#I meant to answer earlier but I’ve been too lazy sorry
quibbs126 · 11 months
Here are more ideas for fankids. Sorry if this ask is messy. (1/3?) Truffle/Almond: Black Walnut. I don't have much ideas, other then a Wednesday Addams type character. Baguette/Coffee Candy: Coffee Bun. An exhausted document manager and writer for the TBD. Peach/Banana: Musa velutina. (Type of fluffy pink banana.) Maybe could be themed after Sun Wukong? Abyss Monarch/Black Pearl: Turquoise. It would match BP's sisters being based after gemstones, but I don't have any other ideas.
Hmm, I like the name Black Walnut, makes me think of that place with the good soft fries. Though I do think it’s a bit funny considering Almond’s daughter is already called Walnut, so it’d be Walnut and Black Walnut. Not sure about the Wednesday Addams thing, though to be fair my only exposure to the Addams family are the new animated ones, which I know aren’t that great (not really interested in seeing them either). But also I feel like that leans into this one just being goth/macabre Walnut, which I’m not sure I like. My only idea for the kid, according to my notes, is “Folsense theme vibe”. It’s got like a solemn theme to me
Never heard of coffee buns before now, but after looking at them, I kind of like it, I’ll put it on the list. The concept sounds fine, I don’t know if I like or dislike it yet (and I’d only dislike bc maybe it sounds too similar to Baguette and Coffee Candy’s jobs)
I completely forgot that pink bananas existed, I think I might go with that and call them Pink Banana Cookie or something. Though I will say that Peach is already based on Sun Wukong, so maybe a different Journey to the West character?
Someone else offered cuttlefish as a name/basis for this ship, which I like, but I also thought they should have a gem too, and turquoise is a pretty good one. Though I don’t really know how to mix cuttlefish and turquoise into a good sounding name. Maybe I can name them Turquoise Cookie (or add something onto that since it feels a little plain as just Turquoise) but have them based on a cuttlefish
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Just read through the chapters for The Window..... do you have plans on updating at all? Asking for a friend. No pressure!!
Thanks for being so kind with your ask, anon. I appreciate that, big time. Short answer: yes! Finished before October is the plan.
Long answer?
Let’s talk about The Window.
The Window makes me have really mixed emotions. It’s beloved. One of my most popular fics, plenty of comments and kudos. It has fans. It’s also the sort of story I’ve always wanted to write. I love the dynamic they have. I identify strongly as pansexual and polyamorous in the most foundational sense of the term. Truly free love. And I think the way that the 141 interacts with the reader serve to showcase what those types of interactions look like in my prototype of what poly/amorous freedom might look like. They rely on each other, respect each other, and they physically engage with each other without bias. It’s idealistic and utopian. It’s the most indulgent thing I’ve ever done (almost).
The way that it has been written is not the story I wanted to tell. This piece was meant to be a one shot. It wasn’t meant to have a plot, and the plot that it does have is just laziness on my part. I wanted to write something else. Another poly fic, but I wanted backstory. I wanted conflict. I wanted context. I wanted character development. But I wanted those things in a true multi-chapter fic. Not in this one-shot.
This is my own fault.
I thought I could shoehorn it. I thought I could just casually move past the complexities I wanted to add and write it as a series of vignettes. None of these subsequent chapters were meant to exist. It’s a cheap imitation or counterfeit of what I wanted it to be, and it sucks that I allowed myself to indulge in it without taking pains to construct the chapters in a way that I knew it needed.
My problem is that, at the time, I was excited that readers were excited. I was getting piles and piles of asks and DMs every day. I deleted so many, but I wanted to dive in and explore with them. I was excited too. But, I wanted to be in the story that I envisioned, and not in this one shot. And I thought I could be satisfied with this revisive version. But that was a mistake. My mistake.
The truth is that it’s done. The fic is already finished. It has two more chapters to be uploaded, and then I will probably delete it on tumblr and orphan it on AO3. I know that everyone who was so excited with me in the beginning will be disappointed with the ending I’ve created, but I’m finding it hard to even open the file. I just don’t want to upload it because it’s something I’m not proud of, and I’m hurting my own feelings because of it.
So I’ve been avoiding it. When I had a family member pass away earlier this year, I used that as an excuse to put it on the back burner. Then, I leaned on my other WIPs to avoid it this summer. Every time I open my GDrive, it sits there mocking me in some sort of smutty rendition of The Cask of Amontillado; evidence of my own crime.
All that to say, it’ll be done before September ends, because my October writing schedule is buckwild.
Sorry for the big wall of complaining. I just wanted to be transparent.
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projectcaramel · 2 years
No Forgiveness (END) - Obey Me! Belphegor
I didn’t see Belphegor for a while after that incident in the living room. Beel carried his food to their room for a long time, and I admit I felt a little guilty every time I saw him do it. I knew Beel loved his brother a lot, even if his brother was a lazy asshole, so seeing the cinnamon roll upset was a trying thing.
Eventually, I cooled down enough that I at least wanted him to eat with his family, but when I told Beel that his twin didn’t have to isolate himself, his only reply was that Belphie chose to do it for his own reasons, and he was being stubborn about it. 
So, his self-confinement continued. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. His older siblings visited him and tried to coax him out, but nothing would make him budge. I admit I was a little perplexed. He had avoided me before, but...
I cast my thoughts away from him as I started to play the piano again. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. The slow, first movement, adagio sostenuto, keened through my fingers like a departed friend, regretting every instant that they lingered. The bittersweet second, allegretto, felt just as brief, just as painfully happy as I had felt in that time... 
And the third, presto agitato, violently passionate and ripping through my being just as sharply as the claws that had torn through my back, the words he said as he laughed in hysteric indecency. The frenzy, the anger! How it resounded with such great and terrible ardor! Tumbling down the line of notes, just like my body falling down the staircase that led to the attic, my blood splattering the chords with terrible finality as my fingers clutched the last parts of the piece. 
“...when did my playing become like this?” I muttered, even as I stood up, holding up my head and wandering away from the exhausted piano. I found myself at that same stairwell, the one I hadn’t dared come back to ever since Belphegor had killed me. 
And I slowly started to ascend the stairs, barely concerned with the creaking that weighed on my ears. 
“I’m so glad you’re here... I can’t imagine living all alone in this academy without any other humans...” 
Creak. Creak. 
“Lucifer’s such an asshole! He won’t stop lecturing me 24/7!” 
“He really is,” Belphegor laughed with me, even as he held my hand through his prison. “I really wouldn’t know what to do if you’d fallen for him like the rest.” 
“Oh, please, there’s only one guy that even has a shot with me!” 
“That’s a secret~” 
Tap. Tap. The top of the stairway. The attic. That place. 
“So you’re a demon too? And their brother?” 
“I’m sorry... I meant to tell you earlier, but I was scared how you would react if I did.” His expression was one of genuine remorse, and I reached out to fluff his hair, smiling a little. 
“Well... I guess I’ve gotten used to it now. Besides, I was always a little suspicious. You were still lonely too.” 
I crossed the threshold, and I was soon overwhelmed with the memory of his freedom. 
"When I get out of here, Sidra," Belphie said from behind me, and I glanced backward at his dual-toned head of hair. "I want to hug you." 
"Is that too selfish of me?" I shook my head first before I realized he couldn't see me. 
"No," I answered with a little smile. "Of course not. I want to hug you too." I turned towards him. "I've almost made the last pact." 
"I can't wait," he replied wistfully. "Can we hold hands too?" I laughed to myself. 
"You're getting awfully sentimental with me."
"I guess I've been stuck in here too long." 
I was nearly frozen, my blood rattling inside my veins like a bell. A warning bell. The Moonlight Sonata was thundering inside my ears even though the attic was silent. Why did it sound like my heart? 
"You... Really are an idiot." I could feel his lips by my ear, the smile curving across my flesh. Chills were racing up and down my back as I realized his curling ram horns had extended from his head, his long tail sweeping around my leg. His arms around me... They didn't seem so gentle anymore. 
Splat. Splatter.
I fell to my knees, covering my face as my breathing turned even more erratic. Why did I come up here? I knew I could never come back here since he did that. I knew. But I still... 
I scrambled away from the spot I had been sitting, crawling desperately for the window, which I threw open, gasping for air as if I had been starved of it. 
I need to get out of here. 
I crawled out of the window, reaching for the eaves of the roof before I shrieked as my hands faltered, my body falling into empty air.
"Oi!" A jarring yank on my arm, and my sliding stopped. "Ugh. Hold on." The blue-nailed hand that had emerged into my vision slowly pulled, stabilizing me on the roof of the House of Lamentation. "There we go. That was close." I glanced at Belphegor, almost mystified as he let out a sigh. 
"What are you doing here?" I asked blankly of the youngest out of the brothers. 
"I was looking at the sky," he replied after a moment. 
"Because it's pretty?" He tilted his head. "Why'd you crawl out the window?" 
"I was..." I glanced down before the nausea hit, and I looked away from the ledge covering my mouth. Even if that fall wouldn't have killed me, I would have been left severely injured... "Trying to get out of the attic." 
"Are you an idiot? The door was right—" 
"Shut up!" I snapped at him, and I punched him in the chest. Hard. 
"Why did you have to give me PTSD?!" I startled him the longer I spoke, clinging onto his shirt with the voracity of a dead woman. "I liked you! You were my friend! You fucking bastard!"
The male seemed too stunned to even react as I panted, my tears coursing down my face. 
"What do you want me to do, Sidra?" He sounded helpless. "I can't ever take it back."  
"I want you to be the guy I met in the attic!" I retorted angrily. "The one who didn't kill me and laugh at my corpse!" Belphegor stared at me for several long moments before he sighed.
"That was it?" he mumbled, nursing a hand through his hair. "If that was all... I'm still the same guy, you know. I didn't lie to you about how I loved looking at stars and the moon." I glanced at the Devildom sky despite myself, and for a moment, I was spellbound by the full, beautiful scarlet moon. Come to think of it, today was the Devildom's lunar eclipse. 
"But you aren't," I rasped, sinking against the roof. "You lied to me... So many times." 
"But I won't lie to you again," he replied, and I flinched as I felt his hand on my face. "I won't. Have I lied to you since then?"  
"How should I know?" 
"You should," he replied. "Since you're the person who knows me the best." He leaned his head against mine. "But I guess you won't buy that either. So... just look up at these stars with me.” Despite my confused emotions, or maybe because of them, I didn’t shove Belphegor away as he interlaced our fingers together, looking up at the night sky.
“Sidra, I really like having you here. It seems like you’re the only person who understands my feelings... You will come back tomorrow, right?” 
“Of course. Because you’re the only person who understands me, right?”
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴/𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦
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requested by the national cutie pie @heartyyjeno​
Mark Lee
he can be a bit oblivious sometimes bless his soul꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭
so he’s kinda clueless as why tf you’re so pouty 
has he said anything stupid earlier? forgotten any important date?? or... even worse
ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD?? (シ;゚Д゚)シ  ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʰᵃˢ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵒʷⁿ ᵖᵉʳᶦᵒᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵐʸ ᵐᶦⁿᵈ ˢᵒʳʳʸ
he’s too nervous to even prod at you rn
especially after a trainee who just happens to be wearing his hoodie passes by and you-
did you just growl?!?? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
but you’re his baby and you’re just SO deflated and he HATES seeing you anything but happy and lively so he just can’t stand by and watch you so upset cuz his lil heart hurts too (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe, are you uh alright?”
“yeah, just a little bit cold” *trying to subtly hint him*
“oh! that’s not good, you should have dressed warmer, should i go ask manager-hyung to turn up the heating in the practice room??”
 ‘maybe i should just set your ass on fire to warm up’ (►˛◄’!)
“or do you maybe want my hoodie?? it should be enough so you won’t be cold anymore, where did i... ohhhhh”
*light bulb turning on above his head* (〇o〇;)
“it’s fine mark, it’s not like you love me anyway it’s fine i should have seen this coming” *loud fake sobbing in your hands* *mark panic*
“no no baby come on-”
“let’s just get the divorce papers, mark lee!!!!”
“but we’re not married-” *sobbing intensifies* “i’m sorry, I’M SORRY!!! i didn’t mean to!! here, just a second!!” (´⊙ω⊙`)!
this specimen just took off his shirt and draped it over you in the middle of the practice room
“mark, wtf are you doing?!?? i was only kidding!!”
“how was i supposed to know, what if you were seriously upset-”
“hyung, can you help-”  *chenle slams door closed* *dolphin screams* “you’re paying for my eyeball removal surgery, you nasties!!”
“chenle NO”
Huang Renjun
my man here catches on pretty quickly what your pout is about
you didn’t make it exactly hard to notice either (;¬д¬)
“y/n, want some ice cream?”
“no, i’m cold, you can shove it up yo ass and share with dear [redacted]”
jesus i wonder why your s/o is mad renjun
he’s not sure how to approach the situation at first, worried that he might get a tube of ice shoved somewhere he wouldn’t want it to ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
he decides to just be himself read as blunt
“baby come oooon, i can ask them to give it back”
“no, then i’ll seem like a possessive bitch” (Θ︹Θ)ს
“don’t call yourself that!! but then should i just run back to the dorms and get another hoodie?”
“no, i missed you this week, i don’t want you to leave”
“then you can just come with me?” (≖^≖๑ )フ
“but i’m too lazy to get up” same reader same
renjun : ఠ ͟ಠ then wth DO YOU WANT ?!!!?!!
your soul renjun
he’s a bit lost and you’re kinda under the weather too and he HATES it because you’re his kitten and he CAN’T and WON’T allow you to feel anyhting but like absolute royalty with him ೕ(⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́ฅ)
so he just drapes himself over your back, wrapping his arms tightly around you, caging you in a warm embrace and nuzzling his cheek into yours
“who needs a hoodie when they’ve got a junnie??!?!” (˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ๑)
how could anyone stay mad when a cutie like renjun just curls himself around you and pulls you flush against himself, wrapping his limbs around you and peppering kisses everywhere in reach
you’re basically purring in content at this how could you not 」( ̄▽ ̄」)
depending on how tired the both of you are, you might qualify for a good ol’ nap cuddled up against renjun 
but don’t let this fool you
you AIN’T gona catch him making the same mistake again
he’s asking you first about absolutely anything
“no renjun, i don’t need the last of your toilet paper, why do you even- you know what, don’t answer that, just go take a shit in peace” Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Lee Jeno
we all know jeno is too much of a sweetheart to say ‘no’ (๑′ᴗ‵๑)
he might be freezing himself and he’d still give his hoodie away to the first person who asks learn how to say NO kids
so now you’re both freezing and on top of everything you’re upset too
that’s a DOUBLE KILL for sweet babie jeno (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe i’m sorry how was i supposed to know you don’t like them??”
“it’s not even that, jeno, you’re literally shivering!! why would you give it if you’re cold too?”
and that’s when jeno’s bf sathelit sprung into action
“wait... ‘too’?? are you cold, my baby??!??!?” (ʘᗩʘ’)
“no, wait, i mean yes, but that’s not-”
“i’ll be back in a second” he isn’t even kidding
he comes back with a blanket AND heating pads (that he doesn’t miss a second to clutch to your cheeks and then coo at your fish face)
“where did you get these from?” *suspicious*
he tells you he borrowed stole them from hyuck by politely asking for them threatening with a flex of his arm while eye smiling the entire time hyuck stood no chance ( ⚆ ᴗ ⚆ ) *nervous chuckle*
but jeno allows you no debating time before he wraps you in the blanket like a lil cutie patootie WARM burrito and leaves a *smooch* to your forehead ( ˘ ³˘)♥
you can spend an eternity arguing with him that you should take turns since he’s cold too, he isn’t taking ANY OF IT
his bubs isn’t allowed to be cold and he wants you to forget about who he lent his hoodie to too
the only way you can get him to relent is refusing to stay cocooned in it
“y/n, wear it or you’ll catch a cold!!” ( •̀ω•́ )σ
“sorry to burst your bubble, but you can and will catch a cold too!!”
that’s how you found yourself sandwiched between jeno’s arms, suffocating from both his bodt warmth and the blanket enveloping THE BOTH of you
best sauna would 110% recommend ୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭
Lee Donghyuck
my man here knows EXACTLY what he’s doing once *that person* asks him for his hoodie with a flirty smile
he lends it over with that shit eating grin but not without watching from the corner of his eye as you deflated like a loney baloney ( ◞᷄દ◟᷅ )
pretends to not notice your pout and lack of answers to his remarks
“y/n, wanna order chinese tonight?”
sweet, but not on my watch asshole *silence* (˵¯͒⌢͗¯͒˵)
“i’ll take that as a yes, i’ve been craving some seaweed soup”
*eye twitch*
‘fine u lil booger two can play at this game’ (•̀o•́)ง
you leave the room and return... wrapped up in MARK’S sweater and plop down back next to hyuck proudly (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)
he tenses up and turns to you
“y/n” ooooh damn you’re in deep shit
*you bat your eyelashes innocently* “yes my dear?”
“you stink, can you move further away?”
you... did not... JUST HEAR THAT??!?!!? (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻
but you get up and walk with your tail between your legs to the other side of the room and curl up in a ball of failure
you both do your own things insilence until-
*sniffle* *hiccup* *SNIFFLE*
“y/n?” *silence*”baby??” *hiccup*
oh no oh no NO NO, hyuck’s baby ain’t crying on his watch (╯’□’)╯
he DASHES to your side and envelops you in his arms while cooing apologies and sweet nothings in your ear
“come on baby, you know i didn’t mean it, i just want your attention and your attention only and i only meant that mark’s hoodie stinks, never you, you’re my baby, you can’t-” ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ
and then your shoulders start shaking and hyuck starts to actually worry until your sobs turn into... giggles?? hold up, WHAT??
he turns you around just to see you in a fit of giggles, the only tears present are the ones building up in your eyes from laughter
“oh you think you’re smart, don’t you??” (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)♡
Na Jaemin
another sweetheart tbh who wouldnt be able to refuse out of courtesy
but he just KNOWS he fcked up the moment you turn away when he leans in to kiss you (︶︹︺) ╯ ( ് દ ് )
but he ain’t giving up so easily
no matter how upset you are, depriving him of his dose of kisses? federal crime!!!! CRUELTY!!!!!!! ╰[ ಠ Ĺ̯ಠ]╯
so he keeps on pushing his affections on you
a clutching back hug, a rushed kiss wherever he is able to land it considering your struggle to avoid him, a nuzzle against your cheek, a pinch to your cheeks, a failed attempt to lockyour hands together
my man here tries not to show disappointment whenever you succesfully escape his ♡ 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 ♡   
jaemin, grumbling: “you and jisungie, a couple of hooligans, i’ll leave you on the welcome mat tonight for this” (҂⌣̀_⌣́) he won’t he loves you too much, he can’t fall asleep if he’s not 110% sure you’re well fed and happy
but he still babies you to no end
“come on my baby, what should i do so you forgive me hm?”( *¯ ³¯*)♡
you, an entire baby: *huff* “so now you care huh? go ask or no, go TAKE CARE of [redacted]” 
jaemin’s last braincell performing swan lake on thin ice male version 2020 be like ₍₍ ◝( ・’ω’・ )◟ ⁾⁾
so he sighs and leaves the room
so NOW you’re worrying that mayyyybe you pushed him a bit too far
but before you even get the chance to walk down the hallway in your mighty search for your boyfriend, everything suddenly goes black
no you didn’t pass out or did you
jaemin just creeped up on you and ENGULFED you in a blanket hug for which he DEFINITELY didn’t run a marathon to buy༼つ ் ▽ ் ༽つ
when you finally manage to worm your head out of the fluffy cocoon he engulfed you in, your words were still muffled
“nana?? how did you even-???”
he just hugs you tighter and cuts off your questions
“shhh, all that matters is that you are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and i am maybe perhaps forgiven??”  ◕ ‿ ◕ 
how could you ever refuse this precious soul
Zhong Chenle
so i can see one(1) scenario in which he would lend his hoodie to someone he SPECIFICALLY knows you don’t fancy
if you had a let’s say disagreement before and we all know he can be PETTY big time sooo basically he’d do it just to spite you ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
and the lil shiz looks SO PROUD of himself
but you’re not letting the brat win we ain’t no losers _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
so you just creep up behind him and stick your glacier hands up his shirt and rest them on his warm back
when i’m telling you he broke the record for the highest jump and most likely shattered any windows in the vicinity ༻(〃ຶ⌂〃ຶ)
“y/n!!!! keep your ice cubes to yourself!!”
“but i’m cold”
“your cold, your problem”
“watch me say the same thing when jaemin’s chasing you around with a wooden ruler” (;¬_¬)
things settle down after that
or so he thought!!!!! (งಠل͜ಠ)ง never let your guard down lele sigh
another sneak attack to make sure chenle gets a SOUR taste of absolutely pure pettiness so he gets sick of it himself lol
this time a bitch ain’t joking
you shove your entire head under his shirt and then slither yourself so the top of your head pops out of chenle’s shirt collar let’s hope chenle made the wise choice of wearing a loose shirt so you both won’t suffocate
so you just blink up at him like (◕ᴥ◕)
and chenle is shrieking the entire time sigh
and while you’re too cute for him, its not exactly comfortable for either of you so he pats your head and begs asks you to get out of his shirt(?)
“am i getting your hoodie then?”
“i can’t just barge in and ask for it back”
“alright them i’m suffocating you FUN” (╯✧∇✧)╯
“i’m buying you an entire store of hoodies, JUST GET.OUT!!!”(;≧皿≦)
you have to restrain him for actually going on a shopping spree cuz he LOVES spoiling you but he pays in cuddles while you’re snuggling in your favourite hoodie of his
Park Jisung
confused babie /(@゚ペ@) a mood 
he probably lent his hoodie cause he was too shy to refuse and didn’t even know you don’t like the person he gave it to
and then he’s clueless when you’re pouty 「(゚<゚)゙??
jisung: “do you want some water??”
you: *grumbling visibly upset* ( ー̀εー́ )
jisung, at a safe distance away from you, scratching his head, rethinking life choices: “...okay, maybe not. how about choco milk?”
he keeps an eye on you but other than that he’s LOST lol
that’s when the ✨𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓼✨ kick in
emergency contact momma jaemin is the first person jisung calls once he escaped to the ‘bathroom’
“jisung, you know i love you, BUT ARE YOU DUMB?? HOW COULD YOU- blahblahblah” my man is listening to an entire rant about how to treat your partner well 101 (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
now that he knows the theory, he needs the practice
but you might already worry that he fell in the toilet with how long he’s been gone for god forbid you fall into that dark void
so he calls chenle
“chenle, i’m treating you to hotpot if you bring me a blanket or hoodie in less than 5 minutes”
“add in some steak and it’s a deal” ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
“i’m so selling your soul for a piece of gum, FINE!! just be quick!!”
THIS BOI RIGHT HERE!! A TREASURE!!!! he would step on his honour just to make sure his bubs is hapyy ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
so after he excuses himself again to retrieve the blanket from chenle
he BURRITO WRAPS you in it and then sits down next to your confused but undeniably happy form and pats your head nervously while he rambles you’re still his most sought after for of comfort no matter what
“i’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend, i should have realized you’d be cold too and that i should always put you first and i-”
you cut him off with a chaste kiss to his cheek which definetely doesn’t leave him speechless and tomato red in the cheeks (๑♡⌓♡๑)
“it’s okay, i was just being dramatic, you should always put yourself first tho, okay baby??”
baby is malfunctioning but he still nods mindlessly and kisses your cheek back ( ᵅั ᴈ ᵅั;)
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imaginedxlan · 4 years
loverboy (neville longbottom)
a/n: i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, i am a SIMP for neville longbottom. also yall...  one away from 1k, how’d that happen? you guys rock my socks and i love you the absolutely most! sorry this one is kind of short i just liked the concept.
you’ve been friends with neville longbottom since first year. becoming comfortable with the shy boy and his frog over the years, you began calling him a nickname that makes him wish you would see him as anything other than your best friend.
warnings: zero baby just pure fluff
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neville doesn’t open up to just anyone. after years of being shut down in every conversation, left out of nearly every house activity, he’s built a wall to protect himself from the people of hogwarts who constantly make him feel less than. you’re one of the lucky ones. you’ve seen beyond his high walls, he’s opened up to you about his parents, his insecurities and eventually pulled him out of his shell to talk about girls with you.
the nickname started when he told you about his small crush on luna lovegood. he seemed so entranced by her, he kissed the ground he walked on. once you caught on to his pining, you’ve called him loverboy ever since. it’s not to be mean or tease him, you actually admired how much he devoted his time to thinking about her.
what you didn’t know, however, is that it was never luna lovegood he was talking about. when he would describe his feelings for luna her name was only a placeholder for yours. he’d loved you since the moment he laid eyes on you, thinking even your crooked teeth, frizzy haired eleven year old self was the most beautiful creature he’d ever see.
“good morning loverboy,” you call sweetly as you sit next to the dark haired boy in potions class. you never found this class particularly interesting, but being able to sit next to neville made it at least slightly more fun. his heart aches at the nickname, trying to conceal the blush that is creeping on his cheeks. “sleep well?”
“hardly,” he replies, still keeping up his façade. “harry talks in his sleep all through the night. keeps me and trevor awake for hours.”
you smile at the mention of his beloved frog. “oh my dear trevor! how is my favorite amphibian?”
neville can’t contain his smile or his heart that hammering in his chest. you’re the only person who’s ever shown interest in the things he likes, the things he goes on and on about for hours. you’ve never once stopped him from going off on a tangent about his mimbulus mimbletonia or how he’s lost trevor for the tenth time that week. you’ve never rolled your eyes when he comes to sit with you in the library. you’ve never shied away from sitting next to him in herbology though many students find his chiming in rather annoying.
“he’s good,” he replies, trying to stop himself from gazing at you for too long. “i think he misses you.”
you laugh at his response, you really do love that frog. “you better make sure i’m not replaced as trevor’s favorite girl when you finally make a move on luna,” you tease but his heart drops. he knows it’s only a joke but he can’t imagine loving anyone other than you. “if i’m losing one of my loverboys i don’t think my heart could take losing the other as well.”
except you could never lose him. he can’t think of a time when his heart would belong to anyone else. he couldn’t say the same for you. as much as he wants to be around you and knows the nickname isn’t meant to make him sad, it only reminds him of the fact that he’ll never truly be your loverboy. the time will come when you go for a weasley or maybe even that ravenclaw boy you’ve talked about in defends against the dark arts with you and neville isn’t quite sure his heart will survive it.
as professor snape opened his book at the front of the class, the class quieted down. veritaserum. you had heard about the potion, mostly from the weasley twins slipping it in their younger brother’s drink once or twice, but you’d never used it. neville begins to fidget nervously beside you, and you think you know why. privacy has always been very important to the boy and something forcing him to talk about his deepest darkest fears or worse, his parents, is probably eating away at him.
you’re wrong. he’s so nervous because he’s afraid he’ll slip up if he takes it and someone will accidentally ask him about you. he won’t be able to keep his secret anymore.
“s’alright nev,” you whisper to him, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it slightly. an act of intended comfort made him nauseous. “i won’t let anyone pull any secrets from my loverboy, promise.”
you give him a sweet smile which only makes his heart race more. you’re so beautiful, even without the potion he could’ve let that thought slip to you if he wasn’t too careful. as class goes on, he thanks his lucky stars he isn’t chosen for the demonstration. watching you brew the potion to perfection surely would have made it difficult for him to keep back all the feelings he has for you.
later in the evening, however, he did not get so lucky. the twins somehow convinced seamus and dean to slip a few drops of the potion they’d learned to make that morning into neville’s pumpkin juice at dinner. you didn’t notice or surely you would have taken it from them and scolded them for picking on the boy, but you were to engrossed in a conversation with hermione to catch it. neville almost immediately realizes what’s happened when seamus begins asking him questions.
“how your feeling, longbottom?”
“tired, honestly kind of sweaty, really think i need a shower after dinner,” he says before he can stop himself, he smacks his hand to him mouth and his cheeks go red. dean and seamus burst out laughing making all of you turn to the three of them.
“sweaty? why would you possibly be sweaty neville?” dean continues the interrogation.
“been nervous all day, especially in potions. couldn’t get my mind off the stupid veritaserum and if anyone would ask me about y/n,” neville replies with his cheeks turning more red by the minute. you now had your full attention in the boy and he couldn’t stop the word vomit spilling from his lips. “you should have seen her, she brewed the potion perfectly. she’s so smart. godric and beautiful, i-”
you immediately stop him by smacking your own hand to his mouth. “merlin’s sake what did the two of you do?”
dean and seamus have a cheeky grin spread across their lips. “fred and george gave us veritaserum to put in his juice, didn’t think this would happen.”
without a second thought you pull your best friend from the table and out of the great hall to spare him of any more embarrassment he would have to endure. neville follows you blindly, grateful that you didn’t sit there and start laughing at him. when you get to the common room it’s empty, everyone being at dinner. you pull him to sit on the couch in front of the fireplace, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you look in the glowing flame.
“are you okay?” you ask, pulling your hand from his to look into his eyes. “i’m sorry they did that nev, you didn’t deserve that.”
“i’m more than okay,” he replies with a lazy grin on his face before switching back to his stone cold face full of nerves. “i like it when we’re by ourselves, wish it happened more often.”
“what do you mean, loverboy?”
“i wish you wouldn’t call me that,” he snaps but immediately regrets his tone. “not if you don’t mean it.”
“what are you on about? i mean it.”
“not in the way i want you to mean it...”
you’re trying to wrap you’re mind around what’s happening. sure you and neville have always been close and you compliment eachother here and there but this is different. you don’t want to take advantage of him, not when he’ll tell you everything you want to know while you can sit back and enjoy the show. you swiftly get up and tell him you’ll be right back. he sits on the couch confused as he watches you run out of the room. you make it to the great hall and everyone is looking at you as if you’ve gotten answers out of him that they’d want to know but you ignore him. you lift the tainted cup that neville had drank out of just minutes ago and take a swig.
“y/n!” hermione shrieks and you swallow the liquid. “what do you think you’re doing!”
“getting answers.” you say simply before running out of the room. you don’t feel any different, maybe it hadn’t worked. once you reach the common room again neville is exactly where you left him. “back.”
“what’d you do?”
“i drank the veritserum too,” you tell him and his eyes go wide. “this is going to be a fair conversation.”
neville swallows the lump in his throat at the thought of the two of you being completely honest with each other. he’s partly afraid the truth he’s about to hear is that you only want to be his friend, or that him confessing his feeling for you will only push you away. but there’s another part of him that’s hopeful, you took the veritaserum so this would be “fair,” that has to mean something.
“what were you doing to say when i stopped you earlier?” you ask him. “you said ‘i’ but i stopped you.”
he tries his best to push down the answer but it keeps making its way up his throat. “i was going to say i couldn’t keep my eyes off you all class.”
blush creeps onto your cheeks but you’re not certain why. you noticed him looking at you in potions but you assumed he was trying to understand how to make the potion.
“you’re turn.”
he thinks for a while, unsure of what he should ask you. “do you like matthew, the boy you talk about in ravenclaw, like like him?”
“i like him as a friend, nothing else,” you say back, your heart beginning to race. “do you like luna?”
“i never did, i like someone else.” he answers. you wish it was your turn again, you want to ask him who, part of you knows he’s going to say you given what you’ve learned this evening. you reach out to hold his hand and his touch makes your skin burn. “have you ever thought of us as more than friends?”
you want to say yes, you know it the answer he wants to hear, but it’s not the truth. you can’t lie to him even if you wanted to. before this moment, you only thought of him as a friend. not because you dislike him or think he’s unattractive, it’s just all he’s ever been to you. you take a deep breath and turn your eyes down to the floor.
“honestly, no,” you say back, neville swears he can hear his heart break within him rib cage. his heart burns at your response. he’s gotten his answer. “when did you start to think of me as more than a friend.”
he never came out and said he had feelings for you, but you’ve connected the dots. everything he’s answered, all the questions he’s asked points to him looking at you as more than just his friend. you’re not sure how to feel about it.
“first year, the minute you spoke to me i couldn’t help but think you were the most beautiful girl i’d ever seen, i still do, ” his words make your heart burst. you turn your head to meet his eyes again. they’re burning into you’re gaze. “what is it about me that’s made you only think of me as a friend, do you think i’m ugly?”
“godric no!” you say a bit too quickly for your own liking. “i never thought of you that way because that’s all we ever were neville, friends. i noticed how handsome you were last year, the long hair suited you, but i think you look nice any way you are. i had a dream about you at the christmas last year, i think that’s when i noticed how handsome you were. i guess i just never entertained the thought because you never gave me the impression you wanted anything more than this.”
he feels less shattered, less like you just ripped his heart out with your bare hands. hearing that you think he’s handsome sent butterflies to stomach. he’s quiet and so are you.
“do you want to stop?”
“no, i have another question,” he replies, pulling his hands from yours and backing away from you. you miss his touch already. maybe you did like him a little more than you thought. he braces himself for what’s about to come out of his mouth, for your reaction to what’s about to come out of his mouth. “if i asked to kiss you would you say no?”
“no.” you tell him quietly, if you thought your heart couldn’t pound any faster, it did. it feels like it’s about to jump from your chest. “do you want to kiss me?”
“merlin yes,” he almost whispers. he doesn’t move from his spot, eyes avoiding yours at all costs. always being the braver of the two of you, you take matters into your own hands. you pull yourself closer to him and rest your hand upon his cheek, forcing him to make eye contact with you again. you suck in a breath, the closest the two of you had ever been. “i’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“i know.”
you lean forward only a few centimeters until your lips are barely touching. you hesitate only because you know after this moment you can’t go back to being just friends again, this is going to change everything. even so, there’s like a magnetic pull between you too, you’re craving the feeling of his lips against yours.
while still deep in your thought and hesitations, your eyes drilled shut as you try and decide what to do, you feel his lips press against yours and you melt. it’s better than either of you could have imagined. while neville had be dreaming of this moment for six years, you had only just begun thinking about him in this way minutes ago. you place your free hand on the side of his neck and he places his on the small of your back, pulling you closer into him. You move yourself so that your sat on top of his thighs, attempting to expel any space between the two of you. his hands rest on your hips just before you pull away from him to catch your breath. his eyes flicker between yours, looking for an answer to what you’re feeling.
“i’m sorry,” he says sheepishly, thinking the worst. “do you want to stop? we can pretend this never happened.”
“i never want to stop.”
you connect your lips with his again, slinging your arms around his neck to feel the closeness again. you know he’s never done anything like this before, he’s probably nervous out of his mind, so you attempt to ease his worries by guiding his actions. in just the few minutes you’ve spent with your lips on his, you’ve because obsessed with the feeling. you can hear how heavily he’s breathing as his hand moves from your side to be entangled in your hair. you can’t help but smile, this moment is pure bliss.
you eventually pull away from each other, you decide it’s best to keep this night to just his first kiss. you lean forward and plant a soft kiss to the side of his neck before burying your face in the soft skin. eventually his breath evens out, and he moves his arms to wrap around you.
“what happens now?” he asks, hoping the veritaserum can give him some sort of clear view into your brain.
“i don’t know,” you reply, it’s honest, you have no idea what happens from here on out. “what do you want to happen?”
“i want to kiss you like that a million more times,” he breathes out which makes you laugh into his neck. looks like ther veritaserum hasn’t worn off just yet. “can we just sit here for a minute so we don’t have to think about what’s gonna come?”
“you read my mind, loverboy.”
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scummy-writes · 3 years
Arthur Week Day 4: Nightmares
Rating: G
Words: 1925
Pairing: Arthur/Mc
Full fic under the cut!
『• • • ✎ • • •』
How did you get into this situation? You peeked up at Arthur as you tugged his dark blue bed sheets over your shoulder, watching the way his eyes scanned the pages of the book he held in his hands. He sat beside you, one pillow behind his back while you sleepily nuzzled into the other, trying to ignore how the scent of his cologne surrounded you.
The only light on was the lamp by the bed at the perfect height for him to comfortably read with. The warm glow helped ease your nerves, especially as it made Arthur look more… mature with the way it framed his features. Relaxing. It was almost hard to believe this was the same man that constantly, lovingly, teased all the residents. Or that this was the same man that joked time after time about whisking you away from here, to a home just for the two of you.
For a moment, his gaze dipped away from the book, meeting yours, making your heart speed up again at being caught ogling. But he just smiled, quietly shutting his book.
"You look like you're ready to fall asleep, luv."
When you nodded, shyly returning your focus on snuggling into the sheets, he set his book upon his desk. Then his glasses, rubbing his eyes for a moment.
Soon, the pads of his fingers gently brushed your bangs aside. Tucking your hair behind your ear he hummed in thought.
"Would you rather go back to your room or would you like to stay here for the night?"
You were surprised he was giving you a choice. Honestly, you thought he was about to tell you to leave. While he teased and flirted with you on occasion, none of this was the excitement he seemed to seek out each night. Instead, it was boring. Comfortable, for you at least, and… embarrassing, giving the context.
But if you had to give an answer…
"Could I stay here?"
"Of course."
The lamp clicked off not a moment after, leaving you trying to readjust to the faint moonlight from the window that stretched over the room. You had a hunch he left the curtains open for you, but you didn't voice it as he settled into bed, letting out a content sigh.
"Mmh… Hey, bird?" You let out a hum of acknowledgment, feeling his fingers ghost along your cheek in a gentle caress before thumbing the skin there. "You said you had a nightmare, right?"
Yes… Earlier in the kitchen, where he had ran into you drinking a glass of water, trying to shake off the haunting images of your dream. He had still been awake writing, given the empty mug he was carrying in and the glasses he wore, but upon seeing you he seemed to drop any further plans he had that night, trying to coax out the reason you seemed so shaken up.
Which led you here, with his chest close enough to nuzzle into if you so wanted.
"Do you want me to stay awake until you fall asleep?"
"No, no, you don't have to go that far."
"Mm… You're right, I don't have to. But if it made you feel better, I would without a second thought, darling."
Heat rose to your cheeks hearing his rare pet name for you. "Just… just this is enough. It's more than enough." Then quieter, but no less honest. "...Thank you, Arthur."
"Mhm, anytime, bird. I'm always up late, and if I'm not ready to sleep yet you can rest here while I write."
"That sounds really nice…"
There was a beat of silence as a soft smile played at his lips and, feeling your heart stir against your will, you tightened the sheets around your shoulders. And speaking of, you couldn't help but trail your eyes over his, and then drag them towards his chest…
Arthur seemed to read you well even in the dark. With a quiet come here, he coaxed you into cuddling up to him; gently, of course. All it took was a comforting arm around you, and you gave in, letting Arthur hug you close.
Surely it was fine to do this, right? You were still shaken up over the dreams that had plagued you tonight- of course, the thunderous ba-dum against your ribs was from that, and not from finally knowing what it felt like to be held by Arthur.
(And God, did he smell so good.)
"You know… it doesn't have to be a nightmare. Even if you're just having a bad day, you can come to me and I'll do what I can to help."
When he got like this it was nearly impossible to refrain from melting into his arms. And you seemed to anyway, feeling yourself start to fade as he began to slowly rub your back.
"Mmh… Are you sure?"
"Dove, I'd do just about anything you asked."
This time, you didn't wake with a start. Rather, a slow few blinks mixed with a haze of confusion. Until you took a deep breath, remembering last night with the faint smell of coffee and musk.
The sun was yet to be seen, and you wondered how long you managed to sleep. Not enough, given how tired you still felt.
Glancing up, you saw that Arthur was still asleep. You idly wondered about the dream he was having as he stirred, only pulling you into a firmer embrace.
Was this why women chased after him so much? That, aside from the promise of pleasure he made well on, he would make them feel… safe?
Though, imagining that with other women felt off, especially the few times you had witnessed him coming back the morning after; weary, slightly out of character. With the additions of Theo's murmurings to you, you almost had half a mind to think he'd only do this for you.
The mood soured by your own thoughts, you attempted to fall back asleep to the sound of his sleepy sighs- but it felt hopeless, as your mood sunk while the sun rose.
True to his word, Arthur apparently would do anything you asked of him. It felt silly; being an adult and still seeking comfort so late at night. But instead of nightmares haunting you, it was memories refusing to stay buried. Something you didn't realize you had in common with Arthur until later that night.
When he had answered your knock, he did seem surprised, but moreso he looked weary. His smile couldn't seem to reach his eyes as he ushered you inside, which made your cheeks burn from shame, thinking that you were truly inconveniencing him and he was just too nice to say so. (Because really, how old were you now?)
But before any hasty apologies could spill out of you he was admitting how little sleep he had gotten lately. Arthur threw out the excuse of a manuscript keeping him up, but the smell of ink was nowhere to be found, and his desk was oddly bare.
"You can go ahead and hop into bed, my dove, I'll just be a moment."
His soft words were accompanied by a gentle pat on your shoulder before he turned around, opening his dresser drawers to pick out a fresh set of pajamas. Arthur changed in his small bathroom as you crawled into his bed, already feeling your body relax at the missed comfort.
Truly, Arthur could be too kind, you thought. Despite his countless warnings of the same vice towards you, maybe he was better off worrying about himself. After all, you weren't the one who looked so worn down and ragged when finally settling into bed.
Arthur spared a strained smile your way once the lights were out, the moonlight once again providing a soothing atmosphere.
"I may end up falling asleep first this time. I hope you'll forgive me for that."
"I’ve already told you that you didn't have to stay up for my sake, Arthur. I'll be okay." You stalled for a moment before inching closer, gingerly resting your hand on his side, "just being with you is enough for me."
"Mm…" His exhaustion showed with his lazy and crooked smile that made your heart flutter as he pulled you into his embrace, nuzzling against your hair, "be careful, bird, you'll lead me to believe that's under a different context."
The tease was meant to provoke a flustered reply, but you stayed silent, cheeks glowing as you imagined the context he was referring to.
You awoke to panting. Honestly, you almost fell back asleep immediately, and the only reason you didn't was due to the jolt that seemed to go through Arthur. And in just a blink, you were pushed off his chest rather abruptly, causing you to scramble to sit up.
Impulsively, you cut on the bedside light, just to be greeted by a shame-stricken Arthur. His eyes wavered with something you couldn’t quite catch, and then he was looking elsewhere, chest heaving as apologies stumbled out from him.
"Just- just a nightmare, luv. I-I didn't mean to wake you, not like that."
Drowsiness still taking hold of most of your thoughts, you nodded along, letting yourself catch your breath from the sudden start. And then you ran his words through your head again, frowning.
What nightmare had brought forth such a startling reaction?
Judging by the embarrassment still clouding his features- and his outright refusal to look you in the eye- it didn't seem like one he would be too keen on sharing. For an idle moment, you let yourself consider what would keep him awake at night, and how different the causes might be from your own.
The thought has you easing yourself under the covers again, hesitantly reaching for his arm and thumbing the patch of skin under his sleeve, muttering.
"… I'm here for you too, you know?"
Arthur’s breath stopped as he processed the words, shyly glancing your way.
"W-we don't have to talk about it, unless you want to that is, but…" Your cheeks burned, "you're always willing to ease my fears. Let me do the same?"
Arthur’s scoff almost made you recoil until he spoke, "rather sore I've let you see me in such a state," and then another look your way, "... but I do appreciate it, luv."
Wordlessly, you lifted your arm up- just enough for him to snuggle into your embrace with a self-deprecating chuckle against your shoulder.
"Thank you. For feeling sympathy for such a sorry bloke as myself."
“It’s okay to need a little help now and then, Arthur.”
His deep sigh gusted against your neck, making your cheeks burn further while you focused on his words,“... I do need that reminder now and again.”
“I’ll be here to give it to you,” Gingerly, you rubbed his back, thankful when he let himself relax into your hold, “... whenever you need.”
“Mm… Thank you, darling. I really mean it.”
There wasn’t much more to be said. Arthur only mumbled a few more tired apologies for his dazed behavior, and then he was fast asleep in your arms, his slow breathing helping lull your eyes closed.
True to his word, Arthur had been exhausted, and now the reason behind that was clear. Whether or not this same reason was behind other nights you saw of him in such a state was unclear, but… Hopefully, as he had been doing for you, you could ease his troubles and help him during those moments.
At least a little, right?
Day four of Arthur Week! *wheezes* this was originally supposed to be longer but, ah... you all know the ol song and dance by now o|-< things didn't come out like I wanted and this is what I made do with.
Arthur is a godawful flirt, but I always appreciate the moments of genuine kindness he has, in or out of his route. Shows a Lot about him.
Thanks for reading!
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mandospace · 4 years
Allure (Boba Fett x Reader)
Request:  Hi! I love your writing! 🖤 May I request something with jealous Boba? 🙏🏻✨
Requested By: @kat-r-in​
Word Count: 4,224
Warnings: Strong language, jealousy
A/N: Sorry if this kind of sucks :( But maybe you don’t think it sucks, so enjoy, anyways! **gif not mine, credit to the creator!**
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“If we come in from the side, he won’t suspect a thing.”
“No, that’s too obvious- he’d spot us from a mile away.”
The constant bickering between the two Mandalorians was becoming old, and fast. They were surrounding a table that had maps scattered over it, gloved fingers pointing at different areas. A single puck sat between them, hologram shining the face of the quarry that the two hunters were after. The three of you had tracked the quarry to Canto Bight- one of the richer and more frivolous cities the three of you had ever been. You were positive that he was hiding somewhere in one of the many bars and casinos- the question was which one.
After some light scouting done by the two hunters, the pair determined that the quarry was hiding out in the largest casino that Canto Bight had to offer. Go figure.
The three of you- more accurately the two bounty hunters- were trying to come up with a plan to capture the quarry effectively and as quietly as possible. Drawing attention in a city this big was never good, and the two Mandalorians already stuck out like a sore thumb in their beskar armor. 
“Well we can’t just walk up to the guy,” Boba huffed, thick arms crossing over his chest in exasperation. The bickering was giving you a headache. You tried to tune them out as best as you could but their deep voices seemed to echo in the hull of Slave One. Rubbing your temples for some form of relief, Din spoke up.
“Why not?”
Boba gave Din an annoyed glance through his black visor. His irritation radiated from him in waves. “I don’t really have to explain why that is a stupid idea to you, do I?”
“No,” Din shook his head. “Not us. Her.” He swung his arm out in your general direction, casting the Mandalorians’ gaze on you. You squirmed in your seat at the attention.
“No.” Boba spoke at the same time you did, voices overlapping. Embarrassment at being called out soon turned to frustration at Boba’s quick dismissal of you. You could feel your metaphorical hackles raise in defense.
“Why not?” Din cut in before you could argue for yourself. “She’s perfect. Put her in a pretty dress and she’d blend in with the wealthiest of the crowd. She could saunter right up to the quarry and seduce him like that.” Din punctuated his sentence with a snap of his fingers. You could feel the blush rising to your cheeks at his suggestion of you seducing someone- you couldn’t do that. “She tempts him out the back door where we will be waiting to get him. It’d be over in an hour.”
Din’s words hung in the air as Boba contemplated the plan before answering with a resounding ‘no.’ Anger flashed hot in your veins.
“I can do it,” you shot a glare at the green helmet before turning to Din’s silver one. “When do we start?”
“I said no.” Boba’s tone was dangerous- the threat very clear. Before Din could argue for you again, you hopped off your crate and stormed up to the older hunter. 
“You don’t get to decide what I do or don’t do,” you jabbed a finger into the green cuirass. Pain radiated through your finger, you forgot just how hard beskar was.
“It’s too dangerous,” Boba grabbed your wrist to push away your hand. Hurt flashed through your eyes at his motion. “You could get hurt.”
“Then one of us will protect her,” Din interjected, disrupting the tense glaring match you and Boba were having. “Follow her from a distance, watch out for any problems. And if she needs us, we’ll be there.”
“I’ll be fine, Boba,” you switched tactics, trying to appeal to his more gentler side. If he even had one. You reached your hand out and rested it on the green beskar covering his chest. This time he didn’t push you away. “Din will step in if anything-”
“I’m going to watch you.” Boba cut you off and settled his gaze on your face. You couldn’t be sure, but you were certain that he was looking you in the eye. “Din will wait out back to catch him. If anything goes wrong, I will step in and protect you, even if it means the quarry gets away. Understand?”
Din spoke his understanding, nodding along to the plan. You were frozen to the floor of the ship, trapped under Boba’s gaze. While his words were meant for Din, you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine. He was willing to give up the bounty for you? He was willing to give up the job that would keep them comfortable for a month for you?
“I still don’t like this,” Boba grumbled, breaking your gaze to look at Din. He took a step back from the tense bubble the two of you created before turning to walk to the cockpit. “Get ready. We’re doing this tonight.”
Boba left the two of you in a flurry before the doors leading to the cockpit slammed shut. Din laid a tentative hand on your shoulder and you jumped in surprise. “Don’t worry, you’ll do great. Boba is just being dramatic.”
You were still frozen to your spot on the floor, staring at the sealed doors of the cockpit. “There’s just one problem.”
“I don’t own a dress.”
After storming off, Boba passed the time in the cockpit, silently fuming by himself. The anger was like a raging sea in his chest, waves battering against his ribs. Logically, Boba knew that the plan was good and that it would work. The quarry would get one look at you and would fall at your feet in adoration, maybe even cuff himself if you asked in just the right way, just the right context. He knew that you could handle yourself and that you would be okay, and if not, he’d be there.
Realistically, though, the idea of some sleazy guy putting his hands on you made his stomach turn. Just the idea of another man touching you- no, even looking at you- made Boba see red. The anger and hatred for this quarry and his imagined slights against you rose up in his throat, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. His grip on one of the dashboard’s levers tightened before the lever snapped from the pressure. Boba looked at the metal object in his hand, disgusted.
“Great,” Boba grumbled to himself before tossing the broken lever to the corner. “Now I’ve got to fix that.”
Boba knew he shouldn’t feel this way about you. Feel this insanely possessive feeling that gripped his heart every time you walked into a room or smiled at him. You weren’t his, you didn’t belong to him, and you never would. Even if you had wanted him too, Boba reasoned with himself that he would turn you away for your own safety. You were too gentle, too kind, too pure to get wrapped up in his bloody life. He wouldn’t make you go through that, even if he desperately wanted you by his side every step of the way.
The watch on his vambrace beeped, signaling that it was time to leave. Boba stood up with a sigh, strapping his blaster to his hip. The sooner he left for this mission, the sooner he could get back to sulking by himself. He met Din in the hull of the ship who was waiting, ready for the mission. Din leaned against the wall, fingers messing with the whistling birds on his vambrace. Boba had always wanted some of those.
“Is she ready?” Boba asked while settling in next to Din. He crossed his arms over his chest with a sigh.
“Almost,” Din responded. “She had to run out earlier, so she is a little behind.”
“Run out?” The words left Boba’s mouth in confusion. What did he mean, you ‘ran out?’
Before Din could answer, the soft sound of clicks against the floor made the two Mandalorians look up in interest. “Okay, I’m ready.”
Boba’s heart almost burst through the hard beskar strapped to his chest at the sight of you.
You were absolutely breathtaking. Boba was glad for the helmet that hid his face, or else you and Din would’ve seen his gaping mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off you- each glance sent a trickle of heat running south, pooling low in his stomach. The silvery-white fabric draped over your curves deliciously. A slit ran up the side of the skirt, showing your leg with each step. Boba couldn’t help but stare at the skin revealed before his eyes. You were ethereal, reminding him of the angels that lived on the moons of Iego.
“Wow...” Din let out a shaky breath. Boba’s gaze immediately snapped to Din who was currently drinking in your form. Anger and jealousy flared inside of Boba. “You look...”
“Beautiful,” Boba finished Din’s sentence, drawing your gaze to him. He hadn’t meant for the words to slip out, but they did, and his face was red under the helmet. The way you looked at him, a nervous smile gracing your features as you tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear made Boba want to reach out and touch you. Before he could do something he’d regret, Boba turned around and opened the ship’s ramp. “Let’s go.”
The walk to the casino was long, the three of you trying to make your way through Canto Bight’s bustling crowds. Din walked beside you, making light conversation while Boba trailed behind to watch out for any trouble. His mind wasn’t focused on scanning the crowd for dangerous people though, instead it was focused on the dip of your back where Din’s hand rested. Boba knew that it probably wasn’t anything other than friendly- the logical part of him told him this- but that still didn’t stop the animalistic urge growing inside him to snatch you away from Din’s grip with a snarl. Your dress draped low on your back, revealing even more skin that Boba longed to touch. You looked so soft, he was sure your skin would feel like the silk you were wearing. Din’s thumb continued tracing lazy circles into the exposed skin on the small of your back. With each brush, Boba’s vision tinted redder with ire.
“We’re here,” Din’s voice snapped Boba out of his thoughts, red haze fading when you turned and looked at him. Just one look from you and he could practically feel the anger melting off of him. “I’ll be waiting out back for the quarry. If you need me,” Din tapped the side of his helmet twice, a silent way of saying ‘call me,’ before he turned with a swirl of his cape. He vanished into the crowd, and Boba was left alone with you.
“Here,” he grabbed your wrist, bringing it closer to him and having your palm face up. He placed a small piece of technology in your open hand. “This is your communicator. Put it in your ear. It lets me hear what’s going on around you, and lets you talk to me if you need me for any reason.”
You looked at the small piece in your hand before putting it in your ear. It was slightly irritating, the little communicator. Boba pressed a button on his vambrace and a small little beep sounded in your ear.
“There,” Boba’s voice was much deeper through the earpiece. Even though he was only a few feet in front of you, it felt like he was right beside your head, whispering in your ear. “Now I can hear everything.”
“Everything?” Your mind drifted to what was about to happen. You knew you had to seduce the quarry, and that was already embarrassing as is, but now Boba gets to hear it too? “Even...”
“Yes,” Boba nodded. He already didn’t like the plan. Any plan that put you in harm’s way was a bad plan to him, but he still knew this would work. Didn’t mean that he had to like it. 
“What if I...” you trailed off, heat flooding your cheeks in embarrassment. Maker, you were so bad at this. “Nevermind.”
“What?” Boba prompted, stepping closer to you so he could avoid the moving crowd.
“No, it’s too embarrassing.”
“Sweet girl,” Boba sighed at the look of nervousness on your face. You had tugged your bottom lip between your teeth, and he desperately wanted to free it with a brush of his thumb. “If you don’t want to do this, we’ll just turn around and head back. Din and I-”
“No,” you cut him off. You could do this, no matter how inexperienced you were in the art of seduction. “I can do this. I may just... need help.”
“I’ll be watching you and will jump in if anything goes wrong-”
“No, not that,” you dismissed him with a wave of your hand. Kriff, why was this so awkward to tell him? “I’ve just... never seduced anyone before. What if he doesn’t even follow me out back, and this whole mission is a bust?”
For the second time that night, Boba was thankful that his helmet blocked his features from you. He was dumbstruck at your words- you had never seduced anyone before? Stars, Boba thought, you seduce him with just a smile. 
“Boba,” your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He hadn’t realized that he was silent. He was too busy fantasizing about you actually trying to seduce him- you were already incredibly sexy to him every day. You weren’t even trying to make him feel all hot and bothered every time you looked at him. You were just that effortlessly alluring.
“If you really need me,” Boba tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. Kriff, if he didn’t know any better, he would have sworn you were trying to seduce him right now with that innocent look in your eyes, just begging for him to- “I’ll give you some pointers,” he cleared his throat. “But I don’t think you’ll need my help.”
You exhaled shakily. “Thank you, Boba,” you rested your hand on his green cuirass, right over his heart. Maker, you were going to make him come in his pants if you kept looking at him like that. You had barely touched him, barely said anything to him and he was already wanting to push you up against a wall and have his way with you. He could imagine it vividly with how close you were to him right now, your sweet scent filling his head. It would be so easy, Boba thought, to just grab your hips and pin you to the wall. To hitch your leg up and around his waist- leg bare from the slit in the silvery fabric of your dress- as he pressed his hard length against you and buried his face in your neck. So easy- “I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.”
“Of course,” he shifted awkwardly on his feet, trying to adjust himself discreetly. “Anything for you, sweet girl.” The tracking fob clipped to his belt started beeping, noting the hunter that the quarry was close. He silenced it with a push of a button. Boba turned back to you. “It’s time.”
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. Boba desperately tried not to stare at your chest when you did that. “Wish me luck.” You turned with a swirl of your dress, silvery fabric billowing out behind you as you made your way into the casino. Boba just stood there, transfixed on your fleeting image. He hated to see you walk away, but he loved to watch you leave.
The casino was bright and loud- people surrounding various tables and shouting with glee over winning or yelling in fury at losing their entire fortune. Machines flashed blinking lights, tempting the patrons to waste their money at a chance to win. You tried to push the noise to the back of your head whilst your eyes scanned the crowd for the quarry. There were so many people, you weren’t sure if you were ever going to find the quarry until your eyes found him at the bar. He was leaning against the counter, talking to some pretty Twi’lek who did not seem that interested. You drew in a shaky breath before making your way to the bar. 
“Spotchka, please.” You settled in against the counter right next to the quarry, raising your hand to catch the bartender’s attention. You could feel the quarry’s eyes on you when you gave the bartender a dazzling smile. His gaze sent shivers down your spine- but not the good kind. It wasn’t the delicious shivers that raked over your body whenever Boba looked at you or brushed his hand against your skin. This gaze made you feel uncomfortable.
 “Any luck tonight?” The quarry sidled up next to you, forgetting the pretty Twi’lek. You forced yourself to give him a smile and turn towards him like you were even remotely interested.
“Unfortunately, no, not yet,” you brought the blue drink up to your lips and took a slow sip. Your eyes drifted over his form, acting like you were actually checking him out. “But I have a feeling my luck is about to change.”
The man smiled at you and his eyes settled on your cleavage. Fighting back the disgusted feeling you felt, you pushed out your breasts ever so subtly, trying to entice him even more.
“I think you’re right, gorgeous.”
Boba hated this. He hated sitting in some corner of the casino, watching you flirt with this scum. His hand was constantly clenched in a fist, other twitching to feel the smooth metal of his blaster. Boba desperately wanted to shoot the quarry down where he stood as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. You laughed at something he must’ve said, head tilting back with laughter displaying your neck and more of your chest. Even from this far away, Boba could see that the quarry brazenly looked at your breasts and licked his lips in hunger. What was even worse was watching this man touch you and hear your words that were egging the quarry on.
“So,” you had trailed your hand down the man’s chest. Boba couldn’t help the hate and jealousy for the quarry that rose up in his throat like acid as he watched you. Boba wished it was him that you were trailing your hands over, wished it was him that you were looking at beneath your eyelashes. “Do you have any plans tonight?”
“Not at all.” The quarry dragged his hand lazily up and down your arm, seemingly trying to entice you. You had flushed at the man’s touches. Boba hoped that it was just a fluke- that you weren’t actually attracted to and turned on by this garbage. He could feel his finger twitch towards his blaster again. “What about you, gorgeous?”
Boba watched you pull your bottom lip between your teeth like you did earlier that night as you looked the man up and down. He almost launched himself from his seat when the quarry brushed his thumb over your lip, releasing the pillowy flesh. Boba should be the one doing that, not him. 
“Well,” you looked shyly up at the man, hand trailing down his chest. “I was hoping you could do something for me.”
“Yeah? What’s that, angel?” The quarry had wrapped his arm around your waist, tugging you closer to him. Boba’s chest was heaving as he tried to calm himself down. You didn’t actually want the quarry, Boba had to remind himself. You were only doing this to help him and Din.
You had leaned in closer to him, mouth moving to whisper something in the quarry’s ear. Boba was able to hear what you said because of the earpiece. 
“Me,” you whispered seductively before pulling back slightly to crash your lips against the quarry’s. 
Red was all Boba saw. A growl ripped through his chest at the sight of you kissing that trash, that garbage, that scum. He launched from his seat and was making his way towards you so he could tear you from the man’s greedy grip.
“Boba, don’t.” Din’s voice cut through his earpiece. “Let her lead him outside first.” Boba stopped in his tracks at Din’s words. “You’re going to tip off the quarry if you mow down half the casino to get to him.”
Boba didn’t realize that the crowd had jumped away from his warpath. Whispers of “Mandalorian” and “bounty hunter” floated through the crowd while Boba stood there, fuming. He tried to take deep breaths to tamper down the fury that threatened to boil over at the image of you wrapped in the quarry’s arms. Only when the quarry took his lips off yours was Boba able to stop shaking from his anger.
“Let’s get out of here,” the quarry started to tug you towards the exit.
“He’s headed your way,” Boba gritted out through the comm. He trailed behind the two of you, watching you follow the quarry out the door. Within moments Boba was out through the exit, and fury swirled in his chest at what he saw.
The quarry had pinned you to the wall of the casino and had his hands and lips on you. Boba couldn’t wait for Din to swoop down from the shadows and get the quarry. He was going to put a stop to this, now.
Boba grabbed the back of the man’s shirt and ripped him off you. Anger flashed behind his visor as he slammed the quarry’s back against the wall. The man’s eyes widened in fear when Boba drew his fist back, poised to slam it into his face. Before he could break the man’s jaw, Din had finally revealed himself and put himself between the quarry and Boba.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again,” Boba seethed. He couldn’t even get any satisfaction of watching Din cuff the bastard. He had never wanted to kill someone so badly- not since he watched a jedi cut down his father.
“Boba.” Your soft voice had pulled him from his red-tinged thoughts. He looked down at you as you placed your hand on his arm. Boba almost melted into your soothing touch. “I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me.”
“I know, but-” Boba’s head turned to look at the scum again but your hand on his helmet directed his gaze back to you. He could feel his cheek heat up under your touch even though you weren’t directly touching his skin. The look you gave him made Boba weak in the knees- he could hardly feel the anger he was just raging with only minutes ago. 
“Everything I said, everything I did, was all a lie.” You had your hands on either side of his helmet, cupping his face. “I need you to know that.”
Boba could only nod at your words. He knew that they were true, but jealousy still lingered beneath his skin at the memory of your lips pressed against the quarry’s. “Guess you didn’t need my help after all, sweet girl.”
“Trust me, I most certainly did.” You unknowingly held his gaze under the black visor. “If I didn’t pretend that it was you that I was talking to, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.”
Your words made Boba pull up short. “What?”
The heat that flushed over your cheeks was beautiful. “I, umm, pretended that I was, ah, trying to seduce you.” You stumbled over your words, but Boba’s heart swelled with them. Before he could stop himself, Boba was tearing off his helmet from his head and pushing you back against the wall, large hands on your hips.
“Sweet girl,” Boba sighed as he brushed his nose against yours. Not wanting to waste another minute, he crashed his lips against yours. Your lips were so soft beneath his own, even better than he dreamed. A soft sigh slipped from between your lips and Boba almost let out a moan at the taste of your breath on his tongue. You even tasted sweet, Boba thought. He wondered where else you would taste sweet.
“Boba,” you moaned against his mouth. He just continued to kiss you, pulling you tight against his chest. Before he could make the kiss any deeper, you pulled away from him, much to his dismay. “We can’t do this.”
That certainly made him stop dead in his tracks, cold fear pulsing through his veins. He had thought that you wanted this, wanted him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
“No,” you cut him off, hand cupping his cheek. “You misunderstood me. We can’t do this, not here.”
Just as your words had stopped his heart, they revived it just as easily. He couldn’t help but press a bruising kiss against your lips. “Thank the Maker.” His grip on you tightened. “You’re mine, sweet girl. Don’t you forget it.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you smiled up at him before you pulled him back down to your lips. “Not in a million years.”
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science-hoes · 4 years
Warming Up - Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut
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Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut (18+ only)
Words: 2k+
A/N: I have done it. I wrote the first (based on my searches) Jimmy Woo smut for tumblr. I love this man so much. He needs to be appreciated. Anyway, this is a really cheesy scenario but I neeeed the *spicy* content. I’ll probably write more Jimmy Woo x Reader because this man has taken over my life. Also this was my celebration post for 1k followers 🥳
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected sex, cheesy scenario, language
You had been in cold weather before, but it had never been this cold. Fuck. It was painful to walk back to the resting quarters as the slight breeze chilled your bones. Monitoring the town of Westview was stressful, but oh how you envied the seemingly perfect weather that Wanda was generating. And as if on cue, it started to rain. It wasn’t cold enough to form sleet, but it sure was cold enough to quicken your pace. Maybe Wanda could control the weather out here too, to piss off everyone who was surveilling her.
Your walk to the resting quarters was much longer than you would have liked it to be. By the time you reached the temporary building, your body was soaked from head to toe. You entered the resting quarters with your teeth chattering and arms folded across your chest. Just as you were about to enter your section, you bumped into a sturdy figure that grabbed onto you to stop you from falling backwards.
“Hey, Y/N.” Your coworker, Agent Jimmy Woo, greeted. He awkwardly let go of you once he realized he was still cradling your body against his to stop you from stumbling backwards.
You looked up to him, your hair plastered to your forehead from the rain. “Hey.” Was all you managed to say in between shivers.
Jimmy tilted his head slightly. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there. Looks like you weren’t cut out for the cold weather.” He noted, but still flashing his charming smile.
You smiled in return, damn his smile was contagious. “I g-guess not.” Your teeth shattered involuntarily.
Jimmy looked up and down the hallway to check for other agents. “You don’t look so well, Y/N. Why don’t you come on to my room and I’ll get you all warmed up.” He said.
You raised an eyebrow, assuming his offer was meant to be suggestive. “You’ll get me warmed up?” You repeated.
Jimmy’s eyes widened and he began shaking his head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I just- I have hot chocolate in my room.” He rambled.
You smiled and nodded. “Oh, okay.” You said.
Jimmy began to walk down the hall. “It’s this way.” He said, making sure you were okay to walk.
You followed him to the end of the hallway until he scanned his badge at the final door on the left. The door slid open, and you slipped inside his room after him.
Jimmy walked over to his kitchenette and began pulling ingredients from a cabinet. You sat down on one of the chairs in his room, shivering still. Your clothes were still ice cold even with the warm heat blasting from the air vent. You tried to reach for a blanket that was on the chair opposite to you, but as you did, you lost your coordination and fell to the floor with a painful thud.
“I’m sorry.” You immediately said as you tried to lift yourself from the ground.
But before you could open your eyes, Jimmy was already by your side, gently lifting you into his surprisingly strong arms. “Y/N, you’re not okay.” He said worriedly before placing you on his standard twin sized bed.
“I’m fine, I’m just a little cold.” You tried to play off.
Jimmy began to remove your wet jacket from your body before working at your soaked shoes and socks. “You have to get out of these clothes.” He explained.
Your eyes widened slightly as his hands brushed against your hips and slipped under your shirt. “Trust me, I was a Boy Scout. You’ve got mild hypothermia, but it can turn really bad really quick.” He said, but looked to you for permission to keep going.
You nodded, and he pulled your shirt off. You helped carefully lower your pants down, leaving you only in a bra and panties. You could tell, even in the dim light, that he was blushing heavily. “I-I’ll let you do the rest.” He said.
You slipped under the covers before discarding your undergarments onto the floor as well. Jimmy grabbed the blanket you attempted to reach earlier and placed it on top of the covers. You were still trembling pitifully, and it hurt Jimmy to see you like that.
“I’m still s-so cold.” You whimpered.
Jimmy shifted uncomfortably on his feet for a moment before pulling off his FBI jacket. “You need body heat. I can’t give you anything too warm yet or it’ll hurt you.” He explained.
You watched as he looked away from you as he slid under the covers to press against your body. He wrapped his muscular arms around you, pulling your head to his chest. Immediately, your hands found his arms. The sensation of your frigid skin against his was too strong. You needed more of it. You quickly untucked his buttoned up shirt and snaked your hands under to find more exposed skin. Your arms burned as they began to increase in temperature again.
At first Jimmy sucked his abdomen in, trying to hide from your freezing touch, but he soon responded by wrapping his legs around yours. “Geez, Y/N, you’re really cold.” He hissed.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I think we est-t-tablished that.” You chattered.
Jimmy let go of you for a moment, and you made a small whimper that broke his heart. “No, no, I was just gonna take off my shirt. It’ll give you more heat.” He explained.
And hell you weren’t gonna argue with that. He broke the knot in his tie and slid it off his neck before making quick work of his shirt buttons. It only took a short second for him to toss his shirt aside, giving you a quick glimpse of his toned upper body. Goddamn, you wouldn’t have guessed he was so cut from that bulky jacket he always wears. He wrapped his arms around your frail body again, this time defrosting your skin. But you let out an unholy moan as your breasts brushed against the coarse hair dusted on his chest.
Jimmy raised an eyebrow at the sound, but connected the dots as to what happened. “I-I’m sorry.” He stammered, not knowing how to respond.
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. T-that was out of line for me.” You responded, the embarrassment helping your face heat up.
Jimmy shook his head. “No, it was fine. I mean, it wasn’t a bad thing, it was good. But not in like a creepy way, like a…a normal human response w-“ He rambled.
You cut him off by pressing a chilly kiss against his soft lips. He didn’t move at first, afraid of what to do next. After a rush of confidence, he ran his hand up your neck, anchoring his fingers in your hair, and deepened the kiss. You shifted, pulling him on top of you. But as you did, his chest rubbed against yours again, and you let out another involuntary moan into his mouth. This time Jimmy chuckled and kissed his way down your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asked. “I shouldn’t be taking advantage of a hypothermic person.”
You giggled and shook your head. “No, this is only helping. Trust me.” You responded, feeling heat spreading to all ends of your body.
And that was enough reassurance. Jimmy’s hands delicately traced the sides of your waist as he kissed down to your chest, stopping at particularly sensitive areas to gently suck the skin and leave a pink mark. His nose brushed against the valley between your breasts and placed a sweet kiss there before licking a path up to one of your nipples. He swirled his tongue in lazy circles, taking his time with you.
The sensation of his burning tongue slipping against your icy bud drew a whimper from your chest. Jimmy heard your fussing and reached one of his hands up to your other breast. His fingers twisted the nipple there while simultaneously gripping the other one with his teeth. You gripped the sheets on his bed, twisting them in frustration, and bucked your hips into his chest.
“Jimmy…” You moaned, wanting him to keep caressing your breasts but also keep moving down your body.
Jimmy hummed in response, looking up to you with those sweet brown eyes. “What do you want, baby doll?” He whispered against your skin.
You blushed at his old-fashioned nickname for you but tried to refocus your attention on your body’s demands. “I need you inside me.” You replied.
Jimmy gripped your hips tightly before searing a trail of kisses down your stomach. “Can I taste you first? I’ve wanted to do this so long.” He pleaded.
Your walls involuntarily clenched at his request. You nodded, “Please.” You granted.
Jimmy grabbed your thighs and tossed them over his broad shoulders. He didn’t waste any time teasing you or pressing kisses along the inside of your legs. He licked a long and deep stripe against your pussy, drawing a desperate scream from your throat. He moaned at the amount of slick that he swallowed down.
Without hesitation he delved his tongue into you, sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. You secured your fingers in his black locks, tugging when his tongue snaked deeper into your pussy. He reached up with his thumb and rubbed circles on top of your sweet spot. You weren’t sure if it was the cold or the fact that you had been dreaming of this moment for weeks, but you were quickly approaching your first orgasm of the night.
“J-jimmy, I’m gonna come.” You panted, tightening your thighs around his neck.
“Don’t hold back on me, baby doll.” He mumbled against your folds.
And that nickname pushed you over the edge. Your walls throbbed and waves of electricity shot through your body. Jimmy continued to lap up your juices as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. You were suddenly very aware of your panting and placed a hand on your chest to feel your pounding heart. Jimmy kissed up your body again, worshipping every patch of skin he could get his lips on.
“Was that okay?” He asked innocently.
You huffed a laugh and met his lips with yours. You could taste yourself in his mouth. “That was…amazing.” You answered. “But I still need your dick inside me.”
Jimmy chuckled against your lips and guided your hands down his firm chest to the waistband of his khaki pants. You could feel his packed bulge against your hands as you whipped the belt from his waist and undid his pants. He kicked them off as you pulled his briefs down, his cock springing free. You took it in your hand, swirling the precum around the tip. Jimmy moaned deeply against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
You adjusted your hips and swiped the tip of his cock through your folds. Jimmy grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to him.
“Are you ready?” He asked cautiously.
“Yeah.” You breathed.
Jimmy slowly pressed against your entrance. It probably wasn’t the best idea to start fucking without stretching you out, but that was a problem for tomorrow. You hissed as your walls began to stretch. After what seemed like an eternity, he bottomed out inside of you and you whimpered from the sting. Jimmy leaned down against your body again and pressed kisses against your flushed cheeks.
“Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Just breathe.” He whispered.
His gentle words made you smile and you reached up to hold his face in your hands. He flashed that charming smile again, and you couldn’t help but kiss it off his face. “I can keep going.” You mumbled against his lips.
Without moving away from you, Jimmy slowly pulled out, leaving you empty. You were worried that he was going to just torture you before he slammed back into you with full force. You screamed into his mouth and dug your nails into his shoulders.
“Come on, baby doll, I know you can take it.” He whispered, catching your mouth with his.
He pounded his hips into yours at a brutally fast pace, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist. You held onto him for dear life as his cock buried itself into you over and over again. You felt that same build up of heat in your pussy with each snap of your hips. You buried your face in his neck, moaning and panting.
“Jimmy…” You whimpered as your orgasm neared.
Jimmy felt your walls begin to tighten and he quickened his already brisk pace. “Come for me, sweetheart.” He encouraged.
After a few more thrusts, your body let go and your vision went black from the overwhelming sensation. Your pussy throbbed around his cock, but he didn’t let off. He wanted to make sure you came again before he would let himself go. And with your final scream, Jimmy let out a moan in tandem with yours as his cum spilled inside you. The pulsating of his cock was just enough stimulation to help you finish out your own orgasm.
Jimmy collapsed on top of you, and you wrapped your arms around him. For a moment, all you could hear were the staggering breaths heaving from your chests. After a minute of silence, Jimmy looked back up to you, sheepishly this time.
“Are you still cold?” He asked with a joking smile.
You giggled and kissed him gently. “If I say yes, can we do that again?” You teased.
Jimmy laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby doll, we can do this any time you want.”
A/N: Lmk if you want to be added to my Jimmy Woo x Reader taglist :)
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therealvalkyrie · 4 years
Painter’s Hands and Guatemalan Coffee: Part 4
the ackerman influence
Pairing/setting: Levi Ackerman x Female!Reader, modern!college!AU
Summary: When you catch your idiot boyfriend cheating, your grumpy roommate is there to pick up the pieces and watch your back as you toe a carefully drawn line in the metaphorical sand.  
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: consumption of alcohol and weed products, intoxication, swearing, pretty dang fluffy
AN: SURPRISE BITCHES it’s out tonight!! An infinite thank you belongs to my beloved @ghostlightprincess for her keen eye for editing and swoon-worthy compliments and encouragements. Seriously, this chapter is dedicated entirely to her. I hope y’all enjoy!! I hope y’all appreciate the love I gave Sasha this chapter because........reasons. Pleease feel free to come scream/squeal/chat in my DMs or askbox! In love with you all<3 ~valkyrie
(read part 3 here)
“Here, thisun ‘sblue!” Hange slurs as she passes you yet another shot glass with Greek letters etched on the side.
“Mmm, I like blue,” you giggle, then clink your shot with hers before you both tip your heads back to pour the liquor down your throats. It tastes inexplicably like turquoise, and you laugh loudly over the thumping dance music in approval. 
The poor freshman charged with staffing the drinks table eyes the pair of you skeptically. “Maybe you two should slow down, you seem like you’ve had enough—”
You round on him, offense written across your face. He’s definitely right, but you aren’t exactly gonna let some pimply, snot-nosed teen tell you how to drink. “Woah, Nelly, this ain’t cocktail hour, this is fuckin’ Greek row an’ I won’t have your judgment,” you waggle a finger in his general direction for emphasis, “harsh my vibe.”
“You tell ‘em, girlfriend,” Hange approves vaguely, hanging off your shoulder.
The freshman holds his hands up in defeat, amused. “No judgment.”
You nod once. 
“C’mon, Han, let’s see if we can find the snacks.”
You turn away from the drinks table to do just that, angling towards where you remember the kitchen to be — honestly, this frat is huge — and set off through the crowd. Hange trails after you, fingers tangled with yours like they have been all night, yammering on about something you can’t be bothered to follow.
“‘Scuse us, comin’ through, on a mission!” You push past jostling bodies until you reach the far wall and lean against it for the last leg of your epic journey to the fluorescent lights of the kitchen.
Someone calls your name and you look up through squinted eyes to see Sasha leaned up against the counter by the fridge, bowl of chips in her arms and dab pen tucked behind her ear. She’s dressed casually, sweatpants and DIY cropped t-shirt contrasting your jeans and flashy top.
“Sasha! My love! My dearest, sweetest darling!” You stretch your arms wide towards her, Hange jolting forward where you’re connected. “We come in search of snacks.”
Sasha laughs and lazily deposits her bowl on the counter, stepping forward to stabilize you both with a hand on your shoulder. “You’ve come to the right place, my friends.”
She steers you both to sit at the island, wedging you between the only other two people in the kitchen. You vaguely recognize them as soccer players on the university team: a shaggy-haired brunette and a tall blonde. Sasha passes you her dab pen before ambling over to the pantry. You take a hit, then pass it to Hange, who’s looking much better now that she’s sitting down.
“Sash, these your friends?” the blonde asks, peering down at you through red-rimmed hazel eyes. You pluck the pen out of Hange’s limp grasp and offer it to him in greeting, along with a drunk smile. He takes it and grins back.
“Yep,” Sasha confirms with half her body still stuck into the pantry. “It’s the mad scientist one and the architect.”
“Almost architect,” you correct. “Not official until I have my degree! Although, I will agree, Han’s a mad scientist.” You poke her in the side and she swats you away with an eye roll.
“Oh,” the brunette soccer player pipes up from Hange’s other side, now looking at you curiously as well. He’s also high, startling green eyes hooded and posture relaxed. “So you’re Braun’s ex.”
You hide your shudder of distaste by turning back to take a drag off the pen. “Please don’t tell me that’s all I’m known for,” you sigh out with a cloud of smoke.
“Eren, don’t be an ass.” Sasha finally returns with a box of chocolate pretzels and a bag of hot Cheetos. “Pick your poison, hot stuff,” she offers each in turn. You ponder for a second, then reach for the Cheetos. “That’s Eren—” she points to the brunette, who raises a lazy hand “—and that’s Jean—” the blonde reaches for the pretzels. Sasha makes an offended noise and cradles them to her chest.
You introduce both yourself and Hange while Sasha plays defense against Jean’s long reach.
“Sorry,” Eren apologizes to you, leaning over Hange to grab some Cheetos. “I heard what he did to you. Really shitty.” His tone is casual, but the way he’s practically pinning you in place with his eyes makes you twitch.
“Puh-lease,” Hange pulls out the word, long and sarcastic. “‘Twas more than shitty, what that douche did. I’d’ve wrung him out to dry, but she didn’t—”
You cut her off with a sharp poke to her side. “Drop it, Han, I don’t wanna think about it.”
“But— ooh!” She’s sufficiently distracted when you shove your food in front of her face.
“Sorry,” Eren apologizes again.
“S’okay,” you sigh and take another drag, then hold the pen out to him in a peace offering. He smiles slowly and takes it.
“You guys staying over? There’s plenty of room in the basement, and friends of Sasha’s are always welcome.” It’s Jean who offers, returning to his seat beside you with a singular pretzel for his trouble.
“Hmm, might be nice,” Hange muses, but you’re already shaking your head.
“Thank you, but my roommate’d probably have a conniption if I wasn’t home in the morning.”
Hange actually snorts at this, then starts coughing violently because of the hot Cheeto dust suddenly up her nose. You pat her back in mild concern.
“What, they got a stick up their ass or something?” Eren asks.
“Or something. Levi’s just protective.”
“Levi?” Eren’s eyes are suddenly wide, almost fearful. “Levi Ackerman?”
“Yeah.” Your tone edges on defensive. “Why?”
He takes a hit and shrugs before answering. “He’s just my foster sister’s cousin. Interesting family.”
“Oh, you mean Mikasa?” You didn’t know exactly how they were related, but she’d helped Levi move in and it had struck you how eerily similar they were in disposition.
“Yeah, Mikasa. She’s around here somewhere…” As though by magic, he turns to look over his shoulder just as Mikasa and another blonde boy you don’t recognize mosey in from the hallway. She’s leaning down to catch his soft words and he’s talking with his hands, stalling as his eyes light on the little group in the kitchen.
“Oh, hey guys,” he greets. 
“Armiiiin,” Eren greets with a genuine smile. “Come meet some new friends.”
The pair rounds the kitchen island, Armin allowing Eren to pull him in by the arm and Mikasa going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Sasha. 
“I know you,” Hange pipes up, tilting her head to observe Armin. “You’re in the sophomore biochem class I TA for. Arlert, right?”
Armin ducks his head in a nod. “Yep. Professor LaBelle is a wonder, I had a great time this semester.”
“She is, isn’t she?” Hange’s grin is almost slipping to the dangerous side of intrigued. “I graded your final paper, by the way, and just between us, you set the grade curve.”
He blushes red but his eyes shine with something akin to satisfaction. “Really? That’s a relief, it was a bear to write.”
Eren leans back behind Hange to gesture to you, looking across the kitchen at his foster sister. “Mikasa, this is—”
“—Levi’s roommate,” they say at the same time.
“I know.” Her dark eyes regard you interestedly. “Hi, again,” she greets, saying your name even though she’s maybe heard it once in her life.
“Hi!” You give a small wave.
“What, uh, what,” Jean clears his throat and you look up at him to catch a blush staining across his cheeks and nose. He’s looking at Mikasa. “What’re you guys up to in the basement?”
“We were just going to start a movie, Connie’s setting up the projector,” Mikasa says, eyes flicking from you to Eren. “Wanted to see if you guys wanted to join.”
Jean stands suddenly, his stool rocking from the force of it. “Y-yeah, we’ll join!” Sasha hides a snicker behind her hand.
Eren stands, too, between Armin and Hange, who are still chatting. He looks down at you and says your name like a question. “You coming?”
You find yourself shaking your head again. “I’m so crossed, I think if I even look at a couch I’ll fall asleep. And I, uh,” you yawn, slipping your phone out of a back pocket to check the time. 12:11 AM. “I should be getting home.”
It’s earlier than when you would normally call it quits, but suddenly all you can think about is going home and falling into Levi’s clean, soft-smelling sheets. Plus, it’s the Saturday preceding finals week and tonight was only meant to blow off steam between intense days of studying.
“You stayin’?” You bump Hange with your shoulder, and she looks around at you with wide eyes as though she forgot you were there.
“You stayin’ for the movie?”
“We’re watching It: Chapter Two,” Armin supplies, eyes crinkled in excitement.
Hange’s eyes grow impossibly wider behind her glasses and she grabs your elbow a little too hard. “You wouldn’t mind, right? I’ve been meaning to watch it.”
You smile and shake your head. “Wouldn’t mind at all. You stay, I’ll call an Uber.”
The whole group starts migrating in the lazy way drunk and high people do: Mikasa helps Sasha with the snacks; Eren and Jean grab canned drinks from the fridge; Armin and Hange gravitate towards the door, talking fast with words you’ve never heard before. You stay sitting at the island, tapping away at your phone to order a car.
When you stand to find the front door, your high hits you from behind like a fuckin’ baseball bat and you sway dangerously. You whistle through your teeth, low and soft, planting a hand on the counter. Sasha looks over at you in concern, her arms full.
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I just… what is in that dab pen?”
She laughs, head tilting back. “Good shit, right? Got that one new last week.”
“For real…” you trail off, getting your bearings.
“Here,” Mikasa starts, piling even more food into Sasha’s arms, “I’ll walk you out. Levi would skin me if he knew I didn’t make sure your driver’s not an ax murderer.”
Normally, you’d protest, but the room really is starting to spin.
“Okay,” you sigh and allow her to hook your arm through hers. She’s surprisingly solid, and you find yourself leaning heavily into her. “How’re you still sober?”
“I don’t drink or smoke,” she answers, gently pushing past Armin standing in the doorway. “Doesn’t affect me, anyway, so it’d just be a waste of money.”
“Huh,” you grunt, then twist to wave to the group. “Night, everyone.”
A replying chorus of “goodnight” chases you and Mikasa through the dark foyer littered with drunken party-goers. 
“Oh, wait,” she pauses with a hand on the doorknob. “Did you bring a jacket?”
“Oh,” you wrinkle your nose and think back to getting ready in the afternoon. It had been unseasonably warm and your coat didn’t match your outfit. “No, I didn’t bring one.”
Mikasa gives you an odd look and deposits you by the door. “I’ll be right back.”
Your body feels light as you lean back, tucking your hands into your armpits so they don’t float away. Your eye catches on movement in the dark shadows by the staircase and you squint, trying to see who’s there. It takes a second, but you eventually make out a pair of people, well… making out. They’re completely absorbed in each other, bodies impossibly close and you giggle quietly to yourself before your stomach rolls. No, don’t think about… too late.
You shut your eyes tight and turn away from the couple to lean sideways against the wall. The image is too similar, too gut-punchingly familiar.
“Didn’t mean what? Didn’t mean to stick your tongue down my best friend’s throat? Didn’t mean to practically fuck your best friend’s girlfriend in public?”
The biting words and stuttered apologies are still rolling around in your head when Mikasa comes back, thick puffer coat in hand. She hands it to you and you mutter a subdued “thanks,” twitching to dislodge the dull pain that’s settled in your ribs.
“It’s Eren’s, but he won’t mind. He doesn’t wear this one a lot, and you can just give it back next time we see you.”
“Right,” you nod, head moving a little too easily as you slip your arms in and fumble with the zipper. The faux fur around the hood tickles your face as Mikasa flips it up over your head. She’s clearly experienced in the art of taking care of intoxicated people.
Outside, you’re grateful you bundled up because the temperature has dropped significantly since the afternoon. Chilly December wind bites at your face and you bury your hands in coat pockets to save them from the same fate. Your fingers brush against something cold and metallic, and before you know it you’re pulling out a fistful of crumby objects: a super plus tampon, the packaging split down the side; two “for her pleasure” condoms; and, inexplicably, a Hot Wheels matchbox car. An ugly snort escapes your nose and Mikasa looks over at you in alarm. You raise up your fist and she chuckles through her nose as well. Squinting in the dim light of a flickering streetlamp, you find the expiration date on the condoms to be several months ago, so you lean over to a convenient trash can and toss both them and the tampon. The matchbox car returns to the pocket. Who knows, maybe Eren’ll miss it if it’s gone.
Mikasa doesn’t look affected by the cold, only winding her red scarf more securely around her neck as you both quietly wait on the sidewalk for your Uber. A quick glance at the app tells you that it’s three minutes away.
“Are you and Levi close?” You find yourself asking into the night sounds of Greek Row on a Saturday night.
You almost think she doesn’t hear you over the sound of a group spilling out of a neighboring sorority, but then she answers.
“Not particularly. We didn’t grow up together and only connected because of Uncle Kenny a couple years ago.” Her tone is light and casual as she talks about her family, as though you should know who Uncle Kenny is. Should I know who Uncle Kenny is?
“Oh,” is all you can think to say.
“We may not be close,” she starts again, eyeing you closely, “but I think we’re very similar. And I can tell he cares a lot about you.”
“Oh. Right.” Your palms are suddenly sweaty in your pockets.
“He may not show it,” her tone is careful, “But he does.”
You smile faintly and kick your boot against the curb. “He does show it, in his own way. He’s been really good to me.” Somehow, it’s easy to talk about this to Mikasa, even when you get all stuttery and weird having an identical conversation with Hange. Maybe it’s the drugs and alcohol, or maybe it’s because there’s not a hint of judgment in Mikasa’s eyes. Either way, it feels good to speak your feelings into the world.
“Good.” She nods and follows your gaze to where you’re still scuffing the curb. “Some unsolicited advice for you: if you ever want anything besides mutual pining to come out of it, you need to be really obvious. Or make the first move outright.”
This makes you stutter and wring your hands, she just puts it so bluntly. “R-right, the first move…. Oh, I think that’s my car.”
“What’s the license plate number we’re looking for?”
You read it out from the app while Mikasa steps to the back of the blue sedan that just pulled up. She nods, confirming it’s the same, then circles to the driver’s side window, which is cracked open.
“Hi,” you greet the driver, a blonde woman in her late twenties, and confirm her name matches the one in the app before sliding into the back seat. Mikasa leans down to murmur something to her and she nods, glancing back at you in the rearview mirror.
“G’night, Mikasa,” you call out the window. “Thanks for everything. And tell Eren thanks for the jacket.”
She waves as the car pulls away. You settle into the quiet hum of the car and let your mind wander. 
Mutual pining. Make the first move outright….
“Mikasa texted me,” Levi says by way of greeting as you stumble out of the car and thank your driver. He’s leaning on a lamp post outside your apartment building when your Uber pulls up, jacket and boots pulled on over flannel pajamas. 
“Levi, stand ominously on the sidewalk often?” you ask, dragging out his name long and sing-song.
“Only for you, kid.” He loops an arm around your waist and steers you towards the entryway
“Not a kid,” you grumble, masking the stutter of your heart at his usual pet name for you. Somewhere in the last couple of weeks, it’s gained a weightier significance, at least to you. It’s endearing and a little distancing and charged all at once and it makes your head spin as you climb the stairs up to your floor.
At your door, Levi unlocks it while you drift slowly in a circle next to him, trying to expend the sudden nervous energy you’ve gained in his presence.
The first move, first move, first move… Mutual pining. Mutual.
“What are you muttering about?”
You hadn’t realized you were thinking out loud.
“Nothing,” you say quickly and pass through the door he’s holding open for you. Your momentum carries you farther than you mean to go, and he catches you by the elbow, reeling you back to the coat rack by the door.
“Whose jacket is that?” He shrugs off his own and eyes the faux fur around your face skeptically.
You fumble with the zipper for a second before he sighs and reaches for it himself, stepping into your space. His face is so close to yours you can feel his breath ghosting over your collarbone as he unzips the jacket.
“Eren’s,” you finally answer. “Look.” You pull the matchbox car out of its pocket and show it to Levi with a wide grin. He stares at it for a second, then the tiniest smile twitches onto his lips.
“He’s a weird kid.” It’s almost fond, with an undertone of exasperation.
“You know him?”
“Yeah, he’s in the art department, too. Graphic design major, marketing minor. I TAed his freshman seminar last year.” Levi slips the coat off your shoulders as he speaks, then hangs it by the loop next to his. 
“Ah, that makes sense,” you muse, wandering farther into the apartment. “He looked terrified when I mentioned you. What’d you do to those poor freshmen?”
“Nothing they didn’t deserve.”
“...ominous,” you hiss, your eyes wide as you let him gently push you into your room. The nervous energy hasn’t quite been expended, and you find your hands wringing with it. Suddenly, you’re rambling about your night as he sits you down on your bed among the laundry that’s taken residence there in its disuse. The stupid song they played at the first frat; Sasha’s excellent food; the blue mystery shot.
“It tasted like turquoise, I swear, Levi! It was like magic!” Your eyes are wide, insistent as you lean forward into his space.
“How does something taste like turquoise?” He ducks his head to avoid your face, fingers untying the knotted laces of your boots.
“You’re the artist, you tell me.”
“I don’t eat my paint.”
“Not even once? Not gonna lie, your paint looks very tasty, sometimes…”
“Are you always this annoying when you’re high?” He tugs the second boot off your foot as you let yourself fall back onto your bed.
“Come on, you love me,” you crow to the ceiling. Mutual pining.
Levi mutters something under his breath.
“Nothing. Where do you keep your pajamas?” He stands and looks around your room.
“Middle drawer, left side,” you direct, lazily motioning to your dresser with an arm. Your eyes flutter shut as you listen to Levi pick his way across the floor and slide the drawer open.
Normally, you can get yourself in bed after a night out just fine. Normally, you slip into the apartment making as little noise as possible, and fall into bed without Levi even waking up. But it feels nice to have his steady hands on you when it feels like your organs might start floating apart at any second. It’s anchoring and reassuring and you can feel the safety of being near him lulling you into a doze.
Come on, you love me.
You shoot up to sitting, mind whirling and chest tight. “L-Levi?”
“D-do…” Do you love me? “Do you think I’m pretty?” It feels petty in your mouth and you immediately regret the words, but it would be worse to try and take them back, so you just bite your lip and look down at the floor.
A hand plops onto the top of your head. Levi’s gray eyes meet yours, soft with something you can’t describe, when he tilts your head up. He’s quiet for a moment, then reaches his other hand to thumb your bottom lip out from between your teeth.
“I think you’re very pretty.”
(read part 5 here)
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
be with me, always.
a george weasley x reader blurb wherein after an exhausting day at work, george offers the reader to rest and when they wake up, the ginger asks a very simple question.
 WARNING: none !!! 
A/N: akdjfkjf these blurbs are making me so soft !! thank you so much for requesting @accioxreparo​ !! i hope you like this, i absolutely loved writing this !! again, this is for my 100-follower celebration !! honestly is this still a blurb bcs i was carried away once again
request: “Would I be able to do 🥳 with George with the phrase “Why don’t you stay the night?””
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Being best friends with an aspiring owner of a joke shop had its pros and cons, but who would even have a con if your bestfriend was George Weasley? 1/2 of the Weasley Twins. 
Over the course of their last year at Hogwarts, you’ve always helped the twins with ideas, being their first customer to almost all the products they have before actually selling it out to the public. With that being said of course, you helped along with the building of their shop after leaving Hogwarts.
With you being a graduate, it meant that you can focus on doing whatever you please; which of course meant you could help the twins full-time now. 
You entered the shop that was half-way done, your eyes scanning through the boxes that was scattered on the floor as the sun shone through the windows of the shop. The aroma of fresh paint intruding your nose almost immediately as you walked further into the shop.
“You’re quite early, (Y/N). Missed me already?” Fred’s voice resonating through the shop as he went down the stairs. You looked up to see the ginger lean by the railing, a knowing smirk plastered on his lips. 
Scoffing lightly, you playfully flipped him off as you settled your bag down by one of the shelves, “Sorry Freddie but you know I want the other Weasley.” you joked half-heartedly, laughing softly. He gave you a somewhat sad gaze as he picked up one of the boxes laid out on the floor. 
“You should really consider telling him how you feel, (Y/N).”
“And ruin our friendship? No thanks, Fred.”
And that’s what you’ve been struggling with since the day you’ve realized that you’ve harboured feelings for the ginger, the fear of you losing him because of how you feel holding you down from telling him how you really feel.
Months have passed since the grand opening of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and you couldn’t have been more proud of what the twins have achieved in such a short span. 
The products they’ve made hitting it off almost immediately with kids who were just about to go back to Hogwarts and to wizards and witches who just want a good laugh despite of the dark times rising. 
Exhausted from handling rowdy children all day, you gently flicked your wand and the misplaced toys, candies and other products started to rearrange themselves as you lazily grabbed the broom from the back and started to sweep the floor. As much as you love interacting with the customers, it drains you immensely at the end of the day.
“Hey (Y/N)” George’s voice greeted you, emerging from his and Fred’s shared office. Your eyes meet him and widen at the sight; him clad in just his button up and waist coat with his sleeves rolled up. “H-hey, George, how you doing?”
“Doing alright, yeah. You on the other hand, seem really miserable. What’s up with you?” He asks, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow at you. 
You leaned against one of the shelves and sighed softly, “I’m just exhausted, talking to children all day is an absolute way to get you to sleep earlier because it drains the light out of you.” He laughed gently and walked towards you, grabbing the broom from your arms.
“I reckon you need a second to rest. How about you go up to our apartment and rest in my room for a bit, yeah? I’ll wake you up as soon as I’m done here.” He said, patting your hair gently, the gentle action causing heat to flare up your cheeks. “You know better than to argue with me and say no on this one, love. Go on, go get your beauty rest.” He nudged you gently.
Having no energy to argue with him, you decided to just opted to nod and trudge up the stairs and into their apartment. Upon entering his room, you just flopped down on the bed and passed out, cuddling the pillows that bear his cinnamon-like scent.
You stir lightly and noticed that you weren’t in your room- nor that you weren’t even in your work clothes anymore. Sitting up straight, you looked at the clock next to George’s bedside and see that it was almost midnight. “Shit, I overslept.” 
Standing up, you noticed that you were clad in George’s old quidditch sweater, making you blush. 
You made your way out of the room and see George sleeping on their couch, huddled up with a rather tattered blanket. The sight hitting you with guilt, did he really sleep out here so he won’t disturb me? 
You approached his sleeping figure quietly and sat down in front of him, hair patting his hair gently as you whispered, “George, Georgie wake up. You can go back into your room now, I’ll apparate back into my apartment.” As you stood up to leave, someone held unto your wrist, causing you to look down and see him look up at you with a rather somber gaze.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” George asked, his voice quite raspy from waking up. You stood there in surprise, did he really just ask you to stay the night instead? “It’s almost midnight, love. You could get hurt out there.”
“How about you though? Isn’t the couch uncomfy? Let me sleep here instead then.” You answered, realizing that going home this late is indeed a bit dangerous considering the fact that you lived with a muggle flatmate. 
“We can always share the bed, you know. Why? Afraid of not keeping your hands off of me?” He teased, a lazy grin on his lips as he pulled you in, instantly cradling you in his arms. “Besides, mum would kill me if she found out that I let you sleep on the couch.” He continued, laughing softly at the thought.
The close proximity that the two of you are in made your breath hitch, stunned beyond words that he’s openly affectionate with you like this. You turned to face him, eyes looking over his features, intaking how beautiful his freckles were under the moonlight that seeped through the curtains, how warm his breath his against your face.
The next thing you knew, your lips was on his. You immediately backed away and covered your lips, eyes as wide as his at the sudden action, “George! I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-” and you were cut off once again, with his lips now on yours. 
Your eyes were still wide, George, your long time crush was actually kissing you and you didn’t even know how to react. He pulled away and hugged you even tighter. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, (Y/N).” He whispered, face hidden on the crook of your neck.
“The feeling’s mutual, Georgie.” You mumbled back, still in disbelief that the two of you just kissed. 
“Move in with me, love.” He suddenly said, looking up at you with a serious look. Your head whipped to his direction, face confused as ever. “Excuse me, what now?”
“Move in with me, love! So that you don’t have to travel too far after you work here! This is brilliant!” His voice was now dripping with excitement at his proposal. “Alright, I’ll move in then.” You answered quietly, your lips mirroring the smile on his face.
“You’ll move here right away, I’ll help you! Fred wouldn’t mind at the very least-” “Is there a real reason why you want me to move here though, Weasley?” you asked him teasingly, raising an eyebrow as you cut him off. 
Now this caught the ginger off guard, his cheeks now flushed pink. “Well, I just want you to be with me, (Y/N). Be with me, always.”
You laughed softly at his answer, your hands cupping his cheeks as you rested your forehead against his. “You know that I love you, right?”
“Of course I do, I love you too.”
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART XIII - Eris and his mother talk. I love the Lady of Autumn, and I really hope we see a lot more of her in the next books. Just a warning that there are mentions of character death. Thank you to everyone who reads.
ash stop making me cry
Prince of Ashes. Part XIII.
“Pity you had not been with them.” 
His father’s words from earlier that morning rang clear in Eris’s ears as he stood outside the door to his mother’s chambers. What if his mother thought the same? Eris did not want to see the Lady of Autumn, he breathed in deeply through his nose as he stood in the hall outside her room.
He could not bear to face her, not after he’d seen her fall to her knees, her hands fisted in her hair, the anguished cry that had left her lips nothing short of horrible. Eris found himself wishing he could hide under his covers like he’d done as a youngling and wait for this storm to pass, all the others had.
Since Maddox had returned, Cato’s and Owain’s bodies with him, the entire Autumn Court had been thrown into chaos. The territory bordering Winter was left without a leader, the Royal Guard was left without a captain, the people were all left shocked. - Maddox had been quick to put the blame on Eris — for not being there, for spoiling Lucien, for fighting to keep the runt alive the day he’d been born. Eris didn’t blame Maddox for being angry, he’d been angry as well.
Eris had broken the arm of a rich lord for expressing his “sincerest apologies,” Eris was positively certain that he had never been sincere about anything in his entirely too long and worthless life. Eris had also attacked his father’s favourite adviser like some wild beast for suggesting he’d planned the whole thing, that he’d wanted Cato and Owain dead. Eris had nearly strangled him, would have killed him, if Priam and Rufus hadn’t been there to intervene.
Eris felt like everything was falling apart.
With one last exhale, Eris knocked softly on his mother’s door. Rufus had begged him to speak to her, tears in his eyes. She’d gone to the courtyard to see the funerary pyres earlier that day and hadn’t spoken to anyone since. His mother did not answer. Eris had not been expecting her to. He pushed the door open slowly, trying to steady his shaking hand.
His mother was sitting on the edge of her large bed, staring at the wall, her russett eyes emptier than he’d ever seen them before. Eris had seen corpses that looked more alive. 
“Mother?” Eris noticed that there were no flames in the fireplace. The constant crackling and snapping sounds of a roaring fire usually set his mind at ease, so with half a thought, Eris lit some of the small candles in the room, the fireplace coming alive with the slight lift of his fingers.
Her voice was void of any emotion as she responded. “I did not ask for you.”
Eris flinched as he walked towards her, “I know.” He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to muster his softer side, he’d been angry and rude all day. Eris was going to be like Rufus, he was going to be kind and loving, he could be kind and loving if he tried. He decided to get on his knees by the edge of his mother’s bed, thinking it would be better if he wasn’t looking down at her as he spoke.
“I did not want children,” his mother whispered, her eyes still staring at the wall. “Not with him.”
“I know.” It was no secret that his mother was sold into marriage with Beron against her will. Sometimes Eris forgot how young she had been when she’d married the High Lord of the Autumn Court, how young she’d been when she’d had her first child.
“I would pray to the Mother, beg her not to bring a child into this home, every night. It scared me, thinking about what he might do to my children. I had thought the Mother was deaf to my prayers when I learned that I was pregnant with you.” The Lady of Autumn turned to face her eldest son, an unreadable emotion in her eyes, “But you were born, and you were small, and precious and I loved you more than anything, loved each of your brothers the same.”
She looked at Eris as tears filled her eyes, “I tried so hard, Eris. You know that I tried?” 
His mother had sounded so uncertain, so unsure of herself. Eris nodded, “We all know that you did your best.” Eris didn’t know if he could actually speak for the rest of his brothers, but even if none of them cared about anything else, Eris knew they cared about their mother.
She took a shaky breath, “I fear that the Mother remembers those prayers, Eris, that she is punishing me for them, and I will be doomed to watch all my sons die.” Eris did not respond, not knowing what to say. On his knees in front of her, Eris felt like he was about to beg for her forgiveness. Perhaps he should. Eris stiffened when his mother lifted her hand. It hovered between them for a moment before she put her hand back to her lap, the black skirts of her dress rustling. “You always did that,” she mumbled. “The only child I'd ever seen flinch away from his mother’s touch.”
He would have rather she hit him. “I’m sorry.” The words coming from his mouth sounded hollow, unused, but he meant them.
She shook her head, red curls bouncing, “It’s hardly your fault.” She turned both her hands, palms up, a silent offering. Eris knew his mother wouldn’t hold it against him if he didn’t reach out to take them. “Have you been to the courtyard?”
Eris placed one of his hands into hers, “No.” Eris didn’t know if he wanted to go, even if all the others had gone. 
She traced his knuckles with her thumb, “You should, they look at peace.” She tightened her hold on his hand, her voice dropping to a whisper again. “I didn’t know it would hurt this much, Eris, like someone’s ripped out my heart.” Tears streamed down her face, and she actually looked like she might have been in physical pain.
She shook her head, “You know, Cato sounded a bit like Rufus when he laughed.” Eris didn't know that, didn’t know what Cato sounded like when he’d laughed, didn’t think he’d heard him before. Eris was finding it hard to breathe. His mother’s grip on his hand tightened even more, “My little boys, Eris, I’ve failed them.” Eris was going to burn the house to the ground. He didn’t think their mother had failed them, he didn’t think if he said it to her it’d make anything better.
“Tell me what to do,” Eris almost begged, “Tell me what I can do to help.”
She took another shaky breath, voice wavering as she said, “I don’t want him to light the pyres, Eris.”
“I'll do it,” he could convince his father to let him do it.
She nodded once, letting go of his hand, “Thank you.”
Eris took that as the dismissal it was, getting back to his feet.
“Eris?” She reached out for the black sleeve of his embroidered jacket, holding it tightly.
He froze, waiting a moment before he asked, “Mother?”
“I love you very much.”
Eris thought he could feel something in him crack, thought he felt something inside him break. Eris didn’t remember the last time someone had told him that and he’d believed it. Eris wasn’t even sure if he believed it now. He leaned down, kissing her cheek as he mumbled, “Love you.”
She let go of his sleeve, nodding once. Eris glanced back to his mother one final time before he left the room. She’d gone back to staring at the wall, unmoving. Eris had never noticed how small she was, how the large skirts of her dress seemed to swallow her whole.
As soon as he’d shut the door behind him, Eris winnowed to the courtyard. It was cool out, the breeze slow and lazy.
In Autumn, funerals started right as the last rays of the sun were disappearing over the horizon, right at the start of the day’s death. The pyres would burn all night — until there was nothing left but ash. He’d have to speak to his father about lighting them, wanting to grant his mother’s wish.
He stood between the two pyres now. Someone had washed away the blood from their faces, had brushed their hair, had placed golden crowns on their heads. His mother was right, they did look at peace. If Eris didn’t know any better, he’d have thought his brothers were sleeping.
Eris looked closely at Cato. Lucien’s kill, a cruel sort of irony that Lucien had thrown one of Cato’s own knives at him. Eris remembered when Cato had been born. His father had put a heavy hand on his shoulder, leaned in close and had told him in a low voice that he was expendable. Eris had been sent to a war camp the next day. It was no surprise that they had resented each other, that they grew more bitter year by year. But Cato had warned him about Beron, and Eris was grateful.
Eris turned to face Owain. He’d been a hero in Autumn, born before the War and grown up to fight in it. Everywhere, people told tales of his victories in battle. It was almost impossible for Eris to believe what Maddox had told them all. Owain dropping his sword as Tamlin lunged at him didn’t seem like a mistake he would have made. Maddox had also made sure to tell Eris that Owain wouldn’t have killed Lucien, wouldn’t have let Cato do it either. For whatever reason, Eris believed it.
Eris awkwardly stood there, well aware that he couldn’t really mourn them, he barely knew them. Eris was certain about one thing — he should have been there, Eris would have been able to stop this from happening.
Eris felt ancient.
With a long sigh, he sat on the ground between his dead brothers. They’d been his greatest rivals, his strongest opponents. There was no other way in the Autumn Court. Eris made a promise to himself that when he became High Lord, he’d change it.
Cauldron, Eris thought, they were all so fucked up. He wondered when Beron had stopped pulling their strings, when the sharp words and harsh actions were no longer dictated by their father, when cruelty had become a part of them. He wondered when they had stopped seeing each other as brothers and started seeing each other as obstacles.
When Eris had been very young, he’d liked sneaking out of the Forest House. He couldn’t do anything, couldn’t really go anywhere, but he sometimes found himself lying on the ground, staring up at the sky. He did the same thing now. Sprawled on his back, Eris stared up at the blue sky, noticing that there wasn’t a single cloud in sight. If anyone walked by and saw him on the cold, hard ground between his brothers’ funeral pyres, surely they would think he’d gone mad, but Eris didn’t care.
Eris figured this would be his last chance to say something to his brothers, but he was old, and he’d seen many die, and he felt as though the dead couldn’t hear him anyway. It occurred to Eris that he could apologize for never being there when they’d needed him, but Eris didn’t think apologies meant much if you weren’t forgiven. Eris took a deep breath, his chest aching, he couldn’t very well say nothing — it didn’t seem right.
His voice wavered as he said, “Cauldron save you,” words he remembered his mother speaking at the pyres of her dead sisters. “Mother hold you. Pass through the gates, and smell that immortal land of milk and honey. Fear no evil. Feel no pain.” They’d felt enough while they’d been alive, Eris thought, Eris understood. He took a shaky breath as he whispered the last words of the short prayer, the wind carrying them. “Go, and enter eternity.”
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Shuichi x fem!reader fluffshot
desc; shuichi with a fem!s/o who enjoys wearing dresses. she goes out of her way to buy a dress for a date.
warnings; they're in highschool? i think???, suggestive depends on how you look at it, fluff, so many clichés, i did some fake text messages bc i didnt know how to type the text message format
word count; 2k
“Hmm...” You hummed frustratingly as you skimmed through the dresses in the shop, not finding one you were happy with. You were trying to find a dress that you thought Shuichi would like, but so far you haven’t found one that piqued your interest. You furrowed your brow at a blue dress that you came across on, looking at the back in interest. You grinned as you finally found the right one, the one you were going to wear for the date you had with Shuichi.
As you brought it to the counter and took out your wallet, you couldn’t stop thinking of how Shuichi would react. You felt giddy from the excitement of seeing him flushed from the sight of you. Quickly purchasing the dress, you grabbed the handle of the bag the dress was in and made your way back home with a bounce in your step.
As you sat in one of the public bus seats, you checked your phone for the time. Your eyes widened in panic when you saw the big bold letters read, “5:00 pm” That meant you only had 1 hour to prepare for the date you had with Shuichi. You put your phone back in your pocket and started fidgeting with your fingers in distress, predicting how much time it would take for you to get home, shower and dress up. ‘Would there be enough time?’ You thought. Shifting uncomfortably in your seat as the anxiety bubbled up inside you, waiting to pour out.
Whilst you were panicking in the bus seat, Shuichi was at his house trying on multiple shirts that he was unhappy with. He stood in front of his full body mirror with faux confidence, “H-hey there uh, you look great!” He spoke to the mirror with a nervous smile, picturing you in front of him. His face dropped as he sighed, “Great? Great!? Get it together Shuichi, we both know that she’s much more than great.” He grumbled to himself as he took off his shirt and--yet again-- put on another one.
He looked in the mirror, examining the black button-up on his back. He made a sound of uncertainty before nodding, “Eh, okay.” He inhaled before faced the mirror again and looking himself dead in the eyes. “S/o, would you be my girlfriend?” He said--surprisingly--without a single stutter, before breaking character and groaning. He squatted down and muffled his screams in his knees, face red from shame. “I can’t do this,”
“No, I-I can do this. What would Kaito say if he saw you being such a coward?” He muttered as he stood up and paced the room stressfully, before stopping and staring at the flowers he got for you. He had an internal battle in his head between ‘What if she says no?’ and ‘But what if she says yes?’ In the end, he decided that future Shuichi would decide.
Once the bus stopped near your home, you quickly hopped off the stairs of the vehicle and started jogging to your house. You unlocked the door to your house and rushed to your room. Checking the time again, it read 5:14 pm. ‘Perfect.’ You thought as you hastily stripped yourself of your clothes and showered. No longer than 10 minutes later, you carefully got out of the shower, careful not to slip. While you dried yourself, you heard your phone ring. Unlocking your phone, you smiled at the message from Shuichi.
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Shuichi yelped as he pressed send, throwing his phone at his bed. You replied back with trembling fingers and rosy cheeks.
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You laughed loudly as you watched his calm composed texts turned into embarrassed apologies. Your nerves easing as you laughed. Taking a small breather, you replied back with a goofy smile on your face.
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You left his last message on read as you dried your hair with a victorious smile. Whilst you basked in glory, Shuichi was at his house, trying his best not to imagine you naked. “Keep it together, Shuichi!” He told himself, voice muffled by his hands. He lightly whacked his head, trying to stop where his thought process was going. He really didn’t want to picture you naked; He would never look at you the same way if he did. Shaking his head of his strange thoughts, he went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face.
Once you dried your hair thoroughly, you got out of the bathroom, shivering as you felt the cold hair hit your damp skin. You quickly slipped on your undergarments, wanting some sort of material on your cold body. After slipping on your undergarments, you made your way towards the small paper bag you had left near your room door. You reached into the bag and grabbed the dress, grinning excitedly as you saw the glossy dark blue fabric.
You put on the dress and went to go check yourself in the mirror. Looking into your reflection, you beamed at how your dress looked on your figure. You felt like a fucking Disney princess. You made a few funny power poses in the mirror to hype yourself up. This might be your new favourite, you thought, you just hope that Shuichi likes the dress just as much as you do. You did a few playful spins in the mirror, before glancing at the clock on your wall, ‘5:35 pm.’ Looks like you had more time than you needed.
You sat down on your bed, picking up your phone, and opening the messaging app to text Shuichi. Your thumb hovered over the keys, as you hesitated. You decided it would be rude to ask someone if they wanted to go earlier when you had already agreed on a time. So, instead, you exited the app and scrolled on Tumblr, occasionally laughing at a shitpost.
Shuichi stared at his phone, waiting for the screen to light up with a notification impatiently. His ahoge perking up every time he saw his screen brighten up with a notification, but deflating when he saw it wasn’t you. He glared at the small box before caving in and grabbing his phone. He opened the messaging app, about to text you when suddenly, his phone started vibrating. He almost dropped his phone from surprise, fumbling it until he caught it. Unfortunately, his thumb had tapped on the answer button before he could see who it was.
When he finally held his phone in his hands to look at it clearly, his eyes widened as his heart thumped when he saw your name. Clearing his throat, he quickly brought his phone next to his ear, letting out a squeaky, “Hello?” He winced at the unwanted pubescent sound his throat made, face-palming as his voice failed him.
“Uh-Hi! Is-is your throat okay?” You asked, unsure if who you heard was Shuichi. “U-um yeah- No, my uh, my throat is fine.” He cleared his throat once again. It was as if he had forgotten to speak, somehow managing to mess up each word. “S-so, why’d you call?” Shuichi asked nervously, trying to steer the conversation away from his squeaky voice. He awaited your answer as he laid on his back on his bed, gripping his phone with one hand and leaving the back of his other hand on his forehead.
“No reason, really. Guess I just got impatient and wanted to hear your voice.” You slyly replied, your face heating up with every word that made its way out of your mouth. You see, that was a lie. You had actually been trying to change his contact name to something funny but you had accidentally pressed the call button. What? Did you really think you would have enough confidence to call him yourself? Hah, you wish! You should be thanking your ginormous fingers.
Shuichi sighed dreamily, basking in the sound of your voice. He was so entranced by the sound of it, that the lovesick idiot forgot to reply. Causing your thoughts to go into overdrive and your confidence to go ‘poof!’, “Oh! I-I’m sorry if that’s weird! I just mea-” He snapped out of his daze the moment he heard your panicked voice, quick to dismiss your thought process, “N-no, it’s not weird! To be honest, I wanted to hear your voice too but I just d-didn’t have enough confidence to call.” He admitted quietly, face flushing from his mini confession.
“O-oh.” You were sure you were going to pass out from overheating, he wanted to hear your voice too! You lived in the thought that Shuichi likes the sound of your voice. Shuichi continued the conversation, “So... Tell me about the dress you said you thought I’d like, I’d love to hear about how it looks.” Shuichi smiled fondly, knowing how much you love dresses. As the image of you in a summer dress popped up in his head, he felt his heart warm up. He’s extremely grateful that you enjoy wearing dresses because he enjoys seeing you in them just as much.
Every time he sees you approach him with a dress on, he’s on cloud 9. He swore he was the luckiest man alive when you accepted to go out with him. As you giggled at his words, you were unaware of the effect your giggle had on this man. Your giggle was near fatal for a love-sick fool like him, you made his heart pump just a little bit faster in his chest.
“Nice try, Saihara-Kun. But it’s a surprise! Don’t worry about it though, I am positive you’ll like it.” You teased, running your fingers on the glossy blue fabric in thought. Shuichi chuckled underneath his breath, making your heart skip a beat this time. “You caught me,” Shuichi confessed, laughing quietly. You pressed your hands against your red cheeks, feeling how warm they were.
Glancing at the clock, you spoke, “Oh hey, it’s already 5:46 pm. Are you going to pick me up, Mr. Detective?” You purred, standing up and searching for your purse. Shuichi checked the time on his phone, eyes widening at the time, “Already? It felt much shorter than that.” You shook your head and laughed, “Time goes faster when you’re having fun.” You chimed. “That’s the most cliché thing I’ve ever heard you say.” Shuichi deadpanned, causing you to chuckle at the tone of his voice.
“But it’s pretty accurate isn’t it?” Shuichi sighed in defeat, “I guess so. Or maybe the author was too lazy to write more.” You hummed in agreement, “That’s probably what happened, yeah.” You smiled softly before saying the words neither of you wanted to hear, “Hey, we have to hang up now.” Shuichi felt dread wash over his body at the thought of not hearing your voice, “You have to pick me up remember?” You reminded, cleaning your room a bit before you left. “Don’t hang up.” He pouted, not wanting to stop hearing your voice.
“Shuichi, I’m going to see you in, like, less than 10 minutes.” You giggled at his desperate tone of voice, “Trust me, I don’t want to hang up either.” Shuichi exaggerated his sigh, “Okay, okay, I’m on my way. I’ll see you in 10 minutes, yeah?” He quickly got up, smoothening the wrinkles on his dress shirt. “Yup!” You gushed, feeling caught up in the moment you blurted out, “Love you!”
Crazily enough, Shuichi didn’t seem to notice it either as he replied, “Love you too.” As both of you hung up, you paused. ‘Wait.’
Shuichi also froze, ‘wait a second.’ The two oblivious idiots simultaneously had a mental breakdown, both realizing that they both had just confessed to each other. What did this mean? Were you two a couple now?? Shuichi pushed the thought to the back of his head, focusing on the fact he had to drive to your house and he couldn’t be distracted(drive safely!). He picked up his keys and the roses he had gotten for you earlier today, and made his way out the door.
You slipped on your heels with one hand while you held your purse with the other. Looking in the mirror one more time, you adjusted your dress slightly before taking a peek at the clock. 5:59 pm. You made your way to the door and opened it. Jolting when you saw Shuichi’s tall body right in front of you, “Shui- Why didn’t you ring the doorbell?” You questioned, cocking your head to the side. Shuichi looked at you in awe, you were right, he really did love your dress.
“I... Uh...” He couldn’t say anything as he marvelled over the way you looked in the blue dress. You grinned bashfully, twirling a bit for him. “You like it?” You bit your lip, looking up at him. He simply nodded, not able to think of any words to describe how godly you looked at the moment.
Holy shit, he really, really wanted to kiss you.
He found himself slowly leaning towards you, eyeing your lips. “Shu?” You tried to snap him out of his daze, before realizing where his eyes were trained on. Realization dawned over you and you flushed, eyeing his lips as in turn. Reaching up to grab his face, you gently put your hands on his jaw and craned your neck to kiss him. Thank god for the heels, you would’ve had to pull him down without them.
His eyes expanded due to the fact you made the first move. Closing his eyes, he gripped your hips, sliding his hands over the material of your dress. As he kept going for more of your lips, more of your touch, more of you, the more he became intoxicated. But to his dismay, you pulled away, breath fanning against his chin. “Ditch the date?” You asked, trying to gain your breath back. “Ditch the date.” Shuichi eagerly replied, curling his arm around your waist and pulling you inside your house, closing the door behind him.
this is so long ;--; and unedited- hsbhjbdkndfx i hope you guys enjoyed this! super fun to write brooo, and hey! its only 1 am! proud of me? :D - mod chia
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The Reader's Guide to Avoiding Redfly (and how to have a good time doing it)
“How’re you doing, kid?” Tom murmured in your ear. Your skin hadn’t started crawling yet, but it definitely would soon.
“Redfly, leave the girl alone.” 
A third voice - the voice of God himself, if it meant that Tom would let you go. 
Summary: Your friend Dina is dating Benny Miller, and drags you along to one of his fights before a night at a bar. His friends meet you there - Tom ‘Redfly’ Davis, who is too busy trying it on with you to think about his wife; Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia, who is a god made flesh; and Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales, who agrees to help keep you out of Redfly’s clutches. But Frankie is not without his own charm...
Relationships: Frankie Morales x reader, side Santiago Garcia x Original Female Character, side Benny Miller x Original Female Character
Rating: First chapter is Mature, but it will be getting Explicit after that... 
Author’s note: I saw Triple Frontier last week for the first time and it has occupied my every waking thought since then. This is my first ‘x reader’ fic, so feedback is appreciated. Benny is my darling boy and I want to write him a loving af relationship even if it’s in the bg of this fic. I also don’t mean to step on toes but Redfly is the worst man and deserved to die a lot earlier than he did in the film. I am also obviously obsessed with Frankie Morales. Sorry if the formatting is fucked, this is the first fic I’ve posted directly to Tumblr in many’a.
Warnings: 18+ for frequent language, she/her pronouns, future smut but this chapter is just teasing.
Read on AO3.
Chapter One
The Fight
“The fight ends at 9pm, so we’ll be good to get to the bar by 9.30,” Dina said, leaning to within a hair's breadth of the bathroom mirror. Your arms twitched, hands opening and closing as you watched the safety pin come even closer to her eyeball.
“Dina, do you have to- the fight?”
“Yes, I need to separate my eyelashes, and yes, the fight.” She said, tongue peeping out between her lips. “Benny is fighting and he’s going to come with us to the bar afterwards.”
Your heart sank, just a little. Benny was a great guy, and you were happy for Dina, but it was always harder to get into bars when Benny ‘Brick Shithouse’ Miller rocked up with facial wounds and an ego after inevitably winning the fight. 
Apparently their post-fight sex was insane.
“So it’s you, me, and Benny?” you asked flatly, and she rolled her eyes in a way that made your hands clench into fists, with a vivid mental image of the pin sinking into her eyeball. She ignored you, of course, and started on the bottom lid.
“No, you prick,” she said, teasing each lash apart. She paused, and winked at you through the mirror “Ha. Prick! Get it? Sandy, Amy and Kelly are joining us - and Benny is bringing his friends.”
“William and Tom?” You were trying so hard not to be a downer, you really were, but you’d met William and Tom before and it was not a great experience. William - Benny’s brother - was aesthetically pleasing, and a lovely guy, but way too earnest about the purity of combat, while Tom was… a douche. A douche who clearly enjoyed his nights away from the wife a little too much. “Great.”
“Not just Will and Tom,” she chided, finally putting down the pin and fluttering her eyelashes at her reflection. “A few of his old squad guys are coming too.”
“OK then,” you said, and turned to leave.
“Where are you going?” Dina called.
“To get another drink.”
Based on the MMA prelude, you decided to rethink your outfit to something a bit less… showy, and had poured yourself into a skintight skirt with a shirt that helped accentuate your decolletage just right. So right, in fact, that you’d forgone a sensible coat in favour of a leather jacket that didn’t even close properly. The clothes did little to shield you from the cold, which explained why you had chugged nearly half a bottle of Smirnoff in the cab over. 
Dina looked every inch the fighter’s girlfriend, she really did. You didn’t even know she owned a faux-fur coat. Her meticulously-separated eyelashes were currently fluttered together, shielding her eyes from her cigarette smoke. 
Not that it helped. Your buzz was fading fast with every second you stood out in the freezing cold parking lot.
Sandy hadn’t bothered to change her outfit - “Fuck it, it can’t be any dirtier than the bar.” - and was leaning against the arena wall wearing a mini dress that practically showed what she had eaten for breakfast. The woman had legs up to her neck, and more than one man had slowed his passage into the arena to get a good look. Sandy, with legs that long since she was fifteen, and a face that had been beautiful her whole life, flipped each one off with a casual laziness you could never hope to emulate. 
The three of you were standing outside the arena waiting for Tom and the others to arrive. The crowd was known to get rowdy, and Benny had been very firm with Dina about going in with his friends. William was already inside with Benny, prepping him for the fight.
It was so cold you were nearly tempted to ask Dina for a pull of her cigarette, just to feel some warm air, when -
Your face locked into a grimace, and you looked down to kick a loose pebble from under your shoe, trying to regain control of your facial muscles by the time Tom got close.
“Tommy!” Dina yelled. “You’re late, what the hell?”
“Don’t blame me,” Tom said, “Blame these assholes.”
Two sets of denim-wrapped legs stepped into your view, and you huffed out a little sigh before looking up. Tom was standing in front of you, with his friend on his right. 
His friend. Who was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. He smiled at you, and you felt a small laugh escape you. 
What was that face? He looked like a Latino George Clooney. How did he get taken seriously in life?
“Hey, tiger,” Tom said to you, his lopsided smile showing a little too much teeth on one side.
“Hey… Tom.” you replied, raising a hand in greeting. He made a little ‘pfft’ sound and pulled you in for a hug, enveloping you in the smell of… dear god, was that Axe? 
You heard the crunch of gravel, and a movement out of the corner of your eye told you that the devilishly handsome man was currently introducing himself to Sandy. 
Probably wouldn’t have worked out with us anyway.
“How’re you doing, kid?” Tom murmured in your ear. Your skin hadn’t started crawling yet, but it definitely would soon.
“Redfly, leave the girl alone.” 
A third voice - the voice of God himself, if it meant that Tom would let you go. 
“This is my girl right here, Frankie.” Tom said, and the proprietary tone in his voice made your stomach turn. You should have just met them at the bar.
“Crazy, I thought your girl was sitting at home looking after your daughter and -” the second half of the sentence was in mumbled Spanish, and you heard a bark of laughter from the handsome man. A quick, rough pat on the back and Tom released you, already walking into the building as if nothing had happened.
The speaker was standing in front of you; a tall-ish man wearing a blue plaid shirt over a grey tank top, with a beat-up baseball cap on his head. Just as the phrase ‘hillbilly trucker’ crossed your mind, every thought in your head promptly vanished on looking up into his face. A pair of warm brown eyes were gazing down at you, creasing gently at the corners. He wasn’t built like Tom or William; they slanted more towards beefcake, where this guy was toned and slim. He was older than you - not a surprise, William and Tom were in at least their mid-40s - but it was a very manageable older. Unruly, curling brown hair peeked out from under his cap, and the man smiled, a shadow of a dimple appearing on his cheek.
The other guy was crazy good-looking in a movie-star way, the sort of hot that had made you laugh because it was almost unreal. This guy was the perfect side of handsome, mortal enough to take your breath away just a little and not make you feel stupid about it.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m Frankie.”
Maybe it was the dimples, maybe it was the fact that he had just saved you from a fate worse than death, or maybe the cold had finally gotten to your brain. Whatever it was, you barely knew what you were saying until you’d said it:
“And I am so fucking yours.”
So much for not feeling stupid. His smile widened, and your heartbeat quickened just a bit.
“Ignore Redfly,” he said. “He just doesn’t have good manners.”
Another burst of Spanish from behind you, from the dark-eyed Adonis near the door, and Frankie replied in kind, with an evocative hand gesture that you were pretty sure meant ‘fuck off’.
You finally turned to get a good look at the other man. He was standing in front of your friends, angled towards Sandy in a way that boded well for her. He was terribly good-looking.
“Hey, how’re you doing?” he leaned toward you, and took your hand in his. “Santiago Garcia.”
The man was on another level. You felt like you were meeting a politician. You told him your name as if in a dream. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” he said, looking into your soul, and you felt that laugh bubble up again. This was too much all at once.
Dina blew out one last plume of smoke, and threw her cigarette butt on the ground.
“Come on guys, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
The arena was chaos. Tom was nowhere to be seen, but he could have been standing two feet from you and you wouldn’t have seen him. He could have been behind you.
As the thought crossed your mind, a hand came to rest on your hip and you jumped sideways, ready to kick Tom in the fucki-
It was Frankie, hands suddenly up and visible, mouth framing a ‘whoa’ that you could never hear over the din of the crowd. You grimaced, mouthing sorry.
He gave you a tight-lipped smile, uncomfortable, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He craned his neck to look over the crowd, toward the ring, and you stepped quickly toward him. Your hand raised, like you had the right answer in a classroom, and you tilted your mouth up towards Frankie’s ear. He scrunched his face and bent his head towards yours.
“Sorry,” you said into his ear, trying not to deafen him at this range. He smelled warm, and clean, a welcome respite from the arena’s smell of old beer and sweat. “I thought it might be…” one of your best friends, whom I loathe. “... a creep.” you finished lamely.
When you pulled away, he was looking at you so intently that a blush started to creep up your neck. Hands still in his pockets, he rocked back and forth on his heels as he processed what you said. His tongue worked in his mouth, pushing out his cheek, before he winked ever so slightly, and nodded.
He knew. He damn well knew.
Frankie grinned and pointed towards the ring, to where your friends had disappeared, before nudging you forward.
Dina and the others were sitting ringside, by Benny’s corner. Dina had shrugged her coat in the sticky closeness of the arena, and was adjusting her top for maximum cleavage. Beside her was Sandy, deep in conversation with Santiago, and Tom sat beside Santiago next to an empty chair.
The single empty chair. 
Fucks sake.
Tom saw you both coming, and had a look of fake disappointment on his face that your hands twitched to slap off. He held his hands up in defeat, before patting his thigh. A quick scan showed that this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence in the arena; the place was jammed so tightly that you counted at least seven people on laps in this section alone. A fire hazard, and a pain in the ass. 
You’re fucking kidding me.
You went to take a step, and felt a hand grip your arm. Frankie was sliding past you on your right, pivoting to sit in the empty chair. A shit-eating grin slid onto Tom’s face, and he patted his thigh again.
You’re fucking kidding me. 
Frankie still held your arm loosely in his left hand. Reaching over Tom, he nudged Santiago, who broke off from his conversation long enough to pass him a beer. Settling back into his seat, Frankie spread his legs a little too wide and steered you into the space between them. 
He looked up at you under the brim of his cap, his face out of Tom’s eyeline. The corners of his mouth curved downward and one shoulder shrugged, as if to say ‘Why not?’.
Lightheaded, floating on a mental chant of fucking hell fucking hell fucking hell fucking hell, you perched on Frankie’s knee, your knees pressing against his other leg. A quick glance at Tom’s face nearly made you yelp. The ham-coloured man was staring sullenly out over the ring, lips pursed around his mouthful of beer. The smile was nowhere to be seen.
Frankie shifted slightly, and with one hand on your waist pulled you closer until you were sitting mid-thigh. When he was satisfied, his hand moved to settle against your lower back, keeping you upright. The shape of the seat had his body angled away from you, allowing you to sit upright without being nestled against him. He leaned towards Tom and said something in his ear, something you could barely hear over the din. It was as if he’d forgotten you were there.
But not quite. Slowly, as if you were a wild animal he was trying to tame, his hand started to move in gradual, broad strokes, forward and back, forward and back.
Your stomach muscles locking tight was your only visible reaction, and you thanked baby Jesus and all the angels in heaven that Frankie couldn’t feel the way your pulse had suddenly picked up. Though that might not be far off; there was a warm throbbing between your legs that definitely hadn’t been there two minutes ago.
Forward and back. Forward and back.
This was totally normal. This happened to you every day. Every day you met hot guys and sat on their laps. Every day you got mildly turned on by hot guys stroking your back.
Looking over at Dina, the two of you locked eyes. Her grin was positively wolfish.
Fuck off, you mouthed.
You looked around, hoping that the people-watching fodder available would help take your mind off the hot man you were sitting on and what his hand was - 
As if Frankie could hear your thoughts, the rhythm of his strokes changed. Now, instead of moving forward and back, his palm started sliding up and down, with every pass downward bringing his hand closer and closer to the curve of your ass.
For a fraction of a second, your breath caught in your throat, and the pulse between your legs kicked up a notch. Trying to keep your cool, you casually - so casually! - looked over at Frankie.
Still absorbed in conversation with Tom. Fine. He clearly had no idea what he was doing, no idea of the effect he was having.
Your awareness was steadily narrowing down to where his hand touched you, to the vague sensation of warmth that each pass left on your skin. Reaching the hem of your jacket, he paused almost imperceptibly, before reaching under the leather to rest on the back of your shirt.
Dear god, were you disappointed he wasn’t touching your ass? Were you actually sad that this stranger wasn’t - 
A radiating sensation on your back, so warm and firm, and suddenly you could feel every little movement his hand made, the way his fingers were flexing against your skin so gently - 
Air you didn’t realise you had been holding escaped your lungs in a whoosh. 
“Getting bored up there, tiger?” Tom’s expression wasn’t as friendly as it normally was, and you were reminded why all of this was happening. This was purely for Tom’s benefit. 
“No, it’s fine. It’s…” you looked down at Frankie as he took a sip of his beer. His eyes met yours over the rim of his beer cup, and a smile crept across your face. When the cup left his lips, you took it deftly from his fingers and lifted it to your mouth. Your gaze didn’t leave his. Tom may as well have been part of the furniture.
The beer was not good, but you finished it, and ran your tongue over your lips. Frankie’s eyes tracked the movement, and you felt his hand pause, felt his fingers splay wide across the small of your back.
“It’s great,” you said, winking down at him. “But I think we need another drink.”
You placed a hand on his knee for leverage, and stood. Dina saluted you with her nearly-empty drink, and tapped at the low liquid level with one long fingernail. You nodded, and flashed the OK sign.
A broad chest blocked your view, and the smell of Axe surrounded you. You glanced up at Tom, who was shaking his own empty cup. 
“I’ll come too,” he said. “I could do with another-”
“It’s cool, man,” Frankie stood, easily slotting himself between the two of you, and gently but firmly took hold of your shoulders as he turned to the exit. “I got it.”
Empty cups and debris were strewn across the aisle, and you were beginning to regret wearing your heels for what was shaping up to be a fucking obstacle course. But you felt Frankie’s presence behind you, and if you put a little more sway into your walk than normal, so what?
Between a few stragglers at the bar, there was a gap just wide enough for the two of you to lean against the counter. You rested on your forearms, and flagged down the bartender.
“Two beers, and a whiskey and coke.” 
“Make it four,” Frankie said. “I know it may not seem like it, but it is better to get Redfly liquored up. After about,” - his hand made a see-saw motion - “six drinks? He’s going to get real maudlin, start missing his wife, and go home.”
“Oh, yeah,” you replied, “He’s really missing his wife when he’s trying to put his hand up my skirt.”
His eyes flickered up and down your body, and he cleared his throat. One hand came up to scratch at his moustache, before smoothing it back down. 
“You know, I don’t blame him,” he said. “That skirt looks great on you.”
A low warmth pooled in your stomach, and you smiled. He smiled back, those beautiful eyes twinkling as he turned around to face the arena, elbows back on the bar.
“If I… go too far, in there,” he said, face suddenly serious. “You can just punch me in the face. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
The bartender laid your whiskey and coke down in front of you, and pulled out two cups for the beer. 
“Two more of those, please,” you told her, and took a sip of your drink. You knew you were a bit of a savage for drinking whiskey with coke, but your sweet tooth demanded nothing less. “Frankie, I’m not really OK with the idea of ‘being saved’.”
“That’s fair,” Frankie turned to the bar, and rapped a quick tattoo on the wood. “When we get back in there, you take the seat and I’ll -”
“But,” you raised a finger. “Your lap is pretty comfortable. And if you’re OK with having my ass on your knee all night, then I’m happy to stay there.”
A laugh escaped him, and you found yourself appreciating the way his moustache framed his lips so perfectly. 
“I think you’d be hard pushed to find a man who wouldn’t be OK with that deal.”
The bartender laid down four cups of beer. “$25.60.” 
Frankie laid out three $10 bills, and pulled the cups closer. 
“Do you think you could make sure Tom doesn’t put his hand up my skirt?”
He was intent on arranging the cups in a way he could carry them, to the point that you thought he hadn’t heard you. Just as you were about to repeat yourself, he flashed you a wicked look.
“Well sweetheart,” he smiled, “I’ll just have to get my hand there first.”
As soon as you sat back down, it was like a switch had flipped. Your conversation at the bar had been light, to the point where you’d nearly forgotten that you’d actually been turned on a little at sitting on Frankie’s lap.
When you got back to your seats, and Frankie had handed off the beers he was carrying, he sat and pulled you down onto his lap in one fluid movement. No more tentative movements; he held your waist firmly, and pulled you even closer than before. And now, not only was his hand stroking your back again - he had put it under your jacket straight away - but his other arm was now resting on your leg. His beer cup sat on your knee, below where the hem of your skirt rode up, and he rotated it gently on your bare skin, almost teasing you with the cool feeling of the condensation on the base.
It drove you just a little short of wild. Though part of you wanted to shift against his thigh, wanted to feel some pressure right where an ache was steadily building between your legs, you kept it together fairly admirably. 
A wet patch on Frankies jeans probably wouldn't go down too well anyway.
A murmur from the crowd rolled towards the ring, and Pantera’s heavy guitar riff blasted through the speakers.
Benny was here.
Ringside seats were… certainly something.
The smell of blood hummed in your nostrils, and you felt the impact of every punch. 
Benny was a monster. He had swaggered into the arena, head and shoulders above everyone, and proceeded to hammer the shit out of his opponent once the bell rang. Watching the way Dina was looking at him, you were very, very glad they were going back to Benny’s place tonight.
The six of you were standing at the ring edge, screaming and roaring with the crowd. Your blood was singing. Sitting on Frankie’s lap, his hands leaving trails of fire wherever they touched you, had rattled you something fierce, and the adrenaline from the fight was getting to you too. You didn’t think your pulse had slowed for about ten minutes, and you were breathing like you were climbing a mountain.
It was the last minute of the last round, and Benny was flagging. 
You guessed. You really had no idea who was doing better, both fighters were covered in blood and looked tired as fuck.
Santiago, Dina and Tom were rattling the cage, howling through the wire at Benny. The man was intent on his opponent, never taking his eyes off him. 
As you watched, Benny did an odd movement, stepping back, rotating his shoulders and head as his feet danced. You heard roars come from your friends, but were completely lost. 
“He’s about to kick the guy’s head off his fucking shoulders,” Frankie’s voice was low, and close. You felt his nose brush the outer shell of his ear, and you suppressed a shiver as his breath ghosted over you. He was standing behind you, so close that you felt his warmth up your body from ankle to neck. He reached over your shoulder, and pointed up at Benny’s right foot.
“You see that?” 
Benny’s foot was moving in a fan shape on the floor of the ring. He dodged as much as he needed to to evade blows, but whenever he was still his foot moved in that fan shape. 
“Why is he waiting?” Turning your head, your nose brushed against Frankie’s jawline. He smiled down at you.
“Not long now, sweetheart,” he said. “Watch.”
He stepped closer until he stood flush against your back, and crossed his arms over your chest to grip his own elbows. His beard brushed against your cheekbone, and you found yourself nestling further into his hold. He was just so warm and solid and - 
Benny moved like lightning. His opponent came too close, ever so slightly unguarded, and Benny pivoted on his left foot and -
“Fuck!” you screamed. Benny’s opponent hit the floor, and the arena erupted.
===> Chapter Two
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kiwikyuu · 4 years
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now playing WONDER by SHAWN MENDES
word count 960
genre imagine ; fake dating au, fluff
warnings cursing, not edited
a/n i'm going to be real honest here. i love atsumu... but i do love osamu more sorry beb
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❝ i wonder what it's like to be loved by you ❞
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it was prom night, and miya osamu had just confessed to you — a hand at your waist, the other resting against your cheek as he gazed affectionately into your eyes like he hadn't just rocked your world.
and as you stared back at him, eyes blown wide with surprise and an urge to pinch yourself awake (not that it would work; you weren't dreaming), a smile spread across your face.
but how did you get here — in love with one half of inarizaki's star twin volleyball duo swaying under the starry lights on the dance floor?
it sounded so cliché to say, but you were average — average looks, average grades, average athletic ability. you didn't hate it so much; it let you cruise by high school without the weight of everyone's eyes on you constantly. of course, you had your group of friends, but by no means would you consider yourself popular.
so it was to your great surprise and absolute disbelief when miya osamu, inarizaki volleyball team wing spiker and notoriously handsome jock, approached you alone one afternoon with a proposition.
"go out with me."
osamu looked at you blankly before processing your reaction — curiosity coupled with caution. "sorry, what i meant was," he paused. there really was no other way to say it. "go out with me."
"i'm sorry, but — " you had planned on rejecting him. who would date someone they barely knew on a whim?
"no, i mean... let's fake date."
you arched an eyebrow at him, not completely understanding his sudden approach. "do you even know my name?"
he cocked his head at you. "is this a trick question? yes, of course, i know your name. ya sit behind me in english, y/n... do you know my name?"
"who doesn't know your name? you're one half of the miya twins, dude." you narrowed your eyes at him, taken aback by the banter.
"okay then bro, my offer still stands. let's fake date," osamu said. "i have a bet going with atsumu, and i plan to win."
you shook your head. "what's the bet, and what's in it for me?"
he smiled. "is that a yes?"
"it's not a no."
"okay, fine," osamu answered, standing with a lazy smirk that made your blood boil for all the reasons it shouldn't. "the bet's been going on a week, and if i win, i get to take my uncle's mercedes to prom night. but atsumu doesn't think i'll be able to find someone who'll date me before prom. we can come up with something for yer benefit if you'd like. i don't have much in mind. heh, didn't think i'd get this far honestly."
you nodded your head along as he spoke. it seemed like typical sibling rivalry, and you weren't someone to get involved. but the idea of experiencing a relationship without all the ties of a real relationship seemed appealling for some odd reason. plus, what real harm could this do?
"okay, but i have conditions."
one: "take me ice skating. i've always wanted to go ice skating."
"ice skating? that's so random." osamu scoffed at your words.
"okay find someone else to fake date then."
"y'know what, ice skating sounds wonderful."
two: "it's got to be believable, right? you can..." your words trailed off, no ideas coming to mind.
"i can walk ya to school in the morning," he interjected. "i don't mind waking up earlier."
"oh," you blushed. "that sounds nice. i'll message you my address later. we have to exchange numbers by the way."
and three: "teach me how to date. i've never dated anyone before, and i don't want to make a fool out of myself when the real deal comes along."
your request had come with unusual vulnerability, and suddenly you felt hot under his eyes. but osamu only nodded. he had dated a bit in the past — none of them ever sticking around for long because of his committments to volleyball, but he knew his way around the ropes and he didn't mind helping you out.
ever since that day, two months ago, things had become so different.
over time, you became accustomed to catching the glimpse of silver hair outside your house in the morning. osamu would greet you with a compliment and a smirk despite the dark circles that lined his eyes before handing you something he put together for breakfast. he liked to watch you get flustered when he called you pretty and liked to see the joy when you bit into his cooking. walks with osamu were precious, and the conversations you had were held close to your heart.
the ice skating rink morphed into a special spot between the two of you. osamu was a surprisingly good skater, and tugged you along behind him with a grin around the rink. when you squealed, he'd go even faster until you were practically screechinf for him to stop. memories of laughing so hard you couldn't breathe and the feeling of sore muscles the day after were engrained into your mind and body. but above all, the sight of osamu enjoying himself lit butterflies in your stomach.
and in the quiet of your room on days where the both of you were too tired to go out, osamu would point out things about the basics of dating. you studied his face under the light peeking through your window while he talked, and you couldn't help but compare what he said to what the two of you had experienced together.
now, as you swayed on the dance floor, unbelieving of all that had become of you two, you smiled at osamu's confession.
"i wonder what it's like to be loved by you."
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 27
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Chapter 27: Let My Love Open The Door
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22 🡪chapter 23 🡪chapter 24 🡪chapter 25 🡪chapter 26
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
When people keep repeating That you'll never fall in love When everybody keeps retreating But you can't seem to get enough
Let my love open the door Let my love open the door Let my love open the door To your heart
When everything feels all over Everybody seems unkind I'll give you a four-leaf clover Take all worry out of your mind
Let my love open the door Let my love open the door Let my love open the door To your heart
The only key to your heart That can stop you falling apart Try today, you'll find this way Come on and give me a chance to say
Let my love open the door It's all I'm livin' for Release yourself from misery There's only one thing gonna set you free
click here to be on the update list
                                            I wanted to ask Devon what we would do when we'd go back to school. Would we pretend nothing happened or would we keep this little thing going on between us? I wanted to know but I didn't want to ask, scared of the answer and of what it would do to my mood. Instead, we kept laughing together, playing board games, watching tv and discussing. I didn't want things to end and I was ready to stay locked in this apartment forever if it meant that our relationship, whatever it was, would never stop. I knew it was impossible but I decided to just enjoy the time we spent together and try to figure out the rest later, when we'd go back to normal.
I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms on my chest as I stared at her putting some music on. She was only wearing a hoodie and panties and even if it made it difficult to concentrate, I loved that she felt at ease like that around me. A song invaded the room and she just started dancing, making me chuckle.
"Late night, a long day Somehow it's never quite enough And maybe I'm lazy It's been so long, sometimes I feel like giving up
So now I'm staying up all night 'Cause I'm trying to understand Why I feel like I've been stuck here forever
Break out today I'm throwing my fears away You don't even know Break out today I'm throwing my fears away You don't even know You don't even know
Maybe I'll get through Just one more day of feeling dumb I don't think I need to Get over this until I feel like growing up
So now I'm staying up all night 'Cause I'm trying to understand Why I feel like I've been stuck here forever
Break out today I'm throwing my fears away You don't even know Break out today I'm throwing my fears away You don't even know You don't even know"
I listened to the song and my amused smile turned into a sad one. I was trying so hard to throw my fears away and be the way I used to be before my ex girlfriend made a mess out of me but I was just starting to realize that fears are normal. What is not normal, however, is to stop myself from living my life and find love just because someone fucked me up before. I looked at Devon, wishing she could understand the meaning behind the lyrics she was singing herself and when the song ended, I took a few steps closer and my smile changed again as she looked at me with a laugh.
"Sorry!" she chuckled, licking her lips. "I didn't want to annoy you."
"You never annoy me."
Her lips curled in a fond smile and she bent slightly to take my hands in hers. "You wanna dance with me?"
I chuckled but raised my nose up before letting out a groan. "I'm not very good at that..."
"Come on, you just saw me dance, you can't be worse than me!"
My lips curled more and I brought one of my hands up to make her twirl. She started giggling and I pulled her closer. She almost tripped and bumped into my chest. Instead to move back, she looked up in my eyes and smiled gently at me before licking her lips.
"Maybe you'd rather do something else, then?" she asked in a whisper, nibbling on her bottom lip and raising her eyebrows.
I knew what she meant and I couldn't say I was not tempted. I let my eyes roam on her and squeezed her fingers in mine. "We can dance."
She seemed surprised but she just nodded and I looked around for my phone. I found it on the couch and grabbed it, quickly putting a song that started gently on the speakers. I put my phone away and extended my hand to her. She seemed to hesitate but she finally put her palm against mine and I pulled her closer gently. We danced in silence until I slid my hand to her lower back, pulling her slightly closer and she pressed her cheek on my chest, near my shoulder. I was not really into dancing. In fact, we could have just stayed there, in each other's arms, without moving, and it would have been good with me. I leaned my chin on her head and closed my eyes as a bunch of thoughts invaded my head.
Being afraid was normal, it was so obvious now, but I had to overcome those fears, and my biggest fear at the moment was about the girl I was holding close to me, and the feelings I had for her.
"I like you too, Devie."
She seemed to tense against me but I ran my fingertips softly on her back and she relaxed a bit.
"Before we left, you said you really liked me." I explained, licking my lips as she pulled away gently. I looked down at her  and let my eyes roam on her face. I could read fear but also something else in her eyes, and it was the very first time I couldn't decipher what it was. "I just wanted to say that I like you too. Maybe even more than that."
"You... you don't even know me."
"I know you more than I knew my ex girlfriend." I pointed out with a shrug. "And you know me more than pretty much anyone. I've opened up to you in a way I can't with anyone else."
I waited a few seconds as her lips parted and I sighed, taking a few steps back but pulling her with me by her hand. I sat on the coffee table and she placed herself between my legs, her bare thighs brushing against mine. I wanted to run my hands on her but instead, I grabbed her other hand and squeezed her fingers.
"I tried pushing you away, but the more I push you away, the closer I want you to be." I admitted, shaking my head but still staring up at her. "I'm not asking you for a romantic relationship, I know you're not ready and to be quite honest, I don't think I am either. But there's something between us, right? Something stronger than lust? Something that's different than friendship?"
Her traits softened and she shook her head slightly. "I'm trying not to think about it, Niall." she whispered, bringing both her hands on my cheeks as she cupped my face. "I don't want to analyze everything, I don't want to give a name to what we have. I don't want to ask myself too many questions. It was different since day 1. I mean, I don't just make out with my friends, and I don't get stuck with random people often." This time, I chuckled sadly. "I don't know what it is, and I don't want to know."
I thought about the soft kisses I gave her in the elevator after we made out. They were the same type of kisses she gave me earlier after we both came.
"I know you said you never wanted to fall in love again." I pointed out in a murmur, feeling my heart jump in my chest. "I've said the same thing. But, do you think about it sometimes?"
"About what?" she asked just as low.
"About love."
Her eyes roamed on me and one of her thumbs brushed against my bottom lip. I could have sworn she was about to tear up and I held my breath, waiting for her answer.
"No. Almost never." she admitted with a sad smile. "But if I had to fall in love again, It would probably be with you."
Her words made something stir so bad in my stomach I thought I was about to throw up. Slowly, I got up and her arms fell on her sides. I grabbed her face the way she had cupped mine a few seconds before, my fingers spread on her cheeks, chin and jaw, and bent down to kiss her. She let me, whimpering low in my mouth as I felt her grip the front of my shirt.
"Niall, wait." she expressed after a few seconds, pulling away and shaking her head. "You know we can't date right? We'd just destroy each other. Love... it's not for me. I've tried it and hated it. It hurts too much. But we can be... something, I don't know what." she shrugged and pressed her lips together. She was near tears and I shook my head, bending down to kiss her again. "I'm sorry."
"No, hey, shh." I kissed her lips a few times, cupping her face again. "We can be friends. We can make each other feel good. Let's start with that okay?"
"Okay." she whispered, nodding, as I pressed my mouth on hers again, leaving some love on her lips. "I just.. I need a shower."
She quickly moved away from me and walked past me as I sighed, remaining standing up and closing my eyes. I felt like the first few weeks after we met, we could have ended up dating. Hell, I felt like before Henry appeared, she would have been willing to at least try, maybe go on a date with me or something like that. But now? I hated this man for fucking her up like that and I hated myself for not being honest with her and with myself from the beginning. I couldn't help but wonder if she would have broken up with me after seeing Henry again, had we started dating earlier, but I pushed that thought away. We would never know and it really didn't matter anyway. It's not like I could go back in time to fix my mistakes even if I wanted to.
I waited until I heard the shower and sighed again, going back to my room to grab a t-shirt and two pairs of sweatpants. I put one on and walked to the bathroom, knocking at the door with one of my knuckles.
I opened the door slightly and glanced at her through the glass before turning around and leaving the pants and the shirt on the counter, trying to fight the urge to look at her again.
"I brought clothes for you."
"Oh, thank you."
She sounded disappointed but I tried not to think too much about it and got out, closing the door behind me and walking back to the living room. I grabbed my guitar and started playing an old song on it to change my mind. It brought me back to when I was dating Abby and I held my breath, closing my eyes at all the memories. It's insane how we mostly remember the nice moments with someone when they're not around anymore. I knew I had more bad moments than good ones with her but the first thing that came to my mind was the first time I saw her, the first time I kissed her, and even if I knew she never really loved me, the first time she said 'i love you'.
It was so different with Devon and I felt so lost. I didn't know what to do, I barely knew what I wanted. All I knew was that I needed her close to me at all times, and it seemed extremely selfish of me. The first time I saw Abby, my heart had jumped in my chest and I remembered how beautiful she was. The first time I saw Devon, her physical appearance didn't matter to me. All I could feel was the electric connection between us and I knew immediately that we had something special going on. It was not just something I felt towards her, it was something reciprocal, something I felt because she felt it and vice-versa. Even now, I could see it in her eyes when she looked at me and I knew she saw the same thing in mine.
When she came back, she was wearing my clothes and I let my eyes travel on her body. Her hair was wet and messy but she looked cute and when she bent down to grab my guitar and put it away, I just let her. Slowly, she straddled me and when I realized what she was doing, I spread my legs on the couch.
"I thought you were going to join me in the shower." she admitted, nibbling on her bottom lip.
"Did you want me to?"
"Mm, maybe."
Slowly, she pressed her lips on mine and my fingers gripped the couch harder. We didn’t really kiss the last few times we touched each other and feeling her mouth so impatient and eager against mine reminded me how much I had missed it. Our kiss grew and when I slipped my tongue in her mouth, she wrapped her lips around it and started sucking on it.
"Fuck, don't do that." I whispered with a chuckle, my eyes still closed. "Can't stop thinking what it would feel like around my cock."
"Well, maybe I could-"
"No, stay here." I cut her, opening my eyes and letting them roam on her face. She raised her eyebrows and my hands slipped from her upper arms until her waist before I pulled her closer and licked my lips. "Please, stay here."
"I want you so bad." she whispered, her lips brushing against mine as she talked. "I can't believe we didn't fuck yet."
I kissed her harder and she whimpered in my mouth as I pushed her more against my lap. I could feel my cock swell between her legs and she ground down on me, making me even harder. I gripped her hips hard and helped her move on me slowly, feeling her pussy rub on my cock, separated by the fabric of our pants.
"How does my cock feel? Good?"
She just grabbed one of my hands on her waist to bring it on her breasts, over her shirt, and I leaned a bit on the couch as she kept grinding on me. I gripped one of her tits and she moaned more when my thumb rubbed on her nipple. I wanted to lie her down, take her clothes off and push my cock inside her to find out how she felt but the wait was making me dizzy and I knew that when it would happen, it would be even better.
"Is that what you meant when you said we can make each other feel good?" she asked in a whisper, her pussy still rubbing slowly against me.
"Fuck yes that's what I meant." I admitted low, making her smile. "I bet you're so fucking wet right now."
"I'm dripping."
My hand grabbed her tit tighter and I let the other slide down to her ass, gripping one of her cheeks hard enough to make her whimper and squirm a bit. "You're such a horny little slut, yea?"
I felt my heart jump in my chest at the words that came out of my mouth. We had never discussed what we liked and I didn't want to insult her or turn her off. I was about to apologize profusely when she whimpered.
"Mmhm, yes, I'm so horny for you."
My lips curled and she leaned her forehead against mine, her eyes closed. I moved my hips up to meet hers and groaned, feeling my sweatpants rub harder against my cock as she went quicker.
"You know what I'm gonna do to you next time?" I asked in a whisper, not waiting for her answer. "I'm gonna grab your hair and fuck your mouth. You like that?"
The simple thought of my cock in her mouth brought me close to an orgasm and when she moaned, I ran my hand to her other breast and gripped her hair tight.
"Do you? D'you want to feel the tip of my cock at the back of your throat?
"You know I do." she admitted, squirming on my lap and bringing a new sensation to me as my heart jumped. I was so close I could cum any second and I closed my eyes, trying to last a little longer, at least until she'd start cumming too. "I'm going to beg for it."
"Ride me harder." I just said, making her sit up immediately.
She started doing what I told her and I brought my mouth closer to her breasts. I could see her nipples peak through the fabric and groaned low as I brought my lips to them, sucking on one through her shirt and making her shake over me. I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her waist, laying her down a bit roughly on the couch before moving over her and crushing my mouth against hers. I felt her hips grind up against my cock and I couldn't stop thinking that if we weren't wearing pants, it would definitely slip inside her and I would be able to feel her throb around me. The thought made me push my hips so hard against her that I felt her sink a bit in the cushion of the couch. Her hands reached for my hair and she gripped it tight as my lips ran to her neck.
"Cum for me, I want to feel you shake." I ordered in a low tone, hoping she'd just comply.
It took a few seconds and she started squirming, her grip tightening in my hair and her back arching as she quivered beneath me, It brought a rush to my brain, a mix of her getting an orgasm against me and the fact that she obeyed me without question, and I started cumming too, biting maybe a bit too hard the skin of her neck.
Our orgasms both lasted longer than normally and when it left my body, I relaxed suddenly and buried my face in her neck. She smelled of my soap with a hint of sweat and I turned my head, placing a few kisses behind her ear.
"I thought you were just gonna take my pants off and fuck me." she admitted with a chuckle.
"Can't lie and say I didn't think about it." I chuckled too, moving my head up and holding myself with my upper arms on each side of her head. "I should have?"
"Mm, no, we can keep that for tomorrow."
"You want to fuck tomorrow?" I asked with an amused smile, making her raise her nose up in an embarrassed way.
"You think we can stop ourselves from fucking?"
This time, I laughed louder. "No!"
We remained silent for a while and the more she looked at me, the more her lips curled. "How does anyone look so good from this angle?" she asked, making me shake my head.
"You think I look good?" I asked jokingly, waving my eyebrows a few times and making her groan.
"Oh shut up."
"Alright alright," I smirked, moving off of her and getting up before extending my hand to her. She grabbed it and I helped her up quickly.
"I need new pants." I admitted, scratching the back of my head with a grimace. "Are you tired?"
We ended up laying down together in my bed in silence. I stared at the ceiling, not really knowing what to say. I loved doing anything sexual with her but when it was over, I ended up wondering how long it would last and how bad it would hurt when it would stop. I tried to accept that maybe she would never want to date me but I couldn't give up yet, it was too hard and painful to do.
"Do you think you could fall in love with Abby again if she came back and said she still loved you?" she asked randomly, making my lips part slightly. The question was legitimate and at the same time, I had no idea how to answer it. Would I give Abby a second chance? Probably not. "I mean, you can never know how you'll feel when it happens. You may think you know how you'll react to a certain situation but until it really happens, you can't be sure of what you'll feel or what you'll do." she added, making me believe she was talking about Henry and the fact that she saw him again after a few months when she probably thought she never would again.
"I can't be sure, but I like to think that I would never give her the chance to hurt me again." I finally admitted, turning my head her way. "Why? Did Henry message you or something?"
My heart nearly jumped out of my chest by my throat and I sat up quickly, turning her way and bending down a bit to look in her eyes. I had never felt so nervous in my life and let my eyes roam on her face, trying to decipher her expression.
"You're not gonna go back with him, will you?"
Devon moved up slightly, holding herself on her elbows. Her face was close to mine but not close enough to touch and the left corner of her lips raised up slightly in a sad smile. "Don't be silly, Niall." she expressed softly. "He didn't say he wanted me back, and there's no way I'd go back to him."
My shoulders fell and I exhaled, just realizing that I was holding my breath. "What did he want?"
"He just apologized." she explained, shrugging a shoulder. "Said he missed me, and that he was sorry about how it all ended."
"Devie, you won't let him play with your heart again, right?"
Her facial expression changed into a fond one and slowly, she brought her hand behind my head, pulling me closer to her. I felt every muscle of my body relax when our lips touched and she brought me down with her as she lied back on the bed. The kiss was slow and soft, and somehow, I hoped it showed just all the feelings I had for her. I felt her palm slide slowly from my hair to my jaw and when the kiss broke, she licked her lips.
"No one's gonna play with my heart again, especially not him." she let out in a whisper, making me nod. "Niall?" I raised my eyebrows and she moved her head up a bit to kiss me again. "You make me feel alive, and.. and wanted. And smart, and pretty. No one ever did that before."
I sent her a small smile and rubbed my nose gently against hers. "You feel like that because you are all those things. You don't need me."
She pressed her lips together and teared up, making my heart twist in my chest again.
"I do. I need you."
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1rintooru · 4 years
Same Old Explosive Love
Pairing: post-timeskip Semi Eita x fem!reader
Themes: angst and some fluff in the end
Word count:  2273 - one-shot
Warnings: mention of alcohol and breaking up, swearing
Summary: You don’t know anyone that can fight like you and Semi. The rise of his music career has put a strain on your relationship and end up arguing over the same old things. Neither of you can let go of the other and so the cycle continues. 
It always surprised you when you remembered how low Semi’s alcohol tolerance was. To his credit, he didn’t look like someone who couldn’t handle their liqueur. He was a member of an up-and-coming band that was rapidly gaining popularity across the globe. After months of being on the road, Semi had finally returned home where you, him and all of your friends celebrated the release of his latest single. You’d always thought that the lifestyle would have hardened him up, but as you watched him struggle to open the front door of your shared apartment, you knew nothing could be farther from the truth.
“Here, let me help,” you were already reaching for his keys before he pulled his hand away.
“Babe, I’ve got this,” he giggled as tried his luck once more. You heard the satisfactory sound of the key twist in the lock on cue with his words. You both stagger into the apartment and you couldn’t help but laugh. You were convinced that if anyone would have seen you two, they would have thought you were teen lovers caught up in a whirlwind romance. It didn’t matter how ungraceful you both looked or how loud you spoke or even how heavy Semi felt as he leaned on you for support. If it were up to you, this could go on forever.
You kicked off your heels, letting out a small gasp at the immediate relief you felt and watched as Semi clumsily tried to hang his coat. You giggled seeing him visibly deflate and grumble as the coat slid off its hanger and crumpled to the floor. He bent down to pick his coat up but the familiar jingle of his ringtone stopped him. He fished his phone out of his pocket with ease and glanced at the caller-ID before quickly sending you an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta take this. I promise I’ll make this quick; I’ll be back before you even know it.”
He didn’t wait for your response, instead giving you a swift peck on the cheek and disappearing into the bedroom to answer the call. To you, it felt like the room had gotten hotter; In reality you were actually seething. He hadn’t told you who had called him – he didn’t need to. Semi had given most of his contacts a specialized ringtone, so after a while you knew exactly who was on the other line before he would even answer. This particular jingle was one that you were only all too well acquainted with.
It was his manager.
You let out a terse sigh. While he promised he would be quick, you had come to learn the opposite to be true. Of course you were supportive of his career; you loved seeing Semi completely unravel on stage and make his dreams come into fruition. However, you’d slowly come to resent how accessible he needed to be even during his time off, whether it was for his bandmates, his producers, the fans or especially his manager.
You snuggled yourself onto the couch, engulfing yourself in a blanket. You were tired but too angry to sleep. Hearing Semi occasionally exclaim excitedly from the other room only cemented what you already believed. Even if their manager wasn’t around physically, he had still begun to feel like a third-party in your relationship. You were convinced that Semi mentioned their manager more than he even said your name.
This was also the core reason why you and Semi would fight. The couple of weeks you did spend together always came and went in the blink of an eye. It didn’t compensate for the months of separation, missed calls due to time zones or bad connection. It didn’t make up for all the nasty things you read online, whether from journalists or his own fans. Sometimes it felt like it was his world and you were just living in it.  On the surface you and Semi had an idyllic relationship that most people coveted, little did anyone know that with you, Semi had finally met his match. The screaming matches you had, were fiery and explosive – you both shared a prideful stubbornness that only worked as gasoline to an already massive flame. Thankfully the fights were infrequent and would end as quickly as they started; neither Semi nor you held onto a grudge and you’d both quickly return to your gentle and chipper selves.
“Oh, you’re in here.” Semi’s gentle voice tore you out of your thoughts. You were so busy brooding that you hadn't noticed him leaning on the doorframe of the living room. His hair was more disheveled than usual, a lazy smile replaced his usual scowl and his cheeks were still flushed pink from the shots earlier. He’d even changed into a pair of comfier clothes. He stared at you intently with relaxed eyes before finally continuing, “Do you want to watch a movie or…” he paused briefly, “We can do something else.” There was a teasing lilt in his voice.
“No, not anymore,” you huffed. Your words were cutting and you were glad – you wanted them to be. Semi raised an eyebrow, his features quickly tensed up as concern replaced his formerly relaxed expression.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No Semi you didn’t do anything. I’m fine, really,” you patronized, freeing yourself from the blanket with an aggressive yank. A little too aggressive.  
The jig was up.
“You’re clearly not.”
He already started to sound irritated – he hated to play these guessing games with you. You jumped off the couch, stopping abruptly in front of him as you held your phone up to his face, completely ignoring his accusation.
“What’s the time, Semi?”
His eyes flickered to the screen, then locked onto yours again. The grooves between his furrowed brows just seemed to get deeper and deeper.
You hummed agreeingly, turning around and flicking the television on with the remote. It was petulant, you knew that, but you felt like pressing every one of Semi’s buttons. Usually, infomercials would play at this hour – it didn’t matter though, anything was better than seeing him glare holes through you.
It wasn’t infomercials that were playing, instead the clear voice of the weather lady sounded through the room as she delivered the weather report for the following day.
You continued to ignore him, dialing the audio up until the bass made the walls tremor.
“Dammit Y/N, we have neighbors!”
He snatched the remote from your hands and quickly shut the TV off. The two of you now stood face to face. The light buzz you felt from earlier was completely gone and you could tell that Semi had sobered up as well. He was trying his hardest to stay composed; you could tell by how he was breathing – slow and deliberate.
“What is going on? You were fine just earlier.”
His face softened slightly, almost as if to plead with you. You hesitated for a moment before finally relenting. You didn’t even try to conceal the bitterness that was wrapped around every single word you spoke.
“Hmm, I don’t know Semi, maybe ask your manager since you spend so much time with him.”  
His eyes widened for a brief moment, shocked by the coolness of your tone. “I didn’t think the call would drag on for that long – I can’t just not answer!”
You opened your mouth but Semi quickly cut you off, “Are we really doing this? Are we really going to fight about this again?”
“You answer his calls more than you answer mine!” you snapped back, “maybe we wouldn’t fight about this if you weren’t always working.”
“Oh my god,” he ran his hands through his hair, the clamminess of his palms made tufts of hair stand upright. If the two of you weren’t fighting, you probably would have laughed because of how odd it looked. But seeing him with his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes filled with a seething rage was no laughing matter. He continued, his voice a low growl, “this is my job, Y/N. Actually no, fuck that, it’s my dream. It’s been my dream since I was a kid!”
“I know that,” you hissed, “But you’re the one always complaining about you and the band being overworked. That one time you almost collapsed due to exhaustion, yet as soon as you get time off you start working from home. Make it make sense!”
He smiled at you – a wicked and deceitful smile – as he stepped forward, closing the space between you. You were reminded again of just how tall and imposing Semi could be. “Well then babe, tell me,” his tone was condescending, “what do you expect me to do? Ignore my manager? Ignore our producer? Maybe even block my bandmates from contacting me?”
“That’s not what I said Semi and you know it,” your words came out as pure venom.
Your body relaxed once he took a couple of steps back. But if you had learnt anything from all the other times you’ve fought, it was that that wasn’t necessarily a good sign. It only meant he was going to get louder. You breathed deeply, frantically trying to organize your thoughts. No, you didn’t actually want to fight with him. You loved Semi, after all.
“I wish that you would actually take me into consideration for fucking once, Semi. It’s always about you, but when the hell was it ever about us? I only get a couple of weeks to spend with you and you’d rather spend it with anyone but me.”
“Well maybe if you stopped bitching all the time, I would actually want to spend time with you.”
“You treat me like I’m an afterthought!” You screamed. At least, that was what you wanted to do. Your voice came out more like a shallow squeak compared to Semi’s wall-shaking shouts. The lump in your throat grew; no matter how much you tried to swallow it down, it wouldn’t go away. You realized that the warmth radiating off your face wasn’t from the alcohol, nor was it from the anger; you hadn’t even noticed how your hot tears rolled off your face, staining your cheeks. He shook his head, almost as if to physically shake off your remarks.
“Don’t come with that shit now. Why do you think I work so much? I’m the only one that works around here. I’ve paid for the TV, for the couch – for every single piece of furniture. I pay the bills, I pay your bills and I paid for this goddamn apartment,” he jerkily motioned to the space around him as he shouted this, making you flinch. His whole body had started to shake in anger.
“Did you already forget who paid for your university tuition fees?” He sneered. “Without me, you’d be nothing and you know it. So don’t fucking tell me to work less when it’s your life on the line too!”
“Well, maybe I should leave since I’m such an inconvenience to you!”
There was a pause. The tension in the air was suffocating as your words seemed to echo through the room. Semi cleared his throat, cutting through the deafening silence.
“Then leave. Just don’t come back.”
“You’re the worst,” is all you managed to utter as you quickly brushed passed him, avoiding his death glare as you escaped into the solace of your bedroom. You crumbled onto the floor once you heard the door slam, desperately stifling your cries into the fabric of your shirt.
He left.
You weren’t entirely sure how much time had passed once your eyes fluttered open. Based on the bright light that was cascading in from the window, you could only assume it was midday. The confusion you felt when you saw yourself on the floor quickly dissipated as you felt the pain in your throat and the swollenness of your eyes.  Your chest ached just thinking about what happened hours earlier.
You gingerly got up off the ground and opened the door and paused. You could faintly hear the sound of a guitar. You recognized the song, making your heart race and you instinctively followed the sound of the music, it finally leading you to a separate room. You didn’t even think twice before opening the door and what you saw inside made your heart leap.
His hair was still disheveled and much like you, he was wearing the same clothes from before. His face was relaxed, his eyebrows furrowed just slightly as he focused on hitting the notes and his mouth had dropped into a small ‘o’. There was something incredibly enamoring about seeing him like this and it was a stark contrast to the Semi you’d experienced earlier. You liked this side of him more.
His eyes darted to yours and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards upon realizing it was you. He nodded at the empty space next to him, inviting you to sit down and you happily complied. The song you recognized was one that Semi had written for you – a confession of his love essentially. He knew, even back then, how straining his job was on the relationship and he wanted to give you something that would remind you he was always there. The words that he failed to find to describe how he felt got poured into his music. He never apologized to you for all the things he said and as you listened to him hum alongside the melody that sounded from the guitar, you knew he didn’t have to, either. You knew exactly what he meant.
You and Semi were going to be ok.
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