#✎ plot
oppositesattraxt · 5 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑛]
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[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four][Part Five][Part Six][Part Seven][Part Eight][Part Nine]
CW: This final installation contains talks of hybrid ownership, guns and violence
Jangmi, Luna and Mikyoung arrived at the cabin in the morning, having been driven there by Chan who chose, without any argument, to be the one keeping a close eye on the girls. He refused to hear reason as to why he shouldn't and with the look that he had on his face the entire time - nobody was going to say otherwise.
Everyone knows better.
The potion works quickly once they take it, choosing to drink before they were about to leave so that it would be stronger rather than already wearing off. "Is this how you always feel?" Mikyoung scrunches her nose up as her ears flop into her face. "How do you control yourself?"
Jangmi giggles, placing the final touches onto the cake that she had made earlier. "Just like how you wolves control yourselves normally! It's still you! You just..." Her ear twitches slightly while her tail sways to the side. "You think and do it."
"Mm, I guess! It feels so strange!" The omega pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth while sitting down, "why did I have to be the bunny?"
"Because being a puppy just seemed to on the nose!" Luna says as she walks into the room with her muffin basket, "the cake smells delicious, Jangmi!"
"Thank you! I've perfected the recipe over the past week!" She smiles proudly. Stress baking comes in handy sometimes. The fox hybrid steps back and nods her head proudly as she looks at the neatly written 'welcome to the neighbourhood' before a knock on the door indicates that their ride is there.
The plan had been finalised with a lot of tension hanging in the air but it was one of the quickest and safest ways of getting them through the door. Nobody would suspect the three women who lived nearby coming to welcome their neighbours who have taken up residence in an abandoned cabin. Nobody would suspect the hybrids for being anything more than what they are and if it all works well, they should be able to get in and out before the witches suspect that they have been played.
Once they've been put to sleep thanks to a rather potent sleeping potion that Luna had been working on, the women will escape and driven to a safe distance before Chris and some of the wolves make their way inside to save his mother. Once out, she'll begin to regain her strength and the wolves will be able to return to their former strength by the next full moon.
It should be simple.
Though, not even the most well thought out plans never go the way that you want them to.
When the girls offered their baking, they were invited inside, the witches leading them through the house and immediately Luna knew that something was wrong. "We should be going." She says, reaching to grab Mikyoung's sleeve and pulls the omega closer while one of the witches look at her with a smile, "oh, we just need to get home before our owner gets home."
"Do you have ownership brands?" The witch asks, eyes running over Luna's bare arms but Jangmi giggles and pulls attention towards her. "What?"
Shaking her head, she lets the others slowly back away before the potion's magic is eaten away by the barrier. "Well, an owner only brands you if he thinks he's going to keep you!" She shows the small tattoo behind her ear, a small detailed tattoo of a full moon, "they haven't got theirs yet! He's only recently claimed them."
The witch takes what feels like forever to accept this explanation before Mikyoung's eyes widen in surprise. She can feel the effects of the potion fading, faster for her since she's a wolf, and her tail has suddenly disappeared. Jangmi can smell it, the shift in her scent and so she tries to think of a way for them to be let go.
"Girls." A knock on the door followed by Chan's voice causes everyone to jump to attention. "It's time to go home."
It's painful, the feeling of everything about you being slowly drained from your being but Chan couldn't leave Jangmi or Mikyoung in there for too much longer. Ten minutes is what they agreed on and it's past that so he had to get them out.
"Oh!" Mikyoung looks at the door while Luna moves to open it - only to be stopped. "We should really get going. He doesn't like being kept waiting."
Everyone's hearts are beating quickly. Time ticking slowly as who seems to be the head witch thinks about whether to let the girls out or whether they should keep them there. Luna feels her tail disappearing and Mikyoung looks at the door desperately, contemplating making a run for it before, "thank you for the treats, we will make sure to share them with the others." The door is opened with Chan standing on the porch.
It's clear he's holding in his pain, the way his jaw clenches a way to keep him from losing it but the tension that crackles when Luna steps close to him only amplifies the idea that he's pissed. He is, just not for the reason they think he is. "Let's go." He reaches for Jangmi, the last to leave and the moment he wraps his fingers around her wrist, she's pulled into his chest. "Welcome to the neighbourhood." He says through gritted teeth before pulling Jangmi behind him towards his car and the other two following quickly after.
The potion fades the moment the car doors are closed and Chan speeds off towards the house they had been at - a safe distance for what's about to happen. No words are spoken but Jangmi knows that it'll take a lot to help Chan to settle from what just happened.
He had made it clear he didn't want her involved. He had told her over and over that she shouldn't get involved but there she was... at risk... and even though he knows why, it doesn't mean he has to like it.
"Never again," Chan says and the hybrid nods, reaching over to take his hand.
"I promise, Alpha. Never again."
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Seconds tick by, minutes feel like hours and finally the witches are out like a light, allowing the wolves to break into the cabin and make sure that they aren't able to raise the barrier again.
Chris leads the wolves inside, some staying back just in case back up arrives. He allows Jongin and Hongjoong to deal with the witches however the please while he kicks down the door that leads him to the basement. How was he meant to know that the door was booby trapped? How was any of them meant to know that the witches had suspected that the wolves would come for them next and took precautions?
A gas begins to fill the room as Chris gets to the bottom of the stairs and with the way it's burning his lungs - he knows it's wolfsbane. "Get out!" He calls upstairs as covers his nose and mouth with the front of his shirt. He tries to take quick, short breaths, holding it for as long as he can while searching through the dark for any sign of life.
What if this is a trap? What if she's not down here?
No, she has to be. He can feel her presence but without any light coming from the outside, it's hard to see so he's relying heavily on his other senses that have not been in the best shape since everything had happened.
"Mother?" He calls, coughing and training his ears to try and hear her heartbeat. "Help me find you!"
A soft voice calls for him, a voice he remembers comforting him in his dreams. "Christopher?" She sounds tired, weak, and he would kill every last one of those witches for putting her through this. They could have killed her, they could have killed so many innocent people because of their stupid mission against the wolves. "Son..."
"I'm here," he rushes, squinting, eyes watering from the wolfsbane. Everything burns. His body shaking violently from the amount surrounding him but he refuses to give up, he's not going to stop until his mother is outside, until she's safe... until this nightmare is over. "I'm here," he repeats when he drops next to her, grabbing the shackle that keeps her chained to the wall and pulling with all his might.
The Goddess can tell he's not going to last much longer, she doesn't need to see to know that her son might die down there so with what little strength she reserved, the Moon Goddess touches his arm and helps him get his strength back. She gives him enough strength to break the shackle to free her, enough to lift her up and carry her out.
Jongin and Hongjoong had already cleared the house but it seems that whatever set off the booby trap inside the basement, also set off a silent alarm to whatever witches were around. "Scatter!" An Alpha's voice calls from the tree lines where the wolves were waiting in case they were needed but it was too late when gunshots ring out and several wolves cry out when they are hit.
"Son," a weak hand lifts to touch his cheek, the sting bringing his attention to the woman in his arms as Chris rushes towards cover. "Get me under the moon's glow."
"You're too weak." He says, hearing Jongin's howl as he's hit.
Shaking her head, she looks at him with the softest smile, "under the moon's glow, I can return and all the children of the Moon will feel themselves grow stronger." Chris holds his mother tightly, looking for a spot that he can lay the woman's body down without any harm coming to her. "Your father would be proud..."
He can't think about it right now, he can't think about anything other than getting her back to where she belongs. He wishes he could keep her, to talk to her, to know all the things he wanted to know since he was a pup but this isn't about him and what he wants - it's about the packs and what they need.
Running at full speed, Chris makes his way towards a clearing at the back of the cabin, hoping the further away he is from the fight - the better chance they have. His body is screaming at him, his body aching as he pushes it to it's limit to get around corner when a bullet hits him - causing him to stumble and fall to the ground, making sure he takes the impact rather than his mother. "Fuck..." He groans, struggling to get up and make his way towards the faint light of the moon. "Almost..." Another shot rings out and the pain becomes too much for him to bear as black fills his vision and all Chris knows is a warmth touching his cheek before feeling nothing at all.
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There's a surge, a short but needed surge of power that runs through them as the wolves feel the Moon's energy grow and it allows the tides to be turned. It gives them the strength, the speed and the ability to take out the witches before they hurt any more of their kind.
Chris lunges for a witch who has his gun trained on Jongin, the man trying to shake off the effects of the wolfsbane-laced bullet. Tearing his arm right out of the socket, the wolf knocks him down before delivering the final blow. Hongjoong jumps and manages to bite down on a witch's shoulder before nearly tearing them in half. The wolves who are able to fight - get the upper hand and cause the witches who value their lives to run.
Not for long as some of the faster wolves take chase.
It feels like it had lasted forever, the fight had taken a lot out of them all and even with the Moon Goddess back where she belongs, the power they got from her was only temporary. They need to recover, to rest and allow themselves to feel back in touch with their wolves.
Jongin digs his fingers into his thigh, digging out the bullet as Chan approaches in his car with the girls. Mikyoung is out of the car before he manages to stop, even if he warns her to be careful, she runs as fast as she can into Hongjoong's arms, hugging her brother tightly. "You're okay?"
"Eh, I've had worse." He answers before sighing and allowing her to hug him as much as she can.
Chris makes his way towards Chan, the blonde checking the younger over before placing a hand on his shoulder. "How did you know?" Chris asks before Chan looks over at Luna, the witch standing a little bit behind them.
"She said she felt the Moon's presence so I thought we'd make our way over. Good thing Jangmi needed to clean up the cabin because it looks like we missed the fight." The hybrid blushes slightly at the mention of her name, holding tightly onto Chan's hand before her eyes rest on the wolf she considers a brother.
Seeing the blood running down his thigh, Jangmi screams his name, causing a few wolves to startle at the sound - including him. "Jangmi, I'm-"
"Don't you tell me you're okay! You're bleeding! Were you SHOT?" She screeches, starting to panic as she hesitates to touch the wound. "What happened? No, don't tell me, is it out? Oh my God, what's going to happen if you can't get it out? Were you poisoned? Are you going to die?" Jongin stands up as the fox begins to cry and mutter nonsense, pulling her close as he hugs her.
"I'm not going to die, jeez." He places a kiss on top of her forehead. "Relax before I have Chan take you home."
"No!" She hugs tight, "no..."
As everyone seems to check in with one another, some of the wolves begin to notice the absence of Chris. One of the members of his pack begins searching for him, others calling out his name and going into the house, just in case but it doesn't take long for him to be found. Unconscious and sweating, blood covering his clothes. Chris would look dead if it wasn't for the shallow breathing that can be heard faintly.
"Get him up." One of the wolves say, helping another lift up the heavy Alpha. The wolf grunts at being moved, the pain shooting through his body causing him to open his eyes but he doesn't register what is happening as he's back out to it before they round the house. "He's hurt. Bad."
"Get him to the truck."
The wolves begin to make their way back to their vehicles. The battle is over and now it is time to return home, to take care of their injured and take whatever time they may need to mourn any lost ones. Luna follows after the injured Alpha while Chan helps Jongin to his car. Everyone heading their separate ways so that they can have the night to process, to relax, to rest.
The Moon knows that they need it.
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The next day comes with mixed emotions. Many didn't return to the pack house to hear what would happen next, nobody wanted to listen to the witch explain how everything would be alright and that she was going to work with other witches to keep and maintain nature's balance.
It's not that they didn't care about the natural order - it's just that they didn't what a witch had to say.
Even though it was only one coven, it was still enough to damage a lot of the trust that the wolves had in all witches. The power that they can wield and how much damage they can cause. They didn't want to listen to what Luna had to say about their strength returning or that she could offer some remedies to help them heal faster. She knows it's not personal but it still felt like it when only a few of the wolves remained sitting in the pack house - many having left halfway through.
"I just..." She looks at the wolves still sitting in front of her. Hongjoong glaring at her with disdain, something that he's shown her from the beginning. Chan paying attention but anyone can tell he's only there because he wants to make sure that he's not missing anything that could be important or good for him to know. Jongin lays on the couch, nodding off every now and again with Channie hanging onto him and making sure he's not passing out.
There are a few people missing, one not wanting to be there, one waiting outside as they are told and one resting in his bed, still not having gained consciousness.
"I just hope you won't hold this against all witches." Luna stands up, bowing before taking her leave, her services no longer needed and now, more than ever, she wants to go home.
"I'll drop you off on my way." Chris says, meeting her out front, leaning against the house. He had heard everything but he had been around enough packs lately that he didn't want to have to sit amongst them anymore if he didn't have to.
Walking closely beside him, she bids farewell to Mikyoung who is sitting on the porch, cross-legged, looking up at the sky. "You know, if you keep staring up at the sky, you'll get your head lost in the clouds." Chan's voice breaks the silence as her body suddenly becomes alert to the Alpha's presence.
Neither of them have really spoken about the bond between them and while now would be a good time... it remains untouched.
Smiling softly up at him, she pats the spot next to her. "If I lose my head, how will I find the rest of me?" It's terrible, a terrible joke but they both chuckle softly.
They talk a little, Chan updating her just in case she missed anything and Mikyoung nods along while playing with the flower in her hand absentmindedly. They don't realise how much time has passed until Hongjoong comes out, indicating for Mikyoung to hurry up so they can leave. "Thank you, Alpha Chan," Mikyoung reaches over, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before standing up, "for everything."
Chan watches her go before he stands up and begins to check on his members, all of them ready to go home and Chan needing to make sure they settle in so heading into the house, he indicates it's time to leave. "Need some help?"
Jongin groans as he stands up, Channie helping him and carrying his weight. "I'll be alright. Nurse Channie has been making sure I'm taken care of," Channie giggles softly at the nickname, "when he's not accidentally touching the wound."
Pouting, Channie walks with Jongin to their car, "I said I was sorry!" He whines as they make their way to the car and Chan rounds up the last of his members.
Nobody looks back at the house as they leave, even if they have a thought in their mind about the Alpha still in his bed, nobody lets it keep them from returning to their territories and their lives. Now that this is all over, they can return to normal, slowly but surely return to the lives the had before all of this. Even if they'll never be the same, they are able to rebuild and move forward.
Everyone will, eventually.
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In the dead of the night, the Alpha stirs from his sleep, his head pounding as he tries to sit up but his body feels like it's filled with lead. It's been three days since everything happened, the house silent with only the soft patter of rain on the windows being heard.
"You're okay," he says weakly, a sad smile on his lips as he looks out the window into the night, unable to see the moon. "Everything's... okay..." Chris lays back down, closing his eyes as Shuhua watches in the seat she pulled next to his bed. She has been worried, wanting to make sure he's okay so she visits when nobody is around.
Careful not to wake the Alpha, she dabs a damp cloth to his forehead before checking the time and sitting back in the chair. A few more hours, that'll be okay, a few more hours and she'll head home before anyone even notices that she was there.
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siennazhou · 1 month
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LAUREN TSAI? não! é apenas SIENNA ZHOU, ela é filha de HERMES do chalé 11 e tem 24 ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há 10 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, SIENNA é bastante PERSUASIVA mas também dizem que ela é IMPULSIVA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Sienna já foi uma pessoa que teve tudo. Um teto sobre sua cabeça, uma mãe carinhosa e infinitas oportunidades à sua frente, garantidas pela enorme quantia de dinheiro associada ao seu sobrenome. Barbara Zhou era, antes de tudo, uma viajante e, falante de muitas línguas graças às viagens de seu trabalho, fez um nome para si mesma, vendendo os maiores imóveis de luxo de Manhattan e ao redor do globo para os grandes multimilionários do mundo. Sienna, após descobrir sua natureza divina, imaginava que o talento para comunicação, com lábia e persuasão que lhe pareciam habilidades natas, havia sido o grande responsável pela aproximação de Hermes. Quando já em idade apropriada, Sienna acompanhava sua mãe em viagens e conhecia lugares espetaculares, o que só alimentou seu desejo de conhecer o mundo. Mas isso demoraria a acontecer, pois Barbara Zhou foi assassinada durante um assalto a banco e então, Sienna perdeu tudo. Parentes distantes não a queriam – algo sobre desentendimentos antigos e rixas familiares – e, mesmo com uma boa herança guardada para si, ela acabou no sistema. Órfã, Sienna frequentou algumas escolas públicas de Nova York, de onde foi expulsa por seu talento para confusões (só tinha mãos extremamente leves e um gosto peculiar por pregar peças em professores e colegas).  Aos 14 anos, porém, cometeu o erro - se é que pode ser chamado assim - que mudou sua vida. Depois de roubar algumas moedas douradas do zelador da escola, descobriu que não dava para escapar de um sátiro furioso, logo após descobrir o que era um sátiro. Não demorou muito para que ele a identificasse, não como o semideus que procurava, mas o segundo cheiro que sempre o confundia na identificação do alvo de sua busca. Dali em diante, Sienna se tornou uma das campistas semi-permanentes do Acampamento Meio Sangue, já que continuou a frequentar a escola, mas voltou ao orfanato apenas para pegar as poucas coisas que lhe pertenciam; algumas roupas e uma foto de sua mãe. Em seu primeiro ano no acampamento, ela passava horas a fio imaginando quem seria seu pai olimpiano, agarrando-se desesperadamente a ideia de ter, novamente, uma família. Analisava suas próprias características, suas maiores qualidades e tentava conectá-las a qualquer olimpiano que se assemelhasse a elas, mesmo que remotamente, ainda seu momento de ser reclamada parecesse nunca chegar. Mas, foi durante uma corrida de bigas em seu segundo ano que ela teve seu primeiro contato com seu poder - Sienna jamais esqueceria o choque no olhar dos campistas de Ares quando ela simplesmente apareceu e, logo que percebeu onde estava, desapareceu de sua biga, distraindo-os por tempo o suficiente para que perdessem o controle da mesma - razão pela qual o símbolo de Hermes reluziu sobre sua cabeça, mesmo seu chalé não tendo sido vitorioso. No jantar após ser reclamada, ela entregou o maior e mais suculento pedaço de seu rosbife a seu pai, agradecendo por reconhecê-la como sua. Rodeada pela destreza de seus irmãos e irmãs, Sienna aprendeu que suas mãos leves eram extremamente úteis em missões e… Bom, em qualquer outra situação em que precisasse delas. E era bem divertido sumir com algum item pessoal de alguém apenas para ver o desespero alheio enquanto procurava, mas ela devolvia o que pegava. Na maioria das vezes.   O Acampamento Meio Sangue se tornou seu lar e os campistas se tornaram sua família, pela qual ela lutou com ferocidade contra as ameaças de Cronos e de Gaia. E agora, após presenciar a profecia de Rachel Elizabeth Dare durante o jantar, está pronta para lutar por eles novamente.
TELETRANSPORTE — Filha do Deus dos Viajantes, não demorou muito para que Sienna aprendesse que podia viajar de um ponto a outro num piscar de olhos. A princípio ela só conseguia fazer viagens curtas, mas com o passar dos anos e o treinamento constante, seus saltos de um lugar a outro passaram a poder cobrir longas distâncias. Porém, aprendeu que quanto maior a distância, maior o consumo de energia. Num salto de distância muito grande, é provável que Sienna precise de pelo menos algumas horas para se recuperar antes de saltar de novo, caso contrário, o resultado não será agradável; se toda sua energia vital for consumida, suas chances de sobrevivência são baixíssimas. Sienna pode também, com esforço multiplicado pelo número de pessoas que saltará consigo, realizar saltos levando acompanhantes, mas ela o evita, pois é extremamente cansativo fazê-lo.
sentidos aguçados e agilidade sobre-humana
Lança de dois gumes — Dada como recompensa por fazer um favor ao deus Hefesto em uma de suas missões, quando a lança não está em uso, ela assume a forma conveniente de um anel de bronze, que Sienna usa a todo tempo. Para que a arma assuma suas lâminas, basta pressionar um minúsculo botão na parte de baixo do mesmo para que a arma se estenda, já perfeitamente posicionada nas mãos de quem a estiver empunhando.
Instrutora de Duelo com Armas Especializadas (Lança) Membro da equipe vermelha de QUEIMADA Membro da equipe azul do CLUBE DA LUTA
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ham1lton · 2 months
no :( mine was yn is a new correspondent that beefs with danica on air LMAO but honored to be the third person to send you correspondent!yn. she is the people’s princess
wait you should resent the prompt because why is it kind of inspiring me rn….. hmmm….
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powerfought · 6 months
another discord drop for the homies: averyspecialbean
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q-starhalo · 10 months
"It should have gone unenchanted because of the time without use. Magic sure is a weird thing" o_o
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wreckitrheaarchived · 5 months
consider   this   a   plotting   call!   hit   the   little   heart   &   i'll   slither   my   way   to   your   DM's. 
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g0d334t3r · 7 months
idolatry is when a girl falls in love man / in love with a woman / married to another man / in love with her dead older sister / because money is power / because there was once a boy / who loved a girl / their twin flame / tied to money / tied to power / who died / who survived / who sought revenge / and found it / and lost it / because there is no end / only beginnings / all because a boy fell in love with a girl
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unrealization · 8 months
Plotting call!
Please reply to this post if you want to plot with any of my muses. I don't have a lot of threads yet and I feel like having more variety would spice things up! Please check my pinned post to see if any of my muses suit you!
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inkmimicry · 11 months
An old plot thread from the 'Bootleg Toons' story that went all the way back to my teen years was this idea that 'canon toons' were capability of well, destroying non-official toons (read: fan-characters) with mere words alone. Much like Peter Pan's ever deadly 'I don't believe in fairies!'.
Now, this would only work if the fan-character was conceptualized in-universe as being connected to the canon character in some way. So purely original characters, even if they were created with an IP in mind, were usually safe. A character drawn up as say, a theoretical sibling or child? If the canon toon outright said something along the lines of 'no the heck they ain't!' my morbid little brain imagined the OC poofing straight out of existence, or slowing fading away like Tinkerbelle in Return to Neverland. So, many fancharaters would avoid their 'inspirators' like the plague, even if they're not explicably written as relatives or friends, or even AU versions of that character. Rumours start spreading among the Bootleg Toons that you can find a way to make yourself 'more original' by abandoning your 'core concept' as a character...which may be your way out of this scary fate.
Just another fun little brainstorm as to how fandoms would work in this universe wherein cartoon characters came alive.
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perzyssesuvion · 2 years
no fancy graphic , but plotting call for aemond maybe ?
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oppositesattraxt · 5 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑥]
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[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four][Part Five]
CW: death, blood, violence and other dark themes are spoken about so please do not read if you are not comfortable. If you have read this far and want to know how this works out, it'll be in the tags.
"Fuck," the car skids to a halt, the one behind them nearly rear-ending them but managing to swerve to the side with Chris leaning out his window swearing at the Alpha for stopping without warning.
Luna waves at her friend, trying to get him to calm down before looking over at the other wolf and notices his eyes focused on something ahead of them. She follows his line of sight and screams before covering her mouth, eyes wide with horror as she notices what it is that caused the wolf to stop. "Is that-" Growls echo within the car as the wolves leave the cars and resist the urge to shift and chase after the witches who did this.
Sitting on the ground, back propped up against a wooden pole with his arms tied behind his back is one of the men from Chris' tribe. A human. His head hangs limply and none of the wolves can find the faint sound of a heartbeat to distinguish if he is alive. There's no other sound around them, like the forest has been silenced, and as Chris steps forward - the closer he gets, the more the stench of death hits him.
"Alpha Chris..." Luna reaches for him, keeping him from moving closer. She looks over to her friend and the other wolves that came. Jongin's eyes are glowing, teeth bared while several of the betas that came with them are on edge; they all know that something is wrong, off, unnatural and the witches can feel it too.
"Who was he?" Hongjoong speaks, standing next to Chris, inspecting the man from a distance. "Why didn't you notice he was missing?"
"He's... he was new. We had recently welcomed him and his wife into the tribe. They were outcasts, thrown out by his wife's coven for tainting their bloodline." He goes to step closer, feeling the loss of one of his own before Luna moves in front of him and places both hands on his chest.
"If you step any closer, you'll die." She says quickly while the other witches move beside her and begin to chant a spell, nullifying the unseen magic. "They knew that we were going to find them eventually and used the blood of this man to keep out wolves. If you crossed the line..."
"We get the point, we could have died." The other Alpha responds and folds his arms over his chest. "Why did we bring you again?"
A deep growl comes from beside Luna, a hand resting on her shoulder as Chris comes to take care of his friend, making sure she's not harassed anymore by Hongjoong than she has been already. Before he can say anything, the witches lower their hands and announce that the spell has been removed and they can move the body out of the way. "Stay with me." Chris speaks to Luna, keeping her behind him as they move to get the man off the pole and move his body.
It doesn’t take them long, one of the betas grabbing a blanket from the back of the car to wrap the body up in but as they do, Jongin realises that something is carved into the man’s skin. Hidden under his blood soaked button down is the word traitor and Chris can only stand up, staring as Jongin covers the word up again. “How long did you say they were with you?”
“Leave him here.” Chris growls, clenching his fists as so many thoughts run through his head, “I’ll deal with it later.”
They all head back to the cars, continuing along the muddy tracks towards a scene that none of them could ever have imagined witnessing.
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There's blood everywhere, bodies laying on the ground, blood tainting the air with its metallic scent and embers smouldering in the abandoned campfire. Dozens of witches, massacred, throats slit in sacrifice to whatever God they were praying to.
Luna and the other witches crumble, seeing a coven lay dead, but the wolves search for survivors. They search every inch of the make-shift camp and the cabin nearby for signs of life but they come up short, only finding scribblings of mad men and their tales about the Moon Goddess and the creation of the wolves.
Chris knows that stories always changed, the different beliefs and legends surrounding werewolves, and if what he is reading is correct... "They think that killing the Moon Goddess will end us all."
"They can't," Luna looks up at him, her eyes puffy and red and her hands bloody from the ground, "if they kill the Moon, they'll throw off the balance of the world. It's not just the wolves that need the moon but nature too, everything will be thrown into chaos."
Chris runs through the story that he remembers being told as a kid, the tale of Lycan and Luna - the wolf and the moon. He remembers how the wolves weren't created by the Moon herself but a curse, a punishment to keep the lovers apart but due to her own heartbreak, she protected the wolves and cared for them even through the ages.
"You might want to look at this," everyone's attention turns their attention to the wolf walking towards them holding a book with more writings in it. "'Take away the mother and incapacitate the father. The children are the next to go.'"
"The house."
"Quick, we need to go."
"If they hurt my fucking sister-"
Everyone runs to the car, Jongin and Chris grabbing their phones out of their pockets to try and call the others but only to realise they are out of service. "It was a fucking set up. They knew we'd come."
"Get in the cars and go." Chris shouts, everyone piling into the cars and tearing out of there as fast as they can.
They need to get back to the house. They need to get a hold of someone. They need to protect the children. This is a mess, a big fucking mess. Chris wanted to find his mother, save her and help restore balance but instead they've stumbled across a plan that none of them thought would ever happen.
The annihilation of the future generation.
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"Now say thank you to Alpha Channie for playing with you and go get something to eat," Mikyoung instructs the pups, a mix from the different packs all playing together and running into the kitchen where Chan had offered to help cook dinner for everyone.
They didn't know when the others would be back, one of the groups had arrived earlier with no success, so they decided to carry on as usual until everyone returned. Mikyoung and Channie had been entertaining the pups, playing games with them to help tire them out while Chan and some of the other house keepers had been cooking dinner. It was peaceful, with so many wolves coming and going recently, this was the most peaceful the house had been.
"Go wash your hands, sweetie," Mikyoung places her hand on one of the pup's shoulders. She had been playing with play dough earlier and had some residue on her hands.
Channie walks over, smiling happily at being able to play with the pups. "Thank you for letting me help you take care of all the pups. You're really good with them! I would have gotten so stressed when those two boys kept fighting earlier." He pats one of the pups on the head as he runs past and Mikyoung picks another up who wanted cuddles as they walk towards the kitchen.
"They aren't too hard to handle once you're used to it! Thank you for your help! With so many packs, I feel like we are being overrun by children." She laughs before bowing her head at Chan. "Thank you for helping with dinner, Alpha. I know you've been busy, you really could have left it to the others."
Suddenly, the young boy squirms from her hold, wanting to be held by Chan instead while Channie's being dragged through the kitchen to sit down with some of the pups who had taken a shine to him earlier. "It's the least I could do. Extra hands make light work."
They stand there, chatting for a moment, Mikyoung giggling at something Chan had said, talking about the pups and their energy while the little boy plays with one of Chan's earrings. It's peaceful, quiet, even if they are all feeling tired, it's a change from the stress of meetings - until a scream from upstairs shatters it all.
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playbarbies · 14 days
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real photo taken of my reaction when @grizzwalds informed me that we used to write together
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reyalvr · 1 year
PLEASE POOKIE do a part 3😭😭😭 Idc what it is angst,fluffI JUST WANT A PART 3
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your guys' asks for pt3 always makes me giggle like icb ppl actually like my stuff?!@# crazy...CRAZY
and to answer ur question... we'll see teehee
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ham1lton · 3 months
Hmmm, prompts that might work with Meg as the fc you say?
Taller gf because Megan is taller than a good chunk of the grid
Educated (nerdy) but also loves all things beauty and fashion
Cosplaying gf?
Driver having a more provocative gf?
I know very limited about Megan but, my girl is a Houston repping baddie and I'm here for it 💅
i love the idea for the second one but i’m so uncreative that i can’t think of a plot 😭
for some reason it’s giving max and reader to me but i’m open to other pairings!!!
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oletus-manors-log · 2 years
Me when I found that one drabble/lore long fic of my observer and I realized I gotta redo their sprite to their current one on their banners in the future to be consistent):
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nevermoreuni · 2 years
tag drop
seriously needed one of these.
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