#to be fair. I also vibe with a pearl a bit too much
coldgoldlazarus · 11 months
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Given how much I bent normal Lego building and euclidean space into a pretzel with these masks, would you believe me if I said the main purpose of this was just to fiddle with color palettes and placement? Rambling details below:
But yeah, test designs of a more MoL-esque take on the GWP System Matoran design
I figure a proper do of system Bionicle would at least still have custom mask molds, so that's part of why that's so fucky
(Also, apparently it turns out the ball pieces I used for the shoulders and legs are long discontinued by lego and not actually compatible with mixel joints, RIP)
(Like I figured these were physically unbuildable anyway because I quickly gave up on trying to make the masks align with conventional euclidean space, and the coloration of pieces reinforce that further, but the problem goes deeper than I realized ^^; Ah well, this is more an aesthetic exercise at the end of the day.)
Rule was everyone has a primary color, a secondary color, a translucent/glow color, a metallic color, and an eye color
And those can double up in function, it doesn't have to be a full palette of five, but still that idea
And then like, the layout of said colors differs based on team:
For the Metru, the metallic color doubled as the secondary color and the eye and glow colors were also the same, cutting the five down to three, but then of course some Metru Grey at the joints as a pseudo-tertiary. The primary Metru Elemental color as more of a baseline, with the metallic secondary given a fair bit of prominence in reflecting their LomN and turaga designs, and then the glow kept to like, accents with low surface area. (In a more full figure I'd want that as like, basically Tron lines to add just a bit of cyberpunk to the Art Deco/Alien Dieselpunk vibes of Metru Nui.)
Also hadn't gone fully off the rails with the masks yet, so Onewa's Komau and Matau's Mahiki are still pretty simple at least, and the rest aren't too egregious yet. Decided to integrate Nuju's scope as a toa into his noble Matatu design, but it's easily removable if I copy-paste that mask over to others.
The Mata are pretty obviously influenced by their G2 incarnations. Particularly the like, three-pairs of shared metallic colors, (Gali and Pohatu with Gunmetal, Onua and Tahu with Pearl Gold, and Kopaka and Lewa with HF's Flat Silver,) and the like, glow color being the secondary while the secondary was relegated to more of an accent role. I just really love the idea of these six being so powerful compared to typical Toa that it shines out through the seams in their armor. For G2's other faults, I think it was a success on the character design front. (Also added their metallic color to the toes for a more armored look.)
(Decided on pink for Pohatu instead of G2's lime on a whim, but I think it works. Pink bands in a canyon wall, the sunset over a desert, and his love for his friends and villagers.)
Still, also brought things back to their original selves as well, with the eye colors, the use of black as a tertiary the same way I used grey for the Metru, the original brighter shades of their main for Gali, Pohatu, and Lewa, and similarly bringing back lime and tan as the latter two's accents.
As for how the accents were handled, I kinda split the team into two groups of three there; Tahu, Gali, and Onua, where the accent is from their G2 sets and thus goes for more of a high-contrast vibe, I relegated to the small parts again, to stand out without standing out too much. Meanwhile, with Pohatu, Lewa, where I brought back their G1 colors that are more of a light-shade complement to their primary rather than a contrast against it, I let occupy bigger pieces on their limbs, swapping position with the primary on their arms, and with their metallic on the legs. I also applied this layout to Kopaka, despite sticking with the Metru Blue from his G2 design, both for an even team split, and because I felt it wouldn't feel as weird with more prominence due to contrasting with the primary by being darker than it instead of brighter.
I kinda went nuts with the masks lmao. I feel like the Pakari in particular is kinda my crowning achivement, but probably not worth having spent so much time on it alone yesterday, and frustrating because I ultimately can't build it IRL from all the clipping. Still kinda like the moleman/gas mask vibes of how the eyes turned out. (Also went back and changed the Hau and Kakama near the end, to align better with the rest.)
With the Mahri, I was originally going to do the same three-pairs setup with their metallics, but then wound up opting to make those all fully personalized again like the Metru. Their main trick there instead, is being all chrome colors. Idk if it entirely lands for all of them, (I have mixed feelings on Kongu's pink instead of sharing blue with Matoro per original plan, but I didn't want to double up on only two of them and leave the rest more scattered, and I was already too married to my choices for all them) but I kinda like how it turned out.
Instead, the three-pairs setup applied to their glow colors, which I pulled from their Inika forms; the Zamor spheres and the flashing lights on their weapons. The one case where adherence to this also feels like a mixed bag is Hewkii's red going with the green chrome I gave him, giving a bit of accidental christmas vibes instead of the copper patina look I was trying to invoke, but ah well. In general, focused their glow in the shoulders and legs, both as a reference to Jaller and Matoro's translucent Inika "bone" pieces, and as a midpoint between the Metru's subtler use and the Mata's prominence.
Also on that note, in comparison to the prior two teams, I averted using any tertiaries like black or grey, made the metallics the most minimal parts, and really emphasized their flat secondaries as secondaries instead of accents. Same as the Mata, I split them into two different layouts for that, (which wound up falling along the same lines, not intentionally but that's how it worked out) based on whether their elemental color or personal color was the darker/brighter of the two.
(On that note, mostly went back to their Matoran color schemes with the more exotic colors, though for Hahli and Jaller favored their Mahri color schemes instead, and tweaked Kongu's lime to be Apple Green instead. Those, and Hahli's mask, are the cases where I permitted myself to not force an even split among the team, for the sake of everyone looking best individually instead.) For all of them, the brighter color always went to the stripe on the chest, while the darker went to the hands and feet; mainly the arms and masks where they're different.
For the left-hand side, where their personal color was bright and their elemental color was very dark, I opted to downplay the personal a little more on the arms, since it was instead prominent on their masks. Hahli being the exception, because a big block of lime would not have been a good look, and I really wanted its brightness to pop out from the underlayer of her otherwise very dark colors.
Also like what I did with Nuparu, having his orange mask intact overall, but keeping the sort of "internal" area of the sidevents and eyes black for contrast, again a bit of that moleman look to go with his gremlin inventor personality.
Then the other side, where the personal color and the color on the mask was darker, I instead let the brighter elemental one take prominence on their arms and the back of the torso, which also just ties in nice with the original clean mctoran color layout. Not as much to really comment on with them.
Also, I played fast and loose with their eye colors, since those were always homogenized some amount in each of their incarnations but inconsistent across them, and I wanted to maintain everyone having their own separate eye colors like the other two teams. (And the eyes being different from the glow color like the Mata.)
So Jaller now has dark blue and Kongu has azure; Hewkii's supposed to be apple green, (though as with Whenua, I had to use the same color as Onua's dark green, since this was the only green glow shade aside from lime that didn't just look washed out and/or too blue) while Nuparu is lime, since he alone was mostly pretty consistent in that. Hahli got red for her later Barbarian arc, while Matoro got a softer orange, both for contrast with the frosty blues of Nuju and Kopaka, and just cozy vibes to match his kinder personality.
So, yeah. Clearly a good use of the past two and a half days lmao.
May also do Takua and the Chronicler's Company, the Disk Metrutoran, and maybe even the Voya Nui resistance team at some point? Though for now, need to focus on other stuff I'd been distracted from by this.
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deus-and-the-machina · 8 months
MCYT Yuri week - day 6, sleep/party
for @mcyt-yuri-week this sure is a sleep party! sleepover? it sure is a party. It's also on ao3. enjoy!
When Pearl had invited Cleo over to the…‘Boatem Sleepover’, somehow she didn’t expect this. 
The five looney neighbors plus Cub were all in a circle folded forward on the ground and muttering some weird chants. Cleo began to back away, starting to understand what the vibe here was. Unfortunately for her, Pearl had a sixth sense and popped up just as she turned away. “Cleo! Come join us!”
She really, really shouldn’t, especially given the look of manic exhaustion in Pearl’s eyes, but part of her was also a slave to the whims of society conventions. She’d been invited! Even if it was some weird cult, backing out now would be a tad awkward. So they gave Pearl a strained smile. “I’m here? Hi! Now uh, what is this…?”
“Oh we’re staying awake so the moon doesn’t come down on all of us.” Cleo screamed internally.
“Cool! And you want me to…?”
Pearl giggled. “Isn’t it obvious? Stay awake with us! Enjoy the moon in all her beauty so she doesn’t feel left out anymore. Apparently we skip over her too much. Gotta give even the night time some loving, ya know.”
Cleo glanced over at the chanting Boatem members, then back to Pearl. “I suppose I can stay awake? But don’t expect me to start doing weird chanting or anything.”
With a squeal, Pearl hugged their arm. “Oh thank you Cleo, you won’t regret it!”
I already am! 
Pearl led her over to the others, babbling something or other about an introduction and slumber parties. The others lifted their heads to greet her.
“Hi Cleo!
“Hi Cleo.”
“Mmgn, hey Cleo.” That was Mumbo, who looked close to passing out already. Honestly all of them looked absolutely exhausted. No wonder they were all being freaky! 
Pearl led her to a spot on the grass where the two sat down, the other woman sprawling out immediately on her back. She gazed up at the stars. “Honestly, it’s kinda fun once you get used to it. We’re having a slumber party!”
Gingerly, Cleo settled down next to her. “Mmkay, if you say so. I’m only here for you, just letting you know.
“Oh I know. That’s why I asked!” The tricky star girl threw her arms around Cleo’s waist, tucking herself into their backside. They rolled their eyes, but a slight grin tugged at their mouth. She patted Pearl’s head lighty, and began gearing herself up for a long night.
Two hours in, and the shrieking started. “Oh god, are those phantoms?” Cleo groaned, pushing herself up. The other ‘mooners’, as they called themself, jumped up and began to scramble, yelling illegibly. 
Having calmly gotten to her feet, Pearl surveyed the area with a gleam in her eye. “Yeah! This is the fun bit!”
“Pearl, I don’t think anyone in their right minds would call being dive bombed by phantoms ‘fun’.”
She threw back her head and cackled. “I’ve been awake for three days, Cleo! I’m running on nothing but adrenaline. This is the most fun I think I’ll ever get in my entire life!” Reaching out into the air, a netherite sword manifested in a flash of violet. She began slashing at the air wildly, running in circles. Just when Cleo had thought she’d witnessed the pinnacle of madness…
They caught a glimpse of the first phantom swooping towards them. “Pearl, watch out–” But her warning was evidently unneeded, as Pearl snapped around and leaped into the air, thrusting her sword up and skewering it through the stomach. 
Nervous frantic laughter erupted from who Cleo was pretty sure was Scar. The other Mooners had nothing in the way of organization, running around like headless chickens. To be fair, so was Pearl. She just had a sword about it. Resigning herself to the madness, Cleo sat back down and watched Pearl do her thing.
Dozens of dead phantoms later, some of which Grian and Cub have even managed to kill, the coast seemed to be clear. Pearl strutted back towards Cleo, huffing and puffing with effort. 
They were both taken aback by another screech as Pearl lunged forward to land right in front of Cleo, the sound of her sword skewering flesh echoing in Cleo’s ears. Looking up, the phantom was far too close to Cleo’s head for comfort. “Y’know what, this has been fun, but I think I’m going to leave now.”
Pearl yelped and staggered back so that she wasn’t nearly stepping on Cleo. “Wait! We’ve still gotta–” When a wave of exhaustion hit her. She stumbled and began to fall forward. Panic flared in Cleo’s chest as they rushed to catch her. The sword clattered to the ground.
Cleo maneuvered Pearl so that she was tucked in their arms bridal style. She was still awake, though not by much. While she mumbled to herself, Cleo placed a hand on her forehead. “Just sleep. I’ll take you to your base.”
With that slight bit of reassurance, Pearl promptly passed out. “And you,” they turned to the Mooners. “Please try to sleep too. No one likes phantoms or cults, thank you very much.” With a groan, Mumbo planted face first on the ground. Soon after, a faint snoring sound was coming from him. 
With a sigh, Cleo turned around and began marching towards Pearl’s boat. Someone who’d been ripping through phantoms one moment ago was now laid vulnerable and defenseless in their arms, head curled into their chest. Cleo felt their heart swell and kissed her on the forehead. 
“Sleep well, Pearl. We’ll all still be here when you awake. Hopefully with less phantoms.”
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asianpopfan · 11 months
I have a theory that sometimes Music Show’s MC stylists work with company stylists if the MC.
For example Wonyoung had such great outfits while MCing at Music Bank with Sunghoon and Chaemin. I am aware that she is a brand ambassador for Miu Miu, iOiO and Fred Jewelry and Sue Comma Bonne and I have noticed a little bit of Miu Miu and Fred on her outfit while MCing , but rarely. Anyway, she could get sponsored without being the ambassador for the brand so I imagine all brands gifting Music Bank their clothes in hope that the stylists choose them for her outfits.
The vast majority of brands wore by Music Show MCs are small and relatively unknown or “C-B grade”. Including her outfits.
She never “shadowed” her MC partners either. They were always coordinated and well dressed. So her presence was positively extended on them too. I assume it is just normal that they got clothes for both, a viewer is going to look at both even if they come for mainly Wonyoung. I am talking about special MCs too by the way. I am aware that Sunghoon might also have been managed by personal company stylists too and being a popular idol, he probably had his fair share of gifted clothes with the thought of him in mind. But Wonyoung has more influence and her style was relevant event during MiniYoungz.
Overall, just the whole styling and ideas were far better when she was a MC. So I do think that the stylist themselves is different or someone on the styling team left.
Akong and Eunchaemin also dress well. And I suppose that there is always the thought of how they want the dynamic to present itself to the viewer. For example Eunchaemin is a Brother-Little sister who teases him, dynamic ; Jangkku and MiniYoungz were more equal teasers friends but (not quite close) and she was always the “more mature one” plus subtle charming from the men. Akong were the visibly shy introvert ones, probably (very calm and stable) childhood friends dynamic.
I wish I could talk of previous pairings but I started following consistently at mid Jangkku, plus it’s too old: The fashion and standards have changed a bit.
Eunchaemin outfits simply aren’t as good as Wonyoung & Co (various Partners) and so weren’t Akong although they had a “classic” and simplistic but lovely / quiet vibrant look. I watch other music shows too or at least I keep up with the outfits and wins(and some stages I am interested in watching) and even K-pop’s “The Show” has better outfits with their small budget. Not extraordinary but good enough even if not too creative.
I haven’t noticed similar occurrence in the other music shows, but at the same time Wonyoung has a specific public image (High class - gorgeous -THAT and IT girl - from chaebol family - reserved - calm but confident overall image. In fashion she wears feminine and juvenile but not “childish” clothing such as MiuMiu, the colors pink, white, black, royal blue sometimes, white once again because people believe that Wonyoungnism is all pink but white is the main ingredient, it feels clean and she wears it with pearls and shiny white gold/gemstones). Anyway, as I was saying, actually Sunghoon has a public image of a kind too, I am unsure if he or Belift decided it, surely the latter encourages it (Just like how Hybe has been pushing the idols’ former sports into their choreographies and public image = Kazuha from Lesserafim and him) as they call him an “ice prince” and figure skating is considered a “rich vibes” , dreamlike, dainty, sophisticated, high class, serious sport; so Sunghoon usually dresses a little bit more classy than his group members (even if he is still within current trends). So just because they didn’t fully stick to it on every outfit and concept, it doesn’t mean that they did not attempt to incorporate it here and there. Also. Wonyoung might not do Aegyo as much as when she was in Izone , but she did pull some (non aggressive ones) out as an MC. Their companies might have tried to at least influence a bit their MC imagine without owning it.
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kieuecaprie · 4 months
So, I finished Splatoon 3 Side Order. I did EVERYTHING possible on it. I collected all the color chips, I completed all the palettes, I bought all the things I could get from there and... I feel less than satisfied? That doesn't sound right, I was looking forward to it! Why do I feel this way?
So, in this post, I'm going to try and articulate my grey-and-gray feelings about a DLC about grayscaling and color into a silly little blog post online and see if I'm not alone in feeling that way.
You've already read the teal deer by the way, I'm not putting one under the read more. Oh, and major spoiler warning about literally everything in Side Order. I'd recommend having cleared at least one successful run before you even THINK about reading on.
So, let's get the good bits out of the way first, the story? Sure, it's very bare on the surface but the buildup to Marina Agitando and, subsequently, Order itself in about four runs (one successful tutorial run, two failed runs, one successful normal run) was great. The characters, as usual, were great, it was nice to see Acht in the flesh and it was nice to catch up with Pearl and Marina, the only lesbian couple in Splatoon and I say this in the most affectionate manner possible because I find it hilarious how Nintendo decided to just lean into it.
The memes aren't lying, this really is a DLC about a lesbian couple in an elevator hanging out with their mute possibly-enby friend who had a tussle with Agent 3 once upon a time and an enby DJ who chills in the elevator because they had an injury in the matrix.
The stakes aren't quite as high as, say, the annhilation of all inkfish kind like Octo Expansion and Rise of the Mammalians, the stakes here are that Order wants to grayscale everything and force everyone to live in a world where nothing changes because they feel like that's what everyone wants. At least, that's what Marina initially wanted until pesky Eight and Pearl came along and RUINED IT.
On the surface, the gameplay seems cool too. You pick out a color chip per floor that augments your weapon and you really can make the most batshit insane builds you can think of. Want a splattershot that pours out ink at insane speeds like an aerospray with none of the downsides? With the right chips, you can! Want to make a Grizzco Blaster but better in every single way? There's chips for that too. Want to pretend to be a TF2 bot and snipe everything out of existence? There's chips for your Charger that will absolutely let you do that.
The music is, as it should be, pretty great, even if the DLC as a whole is half-baked and flat in some places (we'll get to that in a bit, I'm not done praising the DLC yet), ranging from the music that plays on each floor to the boss themes to the final boss itself, it's so good!
So why do I feel empty inside? Is it because of the roguelite gameplay? No, I've had plenty of fun with roguelites and roguelikes, I literally have fun playing Gunfire Reborn and hell, I even give Baldi's Basics Plus a fair shake and that game's not even done yet! Go Mecha Ball is fun, Whisker Squadron Survivor is also fun (although right now it feels awful with the elite bosses...), RoboQuest, Barony, hell if you want to stretch, there's Lethal Company. Sure, I don't have as much patience for the genre as I used to these days but that doesn't mean they don't bring me joy. So what is it?
Well... for starters, while the story mode is great, clearing it fairly quickly made it all feel jarring. Again, I wasn't expecting it to be as grand as Octo Expansion but it definitely felt way less impactful. You get to the top and face off against Order who tries everything to resist your attempts to stop it only to then pull out a trap card and start pulling everyone into the Memverse, then your vibe wakes you, Pearl, Marina, and Acht back up and you collect the saturated color chips that it was holding captive and blast it with, you guessed it, a Killer Wail but with COLORS. And then it turns into a small widdle octopus thing and it starts having a widdle tantwum and you go to the real world and that's it.
All the build-up for the climax of the story happens in that one floor and is immediately let go. Okay, fine, I'll take dealing with Smollusk for the next dozen attempts up the tower, especially since it seems like it's developing a personality everytime you go up there going from a stuck-up order fanatic to someone who just wants to have fun... but nothing ever changes.
For every unique palette up to and including Eight's, which has the gimmick of restricting chip slots based on how many hacks you have active, you only get some new dialogue after floor 29 and a new cutscene before the exact same boss, no new patterns and only one new song. Nothing changes about Overlorder besides the subtitle and it dies the exact same way, breaking the portals to break its barrier to then break it down, do this two more times and you win. There's no variance to this.
Speaking of variety, it starts to set in VERY quickly that there isn't as much variety as you'd actually think. Okay, well, it's fine having a roguelite with setpiece levels, Go Mecha Ball, for instance, tends to have the samey feel to the levels but it felt fun to woosh through. But here? You go in, do the objective, get out. The length of time you spend in there is heavily dependent on your weapon, chip loadout, and enemy spawns. Level layouts are varied for the first few runs, everything is new and fresh but quickly wear out after a while, having only two or three variants for each (and there's some that I'm sure only have the one!).
And the objectives are straightforward but it feels like they don't do too much to spice it up. There's a few levels where they actually try to do it such as the one portal level where you can stand back, splat the top spinners that come your way, and then yeeting it at the portals to break them, or the infinity-ball level where you yeet it into a ramp and hope you get a hole in one or another infinity-ball level where you literally are Sisyphus! Or a Splat Zones one where you have a Sisyphusean task of painting the other zone because the sprinkling enemies made it over and just took over said zone and now you splatted them and now there's more back on the other side and ARGH.
However, it does make the more generic levels feel more... well... generic. The only saving grace is that they usually are built around not being around for too long but it does make a run blur together after a while.
And on top of variety, wanna talk about how there's only three unique bosses? Outside of Marina Agitando, who only appears in the ten floor tutorial, and Overlorder? Sure, they're all unique in their own ways and certainly something I haven't exactly seen in either S1/S2/S3 campaigns and OE, Parallel Canon is the most interesting one since they draw from your pallette and can screw you over with your own build if you let them.
But there's only three bosses and you only fight two plus Overlorder per run. I would've liked to see at least a few more, hell, get Octostomp in here, everybody loves Octostomp, right?
Okay, finally, how about the rewards? Well, you get gear to wear, that's great, you get weapon replicas (Order Brella makes me upset because Side Order Brella has Sprinkler/Ink Storm and the replica carries Sprinkler/Triple Inkstrike), you get locker decorations, you get stickers and banners and badges, oh my. Very good! I like this, I like having more options to express myself and I like more weapons because that's one more weapon I can use to farm for silver Sheldon Tickets (I know they're Weapon Licenses but whatever...).
So, surely there's something really cool for the completionists out there? Surely there's something on the same level as Inner Agent 3, perhaps the most hype (and only) superboss in the Splatoon serie? Surely there's something cool for clearing all the palettes, including Eight's? Is there anything for doing that?
You get... one more piece of altered dialogue with Smollusk and an Octoshot.
That's it. That's all you get.
For suffering through nine weapons worth of palettes and then agonizing over one more that boasts a tougher restriction of chip slots being restricted based on your number of active hacks, that is what you get? No superboss, no change in the final boss, nothing, just the same routine like you've been doing the past eight palettes...
I'm sorry but am I wrong for expecting something more? Am I wrong for expecting something really cool? Am I wrong for expecting Side Order to deliver a satisfying finale after having effectively hamstringing the quality of the seasonal updates for a good portion of Splatoon 3's active service life?
Okay... maybe something will unlock after I buy everything from Cypher right? Right?
Sheldrone 2.0.
Literally fucking Sheldrone but you use 100 Prlz instead of 999 Power Eggs. And it pulls from a prize pool made up of, I'd wager, tickets, coins, and items from the shop since you could only buy one of each from it.
And the Chip Collection grants you more badges, cool. But there's nothing for reaching 100%, there's no grand fight with another Agent 3, there's no alterations, no extra modes, no dialogue acknowledging your feat, nothing.
It's depressing. It's upsetting spending a year and some change waiting for a DLC and being wowed by it within the first few hours only to peel it back and find that the shiny silver that adorns it is more or less tin foil with a few traces of actual silver here and there.
I want to like this DLC, I really do. But I can't bring myself to fully commit to liking it...
The whole DLC feels half-baked and it's depressing to see it like this. Once the hype simmers down, all that you're left with is an empty room with a bunch of confetti that you now have to clean up.
However, there are silver linings to this DLC, the characters, as I've said, were great and while they have less proper interactions that I would've liked, it's nice to catch up with Off the Hook again, it's nice learning a tiny bit about Acht's past life and it's nice to see Marina's efforts to fixing the sanitized Octolings left in the Deep Sea Metro.
The music, as it does, is full of bangers from start to finish. The Acid Hues and Ebb and Flow mixes were, of course, amazing and the finale to the story felt great.
The setting was also pretty interesting, albeit underutilized. And the reward of being able to go to Inkopolis Square, thereby finishing the trifecta of hub worlds, and seeing how it changed from Splatoon 2 was a sight to behold!
Again, Side Order is not a perfect DLC, it's just an okay DLC that has a lot to be desired. People can have fun with it but I'm not going to ignore the glaring flaws because I felt like it could do SO MUCH better.
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quibbs126 · 8 months
Here are more ideas for fankids. Sorry if this ask is messy. (1/3?) Truffle/Almond: Black Walnut. I don't have much ideas, other then a Wednesday Addams type character. Baguette/Coffee Candy: Coffee Bun. An exhausted document manager and writer for the TBD. Peach/Banana: Musa velutina. (Type of fluffy pink banana.) Maybe could be themed after Sun Wukong? Abyss Monarch/Black Pearl: Turquoise. It would match BP's sisters being based after gemstones, but I don't have any other ideas.
Hmm, I like the name Black Walnut, makes me think of that place with the good soft fries. Though I do think it’s a bit funny considering Almond’s daughter is already called Walnut, so it’d be Walnut and Black Walnut. Not sure about the Wednesday Addams thing, though to be fair my only exposure to the Addams family are the new animated ones, which I know aren’t that great (not really interested in seeing them either). But also I feel like that leans into this one just being goth/macabre Walnut, which I’m not sure I like. My only idea for the kid, according to my notes, is “Folsense theme vibe”. It’s got like a solemn theme to me
Never heard of coffee buns before now, but after looking at them, I kind of like it, I’ll put it on the list. The concept sounds fine, I don’t know if I like or dislike it yet (and I’d only dislike bc maybe it sounds too similar to Baguette and Coffee Candy’s jobs)
I completely forgot that pink bananas existed, I think I might go with that and call them Pink Banana Cookie or something. Though I will say that Peach is already based on Sun Wukong, so maybe a different Journey to the West character?
Someone else offered cuttlefish as a name/basis for this ship, which I like, but I also thought they should have a gem too, and turquoise is a pretty good one. Though I don’t really know how to mix cuttlefish and turquoise into a good sounding name. Maybe I can name them Turquoise Cookie (or add something onto that since it feels a little plain as just Turquoise) but have them based on a cuttlefish
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expolikestoart · 2 years
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You're growing tired of me. You love me so hard and I still can't sleep.
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
So I’ve just read your meta on the TWOW Alayne I sample chapter (it’s amazing btw!) and I noticed something while reading it that I wanted to share and see if anybody else has noticed - nearly every man Alayne dances with during the feast could be taken as a reference to Jon or the Night’s Watch.
Ben Coldwater -> Snow is, obviously, cold water, and Ben is a sneaky Benjen reference
Andrew Tollett -> most likely related to Dolorous Edd Tollett, Jon’s old steward and good friend
Ser Byron the Beautiful -> GRRM has described Jon as a Byronic hero
Ser Morgarth and Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse -> these men are more dubious, I’m not really sure of the link with Morgarth. Shadrich is a callback from Brienne’s AFFC plot though, and a sign that Sansa’s cover isn’t as secure as she and Littlefinger think it is
Ser Albar Royce - a reference to Waymar Royce, he of the many Jon parallels and Sansa’s old crush, though she finds his cousin(?) stout and dull
The Sunderlands - their family are the lords of the Three Sisters. In ADWD, Davos is told a story on Sweetsister about Ned having to sneak across the Bite during Robert’s Rebellion, to get North and call his banners. A fisherman helped him but drowned when a storm caught their boat - but his daughter got Ned safely to the Sisters. The prevailing story on the islands seems to be that he left her with a bag of silver and a bastard in her belly, whom she named after Jon Arryn
Uther Shett - I was half-convinced this guy also had a relative on the wall, because his name (insulting pun aside) seems to be a reference to Chett, the prologue POV of ASOS who had a grudge against Jon for losing him his position as one of Maester Aemon’s stewards in favour of Sam
Ser Targon the Halfwild - Jon will likely be half-wild when he comes back from the dead, but he’s already been described as ‘half a wildling’ multiple times. Also Targon = Targ-Jon?
Ser Roland and Ser Wallace Waynwood - both are described earlier in the chapter as long-faced with brown hair, which are also Stark features. Alayne thinks of them as “horsefaced”, probably an Arya reference that also calls back to her and Jon’s shared Stark look. Wallace is even the same age as Robb, and thus Jon, would be.
So though Jon wasn’t mentioned by name in the chapter, I think he was very present... not just lemoncake-wise ;)
Thank you! :D Haha for a moment there I was like...wait which meta? Had to take my mind back for a sec there because I've written quite a bit since then! But yeah, doing deep dives into certain chapters is really fun — my next one that's in the works is Jon XI in A Dance With Dragons. Great to hear you enjoyed my Winds one :)
Ooooh that is really interesting and a mighty fine catch! Definitely the vibe I got whilst reading that chapter, after having analysed Alayne II, AFFC (which chronologically precedes it), is that Jon's presence or references to him are made subtly throughout the chapter(s) — especially whenever Winterfell is alluded to because Jon is the "Snow of Wintefell", the "blood of Winterfell", etc. But also vice versa, Sansa is very much connected to Winterfell in Jon's chapters as well — "Winterfell belongs to my sister, Sansa."
But let's take a look at those names you listed below the cut! Big post ahead, so buckle up kids!
So, I hadn't noticed the significance of those names on my reading, but I can well believe what you're suggesting because it plays very much into how I interpreted the subconscious goings on of that chapter — that you have these rememberances/reminders of Winterfell and Sansa's Stark idenity at crucial moments within the chapter’s narrative pacing, especially prior to moments with Harry the Heir. Not to sound too crass, but it's sort like a marking of territory, and this is made even stronger by that goddamn phallic as hell Giant's Lance lemoncake (aka Jon's peen). It's all quite neatly buried, but when you start matching up the imagery...I mean, I guess wolves are territorial beasts, so...checks out? (George...why are you like this?)
It is interesting that we get that iconic entrance of the Giant's Lance lemoncake prior to these dance partners, i.e. a claim has been staked essentially, and it ain't from Littlefinger, which is what could be interpreted on first inspection. And let's not beat around the bush, as uncomfortable as it is (because Sansa is ONLY 13/14!!), this is a sexual claim being made owing to the phallic symbolism and the general tone of the chapter being about Alayne's betrothal/marriage:
And best of all, Lord Nestor’s cooks prepared a splendid subtlety, a lemon cake in the shape of the Giant’s Lance, twelve feet tall and adorned with an Eyrie made of sugar.
For me, Alayne thought, as they wheeled it out.
I legit just snorted re-reading this: "splendid subtlety" MY ASS! What follows is a whole lot of gift-giving, which come to think of it, in combination with this bloody big cake...well, it reads quite a bit like a wedding breakfast to me, followed by dancing, in addition to a possible nod to a Stark bridal cloak, masked by the Arryn colours:
There were gifts as well, splendid gifts. Each of the competitors received a cloak of cloth-of-silver and a lapis brooch in the shape of a pair of falcon’s wings. Fine steel daggers were given to the brothers, fathers, and friends who had come to watch them tilt. For their mothers, sisters, and ladies fair there were bolts of silk and Myrish lace.
Because if we compare this "cloak of cloth-of-silver" with previous descriptions of Sansa's maiden cloak, we see this obvious recurring inclusion of either silver or grey as one of the Stark colours:
Cersei Lannister ignored the question. "The cloak," she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A fierce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. "Your father's colors," said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain.
A maiden's cloak. Sansa's hand went to her throat. She would have torn the thing away if she had dared. – ASOS, Sansa III
"[...] and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back...why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright [...]" – AFFC, Alayne II
This is all very in keeping with the theme of the chapter, which is meeting Alayne's betrothed, Harrold Hardyng, so obviously a future marriage/alliance is very much a prevalent theme here. Furthermore, the mention of "Myrish lace" for the "ladies fair" does somewhat remind me of Alys Karstark's wedding garb:
The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his little sister that it almost broke his heart. "Let him be scared of me." The snowflakes were melting on her cheeks, but her hair was wrapped in a swirl of lace that Satin had found somewhere, and the snow had begun to collect there, giving her a frosty crown. Her cheeks were flushed and red, and her eyes sparkled.
"Winter's lady." Jon squeezed her hand. – ADWD, Jon X
I think some other people have mentioned before how even though Jon makes a conscious comparison between Arya and Alys — "reminded Jon so much of his little sister" — the romanticised, flushed cheeked imagery very much points towards a subconsious allusion to Sansa (ETA: anyone spoken on this got a link?). With that in mind, we could see this as foreshadowing of not only Jonsa, but a Jonsa wedding, and Sansa as Queen in the North — "a frosty crown" "Winter's lady" — with Jon as her king/consort. In my current Jon chapter analysis I've been working with the idea that actually as soon as Jon starts romanticising a girl, which is notably different from just noticing someone's physical beauty (e.g. with Val), that is when the subconscious comparisons to Sansa really jump out.
But anyway! Onto those names...or rather, Jon Snow stand-ins.
Rising, [Ben Coldwater] offered Alayne his hand. “Would you honor me with this dance, my lady?”
“You’re very kind,” she said, as he led her to the floor.
He was her first partner of the evening, but far from the last. Just as Petyr had promised, the young knights flocked around her, vying for her favor. After Ben came Andrew Tollett, handsome Ser Byron, red-nosed Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse. Then Ser Albar Royce, Myranda’s stout dull brother and Lord Nestor’s heir. She danced with all three Sunderlands, none of whom had webs between their fingers, though she could not vouch for their toes. Uther Shett appeared to pay her slimy compliments as he trod upon her feet, but Ser Targon the Halfwild proved to be the soul of courtesy. After that Ser Roland Waynwood swept her up and made her laugh with mocking comments about half the other knights in the hall. His uncle Wallace took a turn as well and tried to do the same, but the words would not come. Alayne finally took pity on him and began to chatter happily, to spare him the embarrassment. When the dance was done she excused herself, and went back to her place to have a drink of wine.
And there he stood, Harry the Heir himself; tall, handsome, scowling. “Lady Alayne. May I partner you in this dance?”
She considered for a moment. “No. I don’t think so.”
If I've counted that right, that's 14 men? Alright, here we go.
First up...Ben Coldwater
I think you're right that Ben Coldwater feels very much like a nod to Ben-jen Stark, who is referred to as Ben a few times I think, and Jon Snow (cold water = snow), both men of the Night's Watch. House Coldwater also traces its lineage back to the First Men, and are sworn to House Royce, who are also notably descended from the First Men, have previously married into the Stark family and still maintain close connections to the current house through Ned's fosterage in the Vale. So, through the Royces, we see another possible connection to the Starks and Jon Snow...Jon Snow who was named after Jon Arryn.
I would also add that we have Ben make this inquiry prior to his dance with Alayne:
“Are there no singers?” asked Ben Coldwater.
I don't know, maybe I'm reaching but...singers feature quite a lot in connection to Jon, for instance:
Mance Rayder, who infiltrates Winterfell disguised as a singer called Abel, an anagram of Bael, aka Bael the Bard;
Bael the Bard and the Blue Rose of Winterfell — a story told to Jon by Ygritte, which very much evokes the tale of Rhaegar and Lyanna;
Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon's real father, was a notably skilled lyre player, whose singing supposedly made Lyanna cry — "The dragon prince sang a song so sad it made the wolf maid sniffle," (ASOS, Bran II). He is also theorised to have written the song Jenny of Oldstones, possibly for the Ghost of High Heart, Jenny's friend.
Ygritte — when Jon starts to find her more attractive, when he starts to romanticise her, he observes that "sometimes she sang in a low husky voice that stirred him," (ASOS, Jon II).
Val — again, we start to see Jon begin to warm to Val, to see her in more of a romantic + typically feminine light, because of her singing to the baby Monster: "I have heard you singing to him," (ADWD, Jon VIII).
Sansa — oh, my sweet Sansa...when remembering his family, not quite in his dying moments, but a little bit prior to that, Jon thinks "Of Sansa, brushing out Lady's coat and singing to herself. You know nothing, Jon Snow," (ADWD, Jon XIII).
I think it's clear that Jon loves a good song and you know what? He'd probably be asking about the lack of singers too! One final detail perhaps worth noting is the seat of House Coldwater:
[...] the Coldwaters of Coldwater Burn [...] – TWOIAF, The Vale
Obviously, the "song of ice and fire" is not a person, but more the elemental and destructive forces of the Others and the dragons, yet nevertheless, through Jon's parentage, as well as his actions (burned hand, etc.), plus his personality to a certain extent (hot-headed then repressing emotions) you do have this duality of hot and cold, of fire and ice...Coldwater Burn? Could be something.
Ser Andrew Tollett
So, like you said, the name Tollett immediately puts us in mind of Eddison Tollett, also known as Dolorous Edd, who is like Jon, a black brother of the Night's Watch. And he is a good brother to Jon, voting for him in the election for the Lord Commander, as well as becoming his loyal steward for a time, before being sent on a mission to Long Barrow. Interestingly, Dolorous Edd, as well as the Tolletts in general, do have a bit of a Stark vibe to them...
Like a typical Stark, Dolorous Edd is described as having a "long face" (ACOK, Jon III), a face like a mule's to be exact, but also notably a horse's as well:
"[...] Me, I have the mules. Nettles claims we're kin. It's true we have the same long face, but I'm not near as stubborn [...]" – ADWD, Jon XII
He only wished he had time to kill Tollett as well. Gloomy horsefaced fool, that's what he is. – ASOS, Prologue
He is given the nickname Dolorous Edd (dolorous = mournful), and is referred to several times as being "dour" (ACOK, Jon II, Jon III, ASOS, Jon V, ADWD, Jon XII, XIII), an attribute not entirely out of place when we consider some notable Starks and their disposition, as well as their house words:
He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away. – AGOT, Tyrion II
Winter is coming. The Stark words had never sounded so grim or ominous to Jon as they did now. – AGOT, Jon VIII
I gave my maidenhood to this solemn stranger and sent him off to his war and his king and the woman who bore him his bastard, because I always did my duty. – ACOK, Catelyn VI
Ned was shorter and plainer of face, and so somber. He spoke courteously enough, but beneath the words she sensed a coolness that was all at odds with Brandon, whose mirths had been as wild as his rages [...] And after the war, at Winterfell, I had love enough for any woman, once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's solemn face. – ASOS, Catelyn V
So, not unlike Jon, Arya and Ned, Dolorous Edd has a "long and solemn" face (AGOT, Arya I), as well as a "dour" personality. Furthermore, even House Tollet of Grey Glen's sigil and words have Stark vibes, since according to semi-canon sources, their shield is "pily grey and black" and their words are "When all is darkest," which arguably carries the same ominous, Long Night warning of "Winter is coming". In addition to this, like the Coldwaters, the Tollets are sworn to the First Men descended Royces.
But beyond this, if we take a look at some legendary and historical Tolletts...we actually have two notable names:
Torgold Tollett — also known as Torgold the Grim, though ironically, because he was famous for riding into battle laughing, and naked from the waist up:
The songs say that Torgold knew no fear and felt no pain. Though bleeding from a score of wounds, he cut a red swathe through Lord Redfort's staunchest warriors, then took his lordship's arm off at the shoulder with a single cut. Nor was he dismayed when the sorceress Ursula Upcliff appeared upon a bloodred horse to curse him. By then he was bare-handed, having left both of his axes buried in a foe's chest, but the singers say he leapt upon the witch's horse, grasped her face between two bloody hands, and tore her head from her shoulders as she screamed for succor. – TWOIAF, The Vale
Ser Jon Tollett — In Fire & Blood, Jon Tollett is recorded as a member of King Maegor the Cruel's Kingsguard. After the king's mysterious death, his successor, King Jaeherys I, offered Maegor's surviving Kingsguard a choice between execution or taking the black. Jon Tollett chose the latter. This somewhat parallels Ned's decision to take the black, to a certain extent.
You could argue that there are more than a few similarities, or future foreshadowings, between these Tolletts and Jon Snow...
Ser Byron the Beautiful
Like you mentioned, Jon Snow has been described by GRRM as a "Byronic, romantic hero". I'm so annoyed with myself, because I had written up some good stuff on how Jon really does possess certain Byronic traits but as I was inserting a gif it ended up deleting most of what I wrote...so I'm still a bit bitter over that, but will rewrite it at some point soon. Take my word for it though, Jon Snow is 100% more of a Byronic Hero (a la Byron's own Manfred), than Sandor Clegane, for example:
GRRM: “Well who wouldn’t want to be Jon Snow — the brooding, Byronic, romantic hero whom all the girls love.” [source]
Ser Byron, as well as being described as beautiful, is also notably very gallant, the perfect knight:
"Dutiful and beautiful," said an elegant young knight whose thick blond mane cascaded down well past his shoulders. – AFFC, Alayne II
We all know that Sansa appreciates a bit of genuine courtesy, and in fact, she's taught Jon well in that regard:
"Gilly, he called me. For the gillyflower."
"That's pretty." He remembered Sansa telling him once that he should say that whenever a lady told him her name. He could not help the girl, but perhaps the courtesy would please her. – ACOK, Jon III
I think this Jon stand-in does rely mostly on Jon's connection to the Byronic Hero. So, if anyone is still a bit dubious on that (because Rochester and Heathcliff are trash), just hang in there for my eventual meta on the subject, which focuses on Lord Byron's OG Byronic Hero, rather than the later Brontë/Victorian iterations.
In fact, in terms of Jon's parentage and future romance with Sansa, there's one Byronic tale that may be a particular source of inspiration — The Bride of Abydos. This poem notably includes a romance in which half-siblings are revealed to be cousins...sound familiar?
Ser Morgarth the Merry
Another hedge knight, like Ser Byron, who is sworn into the service of Petyr Baelish. I've got to agree with you here, red-nosed Ser Morgarth's connection to Jon is quite a bit harder to decipher! I have done a little digging though, and it is possible that the Garth in Morgarth is a reference to several Garths that appear in Jon's chapters, as well as Garth Greenhand, the alleged ancestor of legendary House Stark founder...Brandon the Builder:
Garth of Oldtown
Garth of Greenaway
Garth Greyfeather
All of these Garths are rangers/members of the Night's Watch at the same time as Jon, though I think by Dance it is presumed that they are all dead, or at least missing — in fact, Garth of Greenaway kills Garth of Oldtown. Garth on Garth violence!!
Haha, oh god...I think I just got the pun...Morgarth = More Garth! More Garths the merrier! Get it?! More Garths everybody!
George, I hate you.
Ok, so that's what that is. It's literally just a dumb pun, yet it also connects Morgarth to the Night's Watch Garths, and therefore Jon.
Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse
I think you're right that Ser Shadrich's presence connects us to Brienne's quest, as well as foreshadowing potential shit hitting the fan at the tourney of the Winged Knights. But he also notably makes some interesting remarks, both to Brienne and Sansa, which we can connect to Jon Snow's secret Targaryen heritage:
"Where?" Brienne slapped another silver stag down.
He flicked the coin back at her with his forefinger. "Someplace no stag ever found...though a dragon might." – AFFC, Brienne III
On the surface, in response to Brienne's questioning about the whereabouts of the Stark sisters, Shadrich is talking about a monetary bribe. However, beneath that explicit meaning, is an implicit reference to a stag (Joffrey) failing, where a dragon (Jon) will succeed. Others have talked about this line in more detail elsewhere, but it seems like a pretty good allusion to the foils, Joffrey (a prince who is really a bastard) and Jon (a bastard who is really a prince).
In this exact Winds chapter, however, we also see a conversation between Alayne and Shadrich, which hints at his possible plans to uncover and abduct Sansa Stark in return for a lucrative reward:
“A good melee is all a hedge knight can hope for, unless he stumbles on a bag of dragons. And that’s not likely, is it?”
This "stumbl[ing] on a bag of dragons" could also be seen as an implicit nod towards stumbling upon Jon's Targaryen heritage later in the novel, something that is more "likely" than anyone would expect. That claim might be a reach, were it not for the implication that when Shadrich talks about money, i.e. dragons...he isn't actually talking about gold coins, he's talking about Targaryens, but more than that...he's talking specifically about Jon Snow.
Ser Albar Royce
"Myranda’s stout dull brother and Lord Nestor’s heir." I think like Ser Morgarth, the physical appearance of these stand-ins doesn't always play a factor, because it would be kind of unnerving if they all had solemn long faces... So, what is important here is, like you say, the name Royce and his relation to Ser Waymar Royce, Sansa's first crush, who just happens to resemble and parallels Jon quite a bit:
She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. – AFFC, Alayne I
Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch for less than half a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. At least insofar as his wardrobe was concerned. – AGOT, Prologue
Jon's eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black, but there was little they did not see. He was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast. – AGOT, Bran I
"They're not my brothers," Jon snapped. "They hate me because I'm better than they are." – AGOT, Jon III
Although, it is worth noting that the Royces, as a whole, do somewhat resemble the Starks in appearance, at least in terms of their eye colour:
Bronze Yohn Royce, the current head of House Royce of Runestone, has "slate-grey eyes" as well as a "solemn face", (AFFC, Alayne I).
Ser Robar, his second son was "comely in a rough-hewn way" (ACOK, Catelyn III), with "pale" eyes (ACOK, Catelyn IV), possibly grey like his father's.
Ser Waymar, Yohn's third son, as mentioned, was "grey-eyed" (AGOT, Prologue).
It isn't as clear whether or not their cadet branch, which Albar belongs to, tend towards grey eyes as well, though we know that Myranda has brown hair, specifically "thick chestnut curls" (AFFC, Alayne II) — typical looking Starks, like Ned, Arya, and Jon, all have brown/dark hair.
As previously mentioned, the Royces are also descended from the First Men, have kinship links to the Starks, knew Ned when he fostered in the Vale, and Bronze Yohn even "knows" Sansa Stark:
"Bronze Yohn knows me," she reminded him. "He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black." She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. "And that was not the only time. Lord Royce saw...he saw Sansa Stark again at King's Landing, during the Hand's tourney." – AFFC, Alayne I
His seamed and solemn face brought back all of Sansa's memories of his time at Winterfell. She remembered him at table, speaking quietly with her mother. She heard his voice booming off the walls when he rode back from a hunt with a buck behind his saddle. She could see him in the yard, a practice sword in hand, hammering her father to the ground and turning to defeat Ser Rodrik as well. He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me? The war is finished and Winterfell is fallen. "Lord Royce," she asked timidly, "will you have a cup of wine, to take the chill off?"
Bronze Yohn had slate-grey eyes, half-hidden beneath the bushiest eyebrows she had ever seen. They crinkled when he looked down at her. "Do I know you, girl?" – AFFC, Alayne I
They also have the house words "We will remember", which somewhat evokes the recurring refrain "the north remembers" (ASOS, Catelyn, ADWD, Davos IV, ADWD, A Ghost in Winterfell, TWOW, Theon I), as well as a possible remembrance of the Long Night, similar to the Starks’ and Tolletts’ words. All in all, as well as evoking a certain Starkness (and Jon-ness), the Royces seem set up to be staunch allies of the Starks going forward.
All Three Sunderlands
Since these Sunderland brothers aren't given names, we can assume what is significant about them, in relation to Jon and Sansa, is their Sunderland name. As you noted, the Sunderlands are the reigning lords of the Three Sisters, and in Dance, through Davos' pov, we hear about Ned's time there during Robert's Rebellion:
"At the dawn of Robert's Rebellion. The Mad King had sent to the Eyrie for Stark's head, but Jon Arryn sent him back defiance. Gulltown stayed loyal to the throne, though. To get home and call his banners, Stark had to cross the mountains to the Fingers and find a fisherman to carry him across the Bite. A storm caught them on the way. The fisherman drowned, but his daughter got Stark to the Sisters before the boat went down. They say he left her with a bag of silver and a bastard in her belly. Jon Snow, she named him, after Arryn.
"Be that as it may. My father sat where I sit now when Lord Eddard came to Sisterton. Our maester urged us to send Stark's head to Aerys, to prove our loyalty. It would have meant a rich reward. The Mad King was open-handed with them as pleased him. By then we knew that Jon Arryn had taken Gulltown, though. Robert was the first man to gain the wall, and slew Marq Grafton with his own hand. 'This Baratheon is fearless,' I said. 'He fights the way a king should fight.' Our maester chuckled at me and told us that Prince Rhaegar was certain to defeat this rebel. That was when Stark said, 'In this world only winter is certain. We may lose our heads, it's true…but what if we prevail?' My father sent him on his way with his head still on his shoulders. 'If you lose,' he told Lord Eddard, 'you were never here.' " – ADWD, Davos I
This passage has one of my favourite asoiaf quotes of all time..."In this world only winter is certain. We may lose our heads, it's true...but what if we prevail?" Truly iconic. So defiantly hopeful.
But, yes, you're right that this story, and the Sunderlands, connects us to Ned, but more importantly...to Jon Snow. Really, Jon has quite a few Vale connections, all things considered, and he is named after Jon Arryn after all!
Uther Shett
Well, along with his buddy Ossifer Lipps (ass for lips), Uther Shett (utter shit) is an example of George having some pretty lowbrow fun with punny names. During their dance, Uther paid Alayne "slimy compliments as he trod upon her feet"...so not the best partner!
But from one shit to another...I think you're probably right that Uther Shett is meant to recall Chett, indeed, if we take a look at his description in Winds:
The one on her left was no more than eighteen, and skinny as a spear. His ginger-colored whiskers only partially served to disguise the angry red pimples that dotted his face.
His bad skin is somewhat comparable to Chett's boils:
Chett had a wen on his neck the size of a pigeon's egg, and a face red with boils and pimples. Perhaps that was why he always seemed so angry. – AGOT, Jon V
What is also noteworthy about Chett's prologue pov in ASOS, is that we get this linking of literal snow and Jon Snow:
Snow was falling.
He could feel tears freezing to his cheeks. It isn't fair, he wanted to scream. Snow would ruin everything he'd worked for, all his careful plans. It was a heavy fall, thick white flakes coming down all about him [...] The snow's taken it all from me...the bloody snow...
Snow had ruined him once before. Snow and his pet pig. – ASOS, Prologue
This makes any mention of snow beyond this point a bit more noteworthy, especially since Jon is referred to as "the Snow of Winterfell," (ASOS, Jon I), and we also have Sansa's famous "drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover's kisses" whilst building Winterfell out of snow scene, also in ASOS, (Sansa VII). So, Chett is very important when it comes to establishing this connection.
Ser Targon the Halfwild
Targon is only mentioned once and it is in that list of dance partners. He's not connected to any particular house, all we know of him is that he is a knight and that he "proved to be the soul of courtesy." This detail is interesting because it sort goes against his "Halfwild" moniker — he is courteous in spite of his half-wildness. Likewise, Jon is also courteous, chivalrous and knightly even, in spite of the stigma attached to being a bastard:
They still think me a turncloak. That was a bitter draft to drink, but Jon could not blame them. He was a bastard, after all. Everyone knew that bastards were wanton and treacherous by nature, having been born of lust and deceit. And he had made as many enemies as friends at Castle Black...Rast, for one. Jon had once threatened to have Ghost rip his throat out unless he stopped tormenting Samwell Tarly, and Rast did not forget things like that. – ASOS, Jon VII
As mentioned in comparison to Ser Byron, Jon behaves courteously towards Gilly, calling her name "pretty", just as Sansa taught him. He also often refers to Val as "my lady" despite her being a proud woman of the Free Folk. Jon also clearly looks up to and wishes to emulate legendary knights to a certain extent, and behaving with courtesy and honour is very much part of that:
They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne." – ASOS, Jon XII
Furthermore, Jon has this connection to the Free Folk, also known as the wildlings, having spent a fair amount of time with them:
"The wildling blood is the blood of the First Men, the same blood that flows in the veins of the Starks [...]" – ASOS, Jon I
"Some of your own Sworn Brothers would have me believe that you are half a wildling yourself. Is it true?" – ADWD, Jon IV
Mully cleared his throat. "M'lord? The wildling princess, letting her go, the men may say—"
"—that I am half a wildling myself, a turncloak who means to sell the realm to our raiders, cannibals, and giants." Jon did not need to stare into a fire to know what was being said of him. The worst part was, they were not wrong, not wholly. "Words are wind, and the wind is always blowing at the Wall. Come." – ADWD, Jon VIII
"A wildling. A filthy, murdering wildling." Cregan's hands closed into fists. The gloves that covered them were leather, lined with fur to match the cloak that hung matted and stiff from his broad shoulders. His black wool surcoat was emblazoned with the white sunburst of his house. "I see what you are, Snow. Half a wolf and half a wildling, baseborn get of a traitor and a whore. You would deliver a highborn maid to the bed of some stinking savage. Did you sample her yourself first?" He laughed. "If you mean to kill me, do it and be damned for a kinslayer. Stark and Karstark are one blood."
"My name is Snow." – ADWD, Jon X
I am not the trusting fool you take me for...nor am I half wildling, no matter what you believe. – ADWD, Jon XI
If Stark blood is also essentially wildling blood, and Jon is half Stark on his mother's side...that would make him "Halfwild" in blood as well as in spirit. And like you said, Targon feels very close to Targaryen/Targ-Jon. So this name is there solely as a hint towards Jon's true parentage — half Targaryen and half Stark. But I think you could argue that the "Halfwild" element could allude to Jon's post-resurrection state as well. I do personally like the idea of Feral Jon™.
Ser Roland & Ser Wallace Waynwood
Like the Royces, and Dolorous Edd, the Waynwoods also bear some notable Stark physical traits, as noted by Myranda in this chapter:
“The first Lady Waynwood must have been a mare, I think. How else to explain why all the Waynwood men are horse-faced? [...]"
As we know, looking horse-faced, or in Edd's case, mule-faced, indicates a rather long visage:
Arya took after their lord father. Her hair was a lusterless brown, and her face was long and solemn. Jeyne used to call her Arya Horseface, and neigh whenever she came near. – AGOT, Arya I
[Arya] even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. – AGOT, Sansa I
Interestingly though, Jon is never referred to as being called horse-faced, although we know he has a long Stark face. You'd think that Chett, in the ASOS Prologue would have made that kind of dig, since he says as much about Dolorous Edd? This is why I tentatively believe that, although long-faced, Jon isn't as apparently "homely" as these Stark looking Waynwood brothers:
Ser Roland was the oldest of the three, though no more than five-and-twenty. He was taller and more muscular than Ser Wallace, but both were long-faced and lantern-jawed, with stringy brown hair and pinched noses. Horsefaced and homely, Alayne thought.
That being said, I don't think he's as "handsome" as Ser Waymar Royce, or "beautiful" like Ser Byron. But obviously, he's got something going for him because as GRRM says "all the girls love" him, and you know, he's got a good bod probably and if the Giant's Lance cake is anything to go by, as well as all Tormund's small penis jokes...um, well, maybe he's packing, I don't know! (Don't look at me like that guys...it's GRRM not me!)
But anyway! Like you said, Ser Wallace Waynwood is even of an age with Robb, and therefore also Jon:
Robb would be his age, if he were still alive, she could not help but think, but Robb died a king, and this is just a boy.
There is also a teeny bit of Stark blood, though obviously potent stuff, in the mix with those Waynwoods:
"No," Catelyn agreed. "You must name another heir, until such time as Jeyne gives you a son." She considered a moment. "Your father's father had no siblings, but his father had a sister who married a younger son of Lord Raymar Royce, of the junior branch. They had three daughters, all of whom wed Vale lordlings. A Waynwood and a Corbray, for certain. The youngest...it might have been a Templeton, but..."
"Mother." There was a sharpness in Robb's tone. "You forget. My father had four sons." – ASOS, Catelyn V
Shit — "all of whom wed Vale lordlings" — that's probably where all these Stark looking mother fudgers are coming from. So, all in all, I think there's some strong parallels.
And finally...Ser Harrold Hardyng
But let's not forget this bitch.
And there he stood, Harry the Heir himself; tall, handsome, scowling. “Lady Alayne. May I partner you in this dance?”
She considered for a moment. “No. I don’t think so.”
Prior to Harry, who notably fits into the Ashford pattern of Sansa's suitors, we have all these Jon stand-ins, or references to Jon. We can actually separate them out into their different functions, though there is some overlap with Andrew Tollett:
Those who reference Jon's Starkness/the Stark Look™:
Andrew Tollett
Albar Royce
Roland Waynwood
Wallace Waynwood
Those who reference his position/location at the Night's Watch:
Because in the Alayne chapter prior to this one, Sansa learns that Jon has been made Lord Commander:
[..] Oh, and the Night’s Watch has a boy commander, some bastard son of Eddard Stark’s.” “Jon Snow?” she blurted out, surprised. “Snow? Yes, it would be Snow, I suppose.” – AFFC, Alayne II
So, it is interesting that you then have a number of dance partners connected to members of the Watch:
Ben Coldwater
Andrew Tollett
Morgarth the Merry
Uther Shett
This could be read as foreshadowing for Sansa's future journey north, and specifically to the Wall, where she believes Jon to be.
Those who reference his true/uncertain parentage:
Byron the Beautiful
Shadrich the Mad Mouse
The Three Sunderlands
Targon the Halfwild
All these guys get a dance, but when Harry asks? He is denied. It is only after some A+ dragging by Alayne, and begging by Harry that the latter gets his dance. Yet don't be fooled into thinking this is a win for Harrold:
"Should we ever wed, you'll have to send Saffron back to her father. I’ll be all the spice you’ll want."
He grinned. "I will hold you to that promise, my lady. Until that day, may I wear your favor in the tourney?"
"You may not. It is promised to… another." She was not sure who as yet, but she knew she would find someone.
First off, we have this reminder of the betrothal, but there is a lack of certainty there — "should we wed" — and I would argue that's because...they ain't gonna. Remember all that wedding breakfast imagery, including an umcomfortably phallic lemon (wedding) cake, gift-giving and nod to a bridal cloak? Remember how that was followed by several dances with Jon stand-ins?
"[...] It is promised to… another."
Oh, I wonder who that could be? Honestly...GRRM has very clearly, for those who care to really look, stated someone else's claim here, and it ain't Harry's. In fact, it is the very same person who also evokes Valarr Targaryen in the Ashford pattern.
...it's our boi, Jon Snow.
“Jon Snow?” she blurted out, surprised.
“Snow? Yes, it would be Snow, I suppose.” – AFFC, Alayne II
You "suppose", Myranda? Honey, I'm certain.
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
So, Episode 7 of Word of Honor, and where to start? No, I’m kidding, I know exactly where I’m starting, which is with some recognition of what a great job this show does of developing 98 percent of its multitude of characters, because the first two things I’m going talk about this week aren’t even Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing OR Wen Kexing’s thirst (AKA, the three main characters of the show).
Well, I guess I’m really starting with the usual warning – this is a re-watch and so there are SPOILERS here, not only for this episode, but for most of the show. Scroll away and come back later if you’re trying to watch all 36.5 eps unspoiled.
SO, I mean, come on. Of course I’m starting with the Smartest Man in the World, who has finally shown up in this episode, and I’m reminded once again what an actual cinnamon roll, too good for this world, Cao Weining is. He’s maybe the single completely good character we meet  – even Chengling wants to burn down somebody’s house at one point because he’s mad. But Cao Weining is almost too good to be true – and yet, there he is! Living his best life, being good, eating good, falling in love, and refusing to let his beautiful, clever, fierce girl’s neuroses come between them. I love him, y’all. And not just because he instantly falls in love with A-Xiang when he happens to see her beat up a bunch of drunk bro assholes in the inn where he’s having a quiet little lunch by himself before she storms into his life like a purple whirlwind. But let’s do think about this from his perspective, yeah? And let’s remember it as we watch the progression of their relationship, as we wait for the revelation we know is coming, and as – many eps down the line – he learns the truth of her. Cao Weining’s first experience of A-Xiang is someone who’s brave and capable, who defies outsized odds to come to the rescue of those in need, who doesn’t allow women and girls to be abused, who expects proper behavior from the representatives of the jianghu, and who is absolutely fearless in demanding just treatment and never even thinks to be intimidated when she faces unfair censure from an authority figure. This is the girl WKX raised, y’all. This is a girl who embodies everything Cao Weining has been taught to believe in as a cultivator. And this is the girl Cao Weining sees every time he looks at A-Xiang. Maybe, just maybe, this is the truth of her, and Cao-dage sees and understands it from the very first time he spots her, and anything else he’ll learn about her is really extraneous. (Hmm. I wonder what other relationship we’ll eventually end up seeing that kind of dynamic in, where someone truly knows you and believes in you, so everything else is unimportant?) Also, Cao Weining tells A-Xiang she’s very beautiful, and how many people do you think have ever told her that before in her life? He asks why he would want to fight and hurt her, and how many people – particularly men, given where she grew up – have ever told her that before? He buys her lunch – twice, because the first round gets cold. Remember a few episodes back, when WKX asked her who the second cutest person in the world was, and she responded that it was someone who would buy her a meal? Well, here he is. For bonus points, it is hilarious how badly WKX responds to Cao Weining’s very existence after ZZS points out the pair of them having a toast at the same inn that WKX and ZZS have stopped in WKX has dogged ZZS’s footsteps into. Poor Cao Weining doesn’t even get the shovel talk – although to be fair, he doesn’t get the full-court Ghost Valley Master press, either, so WKX must have been holding back somewhat – he just gets told to get out, before WKX grabs A-Xiang by the ear and delivers some scathing commentary on her taste in men, like he didn’t immediately fall for some rando who was tits out, drinking himself to death in the gutter.
ANYWAY, from the Smartest Man in the World, we’re going to move to Han Ying, My Beloved, who we see interacting with the Five Lakes Alliance again, this time in the person of Gao Chong, leader of Yueyang Sect and host of the upcoming Heroes Conference, da-ge of the 5LA. I had honestly forgotten we got to see so much of Han Ying this early on. What strikes me here is that this is a guy who I actually could believe is the second-in-command of Tian Chuang at what is it? 21 years old? When he’s doing his job, and ZZS is nowhere around for him to make pining puppy-dog eyes at, he’s focused and determined and a bit forceful and somewhat threatening and, frankly, appropriately arrogant for the job he’s been sent to do. He’s also wearing a cloak with a mini-Collar of Evil. He comes off as, dare I say, a capable leader of an assassin organization and a guy who’s able to do a proxy flex for his boss without looking completely ridiculous - which puts him one up on Duang Pengju, omg that asshole, and also makes me feel a little better about how I want ZZS to wreck him (or I guess, technically, him to wreck ZZS, because I’ve never seen a character (except Marcus Flavius Aquila, THANK YOU for your service, Channing Tatum) who put off such subby service-top vibes. WHY is there not more Han Ying/ZZS on AO3, fandom? I thought better … worse? … better? … of you.) When Gao Chong claims the Glazed Armor is a myth, Han Ying basically calls this older, respected zongzhu a liar and gets up in his face before refusing a dinner invitation and sweeping out in his mini-Collar of Evil with a credible “PAH.” My boy has layers, y’all.
What else? We start out the ep at Luo Mansion, a wedding scene, and I’m struck by how the Ghost Valley colors match traditional wedding colors, here. I’m thinking about how A-Xiang’s wedding dress won’t be red (and I think green was more common during the Tang dynasty?) although all the decorations will be, and I’m thinking about how we have this wedding as a book-end to that wedding, and I’m thinking about how it’s interesting that a girl who was raised in the Ghost Valley and protected by the Department of the Unfaithful meets a man who’s going to be so faithful to her in the same episode as this wedding with/of the dead. Ghoul, who’s one of the attendees from the Ghost Valley, also remarks that the red makes him hungry, so there’s a meat reference to throw into the thematic basket, I guess. (Also, hey. Ghoul is played by the same guy who’s Sun Yongren in Killer & Healer.) Lovelace (ugh) briefly menaces one of the Department handmaidens before Luo Fumeng shows up, and I think she’s Yun Zai or Hong Lu, one of the two maids that A-Xiang rescued from him, although I’m not positive, because her hairstyle is so different and hides a lot of her face, here. So, we’re all attending the “wedding” of Mu Yunge, the apparent fuckboy who got got a couple of episodes ago as bait for Ao Laizi when Changing Ghost got his hands (briefly) on the Danyang Glazed Armor. We did see a brief scene with Yunge in the last ep, when he woke up tied up in bed, being menaced by someone who appeared to be his dead lover – who hanged herself while pregnant with their child – but turned out to be Beauty Ghost using a face-masking technique similar to ZZS’s disguises. In the interim, Ghost Valley has kidnapped 10 cultivators as his wedding party, and – this is the important plot point – that includes Deng Kuan, head disciple of Yueyang Sect. We get to see some of Beauty Ghost’s ruthlessness here, as she carries in the dead woman’s memorial tablet draped in a red cloth – how’s that for some foreshadowing (my f’kn HEART) – to set it down in the “bride’s” place before Yunge is forced to bow three times. (Dead girlfriend was a Mo from Broken Arrow Manor, and I … am not sure if that is significant or not. Is she possibly related to Mo Huaiyang? Does anyone know which sect is associated with Broken Arrow Manor?) Beauty Ghost also kills two of the 10 “guest” cultivators for talking without permission as she explains the next event to them – cage match. Only one of them gets to get out alive. Deng Kuan, the best of them, apparently, pleads with everyone to not let themselves be divided, but we can all guess how this is going to go. I guess maybe he’s the other completely good character we meet, but he sure is a punching bag. He ends up the last man, sort of, standing, as he kills the final other person in self-defense, but not before getting stabbed, and he goes down and is out for the count.
Meanwhile, cut to Zhao Jing and Shen Shen drinking and gossiping at an inn on the way to Yueyang. Shenshen – Shenshen – continues to bemoan Chengling’s uselessness, and also talks about the torture the other Zhang family members underwent just in time for Chengling to overhear in the hallway, so thanks a lot for even more trauma, Shenshen. Zhao Jing is so sad about it all, y’all. He’s just so very very sad, can we just stop talking about it, Shenshen, because you’re making him sad, and he’s just going to let Da-ge figure it all out, OK? Uh-huh.
Fourth plot thread of the episode is ZZS skulking around, following Chengling, trying to convince himself that this kid is safe now that he’s turned himself in to gone to live with the 5LA, even as ZZS spots Tian Chuang spies in the ranks of the Yueyang disciples and among the dumpling vendors on the streets outside. ZZS follows the dumpling vendor, gives him a code phrase and almost gets his head taken off by a Scorpion blade for his trouble, before stabbing Dumpling Man in response. WKX picks this exact moment to wander back into ZZS’s orbit, taking the chance to flirt as Dumpling Man spits up blood and dies in the alleyway, because of course he does. WKX tsks, accuses ZZS of being cruel, and quotes some poetry about fair faces and poisonous hearts, which - like all of his poetry - has a double meaning, because which of them is he really talking about, ZZS or himself? ZZS notes that WKX is openly wearing the (Danyang) Glazed Armor because of course he’s looking for trouble, but WKX loosens his stays and clutches his pearls and replies that he couldn’t possibly be looking for trouble – him? Philanthropist Wen? He’s not a merciless killer like ZZS. Whereupon ZZS finally says out loud what he’s been clearly thinking since he started going on about what an awful person he is in the LAST EPISODE, which is why the hell don’t you stop following me around, then? There’s some more flirting, and WKX continues to follow ZZS around, and ZZS takes note that WKX is obviously flaunting the Glazed Armor out in the open, and then there’s a little sleight of hand when Famous Pickpocket Fan Bu Zhi, oh noes! Steals WKX’s Glazed Armor right off his belt when he isn’t even looking! before WKX continues to follow ZZS around, conveniently into the same inn where Cao Weining and A-Xiang are having lunch. After WKX attempts to chase him away, we discover Cao Weining has had his wallet stolen. WKX deploys his Sadness Eyebrows to convince ZZS to turn over his wallet to pay for Cao Weining’s and A-Xiang’s lunch. ZZS – who does an admirable job of refusing for a bit – finally caves, and WKX orders lunch for everyone, on ZZS. Now all we need is Chengling, because the fam is not complete without Goldbean.
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urstruly-ghst · 4 years
Since it's spooky month, may I please ask for headcannons for the aged up dorm leaders reacting to their child wanting to be murdered crew mates from among us please
o m y gahhh sorry for the delay ):
tw : death, murder, mentions of death
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                                               riddle rosehearts 
Riddle always had kept an eye on his precious child, his child was a sweet one who got the childhood he wanted long ago. It was a sweet gesture to see Riddle dote on his lovely child, playing on a gadget or a sport on the outside.
He was a sweet father, new and jumpy to each step he took in this new life. Everyone can see how dearly he loved his child, and he made sure that his child knew that too.
Halloween came up, the spooky month has now come up, it was his child’s favorite holiday. At first, he couldn’t stand the bizarre and grotesque Halloween quirks, but now his child introduced and he celebrates it with them yearly.
Each year, they dress up in different costumes and play different games for them to enjoy and goof around. After all, Riddle wanted his child to experience a happier childhood.
Now, since his child grew up to be really tech savvy, they wanted to play a new game they have discovered while browsing  the net. It was Among Us, and it looked like a nifty game. The only thing Riddle disapproved of was the killing aspect, other than that, he found the game quite fun.
It made his analytical skills and lying skills sharper, making him the reliable player. While his child was a step down from him, was still a good player nonetheless,
While playing the game, a corpse was reported, their child went bright and got this crazy idea : to be the murdered crewmate for Halloween and Riddle could be the impostor.
Riddle freaked out, questioned his child’s mental health, and gave a pep talk. You see, he can only process the words “murdered” “I want”, so he worried his child was feeling negative feelings.
For weeks on end, Riddle gave a talk to them, even if their child just grew clueless to his insistent questioning on their choice of costume.
Needless to say, he didn’t went along the costume part. But he did treat them a nice tart curtesy of Trey’s family bakery.
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                        leona kingscholar 
Truth be told, he did not know what to do, he has no idea what to do with his own kid. He felt lost on how to raise the kid. Seriously, he endured a lot.
Even though that was the case, he was a wonderful father, always protective and caring.
He tries to put effort into his kid, after all, it was someone who he adored so much. It was only fair, he brought himself on this. And his effort clearly shows.
Leona's kid is a shining ball of energy, always on their feet, excited on each holiday. Heck, even days that are considered mundane, they would jump up and down. Clearly, they didn't get the lazy gene.
Speaking of holidays, his child was ALWAYS jumping and cheering when the days leading up to October are nearing. The Afterglow Savannah will be hearing "ITS OCTOBERRRR!!" from the palace.
Leona's kid is not a techy kid, their classmates are. They would peek over their shoulder and look at the blaring lights.
Every other month, their child has to bring their parents for a conference meeting. Leona grumbles, but stood on his feet to go to the conference. His kid was jumping and leaping in joy, that he introduced him to their friends.
One time, they received a tablet (with permission from Leona to let them play) from one kid, to play along their game! It was Among Us, and he beamed at the sight of the tablet.
Leona was monitoring his kid, he knew nothing of the game, but it was amusing to see his kid giggle alongside others. While the conference ended, they weren't done with the game. He nodded at his kid, waiting for the game to end.
As soon as they game was done, they went back to prepare for Halloween! His kid always liked the costumes! So, along the way, he asked his kid what they want.
Cue, his shocked and scared face. The look of the passerbys made him laugh awkwardly and ask his kid what the heck were they talking about.
They laughed and explained the idea, making Leona grimace as he let his kid be exposed to that. But he let them have the fun, all for the smile.
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azul ashengrotto
Azul was a good father, always on his kid's side, smiling and being a strong figure that they can look up to. He matured into a nice man, he is far from his college student self.
He smiles and always has his child on his mind, they are his most precious pearl, and anything bad that would happen to them would utterly break his fragile heart.
He is always weary of something bad to happen, be it bullying, or just traumatic nightmares. He hates the thought of it happening to his child, so he may come a tad bit overbearing.
Now, his child and him goes to land often, mostly to manage Azul’s restaurant, so it was a treat for both of them. Idia also drops in to meet up with his old pal, so he leaves his child with Idia’s as well to bond over a phone or tablet. Those hangouts become a regular thing!
Azul’s child always hangs out with Idia’s kid, they click instantly, so Azul’s child is more techy and more land dweller than their own father.
So most of the child’s slang and upbringing was on land. Now that is established, you can tell why they most like Halloween.
This year, they [Azul’s child] want to dress up and act all spooky to attract any of their age or just to vibe with others. And they decided, alongside Idia’s kid, he wants to partner cosplay as the murdered crewmate from the hit game they played together.
They pitch the idea to Azul, which made him gawk and question sheepishly if they are in need of medical help or anything. He got so scared that they want to be murdered, to which confused the child and asked why is their costume choice weird?
Azul decides to just go with it, he had to be reassured many times that they are mentally okay and will be for a long time. He hopes for the best, and smiles softly at their giddy look on the costume approval
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                            kalim al-asim
Kalim is probably the bigger child between his and his child. They compete on who is more childish
But he is s responsible enough to take care of his child, Jamil and his family members can see that. Kalim matured but you can still see the sweet Kalim Al-Asim of Night Raven College.
In all honesty, his child loves Halloween just as much as he does! So the Land of Hot Sands gets a huge Halloween costume party for a whole week due to his child's enthusiasm for it!
The costume party is grand and always has laughter, and it also has festive beats and treats to enjoy.
Every year, his child has a different costume that is their choice and their father is always happy to commission a nice costume for them.
Unlike their father, they always have been up to date with the internet and trends. From Magicam to games, they know it all!
Now, the party was fast approaching, all the preparation was there, and Kalim was now just easing in after a few more touches. All he need is the costume for both him and his child.
He was about to ask when said child went booming to the doors, a wild and cute smile on their face. Kalim chuckled and asked if they was something they want.
"Father! I want to be the Murdered Crewmate this Halloween!"
Cue his tears, he was scared on why his child wanted to be murdered and pawed their face to see if they were okay and emotionally well.
It took a lot of hours to calm him down and warm up to the idea of their costumes
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vil schoenheit
Now, Vil's child is a tad bit sweeter and more approachable than their own father. They carry his features and some traits, but they differ a lot.
At a young age, he was forced to hide from the world a lot, considering their father wanted them to have a nice and normal childhood.
However, the secret got out and it was soon known to the entire world that Vil Schoenheit has a kid, and a wonderful one at that.
Vil's child is really updated on the media, thanks to their father's influence, but their time on it was restricted a lot.
However, they do have ample time to test the waters, and see what is trending or not!
What caught their eyes was the wonderful game that their favorite streamers played! It was quirky, and fun, so they had check it out and play.
In summary, it was a wonderful experience, so they had to tell their sweet papa!
Vil is ecstatic to hear his sweet kid go and squeal to him, telling him that... They want to be murdered?!
He nearly fainted, and ask worriedly on what on Earth were they talking about. In the end, the social media time was even more strict!
Also, he didn't approve of the costume, but he did approve of the alive and well crewmate.
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idia shroud
Idia is surprisingly good with his kid, he thought he would fail as a dad but he proved himself wrong. His child was not like him, but that makes him smile, it means they are confident and willing to be themselves.
Their kid always mingles and always hangs out with Ortho, so he always is monitored. Idia also is shocked to see how confident they are, he is sure proud that they are the young master of the house.
Though, their kid loves the outdoors, nothing beats good old pa and his codes and video games.
Because of this, the worldwide famous game : Among Us, was introduced to them during their browsing! It was good bonding time.
Their kid won't admit this, but they love cosplaying. From dad's favorite anime, to their favorite cartoon games— he loved all the dynamic.
Now, because of this, his family decided to hold a costume ball (to introduce Idia's kid as the young master), and while Idia hates parties— he had to introduce his pride and joy.
So, he asked his son what would they like for their costume. He has the money to make it in short time, and he also just wants to partner up with his kid.
"Papa! I want to be the Murdered Crewmate!"
Idia laughs and pat their head, of course they would want to be one of the little gremlins from that game.
The murdered one was a classic, so why not? They live in the Underworld! They can pull this off.
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malleus draconia
He is good with kids, after all, he had Silver to take care of before. So, it wasn't a surprise that his child is wonderful and well rounded.
Malleus' child is his heir, so they are fairly sheltered and kept in the palace a lot, due to this; their time is fairly well spent on technology or lessons.
Malleus tries to bond with his heir, and tries hard to not pressure them on their studies as heir or the events that requires their presence. All he wants is them to be happy.
Because of this, he got exposed to the game Among Us. Malleus sucks at the game, but he adores the squeals, the giggles and groans of defeat when they play together.
Malleus is always lost on the game, so it was an absolute laugh to all of them.
One day, Malleus and his retainers asked that they should hold a festive season in the kingdom, just like what they did during NRC days. All were ecstatic, especially Malleus' child!
The child wanted a costume party, so a costume party it was! As Malleus and his child plan the party, a royal tailor asked them what is their costumes and plans.
The child squealed and beamed, saying they want the Murdered Crewmate costume. The tailor, who was fairly young and updated, nodded and took notes. While Malleus stood there, horrified that his kid wants to be murdered.
The kid giggled and hugged their tall father, saying that "I don't wanna die, Papa! Remember the game we played? It's that!"
Cue relief and embarrassed face Malleus, he just nearly died of a heart attack because of the rascal.
He picked them up and smiled at their loud and cute giggles.
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ineloqueent · 3 years
i'll have to admit, i'm curious about which classic rock stars your mutuals are...
anon darling, you’re a star!
fair warning though, i’m referring to all of these people in the present tense. i don’t care. they’re still here, to me.
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@archaicmusings — roger taylor
hear me out. cal and rog would get on like a house on fire. it’s very simple; they share opinions on so many things, and cal swears about as much as roger does. but that aside, like roger, cal knows good music when she hears it, tells the best stories, and is loyal to her friends until the last. 
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@drivenbybri — brian may
if i had to describe brian in three words, i’d say “extraordinary but humble,” and you know, i’d describe sofie exactly the same way. sofie’s got such an artistic eye, and has the ability to turn anything into a masterpiece. but she’ll never admit it; she’ll do it quietly and watch the amazement on people’s faces, and then not believe them when they express their admiration. like i said, humble. also, sof and brian have basically the same hair, so...
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@brianmays-hair — paul mccartney
paul mccartney has always given me vibes of sheer and absolute chaos. jess is about the same. paul and jess have this energy in common, and also, similar smiles?? don’t @ me, but they definitely do. and similar writing styles! bet you paul macca would let jess write lyrics for his songs if she offered.
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@joemazzmatazz — jimi hendrix
jimi is chill. regan is chill. i honestly feel like they’d get along very well, two creative souls, with a similar sense of humour (if you listen to some of hendrix’s live recordings, he’s honestly incredibly funny, and charming, like regan).
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@deacyblues — david bowie
first of all, david bowie and pearl would gush over each other’s wardrobes. and makeup. definitely. both have such a distinct style, and that’s part of the reason why i liken pearl to bowie. but also, bowie was known for his kindness, his optimism, and his stubbornness. pearl is indefinitely kind, and stands up for what she believes in, just like bowie.
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@aprilaady — john deacon
john richard deacon is a sweetheart!! just like dor. but he’s also wildly unpredictable, and has the ability to shock you with a single sentence (brian’s words on the subject were not quite this, but i’m trying to be nice here). sometimes dor will message me something, and i will burst out laughing. she’s got a wicked sense of humour, just like our beloved deacy, and if anything happened to her, i’d throw everything out the window and then jump out of it myself.
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@imcompletelylost — freddie mercury
if anyone’s freddie, it’s libby. libby’s got this charisma, exactly like freddie’s. and then i ask her to tell me her secret and she insists that there isn’t one. if that’s not a freddie mercury move, then i don’t know what is. not to mention, libby is so musically talented, it’s ridiculous. she’s iconic, and kind, and funny, and freddie would definitely take her shopping, because they’re just that alike.
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@speciallyred — george harrison
oh, c’mon. have you ever seen george harrison smile? it’s like the sun. anna has the ability to brighten anyone’s day with a few words, and this is a quality which george harrison also has. anna’s a wonderful poet, and i’ve always thought of george as a wonderful lyricist. anna’s got style, too, and she’d fit right in during the height of the beatles’ career, in the 1960s.
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@mistiermistshazierdays — marc bolan
now, i may be a bit biased here, because phoebe posts a lot of marc, and i reblog all of it. but also, marc’s got this lovely, bright, bubbliness about him, and if phoebe is anything, it’s bubbly (i love that word!!). with her warmth and her humour, phoebe is the perfect marc bolan, and marc the perfect phoebe.
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@doing-albri — elton john
vi makes clothes, and elton john, as we all know, is the ultimate fashionista. then there’s elton john’s charitability, which translates to vi’s kindness. and of course, both are musically talented, and love their friends to no end.
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@im-an-adult-ish — robert plant
okay. so i don’t really know how to explain this one. but when i was brainstorming all of these, this was the third one i wrote down. i guess meredith and robert plant just have the same sort of… energy? i honestly do not know. but i think the connection is robert plant’s overall charisma, and meredith’s wonderful ability to make anyone feel welcome.
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@sixbloodyminutes — suzi quatro
listen, i love suzi quatro. so much. not only did she inspire bands like the runaways, joan jett in particular, with her revolutionary talent and pioneering as a woman in the music industry, but she’s also fucking awesome. back in the ‘70s, she was a symbol of girl power, and if morgan’s got anything, it’s girl power. also, if you’ve seen that one episode of pop quiz, you’ll know she and roger taylor got along well. and i know morgan likes roger taylor ;)
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@hijackmy-heart — joan jett
another queen of the 1970s rock scene was joan jett! also a pioneer in the male-dominated music industry, joan jett is known for not only for her music, but her hard-heartedness. the latter is not at all a bad thing, particularly in this world we live in; joan knew what she wanted, and she went out and got it. nat has that same spirit, and the same occasional savageness, which i can only admire.
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@dancingdiscofloof — jimmy page
considered one of the best guitarists in the world, even to this day, jimmy page is one hell of a creative soul, and was responsible for (or at least in part) a great deal of led zeppelin’s discography. a dedicated session musician, jimmy determined that there was a certain science to making music. rove strikes me as someone with this same dedication, so there you go!
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@almightygwil — stevie nicks
rolling stone has called stevie nicks one of the greatest solo artists of all time, and while they may have written a shit and completely untrue review about queen, they were certainly right about stevie nicks. stevie nick’s lyrics, both on fleetwood mac records and on her own, have always been poetic, and lyrical, even without music. ellie absolutely writes just like this, and so that alone is enough to liken her to stevie nicks. stevie nicks was and is iconic, and in interviews, she was always very genuine, just like ellie.
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@mazzell-ro — janis joplin
emblematic of the glam rock era, janis joplin’s voice is one-of-a-kind, and her presence one of unmatchable warmth. genuine, thoughtful, intelligent, and revolutionary in terms of her rebelling against gender norms, janis joplin is perhaps one of my absolute favourite people of the glam rock generation. ro has the same genuineness, the same intelligence, and the same thoughtfulness, going out of her way for her friends, and thus, she reminds me very much of janis joplin. 
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Pokemon MatchUp !
Good day Miss Madam Ma’am Jo! Hope life is treating you well !
So, in honor of the Sinnoh remakes, I wanted to finally settle down and get a clear idea on - of all/most PKMN platforms and men, who is best fit for me <3
You may already remember some of the stuff? But just in case ! I’m 18+, she/her, preferenced towards male. Short wavy brown hair, hazel eyes (mostly green and gold), and everything else physical such as height and whatnot falls in the ‘average’ category. <3
● I pride myself on always trying to be as selfless, or outward looking and considerate, as possible. (and also being a little bit coffee obsessed xD) ● I am what friends dome “switzerland” because I don’t take sides in arguments (partly due to a hatred and fear of confrontation) but also because I want to be fair in the assessment and seeing *all* sides, then I try to offer informed advice to defuse the situation.  ● People typically comment often on my "soft-spoken" voice, and how it reflects my very sweet and friendly personality. ● I don’t get angry *unless* it involves someone hurting my friends or loved ones by any capacity. ● A few negatives would be I’m a procrastinator, tend to isolate myself when I’m in pain or feeling down, and that have pretty low self-confidence and self-image tendencies. 
Now! On to a few Pokemon things! Because it’s fun and I’d like to! ^^
● I call my alter ego(s) “Fable”! ● In-universe I travel all around the regions but was born in Johto, and I’ve since settled down in Galar. (I.E. was present for these events in-order; HeartGold, Pearl, Black, X, AlphaSapphire, Moon and now Shield ! ● My partners are usually always Chikorita and/or Oshawott, the remaining five/four alter depending on the region. ● Friends have also insisted for years that I have too many “Mew” vibes to ignore (whatever that means xD) so I eventually just made it so Mew is a recurring half-member/partner on my team who assists me on key adventures ♡
Hope this is good enough or helpful? And thank you so very much !! Have a lovely day !
Sorry about the wait on this, thanks for your patience!
Taking your general story into account, I think you’d go well with Morty!
Since you’re from Johto and traveled that region first, there’d be plenty of opportunities for the two of you to meet young and grow closer; he’s a pretty mellow guy when it comes to daily life, so you’d have no trouble initially getting to know each other. Having grown up with Eusine as well, Morty knows how to get along with all kinds of people.
I think Morty would be a good counterbalance to your more passive personality. While he’s very kind and pretty quiet in his own right, he’s also very dedicated to the things he believes are important, and that includes taking care of yourself as well. As the two of you get to know each other over the years, he definitely notices how you tend to avoid conflict when situations arise— a bit ironic for a trainer on the gym challenge, he admits— and he just can’t stand seeing people walk all over you. Thankfully Morty is a pretty tactful man; if you’re clearly not comfortable with establishing your own boundaries yet, he’s willing to shut down people who are taking advantage of your kindness.
He actually really appreciates the fact that you always want to look at every possible angle to a problem; Morty has devoted himself to studying, but since he’s been doing it for so long, he’s gotten used to reading the old texts in the same way over and over, leaving him unable to find new interpretations when his current ones fail. You’re methodical and systematic about pullin problems apart at the seams— your different outlook on everything refreshes his studies and helps him make new progress for the first time in what feels like ages.
Morty is the type to pointedly express his emotions without outright stating them. The two of you more than likely began as just casual friends on your initial journey— you’re bold to bring a grass type when his entire gym uses the Gastly line, and it amuses him, especially when you overcome weaknesses and earn his badge anyways. Similar personalities and shared interests eventually have him falling for you, and whenever you’re home on break from your travels, he’s excited to spend time with you again— you’re basically going on dates without either of you calling them that, because he doesn’t want to bring it up first if you’re not comfortable. He’s happy waiting for you as long as needed.
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bisluthq · 3 years
you have been giving bad vibes lately tbh, like ily and you’re the only blog i’ve got notifications in snd check everyday, and i live that you call out antisemitism and homophobia (i’ve messaged you private stuff too and you’ve been totally lovely too, like ily!!!) but some of the stuff you do it questionable, and idk if it’s just because it’s online, but you always talk about how hot women are when discussing them, even when it’s not relevant, and call them bitches and stuff, and i saw some people call you out for misogyny and you never really took it as valid criticism, but you kinda talk about women like a shitty 17 year old boy tbh, it’s just weird, and the going after a hardly 18year old too instead of just ignoring those messages, it’s all just a bit iffy to me, nothing major and you’re definitely not TTB (it’s disgusting to even suggest that, that woman is so fucking disgusting!) but just some things that you should maybe not brush off as people just being pressed, as you say you’re a human being who will fuck up, but it’s nice to acknowledge that and understand why people say it, rather than just thinking people are haters and what not
Hey, this feels like it’s in good faith but I would very much like a chance to respond to some of your points (again in good faith). Like I hear you but I am not sure I agree with you and here’s why:
1) the criticism that I thirst over women or behave like a “teenage boy” is entangled in respectability politics, slut shaming, homophobia and patriarchal standards. Nobody pearl clutches over anons going off about Dino Dick (except people who’re like “wow these anons are wild” and like fair enough). Harmless thirsting over public figures is absolutely normal and not something to feel ashamed for. It’s okay to discuss sex and how horny shit makes you. It isn’t a bad thing at all.
2) “bitches” is used by me as slang. I have called people “motherfuckers” etc as well, it is 100% used in a general slang way and not in a way intended to be derogatory.
3) I don’t think it’s fair to say I’m “going after” Olivia. I said she’s very talented, very ambitious, has some boppy songs, and is insanely good at marketing herself (and performing! Her SNL slammed and that’s SUCH A HARD STAGE TO PERFORM ON). Saying her songs are thematically similar as a marketing choice and she’s copy pasting Taylor’s ideas isn’t going after her. Also, there is a huge power imbalance here and it’s... in Olivia’s favor. Olivia has the backing of UMG and Disney. My saying “she’s contrived in her public persona and good for her hope she makes it since that’s clearly what she wants” isn’t an ad hominem attack on a random teenage girl.
4) I don’t think people are “just haters” but you need to understand that I’ve had a LOT of antisemitic remarks in my ask in the last bit and obviously that’s affected my mood and general vibe. It lowkey sucks. And I do think people willfully and sometimes like obstinately misread what I am saying and take my words out of context or obfuscate what I was saying which, yes, is frustrating.
So like yeah I’m not perfect and yeah I do hear people if they come with valid criticism of me and if people point out stuff I said that’s problematic I take it on board. “Bitches” is offensive to some but is also a linguistic choice. I will think about that one because it doesn’t bother me but I don’t need to be offending people y’know.
The respectability politics stuff is a bit bullshit though. Like I say you can’t just cry misogyny at people thinking people are hot and tbh on that same note at some of the times I’ve been called a misogynist. I have expressly called Harry Styles a himbo, I have roasted him for having Camille teach him to read, and butchering her favorite wanky book for his pussy song. I’ve also like.... not expected Harry to give good critical analysis of a wanky post apocalyptic nightmare novel. Which is a very similar criticism to what I’ve leveled at Madison. Yeah, they’re talented musicians. Yeah, they’re hot. No, don’t expect them to give you a good take on some literary topic that’s kinda unfair to them. Just let them be hot and talented.
I’ve also said that Harry’s hyperconfessionalism on Fine Line annoyed me and I’ve said I can’t stand Ed’s music because it’s like the exact same topic on all of them.
Because those criticisms have nothing to do with the identity of the people.
One can criticize women for things they’ve said and done and also just.... things you find annoying.... and that doesn’t mean you hate women.
And it does feel unfair that that gets leveled at me a bunch because I really don’t think it’s true at all. I think this is a deeply and inherently feminist space. And yes we thirst in it, which is fine, and yes we don’t act like women are somehow immune to criticism. That doesn’t make us sexist. It’d be worse to be acting like somehow being a woman makes people immune from discourse or needing to be held to a different - presumably lower - standard. Like that’s be fucked up.
Hope this makes sense and let me know if you have any further thoughts or comments. I’ll think about the “bitches” thing.
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
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 I submitted something about the structure of one of my fanclans a little while ago and thought it’d be fun to submit the rest of them! Just more brief descriptions than super detailed. I’d love it if you took a look!
Sorry this took so long to respond to, the size was a bit intimidating, but lets do this!
I’m also quickly noting that there’s a lot of things here that cats can’t do. Most notably, crafting, which here includes weaving, tying, etc. I know it’s unrealistic, I just can’t be bothered to care. And I know the map is a little empty right now, I’m workin’ on it.
You do you, if you want realism thats okay, if you dont, thats okay too! Just make sure in universe you are consistent, because thats where things can get awkward. 
To make things a little more understandable, let’s say these cats have more human-like paws. Think how paws are used in MAPs - the cats can point, make expressions with them, etc. They’re still paws, but can be used in more productive ways.
That doesnt seem like too much of a stretch, and that would make several things more easily possible.
The three clans - ForestClan, SeaClan, and CliffClan - are known (to me, at least), as ‘The Coastal Clans.’ The geography and aesthetic is supposed to match that of a Northwestern coast - think Northern California and Oregon. It’s cold, foggy, and wet most of the time. ForestClan inhabits a temperate redwood rainforest, SeaClan prowls the beaches and the ocean, and CliffClan claims the cliffs that overlook the beaches and ocean (as well as the meadows above the cliffs).
Seems like a good premise, and you can use some irl locations for inspiration and to help flesh it out. 
SeaClan, as said, claims the beaches and the sea as their territory. They are powerful swimmers, with thick, water-resistant fur to keep them warm when in the water. They have big, webbed paws that help propel them underwater. Unlike the canon water clan, RiverClan, who do quite a bit of their fishing at the surface of the water, SeaClan dive for their food. They do, of course, eat lots of fish, but a good portion of their food is also plucked from the sea floor - including clams, sea urchins, and oysters. Plenty of their food is found on the shore, too, though - they often dig for clams and crabs, and pry mussels off rocks.
This is actually really cool cause it makes use of their extra dexterity and ability.
SeaClan, like ForestClan, does not have a conventional leading system, nor do the cats have a StarClan. Instead of one leader, SeaClan has two - the Tidecaller and the Moonsinger (these just being titles, leaders will still keep their normal names). The Moonsinger is the more conventional of the two leaders. The Moonsinger is in charge of all the usual stuff: naming ceremonies, assigning mentors, leading the clan through hardship. The Tidecaller, however, is the spiritual leader. They are the one in charge of spiritual ceremonies - ascension to leadership, naming ceremonies for kits, etc. - as well as interpreting the will and signs of the sea. It is not common for the Moonsinger to receive visions or prophecies. Another notable difference is the leadership ceremony - when one becomes one of the leaders of SeaClan, they are ritually drowned.. And if they survive the ordeal (all leaders in recent history have survived), it’s a sign they have been approved of by the sea and gifted their nine lives (both gain nine lives). There is still a medicine cat, it’s just that the spiritual aspect is removed from the role.
So far Seaclan is distinct from most water-based clans and I appreciate its culture. Part of me wonders what originally led for the leadership to be split up, but the imagery makes sense.
SeaClan refers to ‘The Sea’ as their deity. As it is the basis of their entire lives, from birth to death, it is worshiped and respected greatly. Part of the respect, undoubtedly, comes from fear - though most, if not all SeaClan cats love the ocean, it’d be hard to deny how scary it can be. How vast, deep, and dark it is. It could take your life away in a heartbeat, drown you or drag you out to sea with no mercy (a quick note here: these cats also have some knowledge of a crude version of CPR - and yes, it is a lesson all apprentices must learn). They believe it is important to respect the waves - as it should then respect you back. If Sharkbait was dragged out by the riptide, he was not giving the sea the respect it deserved - perhaps he turned his back to the waves for a little too long. The other side of their religion, or their other deity, would be the Moon, as the moon pushes and pulls the tides. It’s not worshipped nearly as much as The Sea, but SeaClan cats still recognize its importance. Hence, we have the 'Moon'singer and the 'Tide'caller. SeaClan cats do not know of the afterlife, but dead cats are ‘buried’ at sea. If a SeaClan cat is not buried at sea, they believe they will then never walk in the afterlife - instead, they will be cursed to wander the land as a ghost and will never be allowed to return to the ocean. However, this has only proven to be a problem for evil cats (who don’t deserve the respect) or SeaClan cats that join other clans.
Okay right two deities, two leaders, makes sense. So far Seaclan seems to have a cohesive religion, nice.
As for trading, although their skill or style is not quite as refined as the other clans, SeaClan’s crafts are highly sought after for the materials used. Pearls, shells, sea glass, starfish, driftwood - most of their materials used are considered quite beautiful. Don’t tell the SeaClan cats, but most of their things end up getting taken apart to be repurposed for other jewelry, clothing, or other adornments.
I suppose the trade off of precious materials/lower refinement makes sense, although part of me worries that it could be used as a way to look down on this clan as less-civilized which could be a bit uncomfy. 
(On the map)
Mussel Rock - a rather large rock that is covered in mussels. A great place for food.
Tide Rocks - a large clump of rocks that are often used for sunbathing or recreational swimming. They’re also a great place to dive for hunting. They’re called the Tide Rocks because they’re sometimes impossible to get to or stand on because of a high tide, or can just be walked right on to during a low tide.
Shell Shore - a corner of the beach that is absolutely covered with shells. Not only shells, but driftwood, sea glass, pretty rocks, starfish. A common place to get crafting materials. Apprentices often spend hours poring over the choices, trying to figure out the best one to give to their crush.
The Falls - another sort of recreational spot. It’s good for teaching younger apprentices how to swim without taking them into the ocean, and a great source of fresh water.
SeaClan kits have the suffix -shell, apprentices have the suffix -shore. SeaClan leaders do not take a unique suffix.
I currently do not have any plans for the leaders, deputies, or medicine cat.
And, for fun, a song or two for SeaClan’s aesthetic/vibe: Ghost on the Shore by Lord Huron, and Fire by Noah Gunderson.
Looks good so far!
​​​​​​​Next up is CliffClan!
CliffClan inhabit the golden grassy meadows above the cliffs, as well as the cliffs themselves. Compared to the other clans, they are seen as rather laid-back and carefree. Hippies, basically. Typically, they’re lighter in color - lilac, yellow, golden, pale brown, pale grey - and are leaner. Hunting takes place both on the cliffs and in the meadows for CliffClan cats. On the cliffs, birds and birds’ eggs make great meals, and in the meadows, rabbits, mice, ground birds, and other creatures are quite common. Even the occasional squirrel, though they’re typically caught dangerously close to ForestClan’s borders. CliffClan territory gets much more sunlight than other territories and is typically a fair bit warmer. The camp is underneath a great, ancient willow tree - the hanging leaves create a natural partition and protect the cats underneath from rain, wind, hail and whatever else the world might throw at them. The borders (where the leaves hang) have been reinforced with bramble to create a more secure and clear camp. There are two partings/entrances in the camp, one to the territory, and another to an outdoor camp. The outdoor part of camp isn’t too reliable during storms, but for cats who prefer sleeping under the stars or want to nap in the sun, it’s perfect. It also smells rather nice, as the medicine cat keeps an herb garden in a portion of the outdoor camp.
Cliffclan territory and camp sounds lovely!  Although willows do tend to grow closer to water or wetter land and since it looks like Cliffclan territory doesnt have a lot of trees, it is a bit odd for this one massive willow to exist on its own, particularly away from water. Maybe move it near to a little pond or lake? Or set it in a small group of willows in some wetlands? But thats up to you, and you did mention the map wasn’t complete so I may not have the full picture. 
Rather than worshipping a deity, to CliffClan, nature is divine. All life is interconnected. Each piece of nature is itself, it’s own being, and they have no need to apply fancy names or powers to them. The sun brings warmth and light, the wind carries the scent of prey and salt, the rain brings water and cool refreshment after the hot months. Respect and love all parts of nature. “Hear the voice that sings to everything that always has and always will.”
Definitely sounds a little hippy lol. But it fits them well I think. 
CliffClan’s main crafts include weaving, feathers, and ‘tools.’ Dry grass and reeds are woven together to create bracelets/anklets, chokers, and blankets. Feathers are often tucked into those as well. They also weave small baskets that can be used by the medicine cat to hold herbs, or woven grass pouches that can be worn over the body to collect things. One example is the pouches being used to hold eggs as CliffClan cats collect them from birds’ nests. CliffClan has the best technique for weaving by far, making their woven items highly sought after.
I like that they have the ability to collect and organize, it could be cool if different clan members had their own little collections or weaving patterns. They seem to be more independent and chill to have the time to do more things for pleasure. 
(On the map)
The Ponds - a nice spot for cats to relax. It’s a good hunting spot and wonderful swimming spot. Sometimes there’ll even be a fish to catch!
Out of the three clans, CliffClan’s appointment system is the most similar to the canon clans’. Kits are still -kit, apprentices are still -paw. There is still a deputy and medicine cat. However, leaders do not take a special suffix.
CliffClan’s current leader is Brightsun, a seemingly soft-spoken tom with a missing hind leg. His aura is very friendly and warm - one can tell he was chosen to be leader because of his undying kindness and love for his clanmates, not because of his battle skills. He has a himbo husband mate, Hawkheart, and four adopted kits: Thunderpaw, Stormpaw, Rainpaw, and Windpaw.
CliffClan’s deputy has not yet been decided.
CliffClan’s medicine cat is Ripplestream, a former SeaClan warrior. He’s a bit skittish, and just a tad shy. But he truly does love his craft, and, so far, hasn’t looked back on his decision to leave SeaClan. Brightsun and Ripplestream are particularly close, since Brightsun was his mentor (he used to be the medicine cat - you may think, medicine cat to leader? that’s kinda cringe bro. i’m here to strangle cringe culture with my bare hands, and, Brightsun’s whole backstory will be submitted at a later date).
Its not that cringe, its just curious. Is that a normal thing? How do Cliffclan choose their leaders? 
CliffClan’s head monarch is Primroseclaw, former deputy. She retired after she found a mate - her desire was always to serve her clan, and there were other ways to do so than becoming leader. She’s very caring with kits, but strict with adult cats, as they should know better. Primroseclaw is Brightsun’s maternal aunt.
I don’t necessarily see this as an issue as long as there isnt the implication that motherhood as a female is the ultimate way to serve, as that can be alienating for those who cant or dont want to birth or raise kits. But I mean all power to her if that was what she wanted. 
CliffClan’s song/aesthetic: The Well by Woodland.
Lastly, there’s ForestClan! These cats inhabit the temperate redwood rainforest, and are generally seen as the most ‘mysterious,’ because they’re literally shrouded by the darkness of the trees. Typically, ForestClan cats are big and muscular, typically long-furred with darker pelts. Brown is especially common, as well as black and tortoiseshell. Ginger cats are seen as a bit prettier, and, depending on the times, white cats can be seen as beautiful or as a bad omen (it’s harder to hunt in the dark forest with a white pelt). They hunt all sorts of forest creatures, such as squirrels, mice, chipmunks, racoons, rabbits, etc. ForestClan cats are even known to take down animals as big as deer. This is only done on rare occasions - such as for a Gathering or in times of great hunger - but it’s still quite the impressive feat.
Deer are a pretty big thing to take on, Im curious how they do it. If they can take on deer, does this mean that other more natural to their size predators (foxes, badgers, coyotes, etc) aren’t as much of an issue?
I explained the deities and system in another post, but I’ll go over it briefly. ForestClan has three deities - The Sisters - who live on their territory in the form of three ancient, enormous redwood trees. Maieth is the largest tree, and the eldest sister. The leader who represents her duty to ForestClan is called Maieth’s Ward. The second eldest, the dead tree, is Kenoake, the leader who represents her is called Kenoake’s Ward. And the youngest sister, the smallest tree, Aerin - the leader who represents her, is, you guessed it, called Aerin’s Ward. The leaders’ deputies are more like apprentices who have to learn the ins and outs of their role, as there is much more to it than keeping everybody safe from harm.
Oh yes I remember that post. Its all coming together now.
ForestClan’s crafts are also highly sought after, as they make the most use from clay, bones, and paints. Crafts also pay a larger role in clan life to ForestClan than in the other clans. All kits are given necklaces when they’re born, each with a clay bead and a piece of bark from each of the Sisters strung on it. For each event in their life - their apprentice ceremony, their warrior ceremony, a particularly impressive catch, officially becoming mates with another cat, etc. they gain another bead and another piece of bark (from the tree that best pertains to the event; ceremonial from Kenoake, becoming a parent from Maieth, gaining apprentice from Aerin). Necklaces can be decorated with feathers, bones, etc. is the cat so wishes. For special ceremonies, ForestClan cats decorate themselves with ‘paint’ made from crushed berries or mud. They also have special bone wear - tied together with sinew, they drape bones over their pelts, such as rib bones. Leaders wear the skulls of killed deer during ceremonies.
I like the idea of the beads and bark based on what happens during their lives, its a really nice way to remember and give meaning. 
ForestClan cats don’t wear as much ‘clothing’ as SeaClan or CliffClan, their specialty lies in more decorative crafts. One of which is their bone wind chimes, put together with sinew, sticks, and clay. This is especially popular with CliffClan, who enjoy placing them on the branches of the Great Willow. ForestClan’s camp is thoroughly decorated with them, and they’re also used as markers in the woods so cats don’t get lost. Their other especially popular craft is clay bowls. These are great for medicine cats to store their herbs, or to carry fresh water to camp. ForestClan cats also use them to store and crush berries to be used as paint.
Wait wait, clothing? I didnt realize the other clans wore a form of clothing. Why do they wear clothing? Is it to protect themselves, to better carry tools? As for the bone wind chimes, thats a lovely image, both haunting and beautiful to think that these cats have the knowledge to understand and enjoy music.
(On the map)
Mossy Hollow - a soft area for sparring and learning to climb. The mossy ground makes it so, if they fall, it’s not too rough. The springiness also makes it a great spot to practice leaps and fighting/hunting moves. The pond is a great source of fresh water, and the light shining through the trees makes it a good spot to sunbathe.
ForestClan kits are called -sprout, and apprentices are called -sap (sapling). Leaders do not take a special suffix.
This is super cute, I love these suffixes. 
Maieth’s Ward has not been decided, nor has their deputy/apprentice.
Kenoake’s Ward has not been decided. Konoake’s Ward’s deputy/apprentice is Butterflywood, a very gentle cat. They are a bit accident prone, a bit.. Out there. They seem a little odd, but are quite kind, especially to curious kits and apprentices.
Aerin’s Ward has not been decided. Aerin’s Ward’s deputy/apprentice is Cinderspark, a very spunky, eccentric she-cat. She’s quite small for a ForestClan cat, but has very good reflexes and is fast. She’s very excitable as well - I don’t think anyone will be getting over her extremely rambunctious response to becoming deputy anytime soon. Even though she finds it a bit hard to focus sometimes, Aerin’s Ward cited she’d be a great fit for the role - she’s practically Aerin reincarnated!
Vibes: Cocoa Hooves by Glass Animals
As for other details:
Having mates outside of your clan is not forbidden, but it’s taboo - more like an unspoken rule. Both inter clan relationships and half clan kits are frowned upon.. But there’s no punishment for it, save for perhaps the disapproving reaction of one’s clanmates. Medicine cats can have mates and kits.
‘Star’ is a perfectly acceptable prefix. ‘Paw’ is used as more of an insult or to make fun - such as calling someone Heavypaws for being too loud while hunting, or saying someone’s a Wetpaw for falling into the river/pond/ocean. CliffClan cats don’t use this very much, for obvious reasons.
Interesting, but does open up the ability to make names with star as both prefix and suffix I suppose. 
Cats may also leave their clans to join another, if they wish. Again, it’s not forbidden, but it’s.. Odd. Chances are the cat would be then hated by their own clan and an outcast in their new one (well, save for CliffClan, they’re probably the most welcoming of all). The other issue is that of a culture shock - unlike the canon clans, where, if it weren’t for the territory differences, would be just about all the same, the Coastal Clans are quite different. The different territory, leadership system, naming system, etc. might all be a bit tricky to get the hang of. There’s also the issue of the afterlife - where will they go? For example, for Ripplestream, he’s incredibly scared that since he won’t be buried at sea.. Will he be cursed to live as a ghost for the rest of his existence? Will he be taken in by whatever afterlife is offered to CliffClan? It’s all awfully frightening. It makes the issue of switching clans one that needs careful consideration.
I feel like hearing Ripplestream’s background would also help to understand some of the smaller details of this. But it does make sense that it would be odd. These clans dont seem to be aggressive or territorial so it does make sense that they might not react as badly as they could to cats moving clans. Most of the stress seems to fall on whoever is moving, as they would have to learn to live a whole new way of life. 
There is no communal gathering spot - each moon, a different clan will host the gathering. CliffClan often hosts the gatherings at The Ponds, ForestClan at the Mossy Hollow, and SeaClan at The Falls. Gatherings are less formal events held by the clans to report of new apprentices, kits, findings, etc. They’re fun! Gatherings are often all day events, full of competitive games (sparring, hunting contests - medicine cats even have herbal trivia competitions), chatting, gossip, trading, and eating. Each clan brings prey and crafts from their own territory. These Gatherings are held bi-monthly, on the day of the full moon.
Each clan often comes dressed their best - SeaClan with their shells, ForestClan with their bones and paint smeared on their fur, CliffClan with their woven wear. Of course, by the end of the Gathering, most of this is put aside as the cats get more comfortable with each other.
So Im curious as to why the gatherings even happen. Was there some kind of war way back in the past which requried a peace settlement? Was it cultures seeking a way to trade and congregate together so a monthly gathering was a good way to do that? So far seems like you have thought through this quite well. Thanks for the submission!
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magicofthepen · 4 years
Gallifrey Relisten: Lies
In the chaos of.....all of November....totally forgot I meant to relisten to this episode sooner! Which is odd because Series 2 is definitely one of the high points of Gallifrey for me (apparently listening to everything slowly collapse into the civil war is super engaging and interesting? idk Series 2 just does a lot of solid character work and storytelling and good narrative progression to the “ahhh everything is very bad” finale...and I’m not sure how to feel about this, given *gestures at the world these days*). But anyways, now for some thoughts on the series opener:
Fun fact: From the TV show alone, Romana I was my favorite. (This had something to do with her having more character growth in season 16 than season 17, since her early days on the TARDIS involve the “wait my academic success does not necessarily translate to the real world” realization and learning about worlds and people different from her own and growing from High-Achieving Student to Adventurer in her own right. Also I loved the grudgingly-working-together to actual-friends arc with her and the Doctor. I was a bit less interested in her character when she was just going around being a capable adventurer, although I did become invested in Romana II in her last episodes, as she quietly grapples with the issue of what she wants to do next in life and eventually chooses to go off on her own. Also to be fair, I appreciate the fun times of Season 17 a lot more now because Romana being happy and having a good time traveling around the universe? What a concept.) 
All this to say: me on my first listen of Gallifrey was very excited about Romana I being in this episode. And even though it’s not quite as much of a !!!!! thing for me these days (the Gallifrey audios have long since solidified Romana II as my favorite), I do love the (sort of) multi-Romana interaction that happens in this one.
Brax essentially going “yeah the education system is supposed to be shitty and take an emotional toll on you” sir.
“I am not xenophobic” — Oh yeah, this scene is Narvin at his most unlikeable. “I’m not being bigoted, I’m just trying to protect Gallifrey, the fact that I assume that people who aren’t from here inherently can’t be trusted, and also go on about how they’re too loud and disruptive and don’t belong is definitely not a bigoted worldview nope.” Yikes. Very glad he’s going to see the error of his ways. 
The Narvin and Darkel rant session does actually do a good job at explaining what’s been happening and establishing the primary conflict of the series while not feeling like it exists solely to be an info dump to catch up the listener. Like, it’s definitely a setup scene, but it is an interesting setup scene. 
“But she is my President, and it’s my job to ensure that she gets what she wants and needs, efficiently and without question. Well, too many questions anyway.” Okay this moment and Darkel and Wynter’s conversation later about Narvin’s weakness (“Loyalty. An unswerving loyalty to his office and his precious CIA. And above all, loyalty to his president.” “He despises President Romana!” “Oh yes, of course. But it’s the position, not the person, he places that trust in.”) are really setting up some key Narvin Character Theses that we’re going to see play out this series (and also that the narrative is going to push in really interesting ways later on..... “position not the person”.....just you wait....) 
Darkel and Narvin being indignant that Romana changed the law is just....hilarious in a kind of horrifying way? Oh no, the President worked with the legislative body to actually get a law passed. The horror.
“She has a temper. And a very long memory.” This is definitely about the CIA trying to overthrow her in Neverland but uhhh also it’s about Etra Prime and the Powers That Be on Gallifrey never making a serious effort to save her (at least from her perspective). 
Yeah Darkel as antagonist is a bit abrupt (not that I particularly mind, she’s a good enough “love to hate” character that her not being set up as an antagonist from Series 1 doesn’t really bother me). But yeah, not sure what was going on behind the scenes, but it doesn’t seem like in Series 1 the plan was for her to be the primary Series 2-3 antagonist.  
Darkel to Narvin: “You will let me know when you’ve decided.” Ooh yeah, this moment is quite a good setup of Narvin’s arc throughout this series — he has to decide where his loyalties truly lie. 
Wynter is really interesting as far as character dynamics go, because he breaks the whole “Romana and Leela are the youngest people in the room” vibe — and it is just really interesting to see Romana interacting with this quite young Time Lord and specifically compare/contrasting it to how she interacts with young Time Lords in the later series when she’s older and a bit more emotionally mature and has more of the “mentor figure” vibes. (There isn’t really a conclusion to this thought, it’s more of a “huh, I’m thinking about this now” thing.)
“It’s been seven weeks, Andred. It’s hardly a lifetime.” Romana: please you have not been in a cell for that long, calm down.
“I thought you two were friends.” “A president of the High Council of Gallifrey cannot allow herself the luxury of friends.” Ahhhh, where it begins!! I’m extremely weak for the arc of Romana opening herself up to friendship and love, what of it. 
Honestly, Andred’s politics have always been very confusing to me? And it probably doesn’t help that the show is all “he’s fully Andred now” but also “he lived as Torvald a long time and that’s still influencing him.” Like both of those things can be true, but it’s a bit unclear what Andred’s true priorities and motivations really are right then — and honestly, it just comes off like his primarily desire is to be useful to someone, and be granted some form of autonomy/power/respect in return (aka he doesn’t have any real clear principles that are motivating him). Also complaining about Romana opening Gallifrey up to aliens is such a bad look dude. 
Romana to Andred: “I control your future. I control whether you have one.” Umm???? The foreshadowing?????
Andred, no. Andred, the free time pun was too much.
“I wish I had databanks. With a flick of a switch I could turn myself off, become unaware of all that has happened.” Leela ahhhhhhhhhh. (The desire to give Leela all the hugs and emotional support is very very high throughout these next couple seasons especially.....her mental health is in such a rough place ahhhh.) 
Andred regenerated “nearly six months ago” and it’s been six and a half (or seven, depending on which character is speaking) weeks since A Blind Eye, which took place an unspecified amount of time after The Inquiry, which took place two weeks after Square One...(don’t mind me, just taking some notes on the timeline math...) 
I believe a couple times in the Gallifrey audios, they reference the position of “Vice President,” which is very weird because that doesn’t seem to be a position that exists?? Chancellor is definitely seen as the #2 spot?? Idk what’s going on here. 
“You are appreciated, highly regarded, and were I to lose you I would be...disappointed.” Romana, you started strong and then you got a bit emotionally repressed there. 
“Torvald was a fool, but he was my fool.” .....I am not saying anything.....I will not be commenting on the Narvin and Andred scene......I just.......you know. There are some fics you cannot unread. 
Romana does really trust Brax here, doesn’t she. And she really doesn’t trust easily post-Etra Prime, so this is a big deal — making it all the rougher when she (in the short term) finds out he meddled with her memories and (in the long term) has to deal with him doing things like temporarily betraying her for the greater good of protecting her while not explaining at all what’s really going on. 
Okay, yes the whole pearl-clutching about Romana changing the laws is kinda silly and horrifying in a “how dysfunctional is your society if passing one (1) law is drastic change??” way, but also the flip side of this, aka “we thought these things were entrenched as norms in our society and would not change and then here comes along one president who’s trying to undo all of these things and threaten the whole system”.....y’all that hits differently now in the month November in the year 2020. In the Gallifrey audios the context is different — they are for sure overreacting to Romana’s very mild idea of “perhaps....we could change some things about society” but the way they talk about her political changes in the episode — feels a bit too close to home!
Romana’s voice right when she sees Leela....she missed her.....
Pandora being the “first female president” is a very weird and very unnecessary bit of misogyny? Ah yes, we must specify that this ancient president of Gallifrey who was wildly power-hungry and cruel and went too far and almost ruined everything Gallifrey had built was a woman?? Why was that bit of dialogue needed?? Tbh early Gallifrey does have a problem in general with characters played by women tending to be power-hungry....which is partly down to the fact that they have so so few women in the cast in general, it’s Romana, Leela, and Villains, mostly. (The lack of women in the supporting cast in early Gallifrey is going to be an ongoing complaint.) 
“You should not be afraid of your feelings, K9.” / “Yes, thank you, if we can move on from the emotional support group session.” Pffffff
I do choose to ignore the implication that Romana returned to Gallifrey and became President because of the subconscious influence of Pandora/the Imperiatrix Imprimatur nudging her towards power. Tbh it’s simply not interesting to me to have such a pivotal character choice reduced to genetic/subconscious manipulation. Yes, Romana ended her TV run insisting she didn’t want to go back to Gallifrey (and even staying in another universe to avoid it), and yes, it creates this initial emotional dissonance suddenly jumping to stories where she’s President of Gallifrey. But I already did the headcanon work before I jumped into Big Finish to make it work for me, I didn’t need this weirdness.
Elaborating on this a bit more: There is something interesting to me about a person who left home and slowly ended up rejecting the narrow worldview she grew up with, cutting herself free from the place she was born — and then eventually choosing to return because she genuinely wanted to make that messed-up world better and believed she could. And it also creates a really interesting contrast with the Doctor: two Time Lords who came to realize that Gallifrey was pretty terrible actually, and one of them kept running away from it and rejecting Time Lord society, and the other came back and said maybe I can change things. Because both are understandable and complicated reactions to have to a messed-up home world, and there are different ways of trying to do good. And regardless of how her choices turned out, I always liked the idea that it was Romana’s own choice that brought her to Gallifrey again, and I don’t think Pandora needed to be shoehorned in to explain her actions.  
Okay, I want to hear the follow up where Leela insists Romana tell the whole Key to Time story after hearing all of these random out of context bits and pieces. 
Why does Brax admit to breaking the Laws of Time? The fact that he’s in contact with his past/future selves isn’t actually relevant to what he needs to tell Narvin? He literally could have just said that he hypnotized Romana, without mentioning that it was his future self who did it? (Also, it’s implied in this one that he pushes for Romana to use the mind wipe on Narvin because he wants the memory of that reveal erased, but somehow that’s the one thing that Narvin keeps because he uses that information against Brax later? Aka: how did Narvin remember that Brax told him this?)  
And final thought: general internal monologue during this episode is just: Pandora arc Pandora arc Pandora arc here we go!! Because the Lies through Warfare run is really one of the more interesting bits of Gallifrey for me (Imperiatrix specifically ranks very high on my favorite episodes list), and I’m excited to be re-listening to/thinking about/hearing other people talk about these episodes!
Next Episode Reaction: Spirit
Previous Episode Reaction: A Blind Eye
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ohmagdalene · 3 years
for the writing ask game: 9, 15, 18, 22, 27, and 28!
hi hello!! thank you for asking <3333 
right now I have two major WIPs so I’m going to answer each question for both of them!
(also, I misread your ask and thought you sent 23 instead of 22 so i’m answering both of them ghfjdksl)
9. Who would you cast as your main character/s in the screen adaptation of your WIP?
I generally don’t have actors in mind when I’m writing (I do tend to have models/general aesthetics though) so these are all super up in the air and could definitely change at any moment - but with that in mind
we are the weirdos: 
kathryn newton as caroline “clover” finch
olivia cooke as nell crowley
tashi rodriguez as zelda alvarez
halle bailey as petra morgan
a girl is a gun: 
devery jacobs as eliza “blackjack” prentiss
charlotte spencer as acacia “daisy” spencer
booboo stewart as levi “firewater” buckingham
daniel sharman as jesse “gold rush” buckingham
15. Share a line from your WIP that you’re proud of.
we are the weirdos: “She’s... complicated,” said Safeyya hesitantly. Nell snorted. “Complicated,” she repeated. “That sure is a nice euphemism for ‘emotional constipation and a real class ability to make everybody else feel small.”
a girl is a gun: Eliza Prentiss boarded the transcontinental train at the New Pendragon juncture to hunt a ghost, or possibly a man.
18. Share something about writing/craft you learned recently.
There’s a certain thing as too much planning! At a certain point, you just need to start writing the damn thing. The rough draft will be bad. All rough drafts are bad! That’s why 99% of writing is revising!
22. You’re a ~famous writer~ who has a special muse-like relationship with an actor/actress (think Greta Gerwig and Saoirse Ronan.) Who is it and which of your characters do you cast them as?
Oh I would LOVE to work with Anya Taylor Joy! I’m not sure who I would cast her as - possibly Merritt from we are the weirdos (think Marius Pontmercy meets Belle from Beauty and the Beast)
27. One of your stories gets an amusement park/theme park attraction—what’s it like? (Can be a ride, interactive theater event, ren faire-like immersive experience, etc…)
I would say a girl is a gun is the better one to adapt, but then it would end up basically being like. Westworld in space (now with 50% less murder!)
28. Do your character names have meanings? If not, what are some faves and how did you come up with them? If yes, what are some fave character names and their meanings?
For the most part, no?  I tend to pick names based primarily on sound & the potential for nicknames (I love giving my characters long names that can have cute, quirky nicknames).
Most of the names in a girl is a gun are Old West inspired, so I was a bit more limited there, but I think my favorites so far are Clementine “Clem” O’Dunnell & Eliza Prentiss. The names in we are the weirdos are a lot more flexible - I like Zelda Alvarez, Nell Crowley, and Clover Finch because I think they capture the vibes of the characters really well (quirky & vintage, grunge & spooky, androgynous & preppy)
BONUS (because I misread your ask the first time around) 23. Which of your characters is most likely to be voted prom king/queen/monarch?
we are the weirdos:  A lot of them would be nominated (Clover would go on a long tirade about the institution of monarchy and how pageantry is misogynistic and heteronormative; Zelda would be like “is there a cash prize? No? Okay, then I’m interested.”) Alex is most likely to actually win, though - people genuinely like him (as they should, because he’s the best)
a girl is a gun: Jesse and Daisy would win prom king and queen and Daisy would HATE IT. Either that, or Pearl would win and Lenora would spend the entire night thinking up increasingly insane ways to ruin prom for everybody (spike the punch bowl! Pull the fire alarm! Release wild boars into the hotel!)
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period-dramallama · 4 years
A skim read of jean plaidy’s St Thomas Eve
For @thalassodromid bc this is our Niche
General thoughts on quality (TLDR)
-First off, I should give this book something of a pass because it was written 60+ years ago. Historical research, like science, Marches On.
-I skimmed it because i was not loving the style. There’s very little description, the pacing feels like This Happened And Then This Happened. With this story, you should have a sense of the stakes, the tension. It lacks atmosphere.
-This book really didn’t spark much emotion in me. I was heartwarmed and amused, but never frightened, horrified, fascinated or upset. I felt no panic when Meg got the sweat. 
-Honestly i was so bored I started wondering if maybe this is too difficult a story to tell, because i came in loving these historical figures and wanting content. How bored must the unobsessed reader be?
-Show don’t tell, Jean! Don’t tell me everyone’s very upset, show me them upset. Don’t tell me Meg loves Thomas, show their bond. Don’t tell me everyone loves Thomas for his honesty, show me him helping his neighbours.
-To be fair, there’s a lot to get through in 260 pages.
-I just love how historical fiction pulp novels have Book Club questions at the back. It just feels rather cocky, imo. Like you think your book is Deep enough for me to sit and ponder the characters. Like there was a question that was something like: “do you prefer Katherine of Aragon or Anne Boleyn” which was kind of hilarious because the whole book it was Poor Loyal Old Ugly Katherine and Six Fingered Anne Boleyn Is A Minx And Wants Thomas More Dead
Pet peeves
-at the beginning of the book, it says “Secretly Henry VII was unbothered by his wife’s death” or something along those lines. Given that Henry VII locked himself away after Elizabeth died and his mum had to step in and rule because he stopped functioning, this left a bitter taste in my mouth. Henry VII in this book is a Mean Evil Miser so of course he can’t love or be loved by a Good Woman.
-John More jnr being described as the family dunce. To be fair, maybe the book came out before we knew he was a translator too, but STILL. Don’t put John down to raise the girls up. He is valid too. 
-the language is what my old tutor would call ‘mock Tudor’. I think it was expected at the time that you had to try and make the language authentic- The Blanket of the Dark and the Man on a Donkey both use Tudor language. It really made the dialogue annoying. Lots of ‘tis and ‘twas and it was this close to beshrew me verily and hey fucking nonny nonny. Every time Alice said fuckign ‘Tilly valley’ I went AAAARGGGH. JUST HAVE HER SAY THE WORD ‘NONSENSE’. There’s a happy middle, imo, between too Tudor and too modern, and it’s quite a broad middle, you can move around a lot in it, but there are limits. 
-SPEAKING OF ALICE. Her character introduction was so good- first described as ‘an authoritative feminine voice’ *chef’s kiss* she stops a fainting Jane from being trampled at Henry’s coronation, accompanies her home and cares for her while simultaneously lowkey roasting her interior decoration. But then she becomes a bit of a caricature. When Meg gets the sweat she nags her for going near anyone who might have the sweat. The book club questions say ‘there’s more to her than meets the eye’ THEN SHOW ME MORE THAN ONE SIDE OF HER. Also Thomas loves her even though she’s ‘rude and stupid’ but Meg doesn’t understand why. Grr. 
-”mistress middleton will hear you [2 year old John] crying and box your ears” NO NO NO NO NO!
-also i get a 1950s Spanking Children Is Good Parenting vibe because Alice hits the Morelings with a slipper if they don’t study, and Tm’s described as too much of “a coward” (literally the word coward is used) to hit his children other than with peacock feathers.
-Utopia being described as an ideal state...it’s really more than that. I don’t like the idea that Meg and Thomas were okay with religious toleration but then Thomas became Consumed With Hate and he says “well religious toleration would be great in an IDEAL state...”
-Meg being horrified by heretic burning. Maybe the evidence of her views wasn’t yet available and so social mores of the 50s meant that writers and historians assumed that Of Course Being a Delicate Woman She Would Have A Natural Desire For Peace And Mercy. Grr.
-Too romancey. To be fair, Jean Plaidy wrote a lot of historical romances so maybe that’s just what she’s comfortable with (and these are historical figures that never get a chance to shine) but between Meg and Will, Clement and Mercy, Joan and Thomas, Giles and Cecily... it’s a bit like Pearl Harbour in that it’s hard to care about the cute romance when men are getting burned alive in the background. A good historical romance is more like Titanic: the lovers are directly connected with the Big Historical Events ongoing. Skip!
-in this book, Mercy thinks to herself that Meg would have Tm sign the oath, but Mercy would prefer tm to do as his conscience dictates...that feels like the wrong way round.
-Erasmus and Thomas More speaking in English...Doubt.jpeg. 
-Thomas More muses on how Complex men are because there’s Proud Cold Thomas Howard who is Soft for Simple Launderess Bess Holland...yeah given the multiple colossal power imbalances in that real-life affair, I’d be very surprised if it never strayed into abuse.
-baby Meg is a lil too precocious.
-dying Joan tells Meg to look after her father, no Joan stop I love you but don’t give a six year old responsibility, I don’t care if she’s six but acts eleven, looking after TM is Alice’s job not Meg’s. 
-Tm using the phrase ‘our little secret’ with Meg. The context is not abusive, but the phrase is so weighted, it’s like referring to something as “a final solution”: the famous meaning is too horrifying to feel comfortable with that combination of words in any context at all. 
-Joan’s younger sister being described as beautiful and flirtatious, and the whole bit about More fancying the younger sister but going for the older out of honour. The book says that More’s fascination with joan’s sister is the reason he realised he couldn’t be a priest. Given Joan’s 16, her sister’s 15 at the oldest, possibly 14. So a 26 year old can’t be a priest because he’s lusting after a 14-15 year old girl who is attractive and who has been flirting with him. Squick. 
-also no mention of erasmus at the end of tm’s life. Boo. I think a dude in the tower would think about his BFF of 30+ years who he hasn’t seen for 10+ years 
Good bits
-It’s obviously unintentional, but given how the word ‘gay’ has changed, i gave a little cheer every time a character was described as gay. Cecily and John are both gay, Thomas More is very gay, and later in the book wishes he could go back to being gay again. Loving the accidental representation 
-”a boy who is not worth the tossing” i have a dirty mind ok
-Joan getting something of a personality! She even feels insecure because she’s a normal person stuck in a family of geniuses.
-George Boleyn is described as being ‘a bright boy’ and later the girls joke that if they meet him they’ll probably fall in love THIS SO REFRESHING. Otoh, Mary Boleyn is slutshamed and Anne is a scheming minx so the double standard does spoil it a little. 
-Thomas More makes puns! At one point Alice says “more’s the pity” and then immediately says “don’t you dare make a pun out of that. i know u will. DON’T I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR PUNS” Granted, Plaidy stresses that his wit is never cruel or mocking (Doubt.jpeg) but i think this is maybe the funniest More. 
-It acknowledges the heretic burning! Not bad for 1950-something. At the end there’s a sort of Hm Thomas More Is A Complex Dude How Do We Approach Him page from H8′s POV.
-More’s father getting all misty-eyed when his son becomes Chancellor
-Henry VIII kissing tm’s forehead
-the flogging of the mentally ill upskirter being depicted
-Wolsey not being a caricature but a worldly and practical man. He’s explicitly described as “not a bad man”
-”He [TM] was no Erasmus, who, having thrown the stone that shattered the glass of orthodox thought, must run and hide himself lest he should be hurt by the splinters” not a very fair way to depict Erasmus (as he spent a lot of the last decades of his life arguing against Luther and trying to mediate between religious factions, esp in Basel) However, I like the metaphor
-Meg talking about how she and her sisters will always compare men unfavourably to their father... understandable.
-More explaining why Heretic Burning is Good Actually is done well
-Meg pointing out that More and Erasmus both criticised the Church, only it’s a bit half-baked because More never experiences any doubt or crisis over it. 
-Meg being torn between the Lutheran and the Catholic men she loves is at least some conflict and stakes when it finally shows up.
-Alice standing trial for dogknapping on page 195. A Big Lipped Alligator Moment, and I’ve no idea the source (i doubt Plaidy would make it up completely, it’s so out of nowhere) but it’s fun. It feels like one of More’s ‘merry tales’
“[Erasmus] read aloud to Thomas when he came home; and sometimes Thomas would sit by his friend’s bed with Margaret on one side of him and Mercy on the other; he would put an arm about them both, and when he laughed and complimented Erasmus so that Erasmus’ pale face was flushed with pleasure, then Margaret believed that there was all the happiness in the world in that room.” my emotions! my emotions! my ship is sailing, i repeat, the ship is sailing!
-”Meg, this is one of the happiest days of my life. it is a day I shall remember on the day i die. i shall say to myself when i find death near me: ‘the great erasmus said that of my daughter, my meg.’”
-”So the King likes verses!” said mistress middleton, her voice softening a little. 
“Ah, madam,” said Thomas. “What the King likes today, may we hope Mistress Middleton will like tomorrow?” Do I smell... flirtation...
-”His face was pleasant and kindly, [Alice] concluded....She would like to feed him some of her possets, put a layer of fat on his bones with her butter.” Does this version of Alice have a feeding kink I definitely think, in this ‘verse, Tm and Alice are 100% having sex.
-John Colet’s in it, though described as tm’s confessor (who i think was actually grocyn or linacre)
-Alice clearing a path for a fainting Jane with “Stand aside, you oafs.” alexa, play X gon give it to you. 
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