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neopronouns · 2 years ago
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timepageic | timeknightic timemageic | timeseeric timesylphic | timemaidic timemuseic | timelordeic
timepageic: a gender related to being a page of time
timeknightic: a gender related to being a knight of time
timemageic: a gender related to being a mage of time
timeseeric: a gender related to being a seer of time
timesylphic: a gender related to being a sylph of time
timemaidic: a gender related to being a maid of time
timemuseic: a gender related to being a muse of time
timelordeic: a gender related to being a lord of time
[pt: timepageic: a gender related to being a page of time
timeknightic: a gender related to being a knight of time
timemageic: a gender related to being a mage of time
timeseeric: a gender related to being a seer of time
timesylphic: a gender related to being a sylph of time
timemaidic: a gender related to being a maid of time
timemuseic: a gender related to being a muse of time
timelordeic: a gender related to being a lord of time. end pt]
colors are from the rage aspect and these class gender flags! all other terms of this nature are tagged 'classpectic'. i added the 'e' in 'timelordeic' because 'timelordic' is already a term.
flag id: eight flags with 4 stripes. the top left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark brown, brown, bright red, and dark red. the top right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark orange, orange, bright red, and dark red. the upper middle left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark yellow, dark yellow, bright red, and dark red. the upper middle right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark yellow, yellow, bright red, and dark red.
the lower middle left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark green, faded green, bright red, and dark red. the lower middle right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark green, yellow-green, bright red, and dark red. the bottom left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark purple, faded dark purple, bright red, and dark red. the bottom right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark purple, purple, bright red, and dark red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
dni link
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pastel-medic · 6 months ago
Is the like a Timebomb version of Demoknight- like Timeknight? Im genuinly curious
Sorta! They call him Bombslinger :P
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He shoots "quick draws" with what I'd like to think is a smaller variant of the sticky launcher which looks more like a pistol and can shoot multiple smaller bombs (which can be tough to dodge I'd imagine)
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revenant-coining · 2 years ago
heya ! can you help me find gender terms related to time or the colour red ? preferably like, bright red . ty! /nf
here's what i could find !
Mortelum (link) is a term for someone whose identity relates to a variety of concepts centring around death, the passage of time, and the intersection between those two concepts. Mortelum may also relate to the imagery of said concepts, such as vast grandfather clocks or rotting bones. The following concepts all fall under mortelum.
Chronocontrolic (link) a gender related to controlling time. examples include stopping time, speeding it up, slowing it down, or time-travelling. this gender can have a connection to controlling time or feel as if it’s nature is similar to it. this can also be related to possessing the ability to control time.
Timeheiric (link): a gender related to being an heir of time
Timewitchic (link): a gender related to being a witch of time
Timebardic (link): a gender related to being a bard of time
Timeprinceic (link): a gender related to being a prince of time
Timerogueic (link): a gender related to being a rogue of time
Timethiefic (link): a gender related to being a thief of time.
Timepageic (link): a gender related to being a page of time
Timeknightic (link): a gender related to being a knight of time
Timemageic (link): a gender related to being a mage of time
Timeseeric (link): a gender related to being a seer of time
Timesylphic (link): a gender related to being a sylph of time
Timemaidic (link): a gender related to being a maid of time
Timemuseic (link): a gender related to being a muse of time
Timelordeic (link): a gender related to being a lord of time.
Timesacrific (link): a gender related to time and sacrificing yourself to a higher being. or for when you are sacrificing yourself to time / a being of time.
Timegender (link): A xenogender for those with a strong tie to history and the concept of time as a whole. Alternatively, for those who are too occupied trying to understand the concept of time to try and figure out something as inconsequential as their own gender.
Koraigender (link): A gender related to the past
Genzaigender (link): A gender related to the present
Miraigender (link): A gender related to the future
Genderclock (link): a xenogender related with time and clocks.
Dimelumen (link): a neogender term combination between dimensen (link) and mortelum (link). This gender surrounds the intersections between these two identities, such as fate, doom, and afterlives. Inevitability is one of the main aspects of dimelumen, the fated aspect of dimensen and the death aspect of mortelum combining to place an emphasis on doom and the ever-approaching presence of mortality. The dimensional aspect of dimensen also allows for this term to surround all that which is asynchronous to our world, dimensions with present alterations of time such as time loops or slowed down/sped up time. Additionally, dimelumen focuses on afterlives, dimensions of death. Alongside this lies any other intersections or parallel positions between these two terms, anything that is born from the simultaneous existence of them both.
Diffemesen (link): a Dimensen term connected to the difference in time between dimensions
Tempoirine (link): a gender (umbrella) related to the passing of time and any other related things such as mortality and limits, as well as endlessness and the infinite. it also covers themes of life, death, the universe, and nothingness, among other things. however, these are not strict rules, merely loose guidelines for what "counts" as tempoirine. many other things can be considered tempoirine.
Memoriet (link): a mortelum gender related to the meaning of the phrase "memento mori", including such concepts as the inevitability of death and the passage of time.
Begintimion (link): a gender related to the beginning of time.
Geariclockworkphyllian (link): A gender related/connected to gears, clockwork, clocks, and the concept of time
Redgender (link): a gender connected to the color red
Rojocolcomfic (link): Gender related to one or multiple shade(s) of red being one’s comfort color
Rougecomfic (link): A gender related to red being one’s comfort color
Maroongender (link): A gender related to any and/or all shades of maroon
Redgender (link): A type of colorgender; a gender that can be described by the color red, or a gender that feels as though it is red, or a gender that feels related to the color red.
Genderred (link): A gender that is the color red; a gender that, were it to be looked at, would look/be red
Velveredic (link): A gender related to velvety shades of red
--- limit be gone ---
Scarletgender (link) is a subset of redgender connected to the color scarlet. One who is scarletgender might feel as though their gender is validated by the color scarlet, or as though their gender is best described as the color scarlet.
Rubygender (link) is a subset of redgender connected to the color ruby. One who is rubygender might feel as though their gender is validated by the color ruby, or as though their gender is best described as the color ruby.
Crimsongender (link) is a subset of redgender connected to the color crimson. One who is crimsongender might feel as though their gender is validated by the color crimson, or as though their gender is best described as the color crimson.
Gendercoccum (link): a gender that is connected to shades of scarlet, maroon, and red.
Genderphoeniceum (link): a gender that is connected to shades of purple-red.
Genderrobiginosum (link): a gender that is connected to shades of rust/orange-red.
Genderrubicundum (link): a gender that is connected to rubicund colors/red/maroon shades.
Genderrufulum (link): a gender that is connected to shades of red/reddish colors.
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cocajimmycola · 2 years ago
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dave strider is nonbinary, genderfluid, transmasc, genderlowercase, colalexic, timesacrific, chronofsallidic, aevumloop, mirrorinfinikenic, spiralline, cannibalfreak, canidevolin, bonesoundic, carnivorico, bonecrunchic, timeknightic, mortelum, chronocontrolic, turntechGodheadhandlic, timeintent, bitcommitic & timefreak
for anon
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fracturedquintessence · 6 years ago
Time for my nightly follower greeting, in alphabetical order by blog name:
@apiidae @coralseahorse @grievinglycapricious @mallekware @timeknght
Welcome. As you may be able to tell from my blog, I’m Dirk, and I haven’t been born yet. Pleased to meet you from the land before time.
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phozze · 3 years ago
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sketches of me and Nauw. second desing on the 1st pic is a timeknight consept i'm thinking of. the lore of the server has its problems tho so it's kinda tricky :|
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ersatzentity · 6 years ago
So I’ve been watching you all for some time now, and I’ll be honest.  Watching is boring if I can’t get in on the fun.  So here’s my thing, send me asks, or whatever.  Might make life in these shades a little less mind-numbing.
Anyway, if you see me around, help get the word out so people know where to find the coolest AI in the fucking universe.
((Yo can I get a promo please?))
@princeawake @voidlalonde @golgothasundead @timeknight @prankcakes @ofthcvoid @eldritchtherapist @nebulaeics @tipsies @ophibrn
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striderpups-reborn · 6 years ago
Of all the ships in homestuck, a bass playing doggo girl and a beatboxing coolkid timeknight is honestly the most underrated
I dunno last I checked my archive there were well over 3000 pictures for it, so it’s definitely no smallfry of a ship. Can there always be more? Absolutely. 
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cannabiscomrade · 6 years ago
@ mutuals I’m on snapchat (when it’s working for me) and pillowfort and I just got mastodon too   
snap: timeknight
pillowfort: leiaorgana i think
mastodon: milesmorales
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devgoblin · 2 years ago
Week 13 | A3 Post Mortem
What aspects of the readings helped inspire your design process?
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The development of TimeKnight was the first time this semester I was able to have the time to develop a game to the point of prototyping it. I was very much made aware to the point made in chapter 9 of Tracy Fullerton’s ‘Game design workshop: A playcentric approach to creating innovative games’.: playtesting is key to a game’s development as it makes you aware to how the perception and play of the game is, not what you wish it to be (p. 310). Developing a game is hard, so it’s easy to try and cut corners or justify things that don’t go the way you want them to, and playtesting makes you face those shortcomings head on. Additionally, it can also help to inspire and motivate you to work on your game - it was incredible seeing how much people enjoyed their time with TimeKnight’s early prototypes. In future I think I’ll be more willing and prepared to prototype my games, regardless of what stage of development they’re in.
What’s one thing you’d change about how you developed the prototype?
I believe we were too ambitious with TimeKnight’s scope for the duration of this project. I believe we were too focused on trying to thing of unique and interesting mechanics for TimeKnight that we neglected spending enough time defining what we wanted our Player Experience Goals to be. Our plan for TimeKnight was so ambitious that we spent a lot of time just developing a few versions of an early prototype. Player experience goals are used to consider what sort of experience you want the player to have and help understand what ways are best to make them achievable (Fullerton, 2018, p. 12). We received a lot of feedback on our prototype indicating that what we had was enjoyable, but lacking in interesting gameplay - it was a good early prototype, but did not offer any rewarding experiences at this stage. If we had spent more time thinking about what sort of experience we wanted our players to have, and what sort of experience would be achievable within our time frame, then we may have finished with a prototype that explore the mechanics we implemented in more interesting ways.
What’s one thing you’d change about the design of the prototype?
If I were to change anything about TimeKnight, it would likely be the implementation of the Dash mechanic. Though interesting, I believe it was too ambitious for the scope of our project. Additionally, most of our negative remarks in the playtesting was tied to this mechanic. If we were to continue development, I believe we should think about ditching the dash mechanic all together and working on creating some unique and interesting gameplay for the parry mechanic (i.e. thinking about those Player Experience Goasl!!)
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draconicvexation · 7 years ago
Andrew: Fuck.
Reverse!Andrew: Yo Fuck.
Swap!Anna: Fuck.
TimeKnight!Andrew: Fuck.
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kahran042 · 7 years ago
JRPG monsters without palette swaps
I don’t know why I’m posting this, but what the heck. It’s a list of monsters in various Japanese RPGs that have no palette swaps in their games. This does not include monsters that have the same graphic, but with different weapons (i.e. Goblin/Ogan/Groupie/Flunky in Chrono Trigger), minor additions (i.e. M.Mummy in Breath of Fire II or TrickBag/JewelBag in Dragon Warrior VII), or that are just stretched/shrunken models of other monsters (i.e. the Grangalan family or Ice Golems in Final Fantasy VII); nor does it include dummied monsters or monsters that only appear in remakes. That being said, here we go.
BREATH OF FIRE Blurb Chimera Fungus Shadow Stool Tronk Zoom
BREATH OF FIRE II Carm Conch Cyclops Docaden Skeleton Stamen Tri-Eye
CHRONO TRIGGER Alien Blob Goon Jinn Bottle Kilwala Laser Guard Mage Naga-ette Omnicrone Panel Roly Rider Ruminator Synchrite
DRAGON QUEST VI Dancing Jewels
FINAL FANTASY IV Beamer Behemoth Egg EvilMask Machine Mage Molbol TinyToad TrapDoor
FINAL FANTASY V Cherie Coral Fairy Orc Iron Giant Lemure Little Chariot Magic Pot Magnetite Mindflayer Moss Fungus Motor Trap Mover Necromancer Objet d'Art Orukat Page 32 Page 64 Page 128 Page 256 Skeleton Tunneler Unknown Unknown Unknown
FINAL FANTASY VI Cactrot Critic Magic Urn Mover Still Life Veteran
FINAL FANTASY VII 2-Faced 8 eye Acrophies Adamantaimai Aero Combatant Allemagne Bad Rap Bahba Velamyu Bizarre Bug Brain Pod Capparwire Christopher Coeurl Cokatolis Crown Lance Devil Ride Diver Nest Doorbull Dorky Face Dragon Rider Dragon Zombie Dual Horn Elfadunk Eligor Flower Prong Foulander Gargoyle Garuda Ghirofelgo Ghost Ghost Ship Gigas Gighee Grimguard Guardian Hammer Blaster Heavy Tank Hell House Hell Rider VR2 Hungry Ironite Jersey Jumping Killbin Kimara Bug Kyuvilduns Magic Pot Magnade Malboro Manhole Mighty Grunt Mirage Mover Nerosuferoth Parasite Rilfsak Rocket Launcher Roulette Cannon Scissors Sculpture Serpent Shadow Maker Shred Slaps Spencer Spiral Tail Vault Unknown Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Vlakorados XCannon Yin/Yang Zemzelett
SUIKODEN Banshee Colossus Creeper Crow Delf Demon Sorcerer Ekidonna Flying Squirrel Grizzly Bear Grave Digger Hell Unicorn Larvae Mosquito Nightmare Orc Queen Ant Rabbit Bird Siren Slot Man Strong Arm Sunshine King Viperman
SUIKODEN II Chimera Cockatrice Flyer GiantSnail HollyBoy KillerDog KillerBee LandShark M-Knight Neclordia Nightmare Pixie RaggedOne Samurai Shadow ShadowMan Siren TimeKnight Unicombie
SUPER MARIO RPG Amanita Ameboid Bahamutt Bloober Carroboscis Corkpedite Fautso Goombette Jester Lakitu Mastadoom Ninja Pinwheel Reacher Shaman Shy Away Stumpet Wiggler
TALES OF DESTINY Aerial Knight Aile Arachnid Assassin Cave Shark Clay Golem Discus Flame Imp Snail Impulse Kubitoom Mechscorpion Neuroids Orgus Orse Paghoul Pirate Placenta Puropulse Rock Baboon Rota Scorpion Shadow Thelm Tortoise Tzin Warfish Yeti
WILD ARMS 3 Calupdis Coatl Cyclops Doomsday Gasnoid Greater Beast Jumbo Bearcat Master Therion
XENOGEARS Abandon Airwalk Aragonite Armor Wasp Assassin (clawed) Batrat Breaker Conjurer Croaker Tribe Death Scythe Defencer Dragon Eagle Armor Eagle Blade Eagle Gunner Eagle Wing Earth Seraph Edelweiss Edin Fire Seraph Forbidden Fuel Tank Gebler Guard Golem Griffon Gun Drone Hatamoto Mk3 Harquebus Mk10 Heal Seraph Hopper Li'l Allemagne Li'l Kobold Mammoth Mayfly Medusoid Merman Nomad Fix Bot Pedestal Planter Power Seraph Rapid Fire Rhino Salvager Sand Tripper Security Cube Shinobi Mk0 Slugger Solaris Guard Spear Trooper Sufal Sufal Gear Sword Seraph Swordsman Traffic Jam (both types) Trooper Tusk-Tusk Water Seraph Wind Seraph
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orsisschampixn-blog · 6 years ago
@timeknight followed you
💀h, 💀 knight 💀f time? Th💀t is 💀 r💀ther interesting cl💀sspect.
I 💀m 💀nubis, muse 💀f d💀💀m.
Y💀u 💀re 💀 hum💀n, c💀rrect? Ple💀se p💀rd💀n me f💀r 💀 n💀n-us💀ge 💀f hum💀n terms, i 💀m n💀t entirely f💀mili💀r with them
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skeletonontheroof · 7 years ago
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@dragoncon put some final touches on my version of the white rabbit then I start painting tomorrow. #aliceinwonderland #whiterabbit #armor #time #latelatelate #timeknight #dragoncon
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cocajimmycola · 2 years ago
i was wondering if i could get one of those hc posts for dave strider? dave strider is nonbinary, genderfluid, transmasc, genderlowercase, colalexic, timesacrific, chronofsallidic, aevumloop, mirrorinfinikenic, spiralline, cannibalfreak, canidevolin, bonesoundic, carnivorico, bonecrunchic, timeknightic, mortelum, chronocontrolic, turntechGodheadhandlic, timeintent, bitcommitic, timefreak
if thats too much please let me know! im not sure how making these types of reqs actually works lol
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cannabiscomrade · 6 years ago
hey add me on snapchat I’m trying to use some other form of social media more 
I’m @ timeknight
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