#to the pagans of florida
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years ago
Two Ominous Visions... From The Goddess of The Hurricanes (A warning for any person than lives in Florida)
I had two visions in June 1, and after almost two months of not knowing if post about them; (and now remembering how bad things were when Fiona striked The Caribbean, and how only a few people sadly died in my nation; for not taking this hurricane, seriously...) I decided to post it anyway, 'cause maybe someone takes these visions; as seriously as I feel them, and... I could at least save to a few lives.
This was the first of two visions, sended to me by Guabancex:
I was dressed like her, walking near a coast where all the boats were on land away of the sea by a few meters; and with the bottom of the boat turned at the sky. The Pier, had a few chunks of cement ripped off; and when I walked inside the land, there were malls and houses destroyed too by the forces of the winds; nobody at sight and the breeze as my only companion, like if I was in a ghost town. Then, I heared only a name; from a bodiless female voice, the name of the land hitted by total destruction: Florida.
And, the second vision; was as it follows:
She was like I always saw her dressed, but... In a big ring, like she was a wrestler of the WWF; (walking slowly and bragging about the destruction than only she, is able to bring) and the place was full of people screaming enthusiastically in their innocent and fun spectacle, until... She looked directly where the entire world could literally saw her, and she said in a cold voice and with an stern face; than ''For all the bad things done in this place, I will send a hurricane than will look likes is the end of the world; 'cause the ones than are ruling there, has to be punish for using their power; to punishes to innocent people who doesn't deserve it!...'' Then, she just dropped the mic to the floor, with an wrathful expression in her face, and then; everyone in the public stopped speaking and/or laughing... There was a deadly silence, in the air. Florida: That's the name of that land.
Guabancex is really furious for the horrible laws than were enable in that place (You know: The ones than discriminate people, and others than will endanger innocent lives in that land; meaning all the laws than makes you feel sick and/or scare you, with only think in any of them), and she told me than she will send a major hurricane to Florida: If you, or a loved one lives there; and a hurricane category 3 or more, could arrive soon in Florida... You have only one day, to take to your loved ones, food; water, their documents and first aid kit; and leave to a safer place: I hope this is one of those visions than never happens, but; if a major hurricane is near Florida, then please be careful; and... Just LEAVE. (Better being wrong, than sorry!...)
Scientists had predicted in the last weeks, than this Hurricane's Season ('cause the record warming of the sea, the extreme heat cause by ''El Super Niño''; and the typical appearance of more storms in August til October) could see between two; to five major hurricanes; which means than at least one of these storms, could became a serious threat to People in all The Caribbean, including Florida: Let's continue to watch to the sea... Til November, 30!
Good luck to all The People and Pagans in Florida, and remember than Florida is under Guabancex's Domains and Power; so just check if you have to replace something in your Emergency's Kit now, (That includes to buy that extra box of medicine, two extra little bottles of drinkable water; and have a few hundreds in cash keep near of you, just in case the AMT's are not working; or are far of you) so you can be less stressed out when the evacuation become imminent; and than you only thought, is saving the only thing of real worth: Your life... And the lives of all the people than you care, and/or you can reach.
Than this visions be of the ones, than never turns into a reality... So Be It!
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lxvenderghost · 5 months ago
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leosuntaurusmoon · 5 months ago
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Hunkered down during hurricane Milton and the power in our apartment went off around 4pm. Also my wisdom tooth has been coming in and causing me a ton of pain. Hours later I finally lit some candles and sat down and wrote a prayer to Apollo and the moment I wrote the word “aid” the power flickered. Excitedly I finished writing and the moment I finished the prayer the power was restored. I got up and realized my tooth no longer caused me major pain. I feel so blessed and thankful to lord Apollo. I hope he feels my praise and love for this 🧡
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messiah10chi · 10 months ago
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Florida Water is a spiritual tool that is used throughout many different traditions and practices and is revered for its many abilities. It is used for cleansing, purifying, anointing, blessing, elevation, attraction, and as an offering, amongst many more. Some say it is a great equivalent to holy water. It can be placed on an altar to elevate the space and is commonly used as an ancestral offering. It can elevate your spirit and mood, attract love towards you, refresh your vibe, and you can anoint your living space with it for protection and purification. It can be used to anoint spiritual tools as well. There are a TON of ways to use Florida water and if I explained them all, this paragraph would be ginormous! Not to mention it also smells divine!
Did you also know the “Florida” doesn’t mean the state, but instead is a word for “flower”? However, some do say it can also mean the state because Florida is apparently where the fountain of youth is, but I may need to be fact checked on that, so definitely do your research when it comes to this lovely cologne!
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boymanmaletheshequel · 5 months ago
Praying to Poseidon and Zeus to have mercy on my Floridian pagans. Stay safe y’all. ❤️
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sporadicarbitergardener · 1 year ago
9 ways to use Vanilla a basic kitchen ingredient
Warms, precious and sweet-smelling, vanilla makes a great addition to magic spells. Whether you have it in who form, essential oil or as an extract, here are some great ways to use vanilla in spells and magic. Facebook49Tweet0Pin9 Looking for ways to use vanilla in spells and magic? Whether you have some precious vanilla essential oil, a whole bean or just a store-bought bottle of extract, this one-of-a-kind spell ingredient vibes with witchy energy.
Check out these clever ways to incorporate it into your magical practice.
Love Spells Vanilla is a classic love spell ingredient, especially when combined with rose oil or cinnamon. Use the whole bean in a sachet for love or combine it with a few drops of rose oil and dilute it in a neutral-smelling natural oil for a simple love potion.
As a Hearth Warmer The warm, beautiful smell of vanilla knocks the chill off of a recently vacant house.
If you just moved into a new space or are trying to bring a place to life after a period of stagnancy, all a few drops of vanilla essential oil to an oil burner or diffuser during the waxing moon for several nights in a row.
To Warm Cold Hearts Generally, it’s best to steer clear of cold relationships.
But, if you absolutely must deal with someone who is not especially warm, vanilla acts as a kind of heart warmer to ease tension in relationships.
Anoint your heart center with vanilla oil when you have to deal with a relationship that is cold to make warmth and compassion spread from you like a contagion.
The Kitchen Witch’s Best Baking Friend Vanilla is a common inclusion in baking recipes for a reason—it tastes amazing!!
But for the kitchen witch, there is the added layer of magical meaning.
Use vanilla in love spell recipes for romance on date night.
Try it in these love spell cookies or this recipe for love spell cake for a delicious way to make something magical out of dessert for two.
In Ritual Baths Are you one of those witches who likes to throw your entire magical cabinet into a ritual bath?
Add a few drops of vanilla essential oil (or even a splash of vanilla extract) to this Aphrodite Attaction Bath for a sweet-smelling botanical blast of sacred beauty vibes.
During Imbolc Vanilla is common pantry item, making it a staple magical item in the winter.
Incorporate vanilla incense or oil into your winter moon or Imbolc ritual to “warm up” your soul from the inside out.
Try this Imbolc White Magic Creme Brulee for a magical treat during the coldest time of the year.
Long Term Goals The bean of this plant (where most of its potency is stored) takes a whopping 9 months to ripen.
This “slow-burning” energy makes it a great addition to spells that require fortitude and persistance.
Use the whole bean as an amulet to keep yourself on track when endurance is crucial.
Cultivating Value The vanilla bean is one of the highest-value botanicals available on the international market (second only to saffron).
Use vanilla in spells to cultivate a higher-value life. A life where your time is better spent doing the things you love. Or in which you are using your talents to your best advantage. Or where you are surrounded by people who see your intrinsic worth.
However you define value, vanilla empowers spells for attracting precious things into your life.
Sweeten bitterness. Use this botanical in spells to dispel bitterness.
This spell component wards off petty attitudes and steers personal interactions in the direction of warmth and positive cooperation.
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theantarwitch · 2 years ago
Quick Question! Under your close practices tab you have Florida water listed. I've been wanting to use Florida water for some time (As a way to "bless" things, use it as an offering for deities, ancestors, etc, and as a protection water, to lock things like doors, windows, and mirrors.) but I wanted to research it a little bit before I bought it (just in case) From what I've seen, Florida water isn't a closed practice by itself, but their are traditions in magical practices like hoodoo, that are closed. I have 2 main reasons for thinking this is:
A. Spiritual creators (I know, not the most reliable source but still) have said many times that Florida water is not a closed practice. The 2 people I cite for this would be "That Honey Witch" and "The Glamour Witch LA", who both are POC. (Glamour stitches one of Honey's TikToks. I don't have TikTok but if you google search "is Florida water a closed practice?" the link is the second thing to pop up. There is also a reddit discussion on this topic, and while the poster/OP was really nice, the comments are filled with appropriation is BS etc etc so big yikes)
And my second reason being B. Florida water is a relatively common item sold at places like Walgreens, it's a cologne that, to my knowledge, was made by white man in 1808 (And was popular in the Victorian Era). It was advertised as a unisex perfume/cologne. I understand that the spiritual uses were popularized by mainly hoodoo practitioners, but from the research I've done, nothing says you have to be part of a specific culture to use it in your practice. (And was interestingly made in New York and not Florida, and got it's name from the supposed location of the fountain of youth.)
Sorry that this was kind of long- I genuinely mean no harm and I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just want to have a (hopefully) productive and helpful discussion about what is, and what isn't a closed practice, and the nuance behind it. I feel like people make things too cut and dry, especially on apps, like TikTok.
(also apologizes in advance for any spelling errors I'm sure I made a bunch)
Absolutely right.
Florida Water, just as White Sage, Oomancy and almost the majority of techniques, ingredientes, herbs and elements, are not closed or open PER SE. But is the use of it what make it closed or not, similar to how all herbs used in closed practices aren’t closed but the practices themselves are.
Just as you said, it wasn’t originally specifically created for spiritual practices. And I can tell that was probably used centuries before to get that fancy name. Was just a smelly cute water to the clothes in an age where was not even soap.
Like, dang it, if you look for the ingredients, you can find 50 different ways to make it! It can have Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Rose, Lavender, Bergamot, Jasmine, Chamomile, Neroli, Violet, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Basil, Eucalyptus, Mint, Cinnamon, Clove, Anise, Cardamom, Black pepper, Vanilla, ETC. None of the ingredients is closed.
Florida Water, used in a context of hoodoo, is closed to hoodoo. Just as White Sage in the context of Smudging is closed to Natives.
Florida Water, used as a ingredient to perfume, is open.
Florida Water, as a liquid to cleanse, is open.
If we become more tricky, a water made with, for example, lemon and mint, that you can make in your home to make the toilet smell good, is TECHNICALLY Florida Water.
Even more, we latins have the common use of rue and water as a way to cleanse a space, and, then, is florida water...
The Rose Water? Can almost be a florida water...
Probably, the link of the Florida Water and Hoodoo is related to the fact that Florida had a massive amount of African American slaves, but I'm not an expert in that topic and I would prefer than another POC with more knowledge of the topic say something about it. I speak only of the little I know.
So, short story. If you use Florida Water to use in the specific way of a hoodoo practice, not being from that culture, is closed af.
If you use it to cleanse your space as if it was moon water, or to make the pillow smell lovely, then is open.
That make me remember that I should fix that post lmao I remember I did it at 3am, no wonder why I made that AWFUL mistake, Thank you!
Also, don't worry, was not that long and I'm not a native english speaker, so I made 8237568 more mistakes than you lmao, chill.
Was a very interesting topic! Thanks to bring it up!
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whimzbones · 10 months ago
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From the garden around the corner 🍄
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Diary of a Man who Loves Joe Winko ⛤ MANIFESTATION SPELL ⛤ IMAGINE THIS ALL HAPPENING! ⛤ (pages 1-26)
Pages from the journal of a crazy man who falls in love with me/Joe Winko ⛤ This is actually all part of a spell that a witch online told me to do to attract a lover/partner. They told me to write a journal from the perspective of a crazy man who ends up falling in love with me so it ends up manifesting in real life ⛤ REMEMBER: THE PERSON WRITING THIS IN THIS JOURNAL IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ME/JOE-WINKO!
Remembering that will make you far less confused... IMAGINE THIS HAPPENING FOR REAL ⛤ SO MOTE IT BE ⛤
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lxvenderghost · 5 months ago
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hard launching me n my wife to yall yw
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allthesunlightwecansee · 2 years ago
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Trying out a little something new today! I’d never worked with oils, but I enjoyed it today 🧪
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rabbiteclair · 5 months ago
i get into a horrific car accident while carrying a crock pot full of meatballs in the passenger seat. at the hospital, the surgeons cannot sort out which chunks of meat are me and which are not, so I end up with several meatballs sewn into my guts. despite this I make a full recovery, and they elect not to remove the meatballs because quote 'they seem comfy in there.' i go on the talk show circuit and become moderately famous as The Meatballs Woman. when i die i am buried under a gravestone with meatballs carved on it. in the year 2438, a grad student from what is now Cambodia who is studying the late pre-collapse American Empire writes her thesis on this, concluding that I probably never existed and was a conflation of several real stories and urban legends. years later, a pop-history book wildly misinterprets this and several other things, arguing for the existence of a historic American religious pantheon including figures like The Meatballs Woman, Florida Man, Emperor Norton, etc. this book sells bizarrely well and inspires a new neo-pagan movement, which in turn leads to a weird shipping community, resulting in a small but vibrant scene of ABO fics featuring me and MrBeast (who in this context has been interpreted as a god of excess and trickery)
this chilling scenario is only one of the multiple reasons I am going to attempt to not crash my car today
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bunabyte · 2 months ago
It sucks growing up in Florida, without any basement to perform rituals in
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boymanmaletheshequel · 5 months ago
May Zeus and Poseidon, Gaia and Aeolus, have mercy on the souls who have been claimed or marred by hurricane Helene, and may the corporations responsible for the earths decline, and with it, their deaths, never know peace before they die, when they die, and long afterwards as well. To all my Hellenists, polytheists, nature witches, and other good people who have lost people or homes to this storm, don’t stop fighting for our planet, don’t stop fighting for your lives, don’t stop fighting for your homes. We can’t fix climate change entirely, not that we know of, but there’s still time to hold responsible those who bore it upon us. Never forget to curse the names of Blackrock, of Exxon, of Chevron, Shell, and so many others. Do not let them or their ceos know peace, and don’t stop fighting for a better, safer world from the rape of corporate greed. Love y’all, stay safe. 💚
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nordseehexe · 1 year ago
Can i put Fanta in my Florida water
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iglesia-urania-caribenya-fl · 2 months ago
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Aphrodisian Temple to Aphrodite, Adonis, Priapus, Hercules, Dionysus Grand Opening Announcement
Virtual Tropical Temple Announcement
Virtual Caribbean & Floridian West Indian Aphrodisian Temple to the Gods ~*~
Hello friends 🌞✨🌈🏝️✨ let’s write prayers and make votive cards for our gods and what about making candles that sounds fun eeee let’s just do activities together ~*~virtually~*~ let’s share recipes and cool exercises and dance moves ~*~ let’s worship our gods of pleasure, deliciousness, beauty and leisure 💖🏝️🌈���
and we can oggle at hot guys together ~*~*~ everyone’s welcome 💖
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Adonises are Jason Derulo (Haiti), Austin Kiel (Virgin Islands), Jordan Torres (Borikén) 🏝️🏝️🏝️
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