#to the anon who asked who i was on main
concernedcrimson · 10 months
OOC Update:
Someone found my main.
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drawing imbibitor lunae everyday part 5:
he is not paid enough for this shit
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moeblob · 10 days
As an attempt at a polite "going forward" comment...
I do not plan to draw for Three Houses or Hopes for a long while. I know a lot of my followers are from the past four years and I appreciate that you followed me at all! But if you are only interested in the art of those characters I wanted to be clear and say you can unfollow me at any point if what i draw no longer aligns with what you want to see.
I might draw for other FEs (like Heroes or 13/14/17) but I do not want to get involved with 3H any more. I do have other interests and across tumblr, twitter (now inactive), and sometimes on discord I've heard enough "I thought it was (FE3H character)".
This is not one person doing it and it is not simply one character being mistaken. I simply want to distance myself from 3H and have unfollowed a few people that reblog art of it because it just leaves a lingering bad taste in my mouth.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can find artists who can provide art for topics you like.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Hello. What do you think of Wen Qing and Wen Ning? Their relationship with Wei Ying? I adore the Yiling siblings and don't understand why they are ignored in the fandom. I truly believe that it is Wen Ning who is Wei Ying's brother, but people attribute that role to Jiang Cheng🤧
I, too, am a Yiling siblings believer! I think the fandom ignores them because Yunmeng trio bullshit in favor of Jiang Cheng (because fuck “Jiang Yanli’s importance to Wei Wuxian outside of soup” seems to be the common sentiment in mainstream fandom) is so popular. Some of the adaptations also have a nasty habit of downplaying the significance of the Burial Mounds settlement era and the importance of the Wen remnants and the siblings to Wei Wuxian, specifically, so some people might just not know if they’re coming to the fandom from, say, the donghua.
On that note, while we see more of the Wen Ning/Wei Wuxian brotherhood due to the fact that Wen Ning is still, you know, alive (so to speak), I think a very under-discussed theme of the Yiling siblings is that Wen Qing taught Wei Wuxian that thank you’s and apologies don’t have to be about acknowledging debt. While the Wen siblings’ sacrifice certainly was partially inspired by their indebtedness to Wei Wuxian for rescuing and protecting their family, they were also motivated by the fact that they genuinely cared about him. Therefore, Wen Qing’s final words to him are not just a clearing of the debt bonds between them, but also an earnest display of gratitude and regret that they could not see it through to the end together. It’s what Wei Wuxian goes on to teach Jin Ling after rescuing him from the Nie graveyard and why he felt it important to thank Lan Wangji post-bathtub scene—which unfortunately led to their misunderstanding.
Just like with his mother’s words, he carries Wen Qing with him in his actions and worldview, and I just love that for them.
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captainkirkk · 5 months
I know you asked how the fatphobia was allowed in the house hospital and like, American hospitals are still extremely fatphobic
Oh I'm fully aware. Chase's lines in particular were terrible but rang very true to early 00s Australian ways of thinking about fatness, I heard all of what he said and more growing up (and even now lbr)
I was surprised that multiple people wrote the episode and edited it and then aired it without a second thought
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Can I ask some of your pet peeves that will make you say ew, no and turn back to a fic? Far from the top Al/bottom Luci that you have talked about
I, for example, can't stand any fic where they punish Stolas or Blitzø for what led to the breakup, and there's a difference between exploring a perspective and rejoicing in crushing a character. I love the relationship between Niffy and Alastor but when they infantilize her? Yes, no, goodbye. If your found family dynamic is trying to crush the characters in the nuclear family boxes I DON'T WANT IT
And I totally agree with you about Niffty being too infantilized. She is a grown ass woman, even if she acts childish at times. Also, I can't stand it when people put all the blame on Blitz's and Stolas' relationship on either one of them too. It's a very complicated relationship where they have both made mistakes and both of them suffer from unresolved trauma.
Here are my pet peeves:
The implication or outright statement that Alastor's love interest "taught" him how to love, or "showed" him how to love. It implies that there was something in him that was lacking, something in him that needed to be "fixed," and the aphobia is so real it puts a horrible taste in my mouth every time. Implying that a basic human emotion such as love is something that Alastor had to be taught (especially when in reference of his asexuality), sends me clicking out of a fic so fast my browser crashes.
Overuse of the word "deer" in substitute for "dear." Look, I know its a popular nickname. Yes, it can be cute. But terms of endearment like that are cutest when they're used sparingly. When its used a lot, it gets very old and very repetitive really fast. I can't get lost in a story when the words "my deer," or "yes, my deer," or "of course, my deer," or "no, my deer," is used every other sentence. It makes me want to pull my hair out. (Also Alastor using the word "dear" so much. He does say it, but not that often, even in the show. Like I said, endearments like that are much more effective when they're sprinkled, and not every time he opens his mouth).
Lucifer coming off as too naive or innocent. I'm okay with him being naive to modern day Hell, but the guy isn't stupid. And he sure isn't innocent either. When he acts too cutesy and sweet, especially for the majority of the story, I lose interest. Where's the spice? Where's his bite? Where's the guy that went from 0-60 in the blink of an eye and insulted Alastor within the seconds that he met him? (Also any fics that have him making a deal with Alastor so easily. Or Alastor manipulating him into making a deal. Or he's ever, at any point, scared of Alastor. That bitch is not scared of him, even when Al's in his big, creepy demon form. Lucifer would not be blink an eye.
Anytime Lilith is depicted as an abusive, shallow and neglectful wife, especially when that's also made to be the sole reason for Lucifer's depression.
Lucifer being overly obsessed with ducks. It's the same as the "dear/deer" thing. I don't mind seeing it sprinkled in through his character, but I hate it when its used as a defining trait.
Alastor coming off as too much of an old-timey gentleman. Or coming off as super masculine. If I can't imagine him sassily flicking his wrist or lounging on a bed, kicking his feet in the air, it takes me out of the story. I can't stand it when he's written so stiff. Too much like a prim-and-proper butler in an old movie when he's one of the most flamboyant characters in the show.
Over use of the word "picture-box" in reference to Vox. It's the exact same as "dear/deer." It has the potential to be cute, but it's so overused. It makes the dialogue sound clunky and unnatural when its repeated so often, and sometimes, it's when it's used that throws me off. It's the kind of word that clutters a sentence, and if its not used right, it sticks out to me like a sore thumb.
But what's probably my biggest pet peeve is when Alastor's dialogue is bland. Like, when he doesn't sound like a person and speaks like the walking personification of an instruction manual. When his words are too artificial, impassive, and formal. Alastor is very expressive when he speaks, he has a lot of vocal intonations, and he actually uses a lot of body language and hand gestures when he talks (see his entire first interaction with Lucifer). He can be very stiff, like when he's walking with his back straight and his head up, but he also spins his cane all the time. He flicks his wrist. He snaps his neck at 90 degree angles. He uses wide and expressive body language. He uses his cane to gesture at things. His face is very animated. And most importantly: he's an entertainer! That's how he keeps peoples attention on him. That's why is presence can be so big. He needs showmanship! And a lot of that showmanship comes from his voice. He deals in radio, which is all audio! He knows how to keep an audience with nothing but his voice. So when he sounds bland and impassive, I can't keep reading because I can't even see him as the same character. I feel like I'm reading an OC. Or an off-brand, less interesting bootleg version of him.
Adding onto the above, another pet peeve is when Alastor's internal thoughts are as bland and formal as his speech. Even if he's being written intentionally super formal, especially as part of a ruse, his head is where he doesn't have to keep up the act. His thoughts do not have to mimic his charade. He has the freedom to 100% completely and wholly be himself, because his act doesn't extend to him. If he doesn't sound like a a person who had once lived on Earth, who lived a whole human life, in his own internal thoughts, I can't even force myself to keep reading. His mind is the perfect place to see who he really is, and I have a hard time believing the real Alastor is the charade he puts on for everyone else.
There might be more that I'm not thinking of, but I'll add to the list as they come back to me.
LOL as you can see, a lot of my pet peeves revolve around Alastor. I can be a very picky reader, especially when it comes to him.
But I will say that a lot of these pet peeves also depend on how they're written. I have read, subscribed, kudo'ed, and bookmarked stories that have had multiple of my pet-peeves, but they were written in a way that was either so small that I could overlook them, or the story & plot were so interesting that I ignored them and kept reading.
I can enjoy fics that have any of the above, it just depends on how the author writes it.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months
This may be a strange question but have you ever been bullied in the tbhk fandom? I am having a hard time here
Heya no worries at all for the question! This is an important thing and if you needed to have a place to say it I am happy you did!
I really hope people will be nicer to you :// There is never a good reason for bullying unfortunately it happens a lot on internet QvQ my only advice would be to block those people and/or delete anonymous asks for a while if people are just putting stuff as anonymous :///
To answer your questions, idk if it counts as bullying but I was the target of some stuff like that yep, and tbh I don't really know why. People can have the opinions they want but I will be honest in the tbhk fandom you like a character or a ship that is not 'what everyone in the fandom should like' and people start menacing you for no reason.
A lot of people in this fandom are kids who sometimes don't get what insulting people do. (and not only kids but it is one of the reason, I feel like a lot don't have 'internet basis' like not saying everything about yourself on twitter help.)
Which is also one of the reason I am taking my distances with anyone in this fandom because I had too many unwanted stuff like when I was just trying to be nice and answer messages. It's not because we are in the same fandom that we are bffs.
This is sad to say but yes I don't think you can just have fun 'fun' in this fandom anymore, people will make sure you have a hard time for no reason and honestly I am tired of people who are unable to understand that we aren't just bots on the internet and that Surprise! people have feelings wow
I hope you will be better but don't hesitate to take some time off the fandom a bit ^^ I am being overly dramatic here because I had some bad experiences (I've been in the fandom since the start of 2020 so welp) but a lot of people are really nice and I am sure you can make some friends too ^^ (I did too! even if a lot aren't in the fandom anymore, it's nice seeing mutuals from far away doing their lives)
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
genuine question: when tubbo is building a town based on a joke about homophobia that SURGED from the fact that he was upset about fit and pac being together.... why does tubbo get to be upset when people call him homophobic?
like. legitimately HE hurt his relationship with fit and pac. HE hurt sunny's relationship with ramón. HE put a low price to his friendship and didnt trust his friends when they tried to reassure him or reach out to him before the date.
he keeps causing his own downfall -and is unknowingly causing his daughter's- and meanwhile, tubblings are villanizing literally everyone else while saying he has done nothing to deserve the treatment???
Okay well I think that this goes back to my post about misunderstanding how people understand their characters based on who they watch.
I think the main misunderstanding comes from the fact that he isn’t upset about being called homophobic. It’s the teasing and not picking up on his actual insecurities.  Ill use the joke yesterday as an example, he wasn’t upset that fit called him homophobic, he was upset that fit asked if foolish actually wanted to make a town with him. The homophobia joke went right over his head, because all he heard was fit, asking foolish why he would want to be friends with him.
Also, a lot of the damage between his relationship with fit and pac, and Sunny’s relationship with them comes from the fact that there’s a miscommunication on both sides. Sunny and Tubbo both feel like they aren’t part of the family and things that fit and pac say reinforce this narrative for them. Tubbo lashes out out of deep seeded fear and anxiety but no one sees past the “homophobic” jokey bit because he’s afraid of what people will say if he lets them see the real reason he’s upset. In turn, fit and pac treat him with surface level concern and unintentionally push him further away. Trying to set him up with Fred to cure his “loneliness” just made him think they wanted to pass him along to whoever would take him. They wanted him off their hands.
Also, it really shows that you’ve never been in a friend group or two people start dating because it does come off very differently afterwards.  things that you used to joke about you can’t joke about anymore and it is very two against one feeling even if it’s not intended to be that way. The main reason Tubbo was against fit and pac was because he’s afraid of them leaving him behind and not needing him anymore. I have a lot of posts on this so I’m not going to reiterate what has been said 1 million times, but qtubbos problem has never been people saying he’s homophobic. It’s always been his own insecurities and fears. 
The whole thing with Ramon being upset at Sunny and Tubbo was because it was a very surface level understanding of Tubbo wanting to disrupt the date. I’m not saying that Tubbo should have disrupted the date, but they were definitely much deeper feelings behind it that nobody addressed or understood.  sunny repeatedly talks about how she doesn’t feel like fit and pac don’t see them as part of the family from her own experiences. That’s not to say, Tubbo doesn’t have some influence, but overall it’s her own feelings and experiences that cause her to be uncomfortable with fit and pacs relationship.
Also, tubblings are just like any other fan base in the way that we will defend our creator above anyone else. I’m sure you do the same for yours (or you wouldn’t be in my ask box lmaoooo) and no one really takes time to understand the other side or leave people to make angst on their own. Tw whole thing really boils down to fandoms seeing everything through the eyes of their character. You’re going to see Tubbo being upset at homophobic jokes and causing problems because that’s how fit sees it, we will see Tubbo taking offense to the jokes and jabs because that’s how he sees it.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Its funny isn't it. there's a side of the fandom that can only cope if they think of Eddie as some cardboard cutout that they can project onto. Its why I think they have latched onto T*mmy so quickly, because he is literally their dream beige version of Eddie and for so long Eddie being a character who has his own motivations has ruined their headcannons. Didn't someone work out that Buck this season has had way more scenes involving Eddie than Eddie has involving Buck? But Eddie is supposed to be the one twiddling his thumbs whilst Buck is out there living life etc.
No, but that's exactly it for a portion of the people on the fandom and that is definitely what made people jump straight into T's arms. Eddie is a main character. He has dept and development. He has 6 seasons worth of a personality that doesn't fit the ideal partner they see for the wobbified version of Buck they made up in their heads. And considering the way that canon established Tommy as Eddie two steps to the left that Buck is projecting feelings into, fanon went wild. Tommy has no established personality. He has the begin episodes that paint him in a not so great light. They have the few scenes that exist with Buck where he exists, okay? He's doing the bare minimum. Sometimes not even that. But that means he is a character they can project anything they want into. He's a blank canvas. That means the space can be filled with whatever they see fit. And that means they can take the personality they convinced themselves Eddie had and copy/paste into T and move on. I've seen some awful takes. AWFUL. Like, some people are legit attacking Eddie to make him look better in comparison because they can't deal with the way that Eddie is still Buck's partner in crime. Eddie is not allowed to exist outside of Buck and some people just wanted to see Oliver make out with a guy. T does that. In a blank canvas. The show is historical for handling Buck's love life poorly and people are putting too much weight on interviews. They lie all the time because they can't give things up. I wanna know what's gonna happen if this relationship isn't the smooth sailing people decided it will be. There is a chance it will be fine and end amicably. But there's also a chance that it will get messy. Right now it could tip either way and I don't think that part of the fandom is gonna be ready to deal with shit if it gets messy. If T does something that goes against the perfect pedestal they put him in. People are already ignoring actually canon stuff like the way he left Buck in a curb, failed to communicate why he was leaving until he was in the car, and then didn't come back. So like, it's crazy. And yeah, a lot of Buck's arc so far has involved Eddie somehow, but Buck is adjacent to Eddie's. But I guess that's making it worse, because they don't like Eddie unless he's providing Buck with something they see fit and they are getting that somewhere else. Some people are showing that they don't have critical thinking skills when it comes to queer couples and honestly, that's kind of alarming.
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buckera · 4 months
why do you ride so hard for these problematic men? first ryan and his racist anti vax ass and now lou with his ableist trump supporting? you know you can like the characters they play without riding for these grown men right? lou wasn’t hacked. why would he delete that specific instagram post if he was? why would he like his most recent like if he was hacked? why wouldn’t he say he was? you guys just like making up excuses (even ones that make no sense) to give your favs a pass and it’s weird. just admit they are human and fallible and maybe not the best people and that’s okay. you don’t need to stan these men to enjoy their characters.
okay. i'm gonna try to be patient and assume that you're here in good faith, even though I know for a fact, that you're not.
I will also ignore the Ryan thing because what do you mean "first"? I haven't even been in the fandom when that whole thing went down, but I believe in calling out bad behaviour to help people learn to do better, otherwise what's the fucking point? moving on.
so first of all, do not tell me what I should say but especially do not tell me what I should say, when I already said it word for word here:
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second of all, I do not ride hard for Lou, in fact I do not ride hard for any of them. what I care about is actors (and the crew and the showrunners cough cough) not being harassed and treated like crap for doing their jobs, which, let's be real fucking honest here, the fandom has a history with, especially when it comes to love interests — as Oliver himself has pointed it out.
do I know what happened? no. do I think there are a lot of suspicious beats around the incident? yes, very much so.
btw no one would even assume hacking, if certain people could just act right. just a few weeks ago, no one could've plausibly make the claim, now however... this is what bullying and harassing and making fake accounts and so on births, this is all on the fandom. if not for that shitty behaviour, this would be much more clean-cut.
if it was him; he deleted it immediately which tells me that he's at least aware of how it reflects on him, if not how and why posting something like that is not okay. we can't be responsible for other people's values, but can only hope for them to always try to do better. and that's just step one.
the thing is, if we as a fandom can collectively ignore other things that have been deleted by other cast members, then instead of making a spectacle out of this, we can all just hope that it's a beginning of a learning curve.
anyway. do not come into my inbox — on anonymous, no less — to try to police what I say on my own blog. I always choose my words very carefully and I never claimed to know exactly what happened and as a rule of thumb, I don't allow myself more than a certain amount of time a day to dwell on these type on things (that time for today is up with this ask, by the way), because I'm in the fandom for fun and when it's no longer fun, I just leave.
but it's my blog and I will post what I think and if you don't like that; no one is forcing you to see it. unfollow and block and have a nice day.
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cjsees · 1 year
I hope your kidney transplant goes well man!
lots of love, 🐚 anon
Hello and thank you! you have inadvertently started what I think may be the most baffling and fascinating mystery I've stumbled onto in months
when I initially got this anon ask I assumed it was a one-off with a strange sentiment (as far as I know, I'm not going in for a kidney transplant anytime soon), but ultimately harmless, until
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I was briefly on @dddeerbo's blog (sorry for the @!) when I came across this ask, with a very similar structure, except without the addition of an identifier (the "shell anon"). the only connecting thread/similarity aside from that is that both this artist and myself have posted tf2 content pretty recently. I did a cursory check with some of my friends and
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@cabinette offered me this later the same night, with different wording and type of surgery but the same structure: a medical procedure that "went well". cabin also posts tf2 so that gives us something to go on, but it gets even more startling given a cursory tumblr search, because apparently this has been going on for some time:
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@spengsart (sorry for the @!) posted this ask with, again, the same subject, but in august of 2022, almost exactly eight months ago, and due to their response it looks like they weren't exactly about to go in for a kidney transplant either. all very odd, especially considering the time discrepancy, until we come to the final piece in my search so far, which is by far the most intriguing and baffling one:
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@pinkcowie offered me these asks, which implies several things:
you, the shell anon, are a mutual with cab, dddeerbo, spengsart, and me, but not pinkcowie
the only connecting thread I've been able to pin down is that all of the above post tf2 content/have posted it fairly recently
all of your mutuals are getting kidney transplants and/or brain surgeries, but none of your non-mutuals are???
so dear shell anon please know that you have absolutely perplexed me AND given me the most interesting afternoon I've had in months. please. please give me more crumbs. I need to find out who you are. I will find this out should it be the death of me. I'm in too deep. I love and fear you. I need to know
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nedseii · 11 months
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
calling targ fans neo-nazis because they enjoy a fictional family of dragonlords is insane. it's also super disgusting because a majority of targ nation are poc and/or jewish themselves. and where the fuck do they get the idea that targaryens are nazis to begin with? which race are they trying to systematically exterminate? when did they impose valyrian lebensraum on westeros? how the fuck can they be white supremacists against the other whites of an entirely white continent?
Honestly, I think this is why we just have to start being meaner to these people. There's no way they should feel comfortable casually calling people "neo-nazis" because of the fictional characters they like in a fantasy series. I'm so tired of the superiority complex they have because they think they're enjoying the series in the "right" way in comparison to the rest of us. The Targaryens are "Nazis" because they don't like them and need Dany to go mad to fit their idea of what the story should be. In other words, they lack any concept of critical thinking skills and their only reference for the story is that god-awful show that George has said multiple times has a different ending than his. "Targ restoration is neo-nazi rhetoric" and the Targ restoration in question is a former bridal slave who's spent the majority of her life in poverty and danger + who is currently enacting a wide-scale revolution and fighting for slaves getting the family and happiness she's always wanted. Not to mention that people never have these "bad blood" takes about Jon, despite him being Half-Targaryen. The Starks are colonizers who took over the North and decimated the COTF...but I don't see any takes saying it's bad to hope the Starks regain their home. Where are all the metas/theories about the remaining COTF returning and regrowing their numbers? I thought we weren't supposed to like colonizers responsible for the destruction of an entire species? Funny how that hypocrisy works. Meanwhile, the actual author of the series is a Targ stan who has written more for House Targaryen than any other house. But sure...it's our moral obligation as readers to not like them and root for their extinction 🙄
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dmmdconfessions · 1 year
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[Image text: I had a lot (like A LOT) of freedom on the internet since I was just a mere child, and so, by complete accident, I discovered DMMd when I was just a bit too young for that kind of stuff. And I'm dead serious when I say that my biggest childhood dream was to get that Aoba yaoi Jesus figure. :D I even remember watching countless uncensored unboxings of it on YouYube in the old days… I'm so sorry mother, I was a horrific child. lol.]
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 months
If I were AFO I would be putting cat ears and a tail on Sorahiko any chance I get.
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nyan torino proves every cat-hater right: cats are ALOOF and UNSOCIABLE and HISSY
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yandere-daydreams · 5 months
im not sure i trust your taste anymore after that thing about horimiya. op WHY?! it's so crappy, miyamura deserves so much better
wait i did not except horimiya to be the thing i get called out for on that list T-T does anyone actually have problems with it, or are people just jealous of hori for pulling the cute goth guy she deserves?
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