#to give some perspective on the levels of insanity we are cooking with
sadie-wolfdawn · 1 year
also i prommy not to talk about bg3 here at length bc thats what my main is for but..... when I tell you i am UNWELL
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aihoshiino · 1 year
chapter 128 thoughts!
a little late because i have been fighting for my life against sleepy bitch disease all week but HERE WE GO
Right off the bat, the little power level rankings for everyone are such a cute visual while also being a great way to quickly and immediately get across some super important and interesting info about everyone's capabilities going into the chapter. I won't comment on everything but there is some stuff I want to make a note of before going into things!
Ruby's acting skills being ranked as D and accordingly as her biggest weakness is pretty interesting. I was worried that might be left hanging but I'm glad to see the story continuing to acknowledge how much is riding on the movie's success and how Ruby's acting might not be able to bear that weight. That combined with One Other Thing really does have me start to seriously wonder if we won't have a lead actress switcharoo on our hands at some point in the future.
Melt's acting skill being ranked as B (the same level as Aqua, even!) made me go <3. He really has come such a long way from where he first started and the blood, sweat and tears he wrung out of himself during Tokyo Blade seems to have really paid off. Melt, my beloved!!!
Moving onto the chapter itself, I was really surprised to see Aqua playing Kamiki! I guess I shouldn't be with how hard that family resemblance has been played up but for some reason, I was really certain he was specifically playing Ryosuke, not Kamiki... I guess because it was originally stated he was 'the culprit'? Anyway, Aqua playing Kamiki is part of why I'm starting to wonder if either he or Ruby will end up backing out of their roles – having a pair of twin siblings play a real life couple who Definitely Fucked seems like the sort of things that uh, might put a dampener on the movie's intended reception, just from an in-universe perspective!
This chapter also finally gives us a name for the Crow Girl - Tsukuyomi! I felt SUCH a thrill when I saw her use that name because I had wondered last chapter if her pointed reference to the moon might be some indication that's who she was but at the time it felt like a stretch, so I didn't voice it. Gah, I should've put it in my chapter thoughts so I could be extra smug about calling it!
In general, I'm really surprised by how many of my long-term issues with OnK were specifically touched on in this chapter to a really eerily specific degree lol? But holy shit! Somebody actually acknowledging the huge bombshell of Aqua and Ruby's connection to Ai! Akane, specifically, finally fucking acknowledging that Ruby was also traumatized by her mother's death! Akane acknowledging Ruby exists at all!! Akane interacting with characters that aren't Aqua!!! Thank god!!!
I'm also becoming increasingly curious about the DVDs the kids saw. They're a pretty transparent retcon and I imagine we'll eventually see them for ourselves but I'm still itching to know wtf Aka was even cooking when he added them.
For all that was good about this chapter, though, I do have a pretty major issue with the way a lot of the emotional stuff is being skimmed over purely to not let the reader in on the content of the movie too early. This info isn't necessarily new to all the characters but there are some major bombshells about the culprit and Ai's relationship with him that we get no commentary on from the characters.
The biggest and most baffling missed opportunity here is Taiki, honestly??? Based on what Aqua says to him and the fact that Frill is going to be playing Airi Himekawa we can probably guess that her abuse of Kamiki will be laid bare in the movie. If that's the case then Taiki has just found out, possibly just from this fucking script, that his mother is a child rapist and he himself is a product of rape. The fact that we do not see any emotional response from him about this information beyond "that's on my mom you caught her slippin" genuinely fucking blows my mind! Completely insane!!! Was there really absolutely no space in the story for Taiki to have literally any time or room to process an incredibly traumatic dump of information like that???
that said, for my complaints... I won't pretend it didn't kick me in the gut to see Ruby all dressed up as Ai on that final page. Definitely her mom's daughter.
Break next week..........................................
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grace-williams-xo · 2 months
Rating a selection of the (main) fandoms I’ve been in over the years. This is just for shits and giggles, please don’t start a war. I truly sincerely don’t care that much. Peace and love. [my current level of engagement with these fandoms varies]
One Direction 7/10 (fandom since 2013)
Absolutely cooked, but looking back, not that bad
Very powerful. Live in fear if we ever properly reunite again (the last big thing was July 2020 iykyk) bc we have reach everywhere and it never leaves our souls
Ahead of its time, but also an exact summary of 2012–2014
The solos who fight are the worst please fucking chill
The best fandom ever when it comes to tagging fics I won’t be debating this
Larries still exist in 2024 I can’t believe it either and they are the blueprint for all toxic shipping culture. Larries get a 1/10 and that 1 is for the good au fics only
5SOS 8/10 (fan since 2013, fandom since 2018)
Lots of overlap with directioners so have always kind of just been the smaller version of that fandom
Smaller fandoms can be less toxic but also sometimes 5sos fam is/was an absolute mess for no reason at all
Has been much more toxic since 2020 onwards because the guys have lives and people get way too bored
Some fans with directioner roots can’t comprehend that the band actually like each other and that’s just funny to me
Fletcher 6/10 (fan since 2017, fandom since 2020)
It was a great fandom until the first album cycle started, and then it got bad, and then Becky’s so hot made it worse, and then last year Fletcher herself joined a cult and drove it off a cliff
Currently it’s a mess of fans either forgiving her entirely, stanning Chappell Roan and Renee Rapp instead but continuing to tweet about her problems once a month, or—my favourite—forgiving her when she tours near them
Taylor Swift 4/10 (fan since 2009, fandom since 2015)
Gets worse with every passing second. Rep era? Great. Lover era? Good. Folklore/evermore? Alright. Fearless/Red TV? Tolerable. Midnights/Eras onwards? Abhorrent.
Gaylors will either save the world or end it
Some of the most insane dick riding for a fave I’ve ever seen in a fandom in my life please have some perspective
Hawaii Five-0 10/10 (since 2017)
The most active fandom for a dead tv show, I feel like I’m clout farming every time I post a fic
Never seen a more headcannoned ship in my life than mcdanno
No controversial debates
Overall very chill, but we all give the people writing genuine Steve/Lynn or Danny/Amberlissa fics side eye
Glee 9/10 (since 2018)
If you watched glee, it will come as no surprise that no one in this fandom is mentally okay
Way too passionate about ranking the seasons
Entirely cooked, but very self aware so we’re having fun
Bridgerton 7/10 (since Apr 2024)
The shipper fights take years off my life PLEASE relax I am begging you
Some of the fandom think rich straight white women are the most oppressed class of society
Good fics but you do not know how to tag smh
White Collar 19/10 (since Jan 2024)
The best!!!
No drama the only debate is about what happened in/after the finale, but it isn’t toxic
I lied the debate is are Peter/Neal romantic
Speaking of, no one protects spoilers like this fandom. We will go to battle to make sure new watchers don’t get the big reveals spoiled
Would’ve gotten a 20 but y’all, respectfully, mostly suck ass at tagging fics it’s maybe the worst fandom I’ve ever come across
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Balad to cap
Ok so why didn’t i ever read chapter 73. I forgot about it? I have zero clue why that happened.
Its a very fun chapter too, it feels quite chill and is a good transition alongside tying up loose ends
I’m glad it talks about Alya being like “why tf are they over there” 
God I’m still so curious about the seeds planted of clues for Juleka’s identity, plus idk why but I’m still 90% certain adrien will randomly find out
I know he won’t but my brain is convinced
Help genderfluid Anarka i love her to pieces she’s such a terror (and i adore when you make her speak in a scottish accent, it’s so dear to me)
Interesting.. Luka teaches Kim guitar? I’m curious about Luka’s totally normal life aside from the furry for a sister, he tries so hard…
Now thats an interesting tidbit
Luka can tell how in her own head Juleka is? Very intriguing for him to call them delusions… I wonder how different pieces of this fic would be if they were from another perspective, especially the sheer level of danger the characters are in and how monstrous Juleka sees herself vs the reality of her protecting herself 
My thoughts are going to when she Prince Shining (that was his name right?) It’s one of my favorite original Akumas behind Wicket Witch and Little Red (which I am realising now is because of the background to them… Akuma hit harder when there is a buildup, huh. Something to keep in mind for my own writing.) That was fun to see, how worried the class was vs how confused that made Juleka
How people perceive others and myself has always been interesting to me, so this is right up my alley
Back to Luka
Oh curious, of course Luka would want to protect Juleka… I wonder if Marinette will try to make him a holder as well, I’m not sure if that secret identity would last the hour to be honest
The fact that we still don’t have much model Juleka content (aside from a piece of art you did a few years ago, or maybe that was someone else) makes me feel crazy! It’s an aspect of her that I’m really curious to see how you write it
I’ve got fun concepts for her in my own shit, and ANYWAY! Ui brought it up because Anarka was talking about sending Juleka there. 
Sorry, I’m both making notes on like 2 pieces of writing, writing 2 different scenes in totally different chapters and writing this and reading chapter 73 and cooking dinner. Can you tell I am diagnosed with ADHD? 
Woohoo for Fei saving people
Fei being scared and unsettled by Juleka is so funny help-
Aww, Juleka giving Fei interview practice is adorable
I need to reread at some point to see if we get to see how marinette sees Juleka compared to Panthera (hey, it’s me being obsessed with how people perceive others again, tbh that’s prolly why I am so excited to write my miraculous thing, there are some… extra layers that should make it funny) 
Sure you dont have a concussion Juleka, like I’ll believe that
Oh my god if eel insane 
Not Juleka slagging off herself to Rose she is so insane 
This chapter is full of revaltions
Insane about everything her what the fuck
this is mostly me freakign out, sozzles its also really short. time for chapter 74!
this was a really good chapter i feel insane that i forgot to read it
i wanted to set up the mood for season 3- i hope it makes you excited!!!!!
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Zora headcanons please?
There's so many kinds of Zora; how about I do them all? :D
River Zora
So, the River Zora were the first kind of Zora we were ever met with in the LoZ series.
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Capable of shooting fireballs, this variant of Zora is EXTREMELY territorial and defensive of their domain. And with good reason; their eggs are a rarity--a River Zora might lay only two eggs in their entire lifetime, which can reach up to 800 years. And monsters, especially water-based monsters, tend to be scavengers, meaning that if a Zora isn’t careful, their nest can be raided and the eggs devoured before they have a chance to react.
The River Zora are vibrantly colored, with the ability to puff up to three times their normal size and possessing side-fins to use as flashy warning signs against potential predators. Living in a place like Hyrule means you have to have all kinds of tricks up your sleeve!
But all that flash isn’t just for show; when they’re stressed, their skin releases a toxic substance that can cause paralysis in nearby enemies.
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You can see it here in Queen Oren’s fountain, how the water’s gone dark purple (along with the size magnification mentioned previously).
Their mouths contain special glands that secrete a kind of organic napalm. When creating a fireball, they gather some of this substance in their cheeks and ignite it with a spark of electricity, similar to an electric catfish. This ability takes time for them to develop, and fireball accuracy is a point of pride among their soldiers.
Their diet consists of mostly trout, and their domain is hidden in a waterfall beside Death Mountain. However, by BoTW’s time, the River Zora have fled Hyrule for distant Holodrum, where there’s remarkably less threat of extinction.
Zora Warriors
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These are actually the result of River Zora adapting to salinity! Also called “Geozards” to differentiate them from their ancestors, these Zora have lost their toxicity and pufferfish-like abilities in exchange for denser muscle mass and near-impenetrable scales. The frill atop their heads is their only biological sex indicator; frill means male, no frill means female, and the sex of a Geozard is determined by the temperature their egg was kept in, like alligators!
They also have an increased capacity for firepower compared to their more docile inland counterparts, an adaptation developed in the presence of more aggressive waterlife out in the open ocean. The napalm they produce is a LOT harder to get off of yourself, so watch out!
Lake Zora
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Most famous for their queen, Ruto, Lake Zora are blue-white in coloring and have fins that mimic the patterns clear water would create on the seafloor. Unlike their vibrantly-colored firebreathing cousins, these Zora are stealth hunters, blending in with the water and staying very still before darting out to catch their prey in a split second.
The well-known fondness for jewelry that Zora have started with this subspecies, where earrings, necklaces, and gemstones were first utilized as bait, similar to metallic fishing lures. Since then, the fondness for shiny decoration has only grown, peaking when the Zoroyal family was entrusted with the Spiritual Stone of Water. Since receiving it, the gifting of sapphires between Zora has been a token of engagement, similar to how rings are in our culture.
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Early stages of Zora life strongly resemble tadpoles; upon hatching, they’re little more than eyes and a sharklike tail. As they mature, however, the rest of their body develops, tucked into the curve beneath their faces, before eventually emerging into a Zora guppy.
Zora guppies are...clumsy, to say the least. Their bodies haven’t grown quite enough to support their heads yet, so they need neck support at all times. It’s just like human babies! It takes a Lake Zora about three years to get to the point where they can support their own head weight, so during that time, the parents have to be extremely diligent with their baby’s safety.
Bay Zora
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The Zora that live in the Great Bay of Termina are almost identical to their Hyrulean counterparts.
These Zora have had to adapt both to salt water and the presence of predators larger than them, so on top of the skills the Lake Zora possess, they also have a faster swimming speed, a tolerance to acid, and the ability to create a weak electric field around themselves to ward off potential attackers.
Falls Zora
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This subspecies of Zora actually marks an evolutionary transition point between the Lake Zora and the Sea Zora. They still possess muted coloration to blend into the water for stealth attacks, but they’re starting to branch out; sunset-colored fins and bioluminescent spots on their headtails mark the development of several key traits BoTW Zora possess.
It’s also the point where we first see sign of the red and purple color mutations.
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But by far the most interesting point of this particular era in Zora history is their cultural development.
This is the point in time where they start decorating their domain with the trademark Zora silver we know them for in BoTW, with intricate lacing designs in semi-see-through walls.
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We also see the first use of Zora spears, along with masks worn by soldiers and metallic jewelry, signifying that the Zora have begun to develop the means to forge tools.
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This is huge, from a worldbuilding perspective. Aquatic races tend to get locked into a stone-age level of tech, because it’s insanely difficult to forge metals without fire and without cooking yourself. The techniques they use to make these weapons and decorations, though they remain a carefully guarded Zora secret, are the reason they can make grand palaces like we see in BoTW.
This era also marks the appearance of Zora armor; as in, clothing created from Zora scales.
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Magical garments for breathing underwater existed before, but the presence of this here means that Zora can both shed and craft their scales into a kind of chainmail mesh. In later years, this kind of garment would become the equivalent of exchanging sapphires, specifically for inter-species relationships in Hyrule.
And, finally:
Sea Zora
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These are probably the Zora you all were expecting. I’ve covered the reasoning behind their coloration and physical variation here, so let’s get to the stuff I haven’t quite covered yet, shall we?
The Zora of BoTW are highly adapted to salt-water conditions, capable of breathing in both fresh and seawater. Their scales, however, are thinner due to generations of enjoying a peaceful lifestyle, making them highly susceptible to burns, frostbite, and electrical nerve damage. This makes elemental arrows a huge threat to the Zora population; it’s an ongoing debate in their kingdom on whether or not it should be banned.
A Sea Zora’s lifespan consists of about 20 years of being a guppy, at which point, they develop their “sea legs.” As you’ll notice, this is much longer than the standard infancy of their ancestors; while Lake Zora matured at a similar rate to humans, Sea Zora more closely resemble the lifespans of River Zora, which can lead to generations of Hylians passing by in only one Zora lifetime.
After growing out of their guppy phase, Sea Zora stay at a relatively small size, even into adulthood, until they hit their growthspurts. This final stage of Zora maturity is triggered by environmental factors, such as temperature, abundance of resources, and emotional stability, though some Zora take longer to reach that finicky balance than others. The growth stage takes about two years to finish; Mipha, a hundred years prior to BoTW, was right in the middle of hers, thus making her much smaller than other fully grown Zora at the time.
On a cultural note, Zora from this era participate in neck elongation, like many human cultures in Africa and Asia.
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In this practice, coils of metal are wrapped around the neck to give the appearance of it being longer than it actually is. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t actually dislocate the neck and vertebrae; instead, it works by pushing the collarbones down and the chin upwards.
We can see this practice on Zora of any age, and all walks of life; it’s even present in the Zora Armor, to a lesser degree.
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Notably, though, Royal Zora and Zora in direct service to the Zoroyal family haf elegant frames rather than coils, as a secondary indicator of status.
Luminous stones are popular with these Zora, and it’s believed that this started as a mirror to their developing bioluminescence. And they have a lot of it; unfortunately, however, it’s on a scale humans don’t perceive very well, as to us, the most glow we get is right above Muzu’s eyes.
But for Zora? They see A LOT.
Sidon, for example. We see him like this:
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But Zora night vision isn’t as good as ours, so they’d see something more like this instead:
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(Not an accurate depiction, a rough estimate done by someone with little art skills)
The spots on his head, the brightly colored edges of his fins, and the luminous stones all stand out, letting Zora identify each other in murky waters easily.
Sea Zora eyes possess special cells in them specifically for detecting luminescence. These disappear in strong light:
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But are visible in darker settings, like rainy Zora’s Domain, in the form of tiny dots on the outer edge of the iris.
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These cells work by catching miniscule amounts of light and color and reflecting them, causing weak dots to become much more pronounced, at the cost of their night vision overall.
Hope this answered your questions about the Zora!
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avvocarlo · 2 years
my work is giving me the absolute shits at the moment. I genuinely want to be able to work, except the problem is they're doing it in the most irritating way possible. I've been saying No near on 95 % of the time because it'll be one or more of the following: asking at 9 pm tonight if I can be somewhere tomorrow for 8 am - 3 pm, only a day or so notice, a few hours prior to the shift - this is including sleepovers - somewhere I haven't been to before on that very day, asking me to do back to back shifts while I was already on shift or soon after finishing, offering only a few days in advance to do a 24 hour shift at a place that's over 50 km away. also keep in mind that this is unpredictable work, I genuinely could get a knife in the neck one day for all I know
like no I'm not going to accept these anymore. I was going completely mental for all those months I had long weeks that were at times an upward of 60-70 hours, sleeping in a house that wasn't my own, doing stressful work in a multitude of locations, frequent texts and calls from multiple people (org rostering, coordinators, supervisors, agency staff) every single day demanding that we remove, add, or alter shifts by location, hours etc. that then culminated into some insanely stressful shifts that were utterly cooked by a horrific level of mismanagement. to mention these events in detail would be a whole post by itself I'm sure.
not too long ago they caught on to me that I was essentially burnt out, I told them the last minute shift offers were significantly bothering myself and my partner, they seemingly listened. I'm not sure if my regular coordinator is gone, but that had soon been disregarded. they probably believe I'm difficult or possibly lazy, but their logistical and organisational skills are so mind blowingly incompetent that it will inevitably beget this kind of outcome. what do you expect to happen?
I'm agency at the moment, and we're in the process of moving me somewhere else organisation-wise that will provide consistency, except idk man... I'm feeling incredibly jaded by the whole situation, there was a period I wanted to leave my agency and transition over to the organisation I'm still at, the organisation then seemed to take it upon themselves to use this as a way of pushing my boundaries. increased calls, ridiculous expectations, etc etc.
some people might argue that's to test my worth! that I needed to stick it out! why? what to blindly follow the promise of dangling keys above me like some kind of chump? come on man, there's no way I'm going to fall for that, nor am I going to be some performing bitchboy who puts up with that type of behaviour. I've been called a great worker by my agency/organisation, except it's increasingly difficult to even tell how genuine they are. it does seem like a lot of smoke and mirrors, truly. if I'm so great then why did you treat me that way? I'm better than that, I suppose if I wasn't an asset in their mind they wouldn't be fighting to keep me within the agency + organisation. which again, I don't overly trust. they seem to believe I can't catch on to how facetious many aspects of this industry are. Self Care, Therapeutic Responses, oh did you do this? Ahhh always follow the planner! Be the Gestapo for the love of god, except don't. you know what I mean?
anyway, feeling pretty frustrated about this situation. having time away (as you can all tell by the increased posting over the last month) certainly helped me realise what was important and how I truly felt, unfortunately that only helps me by personal perspective rather than an actual subsequent change with financial compensation, job security, or career pathways... hopefully things will be on the up soon? a sense of structure is extremely important to me
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janedrakey131 · 4 years
zukka hp au part 5
I’m so flattered people like this au. I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon, but I had some more ideas last night. If you’d like to catch up:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
If you would like to join the tag list
My brief, very long, not at all fleshed out plan based roughly on what year Sokka is in and other associated events:
First year
Sokka’s first year is boring 
He meets Zuko, makes some friends in his house, probably a bunch of OCs
He finds the kitchens on day 2
Hogwarts just hires people who like to cook, who cares whether they’re magical beings or humans or whatever, there’s all sorts of really cool kitchen magic though
He’s always asking questions in class and you can tell why he’s a Ravenclaw
He wants to learn about everything
And once he knows how to do more than shoot a few sparks, he’s going to start inventing
He’s going to do some truly awesome things with transfiguration and potions
And I can’t wait for him to start arithmancy
Like let me tell you, Sokka is a genius, and he’s probably going to be the only one who understands magical theory 
This just ended up being a rant about Sokka, so moving on
Second year
The fun starts
Katara and Aang are finally here
Sokka doesn’t know Aang is the avatar
I’m very tempted to have both Katara and Aang be in Hufflepuff
And they run into Sokka in the kitchens
He does a double take, like who is this boy with my sister??
But Aang’s a sweet kid
So Sokka is immediately like we’re bros now, I don’t make the rules
Iroh starts working at Hogwarts (sorry, I changed my mind from herbology) as the potions professor
He comes in on the train with Zuko who just got banished (I actually...might change the specifics)
Sokka doesn’t know what to make of that
Azula is also skulking around annoying Zuzu 
But I think she secretly cares a bit and threatens anyone that looks at his scar wrong, because Zuko helped her a lot with some stuff
I think she’s going to be in the same year as Katara and Aang? I’m not sure
I have plans for Azula
I think Mai and Ty Lee are going to be in Zuko’s year, but closer to Azula
Mai and Zuko will date at some point
I think Mai will end up with Ty Lee
But she and Zuko had a short relationship
I think it was more expected of them by their families that they date
But they’re good friends now
I’m not doing this betraying and cheating and hurting other characters to find out who you are thing
Everyone is having wholesome relationships that just don’t work out
(Sidenote, I’m changing things, and characters might end up a bit OOC for atla, and I’m really sorry, but this is just wish fulfillment for me)
Anyway, there’s a plot to find the avatar 
The mini gaang (toph isn’t here yet) learn the prophecy (still working on it)
Third year
They find out about Sokka and Katara’s mom
I don’t think Hakoda really knows what happened either. I don’t think he was in the country at the time
I also have some ideas for the water tribe/fire nation beef, but I just made the realization that if I spell everything out in these posts, what’s the point of writing for Ao3 XD
But spoilers, it’s going to be pretty angsty
But I like happy endings, so I may find a way to fix it
I have this whole idea that if Suki or the Kyoshi are also werewolves, they have really cool rituals to respect and honor the moon spirit and that allows them the ability to turn into wolves whenever they want and not just the full moon
So other people can also be born as werewolves, but different groups have different ways of being a werewolf
Also, I believe I said Zuko starts following Suki around thinking she’s the avatar
And then Sokka decides to fake being the avatar (I completely forgot when I said this would happen, so I’m assuming it’s this year or the next)
This is about when Sokka’s letters to Hakoda start going on about Zuko’s everything even more
Fourth year
Zuko (Zuko’s fifth year) witnesses something unspeakable
Sokka is kidnapped
Zuko saves Sokka
That’s all the detail I have on this XD
But the unspeakable thing and the kidnapping are going to be this year’s mystery
Zuko, the idiot, still thinks Sokka is the avatar at this point
Aang is like no
But doesn’t bother to say he is
So Zuko thinks Katara is the avatar for a hot sec
But has some nonsense logic that there’s no need to stop following Sokka, because if he or his sister are the avatar, of the two, Sokka’s more likely to give something away
Which okay, Zuko, not actually terrible reasoning, except Sokka’s been leading you around by the nose for ages
There’s none of this the avatar rotates which element they can use
Because that’s predictable
And half the fun is that Zuko is trying his best, but has zero clues
Fifth year
This is the big question
I’m not sure what to do with this year
I hope Sokka can start inventing
I want him to make some cool shit
There won’t be an equivalent of the DA as far as I can see :( I can’t figure out how I’d structure that
I think it would be really cool to see them all learning how to use their elemental magic though
Toph and Zuko don’t really need the help
Katara and Aang have always had to deal with all the crap going on, so they haven’t had much time for it
I’m wondering if I should bring in Paku
Aang has it rough, because air magic users are really rare now
So I think he might work with Iroh, because he’s studied other styles of magic extensively
Sixth year
I think Mai had to figure out she was bi
I truly think Zuko doesn’t have time for gender
For like five years, he’s like DO YOU KNOW WHO THE AVATAR IS and if you don’t, he’s already forgotten who you are
So my headcanon is that he’s pan and when he and Sokka eventually get together, Sokka doesn’t know anything about his orientation and just knows he dated Mai, so he’s like “are you cool with me being a dude? Sorry, I just know you’ve dated Mai, so just checking haha?”
And Zuko’s so done with all the random crap he’s dealt with that he’s like “wow, you have a dick? Congratulations”
But then realizes Sokka’s actually concerned and talks it out
Anyway, everyone’s leveled up now, we’re all masters at elemental and non-elemental magic (seriously, Sokka could’ve sat for his NEWTs last year if he wanted to. He’s that far ahead and magic is that intuitive for him)
I have no idea what will happen this year lol
I kind of want an invasion of Hogwarts, I know I’ve been trying not to just blindly follow the books completely :/ So I guess we’ll see?
I’ll have to work on that
I’m such a sucker for the villain waits until the end of the school year to attack
Because it’s so dumb
Like I will find the avatar! *shakes fist* But education is important, kids
Like okay, Sozin
Maybe I can have Roku finally escape that mirror
I kind of want the past avatars to be spirits that anyone can interact with
But most people don’t know how
So the Kyoshi can interact with Avatar Kyoshi as well as other relevant spirits
Seventh year
The plot?? Who knows yet
I do know that Zuko’s graduated
And they’re all crying and like wtf do we do now
Because Sozin’s still around and they’ll miss him
And finally Zuko leaves
And he shows up as the assistant DADA professor and he’s like “Hi, Zuko here” and then he’s like “I mean, fuck, Professor Zuko, I mean, fuck...just call me Zuko. You guys all know me”
And the gaang is all like wtf Zuko, we thought we would only see you for breaks
And he’s like you really thought I’d leave you
The plan is that he’ll be an apprentice for a year or so and then take over as professor
Toph punches him so hard, Katara has to heal the bruise
I can guarantee a happy ending
I’ll do whatever angst on the way, but they’ll all be happy
I’m like 89% sure they’re all going to end up working at or around Hogwarts (why work for the government, when you can invest in teaching all these talented kids)
One more thing, there is going to be rep in this au. I know there’s at least one aro ace character. Multiple bi characters. One gay character. One pan character. One trans character that I know of, but I need to plan that out a bit more. Some of these orientations and identities, I can’t speak to personally. For instance, while I know a decent amount about the medical aspects of transitioning, I don’t think I’d be able to write the experience of gender dysphoria and give that its due right now. So unless it’s something I have first hand experience with, most of the individual emotions as part of figuring things out might happen off screen. That doesn’t mean I won’t bring up issues the characters may have had in the past, but any that I talk about, I’d have to do more research into first. Also, partly because this is mostly from Sokka and Zuko’s perspectives, we’re mostly going to be present for what other characters tell them about their experiences
I hope you continue to enjoy this au! Sorry, this got so insanely long. The next couple weeks are going to be a bit crazy for me, so I thought I’d write this up while I had the chance. I’ll be back soon though! If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please let me know :)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
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brentwatchesmovies · 3 years
Brent’s Top 10 Movies of 2019
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Scorsese is probably my favorite living filmmaker, but I’ll be honest, when I heard that Scorsese was making this movie, and *how* he was making it (heavily digital de-aged actors) I was a bit skeptical. De Niro and Pacino haven’t been turning in interesting performances in quite awhile, and Pesci came out of a decades-long retirement for the movie as well. On top of that, the first trailer released did little for me. All that to say I was an idiot to doubt the master.
Scorsese returns to the crime genre that he re-invented many times over the years, this time with the eyes of a man in his 70’s, looking back on his life and career. The movie is very long, but in my opinion, it needs the length. The viewer needs to *feel* the totality of a life, and as is his intent with The Irishman, the *consequences* of this specific life. The final hour or so of this movie feels like a culmination of Scorsese’s career in many ways. The energy and entertainment of a crime/mob epic, with the fatalism and philosophical leanings of a movie like ‘Silence’. It’s a 3.5 hour movie that I’ve already rewatched, and actively want to again, so that alone ought to speak volumes.
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Harmony Korine made one of my favorite movies of the 2010’s, the neon-soaked and often misunderstood ‘Spring Breakers’, so I was already in the bag for whatever he did next. When I heard it was a freewheeling stoner comedy where Matthew Mcconaughey plays a guy named ‘Moondog’ costarring Snoop Dogg, I reserved its location on my top 10 list.
This movie doesn’t have the empty heart at its core that defines Spring Breakers, opting instead for a character study about a ‘Florida man’ poet after his life pretty much falls apart. It’s basically plotless, stumbling from one insane, borderline hallucinatory sequence to the next, but I just loved living in the world of this movie. Beach Bum almost feels like a deliriously fun VR simulation of hanging out with Matt McConaughey and his weirdo friends down in the Florida keys. This is one that probably won’t pop up on many top 10 lists but I really adore, and will surely rewatch it a dozen times in the years to come.
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Let the record show, I’ve been a huge fan of Bong Joon-ho since I first saw his monster movie/family drama ‘The Host’. Some time later, he went on to make ‘Snowpiercer’, one of my favorite movies of the last decade. All that to say, I think Parasite is probably his best movie, and a true masterwork of thriller direction. It also has his usual brand of social commentary and a script filled with darkness and humor, following a South Korean tendency to juggle multiple tones throughout, sometimes all in one moment or scene.
Parasite also follows a big 2019 trend of commenting on class and social dynamics between the rich and the poor. I think that’s part of why it’s done incredibly well at the box office (especially for a Korean language film), the fact that people can relate in a huge way, regardless of which country your from. Parasite is one of the most entertaining movie viewing experiences I’ve had this year and I’d recommend everyone check it out.
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If you were to ask me what the funnest movie-going experience I had in 2019 was, I’d have to pick Rian Johnson’s ‘Knives Out’. Hot off making one of the best Star Wars movies ever made (don’t @ me) Johnson decided to make a passion project in the vein of classic Agatha Christie style murder mysteries, and the results are a total blast. Filled with clever twists and turns, weaponizing the structure of murder-mysteries against the audiences expectations, it stays one step ahead of you the entire time.
Aside from the clever mystery of it all, it’s the actors performances and chemistry that really sell this thing. Jamie Lee Curtis and Toni Collette are expectedly great per usual, and Daniel Craig is having the time of his life as Mississippi private-eye Benoit Blanc, but the heart of the movie is relative newcomer Ana de Armas. She brings an emotional weight and anchor to the movie that always keeps you emotionally invested amidst the terrible, money hungry backstabbing by the other heightened characters. I hope everyone sees this movie and Johnson is able to give us another Benoit Blanc adventure somewhere down the line, I’ll be there opening day.
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Nobody makes an upbeat, feel-good movie like Ari Aster does! After last years light and breezy ‘Hereditary’ (which I liked a lot but didn’t totally love) he’s back with a completely riveting and emotionally draining (not to mention horrific) masterpiece. What I connected to most in Midsommar is the journey of Dani, played incredibly by Florence Pugh. The way the film portrays the relationship between her and her dog shit boyfriend played by the (usually) charming Jack Reynor keeps you invested in every twist, perfectly paced out over the movies admittedly long runtime.
I won’t get into spoiler territory, but where this movie goes in the end is what makes this a fully 5-star movie for me. After putting you through hell, like Aster loves to do with bells on, Midsommar ends in a euphoric, psychedelic orgy of music and violence that I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Midsommar rules so hard and I can’t wait for whatever twisted thing Aster cooks up next.
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One of my increasingly favorite brands of movies is a finely crafted, primo slice of dad-movie cinema, and James Mangold has made one with Ford v Ferrari. The story chronicles the partnership of ex-racer and designer Carroll Shelby and racer Ken Miles as they work to make a Ford that can compete in the 24 hour race of Le Mans. Bale and Damon are a blast to watch bounce off each other and the race sequences are pretty damn thrilling, combining (what I expect is) a solid amount of great VFX with practical racing to great effect.
I also didn’t expect it to have as much to say about the struggle to create something special by passionate people and not committees while also inside the very machine that churns out products on an assembly line. Just a random note, this original movie was just put out by 20th Century Fox, now owned by Disney but that’s completely unrelated and I’m not sure why I’d even bring that up??? Anyway, I love this movie and dads, moms and everybody else should check it out.
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If you saw my list last year, then it must appear like I’m some diehard Mr. Rogers fan. I don’t really have many memories watching his show as a child, but what the documentary ‘Won’t You be my Neighbor’ and this film by Marielle Heller have in common is a shared fascination of his immense empathy and character. It’s only right that America’s dad Tom Hanks should play him, and I was surprised at the end that I was able to get over his stardom and accept him as Rogers. He’s not doing a direct impersonation, and I think it’s all the better for it, instead opting for matching his soft tone and laid back movements.
On a pure emotional level, this movie was a freight train. It didn’t help that the movie covers a lot of father stuff, from losing your own to becoming one yourself (2 big boxes on the Brent bingo card). Heller’s direction is clever in its weaponizing of meta/post-modern techniques, such as one incredible fourth wall break in a diner scene. It literally breaks down the barrier between Mr. Rogers, we the audience, and the films intent to make us feel something.
I cry a lot at movies, that much is well known, but it’s rare that a movie makes me weep, and this one did. Even thinking about scenes right now, days later, my eyes are welling up with tears thinking about the messages of the movie. Mr. Rogers and his lessons of empathy and emotional understanding have rarely been as vital and important as they are right now in our world.
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Robert Eggers first film ‘The Witch’ from 2015 is one of my favorite movies of this decade, possibly of all time, so my hype for his black and white, period piece two-hander ‘The Lighthouse’ was through the roof. Even with sky-high expectations, it still blew me away. With dialogue reminiscent of The Witch in its specific authenticity to its era, to the two lead actors giving all-time great performances, It was one of the most entertaining film viewing experiences I had this year.
There’s something about both of Egger’s movies that I really keyed into watching this one: his fascination with shame and the liberation from it. Where Witch was from the female perspective, Lighthouse literally has two farting, drunk men in a giant phallic symbol fighting for dominance. It’s less a horror film than his first, but still utterly engrossing, demented and specific to his singular vision. I can’t wait to see 20 more movies from this guy.
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This is another big movie of 2019, like The Irishman, where you can see the director looking inward, at what his films mean and represent. It initially caught me so off guard that I really didn’t know how to feel about it, but after seeing it again, it’s one of my favorites of the year, and probably Tarantino’s filmography overall. More akin to something like Boogie Nights or Dazed and Confused, letting us live with and follow a small group of characters, it mostly doesn’t feel like a Tarantino movie (until the inevitable and shocking explosion of violence in the third act, of course).
‘Hollywood’ is the most sincere and loving movie Tarantino has made, interested in giving us a send off to an era of Hollywood and artists that have been lost or forgotten (Some more tragically than others). In the end, the movie functions similarly to ‘Inglorious Basterds’ in it’s rewriting of history to give us catharsis. “If only things could have worked out this way.” Luckily in movies, removed from the restrictions of reality, they can. And once upon a time in Hollywood, they did.
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Uncut Gems probably tripled my blood pressure by the time the credits rolled. A slice-of-life story about a gambler/dealer in New York’s diamond district, the movie follows Howard Ratner, played by Adam Sandler in easily the best performance of his career. Ratner is basically addicted to living at the edge of a cliff, being chased by violent debt collectors, juggling a home life and a relationship with an employee, and fully relying on risky sports bets to stay afloat. It makes for a consistently tense and unique viewing experience, expertly directed by the Safdie brothers.
Something that might not work for everyone but that I personally loved, is the chaotic way in which the movie is shot. What feels like loosely directed scenes, with characters talking over each other and multiple conversations happening at once, adds an authenticity and reality lacking from most other movies. It’s more adjacent to Linklater (thanks to Adam for the comparison) or Scorsese’s earlier films (also fitting, that he’s a producer on this). Following Howard Ratner as his life descends into chaotic hell was one of the best times I’ve had watching a movie this year.
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shizekarnstein · 4 years
N, T, U?? :>>>
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N- Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Fruits basket: honestly my experience in this fandom has been... wondeful so far. I'm genuinely surprised by how nice the majority of you all are, and how everything is properly tagged and how when sometimes when I enter the tag yes there are a couple of posts debating certain points from different perspectives but always in a polite fashion! Yeah there are ocassionally bothersome anons but most of the time it's really... nice to be here. So one of my whishes is for that healthy atmosphere to continue. As for especific content mmm maybe for metas about the curse lmao yeah I could write but the more the merrier 😂. Also... it would be nice :) if some people would stop making Yuki and Tohru's relationship :) about kyoru :)
Snk: 1) could you all tag your shit properly. Like a post is an edit about Armin and it's tagged as rivamika or erehisu CHILL PLS. 2) For people to stop bothering others for liking a fictional character and accusing said fans of being idk horrible human beings for being invested in certain characters regardless of what they do in the story. (With that same logic all SW fans are garbage human beings for stanning Darth Vader lmao). 3) For ship wars to fucking stop god you're all so annoying. 4) For fans to take a page out furuba fandom and learn to let people be for not agreeing with your personal takes on the story or characters. Also 5) Imagine a fandom where people idk MADE their own opinions instead of automatically adopting whatever the most popular "meta blogs" decide?? That would be nice :).
T- Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Fruits basket:
Yuki and Kyo eventually tell Tohru about their side of the Hat story.
Yuki Sohma definetly caused the ruin of numerous cafes and restaurants by attracting hordes of rats every time he went to eat out there. Shigure still finds it hilarious to this day.
Yuki once enrolled in cooking classes bc he wanted to surprise his friends and girlfriend with a homecooked meal. All his classmates were terrified of him and his instructor cried when he finally withdrew. Of course he's stubborn and continued to practice in his apartment. It didn't end well. The firefighters know him by name levels of didn't end well. Finally both Machi and Tohru take pity of his ass and teach him. Under their careful guidance he eventually learns how to make rice and soup.
Tohru Honda daughter of Kyoko Honda defiently knows how to throw a punch and one day when she and Kyo were fighting/flirting without realising she catches him off guard and accidentally gives him a black eye. Tohru spent the evening trying to apologize while pressing a bag of frozen peas to Kyo's face while he was like... in awe bc HIS GIRLFRIEND IS SO STRONG. When Arisa finds out what happened (bc Tohru totally called her) she almost dies laughing her ass off and never let's Kyo forget that happened.
Carla Jaeger most certainly taught his son how to cook and he's very good at it. Roping him into helping her cook was one the only ways she could keep an eye on him and be sure he wasnt fighting or getting into trouble all over the town so she commited to her plan. It went better than either of them expected.
Jean had a crush on Eren at one point and no I'm not taking criticisms. One day he was busy glaring at him for walking alongside Mikasa and suddenly he was like... huh Eren's pretty cool actually. I admire him. Right??? And he spent days agonizing wondering if he wanted to be Eren (to be close to Mikasa) or if he LIKED Eren too and his poor bisexual ass suffered so much. Those were the days he was so frustrated with his double crush he would find any excuse to start a fight. Btw Sasha saw right through him and Jean still doesnt know how on earth she noticed.
U- Three favorite characters from three (two) different fandoms, and why they are your favorites.
Fruits basket: You all know Yuki is my sun and stars like I'm not exactly subtle. So instead I'm gonna talk about my three favorite female characters.
1) Machi: she arrived late to the party but when I realised she had become my most favorite female character. She's just... so relatable. A big part of why I connect so strongly with her is bc I saw a lot of my 16 yeas old self in her. When I read chapter 94 I had to put down my phone and took a deep breath bc... Machi was me. It's insane how strongly I related to her.
2)Tohru: my mad respect for Tohru knows no bounds. All alone and trying to be so strong. I love Tohru for how good she is and her story of finally opening the lid and confront his trauma in order to be able to move forward is... excelent. I could spend days taking about Tohru Honda and how wonderful and human and flawed she is. One of the best constructed female protagonists I've even seen.
3) Akito. I love Akito. She captured my interest for the very start and oh how she kept it. I adore Akito bc she does terrible things that can never be undone and at the same time, is the one to finally put the horror to end. Akito stops the circle of violence of the curse and does her damn best to become a better person, even removing herself from the lives of the ex zodicas bc she is very aware of how she wronged them and doesnt want to make them uncomfortable. I adore her struggles with her identity and her internalized mysoginy and everything about her. Also... Akito hot 💅.
Eren is the light of my life what more can I say?
Mikasa is wonderful and a fascinating balance between vulnerabilty and strenght. I loved Mikasa as soon as I saw her and she remains one of my most favorite characters of snk.
Jean. Oh man JEAN. The character with the most satisfying character development of the whole story. I already loved him to bits after Trost but then he went and said the very same thing I was screaming about since day 1: it is really ok if in order to defeat these monsters we become worse than them? A KING. I adore Jean and his courage and growth and how he always retains a cool head over his shoulders and hnnng. Jean Kirstein.
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mfackenthal · 5 years
The MFackenthal Show with Special Guest @choicesarehard
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banner created by the amazing @choicesarehard
Disclaimer:  This interview was conducted on July 1, 2019. 
Megs: Welcome, welcome everyone to my 10th show!  I am so blessed that this show has done so well and the network has given me a full 23 episode slot.  I have to tell you - the remaining 13 slots are currently filled!  Which just means that my producers are working on a season 2.  If you want to be on the show - please let me know.  And if you think someone else should be on the show - let me know that too. In fact, today’s show couldn’t have happened without the help of @leelee10898.  
Tonight, I have a wonderful special guest with me tonight, everyone please give a round of applause to @choicesarehard!
Ellie:  stays seated next to Megs on the couch, gives a little smile and waves to the audience. 
Megs:  Ellie, I am so excited to have you on the show tonight.  When we were chatting backstage, I promised I would start today’s show with a story - something to help you forget that my amazing audience is staring at you.  Hmmm .. I’m trying to think of an embarrassing one … let’s see ... I’ve been taught to always sing loud and proud … but that means people often catch me not quite knowing the words to the song I’m singing.  That’s not terribly embarrassing though … Oh!  I understand that you like to travel … I have to be really careful that I don’t sing when I’m on a plane.  It’s harder for me than it sounds.  Ooooh oooh oh - idea forming right now!  We should have plane karaoke.  I really think flights could be more fun if we had a little more to drink and a few more songs to sing together.  Plus I never forget the words when I’m singing karaoke - the words are always right there on the screen.  
Ellie: laughs.  You would certainly have a captive audience.  
Megs:  Exactly!  Okay, your turn.  Tell me a travel story. 
Ellie: Hmmm ... well, Megs, you see, I’m a Texan, and we tend to be really friendly people. Sometimes, a little too friendly. On a flight home from London recently, a British man in front of us was struggling to fill out his immigration form. He asked the flight attendant “What if I don’t know where I’m staying?” This Texas woman next to me, who does not know this man at all, immediately pipes up, “Sugar, don’t give it another thought, you’ll stay with us. We have a spare room.” And the British man looks absolutely terrified, and squeaks “I meant I don't know the address!” It was the most perfect culture clash I’ve ever seen, and I loved every second of it. 
Megs:  Oh, that is a great story.  Gotta love Texans.  
Ellie:  Agreed!
Megs:  Okay, so Ellie, tell me, when did you join the fandom and what brought you here? 
Ellie:  I joined Tumblr in January, after reading every single Damien x MC story on the Choices Fan Fiction Archive. No, seriously, like, all of them. I was desperately Googling for more content, and discovered all the amazing creators on here. I made an account that night!
Now, as I can be pretty shy, I didn’t make a single post or even comment on stories my first month on Tumblr. I probably would have stayed a wallflower if @walkerismychoice hadn’t written a story so amazing I had to say something. So I sent her a DM and panicked until she responded. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. Maggie took me under her wing, showed me how to tag and post, sent me my first Ask, and even encouraged me to write my first drabble! Friends like her and what really brought me away from the metaphorical wall and onto the fandom dance-floor.
Megs:  And we’re so glad you are here!  Megs turns to the audience.  As there may be a few of you here who don’t know Ellie very well, let me tell you - she is multi-talented. Not only does she write, but she also creates gorgeous edits.  Seriously, did you see that banner of us when you first turned on the show?  That was all Ellie!  She’s amazing. 
Ellie:  Megs - stop, you’re making me blush!
Megs:  Nope, won’t stop.  Seriously Ellie, you should charge a commission fee! I would have paid for my icon and banners!!! *wink* Ellie:  Ha! You are the sweetest, and I actually get that a lot. But edits are my little way of saying thank you to the fandom for being so kind to the new kid! 
Megs:  Awh, you’re not so new anymore, friend!  So tell us a little about your work.  What’s your favorite work that you’ve written?  
Ellie:  Oh goodness, I can be pretty critical of my own work, but I’m trying to shake that habit.  And I am definitely proud of His Hands. Sometimes the things we hate about ourselves are the things that draw others to us, and it was fun to show both those perspectives in one piece.
Megs:  Oh, that is so beautiful!  Can you tell me more about your edits? 
Ellie:  The edits started as a way to illustrate one of my Outfit Drabbles — these kind of insane little stories I write about the worst outfits in the game. But I started doing edits seriously about two months ago! Clearly, it has kind of spiraled out of control since then, and I’m slapping wrinkles and tattoos and prison uniforms on everyone. I’ve also started making Choices Aesthetics recently. I love trying to capture the feeling and mood of a book or character in just six panels. My Wishful Thinking Emu board is probably my favorite thing I’ve ever made. 
Megs:  Everyone should check those out.  That Wishful Thinking board is amazing!  So, do you prefer writing or the edits? 
Ellie: Oh Megs! Don’t make me choose! Oh goodness, let me think. Making an edit is definitely more fun than writing. I’m giggling almost the entire time I’m creating one. And it’s a much, much faster process. But I pour so much of myself into my stories, and I really love getting to share them with other fans. And I think my stories mean more to me on a personal level. So uh...both? Can I say both? 
Megs:  Of course! I mean, I should probably share something really fast ... if ever I am playing a game - I will look for a way to cheat.  So in either/or questions - I highly respect an answer of both.  
Ellie:  That does explain so much about you, Megs. 
Megs:  Laughs.  Okay, well, getting back to you sharing your work with this fandom.  What do you love about this fandom?  Is there anything you’re less than happy with? 
Ellie: I love how welcoming the fandom is to new writers and artists. My first drabble was literally 77 words… and I had a whopping 13 followers. It should have been totally lost in the noise. But wonderful people like @bobasheebaby @sinclaire-made-me-sin and @ritachacha were so supportive; it made me feel brave enough to write a second story, and a third, and…well, here we are!
And listen, I know no online experience is going to be perfect, but if I don’t like a given topic or series I just filter it from my dashboard, or unfollow the user.  Beyond that, I just try to surround myself with people who are kind. 
Megs:  Do you have any advice for other people in the fandom?  Especially other fanfic writers? 
Ellie: I’m an incredibly slow writer. Seriously, trees grow to maturity while I finish a single drabble. And it can be intimidating to see a flurry of new content appear as I’m writing. But I’ve had to teach myself not to worry about what stories have already been told or are being told as I write. Our voices will always be unique, so even if the trope or setting is familiar, our work will be something that only we could have created.
Megs:  Well … I can’t say much about anyone’s speed of writing.  I’m lucky if I get something out every other week.   Those are truly beautiful words about uniqueness.  Thank you, Ellie!  What’s your writing process? 
Ellie: Simple - I write three words. Then I panic. Erase two of them. Panic some more. I’m kidding…mostly. In all seriousness, most of my writing wouldn’t exist without @brightpinkpeppercorn. We’re both night owls, and tend to brainstorm ideas long past midnight. Telling a story’s concept to a friend helps me develop the idea without the pressure of formatting or picking the perfect words — especially when that friend has an incredible sense of narrative and how to move a story forward. I really do think writing takes a community sometimes, and I’m so lucky to have one on Tumblr. 
Megs:  I love hearing about the community really coming together.  And speaking of community and coming together … fangirl with me about Choices for a little while.  Have you read all the books, what’s your favorite book, favorite One True Pairing (OTP), etc? 
Ellie:  Well, Megs, don’t tell anyone but … I actually haven’t played three of the biggest series — The Crown and the Flame, Endless Summer, and It Lives Beneath. I really want to, but there’s so much amazing new content each week, how’s a girl supposed to find the time?  
Megs:  I don’t know!  I often whine about not being paid to read all the fanfiction out there.  I’m behind right now on both canon and so much fanfiction ... and that is so weird for me.  Oh, but I saw that you’ve decided to read Veil of Secrets next.  Everyone, check out this post on how you can read or reread it with Ellie, if you want! 
Ellie:  Awh, thanks Megs.  Yeah - everyone should read it with me.  As for a favorite choices book … Saying this in an interview makes it real, doesn’t it?  gets up and starts to pace in front of Megs  Oh gosh, oh gosh … sits back down and takes Megs hands … I’m so sorry Damien, but...it’s Ride or Die. Releases Megs hands and faces the audience.  Listen, this wasn’t supposed to happen. Ride or Die was supposed to be a fluffy little story I’d play for diamonds and laugh at. But the narrative has so much more depth and nuance than I’d expected, and your decisions have real consequences. And did I mention the three incredible Love Interests?
Megs:  You actually didn’t no. 
Ellie:  Oh - shush you!  Laughs.  Well, let me get back to my OTP -  It will always be Damien and Kai from Perfect Match. Damien is a man who loves every part of you — your bad jokes, your terrible cooking — and has loved you for years. Besides, his banter is hysterical, and his ability in bed is literally legendary on Tumblr. I mean, come on. It’s a no brainer.
Megs: I do miss Damien!  Sigh  And, on that note, we are out of time.  Thank you, Ellie, for joining me on today’s show.  It was a pleasure to have you on the show.  
Ellie:  Wait, wait - Megs.  Before you go, I have one thing I have to give you. 
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This is an edit of us on today’s show.  Thank you for having me and for helping me through my shyness.  
Megs:  It is gorgeous, Ellie!  Thank you soooooo much!  I love it!
Ellie:  You’re so very welcome. 
Megs and Ellie hug then turn to the audience and wave.  
Megs:  Have a great weekend, everyone!
And now for the tags.  If you want to be added to the tag list for these or removed, please let me know!
@hopefulmoonobject @queen-among-writers, @hopelessromantic1352, @lilyofchoices, @msjpuddleduck, @theroyalweisme, @lady-kato
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cromulentbookreview · 6 years
La Croquembouche Dorée
I don’t speak French. French is confusing to me because, as someone who spent many years learning German, French uses a ton of letters in words that aren’t pronounced. German doesn’t do that. Germans like to pronounce all their letters. Germans also like to combine words without hyphens to create monster words that are still, somehow, easier for me to pronounce than the names of most delicious French pastries.
And by that I mean, The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi!
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An engineer with a debt to pay.
A historian banished from his home.
A dancer with a sinister past.
And a brother in arms if not blood.
No one believes in them.
But soon no one will forget them. 
And they’d better not forget to feed Goliath.
OK, OK I made that last bit up. But in The Gilded Wolves, one of the main characters, Tristan, has a pet tarantula called Goliath. Everyone is always giving Tristan shit about having Goliath and bringing him to group meetings and such. Apparently, none of his friends can stand the presence of a tarantula. I’m not overfond of spiders myself. Spiders and I have reached a tentative truce in which I leave them alone and they leave me alone, and in that way, we’re both happy. But still - Tristan, the group woobie, loves his pet tarantula. Just let the guy have his tarantula, damn it! Swallow your fear of spiders for five damn minutes and just appreciate that Goliath is a perfect name for a tarantula.
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(An approximate representation of Goliath).
Alrighty, then. So, The Gilded Wolves!
Paris! 1889! We’re at the height of Belle Époque here, people! Gone are the insane-ass bustles of the 1870s, we’re talking, narrow box-pleated skirts, jerseys, corsets so tight they’d make your organs shift, and the beginnings of puffed sleeves! Ah, the gilded age. Pretty on the outside, but scratch the surface and all you’ve got underneath is extreme disparity of wealth, racism, sexism (seriously, the dresses were pretty but we couldn’t vote). Basically, if you were rich and white, things were awesome. If you were literally anyone else, though...tough shit.
But hey, the dresses were pretty.
Anyway, in Roshani Chokshi’s 1889 Paris, certain people possess the ability to “forge” things - I’m a little hazy on how to describe exactly what forging is, as the forging they do in The Gilded Wolves is way different from the forging that my dad does, which in involves long periods of time spent in the barn playing with fire and molten metal then coming back with knives, bottle openers, decorative fence posts...
Ok, back to the book: forging is basically an ability to manipulate matter. Again, that description doesn’t really do much by way of justice to the story, but...well, I promised you cromulent reviews, not extremely detailed ones. Inside this world of forging is this all-powerful Order of Babel, an extremely powerful secret society that...is extremely powerful and secretive. Because forging comes from these things called “Babel Fragments” -  fragments of...something...that God apparently distributed throughout the world after the fall of the Tower of Babel. Where these fragments were distributed, civilization thrived. The Order of Babel must protect the art of forging and guard the West’s Babel Fragment. Because reasons of grave importance.
Among all of this, we’ve got our main guy, Séverin Montagnet-Alarie. Séverin was once the heir to a powerful Order house, but due to some backstabbing inter-order backstabbing, Séverin was robbed of his inheritance and his whole house declared dead. Séverin wants to restore his inheritance and his position as patriarch of his house. In the meantime, though, he owns a extremely successful hotel, L’Eden. He also steals treasure with his dream-heist-team, consisting of: Zofia, a Polish ex-engineering student, Enrique, a Filipino historian who hopes to one day see his country be free of Spanish rule; . Laila, the dancer with the sinister past who also likes to cook delicious-sounding pastries in her spare time, and Tristan, Séverin’s brother - they’re not actually related, Tristan was the son of one of Séverin’s many sets of foster parents, but Séverin vowed to stick by Tristan when they were kids and they’d been together ever since.
After managing another successful heist, Séverin is coerced by Hypnos, the Patriarch of House Nyx, into helping the Order find a MacGuffin. If Séverin and his team can find the MacGuffin, then Hypnos will help Séverin restore his inheritance.
Hey, it’s a treasure-hunting heist story. You can’t have a good treasure-hunting heist story without a MacGuffin.
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So, The Gilded Wolves! It’s a mysterious magical Gilded-age heist - which is to say it’s a ton of fun and highly enjoyable. Gilded Wolves reminded me a lot of Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows, in that both are heist stories and both feature multiple POV characters. End of similarities. Still, if you liked Six of Crows, then you’ll definitely enjoy Gilded Wolves. There’s a POV character for everyone - my personal favorite in Gilded Wolves is Zofia, who is very plainly meant to be autistic, though in the very stereotypical way of being super rigid and good at math. As an autistic person who, quite frankly, couldn’t calculate her way out of a paper bag, I couldn’t relate with Zofia’s love of mathematics, but I definitely related to her awkwardness, her difficulty knowing what to say in conversations, on how to act as though she were a normal girl...
There’s one quote that really stuck out to me “Zofia felt that familiar tightness again … that sensation of reaching for a step on a staircase that wasn’t there.”  - keep in mind I lifted this from an ARC so the final quote might be different or not in the final book at all, but holy shit is that accurate. That feeling, where you get something while socializing wrong, it feels exactly like that. Chokshi really does hit the nail on the head when it comes to what it’s like to be a girl with autism. I related to Zofia so hard...though I suck at engineering. I mean, I can barely construct a paper airplane...
So, The Gilded Wolves! I had a hard time getting into the book at the beginning, because I was constantly being distracted by other things. It was only when I got about a quarter of the way in when I was finally able to focus and actually get into the story. And then by the time I really got into it, it ended and now I have to wait for the sequel. And I hate waiting. Waiting is hard. Waiting is the worst. It’s like, the second I fall in love with all the characters, human and arachnid, the book is over and I’m left hanging until the sequel. Bah, I says. Bah.
What is it with me and getting into YA books that end up being the first in series? Having just finished a 800+ page standalone, the sting of having to wait feels just a wee bit worse.
Eh, I’ll wait. I can do it. Gives me more books to look forward to. MORE BOOKS! And according to Chokshi herself, we will see more of Goliath in the next book! Woo!
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RECOMMENDED FOR: Fans of YA magical heist stories, fans of historical fiction of the Gilded Age.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: People not fond of waiting for sequels, people who can’t stand constantly switching perspectives.
RELEASE DATE: January 15, 2019
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auutintiug · 4 years
“In her own words, Hoda Katebi is “a Chicago-based angry daughter of Muslim-Iranian immigrants,” author of the book Tehran Streetstyle, community organizer, and the voice behind the radical, political online fashion publication JooJoo Azad. Here, she speaks with Palestinian-American human rights attorney, artist, educator, and writer Noura Erakat, who has time and again stunned and stupefied the media in bold, brazen, sensibly unapologetic interviews. Katebi and Erakat’s conversation is akin to two streams flowing parallel to one another, embarking upon the surfaces and diving into the depths of politics, art, activism, identity, and gender norms, ultimately joining forces in the same body of water, not in competition but in support of one another—level and determined, headstrong, open to the elements.
Hoda Katebi: Do you think that all art is political?
Noura Erakat: I mean, I’m trained as an attorney. I’m hesitant to make such an absolute statement. Politics is basically the negotiation over scarce resources, and it’s the work that’s being done to actually negotiate that distribution. Art is expression, some sort of expression, any kind of expression, right? It’s a visionary aide. It’s a manifestation. That could be political in two ways: What is it that the artist chose to represent as opposed to anything else, and then how does creation implicate a discussion around the distribution of scarce resources?
I don’t identify as an artist because it’s political. I identify as an artist because I think that it’s a way of being. An artist is someone who can transcend an immediate material reality to be able to define yourself on your own terms, and to want to see the world on terms that may not yet exist. So those are the things that I think define an artist, which is not being bound by what is, but instead being in the constant act of creating what could be. A lot of the time it does come from people who hold privilege who say that they don’t want their art to be political or simultaneously call out Palestinians or black folks and say, “Oh, why do you always create political art?” It’s almost like my entire life. It’s triggering to you.
HK: What role does art play for you, and especially as a Palestinian, why is it important?
NE: So, I just want to be clear: I identify as an artist because I think that that’s the best way, because a lot of people see me, and they’re, “Oh, Noura’s a lawyer. Oh, Noura’s a teacher. Oh, Noura …” You know what I mean?
HK: Yeah.
NE: And I feel like rather than be defined by the actual profession, I want to be defined by the way I relate to the world in it. Me being an artist is not me defining my career or my productivity. It’s my relationship to time. I’m also identifying as queer, right? it’s not who you’re attracted to; it’s how you’re manifesting yourself in the world outside of binaries. I want to live.
I’ve written two plays, and I’ve fallen out of that—it’s a practice, like anything, and I haven’t been keeping it up. But last fall, the Kennedy Center invited the DC Palestinian Film and Arts Festival, which I am a co-founder of, to curate a program for the Millennium Stage. I got to direct the program, which meant musical direction, light direction, you know, all the stage work, plus it’s a play that I wrote, and I directed the professional actress who performed it. It was actually such a miracle, because we only got to do one stage rehearsal an hour before the program started.
The DC Palestinian Film and Arts Festival began because in 2011, I had been co-leading something called the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, and we had created a local chapter in D.C., and all of the work that we were doing as part of that network was, I thought, very reactionary. No to negotiations. No to these terms of the peace process. No to the split. I knew, I knew that that was not going to last because that’s not something that sustains. It creates a lot of toxicity.
On a trip to Toronto, I was speaking in Toronto and my good friend introduced me to her project, the Toronto Palestine Film Festival, and I thought to myself, oh my God. That’s it. We have to create something that will outlast the politics of rejection. We have to create something that lives on its own terms. So when I got back, I and two other women co-founded this project, and now we’re in our eighth year. It is not a Palestine film festival; it is a showman arts festival. Our whole purpose is to showcase the artists, whoever they are. You could be talking about your favorite color or your favorite candy or the way your mom screwed you over and still left it in your head. The whole point is to showcase the artist and all of the different media that they use, visual, performing, cross stitching, cooking, music, dance, the whole thing.
This is where we’re dreaming of the future. This is where we’re creating. Who are Palestinians? Who are young Palestinians don’t know anything about it? From what they feel, from what their family passed onto them—how are they expressing that? And that is the future of Palestine. We’re trying to cultivate the space where they can dream. What the diaspora looks like and what the community looks like beyond just, what are the political terms upon which this will be resolved? Instead it becomes a social question, more like, what do people look like? What does trauma feel like? What is joy? What is internal conflict? What languages do we speak in this space? It also becomes one of the best tools for mainstreaming the question of Palestine. We’re bringing out audiences that probably feel like the whole thing is toxic.
HK: Yeah, it’s like a language that transcends border and culture. You create really accessible work. So, how are you able to transcend that really difficult box that lawyers are taught to be sitting in?
NE: I went into law school because I wanted to fight, and I thought, if only we had these tools we could just reason through this, then we can get out of the binds that politics had created for us, and we’ll just reason through it through some arbiter. We just listen to each side, and we can figure it out, and in fact, that was a really jarring lesson, and one of naivety, and it’s become the source of inspiration for my forthcoming book, Justice for Some: Law in the Question of Palestine, which will be out in March 2019. First of all, I barely survived the damned thing, because it is the single most white, heteronormative, classist, stifling space—
HK: Say it.
NE: —you can ever imagine. It is basically where you go to protect and revere the status quo. My issue with law school is that you take that for granted. Nobody admits that that’s what it is, and you start to act like everything that you’re studying is objective when everything is so not objective.
HK: Everything that you produce, whether it’s academic in the legal industry, you’re coming from your particular perspective of the world. Oppressed or oppressor.
NE: True, but there’s a different kind. Let me give you an example. When you’re studying property law in the United States, all property law is built upon a logic of dispossessing native nations, indigenous nations in the United States. And here you are studying concepts like liens, trusts or estates, possession, but you never ever talk about, well, what is the root of this whole model? The root of it is the dispossession of indigenous nations. Or when we talk about criminal law: We want to talk about the death penalty as a jurisprudential matter, which means we’re just going to look at the case law, but we’re not going to talk about, how is it that the law itself and the way that the death penalty becomes instrumentalized is specifically to punish black people?
I had a really hard time in law school. I ended up getting a big award at the end, which was like a vindication, but I almost didn’t even go to my graduation because I was just like, this was miserable. Afterwards, I didn’t even take a traditional law job. I went to Berkeley Law, and after law school, I got a fellowship for something like 30, 35k. That’s insane for a recent law graduate, and then there was no such thing as working as a Palestinian-rights lawyer, so I had to create my own job. It was a coup to even get the fellowship.
I’m now in a place where I have some stability, but from the time I graduated until now, I came onto the tenure track in the academy basically hustling. Nobody wants to … It’s just a difficult story. I mean, you have to be crazy to be doing this work. If I wasn’t crazy, I wouldn’t have lasted this long.
HK: What has got you through?
NE: I kept pushing. I kept being a lawyer. I went back to school, and I kept writing like a lawyer. I kept appearing on television like a lawyer until more recently. I think until last December, when I started to appear on TV and in public spaces, a little less as an attorney and more like as a human being and a Palestinian, that, I think, was a major turning point for me and for people receiving me, because when I’m talking as a lawyer, you know, I’m basically trying to be removed from it, just making the argument and letting it stand, but when I step into my skin as a Palestinian, as a human being, it’s me.
I’m still going to use logic as my primary communication tool, and everybody has a different way they like to communicate in public. Some people like to tell stories. Some people like to move you, just really deeply move you and rally you to fight and believe. I think logic is really compelling. I do it in the same way when I’m in my classroom. I don’t ever tell you what exactly to believe. I want to give you enough facts and information for you to make your own decision. That’s so much more powerful when you have to engage with me and do the work with me. You have to think about it.
For me, legal practice basically means that I’m an advocate. Because what is human rights advocacy? There’s no courtroom. What does it mean, then, to be a human rights attorney? It means that I am making a case in the world of public opinion. That’s my courtroom.
HK: What got you out of bed every day during this period? Were you also doing art at the same time, or did art come later?
NE: I was producing art while I was in law school as a writer. I dabbled in poetry, but I did the theater work. My first play is based on oral histories that I collected.
I’m in the West Bank in 2000, when the second intifada begins. I’m a student at Hebrew University [of Jerusalem], which was a whole story unto itself, but I’m the only student at Hebrew U that is a Palestinian and living in what’s known as the West Bank. And so basically, school gets shut down, because the intifada has started, and I had come eager to do an oral history project. I thought it was going to be about young girls and women. I started traveling to interview families of the slain, of the killed, and to get the stories of those killed, and so I collect all of these stories and come back. I transcribe them, and then I turn that oral history project into a revolving monologue, which is like a one-act play for about an hour where you get to hear almost all of the stories being told by the characters themselves as they’re describing their loved one who’d been killed.
So, I write that while I’m in law school. I produce that. I direct that. It takes its own life, and it’s performed in different places. I then come to do another monologue, but this time it’s a one-woman show, and I perform that one everywhere. And that was it. That space just killed my creative spirit.
HK: Do you see yourself within the legacy of any artist that you look up to? Whose tradition do you feel that you belong to, if any?
NE: The first person that comes to mind is Arundhati Roy.
HK: Bae!
NE: Right? Here is this woman completely committed to revolutionary justice and transformation but who is expressing herself also as a dreamer, as a novelist, and as an essayist, and so I really like that. It’s these visionary women who are immersed and accountable to a base and to a movement. They don’t see themselves as above or as being revered. They see themselves as being a part of something bigger than them. What you’re seeing in their work is homage to it, paying respect to it, and creating space for it.
HK: Situating yourself in the West as a site of knowledge production in academia, which is heavy orientalist, perpetuates a lot of racism, the same ways that you mention about the law. What are your experiences there, and what made you become an educator?
NE: I think in everything that I’ve done, I’ve always been an educator. Even as an activist or when I’m leading workshops at different universities from before I got into law school. The difference about entering the academy is now you’re producing knowledge in a way that’s refereed and becomes subject to academic and scholarly scrutiny. A lot of circumstances pushed me into that field, and also because I’m increasingly unfulfilled by the legal practice, which I find is so hampered by the question of politics and by political issues. I’m increasingly frustrated with the limitation of the law, but also more curious about it. Why is it working in this way? What is it about the law, what is it about politics? And so these became scholarly inquiries that push me out, like make me more disenchanted with being a lawyer.
Once I’m in the academy, now it’s like a whole different set of challenges. It becomes the most stark when people of color talk about justice issues that are difficult conversations. So, if I was talking about FGM and the Muslim community, I don’t think people would receive me harshly. It might even be kind of okay, because I’m not challenging the establishment. But being of color, producing knowledge that is counter-hegemonic is when you raise a lot of flags, and immediately people begin to question whether you’re an academic or an activist. It’s one thing if somebody was studying these things. It’s another if you’re invested in them and studying them. That’s been a really difficult challenge, how to toe that line.
It’s a lot of unknowns, like you’re saying. For me, I’m leaving the choice to myself. I write about what I find the most interesting, intriguing, because that’s what’s the most authentic, and that’s the work that I do best, when I enjoy what I’m doing. But there is great risk in doing the work in that way. I feel like that’s the risk that’s worth taking. I want to know that I spent all the time I had breathing, able-bodied and able-minded, to produce the work that I thought was critical and necessary, rather than produce the work that I thought was going to help me climb some sort of career ladder.
HK: Because at the end, you always get exposed anyway.
NE: Maybe it’s about getting exposed, but I feel like it’s between you and yourself. What is it that you want at the end of the day? What is going to make you happy? So, yeah, I’m taking a risk, but everything else that I’ve done has been a risk. Right?
HK: Yeah. And with all of these risks, what are the joys of being an educator?
NE: Oh my God, the students. There’s so much tremendous joy. There’s so much tremendous joy in their capacity and their imagination and their passion, and the community that they create with one another. In finding folks who want to create an alternative world based on a place of love and a place of vision and a place of hope and a place of faith. All of that is joyful. I believe that the revolution will be full of joy. I know the revolution to be full of joy. It’s also full of tremendous heartache, but we already know that, right? But when we fight, we don’t just fight because we’re sad and because we’re angry. We fight because we believe we can. We believe we can. We believe we should.
HK: And we have no choice.
NE: We believe we are better. And that’s so joyful.
HK: And that also takes me to the very last question that I’ll ask: What is the world that you’d like to see?
NE: Well, there’s the really nerdy answer, which is to see a world where if we are to have governments, the governments are to be run by people for the sake of people, where profit is not a determinative logic, where the distribution of wealth is not concomitant with some neo-liberal equation of productivity and earnings and market formulations, but rather based on need. That’s a world that I would love to live in.
I would like to live in a world where we’re actually honoring the earth. We are depleting this earth at such a fast rate, at such a disrespectful rate, that we’re not going to have an earth to even divide by the time we figure out how to get along with one another and get over our human conflict. That’s why billionaires are trying to figure out their exit route to Mars and life elsewhere. Environmentalism isn’t this side thing. It’s central to everything that we do, and it’s entwined with indigenous justice as well, people who have already told us how to treat this earth and how to make it sustainable.
HK: That’s beautiful. Well, thank you so much. Is there anything that you wanted to say that we didn’t get to touch on?
NE: One of the things that made me most excited about the invitation by Suited, the first thing I thought of, was that I wanted Rami Kashou to dress me, because I saw him on Project Runway and he didn’t identify as a Palestinian. I knew he was Palestinian, but he was just out there being a designer, and in watching him, I found freedom. I thought, that is what freedom will mean for Palestinians, when they can just be in the world and not have to be defined by our fight. We can just be defined by whoever we want to be. “I’ve been fangirling you for 12 years. You want to dress me?” So we meet, and he dresses me, and if you notice … I don’t know if you’ve seen the photos.
HK: I haven’t.
NE: It’s like artwork. Literally the only other person who’d worn what I wore for this photo shoot was a mannequin at a museum. It is exactly what I envision the future of Palestine to be, which is taking our tradition and our history and our past, but not going back to it or being stuck in it. It’s taking it and creating something absolutely new and visionary. It’s Palestinian futurism, and it was … that is such a central piece of the photo shoot, of this story, of what art is doing, of my own vision of: What does it take for us to create these new futures? And at the heart of it, it means not being afraid to dream.
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she-toadmask · 4 years
So the post I literally just reblogged I didn’t feel like rambling in the tags and making a mess for anyone looking for something else
(Fuck I went on forever under the cut this goes everywhere fast)
Before Sword and Shield came out, during their hype season, I had this really silly fic idea where 3 girls that were kind of versions of myself and also kind of not (like one of them was going to be Asian at one point which...I have no idea why it just was what I was planning, if I did it now they would be all as white as my indoor ass) would just suddenly be in Pokemon and it kind of went between being Galar and not being Galar
The youngest was kind of mostly an Ash expy, just really quick to do things and really energetic and excited; the oldest was just this very serious girl who was very strategic and stern and did not agree with the middle; the middle was just kind of...not exactly my depression but just way less into all of this and was kind of just following because she didn’t have anything else to do.
I thought of it again recently and thought about how their battle styles would be different if they were doing the gym circuit, though how the middle got in and what her starter would be (kind of thinking she would end up with a Blipbug somehow and I had another Pokemon in mind but I don’t remember what it was) because the young one would get Grookey because energy and loud, Hop would have Scorbunny because fire type like Leon, and the oldest would have Sobble and I eventually decided the other day when I was thinking about the idea again that it was because she had done copious amounts of research and decided that Inteleon had a battle style close to what she wanted to do. The young one would just go head-on into battles like Ash does because young and dumb, she would just be super enthusiastic and a little performative, and she would get team members just the way most people do, just encountering a Pokemon (or sometimes getting a fun interaction with energy n shit) and now they’re part of the team. The oldest would be super strategic and, instead of just ramming into the problem with the most force she could like the younger, would look at more detailed strategies. Less ‘spam your strongest move and then also do the anime style shit’ and more ‘strategic planning based on the species’ strengths and the opponent’s style and team’. She would look for strong Pokemon and have what she wants in mind before catching. The middle just...I haven’t really gotten her thing down yet? I know she just kind of catches Pokemon who seem to vibe with her on an emotional level (hence Blipbug, starts small and nervous and then ends up pretty dang cool, I think another was a female Kirlia who wanted to evolve into Gallade but couldn’t so she gave the Kirlia a necklace with an Everstone and helped Kirlia train to fight like a Gallade and there’s a bit of a theme with self-acceptance and growth but idk) and she more just kind of goes with the flow in battle and tries to just get the vibes n stuff. She’s the least likely to dynamax of the three, though if I were to watch the recent anime I might get a different idea. The story would be from the middle’s perspective (probably third but still focusing on her) just because she’s not as enthusiastic about all this as the others are and is just going along because it feels like that’s what she’s supposed to do. None of them really nickname their Pokemon probably, but the middle probably has unofficial nicknames like calling her Kirlia ‘kid’ a lot of the time, but that isn’t really a thing so much as I thought it would make sense.
I don’t know most of the stuff other than at the beginning the youngest rushes off to meet Leon and get her starter and the oldest is not too long after, but she doesn’t bother to wake the middle one up so the middle one doesn’t get a trio starter, hence the likely Blipbug partner. The youngest apologizes but is too excited to really talk too much, the oldest is just rude like ‘well you should have gotten up then.’ Also in the mines, the oldest and youngest split off to explore or look for Pokemon, but the middle just wants to get through and rest so she encounters Bede. There has to be an encounter later on when Kirlia should have long evolved if she was going to, and Bede is kind of mocking about it and the middle just wipes his team with Kirlia because that’s just a dick move. Also middle at some point when they hear that Bede beat Hop in a battle and just ruined his self-esteem, the youngest challenges him to a battle, the oldest probably is acting as ref, and it’s the middle one who goes to find Hop and check on him and stuff. If I were to actually write it, there would probably be some really good talk about living up to expectations and stuff and it doesn’t fix everything but it makes Hop feel less like he’s a disgrace to his brother.
There would also probably be more plot ish stuff? Like Rose actually doing bad shit? And I can tell you that the fact that the region is so linear can totally be spun as a control thing and I can pull back in that pre-release (and sometimes still in some content I’m certain) theory of Rose rigging matches so Leon would go undefeated. Otherwise we just get the gang calling him out on his bullshit with the 1000 years away, but both is good.
In the same vein of Pokemon fanfic but totally unrelated, I had some idea about a human from our world dropping into the Pokemon world and the thought about durability. Like in the anime we regularly see Team Rocket getting yeeted with the twinkle and they’re right as rain next we see them, and the number of times Ash has gotten shocked or burnt or whatever is absurd, so Pokemon world humans have to be way more durable than we are. I just had the thought that the human dropping in would realize that everyone is way more durable than they were and just try to avoid battles and stuff as much as they could because their body just can’t take the beatings that some trainers take. And like they would have to try and figure out how to dodge the fact that they’re always so distant from Pokemon when they aren’t calm and stuff. A tackle that might just take the breath out of a Pokemon world human could break one of their ribs. It was just a weird idea I had once.
Pokemon isekai again, I was thinking at one point that if I were to go into Pokemon I probably wouldn’t want to be a trainer or a professor, like I had these ideas of what I might do instead that was still really positive and involved Pokemon. The more wishful one was me being basically a crazy cat lady except with Eevee and the kids in the town would get them as starters. Aside from the Eevee themselves I would have a Flareon, an Espeon, an Umbreon, and probably a Leafeon. Flareon and Leafeon being the parents of most of the Eevee, and Espeon and Umbreon being accidental friendship evolutions before I started giving all the Eevee Everstone collars to prevent more accidents. The other was also kinda wishful but more feasible probably and was just like me being a berry farmer. (I just found my notes so I can give the Pokemon I wanted: Eevee because it’s my favorite Pokemon and it’s small and cute, a Tropius because neck fruit and also can reach berries and help harvest, a Flareon to cook berries apparently, and a Squirtle to help water and harvest.) Super wishful stuff and it still resonates, despite the fact that I’m even less active now than I was when I first thought of this stuff. I just want to have a nice peaceful life with nice Pokemon and be able to just be calm and happy. Yeah some evil team might try to destroy the world or something, but more often than not, someone comes along and helps out.
Unrelatedly my friend said the other day when we were talking that if we were to move in together in an apartment because we’re best friends and it’s cheaper to live together (also it wouldn’t be dating because even if she does turn out to be bi her girl type is buff girls and I am a twig) that she would cook and I would bake and just the idea of us living together and having stable jobs and having a cat if they were allowed and just...it sounds so nice and so many things if I think realistically like my current mental health struggles and the US being a dumpster fire and the pandemic and the US being fucking insane it just feels like it couldn’t happen and it’s just
I want to be happy but it feels like I can’t do that and I have so much shit piled up that I have to do and my medicine isn’t doing what it did at first so I guess my body got used to it like how people can get caffeine tolerance but ive had it less than a month so idk am i just fucking up that much it just fucking sucks i just wish i could stop having to worry and just live in a hole with my safe corners of the internet and my video games and a couple people online to talk to so i dont get too too lonely and just im not doing well and college is bad because my depresso is being super bad now and tonight i feel like im wasting my parents’ money because im just not doing what i need to do to exist as a student and it just feels like too much and i dont want to do any of it anymore
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yogaadvise · 5 years
From Chaos to Calm in an Instant: How to Create a Positive Anchor
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Life is stressful. It's simply the means it is ... There's absolutely nothing I can do regarding it ... I can't take a getaway, I'm as well hectic ... I do not have time to work out ... I can not get ill right now, I have excessive to do.
The stressors of day-to-day living can be completely overwhelming. Left unmanaged, stress and anxiety will slowly build upon itself until we find ourselves spiraling out of hand: back-to-back meetings, deadlines, challenging coworkers, illogical employers, school, projects, walking the canine, tasks, social interactions, cooking, cleaning, arguments with partners, sobbing infants, colds, flus, intending for the following day, and also the endless order of business. We wake up, churn and burn with the day, lose consciousness, and repeat. Regretfully, it's become our "standard."
We understand on some level that we have actually come under an abyss and yet we don't know exactly how to quit the cycle or move out of the state of suffering, so we reason it or we condemn our work, our employer, our partner, our parents, or our close friends for the events as well as circumstances of our lives. Some select to act that it's not actually that bad or that this is simply the method life is and also there must be something incorrect with us since we're unable to cope as well as others appear to be coping. To put it simply, we accidentally bury it and maintain going which perpetuates the really cycles that got us below in the very first place.
How Do We Keep One's Cool Under Stress?
This is the globe we live in and have actually come to recognize so well as well as yet, there has never been such a requirement for finding means to preserve our facility in the eye of the tornado. So exactly how do we do it? Exactly how can we remain in this globe with every one of its everyday anxieties-- having a profession, commuting cross countries, increasing youngsters, browsing breaks up, battling with dead-end tasks-- as well as still discover it within ourselves to access a state of consistency, deal with purpose, and connect to an area of tranquility, centered awareness? In those average, daily minutes of stress and anxiety, how can we move from disorder to relax in an instant?
Stress is what inevitably rotates people out. Not simply the large points in life like a career modification or a break up, but the relatively little day-to-day stress factors that build up over time. It's the compound result of experiencing the exact same aggravating scenarios over as well as over once again that begins with mild inflammation as well as eventually develop into insanity that really wears us down. The imbalance takes place when our outcome is greater than our input. Definition, we're expending extra power than we are taking in, or giving even more than we are receiving.
The secret is having the ability to gain access to what the Yoga Sutra 2.46-2.48 refers to as sthira sukham asanam, which stresses balancing the polarities of tension as well as leisure. It's about holding constant and tranquil while maintaining our stance. In this context, we can equate it as being steady and also comfortable while holding our position-- or, being in life and also discovering how to resolutely abide in a positive space.
What Is a Positive Emotional Anchor?
From the mentor of Neuro-Linguistic Shows (NLP), comes the idea of a support. The easiest means to clarify an anchor is to think about it as a link to an emotion. The anchor serves as a reminder or a trigger that places you right into a specific state of being. Of program, supports can be both favorable and also unfavorable, nonetheless, we're going to concentrate on positive anchors.
For example, a professional athlete will certainly make use of an anchor to come back right into "the area" so they can regain peak efficiency in a video game. It might be an aesthetic photo of shooting the excellent basket or knocking the sphere out of the park. A specialist speaker will certainly have a regular they do before going on stage to remind them of the positive states they desire to remain in while offering. This routine is their way of establishing up a support-- or a favorable state. You can use this exact same principle at any moment to help you leave a chaotic state.
12 Steps to Producing a Favorable Psychological Anchor
Here's a led visualization to help you produce your own anchor to an incredibly calm and also tranquil emotion-- or any other favorable state you want to gain access to in times of stress. If you 'd like to make use of a physical item as your anchor, make sure to have it with you currently, or you can function with a visual photo in your mind.
First, sit comfortably and also shut your eyes.
Begin by taking a couple of slow, deep breaths to center yourself.
Think of a highly positive experience in the past when you attained an extremely tranquil as well as tranquil state, or whatever kind of psychological state you would certainly instead feel when you're excessively worried out.
Have a things like a necklace in your hand or visual picture in your mind that will assist you keep in mind that feeling.
Now, assume of the experience that brought that tranquil state into being. See the experience through your very own eyes, listen to the noises around you, see any comforting smells or tastes, and feel right into it emotionally-- as if it is occurring now. Make it engaging and also feel on your own accessing the desired state as you hold the item or picture the image that you are connecting it to.
See if you can find other similar as well as similarly favorable experiences to connect to this object or picture as well.
Now use your detects anyhow is best for you to connect the object or picture to these feelings of peace, tranquility, and also harmony.
Use your breath to protect the anchor by taking a three-second inhale with your nose, as well as exhaling for six suspend your mouth while making a "ha" audio. Use the exhale to invigorate the support. You may energize it with aesthetic, auditory, or kinesthetic sense. Do this 4 times.
When you see, listen to, feel, or feeling the link has actually been made (you will recognize this since you are really feeling the preferred emotion currently), gradually open your eyes and also come back into the room.
You have now created a substantial or visual web link to this incredibly calm psychological state that you can use anytime you require to move from disorder to soothe in an instant.
Whenever you're rotating out and you need ahead back to this state, stop, shut your eyes, take a few deep breaths as well as touch the object or see the aesthetic image that you anchored.
Allow yourself to go back to the calmness, tranquil state and also stay there for as long as you require-- utilize your "ha" breaths to reconnect if you need to-- as well as after that reappear when you're ready.
Remember that life is what we make of it. How we regard our setting is what develops our reality. If we take a look at life via the lens of negative thoughts, then negative thoughts is all that we will certainly see. If we pick to look at life via the lens of positivity, after that we will see and experience positivity and also have the ability to stay in gratitude. It is an option as well as, when we have devices-- like the directed visualization for securing a favorable state-- we can extra conveniently and effortlessly navigate life's most difficult moments. This is where you will certainly also begin to realize the power of the mind.
Now that you recognize how to knowingly transform emotions in a split second, where else can you exercise shifting your perspective?
Shed layers of built up tension at our trademark meditation as well as yoga resort, Seduction of Spirit. Let go of spiritual blocks holding you back from living your highest capacity. Click right here to discover more.
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whosays420 · 5 years
The Facts & The Most Important Regimens You Need To Conquer PCOS
Yeeeeeesss Queeens. follow my facebook group for more womens health and upliftment @ Pretty Nail N Yoga Lifestyle
 I finished my PCOS Info Packet...More to add when it comes.. 5 to 10 minutes of reading up on how your reproductive system and PCOS plants seeds for a better tomorrow.
The Facts & The Most Important Regimens You Need To Conquer PCOS
Mini Menstrual Lesson
Your reproductive system is made up of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and uterus. Ur ovaries have a lifetime supply of eggs. These eggs r immature and are stored inside tiny fluid filled structures called follicles. Ur pituitary gland (aka ur third eye) produces hormones that direct the function of ur ovaries. Each month, ur pituitary gland (third eye) stows away & then releases FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (lutenizing hormone) into the bloodstream. After the LH & FSH hormones reach the ovaries, several hundred eggs began to mature expanding the size of the follicles. As the eggs mature, the follicles stow away & then release estrogen (the main female sex hormone). once the estrogen in the blood reaches a certain level, the third eye (pituitary gland) sends a surge of LH to the ovaries causing the most mature follicle to open up and release its egg in a process called ovulation. The free egg then travels through the fallopian tube where it awaits fertilization. The remaining immature follicles and eggs dissolve away. If the egg is not fertilized, the egg and the lining of the uterus are shed during the next menstrual cycle.
For 3d video of your reproductive system, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsNKyKS7M_s&t=158s
What is PCOS?
In-Depth Understanding
PCOS is determined by two main factors: an imbalance of the sex hormones and high insulin levels . The pituitary gland releases abnormally high amounts of LH into your bloodstream, disrupting your normal period. As a result, ur follicles do not mature and ovulation does not occur. Some follicles do not dissolve and remain as fluid filled sacs called cysts. In addition, having high levels of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, combined with high levels of LH can lead to excess production of a male hormone called testosterone in your ovaries. Abnormally high levels of testosterone prevent ovulation which can lead to infertility. And there you have it, The scientific facts about PCOS in a nutshell!
General Understanding
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age.
Was there something I could have done to prevent my PCOS?
Sure! There's plenty of thing we could've done to prevent our PCOS. However, the key to prevention is knowledge + action. So if u didn’t have the knowledge in the past to actively prevent a dis ease of the body, how could you have stopped it in the 1st place, right? So, to those that say we 'could have done this" A 'pretty nails N Yoga' type lifestyle recommends you respond with a simple, "ehh… couldve, should've!" and move on!
So What Can I do to Start Actively Treating Myself?
Inform yourself
there's no way to win a battle if you don't know what you're up against. Hashtags # are a part of our world now, so use them wisely in your new found search for healing.
@womenshealth @prettynailsNyogaLifestyle ;). Get creative in your search. Don't be ashamed of any questions you may have. We are all out here looking for what customs fits our healing process.
Conscious eating
when u become aware of the foods you are intaking, it heeds the question, "is this alkaline to my body or is this acidic to my body?" Remember, bacteria, virus' and fungus thrive in an acidic body. An alkaline body forces all this nasty shit to commit suicide
○ Goddess, You Need Sum Whole Foods!
§ Whole foods are foods sourced straight from the earth that have not been altered or compromised in any way. That does not necessarily mean that your diet needs to be fully plant-based or vegan. However you are an adult now so think back to when you were a child… and the same way you were supplied with a proper amount of meats and veggies/fruits before dessert, is minimum the same way you want to take action if you're serious about taking control of your PCOS. And remember, most likely, the foods we were eating earlier in life is what contributes to minimum 50% of the problem
○ Start Actively Getting rid of the pre-packaged processed foods ) over the next 30-90 days.
§ Our bodies thrive on foods rich in nutrients, especially when managing disorders like PCOS. That means avoiding processed foods like white flour, corn syrup, processed meats, pasta, and other foods that may contain medium to high levels of sugar. At first, this change was hard when I realized some of my go-to snacks were highly processed. It took some time, but once my body adjusted to this new way of eating, I no longer craved the same foods. Go for the stuff that doesn't really bother you to remove out of your life 1st then move to the big dawgs. Remember it took some time to create this condition in our bodies; so we must give our beautiful hard working bodies time to heal.
○ Focus on Iron Rich Alkaline Foods.
§ We tend to associate iron with red meat, but there are also high levels of iron in many vegetables and plant-based foods, including spinach, kale, goji berries, lentils, chickpeas, and more. Start with eating at least one vegetable a day that contains high levels of iron
○ Dump the dairy and get free of gluten.
§ Women with PCOS have specific dietary needs. In order to get your hormones and insulin levels back on track, you must eat mindfully. Work to eliminate inflammatory foods such as dairy and gluten. For women with PCOS, these two categories of foods cause inflammation that triggers many of your symptoms from acne to insulin imbalance. Need help with your meals? Check out our dairy-free and gluten-free recipes.
Add in supplements, now!
Ensuring your body has the proper vitamins is vital to healing. Supplements can help your body build its immune system, restore energy levels, balance hormones, and promote healthy blood flow.
Time for a low-impact Exercise Routine
Working out does not to be hard and complex. Start incorporating 15 to 45 minutes of
(u get the point) 3 days per week and the universe will meet you and take you to the winning circle from there. Seriously though, Years later living with PCOS, I started coming into my womanhood (this was no easy task.) I was more renewed and had a better sense and understanding of who i was as a wise spiritual woman through many teachings, obstacles & encounters. I stopped doing the high-intensity, stress-inducing workouts I was so used to (and hated btw) and chose more low-impact but, joyful and passion-driven workouts instead. The best advice I can give a woman in any lifetime is to Do! Only! The! Things! You! Enjoy! That includes the activities that makes you sweat & detox.
Make a plan.
This is one of my most important tips. Plan your meals, exercise and self-care ahead of time. You are bound to make destructive food choices when your hunger drives your food choices as you rush home from work and eat anything you can find. Exercise and self-care will be pushed aside if you don’t assign time for this. Plan and thrive!
We all lead busy and stressful lives. The way we approach the stress can make all the difference. Healthy women have learned coping mechanisms (like meditation, yoga or deep breathing) to take on less stress, as well as to effectively manage and have a positive perspective on the stress they do have. Stress triggers the production of cortisol in our bodies, which wreaks havoc on our hormonal system and PCOS symptoms and gives you belly fat! Who needs that?!
Seek a support Group.
Studies show that you are more likely to stick with a lifestyle change if you have a supportive community. First, educate your loved ones so that they can offer support as you make important changes. Next, find a community of like-minded women that will help cheer you on now and in the future, whether they’re online or in person (or both!). You may even want to buddy up with a walking or grocery shopping partner with whom you can share your journey.
Make time for self-care.
The need for self-care is the fine line between your sanity insanity. Taking care of your mind, body and spirit is not selfish. You are more able to give your friends, family and co-workers your whole self when you have taken the time to refresh. Self-care means eating well and exercising, but just as importantly, it means taking a few minutes to yourself every day to recenter and relax. You may choose to meditate, take an Epsom salt bath or write in a journal. Whatever you choose, give yourself over to the experience wholly and see the difference it makes in your life.
Be kind to yourself.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. The diet and lifestyle changes will improve your quality of life more than you could have imagined, but you have to be kind to yourself while you do it. Take baby steps and eliminate/change one thing at a time. If you make a mistake, remember that you are only one choice away from being back on track. Try to spend a little time each day doing something just for you. You must be your own top priority.
Distract The Mind
Sometimes doing all of the above, threw me so much deeper into my own mind, it was simply too much. I was overanalysing and self-diagnosising every statement, action and step I took. In these moments, I just had to do things that normalised my nervous system again and distracted my mind from over thinking! Whether that was reading a book, getting to a class, going to the movies, enjoying a walk, listening to podcasts or cooking...once I focused my mind on something other than myself, I was able to regulate my nervous system and bring back down the levels of anxiety or emotional overwhelm I was experiencing.
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Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, where do you live now, what do you do for a living?
Hello, nice to meet you! I live in Echo Park Los Angeles and work as a fashion photographer. I’m originally from San Francisco and then Brooklyn (I still spend a lot of time in NYC)
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What does your typical workday look like and what are the biggest challenges you face?
My typical workday is all over the place! Usually, I wake up and answer emails, look at my calendar and play with my kitten. If I am lucky my partner Eric and I have an hour together to get coffee or have breakfast together. By noon you can often find me in a scrap yard, parking lot or party supply store shooting for various brands, or in meetings. I then take a late lunch (usually at home) and get straight to editing. By evening I am usually researching and preparing for outreach. Honestly, it’s non stop but I love what I do. Keeping momentum and navigating setbacks are among the biggest challenges for sure.
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How do you stay motivated? What are some tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way?
One of the things I love most about being a photographer is the ultra collaborative nature of the business. I have gotten to a place where I often see the same faces. My community is my main motivation, we carry each other. Storytelling is the very close second- I studied directing in college and world building is something that I live for.
As far as tips go, make friends in your industry, and engage with their work. Ask them questions about their journey. Be a good listener. Remain curious and avoid envy at all costs.
Resilience is also very important. I’ve undergone so much rejection and stylistic confusion but then something clicked and the path got clearer. Of course, there were also millions of restaurant gigs, and boutiques I worked to support myself during this at the beginning. I didn’t always have endless time to experiment but I made a point to keep my discipline and make an effort no matter what. It is so important to note that it was those jobs that led me to some of my most important mentors and clients and collaborators. Every single experience you have can work in your favor if you have perspective and optimism. That’s why I always prioritize relationships. You never know what someone is capable of pulling off and therefore your most important connections can be standing right there in front of you at any given moment!
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What advice do you have for someone thinking of launching a creative business?
Do it! Don’t quit your day job just yet and always remember that every day you can get yourself closer to where you want to be. Save money, invest in yourself and lean into your impulses. If you can do it, travel as much as possible… oh! And learn to cook at home while you are starting out. Running a business is a vulnerable endeavor, so learn to protect yourself. On the flipside, go to every show/sample sale/book fair/meetup you can. Support your friends!
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years, on a personal and professional level?
I have no idea! I am on this boat leading to who knows where and I love it! If I’m still doing the same work I will be so happy! I would love to be traveling even more and perhaps picking up more skills in cinematography and directing.  I’d love to finish a feature film. On a personal level, Eric and I would love to live abroad.
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How would you describe your personal style?
Hahaha. I would say modern dance teacher meets 80’s New Yorker. I love uniforms, and often wear a black turtle-neck and a pair of easy relaxed jeans but punctuate it with insane patent leather boots or piles of jewelry. Because my job is surprisingly physical, I love to feel loose and free to move in my clothes but I still love a little glam. But don’t get me wrong – I also have an incredible collection of party dresses.
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What role does denim play in your wardrobe? What do you look for in the perfect pair of jeans?
Denim. Every. Day. I love a cropped pant and my go-to is either straight leg black denim or wide leg sailor pants. Right now I am wearing my Unpublished Greta jeans and cannot get over how much I love them:) To me, the perfect jeans give off an effortlessly cool vibe, so I never like to wear anything too tight or ultra-designed.
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What’s your skincare or beauty routine like? What are your top 5 products?
I don’t wear much makeup but when I do I’m all about dark black mascara (Maybelline and glossier) and red red lipstick (Kosas in Thrillest is my favorite)
My top 5 skincare products are Clean Bee Face Wash, Janet Sartin Gentle Cleanser and SPF moisturizer (my grandmother’s secret that I have been using since I was 20) Pai Rosehip Oil on my face throughout the day and Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Oil at night.
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We’re obsessed with podcasts. Do you listen? What are some favorites?
No, I don’t! Where do I start!?
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Last thing you bought online + last article or book you read + last song you listened to:
Bought: 10 rolls of Portra 400 film from B&H
Book: This killer collection of interviews Aperture Magazine released. It features in-depth talks with so many incredible image makers. It’s really inspiring.
Song: Yves Tumor’s new album is on repeat in my studio <3
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