#tina winter
prettyfr0mtheback · 7 months
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Tina Winter shot by Edward Colver in 1981
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curtwilde · 1 year
Henry vs Julian
I have been thinking about this a lot. While Henry clearly admires and models his scholar self on Julian, their essential difference is in how they perceive the Ancient Greeks.
Julian's interest in the Ancient Greeks is true interest, he admires their high and exalted values. For him, the Greeks were the highest point of human civilization, and the closer he comes to his own time the more his disdain increases - the Roman Catholic Church he holds in contempt but it's still a 'worthy enemy' not as bad as the Presbyterian Church. It isn't mentioned but he must hold modernism and it's philosophy with disdain - modernist moral vacousness being a direct contradiction of the idealist values loyalty, honor, chastity etc. that were so exalted by the Greeks. Which is why he is always cherry picks, sees only what he wants to see, and invents what he can't - both for himself (his ambiguous involvement with the Isrami government) or for his students (encouraging Richard to lie about his life in California). Since he can't time travel back to Greece himself, he must try to live that life as much as he can and believe himself a character in a Greek play. But it comes, not from a place of wanting to escape his current reality, but true admiration of the ancient Greek way of seeing and doing things.
Henry is a true modernist. The monologue about feeling dead is central to his understanding his character:
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Maybe it stems from his near death experience but he sees the world as inherently meaningless, God is dead and heaven and hell have been revealed to be man-made constructs, there is no punishment for evil and since there is no moral line. I think he subconsciously realised all of this before coming to Hampden, but to truly accept it would have been soul-crushing. So he tries to escape it by immersing himself in the Greeks, I imagine the absolutist values, vague representational ideas pertaining to each god might have interested him but really, it could have been anything else, the Medieval Age or the Victorians, anything. He just needed something to be obsessed with, to give meaning to his existence which he subconsciously knew to be meaningless. So is his adoration of Julian, he admired and wanted Julian's ability to almost half-live in another time when, in his view, things mattered more (we have divinity in our midst). It also explains the Bacchanal which is otherwise so out of character for him. The appeal was to escape the soul crushing knowledge of meaninglessness - even if for a while. To worship and call on Dinosiyus with the blind belief of the Ancient Greeks, a kind of belief that simply cannot exist anymore in the postmodern, post-Neitzche world. His harebrained plans also came from the same impulse, including the poison plan, and the one way ticket to Argentina.
I suspect that what subconsciously drove him to murder bunny, aside from the obvious fear of getting caught - is the same thing that drove Mersault to murder the Arab - it's the old existentialist question, if good and bad are relative and there is no punishment for evil, how far can one go? Bunny's murder was Henry's existentialist experiment with himself. And, I think in a way it confirmed for him what he already knew, they escaped unscathed and he didn't feel any of the fear or remorse he expected to feel. While it did give him the momentary sense of power, the feeling that he could now do whatever he wanted if he can be clever enough to not get caught, since he won't be punished for it otherwise. While it gave him enough courage to go get the girl he always wanted - it did confirm for him the inherent meaninglessness of the world. Also, conversely, Camilla could have been another experiment - something must matter, was it love? Camilla was the only girl he knew and he was fond of her - he may not even have thought of her romantically before considering he never cared to act on it in all the time he had known her. But either way, Julian's abandonment broke him.
Coming back to Julian, Julian's abandonment omakes perfect sense to me - he was disgusted by the modernist moral vacousness in his students. He himself was a moral man, but his morals operated on his own standards. He based it on the Greek sense of Honour, not the more modern sense of Justice. His basic instinct was the preservation of his own purity - he couldn't possibly keep on as their teacher. But also, to turn them in would be against his sense of honour - he must have very little respect for the police and law enforcement as institutions being the kind of person he is. Not to mention it would mean his having to be in frequent contact with the police and court. From his point of view atleast, leaving is the only thing he could have done, really.
For Henry however, he sees that his obsession with the Greeks as well as his admiration for Julian as the sham that it really was, is disillusioned with the world, shattered. Except for his fondness for Camilla he didn't really have anyone he loved, he saw his friends as pawns, wasn't close to his family, didn't have any goals in life with everything in his reach with his father's money - the only person he had really loved was Julian, and there he was betrayed. His obsession with the ancient Greeks was also thus tainted with Julian's betrayal - since it wasn't true interest at all, only a disguised attempt at escapism - it wavered and fell apart, and he didn't have a reason to live anymore.
Side note : Richard falls between the two. Like Julian, he had a real interest in the ancient Greeks, but he didn't put them on a pedestal like Julian did. He realised that like his own time, and like all other times in history the Greek civilization too had its own good and bad aspects, and he wanted to learn about it for its own sake. But he doesn't make it his life, or use it to escape his own reality - outside of his classes he was very much rooted in his own time.
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thefallennightmare · 2 days
I'm also in my Bucky brain rot era with you and the other anons
I had a delulu thought while I was daydreaming working at work, hear me out... an AU where you work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Winter Soldier Bucky and Winter Soldier Noah (with a katana sword 🫨) are both coming after you for some reason. Maybe the pursuit ends in Paris who knows 😏
someone please tell me not to write this. Actually fuck that, please someone tell me to write this. Because this is all I’m thinking about now.
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chicinsilk · 18 days
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Harper's Bazaar September 1972
Valentino Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1972-73. Sexy starlet Tina Aumont. Distinct and spectacular in Valentino’s stunning suit in exquisite opaline silk crepe. The jacket, artfully embellished with cut crystal ball buttons and squared-off sleeves, slides smoothly over a sheer blouse with crystal buttons in beige, blue and gold Georgette, trimmed in the same silk crepe, tightly belted at the waist and paneled pleated skirt.
Valentino Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1972-73. La starlette sexy Tina Aumont. Distincte et spectaculaire dans le superbe tailleur de Valentino en crêpe de soie opaline exquis. La veste, astucieusement ornée de boutons en boule de cristal taillé et de manches superposées carrées, glisse doucement sur un chemisier transparent à boutons en cristal Georgette beige, bleu et or, bordé du même crêpe de soie, étroitement ceinturé à la taille et jupe à plis à panneaux.
Photo Hiro Wakabayashi archives HB
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keiki702 · 1 month
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Tina & Milo, the olympic and paralympic winter games mascots!
They are so cute, I just HAD to draw them ! >w<
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eeclare · 8 months
I was at the beach today so here are some bobs burgers beach headcanons
Bob applies LAYERS of sunscreen to himself
It’s pretty gross looking, actually
To the point where even Linda is like “yikes” 😬
It’s fine though because at some point (always sooner than later) Louise WILL dump a pail of water in him
She says it’s for the prank but irl she just thinks that her dad slathered in sunscreen in public is of the utmost embarrassment
Gene and Tina wholeheartedly agree
Gene isn’t allowed to bring his keyboard to the beach anymore
There was an incident
But the family doesn’t talk about it so just drop it, okay?
So yeah
He brings a little radio instead
And Gene just plays the most unhinged shit
Drives Louise crazy (so she says)
Honestly, it bothers Tina even more bcs it makes her senses go brrrrrr in a bad way
she does NOT vibe with the gummy bear song
Gene wears a swim shirt/rash guard
And despite the fact that she hates it, Louise's swimsuit has one of those cute ruffled skirts attached to it
She's tried to cut it off but Linda ALWAYS sews it back on again
Linda brings wine coolers disguised inside her travel thermos (stanley knock off??)
But she has extras in the cooler
Obvi bobby brings his portable grill
his burger of the day is the "Beach Burger"
Just a reg burg except he arranges the sesame seeds into a sand dollar pattern
well, an attempted sand dollar pattern
tbh he gets through one burger bun and gives up
To make up for it he attempted to add fish sauce to the burger meat, but it's okay bcs Gene spit it at him and he got the message
Bob also wears a rash guard btw
Linda is a bikini lady; always red, always high waisted
Tina just sticks with the sexy one piece with the wonky stripe
Louise will always invite her friends along
and they always end up coming, much to bob's chagrin
Andy and Ollie let her bury them up to their necks in sand
Rudy (who not only wears a rash guard, but it's a long sleeved rash guard) just watches from a distance
He really does not like it when any parent gets him in trouble, let alone bob
Gene tans, he loves it
It's a lifestyle, not a skin colour
Linda is right behind him on that one
Tina spends most of her time collecting shells and cool rocks she finds
One time she found a heart-shaped stone and gave it to Jimmy jr
but he thought she was handing him a skipping stone so he chucked it right back into the water
(Zeke spent the rest of the day trying to find it, but it was gone forever)
Louise loves skipping rocks
but literally only because it means that she can throw rocks at people on purpose and say that she's just practicing
Bob ends up with wicked tan lines
Every time he takes off his shirt, for weeks afterwards Louise screams bloody murder
Louise can't really swim
she can pull off a mean doggy paddle but quite frankly she doesn't like getting her ears wet
Tina is the strongest swimmer of all of them
but even still, she mostly just sinks
Gene just floats
The kids are pretty sure they have never seen bob get in the water
Something that he denies, even though it's true
He can swim
He just chooses not to
Linda doesn't get in the water much anymore but she used to be an avid swimmer
She briefly got back into it during her syncro phase but after she embarrassed herself and her kids so it didn't last too long
but she does like to go to some sort of community centre pool sometimes just to swim a couple laps
when Linda's at the beach she, like Gene, spends most of her time tanning
where else do you think he got it from?
The only difference is that she makes Gene put at least a little sunblock on
While Linda herself does not put any on at all and gets horrifically burned
BUT its okay! Her skin eventually peels off into a nice, dark tan
bob is terrified of her getting skin cancer, and honestly, its a valid concern
One Linda brushes off, naturally
Tina and Louise LOVE the feeling of the hot sand on their feet
Louise loves the beach because she can comfortably go shoeless
Gene, however, wears his red sneakers
just without socks
stinky boy
Bob also wears a sunhat btw
It's linda's, but as if she uses it lolol
It makes him look classy
Louise WILL clown him for it tho
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mags2theythem · 6 months
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jaimeski · 2 years
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Day 14: Sweater
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hazelminesims · 2 years
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Tina invited some friends over to help her look at the dresses she’d picked out. Poor Hayden thought it was game night. He was sorely disappointed.
In the middle of them talking about what to do after the dance, Jordan showed up out of nowhere. Of course, Tina was happy to see him... just a little surprised though.
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doodle-do-wop · 1 year
If cammie went to college, what do you think the other girls (Anna, Tina, Mick etc) as well as Zach and Preston did after graduation?
this one is a long one good lord
Anna Fetterman
went into the field but for her civilian disguise, she's training to be a pilot.
She actually had to go through said training to keep up the disguise.
She does undercover work and honestly it's quite scary to realize Anna could've been on the same mission as some of her friends or coworkers as silent backup and they might not always spot her.
Married Carl (her boyfriend from book 1) and has two amazing daughters now
can and will surprise visit her friends just to keep them on their toes (she and Macey do coffee dates where they try out new cafes and chat)
Eva Alvarez
worked in the field for a few years in the FBI but after Kim Lee got seriously injured she left quickly
currently works a simple 9-5 office job and helps out in her community because even without being a super spy she can still help change the world
Kim Lee
did go to a community college to get an associate's degree in engineering and later continued to pursue a higher education in that field
even after her injury, Kim stayed in the field but soon moved into lab work making gadgetry and usually explosive prototypes. She did accidentally microwave one prototype and Eva put her on bed rest until she could correctly count the number of fingers Eva was holding up
Mick Morrison
went to college with Tina Walters as they had planned a long time ago
Got a degree in kinesiology and tried working in the field for a few years but she could never feel like it was really her place
When an opening for a new P&E assistant coach opened up Mick gave it a shot and found she really loved teaching
Sits beside Liz at the teachers table in the Grand Hall and they share gossip about their students
Courtney Bauer
worked for the CIA for quite some time. Stayed in the field as she found it was the place and path for her. Her civilian disguise was at first just a fresh out of high school young adult traveling the world to find herself. Now she's in a 'complicated business' that requires her to go overseas a lot but she fights tooth and nail to make it home for the holidays, big events, etc
she's usually late or the last to arrive and no one lets her live it down
(she was at least early to the reunion)
She, Eva, and Tina stayed close
those three idiots could never just fall apart even if they sometimes go weeks with zero communication
Tina W Walters
took some time after the fire to heal and breathe
went to college alongside Mick Morrison. Worked damn hard for that journalism degree and while she technically fulfilled her legacy as a third-generation gossip columnist, she's got a lot going on behind the scenes.
Worked for a short time in the field for the CIA like the rest of the Walters Women of the past
Changed to being a recruiter after mending her relationship with her mom and has nearly doubled the class count with how many girls she's adopted recruited
unknowingly became the next Buckingham for most of these girls and ya know Rachel it would've been nice to, you know, TELL HER SHE WAS ON THE DAMN PAYROLL
99.99% of her gossip papers are all about Macey, it's so damn funny
Macey helps by the way, they bond over it
there is an infamous page 10 Tina wrote one day that was more of a petty revenge thing than a 'lol taking shit about Macey for my job' thing
The much anticipated Preston freaking Winters
I'm not honestly sure
He spent a lot of time with his mom for sure, she didn't know anything after all and she just lost her husband. He wasn't going to let her lose her son too
did a lot of soul-searching but I'm not sure how much he stayed in politics. He might've honesty just stayed to keep in the loop about anything nefarious and found a way to contact his favorite girls
probably had to go underground with his mom for a while as the Circle scrambled after their leaders were gone (he is an heir technically)
I'd like to think he and Macey still talked but they didn't date for quite some time. They both needed to heal but they were there for each other. Who else could possibly understand them better than the other?
Zach Goode
from what I personally think along with the timeline of the books I do believe Zach went straight into the field while Cam did halfsies with school and work
did a lot of leg work with Bex since she also went straight into the field and while they were technically working for different agencies they're still a goofy little duo that know each other well enough to figure out where on earth they might be off to
attended some of Cammie's classes with her sometimes, mostly when he had downtime and wanted to just be with her or even take notes for her when she wasn't feeling too good
i refuse with all of my ass to believe he waited ten years to propose (sorry y'all but have you SEEN HIM)
if you guys wanna hear about any OCs do let me know because I will totally talk about the Background Girlstm
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robinfrinjs · 2 years
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Tina Hausmann took an overall podium in her F4 debut last weekend. She managed to place third in the second Formula Winter Series race last Sunday. She also took two rookie podiums in her AKM Motorsport car, she's so far the only driver that has been able to interfere with US Racing their dominance.
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proverbialschoolmarm · 7 months
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seablur · 9 months
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wherever they filmed little women that is where we’ll be ◡̈
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Winter Soldier anon here, you're welcome 🤭
ok seriously though, thank you for letting me share my delulu thought without shame or judgment. looking forward to whatever you come up with! ❤️
You will never find shame or judgement here! I hope you know that I’m currently shouting off ideas and writing them down because you opened a Pandora’s box that won’t shut. I mean that in the BEST way possible.
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thatoneplumbob · 1 year
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winterfest birthdays!
hyacinth was able to have father winter at his birthday party lol! i cannot process the fact that hyacinth is becoming a teen while korbin is now an adult.
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue November 15, 1967 💛💛💛💛💛
The solid gold kaftan, enough sparkle to strike all the right sparkles - a jewel - shimmering gold silk gauze floating over a gold silk jumpsuit. By Tina Leser. Gripoix rings. Glittery gold sandals by Bernardo. Sunny background: the Costa Smeralda of Sardinia.
Le caftan en or massif, assez d'éclat pour frapper toutes les étincelles de droite - un bijou - une gaze de soie dorée scintillante flottant sur une combinaison de soie dorée. Par Tina Leser. Bagues Gripoix. Sandales dorées et scintillantes par Bernardo. Fond ensoleillé : la Costa Smeralda de la Sardaigne.
Model/Modèle Marisa Berenson Photo Henry Clarke Coiffure Alexandre de Paris vogue archive
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