didn't want anyone or anything to ruin it. Not that I think you would, but everyone else. What did they say when they found out?”
“That was the first time I actually heard your mother cuss if that explains anything. And she was on Google looking him up for about two hours.”  Eden replied and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“And dad?”
“He simply shrugged and said if she's happy, then I'm fine with it.”
“I figured that he would be the one to say that.”
“And she was also upset that you have been M.I.A. obviously.”
“Why does she need to know my every move? She needs to get over herself.”
“You let me know when that happens. Anyway, tell me EVERYTHING. He's really cute and I'm definitely not surprised you two are together. A good match if I do say so myself.”
“Well we met at Taylor's birthday party a while ago and we've been talking ever since. It was only recently that he asked me to be his girlfriend. I've already met his parents and his brother and I absolutely adore them. His friends I only met at the album release party, but so far so good. He's funny, sweet, caring, always putting my feelings into consideration and I just love being around him. I know that you and dad would like him. I really don't care about anyone else.”
“And you shouldn't. He makes you happy and that's the important part and all that matters. As long as he is treating you right, we won't have a problem. Now did you even tell him about…?”
“No, he didn't know and I believe his friends told him and explained it to him which he was mad about and I can understand that. I wasn't honest and I should have been. He forgave me and we're just moving forward. I told him everything including how I know she hates me.”
“I can only imagine the look on his face. And I don't think she hates you. She hates that she can't control you.”
“Yeah, and then the picture didn't help.”
“Did anyone else know about you two? Perhaps, Tania?” Eden asked while eyeing you.
“Yes and she was sworn to secrecy. Just her and no one else.”
“Soooo, when can I meet him?”
“Well he's going to be busy promoting his album, but I'm sure if I bring it up he'll make time for it. I talk to him about you all the time.”
“I don't think I've ever seen you this happy and I hope the two of you stay together for the long haul.”
As Jack was sitting on the plane and playing with his phone, Urban came and sat next to him and simply eyed him.
“Uh, Urb? Can I help you?” Jack asked as he laughed. 
“Are you and Y/N okay? Did she talk to her parents yet?”
“We're fine but not yet. She said she would tell me when it happened. I already told her that I feel like she's going to call me in tears. I wanted her to come with me but she said that she just wanted to get it over with.”
“I hope she'll be okay. It seems like she's never been able to do what she wants.”
“She hasn't. But Neelam told us both not to say anything about it for now hoping that it would eventually blow over. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her in Louisville, but her mind was made up.”
“If her mother is as bad as she claims her to be, I know that this conversation that they are supposed to have is not going to go over well.”
“I'm literally just waiting for her to call me.”
“I wonder what they'll even say to her, I mean she's a whole adult.”
“And from the way that she talks about her, that clearly doesn't matter. She still looks at her like she's a little kid and it doesn't help that she's the youngest either.” Jack replied while shaking his head.
“I know she means a lot to you from the way that you talk about her.”
“She does, I'm just trying to let her see that it's okay to do what makes you happy and to not care what anyone else thinks about it.”
You and Eden hid out in your room until the next morning when you figured that it was time to face her. After taking a shower, you slipped on a yellow sundress along with white wedge sandals and straightened your hair. It was time for breakfast, so you started making your way towards the dining room. 
Once you entered the room, all eyes were on you as you took your respective seat in between Eden and Grace. Eden sent you a soft smile while Grace rolled her eyes at you. Matthew and Malachi simply exchanged glances with each other along with their spouses as your mother was burning a hole into you with her gaze. Your dad was simply reading his morning paper as he always did and sent you a small smile. You knew when it came down to it, the only people that you could truly count on in your family was your dad and Eden.
As the breakfast spread was placed on the table, your mother was the first to speak.
“Y/N, you have some nerve showing back up here like you didn't do anything.”
“I haven't done anything wrong and the last time I checked, I lived here.” You responded while piling your plate high with eggs, hash browns, and fruit.
“You call a night on the town with a well known rapper nothing? Where people saw the two of you together?”
“Adalaide….” Your father said to your mother in a warning tone, but she simply brushed him off.
“When you leave this house, you are representing this family, and so far this week, you have been nothing but an embarrassment.”
“That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I am a grown woman who can do anything she wants and I don't need your approval. I have been under your thumb since the day I was born and have been in control of how I dress, who I talk to, my hair, my makeup, and my career path. It's time that I take control of my life without having you criticizing me.”
"No daughter of mine is going to serve the Lord and then be spreading her legs wide open for her rapper boyfriend. And don't even lie and say that you haven't. You look like the type to give it up to any man who ever glanced your way. And of course you think he loves you because he's told you exactly what you want to hear!" 
“MOM!” Eden exclaimed while looking at her in disbelief but all she did was take a sip of her tea.
"You don't even know him!"
"I know enough and I don't care to have you in my sight any longer. It's clear that you have chosen him over your family. So do me a favor and get out. Leave your house key on the table in the foyer. If he loves you so much as you claim he does, go live with him. And I for damn sure better not see you at my church singing for the Lord on Sunday."
“Adalaide, that's enough! If that's who she loves, who are we to stop it? We want all of our children happy and he obviously makes her happy." Your dad said while shaking his head at her.
“Then she can go and be happy with him and not be under my roof taking up space.”
“Now that's taking it a little too far.” You heard Grace say which you were surprised by.
“She's literally not hurting anyone and always did what you wanted her to do. Why are you ruining the one thing she's done for herself?” Your oldest brother Malachi asked and she rolled her eyes.
“What I said still stands. I want her out and if all of you have a problem with it, you can go and follow her. You better be out of my house by midnight and don't bother showing your face here or at church ever again. As far as I'm concerned, I only have two daughters now.”
A collective gasp was heard at the table, and all you could do was laugh to yourself before saying anything.
“Y/N, don't you get up from this table. You are a part of this family as much as anyone else.”
“It's okay, dad. Trust me, it is. I know how she feels about me.”
“This is entirely uncalled for.” Matthew said while looking at your mother who waa unfazed. You simply turned towards her before speaking.
“Keep in mind what you just told me and don't you dare crawl back to me later and try to apologize. If you want me out, fine. The next time I see you will be at your fucking funeral and not a moment sooner. I'll prove to you that I never needed someone like you in my life to begin with.”
“Y/N!” Grace called after you as you pushed yourself away from the table and made your way into the direction of your room.
You held your head high and was determined not to let the tears fall. You finally stood up to her and didn't regret saying what was on your mind.
Grabbing your phone, you facetimed Jack who immediately answered and could tell that something was wrong from the look on your face.
“She literally just disowned me.”
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shadowynn · 2 years
| the paradigm complex | two |
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pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
genre: yandere!vampire!cult!poly! ateez au
warnings: yandere behavior, cursing
They'll do whatever you ask. Anything you need. Anything you want. It's yours. They'll fulfill your every desire and whim. Give you the life you had always dreamed about.
And in exchange, you wouldn't just give them your soul. Oh, no. They weren't demons. What good was your soul alone when your purpose was better served alive and well? Your soul was nice, sure but it wasn't all they wanted. It wasn't all they needed. They needed your body, your mind. Your blood. You entirely. Every single fiber of your being was essential and would soon be theirs and theirs alone.
The moment you signed that contract, everything would change. For them and for you.
You just didn't know it yet.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
wordcount: 6.3k
a/n: okay, okay, so i totally went into this as like a fun little side project, so i was and still am absolutely blown away by the support you all gave me for part one. like, i was not expecting that at all and just want to thank you all for all the love you sent my way and i'm so appreciative of you all. i totally planned on getting this part out sooner, but writer's block hit a little hard and i spent more time editing and rewriting than the first part due to the interest the part received. so, once again, thank you all so much and i hope you enjoy part two. :)
| one | two | three |
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You're really going to wait and pretend to leave when she gets here and then sneak your way inside?" Seonghwa's arms crossed, shifting his weight against the doorway to the front office when he saw San idling near the building's entrance. "Just so you can 'accidentally' bump into her and introduce yourself."
"Yup," San replied without any hint of shame, simply bouncing on the balls of his feet next to the entrance. "It's only right that I go out of my way to introduce myself since we will be living right next door to each other and make sure she knows I'll be right there if there's ever anything she needs."
"Oh, wow, really? Who would have known?" Wooyoung's voice floated out from further within the office, heavy with sarcasm. "It's not like you haven't rubbed that fact in about a hundred times by now."
"Shut up, Woo. We all know you, Seonghwa, and Yeosang are going to get to see her the most." San's smirk slipped. "After all, you are the ones who'll be getting to work with her."
"Perhaps, but why do I get the feeling someone will be abusing their power to tweak the schedules and benefit themselves." Wooyoung's voice grew louder as he left his desk and made his way to the doorway Seonghwa leaned against, stretching out the muscles in his back from sitting. "I wonder who that would be, huh?" His eyes narrowed in Seonghwa's direction.
"Well, I am the senior manager." The elder made no attempt to rebuke Wooyoung's statement, simply smirking at the implication.
"A title you only got by fucking age, you bastard." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "And if I start to notice a trend, I'm going to tell Hongjoong someone hasn't been playing fair."
"And you don't think he's not going to use his seniority to influence her either?" Seonghwa asked, shifting his position against the doorway. "We might all be sharing, but that doesn't mean it won't come down to every man for himself when it comes to who gets to have her first. And we all know playing fair won't be a part of this game."
At the thought of finally having you, finally tasting you, San was unable to keep his fangs from growing as a newfound thirst took over. His tongue rolled over their sharpened points, the image of your body beneath him and the supple skin of your neck bare and exposed just for him, all but begging for him to take you, filling his head.
"It'll be a while until we fully get to savor her though," Wooyoung interrupted San's thoughts, taking note of the direction his mind had gone from the fangs that had extruded past his lips. "Yeosang says she reeks of him. It'll be a few weeks before we get his blood out of her system."
"What was it I said?" Yeosang interrupted their conversation when he suddenly rounded the corner from the stairs, a cup of tea in hand and looking like he had just tumbled out of bed with the messy state of his hair and the yawn that followed. "Oh," his face fell, "she's not here yet."
"Fucking hell," Seonghwa sighed, shaking his head. "You too?"
"Me too, what?" Yeosang cocked his head, an overtly innocent expression on his face as his thumb pointed to the mailboxes at his right. "I'm just here to get my mail."
"Dressed like that?" Seonghwa's eyes glittered dangerously as he took in the casual outfit Yeosang wore, the tight-fitting sweatpants and loose tank exposing his sides all but screaming for attention. For your attention. "And precisely," he paused to check the time on his watch, "two minutes before she's supposed to be here?"
"Precisely," Yeosang smirked and took a sip of his tea, making no further move to get his mail like he had claimed.
"And here I was thinking you were better than this."
"Then clearly you don't know me half as well as you think you do if you believe I'm going to waste an opportunity as this one." There was a slight edge to his tone, yet his expression remained playful, reminding Seonghwa and the others of the darker side beneath Yeosang's generally easy going attitude.
It had been a long time since someone had piqued his interest anywhere close to where you had, and his reaction only served to excite the others even more. If you had him this riled up, this eager for your attention, you must have been something quite extraordinary.
"I am the one who found her, after all," he quipped, leaning back against the wall behind him, "and I won't just stand aside to let the rest of you catch up."
"You didn't find shit, Sangie, and you know it." San shook his head, rebuking his statement. "She came to us, remember? Willingly. You just happened to be the lucky bastard who was working that day."
"Perhaps," Yeosang shrugged, "But that doesn't change the fact I was the one who convinced her to fill out the application and I'm the one she'll be thanking for helping her get accepted."
"God, why the hell did you give the open house to him?" Wooyoung whined.
"Because the one time I left you in charge of an open house, you ended up killing one of the attendees and then Hongjoong and I had to spend the rest of the day fixing things," Seonghwa answered, giving Wooyoung a pointed look. "And we all know Yeosang has the best sense of smell out of all of us, so it's only natural he's the one that picks. He hasn't failed us yet, has he?"
"It's a good thing I did it too because I highly doubt the rest of you would have been able to pick it out," Yeosang replied. "Sure, I was suspicious as to why another vampire's scent was all over her, but it wasn't until we were outside and the wind blew just right that I noticed the subtle hints of her own scent coming through. And trust me, there's no way she's not a-"
Yeosang was interrupted when the office phone began to ring, alerting them all to what was about to happen and ending their current conversation. In a matter of seconds, each man was moving towards the task at hand to ensure your first interaction with them was nothing but flawless.
Wooyoung collapsed into his chair, hurrying to press the button that would open the front gate for you, more than eager to finally see you face to face. He had seen the pictures Yeosang had snapped of you without your knowledge, and these had only added to his excitement, your beauty more than evident.
San kept his place next to the front door, checking his appearance one last time in the nearby mirror as he waited for the perfect moment to 'leave' the building and bump into you.
Yeosang took his time finding his mailbox, casually shifting through the few pieces it had contained while he waited for you to enter the building and have a chance to speak to you once more.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes as he strayed for just a minute longer, eyeing both of their childish antics with partial annoyance. He couldn't really blame them, not when this day was something each of them had waited centuries for. Not when this was something they had all begun to believe would never happen to them, all but losing hope someone like you would come walking into their life. If the roles had been reversed, he knew he would have been acting similarly to them, but today's events were important. What happened today would dictate your future with them and the last thing any of them needed was to fuck it all up because some of them couldn't be patient.
He knew their behavior wasn't really a cause for concern, however they might have annoyed him. You may have not been legally theirs yet, but you had sealed your fate the moment you had stepped into their domain and nothing you said or did would change that.
When neither one showed any intention of giving you space for the time being, Seonghwa sighed before following Wooyoung back into the office, taking a split second to check his own appearance in the mirror. Over the centuries they had been together, he had long learned there was little he could do to control any of the others. No matter what he said, they would do whatever it was they wanted and damn the consequences. Instead of concerning himself with their shenanigans, he needed to focus on the task he had been given and ensure you sighed the contract.
And you would. Willingly or not, it didn't matter. You wouldn't step a foot outside this building until it was signed. And if you showed any sign of hesitation, he would simply push you in the right direction with a little coaxing, your kind's mind weak and powerless to his power of persuasion. In the next few hours, you would sign your way over to them. He would make absolutely certain of it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Oh, sorry!"
You stepped out of the way as the door to the building swung open before you had a chance to find the button to buzz the office. A man stood on the other side, head and attention directed behind him as he finished up his conversation with whoever was back there before he left.
At your soft apology, he turned to face you and you had a hard time stopping your cheeks from tinting pink as you took in his features. He was beautiful. A few inches taller than you, black hair effortlessly swept back from his face, bringing full attention to his strong cheekbones and sharp jawline. All of which made it more difficult to control the blush blooming at the back of your neck. And when he smiled down at you and motioned for you to come through first, you knew there was no way your cheeks weren't at least a little bit pink by now.
"Thanks," you reply, returning a timid smile of your own before tucking your purse closer towards you and slipping past him inside.
"Oh, hey, y/n!"
Your gaze was directed past him and to the right when you entered, surprised to hear your name being called out. A man stood near the mailboxes, smiling and waving at you as he shuffled through his mail. It took a few seconds for you to recognize him, the addition of glasses and casual wear a stark difference from the man who had been your tour guide a little over a week ago.
"Are you here to sign the lease?"
"Yeosang, hi!" You returned the wave, unable to stop your eyes from momentarily roaming over the rest of his body and wondering how you hadn't noticed just how attractive he was before. "And yeah, I think so. I was told to come in and meet with Seonghwa to finalize everything."
"Oh, you must be the new tenant of 604 then," the man who had opened the door for you spoke up behind you, directing your gaze back towards him. "I'm Choi San. I live in the unit right next to yours, 603."
"Oh, hi." You hesitantly took the hand he had extended in greeting. This? This was who you would be living next to? God, you could already hear the jokes Felix would start when he found out who your new neighbor would be. "I'm l/n y/n. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," San replied, an easygoing smile still stretched across his features. "I'm also one of the people in charge of maintenance here, so please just let me know if you ever have any issues with anything and I'll be more than happy to help."
"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."
You had to admit that having maintenance right across the hall from you was nice, but as sincere as his willingness to help seemed to be, you knew it would be a while before you ever approached him for any help. The last thing you wanted him, or any of the other workers here for that matter, was to think you would be taking advantage of them in any way. They had already done so much for you with the new job and new housing, the last thing you wanted was for them to think you were trying to wring more out of them. No, you would do your best to pay them back for the kindness they had shown you and ensure you weren't a burden on anyone. Ensure that you didn't need to depend on anyone anymore.
"y/n, I presume?"
You turned in the direction the new voice had come, finding yet another very attractive man around your age leaning against a nearby doorway. He appeared slightly taller than the other two, hair dyed a bright, startling white.
"I'm Park Seonghwa, the senior manager here at the Paradigm."
This was Seonghwa? This was the man who would likely be serving as your new boss?
"Hi, yes, I'm l/n y/n." You nodded, making your way over towards him. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I had some issues getting a few of the documents you needed and then there was a wreck on my way here that slowed everything down."
And by issues, it seemed someone had conveniently forgotten to give back the key to your lockbox that you kept on your keyring. It wasn't until after nearly ransacking the apartment looking for it that you remembered you had stowed a spare key in your car a year ago that you were finally able to get the identification documents you needed without having to call your boyfriend and ask him where the hell he had taken it and raising unnecessary suspicion.
"Don't worry about it," Seonghwa waved your concerns away, motioning for you to follow him inside. "I had a few things I still needed to finish up for your arrival, so your timing is perfect."
"Oh, well, I'll still apologize nonetheless. I'm incredibly thankful for this opportunity you've given me here and I don't want you to think I'm taking any of it for granted."
"I assure you, it's fine," Seonghwa replied. "Things are pretty relaxed here for the most part, so no one's worried about a few minutes here or there. And it's not like I haven't had to drag Wooyoung or Yeosang out of bed before when they've slept through the first hour of their shift."
"You're one to talk, Hwa." Hearing his name mentioned, the other man inside the office spoke up, alerting you to his presence. His head was propped up in his hand and a teasing smile was directed towards the man in front of you. "Or have you forgotten how you missed half your shift the morning after your birthday last year."
"Like I said," Seonghwa's eyes narrowed back at him, but he didn't try to rebuke his statement, "we're fairly flexible around here."
"I'm Wooyoung by the way." The red haired man's eyes moved towards you. "We spoke on the phone earlier."
"Right." You nodded, returning his smile and fully realizing how much more awkward you would have felt in that conversation if you had known just who you had been talking to in that moment. "It's nice to meet you, Wooyoung."
With greetings out of the way, you followed Seonghwa to his desk in the back, sitting down in the chair he pulled out for you. As he began to go over everything pertaining to your time with them, you slowly began to relax. Despite being originally intimidated by his appearance and status, Seonghwa truly was nice. He was easy to talk to and just as it had been with Yeosang, you felt a pull towards him and could see yourself fitting in well here with them. Easily slipping into the casual workflow they had here, much less stressful than anything you had to deal with at your current place of work.
But before you got around to signing the multiple documents to seal everything in place, Seonghwa walked you down to the on-site clinic to get your blood drawn before the doctor on schedule closed for the day. The nerves that had previously been quelled by Seonghwa and the others' affable personalities slowly crept back at the notion of having your blood drawn. You had done your best to push the thoughts aside when Wooyoung had mentioned it earlier, but you had a hard time remaining calm as you followed him, your fear of needles beginning to get the best of you.
You didn't know what you had expected when Seonghwa mentioned Yunho would be the one to draw your blood today, but it sure as hell wasn't the tall, gorgeous man smiling at you when you entered the room. But then again, after everything else you had experienced here this far, should you really have been surprised by the real life equivalent of Carlisle Cullen - minus the vampiric qualities of course.
"Are you okay?" Yunho asked as he sat down on the stool next to you, taking the arm you extended towards him to begin prepping it.
"Yeah," you nodded, attempting to still your fidgeting nerves and praying you wouldn't come close to passing out like you had the last time you had been stuck. "I'm just not the biggest fan of needles, but it's fine." You were quick to add the last few words before he could say anything, not wanting him or Seonghwa who was still hovering near the entrance to the room to think you were trying to talk them out of this. "I used to give occasionally when I was younger, but then something must have happened because the last time I attempted to give, it didn't go well and I haven't been able to give since. I've wanted to start giving again though, so perhaps this is just the push I need to get over the fear."
You really didn't know what had happened to cause the fear. You had never liked needles before, but you had always been fine with them. It wasn't until two years ago that you had your first panic attack from them when you had gone in for your flu shot and very nearly passed out. And when you had tried to give blood a few months later, you had passed out and found yourself growing antsy at the mere thought of needles. You had no idea what had caused this sudden onset, having no bad occurrences with them in the past, but whatever it was, was enough to keep you avoiding them.
"Well, I assure you I will do my best to make this as quick and painless as possible." The smile he sent your way nearly had you melting in your spot and you felt your nerves begin to relax the slightest. "Just try and focus on me instead, okay?"
You nodded, unable to stop the blush that tinted your cheeks at his words, embarrassed at how your childish fear was playing out in front of him and all the more flustered by him because of it.
"So, y/n, tell me about yourself," he began in an attempt to distract you from the needle sliding in, but you still flinched, turning your head in the opposite direction. Looking at it was only going to make you more woozy than you already were. "What do you like to do?"
"A little bit of everything, I guess. When I have the time, I like to read, but with school and work, I don't have nearly as much time as I used to. I also enjoy both volleyball and skiing, but only really get a chance to do either of those during school breaks," you began, doing your best to focus on the conversation at hand and not on the fact there was a needle inside you at this moment, a thought that had you closing your eyes and sinking further into the chair. "And then I do quite a bit of art as well, which I suppose I would have to, seeing as I am getting a degree in graphic design."
"Seonghwa, I think we're all good here now. Feel free to head on back and I can walk y/n back to your office when we're done." Yunho diverted the conversation for just a second, turning his attention to the other male in the room before focusing on you once more. "You said you're getting a degree in graphic design. What do you want to do with that when you're done?"
"I'd love to work in the video game industry, but it can be a tricky field to get into and make a living off of, so who knows." You took a sip of the drink Yunho had handed you before he had begun, hoping the sugar from the juice would help keep your head level. So far, you were still feeling okay, but knew it could change in a second if you let your head dwell elsewhere for too long. "But my friend Felix is a computer engineering major and is also interested in gaming, so we've actually been working on creating our own game this past year. He handles all the coding and logistics, while I work on the artwork, animation, and story design."
"What's the game about?"
"Oh, well, it's still in pretty early development as neither of us ever have much time to work on it, but the gist of it is that you play as a character who has been transported to the middle of a giant labyrinth and must survive long enough to find a way out before it's too late. As you journey through, you'll find both enemies and potential allies and it's up to the player to decide just how you'll escape and who all will make it out with you. And with the labyrinth randomizing with each game, you'll be guaranteed a different playthrough each time. Or at least that's the goal."
It was hard to tell if Yunho was truly interested or not as you began to ramble on about your project, but his trick to get your mind off the matter at hand was working and you didn't dwell on the matter too long before you continued, unable to stop yourself from rambling with the nerves coursing through you.
"Felix also thought it would be cool if there was some form of romance in the game, so we've also recently started working on implementing some sort of relationship aspect to it. One which will not only allow you to form romantic relationships with the companions you meet along the way, but also friendships and enemies as well. So, if you end up making one of the npcs mad, you might just want to sleep with one eye open. Otherwise, you might just wake up with all your supplies stolen or a dagger to your throat depending on who you upset."
"And it's just the two of you working on it?" Yunho asked, to which you nodded. "That's impressive. It sounds very cool."
"You think?" You took a risk and turned your head towards him, attempting to gauge his response.
"Of course. It sounds like something I would enjoy playing." His eyes lifted upwards for a moment, giving you a reassuring smile.
"Oh, well, maybe I can show you what we have done so far sometime."
"I'd like that."
His smile was infectious and you couldn't hold back your own grin at his words before turning your gaze away once more. Was there anything about this man that wasn't perfect?
"Does that mean you like to play video games too?" you asked after a few moments, taking another sip of your drink to try and get a hold of yourself once more.
"Maybe not as much as some of the others here, but yes, I have played quite a bit over the years," he replied. "In fact, there's a group of us that usually gets together on Tuesdays for a game night. You should join us sometime when you're all settled in and feeling up to it. We'd love to have you, though I must warn that things can get heated at times. Some of us have a harder time taking a loss than others."
You laughed, knowing all too well what he was talking about. Your friend Felix also fell in that category of people. "Sounds like fun. I'll have to keep that in mind."
"And on that note, we are just about all done here," Yunho said as he applied a cotton ball to the crook of your arm to stop the bleeding before beginning to bandage you back up.
"What? Really?" His words surprised you, too distracted by your conversation to notice he had slipped the needle out already. "Wow, you're good. I didn't even feel it."
"Not so bad then?" he asked, collecting the vials of your blood and standing up to properly store them before they got sent off for testing.
"Well, considering I passed out the last time my blood was drawn, I'd say this was a vast improvement." You could feel the endorphins kicking in now that it was over, a huge wave of relief washing over you. "After that, I sort of stopped going around needles as a whole. My mother wasn't very happy when I stopped getting flu shots, but seeing as I haven't gotten sick in years, I'd say I'm okay."
"Here, why don't you eat one of these." Yunho extended a plate of cookies in your direction. "I didn't take too much since we just needed a sample, but you should still probably eat just in case, especially if you're going to be driving later."
"Did you make them?" you asked, taking one from the plate and giving it a try. "They're really good."
"No, sadly that credit has to go to Wooyoung. Despite how he may appear at times, he's actually a really good cook."
"Really?" Like Yunho said, this fact did surprise you. You hadn't pictured the playful redhead as someone who might have enjoyed cooking, let alone be good at it. But here you were. Was there anything about these men that weren't perfect? "I'll have to let him know if he's still around when I get back."
You waited there with Yunho until he was done putting everything away, taking the time to recover and sneak another cookie or two before getting back on your feet. Once you were good, and certain you wouldn't be passing out anytime soon, you followed Yunho back towards the front office when he had closed everything up.
You chatted idly with him as you went, finding him just as engaging as the others. When you arrived back at the front office, however, your attention was stolen by Wooyoung. You were too distracted by praising him for his baking skills that you didn't notice the additional male that had made his way into the room in your absence. It wasn't until you had finished up your brief conversation with Wooyoung and began making your way back to Seonghwa's desk that you finally noticed the man beside the senior manager. He was seated on the edge of the desk next to Seonghwa, and though his back was directed towards you, his head turned in your direction when he noticed your hesitant approach.
"y/n, this is Kim Hongjoong, the owner of Paradigm."
Once again, the introduction took you for a spin. Of all the mentions you had heard about the man, the person sitting before you was the very last thing you had ever imagined in your head. He looked no older than the rest of the occupants here, including yourself, making you wonder if he had inherited this place from a family member or bought it with a fortune he had inherited. It was the only two plausible explanations you could think of.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kim." You had a hard time stopping yourself from wriggling in your spot as he took you in. Not just from knowing this man was the one responsible for your admittance here and his role as your boss, but also from his appearance, easily just as attractive as the other coworkers you had met up to this point. "I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity you've given me here."
"Please, just Hongjoong. Mr. Kim makes me feel old." He smiled, alleviating a bit of your nerves. "And after everything Yeosang and the others have had to say about you, we're all excited to have you on board with us here. I just came down to introduce myself and make sure Seonghwa had everything in order."
"I believe we've just about gone through everything." Seonghwa motioned for you to sit down. "All that's left is to sign everything and you'll be all set." He pushed a stack of papers alongside a pen towards you. "Feel free to scan through these, but all of it is just a reiteration of everything we've already gone through or just a part of the lease agreement attached to the email Yeosang had sent you earlier. I've also gone through for you and highlighted each of the sections you need to sign or initial to make things easier."
You nodded, taking the pen that sat on top of the stack before beginning to go through and sign the various documents. You briefly scanned through the first few pages before signing them, but upon seeing Seonghwa was right, and each sheet was just a repeat of everything you had already talked over, you eventually began to just skim through the pages in search of the areas Seonghwa had highlighted for you.
"I think that is everything," you began, finishing your signature on the last page and briefly flipping through the previous documents in search for any spot you might have missed before handing the stack back to Seonghwa across from you.
Seonghwa took a second to flip through the pages as well, double-checking your work. "It appears everything is signed and in order." He dropped the stack back on his desk before opening one of the drawers to his left. "Congratulations on your new apartment, Miss l/n." The object he had reached for was a small bag which he now extended towards you. "I know you said you wouldn't be able to move in or start until two weeks from now, but your unit is ready and everything is in order, so here are the keys to your apartment and mailbox, alongside the card you'll use to unlock the doors to the building and the sticker you'll need to put on your windshield to unlock the gate to the garage. So, feel free to come and go as much as you'd like until then because for all extents and purposes, you are now officially a resident of the Paradigm."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Felix, I swear to all things holy, this place is going to be the death of me." You could hear the laughter this statement elicited from your best friend through the car's speakers, and you had a hard time hiding your own flustered smile despite knowing he couldn't see it. "No, I swear, Felix, how the hell am I supposed to work and act normal when everyone around me looks like the physical embodiment of a god. We're talking Haneul level here, Felix. Haneul."
High on finally finding a place of your own, and at The Paradigm no less, you had gone up to see your new apartment one more time before you left. You had spent longer up there than you anticipated, fully basking in the realization that this was now yours and no one else's. Just yours.
It hadn't taken long for the thought to overwhelm you, causing you to break down in the upstairs bathroom for a few minutes. The realization you were finally getting out and starting over hitting you hard.
Once you had finally gotten a hold of yourself, you had taken a picture of the lower level with your newly acquired keys to the place and sent it to your best friend in order to update him on your decision. It had only taken a few seconds after you sent the photo for Felix to call you, nearly as excited as you were.
"Haneul level?" At the mention of the coworker the two of you had both been admiring from afar the last few weeks, Felix's voice took a slightly more serious tone as you were finally able to drive your point down to him. "All of them?"
"Well, all of the ones that I've met so far, but yes!" you cried, though the hint of a giggle did break through, still giddy from the day's events. "Now do you see my predicament?"
"y/n, I don't think that's a predicament," he began, "I think that's heaven. And as your best friend, I think it's only right for you to let me come see your new place in person... and perhaps these gods in the form of your new coworkers."
You giggled once more at the way Felix quickly spit the words out at the end, rushing them to make it harder for you to make out. "Well, Felix, you're in luck because I just so happen to need some help moving a few things into the place this Saturday."
"I thought you weren't moving in until the following weekend."
"I'm not, but I figured I could get some stuff done this weekend since Jae is still on weekends." Despite the joyous occasion, you still felt your spirits fall at the mention of your soon to be ex-boyfriend, wondering just how you were going to pull this all off successfully. "I thought I would go out and get some of the items I need and move them in so I don't have to worry about all of it the following weekend."
"And you still plan on keeping it all a secret from him until the last moment?"
"Yes," you sighed, running a hand through your hair and wondering just how you were going to make it through the next two weeks without letting anything slip. If you had it your way, you would have moved in today, but knew that wasn't a smart move to make, not when you planned to finish up your scheduled shifts at your current job. If you were to break things off with him now, you knew he would come find you and convince you to change your mind and go back with him. "I know it's not right, disappearing with little more than a note after all these years, but I'm terrified of what might happen if I try to tell him in person. You know what happened last time I tried, Lix. What if it happens again and I ruin everything I've finally managed to set up for myself."
The last time you had pulled the courage to end things, Felix had offered you a spot at his place until you got back up on your feet. Everything had been set up and packed, and yet, when you had stopped and told Jae what was happening when he came home from work that evening, he had flipped. You didn't remember much of what happened afterwards, but just as before, all your belongings had been put back up and away. He had been extra attenuative to you that following week, even calling out of work to spend more time with you, making you wonder for a moment why you had ever tried to break things off.
"I'm not judging you, n/n. The guy's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve a proper break up after all the shit he's put you through," Felix replied, taking note of your fallen mood. "You, however, deserve the fucking world, including this new start with your supposed godlike coworkers, and I swear if he tries anything to fuck it up, I will personally kill him."
"Thanks, Felix. I don't know what I would do without you," you mumbled back, comforted by his constant support and friendship. You truly didn't know where you would be without him. "But if I'm being honest, as attractive as these men may be, I think it's time to take a nice, long break away from any sort of relationship and focus on myself for a little bit."
Sure, they were attractive, but you truly didn't have any intention of acting on anything at the moment. And even if you did, the chances of them not already being in a relationship or even remotely interested in you was slim to none and setting yourself up for something that was never going to happen would only make you feel worse than you already did. Though time had numbed the pain, you knew you were hurting after years of being stuck where you were now. Pain that would quickly resurface if you attempted to bounce back into the dating game before you were ready. You needed time to heal, time to recover from the shit you had been put through these past years. And the only way you were going to do that was if you spent a good bit of time focusing on yourself.
And this might have been what happened if you were heading to some place normal, some place sane. If you hadn't just unknowingly signed your entire being over to the very men you were just talking about. Each of whom had no intention of letting you do anything on your own now that you were theirs.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist: @penguichuu @peppermint-tea-life @mrcarrots @idjitscentral @m1na-1n-the-bu1lding @nikinonikki @yunho0o0o0o @layzfeelit @honeyhotteoks @feral4lix @marsattacks @purplelady85 @spooo00oky @x0cherrytattoo0x @matzstars @justhere4kpop @seojonneh @joongs-hoe @going0dumb @marievllr-abg @giiouis @muranol @beautysirens @jaxavance @hwaightme @ateezfavstan @mingki1117 @alyssajavenss @icyb3rry @likexaxdaydream @camzpetite @tito-the-mermaid @belle643 @seonghwifey @markleecankickme @mingikz @pretty-kiwi @jenniiee-tm @blackb3ll @watamotee33 @sulfur-and-rain @stopeatread @jessi-outdated @yuufiles @amaryllisanz @tomoonteez @lixpixstix @atinysthings @ninalove323 @kuromibabe04 @seonghwassy @jenseok17 @toxicccred @teugiie @kirooz @313hwa @heyitstacy
a/n: please let me know if i missed you, added you to the wrong taglist, or if you would like to be added/removed :)
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echantedtoon · 10 months
What If: Kokushibo Edition
WARNINGS: One innuendo and mentions of pregnancy.
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The world was a quiet place today. Just alone with his thoughts and own work. 
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
It was a rarity that nothing was planned for him today. No work. No responsibilities. No training. No plans. Just whatever he wanted to do today. Which again was rare but not unwelcome. He never did like being left unoccupied for too long however so it would be the perfect time to get the project he wanted to do done. Everything shall go precisely as planned.
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
No sounds except for the light bird chiros and the small movements of his hand held knife against the wood. The calloused hands continued their own work pushing the carving tool against the wood slicing off piece after piece little by little with precise knowing strokes. The small pieces falling onto his lap or bouncing off his legs to join the others on the floor. 
Widdle. Widdle-
...Ah. There she was.
He didn't even bother looking up as the angry footsteps approached. He knew she was coming towards him long before he even heard her. The force behind the angry footfalls for told the approaching woman's anger but again he was expecting that from the start. He felt no fear as the floor thuds stopped directly behind him. Not even bothering to stop his woodworking.
"You have arrived...I was honestly expecting you..sooner." A hand brought up the tiny wooden piece to a maw holding a jawful of fangs. A breath blowing away any small pieces of wood splinters.
"Do you want to explain a few things going on?"
He finally bothered to turn his head slightly. Standing above him was a woman. Purple eyes staring down at him. Her pretty face brought a fragrance of hydrangeas with her, a familiar scent that calmed his senses. Her expression was one of annoyance which he had been expecting. 
"What ever do you mean?"
"Oh don't play games with me." She frowned more before pointing at his face. "I wanted something specific from the kitchen for breakfast today and I was denied but I was given options. Options from a diet plan I was told YOU put into place for me."
"Oh yes. That. ...You are correct." His eyes turned back to the work in his hands-
"Kokushibo, don't you ignore me!" You marched around to stand in front of him as he continued working on whatever it is he was doing. "That's not the only thing you've decided to go out and do! I also found out from Akaza that you ordered him to stop training me for the next ten months!"
"Correct...Hand to hand combat is dangerous...for your body right now...It could put stress on you...or you could get struck in the stomach ...and I won't allow that."
"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!! I also found out that you placed Kaigaku in charge of guarding me?!"
"I'd prefer you to have ..extra protection during this time."
"You scheduled me a doctor appointment for tomorrow without asking me?!"
"I need to be able to.. monitor your health."
"You assigned nannies to 'help me with the boy's?!"
"You'll need the extra help for them."
"...When did you stop trusting me?" You gave a desperate ask making the top pair of eyes turn to you but he didn't pause his work. "If I gave you a reason to doubt I can take care of myself let alone the boys then just...Tell me what I did wrong?" Your arms flopped to your sides. "What did I do to make you lose faith in me?"
"Nothing...You haven't done anything...to make me have that opinion of you... You're capable."
You again held your arms up with a major look of disbelief. "Then why all the sudden changes without telling me first? I'm not hurt and you just said I'm capable. If you think I'm pushing myself too hard, I'll try to fix it but you have to tell me why first."
"Hm... You're certain?"
"You're my husband. I didn't think there'd be secrets between us. Koku..." Hands  reached out to grab his cheeks making him pause his work and turn up to your worried look. "You promised me no secrets or lies on your vows. Honor that."
There was was from him before he sighed through his nose. "As you wish..You would have found out...from the doctor tomorrow...anyways."
"Find out what?"
"You're two weeks pregnant."
Silence. He stared as your body just... paused as if you were in a picture perfectly frozen in time. Your eyes staring ahead of you at him. Mouth closed in a small line. His bottom eyes peeked down as he continued his woodworking unsurprised by your reaction. There was silence still as you remained still... eventually you opened your mouth slightly-
"Twins", he answered matter of factly, "Both male."
You just sat there..your brain spaced out and there was a ringing in your ears as you blanked.  Your thousand mile stare finally slowly refocused. You only managed to yell out one word. "WHAT?!"
"You're two weeks pregnant..Twin boys. I just...told you that."
"I-I JUST-...YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Your hands pulled back as your eyes shot down to your middle. It didn't even look like anything changed. You didn't even feel any different or...or... ANYTHING!!! "YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING WITH ME?!"
"I never jest... Especially with something so serious."
"I have explained how my transparent world...vision works...Have I not?" You froze as finally all his eyes looked at you seriously. Oh..You forgot about that. "I took the proper... precautions early..to avoid any headaches or danger...later. I was serious when I said...I would take care of my remaining..family."
You only stared.. before you slowly looked back to your middle and a hand shakily pressed against your stomach...still didn't feel any different. "...How did this even happen?"
"Three weeks ago...we celebrated our anniversary by-"
A hand quickly pressed against his mouth as your face went beat red. "IT W-WAS A RETORICAL QUESTION!!"
He only made your face burnt hotter by reaching up to hold the hand over his face and press a kiss to the palm. "Yes ...But the end results are welcome."
You sputtered like a fish before just groaning and resting on your knees. For a moment neither person spoke as you rubbed your face and he held your hand to his cheek. "..... How long have you known?"
"Three days...I had a hunch and confirmed...it. I figured you didn't know and wanted...to make preparations first."
"Does anyone ELSE know?!"
"Only you and I...I've told no one else yet."
That relieved you at least but then a wave of dread hit you as a thought popped up. "Oh good gods...What are the boys going to think?"
"Our children will no doubt be quite...happy... Yuichiro however will be stubborn in the beginning...but with time he will come..to terms."
Rui and Muichiro would be excited for this especially with Rui bouncing off the walls becoming a big brother...But..You gave him a slightly worried look with narrowed eyes. He seemed to instantly know what you were thinking about.
"I will not favor these children...over the previous three," he spoke with assurance. "As someone who has..had a childhood plagued with... segregation I will not subject any..of them to that."
You sighed in relief instantly turning your head down..but paused noticing something that you didn't see before. There was four cylinder shaped pieces of carved wood on the opposite side of Kokushibo's lap. All perfectly aligned in a row. Except these weren't just ordinary sticks. The tops were widdled to a semi point and there was a series of holes carved in a series down their spines revealing the hollowed insides. You stared at them before turning your head and finding a dagger and the makings of a fifth hollowed stick in his lap. Slowly you blinked before pointing them out.
"Kokushibo. Are you making...flutes?"
"Yes. I am...nearly finished with the set."
You looked back to him bewildered. "Why?"
"Gifts for our children." He finally released your hand to reach down and remove the dagger and almost finished flute From his lap despite your surprised look. "I had one...as a child..I intend to pass that tradition on."
You stared at him more .. before smiling. "Aw.~ Really? That's so sweet of you...But all of this aside.." You gave him a stern look. "I'm going to continue what I've been doing so far."
"You will not stress..your body."
You made to stand pulling one knee up. "I won't stress myself out but you can't just stop me-" A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked before you could even blink. "EEP!!"
You gasped out as you were pulled forward, and in a second you found yourself placed in Kokushibo's lap with his strong arms cradling you to his chest. The redness in your cheeks was back instantly as he chuckled.
"Just did."
"Y-YOU CHEATED!!" You casted a glare up at his smile. "I wish you would S-S-Stop doing things without telling me you know!"
"Agreed. ...That is why I did not make... arrangements for a nursery yet..That will be a joint decision."
"Well thank you for that." You deadpanned looked at him despite the red in your face and crossed your arms. "Is there anything else you did I should know about?"
"I have thought of names ...for the boys." You blinked and would've shouted at him again if he didn't suddenly gently touch the right side of your stomach staring at it as if he could see something you couldn't. You blinked at jumped slightly at the gentle touch. "Michi." You blinked as his hand moved to the other side. "Yori."
"Michi and...Yori?" Your rose a brow before looking back at him. "You named one of our sons after you and didn't ask me first? I don't dislike it but you could've at least.." You paused..."Wait.." You narrowed your eyes. "Yori??...As in-"
"Do not say it-"
Kokushibo visibly paused...and his eyes looked away. ".... Perhaps we should rethink the names-"
"Nope! Too late!" You smirked. "Mama's decided she likes those names. Their nicknames can be Mi-Mi and Yor-Yor.~"
"Aw. Don't tell me Mi-Mi senior is mad. I think it's cute.~"
"I regret not waiting."
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