#to hell in a handcart
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Is the world going to Hell in a handcart?
Expect that to be reflected by the programme at some point.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Walkable Cities vs Americans
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Let me talk about this in more details, after I already brought it up on Monday.
I am very aware that most users of this wonderful hellsite are very much living on some stolen land in North America. And hence are used to urban sprawl and to not getting anywhere without using a car, because it is not really feasible.
I know this. I am from Germany, but I have spent about 3,5 months in the USA between 2013 and 2014.
Now, while living in Germany the longest distance I have ever lived away from a proper supermarket was about 12 minutes on foot. At the time we had moved into a newly constructed area and for the first two years the supermarket that was supposed to be build there was just delayed. Hence the next supermarket was a bit away. After that supermarket was build, though, we had one in just 5 minutes walking distance.
This is of course connected to the fact that I always have lived in towns and cities - and that the few years of my childhood where I lived in a village... That village still had a supermarket just at the end of my street. Yes, I do have a friend who lives in a very rural part of Eastern Germany, who has to drive 40 minutes by car to reach a supermarket, as she is basically living in the German equivalent of a food desert.
Technically I was lucky, too, when I lived in the USA. Because the dorm I was being housed in was right across the street of a supermarket. I learned how ever that said supermarket was a) expensive as hell, and b) did not have good food. So, after trying it three times, I opted to once a week take a handcart and make my way over to the next Amish market about three miles away.
But something I generally learned while there was: People look at you as if you are insane for walking. I still very much remember when I was walking through the city looking for the harbor and I asked some old ladies for directions. "Oh, yeah, that is just in this direction. But it is more than a mile. Are you sure you wanna walk that?" And I just stood there: *confused German stare*
In fact, when i arrived at the dorm, someone was like: "Oh, great. We should celebrate and get to the coldstone! Let's take the car." And then we took the car to drive like 300 meters. And again I was standing there like: *confused German stare*
But... It is a bit of a two-sided issue, right? Because yeah, American cities are build around cars. If there are sidewalks they are often not easy to walk on. And if you are disabled, then tough luck. Chances are the side walks are not accessible for you. Especially if you need mobility aids of some sort.
And suburbia is not really accessible without a car either way. Especially not safely, given there are often only few street lights for crossing the roads and such.
Sure, the city centers are a bit easier to get around in. But even there you often have to walk a good way. Of course, given that the zoning laws often keep housing from anything commercial. While over here in Germany we just have a supermarket in the middle of a housing district, or have shops on the ground floor of a building that is otherwise used for housing that is often not possible in the US. And I get that.
And still... I do feel that there also is a bit of an issue a lot of folks have with even trying to just not use the car. Again: Who the flying fuck uses a car for 300 meters? (Unless they are disabled.) And that is stuff I saw several times in the USA. And in that case there was a proper and even fairly wide sidewalk. So... WHY?! Just WHY?!
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please reblog for visibility! and maybe put your nationality in the tags
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purplewillowchicken · 11 months
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
Feel like that sums up GO2 perfectly.
We got a fantastic love story then a heartbreaking end, which I'd be ok with if it wasn't such a long, uncertain wait for the resolution.
GO2 came out with some publicity from the cast but I feel like there would have been more without the WAG/SAG strikes. Not that I can begrudge everyone the right to strike. And then once we'd seen it no-one could talk about it. We got David at NYCC talking about his shoelaces.
Neil was on strike so had plenty of time for interacting with the fandom. Neil was on strike not writing GO3.
It's looking like GO3 is getting closer to being a reality. Then we hear Douglas Mackinnon has moved on to pastures new.
Hopefully the strikes are resolved and we can get back to fan girling. Oh wait social media has gone to hell in a handcart and ... oh I can't even finish this sentence.
So thanks to all the super talented people making art and formulating theories. This part has no down side. You're all amazing.
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
And I’ve made a lovely powerpoint to share with you all! 
I’d offer a link to an actual slideshow but I tried importing it to google slides and it all went to hell in a handcart.
 ID’s courtesy of the lovely folks over at @mcyt-transcribed​ , are under the cut!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated!
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[ID: A 14 page slideshow titled, "Who is the spookiest Hermit?" formatted to follow the questions from an earlier quiz, "Who is the spookiest Hermit?" "Who is the least spooky Hermit?" "Which Hermit would be a horror movie monster?" and "Which Hermit would be the first to die in a horror movie?" Each category has a slide with the top three voted hermits, a bar graph, and a responses slide. /end ID]
Longer ID under the cut! And by long, I mean REALLY long! 
Photo 1: In a spooky font centered on a dark gray background reads, “Hermitcraft Spookiness Survey! Results and witty rejoinders courtesy of you, yes you!” Underneath the title reads, “A survey by MawOfTheMagnetar with image descriptions proved by @mcyt-transcribed!” There are minecraft skins from HermitCraft’s season 7 halloween celebration in each corner, Keralis in his green ghoul head in the bottom left, Zedaph’s black and white ZedDeath. In top left, a red tinted [head] In top right, and a black tinted [head] In bottom right
Photo 2: Titled: “Who is the Spookiest Hermit?” in the same spooky font.
On the left in a text box and normal font reads, “Doc and Cleo were closely tied through most of the survey, Doc only managing to pull through at the last minute to be crowned the spookiest of all the hermits!”
On the right is a text box which reads “Joe, who spent most of the survey at the back of the pack, surged ahead in a surprise upset and stole a richly-deserved bronze!”
On the smallest podium is Joe Hills, followed by ZombieCleo in 2nd, and DocM77, edited to wear a crown, on the middle and highest podium in 1st place.
Photo 3: A bar graph titled, "Who is the Spookiest Hermit?"
The bars are red and read, “Doc = 143, ZombieCleo = 139, Joe Hills = 72, Etho = 66, Cubfan = 48, xBCrafted = 36, Keralis = 35, PearlescentMoon = 27, BdoubleO = 22, Grian = 19, Hypno = 17, Scar = 14, Tango = 14, Xisuma = 13, FalseSymmetry = 12, Zedaph = 12, VintageBeef = 11, StressMonster = 10, TinFoilChef = 10, Welsknight = 10, GeminiTay = 8, iJevin = 7, Mumbo = 3, Rendog = 3, ImpulseSV = 1, Iskall85 = 1."
Photo 4: Titled, "Selected Responses:" There are screenshots of selected text in white boxes scattered around the image.
Tango’s Minecraft face hangs from the top of the photo upside down above the text, "I can imagine Tango crawling all over my ceilings and walls in the night."
"You are nothing to Cub. I am nothing to Cub. Cub sees his goals and sees what stands between them and him and there is soon to be an empty path in his wake. (Honorable mention: Joe because he could probably pull off the next creepypasta ARG to sweep the web if he really wanted to and I am telling you right now that the seams would be nonexistent. I've seen him get soda in his beard and talk for at least ten minutes straight about rhinestones though so)"
Zedaph peeks out from the left of the photo to the left of, "zedaph is not spooky he just feels like he Would do a horrifying experiment on you"
"We all know it's Cleo. The rest of them are undeniably pathetic (endearing) but Cleo can and will kill you"
Gem peeks out from below, "Gem gets a ranking here because she's SO unassuming, but she will murder."
"Pearl seems fine at first, and then she's not."
"If you breathe on cleo wrong she would murder and she'd be right for it"
xB peeks out from the right of the photo between the next two messages. "xB is just really elusive to me lol, ive watched stuff of his but he's just like so weirdly spooky to me regardless of what he does."
"xB is mostly unsettling. like, have you seen the guy? i think it was in one of solarflare's stories where they described xB's smile as the kind of smile you expect to come with sharp teeth or red eyes or smth but it just Isn't There. and that feels Wrong. my guy feels Wrong because he's too notmal when you expect him to be more abnormal."
"If I saw doc as the fanartist depict him literally anywhere at night I would be shaking in my boots. That's the terminator. I'm out."
"have you seen joe hills."
"Keralis walks like he's going to murder you."
Keralis is below, "keralis isnt the scariest hermit, but he does have the most threatening vibes. i might take more damage by angering doc or existing in cub's vicinity when he's in a silly goofy mood, but keralis i think has the most 'theres something lurking behind those eyes' vibes, and i dont know why. i can see why he was assigned eldritch by the fandom"
"doc would be the best at ruining your life so while he isn't a scary guy he could be! he just isn't! keralis scares me.”
Photo 5: Another slide formatted with a three tiered podium titled: "Who Is The Least Spooky Hermit?"
On the left of the slide, "Mumbo was the runaway favourite to win this category right from the start, and sweeps the Wet Tissue award without breaking a sweat!"
On the right side of the slide, "Gem, in an upset so surprising an amendment had to be frantically made, apparently took third place! Congrats to her! She’s a soggy cat too, folks! “
Gem is on the 3rd place podium, Bdubs in 2nd place, and MumboJumbo, edited to wear a crown, in 1st .
Photo 6: Another bar graph titled "Who is the Least Spooky Hermit?”
"MumboJumbo = 114, BdoubleO = 94, GeminiTay = 75, Xisuma = 72, GoodTimesWithScar = 69, Zedaph = 39, StressMonster = 33, Rendog = 32, ImpulseSV = 28, Iskal185 = 25, Etho = 22, Keralis = 19, Joe Hills = 17, Grian = 16, TangoTek = 16, VintageBeef = 16, TinfoilChef = 12, Doc = 8, FalseSymmetry = 7, PearlescentMoon = 7, Welsknight = 7, iJevin = 4, ZombieCleo = 2, Hypno = 1, Cubfan = 0, xBCrafted = 0."
Photo 7: Titled, "Selected Responses:" There are screenshots of selected text in white boxes scattered around the image.
"bdubs my little scromblo skrunkle skrinkly diddly doo"
Mumbo is between the next two messages. "This man is a wet cat in human form, he is a webkin that has been soaked in milk and thrown at the nearest wall, he is the saddest most pathetic sounding squeak toy to ever be squeezed" and "mumbo jumbo the slowly boiled frog of hermitcraft"
"Mumbo is just a human chocolate éclair tbh"
"Tango looks like my dad and I believe I can take my dad in a fight so its fine"
Scar is in the bottom left corner to the left of "Yes I put Scar as most and least spooky. He has the range"
Wels is to the right of "Wels could walk into my room covered in blood and I'd laugh at him. His boots go 'cling clong'."
"the only thing that scares me about doc is the potential of him saying some dumb shit on twitter and me having to see it all over my tumblr dash for some reason. how is he supposed to scare me he doesn't even know how to roleplay without godmodding <3"
Below the previous text is a screenshot of a tweet that reads: "Docm77 @/docm77 'Day 1 at the nude spa. I won.' 3:02 PM - Sep 17, 2020."
"Wet paper towel man. Pathetic wet cat that's been left out in the rain. Man fucking confused himself with a piston. Ppl keep making xisuma the 'scary admin' but i think hed be startled by his own reflection."
"Xisuma is bitchless and literally has the vibes of a fucking cotton ball but by god is he a dude lol"
Grian's head overlaps on the word "threatening" in "Sorry Grian you're a Problem but you're not threatening"
Photo 8: A bar graph titled, "Which Hermit would be a horror movie monster?"
On the left of the slide, "Doc clinches the crown again, with Cleo right behind nipping at his heels! A richly-deserved silver for Cleo and another easy W for Doc."
On the right of the slide, "Another surprise upset came in the form of Bdubs nudging out established spook machines like Ren and Grian to clinch the bronze for himself! Soggy and Scary simultaneously- Bdubs can do it all, folks!"
Bdubs is in 3rd place, ZombieCleo in 2nd, and DocM77, edited to be wearing a crown, in 1st.
Photo 9: A bar graph titled, "Which Hermit would you most expect to be the monster in a horror movie?"
"Doc = 120, ZombieCleo = 105, BdoubleO = 53, Grian = 43, Rendog = 38, Keralis = 35, Etho = 29, Joe Hills = 25, PearlescentMoon = 22, Cubfan = 21, xBCrafted = 20, TangoTek = 18, Scar = 17, Zedaph = 13, MumboJumbo = 12, Xisuma = 12, GeminiTay = 10, iJevin = 10, VintageBeef = 8, Falsesymmetry = 6, ImpulseSV = 5, StressMonster = 5, Hypno = 4, Iskall85 = 3, Welsknight = 3, TinFoilChef = 2."
Photo 10: Titled, "Selected Responses:" There are screenshots of selected text in white boxes scattered around the image. Up in the top is a message from the creator, “Shoutout to the multiple novels I got in the responses for this one!"
"gem's like the overly friendly homeowner who turns out to be a serial killer in the third act. i dont actually think keralis is all that scary, but i do think he has too many joints and his eves are a little bit too wide."
Scar is to the left of, "scar is a monster but in a "you forgot to read the fine print. my friend" kinda way"
"zedaph is not the monster. he's the man behind the monster the victor frankenstein, except he doesn't regret his crimes against god and science. now, i could've chosen cub, but cub's a force of chaos who does science, whereas zed's a scientist who does chaos. and yes, chaos is a good motivator, but it doesn't necessarily lend itself to long term villainy. (honorable mention to tango, who is more of a fantasy/rpg villain than a horror villain.)"
Cub is below, "Imagine horror movie monster. Evil Ghost. Evil Scientist. Evil Vampire. Not inherently evil but perceived to be as such Man- eating alien. CEO of oil company. They couldn't all be played by the same guy, right? Wrong. Welcome to my perfect reality where Cub gets to be every evil guy and is rewarded handsomely for it"
"ren. were woof"
"have you seen joe hills."
"All feral"
Grian is above, "i feel like grian'd be the ominous figure staring at you from the end of a darkened corridor"
"gem is the final girl. nothing else to be said she has killed and will kill again! (good for her!!!!)"
Impulse is below, "impulse may be a canon demon. but hes simply to kind to be evil. also let him rip people apart"
"ehk. also the sight of keralis in a dark hallway staring directly at me would kill me instantly" Keralis' eyes are framed by the previous and next message, making them pop and hiding his mouth
"keralis and scar would be in a fucked up horror movie with the uncanny valley thing going on, like a parasite / alien imposter movie"
Photo 11:  
Another slide formatted with a three tiered podium titled: "Which Hermit would be the first to die in a horror movie?”
On the left of the slide, " To the surprise of absolutely nobody on planet Earth, Scar sweeps this category without an issue. He’s here to have a good time and he’s having it in Leatherface’s front garden. " 
On the right side of the slide, "In even less surprising news, the gold and silver winners in the Wet Paper Bag event also podium for this one! I’m as shocked as you are." 
Mumbo is on the 3rd place podium, Bdubs in 2nd place, and Scar, edited to wear a crown, in 1st.
Photo 12: 
A bar graph titled, "Which Hermit would be the first to die in a horror movie?" 
“GoodtimeswithScar = 134, BdoubleO = 107, MumboJumbo= 81, Xisuma = 48, TangoTek = 31, Zedaph = 27, Grian = 22, Keralis = 22, Rendog = 18, Joe Hills = 17, ImpulseSV = 10,  Iskall85 = 9, Etho = 7, Stressmonster = 7, iJevin = 6, Cubfan = 5, Falsesymmetry = 5, GeminiTay = 5, VintageBeef = 5, Welsknight = 4, ZombieCleo = 4, Doc = 3,  PearlescentMoon = 2, xBCrafted = 2, Hypno = 1, TinfoilChef = 0.” 
Photo 13:  
Titled, "Selected Responses!" There are screenshots of selected text in white boxes scattered around the image. In the background is a faint image of Scar. 
“Have you seen Scar”
“Listen, I know the obvious answer is Mumbo. HOWEVER, for peak wet cat-ness, I think he needs to survive a few murders and get properly traumatized. Going off classic horror movie tropes, the first victims are usually the popular kids, and Jevin has big jock energy.” Jevin is hanging from the top of the image.
“Scar….scar. *sigh* Scar.”
“Keralis’ maidenly behaviour puts him in the danger zone. The bimbo teen girl always dies first.”
“Sorry impulse. they say virgins always die first.” 
“impulse: white man from the desert. there's no way he doesn't go into the forest/room that he hears strange noises from” 
Impulse in his normal skin is looking from the side of these messages. 
“They would all die first.” 
“Its Scar. Need I say more” 
“welsknight for sure is gonna go out looking for the monster/bad guy to "protect" the others and ends up getting killed first” 
“ I think Scar will die first in such a comical way that the horror movie genre shifts into horror-comedy for Scar’s death” 
“Scar always dies first.” 
“sorry Ren, but I haven’t checked doesthedogdie.com yet and I had to make some guesses” Ren is poking out of the side next to this message.
“I know Solidaritygaming isn't here but it would be him. they'd invite him to the haunted forest and he'd die a terrible death”  Solidaritygaming is emerging from the corner with several white question marks over his head.
“bdubs would immediately start screaming if left in an unlocked fully furnished upkept basement with the lights off” 
“Bdubs would survive everything cause he would go to sleep and wake up after the horrors were over.” 
“zedaph voice: "oh hey what does this monster do? fascinating!" (immediately dies)” 
Photo 14:
White text on a black background. The text reads “That’s all folks! Thanks so much to everyone who participated! It was a blast!”
/End ID.] 
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youchangedmedean · 2 years
had to sit in a social media meeting today where I was asked by my manager if the organisation should make a tumblr in light of twitter going to hell on a handcart and i had to react like a normal human being who hadn’t been on this site for 13 years
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Pharazôn, about Armenelos: This city is going to hell in a handcart.
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gentlyepigrams · 1 year
We need your help - now!
We need your help - now! by National Library of Ireland on The Commons Via Flickr: Good morning all, it's great to be back and hopefully the site hasn't gone to hell in a handcart in my absence? To start the week on a weird one we have a postcard that appears to have originated in the United States with a plea for recognition of the "Irish Republic"! The date of this should be interesting, was it in the aftermath of the 1916 Rising, during the War of Independence or after the declaration of the Irish Republic in 1949? Photographer: None Collection:NLI Ephemera Collection Date: insert date NLI Ref.: MS 17,688/21 You can also view this image, and many thousands of others, on the NLI’s catalogue at catalogue.nli.ie
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ladyaj-13 · 1 year
The world is going to hell in a handcart and I can tell not just because of *everything* but also how much more interest there is when I talk to people about my workplace’s union.
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
spring quarter just stared and I’m already having a weird one. most obviously my roommate was pissing me off which I guess isn’t weird but then there was no music in the dining hall and it was abnormally clean bc of break then on my way to the library my usual scenic route to class was fenced off for some reason then I got to the library and it was completely deserted and I decided fuck this I’m taking the elevator up to the top floor and I got in the elevator and I just Knew somebody was going to get in after me even though in my entire time on campus nobody has ever gotten in the elevator with me then lonans behold the elevator stops before my floor and somebody gets on then when it stops at their floor (the floor below mine) there’s this guy with a huge safe on a handcart in front of the door and the person in the elevator for some reason can’t understand that this is their floor despite the giant 4 on the wall so they just stand in the elevator until the doors start closing (before the safe guy has even gotten in) then they realize that they should probably move so they ask safe guy if this is the fourth floor and he’s like yeah so they jump out of the elevator and I’m like fuck this I can walk one more flight so safe guy can fit the massive safe inside so I leave and walk up one floor but when I leave the stairwell all the fucking lights are off in My corner of the library and the desks are covered in books n shit so I walk elsewhere and grab another desk but there is not a single other person in this library rn this floor is dead fucking silent it’s weird as hell
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agentfascinateur · 1 month
G7 leaders failing, AND in violation of the ICJ ruling over Palestine
People are dying every single day while the West postures and detracts.
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Nothing like putting a plan into action,
only to discover a big, messy problem that needs fixing before everything goes to hell in a handcart.
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bakeerm · 1 month
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fyrefrostanimus · 2 months
So today I'm leaving on a 2/3-day trip (depending on if you count today). Unlike Hell Camp which I went to to try and make it better I just didn't have a choice with this one since my mom signed me up before I said no (which probably wouldn't have done anything anyway).
So, to my FNaF mutuals, a Mormon thing some years is indeed a three-day hike in pioneer costumes where everyone takes turns pushing handcarts because of course it is. Do with this information what you will.
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calmgrove · 6 months
Hitched ride on the handcart to Hell. BIG mistake. Short story / flash fiction first published New Year’s Day 2018
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dungeonmistressclara · 7 months
The world is going to hell in a handcart and there's nothing I can do about it
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