#tiny papyrus
two-cell-appless · 8 months
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secrettklstories · 2 years
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Tiny skelly, BIG tickle spots! XD
My god, can you imagine all of the ‘small’ puns Sans could make in this situation?? I love it! @ticklishshenanigansau
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sunsestart · 10 months
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greenheartart · 13 days
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sysig · 7 months
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The familiarity is not very comforting (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Asgore#Always with memories/lack of memories being distressing! How memories shape action interests me quite a lot#Papyrus and Sans both have the ''this has been on me since forever so it's normal'' outlook on the plates#Defensive when other people get concerned about their lack of concern haha <3#But what if ♪#Honestly probably could be set anywhere but I wanted Papyrus to be worried for Sans' safety and not fully know why <3#Lots of very I don't know why I know this but I'm not happy about it haha#Can you tell I didn't use references for this from Asgore's outfit and the boys being on the opposite sides lol#It was very fun to draw them being carried haha ♥ Asgore's gigantic hands#Teeny tiny babies even still haha#In case it's unclear - Sans is looking at Asgore's text in the second panel and putting two and two together about his hand plate#That was a point of curiousity for me while I was reading :0 All the other text Gaster uses to communicate is WingDings!#All the papers he has the boys do and obviously his native font to speak haha#Wondered briefly if it was perhaps that distancing thing I mentioned a bit back in reference to ZEX actually haha#Like swearing in a different language - a way to not claim the action as his own in some small sense#Or perhaps as reference to their fonts being in that alphabet? I wonder!#I love their little interactions in how they look out for each other even in small ways <3#Papyrus concerned of course! Falling is dangerous! It'll be more obvious why later but this is emotionally a very strong and real feeling!#And Sans wants to do anything he can to not make his brother sad ♥#It'll all turn out okay you two 💕
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themadzarka · 1 month
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More of this little pathetic pair.
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triglycercule · 29 days
sleep deprived dust can't recognize what's dream and what's real when he goes in and out of consciousness so i think dust is allowed to be incredibly reckless when he's awake but thinks he's in a dream. he will kill whoever passes by him (or attempt to. for him it's an instict to shoot bones anyways.) he will drink 4 bottles of alcohol just because he thinks its just a lucid dream. have incredibly loud conversations with phantom paps because he's asleep so nobody will hear him talk. or just have loud ass breakdowns because again he thinks he's asleep!!! nobody's gonna know what he gets up to in his dreams. and until someone (probably phantom paps) tells him that he's not asleep and this is reality he won't realize until he's done something really reckless
horror is seconds away from exploding dust's skull open with his magic while dust is trying to strangle him and FINALLY phantom paps tells him he's awake and dust snaps out of it. killer is walking around the house with bones sticking out of him like pins on a sewing pattern (casually too. another day in the life for him) and he just asks dust what that was about. dust just gets off of horror and shrugs his shoulders with an idk. and then walks away. this is the 6th time its happened this month
#horror needs to find a way for him to get back at dust for almost killing him#horror IMMEDIATELY booby traps dust's room's door with several fatal traps. and then dust just teleports away to dodge them#horrors incredibly cool bone manipulation power is incredibly underrated. neither dust nor killer can do what he does#when i say people underestimate just how powerful horror is i mean this#he has MANY shows of power where he summons a shitton of bones. or when he's clever and tricky#using tiny bones so his karma can hit the guards more and kill them faster??? GENIUS#granted kist could definitely think of something like that but that doesn't mean horror's a coughing baby#ok back to my original post. i came up with this after doing my little dusttale translation thing#dust is such a fucking asshole during it all istg and i whooped and cheered every time he was a fucking dick#when he doesn't know what to do when in doubt destroy everything you see. what a guy#he'd definitely be a lot smarter than that in real situations but again#he came up with that strategy while he was under the impression that he was in a dream#so i do think this little prick can be quite an unrestrained destructive force when he doesn't know whats real or not#can i just talk more about translated dust because GODDDD he was SO FUCKING COOL IN MAD TIME SERIES I SWEAR#when he plucked floweys petals off him one by one???? and then berated him??? and the nursing home comment??????? fuck i lov him#can you please unspill the spilled blod??? sick ass line. i think he knew from the start he was gonna betray flowey in that one#god i love canon dust so much he's such a sadistic shit. and he likes it. what a freak. HE LIKES IT#the only person he outwardly expressed regret about killing was papyrus. you'd think he'd care more about everyone else but NOPE#or maybe he did in the earlier runs. still doesn't hide from the fact that he was cruel to everyone else. because thats dusttale 4 you#youre on death row and theyve sentenced you to endless torture and then the mtt pulls up#listen man if i were on death row and they were my torturers id let them do whatever. my babies can get back at me for making them suffer#canon horrordust my beloved i love canon horror and dust#idk if killer in this is like totally canon but idc. it's such a funny idea to make him unbothered when he's injured its hilarious#horror and dust's personal little punching bag ✨✨#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#tricule hc
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dango-darlings · 5 months
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i don’t wanna be little i just wanna be tiny
(tiny part two.)
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU - Home
:3 You guys ready? I hope you are @spotaus
Timeline update! Nightmare was deaged 5 months ago. So they have been in Farmtale for 2 months now :3
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Horror sits in the by-riders seat as Straw drives the car. Humming along with the song. He looks back to the back of the truck and speaks "You didn't have to sit in the back..."
Crop snorts as he lounges against the door "Really? You were going to sit and fit in the back?"
Straw nods "I agree with my brother! You would not have fitted!"
Horror can't help but look between the two brothers "I still do not understand why you wanted me along..." Horror can only guess they need some help with carrying stuff. But Straw is very strong himself so even that that doesn't make sense.
Straw and Crop share a grin before Crop looks back at him with a smile "We needed your opinion on something. A bit of a project."
Horror frowns. A project? He wonders what kind. Oh well. If they want to drag him along to another farm house that is fine. Crop, and Straw for that matter, have been too kind with letting them all stay for as long as they have.
Crop suddenly sits up and points "To the left here Straw."
Straw squints his sockets but nods and they turn down a old road and after a large row of trees Horror spots they distancation, or at least he thinks it is.
An old farmhouse. It is almost falling apart and the plants are all overgrown and have taken over the porch and the whole pathway. He can see an old greenhouse that has broken glass and plants escaping it, the old greenhouse is connected to the actual building.
The farm area has multiple levels in height and ground. with old stairs and ladders leading from one level to the next.
They stop the truck and Straw gets out. He puts his hands on his hips as he looks around "it... it is a fixer upper! I think." Straw winces at his own words.
Crop glares at him before looking around worried "I mean... I knew it was old and abandoned but still..." He shoots Horror a worried look "What do you think?"
Horror tilts his skull. That is probably why they asked him along. Horror knows what the gang can fix and with Dust having taken up tinkering as a way to earn a bit of cash they had probably hoped Horror would know how much they can fix.
Especially as Cross and Horror himself had taken up fixing the stuff that didn't need wiring or enginering.
Horror walks over to the house and moves up the stairs carefully. While they creak they hold his weight, which is promising. Probably just old but no actual rotting. He gets to the house and opens the door. It is small but nice. the kitchen is a mess and he goes there first. The kitchen itself is old enough to still have a hearth in it with a stove build into and connected to it. Overall it looks fine but Dust would have to get his hands and use his skills to fix it.
Most of it would have to be repaired but Horror doens't see any signs or termites or anything that really threatens the building itself. Next to the kitchen is a large room and Horror figures it is the living room but... he hasn't seen any actual heating yet and thinks it is just the hearth. there is another fire place in this part of the house. So maybe it is better if this was just a bedroom. that way it would be sure to be warm for whoever lives here.
Horror sees old stairs leading up and follows it. only to find a very small area. it seems that the house is mostly the ground floor instead of mulitple but in theory it could work as living room. he goes back down the stairs and finds a door under the stair which leads to a hidden bathroom, much like in crop's house. Horror turns back only to find a hatch in the floor, he opens it and finds an old staircase to a cellar wth a few old casts. Maybe to age some products? probably. He leaves it and finds the last door, it is old glass and he carefully opens it to find the attached greenhouse. Completely overgrown and he knows little abbout greenhouses but nothing too bad as far as he can see.
Horror leaves the house and joins Crop at the front. he looks around with a frown "Where is Straw?"
Crop shrugs "Said he wanted to explore the area. So... what do you think? Is it fixable?"
horror shrugs "I think so? building should be easy. just takes stuff and time. Cellar and attic need cleaning and fixing..." He frowns back at the building "Greenhouse I am not sure. never made stuff like that..." back at the castle they just had an outside garden, Nightmare had just made the weather perfect for his garden... Horror really never gave it much thought that Nightmare just made their world perfect for their needs. They will have to step it up to make sure Nightmare gets all he deserves in his own child life.
Crop nods and waits. Horror blinks and has to focus to remember what he was saying before "Wires and stuff Dust can fix. just need time and things."
Crop starts to grin widely "Horror still will be perfect!" he grins at the house "If we start quickly it can probably be done before halfway autumn and you guys can move in! The farm will be harder to fix and find an use for..." crop turns to the land behind them as Horror blinks confused. What?
Crop looks thoughtful "The cliffs and hills make it hard to make it work but I heard that grapes like elevation and stuff. Maybe that can work? The river at the bottom could become a problem as it will expand in spring with the melt water but that also leaves a lot of fertile ground. maybe flowers can be grown there..." He nods as he crosses his arms and looks back at the house "The greenhouse will be needed to be fixed first. All monster farmers have a small greenhouse to grow magical food."
Horror holds up a hand as his mind spins and skull starts to hurt. Crop luckily stops and waits. Horror needs a moment before shooting Crop a look "We moving?"
Crop blinks before looking away sheepish "I mean... It isn't that i want you guys gone. But i know you guys want your own space... Straw and I asked around and well the others that meet you guys asked around as well. There is this old man in town, Gerson, he used to own this farm but he doesn't have the health to take care of the farm anymore... and as he doesn't have family... no one to take over... You know the guy!"
Horror thinks before remembering "Is he... Dust fixed his heating?" if he remembers that right.
Crop nods "His airconditioning... and his tv. and radio. and dishwasher. Dust fixed everything in that house in under an hour."
Horror blinks again because that is new information for him. Dust had only mentioned somone asked him to fix the heating or something.
Crop chuckles as he rubs his neck "He said you guys could have it. But to fix it up again, and once it is fixed if he could see it... So... what do you think?"
Horror turns back to the old house and the large open, and private, piece of land. it is hidden from the mainroad by the trees and the large natural forest encloses the area. He can see some very far away firewatch towers. meaning this is the nature park that was being used to help nature and the animals in the area...
Horror looks back at Crop as Crop looks at him with a large smile "I will still be your nearest neighbor." he points in the direction of the path "just following along that path and you get back to me, the road goes around and takes longer. The forest has fire watch towers to ensure safety and they will have a direct line to you guys in case of emergancy."
Horror thinks back to the place. A safe place, an area to start all over again...
Horror grins slightly and looks back to Crop "Will we need to think of a name?" Seeing as all the farms have names here.
Crop blinks before grinning widely "Eventually! First some repairations and cleaning but this is great!" he looks over to the cliff and shouts "brother! He thinks it will work for them!"
a loud cheer and moments later Straw runs back up the cliff "Really! That settles it! We will need to get to work quickly! I will drop you two off and go around to see if anyone has spare building materials and tell mister Gerson the great news!"
Crop grins and Horror chuckles.
A safe haven. Just for them.
A home.
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Remember the job situation? The plan is they get their own farm :3
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thewizzard767 · 2 months
so about that newsletter huh
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Truly, this is the beach episode.
In other things, I’m glad to hear that Chapter 4 is almost finished. I honestly wasn’t expecting any type of release soon, but a 2025 release sounds nice. Thanks Mr. Fox, for cooking an excellent meal.
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fallen-mario-bros-au · 3 months
Just some low effort doodles!
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redcasper · 1 year
Does anyone else like the "troupe" of siblings? Like one's taller and the other's shorter, one's a ball of energy while the other's subdued, one's younger and the other's older and they would rip the skin off their back for the other. and most importantly... They're parentless [Bonus point if they were homeless for a while and/or adopted by someone] Cuz I'm seeing a small pattern-
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I just rly like finding lil tropes and patterns in the media I intake it's so fun :)) So don't mind me too much
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[me connecting all the things I like via tropes and minor things that makes no sense to anyone but my myself]
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Part one of "Some interesting devil fruit abilities for reader to have in the pirate au" (from someone who's never seen one piece so bear with me)
I'm not a native English speaker so these may have some mistakes in them, sorry!
Also, this particular pirate au was created by @mega-punani! Thank you for creating characters I can rotate in my head like popcorn in a microwave xx
I present to you: Pocket docter!!
Devil fruit: Tiny fruit
Reader can get tiny at will!
Thats it.
...Well, okay, they have some outfits that shrink with them, and possibly some jewelry and stuff they keep on them at all times, like a little healing kit! Outfits that don't fit or they don't consider theirs wont shrink or grow with them. Embarrassing!
Probably a little salty that they gave up their ability to swim in the ocean for this... regardless of having had a choice in the matter. Its not a flashy cool power but it sure can be useful!
They can make really specialized tiny tools, get very specific parts of plants and other remedies for illnesses, and they can treat delicate wounds with extreme precision if needed! The tiniest needle and thread known to man is at their disposal.
This power could have reader in fight scenes but in someones pocket, passed around to heal during battle (a little risky but that's fun!) or captured by an enemy and then suddenly be gone (if there's no sea prism stones used ofc).
Not to mention some interesting interactions with the boys!
Sans put his hat on your head while you were tiny and laughed his head off-- its a pretty goofy sight and you're struggling to keep it near you against the wind. You still insist it looked better on you than it does on him and he kind of agrees.
You end up sewing teeny tiny little things into his hat whenever you end up trapped under there. Little stars and shapes, puns, messages... You've assured him you can easily remove them but he loves it. At some point he offers it as a makeshift bed for you if you ever need it, having added a tiny pillow and letting you use the scarf as a blanket. The sight of you asleep in his hat on his nightstand endears him to no end.
Dang hes already tall but Papyrus really dwarfs you huh? He will encourage you to not feel bad or less than others for being absolutely tiny!! --even if your normal form is about average or even tall. Everyone is small compared to him and he's truly nice about it so you forgive him for it.
I feel like he might accidentally forget you in the crows nest and then frantically get the crew looking for you while you're just chilling up there. He didn't forget to put your safety first up there so you've got a lovely view to enjoy!
(Hes no longer the shortest let's GOOOOO-)
Alright so Blue is the most dangerous man to be around out of all of them. Not out of malice of course! Hes just very strong and very energetic, and where Papyrus might punctuate his extravagant poses with acrobatics, Blue does so with his unbridled strength! Which meaaaans he might grip you just a little tight when picking you up, or that he'll forget you're near him while moves around, sweeping your feet out from under you. He definitely learns with time, but you're having much more fun being carried around while at your normal size.
You've pranked Stretch by pretending to be a rat a couple of times, scuttling from under a table or jumping at him suddenly because you are very funny! And also because he was trying to ignore your presence on the ship at first. What better ways to get along than to prank and bother him relentlessly until he talks to you? Unfortunately for his pride, it works, and the pranking turns into lighthearted inside jokes instead. He wont admit it, but hes much less jumpy at the sight of wandering mice and rats now...
I also think Stretch has some of the softest clothes on the ship, and that on some cold days, you can snooze in his hood/scarf while he plays some gentle tunes. Its a very relaxing time for both of you.
Red thinks you're so, so cute... now how can he convey this to you without sounding condescending?
Through trial and error of course! You can yell at him that hes being mean and he'll think its hot, but he will genuinely tweak his approach to you a bit. He'll call you kitten, but if you say you feel he's not taking you seriously when you're small he'll only say it when you're regular sized. Hell he'll call you boss or sir/lady if that's the only thing you can tolerate. And also because that's funny as hell.
You asked to help him with hard to reach nooks and crannies on the ship and its really bonding for you both. He will always check/clean whatever spot you need to reach a bit before you climb in (like a gentlemonster) and then he'll stare at your ass when you're reaching for whatever is inside (like a perv!).
Someone makes mother hen and chickadee joke.
Someone gets tossed off the ship.
It might not be the worst analogy though: Edge is quite protective of you when you're that small, and you can always turn to him when you're 'getting bullied' by the rest of the crew. Hide in his coat and stick your tongue out while he chides them, that'll show 'm!
Edge is probably one of the people who suggested creating a little room for you to do tiny crafts in so he doesn't accidentally blow your materials away when he walks past in a hurry. He has places to be! Its definitely not because he thinks you're cute and distracting nope--
He does kind of regret it sometimes when he hasn't seen you all day. Show him you thought of him by gifting him a tiny craft, yeah?
Reader might help Razz get super specialized tiny equipment to draw with, like incredibly sharp edged pencils or brushes with materials that you know will still draw well at that size. It could make his detailed works even better!!
...ifffff he lets you watch while he works of course. It'll help you get a better understanding of what he needs! Besides, its very easy to forget that there's a cute little human on your shoulder when you're concentrating that hard. Surely you wouldn't surprise-attack kiss him on the cheek will you? ;)
You get stolen/kidnapped by Cash often, for 'ransom' (food or favors from the others), 'evil purposes' (pranks) or 'for funsies' (attention). Depending on your tolerance/love for pranks he could be an awesome pranking buddy, or a bit of a nightmare.
He might scam people by selling you as a fairy in a cage and then stealing you back immediately, or by trying to convince you to help him cheat at games with a drunk bunch in a pub.
Of course, your ability to grow back to normal size ensures there's always some form of consent to these japes. If you've had enough, grow back to size on his shoulder or in his hand, that'll show him!! He's to lanky to keep his balance, even if he sees it coming.
Bear loves feeding you things when you're small, since most foods are tough to eat when your head is the size of a grape. For example, eating crackers forces you to nibble like a mouse would which is adorable to him. He also tries to make tiny sized dishes for you for a few reasons: one, it hides the before mentioned intentions of watching you eat behind just making you food, two, he's bored and tiny dishes are genuinely challenging, and three: it gets him genuine compliments and interactions with you, resulting in a lovely blushy skeleton.
Also the teaspoon thing would be so funny in this context lmao. You can buy or carve a pretty one to make him feel better about it if you want, and he would find it hilarious if you made and showed him tiny sized food utensils.
You pull Cinnamon around ratatouille-style on occasion. Or at least he definitely lets you lead him around the place while chatting excitedly about everything and nothing. He loves having you so close, and you've built up enough trust for him to know you wont embarrass or prank him. Not that you could pull off a prank anyway: his ability to see auras makes him the only person on the ship who rarely overlooks you when you're tiny.
You've both decided he doesn't tell the others where you are when you need some time alone, but he does feel better knowing you're safe on the ship somewhere, so you do give him a little wave when you spot him.
Then for some extra little tidbits:
If Blue or Red are being annoying while training with reader (as in using reader like a weight for training), reader will suddenly shrink to throw them off balance.
If you're the kind of person to avoid confrontation when you're in trouble then congrats! You can now blip out of place during any uncomfy conversation. This leads to things like the following:
If you nervously leave a lot of conversations by shrinking and leaving when Edge is grilling you, he might take the hint that he's being more harsh then you can handle and he'll treat you with a different tone of voice (to the best of his ability of course). He might use some excuse about his loud voice impacting your tiny tiny eardrums or something but we all know you're just a softy Edge <3
And if you're a trouble-maker like some of the gang, you might actually get on bears nerves enough for him to chase you! And as that usually ends with you shrinking to avoid getting hit with a teaspoon ladle, he just picks you up and puts you in his chest pocket. You are now officially in time-out, and you can either stay there and watch him cook or grow big again and get hit (or at least, thats the implied threat. You both know he wouldn't). He says you'll stay an hour, for punishment, but it only ends up being like ten minutes before he gives mercy. Unless you get all sleepy in his pocket of course...
If the crew would ever need to find and/or rescue you, they would send Cinnamon and Edge or Sans on the case: Cinnamon can find you with his aura vision, and Edge and Sans are respectively the most focused on the task at hand and able to pull you out of whatever place you're in without hurting you.
When the crew plays card games and you're to tired to play yourself, you'll sit on someones shoulder to give advice. Is it good advice? Possibly. Are you cheating by checking in on others? Maybe. Do you use your powers for good? If whoever you're sitting with has been nice, sure :) !
You're either considered a lucky charm or a menace, its up to you ;)
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offbrandmercyplates · 2 years
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Chapter 03- Pages 01-03
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I’ve decided to begin posting in scenes, instead of page by page. Hopefully this will help the story feel more cohesive. 
Also: three cheers for the best boys making an appearance!
The original Handplates AU and Gaster Ukagaka are by @zarla-s!
[Offbrand Mercyplates Masterlist]
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giggleme-green · 1 year
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soo i made my papayas but is uglyy
The silliest cutest things ever 💗
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hanzidanzi · 1 year
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Tiny doodles
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