dreamofbona · 1 year
Fighting (Original: SEVENTEEN) - Hong Eun Chae X Lee Chae Min [Music Ban...
too cute
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asianpopfan · 11 months
Jangkku here, Eunchaemin there; but why don’t people ever talk about MiniYoungz ?!?!
Chaemin and Wonyoung were so good that they could be in the top 3 MC of the last 5 years , along with Akong. Sorry not sorry Sunghoon and Eunchae, but you simply aren’t on that level. Their dynamic was superior, so were their scripts and the outfits (read this post of mine of the theory I have on it) and they were the most professional duo compared to the others, respectfully. Yes, they still were entertaining. I overall think that they were superior in literally everything (well, Jangkku MIGHT have had better outfits but MiniYoungz could have gotten similar if Wonyoung stayed for longer).
Jangkku had funny scripts too, probably the same or similar writers of MiniYoungz, or simply they wanted a different dynamic with Eunchae as I see a more younger nagging sister vs older brother dynamic - Eunchaemin feels like it is supposed to feel a comic duo but it is almost too … unserious? I am not sure myself if this term suits my thoughts; they are naturally funny with each other, but maybe they aren’t my type of fun when on Air. I see many people call them more “chaotic” and although I am not “against” it , I was never keen in that type of fun unlike many kpop fans who would force this term on the most calm interactions too, they surely are differently chaotic compared to the others. Don’t get me wrong (although there wouldn’t be anything wrong with it if it were the case!) , I actually enjoy Eunchaemin , they are genuinely fun, meaning that they are more transparent about it compared to the others, but at the end of the day it’s not my type of fun.
The only Con against MiniYoungz is their duo name. I think many people literally know them but forget their name as it might feel forgettable or simply not as good as others’.
I lowkey “miss” them.
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somegirlsfromk · 2 months
C’est fini, Lee Chae Min termine son contrat en tant que président de Music Bank au côté d’Eunchae.Moment d’émotion pour cet acteur qui s’était donné un vrai challenge en acceptant ce poste, et on peut dire après 19 mois, qu’il a royalement réussi son pari en devenant tout simplement le meilleur, comprenez sympa, drôle, maladroit, présentateur d’un show hebdo.Il a débuté avec WONYOUNG et continué…
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yonibias · 8 months
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trixiesilvasblog · 11 months
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EunChaemin Hawaiian outfit
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sapphonoticeme · 1 year
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leserafim · 1 year
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EunChaemin ✖ ChaeChaez ✓
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eunkitarot · 2 months
can you do lee chaemin and eunchae's friendship reading
This is so late that even Eunchaemin is no longer mcing together .
okay so the cards I pulled are
six of cups,3 of swords, two of pentacles
okay help with the three of swords, there is separation and heartbreak here. I think this lines up with Chaemin leaving mubank. In terms of dynamic, they are comfortable with each other. Its like an older brother to younger sister. Eunchae looks up to him and he takes care of Eunchae like a younger sis. Very wholesome and cute feeling here, really like an older sibling that adore their younger sibling. With the two pentacles here, they bicker a lot. Can get argumentative but more to playful banter. Their dynamic is balanced between professional and personal. They know to be pro but at the same time these 2 have genuine friendship here. A genuine connection. No romantic energy here, I am not getting any.
I know this is late, but so many requests has been pouring in that old req are getting swollowed up, I hope you like this reading 💗💗💗
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inblss · 5 months
kinda want vivienne to co-host something like eunchaemin ( so incredibly fond on that duo. i need to recreate it bad )
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koishua · 1 year
soobs back as a special mc my heart is so full and he's interviewing eunchaemin 😭😭 so so cute
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le-sserafim · 5 months
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230220 yunjin weverse update
채채첵을 응원하는 슈렉! 실제 카톡 프사랍니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Shrek rooting for Chae-Chae-Check (EunChaemin)! That's my actual KakaoTalk profile pic btw lol
[Image]: 🍒 Bank President-nim's No.1 Fan ♡
Trans cr: Songyi @ le-sserafim.tumblr.com © Please credit when taking out
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the-pages-of-phia · 11 months
Wassup! You are cool. * ꮺ
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Kak Willem AKA kak Wiyyem; hi, I hope you doing fine and stay healthy. Ngobrol sama kakak tuh ngasikin banget, aku kayak selalu dihargai karena setiap respon kakak— mention dan kakaotalk, selalu buat aku ingin ngobrol lebih banyak ataupun becanda bareng! Semua orang tau kakak adalah orang paling punya banyak energi bersosialisasi, dan selalu membangun percakapan. That’s why everyone adore you, especially me too because you deserved it. Selama kita ngobrol, ada terlintas diotak aku ‘kenapa selalu full energi? How can!’ tapi itulah daya tarik kakak, enggak heran kalau banyak menfess yang anonymous kirim ke kakak. Aku harap kedepannya kita saling menjaga komunikasi ya, karena orang-orang disekitaran kakak merasa beruntung di dekat kakak.
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KALANATH AKA FENGKI, aseli ya udah setahun temenan bisa-bisa kita se OA lagi pun jadi pengki... Sumpah enggak nyangka banget, you betrayed me fren. Okay, jujur nih ya jujur sebenernya bingung mau ngomong apa tentang dirimu ini sobad. But you always know lah ya kalau you ini adalah my fren paling keren sedunia, engga pernah capek dengerin curahatanku entah sedih atau seneng, selalu dirimu menjadi saksi perjalanan kisah cintaku (AHAHAHAY) Ini kali kedua kita se-OA, betul? Masih ingat banget, tiba-tiba notif muncul dan you ngabarin kalau aqyu ke verif HITC, itu seneng bukan maen fren. Jadi makasih banyak ya selalu jadi peran yang baik dikehidupan aqyu, selalu jadi tempat curhatanku walaupun you kadang sibuk issokay fren. Mari kita cari kebahagiaan kita, EUNCHAEMIN CROSS!!!! ❌
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Kak Joseeeeeee, kita belum lama ya ngobrol dan baru mulai ngobrol baru-baru ini karena ditunjuk jadi MC. Sumpah, kakak tuh brother vibes banget T ___ T jadi ingin sekali aku menjaili kakak tapi takut kakak nya emosian kayak brother ku yang lain. Tapi zuzurly azah Yaa, aku tuh nyaman ngobrol sama kakak, yang dalam artian kakak tuh emang cocok jadi abangku dah. Mau enggak jadi abangku, tenang aja aku makannya dikit tapi sering. :’v hehehe, makasih ya mau ngobrol sama aku, mau ladenin aku yang emang kata abangku yang lain bocah tantrum-an enggak bisa diem... Akyu harap kakak enggak bosen juga sama celotehku kadang emang diluar nalar manusia (KATA ABANGKU LAGI) semoga kakak selalu beri kebahagiaan bareng pacarnya kak Hyugo ‘kan ya? CIE YANG SEMALEM QTIME, DUH!!! ORANG DEWASA PACARAN. 🤭🤭🤭 Sekali lagi makasih ya kakak, makasih udah mau jadi temen Phia. ;)
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asianpopfan · 11 months
I have a theory that sometimes Music Show’s MC stylists work with company stylists if the MC.
For example Wonyoung had such great outfits while MCing at Music Bank with Sunghoon and Chaemin. I am aware that she is a brand ambassador for Miu Miu, iOiO and Fred Jewelry and Sue Comma Bonne and I have noticed a little bit of Miu Miu and Fred on her outfit while MCing , but rarely. Anyway, she could get sponsored without being the ambassador for the brand so I imagine all brands gifting Music Bank their clothes in hope that the stylists choose them for her outfits.
The vast majority of brands wore by Music Show MCs are small and relatively unknown or “C-B grade”. Including her outfits.
She never “shadowed” her MC partners either. They were always coordinated and well dressed. So her presence was positively extended on them too. I assume it is just normal that they got clothes for both, a viewer is going to look at both even if they come for mainly Wonyoung. I am talking about special MCs too by the way. I am aware that Sunghoon might also have been managed by personal company stylists too and being a popular idol, he probably had his fair share of gifted clothes with the thought of him in mind. But Wonyoung has more influence and her style was relevant event during MiniYoungz.
Overall, just the whole styling and ideas were far better when she was a MC. So I do think that the stylist themselves is different or someone on the styling team left.
Akong and Eunchaemin also dress well. And I suppose that there is always the thought of how they want the dynamic to present itself to the viewer. For example Eunchaemin is a Brother-Little sister who teases him, dynamic ; Jangkku and MiniYoungz were more equal teasers friends but (not quite close) and she was always the “more mature one” plus subtle charming from the men. Akong were the visibly shy introvert ones, probably (very calm and stable) childhood friends dynamic.
I wish I could talk of previous pairings but I started following consistently at mid Jangkku, plus it’s too old: The fashion and standards have changed a bit.
Eunchaemin outfits simply aren’t as good as Wonyoung & Co (various Partners) and so weren’t Akong although they had a “classic” and simplistic but lovely / quiet vibrant look. I watch other music shows too or at least I keep up with the outfits and wins(and some stages I am interested in watching) and even K-pop’s “The Show” has better outfits with their small budget. Not extraordinary but good enough even if not too creative.
I haven’t noticed similar occurrence in the other music shows, but at the same time Wonyoung has a specific public image (High class - gorgeous -THAT and IT girl - from chaebol family - reserved - calm but confident overall image. In fashion she wears feminine and juvenile but not “childish” clothing such as MiuMiu, the colors pink, white, black, royal blue sometimes, white once again because people believe that Wonyoungnism is all pink but white is the main ingredient, it feels clean and she wears it with pearls and shiny white gold/gemstones). Anyway, as I was saying, actually Sunghoon has a public image of a kind too, I am unsure if he or Belift decided it, surely the latter encourages it (Just like how Hybe has been pushing the idols’ former sports into their choreographies and public image = Kazuha from Lesserafim and him) as they call him an “ice prince” and figure skating is considered a “rich vibes” , dreamlike, dainty, sophisticated, high class, serious sport; so Sunghoon usually dresses a little bit more classy than his group members (even if he is still within current trends). So just because they didn’t fully stick to it on every outfit and concept, it doesn’t mean that they did not attempt to incorporate it here and there. Also. Wonyoung might not do Aegyo as much as when she was in Izone , but she did pull some (non aggressive ones) out as an MC. Their companies might have tried to at least influence a bit their MC imagine without owning it.
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somegirlsfromk · 1 year
Une fois de plus, Eunchae et Chaemin s’éclatent sur scène en reprenant le titre de BSS, “Fighting”. Ces deux MC ne sont pas près de se faire oublier. Fullcam: Facecam: See you. PS: On risque d’avoir un petit bonus d’ici quelques jours.
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yonibias · 8 months
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trixiesilvasblog · 11 months
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EunChaemin Barbie and Ken outfit for today's episode 8-18-23
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