alovelyburn · 2 years
Transformers has that larger than life feeling you like with dc and berserk and has many continuities you can choose from.
I do tend to like larger than life things. EPIC you may say. I'm not sure about Transformers... I was seriously addicted to Beast Wars, but I tend to struggle with anything that has robots for some reason.
...I mean I know they aren't traditional robots, but just... mechs, robots of any kind... I have no idea why.
But there are always exceptions, like my favorite game of all time is Xenogears. So yeah, maybe I would.
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pluvio-floret · 2 months
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Very late, but here’s my chilaios week day 3, carry (which accidentally also works for day 2, wounded)!
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caressthosecheekbones · 8 months
me: *expecting a few friends I voluntarily invited myself Weeks Ago for a little hang soon* aah I am so late so late I need to hoover aaahh the dishes ahhh latelatelate wHY AM I Like This?
me: *currently on tumblr composing this post*
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xhanisai · 2 years
Pairing - Adrinette
Prompt - ‘Sunshine’
Summary -
"Just Pére being Pére," The blond mumbled quietly, settling himself on his seat without another word. The tension in the room was so thick, it was suffocating enough to cut airways with just one breath. Everyone in the class (barring Lila of course) was extremely pissed on poor Adrien's behalf, wanting nothing more than to teach his father a lesson or two and smash down the iron cage that the horrible man built around the lonely teen-
"LateLateLate- I'm so late!"
~(x)~ . . . When Adrien arrived at school in the early morning, Nino and the rest of their classmates couldn't help but hesitate with their usual greetings to their beloved sunshine boy. . A tired and quite severely pissed-off frown was etched on his usually sun-kissed skin which seemed paler this time around- as if he hasn't drunk anything in the last twenty-four hours or so or even eaten a single bite of something at the very least. His usually well-tamed and stylishly gelled-up golden hair fell wildly against his face, shadowing his striking emerald eyes which looked like it could pierce even the toughest of elements out there. Adrien looked dangerous and infuriated. "Bro, you okay?" Nino chanced a hand on the seething teen's stiff shoulder, trying not to verbally gulp at the way Adrien's pupils were practically slits (and quite familiar too but the worried boy couldn't quite put his finger on it). "Just Pére being Pére," The blond mumbled quietly, settling himself on his seat without another word. The tension in the room was so thick, it was suffocating enough to cut airways with just one breath. Everyone in the class (barring Lila of course) was extremely pissed on poor Adrien's behalf, wanting nothing more than to teach his father a lesson or two and smash down the iron cage that the horrible man built around the lonely teen- "LateLateLate- I'm so late!" Suddenly, Marinette burst through the classroom door as if she was being chased by a tornado, laughably tripping over her clumsy feet and rolling over only to stand back up like a professional gymnast. Paying no mind to her awestruck friends, she glanced at the clock and then back at her phone with an adorable glare. "Early. I'm early. I could have slept for another fifteen minutes and thirty-two seconds. Which one of you changed the time on my phone, again?" She whirled around and softly glowered at the class, dissatisfaction all over her face yet half of her classmates wore a cheeky, relieved grin at the shenanigans. "Marinette! Oh, it's so good to see you!" As if they didn't have enough surprises for the day, Adrien leapt out of his seat like his alter ego's namesake, pupils expanding comically (until only a slither of a green ring was visible) and wrapped his arms around a very red, babbling Marinette. The tension in the room was completely dissipated in a snap as Adrien continued to go on a ramble about just how happy and lucky he was to see her whilst poor Marinette was a complete, flustered mess. 'Count on dudette to make the sun shine again,' Nino tenderly smiled to himself as he watched the chaotic duo affectionately. He couldn't wait to see how much sillier and sweeter his two close friends will become in the future, especially once they stop dancing around their mutual feelings. . . . ~(x)~
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clemahito · 2 years
latelatelate Yuna 38 for the oc ask??
Sorry I'm the one who's super late now— long post under the cut
38: What memory do they revisit the most often?
Anyway, this question was a tricky one. As I said in an earlier ask, she doesn't really look back on the past and tries to focus more on the present and the future, even if it's hard for her to figure out exactly what she'd want it to be. Sure, her big dream is to open her own restaurant, but maybe it's too big of a dream, you know? So she's living more in the here and now. And it also helps with her anxiety to not look too far ahead.
Her fondest memories (among the few she has from her childhood) involve her middle to high school friends. She was kind of an outcast, but eventually she found a few close friends that were a little bit different like her. She remembers sleepovers, movie nights and long conversations on a rooftop, and just finally feeling like she was included into something, though back then she always felt like she was the odd one in the group (she understands now that it wasn't the case). They eventually lost touch after Yuna moved abroad after graduating high school, and since this was around 1995 (none of them had cellphones) she also completely lost anyway to contact them again years later. Technically, now that she's moved back to Ikebukuro, she could go to their parents' house, as she remembers their old addresses, or calls them on their landline phone, but the parents may have moved, changed their number, or died. Yuna hasn't tried anyway, her and her old friends are all 35 now, she feels it's too late to try and reconnect, they most likely wouldn't get along anymore as so many things have changed. And she's nervous that they're more successful in life than she is.
Still, she's kept pictures of them, and she remembers them as her first real friends, though they didn't know everything about her. She never told them she was a lesbian, fearing that the group, made up mostly (if not entirely) of girls would avoid her or see her as predatory. They desperately tried to push her towards boys in their class in middle school and lamented that she never got a boyfriend at her age in high school. But otherwise they were good friends, they were just clueless and might have accepted her, who knows. They were the first people to tell Yuna that she was beautiful, and she can remember the exact moment they said it for the first time. She had never viewed herself as a being that could be considered beautiful before.
Most of her childhood memories aren't very exciting, as she was an easy child to the point that it wasn't healthy at all. So once she moved to France to go to uni, she discovered everything she'd missed. The most important part was finally connecting with the LGBT+ community around her, going to big parties, dancing (like she had never danced before) and playing the codes and boxes she'd always been stuck in as a kid. She presented more masc, for example shaving her head was a huge turning point in her life. She was a late bloomer, but when she bloomed oh boy did she bloom. Still that didn't solve all of her issues, but she finally began to love herself in her memories. Like "damn, I looked so hot that day" or "wow, I didn't know I could dance like that". In the past, she'd always been invisible in her own memories, so at last she allowed herself to take the space she deserved.
And then moving back to Ikebukuro kinda was a setback. Sure, she was in her hometown and closer to her brothers, but still she'd lost her bearings and needed to focus on finding a job. The party couldn't last forever, but the bleak reality of her responsibilities really hit her hard, especially since she pretty much completely isolated herself. Making new friends is gonna take a while, but she could get along with Tom, Vorona, Kadota and the gang, Simon, Mikage, Anri, Celty, etc... Not gonna lie, she had a massive crush on Celty when she first met her.
Okay, I know I'm totally derailing but bear with me; she ends up working for Izaya. It's a mix of him paying well and her wanting to keep an eye on him and trying to be one step ahead of him (but he's two steps ahead of her). It's a gamble to hire the beast of Ikebukuro's sister as a bodyguard, but it can also be an advantage in certain situations. Yuna didn't think this deal would last, it was only meant to be a temporary solution before finding a regular job, but things got a little out of hand (mostly her developing feelings for Namie, but also the idea of knowing that the closer she remains to Izaya the better she can eventually hurt him and make him pay for what he did to her brother). Izaya, in return, can threaten to do all kinds of things to Shizuo if Yuna betrays him, and she knows how easily Izaya can hire someone to frame Shizuo for murder or worse. So it's kind of a scorpion and frog situation.
Though, in my self-indulgent scenarios, I want Yuna, Namie and Izaya to eventually get along and have a fun lil dynamic together (Yuna and Namie teasing Izaya for being a loser mostly). I guess these two things aren't mutually exclusive. Yuna can cook a nice meal for Izaya (it's part of her contract), and he will say "Ah~ I sure hope there isn't any poison in that curry... Or the next debtor that Shizu-chan pays a visit to might welcome him with a gun~~" and Yuna will ask Namie to taste the food first (they both know Yuna would never hurt Namie). That doesn't mean the Yunami relationship is healthy either. But we'll dive deeper into that some other day because I'm already past 1k words and it's 2 A.M.
Anyway thanks for the ask! It gave me the opportunity to figure out even more stuff about my girl, if you're still reading thank you so much, Yuna is patting your head and smiling softly and saying "you're the best" 😳
Uncommon questions for OCs and their creators
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“Exacto” Billy se separa del maletero y se vuelve para mirarle lamiéndose esa risa perfecta de los labios “¿Bien, entonces?”
Y solía reír así, piensa Steve, solía lamerlos así, cuando Steve le hacía reír y luego no podía evitar besarle, riendo también. Solía recorrerse la legua con los labios como si no quisiera dejarse nada y Steve estaba tan ciego de miedo, y ahora es ya tan tarde.
Billy le mira, unos segundos de luz del sol rota en pedazos de espejo por el lento agitar de las hojas de los árboles y
“Vale. Pues―” sus manos buscan de nuevo unos bolsillos que no encuentran “Bien. Eso. Bien” señala con la cabeza hacia los críos “Entonces voy a― hacer un poco más de niñera”
Y Steve― no lo puede evitar, necesita ver esa risa otra vez, una última vez, antes de soltarle, dulce como azúcar en sus labios,
“Pero no les trates demasiado bien, sobre todo a Dust. Necesito el trabajo“
Pero Billy― no se ríe esta vez solo le. Le mira, unos segundos de luz del sol rota en pedazos de espejo por el lento agitar de las hojas de los árboles y,
 “Joder” dice “Por siempre me―”
Y lo dice como si― y está ahí, mirándole como si― y el corazón de steve latelatelate.
Arena arremolinándose al viento y nubes en el horizonte y sabor a tormenta en los labios y―
“Nada” dice Billy, solamente “Nada. Voy a―”
 Y la tormenta atraviesa el terreno árido del desierto, pero pasa, pasa.
Y no lleva, ni trae, ni deja nada.
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neverlcckback · 4 years
Lennox: 💛 & 💝 (Harris)
Send 💛 for hand kiss & send 💝 for a a kiss on the forehead
Although her father had a tendency to be overprotective, there were little things she requested, one being her final prom. She’d didn’t have a date, just going with a couple of her friends. She still worried about possible hovering, which is why she requested Harris be the one to actually drop her off. She smiled as he opened the door for her, carefully climbing out and patting her dress anxiously. Maybe he sensed her nerves because he smiled and took her hand, placing a soft kiss to it before wrapping her in a hug — mindful of the fabric. With a quick press of his lips to her forehead, she squeezed his hand in thanks and was off to find her friends.
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son-of-bry · 6 years
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Day 30: Twin Falls (A Misnomer) #inktober #inktober2018 #ink #day30 #waterfall #twinfalls #ar #tombow #latelatelate #livebetterbrysen https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6UyN7HMa7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13yizoemys4qa
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brigidcoady · 3 years
Late late late! #morningcommute #latelatelate catsofinstagram #cat #rubberband #elasticband #covid19 #coronavirus #London (at Hampstead, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZK2B6shEwP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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365-theblog · 6 years
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Drawing related to today’s work. #work #overload #latelatelate #illustration #illustrator #illustratorsoninstagram #formedujour #formedumercredi #space #espace #spaceship #universe
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undead-bobcat · 6 years
Continued from HERE with @sky-captain-jack
Lucy saw her chance to pull herself together, and doing just that, she inhaled sharply and smoothed out her robes before lounging out on the tree branch.
“Please, don’t shoot me, that’d be very bad. I don’t even know what that weapon would do to me, anyways.” She did her best to sound calm as she swung her legs off the branch and looked down at Jack. Her pupils fizzled with panic as she tried to hold up her facade.
“So.. Uh..” She folds her arms and turns her ears backwards. “Cannibals? I mean, I know its definitely possible that there’s cannibalism in The Constant, but I didn’t think it would be so close to here..”
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strokesandscribbles · 4 years
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I also don't know why, yeah.
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serenitysera · 5 years
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Day 114. • • • • #late #late #lateLateLate #114 #dogPark #seat #brown #bark #dailyUpload #yearLongUpload #day114 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwstL_5gexp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q64pt3gqqocj
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jacksmusesp5 · 7 years
sae takes akechi out for food (even for his birthday apparently, that says something) and they're close enough that she'd recommend a cafe (aka leblanc) to him, and he thought she knew him well enough to understand he wouldn't stoop to something like stealing information from her laptop, so i think he's supposed to be pretty fond of her. (re: the sarcastic thing, what scene is that about? i can dig up the jp text for comparison if you want.)
Hey, you’re right. I dunno why I kept forgetting about that. I had just rewatched that scene in Rank 2 for a certain cap so wth man.
Yeah he really was offended that she thought so lowly of him. Though the way he said ‘oh please, give me a break’ kind of made me wonder if she was like that before. Or at least, that he thought that she of all people would cut him some slack for such petty things.
Then there’s the whole thing regarding stealing her heart and protecting her- the way he talks about it even sounds genuine, that he would rather she didn’t get targeted because fuck that noise. He couldn’t say anything about Shido’s plans with Akira, of course, but all the same, where it’s in his control he’ll do what he can to stop the flow of things.
As for the sarcasm line it’s on 24/7 (ahaha… nice) when Akechi cheerfully goes ‘Stress is bad for the skin you know’. And thanks for that!
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dangerbuffed · 4 years
morro ninjago
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leecoulter · 7 years
Today’s subject matter: I Missed Another Day
This is completely unnatural of me. I’m about to hit 100 daily blog posts here, so this is... I’m not liking this.  Me and my friend, Addison, started making comics in the beginning of the year. We planned on doing a comic per month, and so far, it’s going pretty well. With her doing university, she soon fell behind with the art, which I’m completely fine with, but I’ve told her it’s all fine and it doesn’t matter if the issues are late.  Comic creating has been something I’ve wanted to try for about 4 years now. I got into comics about 5 years ago, a little after I got into My Chemical Romance. At this point, I was obsessed with becoming a musician, hint; I still am.  When I found Gerard Way’s comic, The Umbrella Academy, I was amazed. I got the same feeling I felt when I learnt that a person could play more than one instrument.  It blows my mind that a person can spread out and do whatever they want, whenever they want. That they can master their craft and share their talents with the world.  I hope to inspire some people.... I do a lot, mainly music, with comics, videos and art on the side. I’m in a band, I write music, I act, I sing. I want to show people that they can also do that... Simply because I can do it... You know? Anyway, I’ve been absent because Addi has been staying over a lot recently working on comics with me, and I’ve been playing a butt ton of Zelda... Duty calls, you know?
Thanks for sticking around 
- Lee
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