#tit iceland
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simmeh-chan · 1 month ago
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i got to apologise for nearly ruining the tour 😭😭😭
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dpdailyupdate · 1 month ago
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Dan and Phil tonight at the stage door in Iceland!
7 February 2025
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galacticlestell · 1 month ago
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these are too cutesy for me to not post i fear. FAWKKKK i miss them so bad
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tinkgaskarth · 1 month ago
Whoever decided that the final TIT show and the critical role campaign 3 finale would be on the same day needs a STERN TALKING TO what am I supposed to do I can’t be DOUBLE insufferable I have WORK TODAY. Please. I can’t do this.
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eowyn1986 · 4 months ago
So I am...seriously considering going to the last show, in iceland. Is anyone else traveling there for the show? None of my close irl friends are able to go and I dont love the thought of going alone. I've always wanted to go to iceland but I dont have the vacation time to make this a proper long trip to explore. If I come, I'd probably just arrive early friday morning and fly home saturday afternoon. Like, is that even worth it? Am I fully insane? I dont know.... But the thought of being able to be at the last tour stop 🥺 HELP y'all, what should I do? 😂😭
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kingofcomedy · 4 months ago
guys….. im dangerously close to booking tickets to go to tit iceland….
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badhabitnun · 1 month ago
i was so invested in the phannie lore in the preshow space omg
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bassband · 1 month ago
I wrote this letter months ago, and thanks to the absolutely insane kindness of @bitchslapblastoids and @goldenpinof, the (handwritten, much longer, much more personal) original version of this letter is going to get to dnp at their last m&g tonight. Happy last day of TIT, I love this community so much, and I'm a little teary and overwhelmed thinking that some people on the internet helped pass a letter across continents and oceans to give it to them. Love you guys.
An Open Letter to Dan and Phil
Dear beloved nerds,
This was originally going to be an (even longer) actual letter that I was going to give to you at the tour, but my nonprofit-employed ass can’t afford a meet and greet, so we’re doing this instead. I promise it’s not just trauma dumping— mostly, it’s about saying thank you and trying to cultivate some hope for all of us.
I’ve been a big fan since around 2014, when I was a mentally ill neurotic deeply repressed loner egg (average phannie, let's be honest). Now I’m a whole adult who got therapy and HRT and has joined the legions of transmascs with the Dan Howell haircut! What a legacy.
I’m making jokes because the thing I actually want to talk about, and the reason I decided to make this an open letter, is kind of serious. But in light of the election, I feel like I need to share this, both with you and with all the other queers in this little corner of the internet.
Here’s the gist: I’m a paralegal at a non-profit organization that works to help queer migrants get asylum. Mostly what I do is sit them down in our nasty sterile office and try to be kind, and help them get through telling me all the most terrible things that have happened to them, and then turn around and pare it all down into legalese that is digestible to the government to make the case they should get asylum.
It’s a horrible job, really, and one that shouldn’t have to exist. Some parts are plainly wonderful, like meeting so many queer people from all walks of life. But it’s also heartrending and difficult, and burnout is always looming. My horrible banal work is often literally a matter of life and death for the client, and I’m fighting a broken system for a chance at giving them the happiness and safety is owed to them by international law and, really, by any decent human standard, should never have been in question.
The thing is—and this is reason to hope—queer people really do exist everywhere, no matter how much repression and violence we face. In a tiny village in Colombia, there's a kid who’s all spit and vinegar, dresses like a boy and plays football and fights anyone who says that they can’t, who grows up wiry and gets black eyes because men still can’t handle getting their asses handed to them on the soccer field by a dyke. This client texts me at my work number sometimes to ask if I’ve eaten that day, because they wanted to check in on me. He asked me to call him by a boy’s name, recently. I don’t know that he’s told anyone else. I open every message I send him with "Hola, James."
Then there’s the sweet, babyfaced college freshman who got death threats when he was outed to his classmates back home, and whose parents kicked him out when he refused to marry a girl to protect the family's reputation, leaving him alone in a foreign country. He was couch surfing and just trying not to miss class so he could keep his student status and he was so conscientious I wanted to cry— he’s eighteen, guys. Eighteen. I’ll get him his papers or so help me fucking God I will kill for him. You know? You know. After that meeting I had to sit at my desk with my notebook and fill an entire blank page with the phrase “he’s just a kid,” over and over again, until I felt like I could breathe.
On a Friday morning recently I get up and open my laptop to interpret on a call with a soft-spoken older trans woman who's sat in the bleak phone room of the ICE detention facility because her immigration judge didn’t believe that she was really transgender. “An odor of mendacity pervades everything the respondent says,” the judge wrote in her ruling, where she determined the client wasn't "credible." To this day I’m still floored that she straight up ripped off Tennessee Williams—new frontiers in bigotry, truly. She didn’t even cite. In our meeting now, the client quietly tells us how hard it was when she came out but how happy she was the first time she wore makeup, and she'd rather stay in detention here for indeterminate years as proceedings spiral on than go back to Guatemala, where they'll kill her—boys, if I ever get within spitting distance of this fuckass judge, it is on SIGHT. Absolutely fucking ON SIGHT. For legal purposes, that was a JOKE.
So I finish the call and get up to get a snack. It’s only ten am but feel tired already because I’m angry, which is not unusual but also not something I want to hold onto, because it doesn't help anything. So I make some toast and look at my phone— two texts, which I ignore, a spam email, and, wouldn't you know it, a YouTube notification from Dan and Phil games! Jarring! That’s just sort of how life is though, isn’t it? Deathly serious and lighthearted in the same breath.
But regardless, seeing the notification makes me feel warm, so I have my toast and watch a little video of you two playing Roblox or dress up or whatever it is you do on that channel these days. I have a good giggle and I finish my toast and go back to my desk. It’s a crucial part of my diet really— the giggles, not the toast. I’m not angry anymore. I’ll be angry again, but for now my cortisol levels are manageable and I can put my head back into emails or whatever the fuck. Do you ever think about how plants make food for free out of sunlight but we sit around writing emails all day? And that’s if we’re lucky. Capitalism is hell.
Anyway, there is a point I am trying to make, and it’s not really about the banal horrors of neoliberal nation-state or capitalism or even homophobia. It’s to say thank you for coming back to make silly videos together, because I love them, and you never fail to make me happy. And yeah, maybe something about the story of that scared eighteen-year-old kid at the front of my mind makes it particularly sweet to watch you two goofing off and being openly queer. It reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing, and it gives me the strength to send another fucking email because sometimes doing “important work that I value and believe in deeply” means having to send another fucking email. And sometimes I’ll rewatch your older videos, and then come back to the more recent ones, and my heart bruises, because you remind me what I’m fighting for and why. It’s nothing grandiose, it’s just— for queer people to get to have the ability to grow into themselves and be outrageous and silly and make mistakes and to love and be loved for who they are. To have the safety and support and security that no one should ever go without. That’s all.
So I am being dead serious when I say thank you for making top-tier light entertainment, and for coming back to a job that wasn’t always kind to you, and that it does actually matter. All this talk about terrible influences and legacies has made me think that sometimes you doubt whether you do good in the world, so let me be clear: you really, really do. I kind of get the sense that in order to accept sincerity Dan needs to be beat over the head with it, so if that’s the case, consider yourself coerced, you dickhead. You matter to me, and especially in times like these, I think I speak for all of us when I say that the joy you share is a precious and treasured gift. So please accept my gratitude in return.
All my love,
(I removed or changed all identifying information in this letter to protect privacy, but the stories are real).
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bitchslapblastoids · 1 month ago
intermission updates:
dan as TSA: “why does this man have 13 sex toys and a golden pig in his carry-on?” Phil: “look. You need one for every month and then one bonus one”
Literally no lights on them invisible silhouettes for the first 20 mins
Pumpkins, clothes, bus, vegas
Dan “I love a good probe,” bends over, Phil pretends to probe. Phil begins normal sentence with the word “but…” and Dan bends over again. phil probes again. Dan: “sorry, he said butt so I bent over.” whole thing happens again 15 seconds later (don’t remember this bit from other shows???)
“I gentrified him” instead of “I colonized him”
Phil did a lovely little twirl through the fog after lawyer dan got burnt
Lots of piss talk…. Lots of piss talk
They keep gaslighting us into thinking there was a blizzard here and they sang lizards.mp3 but as blizzards
Also I love them wonderfully and dearly and the mullet absolutely FUCKS
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dpdailyupdate · 1 month ago
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Dan and Phil during the pre-show in Iceland!
7 February 2025
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goldenpinof · 7 months ago
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listen. whatever show is next - mine - WE CAN'T DO IT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE VEGAS TRIP
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simplydnp · 6 months ago
can you plz explain the iceland theory and how it originated
i'll do my best! (and @goldenpinof might have to fill in some blanks for me)
the driving theory is iceland wedding (which, all of our best theories are wedding theories aren't they)
the last show for WAD was supposed to be in iceland, and pj, sophie, and phil were all supposed to be there. they were also planning on spending some time there after the show 'exploring'.
dan was very, very disappointed about the cancelation of that show in particular. based off of his communication at the time, it 1 didn't seem like his idea to cancel it, and 2 came across like he found out when we did.
being that the plan was to be the 4 of them, and that dan vowed he would be there some day... it just seemed Very important.
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eowyn1986 · 4 months ago
I feel insane too because I'm looking at flights to see them in Iceland too. Nothing wrong with going and living your best life!
Ahhh yaaaay I'm glad I'm not alone in considering it 😁 and you are absolutely right, we gotta do what makes us happy whenever we can 💜 if you do decide to go, lmk! ☺️
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blossoms-phan · 4 months ago
phil birthday show… in Manchester… 🥺
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anikokiko · 1 month ago
one last time…i’m so glad i flew here from Oregon. this was an unforgettable experience 💙🖤🇮🇸 thank you Iceland
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bitchslapblastoids · 1 month ago
further updates:
Phil looking under the waistband after commenting on his phorso “why are you looking under there??” “the silicone goes allllllll the way down, man”
Dan quieting fans down: 🤫 🤫🤫 …..🫨🫨 “I just never thought you’d actually shut up wow that was cool”
Phil almost fell backwards on a stool. Dan bodily moved him away by the shoulders.
Dan did the predator approach with the one finger pointy to the chest (YOU KNOW THE ONE) and backed phil up towards the screen when phil was doing the “yeah yeah we know about the gay we know about the depression” bit and phil did the little mouse of prey about to be kissed face (YOU KNOW THE ONE)
Dan fixed Phil’s hair momentarily (like so briefly) bc phil was messing with it after the change and then people awed and dan did a whole bit “why is this awwwwww is this awwww because he has a splinge is this awwwww because it’s a they touched ironically?????” And then phil touched dan’s nipple
Lots of flashlight activity to get people to put phones away - seemingly the only thing this venue took seriously lol
Phil knocked over the entire wrestling barricade lol he looked so sheepish and Dan hadn’t seen so when he took the tv off his head he was genuinely like “what the hell happened here” and phil tried to blame it on him (pictures 1&2)
I think I blacked out for the yap about uh. Breasts and lactation. Yeah.
The song went so hard that a giant speaker fell down i thought i was losing it bc no one else noticed except one guy working there (picture 3)
No kiss no hug lol
The lighting was genuinely awful fully there just wasn’t anyone on lights lol
They are wonderful I adore them phannies are wonderful I adore you all
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