#tnbc headcanons
retropineapple · 3 days
Oogie Boogie may be massive,but he would probably be light as hell. I mean, he's a bunch of bugs (primarily, there's at least on snake in there so there's also probably a lot of other creepy crawly creatures) in huge ass fucking burlap sack. On average, bugs only way like 3 milligrams, or 0.000007 pounds. Even if though there's probably 10,000 bugs in there, at least, based on that average that'd only be 0.07 pounds (not including the weight of the burlap).
Bro would weigh probably like 15 pounds 😭
Aside from, again, being massive, he would be so fucking easy to pick up lolllll
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
Sally and Jack and headcanons and also why they're my OTP.
My webcomic Halloween Town @thetownwecallhome may or may not have shown this perfectly ((I hate "Mothball" more and more w each passing year)) but the gist of what I WANT to convey abt them, given they aren't an actual couple in the movie, is:
>Jack and Sally are best friends who also happen to be sweethearts.
>And asexual. Not just because I am but because I just rlly can't vibe smexy Jack and Sally as much as I've tried. ((they still have kids tho, because in Halloween Town kids are delivered via vulture, remember?))
>Jack is a himbo who has never been in a serious relationship and gets waaaaay to attached and invested in things he likes...so when he realizes he likes Sally he's kind of Will-Smith levels of shade abt ppl bashing her...which Sally also doesn't like. He has to be constantly pulled back from making embarrassing her. Even at his best, Jack can't tone himself down and Sally has trouble keeping up.
>Jack 100% proposed within the week after their first Christmas because he thinks that's what you do when you kiss someone and tell them you love them. She told him to wait, and eventually it did dawn on him that she wouldn't like the attention of going from "doll receptionist" to "Literally the Frakkin Queen".
>Jack is responsible for initiating some of her coming out of her shell, but Sally is the one who ultimately makes her own bonds and ties with the people of Halloween Town. Everyone (sans the Witches) respects her once they get to know her even if they don't respect her and Jack's relationship.
>I really dig the idea of Sally singing "Breath in a Bag" to Halloween Town and teaching them unorthidox (probably poison based therapy) ala Glendale in Centaurworld. She strikes me as THAT kind of Queen.
>Jack and Sally are still monsters. The POINT behind "Mothball" was that he is still scary and she sometimes underestimates that, but more importantly: he sets her on fire sometimes and she's been known to poison him when he's stressed.
Tl;dr: Sally is a calm but assertive, strong soul while Jack is this larger-than-life RankinBassVillain of a man. They compliment each other.
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They Tuca and Bertie and/or Bertie and Speckle. They ace Morticia and Gomez. They a basic 1950s straight couple at Disneyland but they happen to be a living doll woman and a Holiday King and they make it work. Legit girlboss workwoman and himbo malewife.
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Disney Magic Kingdoms giving me more headcanons here, but - I *love* the idea of ‘Halloween gifts’! What if that's how Halloween Town gave each other presents before Christmas? They’d traditionally give each other gifts on Halloween....
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renmarrr · 5 months
Tnbc headcanon:
Through the movie Jack is bored (even depressed) by the holiday he possesses, then, after he ruined Christmas, scarring the shit out of people, he returns his passion for Halloween. All of this is known, yes. But now when Sally is by his side, a person that one day will become the queen of Halloween, she learns the art of scaring. Jack is her teacher of course and that fills him with life even more. Heals him greatly. He’s very happy to guide her, help her, see her success or even support her when she fails in process.
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scientistservant · 7 months
Nightmare Before Christmas Headcanons #1
Jack Skellington has been Pumpkin King ever since the pagan festival Samhain came to be in the eighth century. He'd fend off wicked spirits from his harvest in his small village. This little village grew over the centuries to be Halloween Town, after many ventured across the Halloween realm to praise Jack for his bravery and fright. Jack wears his Pumpkin King attire every Halloween to celebrate how far he and his village has come.
The Halloween realm as a whole is forever frozen between the mid-19th century to the early-20th century. No televisions or smart-phones here! Only radio, phonographs, and rotary phones.
When not used for important town meetings, the Town Hall becomes a theatre for stage shows. People from all over the Halloween realm come to put on wondrous performances. Don’t worry if you’re unable to make a live show; each one is recorded and played weekly on the radio via reruns!
Jack and the Town Band have joined together to bring you spine-tingling, foot-tapping songs to boogie to by radio and phonograph! The band's name? Oingo Boingo. It was believed that the dastardly Oogie Boogie once had a part to play in this, but neither Jack nor the other band members will confirm nor deny this claim. There have been rumours that Oingo Boingo’s music has made its way to the human realm, and given new ownership by a creature simply known as Elf-man.
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rainbowfunks · 9 months
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quick 15 min doodle of one of my fav headcanons :)
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sillierthenjusthelium · 3 months
i love how people either on reddit or tumblr or tiktok, they headcanon mammon as oogie boogie yet they think that asmodeus was voice-inspired by oogie boogie😭 its so funny lmfao
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demonangelgirl134 · 8 months
The LGBTQ love headcanons in my villainous au
Late pride month, everyone. I'll be making two similar videos like this for their gender identifications and neurodiversities later on
Jack and Loki both belong to @loki104-uwu
I hope you guys like it
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zacharyleartist69 · 2 years
Since 2022 is gonna be over soon and Christmas is right around the corner, I wanna dump some art I've done around November through December cause why not.
Mirrorverse(These are headcanon ideas):
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I have to at some point, but I drew my two favorite gorillas in the Mario world(If you've been around long, this is a redesign of my... questionable design for these guys)
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Finally, I have the confidence do post a single OC art, there's three of them in one pic and I would love to talk about them but it's like late late in my region and I'm tired around this time so lmao:
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If I don't post anything around Christmas time then I would love to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 🎄🎅
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destructionmylofe · 8 months
What if Jack had gotten to Oogie Boogie's just a few seconds late and watched Santa and Sally fall into the stew...only for all of them to find out it wasn't stew, it was wassail (holiday drink very similar if not identical to cider).
And Sally would say something like "ugh...frog's breath" before trying to rescue Santa, because Oogie Boogie would know that the smell would give it away to him.
Then when they're in the pot, Santa would be impressed with the wassail but also really mad that he's all wet and cidery, so Oogie has Lock, Shock, and Barrel fill up the tub for him. Jack is flabbergasted and asks Oogie how he knew about wassail, and Oogie says some shitty pun like "I got a few bookworms in here" *pats tummy*.
Then after his bath, Santa goes off to salvage Christmas and Oogie tells him to call him if he needs pest control.
Then Lock, Shock, and Barrel refill the tub with wassail and they all go wassailing through Halloweentown, the end. The vampires think it needs more blood. Oogie thinks it needs more worms---and there are already some worms in it, because he used wormy apples. No one is phased but the audience.
I think that would have been a more stereotypically disney-esque ending.
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disneynerdpumpkin · 3 months
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hc that Easter Bunny and Behemoth post-movie are just best friends.
Easter Bunny was scared of him at first but then found he was a very kind and gentle person, and not scary at all. Behemoth being the "gentle giant" type and the two of them just hanging out and having their own little adventures They just have a very cute friendship 🥰❤️
Oh and yeah Behemoth is very protective of Bunny
that's it. that's the headcanon.
P.S. this is the adorable fanfic that inspired this hc. I'm literally obsessed with their friendship A Bunny in Halloween Town - CatCrescent - The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) [Archive of Our Own]
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Headcanon that this Vampire Brother tells a lot of dad jokes
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renmarrr · 3 months
Tnbc headcanon.
As it is most likely Jack and Sally’s first romantic relationship (I think even if Jack had romance once, that was sooooo long ago he doesn’t even remember), they have a lot to learn. They are going to forget that they aren’t alone anymore, that they can share something personal and be understood and supported. They are going to forget that they don’t have to keep secrets (about how are they actually doing, how was they day, what kind of trouble they had…) for the sake of being the best possible version of themselves so another one won’t stop loving them. They are going to be at least slightly nervous about losing the connection they created (for which they both almost died). They will learn their lessons, all of them will end up with warm hug and a promise to try better. They are going to do those little mistakes only because they deeply love and care for each other. Maybe Jack will be less affected but still. And Sally will learn to stop spying.
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scientistservant · 3 months
Hi hi!! How about 🌟, 😳 and 🌑 for whoever you'd like?
emoji headcanon ask game
I’ll use Fink since I haven’t talked about him in a while 💖
🌟 : A secret wish headcanon
He wants his physical pain to go away completely. At least Alice’s love and concoctions help.
😳 : A confessing headcanon
He cried himself to sleep the night Alice confessed her love to him.
🌑 : A dark headcanon
He has his deceased family members buried underneath his lab/manor.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 2 years
Look, look, look.....Long Live the Pumpkin Queen did NOT need to be made. Fuck man Sally didn't need a whole ass new back story where she's secretly a princess from as secrete long forgotten land. The story itself was mediocre at best and bland at worst but then again I did not read it for the "plot" I read it for the lore! Which again were a bit spotty in some places and absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS in others 😍
Though I do think they could have done more with it, in fact I think the whole damn book just could have been about world building and not....what ever the hell that nonsense was.
I was SEVERALLY disappointed about the Thanksgiving relm, mainly by its residents just being regular ass people when they all could have been cute scarecrow creatures (like that village from Over the Garden Wall). Like COME ON GUYS the opportunity was there and you missed it! The 4th of July relm shouldn't have been added in (at least in my opinion) it's just very....basic and boring. If it HAD to be added I'd change it from 4th of July to just Independence day which has various different days globally for different countries. The residents would be creatures of multiple colored light and fire. They are free and passionate and paint pictures in the sky with their light powers recreating victories of independence and inspirational people.
Also I would have added a relm: Birthday Land! Just a cute and bright world that is a never ending party filled with cakes as big as houses, live actual balloon animals, loving crafted piñatas, and stack upon stacks of presents. The residents of course are all colorful cute clowns (which I know a lot of people hate/are scared of them but actually really love clowns 🥺💕).
Like I honestly think this book could should have just been about Jack and Sally's honeymoon/diplomatic excursion throughout all of the holiday lands AS WELL as discovering Dream land and other ancient worlds. Then maybe in later books we could discover more doors from different holidays like Dia de Los Muertos, Holi, New Year's, The Festival of Lights, etc. That would have been SO cool!
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paper-gold-theories · 2 years
Villainous Musical Headcanon: Black Hat Song
Source: Oogie Boogie Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
I kinda imagine BlackHat singing this song after Flug captures GoldHeart and brings him to the manor.
BlackHat, walking down the stairs: Well, well, well, what have we here?
BlackHat: GoldHeart, huh?
BlackHat, sarcastic: Ooh, I'm really scared! ~
BlackHat: So, you're the one everybody's talkin' about!?
BlackHat: AHAHAHA!!
GoldHeart: *turns away*
BlackHat, to Flug: You're joking, you're joking. I can't believe my eyes!
BlackHat, shaking a surprised Flug in disbelief: You're joking me! You gotta be! This can't be the right guy!
BlackHat: He's pathetic.
BlackHat: He's ugly.
GoldHeart: *narrows eyes*
BlackHat, hysterical: I don't know which is worse! I might just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first!
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