#caoil rambles
kingofcomedy · 26 days
love the imagery of them shouting “hey twat” across the phouse at each other as a pet name
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literariefairy · 4 years
also shoutout to me bc i didn’t realize how fast i could revert back to being a 1d stan
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scumbagmordremoth · 7 years
15) favorite thing about playing your salad? (ALL OF THEM)
I may not be a “Sylvari RPer” in the strict sense I was in like 2013 anymore but the plants remain my favorite and I can’t understate the fact that I literally bought GW2 solely because of the Sylvari. I’ve always been a huge faerie buff (to the point that sometimes I worry I might be a little too superstitious) and the devs said “Unseelie Court” and I was sold from there.
GRANTED, those expectations were ultimately disappointed. The Sylvari really aren’t exactly the flower faeries I was looking for. HOWEVER.I’d already played characters in custom made games that experienced an emphatic hivemind with their entire race, were ageless and made of flowers for about five years previous so I was fukkin READY for mainstream game playable races to get on my level. I’ve always been partial to the ethereal, alien, elfy races in any game. 
Ppl always get on about how Sylvari are boring because they’re “good” but like they’re not really any more “good” than anyone else. They get angry, they can be violent or selfish. Ppl act like not being a brooding anti-hero is exhibiting the emotional range of a spoon but really the central conflict of Sylvari isn’t “good” vs “evil” so much as it is “emotions r fukkin hard” with an extra dose of suck because the struggle to attain emotional intelligence for them is metaphysical. This makes Sylvari really good for my favorite kinds of narrative: Hope/recovery and Coming of Age.
Briann, Caoilhain, Len and Naniya all had/have coming of Age aspects to their over all narratives. Caoilhain, Reese, Naniya, Deirdre, Aine and Jadzi had/have recovery as a large theme as well. Len, Jadzi and Rhia are/were examples of a failed recovery arc, which is the superior form of tragedy by far.
Caoil is probably my favorite because the last five-ish years have been a Coming of Age story and now that she’s “of age” it’s time for that difficult, early twenties recovery arc. I’m sure I’ve rambled on about the Heroine’s Journey vs the Hero’s journey before but I’ll put down again, it’s my fave.
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kingofcomedy · 20 days
so none of us are surviving the tour, are we?
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kingofcomedy · 4 months
lowkey thinking about bringing this blog back
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kingofcomedy · 3 months
two and a half hours until tickets go on sale in my area and i'm so stressed already
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kingofcomedy · 26 days
i’m so scared to watch this video omg
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kingofcomedy · 1 month
just got a spot at the hozier concert and of course they uploaded while i’d been in line
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kingofcomedy · 1 month
struggling to sleep because i’m too excited for my hozier concert in a few days
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kingofcomedy · 2 months
of course they upload when im in the middle of getting my hair done
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kingofcomedy · 3 months
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kingofcomedy · 3 months
catch me checking my email every .2 seconds until the phagenda is announced
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kingofcomedy · 4 days
finally updated my theme a teensy little bit!
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kingofcomedy · 4 days
tell me how i’m supposed to have a normal meeting with my boss after watching that video
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kingofcomedy · 8 days
reviews for the tv show i worked on two years ago are coming out and i’m so excited but also wish i were back there still
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kingofcomedy · 10 days
anyone else desperate to keep it together lately?
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