#to the family functions in I would be astounded.
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Forced to go to a relative's birthday party but at least my outfit went hard. Wtf am I saying I'm giving hypebeast someone come kill me.
#this side of the family doesn't know I'm trans but if they don't suspect something faggy is going on based on the outfits I always show up#to the family functions in I would be astounded.
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“You toil still in service to men. Your father, your husband, your son. You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?”
A couple of things:
1) Alicent is a queen consort and is a Hightower by birth, so no, she cannot imagine herself on the Iron Throne, because Targaryen succession does not work like that. This is basic knowledge that 5-year-olds would presumably be expected to know, and I am astounded and embarrassed that Rhaenys, with her age and experience, lacks this fundamental bit of common sense.
2) Alicent has been the functional regent of Westeros for the past six years. In the previous episode, we see her actively governing the realm and overseeing all royal matters (while Rhaenyra sits on her ass with her loser husband in Dragonstone). We also literally hear Vaemond tell Rhaenys “It’s not a king who sits the Iron Throne these days, good sister. It’s the queen”, so I can assure you, Rhaenys, that Alicent has physically sat on the Iron Throne just fine. She lacks authority, obviously, as she is the consort and not the king, but she certainly did not and does not lack power, to say nothing about influence. This ridiculous show, however, does not seem to be able to differentiate these terms.
3) Does this show not understand that Alicent installing her son as King is not just beneficial to him (which the show acknowledges) but also directly beneficial to her? This is a patriarchal and patrimony-inclined world; Alicent’s son being King would not only mean immense prestige for her family; it would also mean the ultimate peak of power and influence for her (which we see her unapologetically wield in the books). In Westeros, we see Visenya Targaryen supporting her brother and her son’s kingship rather than angling for the throne in her own right, and wielding absolute power in their reigns. Historically, Empress Matilda (the female claimant to the throne in the Anarchy, the war this story is based off) relinquished her claim in favor of her son, Henry II, presumably because she recognized he stood a better chance at gaining the throne (which he did) and continuing her legacy. Yet according to this show’s logic, every single woman who has fought for their fathers and brothers and husbands and sons subscribes to internalized misogyny rather than, idk, supporting their families and gaining power, security and status for themselves as well in the process. Not to mention, Alicent relinquishing her children’s claim and stepping aside would not only be utterly humiliating and degrading for her from a political and personal standpoint, but also legitimately life-threatening for her children and her family. More competent writers would understand that she did not have much of a choice.
4) “You desire not to be free but make a window in the wall of your prison” is the MOST SICKENING PIECE OF VICTIM-BLAMING BULLSHIT I have ever heard in a long, long time. Alicent was a teenager when she had to marry the much-older King (her best friend’s own father) because of his desire for her. He repeatedly raped her and forced at least four pregnancies on her that she did not want. She was utterly isolated at court after her marriage, lacking comfort and friends (including Rhaenyra, who abandoned Alicent for three years after learning that she was being made to marry her father and, based on the comments she made, did not even stop to consider the awfulness of Alicent’s predicament). She had to endure the humiliation of her father being fired and made to leave court, leaving her even more alone than she previously was. She had to endure her husband constantly favoring his firstborn and his grandchildren by his firstborn rather than Alicent’s children who were a direct result of her rape by him. Her son was maimed and bleeding and her husband chose to defend his firstborn’s moronic decisions rather than bring him justice. She is not a Targaryen, she does not and cannot ride a dragon. WHAT WAS ALICENT SUPPOSED TO EXCEPT TRY AND SURVIVE? HOW ON EARTH IS SHE BEING JUDGED FOR IT?
(And this ridiculously condescending comment is coming from Rhaenys of all people, lmao. A dragon-riding Targaryen who was an actual claimant to the Iron Throne, unlike Alicent. So, what was stopping HER from seizing power, pray tell? After all, she even has the Velaryon forces to back her claim. Instead, in her own words, she made peace with her own exclusion. She constantly disagreed with her husband’s ambition regarding her claim and her family’s power. She volunteered her 12-year-old daughter as a child bride for her own aging cousin. The hypocrisy and double standards here is pathetic, and the lack of self-awareness on the part of the show is even worse)
Alicent was legitimately terrified for her children and her family’s lives, and she was entirely justified in doing so: if Rhaenyra ascended the throne, Alicent’s children would inevitably become threats to her whether or not they directly opposed her. This is unavoidable. Look up any historical usurpation, and that’s the inescapable result - and that’s not even going into the fact that Rhaenyra and Daemon are people who are reckless, cruel and indifferent to violence, and would not hesitate to kill any opposition to their reign. The show’s so-called claim that Alicent is upholding the patriarchy falls apart when you consider the fact that this is the only solution that guarantees the security of her children and herself. How is Alicent’s perfectly understandable motivation written as internalized misogyny?
And moreover, from a writing perspective ... why give her this arc at all? Fire & Blood was badly written, but it doesn’t change the fact that they looked at an ambitious woman who wanted to enhance her power and improve her family’s standing, who directly defied her husband’s wishes in terms of succession in favor of her own, and rewrote this choice into one borne from internalized misogyny. They wrote her as a child bride, a rape victim, an abuse victim and a teen mother and then used this backstory to say that she was conditioned to become the so-called agent of patriarchy (which they do not support with believable evidence) who opposes their so-called feminist protagonist (whose primary enabler is Alicent’s rapist and abuser, btw, not that his abuse is acknowledged nearly enough by the narrative considering how heavily he was romanticized in the last few episodes) It’s a heinous, disrespectful, absolutely terrible writing choice, and I cannot emphasize this nearly enough.
(Oh, and speaking of Rhaenyra, let’s talk about how her queenship solidifies Viserys’s claim over Rhaenys’s. Let’s talk about if she truly cared about women inheriting the Iron Throne - as opposed to just herself - she would have considered this. Let’s talk about how she disregarded the claims of Baela and Rhaena in favour of her son when it came to Driftmark. Rhaenyra is not challenging the patriarchy, her ascension to the Iron Throne will not change anything for anyone except for herself, do not make me laugh by claiming otherwise)
ON TOP OF THIS, the show can’t even decide on a consistent motivation or characterization for Alicent. They repeatedly show us her visceral and justified fear for her children’s lives, which is somehow forgotten in episode eight in favor of her saying that Rhaenyra will be a good queen. Her desire to see her son crowned and thus ensure her children’s safety is disregarded in favor of her actually wanting to fulfil Viserys’s half-baked wishes on his deathbed. They have her say that everyone knows Aegon will be king, and then act surprised when the Green council plots to install him as King. They do not care about Alicent’s personhood and individual character; what they care about is her position as a foil and antagonist to Rhaenyra.
In conclusion: this show sucks. It shows absolutely no understanding regarding the politics of its own world and our medieval history and is a parody and a travesty of respectful storytelling. It has inconsistent and baffling character motivations and downright misogynistic writing, and this is not acknowledged nearly enough by the fandom.
#hotd#anti hotd#alicent hightower#team green#anti rhaenys targaryen#anti rhaenyra targaryen#not really but kinda#hotd critical#anti viserys i targaryen#does anyone even care about that shitshow anymore? idk and idc. i've wanted to rant about this for a long long time#mine
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We’ve arrived. The final chapter, apart from an epilogue. I hope it was worth the wait. Some characters by @noble-crimson and @cleoarrow appear again. Also, @toonsforkicks22 and @fernstarsblog the story is complete now. Phew… I can’t believe I actually did it.
T/W: Violence, parental and emotional abuse, homophobia, drug addiction, era-appropriate sexism.
Primum Peccatum Final Chapter: Thanks for The Memories
Their reception was held within Lakepoint. The function center was decorated with white lace and the occasional splash of red or blue. The round tables, six seats at each, were dressed with white tablecloths, a glass carafe in the middle of each, filled halfway with water and a red and blue rose. Fine white ceramic plates, each with a silverware roll wrapped with a white napkin and a red or blue satin ribbon. On the long rectangular center table was a three-decker Angel food cake, frosted elegantly with white buttercream, purple and green sugar blossoms climbing up the sides. Jade green bottles of champagne, their tops wrapped in gold foil, sat beside dozens of identically arranged flute glasses. To the right of the champagne, a large silver kettle of coffee, several boats of cream and a bowl of frosty sugar cubes beside white mugs on white saucers.
Pomni walked with her husband, hand in hand, to their reserved head table. As was customary, the bride’s side of the family sat with them. Vladimir, Mirella and Zooble sat with them, along with Mr. Kinger. He was family. Pomni was the last to be seated, as she had elected to bring everyone something to drink. Normally, the bride wasn’t to raise a finger for her guests. But it was Pomni’s wedding, and she couldn’t be persuaded otherwise.
“Your vows were absolutely beautiful, piccola, they brought me to tears…” Mirella sighed, sipping from her flute of champagne.
“I am glad they moved you, mother,” Pomni Krolik said. She finished the cup of coffee she had poured for herself, wiping her chin with a napkin. “I spoke from the heart. As you have so often told me not to do.”
Mirella’s reply was cut off by Mr. Kinger.
“Mr. Krolik, what are you to do now? Now that you’re married I assume you must find a trade.” he said, sipping his black coffee.
“I would first like to fully recover from my illness, as well as enjoy some time with my wife, before I seek an occupation.” Jax replied. His tone was pleasant but somewhat uneasy. “There is also the matter of inheritances.”
“Indeed,” Vladimir said. “All of that shall be taken care of. In just a few days, your estate will be prepared. I have the paperwork for the property and for your inheritances in my desk-”
“In the first drawer on the right,” Pomni added. “All your documents to be signed are put there for safekeeping and ease of access.”
“Yes dear, your memory never fails, does it? In the first drawer on the right.” Vladimir smiled. “Goodness, I’m proud of you. You’ve adapted so well to your circumstances… And you were so obstinate before!”
“Adapting is certainly an accurate description,” Pomni said. She picked up her quarter-full flute of champagne and sipped. She was not a fan of drinking. It spoiled her focus. So she opted for a paltry amount for ceremony’s sake.
“I suppose now is as good a time to say so. Welcome to our family.”
A deep voice behind her made Pomni turn in her seat. Drexl Krolik stood, arms tucked behind his back and dwarfing just about everyone at the table. Boone stood at his side, his mouth firmly closed. He met Pomni’s eyes and glanced away.
“Mr. Krolik, I’m delighted to see you! Wasn’t the ceremony lovely?” Mirella asked.
“Quite. I was impressed by my son and my daughter-in-law’s rhetoric,” Drexl said, clapping a massive paw to Jax’s shoulder, who flinched conspicuously.
“And what a performance by your second son!” Kinger exclaimed. “That voice of his is astounding, where did you train him?”
Drexl sniffed. “He’s self taught. My involvement with such frivolities is minimal, I assure you. He is a career driven lad, much like the rest of my family. While we were on the subject, however…”
Drexl turned to look at Pomni, who had quaffed her mostly empty champagne flute.
“I was curious, Mrs. Pomni, if you had the chance to consider my offer? Krolik International would love to have you onboard as a member.”
Pomni took a deep breath and smiled, setting her empty champagne glass down on the table with a clink, a bit of leftover froth trickling down and resting at the bottom of the flute.
“Why yes I have, Mr. Krolik! I’ve pondered your offer for some time now, and after careful consideration, I’ve decided that I’d rather have a job wiping the prime minister’s arse than work for you!”
Kinger put a hand to his mouth in a soft gasp. Zooble made a sound that sounded like an abnormally loud cough. A deafening silence fell over the hall.
“Pomni-!” her father exclaimed. “M-Mr. Krolik, I’m truly sorry, she doesn’t normally drink- I’m certain that she didn’t mean a word of-”
“Father?” Pomni arose from her seat. “Firstly, I am not inebriated. Secondly, I don’t feel at all comfortable working with that man. You’ve already pawned me off once, I’d prefer if you didn’t do it again…”
Her father spun about, a vein popping on his forehead. “Pomni Shutnyk-!”
“Pomni Krolik, father. Please get it right. It was your idea. And if you please, shut up a moment. I’m explaining to you why I don’t want to work for this man. You will let me speak.”
Pomni turned from her stunned father and looked back at Drexl Krolik.
“Mr. Krolik. I can’t speak on your skills as a businessman, because from what I can tell, you are perfectly successful. However, as a father and authority figure, you disgust me on a visceral level. What do you gain from putting your hands on your own sons?”
Drexl’s eyes ballooned to double their size. “Are you accusing me of harming my own brood?” he whispered.
“Ha. Please don’t playact being offended. I know you harm your own “brood.” In fact, I saw you slap Osvaldo and Boone in the face the evening I had dinner at your manor.”
Jax winced. Other guests had turned to look in confusion. The Gentleman in Red, unnoticed, finished cutting himself a piece of cake and watched from the end of the table.
“That’s true, isn’t it Boone?” Pomni said. “Your father is rather wicked at the best of times, is he not?”
Pomni took a look at Boone, who shrank and stammered. Everyone had turned to look by now. Ragatha clutched her necklace of beads and whispered prayers to herself.
“Pomni, you’ve said quite enough-” her father began.
“Father, do you love me?” interrupted Pomni.
“Do I-?”
“If you love me, you will not give me over to Mr. Krolik. He is a fiend.” Pomni gestured to Drexl, who stood like a bull. “I will suffer under his leadership, make no mistake.”
Jax got to his feet. “I’m afraid I must agree, Mr. Shutnyk. My father would surely bring harm to your daughter should he be put in a position of authority over her. As her husband, I cannot allow this.”
“This is obscene!” Drexl barked. “I am appalled at your lack of decorum, the both of you! I magnanimously offer you, my daughter-in-law, a position at my company despite your gender and this is my thanks?!”
“Yes,” Jax replied.
“Allow me to elaborate, ladies and gentlemen!” Pomni climbed onto her chair so she could be seen and heard more clearly. Perched up there, she looked like some form of odd white Phoenix.
“Be careful, dear..!” Kinger exclaimed.
“That incredible performance that you heard this morning? Mr. Krolik found the idea of his son composing and performing a song for our wedding so abhorrent that he struck him in the face! I witnessed it, roughly around 9:30 PM on the seventh of this month. The performer, Osvaldo, my brother-in-law, could not join us for the reception, because he worried for his safety and had to flee the premises. Fearful of his own father’s wrath!”
Pomni glared at Drexl, her eyes glinting with righteous anger. “From what I’ve been told, your four sons and daughter in law live in terror of you. You’re impossible to please yet entirely too easy to displease! And when you’re displeased-”
“Pomni-” Mirella began.
“Mother, hush.” Pomni snapped. “And when you’re displeased, you hurt people. So if I were to displease you as your underling, what would you do? Hm? Hit me? You’d knock me flying. Perhaps even concuss me! But you wouldn’t be caught, no, a man like you is talented at not leaving marks, correct?”
“It’s true,” Boone said.
Drexl whipped his head around to look at his older son. Pomni and Jax looked at him as well.
“It’s true. My father is a tyrant,” Boone said, taking several steps away from Drexl and avoiding his searing gaze. “In fact, not long ago, he did this.”
Boone opened his mouth, placing a thumb and finger over one of his front teeth and neatly plucking it from the socket. The guests gasped.
Ragatha hastened her prayers. The crow-woman stood and left the reception, clutching some silverware in her wings. The Gentleman in Red had a bite of cake.
“I did no such thing!” Drexl thundered.
“But you did, father! You’re always trying not to leave marks, but this time you boxed me a might too smartly, didn’t you?” Boone shot back.
“Cease these lies at once!” Drexl roared.
“Or else you’ll do what?” Boone shouted back. “Knock a few more teeth loose? Oh, I’m so very scared!”
The patriarch of the deer family, possibly even taller than Drexl with fur so brown it was nearly black, rose to his feet. His cinnabar eyes burned with severity.
“What kind of a man puts his paws on his children, Krolik?” he demanded. His voice was a heavily accented growl.
“Lawrence, this is all nonsense!” Drexl spluttered.
“No man at all,” Kinger said, slowly shaking his head.
“I’m afraid the bridegroom speaks the truth,” Altonicus said, standing from his table. “I was often spared from my father’s wrath on account of being the oldest son, a guilt I struggle with to this day… But even I have been denied meals and been a recipient of floggings. I became a doctor because it was my passion, and it happened to be profitable, so my father allowed it. Osvaldo wishes to be a vocalist, and is undeniably skilled, as you all have seen, but father sees such a career as and “womanly.” So he refuses to allow Osvaldo the chance to pursue his dream.”
Kali got to her feet. “It isn’t limited to his offspring, either. I live in fear of Drexl as well. Alton and I have avoided bringing a child into this world because I would worry for their safety… And I…”
Kali covered her mouth and sniffled, Altonicus holding her other paw.
“Kali, may I?” Jax said.
“You’ve all said quite enough!” Drexl growled.
“Slanderous little harlot… I would never-”
“I have not had the flu.” Jax interjected.
“Pardon me?!” his father barked.
“I have not had the flu. Rather, I have been ill, but not from any rogue paramecium.” Jax turned to his sister in law and repeated himself. “Kali, may I?”
Kali wiped her eyes and nodded. “I’ve bore this anxiety long enough. Tell your story.”
Jax smiled gently and nodded.
“This is all hearsay, hearsay and lies!” Drexl thundered.
“No, Mr. Krolik. I would like to hear from my son-in-law.” Vladimir said coolly.
“Thank you, Mr. Shutnyk.” Jax said. “When I was 17, Boone and I got into an altercation. I fell from a bridge, and broke my arm and several ribs…”
Boone looked down at his shoes, still maintaining a careful distance from his father.
“Kali tried to ease my pain by giving me a bit of laudanum. She only knew that laudanum was a powerful sedative, not a narcotic, and wanted to grant me some respite from the pain, because she is a good sister…”
Kali broke into sobs, sinking into her chair. Alton wrapped an arm around her. Jax had begun pacing around the reception.
“And thus, when I began craving more laudanum and the pain returned worse than ever, Kali was forced to hide her mistake and bring me more. Now, why was this the best choice, you may ask? My brother is a doctor, surely he would have a way to remedy the situation… It was because I was still living with my father.”
Drexl simply stared, livid.
“If he discovered Kali made this mistake, no matter how well-intentioned and repairable, he would surely fly into a rage. He certainly would have attacked her, or Alton… Perhaps even me for acting an inebriate. And so she gave me more opium to ease the pain and avoid arousing his suspicions until I had healed, yet had a hopeless craving for poppy. I struggled with it for five years…
“That is why I’ve been ill. I apologize for lying to you all. My wife encouraged Kali and Alton to aid in getting me off the awful tincture now that I’ve been away from my father’s prying eyes. I have been in the midst of battling withdrawals. It is incredibly unpleasant, but I am on the mend.”
Jax, now at the other end of the hall, turned to address the guests. They were utterly transfixed.
“Now you all see the depth of the terror my father inspires. No mistakes are permitted around him, lest you face his wrath, be you offspring or in-law. Pomni and I apologize for dampening the mood of the wedding, but we wanted everyone to know my father’s true character.”
The door opened, and Osvaldo entered. He held a file under his arm, gasping and holding it to his chest upon seeing his father standing in the middle of the mostly silent room.
“Osvaldo, welcome in. Would you like to add to the litany of accusations against your father?” Pomni asked with poison politeness.
“Don’t be frightened, Aldo,” Jax said, standing at his older brother’s side and accepting the file that he girded himself with. “You can say what you like.”
The gray rabbit shook his head frantically. “I shouldn’t…” he muttered.
“Do not contribute to this slander, Osvaldo.” Drexl warned.
“Sir, we would like to hear from your son,” the son of the deer family said. He looked at the gray rabbit with an expression that might be read as protective. Osvaldo blushed and swallowed, but shook his head again.
“Osvaldo. We’ll entertain this piffle no longer. We are returning home.” Drexl said.
Sister Ragatha approached Osvaldo. Although he was an inch or so taller than she, she bent slightly at the waist to speak to him.
“Osvaldo… My child, there is nothing to fret about.” she said, using her softest and voice and wearing her warmest smile. “I think you’ve been exceptionally brave today already. However, I need to know the truth because it concerns a dear friend of mine. Would Pomni be in danger working for your father?”
Osvaldo chewed his lip, squinting his eyes shut.
“Ozzy,” Boone said. “Go ahead. It will be alright.”
After an agonizing number of seconds, he nodded.
“Mutinous little CUR!!!”
Drexl drove his fist into Pomni’s table, knocking it onto one leg and catapulting champagne flutes and coffee cups across the hall, which shattered into dust or clinked shrilly across the floor.
Mirella yowled and fell out of her chair, Vladimir diving to her aid. Zooble was struck on the armpit by the tabletop and knocked to the ground. Pomni tumbled from her chair as well, shielding her face with her arm with a loud exclamation. Kinger slid over and caught her before she hit the ground, although she took him to his knees with the impact of landing. Jax made a dash for Pomni from across the hall, losing a shoe mid-stride. The table wobbled feebly on its solitary leg before falling onto its side, the tablecloth fluttering to the ground and forks and spoons and butter knives sliding free from their undone rolls.
“Mrs. Krolik, are you quite alright?!” Kinger asked, holding the small woman tenderly as Jax skidded to his side, kneeling to assure that she was unharmed.
“I-I-I am fine, I… Osvaldo?!” Pomni sat up at attention, looking across the hall.
Drexl moved like a charging steam engine towards Osvaldo, who whimpered and crouched to his knees, covering his head with his arms. Guests all around the room gasped and got to their feet, some shouting in protest. Ragatha stood before Drexl, clutching her necklace in a fist.
“Sir, I would ad-”
A huge palm lashed across her face, the Gray Sister yelping and falling to the floor.
“DARLING!” Gangle shrieked, kneeling at her side.
Drexl seized Osvaldo by the throat and pulled him up with alarming force.
“Father, no, please!” Boone cried.
Drexl ignored this and began to squeeze. Altonicus vaulted over his table and sprinted towards his younger brother, only to skid to a halt.
There was a sharp scrape of metal across metal as Drexl felt something cold press to the back of his neck. He turned and ceased all movement.
“You-!” Pomni could be heard saying.
The Gentleman in Red had crossed the room. Nobody had seen him walk, oddly. He was by the wedding cake, and then he was not. He’d withdrawn a rapier, as thin as a fencer’s foil, hidden in his cane, and pressed it to the back of Drexl’s head, directly on his brainstem.
“Sir,” The Gentleman said, as calmly as a constable might speak to one who had just tossed their sandwich paper onto the sidewalk. “Please allow your son down.”
Drexl Krolik snarled like an enraged wolverine, but did not move.
“Sir, again,” The Gentleman said. “I must ask you, allow your son down. I need only push a centimeter or two and you will cease to be. I do not wish to do this, and I am certain you do not either. Go on.”
Drexl’s pupils dilated from the slits that they had shrunken too. The Gentleman in Red looked at him sternly. Osvaldo fell from his father’s paws and scrambled backwards on his rear end. He crouched behind a table and was just about to curl up and weep when a hoof touched him on the shoulder.
“Sir, are you quite alright?” a deep voice asked.
The son of the deer family knelt at his side, honey-brown eyes shimmering with concern. Osvaldo did not reply with words, bursting into tears and covering his face with his paws. The deer rubbed his back and spoke softly.
“My name is Dawson. I loved your performance…”
The hall was silent apart from whispers and sobs. Drexl remained where he was, the rapier pressing against the back of his head. Vladimir rose to his feet.
“Mr. Krolik. In light of this new development, I will not be signing my daughter onto your firm. I will also be reconsidering my family’s donation to yours. You are no longer welcome at this reception. Good day.”
Drexl looked at Pomni, who had gotten to her feet. The look in his eyes could have poisoned an alpine stream. Pomni felt a lurch of fear in her belly that he might cross the room, grab her head with a single paw and tear it from her shoulders. The Gentleman in Red hopefully had quick reflexes…
Drexl turned to Zuzanna, thrusting a finger to the door. “Wyjeżdżamy.”
Zuzanna remained in her seat. Her normally sweet countenance was icy.
“Zuzanna! Właśnie teraz wychodzimy!”
“Obawiam się, że to trudne,” she replied.
A few of Jax’s cousins gave nervous input in Ediacaran. Zooble got to their feet, groaning with pain. Nothing was broken, but they were going to bruise terribly.
Drexl’s mouth twitched. He looked to Boone.
“Boone. Come along,” he ordered.
Boone slid his tooth back into its socket and looked his father in the face.
“Mother would hate who you’ve become. Go fuck yourself,” he replied.
There was a scattering of gasps from the guests. One indigo rabbitwoman flipped open her fan and rapidly waved it on her neck. Ragatha made a sound of disbelief as Gangle helped her into her chair.
Drexl balled his fists. He stared a moment longer before whirling about, stomping to the exit door and throwing it open hard enough so that it slammed against the outside wall with teeth-chattering force. The Gentleman in Red sheathed his rapier and rested both hands on his cane, observing the hullabaloo. He nodded to Vladimir.
“Delicious cake, Mr. Shutnyk,” he said.
Pomni put ice from the champagne bucket in one of the napkins, a blue one, and gave it to Zooble to help with their injury, doing the same for Ragatha, this time in a red one. She then strode over to Jax, who watched Drexl Krolik retreat into the distance before he closed the door.
“Are you alright?” she asked, holding his paw.
“I am alright. Are you? I’m sorry I didn’t catch you…” he said.
“Think nothing of it. You were helping your brother. I would like to go home. May I see those documents?”
Jax handed her the folder. She brought it to her parents, who were still gathering themselves off the floor. Jax went to
“Pomni, we had no idea that-” her mother began.
“Yes, I’m sure you didn’t. Do not worry about that now. Please review these documents, if you don’t mind.”
Vladimir opened the folder. Inside were about a half dozen penned documents. The handwriting was of such a neat and blocky quality that it could only be Pomni’s.
“And these are?” Vladimir asked.
“A few bits and bobs. Notice of intent to vacate, acceptance papers from the New Hirnantian Embassy in Ediacara, transfer of ownership for a piece of property… and a few letters of intent to pursue legal action should Jax and I not be given our dowry.”
Vladimir put on his spectacles and skimmed through the papers, then looked up, perplexed.
“You’re… giving the manor we’re gifting you away?” he asked.
“We can hardly take it with us to Ediacara, can we? Besides, Osvaldo would benefit from it more. He needs a place to live, after all. So he can live there along with whoever he chooses.” Pomni said.
“You’re moving to another country? But Pomni, why? Why would you do this..?” Mirella pleaded.
“Please don’t begin the crocodile tears, mother.” Pomni sighed. “Yes, we’re moving to Ediacara. Drexl Krolik’s offer may have been laughable, but I was quite intrigued by his mention that women can work there. There are other issues, assuredly, but at least I won’t be doomed to a life of domestic servitude as I would here.”
“But… Pomni, what about-” Vladimir began.
“I’ve told you before, father. Your firm interests me no longer. Although Jax and I love each other, I have not forgotten how betrayed I felt three weeks ago, as well as both of your complete and utter indifference towards my distress. That hurt almost as much as you going behind my back. It not only broke my heart, it showed me that I exist as a commodity to you, not as your daughter. If I hadn’t learned of Drexl’s vicious personality, I would be at his mercy and it would have been entirely your doing.”
Mirella burst into tears, earning a roll of the eyes from Pomni.
“Mother, really. That is not needed. Now, if you two are truly apologetic, you will give me my dowry and let me go. Perhaps then I will let you back into my life. If you attempt to skimp on my inheritance, then you will never see me again apart from in court. That’s all. I am going home to pack. Our boat leaves in a few days. I’ll see you later.”
Pomni turned and walked away. Vladimir watched his daughter go. She found her husband, pecked him surreptitiously on the cheek with a dry smile, and spoke a bit with her oldest brother-in-law and sister-in-law. He felt like screaming at her, demanding her return. But he did not say a word, simply hugging his weeping wife.
Secretly, he was impressed.
#the amazing digital circus#funnybunny#tadc pomni#tadc jax#jax x pomni#oh no cringe#tadc ragatha#tadc zooble#tadc kinger#tadc gangle#tadc caine#tadc oc#fanfiction#tadc arranged marriage au#tw abuse discussion#tw addiction#this is the longest thing I’ve ever written#weird to be sorta done
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My Chapter 51 Thoughts and my thoughts around ShimaMitsu in general
So @mapoeggplant had a really cool discussion thread on twitter and I wanted to contribute to it. But I got very longwinded and now idk if the pics in my google doc even loaded... so I decided to share my thoughts here on tumblr as well!
Be warned, this post is littered with manga spoilers so if you are an anime-only or haven’t caught up to the most recent chapters, avoid this post so you don’t have the journey spoiled for yourself ^o^
Mika realizing something is up with Mitsumiー Mika is definitely a character that surprised me in how much I ended up liking her! Everyone in S&L I think is a subversion of popular tropes in manga’s past where on the surface they look like a trope and then boom, sensei hits us with a reality check and explanation as to how they are. Mika is clearly the ‘mean girl in shoujo who hates the protagonist by virtue of crushing on the male lead’. *Worry not, I’m aware S&L is a seinen*
But her maturity and growth over the series? Astounding. From reconciling with her envy of Mitsumi, Nao helping her come to terms with the idea of Mitsumi and Sousuke dating hypothetically in the future and becoming such a good friend? Love it.
So I love how Mika is the first to really notice that something is off with Mitsumi in regards to Sousuke.
Pretty sure that back in chapter 47 it was established that all of the girls have noticed something was off with Mitsumi. But they decided to respect her privacy because if she wants to tell them what’s wrong, she’ll tell them and they want to give her the chance to come to them first. Though they did express they were worried she wasn’t truly seeming like herself.
And the reason Mika starting to connect the dots this most recent chapter is so ‘big’ for me, for lack of a better word, is because it really puts into perspective how Mitsumi has been handling the breakup.
Mitsumi breaking things off with Sousuke was definitely a mature move. I’ve even been in the same position of breaking things off with a relationship because of feeling like the way we loved each other was different and it would be best to go back to friends. Then spending 2 years chatting with my ex as if nothing happened before having an emotional breakdown about it and needing two weeks of space from her before I could function around her. And it feels like Mitsumi is doing the same thing with Sousuke. But by virtue of Mika spotting Mitsumi’s discomfort in sitting next to Sousuke and starting to question things, it really solidifies how Mitsumi is processing things.
Like, Mitsumi telling Sousuke she can work on her own and such when he proposed the idea when she mentioned wanting to work to get Maharu a new wallet. She wasn’t just brushing it off and being all chill, kumbaya. She was more than likely trying to avoid him because she isn’t really ready to just be alone with him yet.
So I’m hoping in this arc that Mika is going to bring up what she’s noticed to Mitsumi. Because since she’s already processed her feelings, if Mitsumi were to admit to her that she and Sousuke dated briefly before she ended things it wouldn’t make Mika spiteful or anything weird like that. If anything, I think it would bring them closer together because if there is anyone who would understand the Sousuke-failed-relationship/rejection love pains Mitsumi is going through, it would be Mika.
Mitsumi & Sousuke (and Yasaka)ー
As for Mitsumi specifically, I think that her relationship with Sousuke as present is a ripple effect of Yasaka’s statement back during the chapter Mitsumi rightfully called Sousuke out for not standing up for her when she would definitely do it if the roles were reversed.
Immediately after that, we see Mitsumi beginning to contemplate what she said, her perspective of Sousuke and she doesn’t really know how Sousuke was raised, his relationships with his family etc. Like, she knows there is some drama there, based on the school festival arc with the play and running into Sousuke’s childhood friends and mother but she also acknowledges she doesn’t know the full story and how Sousuke came to be how he is today.
While Yasaka’s assessment did give Mitsumi the idea that she should keep in mind how she was raised and how others were raised paints how they become in the present, she is almost like… overly internalizing that and trying to be overly conscious of Sousuke’s feelings. And even the feelings of Maharu. I’m not sure I’d go as far as saying Mitsumi is blaming herself for what they are going through since so far I haven’t really seen anything that would indicate self-blame. The closest you can get to that is her scolding herself for expecting Sousuke to come to her defense just because they’re dating.
When, in reality, while Yasaka is right Mitsumi should keep in mind that Sousuke and her have different frames of reference and she should be considerate of that… Mitsumi was well within her right to be upset that her boyfriend was letting some mean girls shit talk in her face and made no effort to defend her.
Then the next time you see them interact in chapter 45, she essentially brushes that under the rug. She apologizes to Sousuke for getting upset, he says he is going to turn down their party invite and they go their separate ways… But Sousuke never actually apologizes for not standing up for her which, at least in Mitsumi’s eyes, would solidify the idea that she was in the wrong and was expecting too much of her at-the-time boyfriend.
This overly considerate behavior Mitsumi is now displaying even went as far as not wanting to tell her friends about the breakup and everything that led up to it because she was worried about how they would perceive Sousuke and possibly give him some sort of negative treatment in response to how things went. Not to mention, she’d rather just bottle up her feelings than cause a rift in their friend group they’ve had since first year.
When she breaks up with Sousuke, she goes above and beyond in reassuring him they have and always will be friends. Which while that is cool because the hiccups aside, they have a pretty great friendship, Mitsumi isn’t really allowing herself to feel hurt by the breakup and thinks that, while even if a large portion of it is that she and Sousuke’s ‘love’ is different her actions thus far would imply she thinks it is on her for expecting so much. (So I guess there actually is a good portion of self-blame from her, even if subconsciously!)
And with the most recent chapter, Sousuke gets to see how Mitsumi is hiding how hurt she is by Maharu’s rejection of her gift and her outburst that Mitsumi is only thinking about herself and to me his expression is almost like a parallel to his expression in chapter 46 when Mitsumi broke up with him.
In chapter 46, Sousuke needed comfort. He’s worried about being abandoned or viewed as worthless because he wasn’t able to live up to the ‘use’ or ‘idea’ Mitsumi had of him.
This time, Mitsumi needs comfort and it’s like this moment has essentially confronted Sousuke with the fact that she isn’t as cheerful, mature and invulnerable as she has presented herself to him thus far. So while yes, Yasaka was right in how Mitsumi doesn’t know as much about Sousuke as she thought she did, the reverse is also very true in that Sousuke doesn’t really know Mitsumi as much as he thought he did.
Sprinkle all this into the fact that Sousuke is going through his own whirlwind of emotions regarding Mitsumi, their breakup and how he feels about her. He’s jealous of Ujiie and how close he is with Mitsumi, he feels left out that Mitsumi hasn’t really been including him in activities outside of school and he was pouty and perplexed in chapter 47 about her perspective of the breakup going far as to pout to Chris and Ririka:
And Chris rightfully being confused because he doesn’t get Sousuke’s reaction since back in chapter 42 he didn’t even really know if Sousuke really even liked Mitsumi romantically (as proven by how, when Sousuke told him about the breakup, he automatically assumed Sousuke was dumper and not the dumpee). Now he wants to be closer to her while Mitsumi is essentially going ‘I want to keep everything chill and normal but at the same time I’m still upset and trying not to be next to him for extended periods of time just yet’.
Fast forward to chapter 51 and Sousuke’s in Mitsumi’s childhood home and feeling out of place/out of his element. So this is all the recipe for him to confront his own misconceptions of Mitsumi and, hopefully, apologize for his part in the breakup and how he should have stood up for her. Which we do see him do later in chapter 50 when she isn’t present, but Sousuke has the self-awareness to know and bitterly accept that if Mitsumi hadn’t called him out before he likely would have let them continue talking poorly about her.
Maharu & Mitsumiー Now onto Maharu~ I’m fully looking forward to her part in this arc because it is very clear that she is dealing with insecurities regarding herself and her older sister. Mitsumi has been confirmed by multiple characters that she is essentially a prodigy in her hometown and her hometown is being hit with a very real-life problem the Japanese countryside faces. Like, it is to the point where schools in the countryside are shutting down because there aren’t enough students to justify keeping them open because the young people are leaving for the city, not returning and not raising their kids there (which most people aren’t doing anyway due to the decline in birthrates in recent years for Japan).
Mitsumi even went as far as telling Sousuke her thoughts that she might likely be the only one of her siblings to even leave their prefecture.
We don’t really know how much Mitsumi is discussed back in her hometown, but it must be enough to make Maharu feel the way she does. It is just unfortunately manifesting in taking things out on her sister rather than talking to her parents about how she feels or even trying to discuss it with Mitsumi. Hell, talking to Mitsumi about it first probably won’t even help things come to a positive conclusion. As it stands now, Maharu’s perception of her sister is that Mitsumi looks down on her for getting out of the prefecture and going to the holy grail that is the capital of their country for school.
She needs an outside perspective that isn’t ‘tainted’ by Mitsumi.
Mitsumi’s friends from Tokyo are out because 1) they are Mitsumi’s friends and 2) Maharu already is feeling insecure and putting them on a pedestal because they are Tokyonites and fancy people.
Her family is out because Mitsumi is essentially their pride and joy.
And the chapter end with Maharu running into Fumi and while I wanna say ‘Fumi, get in here and rescue this sibling relationship’-
Fumi would still fall under the category of ‘tainted by Mitsumi’ by virtue of being Mitsumi’s best friend, even if Fumi has been shown to be very close to the Iwakura family. So I honestly think it could go either way with Fumi trying to talk to Maharu and help her vent how she feels, but Maharu could easily do that and when Fumi tries to be reasonable Maharu could think that Fumi is trying to take Mitsumi’s side when she is just trying to help give Maharu some outside perspective.
So that would basically summarize all of スキロー thoughts with the most recent chapter sensei has delivered us. I’m loving it all so far and looking very forward to what happens next!
#look she's not writing#skip and loafer#スキップとローファー#スキロー#iwakura mitsumi#shima sousuke#shimamitsu#egashira mika#toyama fumino#iwakura maharu#manga spoilers#skip and loafer spoilers#skip & loafer#skip & loafer spoilers#animanga thoughts
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My Evolving Relationship with Nature
Unlike the opinions of many of my hometown friends, I feel extremely lucky to live in Hamilton, Ontario. Growing up in between the Niagara Escarpment and Lake Ontario provided me with unlimited access to various types of terrains and adventure. The lake, meadows, creek valleys, swamps, forests, beaches and rocky profile of the escarpment provided countless opportunities for adventure where I could observe and become familiar with diverse ecosystems and various forms of biotic life. I was able to explore the many ecological features that are unique to Hamilton, such as the Devils punch bowl - which offers one of the largest vertical displays of stratified rock along the Niagara escarpment. (Fun little sidenote: my dad proposed to my mom at the lookout point on this trail back in 1999, and so we’ve hiked it together as a family for years!) Hiking the many trails Hamilton has to offer was one of my favourite pastimes growing up and continues to be one of the many things I look forward to when home.

Being among nature has always brought me a significant sense of both comfort and adventure. Hiking a trail can be incredibly exhilarating at times as biotic life is so unpredictable, and yet there is nothing more grounding or peaceful (to me) than walking through a lush forest. As a child nature always excited me as I was never sure what I would come across; some of my favourite memories outdoors include flipping stones over to potentially unveil a salamander, or unexpectedly seeing a whitetail deer shake off their last antler.
My appreciation and admiration for nature has evolved significantly since pursuing my post-secondary education in biology as the knowledge I’ve acquired in ecology, environmental science, botany, plant biology, and horticulture has allowed me to gain a much deeper understanding of how ecosystems operate. When I walk through a forest now it is just as beautiful to me as it was when I was younger, however it is so much more captivating to me now knowing about the complex ecological and biological processes in which an ecosystem requires to function. My walks through the woods are much longer now, as I am eager to observe the species in which inhabit the different areas I visit. I find myself recognizing invasive species that I’ve done research on in the past, such as garlic mustard; or identifying tar spot fungal disease on maple tree leaves that I’m passing. Furthermore, I find myself considering and thinking about the countless biological processes and mechanisms in which are constantly occurring naturally within each ecosystem I visit, and I am astounded every single time.
My grandfather was the first person to truly allow me to develop my “sense of place” in nature, he encouraged me to explore the outdoors fearlessly yet respectfully. He shared his admiration for nature with me as he’d take my sister and I out on bike rides and walks down by the local conservation areas and parks while he watched us during the day over the summer. He would share any knowledge he could with us about the tree species in the area, the different bugs and birds we would see as we went about our adventure – making him one of the first people to introduce me to biology and ecology. Furthermore, he taught me the importance of respecting nature; to always be mindful and leave nothing behind but footprints.

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Omg I'm the anon who came up with the ex-delinquent Damian and yr new fic is WOW!! ^×^ I loved it sm!! loved the friendships Damian has now bc honestly he deserves it and it's canon that he has more friends than Jon 😭😭 now we gotta add Kathy for Jon/lh also the brotherisms of kon and Jon... Hes so in the principals office talking shit to Clark and Lois on the family gc(that does or doesn't include Jon,whichever is funnier)
Another fun idea but u totally don't have to include is Damian going to a rave/party with his friends,decked out in rave or punk fashion,not knowing Jon is ALSO THERE (Jon is convinced he's hallucinating until kathy or someone else throws a drink at him) - Damian and his friends are there rocking out till like 4 am,Jon for once doesn't confront Damian but takes pics/vids "for evidence" (blackmail/looking at yr crush being cool like a weirdo lol) Damian shows up to school completely functional with his partners in crime Colin and Maya who maybe threw themselves into the pit;; Jon is astounded and maybe a little infatuated.. at this point I'm gonna make a fanfic out of yr fanfic 😭😭
Again love yr fic feel free to not use any of these btw!! Can't wait to see what you do with yr fic no matter what route you go!! :po happy writing!!!
IM DEF BRINGING IN KATHY AT SOME POINTTTTTTTTT i might reuse ocs from some other fics bc jon doesn’t have a lot of people???
Dude i love that idea I would be absolute shit at writing it tho LMFAO I’ll probably give it a shot sometime regardless probably in more of like a college setting then high school BUT LIKE JONS R E A C T I O N CAN YOU IMAGINE
Damian’s absolutely pristine and energized but secretly dying inside and then Colin with horrendous bedhead and eye bags next to him bitching about a headache LMFAOOOOO let’s be real maya would just be maya she could totally handle it
Making fanfic out of fanfic and someone will make a fanfic of your fanfic and they’ll be fanfic of fanfic of fanfic
Tysm for sharing ur ideas :D
#damian wayne#jondami#jon kent#Damijon#bad boy Jon kent#bad boy x good girl#bad boy x good boy#i knew you were trouble: bad boy Jon Kent x top student Damian wayne#colin wilkes#maya ducard#kathy brandon#Fanfic#batman#superman#modern au#high school au#no capes au#dc fanfic#dc comics
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So I've been microwaving the antipsych stuff in my mind a bit and I guess ADHD got in there too because like
My family has a lot of disability and has had to deal with many doctors, and whilst no specialty is immune to the god-emperor doctor thing, why is it that psychiatrists and surgeons seem to almost universally have that trait? Like we have to draw up 'battle plans' for managing psychiatrists' egos before an appointment and we've never had to not use them. (Fortunately with surgeons we have access to very good teams that specialise in our disabilities so we let them ream out any surgeon if needed. Still astounded that someone who went through medical school had to be told that a type 1 diabetic patient is not going to have as good blood glucose control as a patient with a fully-functional pancreas though.)
agreed and I would like to add cardiologists to this list as well
I feel like the energy cardiologists and surgeons have is different than psychiatrists though bc cardiology and surgery departments are really well funded and respected and psychiatry is... not... like... go to any hospital and the cardiology dept building will be built within the last two years and have a fucking water feature and psychiatry is from 1980 and in the fucking basement lmfao
so I think psychiatrists have a chip on their shoulders about their colleagues thinking their specialization is Soft and take it out on patients whereas cardiologists and surgeons are just regular megalomaniacs. imo.
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Herein lies a contradiction typical of extreme mainstream culture in film, which cannot but be ambitious (the amount of money invested in it requires it) but has to contain (in both senses of “checking” and “enclosing”) the potential it is forced to make use of. In Red Dragon this happens by means of the utterly impoverishing psychological proto-narrative involving the main evil character, a boy, we are shown, who was raised by a domineering grandmother and whose memories still haunt him. But if this subtext fails to completely mediate an abused childhood with the posthuman Red Dragon, it serves the purpose of inserting the family space as both the origin of the problem and the realm of its possible solution. Reba McClane, a blind woman who works with Dolarhyde, is not shocked by his looks and eccentric behavior; she represents an equal, someone who also has a “disability” but who manages to function well in society. She is a source of hope inasmuch as with her the Red Dragon’s evil could be tamed by the formation of a nuclear family. If only Dolarhyde had not misrepresented the relationship between Reba and Ralph Mandy, another coworker, so the film makes us wonder, then there would be a way out for him, a passage from the dark and dangerous world of writing/reading to that of the lack of ambiguity in the conflict-free home.
Mediating between the hero and villain is the third pivotal element of the film: the police and the FBI. It is Crawford himself who takes Graham away from what we are led to see as paradise, and it is the FBI and the police who provide the material support needed for him to read and reconstitute what passes through Dolarhyde’s mind. What they obviously represent is a social apparatus of repression, one which, again, evinces the most astounding development from the stone-age computers in Manhunter to the up-to-date digitalized network of identification and decoding. It would be tempting to posit an en abîme structure in this case, whereby the technological development undergone by the police would be a miniature of, and would stand for, the film itself in relation to its precursor. But whether or not one relies on this clue, the parallels between the police and mainstream film are worth paying attention to, for both are socially prominent and aspire to be ubiquitous. (The camera indeed has come to perform both roles of universal instrument of surveillance and fundamental means of representation, as the verb “to shoot” and its derivatives attest.)
Furthermore, there is something revealing in the kind of opulence at stake here, not only in the habitually exorbitant Hollywood film budget (by now an important part of any mainstream film advertisement campaign) but also in the amount of resources available to repressive apparatuses. Perhaps one has to live in a Third World country, as I do, to be able to recuperate something of the amazement coming from the disproportionality between that one individual, Dolarhyde, and the State’s inextinguishable resources. From the point of view of its employees (state policemen, FBI agents, all sorts of technicians), an interesting dialectics takes place, whereby the agents of repression renounce the division between their private lives and their work in order to guarantee that this division remain absolute. As for material resources, their total deployment of means is redolent of the purest totalitarian fantasy: in a film where realism seems only to be left aside in the murderer’s pathological, delirious transgression, one might very well ask if this apparently infinite availability—of helicopters, 24-hour personnel, computers, and so forth—is not somehow fanciful, even in the case of a famous serial killer deserving abundant news coverage. The suspicion may very well arise, that is, that in this perfect working of the repressive machine (no one on vacation here, no single computer breakdown, no one using any equipment when it is not needed, no space for a lazy “let’s-do-it-tomorrow” attitude) a social truth is manifested: that writing/reading is dangerous and that to combat it there are no limits to the State apparatuses of counter-reading.
—Fabio Akcelrud Durão, "A Short Circuit of Reading: Red Dragon as Anti-Theory," 2004. Emphasis mine.
#fabio akcelrud durão#red dragon#thomas harris#manhunter 1986#red dragon 2002#literary theory#heat 2 midrash
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It was the year my brother died. I lived up north and had few friends or they all went away. Christmas Day I was sitting in my armchair, reading something about Hegel. You will forgive me if you are someone who knows a lot of Hegel or understands it, I do not and will paraphrase badly, but I understood him to be saying he was fed up with popular criticism of his terrible prose and claiming that conventional grammar, with its clumsy dichotomy of subject and verb, was in conflict with what he called "speculation." Speculation being the proper business of philosophy, Speculation being the effort to grasp reality in its interactive entirety. The function of a sentence like "Reason is Spirit" was not to assert a fact (he said) but to lay Reason side by side with Spirit and allow their meanings to tenderly mingle in speculation. I was overjoyed by this notion of a philosophic space where words drift in gentle mutual redefinition of one another but, at the same time, wretchedly lonely with all my family dead and here it was Christmas Day, so I put on big boots and coat and went out to do some snow standing. Not since childhood! I had forgot how astounding it is. I went to the middle of a woods. Fir trees, the teachers of this, all around. Minus twenty degrees in the wind but inside the trees is no wind. The world subtracts itself in layers. Outer sounds like traffic and shoveling vanish. Inner sounds become audible, cracks, sighs, caresses. twigs, birdbreath, toenails of squirrel. The fir trees move hugely. The white is perfectly curved, stunned with itself. Puffs of ice fog and some gold things float up. Shadows rake their motionlessness across the snow with a vibration of other shadows moving crosswise on them, shadow on shadow, in precise velocities. It is very cold, then that, too, begins to subtract itself, the body chills on its surface but the core is hot and it is possible to disconnect the surface, withdraw to the core, where a ravishing peace flows in, so ravishing I am unembarrassed to use the word ravishing, and it is not a peace of separation from the senses but the washing through peace of looking, listening, feeling, at the very core of snow, at the very core of the care of snow. It has nothing to do with Hegel and he would not admire the clumsily conventional sentences in which I have tried to tell about it but I suspect, if I hadn't been trying on the mood of Hegel's particular grammatical indignation that Christmas Day, I would never have gone out to stand in the snow, or stayed to speculate with it, or had the patience to sit down and make a record of speculation for myself as if it were a worthy way to spend an afternoon, a plausible way to change the icy horror of holiday into a sort of homecoming. Merry Christmas from Hegel.
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cw family abuse/neglect, ableism So my grandma has Alzheimer's and our family's known that her mental health wasn't doing fantastic for a little while but today I had a long phonecall with my mom and it really hit me how cold, cruel and devoid and empathy this family is. My grandma is 91, she's a sweet little French woman that never did any harm to anyone that I know of, or that I could witness in my own lifetime. She's not too talkative but she always had a smile and a warm hug for me when she came around. She read me stories when we came to see her - I still vividly remember the tone of her voice as she soothed me to sleep. She cooked lovely meals for us and we went for a walk together in the afternoons. The fact that she has Alzheimer's is not a happy notion, but it's something that I'm somewhat at peace with - it's the unfortunate, sad reality of being 91 years old. When you have a relative *this* old, you're grateful they're still around one more day, one more week to answer the phone - you know their health is only going to decline from that point onward. When I was younger, I thought that mental illness was one of the worse things that could happen to you, which is certainly a very stock-standard brand of ableism. I thought that getting Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, or being schizophrenic, were horrible fates, arguably worse than death. (If I had known that I was *just* a pinch of neurodivergence away from being put in the same basket as these people I considered with such contempt...)
But now, I find myself terribly upset, not at the fact that my grandma has Alzheimer's, but at how terribly alone she's being made, not by her disability or advanced age, but by the people around her (or lack thereof). For years, her condition has been getting worse - it's become harder to communicate with her, to exchange and interact with her. She walled herself slowly, but steadily in silence and soliloquy, and for many years my family (my parents, my grandpa, and my various aunts and uncles) chalked it up to her being hard of hearing and "just getting old". She spent the better part of the last 20 years living on her own with my grandpa, occasionally receiving a visit from family, but not being particularly active physically or intellectually aside from that. And now that her disability has progressed to the point where she can't function anymore, now that she's lost in a permanent out-of-context monologue and she's confusing the Scrabble board for a crossword grid and trying to melt whole sticks of butter in the microwave (both of these things actually happened and I don't think there's anything funny about either), the only response that seems to exist for my family is to institutionalize her. For the last 2 decades, the Responsible Adults in this family made little to no effort to actually make sure that her mental health was good, that she was cognitively engaged and kept active (things that are terribly important to maintain as people grow older, especially when they're at risk of Alzheimer's and similar disabilities) - but after leaving her to her own devices for so long with so little help and support, and so little efforts being made, suddenly, she's a burden that Just Can't Be Handled anymore and she needs to be sent to rot away. Every single component of this family leaves relatively far away from one another - we're spread across like, 4 or 5 different regions of France. In hindsight, I find it astounding that, even though there was no Bad Blood in our family between my grandparents and their children (they all get along and love each other! You'd think it'd be something rare enough to cherish!!), no efforts were made by my parents, aunts & uncles to make sure *someone* would be around my grandparents as they settle into old age, making sure to check on them a couple times or at least once a week, especially considering that some of my aunts & uncles bought some random property in the middle of nowhere when they retired. My family had every opportunity to get closer and extend solidarity, and create an environment where things like getting Alzheimer's or just experiencing the melancholy of feeling old and lonely and isolated (which is something my grandpa told me about many times during phonecalls) could be helped with by being surrounded with at least one or two attentionate family members.
Now that grandma is very, very visibly disabled, the prospect of welcoming her into my parents' or my aunts' homes seems like it'll never seriously be put on the table. My grandma's getting easily confused and startled and she seems to often think that other people are plotting against her, which my mom chalks up to mental illness, and which I'd personally be prone to at least partially blame on how conflictual everyone around here is being constantly. My mom told me that grandma threw stuff at her when they played Scrabble. I asked her why, and she told me that it was because Grandma kept "playing the game wrong" and she, mom, kept trying to correct her and eventually took her pen away from her. Can you imagine how humiliating and mortifying it must feel to have your things snatched away from you by your own daughter as she's scolding you on how to "do things correctly" but in your mind, you were playing a completely different game and you just have no idea what she's talking about? There doesn't seem to be any kindness, any patience around her. Grandpa constanlty bickers and argues with her and it seems like she's constantly corrected and snapped at like a disobedient, turbulent child. She doesn't want to go to medical appointments or to leave her home, so the solution for my family is just to institutionalize her. They fail to see how, in achieving the exact two things she *doesn't* want done to her and that she has vocally and explicitly demanded not to be done to her, they might just condemn her to a miserable, terrifying and infinitely lonely end. She said that she didn't want to leave, so they're not going to welcome her into their own homes, because "that's not what she wants" - but they think it's perfectly fine to institutionalize her by force. If you're going to pluck her away from her own home without her consent (which, in all fairness, *might* be necessary because Grandpa is 100% unfit to help if she accidentally harms herself or gets herself into danger, which is unfortunately possible, and my family doesn't seem to realize or want to consider that there are at-home helping medical assistance support systems that exist in France for these specific situations), wouldn't it be infinitely better if she was surrounded in familiar faces, instead of total strangers and medical personnel that'll rule her daily activities and decide what she gets to do for her? "But she might hurt herself, she could set fire to the house". She's a small, elderly woman. Put the cutlery and potentially dangerous stuff on the top shelves and lock them with a key. I could do that easily and your house is literally 7x the size of my apartment. "She could get herself lost." Just lock the door and go out with her when she wants to go for a walk. You're retired and you literally spend your entire day at home playing with your grandson. You have nothing else to do with your time. She's 91. For you, it's only a few weeks or months of inconvenience. For her, it's all she has left. All she has left in the confused, foggy, crumbling tower of her mind is the difference between being surrounded in loved ones, hearing voices, seeing faces that she knows to be warm and kind to her heart, or being locked in a shithole with complete strangers where she'll get Covid and probably die in a matter of months, stranded on a cold, dark rain-battered island. How little fucking room do you have to have in your heart to even consider the second option when you have all the commodities around you for the first one to be, *at worse*, at temporary annoyance - if really you can't stand having a confused old woman around and stopped harboring any love in your heart for her once she became classified as a Crazy Woman?
I'm just so upset. It's unfair. She hasn't done anything to deserve this. She doesn't have the black plague, she's not going to bite your ear off. You couldn't be bothered to check on her more than a couple times per year and now that she can't keep care of herself anymore, you won't even afford her the decency of a peaceful end. I feel extremely powerless - I've been calling them very regularly, but I don't have the money to change anything to this situation, and we physically can't welcome her in our cramped 3rd-floor apartment. Besides calling her every single fucking day so she at least has someone to talk to that won't yell at her the second she goes off-script, someone that addresses her with kindness. If you have relatives in your life that you love and that were good to you, make sure you're around for them as they get older if you can. Don't leave them alone to dry.
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@original-character-championship Eddie propaganda!
Fun Facts
[image description: a stats/trivia page drawn with markers in a bullet journal. along the left are d20s, in the middle is a list of proficiencies, and on the right is a character trope, a tarot card, and a three track playlist. /end ID]
I designed classes for witch types in the style of a D&D homebrew! Eddie's class is Clairvoyant and her sub-class (like Artificer for a Wizard) is Seer.
Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive things that are beyond the five senses. These abilities are almost always involuntary! Eddie has very little control over when she does or doesn't have a premonition or who it's about. Clairvoyants are the physically weakest witch type in the 'verse, with no attack type moves and low HP, but they have high intelligence, wisdom, insight, and perception.
Clairvoyants include Seers, Scryers, Mediums, and Oracles. Seers like Eddie have premonitions in their dreams. They dream an event as if it were happening to them. This event can be from the past, present, or future. Seers develop a "specialty" to their visions, influenced by a combination of nature and nurture. Eddie's specialty - like her tarot card - is Death.
Historically in-universe, Clairvoyants are unfairly maligned by both seculars (non-witches) and other classes of witch. They are believed to be functionally powerless, to taint or poison magic, and to attract malicious spirits. They are thought to be weak and inherently unstable. The word "sixer," as in a user of the sixth sense, is used as a slur against them.
Eddie's alignment is Neutral Good. She has 9 strength, 15 intelligence, 15 wisdom, 10 dexterity, 14 constitution, and 11 charisma. I got her stats from this personality quiz!
Her list of proficiencies on this page is out of date because I wrote this before I decided on the time period Curse The Messenger would take place in - which ended up being pre-world wide web. The updated Eddie is still fluent in English and a beginner at Spanish, and is an expert at trailing and amateur forensics. She also does the accounting for her and her sibling's private detective agency, Watchtower Investigations! Here's a snippet about that:
[image description in alt text]
Eddie fits the Hardboiled Detective trope, which TVTropes.com defines as "a tough [cynic] with a gun and a lot of street smarts, who solves mysteries with dogged persistence rather than astounding insight." Eddie doesn't have a gun, but she does have the taste for scotch and leggy women that Hardboiled Detectives also come equipped with. Here's a line particularly evocative of this trope and the genre it comes from:
[image description in alt text]
Three songs that give Eddie are:
Sincerity Is Scary by The 1975
Daredevil by Fiona Apple
S.O.B. by Nathaniel Rateliff and The Nightsweats
Eddie's favorite color is red. She's a Scorpio with a Halloween birthday. She's a butch-ish lesbian, but sometimes she "cross" dresses in her femme girlfriend's clothes (as a sex thing). She likes bodice ripper romance novels, but she's embarrassed about it. She's a little sister and she can't cook. She's also autistic, if you couldn't tell from that accounting quote, and she has chronic migraines!
She struggles with pretty severe alcohol addiction. During the first book, she hits her rock bottom. Then she decides to start getting sober and going to support meetings, where she meets her sponsor and her first friend outside of her family. It's difficult and she has relapses, but unlike a lot of other alcoholic characters she's allowed to stay in recovery! Her sponsor and friend also maintains sobriety and makes amends with his estranged family, helping Eddie to see the bright side of her Death specialty when she has a vision of his happy last moments far in the future.
@girlfriendsofthegalaxy @haectemporasunt @jezifster @blackhannetandco @fearofahumanplanet @godsleftarmpit @littlehastyhoneydew @rainbowabomination @antihell @isherwoodj @marrowwife @ashen-crest @wildswrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @garthcelyn @muddshadow @cohldhands @unrealistic-android @glam-pir @outpost51
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Taisho x Alice Heads & Tails Review
Time Played: 20.5 hours
Taisho x Alice is one of my favorite otome games, so the fan disc getting localized made me extremely happy. It didn't disappoint either. I thoroughly enjoyed getting after stories with these lovely characters, spending more time with Woolfe and Ryoushi in their stories, and laughing over the Arisu Academy AU.
(This review is spoiler free, but some cgs will be included.)
RYOUSHI ROUTE VA: Tomohisa Hashizume
I've always loved Ryoushi since his first introduction. I'm glad we got a platonic route to spend more time with him. His relationship with Yurika is funny as they bicker like most siblings, but they still obviously care about each other.
I wouldn't mind a spin-off with a different protagonist to romance Ryoushi. Who doesn't love a sassy doctor?
WOOLFE ROUTE VA: Natsuki Hanae
Forever crying over the fact Woolfe never really gets his romance arc. He is charming in an honest, persistent kind of way. Can't deny he's loyal.
I thought it was nice to see the story through his POV. He's more of an outsider to the situation we've seen go down, giving it a unique twist. Plus his developing friendship with Alistair was so wholesome. I was happy to see more of Alistair and their interactions.
I was pleasantly surprised it was a lot longer than I expected too.
There's something so endearing about Cinderella to me. He's such a mess, but he manages to be surprisingly respectful where it matters. And the way he values marriage and family makes my heart melt.
Please stop him and his leg fetish though. (Not really. I find it funny how open he is about it.) Stop his spending habits too. The amount he spends on simple things like shampoo is astounding.
RED AFTER STORY & AU VA: Tomoaki Maeno
Look at him showing off his ears now! Proud of him for the confidence he's building up. On the other hand, Yurika yelling at him for being a perv was so deserved. How does he manage to function with all of these nosebleeds?
He feels like a real superhero with his determination to uphold justice and protect others. And what superhero doesn't love flowers? They deserve to be protected too
Are we avoiding the moon talk this time? I prefer Kaguya staying right here. It's great to see these two develop their relationship without any extremes. I eat up the drama, but a period of peace after the drama is so satisfying.
His love of rabbits is precious. And I like seeing he and Yurika still exchange letters! There's something about Kaguya that pulls at my heartstrings.
Gretel, you really need a balanced diet. All that sugar cannot be healthy. Although, I certainly want to try some of those desserts. I guess Yurika feels the same since she has a tendency to spoil him.
I somehow got stuck in a loop of constantly getting on Gretel's route in the Arisu Academy AU. Can't escape Gretel, can you? But his deadpan humor and dedication to Yurika still earn him extra points in my book. Please keep calling her "Yurika" instead of "Sister" though, thanks.
There's something about the way these two kind of have their own little world that feels wholesome. I like that they share their interests with each other. I also like how Ryoushi constantly shows up since he's a big part of both their lives. Snow's easily integrating into this family, huh?
His sarcastic and violent tendencies get me every time. Warning: Don't call him cute or books will be thrown.
I'm a sucker for bookworms since I relate.
I never feel like Wizard is getting his happy ending. Sure, it's an improvement from before, but it still feels like something is missing to me. He deserves to be loved as strongly as everyone else.
Seeing him walk around with Kuro is adorable. What would a wizard be without a loyal companion?
Now if only he'd stop putting everyone else's happiness above his own...
ALICE AFTER STORY & AU 💙 VA: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Alice really makes this whole story. He can't ever be honest, can he? Everyone sees through him anyway. I felt the after story was a little strange in some aspects, but it did resolve some problems between the two.
Arisu Academy was a little more fulfilling for me. I felt their antics and confessions hit just right.
I'm guilty of being a tsundere fan, so Alice ultimately gets my stamp of favoritism. He lives up to the classic tsundere trope so well.
I am a strong defender of otome protagonists. Yurika is one of my absolute favorites for her outspoken nature. I adore that she acknowledges she's selfish and she'd do anything for the person she loves. She deserves happy endings with every LI.
She plays off their personalities perfectly. And the way she's bold enough to tease them? I'd like to see that more often from protagonists.
I do appreciate she's not always bold either though. She has her moments where she gets flustered or backs down. She voices her concerns too. There's a healthy balance between her teasing and care.
I thoroughly enjoyed this fan disc. It's exactly what I wanted- more time with the characters, cute scenarios, and a decent amount of playtime. The situations and dialogue had me laughing so often throughout the game. The voice acting was phenomenal as always; I'm so pleased with the cast they have and the effort they put into their roles.
I do wish we had seen more of Alistair outside of Woolfe's route, but I still liked the content we got with him.
If you were a fan of the Taisho x Alice games, I would highly recommend picking the fan disc up. If you wish Ryoushi and Woolfe had more of a spotlight, you won't be disappointed.
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#HYPOCHLORISM : chain-smoker with empty ashtrays , issues with eye contact , an obnoxious amount of cassette tapes , functioning insomniac , burner phones , ripped clothes but pristine fingernails , conspiracy theory aficionado , barker not a biter , "no future" stickers , pessimistic monologues , never ending knowledge on cleaning product brands , hidden softness , family disappointment , "can i pet your cat" , snarkiness as a defense mechanism , meaningless tattoos , volume maxed out , headphones on , wiping everything after touching , [...]

TW : suggested substance abuse , suggested violence + gore , emotional & psychological fatigue [...]
NAME: Aza Bilal Ashbridge ALIAS: Az , Mr. Clean , Blockhead , Dick-face , [...] AGE: Forty GENDER: Cis Male SEXUALITY: Bisexual MARITAL STATUS: Single
DOB: November 9th BIRTHPLACE: Brighton , England CURRENT RESIDENCE: London , England , a small two-bedroom apartment in Peckham which he shares with his cat Albini and hundreds of cassette tape filled boxes OCCUPATION: Cleaner @ The Bastion Hotel
Efficient and trustworthy service for the mere price of one gold coin per body! Aza Ashbridge for all of your evidence erasing needs. If you would like, Aza will also do a thorough clean-up of the crime scene though that may cost extra.
FACE: Riz Ahmed HEIGHT: 5'8" / 1.72 m ETHNICITY: British-Pakistani HAIR: Black and thick, usually kept short or shaved, Aza has begun to bleach it at home. This colour change began shortly after a nasty breakup and is likely to be just a phase EYES: Large and brown, though Aza tends to avoid making eye contact with people he does not wish to get attached to, he is often described as having kind eyes --- this compliment may be redacted as soon as Aza opens his mouth PHYSIQUE: Lean, not particularly muscled but not scrawny either, Aza has the body of someone who might have had a rigorous daily workout routine once upon a time but that has ceased to do so in recent years
DISTINCTIVE MARKS: His body is covered with dozens of small tattoos. Most of them have an ironic streak to them, others are absolutely nonsensical, some are downright ugly, there's no meaning or reason to the sentences and doodles on his skin . The most visible and intriguing tattoo is the one sitting between his neck and chest which reads "hypochlororous acid". His clothing style is also unmistakably ... unique . Most of them are worn-out , ripped or have holes in them . Everything is bought second-hand , some shirts seem either too big or too small for him , colour coordination is unimportant , if there is a method to his wardrobe , it remains a complete mystery to those who interact with him .
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good STRENGTHS: Dedicated , focused , observant , intelligent , efficient , confident , independent , creative , resourceful , patient , hard-working [...] WEAKNESSES: Snarky , lonely , inconvenient , blunt , pessimistic , paranoid , stubborn , avoidant , harsh , demanding , obsessive , [...]
SKILLS: Cleaning after others' messes with astounding precision , some knowledge in chemistry and anatomy , understands Urdu but unfortunately cannot speak it fluently , can play the guitar and the piano , drives a motorcycle , makes a mean cup of tea
HABITS: Regularly takes sleeping pills to combat insomnia , smokes weed on a semi-regular basis though it has become more regular in the past year and a half , a smoker of tobacco as well , a social drinker which doesn't venture beyond the realm of beer , cannot fall asleep in complete silence must pop in the one cassette tape he has with the sounds of Aza scrubbing someone's brains off the floor on a loop , avid petter of all cats
Born in Brighton, Aza's parents always expected great things from their only child. The pressure of him having to get the best grades in class and the best performance in the school play and the best scores in P.E. wasn't lost on young Aza. And while his mother and father dreamed up the magnificent future their son would have as he applied for college, Aza became increasingly enamoured with the art scene in Brighton; a vibrant world of experimental theatre and noise bands slowly pulled him in. It was when his mother caught of whiff of weed coming from his son's clothes that Aza got shipped up to the capital to live and work for his uncle.
A promising young man was suddenly stuck doing janitorial work at a car rental place. Mopping floors, dusting, fixing the angle of the clock on the wall, you know the deal. Needless to say Aza wasn't happy about it. He was even more unhappy whenever his parents would call to check with his uncle if whatever story Aza had told them earlier was true or a web of insidious lies --- But Aza had never been a bad kid. Heck, he had never even been a rebellious kid. It was when his uncle smacked him across the face for talking back to a costumer that Aza decided he had had it. He pissed in his uncle's gas tank and disappeared into the night.
Aza was nineteen when he cut ties with his family. He never stopped working since then; he's been a janitor, a cashier, a bartender, a dog-walker, a gas station clerk, a grave digger, a dish washer, a fucking mall santa , you name it.
It's when he gets this contract with a cleaning agency which specialises in crime scenes that things really start to get weird.
They offered a pay check better than any other job Aza had ever had, but the things he saw ... He doesn't like to talk about it. Thinks it's rude for people to even ask. Aza wasn't ready for the casualness of vacuuming cranium shards trapped behind the sofa or having to wear extra-thick gloves to pick up someone's flesh off the mini-bar. The violence of it all shook Aza to his core but, surprise surprise, he was great at cleaning that shit up.
The faster he could get everything back to the way it was, the faster he could go back to pretending that this stuff didn't happen. Aza had an eye for detail and, soon, he became the cleaning company's golden boy. It was also around that time that the insomnias started.
Seeing good regular people diced into pieces didn't do Aza any good. Despite the money he was making, it was not enough to make-up for the emotional toll such imagery brought. He was ready to quit. But he was trapped with the sleepless nights, an inability to be left alone with his thoughts and a growing sense of paranoia that he too could suffer a fate as violent as all those people he had mopped up.
Still, he needed the cash and his relationship was jeopardised by the psychological and economical turmoil Aza had fallen into. He was a wreck. One faithful night, while crying over drinks with a colleague, he was given a name; The Bastion Hotel.
Not a bad place to make a big buck and certainly not the kind of work in which you have to worry about running into good people.
Aza didn't know what that meant. He still cringes when he thinks about how he must have looked; red-eyed and hunching, practically begging for a job interview.
He still can't sleep. He is still faced with plenty of dead bodies. But, at the very least, Aza has come to terms with the fact that nothing really matters. All of the efforts his parents put into his education? Meaningless. His girlfriend of five years who bounced as soon as things got rough? Meaningless. His collection of cassette tapes being a clear attempt of Aza trying to hold on to a time in which life was simpler? Meaningless.
Freedom? Ethics? Faith? Big fucking deal.
INSPIRED BY: Lisbeth Salander (TGWTDT), Rustin Cohle (True Detective), The Narrator (Fight Club), Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot), [...] WANTED DYNAMICS: Under construction / currently everything and anything!
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Not sure if there's a good way to phrase this since I get annoyed at a lot of these kinds of question, but
Is there a particular reason that you go for OpenGL + Haskell? My heart tells me that those are the worst possible fit (procedural API over the top of a big hidden state machine w/ soft real-time requirements vs a runtime that wants to do pure functions and lazy evaluation). That said, you seem to get to interesting places with some regularity whereas my projects (C/C++ and vulkan usually) tend to die before I get to the cool part, so I'm wondering if there's something to it
i just got frustrated with c-alikes and i really enjoyed aspects of haskell coding. it is objectively a very silly combination, although not as silly as it has been historically given the various improvements in haskell gc over the years.
historically i've used gpipe for haskell rendering, which does some astounding type family wizardry to basically fully-hide the opengl state machine and also let you write shaders in actual haskell (values in the shader monad are actually part of a compositional scripting type that evaluates to glsl code. it's wild.) so it's about as close as you can get to totally ignoring all the opengl-ness of opengl. that being said, uh, that has some problems (zero memoization in generated scripts; very unclear surfacing of real opengl constraints)
also to be fair my projects also tend to die before i get to the cool part, it's just sometimes i manage to get some neat renders out there before.
(right now i've been wanting to jettison the gpipe library in favor of just doing raw opengl right in IO, mostly so i can actually use opengl 4 features that aren't surfaced either in gpipe nor in the OpenGL package, but ofc the first step there would be a whole bunch of low-level data fiddling. but since i've been doing webgl2 + javascript also, uh, the opengl part would mostly end up being exactly the same, so it feels a little less intimidating now. i just really wanna write some wild shader code and to write really wild shader code you do kind of have to directly interface with raw opengl.)
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Quite the Odyssey...
Well that's why I love impermanent constructions so very much. You will be surprised.
I think what happened was:
I let everything grow. This created a great environment for beetles to eat the trees, then I filled the lot with wood, then the trees were stressed and slowly died but there was still a lot of moisture. And way more moisture entering the adobe. This created like a batsignal for termites. The house was falling down because for some complex reason the interplay between the impermeable plaster, adobe and environment exchange created a tendency for structural de-cohesion at the base of the walls which exponentially accelerated into structural collapse. Not even to mention the laboratory nature of the space fueled by a limitless concentrated energy surplus administrated by a psychotic in its singular intent to destroy the fabric of reality. These sudden changes to the environment disrupted the nesting places of the black widow spiders where I put my hand in for some reason in the ceiling and one bit me.
The neurotoxin, intense stress of the home disruption, covid-19, business collapse, chronic life long stress, latent schizophrenia, group gang-stalking, and early severe childhood abuse along with chronic heavy cannabis use, and long term isolation - within a unlimited dopamine seeking lifestyle of radical experimentation, caffine and ancient consciousness developing practices combined with my near total undisciplined and unguided habits of sedentary, habitual neglect and worry mentation as I suicidally entered into a maelstrom of hail-mary-esqe maneuvers to at any and all costs mentally comprehend the experiences of my undiagnosed lifelong schizophrenia- created back-pain, dietary problems, issues with focus and somewhat of a puzzle to sort out.
So I can definitely see the ethos of archivists who's philosophy is just to avoid introducing change.
But radical self expression requires a different approach.
Is this ok?
Because we've discovered a few things:
- The natural purpose of psychosis as a survival adaptation.
- The habitus which is a continuation of family karma as a survival adaptation.
- The inherent evolutionary process of the becoming of the life force.
- The governing of the universal principals of relationship
- The mysterious unknowability of the product of that process of synthesis
- The necessity of the minutiae of that process as computational requirement to derive that product.
- the separation of measurement and measured - mind vs. no mind.
And thusly, we have attained some bearing on the validity of these various ideologies, strategies and what not along with some framework to grapple with the hallucinatory nature of the human experience.
So, to the meaning of, 'is this not all good?'.
I suppose, it too is an irrelevant hallucinatory folly of subtextual assumptive predictions.
Or so it would seem?
So I think foremost the aesthetic consequences are astounding. This method informs a reasonable balance between form and function. Primarily it retains a 'fresh' look that is immune to 'dated haircut syndrome'.
Secondarily, it explains the falsifiable horror of global society as a so called 'toxic relationship'.
I think this also reveals the unresolvable dilemma between the validity of authentic present moment and also it as a passing psychotic delusion.
This was discovered in considering the correct nature of the final design of the dojo after moving out of a reactionary survival crisis scenario.
So I don't see what much progress could be made without that groundwork done upfront.
I do see a reasonable phase process of how this could be achieved and that it under any circumstances must be achieved so I think the dojo project is still viable.
The elimination of wood as a possible material seems unfortunately sensible. I do think cement board then should suffice but I don't know what I could use for framing for the aluminum panel exterior shell shield.
Next my heat shield roofing design would be difficult to audit for termite or water damage. So this will have to utilize impermanent fasteners somehow.
Now than, it seems clear that I am and have demonstrated the capacity for sound reasoning and correct strategic long term thinking. Additionally, I am more than capable of working in collaborative teams and work in general. At least for now.
But, this is a catch-22 because the natural course of logic from that point of reference is capitalism is over and this project is egregiously behind schedule.
So it seems like the very next priority is to clear the lot and introduce regular termidor trenching and I've got to implement progressive improvements on moisture control.
I have nothing better to do at all. In the meantime I'll limp along focused on steady energy generation until such time I am well within volatility tolerances to escalate to a new phase of theatre enabled by that new negotiation position.
I do think we should intend to establish secondary and tertiary bases in Hilo and Jeuno areas as well as a forward stealth camp somewhere in Japan, presumably Wakayama.
I think you can't rely solely on invisibility. There are important moments where out and out combat are required. And, without use of various magics you're unable to utilize the other 2 principals effectively.
I mean it's fine as-is.
Termite damage can be repaired now because the walls can just be scooped up and molded back into place. The roof is replaceable with foam core board, and rope. It's running already at minimum utility surcharge and facilities for programs are completed. Which is all well under annual funding.
So I think we should let it simmer for now. Of course, the termites are a serious problem that must be addressed right now.
I feel based on analysis that the termite infestation though severe is primarily driven by moisture. By removing 2 major concentrated rainwater inputs directly into the walls the termites should not generally continue exploring for food within them. It's 'unclear' to what extent the termites have attained the wooden roofing but it is clear they've been active in the structure for its lifetime. And so, any and all structural failings of the dojo are remedied. With regular trenching of termidor sc I believe this will create an effective barrier against future termite incursion.
Furthermore, elimination of the lot of termite bait should also make a Pareto level improvement to the property 'termite profile'.
So I'm going to move all this wood into the shed area. Put up aluminum shielding against the wall exterior bases weighted secured with cement blocks and order some termidor. I already have a hoe and 2 large sprayers I found in the garbage.
Once the termidor arrives I'll just improvise an initial trenching where the termites are visibly active. (Just near moisture sources).
Then, I'll try and use the saws all to cut down all this material including dead trees into firewood and stack it for winter. In some termite treated way protected from moisture.
I will then burn this material throughout the winter.
I will also need to order some stump decomposer chemical, use the drill to inject it into the stumps and remove them somehow which I believe could be the primary food source or even nest.
At this point, the adobe walls themselves should serve as a termite detector. With no new mud tunnels on the walls I'll consider the problem solved.
I will simmer for now, undoubtedly until at some point I will have to re-transition from stripes to web where I will seek out a full time 100% remote employed position at a lower rate. This is when I should visit Alaska.
Once that position term is exhausted I imagine I will be in position to resume ounce operations permanently within Blockchain r&d.
Ok failing that, my research concludes that it would be fine to liquidate everything into Bitcoin and just spend it until it runs out, living however and then at such time as I am totally broke receive approx $2500 a month in state aid on basis of poverty and mental disability and that should be just as well.
With the worst case being that I just fall asleep from dehydration.
The dojo itself will have to manifest a clear and concise incorporate vehicle facet with specific and explicit curriculums, staff and documented activities.
This should in principal realize the purpose.
I just grapple with some.idea that this is just a shit shit shit outcome and I'm too tired to do anything. But this severely and imminently makes no sense because there literally is no conceivable alternative even if could make any wish.
So, I think there has got to be some kind of nervous system disorder at play here and I don't think pharmaceuticals are the answer.
There's no reason to believe my core systems are damaged. I think it's a habituated neural conditioning pattern because it's resolvable with mindfulness practice, similarly to back issues resolvable through a few moments of the correct posture...
I mean, schizophrenia for sure. But that basically just explains the 'cause' of mental phenomenon which are manageable.
My current thinking is schizophrenia isn't an anxiety disorder, but an anxiety disorder will exacerbate schizophrenia due to it's cortisol release leading to dopamine. As well that schizophrenia is essentially a genetic feature to grapple with novel and severe danger.
That imagination is very related to actual perception has some weight. And could explain the crossover.
Anyway, no sense freaking out about it - it's battle and that's just the way it is. I like that, take note, take care of it.
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Necessary change...
I say things that I would have previously never. I am open to relay what I see now when prior I would never. Not arrogant, but just as things are. My prior life long humility is tempered with statements of who and what I am, almost fervently. This is because while I'd always encountered jealously as a youth, and even from this historically scary homosexual who turned somehow pretend badass and started over its matriculation writing on its skin with a multitude of colorings and sharpies apparently. It complements that with multicolored hair and nails. That blue haired kinda thing is not a universal tell of rot, and in fact some who have partaken have not been sick, yet it is indicative of this particular Rot's low life standards. It's language however is a sure tip off as to its development at near age 50. It is low class no class personified. The over 50 fencer thief that was harassing and even passing down its stalk them if they want to get away philosophy in an ignorance explosion post. Aiming for generational ignorance by those she says "taught well" and what I have to say about that, I will not. Just shocking. I have literally utilized professional contacts to assist situations even when not my duty professionally. Shocking the actual character, not just stereotype, but character of individuals. Being the opposite of weak, witnessing weak is really astounding. To have the father of your children be a toilet paper and someone that you would have never selected in a million years if knowing the extent of his weakness and ability to be bitched and conned. He would count himself amongst that which has been tooled. The no dignity is unfathomable. I wouldn't want to share a pet with a person like him let alone have children who rely on a traitor coward like that. To find out that I have low like that around me/them. The things revealed. That entire chapter thing unbelievable. All started with a weak, lying male and the extent unknown.The lying swearing on everyone and in anger. The staunch Trump supporting feigning conservatism, yelling of how black folk are not discriminated against and more. The "black gay whore" speech about how he would not even mingle. Telling me I'm reducing him. The lack of a spine. The female like character to Ever allow my rot childhood enemies to pursue me thru him when he can't even stand up to men and would fucking need toilet paper if male rot approached him. Just the trashiness entirely is a shocker. I knew immediately I'd made a grave mistake and I knew that it was the cowardice I'd seen and made excuse for that was now here to roost. I'd known he was a damn coward and hiding in life for his whole life. Functional in front of some, but they do not know what I do... He is a coward with a courage disability. And yet he would first fail once terribly and then all out personify his lowliness. I did not even have to know him... That was the real shocker. He approached me and asked me to remain year after year... For this garbage? He is a fraud and could pretend tough around this pretend woman who posts on a forum about women's bodies and how it wanted them. While on a forum obsessing over me and about how she got the toilet to reveal he is the lowest low life truly with my enemies. Now he has never been able to be the leader, the extent I've documented here and then would collude (actually against his own family) with my enemies. Me who defended him to males, his enemies full grown men come to tear him apart... Then later he fails me... Then fails worse and let all of those in the community who already watch me or were curious as I lead a private life watch. His deeds in life... I wonder what God feels about this score? Though if the book is correct, I believe I know. He is oblivious. But they conned well! Those types know how. Made him believe so much attention (more to be said about that). Handsome capable men approach me for life! What a disgust like nobody but one with dignity could understand. Then the group watches and follows my life, through him. Not fiction and low exists
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