Hello there
With 2020 Drawing to close, we look back on the ups and downs of this year, from the incredible story telling from lucasfilm from the long awaited live action appearance of Ashoka Tano to the announcement of all the long awaited tv shows. Many are happy that this year has ended but it has been one hell of a year for Star Wars fans alike. We mustn’t forget the efforts of healthcare professionals around the world who are making sacrifices every day, 2020 is also the end of a decade as we look back on all the ups and downs of what’s happend this decade the fandom feels more alive than ever.
I thank everyone who have banded together from the Star Wars community to make this year more bearable from YouTubers to small creators on Instagram and tik tok, i hope 2021 becomes better than this year with more tv shows, comics and books being realised, it feels a galaxy far far away is a hint closer.
Happy New Years!
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Hello there,
I kind of forgot this account existed until today whoops! Anyway I’m going to try and start posting more content, I was thinking of doing non-spoiler book reviews and looking at lore and legends. I also like to game so I might post things about Star Wars gaming! And obviously report on Star Wars news
So I’m going to try and remember
I think
This is where the fun begins!
P.s I like prequal memes
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I’m so excited for the new high Republic, this will shed sone light on how the Jedi looked in the height of the republic. The  illustrations look stunning!
This new era of story’s and content is rolling out over the next few years starting in  August!
Maybe we might see Yoda  as he is alive during this time
Roll on August
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Hello there!
I love all things Star Wars! This is a Star Wars blog... sooo
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General Kenobi!!!
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