#to be clear- not annoyed! i recognise the connection and I hope that you can draw inspiration from some of the batties on here for him!
Funny that I found you. I am redesigning a character from Hazbin Hotel called Husk into a bat. Love what you do here. A+. No notes. Batties are the best! ^ . v . ^
Hey, what a coincidence! Best of luck with your redesign, making someone into a bat can only be an improvement aha! I will say though, I'm not named after him, I'm actually named after this thing:
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But with how popular hazbin's been recently it was only a matter of time before someone made the connection, and it's still a fun coincidence for ya!
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oppositesattraxt · 6 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇𝑤𝑜]
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[Part One]
Hongjoong walks into the meeting, brow furrowed and agitated as he's been suffering from an itch that he just can't scratch. Every joint in his body has been annoying him and making it hard for him to sit still. He knew that something was wrong but a meeting like this? He could never have comprehended how severe it was.
"Relax," Mikyoung places a hand on her brother's bicep, hoping to calm him down as he looks at some witches who have turned up. "Everyone is here for the same reason we are."
His upper lip curls as he looks away and back to his sister, "and what reason is that? We've had how many meeting about this and nobody seems to know what the fuck is going on." He growls as he storms off and Mikyoung sighs, watching him before looking up at the sky.
It's clear that something is wrong with the moon, even if you aren't connected to it, you can see that it is not the same. It's not as bright, it doesn't... look or feel right. The woman shivers and pulls her jacket around her while someone comes and stands beside her, placing a blanket over her shoulders. "Thank you," she says with a small smile as she looks up at the Alpha beside her.
"Don't stay out here for too long, Mikyoung," Chan says, his own pack heading inside as well as a couple of other wolves she didn't quite recognise the scent of. "It's been cold lately."
The corner of her lips pull up in a sad smile as she hums and bows her head slightly before the smashing of glass has both of them turning their attention to two wolves fighting, stumbling out of the pack house and onto the grass.
Young wolves from different packs, yelling and throwing punches while others began to gather. The younger wolves were feeling the effects faster than others, still learning, struggling, to remain in control and this has been causing their tempers to be quite short.
"Oh-" Mikyoung's eyes widen when she notices it's one of the wolves from her pack. She looks over at the door to find Hongjoong slowly making his way over, not quite racing in to break it up but then again, he always had the mentality that all issues need to be worked out. "Joong!" She calls, rushing over before a large hand wraps around her wrist to pull her back. "No, please, I need to stop them. Jungwon isn't usually like that."
Chan shakes his head but before either of them manage to do anything, Chris walks through, growling and demanding for them to stop. Some of the wolves gathered recoiled at the command in his voice, the power of an Alpha making itself known - Mikyoung being one of them.
"Don't disrespect me by fighting in my pack house," Chris scolds the pups for a moment before he relaxes and asks everyone to make their way inside, "we finally have some news."
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The witch who comes to stand in front of the gathered wolves is one some of them are familiar with. Her best friend, Chris, stands close by, his eyes never leaving her and body alert as if he's waiting for the woman to falter.
"The Moon Goddess," Luna speaks, her voice not as strong as it usually would be but still loud enough for everyone to pick up what she's saying. "The Moon Goddess is missing."
Chaos erupts throughout the packs, everyone trying to talk over each other and Mikyoung covers her ears when Hongjoong stands up and yells for everyone to shut up. "Fucking hell, you'd think we were all fucking deaf." He grumbles, sitting back down and looking over at his sister for a moment before looking back at the witch. "The fuck do you mean she's missing? Doesn't she exist as the moon?"
Luna visibly recoils from the harshness of his tone and when the wolf notices this, also noticing how Chris reaches for her, protecting her. He growls, lips curled and ready to defend his friend but a stare from Chan has him staying in place while Hongjoong raises his hands in defence. "I- well, yes, she is but every so many years, she can take on a physical form and wander the Earth and so the spirit of the Moon leaves with her." She nervously looks over at the Alpha, the son of the Moon Goddess and watches how the realisation begins to dawn on him.
His mother, the one he never met, is on Earth and is missing.
Luna carries on to explain what her and the other witches have found, building the timeline and the room remains silent, stunned.
Chris knew something was wrong, he could feel it but he never thought that it was because his mother had gone missing. Months... she's been missing for months and he never knew, he never figured it out. His face falls into his hands, his heart clenching tightly as he tries to calm his breathing. Chris listens to the witch point out the inevitable, the effects that are surely to come that are worse than what are already happening.
"With the Moon Goddess being away for so long, the spirit of the Moon would be slowly draining. The moon, we are losing it." The fear that fills the room is suffocating and a soft cry can be heard from Mikyoung and other wolves spread throughout. "Some of you might already feel... off and I'm sorry but... it's going to get worse. Witches like me are losing our powers, our plants aren't as healthy, everything feels wrong... if what we are dealing with right now is bad..."
"Can you find her?" Chris' voice speaks from the loud whispers through the crowd, "do you think that you and the other witches can figure out where she is? If she's on Earth, she can be found and returned home."
Chewing her bottom lip, Luna looks at the witches standing behind her, all of them nodding. "Yes." She says, knowing that she'll use every last ounce of strength she has for this, "but, Alpha Chris, there's something we need to be prepared for."
Standing up, the Alpha shakes his head, knowing the words she's going to say and refusing to let her say them. "No. If she was, I'd know. We all would know."
Everyone watches as he walks out the room, Mikyoung reaching for Hongjoong's hand and finding him already reaching for her, squeezing her hand in a moment of comfort. Chan stands up, heading over to his brothers and Jongin, talking amongst themselves while Luna leans on Chris for a moment before heading to the other witches with him by her side.
While Chris, he heads into the woods, unsure on where he's going but he knows he needs to clear his head.
They need to find her... they have to. There's no other way this can end.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hi! Can you Do a Bo Sinclair soulmate imagine where the reader meets him while she’s with Carly, Wade, Nick, and the rest? Maybe where you feel your soulmates pain, or something. Sorry if this is too specific lol.
Bo Sinclair X Reader
Soulmate AU: shared pain and shared scars:
You had been friends with Carly for a little while now, which was how you got invited on the group’s road trip. You weren’t a massive fan of football and didn’t care much about the game you were going to see but you thought that getting away could be a little fun.
It was the night before the game when the group decided to camp out for the night and keep driving in the morning. After setting up the tents, you all sat around with drinks, talking among yourselves. 
As the group talked and laughed, you held your wrist in your hand, gently tracing the faint scarring with your thumb, an absentminded habit you had developed years ago. 
“Damn, they look nasty” Nick’s voice made you look away from the others and towards him, seeing how he eyed your wrists. 
“Leave her alone, Nick” Carly scolded her brother, already knowing about the scars you had received due to your unfortunate soulmate. 
“Are they yours?” Nick asked, completely ignoring his sister. You weren’t sure whether he was genuinely curious or actually trying to get under your skin. 
“...no” you answered honestly. 
“Unlucky bastard” Nick muttered before turning his attention back to his drink, like your conversation never even happened.
With everyone’s attention going back to more light-hearted conversation, you looked down at your scarred wrist and sighed. 
Carly had once asked you if you held any resentment for your soulmate, as have others in your life, and you had been perfectly honest with all of them. You held no resentment, you weren’t angry with your soulmate, you were nothing but sympathetic towards them. It wasn’t their fault that somebody hurt them like this, you just hoped that they had been able to get away from it.
Though, you doubted it. The injuries aren’t as frequent as they were in childhood, however they still occurred and they could be pretty bad. Once, you had even woken up in the middle of the night, bleeding from what looked like a knife wound.
“Here” Carly’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, making you look up to see her standing beside you with a smile. You returned her smile and accepted the can of beer she held out to you.
Opening the can, you hissed slightly as your thumb slipped and you cut yourself on the sharp metal, cursing your own clumsiness. You brought your thumb up to your mouth before lowering it again, taking a sip of your drink. 
“Ah shit” Bo quietly cursed at the sudden stinging sensation in his thumb, it wasn’t particularly painful, just a shock.
He lifted his hand, noticing the slight cut on his thumb, and sighed. His soulmate must have done something stupid but he couldn’t find it within him to feel annoyed about it, not after everything he must have put them through.
He would probably be returning the favour pretty soon, since Lester had informed him of a group camping out nearby, they should be coming into town pretty soon. 
After the car broke down and everyone decided that there was nothing they could do to fix it, a man named Lester had offered to take three of you into a nearby town so that you could visit the garage there. So, you, Carly, and wade ended up walking into the town that Lester had left you on the outskirts on.
Walking under the hot Louisiana sun, you had to pull your jacket off and tie the sleeves around your waist. The three of you headed straight to the garage, which was easy to find, but found that there was nobody there. 
“Maybe there will be someone in the church?” Wade suggested, nodding towards the church at the end of the street.
“I’ll stay here in case someone comes back” you offered, thinking that the owner that Lester mentioned could be back any minute. 
“You sure?” Carly asked, not too sure about leaving you alone in a strange place. 
“What’s the worst that could happen?” you shrugged.
Carly and Wade nodded before heading to the church to find somebody who could help while you waited at the garage.
You sat down on the curb, glancing around the street. From where you were sitting, the church was just out of sight but you could see the top of the Wax Museum in the slight distance. Ambrose was a small town, extremely quiet. It almost seemed empty, only the sound of birds flying overhead breaking the silence. 
After a little while of waiting, you started to wonder why your two friends hadn’t come back. Surely they would have found somebody by now and if they hadn’t you thought they would come to tell you that. You were just about to go looking for them when footsteps caught your attention. You looked in the direction of the church, seeing a man in a full black suit walking towards you.
You paused for a moment, just staring at him as he approached. It felt like the air was sucked from your lungs, like the earth stood still just for a moment. The strange feeling was all consuming, you didn’t notice the falter in his steps that suggested that he might have experienced something similar. The sensation reminded you of the description Carly had given you when she was explaining what it’s like to meet your soulmate. Though his casualness in his following question made you doubt it. 
“Can I help you?” the man asked with a charming southern drawl. 
“Do you work here?” you asked as you stood up, dusting off your shorts. 
“Own the place” he nodded before walking over to the garage and unlocking the front door. “Are you here with two friends? I didn’t catch their names” he asked, nodding at you to follow him inside. 
“Yeah, Carly and Wade. You saw them?” you nodded as you followed him into the garage, feeling some relief to be out of the harsh sun. 
“Said they needed a fan belt, I sent them up to the wax museum to kill some time before I could help them. Didn’t realise they left someone else waiting here” he explained. You frowned a little, it would have been nice of them to have let you know rather than just leaving alone on the curb. 
Shaking the thought away, you put another smile on your face. “I’m Y/n, by the way” you introduced yourself politely, holding your hand out for him to shake. 
“Bo Sinclair” he introduced himself and took your hand, giving you a firm hand shake. His charismatic smile remained on his face, something closer to a smirk than a friendly smile. His name spoken in that alluring southern accent. You simply couldn’t help but be a little charmed by him.
His smirk faltered for a moment as he glanced down at your hands, noticing the scars that wrapped around your wrists. He paused for a moment, holding your hand a little too long as his gaze lingered on the scars. 
Bo didn’t comment on it, so the small feeling you had that his man could possibly be your soulmate left your mind. There was no way he didn’t recognise them if he had the same ones. They were too unique.
In that case, you figured his staring was just because of the scarring. You had experienced people staring at them from time to time, wondering how you got them, but you never let it bother you. You weren’t ashamed of them. 
Bo plastered the smirk back on his face as he released your hand. He couldn’t help but catch himself stare a little. You didn’t hide the scarring like he did. Yours were also a little fainter than his, probably because you had them tended too properly unlike him and they healed better. The intense, all consuming, feeling from earlier and now seeing the scars so similar to his own. It couldn’t be a coincidence... 
“You seem a little over dressed for a mechanic” you commented to break the awkwardness, understanding the tension that had developed but the two of you seemed to move past it relatively easily. 
“I was at a funeral before you’re two friends crashed it over a goddamn fanbelt” Bo told you, irritation clear in his voice. You couldn’t blame him in the slightest. 
“Oh...I’m so sorry” you apologised on behalf of your friends, now feeling a little bad for dragging him away to fix up your car. “Who did you loose, if you don’t mind me asking?” you asked, hoping to be sympathetic without prying too much. 
“My mother” Bo told you, making you even more apologetic. 
“I’m so sorry...about my friends and that you have to fix our car” you frowned, feeling even more awful than before. 
“Ain’t your fault, darlin’“ Bo assured you, truly not seeming angry with you. 
You couldn’t help but blush a little at the petname, you just couldn’t deny feeling an attraction towards this man. Having felt an instant connection to him. It was strange, and you were already finding yourself a little longing, knowing you’ll have to leave once the car was sorted. 
“C’mon, let’s see if I can find that fanbelt for you” Bo’s smirk quickly returned as he gestured you to follow him further into the garage. “One of your friends told me what size you needed” he informed you as he started searching through his supply of fanbelts. “And...we don’t have it” he hummed.
“You don’t? What now?” you asked with a frown, having no idea what you were supposed to do now. Where the hell were Carly and Wade?
“Don’t worry, no need to frown, sweetheart. We have the rest of the delivery up at the house, we’ll have the right size for ya” Bo assured you with a charming wink.
“You could have lead with that” you chuckled to yourself, feeling relieved and trying to ignore the way he had winked at you.
“C’mon, we’ll go up to the house and get it for ya. I’ll get my brother to tow your car and we’ll get you all sorted” he told you, quickly putting you at ease and making you feel like everything was going to work you.
“Thank you so much, Bo” you sighed, giving him a sincere smile.
“It’s not a problem” Bo nodded. “We’ll take my truck, it’s just outside” he informed you, placing a hand between your shoulder blades as he guided you outside.
The two of you got into his truck and Bo started driving towards his house. Normally this would be something that you would be suspicious about but something about him put you at ease.
“Those scars of yours...they’re pretty intense” Bo finally commented on them, he needed to know what you had to say. “They yours?” he asked, reminding you a little of your talk with Nick the night before.
“No, they’re my soulmate’s” you told him, gently rubbing your wrists.
“You must have really ripped into him when you met them, huh?” he joked half-heartedly, something in his tone that made you curious.
“Oh, I haven’t met them...but I wouldn’t rip into them” you frowned at the accusation. “I’ve had these scars since childhood, which means they likely did too...it’s not their fault somebody hurt them. I’m not angry at them at all” you shook your head, clearly meaning every word you said.
“I’d be pretty pissed” Bo scoffed before his voice softened slightly, “but you’re probably a good person.”
“They were hurt by somebody, how can I be angry at them for that? I’m angry at whoever did it to them...honestly, I just hope they’re alright now” you confessed. “Just wanna give them a hug, y’know?” you laughed lightly.
“I hope my soulmate feels the same as you, they’ve probably been through hell because of me” Bo told you.
You weren't sure what that meant, of course. You didn't know what Bo had been through to worry about his soulmate's reaction to him like that but you were sure your soulmate had some similar concerns and you didn't want to pry further.
“They won’t be mad at you” you promised him with a smile.
Bo gave you a slight smile as he pulled up outside of his house, the way he looked at you leaving you curious. You couldn't quite explain it.
As Bo and you climbed out of the truck, Bo knew that you were his soulmate and that he couldn't let you go. A part of him had been relieved to hear that you didn't harbour any resentment towards him but he knew that if you didn't hate him now, you certainly would by the end of the day.
Still, Bo was selfish. He could let his soulmate, especially such a good one like you, slip between his fingers. You were his, and you had come home. He wouldn't be letting you leave any time soon.
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harfanfare · 3 years
How to win a heart of Floyd Leech?
a/n: Someone requested this; ask got deleted by accident! Hope you will like it, Anon!
Once you start walking through the specific points of the guide, your life will be exposed to the presence of Floyd Leech. Interrupting the action at one of the stages may cause many problems; F. Leech categorizes stopping as "boring", which puts the user of this guide in great danger.
The only way out is to get to the very end. Or not to start at all.
You act at your own risk.
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1.   Be an easy new target.
To one’s surprise, it is much harder not to catch his attention.
You can easily become another entertaining target of Floyd, mostly by doing silly things or him just considering them as ones.
And to automatically get labelled as “silly”, you just need to fall into one of his traps—he prepares them for someone else, maybe for goldfish, maybe for another person given a sea-inspired nickname, expecting to enjoy watching how familiar face twitches with terror as he jumps into the scene and tightly embraces passing student.
But no. You were the one who showed up in the wrong place and time as Floyd jumped out from his hideout, scaring you half to death. With a strangled yelp, you sharply backed away. After gaining a slight flush on your cheeks, you recognised who you just bumped into and quietly gasped.
However, he was much more bewildered than you were.
He had never encountered somebody who wouldn’t just freeze under his touch. Jumping away, gasping, muttering half-hearted apologies and flushing? That’s new.
That’s also entertaining.
Even after your quickly disappearance from the scene, his gaze somehow inexplicably started returning to you.
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2.   Visit Mostro Lounge often.
“We’re looking for someone who would like to work part-time for Azul~” Floyd said, sliding poster across the table. He popped up in front of you unannounced, having your thoughts return to dark reality.
“Oh,” you replied quietly, packing your things faster. “Good luck with it.”
You got up from your seat, but the thought of letting you go just like that didn’t even cross Floyd’s mind.
“Ehh? Shrimpy, aren’t you going to try?” he asked, frowning. You winced a little at the nickname he called you, not sure how to feel about it. “You know, you won’t work there for free.”
Azul will grant your wish.
You fidgeted a little, questioning your response. You heard—who didn’t?—rumours that Octavinelle leader could fulfil any request for a certain price. Ones were working for it, others were paying, and lasts were trading their request with Azul’s one.
The thought of having anything just by working in some café made you consider the offer again—this time quickier.
“I will go,” you decided.
“Hooray!” Floyd smiled cheerfully, just as if he won some grand prize in the lottery. “But what could Shrimpy possibly wish for, to change your response so drastically~?” he wondered but didn’t get any answer in return.
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3.   Be honest.
You passed Floyd, without sparing him a look. Anyone who has known you for a while would notice that your movements were a bit stiff and creaky.
Once you heard Floyd’s voice, a wave of tiredness struck you as if you didn’t get any sleep last night after working your shift in Mostro Lounge.
There were so many people to serve, so many things to do... and yet, you couldn’t help with anything, still not knowing how everything works, messing up with orders and breaking some plates in process.
Floyd buzzing around you, asking you some random questions (“Shrimpy, have you done it before?”). You answered them quickly, but each of them bumped you out of rhythm, making you forget what you were doing. It also didn’t help that Floyd certainly liked you being disoriented, replying with a shrug and grin on his face at your thundering glances.
So now, after gaining a little trauma from working in Octavinelle’s café, all you could do is ignore Floyd’s presence, silently accusing him of your infamous fiasco.
“Hey, Shrimpy!” he called you again, catching you up. “Are you mad?”
“I am not mad,” you snapped and took an unstable breath. “Look, I just started working, and on my first day I made already so many mistakes—”
“Yeah,” he replied indifferently. “And what with that?”
“...I couldn’t even correctly serve drinks—”
“Oh, stop!” Floyd muffled your mouth with his hand, an annoying look on his face. “I know where it is going. And no, you can’t quit a job, after all my efforts to get you there. It will get boring again!”
“Stop, stop, stop,” he corrected his hand on your mouth, now not letting even a sound get through his fingers. “Azul knows that you tried your best. And for these plates you broke, he already added them to your paycheck. You need to practice! Not to give up, Shrimpy!”
You looked up at him, quite stunned by these words. Perhaps he quoted someone from the book or heard someone talking like that...
But it was encouraging. In some way, considering that you couldn’t protest, having your mouth covered. But still, it was encouraging.
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4.   Take classes together.
You can have the power of controlling Floyd’s behaviour, making other students’ life easier. Or you two can be a walking disaster.
Turning alchemy lesson into putting random ingredients into a boiler and praying that the mysterious mixture won’t explode.
History classes started being a regular pinching ritual to keep yourself from falling asleep (you are being pinched more, even when you don’t feel sleepy).
In contrast, flying lessons are peaceful. Nor Jade, nor Floyd, nor Azul are fond of these classes. Floyd is much eager to stand both feet on the ground, watching you practice or having you sulking next to him about heights.
However, if you are a calm, shy, or tranquil person, exchanging little notes or drawings will be a little habit of yours. Handing them discreetly under the eye of sir Crewel is quite a challenge, but it also gives satisfaction once the note was given.
Floyd throws away most of your paper conversations, but the ones he really likes, he cherishes them by keeping them with him, stuffed in his pockets. He will be irritated if anyone would like to see what you two were writing about, even if the talk was about new strawberries delivery for the new recipe.
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5.   Being ticklish or not.
There are two possible scenarios, whether his new, lovely target is ticklish or not.
If is: prepare for being touched a lot. Observing how you quiver with surprise, when he lightly—he especially makes his touch less fierce, knowing very well that tickling isn’t violent—wraps his hands around your waist, making you hold your breath.
He would tickle you a lot, very often making you cry out of laugh and pain that follows sharp writhing and fidgeting, but never that much, to seriously upset you. That’s some luck in such unlucky situation.
If not: he will try to find other weak point. Or will try to make you ticklish—his hands are particularly cold and pressing them to your warm skin, might make you give him a reaction he would enjoy.
Albeit, if you also won’t return any expression even then, he will seriously search for some other weakness. Slightly biting an ear lobe, whispering next to your ear or anything that could make his smile appear, once he made you put him somewhere between “I despise you with each and every cell” and abstract mumbling with the heat on your checks.
Oh, he loves your reactions so much.
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6.   Learn all nicknames he gave other people (you will unlock an option to slightly dish other people).
“Oh Lord...” you muttered to yourself, as your gaze followed scribbled list of names that Jade just passed to you. He willingly connected all student’s names with pseudonyms Floyd gave other people and handed the roaster over to you once you helped him with some kitchen cleaning.
“There are so many, right?” Jade replied with a polite smile on his face. “I’m sure you already memorised some of them, being around Floyd that much.”
You nodded mindlessly as you tried to get names into your head. You mouthed them soundlessly one by one, motivated to learn them by the end of the week.
The chuckle that escaped Jade’s lips startled you, and you realised that he still was in the room. Or that you didn’t leave the Lounge even after your shift has already ended.
“My brother surely didn’t exaggerate anything about you,” he said, his tone a bit more buoyant than ever, although you couldn’t be sure as the thick air of mystery still echoed in his voice. “I wonder how it will finally end?”
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7.   Always share your takoyaki with him.
“What are you hiding, Shrimpy?”
You shuddered at a voice that you did not want to hear at this moment, not for all the world. Unless that the world included a chest filled with takoyaki, which you could give to certain somebody.
You felt that instead of a shashlik of tasty balls, you were holding a knife in your hands, a veritable proof of a crime you had committed. It weighed heavily in your grip, and Floyd's approaching footsteps did not make your situation any better.
It was a time to hide the evidence.
You pushed as much as you could into your mouth and swallowed a few balls without even gnawing them much. You almost choked on them.
“Me? I?” you asked innocently. You sincerely hoped that no sauce or a stray piece of cake was left on your face. “What could I possibly hide?”
"Hmm, hmm~," he drew closer, and you needed all your will gathered, to make yourself stay where you were. Even without looking in the mirror, you knew you were all pale on the face. “With my little eye, I spy something...”
His gaze went down, just to your hands, which you tried to hide behind your back.
Not giving him a clear look at your palms or wooden stick, you turned around on the heel and run with all your might. Your muscles felt somehow stiff as if they also didn’t see a chance to win this race.
Now Floyd was sure you are hiding something, and there is no chance he’ll let it go.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
8.   Watch him at his basketball practice.
81:30 for the blue team!
“Floyd once again started playing wild,” Ace breathed with clear regret in his voice. He glanced your way, frowning at you. “It’s your fault. Please come at practices when Floyd is in my team, not otherwise.”
You laughed awkwardly as he walked away.
A moment later, Floyd reached for a bottle with water and a towel you bravely guarded through the whole practice. He smiled wholeheartedly, happy with the win, water, and your presence.
“How did you like the game?” he asked once he changed from PE clothes and you two started heading towards Octavinelle.
“It was really fun!” you admitted, a speck of amusement appeared in Floyd’s eyes. “The red team didn’t have much time to capture a ball before you got hold of it again.”
“Hehe~ I’m glad you liked it,” he said. “I really like to play basketball, even more than ever, when I know that you are watching! That’s why,” he added, sincerity well-heard in his voice, “you need to come even more often!”
You nodded happily.
You just couldn’t mind it, all that accompanying him.
It was... fun.
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9.   Dance, dance, dance!
Heels tapped on the floor and the sound of these steps would probably have spread through the room, if not for the jazz music pounding through Mostro Lounge’s speakers.
Floyd pulled you closer, letting a playful smile on his lips stretch even more. You couldn’t help but smile back, before gasping as he spun you around your axis. You lost balance and would fall if not steady grip around your waist, as Floyd leaned on closer to you, making you bend on one leg more and entirely rely on his touch.
Last notes of melody faded, and you still were in that pose, facing each other. With each second, Floyd’s face was changing from some form of amazement to amusement, finally letting you properly stand.
“Ha... When did you learn to dance so smoothly?” you asked smiling in wonder.
“Hehe~ With legs you can dance a lot more than in the sea,” he answered. “On land, it’s super fun~”
You nodded at his words.
Floyd was a wonderful dancer.
But you can’t be sure if being a good dancing partner is the only thing that made you feel all warm and fuzzy because butterflies still didn’t leave your stomach.
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10.            “Let’s do something fun!”
“Here is your paycheck,” Azul handed you a white envelope, sealed with a stamp with the Octavinelle logo. “And you, [Name], was also working for some request, right?”
You nodded as you stared at the envelope.
Somehow, knowing how stupid the lingering thought in your mind was, you couldn’t bear to look up. If you would, your gaze would probably ignore all the elegant furniture of the room, even the owner of the room, Azul, just to settle on Floyd.
If you saw anything more than his shoes, that stupid thought would make their way outside, turning plans into action.
And Floyd unknowingly did everything to make them come true.
“Shrimpy,” he cupped your face with his hands, judging by his voice he seemed quite... worried? When he made you look in his olive and gold eyes, you started holding your breath. “Are you okay?”
With that question, your strong will to wish for something expensive or practical was broken.
You started fidgeting more, not knowing how to express your thoughts in words. “I think I have a request... a question for Floyd, rather than for you, Azul...”
Azul nodded at first uncertain and the room has fallen into silence once again until you spoke.
“Well, Floyd,” you turned to him, trying your best not to wander your gaze away from him, “Please, take your time with answering, but I want your response to be, uh, honest.”
You were tripping onto your own words, embarrassment soaring in your body as you started to think that you should’ve kept quiet. But Floyd was patient with your answer, as well as Jade and Azul who observed the situation as if they predicted it before.
“I mean- Okay, just answer the question.” You took an erratic breath. “Would you like to—”
“Sure!” Floyd interrupted you before even hearing the whole question. “I would like to do everything with you.”
You stood there, all confused. But, by Floyd’s expression you knew that he guessed what you wanted to say. Face heating up, you forgot about Azul and Jade, who hid a chuckle by turning his head to the side.
“How fun,” he said as Floyd wrapped his arms around you, as if shielding you from other people in the room.
“I won’t share Shrimpy with you, Jade. Not a chance.”
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Hi can you do a jealousy headcanon for GOM? 💜
Of course! Hope you like it :)
Headcanons: GOM getting jealous
He doesn’t get jealous very often because he just has so much trust in you
If he ever does, he’s really subtle about it that you won’t even notice unless he tells you
He knew that he could talk to you about anything so he was never particularly uncomfortable with you being around other guys
There was a boy in your class who you had been getting quite close to
He quickly became a good friend of yours, and you’d often hang out with him when Kuroko was busy
He was objectively rather attractive, but you didn’t really see him that way because you only really had eyes for Kuroko
Kuroko wasn’t in your class so he’d sometimes see you walking around the school hallways, however more often than not, you would be with that boy
He seemed like a nice and earnest guy, which is probably why Kuroko began to feel a little threatened by him
Not knowing any better, you invited your friend to come watch one of Kuroko’s practice games with you since you could use the company
Kuroko wasn’t very pleased to see him to say the least
He’d usually glance over at you during games because seeing you watching him motivated him to do better
But now when he looked at you, he’d see you talking to that boy and he’d just feel annoyed
And it definitely showed in the way he played as well because his moves became uninspired and predictable
You went to grab some food with Kuroko’s team and your friend afterwords and Kuroko would not keep his hands off of you
He’d constantly be holding your hand
And he’d leave absolutely no space between you two
Of course, you noticed all of this, but you didn’t want to bring it up in front of everyone
“Hey, so you’ve been spending a lot of time with that guy from your class, huh?” Kuroko said when the two of you were walking back home together
“Yeah, I suppose,” you shrugged, beginning to connect the dots
“Hm,” he hummed, his grip on your hand getting a bit tighter
“Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing,” he mumbled
“You’re jealous aren’t you?” you grinned
His face just became red as he averted his gaze
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denied almost instantly
“So that’s why you were being so touchy back there,” you giggled
“Well I was just making sure he knew that you were mine,” he said, finally deciding to give in
“For what it’s worth, you really don’t need to worry about him— I’m sure he knows.”
“I’m not a violent person but if he tries anything, let him know he can catch these hands,” he said, clenching his other fist and holding it up
“Tetsu, he’s twice your size, but sure.”
Okay so we know that Kise is really cold with people he generally doesn’t respect
Well, this coldness becomes so amplified when he sees someone he doesn’t know with you
The two of you were on a date at a cafe once and he went to the cashier to place your order while you remained seated at your table
That was when a classmate of yours spotted you and approached you
“Y/N? Didn’t expect to run into you here,” he said, grinning widely before engaging in conversation with you
Meanwhile, Kise was standing in the queue, glaring at you two
In Kise’s eyes, he was very obviously flirting with you— and he was, you just didn’t realise it
Every moment that he looked at you two angered him more and more
The damn boy even made himself comfortable by taking Kise’s seat
Was what he said so funny that you needed to be giggling like that?
Kise hastily placed his order and then stormed over to your table, not bothering to wait for your food
The boy was just about to reach out to touch you when Kise slammed his hand down on the table, startling both of you
He didn’t intend to do it with so much force but it just happened and he didn’t care
“Hey Y/N-cchi, who’s this?” Kise snarled, voice calm but menacing at the same time
“Oh hey Ryouta, this is Satou, a classmate of mine,” you introduced innocently
“Hi there,” Kise said, flashing him a fake smile and not even bothering to register his name in his head, “Y/N-cchi and I are kind of on a date right now, and you’re in my seat.”
Kise took your hand that was resting on the table and squeezed it tight, making the jealousy much more obvious to you
Your classmate visibly showed his annoyance through an eye roll as he stood up from Kise’s seat
“Alright,” he sighed. “See you around, Y/N.”
His and Kise’s eyes were shooting daggers at each other at this point
“Sure you will,” Kise mumbled sarcastically as he watched him walk off
“Babe they’ve been waving at you from the counter for the past two minutes now, trying to get your attention,” you pointed out, looking at the worker who was just about to give up and bring the order to you herself
“Ah crap,” Kise muttered before rushing over to meet the worker halfway and apologise
“I think someone got a bit carried away with their jealousy, don’t you think?” you said once he got back
“Tch, the guy goes to our school. He should know that you’re mine by now. Yet he still thought he had a shot, what an idiot,” Kise scoffed, just the thought of the boy talking to you getting him riled up again
“You’re intimidating when you’re jealous, it’s weird.”
“Weird? I can be intimidating! Why is that weird?” Kise pouted, switching back to his usual eccentric self
“Because you still sleep with stuffed animals, Ryouta,” you giggled
“And so do you, what’s your point?”
So he’s not one to really initiate things like PDA
He’s the kind of guy that just holds your hand in public and that’s about it
However when he gets jealous, he becomes a whole other type of possessive
You’d be hanging out with him and a few of your friends from school
And one of the guys would constantly flirt with you
You didn’t really think too much of it because you thought he was just being friendly
But between the flirtatious teasing and unnecessary touching, Midorima was slowly losing his patience
He’d be really subtle at first
He’d hold your hand a bit tighter and hold you by your waist every now and then, all while eyeing the guy down in hopes that he’d get the message
Obviously, it wasn’t enough because he’d barely even notice Midorima and would continue chatting away with you as if your boyfriend wasn’t right there
“Hey Y/N, do you wanna go to that manga store over there together?” your friend said, seemingly inviting only you even though there were five other people in your group
“Actually, Y/N and I were just planning on leaving, sorry,” Midorima intervened, the ‘sorry’ oozing with so much sarcasm that it was clear that he really didn’t like the guy
“Oh already? You don’t have to leave just because Midorima is, you know,” your friend said
Hahaha it took everything in Midorima to not send him flying like his three pointers
“Excuse me? I think you’re crossing the line there a bit, don’t you think—“
“It’s getting pretty late, we should get going,” you said quickly before things could escalate
After shooting one last glare at your friend, Midorima walked away with you
“The nerve of that guy— unbelievable,” Midorima sighed
“I thought you were going to punch him or something, that’s why I stopped you so quickly,” you giggled
“Honestly, I might have,” Midorima chuckled. “How are you even friends with someone like him?”
“I guess he’s just friendly,” you shrugged. “Looks like someone was a bit jealous though.”
“Please, why would I be jealous of an idiot like him,” Midorima scoffed
He’d never admit to an emotion like jealousy— ever
Oh god this boy does not handle jealousy well
He would 100% break someone’s nose if he feels like they’re getting too close
The two of you were at a party once and Aomine decided to take a break from dancing for a moment to grab a drink
So he was leaning against the wall sipping on his drink while watching you on the dance floor
Of course, he wasn’t very pleased to find you dancing with some other guy
Aomine recognised him as someone who went to your school, so he very well could just be a friend of yours
However that didn’t stop him from feeling a growing amount of jealousy as each moment passed
Did you really need to be dancing that close to him?
Aomine should be the only one you dance like that with
He was already a bit tipsy so he may not have been thinking straight
But he completely lost it when he saw your bodies swaying so carelessly together
Next thing he knew, he was storming over to the dance floor
You didn’t even notice him until you were suddenly ripped away from the boy you were previously dancing with
And once again you were dancing with Aomine
He was holding your waist tight and his face was as close as ever
“What do you think you’re doing dancing like that with someone else?” Aomine growled
“Why? Is someone jealous?” you joked as you continued to move along with him to the music
“Don’t tease around like that. You’re all mine, don’t you realise?” he grinned, shoving his lips onto yours before you could say another word
The kiss was desperate and heavy, and as a result, sloppy— not that you minded too much
After seeing that act, the guy from earlier backed off, though you didn’t even notice or care for that matter
I mean, why would you care about any other guy when Aomine Daiki was in front of you?
He gets jealous very easily
He’s like a child when it comes to most things— he doesn’t share
You’ve had your fair share of encounters with other guys that ended with Murasakibara scaring them off
The two of you were seated on the couch together on your phones
There was absolutely no reason for Murasakibara to have come over to your house just to be on his phone, but he just enjoyed your presence
You were scrolling through TikTok because you’d run out of things to do
You landed on a video of these two shirtless boys dancing to a song that you liked so you just watched for the hell of it
You started scrolling through the comments while the video kept replaying, garnering Murasakibara’s attention
The second he saw what you were watching his possessiveness just kicked in
“You really like watching those boys, huh?” he said, glaring at the boys as if they could see through the screen
“Not really, I just like the song,” you shrugged before turning to him with a smirk, “why? Are you jealous?”
“Well if it means I can get more of your attention then sure, I guess I’m jealous,” he answered simply. “Do I have to take my shirt off and do a dance too?”
“I wasn’t going to say that, but now that you mention it, I’d love to see it,” you giggled
Next thing you knew, he wrapped his arms around you, sending you toppling back onto the couch
“Too bad I can’t dance, I guess you’ll have to make do with some kisses for now,” he said softly, making your heart flutter
“Ah dammit, I wanted to see you dance,” you sighed, pretending to be disappointed
“Shut up,” he groaned, before pressing his lips against yours
This was what he was usually like when he got jealous though
He wouldn’t necessarily get angry or anything like that unless a guy was relentlessly hitting on you
But he’d just become really lovey and clingy just as a way of reminding you that it was him who’d love you the most
We all know he’s a classy gentleman
So you can’t expect any dramatic outbursts from him when he gets jealous
He’s always able to keep a calm and composed exterior (not that that’s ever stopped anyone from feeling threatened by him)
Anyone who knew Akashi knew never to mess with him
And they especially knew how much he valued you so one step too far would probably lead to their demise
However, there was one boy at a dinner party you both attended who somehow didn’t get the memo
You ended up being seated in the middle of him and Akashi, which gave him the opportunity to chat with you as much as he liked
Of course, Akashi wasn’t the most pleased to hear what he had to say to you
It was very obviously some awful flirting
You just thought he was being friendly so you entertained his conversation
“Y/N, maybe you should stop chatting and eat— your food is getting cold,” Akashi said in attempt to get him to stop— it was getting frustrating at this point
For the rest of the night, Akashi remained clung onto you with his arm around your waist, monitoring every movement of that boy
It was particularly strange because Akashi was the type to mingle at events like these so you knew something was wrong
Akashi’s cold gaze seemed to be enough to make the guy keep his distance though
Akashi is just too powerful lmao
Once the two of you got back home, Akashi pounced to kiss you almost immediately
“Woah what was that for?” you asked when you pulled away from the kiss that seemed so urgent
“You looked gorgeous tonight, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” Akashi said sweetly
“Aww, thank you, Sei.”
“A lot of people seemed to think so too by the looks of it. Especially that guy that sat next to you at the table,” Akashi pointed out
“Oh. Did you get jealous or something?” you questioned
“Well, yes. I want to be the only one looking at you like that. But I guess it can’t be helped sometimes,” he said, body still as close to yours as ever
“You’re the only one I want so you don’t have to worry for even a moment,” you said reassuringly
“Then that’s all that matters,” Akashi said with a smile before pulling you in for a soft kiss filled with nothing but adoration
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snootsnoot-fiction · 3 years
Your Gentleman
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: None really
A/n: My first marvel fic yay!!! I love that it’s Bucky as well☺️ This is a birthday gift for my dear friend who I love @inthatmomentwewereinfinite 🎉🎉🎉 you’re honestly one of the nicest people on the planet, I hope you have the best day you can ❤️
Summary: You haven’t seen Bucky in years…
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The life of one James Buchanan Barnes was quite the tragedy. At least for the most part.It was a long, involuntary life, but to say he wouldn’t be the least bit grateful for the majority time skip would be a lie. Oh, there were things “Bucky” Barnes missed of course, but there was plenty to make up for it.
The man thought he would lead a simple life; serve in the war, get married with Steve as his best man, maybe even die of old age. A far cry from the fate that really awaited him, for he found himself being part of the Red Skull’s experiment. An experiment that began his journey as who would infamously be known as The Winter Soldier. 
You were quite the artist to say the least. You lived and enjoyed a fairly quiet life as well. That’s not to say your talents weren’t sought out, for you were also quite the fashion designer. Sometimes you would simply consult. Create and draw up a design for someone else to make. Occasionally you would make the pieces yourself. It was an interesting way of making money, and you were happy to keep living your quiet life - your involvement usually kept secret in some way at your request.
Needless to say, one of the biggest things you ever worked on was the new suit for Captain America. You found his tale fascinating. You knew of the man, but it wasn’t until you heard he was back that you looked into him a little more. Strange things seemed to be happening more often.
The detail of his best friend’s supposed ‘death’ was another thing that interested you, but all anyone could assume was he actually was dead now. It didn’t stop you from wondering though.
You did work on occasion for people such as The Avengers, but aside from that, you were a normal citizen. So to say you were surprised when you caught the eye of Mr Barnes in modern day was an understatement.
Recognising him immediately, you weren’t sure what to do. He looked beyond exhausted, and it was clear to you he was trying to keep his head down. The man carried on, and despite thinking you probably shouldn’t, you followed. The next thing you knew, a cold arm was pinning you against a wall as the one and only James Barnes stared at you. Up close, his eyes looked even tireder, and you could see just how rough a state he was in.
“Why are you following me?” He huffed out. Anyone could see how tense he was. Almost afraid.
“I’m no-one I swear! I just recognised you and got curious… you’re Bucky?” He slowly let you go, but remained tense. “I don’t even know what happened… you look awful…” you frowned slightly as you gave him a proper look. You really had no idea what was going on, but you felt bad for him. Whatever happened to this man, you were glad to not know right now. 
~~ a few months later ~~
You wondered how people would react to finding out about you helping ‘The Winter Soldier’. The thought made you nervous sometimes, but you knew what you were doing to be right. Something in you from the moment you met him told you he himself was at no fault, but of course, not everyone would see it that way.
The day you met him, you had ended up giving him a fresh change of clothes that would help him to blend in more. You had offered more, even a meal, but trust would take time to build, and he didn’t want to stick around you too long. 
‘Too many innocent people…’ was all he muttered before giving thanks and leaving without a word.
‘I’m happy to help…’ you hadn’t been sure if he even heard you, but surprisingly it wasn't long before you saw him again; with time, the two of you built a sense of trust. Bucky would never stay too long, but when he did you would allow him to use your own facilities if he needed, You would make him a warm meal almost every time, and give him another fresh change of clothes if he needed them.
Trust takes time though, and you didn’t know much of the story of why he was even here. You didn’t want to push or pry, but you couldn’t help but wonder sometimes. 
Today was the day you’d learn.
The old soldier hesitantly stepped into your home. It always made you frown a little to see just how hesitant he was; whatever it was he was hiding from, you wish he didn’t have to.
“I know you don’t like to, but I made my sofa up for you just in case-”
“Sofa? The couch?” You went a little red and chuckled nervously.
“Yeah sorry, I didn’t grow up here..” and for the first time, you saw him smile. It was little, but it was there. It made your heart flutter just a bit, causing you to smile.
“I might take you up on that.” His words were quiet as he walked in to see the couch. You had set a single, plump pillow on one end, and laid your biggest blanket over the piece of furniture. Bucky had been so hesitant to talk even one word to anyone, nevermind taking refuge from someone, but he couldn’t even remember the last time he had a nice place or spot to sleep. Not only that, but you seemed genuine to him. Deep down he knew he could trust you. Your smile widened.
“Are you hungry?” At your question, he looked back at you with a small nod. The tired look in his eyes made you want to really look after him, but there was only so much you could do and you didn’t want to startle him.
That night, you sat on opposite ends of the couch as you ate a freshly cooked meal, some sitcom on the TV. Eventually you decided to ask him what had happened to land him here. There was no pressure to answer of course, and you were more than willing to forget you asked if he didn’t yet feel comfortable to tell his story… but he did. You listened patiently and quietly as Bucky talked about The Winter Soldier.
Little did you know just how far you had already fallen for this man.
~~ Avengers Civil War ~~
After hiding for so long, Bucky had to admit there was something refreshing about now being out in the open.Of course, the circumstances were most unfortunate, but whatever happened, he would no longer be in hiding. Therefore he wouldn’t be putting you in any more potential danger. The two of you had grown quite close, and if anything happened to you because of him, well.. he didn’t like to think about it.
People like himself existed and had been used to assassinate King T’Chaka, and now the group his best friend Steve had put together were trying to get to the guy behind all of this. Unfortunately Tony Stark had created an obstacle for them. The old soldier could see that both men were somewhat regretful, but firm in their beliefs. Before he knew it, the fighting had begun.
Bucky and Sam Wilson had hidden in the airport terminal to start when this kid in a red and blue costume came at them. Sam knocked the kid away, so Bucky ran after them, and when he reached them, he saw an opening and threw a chunk of metal at the weirdly flexible kid. Naturally this kid was able to throw it right on back before being tackled by Wilson again.
Reaching the both of them just in time, Bucky ran between them as the spider kid flung himself at Sam, landing both the men in the floor below and his metal arm in some sort of.. webbing. The old soldier hated the fact they ended up in this position because of a child who didn’t even sound as though he had hit puberty yet. That’s when the kid was thrown out the window by the little robot bird.
“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” he growled at Sam, genuinely annoyed with the guy.
“I hate you.” Bucky merely scoffed at the response. They were in the middle of something big, but for a brief moment he found it funny that Steve’s new friend was this guy of all people.
Despite all this, you were still there. In his mind. With everything now in the open, he hoped your part in all of this was still in the dark. He just wanted you safe. To live your life.
~~ present time ~~
To Bucky, it almost felt like his past had repeated somewhat; to skip from one time to the other was confusing and frustrating. At least this time around it wasn’t as far into the future as the last time.
For you, however, it was a lonely experience. With The Snap, you had stayed behind. You lived out those five years. You had found a connection with this older guy you absolutely adored, and then you find out he was snapped out of existence along with half the planet. Lonely was an understatement, especially at the start.
At least he didn’t physically die - a fact you turned out to be grateful for when suddenly all those who had been Snapped were back. Of course, you knew the type of life Bucky led beforehand, so you were still worried, but you hoped with time he would contact you again. That hopefully things had finally calmed down at least somewhat in the world now. 
Meanwhile, in the last five years you had moved to New York. With half the world gone, work had been a difficult adjustment for everyone, and you decided to start your own little business in The Big Apple; a prime area for you. It was just a little fashion/clothing business, but it turned out well enough to keep you afloat. Business got quite busy when everyone reappeared. It was stressful at first, but you managed to hire a few other people that helped. You were even able to start taking a little time to yourself occasionally in all due time. Eventually it became the norm.
With business and the world calming down, Bucky Barnes had been on your mind recently. You wondered where he was, if he was alright.
You were in your store. It was a weirdly calm day today, so you sat on a chair behind the main cash register. You heard the door open, but by the time you looked up, the person had disappeared behind one of the clothing racks. You thought about keeping an eye on them, ready to get up if it looked like they needed assistance.
“I got ‘im.” One of your workers said from behind you, offering a smile as she walked past you.
“Thanks.” You smiled back, watching her hover near whoever the customer was before looking back down at the book in your hands. You seemed to get quite into the book, because before you knew  it, a shadow stood over you, but you didn’t notice until he spoke.
“Hey..” the voice caused your heart to stop as your ears perked and a weird yet pleasant shiver flew down your spine. You knew that voice. You knew eventually you would see him again, but it was still a surprise.
Slowly, you closed the book, and your eyes dragged up until they were on that same face you had last seen way over five years ago now. His hair was short now, but it was him alright. It was Bucky.
The man offered a small smile and wave as you stared at him. You had no idea what to do.
“Uh.. this your place?”
“You’ve done well.”
“I’ve had a lot of time.” Your responses were automatic. Your mind was blank.
“Bucky?” You stared at him with wide eyes, your voice triggered a slightly wider smile on his lips as he nodded.
“It’s been a while.” His words made you scoff loudly.
“You’re telling me!” The both of you chuckled. The last five years had felt so long for you, but the two of you were already falling back into your old dynamic.
“... Listen Y/N.. all that old stuff.. The Winter Soldier stuff… it’s gone now.” His words made you smile for him. You knew how much his past had troubled him. You doubted it was completely out of the way, but you knew what he meant.
“No more hiding?”
“No more hiding.” Bucky smiled, a look of genuine relief on his face.
Just then, a group of teen girls walked in and your smile disappeared for a moment.
“I’m at work. I’m the boss but I still gotta work, we can’t..”
“I know a place we can go to later if you want? Catch up?”
“I’d love to! I close up around six today, we can go after then.”
“Perfect! I’ll come back and we can walk there together.” You smiled and nodded, too shy to say anything else right now. Bucky smiled before turning around, looking back at you as he opened the door to leave. You gave him a little shy wave.
You spent the next few hours constantly thinking about Bucky and finally being able to see and talk to him again. Excited was an understatement. You were happy. Bucky was back. You were always too shy to say anything about what you felt, but absolute adoration was another understatement when it came to that man.
The clock had finally struck six. Your employees were now leaving, and you decided to check the store, make sure everything was alright before closing up. The same employee that had helped out earlier that day came up to you as you picked up your things.
“Your gentleman caller is waiting outside.” She had a knowing smile on her face. She even seemed kind of excited and she stood there and waited as you blushed.
“Thank you..” you attempted to avoid her gaze as you packed the rest of your things in your bag.
“I’ll tell him you won’t be long.” At that, you offered her a smile before she left and you took a moment to relax before following.
Bucky wasn’t right there as you left through the front, but when you turned back around after shutting and locking the place, there he was just a couple feet away from you. A small flower bouquet in his hand. Your heart melted at the sight.
“I know you’re not much of a flower person, but I wasn’t sure what else to do.. You know… with the time gap and all.. But these are your favourites.” Bucky looked almost nervous. You shyly stuck your hand out to take the bouquet, your fingers brushing against his as you did.
“They’re perfect, thank you.” A small smile tugged at your lips again as you looked at them before looking back to the man in front of you.
“I’ve missed you Y/N.”
“Me too.. You that is! I’ve missed you, not myself.” You blushed as Bucky chuckled at your flustered self. He then held out an arm.
“Shall we?” You hesitated before taking hold of his arm with your free hand, a feeling of happy warmth washing over you.
“We shall.”
Tagging; @blondekel77 @book-hoardingdragon @mandosmimi
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simpingfortheages · 3 years
Hiii umm sorry for taking long. I have exams😭 she again is long as fuucckkkk. I hope you enjoy. (still leave requests please)
Prompts requests: 8, 24, 25.
Ms Venable × Fem! Reader.
SMUT PACKED! (Fluff,begging,edging, oversimtimlation, jealousy, dom! Venable, sub! Fem Reader)
Reader is a kind spirit always helping and finding new ways to make friends. A light that attracted every one,even Ms Venable. However she doesn't take it lightly when someone else is trying to take what's hers.
The dynamic you and Ms Venable had was a peculiar one. In her lovely abode she was an expressive one,the kisses and hugs she would bestow on every exposure of your skin were sacred. The secrets that she would share with you in bed after the passion lovemaking was something you especially loved. She was always vunerable and soft in your presence alone. However, that Ms Venable never found her way into work,even in the workplace when it is both you and her alone.
No way did she show or return any affection to you. It was deemed " unfit and inappropriate" in her words. She was a complete 360, the soft twinkle in her eyes were always replaced with stone hard glares and there was a slight frown took the place of the delicate smile that adorned her plump lips. But you being the caring and loving person you are, you respected her rules and decisions. 1. No kissing 2. No sexual teasing of any kind 3. No joking or laughing... etc etc... basically you both acted like strangers. She didn't care what you did at work with the other employee,she made that quite clear. As long as it doesn't involve her or her reputation. She treated you just like she did any other employee at kineros robotics and that included being scolded and embarrassed infront your other co workers. You however benefited from that, because she would always end up making up for it at home. So yes it was a peculiar dynamic but it was a dynamic you shared with her.
Today was the same old, you kissed your Mina goodbye at home before you went to work in your separate vehicles. Of course she wouldn't mind you riding along side with her. It was just that others would become suspicious and Ms Venable had a stern, don't fuck with her reputation to uphold. You carried out your daily work routine, you clocked in and made your way to the kitchen to make yourself your second cup of coffee. After doing so you took your seat on the chair located near the window which gave you a clear view of the carpark, you liked to see when your Mina came to work in her Purple Honda. Yes she customized it, the links and connections this woman has is mind blowing. "HEYYY Y/N" you jumped at the sudden outburst, it was Jeff and Muff. The twiddle dee and twiddle dumbass who ran the whole Robot operation . Mentally you rolled your eyes at their way of greeting . You then swiftly angled your body to face them. "Yes boys? What do you need" this earned a sly smile to creep up upon both of their faces simultaneously. You couldn't help but scowl at their expressions " what do you need?" You repeated with annoyance and a hint of nervousness. " there is a new girl. She is a sweet little thing"Jeff started off ,all the while grabbing your mug of coffee to sip from it. You made no attempt to stop him because you were too caught up in trying to understanding what his point was. "Okay??? And you are telling me this because???" You yanked the cup of coffee back from Jeff and moved to pour your contaminated drink down the sink . So much for your second cup. "I want you to show her around,you know help her in the emails and files all the dumb shit you do." "Just this time you both will be doing the dumb shit" Mutt finished what Jeff was saying. Damn so basically a trainee. You already knew that you had no choice,these knuckle heads after all were your bosses. " sure yea why not" you mumbled as you washed up your cup and placed back on the rack. Jeff clapped his hands in delight at your response. " Great! so she is already in your office- well it is both of your office now. We kind of needed to split your office but hey I mean you have a roommate now " you closed you eyes and tried to control your temper. They were really starting to grate on your nerves at this point. You didn't even bother to say your departure,you just left the staff kitchen and made you way to your office.
The newbie Chloe wasn't all that bad. She was this preppy,talkative and very affectionate in her interactions. She was this medium height,brown haired girl who always has on perfume that smelt like strawberries . A few weeks passed and you both became quite close, you spent a lot of time helping and getting to know one another, heck you even went "nose blind" to her over bearing starwberry perfume she wore, guess the shared office wasn't so bad. " Fuck!" Chloe exclaimed, your eyes opened wide at her remark,"whoa Chloe what's with the language" you stood up from your chair and walked over to her desk to see what the issue was. "I cannot seem to get the file to open and send to the Main system. I have been like this for 3 fucking days"she cried out, Chloe was almost on the verge of tears. You being the kind person you are, you lowered yourself to her level and wiped her teary eyes. The gesture was one of friendly,it has no romantic intention behind it. " don't cry Chloe,please it's annoying" you got a laugh mixed with a tiny sniffle with that line. "Let me see what I can do" you gently pushed her chair to the side causing her to roll a few feet away. Atleast Chloe was happily giggling, you shot a smile in her direction. You then hovered over her laptop to try and figure out the problem. After a few minutes you managed to not only open the file but you send the attachment files along with it to the main site of log in. All this time Chloe was hovering over you,trying to see what you were doing all the while chewing on her nails out of nervousness.
With a few clicks and dragging the tasks that were done you did it, "annndddd done. See Chloe no need to be such a cry baby" you stated with humor. Chloe shrieked out of happiness and enveloped you in a death grip of a hug. You didn't even have time to react since she basically squeezed all of the air out of you. "Hug me back y/n, for someone who knows how to upload a file you sure are missing a few cells" you rolled your eyes and released an exaggerated exhale. You reciprocated her warm embrace, it did feel nice and comfortable. "BANG BANG BANG" the sound was heard 3 times one after the other. That was a sound you were quite familiar with...but where did you recognise it??. The hug was broken up rather quickly. A loud clearing of someone's throath from the door made you turn your head. FUCK ...the sound was Ms Venable's cane. After seeing who it was,you increased the distance even more between you and Chloe. "Don't you know that this isn't the place for such disgusting acts? Hmm Ms Chloe a simpleton such as yourself still hasn't manage to send me the email as yet. But here you are wasting time, then again what should I expect from someone who is a waste of space themselves. Get the fuck put of my sight." her words were icey and cold. At this point Chloe was furiously trying to wipe away her tears,but they fell faster than she could dry them. She meekly excused herself from the office and slithered pass Ms Venable to probably cry even more in the bathroom. You didn't dare run after Chloe or even move. Your eyes were fixacted on the white tiles of the building floor. Ms Venable said nothing, she just walked away. If it wasn't the sound of her cane clicks becoming softer and distance you wouldn't have known that she left. You knew better though, that her walking away was a sign to for you to follow her. And follow her you did.
You kept a steady pace behind her trying to keep up with her haste movements. The tension was intense, the way she gripped the head of her cane to the slight flare of her nostrils didn't go unnoticed either. You knew that she was upset??... annoyed?? What were you Ms Venable? You pondered. Your train of thought was put to a halt when you heard the thumping of her cane stop. She was currently standing infront her closed wooden office door. No one dared to disturb her when the lock on the door was turned. She was basically worshipped at this Robotic place, she was feared and she knew that. She thrived of the idea, everytime someone were to cower in her presence you'd always noticed the way her eyes darkened, the slight upward tilt of her chin and the more square her shoulders got. And right now that's exactly how she stared at you. She was the predator and you were the prey.
She eyes locked sharply onto yours, but you didn't look away. No, instead you met her gaze with the same confidence. With her left foot tapping her black strapped heels against the floor, followed by the clicking of her neatly manicured nails on the head on her cane. She exhaled exasperatedly and raised both her eyebrows in my direction. She was waiting and she was impatient , she wanted an apology. But you weren't going to give her one, you did nothing wrong. The deep growl that left her lips went striaght to your lower stomach. She angrily and roughly turned the knob of her office door to give access into the oddly cold room. Ms Venable broke eye contact with you and brushed past to enter the room. You almost chuckled out loud at how adorable she was behaving. You mentally shrugged it off and made you way into the room behind her
It all happened so fast, her slender hands were wrapped around your neck as your back was shoved against the door,causing it to be closed and locked with a loud bang. Her face was now mere inches away from yours, the smell of her perfume and heavy minty breathe invades yours sense. It was a euphoric feeling, the way she towered over you and held the firm grip on your neck. " Why are you always with that daft moron?" She seethed though her clenched teeth. "Who? Chloe?" You questioned with feigned confusion. The hold on your neck only got tigher as you said her name. " don't say her disgusting name in my office" she spat, your face broke out in a big toothed smile. The brown colour in her eyes seemed to darken at your reaction,almost as though you were mocking her. “Why are you so jealous?” your smile seemed to get bigger. Ms Venable was taken aback by your statement. She simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. You were determined to make her admit to her jealousy just for the fun of it. "Awww Mina, it's okayyy to be a little jealous. It looks sexy on you" you flashed a wink in her direction. Ms Venable released you from her grip and placed both her hands atop the head of her cane. Her back was now straighten with purpose and superiority, if you weren't romantically involved with her one would say that she was completely unbothered. However,the faltering in her ability to maintain eye contact and the hard clenching of her jaw said otherwise.
"So you are saying that if I were to go after Chloe and comfort her right now ? You wouldn't care because it is IN the workplace right?" You used he own rule against her as you proceeded to push. Ms Venable swallowed hard at your comment. "No. I wouldn't care what you do" the grip on her cane was a lot stronger now,even to the point her knuckles were turning white. "Okay then mina" you spun around and reached for the for handle. Of course you weren't going to comfort Chloe, you just wanted to see how far your Mina will go. Since Wilhelmina was never one to be in touch with her emotions, she wouldn't express it verbally.
You jokingly turned the handle and opened the door. She still didn't stop you,but there was a hint of hurt and sadness that made its way to her face and body language. The way she shoulders hunched over with the subtle upturn of her eyebrows pulled are your heartstrings. She looked so vulnerable. "Aww mina don't do that face, of course I'm not going after her" you closed the door and hurriedly made your way towards her, throwing you arms around her body. The act took her by surprise, but she didn't mind, she mentally smiled that you choose her over Chloe. Ms Venable reciprocated your embrace,one hand rested firmly of her cane whilst the other was securely wrapped around your waist. However it was in a firm grip, as though if she were to left go you'd run away to Chloe. The hug was a warm and loved one, Ms Venable felt comfortable in your hold, the boiling feeling in her blood subsided and replaced with one of calm. She leaned down and nuzzled into the crook of your neck to inhale your perfume or rather the mild scent of the soap that would sometimes linger on your skin. Ms Venable softly inhaled against your neck , the scent of strawberries filled her senses. Her eyes snapped open at the smell, the grip around your waist tightened even more. Ms Venable roughly exhaled through her nose as thought she was trying to expel the ratched smelt that invaded her nasal cavity.You didn't pull away from the hug until a low guteral growl ripped it's way from her throath. The sound went straight to your lower stomach. Ms Venable hated the fact that you reeked of Chloe's nauseating perfume. It was a indication as though you belonged to Chloe and not to her. Ms Venable didn't like that one bit.
" you smell disgusting Y/N the fowl stench on your clothes is polluting my office. Strip" you let out a nervous chuckle at her request. However, Ms Venable kept a straight fact...she was serious. It dawned on you that her words were in fact a demand and not a request. You accepted that you weren't going to win whatever argument that she had planned in her head so you began to slowly strip away your clothes. As you did so she shameless roamed her eyes over your body. You weren't shy, it wasn't the first time she has done so. In fact you liked it,you basked in the idea of her loving your body. That wasn't a lie, she always made sure to express how much she worshiped your body by leaving kisses and marks. It was very intimate of her. You were now half naked standing infront of the lady in purple. Only in your underwear .
Ms Venable took one good look of your body and lowly hmmed in approval.  You preened at her reaction, your heart basically swole at her acknowledgment. Ms Venable broke her admiration on your figure and made her way to another door. A door that you never knew existed, it was a wooden door with a varnished finishing although it was pretty, it didn't quite go with the aesthetic of the room. You were never really allowed in her office since she basically ignored your existence. You walked behind her, following in her steps. "Pick up your clothes y/n ,you aren't an animal" a loud huff escaped your lips almost as though you were insulted.  You assembled the articles of your garment and folded it neatly. Ms Venable was already in the other room waiting for you. You swallowed thickly trying to suppress the nervousness that arised in your throath. As you entered the room you were in awe. Ms Venable basically had a whole bedroom. A queen size bed with silk sheets,a whole closet too that was walk in. The walls were white and accompanied in the cold atmosphere  was a mild yet soothing lavender scent.
*SLAM* Ms Venable shut the door. You junked and spun around to meet her list gaze. The coldness in the room made goosebumps arrise on your skin, the sharp look she gave you had you feeling like a prey being stalked.  Ms Venable was the predator and you have just been corner. She was hungry...very hungry. One of her hands gently pulled away from the surface of the door as she strutted towards you in a slow much dangerous manner. Out of reflex you backed away from her. Every one step she took you took two. As you stepped back you ran out of space, the back if your legs made contact with something hard.  A small sqeak of surprise made its way pass your slightly parted lips. When you turned around you saw that it was the lower part of the bed frame. At the point Ms Venable was towering over your small frame.  The closeness of her proximity got you feeling flustered, "who do you belong too?" She sneered. Feeling already small and intimated "you" she tilted her chin upwards but still didn't break eye contact with you. With a neatly manicured hand, she rested it on you chest and shoved you roughly on the silk bed.  The impact was rough yet gently. Ms Venable didn't move from the foot of the bed, instead she just stared at you. " you're so fucking hot when you're mad" you said as you broke the thick atmosphere. She raised an eyebrow at your bold response. She didn't waste any time walking over to the side table and receiving something. You tried to sit up to see what it was, only for Ms Venable to snap at you to remain lying down. You had no choice but to obey, you kept your eyes glued to the ceiling waiting in suspense of what Ms Venable had up her sleeve. The empty space on the bed beside you sank as it was your mina who occupied it, you turned  your face only to be met with her wicked grin. Based on that expression alone you knew that you were going to pay.
"Are you going to apologise?" She focused her gaze onto me even harder. Your reply was a confident shake of the head. It seemed as thought that was the reply Ms Venable wanted. " What's the safe word?" She asked gently, her voice was soft and inviting.  "Fire" you replied , you were excited for the unknown. You never know what way she was going to punish you, but each time it correlated to what she thought you did wrong.  It was quite clever and not really unexpected from a woman such as herself. Ms Venable made a casual gesture for you to turn over onto your side. That's weird you thought, you thought she was going to punish you.  You didn't  mind cuddling with your girlfriend, instead you smiled put of glee and turned to your side, awaiting for your mina to spoon you. You snuggled in closer to your girlfriend. The soothing breathing of your Mina  in your right ear was ticklish, almost as if it were sending electrical shocks to your core, she noticed the way you got fidgety but didn't say anything, instead she bite down on the shell of your ear and released low growls.  At this point your eyes were screwed tightly and you were trying to control your breathing.  Unknowingly you arched your back against your girlfriend. The small act of her pressed on your body and the attention you were  getting was too overwhelming.  You needed her and she knew it. An uncontrolled whisper left you parted lips," shhh baby i know, I'm only now starting, just close your eyes." Your heart rate was bearing so loud and fast at the moment. You listened to her and closed your eyes, you trusted your Mina.  As you did so you felt her knee wedge it's away between your thighs, although it wasn't high enough for you to grind your needy core against. Your eyes snapped open in furstation.  " Y/N I said to close your eyes. If you don't listen I will leave you alone" she demanded with a rough tone. You barely even made time to turn your head backwards to face her.  You listened to her threat and took it seriously, you closed your eyes tighter this time and awaited for her actions. "Hmmm good girl" she mummered against your ear. You glowed under her comment.  
Suddenly you felt her arm drape across your stomach, your breath hitched as she took the time to drag circles along your skin. Her hand progressively got lower and lower to where you needed it most. Your body was a map and Ms Venable had it memorized.  She knew all the ways to make you whimper and beg for her. As she reached the place you needed her most, a low sound almost a hum filled the thick lust atmosphere. You desperately fought against wanting to break her rule and see what it was. The suspense of whatever she was holding quickly left you mind when a feeling of pleasure and attention was bestowed upon your covered clit.  The agonising slow motion of her circling your throbbing clit, Ms Venable pressed small delicate kisses on the side of your face while slowly torturing you.  " mina.. more plea-se" you whimpered, even without having to open your eyes, you knew you smirked at that request. Ms Venable cocked a button on the vibrator and increased the speed. Although ypur eyes we closed, at this point your eyes rolled back to the back of your head.  The 2nd speed  was a lot more stimulating, her patterns of circles on your clit was now faster. There was currently a wet patch created by Ms Venable on your underwear. As she continued her task of pleasuring you, a feeling of tightness made its way to your lowered stomach. " oh fuck mina- mina can I cum?" You didn't get a reply instead she turned the speed up a little more, your body twisted in both pain and pleasure, at this point  the slick you produced was running down on her once cleaned sheets. Ms Venable loved whenever you did that, it remains her how much of a filthy slut you are, but more importantly you were hers and not Chloe's. She was famed to let you forget. She knew your body better than you as you were about to go over the edge Ms Venable pulled the vibrator away.  
"MINA what the - " you stopped mid sentence to swallow and catch your breathe" what the fuck i didn't cum" you finished your complaint in annoyance and sexual frustration. You tried to close your legs to rub your thighs together for any relief but Ms Venable raised her thigh higher and pressed it against your senstive clit as a warning against doing that.  A whimper and a whine emitted from you. "Oh fuck please mina more..." her thigh was still raised high and in contact with your clit . Out of reflex you started to grind on her, however she didn't stop this action.  You were trying to chase your high that she she rudely denied a few seconds ago. After a minute of two of trying to cum the feeling of tightness made its way to your lower stomach once again.  Your movements were sloppier, faster and more desperate this time. Ms Venable pressed her leg further up and rough weigh cause your hand of attach itself to her knee that was currently wedge between your thighs.  You didn't know if to push her leg sweety or pull it closer to your needy pussy. " ah- oh fuck yes" you cried out, your high was approaching. A few more grinding and you would be over the edge.  Ms Venable  leaned closer into  your ear, the warm breathe of her words tickled you" did you think it'd be so easy?" with those cursed words she pulled her thigh lower and away from your clit. You didn't bother to hide your frustration, you were almost on the verge of tears. "Mina please please let me cum for you, I will only cum for you" you begged but your pleas feel onto deaf ears.  She hummed in feign acknowledgement as she reached from your now ruined underwear. You realised what her intentions are, so you helped her to removed your underwear but kicking it down your legs. Ms Venable was faster though , she removed and placed back her leg between your thighs before they could have even closed.  
The cursed yet blessed sound of the vibrator filled your ears.  You were eager yet you dreaded the fact that she was going to deny you for a 3rd time.  She lowered the vibrator to your entrance to gather more slick, after doing so she  began to trace figures eights and circles on your clit. Your body jumped and tried to move away from the vibrator but with Ms Venable firmly pressed against your back, that was not possible, " shh baby it's okay, shh I'm right here. " she cooed into your ear.  Your bottom lip wobbled from the intense pleasure and pain overtaking your body at the moment. Your 3rd orgasm was building but you were determined to cum. "Oh fuck Mina please I am sorry you win i will- I will -oh fuck yes more !-i will. Never talk to her again. Just Please plea-se  let me cum" you no longer tried to fight her down, you apologised hoping that she would let you cum. "Aww baby  did you think by saying sorry I'd let you cum? you were oh so very wrong." She punctuated the sentence with her biting down on the shell of my air.  Inciting further pain, but the thrill of being denied was even greater. She held the vibrator against your clit pushing it down and rubbing it as a fast paste, your climax was 1 figure eight away by she pulled it away.  Almost as if she knew your body better than yours which in this case she did.  Your hips were pushed up trying to regain contact with the vibrator. " No behave." she demanded as she took her hand and whacked the inner part of your thigh.
Your body was sensitive to every touch and caress. Ms Venable removed her legs from between your thighs,which caused your legs to close with a wet soft smack. The slick that you produced was now running down both your legs and was now smeared on the bed. Ms Venable loved the sight,she loved breaking you and mending you back together with love and affection. All for her to do it all over again. Your eyes fluttered open to take in the current state of the situation. Ms Venable was making her way to the end of the bed,carefully crawling her way up to you. She must have taken her pain medication because she was able to move a bit freely without wincing. She motioned for you to turn over flat on your back,as your legs trembled so did the smile on her face. "Now Y/N I am going to teach you a lesson about behaving" she took her hands and gently rested them on your knees, tracing random patterns as you tried to catch your breathe from her edging you a few seconds ago. " What's the safe word baby?" She titled her chin upwards and stared at you from  under the eyes. "fire mina" you whimpered and released a breathy exhaled. She pried open your legs,the abrupt action and the sudden coldness between your legs excited you even more. Your slit was met with her velvet tongue, she slowly licked a strip of your womanhood, gathering all the slick that you produced.  The moans that made it's  way from her lips vibrated through you. Out of reflex you clamped your legs closed but the digging of her nails on your inner thigh forbade you from doing so. With no WHERE to ground your self you entangled your fingers into her red lush hair,messing it in the process. Ms Venable didn't care she was determined to punish you. You felt your orgasms approaching,in the process of you euphoria you decided not to ask to cum. You didn't care if she edged you again. You just needed to cum. Therefore you stayed silent on the bed while your lover ate you out. You bite your lower lip to prevent anymore high  pitch moans from leaving. You were getting closer to your high,the way she slipped her tongue into your fold and took your clit into her mouth took you over the edge. You were already climaxing, a loud moan echoed into the room followed by the high arching of your back off of the bed. Ms Venable knew you were going to cum,the only reason you did was because she allowed it. After you came down from your climax, your heavy breathing was the only sound heard. You were sleepy and so you fluttered your eyes closed. In hope that Mina will do the after care routine,but Ms Venable didn't move.
She took four of her fingers and whacked your already sensitive pussy, as you let out  a loud yelp your eyes were open in shock. " ah ah ah my little slut. Did i say we were done?"  She pried open your legs once more. "No mina...but-" " But nothing y/n. You said that your body belongs to me Yes?" She scooted closer.  "Yes Ms Venable. " she smiled at your reply. "Good because I-"  she planted kiss on your clit "am-" a next kiss on your stomach "not-" she sucked on each of you erect nipples and after planted a kiss on each one. " done." She finished her sentence by kissing you full front on your lips. Your eyes automatically closed to savour the moment. As her tongue danced with yours the moans that each of you made were captured by each of your lips. It was a loving and caring kiss. After a few minutes of an intense make out she pulled away. You whimpered at the loss of her lips on your,Ms Venable silence your sounds of plea with a press of her index finger against your lips. " Now tell me y/n how long has you and Chloe been working together?" Confusion crept it's way on to your face." Uh...4 weeks why?" Your eyebrows were now furrowed. " no reason baby" she leaned down and ghosted a soft kiss upon your lips. Ms Venable dragged her finger down the length of your body and found it's way back to your pussy. Your body jerked at her actions. " this so where the fun begins" as she said that, she shoved her index finger into your tight core. Immediately your body accepted her and hugged her back. She chuckled lowly at your response. It wasn't a laugh of making fun of , no it was a laugh of her already knowing the outcome. " week 1-you couldn't even tolerate her, yet you still showed her around the office" she began to list.  But you were so eager for her to start finger fucking you with her fingers that you didn't even pay much attention to her. " week 2- you both started to eat lunch together in the break room" what that being said,she added a second finger. Your walls hugged her even tighter causing Ms Venable to moan at your body's response. " week 3- you exchanged phone numbers and started talking outside of work. IN. OUR. HOME" as she said those last   three words she shoved her 3rd finger into your stuffed cunt. Thrusting deeply as she did so. " ahh ah fuck Mina please-" you moaned in both pain and pleasure. You begged her but she ignored you." And week 4 - I walk into you office to find you in the arms of another woman" at this point her fourth finger and poking at your entrance. "oh mina please.. please I can't- thats too full" tears started to stream down your face. With only three fingers filling you Ms Venable still was determined to finish her punishment. " awww my baby slut, don't cry" she leaned over and licked away your tears that were streaming down your face," you're my good girl right?" She asked with worry. Of course you were her good girl,why did she need to ask?? you thought." Yes mina I am your good girl" you said worryingly. " so you will be good for me?" You nodded eagerly in reply with your bottom lip tucked away under your teeth. " Good." Ms Venable looked away from your hopeful face and turned to the sight of her fingers in your pussy. Your girlfriend gathered her saliva in her mouth and elegantly spat on her already occupied fingers. Her skilled fingers naked to coat the fourth finger, she looked at you , to which you gave her a small nod. She prodded at your entrance with her fourth finger and easily slipped it in. You were overwhelmed and filled with your girlfriend's fingers. Ever so slowly she began to move her fingers inside of You. " oh fuck Mina f-f" this caused Venable to stop her movements. " Fire?" She questioned worriedly. You groaned out of annoyance, "no mina,faster please. It feels good" with no time to waste Ms Venable quickly began to thrust her fingers in and out of your tight core. The feeling of a knot began to build in your stomach. The idea of being finger fucked by the most uptight person in the whole building made your heart blossom.
The way your walls pushed her fingers out and pulled her in of you at the same time almost sent you over the edge. Ms Venable knew you were going to finish any time soon. She curled her fingers and rubbed against your g-spot. " it's okay baby you can cum,cum for me my little one" your entire body convulsed as you released all over her hand. The feeling of pure ecstasy overcame your body. Ms Venable gently removed her fingers from your pussy, as she did so, more of your cum spilt over onto the bed. With maintained eye contact she took two of her fingers into her mouth a sucked it clean. You gave her a weak smile,you were tired and she knew it. Before you could have dozed off she brought the other two fingers for you to clean off. As you had your girlfriend's fingers in your mouth She spoke," after this i am sure everyone in the building knows we are a thing now" a small giggle left your throath. Ms Venable made motion to get off of the bed,but you grabbed her wrist telling her to stop." Stay a little bit please " you mewled at her. She rolled her eyes and smirked," only for a little bit then we have to get you cleaned up" she stated. You opened your arms for her to cuddle up beside you, and nodded your head in agreement. "Y/n promise me your won't talk to Chloe anymore" Ms Venable kissed the top of your head awaiting for you response. "Yes mina I promise,anything for you." With your head resting against her you heard the low "hmm" that rumbled in her chest. " Good. Because you're mine. I don't like to share" and with that statement the grip on your waist got firmer as you dozed off to sleep in the arms of your lover.
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chenziee · 3 years
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Thank you @kerowyn-fr​ for the cute prompt :D I hope you like it :)
When Garp handed him the newspaper with a stupid grin on his face, former fleet admiral Sengoku already knew he wouldn't like what was written inside. Taking a deep breath, he slowly unfolded the papers and immediately, the huge, bold headline punched him in the face, making him nearly choke on his tea.
Somehow, he wasn’t even surprised that Morgans found out about Kaido’s defeat faster than the navy but goddamn it, this bunch of kids really did it. Sengoku honestly didn’t think he’s see the day of Kaido’s fall, much less for it to happen thanks to some stupidly young pirates—the words ‘Straw Hat - Heart - Kid Alliance’ seemed almost mocking at this point. Damn brats doing the government’s job for them again.
Although, he did have to admit he would love to see Sakazuki’s face when he found out about this.
Looking at the attached photo of the apparent post-victory celebration, Sengoku’s eyes zeroed in on Trafalgar Law’s blurred figure and despite himself, he smiled. The kid might be a pirate, a member of the worst generation no less, but Sengoku still couldn’t help but feel proud of him, proud of the child Rocinante died to save. When he had talked to him on Dressrosa, he was worried the pirate was going to burn out, or completely lose his way after getting his revenge, but his lively—if annoyed—expression while he ate his rice ball and shoved at an equally annoyed Eustass Kid’s face with his foot… It gave Sengoku the feeling that instead, he had found himself somewhere along the way.
With the ruins of Onigashima behind him, he really looked like he was about to own the seas  and Sengoku hoped Roci was watching and was happy about the man his adopted son had grown into, about the great things he had managed to accomplish.
Just then, Garp moved to stand right behind Sengoku, reaching over his shoulder to poke at the photo. “Can you believe these three? They can’t even celebrate beating two of the emperors at once without fighting. I bet you Luffy started this,” he said, before bursting out in loud laughter.
Sengoku had to laugh as well. It really was ridiculous; they were like three little peacocks showing off their tails to see whose is the prettiest.
Wait, three?
He frowned, looking at the photo again. Now that he thought about it, Law really wasn’t the type to shove at someone with his bare foot, judging from how reserved he always acted during warlord meetings—all two of them that he actually bothered to show up for anyway. But he could only see Law and Eustass so where was the little Monkey?
Now that he looked closer, he could see that the foot in Eustass face was twisted at an unnatural angle that could only mean the ankle was either fractured several times over, or it was made of rubber. Following the limb with his eyes, he finally noticed another body splayed on the ground in between Eustass and Law, and soon he also found the arms that held up a plate stacked full of rice balls. It looked like the little Monkey was trying to keep the plate as far away from Eustass as he could and Sengoku was sure those rice balls were the whole reason of this scuffle. Then, he finally reached his head resting against Law’s thigh, clear threat in his eyes as he bared his teeth, looking like he was ready to bite Eustass’ metal arm off.
Sengoku shook his head in disbelief. It was no wonder he didn’t notice him at first; for one, his black hair was blending almost perfectly with Law’s dark coat, and two, who would look for the little Monkey in someone else’s lap? Certainly not Sengoku, and certainly not in Law’s lap.
Suddenly, the reality of what he was seeing downed on him.
Someone had a few questions to answer.
As the Polar Tang pulled up to the Thousand Sunny one sunny afternoon, Law was surprised to see another small ship already there, swaying gently in the waves next to the Straw Hats’ ship. He didn’t recognise the vessel so at first he assumed maybe Straw Hat’s brother came to visit but then he noticed the navy flag and froze.
Listening carefully, he couldn’t hear any fighting; it was completely quiet, almost eerily so. But Law couldn’t see any damage anywhere, and the navy ship seemed too small to be a threat in the first place. The more he thought about it, the stranger it all seemed. He gripped Kikoku tighter, gesturing to his crew to wait at the Tang for now before he called forth a room and teleported himself onto the Sunny.
His anxiety wasn’t eased when he opened his eyes to see absolutely no one on the ship. Looking around the deserted deck, he tried to at least find some signs to tell him what in the world had happened but there was nothing except something that looked like a half-eaten newspaper page.
He was almost starting to panic when he noticed some movement in the direction of the kitchen and when he looked, he found all the missing Straw Hats in a huddle by the door, the movement he saw apparently being Tony climbing over everyone else to get as close to the door as he could.
Law sighed, rubbing at his forehead. He swore he would murder all these people one day—if they didn’t manage to stress him out enough to kill him first.
“What the hell is going on here?” he asked when he made it up the stairs to stand behind the Straw Hats, making everyone turn around to stare at him.
“Torao, hi!” Tony whisper-shouted from where he was hanging onto Nami’s shoulder, the only one who bothered with a greeting.
A long and heavy silence filled only with the crews judgmental, accusing stares followed. Honestly, this crew was so damn lucky their doctor was so cute or he would have beheaded all of them and stuck them to the mast.
“Well?” he prompted, raising an impatient eyebrow.
Several glances were exchanged until finally, Roronoa looked at him. “We were hoping you would explain why Luffy is getting a lecture.”
Law only gave him a blank look, trying to let his silence speak for itself but before the intended effect could arrive, Usopp interrupted, “Yeah, you could have warned us. Why didn’t you tell us who your grandfather was?”
“For real. I almost had a heart attack when he got on board,” Nami added with a glare at Law as if it was somehow his fault.
“Right? Between Sanji, Luffy, and Torao, I can’t tell whose family is crazier.” Usopp shook his head before continuing in a disappointed tone, “And the fact neither of them bothered to tell us is ridiculous.”
Black Leg clicked his tongue then, lightly kicking Usopp in his shin. “Don’t lump me in with them, my only family is in East Blue.”
“What the fuck are you people on about? My whole family is long dead,” Law snapped, his fingers flexing threateningly as his grip on Kikoku tightened again.
A beat of silence passed. Then Robot slowly raised his hand and pointed at the kitchen with his thumb. “Explain why this guy came here demanding he talks to his ‘grandson’s super boyfriend’, then.”
“And why he then grabbed Luffy and dragged him inside to talk about you. They’ve been in there for about half an hour now. I only hope Luffy isn’t getting squeezed to death,” Nico Robin added oh-so-helpfully.
Law’s head was spinning. First a nonexistent grandfather, now he was suddenly Straw Hat’s boyfriend? Ridiculous. He might have liked being around him, maybe his heart even fluttered when Straw Hat smiled at him in that blinding way of his, and perhaps he's been letting Straw Hat touch him more than strictly necessary, possibly even holding his hand once or twice but they weren't dating. Hell, Law hadn't even confessed yet.
He shook his head to make himself focus on the matter at hand. This 'grandfather' was a more pressing matter than his unaddressed feelings. "I'm going in," he sighed, then paused, looking around the eavesdropping huddle of people. "And get the hell out of here or I'll toss you in the sea."
"Sure you will," Nami muttered with a roll of her eyes, a smirk on her lips.
Law shot her and all the other grinning idiots a glare, which finally made them all shuffle away. Law was sure they’d be back the second he closed the door behind himself, though. With a sigh, Law gripped the handle and pushed the door open.
As soon as he entered the kitchen, two people and a goat turned to look at him and Law did a double take. Straw Hat was one thing. A random, actual, live animal on board was weird, but he’d seen much weirder on this ship. The old man who was sitting opposite of Straw Hat, however, that was a completely different issue.
“What the fuck?” Law muttered, unable to say anything more coherent.
“Hello, Law,” fleet admiral Sengoku said with a nod.
“Torao!” Straw Hat greeted as well, grinning and waving at him before he pulled out the chair next to him. “Come sit, your gramps has really good rice cakes!”
Law slowly turned to stare at Straw Hat instead and, a short moment later, moved forward as if on autopilot, too stunned to do anything but comply. Only when sat down and Sengoku tilted his rice cake packet towards him did Law manage to break out of his trance. “You're not my grandfather," he blurted out, eyeing the rice cakes suspiciously.
Sengoku hummed. "Technically not but you are still Rocinante's boy so I feel responsible for you."
Law blinked; it was true Cora-san was like a father to him and Sengoku did say Cora-san was like a son to him but that seemed a little shaky a connection to warrant the old man going around claiming he was his grandfather.
"We've been chatting about you," Straw Hat said, stretching his hand out to grab a handful of the rice cakes Sengoku was still holding out, then offering a few to Law.
At that, Law finally conceded and accepted the snack. He had to admit they were pretty tasty. "What about me have you talked about?" he asked, doubtful, yet almost afraid of the answer.
Straw Hat pursed his lips and frowned, quite obviously trying to remember the actual contents of the conversation. "Just how cool your powers are and that I shouldn't break your heart or something. It's not like I'm going to do that though, why would anyone do that?"
"Break my—" Law sputtered, his eyes going wide as he stared at the pirate who seemed like he didn't understand the implications of such a statement.
"I was just making sure your boyfriend was aware of the worth certain people place on you and your devil fruit and the danger that puts you in. Also that I will feed his precious hat to Baarbara if he makes Roci cry,” Sengoku explained, pulling out a rice cake of his own.
Ignoring the use of Cora-san’s name over his own, Law took a slow, deep breath before responding curtly, “I can take care of myself—”
“That’s what I said,” Straw Hat next to him announced proudly.
Law paid him no mind, simply continuing— “and he’s not my boyfriend.” He frowned, then added one last question, “Also who the hell is Barbara?”
“Baarbara is my goat,” Sengoku said fondly as he glanced at his pet, who was by his side happily chewing on something that looked suspiciously like one of Nami’s maps—Law really hoped he was wrong about that one. “But are you sure about that?” the former fleet admiral asked with a raised eyebrow, his eyes dropping down’t Law’s body to pointedly stare somewhere just above the tabletop.
Only when he followed his gaze did Law realize the position he was in. Somewhere along the way, Straw Hat had turned to the side in his chair, putting his legs over Law’s lap and, for some reason, Law had apparently put his own hand on his knee without even noticing. It was… yeah, it felt pretty damn intimate and Law felt heat raising to his face.
Slowly, he looked up at Sengoku, who looked like he was trying very hard not to burst out laughing. Then, his gaze slid to the side to glance at Straw Hat.
The other pirate was grinning back at him, looking entirely too amused by Law’s mortification, and Law scowled. “You’re not my boyfriend,” he said quietly, sounding uncertain even to his own eyes.
“I kind of am,” Straw Hat said, his grin widening even more. “Torao, you can be so stupid sometimes.” As soon as he was finished speaking, he started laughing in that cute, contagious, absolutely maddening way of his and Law…
Law has never felt so dumb and mortified in his life.
Yet, he still couldn’t find it in himself to push Straw Hat away when he leaned forward to give Law a messy, loud kiss on the cheek. Somehow, this had turned out to be simultaneously the absolute worst and best day of Law’s life.
He was still not showing his face around the Sunny again for a while though.
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happy-whumper · 3 years
Hello hello and welcome to my first writing piece I have ever posted on here!! This is terrifying but @whumpasaurus101 "convinced" me to finally post it so here we are...Hope you enjoy and please be nice, this is scary xD
CW: Manhandling, Restraints, Cursing (not that much I think but I'll still put it here, just to be safe), implied pet whump
overall it's not that whumpy (yet) but please let me know if i forgot any warnings!!!
The room was dark and cold. Rain had no idea how much time had passed since they had pushed him in there, hands still cuffed behind his back. No one had told him anything, he didn’t know where he was or what was going to happen next. Back in the academy he had heard some other trainees whisper about an auction, he hadn’t picked up much, but as far as he understood, they were used to sell...people who were done with their training. He swallowed hard, looking around anxiously. He had never liked the dark, especially not when he was all alone. Through the door he could hear muffled voices, but they were too far away to understand. Rain shifted his weight from one leg to another, looking towards the door, wondering when someone would appear again. The metal cuffs were cutting into the skin, leaving dark red welts and bruises but at least it gave him something to focus on. His heart was racing and he could feel his palms starting to sweat, even though the room was freezing.
He didn’t have to wait much longer until the door opened again, but instead of him being taken outside, someone else was pushed in. The man was taller than Rain, his light brown hair was short in the back but slightly longer in the front, so when he stumbled forward it fell into his eyes.
There was a short flash of light, coming from the hallway but it vanished as the door was closed shut behind the man again. Rain couldn’t see much of his face, but he definitely did not seem happy to be there. Which was understandable. The new guy didn’t say anything and Rain was too nervous to start a conversation so they just stood in the dark in silence, the only sound coming from their breathing, Rains unsteady and the others heavy.
Another few minutes, or at least Rain thought it were minutes, went by when the door opened a third time, again someone new was forced into the room, a girl this time. “Get your fucking hands off me!”. She glared at the person who pushed her in, but they clearly weren’t impressed. “No wonder you got sent back again…”, with that, the door was shut and locked again.
The girl was a bit smaller than Rain, and way smaller than the other man. She had brown hair that fell over her shoulders in natural waves, almost reaching her elbows. With a groan she leaned against the wall, putting her head back. “For fucks sake…”. The taller man just shot her a quick look before focusing on the door again. Rain was curious, looking at the girl with clear interest. She seemed to have noticed his curiosity, turning her attention towards him. “Are you new here?”. Rain nodded slightly, tilting his head to the side. “Yeah I uhm...I just finished my training.”. “My condolences.”. Before Rain could ask what she meant by that, the door opened again, but this time there wasn’t someone else brought in.
Instead they were called out into a hallway, where three men were already waiting. Rain swallowed hard, eyeing them nervously. They were muscular, reminding him of the guards back at the academy. Each man grabbed one of them by the arm, causing the girl to curse and Rain to flinch. The grip of the man was strong, he could feel him pressing his flesh together, causing an aching sensation. He was sure there would be a bruise there later.
They were led down a long hallway, passing several closed doors on the way. Rain assumed that there were other people like them locked in there. He could feel his heart racing in his chest and his fingers twitched nervously behind his back. When he shot a nervous glance towards the other two, he noticed that they seemed oddly calm. As if this wasn’t the most terrifying thing he had ever experienced. The uncertainty was killing him.
He felt his throat closing up, a heavy knot in his chest and he had to try his hardest to fight back the tears that were starting to form in his eyes. Now the girl looked over to him, a slight look of concern in her face. She leaned slightly towards him, speaking in a low voice that was almost a whisper. “Hey, crying usually just makes it worse. Trust me. I know it’s hard, but-”, the man that held her arm pulled her back, causing her to stumble and almost fall. “Hey! No talking!”. She tried to turn her head around to glare at him but he just pushed her forward again.
The other guy shot them a look, raising an eyebrow. But he stayed quiet, presumably not wanting to get into any trouble as well.
The rest of the walk was spent in silence, Rain was using the time to try and focus on his rapid breathing to calm down. Still he felt his whole body trembling when they finally reached the end of the hallway, a big door awaiting them.
It was pushed open and revealed a big room that was buzzing with all kinds of noises and voices. The light was dim, coming from seemingly really old lamps that were hanging from the ceiling. On the walls there were desks and podesta, which had all kinds of equipment lying on and around them, most of them were also equipped with a mirror. There were people running around everywhere, some working on hair, others putting on collars and other accessories on what Rain could only assume were people who were getting prepared for some sort of show off. At the end of the room was another big wooden door, he was almost sure he could hear a faint sound of applause coming from there. He felt his breath picking up again, looking around the room, wishing his arms were free so he could put them around himself, to shield him from the chaos. The men brought them over to a mostly empty corner, where he was pushed down on a chair in front of a mirror. He shot a quick look towards it, before looking down again, causing his blue dyed curls to fall over his forehead.
It didn’t take long until a woman appeared behind him, eyeing him through the mirror. “Hmm aren’t you a cutie!”, she smiled at him and instinctively he smiled back. He always had to be polite. “T-thank you Miss.” She laughed, clapping her hands in delight. “My oh my, you must be fresh out of training huh? So well behaved!”. He nodded slightly, feeling a knot in his stomach. His hands were trembling again but he kept the smile on, wanting to make a good impression. He didn’t want to get hurt already. She gave him another reassuring smile before starting to comb through his hair with her hands, causing him to flinch slightly, immediately freezing afterwards, hoping she didn’t notice it. “Now, you are already so adorable, I won’t even have to do much! Just need to comb your pretty little curls out a bit and maybe…”, she paused, considering something, “A little blush would surely look good too, give you a little more colour!”. He had no idea what to say to that, so he only nodded, hoping that was enough. Judging by her satisfied expression, it seemed as though he had been right, causing a wave of relief to wash over him. He was doing something right.
While the woman brushed his hair, he just sat still, enjoying the unusual feeling. Normally when someone touched his hair it was being pulled or torn. This was much nicer. Through the mirror he could see some of the other people in the room and he recognised the taller man from earlier. He was leaning against a wall, seemingly waiting for something. His expression seemed pained and from what Rain could see, it looked like he was leaning slightly to the left, putting off weight from his right leg. He took a second to ask himself what the reason behind that might be, when something else caught his attention. The big door at the opposite site of the room was pushed open and two people stumbled inside, hands cuffed in front of them, connected to a metal collar around their throats. Even from his point Rain could see that they looked absolutely terrified, a mix of shock and fear written over their faces. He felt himself getting nervous again, what was behind that door that was so frightening? The woman that was still taking care of his hair seemed to have noticed the slight shift in his posture, because she gently patted his hair. “Oh don’t worry sweetheart, it’s not as scary as it seems! It will all be okay if you just behave, can you do that?” Rain nodded slowly, yes, he knew that! He just had to behave, then it would be okay. She smiled at him again. Someone gave her a sign and she sighed, running a last hand through his hair. “Okay, You’re up sweetie. Good luck out there!”.
Rain was brought into another new room, but this one was different. There was a thick red curtain on one side and the ground was made of a dark wood. It took him a minute to put the pieces together and realise that he was standing on a stage. Behind him four more people appeared, two guards and...his eyes grew wide when he recognised them. It was the girl and the guy he had been in a room with earlier. He hadn’t expected to see them so soon again or ever really. The girl was glaring at the man who had a hard grip on her left arm, making her struggles to get free unsuccessfully. Not that it would have had any use anyway. The light was dim, but he could see them better now, noticing a long scar on her right cheek. She had covered it with her hair earlier, but now it was brushed out of her face, making it clearly visible. “I swear to god, if you don’t get your hands off me right now-”. The man just laughed at that, “Then what? Huh? What’s a little girl like you going to do?”. She looked like she was about to respond something, presumably not very polite, when the man that had a hand on Rains shoulder spoke up. “Come on man, there are more important things we need to deal with right now.”, he sounded annoyed and his grip got tighter, causing a quiet whimper from Rain. The guard just rolled his eyes, pushing him toward the middle of the stage. Just now he noticed the rings and chains that were attached to the ground. His eyes grew wide again and he could feel his breathing getting faster. He tried to struggle but the man just dragged him along, pushing him onto his knees and connecting the handcuffs to one of the rings on the ground, rubbing painfully at the already sore flesh, bringing out another soft whimper.
The man disappeared from his view and he wanted to turn his head to see where he went, but he was frozen in fear. No idea where he was or what was going to happen, in a room full of strangers. Suddenly he felt dizzy, the room starting to spin around him, his breath and heartbeat picking up. He felt something close against his ankles, hearing a clicking sound. It felt cold and heavy. Trying to focus on the feeling, he barely noticed what was going on around him. “-not going to happen dickhead”, he hadn’t heard the first part of the sentence, but the angry voice got him back to the present again, turning his head to the brown haired girl next to him. “I didn’t ask you to do it, I ordered you to.” She just scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. “Yeah right. Well, too bad that I really don’t give a shit about that.” He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist and for a moment Rain was sure that he was going to hit her. But once again the man who had brought him in stepped in. He simply went over to them and kicked the girl in the back of her knees, causing them to give in and hitting the hard ground. She sucked in a sharp breath, immediately trying to get up again, but he quickly secured the cuffs to the ground, making it impossible. He just ignored her cursing at him and turned to the third man, who had now managed to bring the other guy down as well. Rain shot him a quick look, noticing the pained expression from earlier again, as he was shifting on his knees, seemingly trying to get more comfortable in the unaturall position.
His knees were already beginning to hurt and his arms were sore from the constant strain that was put on them, bringing tears to his eyes. He didn’t want to be here, he was scared and confused and just wanted to go home. Even though he didn’t even know what that was anymore. Anywhere was better than where he was now. Or at least that’s what he thought.
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captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Twenty
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen...
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 5.8k+
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Emma tries to work through everything and continues to struggle with not seeing her sisters.
So, so, sorry it’s been a while since updating. I’ve started a full time job and my mind just hasn’t been able to write 😅 But I do get to daydream when I work so I have loads of ideas stored away and hopefully will be able to update quicker.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray​​, @life-is-hella-unfair​, @natasha-danvers​, @supergirl-writingz​, @camslightstories​, @thinking1bee​, @aznblossom​,
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Ten year old Emma Danvers jumps awake when she hears a blood curdling scream. For a few moments she blinks into her dark room, confused at the noise that woke her. But when a softer wail fills the silence Emma quickly rolls out of bed. Recognising the cries coming from her recently adopted kryptonian sister, Kara.
Emma pads out of her small room and into the hallway, yawning and tiredly rubbing her eyes as she gently pushes Alex and Kara’s bedroom door open. Kara’s whimpering increases in volume as Emma enters the room. She softly closes the door behind her and quietly tiptoes over to Kara’s bed.
Emma sadly looks over at her oldest sister, Alex, who is turned away from the crying alien. Seemingly ignoring Kara’s pain. This annoys Emma greatly and the sisters have already argued over it. The blonde had even offered to swap rooms with Alex but the redhead stubbornly refused saying it was her room.
“Kara?” Emma whispers softly and waits for the crying figure to respond. Tearful blue eyes peer over the shaking duvet before quickly disappearing again.
Emma looks mournfully down at the other blonde as she thinks of ways to help her. After a few moments Emma lifts the corner of the covers and climbs into Kara’s bed. She gently reaches out and hugs Kara close, remembering how her Mom would comfort her after she’d have a bad dream.  
Her new sister flinches slightly at the touch but soon Emma feels Kara settle and maneuver around to hug her back. The alien starts to shake as she tries to stifle her sobs into Emma’s shoulder.
Emma’s heart aches at the sound. She pulls her head back so she can see Kara’s face. The night light illuminates Kara’s flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes. “No, it’s okay to cry. Mom said you get sick if you try to keep your tears in.” Emma tries to encourage the alien. Though she doesn’t know if Kara can fully understand her yet. However, Kara’s face scrunches up and fresh tears fall.
“It’s okay.” Emma says soothingly while stroking her hair.
“S-s-sing?” Kara gulps out and buries her head back into Emma’s little shoulder.
“Which one?” Emma asks softly and Kara thinks for a moment but shakes her head as she sniffs heavily. “Okay.” Emma purses her lips forward as she thinks about the other songs she has sung to Kara. “I got it.”
Somewhere over the rainbow, Way up high, There’s a land that I’ve heard of, Once in a lullaby.
Emma immediately feels Kara relaxing as she continues to quietly sing. The sisters had recently watched ‘The Wizard of Oz’ with Kara because Emma wanted to show her new sister one of her favourite films. The alien had truly been fascinated with the movie and Emma couldn’t help but watch Kara’s reactions to certain parts. How Kara’s face lit up when Dorthy opened the door to a world of colour or how freaked out Kara got when the Wicked Witch appeared in a plume of red smoke and disappearing in a blaze of fire.
Somewhere over the rainbow, Bluebirds fly, Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then oh why can’t I?
As Emma nears the end of the song Kara’s sobs start to die down, being replaced with shuddering breaths. The twelve year old alien clings tightly to the little human, the pressure hurts Emma slightly but she knows Kara doesn’t mean to hurt her and she is not use to her super strength yet.
Emma stares over at Alex’s back. Not knowing if the redhead was awake or asleep. But Emma guesses she is awake by how she is breathing. Silently Emma hopes her oldest sister will come around to Kara.
Yes it had been a shock when Superman brought his older, but now younger, alien cousin to them but Emma was overcome with curiosity and intrigue over the other blonde. She tried to communicate with the alien and found a way through hand gestures and persistence. Repeating words for Kara and pointing items out. Mainly important things like water, food, Star Wars and everything a ten year old finds important. Once Eliza found Emma talking to the Kryptonian about the different plants and vegetables in the garden and Kara patiently listened. Fascinated by the texture of the leaves and the words Emma was saying. Both missing the scowling glare Alex was giving them from her bedroom window.
Emma then presented the wooden swords her dad had made. Giving Kara Alex’s and demonstrating how to sword fight. Soon the two blonde’s were giggling while twirling around and bashing each other’s swords. Until Alex furiously stormed over to them and took her sword away from Kara. Grumbling it was hers and she was going to break it. Jeremiah immediately set to work making Kara one of her own. Which the two blonde’s watched with tilted heads.
But when Jeremiah told them to go play and leave him to concentrate Emma took Kara back into the house, trying to figure out more things to show her new sister. She had already displayed her seashell collection, which Kara analysed deeply and Emma noticed a crinkle appearing between the other blonde’s eyebrows.
Emma looks around the house and her eyes fall on her art supplies. Making Kara jump when she claps her hands together in excitement.
“I hope you like art! Alex doesn’t really, which is sad but she likes her own things. Like reading. Reading is okay but I much prefer doing something.” Emma smiles at Kara who smiles politely. “Have a seat.” Emma points at the dining room table and Kara complies. The ten year old then pulls out all of her art supply to show Kara. She watched as the alien’s blue eyes lit up behind her glasses.
“Did you do art on Krypton?” Emma asks, happy that she may have found something Kara enjoys.
Kara nods and the pair quietly sit for hours as they draw and paint. Emma didn’t mind Kara using most of the red paint and was pleased she thought of a good idea.
She hardly sees Alex, seemingly too moody that she wasn’t the centre of attention in the Danvers household anymore. Keeping to herself and barely talking to her baby sister.
Weeks turned into months and slowly Alex seemed to warm up to the new addition to the family. Especially when Kara defended Emma against a group of bullies. Standing with her little sister and ready to defend her. Alex marched over and stood next to her side, ready to punch any bully in the face that hurts either of her sisters. This was the moment Kara uttered her family motto, explaining they were stronger together.
The three started to become closer over time and would regularly be found in the forest by their home playing and having adventures.
On one such occasion a fifteen year old Alex and twelve year old Emma teamed up together as heroes to try and take down the evil villain that was destroying their town of Midvale.
“Psfft I don’t see the target. Over.” Emma quietly talks into the walkie talkie and holds her wooden sword tightly in her other hand.
“Please tell me you did not just make the static noise?” Alex laughs while rolling her eyes.
“Ah come on Al! Plus you need to say over. Over.”
“Fine.” Alex sasses back. “Over.” The redhead continues to look around, listening intently for the fourteen year old Kara. Having a sneaky suspicion that her alien sister was using her powers. Which was against the rules.
“Psttf I have an idea. Over” Emma’s voice whispers out from the walkie talkie.
“And what is that?” Alex responds quickly. “Over.”
“What if we do what that guy did in that movie. Over.”
“Vague… We watch loads of movies dork.” Alex rolls her eyes again at her little sister’s comment. She twirls her bow in her hand as she waits for Emma’s response.
“You know he sacrifices himself. Draws the evil guy out and gives the hero a chance to defeat them. Over.”
“Not a bad idea. Especially if you are the bait.” Alex chuckles and shakes her head. “Over.”
“Let’s do it by the fallen tree in the clearing? You can hide and I’ll call for her. Over.” Alex smirks at the excitement within Emma’s voice.
“Sure Peanut. Over.”
Alex quietly jogs to the huge fallen tree. Constantly on the lookout for Kara. But her adopted alien sister is nowhere to be seen. As Alex approaches the clearing she sees Emma step out of the other end and start to look around. Their eyes immediately connect, as if Emma could sense where she was and Alex quickly hides within some bushes and waits. Readying her bow and arrow. Making sure the arrow was a dummy that would only sting Emma slightly if she got in the way.
Emma waits for Alex to get into position and cups her hands over her mouth, yelling loudly. “Kara?! Hey Kara!” She waits and soon enough a blur appears before her. “Hey! You used your powers!”
“Well as a villain of course I would!” Kara bites back slyly with a grin.
“You really are evil!” Emma gasps dramatically, raising a hand to her chest.
“And when I am finished with you I will hunt your sister down and hurt her! And your little dog too!” Kara slowly takes a few menacing steps towards Emma who stands her ground.
“No! Not Alex and Toto!” Emma’s eyes fill with tears. Alex is always blown away that her baby sister can cry on demand and would often use her sister’s talent to get extra treats from their Mom or sitter.
“Little one?” Kara asks, concerned enough to break character.
“They are fake, keep going! You’re doing really well!” Emma gives Kara a smile before filling her eyes with tears again. “You will never get away with this!” Emma yells dramatically, pointing at Kara.
‘Give her the damn Oscar!’ Alex thinks with a smile as she watches the blonde’s.
Kara nods and puts a sly smirk back on her face. “But I already have!”
“No! You will never win! Good always defeats evil, you piece of bantha fodder!”
Alex snorts at Emma’s Star Wars reference and readies herself, knowing she’ll need to spring out at any moment.
“How dare you insult me! Me the mistress of all evil! You are nothing but the dirt on the bottom of my shoe!” Kara yells as she reaches for her wooden sword. Emma circles around so Kara’s back is to their eldest sister. “Now prepare to meet your doom!”
“Not if I can help it!” Alex suddenly appears behind them and fires her bow and arrow at the blonde. Hitting Kara’s right shoulder where it harmlessly falls to the ground.
“No! Ow!” Kara screams and collapses to her knees. “Damn you!” She coughs comically and falls to the floor.
Emma snorts and places a hand over her mouth.
“Emma! It’s rude to mock the dead.” Alex scolds her little sister.
“Sorry.” The blonde tries to wipe the smile off her face and make her expression natural.
“Who says I’m dead?” Kara’s muffled voice pipes up from the ground.
“Well the arrow would have been made out of a substance that could kill you and due to my excellent marksmanship it went through your heart. Killing you instantly.” Alex explains as she twirls the bow around.
Kara lifts her head up and smirks at the redhead. “You hit me in the right shoulder. My heart is on the left dummy.”
Emma snorts again which erupts into loud laughter when Alex glares at her. “Great shooting Alex!”
“Which means… Sneak attack!” Kara yells while pulling Emma onto the floor and starts tickling her.
“Nooo!!” Emma screams with laughter and tries to get out of her sister’s grip. “Please! Stop! Argh! Alex! Help!”
The redhead watches the pair with amusement before stepping in. “I’ll help you!” Alex yells theatrically. But instead of aiding Emma she joins in with Kara.
“Traitor!” Emma gasps out. “You’re… My sister!”
“And? Maybe I purposefully aimed for Kara’s right shoulder to take down the real villain!”
“Dun dun dunnnnn!” Kara laughs out as she continues ticking the thrashing blonde.
“Please stop! I’m gonna pee!” Tears of laughter stream down Emma’s face and the sisters finally stop their attack.
Alex smirks at her baby sister as Emma wipes the tears from her face, the redhead then looks up at the sky. “It’s getting late, we better head back.” She stands to her feet and holds out her hands for her sisters to take, helping Kara and Emma stand. The sister’s turn towards home and walk together in unison, laughing and joking together. Ready to take on the world.
-- -- --
Present day Emma stares out of the DEO window while plucking at her guitar while her mind wanders through her memories with her sisters. Though she can’t really remember the time before Kara came. To her Kara has always been there.
Slowly her mind starts to filter through the session she had with Alistair. They had worked on her fuzzy memories of the attack. How they are slowly coming back into focus but seemingly her brain was protecting her by blocking most of it out. Emma had projected the hurtful words spoken by her sisters that Emma does remember. That a part of her believes making her insecurities bubble up to the surface.
Lily, Alistair’s white german shepherd, had almost instantly jumped up on Emma’s bed and placed her head in Emma’s lap. Staying there throughout the session. Helping to ground Emma and when she got emotional or experienced a flashback, Lily had been a comforting presence.
A noise by Emma’s open door draws her attention away from the window. Standing in the hall was a transfixed Winn with Brainy and Nia behind him.
Emma smirks and waves at the trio. Stopping the music seemingly snaps them out of their trance.
“Hi Em.” Winn smiles brightly as he approaches one of the chairs around Emma’s bed. Emma returns his smile but it is more subdued. “You okay?” He frowns at the blonde, noticing her lack of a smile. He places the food container on the tray table by Emma and she nods while pulling the table closer to her. Her smile brightens slightly when she sees the sausages, vegetables and mash potato.
“Doctor Hamilton said you can start trying some form of solid foods and as I know you like that British restaurant down the road we thought lunch could be a bit more international.”
‘So the Tai food the other day wasn’t international enough for you?’ Emma wants to say but doesn’t write it down. Instead letting out a breathy snort as she starts cutting into the food.
“Oh yea Doc also said to cut it up real small. Chew lots before swallowing” Winn lists off the instructions Doctor Hamilton had told him while opening his container. Watching as Emma nods in response. “Enjoy your bangers and mash!”
Emma lets out a breathy laugh, remembering the weird names the Brits call their food. ‘Spotted Dick’ being her favourite by far. Not believing they would call a fruit, sponge dessert by that name, but had been proved wrong when the amused waiter brought the pudding out for Emma to try. Despite the very off putting name, Emma thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost having to fight off her bandmates to eat all of it in peace.
“Have you been to the UK Winn?” Nia asks, filling the silence.
“Yea I have. Both future and present.”
Emma lifts an eyebrow in response. Wondering what life is like in the future and being frustrated that Winn was keeping so tight lipped about it all.
“Awesome! I haven’t yet but it’s on my bucket list.” Nia replies enthusiastically, a longing look fills her eyes.
“Did you know the British public consume over sixty billion cups of tea a year. Around 100 million each day.” Brainy chimes into the conversation, causing Nia and Winn to gape at him about the statistic.
Emma continues to listen to her friends talking. Wishing she could join in and tell them about her time in the UK. But also being aware of how painfully slow conversation flows when she has to write everything down.
Sighing deeply Emma shoves more food in her mouth. Thankful that Winn chose something she enjoys. To be fair Emma likes anything. Other than Marmite… A disgusting yeast spread that half of Brits like. One of her stage managers in the UK dared Emma to try it. Making the blonde gag and causing her to drink loads of water to get rid of the horrible taste in her mouth.
“Emma?” Nia calls out, breaking Emma’s train of thought. “You’ve been to the UK many times right?” Emma nods. “Have you seen the Queen?” Emma nods again.
“What when?” Winn asks with a mouthful of food and his eyebrows almost up to his hairline.
Emma quietly sighs and grabs her notebook, keenly aware of the silence in the room as she writes.
‘The Royal Variety Performance.’
“Ah yea!” Nia smiles remembering the video she found on youtube after Kara first told her about Emma. She had been transfixed by Axis’ music and Emma’s performance. Singing a powerful ballad that moved the brunette to tears. Nia had spent hours upon hours going through Axis’ social media and debated about whether to send Emma a friend request. The brunette had squealed loudly when Emma had accepted and immediately messaged her,
A knock stops Nia from asking more questions as Emma looks over to see Lucy standing awkwardly by the door. Emma can’t help but shift uncomfortably in the bed, hoping Lucy has calmed down from earlier this morning.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to yell at you.” Lucy says as if she has read Emma’s mind. “May I come in?”
Emma nods before turning back to her meal. Though she feels like she has lost her appetite.
Lucy glances at the three friends who give her looks of encouragement as she cautiously approaches Emma’s bed, watching the blonde push her food around.
“Can I sit here?” Lucy points to the end of the bed and Emma nods without looking up at her. Lucy lowers onto the bed and takes a deep breath. “So, I’m sorry about earlier. I overreacted when I found out you were missing and you are like a sister to me and I got so scared-” Lucy lifts a hand to her head trying to find the words to how terrified she had felt when Emma wasn’t in her room or in the building. She immediately rushed down to the cells but when there was no sign of Emma anywhere the brunette really panicked.
A hand grasps her knee and Lucy’s green eyes snap up to Emma’s. “Sorry.” Lucy breathes out and Emma gives her a timid smile. “So, we also need to discuss the next steps. Mainly the timeline of your recovery because we cannot disclose the Phoenix serum.”
Emma nods and leans back against the bed.
“How long would this timeline be?” Winn asks with a frown.
“We are trying to not make it overly long. Doctor Hamilton did say wounds like Emma’s would have taken at least 3 months to heal fully and she’d be bed bound for a while.”
“But Emma isn’t bed bound.” Nia blinks in confusion. “Would Emma need to stay here?”
“Or in her apartment.” Lucy looks at the blonde mournfully, who deeply swallows in response. Not liking the sound of that at all. Not feeling at all ready to go back to the apartment. Even after J’onn had told her a crew had made it good as new, with no evidence of the incident.
“There would be a huge media frenzy if any photos come out of you like this. The world thinks you can barely open your eyes and hardly move due to the amount of broken bones you have.”
Alarm fills Emma and she quickly grabs her notebook to write.
“Ah yea. I had her sign a NDA.” Lucy rolls her eyes. “She was annoyingly persistent. I thought you hated each other?” Emma shakes her head and lets out a breathy chuckle. “Jack isn’t far behind, though I’m trying to hold him off for as long as possible.”
Relief starts to filter in and Emma nods before starting to write again. She bites the inside of her lip at the thought of returning back to her apartment. Not sure she’s ready or even wants to go back there.
‘How do you propose we move forward?’ She holds the pad up and watches her friend’s face as she reads.
Lucy hesitates slightly before unlocking her tablet to bring up the timeline. “We will need to stage photos and videos showing your recovery and release them at the right time.” Lucy looks down at her notes. “We do have some already but I’d be happier if we do more.”
Emma glumly sighs causing Lucy to glance back up at her.
“I’m sorry Em but we need to do this to keep the media off our backs. J’onn and I had hoped it would have died down but everyone is still up in arms about what happened.”
Emma’s expression morphs into one of shock and disbelief. She quickly writes one word before showing the lawyer.
“Because those that listen to your music feel a powerful connection towards you. Even though they have not met you or know you personally.” Brainy explains simply.
“And the attack has brought your music to the attention of more people.” Winn points out.
“Tell me about it.” Lucy says exasperatedly and runs a hand through her hair. “I had a three hour debate with your record label as they want to release the work you’ve done on your new album. Even the covers you’ve been sending Lena.”
Emma immediately shakes her head quickly at the idea. Causing a ringing in her ears.
“Yea I told them they can shove it.” Lucy agrees and quickly takes a piece of sausage from Emma’s container. Almost getting her hand stabbed from Emma’s fork.
Emma playfully glares at the brunette and Lucy sticks her tongue out before popping the meat into her mouth. Emma shakes her head and starts writing.
‘So I will be under house arrest?’
“I’m afraid so.” Lucy says softly, causing Emma’s shoulders to slump and her expression becomes sullen.
“I may be able to help with that.” Winn pipes up, causing Emma and Lucy to stare at him. “I, with Brainy and Lena’s help, could develop a face modifier. That way Emma can move around freely and not disrupt the timeline.”
“That could work.” Lucy squints her eyes as she considers the idea.
“May help Alex and Kara to know Emma is moving around too. I’ve never seen them so broken, I mean poor Alex, you would have thought Kelly would have stood by her and not run away-” Nia comments passionately and Emma freezes.
Horror fills Emma's whole body. She remembers Alex telling her the morning before the attack that she and Kelly were having problems but Emma never imagined Kelly would leave Alex like this. Especially with what her sister is going through.
Immediately Emma leaps out of bed and sprints to the door. She needs to see her sisters. Her heart aches knowing they are both in pain. That they are broken.
“Emma?!” Her friends yells fill the hallway as they chase after her. Agents seemingly appear ahead of her but the blonde easily sidesteps them. Using the training Alex had taught her in self defence.
As soon as she reaches the end of the corridor the blonde slides into the wall and repeatedly slams her hand on the elevator button. When it becomes obvious the doors won’t open quick enough she dashes towards the door to the stairs. Her determination gives her tunnel vision and she ignores those around her.
Until someone leaps on her back.
“Emma stop!” Lucy yells as she clings to Emma, wrapping her arms and legs around the blonde. Halting Emma from leaving the floor. “I’m sorry but they aren’t ready to see you. I’m so sorry.”
Emma tries to get Lucy off her back but the brunette has too good a grip. The blonde heaves in heavy breaths and her face scrunches up as she starts to silently cry. She longs to hold her sisters. To reassure them they are okay.
A ping announces an elevator has arrived. Emma turns her head to gaze longingly at it but feels Lucy’s grip tighten around her chest.
“Emma please.”
The blonde watches mournfully as the doors close.
When it becomes apparent that Emma won’t be running down to the cells Lucy slides off her back.
The brunette sadly looks at the tears streaming down her friend’s face. Placing a gentle hand on Emma’s shoulder Lucy guides her back to the room.
“Emma.” Nia squeaks out with wide eyes as she walks with the pair. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-”
The blonde reaches out and squeezes Nia’s hand. Giving her a barely there smile which Nia returns with an encouraging one of her own.
Emma re-enters the room and sits heavily on her bed. Staring out of the window.
“Em?” Winn asks softly, causing Emma to slightly move her head and focus on him. “Are you gonna finish that?” Winn points at the half eaten food.
Emma shakes her head before turning back to the window. She ignores the yelp of pain from Winn when Lucy slaps his arm as he reaches out for the discarded food. Purposefully tuning out the conversation in the room.
Instead, focusing on the world outside of the DEO. The airplanes that zoom across the sky, the birds that flutter past the window and settle on the sill. The traffic down an avenue she can see. Anything to try and keep her mind from acknowledging the pain she’s feeling. The thoughts that are screaming in her mind about her sisters.
“-ma?” Winn’s voice breaks through as she recognises he’s calling out to her. Slowly she turns to look at him. “We’re going back to work. I- er- left your food.”
Emma looks down at the tray and sees that Winn hasn’t touched it. She nods and lifts the right corner of her mouth slightly to show her appreciation.
Emma eyes flick to Nia as she cautiously approaches her. “Can I give you a hug?” Emma nods and opens her arms. Nia immediately dives into them. “Message me if you need me.” Emma nods again and squeezes the superhero. When Nia steps back Winn is already there with his arms open, waiting for a hug. Making Emma voicelessly snort.
“Ah come on!” Winn whines and Emma motions for him to hug her. He does immediately and Emma can’t help but feel more of her anxiety melt away. “If you need anything just give a shout.” Winn says as he pulls away. Emma raises an eyebrow at him and can’t help but smile at the look of horror that comes across his face. Especially when Brainy, Nia and Lucy lower their heads into their hands. “Em. I’m so sorry I-”
Emma immediately lifts a hand to his lips, silencing him. Thankfully he complies, instead gaping at her like a goldfish.
“See you later Emma.” Brainy nods at her before quickly leaving the room, already analysing his tablet at ideas for a face modifier. Nia forcefully grabs Winn’s hand and pulls him out with her.
“I can stay if you want me to?” Lucy asks as she hovers by the bed and massages her shoulder.
Emma is tempted to shake her head but instead she nods. Not wanting to be alone right now.
“Okay great!” Lucy beams at her. “Do you want to do anything? I mean I have work I can be doing but I can watch a film with you or we could play a card game? Chess?”
Emma looks over at the chessboard on the coffee table by the sofa. Lena had brought it in to give Emma something else to do. But the board is currently being taken up by an intense game the girlfriends were playing. Emma reaches for her notebook and writes a response.
‘Lena will immediately say she’s won if we mess the board up.’
“Ah! We can’t have that!” Lucy jokes and sits on the end of Emma’s bed. Her expression becomes sombre as she studies the blonde closely and Emma stares right back. “Are you okay?”
Emma looks between Lucy’s questioning green eyes and slowly shakes her head.
Lucy reaches out and gently holds Emma’s hand. “I’m here if you want to discuss it.”
Emma’s eyes start to glisten with tears and she wipes at them in exasperation.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Lucy grabs Emma’s hand to halt her rubbing. “It’s okay to cry. God knows I’m done my fair share recently.”
Emma tilts her head and frowns slightly.
“What?” Lucy mirrors Emma’s expression. The blonde lets go of Lucy’s hand and starts writing.
‘What do you mean?’
“About what?” Lucy asks, confusion written across her face.
‘What have you been crying about?’
“About you! And Alex and Kara! This whole shit show!” Lucy says bitterly and watches Emma move her pen to paper. “And don’t even think about writing that you are not worth my tears cause you fucking are!”
Emma eyes’s snap up to Lucy’s and her mouth drops open. She was going to write exactly that.
“I’m right aren’t I?”
Emma shuts her mouth and shakes her head.
“Bull.” Lucy narrows her eyes. “Have you forgotten I am a lawyer? And a damn good one at that?”
Emma smiles sadly and looks down to write. ‘Yea you are. Frustratingly so.’
“Unless I’m the one defending you right?” Lucy raises an eyebrow and Emma nods, her smile turning more genuine. “So, do you wanna write about it? You don’t have to, I just-” Lucy hesitates, sighing deeply as she chooses her words. “I worry about you and I wish I could make everything better.”
‘I know.’
“You totally wrote that with Han Solo in mind didn’t you?”
Emma lets out a breathy snort and Lucy laughs loudly.
“You're such a nerd.” Lucy teases and Emma just shrugs. But her smile fades and the blonde gazes down at the paper as she thinks about her sisters. “Em?”
Emma takes a breath and starts writing. Lucy watches her and the expressions Emma makes as she scribbles her thoughts down. In these moments Lucy really misses Emma’s voice and her anger bubbles up at whoever did this to her friend. But before Lucy’s anger simmers up anymore Emma turns the notepad around.
‘I just feel so helpless. We’ve always done everything together and I’m happy they have each other but I want to be there with them. Dad always joked we were like a three legged stool. When one of us wasn’t at home we almost couldn’t function. I get what you are saying that they aren’t ready to see me... But I just miss them so much.’
“Aw Em.” Lucy says sympathetically after she reads. Her eyes flick back up to Emma’s. “It will get better. I know that doesn’t help right now. But, it will.”
Emma nods and leans back against the bed.
“So, what do you want to do?”
‘Okay if I paint?’
“Of course it is! I’ll just work here on my tablet.” Lucy smiles reassuringly at Emma and hops off the bed. She pauses and turns back around to Emma. “Hug?”
Emma smiles and opens her arms. Lucy wraps her arms around the blonde and tries to convey how much she cares for her in it.
After Lucy sits in a chair to work she can’t help but watch how Emma morphs into her creative mode. How the blonde focuses solely on what she’s doing with her paint brush. The way Emma’s eyes squint and her tongue slightly pokes out to the side.
Lucy smiles and tries to concentrate on her own work. Leaving the pair in peaceful silence.
-- -- --
Many hours later there is a knock on the door. Lucy glances up as Lena and Sam enter the room.
“Hi!” Lucy greets the friends happily and turns to look at Emma. The blonde is still so busy with what she’s doing she hasn’t noticed the new arrivals.
It’s only when Emma cleans her brushes, happy with what she’s done, does she sense Lena’s presence in the room. She quickly looks up towards the sofa where Lena, Sam and Lucy are sitting. Seemingly halting their conversation as the trio notice Emma’s focus on them. Lena can’t help but greet her girlfriend with a beaming smile.
“Hi love.” Lena says while standing and approaches the blonde. Emma waves at her but gives her a questioning look. “I didn’t want to disturb you.” Lena gracefully sits on the bed next to Emma and softly kisses the blonde’s lips. “You were so engrossed in what you were doing.”
“No don’t be! I’m glad you are painting.” Lena smiles reassuringly at her girlfriend. Her smiles then morphs into a shy one. “I- er- got you something.”
Emma tilts her head and her eyes bulge when Lena lifts a huge bouquet of flowers up. Having not noticed them when the raven haired beauty walked in or when she came over to the bed.
“Wow!” Emma signs and she reaches out to touch a red rose. Feeling the softness of the petal and admiring the colour.
“The florist told me the roses mean love, obviously. The baby breath is everlasting love. The-” Lena pauses as she tries to remember the meaning of the other flowers. Emma starts kissing her cheek making Lena beam and lean into them. “Em! I’m trying to think!” Emma pulls away and rests her chin on Lena’s shoulder. “So, the daisies are my love is pure and the tulips all have different meanings, the red being eternal love, the orange desire and passion, yellow happiness and sunshine and the cream tulips-” Lena gently moves her girlfriend’s head so she can gaze deeply into Emma’s slightly bloodshot eyes. “I will love you forever.”
She watches as Emma melts and her eyes glisten with tears. The blonde tilts her head and slowly leans towards her girlfriend. Lena copies her and they gently kiss but before they can deepen it further and noise fills the room.
“Blurgh!” Lucy yells out, pretending to heave. Emma furiously pulls away and flips her off. Glaring at the brunette before turning back to her girlfriend.
“Thank you. I love them.”
“I’m glad.” Lena smirks at the blonde and Emma carefully places the bouquet on the tray table. Making sure not to knock any of the other stuff on there. “So, how's your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” Emma signs cheekily and Lena roars with laughter.
“What did she say?” Sam looks between the two girlfriends, wanting to know why Lena reacted the way she did.
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” Lena responds while continuing to laugh, causing the two brunettes to join in with her and Emma just smiles happily at them as she snuggles into her girlfriend.
(Part Twenty One)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Sticky Situation
Pairing: Spike x Wyndam-Pryce!Reader
Request: Kinda vague request but, I'd love to see a Spike x Wyndham-Pryce!Reader set in S5 of Angel. Maybe reader's a former watcher sibling duo with Wesley, maybe Wesley's a parental figure? Idk, Go nuts!
Requested by: 🦋🗡️ anon
A/N: I went for former watcher siblings !! I hope this is okay !!💖🖤
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Angel announced to his team that he had drafted in some outside help. You were on contract to Wolfram and Hart to assist them track this demon that could teleport. You just so happened to have the exact device and knowledge on how to use it that they needed.
Angel contacted you, he had heard that you were on the side of good from word of mouth and so was happy to ask you to join his team for a moment. It was just lucky you had moved to LA already.
You used a different last name on documents less your father finally track you down through his council connections so when he had hired you, he hadn’t realised who you were. Just that you were known for being incredibly talented at tracking demons. A sort of rogue demon Hunter, if you will.
You walked into the large office space and two people immediately recognised you.
“Y/n?” They both asked at the same time before frowning and looking at each other in confusion.
Suspicion began to grow in the air. From all sides. Nobody could put together how somebody that looked the way you did could have a life that crossed paths with both Spike and Wesley.
“Huh, small world” you muttered. As if this wasn’t the most ridiculous coincidence of all time. Stood before you, along with the rest of Angel’s core team who you were yet to be introduced to, were both your brother and the vampire you had been seeing recently.
“Anyone wanna fill us in?” Angel looked between the three of you. He was expecting some drama, there always was with his team involved.
Wes and Spike started to speak at the same time, talking over each other, both stopped and squinted at each other. They both about to open their mouths to speak again when you cut in.
“Wes is my brother and Spike, well, Spike’s my-“
“Special friend, right love?”
Wesley and Angel shared an eye roll at his phrasing. But the room around you appeared to relax. You weren’t evil, that was the main thing. Wesley didn’t really know what to make of what was happening he just stared at you.
“We’ve been dating” you corrected him before your brother popped a blood vessel.
You and Spike had met at a strip club six months ago. You were there because a shapeshifting demon with a taste for male arousal (and subsequently flesh) was prowling the area. He would insist he was there for the same reason although you knew for a fact he was about to be the next hapless victim.
You had teased him about it and he had looked at you for a moment before offering to buy you a drink. It had only got better from there.
You had nodded your hello to Wesley, you hadn’t seen him in a while. Both of you had hit the ground running since you managed to escape your childhood home lives and barely looked back since. You did call each other for birthdays and to check in every couple of months (usually when you moved to a new place).
Spike was surprised you were related to Wesley, it hadn’t been obvious to him. Despite the family resemblance that was clear now you were in the same room. And how your speech pattern changed back to match his now that you were speaking with him.
“We both trained as Watchers together” Wesley added, informing the room about the connection you had. He had never mentioned a sibling and so everyone was suddenly very interested and looking between you both to catch the similarity.
“It could get competitive” You grinned fondly. You and Wes had to make it at least a little entertaining or you would have both died of boredom.
“Bloody hell, you used to be a watcher?” Spike asked, looking at you as if you were an alien.
“It was, uh, expected of us. Wyndam-Price family tradition.” Wesley said, his voice devoid of emotion.
“Don’t remind me” you added and Wes nodded once in understanding.
Angel soon moved talk along to why you had been there and a brief overview of who was working with who. He finished and people began to filter back to the departments they worked in until you needed them later.
You eventually moved to greet Wes properly after you were introduced to the other members of the team. You smiled at him. You had been closer when you were growing up, you had to be. You relied on each other and he often felt he had to protect you because he was older.
He had always had this protective streak he had just never revealed it to you so clearly. There had been people in your youth he had confronted, getting himself mercilessly tormented in your place.
He muttered something about wishing he had known you had moved here. That he worried about you when he didn’t hear from you which you
He became embarrassed at his admittance and instead changed the subject. Talk turned immediately, as it usually would, to the task at hand. Wesley described the details of the why and the what. And you provided the where best to look and the how.
After a few days on the job you were settling in seamlessly. Angel even began to consider asking you to join the team full time seeing as you already had a few connections here. You explained that your device would work its magic and you would walk around at night to try and get a better signal.
It had also given peace of mind to Angel over something he had been worrying about. Recently, Spike went missing for days on end (especially on a weekend) and Angel had been concerned that he was up to something. Turning back to evil ways. But he had just been spending a lot of time with you. You weren’t used to spending this much time with someone, you rarely stayed in one place longer than a few months. So this was something special.
It was a dream having you working in the same office. He made sure that everyone knew you were together. His hand often curled around your waist. He pressed absent-minded kisses against your temple when the others were talking. And he definitely convinced you to sneak away into the store cupboard more than once.
You being a temporary part of the team was actually doing wonders for your relationship. You were connecting on a much deeper level. One he had thought he would never feel with another person again.
He liked to be with you, by your side. He was quite clingy but he played it off very cool. You enjoyed it though, he adored you and you matched his feelings so easily. It didn’t get in the way either, you were both still ready for a fight anything that came your at any time. You complimented each other so well.
You were stood in Wesley’s office, debating your brother on some light reading. Well, it was light to the two of you considering you had been watchers. It was just a waiting game now, your device was trying to latch onto the demon you were looking for and you couldn’t do anything until then.
Spike stalked in while you were talking. He didn’t knock and slid a hand against your waist, pulling you against him so your hips connected. You were still talking as he did this, the movement becoming so natural between you both. Spike truly was someone that made you comfortable. And Wes noted this. But raised his eyebrows at you in that way he always had when he tried to pull rank on you for being the older brother.
You smiled as Spike had been oblivious to what this look meant. You leaned in and kissed his cheek, whispering that you needed to speak to your brother alone for a moment. He shrugged, leaning in to catch your lips before insisting he had wanted to go and annoy Gun anyway.
“Charlie boy!” you could hear Spike shouting through the glass trying to locate him. You sat on Wes’ desk for a moment before the conversation you had been expecting since you arrived started.
“Spike? Really?” Your brother questioned when he had walked away.
“We’re adults now, Wesley. I can make my own decisions on who I wish to date” Not to mention you had heard of his relationship with someone called Lilah. It was hot office gossip and she sounded like bad news.
“Your taste was always disastrous. But – Spike?”
“What? Come on, he’s a very pretty man” You offered with a teasing smile. You both looked through the glass to watch him talking animatedly to Gunn about something.
“I’m sure I wouldn’t care to comment” He looked back down at the book you had been discussing. You smiled, walking around to where he was sat.
“Oh, brother. Do you need your glasses cleaning?” You teased further, reaching for his glasses, “Look, here-”
“Remove your hand or else” he swatted at you.
“Or else? Are we back in prep school?” You laughed and he joined you. It was nice to see you again he couldn’t help feel guilty he hadn’t made more of an effort to reach you. He always waited for you to call him.
Your laughter died down after a while and you finished your discussion. You eventually felt Spike’s eyes on the back of your head, he was becoming a lot softer and liked to be by your side a lot more visibly. So, you got up telling Wes you would swing by again later.
“Y/n?” he asked just as you got to the door.
“I meant what I said, I worry - please, be careful” He frowned at his admittance. You matched him. You weren’t usually the types to say things like that outright. You were a lot more affectionate towards each other than your parents had been. But him saying this was new.
Maybe he had really meant it when he told you it would be nice if you stayed in LA a few days ago. You usually travelled. Didn’t stay in one place much (less your parents get a hold of you somehow). You did miss Wes and now you had even more reason to stay.
You rushed back over to him and hugged him, almost bowling him over. He shook his head but he was smiling slightly reciprocating the hug.
He then watched you slink over to Spike and he rolled his eyes getting back to his paperwork. It really wasn’t entertainment to him to watch you flirting with a formerly evil vampire. It was neither new or original. He had watched people do this with Angel for the last four years.
The though of having Spike as a brother in-law was almost shudder-inducing but he didn’t mind so much. Because at least it meant he wouldn’t lose touch with his sibling again.
Later that afternoon, you and Spike were stood laughing over an anecdote he had told about Angel when something in your back pocket began to light up. The device. The demon.
Your eyes widened. You had located it. This was the good bit. You wouldn’t even have to go to the demon, the demon would be coming right to you.
The device could act as a homing beacon for whenever the demon was in range. You pressed the button, nodding wordlessly to Spike who began to rally everyone of the main team out of their respective offices. You could communicate wordlessly with him. You were a team, the two of you.
He watched you take control of the room. He had always known you were incredible at your job but he was in awe watching you being so commanding. Making sure everyone was blocking off the exits. You were directing the room and ensuring everything was just so.
The demon arrived and tried to teleport but the room was now preventing it from doing so. You braced yourself as it tried to fight, ducking as it threw staplers and office equipment your way to try to distract you.
You dialled the button on your device all the way up and everyone else covered their ears. They knew the plan. The frequency was set so that the demon would hear a very high pitched noise. You had advised Lorne to stay out of rage just in case but it wasn’t fatal to humans. It just made your ears ring for a few days after.
The demon combusted. But not without leaving its last ploy against the team. It exploded, leaving gallons of thick sticky goo propelled around the room (much more than appeared could conceivably fit inside its body).
The entire room was covered. Everyone was drenched in the green liquid. Nobody had escaped.
Your eyes widened, you had forgotten about that part. You wiped your face as the rest of the room did. Angel sighed, shaking his head at the mess but the rest of the room congratulated you between their collective ‘ews’. You noticed your brother’s nod of approval. The demon would have killed large swathes of the population had you not done it.
Spike, however, had the most enthusiastic congratulations of all. He launched himself at you, his lips on yours despite the sticky situation everyone had found themselves in. He just loved you so much and seeing you that way, he wasn’t even sure what came over him. He just wanted to show you how he felt. He lips moved against yours, with such immeasurable feeling. His hand cupping your face as you slid your hands up his back adoringly. You pressed yourselves closer together.
Everyone was still complaining but you and Spike didn’t care. You kissed through the sticky goo that plastered everywhere. You even kissed through the rest of the office making their passive aggressive comments at the water cooler.
You really could see yourself sticking around this time. For good.
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oneoftheextras · 4 years
Colour Changer
Hawks x Bartender!Reader
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masterlist  | tip jar
prompt: Could I request a fem reader who is a bartender who has a color changing quirk, she gains Hawks’ attention. He annoys her enough to change his wing colour for the evening.
warnings: alcohol & smut
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Same shift, different night.
Being a bartender wasn’t easy - well the job was easy, but the clientele on the other hand, that was another story.
The bar was called ‘Justice’ the name made you cringe, as did the amount of Pro Heroes that would often visit after a successful day of fighting crime. It only took them a few drinks to start bragging to you about their day in an attempt to swoon you - unfortunately, this was the territory that came with the job.
The way you’d gotten the job was rather unconventional but your colour changing quirk kept things entertaining, and you quickly became the favoured bartender amongst the staff.
Of course this made a lot of your quirkless colleagues very jealous and spiteful towards you, but the tips you would take home every time made it more than worth it.
And it was always fun to see Pro Heroes drunk off their ass and fighting to earn your affections.
There was always one in particular, he would never physically fight, but his cocky tone and arrogant attitude were his weapons against the other strongly built men. He was definitely muscular but he seemed to never need to resort to that, mainly because he would never get as drunk as the others.
Almost every night he would waltz in like he owned the place, sit himself down on the bar stool closest to you and shower you with compliments and cheesy pick up lines.
He’d even settled on calling you ‘Dove’, you were sure it was some reference to his own wings, they were bright red and hung gracefully from his broad shoulders.
Tonight was like any busy night, all the regulars had taken to their perch on the first bar stool they could find to watch your ‘performance’, it wasn’t much but they seemed to love it.
You threw the cocktail shaker high into the air and focused on the liquid’s colour, as soon as it landed back into your hands you watched it transform from the dull clear colour, that it had originally been, to a vibrant red.
Pouring a little bit of it out into a cocktail glass before smacking the lid back on again a rolling the shaker from your shoulder down to your hand, again as soon as you griped the cold metal the liquid turned from a red to an orange.
The small crowd of men around you ‘Ooohed’ and “Ahhhed” like the normally did, until you had gone through the colours of the rainbow and made a rather colourful looking drink. 
“Who wants it?” you held the full glass up in the air proudly, a sea of hands flew into the air as they all started to fight over it, “Now now gentlemen, settle down, let’s do this civilly” you smirked, you had come to love how they fought over you.
“I’ll give you 500 Yen!” someone shouted from the crowd, “No, I’ll give you a thousand Yen” another voice called out, this went on for a while as the price slowly crept its way up.
“Ten thousand Yen” a voice you recognised thundered over the rest, the sea of men parted as the Fire hero Endeavour made his way through the crowd, he was one of your regulars. He didn’t speak much but you enjoyed his company, he would often break up fights that got a bit too out of hand.
“I think we have a winner” you smiled, pocketing the cash he held out to you and popping a small orange umbrella and a cherry into the glass for him before handing it over. 
“Endeavour” you greeted him, “Y/L/N” he nodded back to you, taking a sip of the drink that was the polar opposite of his personality. If he was here then that meant... “Hey Dove” Hawks’ voice stood out to you, cockily he appeared from behind Endeavour and slipped himself on the stool next to him.
Your heart skipped a little at seeing him, but you refused to let that show, “Chicken wing” you greeted him back, you also had a nickname for him, regardless of whether or not he liked it.
“You got something for me?” he raised one of his eyebrows suggestively, you saw Endeavour roll his eyes - he was already halfway through his own drink. “Depends what you want?” you leaned an arm on the bar and propped your chin up on your hand so you were level with him.
“Just my usual, but make it double” he took off his glove and brushed a hand through his hair, “Anything for you” you winked at him and got on with making his drink.
You weren’t flirty with all of your customers, some you would play along with their flirtatious jokes but never add your own, and they were the people that tipped the highest.
With Hawks however, it was a different story. There was something about his golden eyes and cocky smile that made your insides flutter like a butterfly taking flight for the first time. 
You couldn’t help yourself, you not only liked him flirting with you, but you actively encouraged him.
You’d even started to use your tips to buy nicer outfits that complimented your figure, just in the hopes that he would like what you wore. Of course the rest of the customers did too, which resulted in even more tips, but it wasn’t their attention you craved.
“Your ass looks good today” he commented, these types of remarks weren’t unheard of from him, it had started off slow with him calling you ‘beautiful’ that type of thing. It started getting more lewd when you’d bravely instigated it, by asking him if he liked your new top and if it made your chest look good.
If anyone else made such comments you would have kicked them out, but from him it made you blush and even turned you on a bit to know that he enjoyed what he was looking at.
“Hawks...” Endeavour scolded him, it wasn’t very often that his partner would accompany him here, so you supposed it took him by surprise to hear him talk that way.
“It’s okay Todoroki, let the boy dream” you glanced over your shoulder at him as you reached for the spirit bottle on the high shelf and seductively side smiled at Hawks.
Seeing him bite his bottom lip and shake his head, you turned your attention back to the bottle - it surprised you for a second to see a small red feather holding it mid air for you.
Cautiously, you gripped the bottle around the neck and thanked the feather shyly. Before it returned to it’s owner; it slid down your forearm and bicep, across your chest and in between your breasts, down your stomach, around your waist, glided across your ass and then vanished from sight.
Even though the feather was no bigger than your index finger, it was strong enough for you to feel the pressure of it through your clothes. You hated how it made you feel and the thoughts that would cross your mind.
Trying to calm your heart rate, you poured his drink the way you normally would but doubling it up as he had asked. The whiskey was a boring dark colour, so when you placed the glass down in front of him you taped it gently and changed the colour to a vibrant green.
Hawks handed you more than enough money for the drink and then drank the liquid down like it was a shot, you had to say you were impressed at his ability to hold his alcohol.
“I’ll have another Dove, do you want another... uh” Hawks turned to his partner to gesture at the rainbow cocktail he was still holding, there was a little bit left in the glass but he was already shaking his head.
You bowed your head playfully and filled his glass up again, not bothering to properly measure it out, “Any particular colour this time?” you asked him, he thought for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders “Your favourite colour” he smiled at you, putting his head on his palm like you had earlier.
Tapping the glass you changed the colour again, grinning at the shade that made your heart happy. “When are you going to admit this thing between us and let me take you out on a date?” he boldly asked, he often made jokes about taking you out for a night on the town or spoiling you, but that’s all you ever took them as - playful jokes.
“Can I?” you ignored his question and gestured towards his wings, they seemed to perk up on their own at your attention to them. “Uhh” for the first time since you’d known him he seemed uncertain, “Sure” he finally said, bringing his wing forward to touch your outstretched hand.
In honesty, you’d always wondered what his wings felt like, they always looked so fluffy and soft even after a long day of work.
When they touched your finger tips, you pushed against them like you were running your fingers through long grass and in return they shivered under touch in a ripple like affect up to where they connected with his spine.
As soon as that happened he pulled them away, “Don’t do that” he barked quickly, his sudden authoritative tone made you jump for a second, but when he couldn’t meet your eye you gathered that they must be sensitive.
“Sorry, I wont” you apologised and waited for him to bring them back into reach again, this time you didn’t stroke them like you really wanted, but instead with a quick tap you changed them to a bright white colour.
Giggling and stepping back away from the bar so you were out of his reach, and so you could admire your work. Your quirk wasn’t too powerful and changing the colour of something as big as his wings was hard, so some of the feathers were a light pink colour which just added to the hilarity.
“Who’s the Dove now?” you teased him as he inspected what you’d done, at first he looked shocked but when he saw how entertained you were he laughed it off.
Some time went by and most of the patrons went home, Endeavour was long gone, bars weren’t really his scene. You couldn’t help but giggle every time Hawks’ new bright white wings illuminated the dark room, it made him stand out more than normal and you could tell he was hating every minute of it.
“Okay, that’s enough, change them back” he said with humour in his voice when you came over to refill his glass, but you were feeling particularly playful today, “Or what?” you stuck your tongue out at him and poured the whiskey into this glass again.
“Come on, change them back” he insisted, this time his voice sounded more commanding than before, you met his eye and saw that he was very serious, you couldn’t help but smirk, “Make me” you said slowly.
He was definitely taken back by your courage to challenge him so head on, but if there was anything you knew about this man, it was that he would never back down from a challenge.
“Oh, I will, don’t you worry” he teased, taking a sip of his fresh drink. Grabbing a rag, you started to wipe down the bar, it was coming up to 11pm, “So when do you get off?” he asked suggestively after he’d swallowed a gulp of his drink, “Of work that is” he clarified - this must have been his sixth or seventh but he seemed completely sober.
“In ten minutes” you said, glancing at the digital clock on the electronic register, he knew when your shift ended because he was here every night you were, there was no way that he didn’t know your shift pattern by now.
“If you can wait that long?” you added as you put some glasses back into their place on the shelf behind you, when he smirked and continued to sip his drink without taking his eyes off of you.
The ten minutes went by extremely slowly but the closer it got to the end of your shift the harder your heart started to pound, the two of you had been flirting for months but you’d never seen each other without a bar being a barrier between you.
You’d never been alone together and that made you nervous, what if he didn’t like you outside of work? Sure, he’d asked you on a date multiple times in the past but you always brushed it off as a joke.
“I’m clocking out” you called to your boss as you typed in your code on the register so you could sign yourself out and finish your shift. The entire time you felt Hawks’ eyes on you, you watched him out the corner of your eye as he tipped his head backwards and finished off the rest of his drink.
You couldn’t help but feel nervous as you saw him rise from his chair and walk to the end of the bar to wait for you, without checking to see if he was following you, you continued towards the exit and left the bar.
The cold air hit you like an old friend, it was refreshing after being behind a stuffy bar for 11 hours. You knew he was following behind you closely, you kinda liked the idea of him being desperate for you attention so why not play hard to get?
“Where are we going then?” you asked him without turning around to face him, “I know a place” he replied, he was now walking alongside you - not only was he notoriously fast at flying, he was also a pretty good speed walker.
“Lead the way” you gestured ahead of you both as though you were metaphorically passing the reigns of the night to him. “I normally do” he winked and turned 180 so he was walking backwards and could face you.
“So what made you want to be a bartender?” he asked you as though he was genuinely interested in your answer “Only job I could get in this city” you shrugged, you weren’t lying, having such a boring quirk shut a lot of doors. 
If you didn’t have something breathtakingly amazing or versatile then your job options were limited.
“Did you want to be a bartender?” he boldly asked, considering this was the first conversation you were having with him privately it was very brave - but weirdly you felt comfortable around him.
“Of course not” you laughed a bit too harshly, you were pretty sure that no one grew up wanting to be a bartender. “What did you want to do? You know, when you were little?” he continued, this was one way to get to know someone you guessed.
Shaking your head to the ground, you had to chuckle, “I wanted to be a Pro Hero believe it or not” you hated that you were telling him this, it felt so awkward. Every kid wanted to be a Pro Hero, but to say it to someone who was actually a registered Pro Hero was a bit different.
“Why didn’t you?” he put his hands behind his head and looked up at the stars as he walked backwards, “Colour changing isn’t really a quirk that can make you a hero” you said flatly, stuffing your hands into your jacket, “I figured out pretty quickly that the Pro Hero life wasn’t one that would accept me” you were getting serious now.
It was strange how it was him that you were telling this to, you barely knew him.
“Speaking of, you wanna give me my wings back?” he turned his attention to your face, you’d be lying if you said you’d forgotten he wanted them back to red, but you wanted to see how long you could get away with it.
“I told you, make me” you reiterated your words from earlier, giving him a sly smile and a side eye. “You wanna do it this way?” the corner of his mouth crept into a cheeky smile, a grin full of mischief that you wanted to see more of.
Instead of answering him, you turned your head the other way like you were ignoring him and continued walking.
“Okay, you asked for it” you heard him say, then all most immediately you felt his arms wrap around your waist and your feet depart from the ground. At the realisation you screamed and clung onto the closest stable thing which turned out to be his shoulders.
“Oh my God, okay, okay, this is fine” you talked to yourself, trying to calm down but the ground getting further and further away from you was daunting. The few cars that were on the streets at this time faded into small dots as you went higher and higher into the sky.
Deciding it was probably best not to look down, you reverted your gaze back to Hawks’ face, he was still donning that cheeky grin and a cocky expression. “Hey, I asked nicely” he looked down at your frightened face with amusement as his colossal white wings flapped furiously against the night air.
“Put me down Hawks” you tried to sound intimidating, but your legs had gone to jelly as did your voice. “Say please” he teased, taking one had away from supporting you and using it to brush a wild strand of hair out of your face.
Sighing, you had to give in, you felt like you were going to slip through his fingers any second “Please, please, please put me down” you begged him, you hated that you’d crumbled to quickly when you weren’t even afraid of heights.
You felt his chest rumble as he hovered over the roof of a rather tall building, he slowly lowered you down until your feet touched the weathered surface, you were trembling, half out of fear and half out of pure adrenaline. You’d just wished he’d given you some sort of warning.
“Wasn’t that fun?” he put his hands on his hips proudly as he glanced down at the city below, you must have been at least 500 foot into the air, “Yeah, if you call the risk of falling to your death fun” you joked sourly.
“Do you really think I would let you fall?” he cooed, bringing his attention back to your face, he curled his wings so they were either side of you - it gave you a sense of comfort. It blocked the wind from touching you, so you felt as though you were safe.
“We had a deal, didn’t we? Change them” he shook his head towards his right wing as a gesture for you to use your quirk on them. Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you brought your hand up to his delicate feathers, as soon as you touched them they started to twitch and you could feel his body tense up next to you.
Not quite done with him, you used your quirk like he asked but instead you changed them to an inky black colour, you watched him groan as he noted your playfulness. You decided to push your luck, pushing your fingers gently into the velvet of his feathers, not enough to hurt him but enough to put pressure on them.
You were rewarded with a breathy groan from Hawks, you looked up at his face, surprised to see his eyes closed and his brow furrowed. Taking in his features, you carried on, gently brushing your fingertips under some of the bigger feathers and caressing the root underneath. Every part of his wing you touched quivered shortly after, you could tell by his open mouth that he was enjoying this very much.
It wasn’t just his face you noticed, but also the hard on that was pressing against your leg. “So that’s why you don’t let people touch your wings” you smirked at him, the sound of your voice making his eyes snap out of whatever thoughts he was having.
A soft growl erupted in his throat and his wings grew bigger as they enclosed around you. You were surrounded by the huge mass of his wings and there was no way out, not that you wanted to be anywhere else. Months of teasing each other from across the bar had finally led to this, and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.
“Change them back” he commanded you, his voice taking on a dominant tone, “Like this?” you teased, pushing your fingers deeper into his feathers, this must have taken him by surprise because he let a moan slip through his plush lips. It caused a momentary distraction from the fact that you had changed his wing colour to bright pink.
“One last chance Y/N” he warned you once he’d noticed, “Or what?” you raised an eyebrow cockily, “I’ll make you” he pulled you closer to him so your chest was touching his, his free hand roamed around your lower back.
Feeling extra brave you matched his arrogance “And how are you going to do that, Hawks?” you wet your bottom lip with your tongue and smiled at him, tongue still in between your teeth. “Keigo” he said, “What?” you asked him confused, “My name is Keigo, call me that, not Hawks” he started to fold his wings over themselves, making the gap between the two of you smaller and smaller.
“And how are you going to do that, Keigo?” you corrected yourself, making sure you said his name nice and slow so it rolled off your tongue. If felt good saying it, and by the look on his face it sounded good hearing it.
His face was getting dangerously close to yours, he was gradually leaning in, if it wasn’t for him being so much taller than you then you would be able to reach his lips yourself, but the power was all his.
“Say it again” he breathed, taking the hand that wasn’t on your back and placing it under your chin, “Keigo” you said as best you could with your jaw in this position, you felt the grip on your chin widen to your jaw and the warmth of his lips on yours.
The first kiss was gentle and slightly dry, as soon as he parted his lips from yours you darted your tongue out to wet it again, all this tension was making your mouth dry.
In the second it took you to stick your tongue out of your mouth you’d accidentally misjudged how far away his mouth was from yours and you licked his lip as well.
Almost immediately, he smooshed his lips onto yours, the kiss was deeper and with open mouths, the hand on your lower back was pulling you in closer and closer until you felt like he was going to snap you in half.
You let your hands wander, untucking his shirt and grazing your hands over the skin of his V line. Following your lead, he wiggled his fingers until they found their way under your own top and his palms were pressed against the bare skin of your back.
This was already heated but you wanted more, for hours a day he would sit across that bar taunting you with his words and caressing you with stray feathers, you had been waiting for exactly this for months.
Without thinking, you reached for the buckle of his belt, trying to undo it as best as you could while focusing on fighting his tongue for dominance. After a few second he broke the kiss and glanced down to your fumbling hands, they were still shaking from the adrenaline of the flight.
“Eager huh?” he smirked confidently at you, you hated how cocky he was and you hated how attractive it made him, “I want you, Keigo, I’ve wanted you for a long time” you admitted to him as his hands guided yours in taking his belt off and unbuckling his pants.
Now it was your turn, but instead of unbuttoning your jeans with both hands, he continued his journey along your back and up your spine while popping the button of your jeans open with his other hand, “I know” he said smugly.
Instead of pulling your jeans down, like you thought he was going to do, he slid his hand into your underwear and used the tip of his middle finger to rub slow and small circles around your clit.
“I’ve wanted you too” he breathed, your hips were bucking forward every other circle that he painted, your breathing became heavy as you panted into his mouth that laid open against your lips.
Seemingly not happy with the lack of noise you were making, he ran his middle finger along your soaked folds and then slowly pushed it inside of you, making you moan - slack jawed.
“I’ve wanted you for a very long time” he reiterated his previous statement, fucking you with his finger a little bit faster with every stroke, “I’ve watched so many people try and earn your attention and failed” he explained to you, adding another finger into you, making you moan even louder than before.
While he was talking into your ear, you were too busy enjoying the knot tightening inside your stomach to notice that the hand on the small of your back had been replaced with his wing and was now pushing his pants over his thighs so they would fall to his ankles.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked bluntly, your stomach flipped at the wording he chose, you loved hearing the cuss words leave his mouth. You were so full of bliss you could only nod as an answer to his question.
“Say it” he said, using his thumb to rub your clit and stimulate you even more, you were so close to your orgasm that you could feel your walls clenching around his long fingers, “Fuck me, Keigo” you moaned into his mouth, placing your hands on either side of his face so you could pull him and deepen the kiss.
You were so close, you could feel it, just one second longer and you would orgasm around his fingers - but then the pulled them out of you, chuckling darkly against your mouth that had stopped kissing him.
“Change my wings back” he commanded you, but you refused to give in. Instead you entwined your fingers into his wings and tugged them lightly, changing the colour to green. He groaned loudly and threw his head backwards, he loved how feisty you were.
“Fine” he growled at you, pulling your jeans down until they were around your ankles as well, he grabbed one of your thighs and brought it upwards so he could unhook the bottom of your jeans and free one of your legs.
With little to no effort, he grabbed both of your thighs and lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist, using his wings to support your back. Immediately you felt the head of his cock poking at your entrance, until it pushed your folds aside and he sunk into you.
With a groan, he rested his head on your forehead. Once you seemed like you were comfortable he started to lift you up slowly and then, just as slowly, lower you onto him. He thrust his hips upwards to force himself deeper inside of you.
Every movement had you moaning, you bit your bottom lip in an attempt to quieten yourself but it was hardly working.
“You don’t need to be quiet, no one will hear you up here” Keigo grunted as he started to pick up his pace, it was easy to forget that you were on the roof of an extremely tall building when his wings were wrapped around you so tenderly.
The knot in your stomach was building up again, you weren’t really surprised considering you were so close before. Your whines became higher in pitch and more frequent as his thrusts hit your g-spot every time, making your insides tingle and twist in the best way.
Gasping, you were so close, you were trying really hard to muffle your cries so he wouldn’t know but the clenching of your walls around him gave you away. Your arms were around his neck and your hands grasped the roots of his messy blonde hair.
Then he stopped again, just holding his dick inside of you, unmoving.
He was denying you your orgasm and it was driving you crazy, “Please” you begged him, desperate for your release, “Not until you change my wings back” he smirked down at you, rubbing his nose gently against your cheek.
Groaning in frustration, you untangled your fingers from his hair and reached for his wing, you had given up, he won. As soon as you touched his feathers they shivered again and out of instinct he bucked his hips upwards making you close your eyes and scream in pleasure.
“Sorry, they’re sensitive” he breathed, you really didn’t realise how much touching his feathers affected him. When you opened your eyes again, you watched him stretch his bright red wings out behind him and shake them like a wet dog shakes his fur after a bath.
“That’s better” he smiled down at you, “Now, where were we?” he continued, and almost instantly he started to pound you at a ferocious pace, his wings were no longer around you so you could see the city sky line as you bounced on him.
You were no longer scared, the pleasure of him inside you and the adrenaline of being so high up were mixing together like a perfect potion, it pulled tighter and tighter on the knot in your stomach.
Feeling all of you muscles tense around him and your hands pulling his hair so hard that his Adam's apple was on display for you.
Your orgasm kicked off exactly where it had stopped and you scrunched your eyes together as you came around him loudly. You could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckled at your expression, he wasn’t mocking you, it was more a laugh of pride and arrogance - he was happy he’d made you cum.
His own thrusts started to become rapid and erratic, indicating that he was close as well. Still coming down from your high, you focused on helping him reach his own orgasm, you bounced on him to the off beat rhythm that he had set as best as you could.
You heard a growl in his throat start to grow until a loud moan erupted from him and with a few hard thrusts you felt him spill himself inside you. If you were closer to a second orgasm you were sure it would have tipped you over the edge again.
His hot breath made little clouds in the cold night air around you, his forehead had tiny beads of sweat that had formed and his visor was slightly steamed up. He lifted you up so he could slip out of you and you could find your footing on the ground, pulling your undies and pants back on again was slightly awkward, you didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t normally, you know-” you started but he put his hand up to stop you, “It’s fine, that was as much of me as it was you, and trust me I wanted to” he grinned at you as he buckled his pants back up again.
Once you were fully dressed, you started to run your fingers through your hair in an attempt to brush it, “Anyway, I’d hardly call that a date” he brushed his pants down as the dirt from the roof flew off of them in large clouds.
“Shall we be off?” he extended his hand out for you to take, hesitantly you took it and he wrapped his arms around you, cuddling you for a moment, “You promise you’re not going to drop me?” you looked up at him, being serious for a second.
“I’d never drop you” he kissed your forehead gently and then pushed off of the roof, letting his wings flap proudly and lift you off the ground. You had no idea where he was taking you, but you didn’t care.
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Tag List: @mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest @enagmaticether @anxiousgoddest
362 notes · View notes
duskholland · 4 years
Breaking Windows (Peter Parker)
Summary: You’re Thor’s daughter and may have a teeny tiny crush on your classmate and fellow Avenger, Peter Parker.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Action and fluff! There’s a fight scene and a minor injury, but it’s nothing too gruesome. Also like one swear word? Otherwise just fluff.
A/N: This is my first piece of writing in...a year and a half? Ish? I’m nervous to post it but I really like how it turned out! It was requested and I love the concept and had a great time writing it, so thank you anon! I hope you like it too :D
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“Please, Y/N, I’m begging… There are ways to escape a building that don’t involve leaping from the fifty-third floor.” 
You scoff loudly. “Peter, I can fly,” you remind him. You stretch your hands above your head and let out a muffled groan as your muscles tense and flex, the tension of the previous battle draining away as you walk into the Avengers compound, your companion following just behind.
“And?” Peter squeaks. You glance to your friend and feel a little bad when you see the concern in his eyes. “You could still get hurt.” His eyes narrow. “Look- you still have glass in your hair!” 
You bat clumsily at your head, hands scraping through your messy locks. “Got it?” 
You pause abruptly, irritation causing you to furrow your eyebrows. “Stupid glass,” you mutter. You’d already spent several minutes picking shards from your hair, and several hours more regretting your choice to dive through that window. Not that you’d ever admit that to Peter. 
“Do you want me to get it?” Peter asks, voice gentle. He’s eyeing a spot just above your left temple.
You sigh, deflated and defeated. “Yeah, please.” You bow your head.
Peter shifts a little closer, and for the first time you become truly aware of the circumstances.
Now seventeen, Peter’s shoulders have filled out and he stands full and stocky, the worn reds and blues of his spidey suit clinging to the definition of his arms and chest. When you move your gaze up, you see ashy black lines clinging to his jaw, and a bit of soot nestled up against his ear. The wildness of his brown hair as it sticks up in all directions really adds to the whole just-escaped-from-battle look he has going on. 
You smile quietly as you feel his fingers knock through your hair, and remain silently still as he works his magic. 
Maybe you have a tiny crush on Peter. Maybe. But you’re both seniors at Midtown, and you’re both also superheroes who have to work together, so it’s complicated. Far too complicated. 
But that doesn’t mean you can’t admire him.
“Got it,” Peter says. He’s part way through bringing his hands back from your hair when there’s a sudden burst of noise, and from around the corner comes two all-too-familiar figures.
“Oh- what do we have here?” You can practically hear the smirk in Tony Stark’s voice as he swaggers forward.
Peter quickly snatches his hands back, jumping away from you as if he’s just been caught doing something incredibly sinful. 
“I told you,” Thor’s voice bellows. “Two young ones like these. Keep them together enough and… Well, I told you.” His eyes flick to you, a loose grin on his face. 
“Shut up, dad,” you mutter. Embarrassment flames the apples of your cheeks as you scowl at Thor. 
“Oi.” Tony and Thor are in front of you now, and Thor’s got his arms crossed. “I’m just saying.” You receive an affectionate scruff of your head from your father. 
“No canoodling on official Avengers business,” Tony chimes in, voice lilted with tease. “Don’t tell me I’m going to have to start separating you both now.”
You groan, exasperated beyond belief. You’re tired, sore, and dirty from spending the last two hours fighting off New York’s newest threat, and now you’re dealing with this. “Goodbye,” you say, and grab Peter’s arm before he can complain. You drag him away from Thor and Tony and across to your room, slamming the door behind you as pointedly as possible. “They are so annoying!” You groan, resting your forehead against the cool wood. 
“They call us immature.” 
Your and Peter’s laughs mingle in the air, and you turn to meet his tired gaze. His cheeks are flushed and his lips a cherry red, and you find yourself momentarily losing your breath as you take in just how cute he is. 
“I should go shower,” you say, after a moment of looking. Peter nods his head.
“Yeah, me too.” He scratches at his arm, looking down at his feet. “See you in class tomorrow?” 
You nod, moving away from the door so he can shuffle past you. “Definitely.”
Peter’s hand rests on the doorknob for a moment of indecision, before he blurts- “No more spontaneous jumping out of windows, yeah? You’ll give me a heart attack.” 
You grin. “But it makes my cape look cool!” You protest.
“I don’t care!” Peter’s laughing, but he’s still frowning. “You’re my partner- you- you have to be safe.” 
You feel your heart melt. His eyes are round and soft and flooded with concern, and he’s staring at you bashfully. “I’ll be safe,” you promise. You’re starting to feel a little guilty now. “Besides, if ever I’m not safe, I’m pretty sure I know someone who’ll be near that can save me.”
Peter tilts his head to the side. “Who, Thor?”
“No, silly.” You reach out and push his shoulder, rolling your eyes. “You!”
His cheeks flame. “Oh…” 
“Unless you don’t want to save me?” You tease, rocking back on your heels. He looks frazzled, and you can’t help but swoon slightly as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
“No, no. I’ll save you.” Peter finally twists the doorknob and steps aside, preparing to head out. He looks up to you, a mischievous grin on his face. “My life would be pretty boring if you weren’t around to keep it interesting.” He raises a hand in a friendly wave as he walks away. “See ya tomorrow!” 
You quickly shut your door and immediately press your back against the wood, sliding down until you’re resting on the floor with your knees pulled to your chest. You groan quietly, hands fisting your hair as you try to calm your racing heart. 
“God damnit,” you mutter. You close your eyes and all you see is Peter and his stupidly cute lopsided smile floating behind your eyelids. You sigh, and open your eyes to instead stare up at the ceiling. 
Maybe your crush is growing a little out of control. 
It’s the following week when it happens again. 
One moment you’re sat in maths class, mindlessly scrawling the answers to the pop quiz (turns out Midtown is a breeze compared to the education you got on Asgard), and the next the hairs on the back of your neck are standing on end as a cold feeling of dread sweeps through you. Your eyes dart up, finding Peter’s from two rows of desks away, and a moment later the both of you leave the room without a word.
“What is it?” You ask him, digging through your bag as the two of you walk quickly down the corridor of the school. Luckily no one’s around to gawk as you pull out your sword and quickly change out your jumper for your cape.
“Looks like it’s those Chitauri scrappers again.” 
You’re at the end of the corridor now, and you peer out of the window to see Peter’s right: in the distance you recognise the same glowing purple light from the battle the week before. You eye the staircase to your right, and realise you’re on the fourth floor of the school.
“Race you?” You offer, hands already on the window sill. You jerk up the glass panes and feel the cool afternoon breeze rush onto you. The feeling of the wind on your skin is like no other - being the daughter of Thor, the God of Thunder, certainly has its perks. 
Peter grabs your shoulder just before you’re ready to launch out into the city. He’s traded his clothes for his suit, but his face is still there, a deep worried line between his eyebrows, his mouth pursed with worry. “Be safe.” 
His hand is on your shoulder, and he’s looking at you with such care and adoration that you just can’t help yourself. As if you’re two opposing magnets, suddenly his arms are around you and your mouth is on his, your lips connecting in a hot kiss. You melt into his body as you grab at his hair, his mouth feeling so good against yours. It feels like it lasts a blissful, wonderful infinity, but you know it’s only a few stolen seconds before you pull away. There’s a moment of silence, of you looking at him, and him looking at you, his head tilted a little to the side, and you know that a line in your friendship has been crossed. But is that such a bad thing?
“Last one there is a loser,” you say, after a moment. There’s a smile fixed to your face so strongly that you doubt you could drop it, even if you tried. You reach up and ruffle his hair before turning your back on him and launching yourself out of the window. 
Wind rushes past your face as you soar across the city, happy laughter escaping your mouth. Your sword hangs off your belt as you do a few spins through the air, just because you can, and you have to concentrate extremely hard in order to calm down from your unbelievable high as you approach the dangerous scrappers. The last time you’d had a run in with them, they’d scarpered before you and Peter could apprehend them, taking with them several thousands of dollars worth of alien weapons. Today, you can’t afford to let them get away. 
When you’re nearer the action zone, things pull into focus. It doesn’t look good. There are around twenty scrappers spread down the busy high street, but unlike last time, they are now equipped with the dangerous Chituari technology that they’d stolen from Tony’s lab. They have blasters of all shapes and sizes, and you can already see scorches on the side of buildings and rubble littering the streets. Though some of the Avenger team have already arrived, the civilians haven’t yet been cleared, and you feel your heart sink as you notice how near some of them are to the danger.
The communication device you’ve got shoved in your ear buzzes to life now you’re in the vicinity of the team, and it’s only a moment later that you get your instruction. “Y/N, clear the street with Peter. We’ve got this for now,” comes the stressed bark of Ironman. You mutter an affirmative agreement and quickly swoop down, landing on the street with a loud thump.
You begin scattering the crowd, using your sword to offer a barrier from any flying debris and laser beams that might harm the screaming people. After about a minute of your work, Peter shows up, swinging from between the towering buildings of the city before landing next to you. You hear him get similar instructions and look to him, flashing him a quick smile.
“I beat you,” you yell, voice rising above the noise. You continue to usher the civilians out of the street.
Peter scoffs, his voice static through your earpiece as he swings around, roping back the bricks and scaffolding that threaten to topple onto the street. “Barely,” he responds, breathless. 
The both of you work together until the street is cleared and all that remains is around ten of the scrappers. They’ve made some considerable damage, even with the Avenger team slowly taking them down. You survey the scene before shooting up into the sky and stretching out your hands. Time to do some real work.
Closing your eyes, you concentrate for a moment on the sky, imagining the power seeping from the clouds into your hands, building, building, building, until…
With a crack of thunder, you blast a large pile of their weaponry with a lightning bolt, causing a few of the scrappers to fly through the air, crashing into the ground where they remain motionless. You hear a few whoops in your earpiece and smile, but only for a moment, because a second later, you’re being shot at by four remaining canons, their dangerous purple strikes skimming uncomfortably close to you.
“Shit,” you mutter, zipping away. They seem intent to pull you from the sky, and with each second, you feel the strikes getting nearer to your skin. As you’re forced to concentrate on dodging them, getting in only the occasional blast at the ground, you hear the static voice of Tony in your ear again.
“You alright being our live bait up there?” He asks. “We have a game plan. Distract them.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, pausing to curse as you feel a blast graze your side. “Just hurry.” They’re getting angry now, and you watch as the scrappers focus in on you, seemingly oblivious to the rest of your team on the ground who are slowly approaching them and picking off the weaker outer members.
You continue to pirouette in the sky, doing your best to be a distracting force. After a few minutes alone, you feel the air shift and look behind you to see you’ve been joined by your father. “I can do this by myself,” you say, not unkindly. You watch him shrug.
“Looked like fun up here. Finally some challenge.”
And you work back to back, combining your strength as Gods of the Sky to pinpoint the few remaining scrappers on the ground, just as the ground team swing into action. Before you know it, there’s only one guy left, and he’s glaring up at you with such piercing hatred in his eyes that you feel a little scared. He has one final shot with his canon before he’s webbed up by Peter, but much to your horror, the blinding purple light of his weapon pierces into your leg and you tumble from the sky, pain ricocheting through your body as you curse. Too blinded by agony, you wait for the inevitable collision with the dusty concrete, eyes screwed shut. 
It never comes.
Instead, you feel chords of tight stringy material wrap around your body, and swing away from the ground. A moment later, you’re gently lowered to the road, and meet it with a soft oomph. You pry your eyes open and see layers of white sticky spider web wrapped around your entire body, and let out a watery laugh between the tears of pain. 
“This- This is gonna take me so long to get off,” you whine, clenching and unclenching your fists as you’re surrounded by the rest of the team. Your head lulls to the side, and your eyes find Peter, who’s now crouching by your head. At your feet, you see Tony, and feel a cold pressure on your leg as one of his machines gets to work stitching you up. Wincing bravely through the pain, you look pleadingly to Peter.
“I can help you,” he says, face white with worry. He keeps glancing to your leg. “Uh- that- that was really impressive,” he mutters, forcing his gaze to your eyes. Grasping the importance for distraction, he clears his throat. “Until the point where you got blasted out the sky, that is,” he adds. 
You laugh, the noise slightly strangled but still alight with appreciation. “It was epic,” you agree. “Did you get them all?” 
Peter nods, his fluffy hair shifting in the wind. “Yep. Got all the weapons too. They’re taking them all into custody now.” You look back and see Thor roughly shoving the remaining conscious men into the back of a van. 
“That’s your leg bandaged,” Tony announces. You look down and see him looking at you, arms crossed. “Try to stay off it for a few days. I know how you Asgardians are, so please, make sure to rest-”
Before he’s finished talking, you’re already on your feet, shaking out your leg as you marvel at his handiwork. It feels like brand new, the pain now just a distant throb. 
“Thanks,” you say, beaming.
“Rest it,” he threatens, shaking his finger at you before moving off to help the others.
And then it’s just you and Peter, alone in the middle of the carnage of the street, a pocket of serenity amidst the chaos. 
“Thanks for saving me,” you say, a little shy, now. You would’ve been fine if you’d crashed straight into the hard concrete, but you’re feeling particularly smitten now as you look at Peter, his face still pinched with an element of stress, but more relaxed now you’re up and about. 
“‘S okay. Said I’d save you, didn’t I?” He replies. He reaches out and pulls at some of the stringy web that still covers your body, and winces. “This might take a bit of work, though.”
You laugh, and stretch your hand out to where his is resting on your side. Your fingers wrap around his and you slowly intertwine them, a tentative movement until he pushes in against you, connecting your palms and squeezing your hand warmly.
“We make a pretty good team,” you say, swallowing nervously. You meet his eyes, his brown eyes warm and inviting, and feel your heart pulse in your chest.
“We do,” he agrees. He steps a little closer, cheeks blooming with a rosy pink. “Maybe we should work together again sometime.” 
You nod. He’s directly in front of you now, your hands still laced together. After a moment of just looking, you lean in and press a soft kiss to his waiting lips, your bodies slotting together gently, perfectly. It’s just a small kiss, but in the seconds that span out afterwards, your foreheads press together, and his breath fans out across your face. Your eyes are closed, and for a moment, you feel everything slotting together. 
“Oi!” There’s a holler from the end of the street, and you peel back from Peter to see your dad glaring at you. “Stop that.”
You laugh lightly. “Go away!” You respond, and quickly tug Peter in the opposite direction. “They’re going to be so annoying about this, aren’t they?” You mutter, jerking your head back in the direction of the team, whose eyes burn into your backs as you and Peter hurry away.
“Yep.” Peter rolls his eyes. “Guess we’ll just have to deal with it.”
You nod your head slowly, your heart feeling lighter than ever before. “I guess we will.” 
And what follows may or may not have involved a secluded alley and lots of kissing, but you’d never tell. 
any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
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birdwonder · 5 years
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
|| i’m just chilling w/ my phone right now and im choosing to do my next request later today so for now super lame pt 5 headcanons inspired by the body swap fiasco but like ... let’s say it was a different stand that did it and no one died/is missing.
WARNING — fem s/o ! it’s not too sexual but sorta ? in a comedic way more than spicy. i guess also pt 5 spoilers too ! 
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
- When Bruno had stopped stumbling and was no longer disorientated from the enemy’s attack, he was certainly confused as to why no extreme damage had come to him. He was really counting on the sensation of a thousand stab wounds to cover him like a sheet and yet, he felt perfectly fine. Glancing down, he still wanted to check for any externel injuries but his plan was quickly halted when he saw clothing and hands that certainly didn’t belong to him.
- “What... What is this?!” He’s nothing if not confused, much smaller than his own hands patting all around his body until they paused at his ( if he could say that ) chest. In seconds, his face blew into a bright red colour as soon as the realisation of him being in a woman’s body hit. With his clever perception, Bruno had also come to recognise that the clothing he was adorned in was strikingly similar to [F/N]’s, meaning one thing ...
- “Bruno Bucciarati, what the hell are you doing?!” 
God, it gave the man whiplash to see his own face scruched up with anger while his body marched towards him. The small pink tint on his own face had confused him however, if that was you then maybe you were just embarrassed of him being in your body or vice versa? Now that he thought about it, he really hoped you hadn’t done anything scandulous as him, not that he suspected you would.
- When you suddenly slapped Bruno’s, or your’s really, hands away from their position, he was quick to understand your fury. He had just technically groped you in a way. “Wait, wait, it’s not as it seems! I’m sorry, [F/N]—”
- After a rushed explanation and excuse for his actions, and a what his theory of the stand’s power was, the two of you agreed that you should start to look for the enemy and get back to your own bodies soon for both of your sakes. Bruno did appreciate the soft comfort he had to grip on temporarily though.
Leone Abbachio
- The drastic change in perspective that Abbachio had five minutes ago to now left him horribly bewildered. Why was everything so much taller now ? He was certain that he wasn’t lying nor sitting down.
- All he could do was confusingly turn around and look up at everything around him to try and figure out what was happening. Was he shrinking? That was a possible answer but why wasn’t he going down any more?
- The answer to his dilemma was clear when you, in his body, approached him frantically, hands gripping his shoulders and having to lean down so that you could both be face to face, inches away from each other. Had your minds not been switched, Abbachio was sure that he would have been a little more flustered than he was dumbfounded. “Abbachio, look at us! Our minds ... they’ve been swapped and I’m— I’m- so tall, holy shit.”
- Poor Abbachio had to watch you do what he had done earlier, looking around the whole area with wide eyes and total shock. You just couldn’t believe how different things looked! Oh, was this how Abbachio saw you? Jeez, maybe you should be more careful with how you part your hair if he can see too much of it.
- His jaw dropped when you started to check him out, pulling at the strings connecting his v-line while peering down to see his chest and stomach. You let out a low whistle, clearly impressed by what you were seeing, “damn your physique is good. I didn’t know you worked out, Abba!” Please kill him now before the embarrassment does first. Again, if your minds had not been swapped then he would be relishing in your praise but it was incredibly hard, and annoying.
- “Stop that, damn it!” He yelled at you, his shame worsening when he realised that his tone didn’t come off nearly as scary as it did when he was in his own body, in fact you were even laughing a little at him. Well, if you wanted to play it like that... Abbachio moved his hands to have one placed on your body’s backside and another on your breast, his anger momentarily diminishing when he squeezed both. Fuck they were soft—
- “Oh hell no!” You cried, now as equally as bashful as Abbachio was. Sure you got a little bit too curious but you weren’t touching his body up! With a huff, you mimicked his move to the extent that you placed both hands on his ass, suddenly pausing when you came into contact with it. “SIR, wHERE IS YOUR ASS?”
Pannacotta Fugo
- He’s fucking dying on the inside; he can’t do this. Someone please take him out of his misery because he can not handle being in the body of the girl he was  super into.
- Fugo  in all honesty didn’t try anything funny while in your body but the shame of it was too much. On one hand, he was grateful that it gave him a chance to admire the cute little imperfections you had such a scars and small spots on your arms that he hadn’t notice from his usual distance from you, while on the other he was afraid to be stuck like this forever.
- When he finally found you, the idea of you also looking over his body, as he had done with your’s to a respectable extent, flustered him greatly and he struggled to get any words out at first, “we should, uh, really find that enemy stand user. ahem.”
- “Yeah! You’re super cute and all, Panni, but I really want to be back in my own body, it’s more comfortable for me! Plus, your fashion style isn’t really my go to.” You laughed softly at your last comment, taking hold of Fugo’s hand to guide the two of you into a rough guess of a direction to where the enemy stand user could be. Meanwhile, the ‘cute’ comment replayed a thousand times like a broken record in Fugo’s mind, both a faint blush and smile taking over him as he nodded and followed your lead.
- When Mista or Narancia asked him afterwards if he had done any ‘research’ while in your body, he threatened to kill them both as he tried to stab both with cutlery. During that, you were covering your face and internally screaming at the idea of Fugo seeing the more private side of you, especially when you would rather show him on your own accord.
Narancia Ghirga
- Since the situation was a lot less life threatening than the Chariot Requiem one, Narancia was a lot more comedical about it. Sticking his temporary body’s hip out, he placed a hand upon it while another weaved it’s fingers through the hair that could only be called your’s. Narancia batted his eyes exaggeratedly while placing on a high pitch voice, poorly impersonating you.
- “Ooh, Mr Narancia! Please, take me!” He mockingly begged, strutting towards you that in a fashion that made you want to burst out laughing and shrivel up in shame since it was your body that was looking absolutely ridiculous. Wrapping his arms around your neck, it allowed you to notice the height difference that he had to see on a day to day basis but that was hardly a main thought when he started to rub his cheek against your’s. “You’re just so studly and handsome, my body just needs your touch!”
- After a pregnant pause, the two of you erupted into laughter, wheezing and coughing as though you were being choked out. If the stand who had done this to you both wanted you dead, then it was certainly working seeing as you were both soon to die of laughter. Wiping a tear away, your giggles died out and you gently whacked Narancia over the head, which would have been a regret for future you if it was any tougher. “You’re so silly, Narancia, we should be looking for the stand user not messing about!”
- “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he whined, still having to force a few laughs down. “I think my impression of you was pretty good though, right?” He jokingly winked at you only for his expression to falter to surprise when you sent a more flirtatious one back, stroking his cheek faintly while you walked past him to start your search.
- “Oh, it was brilliant, you know what I want so well!~”
Guido Mista
- His actions were incredibly similar to when he realised that he was in Trish’s body, when he instinctively placed his gun into where the front of his pants would be only to realise that it didn’t rest upon his crotch just quite the same.
- After frantically groping at the soft breasts he had seemingly grown and complaining that he was missing the best part of himself, Mista noticed that his own face was looking at him distraught and embarrassed. “Mista... You’re in my body. [F/N]’s.”
- Mista apologised quickly once you said that, now understanding the situation. You both had swapped bodies! How could he have not noticed? Especially when it was your body, something which he had discreetly checked out a few times before, since well c’mon. You were like a goddess. 
Speaking of, Mista was sure this was actually a Heaven of some sorts since he had full control over what he did with your body, which was kind of exciting! At least, it would be if you weren’t there to judge his movements. 
- “Ugh, Mista you stink,” you complained, raising an arm to your nose to take a whiff only to gag instinctively at the scent that violated your senses. Seriously, who wears a cashmere sweater with a wool hat in Italy? The amount he sweats must be ungodly! The hat was seriously starting to get itchy too, leaving you no choice but to take it off dramatically with a cry from Mista.
- “Hey, I’m not that bad!” The gunslinger argued, snatching the hat from your grasp so he could reach up and force it back onto his hair, hiding the thick curls that had momentarily escaped from their woollen captivity. Scoffing, you turned your nose up and looked to the side, refusing to look at him, “it is and you know it. If we’re stuck like this all day then I’m seriously going to have a shower for you.”
- Mista smirked at that. It was a weird look to see on yourself but it still made you fluster at your own words and his overactive imagination. “Oh? I mean, if you wanted to see my body that bad then you could just ask, babe. I wouldn’t mind showing you,” he cooed, snickering when you shoved his face away with a ‘shut up!’
Giorno Giovana 
- Giorno was massively taken back when the situation the both of you were in were clear. He was in your body and you in his. This stand ability ... seemed so incredibly useless. Granted, it left the two of your flabbergasted and frantic for a while but in the end you both adjusted pretty well to the change and were read to take down the stand user.
- You were a little curious though, reaching up to play with the buns in Giorno’s hair and stroking a finger over the lady bugs on his attire. Not to mention is ‘boob window’ as you jokingly called it, much to his dismay. “You’re pretty brave to wear something like this, Giorno,” you told him, glancing into a nearby shop window to look yourself over, even secretly admiring the blond’s good looks. How could he look so good and not even act like a primadonna? “Plus, you make it look good.”
- Giorno hummed in response, arms wrapped over his chest as he stood a feet or two away from you while still being able to side glance the window to see his own reflection. He was certainly flattered by your praise and could easily repay it tenfold seeing as he thought you were stunning both physically and as a person, yet his mind was too focused on finding the enemy. “Mh, grazi, you could make it look good too,” he murmured, not really thinking too hard over his words since he didn’t think it was the time.
- “I would?” You choked out, wheezing a little at what he had said. Wearing an outfit like his in your actual body would give you a very ‘out there’ look, one you’re not sure you could even wear in public. “I mean, I’m glad you think so but I didn’t take you the type to say something so bold so suddenly, Giorno...!”
- That pulled him from his thoughts. “Hm? What do you mean, I just meant you could look good in anything, I mean,” he then made a gesture to the reflection in the window, smiling softly, “I’m not blind, I stand by what I meant.”
- Gulping, you nodded slowly, averting your eyes from his since you were certain he would be able to notice a blush on his own face. “Oh I see, it’s just I thought you meant you wanted me to have the boob window look too,” you laughed, nervously scratching your cheek. 
- “Oh, no, no! I didn’t mean- Well, I’m not saying it’d be a bad look on you but I just meant-” Giorno, a typically well composed person, was stuttering like crazy, unable to even look at you much like you. Really, the both of you were messes.
- “It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s just get going, yeah?” You reassured, placing a hand onto Giorno’s or uh, your’s shoulder. Nodding, he smiled and agreed, “we should before the user escapes, and you know if I’m right, they must be somewhere around...”
Trish Una
- Trish was just as shocked as you were when she realised what was going on! You both had a screaming session until one of you calmed down, taming the other’s screams until the two of you caught your breathes. 
- “How -?! Did that guy from earlier do this?!” Trish panicked, looking up at your desperately with your own eyes, which was little off putting at first since it was so weird but you looked past it and shrugged. “I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense, right? Right now we should really be looking for him to swap back.”
- “Yeah, you’re right,” she nodded before immediately marching off to find the stand user, you quickly catching up to her and walking along side her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Trish spoke up suddenly, your head turning to the side to realise that her hands were moving up and down your hips while her eyes were glued onto your body. 
- “Woah [F/N], you look great! I mean, your hips are so nice and you work these clothes so well!” Her praise made you chuckle a little, the flattery warming your heart. Looking down at yourself, you already knew Trish looked amazing so repaying the compliment was no feat. 
- “Thanks hon, you’re beautiful yourself, y’know? I mean, you’re so slender and pretty after all.” Trish blushed at your words, gently slapping your arm while giggling like a teenage school girl. “Oh stop, I don’t need you to be nice back, I just wanted to tell you what’s been on my mind for ages now!”
- “Is that so?” You asked, surprised that Trish thought so highly of you and even thinking that you were hearing things for a second. Honestly, you were pretty sure you were going to go have a heart attack from how quick your heart was beating - to be praised by someone so pretty, sweet and loveable was something you couldn’t fathom yet it was still happening. “Well I’ve always thought you were pretty anyways, not to forget amazingly kind and badass for sticking through all of this!”
- From there, the two of you spent the rest of your search praising each other and by the time you found the stand user, your bond had grown strong enough to land an amazingly co-ordinated attack, to which you both returned to praising each other over.
- Once you met up with the rest of the Bucci gang, the rest of the boys were pretty much ignored for the day as the two of you either held hands or linked arms together while chatting about similar interests and making plans to one day go shopping or to a cafe together once everything was over. Narancia was allowed to join in every now and then though, to which Mista complained over. 
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Sixteen
Previous Chapter Here
Warnings: Language, scenes that are NSFW, angst, slightly annoying people
Tags: @kelbabyblue​ @jennmurawski13​
Notes: I am so sorry for being rubbish in posting this. I started writing it weeks ago and then work took over my life. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope this was worth the wait (somewhat).
Chapter Sixteen
“So, what do you want to do now?” Audrey asked, hands firmly planted on the Diner table in front of her. She had the same careful posture and look on her face as when she had to relay bad news to a family. It certainly wasn’t providing much comfort now. 
She tilted her head to one side and offered a soft smile to try and assuage Sarah’s anxiety but it was no use. This kind of information wasn’t deserving of a casual reaction. She’d pretty much dropped a bomb on her friend and she was expected to deal with the fall out. To Audrey’s credit, though, she appeared to be taking it in her stride which was a bit surprising to say the least. 
“Honestly? I have no idea.” Sarah shook her head despondently before her forehead connected with the table. 
Three Days Earlier… 
The convenient thing about being a nurse and working long and tiring hours, Sarah found, was that you almost always had the perfect excuse for getting out of plans. Or not replying to messages you were deliberately avoiding. “Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I lost track of time” quickly becomes an acceptable code for “Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I didn’t have a clue what to say.” 
No one would ever dare call you out on it. 
It had been almost a week since Sarah had arrived home and the questions from her family had yet to subside. For someone quiet and relatively lacking in a desire for attention, people sure did have a vested interest in her whereabouts. They wanted to know about the exam and when she was likely to hear the outcome. They wanted to know what would happen next and whether she could appeal it if she didn’t like the results. They wanted to know whether she would try again or if she was just happy doing what she was doing now, and please can you call your grandmother because she wants to hear about it, too. 
She was exhausted. 
But dealing with those messages was an absolute dream compared to messages Chris was sending her. She could copy and paste generic responses to all of the above but with Chris? That was going to take some more thought. 
Chris: You’re so pretty. I miss your face so much x 
Chris: …..And so many other things x 
Chris: It’s not the same waking up without you x Chris: Do you remember me waking you up last week………? 
Chris: Did you pick up my sunglasses?? I cant find them anywhere…….. 
Chris: Just found them! Duh! 
Chris: Have you seen the Last Week Tonight? I think you’d love this one……. X 
Chris: I’m thinking of getting a dog x 
Chris: Can you just tell me ur OK so I can stop worrying?
After coming home late one evening following a long shift, she found herself face-to-face with the most beautiful array of flowers she had ever seen. Sunflowers, glorious white roses, gerberas, tulips, peonies… Truly, indescribably beautiful. 
“Someone sure is popular.” Shanna called from where she was sat at the dining table. “They got delivered earlier today. I don’t mean to be a bad feminist but you should probably think about putting out for Greg ‘cos if you don’t, you can let him know that I am definitely up for it.” 
Sarah side-eyed her friend and tried to locate the card in amongst the substantial spray. “I can’t remember the last time someone bought me flowers that wasn’t my Dad.” Shanna barked out a laugh as Sarah pulled the card out, recognising the handwriting instantly. 
I really miss you x
Now she felt bad for her lazy response to him earlier that afternoon. The second-hand embarrassment was creeping up on her after she tried to casually allay his concerns with an “All good!! x” and regretted the double exclamation marks. That was bound to give the game away. 
She regarded the flowers standing proudly on ceremony and waiting for her to smile at them in utter joy so they knew they had done their job. They deserved that at least, but all she could manage was a sigh and a somewhat reluctant smile at their glowing beauty. 
“I mean there’s certainly no denying he likes you a lot.” Shanna crept up behind her and narrowly missed Sarah scrunching up the card in her hands. “You don’t buy flowers like this without making your intentions clear.” 
“Who says he has intentions?” Sarah playfully jostled with Shanna. “This isn’t Downton Abbey.” 
“Oh, come on!” Shanna regaled in disbelief, running her fingers over the large, open sunflowers. “You can’t fool me, Bernette. These are statement flowers if ever I saw them. He wants you baaaad.” 
She walked back into the kitchen and Sarah could hear her locate and clang the only two vases they owned in the apartment. Neither of them had much need for vases and even if they did, one thing that made them good flatmates was their mutual distaste for needless crockery lying around the place. Neither appreciated dusting as a chore; it was much easier this way. 
“Fuck. I’ll have to ask Mom to bring one over.” Shanna said. “We’re gonna need more to cope with that.” 
As expected, Chris was pretty proud of himself. She couldn’t deny him that as he saw the flowers blossom in and around her apartment. He had popped by under the premise of annoying his sister for the evening but flirtatious glances across the lounge gave away his true intentions. 
“You should be flattered, I don’t normally do flowers.” He joked when he sidled up next to her in the kitchen, tossing an apple back and forth between his hands. 
“You don’t “normally” do anything.” 
“Not true. I once sent a girl a peace lily that came in that nice, tall glass vase. That big blue thing.” 
“Wasn’t that just to replace the one you smashed at her mom’s place when you were trying to sneak out?” 
Chris froze on the spot, staring at her. “I actually can’t remember now, was it? Scott ordered it for me.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes before continuing to tidy around him, Chris evidently deciding not to make her job any easier by moving out of her way. It was the equivalent of him lazily lifting his feet off the floor while she tried to vacuum underneath. 
“Seriously, though, did you like them?” 
“They’re lovely, thank you." Sarah moved to the other side of the kitchen as she continued to dry and place back some wine glasses in the cupboard. “You really didn’t need to do that. It was kinda hard to explain them away.” 
“What did you say?” He rubbed at the back of his neck, turning serious for a second. 
“I didn’t really say anything. She just assumed they were from Greg.” She leaned against the counter across the room from him. He could make out the worry in her eyes. “Which makes me feel like I’ve lied to her twice.” 
It was hard to sleep that night. Chris had somehow got her to agree to meeting him the next day so they could talk some more but she refrained from agreeing to meet him at his place after work. She knew how that was likely to end and she couldn’t face being with him in that way right now so he had finally relented and agreed to a simple coffee at lunch instead. He was less than pleased when he left and Shanna spent half an hour complaining through the bathroom door about his “issues” as Sarah was trying to clean up before heading to bed. 
“He’s always been an entitled asshole.” She started before ending with a one-two punch of “He’s not happy unless he’s in control” and “I wish for once he would experience being told ‘no’” She wasn’t wrong but she also didn’t need to hear just how right she was in this moment either. 
A couple of things happened in relatively quick succession. 
The coffee was every bit as awkward as she knew it would be, only not exactly for the reasons she had anticipated. It was times like this she relished Chris’s ability to have it all figured out and to be able to express himself clearly and succinctly, but she should have known better. As a result, Sarah was left more anxious and unsure of what it was she was feeling. Guilt she figured, not just for the knowledge that she was lying to her best friend but also for leaving the man sat in front of her looking like he had not slept properly in days. 
He cleared his throat and shifted to sit up straighter in his seat. They were sat in the corner of the diner, as always, and barring a couple of people having a relatively animated conversation a few booths away from them – relatives of patients, she figured – it was pretty quiet for this time of the day. 
“So, time to be honest but there was a reason I sent those flowers.” He had the look of someone who had just been told off by a teacher. “I sort of thought you might have seen something but I guess it went away. I think Matt dealt with it OK.” 
Sarah put her cup down and looked at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“OK, don’t get mad but there may have been a photograph.” He barely looked up as he spoke. “Of us at the hotel.” 
Her eyes widened at him and she was about to panic out loud until she realised where she was. “A photograph?” 
“Well, technically a photo of me and an ‘unidentified female companion’.” He deadpanned making air quotes like it was nothing before finally making eye contact with her. He frowned but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. He looked down at the table again and then back at her when he realised she hadn’t said anything. “Don’t worry. It’s sorted. I explained things. I just figured someone might have put it on social media or something but I guess I owe him one this time, which he’ll love no doubt.” 
“Oh.” She knew it was a pathetic response. “What do you mean you explained things?” 
“It looks like a fan spotted me and took a picture at the right time. For them, obviously, not for me. Or us. A magazine picked it up. You actually look a little blurry so technically it could be anyone.” 
“Unless you know me. It’ll probably be really obvious then.” 
“Well now you don’t need to worry because it’s gone away. We’ll call it one of our nine lives.” He sipped his coffee again, slowly regaining his confidence now that he knew she wasn’t mad with him. She began rubbing her temple, a predictable move for when she was feeling stressed out and he realised he’d crossed a line. “Sorry.” 
“Maybe I should seek a career in espionage. Clearly I can hide in plain sight.” She finally spoke and he smiled softly at her in a way that would unnerve her under certain circumstances but for obvious reasons wasn’t having that same effect right in this moment. 
“Trust me, OK? I know how these things play out and people forget quickly. I’ve done this hundreds of times.” He was about to sip his coffee again until he was met with a sterner look from across the table. “That was supposed to sound reassuring but I, er, misjudged it.” 
“Does Matt know about me?” 
A few seconds of silence passed between them, Chris looking slightly to his left before making eye contact with her and pursing his lips, giving her the answer. 
He leaned in and spoke as quietly as he could manage. “But he won’t say anything. He’s a good guy and he looks out for me.” \
“Yeh, I know.” She nodded. “Just doesn’t feel great at the moment.” 
“You know I would love it if you talked to me about this.” He lowered his head so much he was now practically touching the table with his chin. “I feel like ever since we got back from New York things have been really weird and normally I would think I was overthinking things but I don’t think I am, am I?” 
She turned her cup a few times before she felt his hand connect with hers. She saw how small she looked in his and when she looked back up at him, she was met with his doe-eyed expression. The expression which all you could do was smile back, which she did, and she was glad she did because he seemed to lose some weight from his shoulders at that point. His fingers lightly rubbed across hers and she enjoyed the warmth spreading across her skin and up her forearms. 
“I’m sorry,” She spoke after a minute. “I didn’t mean to cause you any stress.” 
Surprised by her apology, he leaned back in his chair. “You don’t need to apologise to me, Bernette. I get it. It’s strange.” 
“I guess I just didn’t know where things would go after, y’know, everything. I wasn’t sure what to say.” 
“Well, I know where I want things to go but something tells me we’re not on the same page.” 
More silence. 
“Look, I get it, OK? Nothing about this is straight-forward.” He rubbed a hand over his beard and over the back of his hair. “But we’re doing OK, right? I mean, I don’t think this needs to end any time soon. We don’t need to make any rash decisions just yet.” 
“But how do you see this ending?” 
She missed his hands when he pulled them back and let them rest on the table in front of him. “Umm…” 
“Because truthfully, I figured it would have ended as soon as it started. You might have got bored or maybe you got a job and you left for months and we’d just…forget about it.” She shrugged back at him. 
“Forget?” He tried to mask the disbelief creeping into his tone. “I don’t think either of us could forget about this.” 
“But you think about our lives and how different we are and even if we take the family out of the equation, like, it was always going to be tough, right? We would have to figure these things out eventually. It would be naïve to think we could carry on as we have done without feeling guilty and…” 
“I don’t feel guilty. Do you feel guilty?” 
“Well, yeh. From time to time. It’s not so bad when we’re at yours because it feels like it’s out of sight, out of mind, and-” 
“-then we’ll just have to stay at mine more.” He raised his eyebrow at her in an attempt to bring some playfulness back to their conversation. 
“That’s not what I’m getting at.” She shook her head at him. Now it was her time to pull back as her head connected with the headrest. “This isn’t gonna last forever, is it? We need to be more rational.” 
“And it’s only going to get harder and feel more…stressful.” 
Chris narrowed his eyes at her. “Why now?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, where is this coming from?” he asked. “We seemed to be OK and I thought we had a good time in New York. Then it’s days of near silence and now I think you’re trying to end this but you don’t have the guts to say it out loud.” 
He had her there. She didn’t feel particularly offended or caught off guard by his assumption and he saw that because, truthfully, he’d finally put a name to her thoughts. He wasn’t giving her a way out as such but he was at least addressing the elephant she had planted between them. 
He looked away from her and took in a sharp breath. “Look, I don’t want to have this conversation here, OK? I think we should have taken up my idea and spoken about this later at mine and in private. Will you please just come and see me later?” 
He didn’t give her the softer, more pleading tone she was normally used to when he was trying to make an appeal to her. She wasn’t expecting it given the circumstances but…it would have been nice. How was she going to get through the next few hours of work if she had this struggle to look forward to? 
“Because if you’re gonna dump me, I’d rather have a whiskey in me than whatever crap this is.” He flicked his cup away from him on the table and smoothed his hand over his beard again, still not making eye contact. “I’m gonna go. Just text me when you’re on the way, yeh?” 
So that was that, then.
She could have cried, it felt so good. 
She didn’t intend to let things get as far as they did. She was trying to figure out what to say to him. She spent a good portion of time standing outside his front door building up just enough nerve to knock. When she saw him, in a slightly-too-tight sweater, sweatpants hanging loose on his hips, eyes glossy from the alcohol she suspected he had started drinking as soon as he had arrived home, she couldn’t help herself. 
He looked gorgeous. He looked warm and comforting and soft and hot and…all the things that had become so familiar to her now. And when he held his hand out to pull her in, she willingly went to him. 
One thing that struck her as he was entering her over and over again was how tightly he held on to her. After she had finally managed to catch her breath from the onslaught of kisses and touches all over her body. His hands held hers firmly above her head as they fell onto his bed. God knows how they managed to make it that far. 
He hadn’t let her up for air as soon as his lips connected with hers. He pulled her inside his apartment and pushed her towards his bedroom. She knew the layout of his home like the back of her hand, knowing exactly when they passed his kitchen as he dragged her jacket from her shoulders and left it by the table. She felt the curtains in his hallway brush passed her hair and the breeze from the skylight in his bathroom reach the base of her spine, his hands having pushed up her t-shirt and exposed her skin to the brief chill. His arms wrapped around her and held her like he was scared she was going to fall away from his grasp. She can’t remember connecting with anything else after that point; she was focussed solely on the way he was loving her. \
Clumsily, he used to his leg to kick the bedroom open so she wouldn’t bang into it and he got her flat on the bed with minimal effort. He carefully removed clothes until she felt his hot skin smother hers and she realised she made the right decision in just going with it. There was a sweet hint of whiskey to his breath but she didn’t much care. As he looked into her eyes, resting deep inside her, she didn’t much care for anything. This was the power he held over her.
She could tell he was thinking of something to say. Something he had probably practiced in the few hours since they last saw each other but now was coming up short. She instinctively placed her hand gently over his mouth, an acknowledgement of sorts, and asked him to move again, slower this time as he made sure she could feel all of him moving inside her. 
She was on the edge of her orgasm for a long time. His breathing grew laboured, his hot breath fanning over her face and surrounding her before, without warning, he shifted them both in one fluid move so she was lying on top of him. 
“Ride me,” he whispered, a softness belying his request, and she complied.
She gripped at his upper arms so they would hold her weight as she moved purposefully on top of him. It was bliss. She couldn’t look away from him as he struggled to keep his eyes open, taking in everything she was giving him. They had experienced a few moments like this, moments that felt so tender if it wasn’t for the way his hands were gripping her hips to keep her going. 
After they had both come together, she collapsed down over him, her head resting over the top of his chest, him still inside her. She felt sure she had accidently bumped his chin but couldn’t quite manage the energy to vocalise an apology. He wrapped his arms securely around her to hold her in place when he thought she would try and move away from him. They’d slept like this in New York and he had decided he liked it more than the alternative. 
“If that’s the last time we do this, at least we went out on a high.” he sighed. 
“True.” She replied, equally as breathless.
He turned his head to look down at her, stroking a hand over her hair and the side of her face. “It doesn’t feel fair, though. Life’s gonna be a little bit shitter without you to look forward to.” 
“We’ll still see each other. We’ll find a way to make it work.” She shifted her legs from off his before turning slightly to take the rest of her body away from his and he reluctantly let her go. 
“Do you think we can?” He asked as he stared up at the ceiling. He already knew the answer in his mind but he wanted to hear her try and convince him. 
“We have to.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
She sighed heavily and rubbed a hand across her forehead, letting it rest it in her hair. “She’s my best friend. You guys are my family. We have to at least try.” 
Chris turned to look at her just in time to see a tear form in her eyes. She gently blinked and sniffed it away not realising he had already seen. 
“You’re gonna be a hard act to follow, Bernette.”
“So you slept with him again?” Audrey worried. 
Sarah nodded carefully, holding one hand in the other. “I know, I know…but when I saw him I just couldn’t help it. I couldn’t pull away from him, it’s like he-” 
“Oh honey, listen, I get it. Completely.” Audrey’s eyes widened and she had to stop herself laughing. “I can imagine he’s been very supportive to you with everything that’s been going on but I think when all is said and done, maybe you both needed this?” 
“I wish it was that simple, Audrey. It’s not just the two of us that needs to consider things. Y’know, Shan actually apologised to me, saying she’d been a bad friend and that she would try to be more supportive from now on and…it hit me. It just knocked me for six that I’ve betrayed her completely and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know how to go back.” 
“It’s obvious this isn’t just sex. I mean, he drove to see you in New York and fucking…” She waved her hand around at nothing in particular. “…fucking tested you on fucking blood diseases and ECGs. Michael doesn’t even do that and I fucking married that guy! Come on, Sarah. If this was just sex, it wouldn’t be an issue, would it? You’d be able to close the book and move on. End of story. The only reason this is causing you strife is because you have feelings for each other. And very serious ones at that I might add.” 
“Ah well, that’s easy. You don’t go back. You don’t just forget the last few months. What’s done is done now and maybe there’s a better way out of this.”
“Oh Sarah, I love you but you really are friggin’ naïve sometimes.” Audrey pointedly rolled her eyes for the tenth time since they sat down. It wasn’t something Sarah was appreciating right now, this feeling that she was continuously missing the damn point. 
If this was Oprah, the audience would be clapping and whooping loudly right now and Audrey would do her finger-snap that she reserved for drunken arguments in bars with ladies that pushed in line for the toilets. Instead, she took a sip from her sparkling water and raised an eyebrow at her, content in her response. Your move, she was saying. 
Sarah rubbed her eyes and painfully pulled at the skin on her eyelids. “I should have told you about this sooner. I’m sorry, Audrey. I’m sorry I’m landing this on your now.” 
“Well, while we’re being honest, I guess I should tell you that I kind of already knew.” 
Sarah looked at her incredulously. Audrey didn’t bat an eye and just sat looking back at her. 
“How long? When did you…?” 
“It’s not every day a movie star wanders into the reception of a crumbling ER department.” She said, matter-of-factly. “Plus, I saw you both outside the diner. Aaand I’m guessing the accident you had recently was because of him as well?” 
Sarah awkwardly bit at her bottom lip. She didn’t need to confirm anything; Audrey knew full well. She was astute as hell and while it didn’t feel like it right in this moment, Sarah was quietly relieved. 
“What do I do, Audrey?” 
She sipped her water again. “If you insist on being serious about this, you can’t let yourself be in a room with him alone. You know that much, hun. The rest is day by day. Maybe he’ll make it easy on you.” 
She nodded in understanding. Audrey took that at face value, giving her a sympathetic smile in return while mentally making a bet with herself about how well things would turn out. 
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repmet · 4 years
Fic: Iris
For FowlFest2020: Obscure Character Appreciation Day. Iris is actually an OC, but her family is mentioned so... that counts right? Shoutout to @ms-nothingspecial for betaing  and listening to me stress about word choice for far too long.
The fairy shuttle port at Tara was an impressive operation. Ten thousand cubic metres of terminal concealed beneath an overgrown hillock in the middle of the McGraney farm. For centuries, the McGraneys had respected the fairy fort's boundaries and, for centuries, they had enjoyed exceptional good luck.
- Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident
Iris McGraney is born at midnight on a full moon, which for a McGraney is the very best of luck.
The birth goes smoothly and without complications, and Iris is born quietly, wailing briefly to let the world know she’s arrived, before settling on her mother’s chest, quietly basking in the comfort of her family around her.
Iris McGraney is born lucky. Then again, her family always has been.
When Iris is 7 she gets sick, as children do.
Plans are made to see the doctor in the morning, but McGraneys have a certain way of treating illnesses first that most others don’t.
Iris is well enough to listen to her Dad tell her to keep the bedroom window open all night, even as he bundles her up in blankets and turns the heater on.
He puts a note on the sill along with a single gold nugget, just in case.
“We’ve invited them in before, but it’s better safe than sorry, isn’t it? And you should never ask without offering something in return. It’s rare they take it but it’s only polite.”
The McGraney’s were always digging up gold, especially near the fairy fort. Iris knew it was a secret though, or else everyone would want to come dig on their farm which would make the cows sad.
“Now, go to sleep,” her Dad tells her, tucking her in tight. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Iris doesn’t wake all night, and in the morning, the note is gone, the small piece of gold now sitting on her night stand.
Iris picks it up and runs to the kitchen.
“It moved, Daddy!” she announces proudly, the picture of a healthy child. “They didn’t take it but it moved.”
Her father laughs and hugs her.
“That’s how they let us know they were here.”
When Iris is 14 a severe looking boy in a suit sits down across from her at a cafe she’s in, and puts a phone on the table.
Iris recognises the model, it’s seven months away from being released and the hype is already intense.
“For a moment of your time.”
Iris stares at him.
“My parents are gonna think I fucking stole this.”
The boy sets a letter down on the table as well. Iris has a brother so she ignores the letter at first and continues staring at the boy, hoping to unnerve him. He seems unbothered, maybe he has siblings too. She picks up the paper and reads a very official looking letter from the phone manufacturer congratulating her on being selected to test an early release prototype.
It’s fake of course. Iris isn’t an idiot, she is however a teenager in a tiny village with not much going for it. In short, she’s bored and whatever the hell this is, it’s interesting. Also her parents don’t know shit about technology or how major releases work.
She shoves the phone in her backpack.
“What do you want?”
“The fairy fort on your property, I want to know about it.”
Iris raises her eyebrows, that’s hardly top-secret information.
“I don’t know, man, it’s been there for ages. We take care of it, respect the boundaries, and we get lucky.”
“In just the past fifty years your family has uncovered a lost work of Holbein the Younger, a sword owned by Íriel Fáid and seven seperate stores of gold. You’ve also never lost an animal to bovine spongiform encephalopathy in all the history I could find of your farm.”
Well it was more gold than that at last count but they’d stopped being so vocal about it and also-
“Yeah... what’s that last one?”
The kid gives her a disdainful and patronising look. “Mad cow disease.”
“Right.” This dude is a dick. “Like I said. Lucky.”
“It seems a bit more than lucky.”
Iris shrugs. “Look man, you don’t need to believe in the People if you don’t want but you’re in the wrong town. We eat that shit up here, the Hill of Tara borders our farm, there’s three fairy-dedicated gift shops in this village alone.”
He looks interested now though, leaning forward in his seat.
“The People?”
His eyes are weirdly intense, Iris can’t wait to tell her friends about this. Orla is super into vampires right now, she’s going to love it.
“Fairies, the fae, the fair folk, aos sí, whatever you want to call them. Maybe it is just luck, I’ve never seen one-” She frowns, a memory bubbling up then she shakes her head, brushing off a dream of a small winged figure on her windowsill one night. “The People is what my grandparents called them though. Capital P.”
“What else did your grandparents tell you about them? Did they have any superstitions specific to your family?”
Iris doesn't even need to think on that one.
“Grandpa Rob had this thing where he would make everyone wash their hands after we came back from church. Said it was not to harm the People with the holy water, but no one else I know does that, even the Creideamh Sí families.That means -”
“The Fairy Faith,” he interrupts. “Yes, I’m aware. I’ll need to know anything else your family knows about them.”
He pulls a laptop out of his bag which looks like nothing Iris has ever seen and her family is pretty well-off (selling lost works or art tends to help).
“This is getting to be more than a moment, dude.”
“I can take the phone back.”
Iris laughs, he’s not wrong that the phone is worth more than a short conversation, but the threat is just plain funny coming from a pre-teen who looks like he’d never seen the sun in his life and a stiff breeze would knock him over.
The man standing behind him, who Iris initially assumed was his dad but now isn’t so sure, clears his throat and there’s something in the way he does it, or maybe the way he glances down at her, that makes it very clear this tiny undertaker looking child would be leaving with either his answers, or the phone.
If Iris were older or wiser, she would be suitably unsettled but today she just waves a hand at the mountain of a man.
“Chill, I don’t mind, just weird to be honest.”
“You’re welcome to whatever opinion you please so long as you answer all of my questions with as much detail as possible. Now, tell me more about the holy water.”
This phone better be worth it. (It is.)
When Iris is 19 the world ends.
Her PlayStation is ruined at least which is annoying as shit.
More importantly, the fairy fort is gone and there’s an actual fucking fort there.
“I always thought it would be a bit less… concrete.”
She’s not sure who she’s talking to, her brother’s moved to London and her parents are out at lunch with friends. But it’s rather the sort of day where Iris thinks she might not believe anything at all if she keeps it just in her head.
The door gives a loud bang and Iris yells and leaps backwards. The banging continues and she realises there’s someone on the other side.
“Are you okay?’ she calls, trying to keep the sudden nervousness in her chest from coming through the words.
“There’s a fire in here, and the suppression systems aren’t working.”
Iris takes several long breaths, processing several things. One, her family is not mad, fairies do exist. Two, they do in fact have a fort on their farm. Three, she might be about to meet them for real. Four, it’s kinda ugly and dull, she expected a bit more… magical?
She looks up to try and centre herself and catches sight of a plane, trailing smoke and flying disturbingly low before it disappears over a hill. In the distance there’s the sound of thunder.
Right, the world is possibly ending, perhaps that should be higher on the list. That part is plain not registering in her head.
She tells herself she imagined the plane, there’s no room in her head to process the alternative right now.
“Who are you anyway?”
Iris’ head snaps back up at the question. Right, fairies trapped in a burning building. Focus.
“Iris McGraney! Stand back, I’ll kick the door in.”
“This door is built to withstand more than you, human.”
Iris frowns, annoyed. “You prefer to suffocate?”
There’s a long pause then, from what sounds like a distance, the voice calls back, “Alright, give it a go.”
Iris is a farmgirl through and through. She’s been stacking hay and climbing fences and eating well her entire life, she wouldn’t be carrying the Dinnie Stones any time soon but she could best all the local boys in an arm wrestle and carry a small calf several fields if she had too.
Her first kick connects with a satisfying crack. The second gives more of a crunch and on the third the door snaps and slams inwards. It’s a pretty cool moment, Iris wishes the day wasn’t so surreal so she could bask in it more.
Smoke starts to billow out as soon as it meets the outside air and there’s a lot of yelling and organised panic as thirty-odd fairies of differing colours and various sizes of small come pouring out, most coughing.
One, in an official looking uniform, makes a line for Iris.
“You’re a fairy,” she tells him.
“Yes, a gnome if we’re getting technical.” He pulls out a handkerchief and starts dabbing at his forehead. “Thanks for that, by the way, Frond only knows what’s going on. One moment we’re getting the call that Haven’s locking down the next the electronics start sparking and melting off the walls.”
“The same thing happened in the house.” Iris tells him, rapidly compartmentalising, there was far too much to take in today. Fairies sure, but gnomes? She pushes it in a box for later. “My phone melted, and the TV almost started a fire.”
The gnome shakes his head worriedly. “This is not good, not good. No contact with Haven and all our tech going bust. I bet it’s that Koboi pixie somehow, right crazy one she is.”
Iris nods for a moment, then shakes her head. “No, I don’t know what that means.”
“Not good, is what it means.”
Iris looks across the fields to several columns of smoke rising in the distance, the further she looks in every direction the more there are.
Not good at all.
When Iris is 32 her parents die.
It’s sudden and so plain, after a life of quiet magic and unrelenting luck. Her mother took a turn too fast and hit a patch of ice.
They didn’t suffer at least.
She blames the People at first, but even as the anger bubbles inside her she knows it’s only grief behind it. She’s learnt over the years they’re just people themselves, no capital letter. They can do extraordinary things but miracles are miracles for a reason.
After the wake is passed and the friends gone home, her brother reluctantly back across the channel, promising to call that same night, Iris is at a loss.
She had expected to be but still.
The knocks at the door are so frequent she doesn’t even startle when another comes. She’s not sure she’s in a mood for more well-wishers but she’s not doing well alone either so- she sighs and goes to open the door.
On the other side is a black-haired man in a three-piece suit, still pale but Iris felt less concern now that he might combust if the sun ever does manage to find him.
“Artemis Fowl, I didn’t expect us to meet again.”
“You remember me.” He doesn’t seem surprised.
“Being interrogated by a ten year old tends to stick in a girl’s mind.”
He smiles. “I was 12.”
Iris invites him in and makes tea.
It’s a welcome distraction right now because you have to be living under rock in Ireland not to know how just very extraordinary Artemis Fowl the Second is. Three doctorates, Time Man of the Year at 22, already one Nobel Prize and smart money’s on a second soon.
If anyone could have done it at 12… well.
For a moment she almost hesitates, but Artemis gives her a real smile, as if he already knows what’s on her mind.
(In the years ahead she will come to know him well enough to realise that’s exactly the case.)
She hands him a cup and sits down.
“Tell me, Dr. Fowl, did you ever find the People?”
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