I don't know what this is... Signed- Connie-
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juszar2 · 24 days ago
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Feb 2025
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juszar2 · 24 days ago
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Feb 2025
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juszar2 · 24 days ago
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Feb 2025
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juszar2 · 24 days ago
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Feb 2025
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juszar2 · 24 days ago
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Feb 2025
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
To have pursuit of you occurring as obsessed deviant persons record and depict their urgent need and effort to share a life with someone that they have stalked for decades is severe. The solicitation of those in my life in order to be connected to me and publicly relay and depict that obsession and effort is unimaginable seediness and low only able to be carried out by those with past jail time and recent charges, alternative deviant lifestyles, no real life accomplishments, and a lasting fixation with me. To stalk and pursue my life is it's accomplishment and it has signed it's life to the effort. Never in life have I experienced such. The pursuit to include a few seedy persons with similar lifestyles and an element I would never consort with. It is dangerous and disgusting. For the sick to create record showing the menacing and stalking that undoubtedly has me as the obsession and target is indescribable to experience but I have experienced and the pursuit by this vile element and sick person offering it's body and chronicling the targeting and following of me is seemingly a clear case of stalking. To find out that there is a public pursuit and discussion centered around attacking my life, menacing, stalking to watch and utilizing those with poor character and susceptible in my life to achieve an effort that reveals an obsession with me is beyond serious. The brazen way that I have been pursued and depicted to document the effort is Undeniably sick and shows that this sick person chose to embark on this effort to reveal the life long endearment with me and those in my personal life. The deviant depraved person chose this without my knowledge nor actions, just surveiling my life with a very few others relaying an urge to impact me. Using those with same characteristics. As an adversarial person in the shadow of me and documented so, this sick focus has raged over into severe need to depict publicly the menacing and effort to offer its body as per its history and life over the entirety and it wants to impose harm to me by having this attached to me. A smear undignified to harm an uncommon dignified woman. What it looks like, says and has very clearly depicted leaves no doubt of the attack and stalking relentlessly. Very dangerous and has been something I could not imagine. A stalking by homosexual, criminal, elements cloaking somewhat the truth of their character and source of their urge. I have stated repeatedly that I take no interest in the element even when encountering such by chance. It has been literal years of stalking, menacing and targeting. There is responsibility to be assigned to those who have fueled the obsession and clear fantasy of this sick person to serve as a prostitute of sorts to a man in my life.. As a homosexual female. Publicly smearing my life with depictions and messages of an effort to harm, and involving others in it's pursuit to follow. By answering the pleas to latch onto my life using another person there is liability. All very dangerous and shocking for a private dignified real woman with no criminal history, alternative life, homosexuality or fantasies of a woman and her life, all of this depravity and stalking of me openly. Those used understand this stalking and swears I should confront the homosexual and that he has not fueled this pursuit nor been involved. Swears that the public depiction and illness is without fuel. He is adamant that the person is sick and the stalking has reached a level of severity. Says that I should now contact authorities with the record and inform and show it all from years on social media, also that I should relay the escalation of the stalking to follow my life with this sick element. I am a professional, private dignified person and I have had to recreate a very dignified blog with this blog that should have been private, but which functioned as bait to evoke further documentation of the severe sickness and stalking by a childhood enemy deviant person that I'd found had been occurring for years prior without my knowledge. All very dangerous.
Oct or Nov 2024
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
I am Goals?... And it wants all to know that I am some sort of goals and it would give it's life to the effort to be near my life and shadow, follow? This is some kind of disturbing obsession held by a type of individual that had never been part of my life nor near enough that I'd ever gotten to see how ill the element is. I've written about the obsession that I encountered and how severe. I've mentioned my feelings about being even mentioned in the same context as the type of what it is that has been obsessing over me and my life. My effort to keep any low level individuals out of my life. What it looks or sounds like... What it does and is. I've detailed my revelations about those to have been unmasked and the conditions there. Every bit of it is vile. The entire personas really nothing near to what I'd like to be interested in me ever in life, and nothing I'd want to ever be pursuing or fixated on me. The fixation and entire effort, depravity and no dignity. My blog, as private as it should be and as much as I'd only written about things dignified prior to this vile circumstance, and not so many photos either, I began this new iteration of my blog and it has served to alert me of the extreme effort in the stalking of me. I am usually such a seriously private and reserved person, and very intentionally I began writing and revealing here. When you have fixated focused on you and you find out you have been stalked with a record created prior to even being aware that a sick confused was pining over you there is some level of revealing that is necessary as it will have the impact of increasing the stalking and following and thus record of the obsession. I have been made the goal of really vile. My life, my attention, it's goal. Every post will evoke and bring the fixated to do more of what was occurring prior to your knowledge that there was an obsession. To say that the bizarre and vile of such a pursuit is severe, does not relay. What I must be is more than even I would have felt comfortable relaying out loud in the past. Every bit of it all at almost 50 years old is grotesque. To forgo my private nature was necessary in order to have just enough to evoke what clearly is severe. Just enough to bring out the fixation fully with a trail. It is astonishingly disgusting. This should be a private blog...
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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47+ Document yourself... Through time, somewhat privately if possible.
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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47+ and counting.
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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Petite and "Texas", Still, somewhat...prior to dinner. Busty and petite. I've just always been that way for the most part.
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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47 and 3 of the best souls Heaven ever sent.👼 came through me. A very good Shepard.
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
Give God Something To Bless...
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
The Beautiful People In My Life, I See You. I Thank God for His Favor Over My Life and For My Vision. All That I Was Created To Be, All That I Am, and All That I Have Is The Favor Of God. Amen.
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Document yourself... But privately, if possible (no filter, just a bad sometimey kinda camera).
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
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juszar2 · 4 months ago
What a Beautiful Day the Lord Has Made...
So let's navigate the day by making sure that your deviance and unhealthy adoration, lack of class and zilch dignity does not bubble over uncontrollably to where your jealousy, envy or scorn would impact another person. Especially and particularly when the person does Not want to know, interact with, or really breath the same air as you (due mainly to your deviance and sickness outlined above). Remember specifically that me, my life, anyone in my life, none of it has anything to do with, nor is a concern of you. That's called you're an ill stalker. Impart the uncouth, unsophisticated gory thing that you are upon those who actually want you and what you are, in their lives. Keep all of that for them. But remember, others are Not forced to experience... you. Write down on a slice of paper that I in particular am Not your concern, not a celebrity, and not interested. Enjoy the day that the lord has made, he'll deal with what you are later. I can assure you, you'll be shown every bit good or bad.
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