#tis the season to be jolly so no talking down on me on this one
tarn-ati0n · 2 years
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My @layton-secretsanta for @milfglue!
This one took longer than I thought it would, simply because I just kept sketching different scenes over and over again until I was happy with it. I hope you like it!
(Also there’s a different version under the cut where I was just playing around but I actually like how this one looks too)
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cloveroctobers · 11 months
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A/N: im trying my best to complete my list for this fall season. In MY brain winter doesn’t start until December hits and winter isn’t officially until late December which blows my mind every time I look it up lol but don’t come at me X-mas lovers because I get it! just don’t bring that Holly jolly bs my way just yet 😉!!! Anyways missed my man so he’s next up for this short thing.
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: “Please, I’m begging you. don’t make me watch the nightmare before Christmas again.”
WARNINGS: language, family drama, mentions of violence, + slightly sexual content towards the bottom.
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“Fucking bitch makes me sick!” You huff as you flail the bed sheet up into the air for what should have been the fifth time.
Guero is smirking to himself, fresh out of the shower in his lounge wear, leaning against the doorframe that leads back into the bathroom.
You just got back from your outing with your sister-in-law and niece maybe twenty minutes ago but Guero figured things must have gone left when he heard you mumbling to yourself while he was drying off. He even called out to you through the crack of the door as he got dressed asking who you were talking to, since he didn’t see you on the phone and you didn’t hesitate to continue your rants.
“What she do this time?” Guero questions, knowing this tangent was aimed at your sister-in-law, since you only tolerated her and adored your niece.
Throwing the sheet against the mattress in frustration you whip around to face your boyfriend, “what doesn’t she do?! You know how she is.”
Guero nodded his head. He did in fact know how your sister-in-law was and he also didn’t care for her either—not just because you didn’t fuck with her but they got into a debate about guns that left a sour taste in Guero’s mouth. He didn’t have to engage with her much like you did but he definitely listened every time you vented that she annoyed the shit out of you…so in a sense she was still around him too.
He waited for you to continue as you began pacing now, “was I not tasked a week ago to get Ely her dress for the fall dance because her mother’s dumbass was too busy partying with her best friend of a mayor—who’s she’s probably screwing and my brother’s oblivious ass was too tied up with work?”
Eloise, or as you both called her, “Ely,” was your twelve year old niece that was just getting into fragrances and dresses—which was a complete contrast to her mother. It was no shock to you that her mother, Reagan put that off on you since she wasn’t the most stylish and didn’t really connect to her daughter in that way.
“Hell yeah you were,“ Guero said, “you were almost as excited as Ely was. What went down?”
You turned to work at the sheets again, straightening them out in the air and failing to get them to fit on the corners, “I go to this lunch date with them just to find out Reagan returned the dress! Said it was too inappropriate to wear to a middle school dance. And that I was trying to make Ely to look like a hoe since she’s already top heavy.”
Guero frowned, “the one you showed me a pic of? That little burgundy shit with the puff sleeves and flows at the bottom? I don’t get what was wrong with it? Ely looked pretty and happy in it.”
“Yes! Nothing was wrong with it! It wasn’t too tight or short. Reagan was all smiles when I dropped Ely off that night too, almost thankful that I got something done that her ass should have been doing.” You hissed and balled up the sheets out of frustration.
Guero stepped in then, gently prying the sheets from your hands to put the sheet on the bed correctly. It was something you mentioned on your first date that you were always criticized for not making your bed right as a kid so your potential significant other had to be down with at least putting the sheets on.
Childhood trauma was a true bitch…much like sister-in-law’s apparently.
Guero repeated, “So Reagan went and returned it?”
“Yeah and I think she truly did it out of spite because you won’t believe the dress she got Ely,” you informed with your arms crossed, watching as Guero put the sheets on with ease, “she’s gonna make my niece look like a pilgrim at that dance.”
Guero glanced at you, “that bad?”
“And I told her straight to her face when she showed me a video, that the dress Ely originally picked out was much more fitting than that floor length dress. I wasn’t rude about it or anything.”
“Floor-length? Nah, that’s crazy. What she say after that?”
“That I wouldn’t know the first thing about appropriate wear considering what I wore when I first met you.”
Guero furrowed his brows, “fuck is she getting at with that? We met at the damn fair in hot ass Arizona!”
“Exactly,” you agreed, “the fact that she even remembered that back then let’s me know that she’s been keeping tabs on me just to talk shit and probably about me to Ely too but I don’t care! She can run her mouth all she wants but don’t try to take your insecurities out on Ely. That’s when it becomes a problem for me.”
Regan was a jealous person, you peeped that from the first day you met her unwillingly at your seventeenth birthday party. She barely let your brother mingle alone without interjecting herself into their conversations and this was after she was already introduced to family and friends. You knew she wasn’t the person for your older brother, Kelvin but he insisted on settling for her after getting his heartbroken by an ex who cheated on him and fell in love with his (then) best friend during their college years. He didn’t give himself enough time to heal right before he was back into another relationship with the very set in her ways Reagan. There was a five year age gap between you and your brother and sure you didn’t understand it all back then but you were always aware that your brother tended to love long.
As siblings you didn’t always see eye to eye and when he did bring his serious significant others around you were open to them opposed to him who gave yours the third degree. Just because you were his little sister didn’t mean you wouldn’t look out for him either. The moment you expressed your doubts of Reagan being the woman of his dreams, he decides he’s going to propose to her despite their heavy arguments of not being trusting of each other or really in love.
Eloise wasn’t far behind after the wedding if you connect the dots.
It was odd to you that you always got scolded for voicing your opinions on your brother’s well-being by your parents, that you were always expected to keep your mouth shut and just follow along but that same energy was not reciprocated when it came to Kelvin. He was the older brother, he was “supposed,” to set the standard for you but at the same time you would always be different people.
Funny how that turned out now with your parents not wanting to be bothered with Reagan but preferred your four year going strong relationship with Javier “Guero,” Bardales.
“She’s the fucken worse,” Guero says fixing his side of the bed after you retrieved the duvet from the bay window seat, “was the kid messed up about it?”
“Oh absolutely, it was written all over her face and you know how she shields her true personality away when her mom’s around,” you say then clench your jaw which would probably trigger your TMJ later but you continue, “I’m so pissed with Reagan. Of course kids can’t always get their way but you don’t have to shit all over their enjoyment because of your own personal problems!”
“Did you tell Kel about it?” Guero smacks the pillow against the headboard, already sensing that was a lost cause.
He was just waiting for the day that Kel kicked Reagan to the curb. Now listen, Guero wasn’t down with divorce, given that his own parents went through it and it resulted in lost time Guero got to spend with his own dad but…Guero actually liked Kel, although he gave him shit from the very beginning he walked into your life but they grew to actually like each other. Guero had his own fun and deep conversations with Kel, noticing that he was also most like himself whenever Reagan wasn’t around. And one thing about Guero, if he saw someone he cared about being held back by someone else? he was always ready to do something about it; especially if the person was capable but taking too long to go through with some action.
Guero was a actions kinda guy.
“For what? That’s like talking to a brick wall and I’d rather save my breath.” You responded placing your hands on your hips before a smile spread over your lips.
Guero stared at the wicked expression on your face, “…what’d you do? We gotta hide the body?”
You snickered and then let out a sigh, “That time hasn’t come yet but my breaking point is among the Horizon I fear.”
Here you go with the dramatic stare off into the distance for a moment that it has Guero jumping onto the bed to get to you. The anticipation was bugging him and you were well aware as you kept smiling at him.
Resting your hands on his shoulders you said, “I went back and repurchased the dress and snipped the tags off. Reagan’s going away that same day as the dance to some conference in D.C. so obviously Ely’s gonna get ready here instead with her little girlies and non-binary friends.”
Guero wasn’t thrilled about some pre-teens being at his shared spot with you but the expression on your face made him ignore that.
“That’s what I’m talking’ about baby! Fuck what Bride of Chucky has to say, you’re more of a mother to Ely anyways.” Guero hyped you up as he gripped the sides of your neck to place a kiss right in between your brows.
You brushed your shoulders off, “and if she finds out and decides to get buck with me, I got something for that ass. She just doesn’t know that I’ve been counting on the day.”
Guero knew you meant that too and that made him smile. He was never above violence, it was always fuck around and find out in his mind. He’s been by your side for four years now and knew it took a lot to drive you to that point but he always encouraged you to speak up for yourself too since it was always conditioned for you to keep it all locked in.
Not when it came to Reagan though and he knew you had it in you, hearing of the fights you got into in your teenage years (one story consisted of: aged sixteen banging some girl’s face into the pavement, a story your father told him about—and another : aged thirteen with you jumping in to fight some older guys that tried to jump your brother at his high school graduation party—just to name two of Guero’s favorite stories) and a recent road rage incident that happened two years ago which almost sent Guero into cardiac arrest.
So his girl was never no pussy, don’t let the face fool you.
Guero instigated, “I dunno…ain’t she on a softball team?”
“She was until she fucked up her rotator cuff.” You gave the man a dark stare, “you think beer muscles scare me?”
Guero snickered and put his hands up in surrender, “relax baby, I’m just fucking with you. No need to go assassin on me.”
“You want me to be one so bad.” You rolled your eyes as Guero reaches out to slip his hands over your hips.
He has no shame in his game as he nods his heads at you, “oh yeah, listen it’ll be the dream costume, huh?”
“You just want to see me in more leather.”
“Yeah I do.” Guero laughs before nipping your bottom lip.
You flick your French curls over your shoulder as you drape your wrists behind Guero’s head, leaning to brush your lips against his ear you state, “that’s just too bad, daddy.”
Guero let out a groan as you untangle yourself from him, hand going right to his chest, almost as if you just stabbed him while he flops back onto the bed. “Such a tease and these are the things I get when I just made the damn bed?”
“Oh the horror! Oh the bare minimum!” You joke as you plop on the edge of the king sized bed after locating the remote for the mounted flat screen, “that’s what you get for not being my bone daddy last year.”
Guero sits up on his elbows, “you’re still pressed about that? Baby I got enough art on my skin already, now why would you want to decorate this handsome face? Which is my best art piece.” He winks at you as you scoff at him from over your shoulder.
Shushing the man, you don’t grant him with a response as the movie begins to roll the credits and you start to bounce from side to side at the music.
Guero glares at the tv, “please, I’m begging you. Don’t make me watch the nightmare before Christmas again.”
Ever since late September hit, you started off with the light hearted fall themed movies first. This was your third time now watching the nightmare before Christmas and Halloween wasn’t even near! Now if Guero suggested watching something like, “Terrifier,” then you’d be ready to kick him out the house or go sleep at a friend’s instead.
“This is my comfort movie, let me vibe.”
Guero sighs, sitting up to sit beside you to glance at the screen before settling his eyes back on you. It had to be a good solid two minutes of Guero just watching you that even when you tried to grip his chin to face the tv again, he wouldn’t budge.
Stubborn ass.
“You know, I could be your comfort too.” He places his hand right on your thigh.
“Don’t worry you already are,” you say eyes still locked on the screen with your fingers holding onto his jaw, “if you weren’t, I would have been dropped your ass.”
Guero breathed out a laugh as he quickly gets to his feet and yanks you up, “Oh so like this?”
Before you can even process what’s happening, you’re being lifted over Guero’s shoulder just to be slammed right back onto the bed. “You’ll never be my Roman reigns.” You puffed out.
Guero kisses his biceps before turning his expression serious, “and he’ll never get to touch this belt, which will always be mine just so you know.”
You smirk up at Guero as he gets to work unfastening the belt on your low-rise jeans.
And when you’re bare, exposed to the fall chilliness in the air of your bedroom, you keep your eyes on Guero as he places open-mouthed kisses with his incredibly soft lips against your lower belly. He trails a feather-like touch against the side of your ass as he knocked your right thigh to the side so he can get better adjusted.
“Whatchu looking at me for? Eyes on the movie, remember babe?” Guero says with his lips right above your throbbing center.
His reaches a hand right between the valley of your pale pink sweater covered breasts to grip your jaw to tilt upwards instead.
You weren’t sure how this man thought you were supposed to be focused on the iconic film when there were so many sensations going on. From the light scratches of the copper leaves against the bedroom window, the softness of the moss colored duvet, the theatrics of the soundtrack playing from the classic animation film, and the firm but solace grip of a loved one’s touch…it was all just what you needed to get by.
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Continue with my fall anthology prompts here.
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morbidanthem · 3 months
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Ribbons - 2,550 Words [Ao3 Link]
Beelzebub X Fem!MC X Belphegor
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There was an undeniable buzz of excitement that was going around the House of Lamentation! 
The inevitable jolly spirit of the season had begun to set in all around the Devildom, and the House of Lamentation was not an exception.
Christmas wasn't a very widely practiced tradition in this realm, considering that most humans had equated it to the birth of their savoir from the Celestial Realm, but change was an inevitable force- as more and more demons began to participate in the Winter Traditions.
The Devildom more or less saw it just as another excuse to hold a festival for celebration.
If there is one thing you've learned about your time in the Devildom, it's the fact that Demons will certainly find any excuse to hold a party.
You had even managed to convince them to join you in celebrating Thanksgiving, despite none of them ever hearing about such a tradition.
Everyone just made it so easy for you to get all swept up in their excitement.
“MC? Are you here?” Beelzebub asked, not bothering to knock on the door as he opened it.
“Yeah, I'm over here!” You said, turning around to see the twins walking into your room.
“Did you finish wrapping your presents?” Belphegor asked, following his brother in as he closed the door behind him.
“Yes- I'm just playing around with the extra wrappings right now.” You laughed, stepping into their view as you presented what it was that you were up to.
You had no logical reason for doing it, besides the fact that it sounded silly and fun, over your clothing you decided to wrap yourself up in the extra Christmas ribbons you had left over from decorating earlier.
You had begun by wrapping a sparkly red ribbon around your neck, and tied it in a little bow on the side.
Enjoying the feeling, you kept going.
Along your arms and chest, you wrapped yourself in an equally sparkly purple ribbon, making sure to tie a big bow around the bottom of your abdomen.
You had giggled, enjoying being surrounded by shiny and sparkly ribbons.
You wrapped up each of your bare legs, both the left and the right one, in the same type of ribbons- tying little bows, and curling any Ribbons that were laying loose around your body.
“What do you think?” You asked, doing a little twirl for them as you giggled. “Cute, right? I love playing around with extra Ribbons and Bows. It's actually pretty cool what you can do with them-”
You continued to ramble, on and on about the crafting potential of leftover ribbon- so much so that you hadn't noticed that the twins were intently staring at you.
Both sets of purple eyes were trailing up and down your body, soaking in the sight of you all wrapped up like an early Christmas Present.
They weren't listening to you talk about Christmas ribbons, that's for sure.
Beelzebub clutched his hands together to his chest, as he felt his mouth watering at the sight of your legs.
You were already wearing such short lounging wear, and you had tied the ribbons tight enough that the skin of your legs were spilling over the tops of the restraints in such an enticing way.
You looked like a neatly wrapped box of holiday treats, and he couldn't wait to tear into you.
All the while Belphegor was focused on how nice your tits looked wrapped up in his color, your white tank top doing nothing at all to hide your nipples that were poking out from the inside of the fabric, as he suddenly felt all the fatigue begin to melt away from his body.
There was no way you didn't know what you were doing, you couldn't be that oblivious!
“Hello? Devildom to Beel and Belphie!” You chuckled, taking a few steps close to them. “Are you guys even listening to me?”
“No.” Belphegor had answered quickly, letting his eyes roam back up from your legs to your chest. “How do you expect us to?”
He felt it in their bond- they were both feeling the exact same thing.
Before you could say anything else, you felt Beel grab your arm and pull you into a tight embrace.
“Beel? You ok?” You asked with concern, as you tilted your head up to look at him.
His heart couldn't take it- not when you do something so cute like that!
“He's fine, just a little riled up is all.” You heard Belphegor whisper, as you felt him press up against your back, effectively caging you in between them.
You let out an involuntary shiver, as you felt Belphegor's hands begin to trail up your hips.
“It's all your fault, you know.” He said, squeezing your side as he leaned his face into your neck. “You come prancing out in that shiny ribbon, all dressed up like a little present, just for us.”
“How else is a demon supposed to act?”
He began to nibble gently at your neck, as you gasped and leaned further into Beel, to try and give yourself just a little breathing room.
It suddenly began to feel very hot in your room, despite the Devildom winters being so very cold.
Beel was unyielding, leaning down to nuzzle your face with his.
“We don't have to do this if you don't want to.” He said, his grip becoming just a little tighter around your arms, “but I… really want to…”
You reached up to place a hand on Belphie's head, and another on Beel's face, as you smiled at their kindness.
They were offering you a way out if you wanted to take it.
Why would you, though?
“It's ok, Beel, I want to as well.” You spoke, turning your head to give him a small kiss on his cheek.
“Of course you would- you've always been a little slut for us, haven't you?” Belphie asks, yanking you away from Beel by the ribbon you had tied around your torso.
“N-No!” You protested softly, as you found yourself being pulled to sit on Belphie's lap, as he sat himself down onto the edge of your bed.
“No?” He spoke in a  mocking tone, “Then why would you wrap yourself up like a present, if it weren't to give yourself over to us.”
You bit your lip, as you whined as you felt Belphie's cold hands trailing up your body.
“I like MC like this- all tied up.” Beel spoke, walking over to where the two of you were sitting.
He leaned down, placing his lips against yours. Softly at first, but the moment he felt you pressing into him, he began to kiss you harder.
You gasped, as you felt Belphie begin to pinch and rub at your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt. Beel wasted no time, plunging his tongue into your now open mouth, as he moaned at the taste that began to take over his senses.
You reached your hand up to grasp at the back of Beel's head, roughly grabbing onto his orange hair, as you tugged and played with his orange locks between your fingers.
You yelped into the kiss, as you struggled a little to try and stand up, as you felt Belphie's icy cold fingers reaching up and under your tank top.
“Hey, don't forget I'm here too.” He spoke, with an underlying hint of jealousy in his voice, as his cold hands made contact with your sensitive nipples.
“B-Belphie, wait- ahh” you couldn't contain your moan, as he began to pinch and play with your now erect nipples with his cold fingers.
Beel didn't like that his kiss with you ended early, but took advantage of your distracted state once more, as he began to suck and bite on the exposed skin of your neck.
“Careful, Beel.” Belphegor scolded, as his hands began to wander down your body to rest at the hem of your lounge shorts.  “Don't get carried away- MC is only human, afterall.”
Beel only grunted in response, as his biting became a little bit lighter on your skin. You could still feel it though, the telltale sign of the painful ache in your muscles that promised to bruise later on.
You didn't care though.
You never wanted this to stop.
You reached forward with both arms, rubbing up and down Beel's incredibly toned arms, as you traced over the thick veins you could feel under your fingertips.
You were so caught up in feeling Beel's toned arms and shoulders, you didn't have a chance to react when Belphie decided to roughly turn your head towards him, so he could kiss you with just as much fervor as his brother had.
As Belphie was busy sticking his tongue into your mouth, his brother began to busy himself with you, as he kneeled in front of you to begin licking and sucking at your exposed tits.
At a certain point, you had no idea what to do with your hands, as you did your best to try and caress both the brothers equally.
Though, this little session of touching began to become too much for someone to bear.
Belphie was the one who grew too impatient to wait, as he began to make his first move.
Despite the fact he was the Avatar of Sloth, he always was easily agitated when it came to wanting intimacy from you, and always tried to hurry the process along.
He wasted no time in using his now warmed up hands to reach down into your shorts, slipping past your panties as well, as he easily found your clit that was slightly hidden behind your folds.
You whined, arching your back into Belphie, as he began to overwhelm you with all the sudden pleasure you were feeling.
“B-Belphie, slow down.” You moaned, as you began to grind your hips against his hand, as you felt him slip one of his fingers into your dripping cunt.
“Huh?” He spoke, with an incredulous tone, as he rubbed at your inner walls with more ferocity. “You're telling me what to do with our present, MC?”
He chuckled, as he stuffed another finger into your tight hole, as you could hear the wet squelching sound coming from his actions.
“Belphie- I don't know how much longer I can wait.” Beel began to whine, as he rubbed his face all over your body. “Please.”
“All right, all right.” His brother sighed, pulling his fingers out, wiping them off on your thigh as he began to shift you around.
It was in these moments that you remembered that they were, in fact, demons.
The way they easily maneuvered you in mid air was astonishing, as if you weighed nothing to them, as Belphie shifted to lay fully on the bed with you straddling his hips.
From the angle, you could feel the large bulge in his shorts brushing up against your clothed pussy.
You whined once more, as you felt yourself being lifted up once again by the hips, as Beel rested you against his twin's chest. He carefully slid your shorts and underwear off, as he pulled them up and around the ribbons that were tied around your legs.
After, he quickly slipped his own shirt and shorts off, as Belphie began to shimmy himself out of his own pants as his shirt deliciously lifted up above his stomach.
You couldn't help yourself, as you lowered yourself onto Belphie's hips again to caress his exposed stomach.
He was the type to rarely reveal himself fully to you, so you would greedily take any little crumbs he dropped for you.
Bephie tried to hide his moans, as he bit down on his lip while trying to shimmy away from your hold.
He hated being teased.
It didn't last long, though, as you felt Beel begin to grind his large cock up against your back. You moaned loudly, as you felt him grab your hips roughly, impaling you onto Belphie's awaiting cock.
“Sorry.” Beel mumbled, as you and Belphie tried to accommodate one another. “Can't wait anymore.”
Before either of you could respond, you could feel Beel slowly press his way into your other hole.
“A-ah, Be-Bu… Beel!” You tried to say, as you felt him press further and further into you.
“Sorry- can't wait.” He mumbled, pressing himself further and further into you.
“Ah, fuck!” Belphie groaned, feeling your pussy clench around him, as your walls grew more and more compressed from Beel's cock bullying its way into your other hole.
You all groaned at once, when he finally bottomed out as well, stilling for a minute for you all to get reacquainted with this feeling.
It hadn't been that long since you've laid with each other, but being stuffed full of two demon cock's takes a little time to get used to.
You began to grow impatient, however, as you did your best to wiggle your hips to get some kind of friction going.
It seems that Belphie isn't the only one who hates teasing today.
That was all the signal that Beel needed- as he grabbed at your hips once more, moving you up and down onto their cocks at a comfortable pace, moaning loudly as he threw his head back in pleasure.
“Ah- oh fuck, oh fuck!” You nearly screamed, as Beel was using you in the most literal of terms.
At this moment, you were nothing more than a hole for him to fuck up into.
He grunted, as Beel began picking up the pace, while Belphie was biting down onto his lip to stop himself from crying out in pleasure.
You leaned back as much as you could, reaching behind you to latch onto Beel as best you could, digging your nails into whatever flesh you could get ahold of.
You winced, feeling his fingers gripping at your hips harder, it was definitely going to bruise later, as Beel let out a particularly loud groan when he felt you clench around him.
It made your pussy quiver, the sound of his deep voice bellowing out a loud and feral noise because of you… it felt amazing.
You couldn't stop yourself, as you came all over Belphie's cock, your juices dripping down his shaft as your pussy began to squeeze around him.
“Ngh! Fuck, MC!” Belphie finally groaned out, lifting his hips up, shooting his cum as deep inside of you as he could get it.
His brother followed not long after, as you felt him bite hard into your shoulder while grunted, the warm feeling of his cum dripping out of your puckered hole making you shiver in satisfaction.
Beel was the first to regain his bearing and move, shifting his already sleeping brother over enough for him to squeeze into the bed next to him, while simultaneously laying you in between the both of them.
It only lasted for a few minutes though, before you became too uncomfortable and fidgety to ignore.
“Beel- I can't feel my arms or legs. Can you please cut these ribbons off of me?” You asked, trying to roll over top of Belphie to reach the floor.
“Oh! Right!” Beel said, getting up quickly to find your scissors that were on the table.
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Hullooo!! Tis the season for meeriment, could you do the Wachowski family decorating their Christmas tree (w/ extra fluff?) along with Sonic explaining the holiday traditions to Tails & Knux (w/ a side of humor) pretty plz?
I gotchu!
TIS THE MUHFUKIN SEASON AND ALL THRU DA HOUSE Sonic is makin a ruckus, much louder than any mouse.
This boy is blasting Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You while yelling that “SHE HAS DEFROSTED!”
Tails knows Christmas. He didn’t really get to celebrate it officially in the orphanage. But this.. puzzles him. Earth Christmas is a much bigger deal than he thought.
Knuckles is proper confused. He doesn’t know who Mariah Carey is, why someone wants him for Christmas, and what the season of holly jolly brings.
Sonic pulls up in the hallway with a Santa hat, sunglasses, and a small Santa jacket. He cheers “MY BROTHERS!! REJOICE!! FOR IT IS CHRISTMAS.” Maddie laughs “Sonic, what is all this?”
“It’s our first Christmas together! It’s a huge deal!” Sonic raises his arms up to emphasize. Knuckles approaches his brother “I would like you to explain Christmas to me.” Sonic stands proudly “of course, my dear older brother.”
“Why are you talking like that?” Knuckles asks, and Sonic ignores him, going to hunt down the youngest. Tails is heading up to the attic when Sonic stops him “excuse me young man, where do you think you’re going?” Tails gives Sonic a look “upstairs.” “Why?”
Tails turns and sits on the step “well.. Christmas wasn’t a big deal where I’m from. At the orphanage, we just got a slightly better quality meal, and maybe a gift or two.. some kids got gifts from donations. I got nothing.. I stopped asking for anything. I figured I didn’t deserve the luxury of gifts.” You hear that? That’s the sound of Sonics heart breaking.
Sonic sits next to his little brother “Tails.. I’m. Im sorry to hear.. you do deserve gifts! You deserve all the gifts! Besides a couple felonies, you haven’t done anything bad this year!” Tails snickers. Sonic puts his hat on Tails and picks him up onto his shoulder “cmon little bro! Let’s go help mom, dad, and Knux decorate!”
They go downstairs into the livingroom, where the tree itself is almost up.
Knuckles brings a couple large boxes that Tom had told him to bring up. When theyre opened, they find that the boxes are stuffed with decorations and Christmas ornaments. Tom and Maddie laughs as their boys dig in and start hanging up the ornaments.
The boys discover that their parents had bought 3 special ornaments: a hedgehog, a fox, and an echidna! Tails is jumping for joy. Knuckles is happy global shipping is a thing so Australia could bless him with this ornament. They hang up the ornaments together, putting them right next to each other.
Sonic is so happy to be involved this Christmas, and not be decorating a stick in his cave with random trash.
The tree is topped off with a star, one that the brothers again put up themselves by stacking on each other’s shoulders.
It is complete. Now for the rest of the house!
During decorating the livingroom, Tom asks “you boys ready for Santa Claus to come to town?” The boys look at each other confused. They knew of a Santa Claus, but they were not aware that he would be coming to town.
Knuckles raises a finger “uhm. Father? Explain this Santa Claus to us.”
Maddie and Tom are shocked! Then they realize that Santa must be an Earth thing.
Maddie sits her boys down “Santa is a big jolly man who comes around every Christmas Eve to bring presents to all the good boys and girls! We bake cookies for him and leave out some milk so he won’t be hungry or thirsty travelling the globe.” Tails’ eyes widen “he travels the world in ONE NIGHT??” Tom nods “yea buddy! He flies around in his sleigh pulled by his 9 reindeer!”
The brothers gasp. This guy sounds awesome! Sonic does wonder why he didn’t get anything.. but then he chalks it up to him being so great at hiding.
They spend the evening talking about Santa and what they want for Christmas.
Sonic wants to get everyone a gift this year.. but he isn’t sure what.
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"Broken & Beautiful" Chapter 9
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     TIMELINE: “Bodega Cat” (S. 02, E. 08)
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     I’m a woman with many secrets. But my love for Christmas isn’t one of them. It’s a well-known fact that I love everything about it. Drinking eggnog and singing Christmas carols. Taking a walk down the middle of 5th Avenue in the freshly fallen snow. Curling up on my sofa and watching cheesy holiday movies while drinking hot cocoa. I even love my white, pre-assembled Christmas tree that I purchased the first year I moved into my apartment. I love to decorate it with tinsel, lights, and each and every ornament that I’ve collected over the years.
     What I don’t love is being shut down at every turn by my best friend. While my heart was in the right place, I admit that it may have been a mistake to talk to Will about my concerns regarding Tess. I tried to reason with him. Tried to make him understand that I was just trying to look out for him. He would hear none of it. As far as he’s concerned, Tess has not given him a reason to doubt her desire to be with him. Things became even worse when he made a hurtful comment about my relationship with Jake. I’ve never seen Will like this. As long as I’ve known him, he’s never been so irrational and cruel.
     While I’m on the outs with Will, I have to say that Jake and I are - much to everyone’s surprise - still together. We hit a bit of a rough patch a few days ago. I won’t go into any details. Let’s just say that I asked him the wrong question, and it took some time for me to coax him back out of his shell. With Jake, I’ve found that patience is key. The night when we made up, I assured him that I will not push him to talk about certain things if he doesn’t want to. He, at least, knows that I care for him; that I’m here for him; and that I am trying to learn his boundaries. Things didn’t cool down right away, but at least we were able to work it out.
     Now, if I could just do the same with Will ...
     Howard, for whatever reason, has decided to host the annual Christmas party at a whiskey distillery. I’m listening to Sasha and Ari talking about some crazy holiday rave they attended a few nights ago, glancing over at Jake and favoring him with a smile. Then I see Will walk by, carrying a large wrapped box. I leave Sasha and Ari to continue their conversation without me, take in a steadying breath, and make my way over to Will. He may be stubborn, but I’m not ready to give up. Our friendship is too important.
     “Hey, Will? Can we talk? Please?”
     He gives me a look that could make Hell freeze over, shoves the wrapped box into my arms, and walks away.
     Well, guess not.
     I open up the box and find a huge bottle of whiskey inside. Well, at least I have some booze to help me drown my sorrows. I open it up, take a healthy gulp, and frown to myself. “ ‘Tis the season to be jolly,” my ass. I find myself a seat and sit down, taking another swig from the bottle. At this point, I don’t care that I don’t even like whiskey. If it takes the edge off, so be it.
     “You may want to slow down and pace yourself,” Simone comments, sitting next to me.
     “Why would I do that? I mean, isn’t getting drunk a holiday tradition?”
     “It is,” she acknowledges with a nod. “But not when you have to go to work in a few hours.” I give her a look, and she picks up on its meaning. “You’re right. Who am I to talk? I haven’t been on my best behavior. And I know that I still owe you an apology.”
     “Yup.” I take another swig, then frown when Simone takes the bottle from me and sets it aside. Needless to say, I’m still feeling salty over a nasty comment she had made.
     “I’m a grown woman, and I can admit when I’ve crossed a line. What I said is inexcusable, and I apologize.”
     I look at her, nodding. “Thank you.”
     “And before I forget ...” She reaches into her purse and pulls out an envelope. “ ... I believe you have a birthday coming up.”
     I take the envelope from her and give her a smile. Truth be told, I’d rather have the whiskey back. But this will do. “You didn’t have to do this.”
     “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. Open it.” I do as I’m told, pulling out a gift certificate. “It’s my favorite spa,” she explains. “If you want a massage, ask for Lynnette. She’s the best.”
     I smile at her. “Thank you.”
     “You’re welcome.”
     We both happen to look over in Jake’s direction at the same time, and he gives us a faint smile.
     “You seem to make him happy,” Simone comments.
     I don’t know if she means this. Whenever she talks to me, I always pick up a hint of manipulation in her voice. It could be paranoia. But something in the back of my mind tells me otherwise.
     I must be grinning like an idiot when I walk over to Jake, because he furrows his brows at me. “What’s up?”
     “Oh, nothing. I just heard something very nice, and it made my day.”
     Howard is nowhere in sight, and so Jake leans in to kiss me. He chuckles against my lips and then pulls away. “You got into the whiskey. Didn’t you?”
     I shrug. “Eh. It’s the holidays.” Then I add in a sing-song voice “ ‘Tis the season to be jolly. Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah, blah, blah.”
     He laughs a bit. “Did Simone give you your present?”
     I nod. “Yes. She also apologized.”
     “Good. What about you and Will?”
     I whine a little and lean against him, and he gives me a side hug. His embrace is warm and comforting. Just what I need.
     “I’m sorry,” he says. “He’ll come around.”
     “I hope so.”
     “Do you have any plans for your birthday?”
     I shrug. “The same as every year, I guess. Go dancing. Get drunk. Pass out at Ari’s. Wake up with a hangover and swear that I’ll never do it again. Nothing concrete.” Then I smile and turn to him. “Why? Do you have something in mind?”
     “Are you going to tell me?”
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     It’s a few hours before the restaurant opens. Howard has given me the task of decorating the second-floor Christmas tree. Ari is supposed to help. But her idea of helping involves randomly dispersing silver tinsel in clusters for a few minutes before sitting down at a table to file her nails. Usually, I wouldn’t mind. Some people think of Christmas tree decorating as tedious and boring. I normally enjoy it. But not today, because I’m in a sullen mood. I don’t even have the will to chastise Ari for not being more selective in her tinsel dispersal technique. I’m very close to feeling very much like the Grinch, and I don’t like it.
     I let out a sad sigh as I hang yet another vintage-looking ornament from the tree. “You know what, Ari? Why don’t you take a break from ‘helping’ me? I can take it from here?”
     “You sure?” she asks, pausing long enough to look up at me.
     “Okay. Have fun.”
     “Yay,” I say sarcastically while Ari makes her escape.
     “Need some help?”
     I look over at Will, dressed in a suit and tie, and I can’t even muster a smile. “Sure. I guess,” I answer sullenly, and Will and I begin to decorate the tree together.
     “I, umm ... I came over to apologize, actually.”
     “Yeah.” He faces me, and I give him a look as I turn to pick up another ornament. “I’ve been petty and selfish. While I still think you’re wrong about Tess, I know you’re just looking out for me.”
     “I am,” I agree, hanging up a delicate white swan ornament.
     “You’re just doing what I would do for you,” he adds.
     “Look. I’m sorry.” I look over at him, and he shrugs and gives me one of his half-smiles. “What can I say? I’m an idiot.”
     “You’ll get no argument from me,” I say jokingly, giving him a small smile for emphasis. He stands there, with his puppy dog eyes, and I find myself caving. “You know I can’t stay mad at you forever, Will. I forgive you.” His half-smile widens to a full one, and already the mood seems lighter. Seems my Grinch-like heart has grown back to its original size. “I owe you an apology, too. I should have minded my own business.”
     “You meant well,” Will acknowledges.
     “I did. It’s just ... You’re always looking after me. I just wanted to return the favor for once.”
     I hang up a butterfly ornament, making a note to ask Howard where he purchased it. I’m sure it’s expensive, but it’s beautiful. “So ... how are things between you and Tess?” I ask. It’s probably a stupid question, but I’m curious. My protective instincts haven’t gone away, just because Will and I have buried the hatchet.
     “They’re fine. I know you don’t like her. But do you think you two can make peace? It is Christmas, after all.” He gives me one of those looks. One of those pleading, puppy dog looks that he knows I can’t say “No,” to.
     “Fine,” I say, reluctantly. “I’ll try to make peace with her. I will be the bigger person. I will eat a piece of humble pie. But that doesn’t mean I have to like her. Right?”
     “Just ... try to be civil. Okay? I really like her.”
     I sigh. “Okay. I’ll be a good girl.”
     “Thank you.” There’s a moment of silence, and then Will says “I’m sorry for what I said about you and Jake. It was wrong of me to say that he’s just using you.” He observes me for a few seconds. “I never thought I’d say this, but ... Jake seems to actually care about you.”
     I smile to myself. “He does. And I care about him, too.”
     “Does he make you happy?”
     I nod. “Yes. Believe it or not, he does.” I turn to look him in the eyes. “Look. A year ago, if you had told me that I would be in a relationship with Jake ... that I’d actually be happy with him ... I would have thought you had been beaten with a crazy stick.” Will chuckles at this. “But I really am.” I may be saying too much, but I trust Will and I want him to understand. “You may not believe this, Will. But he has another side to him. He has a good heart.”
     “Let me guess. He only lets it out on special occasions?” I give him an annoyed look. “I’m joking! If he makes you happy, I’m happy for you.”
     “Good.” I turn back to the tree, but pause when Will asks me something that catches me off-guard.
     “So ... do you love him?”
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lserver362reviews · 9 months
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The season of giving thanks is officially upon us! This is just such a beautiful film capturing a moment both bittersweet and cumulative of all the history of The Band. The theater I saw this in cranked up the volume on the music sections and despite watching it every year for the past 3 or 4 years, I had forgotten just how energized this film makes me (Neil Diamond being the one and only low point). The audio for the interviews was significantly lower than the concert footage, but it still worked for me overall. I really noticed how the sections and performances were tied together thematically. I also think that there's a undercurrent of politics that goes untouched. My dad, upon leaving the movie theater remarked, "It sure was a different time." I will note that the previews consisted of a voice over from Robbie Robertson (that had been advertised as a special introduction from him) over clips from the film, and then they played a highlight reel of just his parts as tribute. It felt really weird and inflated when the movie was about to be shown. Don't play a highlight reel when we're about to experience the whole thing! I think it would have been better to just have an in memorium at the very end. (Alright, I had to get that out of the way). I really love how this is not a completely polished product, you see some of the sausage getting made and I love that for it. Also having just seen Mavis Staples in concert this last week (aka God's gift to the world) sing The Weight with local rock hero Grace Potter, seeing her in this felt extra special, and that section received the only full audience round of applause of the night. I guess I had also forgotten that Pops gets a verse on The Weight and delivers it so so nicely. I need to start a new paragraph just to talk about Rick Danko and how he oozes a sweetness that cannot be named. He's just such a jolly player and totally buoyant, just so talented. Rick Danko is the ideal man. My best friend Lynn, turned to me and said, look at the bassist, during the Dylan bit because Rick looks like a Muppet. It is sobering to see him mention something about drug use and the rest of the guys kind of joke and chuckle while he remains stone faced. Marc Maron mentioned thinking about him a lot and how sweet he was the other week to Joan Baez, and I completely relate to that. It Makes No Difference is just a stunning song, performed so magnificently and I just have to wonder, who hurt you, Rick? His vocal talents and joyful bass playing, along with the fiddling, are a wonderfully captured gift. I love Rick Danko and will think about him so much, always. Also Robbie Robertson rocked that fuchsia scarf so hard while absolutely shredding the guitar throughout this night. I loved seeing all his interviews, as he oddly kind of seems the most mature. I loved hearing about Garth teaching music lessons for a price. Richard Manuel had my favorite voice out of the guys, but I always thought I liked Levon's songs the best (I've kinda come around to Rick having my fav songs though). I plan on watching all the docs I can this month devoted to The Band. I'm so long overdue on Festival Express, but hopefully I'll be able to find: Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band, Ain’t in It for My Health: A Film About Levon Helm, Revisiting the Last Waltz, and Bob Dylan & The Band: Down In The Flood. I hope you join me! Now let's take it from the top!
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britesparc · 9 months
Weekend Top Ten #616
Top Ten Moments in Die Hard, as Represented by a Line of Dialogue
Yippee-ki-yay, merry Christmas. Tis the season to be jolly, to eat a lot of stollen, to sing some below-par songs, and above all else to watch Christmas movies. And the best Christmas movie is, of course, Die Hard.
Let me set the record straight: there is virtually nothing in film discourse more boring than the question “is Die Hard a Christmas movie?”. As far as I’m concerned, it’s incontrovertible; it’s set at Christmas, it features a ton of Christmas songs on the soundtrack, Christmas is both a plot device (the building is empty for the holidays apart from one Christmas party) and a character motivation (the estranged family getting back together for the season), the juxtaposition of tension and violence with the festivities is the source of both pathos and humour, and the main female character is called Holly. Now, there are plenty of films set at Christmas that I don’t think really are “Christmas films”; Die Hard is not one of them. I think the only reason people don’t want to think of it as a Christmas film is because it’s an action movie. But here’s the thing; it’s not just the best Christmas movie, it’s also the best action movie! It’s a double-threat! It’s really funny too so maybe it’s a triple threat.
Anyway, that’s all very boring; I wish we could all just accept that some people, for whatever reason, don’t think it’s a “proper” Christmas film, some people do, and leave it at that. I promise I won’t quibble if you cite, I dunno, Holiday Inn (not set at Christmas!) or When Harry Met Sally (New Year!) or Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Thanksgiving!), or even most Shane Black movies (Christmas is the backdrop but not really a functional part of the plot or theme in most cases!) as long as you let me have my Die Hard. I’ll meet you halfway and say that I don’t really think Die Hard 2 is very good as a Christmas movie! That’s an action film that takes place at Christmas, and whilst the snow is very important to the film, the fact it’s actually Christmas is less so. But! I repeat: this is boring! Let’s move onto the fun part!
Because Die Hard is my favourite film set at Christmas – and also my favourite action film full-stop – I want to celebrate it at this, the time for miracles. And what better way to do that than to highlight, in my own special way, my favourite moments from the film? And because the script by Jeb Stuart and Steven E. de Souza is so packed with terrific dialogue, why not choose moments represented by that dialogue? And so that’s what I have done.
Do please enjoy, then come out to coast and have a few laughs.
Merry Christmas. Ho-ho-ho.
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“You ask for miracles, I give you the FBI”: one of Die Hard’s greatest strengths is the effectiveness of its criminals. Their plan is really quite good, and they function together as an incredibly well-oiled team. There are multiple scenes of them working together, obviously highly trained – but at the same time, they bicker, they drop things, they sweat. They’re a team of professionals working very hard. But the strength of the plan, of Hans’ cleverness, is outlined in this scene, when the whole fake-terrorist thing reveals itself.
“Take this under advisement, jerk-weed”: similarly, there are a lot of things to love about McClane – we’ll get to more later – but he’s also a great planner. He plots and schemes against Hans and his team, counting their numbers, learning their names, following their plans. And here, he takes very direct action o cut down their numbers and try to save lives, dropping a makeshift bomb down an elevator shaft. It’s clever and goes boom.
“Hans, bubbe, I’m your white knight”: moving aside from the two stars of the show (Willis and Rickman), we have this tremendous scene were uber-douche Ellis tries to talk down McClane. It’s full of great dialogue and interesting mannerisms from Hart Bochner (love the way he drinks Coke). But again, Wilis and Rickman are superb, because the real conversation, the real battle of wits, is between these two, both of whom know what’s going on over poor Ellis’ head.
“Clay. Bill Clay”: back to the two stars, this is an incredible scene of shifting tensions. Which of them has the upper hand? Is Hans tricking John? Is he at his mercy? It’s almost like the scene in the coffee shop in Heat. And, once again, the dialogue is excellent.
“Now I have a machine gun. Ho-ho-ho”: one of the film’s most famous and iconic moments, McLane declaring both his existence and his intent, and making a big statement. It’s bold and – for us – kinda funny, but it’s got smarts and sense to it, as he uses the chaos it creates to learn more about who he’s up against.
“I could talk about industrialisation and men’s fashion all day”: probably the first time we really get to knuckle down with Hans Gruber, in a scene that really shows off Rickman’s skill in the role. His urbanity, his quiet sense of unassuming threat, his sense of humour as he interrogates Takagi, is incredible. Full of tension and tragedy.
“Tell her I’m sorry”: as well as “ho-ho-ho”, one of the film’s undying images is McLane pulling a huge chunk of glass from his foot. But this scene is also a tender pause in the action as a battered John begins to doubt he’ll make it through the night, achieving a realisation over his relationship. Al, meanwhile, recounts his own tragic history of mistakenly shooting a child (a plot point that I don’t think you’d choose to include nowadays). The mortality on display was a stark contrast to the prevalent He-Man style of action hero in the eighties and helped humanise John.
“Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs”: another aspect that humanised John was his humour. Yes he’s a smartass loudmouth who has a pop at everyone, but he’s also constantly talking to himself and making little quips and asides. This moment – crawling through a vent! – is a classic as he suddenly stops and makes the wry, iconic gag.
“Make fists with your toes”: I love the opening of this film, McLane jetting in and immediately out of his element. The cheery businessman he meets, with his jaunty story of combatting jetlag, is a nice window into another world but also establishes the vulnerability of John being barefoot for the whole film. Plus it’s kind of a funny gag.
“Yippee ki-yay…”: ah, here we are. The film’s most famous line; Bruce Willis’ own “I’ll be back”. It makes sense here, as he’s called a cowboy by Hans, and expresses a fondness for Roy Rogers. But he’s McLane, so of course he has to twist the knife and be a jerk, so he adds (ahem) the “motherfucker”. Of course he does! And then at the end Hans throws it back at him, but he’s ready for it! With the hidden gun and the Christmas tape!
Like men’s fashion, I could talk about this movie all day. There are so many moments and great lines. I’ve not said a lot about Al, and nothing about the various other cops and FBI guys, nor really Holly or William Atherton. It’s one of my favourite films, probably the best American action movie, and the greatest Christmas film of all time.
I can’t wait to see what they do for New Years.
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cathygeha · 2 years
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A Duke in Winter
A Historical Romance Collection
 Ten novella length historical romances by ten authors gives the reader the chance to read authors already or yet to be read for the first time. With half of the stories read so far, I eagerly look forward to reading the rest after I post this review.
 As with any collection of stories, some will appeal more than others and yet at least one or more will no doubt be just what you needed to read in that moment that you sit down to do so. You can see how others live, what motivates them, how your life differs from theirs, try on a character or two to see if any are ones you could play the part of, and perhaps meet an author that will see you looking for their work again.
 Emily Royal’s THE TAMING OF THE DUKE has a side bet instigated that sees a fake courting become real but not without a bit of drama. A spinster will meet her match and so will the duke that begins a fake courtship with her.
 Anna St. Claire’s’ ONCE UPON A WINTER’S TALE is a bit darker tale of a love left behind with fear the motivating force but driven also by the desire of one man for an heir.
 Sandra Sookoo’s MUCH ADO ABOUT A STORME sees the matriarch of the Storme family, now widowed, finding a second chance at love.
 Elizabeth Keysian’s THE TEMPESTUOUS DUKE is almost Gothic in feel with a young woman washed ashore after a capsizing faced with two brothers that are at odds with one another due to what happened in the past. A Talking parrot, wonderful canine, and a mystery to solve are only part of the story.
 Caroline Warfield’s THE SIXTH HENRY might have been my favorite with a bit of a Capulet’s and Montagues feuding families feel to it but…this couple lands in a better situation than poor Romeo and Juliet. This story made me think about how difficult it would be to step into the shoes of a Duke without having training to do so.
 Did I enjoy the stories I read – yes
Will I read the authors again in the future – yes
 Thank you to NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4 – 5 stars
 “It was a dark and snowy night…” Winter has come and the holiday seasons have arrived. ‘Tis the season to be jolly for most, but beneath the joyous celebrations lurks moody, dark, and seductive dukes that make England’s most famous bard’s brooding lords look like charm boys. But this isn’t a tortured Danish prince or a tormented king with three conniving daughters. This is… A Duke In Winter. Ten of your favorite historical romance authors have come together for this wintery collection to set your pulse racing. Melt the snow a little with this collection of sexy tales of moody dukes and the women hot enough to warm them. Indulge in the most unexpected of winter romantic tales! This set includes USA Today and Bestselling authors: Emily Royal Anna St. Claire Elizabeth Keysian Caroline Warfield Elizabeth Ellen Carter Ruth A. Casie C.H. Admirand Charlotte Wren Sandra Sookoo Anna Markland
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wlovat · 3 years
‘Tis The Season
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An monwinn drabble filled with angst+fluff! dt: @bisexual-winn-schott
Pairing: Mon-El and Winn Schott
TWs: mentions of child abuse, panic attacks, and light cursing
The streets and stores were abuzz with activity, as it was an only a week until Christmas Eve! Everyone in National City was scrambling to get everything they needed for the holidays. At the DEO, Kara was up in the air helping with the rest of the decorations when she spotted Mon-El below her. She hung up the banner and flew on down. “Hey! What are you doing here? It’s nice to see you!” Kara smiles and hugs her friend. Mon-El hugs her back with a small smile. “It’s nice to see you, too. I’m uh… actually here to pick up Winn. He’s supposed to be helping me go Christmas shopping. I’m gonna be buying toys for an orphanage down the road,” Mon-El told her as they pulled away.
Kara nodded and gestured over to Winn’s desk, where he sat working. “Yeah, he’s right over there,” she told him and walked upstairs to finish up the decorations.
Mon-El walked over to his boyfriend, seeing that he had his headphones in. He chuckled and snuck up behind him, draping his arms around Winn’s neck. “Whatcha doin?”
Winn jumped and let out a small scream, taking his headphones out and pushing Mon-El’s chest. He calmed down when he heard his boyfriend’s giggles. A smile spread across his face. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Yeah, well, maybe you should take your earbuds out at work,” Mon-El said and gave him a kiss. He grabbed Winn’s bag and coat off of his chair. “Are you ready to go?”
“Shopping? For the orphanage downtown?”
“Ah, right! Right, sorry. It’s been crazy here all day. I must’ve forgot,” Winn chuckled nervously. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Mon-El about… how he hated being around toy sections in stores. But he figured he’d be fine… as long as he didn’t think about it too much or stare too long. He’d be fine!
“It’s fine. Now, come on! I wanna get there before the evening rush hits,” Mon-El says, dragging his boyfriend out the door. As if leaving any earlier changed anything, the mall was still packed! Winn grumbled and followed behind Mon-El, gripping his hand so they wouldn’t get separated. “Relax, Winn. I’m right here,” Mon-El told him quietly.
“I don’t like crowds,” Was all Winn said. They wandered into an toy store and began looking around. Mon-El managed to find an clearance section and pursued that instead of the regularly-priced items. After he had his hands full, he turned around from the table. “Okay, Winn, we can- Winn?” Mon-El stopped when he realized Winn… wasn’t next to him anymore. “How could I have lost him?” Mon-El thought to himself. “He was right here.”
He wandered through each of the files before he finally spotted Winn. He sighed in relief and walked down to meet him. “There you are! You wandered all the way across the store. I couldn’t find you,” Mon-El said. When he finally reached him, he noticed he was standing still with a stoic expression on his face. Mon-El sat the toys down on a separate shelf and put an hand on Winn’s shoulder. “Winn? Are you alright, my love?”
There were tears running down Winn’s face. Mon-El followed his gaze to see him staring at an Jolly Chimp toy, which was just an monkey with two cymbals in its hands. He sighed softly and turned back to Winn. “It’s just a toy, come on babe,” He said softly.
“I can’t… I can’t be in here. Not now,” Winn managed to say, covering his mouth as he stepped out the door to the parking lot. Mon-El left his items behind and ran out after him. He found Winn behind the mall in an back alley, throwing up and hyperventilating. He knelt down in front of him, cupping his hands in his cheeks. “Look at me, I’m right here. Hey… it’s okay,” Mon-El murmured softly. He pulled Winn close to his chest and just held him as he cried for awhile.
“My dad…. he made one of those for me on Christmas Eve one year. It worked great and I used to play with it for hours on end. Until one night he came home, drunk, and broke it against the wall. He yelled at me while it just kept clanging and clanging… until my mom came in from the garden and picked me up - took me next door to stay with our neighbor,” Winn says, stopping for a moment to wipe at his face. He turned to look at Mon-El, his lip quivering. “Sometimes…. I still see that moment and re-live it over and over again.”
“I didn’t know you were struggling.” Mon-El frowned, fixing Winn’s hair. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have made you come.”
“No, no, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. I knew what going in there was going to do to me. I thought…. I thought I’d be okay,” Winn sniffled, getting up onto his feet. “Shit… I hate losing it in public like that.”
“At least you didn’t throw up in front of a bunch of kids,” Mon-El teased and both of the boys laughed.
“Can you just… take us home?” Winn smiled, already draping his arms around Mon-El. He nodded and shot them into the air. They landed on Winn’s balcony, with him gasping for air. “I’ll never get used to that!” Winn laughed softly and unlocked his balcony door, letting the two of them inside. He threw his bag on the counter and flopped onto his bed. “I’m so tired…”
“Well, why don’t you rest for awhile and I’ll make dinner,” Mon-El suggested, already covering him up and taking his shoes off.
“You? Cook dinner?” Winn smiled up at him.
“I can cook! Now… shush and go to sleep,” Mon-El teased, getting up and gently cracked the bedroom door. Within seconds, he heard light snoring from the other side and he smiled.
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abundanceofnots · 3 years
The vibe is very ✨ today and I can't say I mind! Happy question monday here are your questions!
1) So how does a person function in a busy newsroom? Do you just get used to it at some point?
2) 'Tis almost the season to be jolly, soooo what is the best food of the festive season?
3) Who is an actor that you feel is seriously under-rated/under-utilised?
😊 💖
we like a ✨ vibe
1. The short answer is, you don't. You just don't function, not like a normal human being would, anyways.
Thankfully, I don't work in a big newsroom anymore, but even a small one can feel like being surrounded by a swarm of angry bees. People talking over each other, or into the phone, or simply click-clacking into their keyboards. The TV or the radio is on--sometimes both at the same time. There's music playing from someone's headphones, constantly.
And sometimes, it can be really overwhelming and you get frustrated and stuck and feel like you can't even compile that one single paragraph that's asked of you for the breaking news story unless everyone shuts the hell up (which they, obviously, can't do). Other times, it works wonders and helps the workflow to have everyone cooperate and work on different aspects of the story. And to see that kind of well-oiled machine come to life, to be a spectator to this sort of verbal ping-pong, is really quite something. Intoxicating, even.
2. I hope there are some Slavs around to back me up with this, but it's hands down the traditional Christmas Eve potato salad. (Is it healthy? No. Is it yummy? Oh yes. Does the literal bucket the family always prepares last longer than a day? Hell no.) As for something sweet, you can never go wrong with Linzer Cookies.
3. Trying real hard not to go for the obvious answer here, so I had a good think about it and this is what I came up with:
Antonio Banderas (thank God for Almodóvar, the Americans really don't know what to do with him)
Andrew Scott (yes, still, in the year 2 P.H.P. aka post-Hot Priest, and EVEN LONGER since Sherlock)
Lee Pace (seriously, this one is a plain crime against humanity)
Kieran Culkin (I know he's thriving in his Succession era, and deservedly, but it's been too long since his Wallace from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World glory days, in my books)
Michael Stuhlbarg (the ultimate will-show-up-in-a-movie-unannounced-and-absolutely-kill-it kinda actor)
Chris Messina (just because he's my favourite Hollywood Chris)
Jim Carrey in dramatic roles
But also yes, because it has to be said, please cast Noel Fisher - in your big flashy projects, you Hollywood cowards - in your meaty, psychologically dense roles, underpaid European indie directors - in your repetitive, woke-for-show romcoms, Netflix executives.
I would like to watch them all. (I say that even though I'm still casually avoiding Capone.)
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
The Things You Give Pt 13
AN: Another part is up! Let me know what you’re thinking of the series so far because I’m thinking of ending it soon because I’d hate for it to go on longer than needed. But I am having a lot of fun writing it and love hearing back from you guys! Thank you all for those that have been reading since the beginning and if you’re just finding the series, welcome! Enjoy!
Steven Hyde x Reader
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October 15, 1978
The Forman Kitchen
Point Place, Wisconsin           
The morning at the breakfast table, things still hadn’t changed between the three teenagers, but they were at least able to be around each other without fists flying, so y/n took that as a plus. Y/n could barley eat though. She had woken up feeling sick to her stomach; the thought of food repulsing her. She nibbled on her toast and couldn’t even sip on her orange juice without wanting to vomit.             
“Y/n, are you okay?” Kitty asked concerned. “You’ve barley touched your breakfast.”          
Y/n groaned. “Just feeling a little sick is all.”            
Kitty hummed and pressed the back of her hand to y/n’s forehead. “You don’t feel warm. Maybe it was something you ate.”            
Y/n groaned again and put her head down. “Maybe.”           
 “Hey Dad, can you pass the bacon?” Eric asked, stretching arm out.            
Y/n gagged and groaned. “Please don’t say bacon.”           
 Eric smirked and grabbed a piece, biting into it. “Mhmmmm…bacόn.”           
 “Please stop,” she grumbled, her stomach churning.            
“It’s so juicy and chewy and the fat at the end is the best part,” Eric continued, laughing.            
“Oh, God! Did you have to say that?!” she screeched as she made haste to the nearest bathroom. She could feel the contents of her stomach rising before she made it to the bathroom.            
“Did you really have to do that?” Kitty asked, disappointed.             
“Yes,” Eric responded. “Yes, I did.”            
Kitty shook her head in disapproval and brought her fork of food to her mouth.            
Red glared at his son before returning his attention to the newspaper.            
“What?!” Eric asked. “She started it!”            
“Oh, boo hoo, she broke your dolls,” Red mocked.           
 “G.I Joes,” Eric corrected.           
 “Whatever,” his father answered. “Whatever she did isn’t worth making her throw up over.”            
Yes, it is, Eric thought.            
Y/n returned to the kitchen, her skin ashen and her eyes sunken. “I think I’m going to go back to bed so I don’t barf all over the table.”            
“Well, okay honey,” Kitty said getting up and taking her plate to the sink. “I’ll bring you some soup later, okay?”            
Y/n shook her head, making a face of disgust. “Please, Mom. I can’t even think about food right now.”           
 “Well, you have to get some food in you,” Kitty responded. “Otherwise you’ll get even more sick.”            
Y/n nodded. “Okay. I just really want to go back to bed.”            
“Okay sweetie,” Kitty responded, rubbing her daughter’s shoulder. “We’ll see you later.”            
Y/n nodded and stole a glance at Hyde before she made her way upstairs.         
“Eric, I need you to mow the lawn later,” Red demanded as he finished his breakfast.            
“What? Why can’t Hyde do it?”            
“Because unlike your sorry ass, I actually have work,” Hyde replied.           
 Eric glared at him before turning back to Red. “Why do I always have to do it?”           
 “Because I said so!” Red barked.                                                 
                                                   --Time Skip—           
 “So, you think you got food poisoning, huh?” Donna asked that night over the phone.             
Y/n nodded before she realized she was talking over the phone. “Yeah, I do. Every time I move, my body screams at me. My back is hurting so much. And my stupid cramps aren’t helping any either.”           
 “Have you been throwing up that much?”            
“Yeah,” Y/n replied, wiping her sweaty and oily hair out of her face. “I think I pulled a muscle in my back or something because of it. Even my boobs hurt.”    
  “Nausea, back aches, and tender breasts,” Donna counted off. “Hey, you may be pregnant.” Donna chuckled at her own joke.           
 “Ha ha,” Y/n chortled. “You’re funny. Definitely not pregnant.”           
 “Yeah? And how do you know?”            
“Because I’m supposed to be getting my period in a few days. These could be symptoms of PMS. Or maybe both.”            
“Supposed to,” Donna pushed, putting emphasis on her words.            
“Shut up,” Elena laughed. “Stop saying that. I’m not pregnant. Eric would throw himself off a cliff if that happened. Or Hyde. Or Eric would push Hyde off a cliff. One of the three.”          
  Donna chuckled. “But seriously, are you alright?”            
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just can’t do much for a couple of days.”            
“Okay, well if you need anything, you know where to find me.”            
“Thanks Donna,” Y/n said. “I’m going to go to sleep. I’ll talk to you later.”            “Alright, rest easy. Talk to you later.”            
Y/n hung up the phone before turning back around and falling back asleep, feeling her stomach churning. Pregnant.            
The word echoed in her head as sleep quickly enveloped her.                                                                             --Time Skip—           
 “Guys!” Kelso called as he barged through the door in the basement. “The Omen is on TV right now!” He hurriedly made his way over to the television set, switching on the movie.           
 “Kelso, what the hell, man? We were watching that!” Hyde piped up.            “C’mon, it’s Halloween season!” Kelso argued. “Tis the season to be jolly!”            
“That’s Christmas, moron,” Jackie said from behind him.           
 “Well, whatever! I think we should get in the spirit.”            
The gang groaned as they leaned back into their seats.           
 “Hey, where’s y/n?” Hyde asked.            
“Oh, she’s upstairs sleeping,” Donna answered nonchalantly.            
“Still? It’s six o’ clock,” he responded. “She’s been upstairs since this morning.”    
“Well, food poisoning is a real bitch,” she replied. “And so is PMS.”           
 “Alright, TMI,” Eric said and got up to turn up the volume on the TV.            
“Oh, Eric, don’t be such a prude,” Fez said. “It’s completely natural. In my culture, we honor women whenever they go through their monthly ordeal. It’s kind of a big deal. We thank the gods and celebrate their womanhood. Then, we bring them flowers and chocolates and some candy too. Or whatever else they’re craving. They get a week off and can stay at home in bed while their husbands, brothers, fathers, or sons take care of everything.”            
“Wow…can I join your culture?” Donna asked.          
  Fez chuckled. “Sure, if you feel like eating bugs for breakfast.”            
Donna grimaced. “Never mind.” She turned to Eric. “Why don’t you do that for me?”            
“Because a woman shouldn’t bleed for seven days straight and still live,” he deadpanned.           
 “Yeah, I don’t trust anything that can bleed for that long and not die,” Kelso said.            
Hyde looked at him amused. “You can’t even be with a woman for seven days straight, let alone be there for her during her monthly problem.”           
 “Not true! I was with Jackie for three years!”           
 “And you cheated on me at least once a month!” Jackie responded. “Hey…wait a minute!”           
 “You guys, women are sacred. They need to be honored and cherished during this time because the pain they go through, we will never understand,” Fez said gently.            
 “We don’t understand?” Hyde said. “Have you ever been kicked in the nads?”            
“Okay, sure, but imagine getting kicked in the nads for at least 3 days straight,” Donna responded.             
“Oh, God!” Eric said, squirming in his seat. “I can’t even imagine that!”            
“Well, sometimes, it’s even more painful,” Jackie added.             
“What does it feel like?” Kelso asked, staring at her.            
“Well, it can feel like someone is taking a knife to your pelvis and slowly twisting it,” Jackie responded causing all the men in the room to squirm, except for Fez.            
“Fez, man, how are you not effected by this?” Kelso asked.            
“I grew up with five sisters,” he responded, shrugging. “Nothing I’m not used to.”            
“Are you guys seriously talking about periods?” Y/n asked as she slowly made her way down the stairs.            
“Hey, you’re up,” Donna stated. “How are you feeling?”            
“Pretty lousy,” Y/n said. “But I’d rather be miserable with company than go through it alone.” She plopped down on the couch next to where Hyde was sitting.            
“Are you going through your…girl problem?” Kelso asked nervously.            
“What? No,” Y/n replied. “I mean, I could be, but it could also be food poisoning.”           
 “Well, what did you eat?” Hyde asked.            
“Nothing out of the ordinary and nothing that you guys didn’t eat,” she replied.           
 “Must be the PMS thing then,” Donna said, laughing when Eric shifted uncomfortably in his seat.           
 “Can we please stop talking about my sister’s cycle? It’s giving me a very vivid image that I’d rather not have.”            
“Y/n, do you need anything?” Fez asked sweetly. “Chocolate? Water? A hot water bottle?”            
Y/n smiled at him. “Why, yes, Fez. That would be lovely.”           
 “Okay, I’ll be right back!” Fez beamed and hopped out the chair to run out the door.           
 “Hey, man, why are you taking care of my chick?” Hyde asked, stopping Fez at the door. “That’s my job.”           
 “Then why aren’t you doing it?” Fez shot back.            
Y/n’s mouth fell open in a laugh as she covered it with her hand. Donna and Jackie tightened their lips to keep themselves for laughing.            
“’Cause she didn’t ask,” he responded.            
“She shouldn’t have to,” Fez said calmly. “You should just do it for her. That’s how you keep your woman happy.”            
“Then why couldn’t you keep Jackie happy?” Hyde quipped.            
Y/n gasped. “Steven!”            
“No, no it’s okay,” Fez said, oddly calm. “You know, Hyde, normally that would bother me, but not today because I’m not the one having another man making my woman happy.”            
Hyde grabbed the nearest object—a magazine—and threw it at Fez, but before it could hit him, he slammed the door shut; the magazine hitting the door with a thud.            
 “He’s right, you know,” Y/n responded with a smile.            
“Do you really feel that way?” Hyde asked her.            
Y/n shrugged. “Not really. It would be nice though.”            
“I see,” Hyde said and stood from his chair, stalking his way to his room.           
 “Steven, wait!” she called after him. “I wasn’t being serious!”            
He flapped a hand at her without turning to look at her and slammed his door.            
“Wow,” Jackie said, puffing out her cheeks. “That escaladed quickly.”           
Y/n shrunk down in her seat, feeling guilty. “What else is new with this group?” 
 “This is great!” Eric beamed, causing everyone to stare at him in confusion. “Now Hyde is mad at you too! Not just me.”           
 Y/n groaned and stood up slowly. “You’re an immature dillhole. I’m going back to bed.”           
 “What should I tell Fez when he gets back?” Donna asked.           
 “That I’m upstairs and he can come up.”           
 “I don’t think Hyde will like that very much,” Kelso mentioned.            
“Who cares?” Eric griped.           
 “Look, I’ll deal with Hyde later,” Y/n responded, ignoring her twin. “Right now, I just want to feel better.” She trudged up the stairs, leaving the group alone.           
 “What a mess,” Donna said.          
  “Tell me about it,” Jackie responded. “Eric, are you still mad at them?”           
 “Of course, I am!” he responded, surprised that Jackie would ask him such a question. “How can I not be?”           
 “Well, you can try not being mad,” Jackie suggested sarcastically.            
 “Eric, give it a rest, yeah?” Donna said. “It’s been over a week.”           
 Eric growled and leaned back in his seat.            
 “He was supposed to be moved out by now,” he mumbled.           
 “Shut. Up. Please,” Donna snapped. “He literally has nowhere to go. You have to be a real prick to throw him out on the streets. It’s not like he murdered your sister.”            
“You just don’t get it, Donna!” he whined. The whole group groaned.            
“Yeah, yeah, yeah we don’t get it because it’s not our sister and we would be pissed too if Hyde was nailing her, blah blah blah. Seriously, Eric, I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say we’re sick of hearing about it,” Kelso said, irritated. He just wanted to watch the movie. Why wasn’t anybody respecting that?            
Eric furrowed his brows at his friends. “You guys really feel this way?”            
“YES!” Jackie, Donna, and Kelso said in unison.           
 “Oh. Well, then, fine,” Eric grumbled and stood up.           
 “Where are you going?” Donna asked.           
 “Since you guys are tired of hearing about it, I’m going to go somewhere else.”           
 “Oh my God, you are such a drama queen,” Donna groaned. “Just sit back down and watch the movie with us.”            
“Nah, I’m good. See you guys later.” With that, he grabbed his coat and shut the door, leaving the three teenagers left to watch the movie.            
“He’s gotten more annoying than usual,” Jackie commented.            
“You know, Jackie, normally I would be offended by that, but this time I have to agree with you,” Donna responded.            
“Well, now we can watch the movie,” Kelso said.            
The three sat in silence on the couch until Kelso tried to sneak his hand up Donna’s leg.           
 “Kelso!” Donna screeched as she slapped his hand away.           
 “Damn, Donna! I was just looking for the remote!”           
 “The remote is on the table, you idiot,” Jackie pointed out.           
 Kelso looked between the two girls with a hurt look. “Women are mean!” He stomped out the basement, forgetting the movie.            
The girls looked at each other and shrugged, returning their attention to the TV before Donna got up to change it back to the channel they were watching.                                                
                                                 --Time Skip—            
Y/n stared down at the home pregnancy test, shock filling her. Positive. The test was freaking positive. She was going to be a mother. Oh God, how would everyone else react? What kind of mother was she going to be?           
 “Oh, Y/n, how could you?” Kitty asked from behind her, hurt playing on her face.    
“Wait, Mom--!” Y/n tried to call after her mother before Red showed up at her side.           
 “How could you be such a disgrace to the family?!” Red shouted, his face turning pink. Kitty turned to her husband’s side and started sobbing. “Look what you’re doing to your mother!”            
“No, but Daddy—” Y/n said, tears welling in her eyes.            
“Wow, you’re such a whore!” Eric laughed as he suddenly appeared by their parents’ side. “And here I thought Laurie would be the one to get knocked up from some rando.”            
“What?” she asked her twin, tears cascading down her pale cheeks.            
“Wow, little sister, you certainly top me,” Laurie said, smirking.            
“Laurie?” Y/n questioned.           
 “I’m leaving you,” Steven said coldly, appearing in front of her. “You were just a fling. You knew this from the start. I can’t have a baby with a loser.”           
 “You said you loved me!” Y/n screamed.          
  “I lied,” Steven said and smirked. “I only strung you along so that I could nail you. Now, look at you. You’re fat and alone.”            
Y/n looked down and saw that her stomach had enlarged. “What?” she whispered.           
 “We can’t have you in the family,” Kitty suddenly said. “We can’t have a whore in the family.”            
“You have Laurie!”           
 “At least she didn’t get pregnant!” her mother shot back. “You and your mistake can get out of our house, out of our lives. You’re no longer welcome!”            
“No, Mom! Please, I need you. I need Daddy and Steven, please. I can’t do this alone. I need you more than ever.”           
 She went to grab his hands, but he jerked away from her. “Well, you’re gonna have to do it alone.”            
Tears cascaded down her face as she tried to blink them away, but as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared. Suddenly, Y/n found herself sitting alone in a total darkness, a single light shining above her.           
 “No,” she whimpered, looking around. “No. No. NO!”            
Y/n jerked awake, sweat coating her forehead. Her breathing was slightly heavy as she glanced at the clock. 2:08AM. She sighed and fell back onto her pillow, fingers threading through her sweaty and knotted hair. She couldn’t believe she’d been asleep for eight hours.            
Her room suddenly flooded with light as Kitty, dressed in her pink robe, hair a rat’s nest, stood in her cracked door. “Y/n, honey, are you alright? I heard you yelling.”           
 “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Y/n replied. “Just had a nightmare.”            
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” Kitty replied and moved closer to adjust herself on the bed. “You know, when you were little, you would get nightmares all the time. And the only thing that would soothe you and get you to go back to sleep is when I would gently caress your hair until you fell back asleep.”            
Y/n smiled softly. “Too bad I’m older now, huh?”            
“Oh, nonsense,” Kitty said and leaned over, caressing her hair back. “You’re never too old for your mother’s love.”            
Y/n smiled and turned on her side, facing Kitty.            
“You wanna talk about it?” she asked her daughter after a moment of silence.            
Y/n thought about it for a minute. She actually wanted to talk to her about it, but she knew if she did, she could open up something that she really didn’t want to. Even if it were just a dream, Kitty would know that it was something much deeper than that.            
“No,” she responded after a beat. “I’m okay. Thank you, though.”          
  “Of course sweetheart,” Kitty cooed. She continued to smooth Y/n’s hair, effectively calming her down. Fifteen years later and it still works.           
 Y/n could already feel sleep overcoming her again. “Thank you, Mommy,” she mumbled as her eyelids grew heavier.            
“You’re absolutely welcome,” Kitty responded and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “I love you.”           
 “I love you too,” Y/n whispered before falling asleep once more.                                                                         
Y/n woke up the next day, just as horrible as the day before. She dragged herself out of bed and trudged downstairs to see her family eating lunch.            
“Morning Sunshine,” Kitty cheerfully greeted her. “You must be really sick to sleep in till noon.”            
Y/n grunted back and grabbed some orange juice and sat down. The smell of their lunch making her nose curl, repulsing her.           
 “How’re you feeling, kitten?” Red asked.            
“I’m okay,” Y/n responded. “Could be better. Still feel kinda nauseas and tired.”            
“You want some dry toast?” Kitty asked. “You haven’t eaten much.”           
Y/n nodded tiredly and put her head on the table. “I’d love some actually.”            
Kitty smiled and got up, popping bread in the toaster. “Oh, your foreign friend dropped off some stuff for you. I left it here on the counter.”            
“Hm?” Y/n hummed, looking at Kitty.            
“He said something to do with your menstrual cycle, so he dropped off a hot water bottle, some midol, and a box of chocolate.”           
 “Oh, come on, Kitty, not while we’re eating!” Red exclaimed, disgusted.           
 The whole time, Eric and Steven had been quiet. Steven glared at the gifts through his aviators. Eric rolled his eyes and continued to eat his lunch.            
“What a sweet boy!” Kitty laughed. “You know, I don’t think I’d mind if you ended up with him.”            
Y/n smiled as Kitty set a plate of two slices of dry toast in front of her.           
 “I’m going to make you some tea as well. You gotta get some liquids in you,” Kitty stated.           
 “Kitty, don’t put ideas in her head!” Red said, throwing down the paper he was reading.           
 “What do you mean by that?” Y/n asked, offended. “Is it because of his skin color?”            
“What?” Red asked, scrunching up his face. “God, no! I don’t want you dating anybody. You’re too young.”           
 “Dad, I’m eighteen,” Y/n deadpanned as she nibbled at her toast. “Eric and Donna have been dating since they were, like, eight.”            
“No, we haven’t,” Eric argued.            
 “Shut up, yes you have,” Y/n said.            
“Eric’s different,” Red continued. “Eric is a man, or as close of a man as he can get. Besides, Donna is the best he’s ever going to do.” He started laughing, but he was the only one who found that funny.           
 “Thanks Dad,” Eric deadpanned.            
“Red Forman!” Kitty exclaimed.            
“What? It’s funny!” Kitty gave him a hard look making him shut up. “Fine, it’s not.”            
Y/n managed a small smile before bringing a piece of toast to her lips. “Don’t worry, Dad. I’m not even seeing anyone.”            
Eric stopped mid-bite to give side eye to his twin sister. Y/n returned a hard, cold stare to her brother as if to say don’t you freaking dare.           
 “So, Fez gave you those huh?” Steven asked.            
“Yeah, I guess,” Y/n replied. “That was really nice of him.”           
 “Yeah, real nice,” he responded slowly.            
“It was,” Y/n replied, staring at her boyfriend in suspicion. “You got something to say?”           
 “No, why would I?” he responded. “Why would I have anything to say that my best friend is flirting with my…other best friend?”            
Kitty stood at the stove as she waited for the tea to heat up and squinted her eyes at Steven before looking to her husband who was giving him the same look.           
 “What’s your deal, Hyde?” Y/n asked him, growing annoyed with him.            
“Oh, nothing,” he responded. “I’m just saying that he’s never done this for another girl before unless it was Jackie.”            
“Steven, what’re you getting at?” Red asked him.            
“Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me, Y/n?” Hyde said, staring coldly at her.           
 Y/n returned the glare. “If you’re insinuating that Fez likes me, you are terribly, terribly wrong.”            
“Then why would he do it for you?” he asked impatiently.           
 “I don’t know!” Y/n responded, flabbergasted. “Because he wants to be nice?”            
“Nice, ha!” Steven hollered, causing everyone to look at him in surprise. “Guys don’t do things just to be nice.”            
Y/n gave him a look. “Why do you care so much what he does?”           
 “Yeah, Hyde. Why do you care?” Eric asked with a smirk.            
Steven realized what he was doing and looked at everyone who was looking at him with furrowed brows. He straightened his posture and looked down at his lunch, clearing his throat. “I don’t. I just find it rather odd.”            
“And if Fez does like me, what’s it to ya?” Y/n asked, cocking her head to the side.           
 “It doesn’t,” Hyde replied coldly, taking a sip from his iced tea.             
Y/n lifted an eyebrow at him before finishing off her toast.             
“Is there something going on between you two?” Red asked.            
The couple stole a glance at each other before looking to Red.           
 “No, not at all,” Y/n replied casually.           
 “Why would there be?” Steven asked.            
“I don’t know. You’re acting weird,” Red commented. “Stop it.”            
Steven grinned at him. “Yes, sir.”           
 “Here’s your tea, sweetheart,” Kitty said, bringing over a mug of tea. “And I put in some honey, Honey.” She laughed at her own joke.            
Y/n chuckled softly. “Thanks, Mom.”           
 “Oh, by the way, Sasha called for you yesterday,” Kitty said, sitting back down.            
Y/n perked up. “She did? Why?”          
  “I’m not too sure. She wanted to talk to you about something, but I told her you weren’t feeling well. So, I took down her number and told her you’d give her a call back when you feel better.”           
 “Yeah, I’ll call her back once I can stop vomiting.”            
“And yet, you’ve been able to achieve that this whole time,” Eric said sarcastically. “Must feel nice to finally be able to achieve something for once. Congrats, sis.”           
Y/n glared at him. “If I could control it, I’d do it on you right now.”            
“Okay, that’s enough,” Kitty cut in. “Finish your lunches.”            
“I can’t. I’m going downstairs to watch TV,” Y/n whimpered.           
 “Okay. Don’t forget your tea!” Kitty called out.            
Y/n turned back around and grabbed the warm mug between her cold hands and made her way downstairs. On her way, she grabbed the midol and the hot water bottle.            
At this point, Steven was seething as he watched his girlfriend take Fez’s gifts.        
 “Alright, well, I’m heading out for a few,” Steven announced, quickly getting up. “Thanks for the lunch, Mrs. Forman.”           
 “Oh, you’re welcome, dear,” she responded.           
 “Wanna come?” Hyde asked Eric.            
Eric looked up at him. “What for?”           
 “Just come on,” Hyde pushed and grabbed Eric by the shirt, tugging him out the door.           
 “But I’m not finished!” Eric whined.           
 “You are now,” Hyde said before closing the sliding door.            
“What’s with them?” Red asked.           
 “I have no clue,” Kitty responded, not caring. “They’re always up to something.”             
Outside, Eric shoved himself out of Hyde’s grasp. “What the hell, man?”            
“Get in the car,” Hyde ordered, unlocking the El Camino.            
“What? No,” Eric said, standing in his place.           
 “Get in. We have to talk.”           
 Eric crossed his arms. “I have nothing to say to you.”            
 “Great. Then you can just listen,” Hyde responded standing in front of the driver’s side door, waiting for Eric to get in. His arm rested on top of the car casually as if not a care in the world. “You going to get in?”            
“Why should I?”           
 Hyde groaned. “Just get in the car, man!”            
“Are you kidnapping me?” Eric asked as he slowly made his way to the passenger’s side.            
“Of course not.”            
“You gonna take me to the middle of nowhere, take my clothes after you convince met to skinny dip in the lake, and abandon me while I walk around naked and afraid like last time?”            
Hyde rolled his eyes. “I came back for you, didn’t I?”           
 “Three hours later!”           
 “For the love of God, just shut up and get in the car!”           
 “It was so cold,” Eric whimpered as he slid in the front seat and shut the door. “Where are we going?”           
 “For a drive,” Hyde responded and backed out the driveway. Once they were on the road, Hyde broke the silence. “Listen, man. This whole thing between you, me, and Y/n has gotten way out of hand.”            
“You don’t have to tell me.”            
“What happened to you shuttin’ up and letting me talk?”           
 Eric sighed, making a face. “Fine.”           
 “Look,” Hyde began. “I know you’re pissed off at us for dating and going behind your back—”           
 “And lying.”           
 “…Yeah, and lying about it. But I need you to know that everything I said is true. Y/n is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and when I say that I will do whatever I can to make her happy, I mean it. And this whole ending a friendship over it is stupid.”           
 Eric stared at Hyde in disbelief. “You’re serious about this? About my sister?”             
“Yeah, man. That’s why I’m here talking to you,” he responded and turned onto the main road. “I know we could’ve gone around it differently, but come on man, what would you have done? You’ve been saying that we need to put ourselves in your shoes, well put yourself in our shoes. Imagine if Donna was my sister, but you really liked her. What would you have done?”           
 Eric was silent for a minute. “Well, we probably wouldn’t be friends considering you kissed her and tried to get with her.”            
Hyde gave an exasperated sigh. “Man, will you focus?”            
 Eric thought about it for a second. “I guess I can understand that.”           
 “And I want you to know that I won’t disappoint her. I will take care of her and make sure she gets everything she wants and needs. I’m not going to be like the rest of my family and be a deadbeat and end up in prison. I will do good for her.”            
Eric turned his gaze to him and suddenly felt an anchor of guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. “Oh, man. Look, Hyde when I said that…I didn’t mean it. I was angry and—”           
 “It’s fine,” Hyde said, cutting in.            
“No, no it’s not,” Eric turned to face him. “It was wrong of me to say that to you. It’s just that…she’s my sister, man. My twin, you know? My favorite sister. I can’t help but feel, you know, maybe a little overprotective of her.”            
“No, but you were right,” Hyde confessed and turned onto the highway. “I probably was headed down that path anyway. But being with her has actually made me want to be better.”            
Eric looked at Hyde like he had two heads. “You look like my friend, but you don’t sound like him. Where’s Hyde?!”           
 Hyde chuckled and turned off the highway, noticing Eric calling him his friend. “I know. It’s sickening.”            
Eric laughed and turned back around, facing the front. He noticed they were entering downtown. “Hyde…where are we going? This isn’t just a drive anymore.”            
“You’ll see in a minute,” he said and continued down a narrow road before stopping in front of a super store. He turned the car off and sat back quietly. “Just so you know, this wasn’t easy for me to talk about it. So, if you tell anyone, I’ll deny the whole thing.”            
Eric nodded and looked at Hyde seriously. “I’m still not happy about it, but I guess I don’t have a choice but to accept it. You two really do seem happy.”            
Hyde nodded and looked down. “We are, man.”            
“Just…don’t hurt her,” Eric said. “Then I’d have to kick your ass and then I’d end up getting my ass kicked and then Red will kick my ass for getting my ass kicked and then he’d hunt you down like a dog and then he’d kick your ass.”            
Hyde sat there in stunned silence. “Wow…that’s…detailed. How long have you been sitting on this?”            
“Pretty much since I found out.”           
 “Yeah,” Eric replied. “Also, one more thing. I don’t wanna hear or see you and my sister doing anything. The image of you two doing anything makes me want to hurl.”          
  “Deal,” Hyde chucked. “So, are we good?”          
  Eric looked at him for a moment and grinned. “Yeah, man, we’re good.”            
Hyde nodded and the two boys lifted their hands, bringing each other in for bro-hug.           
 “Can I just ask you one question, though?” he asked.            
Hyde hummed.           
 “Why her? Why Y/n?”            
Hyde sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t know, man. She’s different. She’s smart and actually funny, interesting, and genuine. Really sweet and cares about others beside herself. Besides, she’s smoking hot.”            
“Well, I’d never thought I’d hear my best friend put my sister and ‘smoking hot’ in the same sentence,” Eric retorted and pretended to gag. “Really, really unpleasant.”           
 “I know. I just said that because I think it’s funny,” Hyde laughed.          
  Eric slugged him in the shoulder. “And every time you say stuff like that, you’ll get hit.”            
They laughed lightly together before Eric slapped a hand on Hyde’s shoulder. “And, uh, don’t worry about my parents. Your secret is safe with me.”            
“Thanks, man,” Hyde replied. “Well, let’s go inside.”           
 “Why are we at this one?” Eric asked, joining Hyde outside the car. “You know there’s like three different stores in town. Why this one?”           
 “Because this is the biggest one in Point Place and they have everything I want.”           
 “Which is?”           
 “You’ll see.”            
As they entered the store, Hyde went for the first thing he saw: flowers. Specifically, half a dozen red roses. Then he went towards the freezer section, grabbing a pint of her favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip.           
 “Ice cream?” Eric questioned.            
“I heard chicks really dig ice cream during their…problem time.”           
 “Yeah, Donna eats like four of those.”           
 “Damn,” Hyde sighed. “I’m, uh, I’m not very good at this. All I know is I want Y/n to feel better and I was kind of a jerk earlier.”           
 “Yeah, about that,” Eric piped up, browsing the ice cream flavors. “Why were reacting that way?” Eric’s eyes grew a fraction wider. “You were jealous, weren’t you?”           
 “What? No. I don’t get jealous.”            
“You so did!” Eric laughed. “You hated that Fez bought all that stuff for her because you felt like a bad boyfriend for not thinking about it earlier!”            
“You wanna get your ass kicked this early in the day?” Hyde threatened.             
Eric continued to laugh at him. “Just admit it. You totally did.”          
  Hyde rolled his eyes as he found his way to the soft drink section and grabbed a few bottles of ginger ale. “Okay, fine, maybe a little. But he shouldn’t have been hitting on her. She’s my chick. I should be the one getting all the stuff she needs.”           
 “And that’s what you’re doing now,” Eric stated, looking around. “Is that why you brought me here? To help you find stuff that she would like?”            
“No,” Hyde answered as they entered another aisle. He found a tin box of saltines and bent down to grab them. “I know what she likes; I don’t need you for that. I mainly brought you here so that we could sort crap out.” He picked up a box of assorted chocolates, something he knew she’d like.             
“You trying to tell me something?” Eric smirked, causing Hyde to chuckle. “Don’t you think you maybe going a little overboard?” He asked when he noticed Hyde putting everything in the basket.           
 “Maybe,” he answered honestly and led Eric away from the grocery section. “I just want her to know that I care.”            
“Well, she’ll definitely get that message,” the twin responded and noticed where Hyde was leading them. “Seriously? Condoms?”           
 “You don’t want me to knock her up, do you?”           
 “I’m still trying to accept you two and by you doing this in front of me is really bumming me out.”           
 Hyde laughed cruelly. “That’s kind of funny.” He quickly grabbed a pack and threw it in the cart. “Just don’t look at ‘em.”           
 Eric sighed and looked away. “What else are you giving her?”           
 “Besides a good time?”           
 Eric dramatically screeched and squirmed. “Please. Stop. Saying. That.”           
 Hyde burst into laughter, laughing at his friend’s discomfort. “That will never get old.”          
  “You’re a sadistic son of a bitch, you know that?”                                                        
                                                   —Time Skip—            
Y/n laid on the couch in the basement, wrapped up in a blanket, mindlessly watching tv. She was in and out of consciousness for the good part of the afternoon. Even though she was sick, she was still upset about her little dispute with Hyde.            
When did he become so jealous? Why would he think that of Fez? And worse of all, why didn’t he trust her enough? It hurt, but she was more curious as of why. She could feel her stomach beginning to churn again as it was ready to bring back up what she brought down earlier. 
Please, God, no. She quickly sat up, the room spinning for a minute, before she ran back to the bathroom and found herself with her head in the toilet. This had to be the forty-fifth time in the last couple of days of her spending time kneeling in front of the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach into the light green basin.            
She held her hair back as tears pricked the corner of her eyes. It hurt so much and all she wanted in that moment was just to stop. What in the hell did she catch that made her feel this violently ill? After she was sure she was done, except from the dry heaving, she wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. She sat against it for a little while longer, wishing her stomach would calm down enough for her to get a good sleep in. She couldn’t help but let a few tears escape. Her back was hurting, her body was aching, and her throat was burning. And on top of all that, she started cramping earlier in the day and the pain hadn’t subsided.             
“Y/n?” she heard from the basement living room.           
 She groaned in response and heard footsteps approach the door to the tiny bathroom. She twisted her face in pain as another surge of nausea reared its ugly head. Hyde appeared in the doorway just as he saw her turn her pale and tortured face into the basin once again. He could hear her whimpers through each retched gag.           
 “Awe, Doll,” he cooed and knelt down beside her, rubbing her back. He gathered her long hair in his hands and tried to look anywhere besides the toilet. He gently shushed her and reassured her that he was there now for her.          
Once she was finished, she fumbled for the handle, and pulled down. Hyde handed her some tissues to wipe her mouth. She gratefully accepted it and sat up fully, leaning against the wall.            
“What’re you doing here?” she croaked. “I thought you were pissed at me.”            
“Well, that’s why I’m here,” he responded and helped her off the floor. He wrapped a protective arm around her waist and guided her back to the couch where Eric also sat.            
“Are you here to fight? Because this isn’t how I envisioned our first fight.”             
He gently sat her on the couch, handing her the blanket and chuckled. “No, that’s not why I’m here.”            
“Then what?”           
 “Mainly to give you these,” he responded and handed her the roses.            
Y/n’s face softened as she weakly grasped the flowers in her fists. “What’s this for?”           
 “An apology,” Hyde responded and took a deep breath. “I know I was a jealous jerk earlier and…I’m sorry, okay?”            
She looked at him in the eye. “Why were you?”            
“I don’t know,” he responded and rubbed his neck. “I just…I just didn’t like seeing some other guy bring you things that I should be bringing.”            
She meekly set the flowers down on the coffee table in front of her. “Steven, do you not trust me?”            
“What? Of course I do.”            
“Then why did you act like Fez was going to hook up with me and I wouldn’t be able to say no?”            
“No, it’s not that. I…I—can you hang on a second?” he turned around to look at Eric. “Can we get a minute?” he asked impatiently.           
 Eric’s smug look never left his face. “Sure. Doll.”           
 Hyde stood abruptly, intimidatingly. Eric laughed and ran upstairs.            
Y/n knit her eyebrows together. “You guys are okay now or something?”            
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat and sat back down. “That’s another story.”            
Y/n nodded. “You were saying?”            
“Look, Y/n, when I saw Fez jumping in to immediately take care of you, I guess it felt like I…wasn’t doing my job as your boyfriend. And then when you said it did bother you, I knew I wasn’t. And…that maybe what everyone thinks is true.”            
“Which is what?” she pressed.           
 “C’mon, you’re really going to make me say it?”           
 “Yes,” she responded sternly.             
Hyde sighed and tore his eyes away from hers. “That…I’m not good enough…for you. There. Ya happy?”           
Y/n sighed, giving him a sad look. “No,” she responded gently and grabbed his hand. “No, I’m not happy. You can’t think that. You can’t let Fez get to you like that and it really didn’t bother me that you didn’t jump up to help me either. I’m a big girl. I can very well go get the stuff myself.”           
“So, you don’t mind?”           
 She smiled gently. “No. Yes, it’s nice if you did that stuff for me and trust me, I’d love it, but I’m not going to make you do it for me. I want you to want to do it for me.”            
He smiled at her and kissed the side of her head. “I did get you some things though.” He leaned down and grabbed the white bag, laying out the contents on the table. “I got you some ginger ale and saltines to help you with the nausea and then when it passes, I got you some chocolates and ice cream to satisfy your cravings.”           
 The look of sweets made her stomach churn, but she smiled through it and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, baby.”            
“You’re welcome,” he said quietly and kissed her head once more. He noticed that she was shivering and gently stood. “I’ll be right back.” He high tailed it to his room and brought back a sweater. “Here.”            
She grabbed it gratefully and threw it over her head, inhaling his scent: musk and woodsy. He settled on the couch next to her as she cuddled his side. He grabbed the blanket and threw it over both of them.           
“So, how was your day?” he asked her.            
“Fantastic,” she responded. “I spent the day throwing up my body weight and writhing in pain.”           
 “Sounds like a blast,” he chucked.           
“Oh, yeah, it was like a party in the toilet,” Y/n responded and chuckled when Hyde made a face. “How was yours?”           
 “Well, you know, it was fine,” he responded.             
“You and Eric work things out?”            
“Yeah. He’s still not happy about it, but he seems to—or trying to at least—accept it. I made him see the bigger picture here.”           
 “Which is?”            
“Us doing it.”           
He threw his head back laughing. “I’m kidding.”           
 “You better be,” she said and reached over, grabbing the ginger ale. She laid back into his side and took a sip. She hummed and set it in her lap.            “Thank you, Steven. This is probably the best thing anyone has ever done for me.”            
He smiled at her gently. “Anything for you, doll.”           
 “Awe that’s so cute,” Eric called from the staircase. “It makes me want to vomit.”            
Y/n scowled at him. “What do you want?”            
“Well, I wanted to talk to you,” he said and sat down in the opposite chair.            
“You want to yell at me again?”           
 “No,” he responded and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry for the way I reacted. I know I was an ass and I should’ve handled it better, but c’mon, my best friend and my sister, hooking up. I never thought that this would happen and to say I was shocked is an understatement.”           
 “I know,” she responded. “But you still said some pretty hurtful things, Eric, and you can’t take that back.”            
“I know and I wish I could. You’re my sister, the best one at that, and Hyde, you’re like a brother to me and I just…it hurt, okay? I can understand not wanting to tell anyone else, but to hide it from me? I felt like you couldn’t trust me.”            
Y/n cast her eyes down, feeling guilt. “I’m so sorry, Eric. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. Lying to you wasn’t easy for me.”
“Then why did you do it?”
 “How would you take it if we just straight up told you?”            “
Yeah, Forman, what would you have said if I straight up said, ‘I’m nailing your sister.’ I bet you still wouldn’t have taken that lightly.”           
 Eric shuttered at the thought. “Yeah, definitely wouldn’t have. But it still wouldn’t have been as bad as me catching you.”            
Y/n looked at her twin for a moment before letting out a groan. “Dammit, I hate it when you’re right.”           
 “Yeah, and it’s not like I’m not going to kill you or anything.”           
 “Well, to be fair you did try to disown us,” Hyde defended.            
“Okay, yeah, but I just didn’t want to look at you guys at the moment,” Eric said.           
 “But kicking us out of the group and the house was the logical answer?” Y/n squinted at him.            
“Yeah, not my finest moment,” he agreed and sat down next to Y/n, causing her to shift over. “I’m really sorry, Y/n. I hope you can forgive me.”            
Y/n looked at her brother, eyes getting all misty. “Only if you can forgive me.”            
Eric smiled at her. “C’mere little sister.” He brought her in and hugged her tight. 
Y/n reciprocated by wrapping her arms tightly. “I’m only two minutes younger.” 
“Still,” he chuckled. “Besides, if I don’t forgive you, then I won’t have a sister anymore.”           
 “We have Laurie,” Y/n responded, pulling away.           
 “Do you really want her close?”            
Y/n paused, pretending to think it over. “No, I really don’t.”           
 Eric chuckled. “Look, Y/n. I know I was a jerk, but you’re not only my sister, you’re my best friend and I don’t want anything to come between us.”            
Y/n nodded, smiling and wiped at her eyes. “Me too.”           
 “I’m still not entirely happy about you two and to be honest, I’m not sure if I ever will be, but I want you two to be happy and if it’s you two that make each other happy, then so be it. I just don’t want to see any of it.”            
“You got it,” Y/n responded, feeling lighter about the situation.           
 “I’m going to give you the same speech I gave Hyde,” Eric continued as Y/n’s eyebrows knitted together. “I’d never thought I’d have to say this to my sister about my best friend, but don’t hurt him. I may not be able to kick his ass, but I can for sure…try to kick yours.” As he was saying it, he knew it wasn’t true. Even if it was, he wasn’t going to do it anyway.         
Y/n cracked a wide smile, a smile that she hadn’t been able to muster for the last couple of days, and nodded. “Okay, bro. That sounds fair.”            
He turned to Hyde. “Just so you know, if you get her pregnant, I will have to find a new and interesting way to kick your ass.”           
 “Trust me, man, that ain’t gonna happen,” Hyde responded.            
“Yeah, we’re careful,” Y/n responded, adjusting herself to be laying against Hyde. Her stomach and back were starting hurt again and she was desperate to find some relief. Hyde threw an arm over her shoulders, bringing her closer. “Besides, Dad would literally stick his foot in both of our asses.”            
“And somehow, he’d still find a way to blame me,” Eric said.           
 “Hey, Y/n baby,” Fez called out, entering the basement. “How’re you feeling? You get my gifts?”           
 “Hi Fez,” Y/n greeted with a tiny smile. “I did, thank you. It was very nice of you, but I’m not feeling too much better.”            
“Sorry to hear that,” he responded.             
Y/n shrugged and snuggled deeper into Hyde’s side. “What’re you doing here anyway?”            
“Just wanted to come by and see how you were feeling,” he responded.            
 “No, you didn’t,” Hyde spit. “You came here to see if she was alone, didn’t you?”           
 Fez made a face at him. “What’re you talking about? No, I’m not!”            
“Yes you are!” he said and stood up. “Now, knock it off before I make you the first person to touch his chin to ass!”           
 Fez looked offended, placing his hand on his chest. “Have you been spying on me?!”           
 “Steven, honey, it’s not that big of deal,” Y/n said, trying to calm down the situation.           
 “Yeah, honey, listen to your lady,” Fez said, starting to get nervous.            
 “No, Y/n, he needs to understand respect,” he replied.           
 “I’m sure he gets it now,” Y/n said, signaling Fez to run now.            
“No, he doesn’t,” he responded. “If he—”            
He was cut off by the slamming of the door as Fez ran outside, away from him.           
 “He’s not getting away that easily,” Hyde commented before darting to the door.           
 “Hyde, no!” Y/n called after him. She jumped up from her seat, despite her stomach and head screaming at her.            
 Hyde ran out the door, causing it to slam against the wall. Y/n followed him out the door, ignoring the sudden faint feeling she had.            
“Steven, stop!” she called again, her voice weakened and wavering. She could see Hyde quickly gaining speed on Fez.            
 Fez screamed as Hyde tackled him to the ground on the Forman’s front lawn. Eric was behind Y/n in a flash, watching the scene in front of him unfold. Hyde struggling to get Fez in a choke hold, Fez fighting to get out of his grip, and Y/n yelling at him to stop.            
 “Steven, enough!” Y/n shrieked weakly, her voice quieting as the world started to spin, the edges of her vision darkening. “Steven, please…” 
Her vision darkened as she hit the ground, making the two boys suddenly stop to jerk their attention towards her. Eric dropped to the ground next to her.
“Y/n!” Steven shouted, letting Fez go and running over to her. “Y/n!”
 And that was the last thing she heard before she was swallowed by darkness.
Tags: @lieswithoutfairytales​ @mdittyz123​ @n-dg-wm​ @undead-sierra​ @random-thoughts-003​ @taysirene​
215 notes · View notes
Season 2 Captain Swan for your smut prompts? 😏 Anything you want. S2 Hook was just PEAK hotness.🥵
Summary: Emma needs a distraction when she finds herself having to be a passenger aboard the Jolly Roger on its way to Neverland, and she wants Hook to provide her with one.
Rated: E; Words: 1901; AO3
A/N: This has S2 Hook’s attitude but dips into an S3 setting. It has a little rope, a bit of talk (surprise surprise lol), and a little angst at the very end. I hope you enjoy. 😉😘
Thank you for the prompt, and to @kmomof4 for looking over it for me, and to everyone on the CSMM Discord for all your support. ❤️
Emma had to admit that she enjoyed seeing Hook tied to that tree in the Enchanted Forest, the way he seemed to encourage her blade at his throat, and how quickly they were able to break him. Furthermore, she liked that he smirked while he was handcuffed in the hospital, innuendo dripping from his lips, the way he’d dismissed his escape with the excuse of “pirate” when he managed to free himself from them, and here she thought it was the pirate in him who liked to be tied up in bed. Albeit in the good way, and perhaps that particular day wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind.
So it wasn’t exactly a shock, when she had no choice but to sail aboard his ship, that she found herself in his quarters, pinning him to the mattress with her legs spread over his chest, hurriedly tying his wrists to the eave above his head.
Well, it wasn’t a shock to Emma, anyway. Hook, however, was quite surprised when she had arrived at his door, to say the least, and admittedly quite turned on, too.
“To what do I owe this pleasure, Swan?” he asked, his eyebrow raised high on his forehead in curiosity and intrigue, making no effort to stop her as she gripped his lapels and cut him off with a steamy kiss, no hesitation before she dipped her tongue between his lips and coaxed his to reciprocate. Emma kicked the door closed behind her and backed him to his mattress with her mouth on his all the while. Her hands moved up to his neck as they hungrily consumed each other’s desire, her thumbs teasing his earlobes as her fingers raked through his hair, until she slid them down to his chest and shoved him back onto the bed.
“I need a distraction,” she answered matter of factly, “and I want you to give me one.”
“Gladly, love.” Hook wrapped his arms around Emma’s waist and tried to bring her down with him as he reclined, but she pushed them away from herself in favor of jumping onto his lap and locking her ankles behind his back. Her eagerness amused him as she pulled him into another kiss by fistfuls of his hair, rocking her body against the solid bulge she knew she’d find beneath his trousers.
When she finally broke away, he mused, “Normally, I’d make the demands here, but you seem in want of a bit of control, and I’d be all too happy to give it to you. And we are on a ship, after all.” Subtle confusion crossed Emma’s expression, so Hook continued, “There’s plenty of rope, if you’d be so inclined as to use it.” He popped the “t” in a sultry tone, and oh yes, Emma was so inclined.
Hook nodded toward the corner where a few pieces lay, and Emma stood to retrieve one. He stripped off his duster, swung his legs up onto the mattress, and casually lifted his arms above his head, waiting in a position of playful invitation as she picked a rope and joined him, her knees on either side of his torso.
As Emma hurriedly restrained him, Hook arched his back and chuckled as she gasped when his chest hit the place where she ached for him, merely a teasing tap through the fabric of her jeans and yet enough to spur her on. She unbuttoned his vest and shirt, pushed them open, and scraped her nails down the flesh she’d just exposed before standing again to remove her own clothes.
“Well, this is certainly a magnificent view,” he said and stretched out on the bed as he watched her quickly undress. “You’re absolutely stunning, Swan. I’d like to show you just how much I admire you,” he glanced down at himself and back to her, “if you’d be so kind.”
Emma unbuckled his belt and tugged his trousers down his legs, removing them with his boots. His erection proudly greeted her, and she couldn’t help but give it a squeeze.
“Bloody hell,” he gritted, and she smiled as she continued to pump him, enjoying the feel of his skin in her hand, and relishing the sounds she coaxed from him by doing so. “Gods, Emma!” he cried when she took the tip between her lips and swirled her tongue over it. “Naughty minx, you’ll be my undoing.”
“You’re a whole lot of talk, pirate.” Emma returned to her place straddling his chest, facing away from him this time, and continued to tease his cock as she challenged, “Why don’t you put that mouth of yours to better use?” She leaned forward as she took him into her mouth again, and he moaned with hot breath over her glistening core which taunted him just above his face as she arched her back and her knees dug into the mattress.
“Can you handle it, love?” Hook questioned, giving her no time to answer before he dipped his tongue between her folds. Emma melted at the contact, swaying backward to encourage more of it. Her mouth was too full to respond to his question, but her honest answer just from that one swipe would’ve been a solid no, and she certainly didn’t want him to stop either.
“Gods, you’ve been holding out on me, Swan,” he sighed as he licked at her core, his breath hot over her skin which already burned with desire. “Depriving me of your taste for all this time was most unkind.” His tongue flicked forward to tease her clit, darting back and forth between making her moan as he drank in her arousal and making her writhe as he set her nerves ablaze. The closer she grew to her release, the more she moved, and the trickier it became for him to keep up with her.
Soon his hand splayed against the front of her leg to steady her, and he pulled her closer, tonguing deeper, his nose brushing against another sensitive spot which caught her off guard for a moment before she continued to suck him. As he inched his fingers closer to the apex of her thighs, he brought the curve of his hook to her clit and grinned mischievously against her skin when she moaned as he continued to work her with his mouth.
“W-wait—” she said, taking him in hand while she talked, her brow furrowing in realization as the base of his palm pressed against her flesh just above where he had teased. “How did you—ohh fuck—” Her balance faltered and she dropped her forehead to his hip as his thumb toyed with her clit in time with the cool metal, rolling and pinching the swollen nub between the two.
“Pirate, love,” he reminded her.
Cheeky bastard.
She struggled to focus on stroking him as he introduced his fingers to where his tongue had been, but he seemed to find as much pleasure in her distracted enjoyment as he did under her touch.
“For the record,” she had to make a quip, however breathless, to keep from falling apart right then from his unrelenting hook and bold hand, “I do prefer this attachment.”
“Mmm,” he smirked. “I thought you might.” He ran the wet curve over the crease of her thigh before trailing the sharp tip along her side and over her taut skin.
“I could teach you so much about tying knots, if you’d like,” Hook offered as he gently fucked her with his hand, the curve of his hook now supporting her beneath her stomach. “Perhaps you’d enjoy swapping positions next time. Perhaps you’d like to be the one on your back, completely at my mercy.” He absentmindedly increased the pace of his fingers as he got lost in his fantasy. “Gods, I’d love to hear you beg for it. The things I would do to you if you’d let me have my way with you.”
“Actually, I quite like keeping the Captain in his place, beneath me,” she teased, matching his rhythm with her fist around his cock, until it became almost too much for them both. Emma silenced her cries by filling her mouth with him once more.
“Fuck, Emma,” he gritted, “I wonder how amazing you’ll feel, when just your mouth and hand have me so close to falling apart.”
“Then allow me to enlighten you,” she mused and shifted forward, bringing her feet out from under herself and planting them on the bed as she held his cock in place and slowly sank down on him until she sheathed him completely, drawing the most explicit sounds from him as they rumbled up from deep in his gut and sputtered out from between his lips. Her hands reached behind her for support, and she hummed as his chest hair tickled her palms. Soon Emma’s moans echoed Hook’s as they moved together, quickly falling into the perfect rhythm as they met and retreated and met again with harmonious rolls, and the pirate resurfaced with one of his signature innuendos.
“Ah, I told you you’d feel it, Swan.”
She wanted to see that smug face of his, needed to see what it became when she finally managed to wipe it away.
Hook grunted in protest when she lifted herself off him, only to smile with wide, hungry eyes when she turned and sat on him again, taking in every inch of her as she bounced atop him.
“There’s a good girl,” he praised as his hook steadied her at her side and his hand made its way to her breast. “Take what you need, love.”
Emma scratched her nails down his chest before digging them into his scalp as she tugged at his hair and pulled him into another kiss, their tastes mingling as her tongue swept across his bottom lip and his surged forward in search of more. Doing so drowned out his moans, and she realized she wanted to hear them. Remembering his penchant for threats, particularly receiving them, Emma parted their lips and planted her hands on his neck gently but firmly.
“Fuck,” he choked out, “yes, Emma. That’s it.”
She rode him with abandon, frantically pivoting her hips as he brought his hook back to her clit, and she lost herself in the euphoria of the stretch and slide of his cock. Her grip on his throat tightened and she threw her head back with a cry as she spasmed above him, her legs squeezing his sides as every muscle tensed and relaxed.
Hook followed soon after, finding his own release in the lightheaded bliss she’d given him. The look on his face as his jaw dropped speechlessly, allowing only a primal groan to escape as he spilled himself inside her, was enough to send another wave of satisfaction coursing through her as their hips bucked together until they were spent at last and stilled with heaving breaths.
Emma collapsed on top of him, laying on his chest as their combined releases dripped down his cock.
“Thank you,” she whispered into his skin as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, an overwhelmed tear escaping her eye as he softly held her in his embrace.
“Anytime, love,” Hook said, pressing tender kisses into her hair. After a beat, he reassured her as he caressed her back with his fingertips, “We’ll find him, Emma. I promise.”
I promise.
Tag list ❤️: @donteattheappleshook @elizabeethan @hollyethecurious @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @klynn-stormz @kmomof4 @qualitycoffeethings @stahlop @teamhook @the-darkdragonfly @thejollyroger-writer @tiganasummertree @xsajx @wefoundloveunderthelight @zaharadessert
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kopikokun · 4 years
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DAY ONE: lee taeyong.
↳ ugly christmas sweaters is what you’re forced to wear with taeyong at work today.
pairing: lee taeyong x reader
contain(s): fluff, retail worker!au, disaster knit-work
word count: 790 words
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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December—what a time of year. The streets are teeming with life. An alternating pattern of red and green fairy lights gleam in every corner, draped over every surface imaginable. The scent of hot chocolate wafts in the air along with the shrill laughter of young children who frolic around the imposing Christmas tree in the centre of the plaza.
     Christmas should be huddling up in front of a fireplace in a mound of fuzzy blankets, palms cupped around a steaming mug of cocoa. Christmas should be stuffing yourself full of home-made, quintessentially Christmas feasts like turkey, mashed potato and pudding before settling in for an entire night’s worth of classic movies while getting drunk on eggnog.
     That’s what Christmas should be—or at least what all the white suburban families on TV are saying it should be—so why are you cooped up at work in the most revolting looking knit-sweater you’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing?
    Actually, you know why: you’re strapped for cash. Like really strapped for cash. Like, if you don’t get your salary this month you’ll be evicted kind of strapped. Sure, you could give your parents a quick ring and timidly ask for some, but although you may be short of money, you’re still brimming with pride, which given your predicament, is more of a bad thing than good.
    That may explain why you’re holed up in this retail store, but just why are you wearing this gruesome looking excuse of a sweater? You don’t know the answer to that question, so you decide to ask Taeyong, your super cute co-worker who you definitely have not been eyeing up for the past hour. Okay, so maybe you want to weaponise this vile sweater to warrant some small talk, but you should cut yourself some slack! After all, tis’ the season to be jolly, or whatever, and if this waste of material isn’t going to be visually gratifying, then it may as well grant you some verbal satisfaction instead.
    “I can’t believe Mr. Kim made us wear this sweater,” you moan, sidling up to Taeyong. “It’s gonna scare the customers away!”
    Taeyong snickers. “On the contrary, this is the most full we’ve been in months. Maybe the customers like the sweaters.”
    “These horrid things?” you scoff, tugging at the material with a sneer. “Maybe they should get their eyes checked.”
    “You really think they’re that bad?”
    “I mean, don’t you?” You flatten the sweater down over yourself, jutting your finger at a jumbled mess of browns and whites. “What is that even supposed to be?”
    “I’m pretty sure it’s a reindeer,” laughs Taeyong. “Look, here’s its nose, and those are its antlers.”
    You grin lopsidedly. “You know what? I kind of see it. Still, upon first glance it looks like roadkill, and I didn’t major in anything design related, but I think that’s probably a bad thing. But hey, you’ve got a good eye! How’d you know its a reindeer?”
    “Probably cause’ I made it.”
    You nearly keen over in shock, jaw falling agape. In fact, you’re so taken aback by this declaration that you hold onto the countertop for support. “Excuse me?”
    “Yeah, we under-estimated our budget for sweater purchases and were short of two. So, I offered to knit them. The first person that came to mind while I was knitting them was you, so I thought you’d like to wear it,” he says, and to chip at your conscience further he adds, “My grandma taught me how to knit.”
    Each word is another raging rocket to your crumbling heart. “No, wait, I take it back. I, uh, I love the sweater. It’s… unique. Super fun and quirky.”
    Taeyong laughs at your distress, clutching his stomach and tilting his head back. “No, no, it’s okay. They’re awful. Even Mr. Kim doesn’t want to keep them, and you know he’s a sucker for free things. I thought you’d look hilarious in it, and I was right.”
    “Look who’s talking!” you jeer. “You don’t look much better yourself, mister.”
    “I’m just kidding!” pouts Taeyong. “You look cute.”
    Your cheeks burn. “Don’t think I’m over it just because you complimented me after.” He giggles at your expense. “But god, I’m sorry, Taeyong. I feel like such a pile of crap,” you say. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m in need of a new sweater and this one is pretty warm if not anything else.”
    “Go ahead.” He smiles nervously. “And… uhm, if you’re free this Sunday you can come over and I can teach you how to knit one.” He pauses to correct himself, “A nicer one.”
    You blink up at Taeyong coyly. “Sure. I’d never turn down an offer for a cosy sweater.”
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starrysupercell · 3 years
Sooo... Now that its my wif- Tara's birthday... Are the Mystics (And Bo) gonna celebrate it :D? I can imagine Gene trying to set up some kind of surprise party for her, that would remain a surprise for like 4 minutes...
DANG IT. Past 12. TwT
But here you go! An outline for how Tara’s birthday is celebrated this year. 🧿 best fortune teller in Starr Park tbh. Your wife says hi 💜
I really gotta start keeping track of the Birthdays to have these things planned out.
One of the many good things about how much time Tara and Gene have known each other, is he knows she'll figure it out.
The surprise for her will be not the fact that there's a party because she can easily see that, but the extent of it, because she can promise not to sneak a peek at it.
(But now she's curious! Also, she's so used to checking on the future,* it takes a very conscious effort to not do so.)
So, while Gene keeps Tara preoccupied by taking a walk around the Park, Sandy, the Tribe, Gale and Mortis (because they're also friends with the Mysticals bc of the skins, shush.) are in charge of decorating.
So, with only two responsible adults in this group, how well do you think this is going to go? :)
Gale: So do you have a plan for the setup?
Sandy: hm? >.o oh. Yy*yawns*eah. here you go... *hands him a paper*
Gale: ...this just has a rough sketch of the main room and a couple of balloons.
Sandy- mm..felt sleepy but there's still.... -.-...time to...zzzz....
Mortis laughs because well they'd just have to wing it! (He would definitely ask Emz for help, but she's busy with the teen crew for plot convenience) As long as decorations are already bought, it should an easy thing in setting it up the way they want it to look.
....decorations are already bought, right?
Sandy softly snores, and the Party Crew realizes that's their answer.
Meanwhile, Gene and Tara walk through the Park. The plan is picking up a few extra gifts along the way before heading back to the main party.
Their first stop is Barley's for some drinks! He gifts one bottle of Tara’s preferred drink, but does charge for the rest. Along the way, we see Brawlers greeting Tara and wishing her well on her birthday.
Colette’s very enthusiastic! She knows all the Brawler’s birthdays, and wanted to make something for Tara!
She doesn’t really have extra money recently, since there was some recent change in management, and she usually makes more detailed items, but because of the money problem, couldn’t buy as many materials she needed, but she’s derailing, so she hands Tara her wrapped gift.
It’s a cute hand-made Shade Plush!
Tara is delighted and thanks her for it. It’s a pleasant surprise, and she appreciates it. Colette fangirls a bit, thanking her, and then waving bye as the Mystics carry on.
Back at the Bazaar, they're trying to brainstorm on what to do. Well, half of them present are. Sandy is asleep and Nita + Leon are playing around the house.
Mortis says the only things he has back home are.. well, decorations of a more... gothic type..you know,.. (Halloween decors. they’re Halloween decors.)
Gale also offers up... some Snowtel hangings, but again, ‘tis not quite the right season to be jolly.
Bo suggests makeshift decorations. The twins are good at crafts! .. but more so along the lines of forest materials, not sand and...
Everyone’s drawing a blank, and decide that they could gather up their own share of materials, and see what could work best. Their time limit won’t really allow a break after all.
So Gale contacts Lou and asks him if he could meet him halfway with everything he can carry. Try not to get caught by the Penguin boss. Lou, ever the chaotic good guy agrees.
Bo gathers up Leon and Nita and they head out to see what they can scrounge up.
Mortis wonders if he should call up Frank too since he’ll be here later to set up and provide the music, but decides to be ~generous~  and just send a flock of his Bats to pick some things up for him. He sees them off adoringly.
With a content sigh, he lounges back and waits for his precious lovelies to return with his ideal decorations. Sandy sleeps on...
Back with Gene and Tara, the next item to pick up is the cake. Piper has the order ready-- a black forest chateau cake.
“Magnificent taste, darlings!” she compliments. she has it all boxed up very fancily. “It’s on the house. Take it as my gift for you. Happy birthday!”
She’ll also be attending the party later. Tara thanks her for the cake. She and Gene then take their leave.
Along the way to their last stop at the new Castle environment for the food, (because while they don’t know Ash very well yet, Tara loves trying out the new items and pizza is always great for a party.)
“Hey, Tara! ...hold up.” Edgar jumps down from a building they’re passing, just because he can and . “...this is from the rest of the Gang. Me too, I guess. Happy birthday.”
The party squad are actually worse off than before.
The Shaman Tribe are back, and the Twins became interested in using fabrics to try and make something too. so they’re playing around with it pretty much.
Gale just arrived, with Lou joined along because he was interested in the party planning too. (So, the snowtel is understaffed right now.) but they’re just chatting instead of working.
Mortis’ bats haven’t arrived yet, and he’s getting worried. They don’t usually take this long in running errands for him.
Leon and Nita are practically playing catch right now. They knock over something that looked priceless. Oh, a crystal ball, perhaps. Bo reprimands them.
They haven’t gotten much closer to making up the room...
There’s a knock, and the group freezes because oh no, they’re out of time. but it ends up being Frank. A very unhappy Frank who was suddenly surrounded by screeching batties who kept picking apart the house while he was packing up his set up for the party. They followed him there afterwards, along with several things.
Mortis tries joking it off ;; , and then very quietly and off-handedly apologizes when Frank doesn’t find it very funny.
But then so hey!!! you’re here so decoration time, everybody! let’s hop to it!
Gene’s Lamp, Sliver, floats in. Sent by Gene himself to check on the progress. They were nearing after all. The Lamp’s alarmed by what it sees. That is, absolutely nothing.
It glares around, and spots Sandy still sleeping. Sliver floats over to him, and hops on him-- Wake up!
Sandy does so, but is very grumpy. “what?”
Tara’s Birthday.
“yeah? what about it?”
Don’t you care?
“obviously.” he swats at the lamp. “it’s tomorrow.”
>:( Today. It’s TODAY.
“,” Sandy looks around, as wide-eyed as he could be.
broken crystal ball, a mix of decorations, and nobody currently fixing up anything from the looks of it.
They’re on the way.
Sandy makes a face. “ok... game plan on the fly.”
The final stretch of the day out.
Gene and Tara are nearing the Bazaar, and along the way, Gene starts to get heartfelt.
He reminisces how they first met, how far they’ve traveled together, how much longer they’ve yet to go.
He wishes he could think of something to give her that meant something like the other gifts that she received that day.
He was a Genie, but after everything they’ve been through, she deserves much, much more than what he could ever imagine to conjure up for her.
Tara smiles. “(Don’t... put me on too high a pedestal, my Friend.”)
Don’t sell yourself short either. You’ve done so much.
“(Yes. I have.)” Tara muses unhappily, thumbing the doll.
Gene suddenly gets the idea of what his gift could be, but he needs his Lamp to start on it.
Right before the two opened the door, a pair of bats were hanging up the last decoration.
And when the two walked in with the final party supplies at hand and are amazed at the display.
intricate ice sculptures and a more snowy feel set up where the food would go. the music section where Frank set up (who was talking with Mortis.) had a darker aesthetic, including the balloons over there.
Lastly the rest of the place was decorated with very cute works of art. no doubt the Tribe kid’s handiwork. she recognized it from when they stayed over, and the gifts Bo’s gotten from them and shown her.
You’d think that the seemed like the mix of fancier silver decorations, a more gothic theme and natural crafts would look odd together... and well, it was quaint, but it was very pleasing to see.
a patchwork of oddities, not unlike this park, really. She’s always been fond of odds and ends. Tara loved it!
Sandy yawns and walks over to them. “we actually just got done with the set up. but if it makes you feel better, we can still hide right now and yell surprise.”
Tara laughs. It’s okay.. it isn’t like she could be-- but she appreciates it. Sandy shrugs, like he didn’t just call all the shots and work in a hurry with the other eight. “you’re welcome.”
Lou offers to help set up the food and cake. Gale helps too, after presenting his gift too.
Frank and Mortis notice the arrival of the Birthday Gal and wave her over. They chat animatedly-- it’s been so long since they’ve had the chance to catch up! They should plan something soon. Tara agrees, and their gift is from the both of them. I can see it being a very nice piece of clothing, though I’m drawing a blank as to what.
The Lamp reunites with Gene, and their perspectives merge again. Oh. the party was really cut close, huh? but it worked out well! what a relief. a scrap book of actual memories is what you have in mind? how very sappy.... She would like it.
Lastly, Bo walks up to Tara, greeting her and wishing her well on this day. He hopes she likes what they helped with ....he then has the Twins apologize for breaking a few things around the house--
Tara dismisses it easily. They can be replaced. The Twins, that is. (joke to scare them.) But really, as long as they were careful from now on, it was okay. the cub and chameleon agree with no hesitation and then run off to cause more mayhem, but quieter this time.
The Psychic smiles. The guests would be arriving soon, and it was already so lively.
Time to party~!
*I’m still deciding on the extent of her powers, so future sight might not be a thing, because of the characterization I have for her. I’m thinking something along the lines of “Can see past events, and make very informed guesses based on what she knows about people, but cannot see the future itself.”
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deepperplexity · 4 years
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Prompt: 1. Mistletoe 
A/N: The first day of SNAPEMAS! I'm so excited! I hope you will enjoy this and join me for SNAPEMAS with your creations!
Setting: Hogwarts
Pairing: Snape x Teacher!Reader
ABBR.: │(y/l/n) - Your Last Name │
Word count: 1728
Warnings: Kissing, a few harsh words
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
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December had arrived and you were, like many, overjoyed at the nearing holiday. Christmas was closing in, your favourite holiday and this year you'd spend it at Hogwarts just as you had in your youth. It was all so exciting; you could barely contain yourself as the day swiftly passed.
Hogwarts was slowly transforming into a winter-wonder-castle. It was absolutely wonderful to behold. Hagrid lumbering trees into the Great Hall, Flitwick and McGonagall hanging up garlands and decorations of all kinds. You yourself forming warm ice over pillars to make them glisten and sparkle. You did have a weakness for sparkling things; you had to admit that.
As dinner started you took your seat next to McGonagall. "Isn't it wonderful?" you chimed excitedly with happy eyes and a giddy smile. "Oh, I do agree, Ms/Mr (y/l/n)." McGonagall seemed as happy as you about the nearing holiday. "I can't wait to decorate my own space," you said as food appeared, "I have so many ideas!" you squealed as you picked up your utensils and was just about to tell McGonagall of your plans when a rumbling voice cut through the air.
"Do not forget, Ms/Mr (y/l/n), that it needs to be cleaned up after as well." You would have known that voice anywhere. That humming growl of a sneering man. Professor Snape, the dark brooding man with the grim expression and the deep onyx eyes that absolutely mesmerized you each and every time you peered into them. "Oh, pish-posh," you said without letting his somewhat deflating comment get to you, "that's a problem for January, professor, not December," you continued with a wide smile; as if you were trying to smile enough for the both of you. Why? You had no clue, but you wanted to see the man smile more.
Professor Snape simply huffed and gave a slight sneer before he headed off towards his seat on the other side of McGonagall. You shrugged and stabbed the food on your plate as you began to devour the meal while McGonagall talked about essays and whatnot. Your mind were more on the garlands, the glitter, the trees and Christmas stars you were planning to decorate with after dinner. After all, the dungeons could use some colour and warmth. Even if it were only your own quarters. Perhaps I'll decorate the hallway too, it could use some jolly cheer...
The rest of the dinner you ate and chatted with McGonagall as you sneaked a peek at Snape from time to time. he looked as stoic as ever. But he seemed to be listening in on the conversation as he shook his head from time to time or the corners of his lips tugged upwards a tad.
Christmas carols played on the radio, you hummed and danced around as you decorated your living quarters with swift flicks of your wand. The music grew ever louder as you kept raising the volume as you got more and more into the giddy mood. "And up you go," you sang out as you raised the fifth garland with glitter and silver balls tied to it with your wand. "Damdi-do, damdi-da, la, la, laa, la-la-laa" you sang to yourself as a muggle carol spewed loudly from the little radio and you waltz around the area. "And pop, there you go, and pop, pop, pop," you said in a jolly voice as you hung som bells in the ceiling.
A loud banging was suddenly heard from the door. You knitted your brows, what in the world- you thought as you walked over with rushed steps as the banging grew ever louder. Harsher. It appeared whoever was at the other side was trying, with all their might, to bang down the whole damn door apparently.
You opened it with a rushed tug and was met with a furious Professor Snape on the other side. "Keep that infernal noise down!" he growled with a sneer as he leaned towards you in his towering way. You simply tilted your head. "It's Christmas music, Snape," you stated flatly, unmoved by his anger as the man never did anyone any actual harm. Despite what everyone else seemed to think of him. "I know what it is," he snarled before he stalked in with long strides. His boot-clad feet pounded the stone floor.
He turned the radio down until barely any sound came from it and you knitted your brows, a bit agitated. You walked over to him and simply turned up the volume again. "My quarters, my choice," you simply stated as you crossed your arms over your chest. Snape raised an eyebrow and then sneered yet again as he turned the radio down once more. "My house, my rules," he drawled. You huffed and raised the volume again. "Holiday spirit, holiday music," you stated as you turned the volume even higher.
Snape huffed and you stared at him, challenged him yet again as none other appeared to do. His eyes endlessly deep and your chest tightened as thoughts of lonely Christmases and jolly-free holidays crossed your mind. He seemed burdened and lonely where he stood amidst all of your decorations - that frankly covered every surface in your space.
He lowered the volume again, "you are distracting the students." You gave the man a huff and rolled your eyes. "You're being ridiculous! I am not distracting anybody," you said and raised the volume once more, "Some people enjoy the holidays you know, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you get to ruin it for anybody else!" Your voice rose and rose as you spewed out the words toward the grim man who seemed to grow even angrier at you. He turned the radio off completely and then stalked out of the room.
You gaped at the door he had slammed shut before you huffed loudly, "the gal of that man!" You started the radio and raised the volume all the way up before you added an amplification spell and the music roared out of the little speaker. I'll teach you not to mess with my holiday spirit! A content smile spread across your lips as you quickly went to the door and pulled it open so the music spewed out in the hallway. A few doors down was Severus office and his door opened a mere second later as you stood in the hallways with a satisfied smirk. I'm not giving in that easily, you thought to yourself as he stormed towards you with a look of disdain and contempt all over that beautiful face of his.
You took precisely two steps toward him, a plan formed in your mind in that very moment. A plan that ought to teach him a lesson but also gave you the chance to finally do what you had dreamed of for months. "Will you turn that infernal racket down?!" he hollered in such a thunderous voice you actually trembled a bit. He was an intimidating man but you were more stubborn than a kniffler holding on to gold.
You waited, patiently as he took the last steps that were needed for him to meet you in the hallway. "You are impossible, will you turn that awful sound down (y/l/n)?!" he shouted over the loud music. You stood still, you needed him to take one more step. Just one more step and the little joke you had planned for students would give you your chance. "(y/l/n)?! Turn it-" There, he took that last step and you smiled with wicked glee. Despite your heart hammering and the twisting your stomach was doing.  
Before he could react, before you got cold feet, you raised up on your toes, grabbed the collar of his cloak and pressed your lips to his in a flurry of rushed movements. You kissed him harshly, deeply, despite him not answering back you pushed against him for nearly five seconds. You felt lightheaded, you couldn't hear the music any longer and his lips against yours were heavenly soft.
He was stiff as a rock, rigid as a mountain. As you leaned back and gave him soft smile, your cheeks blushed but you held his eyes locked in yours for a second before you glanced up with a little grin. "Mistletoe," you said softly as the amplification spell wore off and the volume lowered enough for it to not be blasted through the hallway any longer. He said nothing. He just gaped at you. His eyes bewildered, his body as frozen as an icicle. Well, at least he shut up. The thought made you both happy and sad as you had desperately hoped he would kiss you back.
But, perhaps you had misread him. The little smiles, the long looks, the nightly patrols - all the talking of everything from potions to favourite seasons - and all the late nights working together in his office. Perhaps, it meant nothing to him. Even though it meant the world to you as you had in fact fallen deeply in love with the dark man.
You kept the smile on your face as you let go of his collar and made to turn around. "I'll keep the music down," you said and your voice was a tad sad. Both for his non-response and the fact that you couldn't quite enjoy the holiday - your favourite holiday - in the way you wished.
In an instance is hand grabbed your wrist, he swung you around and back towards him. You had no time to even gasp before his hands cradled your face and his lips smashed desperately against your own. You melted and your response was instant.  You kissed, deeply. His hands trembled as your knees felt weak.
When he eventually leaned back and broke the contact you were breathing hard. He chuckled and a tight smile lingered on his lips. Your chest hammered as his thumb stroked once, twice, across your jawline. "Mistletoe," he said in that soft, almost purring, voice of thunder and you could have sworn his eyes twinkled as a decorated Christmas tree for you. Perhaps this Christmas would be nothing like you had imagined, but a thousand times better. You melted into his embrace as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do as he kissed you once more under the glimmering mistletoe.
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This is the first prompt and I had so much fun writing this - I really hope you enjoyed this one and I am hoping I'll be able to do all of the prompts I came up with for this Snapemas - hoping!
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
Tags: @lizlil​  Want to be tagged in my Masterlist or for Snapemas? Please tell me! :D 
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outroego-hobi · 4 years
(Gift) For You. 🎁 | jjk
➳ Pairing: jungkook x reader
➳ Genre: fluff, established!relationship AU
➳ Word Count: 2.1k
➳ Synopsis: Jungkook seems to be on edge a few hours before the clock strikes 12 at Christmas.
➳ Warnings: some cursing (it’s just a few words)
A/N: Here it is, my first fic! I was planning on posting this at least 2-3 days before Christmas, but I had a lot of doubt with this one. 🙁 I know that this is still lacking in (many) ways, but I hope you still enjoy reading it. 🥺 I hope this isn’t too late as a Christmas treat. Happy holidays! 🎄🎁 
(gif not mine, credits to the owner!)
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Things are doing great, well, fine, perfect, IF you were to ask him, but in reality, Jungkook is panicking.
He made sure everything is perfect, from your couch filled with pillows and blankets that are meant only to be ‘used during Christmas’ (as per your words), your favorite holiday songs playing softly in the background, and of course, the 7 feet Christmas tree that serves to be the star of your living room, filled with ornaments and polaroid photos of you together, some with his hyungs, your and his family, and friends. He made sure that all of your requests are granted, as he wanted to make this celebration perfect. But one thing is missing. Perhaps one of the most important thing. His gift. For you. His gift for you is missing. Gone. Nada.
That brings us to the current situation, with him pacing around the living room, trying to find that small, silver box wrapped with a green and red ribbon, and a greeting card attached to it. How could that small box be gone out of all things?! At this time?! He tried looking everywhere, on every corner, but it seems like luck really isn’t on his side today. “Okay Jungkook, think, think, think. Where did you last put it?” He told himself, while trying not to go on full panic mode and trash the whole living room he just arranged. He was muttering to himself, concentrating heavily on remembering that he didn’t realize the front door opening and closing.
“I’m home!”
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit. I’m doomed.” He hurriedly went to the hallway, almost tripping on his way, leading to the front door, immediately leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, trying to act as calm as he possibly can.
“Yeah I know, I heard the door, opening and closing, you know?” He snorted, staring at you by the wall with his body leaning on it, arms crossed, making his biceps flex under his thin, (almost) see-through shirt. “Well, a little help wouldn’t hurt you know? These bags aren’t very light, thank you very much.” You stomped your foot on the rug, trying to dust off the snow that got stuck on your boot. “Alright princess, no need to be grumpy. It’s the holiday season, didn’t that one Christmas song said, ‘tis the season to be jolly?” He pinched your cheeks before grabbing up the bags from your hands then walked straight to the kitchen. “Well, I wouldn’t be this grumpy if someone did not forget to buy the ingredients that we oh so need so we wouldn’t starve during the Christmas E—
“Okay okay, I get it alright, I’m sorry about that. You know I didn’t mean it right? And look, I made it up to you by arranging the living room per your request.” He faced you, showing those puppy eyes that he knew you couldn’t resist. You sighed, closing your eyes for a few seconds before looking at him straight in the eyes. “Alright alright, let’s just put these things away, okay?” One by one, you put out the things that you bought, mostly ingredients for the simple dinner that you are going to prepare. Holiday songs are playing softly in the background, engulfing the kitchen up until you spoke, “I’m gonna prep the ingredients now and cook dinner so that we don’t have to eat at exactly 12 midnight since we’re still going to watch later and open our presents, is that okay?” You asked him, while continuing to prepare the ingredients. A few seconds has passed and he still hasn’t answered, so you turned back to look at him, surprised to see him deep in thought.
“Hey, you okay? Something bothering you?” You put down the pot that you're holding on the counter and approached him, immediately worrying upon seeing the frown on his face. “Oh, yeah, just thought of something. Nothing to worry about, I’m fine.” He smiled forcibly, not quite reaching his eyes, making you worry more. “You sure?” You held his hands, brushing your thumb on his, knowing that it helps him calm down and ground himself when he’s in deep thought or worrying about something.  “It’s fine, don’t worry. You need help with dinner?” He stated, trying to change the topic, and went straight to see the contents of the bags that you carried home. “I got it, you can go take a shower, I’ll handle this okay?” You wrapped your arms around his tiny waist from behind, nuzzling your face on his muscular back. “Okay, just call me if you need help, hm?” He turned around and wrapped his arms around your waist, looking straight at you. “Alright alright, now go take a shower, not going to lie, you stink.” You playfully shoved him, pinching your nose and waving your hands through the air to make your statement more dramatic. “Yeah, yeah, heading to the shower now.” He rolled his eyes, then walked out of the kitchen. You chuckled, shaking your head with both of your antics. Breathing heavily, you now concentrated on the task at hand, wanting to immediately finish it so that you both can eat dinner, watch a movie, get cozy, cuddle and finally, open up your presents under the Christmas tree.
Even during his shower, Jungkook is still deep in thought on where he could have possibly placed his gift for you. He sighed, letting the hot water run through his body, trying to relax his mind so that maybe he can remember where he put it. He turned off the tap, grabbing his towel so that he can hurry up and try to help you (and find the gift once again, hopefully). He went downstairs, contemplating whether he would go straight to the kitchen or try to search at the living room. Deciding to look for it, he, once again, looked on every corner, behind the pillows, under the couch, coffee table, even on the mini cabinet under the TV but no luck. Sighing heavily, he sat on the sofa, burying his face on his hands.
Upon hearing some rummaging noises on the living room, you called for him on the kitchen. "I'm almost done, can you set up the table please? I'll just take a quick shower after this." You transferred your food onto the plates, waiting for him to set the table, so that everything is in place before you head to the bathroom. You can't help but notice that he's been kind of quiet,  especially since he's usually throwing remarks here and there. But you brushed it off, not wanting to bother him, since it's the holidays and you don't want both of you to get into an argument in case things get out of hands. You just observed him quietly, trying to decipher what the heck is bothering his mind.
Jungkook is awfully quiet. Not that it's a bad thing though, but this level of quietness is so unlike him. You just finished eating dinner, proceeding to watch a movie while snuggling under the cozy blankets that you specially bought for Christmas. Usually on times like these, he would be throwing out side comments and some (nasty) remarks about the characters of the movie or the scene that just played on the screen, but he hasn't uttered one word since the movie started. You sighed, deciding to just focus your attention on the movie.
As the ending credits rolled, you stretched your limbs, yawning, trying to shake off the sleepiness seeping in through your bones. Glancing at the clock, you saw that it's already 15 minutes left before the clock strikes twelve, so you stood up quickly, feeling energized as it's now time to open the gifts that are sitting prettily under the Christmas tree that you both built a few weeks prior. You tugged his arm, excitedly dragging him to sit in front of the presents. "Come on, let's open the gifts already! I want to know what they got me!" He let you pull him, now both of you sitting on the floor, one by one picking up the presents that got your name on it, given by your friends and loved ones. You finally picked up all yours, and all that's left under the tree is Jungkook's, and upon seeing that he hasn't at least reached out to grab it, you turned your attention on him. "Aren't you getting your gifts? It's not gonna walk to you, you know?" You chuckled, trying to get some reaction from him, yet he's just staring blankly at the floor. You started to worry once again, "Are you sure you're okay? You know you can tell me if something's bothering you, right?" You tried talking him out of it, not liking the quiet atmosphere basking in the air.
"It's just that," he pondered, not really wanting to say it, but having no choice as you're waiting for him eagerly to state what's been bothering him. "I kind of misplaced my gift for you... I know you said that it doesn't matter if I got you a present or not, but I wanted to and now it's gone... I don't know where I put it.. " He looked down, having trouble making eye contact with you. It's so endearing to see him like this, acting all shy and timid, compared to his boisterous and loud personality. You reached for his hand, intertwining with yours. You can't help but smile upon his behavior, not used to witnessing such shy Jungkook in front of you. "So yeah, that's why I've been quiet, because I'm racking my brain where I could have put it.. " He sighed once again, feeling disappointed with himself. 
"It's okay Jungkook, with gift or not, this Christmas is still special because I'm with you, okay? I'm happy that I got to spend it with you, and that's all that matters." You confessed, not wanting for him to beat himself up about it. "Sure, I get excited when someone gives me something, because I appreciate it. You know I'm not requiring you to give me one, right? Your presence alone is enough gift for me." You wrapped your arms around his torso, your knees touching, wanting to show your affection through a gesture he sure would appreciate. Soon after, he also wrapped his arms around you, burying his face on your neck. You rubbed his back, not wanting to break the intimate moment you're having when a glinting object caught your attention. You broke the hug, him complaining about you pulling away, demanding for you to stay still and wrap your arms around him once again. 
You stood up, trying to locate where you saw the shining object that caught your attention. Finally locating it slightly behind the boxes that once contained the Christmas ornaments decorating your living room, you picked up the small, silver box and asked him, "What's this? Is this yours?" You tried shaking it, out of sheer curiosity, wanting to guess what's inside it. Surprised by the gasp he let out, you looked at him, surprised once again upon seeing his face no longer frowning, but rather something out of pure relief and joy. "What? Is this yours? Seems like it by the look on your face." You teased him, chuckling lightly from the whiplash of his expressions. He laughed, a bright smile now decorating his face. He approached you, immediately picking up the gift you're holding. "No, it's my gift for you! I can't believe you found it! " He laughed once again, not quite processing how you are now holding the box that's been causing him stress a few hours ago. He was staring at it affectionately that you can't help but tease him more. 
"So, are you just gonna admire that or finally give it to me so that I can see what's inside?" You crossed your arms, raising your brows at him. He scoffed, but nonetheless pulled your hands, placing the box on your palm, staring at you. "Merry Christmas, love. I hope you like it." He smiled brightly, one that surely reached his eyes. Chuckling, you hugged him, nuzzling your face on his neck while thanking him. "Thank you Jungkook, I know I told you that you don't have to, but still, I appreciate it very much." He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face on your hair. You stayed like that for a while, basking in the feeling of being in each other's embrace. After what seems like a few minutes, you pulled away, glancing at him with a hint of playfulness in your eyes.
"Now, let's see what's inside this mysterious box that brought out the shyness in you, hm?" 
"Oh shut up and just open it."
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