brainr0tcntrl · 1 year
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Actually gt for once
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arc852 · 2 years
if you're still down to do prompts for hermitcraft, how about g!grian and t!scar. If you've watched the 3rd life series, perhaps grian being a protective bodyguard to fulfill his debt. (Potentially scolding scar for being too risky, or both being chaotic and causing trouble).
Then out of curiosity whos perspective(s) do you default too for both dsmp and hermitcraft? Sorry for such a long ask too! Got excited for potential desertduo g/t content cause there is a lack of g/t stuff for hermitcraft in general.
 Sorry this took me a while but I loved this prompt!
 Also, I’ll answer your question first. Honestly, my default for dsmp is usually Tommy or Wilbur and for hermitcraft it’s Grian or Scar. Leaning more towards Tommy and Grian usually. 
 And I agree! There needs to be more hermitcraft g/t! Especially with desert duo, they are my favorite. So I will do my best to provide!
 I had a lot of fun with this prompt. I usually write Grian as the tiny and Scar big but this was a nice change and I’ve learned that Scar can be just as much of a chaotic tiny as Grian can be! So, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of non-permanent death 
Word Count: 953
 Grian reached out and grabbed the tiny before he could get any closer to the edge of the ravine, uncaring about Scar’s yelp as he did so. He held the red life to his chest and sighed a little in relief knowing Scar was safe now.
 Honestly, it seemed like the only place Scar was safe was in Grian’s hands but Grian couldn’t very well hold onto him forever.
 “Grian! Come on, I wasn’t that close to the edge.” Scar said, pouting. Grian let out a deep breath before bringing Scar up to his face.
 “Scar, you died to this same ravine not two days ago. I’m not taking any chances.” 
 “Aww, so you do care!” Scar said, smiling wide but with a hint of mischief under it. Grian felt heat rise to his cheeks.
 “I’m just fulfilling my debt. The second I lose my first life, I’m gone.” Grian said, but with each time he said it, it felt more and more like an excuse. Grian turned around and started to head back toward their base, Scar still in hand.
 “Uh huh, sure. Whatever you say!”
 Scar wasn’t in bed when Grian woke up.
 That was not a good sign.
 The two had taken to sleep in the same bed, since, well, lack of resources and stuff. And Scar, being a tiny, got cold really easily. So it was just more beneficial for them to share.
 So when Grian woke up and didn’t feel the minuscule weight on his chest, he knew something was very wrong.
 He quickly got up and started scouring their base, being careful to keep a close eye on the floor just in case. “Scar! Scar, where are you?!” There was no answer and the base was silent. 
 Again, not a good sign.
 Grian continued to search before he heard faint voices coming from outside. Immediately, Grian wasted no time in running out, stopping to see Scar talking to Joel.
 “-we’ll give some to you if we find any, you get some reputation points, and all I humbly ask for is that diamond sword of yours.” Scar said, looking much too comfortable with being on the ground with Joel looming over him. Not that Joel could kill Scar, not unless Scar tried attacking first, but nothing was stopping Joel from grabbing Scar and holding him captive.
 And with Scar trying to scam him, it was a very likely thing to happen.
 “Scar! What are you doing?!” Grian exclaimed before Joel could say anything. Scar turned around in surprise but met Grian’s eyes with a bright smile.
 “Oh hey Grian! Just making a little deal with Joel here.” Scar said innocently, obviously not knowing or caring about the danger he was in.
 Grain groaned, face in his hands before going closer and scooping Scar up into his hands. Once again, Scar was much safer in Grian’s own hands. At least now if Joel tried anything he would have to go through Grian. Scar barely reacted this time and instead made himself comfortable.
 “So, about that deal…?” Scar said, getting right back into business. 
 In the end, Scar somehow managed to convince Joel to give up his diamond sword for, well, basically nothing. An empty promise of dark oak saplings and reputation that didn’t even matter. Grian wasn’t sure if he should be impressed by Scar’s ability to scam or disappointed in Joel for falling for it.  
 Probably both.
 Grian gasped, eyes flying open. He sat up, hand gripping at his chest. He had been shot. He died. He lost a life. His first life. He was yellow now.
 He had no real time to think though. He had to get back out there. He grabbed the supplies he had hidden away and ran back out to their siege in the desert.
 Scott was the only one there. Everyone else was nowhere to be seen. Scott was talking with him and Grian spoke back but all Grian could really think about was Scar. Where was he? Was he okay? There were no other death messages in the chat but could they have taken Scar as prisoner?
 Grian and Scott gathered what they could and then made their way into the forest.
 And then Grian saw Scar and his rapid heartbeat finally slowed down, the tension in his shoulders relaxing when he realized Scar was unharmed. Scar ran over to them and Grian kneeled down. “Scar, how did you live?” Grian asked, instead of all the other things he wanted to say.
 Scar grinned. “I don’t know.” He was slightly out of breath, but that was to be expected. Instead of scooping him up or grabbing him, Grian held out his hand, palm up, a silent invitation for Scar to get on.
 Scar took it with no hesitation.
 Making sure he was secure first, Grian stood back up and turned to Scott to discuss their next move. 
 It wasn’t that Grian had really forgotten about his and Scar’s deal. About his debt to the tiny man. But he chose to ignore it. Because there was no way Grian would have ever been able to leave Scar behind.
 They were in this together and Grian would continue to keep Scar safe.
 A ring of cacti surrounded them.
 Voices in his head telling him to fight. To kill.
 He looked at Scar, on the other side. He was still smiling despite everything. They both knew who would win. Everyone knew it was an unfair fight.
 It didn’t matter.
 Grian was supposed to keep Scar safe.
 He never wanted to hurt him.
 But now he would be his downfall.
 They counted down.
 And in the end, it was quick.
 For both of them.
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baka-monarch · 1 year
I keep thinking about like buttercups but like as like- little pixies without wings (but maybe Grian has wings? Idk) that live in flowers and stuff and wanna pull pranks on mortals but then the mortals start pranking back and they find it fun so they keep it up
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stargazostli · 6 months
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the winners, everybody
im so funny
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mintcakeart · 6 months
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Man With A Lyre by JC Leyendecker Man With A Guitar by Jam ft The Transgenderification Beam
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shalpilot · 8 months
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what even IS a “girl” anyways sounds fake
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zishu-arts · 2 months
they are alive
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fantasykiri5 · 1 month
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You know I had to draw them together and in The Pose for days 27 and 28 of @hermitadaymay !!
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redbean-nom · 17 days
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thinking about 17's grievous incident again
(he also sent the pic to Grievous)
shebse interactions once again inspired by @thefoundationproject, because I feel like Priority would have Much To Say about it
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and the version without the priority additions
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zlarirosa · 3 months
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guilty challenge ft. harry james potter
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sigmalaussene · 3 months
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One (1) person told me to draw them kissing so I did it :D (I would have done it regardless)
Also here's more sketches for ya:
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my art
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tornado1992 · 4 months
Do you guys think that Sonic has scars?
Not like Tails’, definitely not like those. Tails’ scars are from ripping fur, burning flesh, badly healed broken bones, deep cuts, and stuff he doesn’t even remember, from before he even met Sonic and started fighting Eggman. So many scars. He’s covered in them, his fur hides them, so he’s lucky that his tails are the fluffiest part of him, that’s where he has the most scars, hes not exactly ashamed of his scars, they show what he’s survived, they show that he came through all that. But still, most of them are a painful reminder that he had to survive, not live, survive.
Now Sonic… Sonic has very few scars, almost none of them from fights or Eggman encounters, his dumb bots couldn’t ever dream of hurting him, he was way too fast for that, way too strong. So they’re not from those fights, no, they’re from something completely different.
All the baby fox fangs marks in his hands, all the deep scratches from tiny little claws in his chest and the back of his arms, all the little cuts close to his face, all of them.
Sonic is proud of those scars.
He’s proud of those scars, because each and every of those scars are a reminder that he baby fox that caused them survived, because every time Sonic bled because of that kid, it was worth it.
Because he tried to bathe him when he was more blood and mud than fur. Because he forced him to take medicine when he was sick. Because he hugged him every time he had a nightmare and wouldn’t wake up even if it meant he would instinctively try to hurt him in the process. Because he held him and didn’t let go even when he felt tiny claws digging and ripping in his skin.
Those scars meant his little brother still wanted to survive. Those scars meant Sonic did everything to make sure he would live.
He’s proud of those scars.
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kayomin · 2 months
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normal jovier enjoyer
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mugentakeda · 4 months
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im so grounded dudes
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mashedmangos · 1 year
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He was tired of everyone calling his hat tiny
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astrowarr · 7 months
the fact that after gem, impulse, bdubs, and pearl killed scar, they chased him for so long trying to get him to stop and read the book, begging him to listen. but he just kept running, didn't even look back, let their pleas wash fall on his deaf ears.
he didn't stop until he saw grian. grian, with despair in his eyes as he kept shifting away from scar in fear. scar stopped running— I imagine he felt relief, even, because grian was there, he was there.
scar didn't listen until it was grian. grian, with furrowed brows, telling him to stop, telling him he couldn't be here. he wasn't welcome anymore. god, it's insane to me
scar has spent this entire season running, and yet every time grian calls his name, he can't help but turn and look. even as death nips at his heels, when grian's eyes are on him, the noise clears. even if it's the words grian loves to say to him: leave, scar. you can't be here, scar.
scar turned around after that and left, because he just can't stop bending to grian's will, and isn't that something?
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