#title submitted by prompter
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miraculousfanworks · 9 months ago
Writing Prompt: "Miraculous the Musical!"
No, not really.
The latest akuma causes everyone in Paris to loudly sing their inner thoughts with perfect chreography.
Highlights caught on video includes Ladybug singing about how much she loves Adrien (to the surprise of exactly one person), Chat Noir singing about how no one can order him around anymore since he is a cat and gives no fucks as well as a duet between Purple Tigress an Pigella about their sinful attraction to each other despite already having a significant other.
Prompt by: divineballad
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Starting today, you can submit prompts through Anon box too.
They will be crossposted on the dreamwidth meme too. I will also try to crosspost the prompts on the Ao3 counterpart.
To visit the original Dreamwidth Meme you can go to
Ps: for the purpose of the meme: Namor, Deadpool, Quicksilver and the Scarlett Witch count as X-men characters, although they do not belong to the X-office
Prompts rules
1. All types of prompts are welcome.
2. Use the subject line for the main idea of your prompt (pairing or characters/keywords/kink).
3. Include the name of the Canon in the subject line. Eg. [Movieverse] ; For the crossovers use either [Crossover] or indicate the both show titles in the subject line [X-men/Avengers].
3.1 In case of crossover with other medium like comics, movies or cartoons use [Crossover] + the medium you want, eg [Crossover: Alpha Flight / X-men]
4. The mandatory warnings are character death, noncon, graphic violence. For anh other warning, you can also CNTW (Choose Not To Use Warnings) - much like Ao3. Author or prompter may add whatever else they feel is necessary/relevant.
5. Reposted prompts are not allowed.
6. Only one prompt per ask
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chocobrofest · 1 year ago
Rules & Guidelines
Participants must be over the age of 18. 
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish and submit your work before claiming closes, you are welcome to claim another prompt. Prompts are claimed on a first-come, first-served basis. 
All fics should be beta-read or edited to the author's best ability. 
The minimum word count for fics is 500 words with no maximum count. 
All participants must have an AO3 account. If you intend to claim a prompt, be sure to secure an account beforehand. 
The focus of this fest is about the four boys, so we ask that if you decide to centre your work around a f/m relationship or anything else, the main focus should be on one of the boys. Of course, works surrounding the four of them or three, etc, are obviously allowed. 
Each work, whether Fic or Art, must be exclusive to this fest. 
No AI-generated submissions are allowed. 
This fest isn’t anonymous, so you’re welcome to discuss your work with others. 
You don’t need to submit a prompt in order to claim. 
Self-prompts are allowed. Do not submit your self-prompt during the prompting period in case someone else claims it. You can submit your prompt when claiming opens. 
Each prompt will be available for 1 claim in each medium: Fic and Artwork. 
Any and all genres are accepted. This includes any kinks, poly ships or anything else you desire. 
If you wish to, you can collaborate with another person. If you decide to do this, please only submit one claim form. 
If you need to drop out for whatever reason, please let us know before the deadline. We understand that life gets in the way sometimes. 
If you need an extension, just ask, and we’ll be more than happy to provide a different date. 
A prompting form will be released at a later date, where you can submit as many prompts as you like.
All prompts will be available to view on a prompt gallery. You’ll be able to access this gallery once prompting begins. 
You do not need to submit a prompt in order to claim a prompt and vice versa. 
A claiming form will be available a few days after prompting has ended. 
Prompts are claimed on a first-come, first-served basis. 
If you intend to gift your work to the prompter, make sure to exclude any squicks/do not wants they may have mentioned. 
You don’t have to strictly stay within the prompts' wishes if you don’t want to. Just as long as you don’t veer too far from the original prompt. 
All works must be posted to the Chocobro Fest 2024 collection before the deadline unless you have an extension. 
Please add the ChocobroFest account as a co-creator; this is to ensure that all submissions are correctly tagged and there are no SPaG errors. We will not make any changes to your work. Once your work is posted, we will remove ourselves as a co-creator. 
Add the tag Chocobro Fest 2024 to your work before submitting. 
When you submit your work, please fill out the following header and send it to us in a new email. 
Email Subject Line:
Submission - Prompt # - Fic or Art - Name
Title: Author/Artist:  Tumblr: (Optional) Relationships: Ratings: Word Count/ Art Medium: Warnings/Tags: Summary: Link to work
Additional Information 
If you have any questions regarding the fest (During or before), you can contact us at our Tumblr Asks section, or you can email us at [email protected]
Your mods, Em & Matt 
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hp-mcd-fest · 2 years ago
This is a guide to how exactly you should submit your work, if you want to participate in the fest, our general guidelines are here and our claiming post is here!
Finished your work? Here's a checklist
Makes sure the work includes Major Character Death.
Check your work for errors/typos (beta is not required but encouraged)
If you gift your work to the prompter, don't include any DNW's.
How to post your work
Go to our collection page right here and click the button post to collection
Fill in the information as you normally would (rating, characters, tags, etc.), keep in mind that you have to use either the Major Character Death or the Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings warning on your work, as your work should include MCD.
Make sure to add the mod account as a co-creator. There is a field for this in the preface section of posting your work. Click the box, add our account. The account is HP_MCD_Fest.
Check for formatting etc. Whatever you normally do when posting something. Post the work.
Your work will not immediately be added to the collection, since it's a moderated collection and we accept each work individually. Your work will say something along the lines of "this will be accepted into a collection soon", and it will be anonymous. (For you as the creator, it will show the creator as "anonymous (your name)", for anyone else it'll just be anonymous.
After posting to the collection
Send us an email. You should have our email since we sent you the confirmation email, but it's [email protected]. This is to confirm you submitted it.
In that email, send us the following header (filled in with your work's information):
Title: Rating: Characters/Pairing: Length: Warnings: Summary: Link:
Please use full character names in the characters/pairing section. The link should be taken from your work on AO3 (which you can access through either your statistics or edit works page where all your works are listed).
After you've submitted your work, you are free and encouraged to claim a second prompt (or a second self-prompt, of course)!
If you have any questions about this process, we're happy to help!
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hp-make-it-musical-fest · 3 years ago
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In case the hints the last couple days didn’t make it obvious... THE MAKE IT MUSICAL FEST IS BACK FOR 2022!!! Everything is basically the same as last year with a couple of minor tweaks:
PODFICS! Any fic written for the fest last year can be claimed for a podfic to be included in this year��s collection.
AIRTABLE! We will be using AirTable for prompt submission and claiming.
Full Fest Rules can be found HERE, or below the break.
The Harry Potter Make it Musical Fest is made possible by the Producers (aka fest mods): @sunflower-swan @pandora-rose-xo @hellocinnamonfreckles and @sophhao3 
The HP Make It Musical Fest is an anonymous fanfic fest with prompts inspired by musicals and/or songs from musicals. It will be run similar to other fests, though every fest and its mods are different, please be sure to read all the rules and ask any questions that may arise.
Timeline Prompting begins: April 15th, 9:00 am EDT Prompting ends: April 29th, 9:00 pm EDT Claiming begins: May 1st, 9:00 am EDT Works due: June 26th, 11:59 pm EDT Anonymous posting begins: July 10th Reveals: TBD
Fest Rules
All writers must be 16+ years of age. If you are under 18, then your work must be rated G or T on AO3.
1k word count minimum, no maximum.
Self-prompting is allowed. If you are going to self-prompt, then do not put it on the prompt form as this will make it available for everyone to claim. Self-prompts will be listed on the claiming form. If you have a question about your self-prompt, then please email us ([email protected]).  
One claim per prompt - this will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
No beastiality, incest, or underage fics allowed. For this fest, “underage” means explicit sexual content between characters where at least one is under the age of 18.
Any pairing or multi allowed.
Any rating allowed.
All warnings must be tagged. When in doubt, over-tagging is safer than under-tagging.
No use of “Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings”.
Fics must be new, stand-alone, created only for this fest, and complete at the time of posting.
Crossovers are allowed - at least one main character must be from the Harry Potter fandom.
Writers must have an AO3 account. If you need assistance with this, then let us know.
Use of alpha/betas is encouraged. (There will be an alpha/beta channel in the Discord server.)
This is an anonymous fest. Please do not discuss specifics about your fic outside of your alpha and/or beta.
Sometimes real life gets in the way and you may need to drop out or get an extension. Please let us know as soon as possible via fest email ([email protected]) so we know whether we’re waiting on your submission or not.
When anon posting begins, we will post one work to the fest Tumblr and Discord each weekday with a link back to AO3. On Saturday a Weekly Round-Up will be posted. This will continue until we run out of fics and will end with a Master Post and Author Reveals.
No cross-posting until after the author reveals.
The fest account, MakeItMusical_Producers, must be added as a co-creator to your work. (We will drop our co-creator status as soon as the author reveals occur.)
NEW Podfic category this year! Any fic written for the fest last year is eligible to be podficced and included in this year’s fest collection. 
Each person may submit up to four prompts, anonymous or not, and include the following: 
Musical Title, and/or
Song title from said musical, and/or
Preferred character/pairing (may leave up to writer’s preference),
Maximum rating (may leave up to writer’s preference),
Special Requests
Writers are not obligated to follow every single detail of the prompt, but if they plan on gifting their fic to the prompter, then they should attempt to adhere to the original prompt if possible.
It is not mandatory to submit a prompt in order to claim a prompt, and vice versa. You may claim without submitting, or submit without claiming.
Submission Rules
All submissions will be hosted on AO3. If you are unsure how to do this in any way, then do not hesitate to contact us and we will help guide you through it.
After you complete your fic and post it to the AO3 collection, then send an email to [email protected] with the following information. (This is what we will use in Tumblr and Discord posts so be sure to double-check that everything is exactly how you want it to appear.)
SUBJECT LINE: Submission - Prompt # - Creator Name
BODY OF EMAIL: Title: (The title of your fic goes here.)  Author: (Your AO3 penname.) Tumblr: (If you have a Tumblr, then list your handle here.) Prompt #:  Ship: (If applicable.) Rating: (For more information, see the Ratings and Warnings section of the Archive Terms of Service.) Wordcount: Content Tags:  Summary:  Link to work on AO3: 
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hd-cluefest · 3 years ago
Fest Rules 2022
H/D Cluefest is an anonymous Drarry fest, celebrating the Mystery genre. 
Bring us your case fics and whodunnits and family intrigues. Bring us codes and ciphers, long-lost relatives, hardboiled detectives and elaborate schemes. Mysterious inheritances, spies, something on the tip of your tongue that you can’t quite remember? You’re in the right place. 
Clue Fest is for participants over 18 years old only. If we find out that you are under 18 before the fest posts, you will not be allowed to participate. If we find out after the fest posts, your work will be removed from the collection.
How do you know if your work/idea fits the fest?
We’re open to fic, art, and podfic. 
What kind of works are we looking for? The work should feature a mystery, and the characters’ attempts to solve it should be central to the plot. What kind of mystery? That’s up to you, but to give you an idea of what we’re looking for, it could be about:
a crime
a disappearance
a family secret
a hidden identity
a missing object
a conspiracy
lost memories
If you’re not sure if what you’re planning fits, you can always get in touch with the fest mods. We’re here to help.
Prompting: 1 October - 30 October 2021 Claiming: 1 November 2021 - 31 January 2022 Due: 15 February 2022 Posting: 1 March 2022 Reveals: in April 2022
Prompts should include a key question to be answered, e.g. “What does Draco know about the recent string of murders?”, “Why is Harry late to the office every Thursday?”, “Who stole the House Cup”, “Harry can’t remember what he did last week, but he knows it has something to do with Draco. What’s that blond git hiding?”
We suggest keeping prompts brief and open-ended.
Prompts won’t have a special request section but will include a space for potential squicks or triggers.
Here’s the Prompting form for the fest.
Self-prompting is very welcome.
There will be a section to submit self-prompts in the claiming form.
If your self-prompt doesn’t fit the theme of the fest, you may be asked to clarify or change it altogether.
Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art.
Claiming will be done via an Airtable form.
Collaborations are welcome — you can claim as a team/partnership.
The minimum word count is 1000 words. There’s no maximum.
The fics must be stand-alone pieces.
Every fic has to be a stand-alone piece, made exclusively for the fest.
All fics MUST be beta-read. If you don’t have a beta, please email the Clue Fest mods at [email protected].
We accept drawings, comics and illustrations. They can be digital or traditional.
We do not allow photo manips, moodboards, banners, or any copyrighted images.
Every art piece has to be a stand-alone, made exclusively for the fest. 
You may include a personal watermark if you’d like, but it’s not required.
The fic you chose must be at least 1000 words, there’s no maximum. 
The audio intro must include the title of the fic, the author’s name and any warnings that are major AO3 warnings (rape/non-con, underage, major character death, graphic depiction of violence, and creator chose not to use archive warnings). If you use any potentially triggering sound effects, such as a gunshot or screams, please also state that in the intro. 
You are free to include your name in the audio intro, but we advise against making your podfic anon. 
We’re going to use the honour system when it comes to permissions. If we are contacted by the original author stating that they did not grant permission for a podfic to be made, we will contact you for proof. If it’s not provided, your podfic will be immediately removed from the fest collection.
The mods will listen to your podfic before approving the podfic. This is to ensure all links work and that no big sections of the fics are missing. We’re not going to check if every single word is the exact same as in the fic. 
You’re allowed to create cover art for your podfic but please use images free of copyright.
You can include music in your podfic, provided it’s royalty-free. 
Please email the mods at [email protected] so we can verify the fic fits the fest theme before you start recording unless it’s from the list of last year’s fics. 
Exceptions are last year's entries that are available for podficcing. Here’s the list.
Once you’ve submitted your work to the collection, email the Clueless Mods at [email protected] with the submissions header.
Submission Header
Title: Author/Artist/Podficcer: AO3 name with a link to your page Tumblr: tumblr handle with a link to your tumblr Prompt # or Self-Prompt: Rating: Word Count/Medium/Length: Warnings: Summary: (or a short description of the artwork) Link to the work:
While you’re creating your submission, and until reveals have gone up, please keep your work anonymous. This means not discussing it in public (e.g. Tumblr, Discord) or showing it to anyone, except for a reasonable number of alpha/beta reader(s)/cheerleaders.
There’s no obligation to gift your fic/art to your prompter, but you can if you want to. If you are planning on gifting the fic or art, please stick to the list of squicks/triggers in the prompt.
Drop out and Extension
If you need to drop out for some reason, please let us know as soon as possible. We fully understand that life can get in the way of things. 
Get in touch as soon as you think you might need an extension, and we’ll see what we can do to help you. 
The Mods for Cluefest 2022 are @p1013, @slytherco , @evaeleanor
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teaespensonawards · 3 years ago
2022 TEA Nominations Open!
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It’s 2022 T.E.A. Nomination time!
Not sure where the last year has gone, but the time has come once again! It’s time let us know which fics and artwork you enjoyed (and that helped you survive) over the past 12 months. Go back, re-live the joy, and tell us which of those fan creations you want to see on the 2022 T.E.A. ballot!
Nominations begin January 2, 2022 Nominations are due by January 23, 2022, 11:59 pm (CST)
Just in case you need a refresher on T.E.A. Rules, there’s a link to them
Here is the Submit Page, freshly cracked open, where you can send in your nominations. Don’t forget to include the work’s title and its creator when nominating fic and art! And please be sure you have the creator correct. It would also be super helpful if you would make sure that the works you nominate are eligible, as the mod cannot verify each and every one of hundreds of nomination. 
Keep in mind that during the nominations phase, you can submit as many nominations as you like. You’re not limited to one nomination per category. Nominate out the wazoo, if you feel like it! And if you forget something, you can come back and nominate more creations all the way up to the due date.
Hit up our Ask Box if you have any questions!
((Apparently tumblr is having issues with anything showing up in tags. What a shock. At this point, please just reblog to help your fellow Rumbellers see this post, I don’t know. *sigh*))
And now, the categories for the 2022 T.E.A.s! Below is the list you’ll copy and paste into the blank on the Submit Page to send in. Please click through the read-more here to see the full list of categories for which you can nominate fandom creations for this year. Look out below!
(Note: we are aware that some categories might not apply this year, such as events that didn’t take place in 2021. That’s okay. Just skip them where needed.)
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family)
Best First Time
Best Afterlife Smut
Hurts so good
Best Date (Overall)
Best Hamburger Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting
Best RomCom
Best Bathing Scene
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep Fic
Best Comedy Fic
Best Movie AU
Best Book AU
Best TV Show AU
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU
Best AU
Best Series
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Castle
Best Storybrooke
Best Travel (taking place outside of Storybrooke or Dark Castle)
Best “Missing Years” Fic (taking place between Gideon’s birthday party and That Thing that happened in ‘Beauty’)
Best Argument (Angst)
Best Argument (Fluff)
Best Golden Lace
Best Woven Lace
Best Woven Beauty
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire
Best Side Pairing
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama
Best Supernatural
Best Sci-Fi
Best Horror
Best Creature AU
Best Unexpected Twist
Best Dark One Lore Fic
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked)
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic
Best Trope
Best Trend
Best Meta
Best Prompter
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Rumbelle Summer Gift Exchange
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Rumbelle is Hope
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Rumbelle Big Bang
Best Belle
Best Dark One!Belle
Best AU Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum
Best Wish!Rumple
Best Baelfire/Neal
Best Gideon
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/wingman
Best Fan Art
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Best AU in Art (encompassing traditional art, gif sets, still photo sets, etc.)
Best Fluff Art
Best Angsty Art
Best Smutty Art
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Best Dark One Form
Best Use of Color
Best Video
Best Artist
Best New Artist
- Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
- Newbie Spotlight This award goes to people who began contributing to the Rumbelle fandom since the last T.E.A.s. Those eligible include new writers, artists, gif-makers, etc. Anyone who creates content for the fandom. This category is not voted upon - every newbie whose name is put forth is added to the Spotlight list so that older members of the fandom can get to know them and their work!
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better-than-firewhisky · 4 years ago
Happy Hinny Day!!
This is my little contribution to the Hinny Ficfest, so kindly organised by wonderful @clarensjoy. I’ve used the prompt 75, "By the gods! You love her... don't you?", though I’ve changed it a little to fit the fic better. Hope the prompter doesn’t mind!
I was (and still am) very doubtful about posting this or not. The last part is dreadful (I might change it if I can think of something better), so is the title, and I don’t think it’s Hinny enough for such an important occasion. But Clare has been very kind organising this fest and I don’t want to miss the party.
I have always loved the fics where Harry talks about Ginny to someone else, so here’s a little conversation between him and Hermione before Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It might be off character but, well, it’s called fan fiction for something.
Again, English is not my first language, I hate prepositions and adverbs, and I can be a mess with verb tenses. So, if you find any mistake, I’d be grateful if you could let me know so that I can correct it.
Thanks again to Clare for having organised this fest. I can’t wait to have the time to enjoy each and every work submitted!!
It was four in the morning and his mind kept drifting tirelessly from Dumbledore’s will to Ginny’s lips.
Though, being honest, and despite knowing that he should be more focused on the Deluminator, the book and the Snitch as they had to be somehow important, the remembrance of having Ginny in his arms again was becoming much more predominant in his mind as the minutes went by.
As if her mere presence around wasn’t making it already hard for him to focus since the moment he had arrived at The Burrow. Just an anguished half an hour next to her and he almost surrendered and threw his arms around her, without worrying about who else was in the room, just like the first time. And then she took his hand when she knew he needed it, so naturally it hurt.
He knew he was pining. He had been pining since he stood up from his chair next to Ginny’s at Dumbledore’s funeral, after doing what he knew he had to do but hadn’t had the guts to do before. It had already been bad when he was in Privet Drive, and now he not only smelled flowers everywhere but still could feel her lips and her body against his.
With a quiet groan, Harry removed the sheet that had tangled around his legs from tossing and turning for hours, put his glasses on, took his wand, threw an envious look to peacefully-sleeping-Ron, and left the room. There would be no way to fall asleep if he couldn’t take Ginny out of his mind, if he couldn’t stop wondering whether the kiss they had shared that morning in her room was definitely going to be the last.
He tried to not make a sound when he descended the stairs to the kitchen, throwing a longing look at the closed door on the first floor landing as he passed by it, exited outside and took a seat at one of the back steps to the dark yard.
He had his eyes fixed on the flag on top of the marquee, trying to empty his mind and enjoy the silence and the cool summer breeze, when he got startled by the sound of the door opening behind him. For a second he equally wished and feared it was Ginny, but turned his head and saw it was Hermione in her pyjamas and a dressing gown.
‘So you couldn’t sleep either,’ she said, sitting beside him. ‘I heard footsteps on the stairs.’
‘No, I couldn’t,’ he was looking at the top of the marquee again and his reply sounded drier than he’d liked. He wasn’t annoyed by her presence, but had wanted to spend some time alone all the same. Harry wondered if she had expected to find someone else when she had left Ginny’s room after the footsteps she had heard.
They spent some minutes in silence before Hermione spoke.
‘It’s been quite an overwhelming day, has’t it? With your birthday, Scrimgeur’s visit and Dumbledore’s will... and what happened this morning with Ginny…’
Harry immediately took his wand and casted Muffliato around them.
‘Are you mental?’ he said, ‘You could be heard, her room is just above us.’
There was another moment of silence, and Harry hoped that the turn Hermione seemed to want the conversation to take was lost with it. But he should have known better, he should have distracted her and kept on talking about what Dumbledore wanted them to do with the objects he had left them.
‘I’m sorry,’ Hermione was talking quietly, looking at him, ‘wish I had been able to keep Ron away from Ginny’s room for longer.’
Harry changed his stare from the top of the tent to his knees and gave a tired, resigned sigh.
‘It was not your fault, I shouldn’t have entered there… but I don’t want to talk about that.’
But Hermione completely disregarded.
‘Well, from what Ron has told me and the little I saw when I arrived after him, it seemed that you were enjoying it a lot for someone who reckons that he shouldn’t have been there.’
Harry groaned and finally looked at her. She had a little smile on her face, almost sorry.
‘So you and Ron have been talking about it?’ he asked.
‘Yes, we have. When you went back to the house after your argument we stayed a little longer in the yard. I told him he shouldn’t meddle like that.’
‘Bet he didn’t like it.’
‘No, he didn’t, but I can understand him, just like I understand why you followed Ginny into her room,’ Hermione made a little pause before she continued. ‘He said that you are like a brother to him, but she is his sister. He told me that she spent several days locked in her room when they got back from Hogwarts, and that she had a very long face. He doesn’t want her to feel that bad again after we leave.’
Harry looked back at his knees. He would feel guiltier if he hadn’t been in a very similar mood the weeks he spent in Privet Drive, but couldn’t avoid thinking that he was a prat, that he should have comforted her somehow when she couldn’t look at him after Ron had interrupted them instead of leaving the bedroom just like he did.
‘I don’t want her to, either,’ he said.
‘I know, Harry. And I know that you miss her too.’
Harry groaned again and rubbed his eyes behind his glasses.
‘Hermione, please, I really, really don’t want to talk about Ginny’.
But she disregarded again.
‘Really? Don’t you want to know that I have talked to her this afternoon too?’ Hermione asked, making Harry look at her again, now there was a mischievous smirk on her face.
‘What are you playing at? Look who’s meddling! You could use all that effort for -,’ but she didn’t let him finish.
‘She was angry, said she should have asked you to close the door with magic but she forgot. She’s told me that she couldn’t stand that your last kiss was an ordinary one, she wanted to give you a proper kiss before we left, one you would remember.’
‘Well, she did,’ he mumbled, noticing he was slightly blushing with the remembrance, thinking that he would remember every single kiss they had shared. ‘What’s got into you? You’re not this gossip normally.’
Hermione took some seconds to reply.
‘We’re about to leave, but we don’t know what we’re going to do. We’re here spending some days of summer in the Burrow as always, but everything's different. Everything’s strained,’ she paused again, and then shrugged. ‘There’s a wedding tomorrow, when will we have the chance to have a good time again? To celebrate something? I reckon we all deserve some happiness these days. You clearly miss Ginny, and she misses you too. I think you’re not doing anything bad if you two want to spend some time snogging before the storm.’
Harry laughed. How simple and complicated, all at once.
‘It’s not that easy, Hermione,’ he said, ignoring her sceptical look. ‘And you? Are you doing something that makes you happy these days?
‘Well, I must confess that Ginny has been some kind of inspiring today,’ there wasn’t much light at the Burrow’s back porch, but Harry could see that Hermione’s cheeks had turned light pink. ‘I want to have a good time tomorrow, I’m going to drink champagne and dance as much as I can, and whatever.’
‘And whatever?’ asked Harry, incredulous.
‘Yeah, whatever - whatever it takes me to.’
‘With a certain someone?’
Hermione didn’t reply, just blushed a little more and nodded very slightly, as if she didn’t want to confirm more clearly something that was unsaid - but very clear for Harry indeed.
‘I don’t think you will need to make a big effort to… whatever,’ he said, and both smiled at each other.
There were other few minutes of silence. Harry tried but failed to not think about what it would mean for their mission if something between Ron and Hermione happened before they left, or during the time they were away. It shouldn’t affect them much (after all, if things had taken a normal course instead of what had happened, Ron and Hermione should have gotten together last year), but maybe it would feel weird all the same, maybe he would feel a bit lonely, maybe he would miss Ginny even more.
‘Harry, can I ask you something?’ Hermione said, getting him out of his thoughts. He didn’t reply, but nodded. ‘This morning, when you and Ron were arguing about Ginny, there was a moment that you went from angry to… to some kind of miserable, I reckon,’ Harry nodded again, slowly, also feeling miserable again too. ‘It was when you said that she doesn’t expect you both to end up married… What -?’
‘I realised,’ he said before she could finish the question, slowly and avoiding her look, ‘that she is free and I’m not. That someday, she will marry someone.’
‘And you think it will not be you.’
He didn’t reply, the thought already felt way too painful in his mind, he couldn’t say it out loud.
‘Oh my God,’ she continued, ‘you love her… don’t you? You really do. I suspected it, but it’s true!’
Harry was not looking at her, but could feel her stare. The sound of her voice was excited, as if what she was saying was the best thing that could happen to him. But it wasn’t. He kept silent and she seemed to understand, for when she spoke again her mood wasn’t that bright.
‘In case you don’t know, Ginny is determined to wait for you.’
This made him even more miserable, though he couldn’t help feeling something very warm spreading in his chest at the same time.
‘She shouldn’t,’ he said. ‘I don’t know if I will be back, or how long it will take. She may be wasting her time’.
Hermione suddenly hugged him, it took him by surprise. He patted the arm she had on his front before she retreated. Harry finally looked at her and saw that she had watery eyes.
‘It’s not fair,’ she said.
They fell silent again, Harry hoped that the conversation was finally over. There wasn’t much more to say. The thought of Ginny meeting someone else, falling in love with someone else, went through him like a million icy knives. But he didn’t like the thought of sad-waiting-Ginny either. He just wanted her to be happy. However it was.
‘So what did Ron get you for your birthday?’ she asked, making Harry glad that the conversation about Ginny seemed finally over indeed. ‘He didn’t tell me.’
‘A book.’
‘Which one?’
‘Er - a book about Quidditch’.
‘What about Quidditch?’
‘It’s… some kind of guide… practical advice and techniques.’
‘You can give it to me in the morning if you want to take it with you, so that I can pack it with the rest of the books we’re taking’.
‘No, don’t worry, I’ll leave it here, I won’t need it,’ he said, thinking of Ginny.
They spent some more time there, not talking much, before agreeing that they should get back into the house and try to have some sleep.
When Harry woke up late in the morning he was alone in Ron's bedroom and could hear a lot of hustle from the yard. He sat up in bed, put his glasses on and found his copy of Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches exactly where he had left it the day before, on the improvised nightstand beside the camp bed. He took it and turned some pages randomly until something strange caught his eye, he recognised Ron’s handwriting below the title of Chapter 7, ‘So you messed it up: how to get your witch back’:
You might find this helpful someday.
So, after all, Ron was not upset about him and Ginny snogging or getting back together, he was upset about timing.
Harry smiled, planning to read Chapter 7 if he succeeded in finishing the mission Dumbledore had given him. There was nothing he wished more than the chance of being the man waiting for Ginny at the end of the aisle.
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galladrabbles · 3 years ago
Galladrabbles with a Capital G!
Six months ago I got offered a bet. And Evie (@energievie) already knew me, Vey (@look-i-love-u), well enough at this point to know I can neither say no to a good bet, nor to a writing challenge. So the first Galladrabble, still without a title, happened in November. I won the bet and Evie had to write it. So it continued for a three months.
Ten weeks ago monthly bets turned into the weekly "galladrabbles". Evie and I enjoyed the many challenges too much to just leave them for once a month. Even though I'm not sure if it's the writing or 'getting the worst reaction out of each other' - that we enjoyed more.
But #galladrabbles was born and for a few weeks things went back and forth between the two of us. We wrote drabbles for each other's prompts and exchanged many messages dreaming about maybe other people wanting to join in and what everyone would come up with for our prompts and how amazing it would be to spread the drabble joy (and let's be honest: fun and frustration that come along with them sometimes.)
And then it happened! We don't know how. We don't know why... but suddenly a few wonderful people wanted to join in. So this blog was made and....
... we made it to double figures this week! Galladrabbles! With a capital G!
There are now twelve great writers and prompters who created eleven (!!!) galladrabbles this week.
It does feel like a dream has come true. I know it feels like that for me and I think, Evie, too.
So I, we, really would like to say thank you to everyone participating. As a writer. As a reader. As a liker and reblogger and commentator. As a prompter. As someone who may roll their eyes but deals with having the tags flooded on Wednesday (we really probably should work on that a little bit XD). Thank you, very much!
And in case you missed it: Lily, @tsuga-of-mars, says thank you too and shared a "O.O" kind of pic that inspired her prompt this week.
And to wrap things up quickly: The prompt and author pages are up to date now.
Evie will post the drabbles to AO3 on Mondays now in case someone posts their drabble on Sunday.
And a shout out to Maria, @mzshko, it's your turn to set the prompt tomorrow. Please submit it via ask to this blog. I'm looking forward to catching whatever you throw at us!
Oh! And last but not least: Evie and I live in European timezones so if it takes a short while to get your drabbles reblogged to galladrabbles or your questions answered... that's probably why ;)
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years ago
A Talek Of Broken Arrows
Part One Of Two, Rated K.
Written By: @mellarked-katnisseverdeen or @albinokittens300
Prompt 85: Arranged Marriage!Everlark. (Not medieval necessarily but ‘old time’ setting) Peeta and Katniss have been betrothed since they were children, but have only seen each other through portraits/paintings. Both grow resentful of their arranged marriage, and act up against it; K being as wild and unladylike as possible: hunting, wearing trousers, riding bareback; P being a rake, silver tongue con artist, etc. A month before their wedding, they meet at a The Hub (black market/pub/whatever disresputable place you want it to be) and bet at arm wrestling against each other. Is it love at first sight? Do they armwrestle each other? Do they recognize one another? Will there be smut because ‘hey, we’ll be marry in a month anyway’? Writers choice! [submitted by @alliswell21]
Summery: A secret trip to the underground market goes unexpectedly for Price Peeta Mellark when he happens to run into his betrothed, Lady Katniss Everdeen.
A/N- This prompt was so, is much more difficult that it had any right in the world to be every. This is literally the 5th different story I tried based on it…but I think it was worth it and defiantly love what I did! And I think prompter will too :). It is quite a beast, being split into two parts. Sadly, the other won’t be done by the deadline but it is written! Just in need of some editing so bear with me a day or two for the follow up. Please enjoy, and leave a reply, reblog or like if you feel like it!
Peeta is only brought to the attention of the woman in his path as he slams into her harshly. The chat between him and his guard, a close friend named Finnick, is silenced, and he instantly turns to the woman he had rudely bumped into. Thankfully, she is still standing and seems only slightly disoriented, two other ladies checking on her. The young Prince is relieved. Both that he avoided hurting the young woman, and the attention he would get if he had.
That’s when he hears it, the breaking of wood as people walk the busy pathways in the stall.
Arrows, brand new ones, scattered the pathway as people stepped on and destroyed them. A cart passes with goods, breaking others. The empty quiver in the woman’s arms glares back at him.
Before Peeta can apologize, offer to get her a new set of arrows, she turns to round on him, and they both give a slight pause. The face looking back at the familiar, but also not familiar at all.
They are reminded of the life they leave behind when they enter this dark, damp alleyway. Prince Peeta didn’t disappear when he visited the Hob with only his closest friends and guards to trade his paintings. Lady Katniss Everdeen of the Seam Vally didn’t vanish when she snuck here to buy the arrows her mother forbade her from using. And the betrothal they’ve had for as long as they can remember doesn’t go away when they are stood face to face.
For years they only have seen portraits, and they continue the standoff for a moment to take in the other. Katniss thinks his painting should not have done away with his curls he has now. Peeta had only seen her in full royal dress, a large, expensive red gown she had been painted in. The green, simpler dress with dark purple trim suits her better.
For a moment, they are silent, and it seems to go unspoken. There would be no attention brought to titles or their real lives here. Not surrounded by dangerous people, some of them buying knives and swords.
The moment is over, and soon she realizes every one of the two dozen arrows are destroyed in the pathway by now. It has taken so long to sneak out to get them, and now her hunting trip surely would be for naught. Anger returns, making her stand straighter and approach this man. “You knocked my arrows into the street!” She hisses. “Did you spare any second to look where you were going?”
“No, no, I am so sorry, Miss. Truly I am! This was my doing; I should have been paying closer attention. Please allow me to replace them for you.” Peeta quickly responds, seeing the splinters that were left of her purchase.
Katniss doesn’t know whether it is pride or plain rage that causes her to snap further in her anger. It seems fitting; the man she would be married off to in a month would destroy the small bit of freedom she was still able to possess. Now he wants to act courteously like he can brush this away by repaying her? The fire in her flares ever higher.
“You will do no such thing. I don’t need pity from the likes of you.”
Peeta was taken aback by the response, but after a moment, he understands. Being given false kindness and pleasantries is part of being a Prince. Even though he was genuinely sorry for causing the destruction of her arrows, he knew how it looked. Acting nice to get in her good graces so close to their wedding. After a moment, an idea popped into his head.
They would have to spend the rest of their lives together. And he certainly didn’t want to make a habit of making his future wife unhappy. Her way it would be.
“Very well. Then I challenge you. Whatever you like, but if you win, I get you twice the arrows broken. If I win, nothing needs to be repaid.” Finnick looked at him with green eyes wide, but he kept his own eyes on the woman now bent, trying to gather the metal ends of the arrows. Relieved when she pauses and seems to consider his proposition.
When she stands, her arms shot straight out from under her cloak. The hood falls and reveals her full faces and hair in a tight braid falling down her back. Katniss’s voice is raised at the excitement of putting this pompous Prince in his place. “You have a wager. I choose arm wrestling.”
It was another ‘unladylike’ thing Katniss’s mother had forbidden that she retained some skill in. And she can’t imagine a prince would be strong enough to best her, who rode horses and hunted, right? Certainly, she was sure to win at such a competition. Peeta has a curious look across his face but reaches out and shakes her hand. A handful of people in the crowd started to pause and watch.
The blond man steps closer and shakes her hand, solidifying their agreement. With a slightly better view than before, she notices that he had commoner’s clothes on, opposed to the regal garb in his portrait.
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rivalsforlife · 5 years ago
The Miles Dadworth Fic Rec List
List last updated: May 14 2021
Hopefully comprehensive list of fics of Miles Edgeworth Being A Father. This can be heavily implied or him outright adopting a kid. Not filtered through for quality, I just picked all the ones I could find easily.
Here’s how it works: I went through the 29 fics in the platonic Miles&Kay tag on ao3 that weren’t also tagged with the ship (gross), and skimmed through the fics that listed them both in the character tags. I also went through the platonic Sebastian&Miles tag. (Pretty much all the Sebastian fics are under the aai2 spoilers category regardless of how much spoilers are actually in there, just to be on the safe side!) I picked out ones that were either Miles Is A Dad or at least had heavy Dad vibes, and in which that relationship played a major if not were the sole focus of the story.
I didn’t go through Trucy’s tag yet because it’s the largest and also overlaps heavily with narumitsu - and while I love the ship, I wanted to focus on platonic relationships here, and didn’t really want to break down if each fic is more Miles&Trucy focused or narumitsu focused. Maybe later! I also didn’t go through the fics with original child characters for Miles -- though if you have any, lmk and I’ll add in a category for them, it counts as Dadworth too.
In the interest of being transparent as possible, these options are probably going to be biased. I read over or at least skimmed all of the fics submitted here before I put together this list, and therefore, I probably missed some that are tagged under ships that I personally dislike. As long as the ship isn’t something egregious, feel free to recommend it preferably with the Dadworth parts you like pointed out to me, and I’ll add it!
Now that those disclaimers are done… each of the fics below is sorted into one of three categories based on spoilers. There’s the link, followed by the title, author, rating, word count, and completion status (most are complete) along with any notes I thought might be helpful, such as which Dadworth relationship it focuses on but also any content warnings. Check them out and send the authors your love!
If you have any recommendations for the list, whether that’s because it’s on a non-ao3 site, under a ship I avoided, under a Dadworth relationship I didn’t search for, or I just plain missed something… send me a message either here or on twitter @rivalsforlife with a link to the fic! 
Similarly, if one of your fics on this list and you don’t want it to be, let me know and I’ll remove you from it, no hard feelings!
Full list under the “keep reading”.
Relatively Spoiler-Free Recs
… like it’s not going to be totally spoiler-free, but no major spoilers for anything released post-AJ unless stated otherwise.
Surprise Visit, by tellezara. T, 1385 words, complete. Not explicitly Dadworth, but Kay breaks into Miles’s house and meets Phoenix. Background narumitsu.
Means to an End by xtwilightzx. T, 24653 words, complete. Miles + Kay and a little bit of Miles + Trucy, again there’s narumitsu haha oops there’s gonna be a lot of those. It’s a spy+secret agent AU, I kind of just went through the Kay parts when adding it so I didn’t read over a lot of it and it’s been a while since I read it the first time. Not a fluffy piece, so tread carefully!
startling conclusions., by snowweiss. G, 3589 words, complete. Mainly Miles + Trucy and also Kay is there, and again, background narumitsu. 
The Little Things, by TelepathJeneral. G, 1838 words, complete. Miles+Kay, literally tagged “the ‘dad who isn’t a dad’” so. Yeah.
By the Skies, by potatomin. G, 1893 words, complete. Miles + Kay, not outright dad-stuff and can be read as friendship-only but here I am anyways claiming it
Turnabout Road Trip, by AutisticWriter. G, 1032 words, complete. Miles + Kay, not outright dad stuff but there’s a line implying it. Miles and Kay go to the Stonewall Inn, and there’s implied narumitsu.
Dear Kay, by chariset. T, 3790 words, complete. As the name would suggest it’s Miles + Kay. Contains spoilers for Dual Destinies, largely narumitsu focused, and a few lines that are nsfw-ish (for the narumitsu) but nothing graphic.
Jingleheimer Schmidt, by Meowzee. T, 2702 words, complete. It’s an AU where Miles has adopted (younger) Kay, Sebastian, and Ema, running into Phoenix who has adopted Trucy and (younger) Apollo and (human?) Charley. There’s a bit of implied narumitsu in there I think.
The Track Meet, by Auste. G, 2053 words, complete. Kay invites Miles and Gumshoe to her track meet. It’s not outright Dadworth, can be read as friendship only, but it’s implied in a few places.
An Unexpected Embrace, by PaleSkiessss. G, 2493 words, complete. Miles+Kay, there’s a spoiler for the victim of AAI case 4 in there but since I don’t think it’s an outright spoiler it’s here. Warning for kidnapping and hopsitals.
A Real Hero, by agoldengalaxy. G, 1609 words, complete. Miles+Kay, it takes place after aai2 but there aren’t any spoilers for it in here. 
The Single-Dads-In-Law-Enforcement Club, by milesedgeworthy (glassandroses). T, 1063 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. AU where Miles adopts Kay (who is aged down in this). Narumitsu seems to be a future focus, there’s also Gumshoe/Maggey and Mia/Diego. 
Long Known Facts, by Laquilasse. G, 3010 words, complete. Miles+Kay and Miles+Trucy, along with Miles+Gregory (various Dadworth flavours!). Miles turns 36 and reflects on the loss of his father; it’s a little heavy, naturally, but has a hopeful ending. Narumitsu is there as a pairing. Warning for past suicidal thinking.
Looking Past the Blindside, by AuthorForHire. G, 2808 words, complete. Miles+Kay, watching the beginning of Turnabout Succession (hence, AA4 spoilers).
From Borginia, with Love, by Inkblot0Blue. G, 678 words, complete (but reportedly part of an earlier abandoned(?) work). Miles+Kay and Miles+Sebastian, but no spoilers pop up regarding Sebastian.
Found, by BexDaBex. G, 318 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles finds Kay crying in the prosecutor’s office.
To the victor goes the spoils, by Verse. G, 499 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles spends a ridiculous amount of money on Kay. Warning that, while the fic itself is fine and absolutely dadworth, it is based on a prompt and the prompter mentions it as a ship in the prompt. (Again, the fic itself is fine, just brace yourself for that if needed.)
Making the Most, by digitaldreams. G, 2000 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles introduces Kay to Phoenix. narumitsu is in this one.
AAI Spoilers
For fics that contain spoilers for the first investigations game, but not the second.
Room 1202, by AquilaMage, G, 2950 words, complete. A bit of Miles + Kay stuff, but mostly Kay and Trucy sister-like bonding fluff!
Late Night, by agoldengalaxy. G, 1270 words, complete. Miles + Kay, post-AAI.
Turnabout Smokescreen, by chariset. T, 61036 words, complete. This is a multi-chapter casefic, it’s not super Dadworth focused but believe me it is in there, Miles + Kay. Some SOJ spoilers, not very fluffy, and I didn’t read over it before adding it to the list since it’s so long, so there may be some warnings or spoilers that I missed!
Promises, by an orphaned account :(. G, 1390 words, complete. Miles + Kay, Miles signs her promise notebook.
Two in the Bush, by Rosage. G, 4568 words, complete. Miles has adopted Kay in this, and some Kay+Trucy interactions plus Protective Dad Phoenix -- it’s not a fluffy fic, though, deals with moral ambiguity + Actual Yatagarasu Kay.
Spreading Her Wings, by Auste. G, 1542 words, complete. Less Dadworth and more Miles as a mentor to Kay, on her first day as a prosecutor, but I’m counting it in this anyways.
Father and daughter, by thewritingchip. G, 370 words, complete. Miles + Kay. Kay misses her father.
Coming out, by Verse. G, 977 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay comes out as trans to Miles. Content warning for an instance of unintentional deadnaming in the fic.
Never Lose You, by Leave_the_cravat. T, 13800 words, incomplete as of the time I’m writing this. Miles+Kay, Miles get shot and his friends/found family wait for him to recover. Evidently, content warning for gun violence and hospitals; more detailed warnings in the chapters.
Here, by lesbiantoddhoward.  G, 1194 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay works through some of her trauma post-AAI with the help of Miles. Not outright dadworth, but can be read as such.
AAI2 Spoilers
For fics that contain any amount of spoilers for the second investigations game.
Childswap, by theacegrace, aka me… sorry for the self-promotion haha but it fits. G, 11781 words, complete, has Miles’ relationships with Trucy + Kay + Sebastian (and also background, heavily implied narumitsu)
“family.”, by snowweiss. G, 2403 words, complete, features Miles’ relationships with Kay and Trucy and also narumitsu. No major plot spoilers but some implied ones through aai2 case 3 and 4.
These Children Are Not Objections, But I Will Raise Them!, by organicgold. G, 12368 words, complete. Has a whole bunch of platonic relationships you can see in the tags and also narumitsu. Some plot spoilers re: Sebastian
Edgeworth Gets Glasses, by Pinkstar14, G, 1516 words, complete. There aren’t any aai2 plot spoilers but Ray and Sebastian do show up in this. A bit of Miles and Sebastian, and Miles and Kay. Also Gregory’s Ever-Looming Presence, because technically he’s a dadworth too.
a great thief has to eat too, by polly_perks. G, 1357 words, complete. Some spoilers for cases 4 and 5 in here, focused on Miles and Kay. Miles gives Kay college advice.
Family Found, by MortisBane. G, 2422 words, complete. Spoilers are just General Sebastian things, but it’s outright dadworth with Kay and Sebastian.
Marked, by AquilaMage. T, 2112 words, complete. Kind of like one of those “soulmate AUs” except skin-to-skin contact with someone who truly loves you, whether that’s platonic, familial, or romantic, results in marks. Has some Miles + Sebastian dad stuff, but Miles also has Sebastian and Kay living with him. There’s also the Klavier/Sebastian ship. Warnings for implied child abuse.
That Warm Familiar Feeling, by ShyAura. G, 3091 words, complete. It’s an AU where Kay and Seb are aged down and Miles adopts them. Again warnings for implied child abuse in this re: Blaise.
Sleeping on Talent, by StrawhatsAndDeliberds. G, 10258 words, complete. Mostly Miles + Sebastian focused, but Miles adopts both him and Kay after the events of aai2 (or at least lets them live in his house.)
With a Chip in his Shoulder, by StrawhatsAndDeliberds. G, 80179 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. Much like the one above, Miles+Sebastian focused but Kay is there too. (I’m not sure if this is supposed to be part of a series or not, but it’s similar with Sebastian working through his issues!)
Surprises and Pride, by agoldengalaxy. G, 2848 words, complete. Miles+Kay but Sebastian is there too, I don’t think there are any aai2 spoilers but since it takes place post-aai2 and Sebastian is there, I put it here just to be safe!
Awfully Quiet, by rainingbluegold. G, 1079 words, complete. Miles+Kay and Miles+Sebastian, Miles cheers them up after the events of aai2.
Home Is Where The Heart Is, by JJsADragon. G, 5887 words, complete. Miles+Kay - Miles tries to figure out Kay’s secret about where she’s been staying throughout the course of the investigations games. 
Birds of a Feather, by theacegrace (oh look it’s me again). G, 8738 words, complete. Miles+Kay (with a little bit of Miles+Gregory). Five times Miles reminds Kay of her father, and one time Miles reminds himself of his own.
Warm Welcome, by debestefarewell. G, 551 words, complete. Miles+Sebastian - Sebastian gets a REAL dad.
Of Revelations and Wedding Bells, by Hotel_Japanifornia. G, 1330 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay is getting married (to an ambiguous/unknown partner) and Miles walks her down the aisle.
schön rosmarin, by KiwiKat_Writes. T, 13885 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. Miles+Sebastian and some Miles+Kay. Sebastian gets a dog! Warnings for some child abuse (Blaise being horrible), mentioned animal death at the beginning. (I haven’t had the time to read this one in detail yet, so let me know if I missed something.)
Smile Through the Memories, by VonKarmasWhip. T, 2490 words, complete. Miles+Kay, where Miles adopts Kay and deals with memories and doubts about being a father. There’s Gregbadd in the beginning of this and mentions of narumitsu and faraskye.
A Different Kind of Lullaby, by JJsADragon. T, 4101 words, complete. Miles+Sebastian, Sebastian calls Miles in the middle of the night wondering what happened to his mother. Content warning for Blaise being terrible, so implied/referenced child abuse and neglect.
Photosynthesize, by UtterPandamonium. T, 2140 words, incomplete at the time of writing this. Miles+Kay, with Miles and Phoenix and their accidental child acquisitions. No spoilers yet, but I’m putting it here just in case there is. narumitsu and franmaya are tagged as relationships in here.
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miraculousfanworks · 9 months ago
Writing Prompt: "Ladybug is Who??"
Crack fic that is Set in season 5, where Lila was already exposed, rumors start to go around that Lila is Ladybug. Of course this reaches Chat Noir and the rest of the team who currently don’t have a miraculous. Betrayed, Chat decides to get the team together to help defeat Ladybug. Alya tries her best without giving anything away that she isn’t Ladybug, yet no one believes her.
Rena Rouge: I’m telling you, Lila is not Ladybug!!! Chat Noir: Oh really, and how do you know?? Rena: I just do!! Chat this is ridiculous!! Chat: No you’re ridiculous!!! Everyone else: Yea! Rena: Ugh… Chat: We are going to take her miraculous and give it to someone who rightfully deserves it…Marinette!! She was great as Multimouse, she would be an amazing Ladybug! Everyone agrees Rena: …I’m done…
Prompt by: Mickeyfan1
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elsanna-shenanigans · 4 years ago
Actual April Fanfiction Contest
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Jokes come and go (and yes, the submissions for the fake April prompt will be published soon), but it’s time for the real prompt of this month.
prompt: Break. Whether it’s a short, well-deserved break from work, a longer break in the academic year, a break up, a breakthrough, a breakoff, a breakdown, a break in or out, any break physical, metaphorical or psychological... give our girls their break. Or break them. word limit: min. 1000 and max. 6500 words lemon: no, but lime: yes! Only non-descriptive, ambiguous citrussy elements are allowed - think in the realm of popular young adult TV series. obligatory: no gruesome injury details and ABSOLUTELY NO ANKLE INJURY (explained below) bonus: include a body of water, title 2-3 words long, include ‘Say it...out loud’ as line of dialogue (explained below)
Please also tag your story (if it has any of it) for: angst, tragedy, major character death, violence or abuse, suicide mentions, horror elements or anything not mentioned here that you think might make your readers uncomfortable. Non-/dub-con is NOT ALLOWED, unless it is an important part of the story and not described in detail/used as cheap thrills/glorified. Be mindful and respectful, and of course tag it properly!
OBLIGATORY restriction 1: no gruesome injury details (for any character.) If you choose to include any injuries for plot reasons, please do not spend two entire paragraphs describing them in gruesome/gory details. Obligatory restriction means if your story contains gruesome injury details it will be disqualified.
OBLIGATORY restriction 2: ABSOLUTELY no ankle injuries of any kind (for any character.) Please take this restriction very seriously, as it is a strong trigger for the prompter, who chose to make sure there are no stories she can’t read this month. Obligatory restriction means if your story contains any kind of ankle injury it will be disqualified.
means your story will still be posted (unless it breaks our general contest rules) but will not be eligible to win.
Bonus restriction 1: Water. Include a natural body of water - this also includes rivers/streams AND reservoirs/artificial lakes/canals (which technically are not natural, but we decided they deserve love) but not artificial vanity stuff like pools, koi ponds etc. Despite being natural, puddles are excluded from this bonus.
Bonus restriction 2: Title. Pick a title for your story that is either 2 or 3 words long. EVERY word of the title counts for this (including ‘the‘ and ‘a‘ as well as names), and words will be counted even if there is no space between them (so, ‘ThePrincess and TheQueen’ and ‘onetimeannasaidyes’ would both be counted as 5 words.)
Bonus restriction 3: Dialogue line. Include the line “Say it...out loud.” as a dialogue line for either Elsa or Anna. You can choose to keep it with ellipsis or drop the ellipsis, and you can even break up this line as long as it is said by the same character in the same paragraph (so, “Say it...” Elsa gulped. “Out loud.” will count for this bonus.)
These are not obligatory restrictions, however following them will be rewarded with an additional point in the favorites column for every bonus. In other words, stories that don’t include any of the restrictions will start off with 0 base favorite votes, those that do - with 1, 2 or 3.
Read the contest rules (link in the pinned post on the blog) before participating. We’ll be accepting submissions through the submit button on our blog starting today till May 4th (not the end of the month - we’re giving back the time spent on the April Fool’s joke). Please remember to submit anonymously to make sure the voting is impartial!
If you have any questions, send us an ask or join us on discord (link in the pinned post on our blog).
Happy writing!
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hp-mcd-fest · 2 years ago
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Kill Your Darlings 2022 - Anon Master list, prompts, & stats 💜💀💚
First of all, a huge thanks to everyone who participated — prompters, writers, artists, beta readers, and cheerleaders. Without you, this fest would not have been possible.
Now, onto the fun stuff.
The entirety of the master list with each their prompt will be found below the cut.
💀Stats 💀
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We had 55 claimants. 65% (36 out of 55) of claimants submitted a fanwork, 24% dropped their claim (before or after the deadline), and 10% left us on read (jk, 5% were never heard from again after confirming their claim, and 5% asked for an extension and were never heard from again). 24% of claimants asked for an extension. 10 out of 36 (28%) of claimants who submitted a work were self-prompted.
💜Fic stats
As of writing this, our fest works have received: -1170 Kudos -208 Bookmarks -16,000 Hits (that's right, I caught it right on time)
💚Our collection has: -36 works, including 3 art pieces, 1 art + fic piece, 1 podfic, 1 poem, 30 fics. -A total of 210,068 words -34 different writers, artists, podficcer. -Shortest piece (excluding art): 221 words -Longest piece: 24,218 words
💜Character stats: -6 Drarry, 3 Snarry, 2 Dramione, 2 Jily, 2 Drastoria, 1 polyship (Fleur/Hermione/Bill) -15 M/M, 14 Gen, 8 F/M, 1 Other, 1 Multi -Most recurring characters: Harry Potter (18), Draco Malfoy (12), Hermione Granger (9) -Total deaths: 56 -Most deaths: Harry Potter (11), Severus Snape (4), Ginny Weasley (4) -Notable rare pairs: Colin Creevey/Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson/George Weasley, Moaning Myrtle/Tom Riddle, Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger/Bill Weasley
Isn't that exciting?!
Okay, I'm done being a nerd for now. If you haven't yet read through our fics, please do yourself a favour, grab some tissues, and settle in for a fantastic ride.
Author reveals will be mid-day Saturday Oct 15!!
💀Day 1 💀
Title: Five GravesCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter & TriWizard Champions (gen) Rating: M Word count/length: 3734 Warnings: MCD, Child Death Summary: “The Departments of International Magical Co-operation and Magical Games and Sports have worked hard to ensure that during this revival of the Triwizard Tournament, no Champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger.” Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - The Tri-Wizard Tournament was supposed to be safe. It wasn't.
💀Day 2 💀
Title: I Guess I went Gentle (Into That Good Night)Characters/pairing: Pansy Parkinson/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson Rating: T Word count: 3547 Warnings: chronic illness, memory loss, suicide, dead dove: do not eat Summary: When Pansy is cursed to die a slow and painful death, George and Draco help her to end her pain through assisted suicide. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 41 - When Character A is cursed to die a slow death, and the spell is irreversible and is causing them great pain, their lover Character B assists their suicide.
💀Day 3 💀
Title: favourite crimeCharacters/pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: Explicit Word count/length: 6851 words Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: The sparkling, ornate, probably even diamond and maybe emerald she thought, chandelier dazzled across the recently cleaned marble drawing-room flooring, no marks or scuffs showing the damage, hurt and betrayal that had been forcefully pushed throughout the corridors of the Malfoy Manor because of this Second Wizarding War. Upon spotting the second chandelier dazzling and glistening near the first really confirmed how fucking fancy this particular room in Malfoy Manor was. Hermione knew that drawing-rooms were nice but had never been in one like this before, though thinking about it truly, Hermione hadn’t ever even been in a Manor before today. Hermione supposed that there was always a first for everything. Even if she was about to die today. Hermione Granger was his favourite crime and yet, Draco Malfoy would never be enough. Chapters: 1/1 -- Prompt: 4 - What if the chandelier in The Drawing Room never dropped and Bellatrix was able to follow through with her plans of torture…
💀Day 4 💀
Title: the curious case of theodore nottCharacters/pairing: Theodore Nott Rating: G Word count/length: NA Warnings: Murder-Suicide Summary: an enchanted portrait that grows old… until when? Chapters: NA -- Prompt: 48 - Portrait of Dorian Gray style-story. This could work really well as art. A has an enchanted portrait that grows old and foul. They stay young and beautiful forever, until one day, when the portrait is destroyed. The enchantment is broken.
💀 Day 5 💀
Title: wrapped up in youCharacters/pairing: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Rating: T Word count/length: 6084 Warnings: Grief, illness Summary: At 32, Hermione is dying of a terminal illness. Ron nurses her, comforts her, and cares for the kids while he tries to grapple with the immensity of his grief. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - Told in small notes from Ron’s pov, this fic centres on Ron’s grief as Hermione deals with the last stages of her terminal illness. His worries about their children. His attempts to make life more pleasant and comfortable for her. His reminiscing about their past. The core idea is death with dignity, hermione has a death plan that she selected herself and Ron is helping her act it out. About 2/3 through the fic Hermione dies and Ron has to say his goodbyes and cope with the aftermath with the help of his extensive support system.
💀Day 6 💀
Title: I’ll take a quiet lifeCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: E Word count/length: 5007 Warnings: Dubious consent, pseudo-incest, anal sex, major character death Summary: Severus dies but Harry, who has just come to understand what they mean to each other, is master of death. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - Inspired by Wandavision, Snape dies as canon, in the Shrieking shack, just as Harry discovers he loves him. Post-battle, he uses his master of death powers to bring Severus back and to imagine a perfect life for him, only cracks keep appearing until he finally comes to terms with having to let him go.
💀Day 7 💀
Title: As The Tide PullsCharacters/pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: E Word count/length: 24 232 Warnings: MCD  Summary: People are always awed by how powerful Harry Potter is. Little do they know it comes with a price. When Harry steps through the doors to Draco Malfoy’s shop Magical Mends they don’t know that both their lives will change forever. Despite the history between them they manage to find something within each other and they start building a life together. Just as their life settles down, Harry starts to show symptoms that turn out to be more than just stress and a diagnosis reveals that there is something wrong with his magic. Chapters: 7/7 -- Prompt: 85 - People are always awed by how powerful Harry Potter is. Little do they know it comes with a price. Harry slowly starts to show symptoms. A diagnosis reveals that he has too much power, his magic is slowly eating him up from the inside. Progressing faster and faster as time goes on. He and his spouse try to find a cure.
💀Day 8 💀
Title: We’re safe hereCharacters/pairing: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Rating: M Word count/length: 4050 Warnings: MCD Summary: On Halloween 1981, James spends a quiet day with his family in Godric’s Hollow. Chapters: 1/1 -- Prompt: 133 - It was a perfectly normal day, except for the fact that it was the last day of their life.
💀Day 9 💀
Title: InnocenceCharacters/pairing: Theodore, his mom, his dad, Draco Rating: M Word count/length: 2701 Warnings: MCD. Summary: Theodore Nott can see Thestrals. He has faced death early in life. It takes him years to tell someone, why. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 12 - Theodore Nott can see Thestrals: the long-awaited backstory.
💀 Day 10 💀
Title: Turning tidesCharacters/pairing: Sirius Black  & Severus Snape Rating: M Word count/length: 3560 Warnings: MCD, Grafic Depictions of Violence Summary: When Sirius Black is caught, Severus is worried. He is the secret keeper of his beloved Lily. If he spills the information, she will die. But Black has a plan and he is desperate enough to help with it. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - Dark Magic is about sacrifice. Sometimes for good reason. Sirius Black has learned Black Magic, but knowing the price never used it, until he found good reason for that sacrifice.
💀Day 11 💀
Title: [Podfic] The End Of Our WorldPairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. Rating: T - Teen And Up Audiences Length: 3 minutes, and 39 seconds. Warnings: None. Summary:LupusMundi’s original summary: When Draco had first envisioned his death, he figured he would die in the war. He could get caught in the crossfire, and he would die fighting for something he wasn’t even sure he ever truly believed in. When Draco had envisioned his death, the thought hadn’t crossed his mind that one day he would be unlucky enough to be caught in a robbery. Chapters: One -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - A podfic of the fic "The End Of Our World" by LupusMundi
💀 Day 12 💀
Title: Be Still, My BelovedPairing: Harry Potter/Voldemort Rating: Explicit Word count: 2k Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage (Harry is 14), Paralysis, Gagging, Restraints, Asphyxiation, Rough Sex, Anal Trauma, Necrophilia Summary: Voldemort loves no one and nothing but himself—but a part of his soul resides within Harry Potter, so he can’t help his attraction. He’s determined to enjoy himself before he gets rid of the boy once and for all. Chapters: 1/1 -- Prompt: 7 - Voldemort loves no one and nothing but himself — but a part of his soul resides within Harry Potter, so he can't help his attraction. He's determined to enjoy himself before he gets rid of the boy once and for all.
💀Day 13 💀
Title: chamber of my bloody mindCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Rating: E Word count/length: 9170 Warnings: MCD, Suicide, Blood, Psychological Torture, Psychological Game, Drowning, Toxic Relationship, Tom is a Manipulative Bastard Summary: Voldemort won the war. Harry Potter is held captive as one of Voldemort’s most valuable prisoners—he remains the last Horcrux, the key to the Dark Lord’s immortality. The prison he’s trapped in, isn’t, by any means, an ordinary one: it’s both a physical and a mental box. So, how does one escape such an intricate trap? Why—simply by dying. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 128 - Voldemort wins AU, where Harry is the last horcrux and kept alive for that reason. At first Harry wants to survive, but eventually, after much desperate scheming to manage it, kills himself both because he can’t handle the world he lives in anymore and to make Voldemort mortal again.
💀Day 14 💀
Title: a long way back to the light Characters/Pairing: Colin Creevey/Harry Potter Rating: M Word count/length: 3809 Warnings: major character death; more tags in notes (contains spoilers)  Summary: Colin Creevey should have died seven years, three months, and four days ago. Actually, Colin Creevey did die seven years, three months, and four days ago. It just didn’t stick.  -- Prompt: 138 - Colin knows he's been living on borrowed time. Ever since he was only petrified by the basilisk's stare. That's why he takes even more photographs, now. They're for when he doesn't escape death a second time.
💀Day 15 💀
Title: Forget Me NotCharacters/pairing: Remus Lupin & Gilderoy Lockhart Rating: M Word count/length: 5295 Warnings: Major character death, murder, strangulation Summary: “My copy of Wanderings with Werewolves is important to me,” Remus said earnestly. “I found it when I was struggling with my life, and it helped me find a direction. I’m very thankful that I happened upon it when I did.” Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 8 - Gilderoy Lockhart’s victims band together to plan the ultimate revenge
💀Day 16 💀
Title: a life debt aggrievedCharacters/pairing: Severus Snape, James Potter Rating: E Word count/length: 2452 Warnings: Self-Harm, Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Bullying  Summary: Sectumsempra. For enemies. James Potter got a hold of Severus Snape’s copy of Advanced Potion-Making long before it wound up inside the Potions classroom’s cabinet. He wanted to try a curious little spell on Snivellus. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - The wrong Potter got Severus Snape's Advanced Potion-Making copy. James Potter wanted to try the Sectumsempra curse on Severus for laughs, not knowing what kind of curse it was. With no one to stop the curse on time, Severus dies a slow death.
💀Day 17 💀
Title: but tonight your hand is steadyCharacters/pairing: Lily-centric, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Rating: T Word count/length: 1872 Warnings: MCD Summary: Five times Lily walked away and one time she stayed. Canon compliant. Chapters: 1/1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - five times lily walked away and one time she stayed (with the last one being the "Stand aside, silly girl!" MCD scene with voldemort)
💀Day 18 💀
Title: Regret, A Family LostCharacters/pairing: Percy Weasley. Weasley Family Rating: G Word count/length: NA.  Warnings: Death of a whole family?  Summary:  Percy grieves the death of his family as he doesn’t know they are watching him. Chapters: NA -- Prompt: 158 - Percy grieves the death of his brother/s/sister/parent/s.
💀 Day 19 💀
Title: Breakfast, interruptedCharacters/pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: T Word count/length: 5229 Warnings: Major Character death Summary: All Lucius Malfoy wants is to have a proper, pureblood heir and to eat his breakfast in peace. Is that really too much to ask? Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 78 - Only the Malfoys know the real cause of Astoria's death.
💀 Day 20 💀
Title: when it's cold i'd like to dieCharacters/pairing: Narcissa Malfoy & Draco Malfoy Rating: M Word count/length: 2469 Warnings: MCD, Blood and Violence Summary: Draco has failed. Someone must be punished. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 72 - It's not enough for Voldemort to have given the Malfoys the mere fear that one of them may die. After Dumbledore is killed, before Lucius is freed from Azkaban, either Draco or Narcissa is made to watch the other die.
💀Day 21 💀
Title: Snake Eyes Characters/pairing: Tom Riddle/Myrtle Warren Rating: M Word count/length: 1414 words Warnings: MCD, dubious consent, manipulative relationship Summary: There’s a single moment, between yellow eyes and nothingness, where she remembers. [Or - What if Myrtle wasn’t a random victim of Tom Riddle? What if he was someone she knew, even someone she loved?] Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 172 - Before she stumbles upon the Basilisk, Myrtle makes the acquaintance of a charming Slytherin, Tom Riddle.
💀Day 22 💀
Title: can't hear itCharacters/pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: M Word count/length: 3.5k Warnings: Major Character Death, Suicide Summary: Not long, I don’t think. Not nearly long enough. They say it isn’t fatal. PTSD. But loving me is. And you aren’t going to succumb. I won’t let you Chapters: 10 -- Prompt: 50 - A diary of the last few weeks as A succumbs of a fatal disease. What do A and B do? How does B help them? What are they thinking? This can have some uplifting elements but still be quite sad.
💀Day 23 💀
Title: Scenes of a MemoryCharacters/pairing: Gen; Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley Rating: G Word count/length: 302 Warnings: MCD Summary: Three looks at what could have been in the Chamber of Secrets in 1992. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 23 - rewrite any near-death encounter in canon (troll gets Hermione, cursed bludger kills Harry, Lupin eats everybody, etc) to make it MCD
💀Day 24 💀
Title: Devour The One You LoveCharacters/pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Tom Riddle Rating: E Word count/length: 23k Warnings: Arson, Angst, Grief, References to the Wizarding War, References to Childhood Trauma, References to Torture, References to Canonical Deaths / Murders, Nightmares, Blood, Injury, Gore, Bruises, Wounds, Self-harm, Panic Attacks, Non-sexual hair pulling, Death Threat, Imprisonment, Hidden Identity, Impostering, Non-con possession, Non-consensual blood drawing, Manipulation, Psychological Abuse, Dubcon due to hidden identity, Fear of death, Cannibalism, Self-Sacrifice, Human Sacrifice, Murder, Major Character Death, Dead dove: do not eat, Porn, Drunk Sex, Betrayal, Revenge Summary: A ghost of the past — a love story bleeds into the palm of his hands. A voice echoes from the cupboard under the stairs as figures appear in the mirror. It’s been seven years since the war. Darkness comes back in different forms, wearing the skin of the one that you love. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 88 - Devour the one you love.
💀Day 25 💀
Title: Lovers’ FlightCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: T+ Word count/length: 221 words Warnings: MCD, implied underage Summary: A Snarry adaptation of Goethe’s “Der Erlkönig” Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - This will be a Snarry Adaptation of Goethe's "Der Erlkönig" (The Elf King, although the quality of translations varies). I don't really know what else to explain about this, but Harry will die at the end :D
💀Day 26 💀
Title: For Whom the Burial Held?Characters/pairing: Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy, side pairing Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Rating: M Word count/length: 6761 Warnings: MCD, mention of rape & violence Summary: Today is June 5th. Your birthday. I’ve decided to give you a gift.
Today is June 5th. The day I say goodbye to you and the past.Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 75 - Draco's failure at killing Dumbledore landed him in Voldemort's furious side. He was reduced into a plaything and a way to ensure his parents' obedience. In the aftermath of war, Harry and friends managed to locate Draco, now a shell of his former shelf. Harry has to face the dilemma of having to kill Draco as an act of mercy for the tortured boy.
💀Day 27 💀
Title: The Last DeathCharacters/pairing: Gen: no pairing. Characters are Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Molly Weasley, George Weasley, Prewett Family Rating: Mature Word count/length: 17,457 Warnings: MCD, Graphic Depictions of violence Summary: someone once said that we die three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time.
Molly Weasley (nee: Prewett) has mourned her younger brothers for a lifetime but she is not ready to say the final goodbye. Chapters: 6/6 -- Prompt: 157 - A look into how Molly Weasley’s brothers died.
💀Day 28 💀
Title: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)Characters/pairing: Regulus Black/Sirius Black Rating: T Word count/length: 1800 Warnings: MCD, Incest Summary: A suicide pact was made between two brothers. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 131 - A suicide pact.
💀Day 29 💀
Title: Mates and MurderCharacters/pairing: Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger/Bill Weasley Rating: M Word count/length: 1509 Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: Fleur and Hermione are getting ready for dinner when something unexpected happens. Bill comes home to the shock of his life. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - Mating bond goes wrong, Hermione is mates with both Fleur and Bill. They've been a triad for a bit of time. During some sexy time between Fleur and Hermione, Fleur's veela half takes over and fatally injuring Hermione. As Hermione lies dieing of her wounds in the bed, Fleur is crying, Bill comes home to find Hermione dead and Fleur covered in blood. A rage fills Bill and he kills Fleur then himself not wanting to be without his mates.
💀Day 30 💀
Title: When Will You Destroy Another?Characters/pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: E Word count: 12072 Warnings: major character death, blood and gore, body horror, dubious consent Summary: Enter Draco Malfoy, single father and hotel owner. It’s tough, but it’s honest work– really, scout’s honor. But when his ex, Harry Potter, walks into the hotel with a successful relationship in tow, what’s Draco to do? Leave him the fuck alone? Not a chance in Hell.Chapters: 5 -- Prompt: Self-Prompt - A cracky retelling of the adam and eve story. Harry walks into Draco's hotel with a failing marriage in tow, and what's Draco to do? Leave him and his family alone? Not A Chance In Hell, and he knows what's That's like.
💀Day 31 💀
Title: A Death in the Shrieking ShackCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: T Word count/length: N/A Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: Severus dies in Harry’s arms. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 60 - Severus dies at Nagini's attack. Among other things, a broken Harry Potter collects their memories together from the man's mind
💀Day 32 💀
Title: Turning the pages of my life (Wait until the reaper takes my life)Characters/pairing: Amelia Bones & Edgar Bones, Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Death Eater Characters Rating: General Audiences Word count/length: Art + 260 words drabble companion Warnings: Main Character Death Summary: In the wake of Lord Voldemort’s return, Amelia Bones pays a visit to her brother. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 20 - Amelia Bones: Head Auror, fearless, ruthless, best solo duellist since Grindelwald himself. She hadn’t always been this way. She hadn’t always been alone.
💀Day 33 💀
Title: Nine Hundred and TwelveCharacters/pairing: George Weasley & Percy Weasley, George Weasley & Fred Weasley Rating: TWord count/length: 5k Warnings: Grief/loss, canonical character death, acceptance Summary: After long nights, impossible exams, and years of studying, my application to join the honourable ranks of those Wixen known only as Unspeakables has been accepted.
Dad could not be more proud. Mum bleeding cried at the ceremony. My siblings congratulated me for finally doing something other than grieving Fred. They all said this would be good for me, that this would be a fresh start.
They don’t know I did it all for you.
All for you, Fred. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 19 - George finds a time turner and will do anything to bring Fred back. He'll have to learn the hard way that what's passed has passed, and that time is not as malleable as it seems.
💀Day 34 💀
Title: Sartre Versus the StoicsCharacters/pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley  Rating: Mature Word count/length: 19K Warnings: MCD, Depression, Suicide, Mourning  Summary: When Harry Potter kills himself after the war, his friends and family are left to pick up the pieces he left behind  Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 94 -After the Second Wizardry War, Harry Potter commits suicide, and the whole world mourns, especially those closest to him.
💀Day 35 💀
Title: And yet it endsCharacters/pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape Rating: E Word count/length: 4293 Warnings: Major Character Death, panic attack, depression, blood, pregnancy, self-harm  Summary: “During the war, while the battle was raging on outside, on his dying breath, Severus Snape takes one last vow, and makes a deal that would further forever seal his fate. After all, what’s the worst thing that could happen?” Chapters: 1/1 -- Prompt: 46 - Character A sells their soul to the devil, and they are given ten years of health, wealth and happiness. Then the devil comes for their due.
💀Day 36 💀
Title: The Coffin BuilderCharacters/pairing: Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Ginny Weasley Rating: E Word count/length: 19,890 Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage Summary: Tom Riddle was a parasite. He had nested himself within her — not just her body but her soul as well. And yet, she couldn’t cut him out like rot. Chapters: 1 -- Prompt: 53 - Ginny has had part of Voldemort’s soul living inside her since COS and becomes a spy/assassin for Voldemort in DH
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sparklyfairymira · 4 years ago
A waking dream of life and light (hath left me broken-hearted) 2/3
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Title: A waking dream of life and light (hath left me broken-hearted) Rating: E Relationship: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Multiple, POV Bellamy Blake, POV Clarke Griffin, Alternate Universe - Bridgerton (TV) Fusion, Love Confessions, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Smut, Masturbation, Explicit Sexual Content, Falling In Love, Feelings, Idiots in Love, Dubious Consent, Marriage, Scandal, Mutual Pining, Secrets Summary: This is Clarke Griffin’s first Season and she is determined to find a husband, but not just any husband—the best that she can find, though she would prefer a love match. Bellamy Blake, Duke of Hastings, wants nothing to do with London society but when business calls him to town during the season Lady Diyoza begs him to stay. It’s hard for him to say no to the woman who had raised him following his mother’s dead when his father wanted nothing to do with them. He has no desire to ever marry which is why he has always avoided this time in London. The pair’s first encounter isn’t a good one but soon the two of them are scheming and pretending to court. Because what could go wrong while pretending to be courting? Or the Bridgerton AU that I had to write.
Read it on AO3
This is the second part of a prompt submitted to @t100fic-for-blm but the prompter requested to remain anon. Thank you for prompting this!
The original donation was made to the Black Art Futures Fund. Black Art Futures Fund (BAFF) provides general operating support for small Black-led arts & culture nonprofits or fiscally sponsored projects with an operating budget of $500K or less. ⁠Check out their website HERE for more info.
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teaespensonawards · 4 years ago
Nominations Are Now Open!
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It’s 2021 T.E.A. Nomination time!
This year has gone by disturbingly fast, and now it’s time let us know which fics and artwork you enjoyed (and that helped you survive) over the course of it. Go back, re-live the joy, and tell us which of those fan creations you want to see on the 2020 T.E.A. ballot!
Nominations begin January 2, 2021 Nominations are due by January 21, 2021, 11:59 pm (CST)
Just in case you need a refresher on T.E.A. Rules, there’s a link to them
Here is the Submit Page, where you can send in your nominations. Don’t forget to include the work’s title and its creator when nominating fic and art! And please be sure you have the creator correct.
Keep in mind that during the nominations phase, you can submit as many nominations as you like. You’re not limited to one nomination per category. Nominate out the wazoo, if you feel like it! And if you forget something, you can come back and nominate more creations all the way up to the due date.
Hit up our Ask Box if you have any questions!
And now, the categories for the 2021 T.E.A.s! Below is the list you’ll copy and paste into the blank on the Submit Page to send in. Please click through the read-more here to see the full list of categories for which you can nominate fandom creations for this year. Look out below!
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family)
Best First Time
Best Afterlife Smut
Hurts so good
Best Date (Overall)
Best Hamburger Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting
Best RomCom
Best Bathing Scene
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep Fic
Best Comedy Fic
Best Movie AU
Best Book AU
Best TV Show AU
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU
Best AU
Best Series
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Castle
Best Storybrooke
Best Travel (taking place outside of Storybrooke or Dark Castle)
Best “Missing Years” Fic (taking place between Gideon’s birthday party and That Thing that happened in ‘Beauty’)
Best Argument (Angst)
Best Argument (Fluff)
Best Golden Lace
Best Woven Lace
Best Woven Beauty
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire
Best Side Pairing
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama
Best Supernatural
Best Sci-Fi
Best Horror
Best Creature AU
Best Unexpected Twist
Best Dark One Lore Fic
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked)
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic
Best Trope
Best Trend
Best Meta
Best Prompter
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Rumbelle is Hope
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Rumbelle Big Bang
Best Belle
Best Dark One!Belle
Best AU Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum
Best Wish!Rumple
Best Baelfire/Neal
Best Gideon
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/wingman
Best Fan Art
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Best AU in Art (encompassing traditional art, gif sets, still photo sets, etc.)
Best Fluff Art
Best Angsty Art
Best Smutty Art
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Best Dark One Form
Best Use of Color
Best Video
Best Artist
Best New Artist
- Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
- Newbie Spotlight This award goes to people who began contributing to the Rumbelle fandom since the last T.E.A.s. Those eligible include new writers, artists, gif-makers, etc. Anyone who creates content for the fandom. This category is not voted upon - every newbie whose name is put forth is added to the Spotlight list so that older members of the fandom can get to know them and their work!
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