#time stamp: 9:34
vanosslirious · 2 months
*Delirious running around, trying not to die*
Vanoss: Please die, please die.
Nogla: He's not dying, he's not dying...
Delirious: I'm not dying, that's right.
Nogla: Wow~
Delirious: I'm alive~
Nogla: Okay, guys, this is gonna be a real coincidence when the guy who paid for the map wins, guys.
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werewolfsmile · 4 months
The Eliot Spencer Details Masterpost
I have been recording details about our beloved Eliot Spencer on my latest watch through. And now, it's finally time to reveal the details!! If I have gotten any details INCORRECT, I beg of you to correct me, at which time, this post will be updated and credit given. (Note: S1 was aired out of chronological order. I am going by chronological episode numbers - aka the correct order - and providing the episode titles as well to minimise confusion.) !! This post contains details from Leverage: Redemption! Read the episode references carefully if you are wanting to avoid certain spoilers !!
Shirtless Moments
S1 E7 The Two-Horse Job: The flashback scene when Aimee asks Eliot what his excuse was for not coming back to her, we see him being dragged/tortured, shirtless. "Tell us what you did with the monkey!"
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Eliot is shirtless for the fight match.
S4 E9 The Cross My Heart Job: Ehh he's not completely shirtless here but whatever. At about 16 mins in, Eliot and Parker are getting changed together, Eliot strips to a singlet then throws his shirt at me the camera. (I didn't include other scenes of Eliot in a singlet here because in this scene he's actively undressing, whereas in others he's not.)
The earliest sighting of his guitar pick necklace is S1 E2 The Homecoming Job. It continues to pop up frequently in episodes, though noticeably less in S1. I thought about recording every occurrence of it here but ... lmao it's in legit waaayyyy too many episodes for me to bother.
S2 E10 The Runway Job: Honourable mention of the necklaces Eliot wears with his fashion week outfit. The longer one is kinda dogtag-esque, the shorter one is ... I think it's a fleur de lis? He also wears a range of chain necklaces later in this episode.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Bird pendant (possibly kingfisher) visible at 34 mins 39 seconds. Full credits to @wolves-in-the-world for this one including the time stamp! You can check out their reblog of this post with more details here!
Dammit Hardison
S1 E13 The Second David Job: The FIRST INSTANCE of dammit Hardison in the entire show! Said upon discovering each other in the gallery, around 4 mins 15 seconds.
S2 E1 The Beantown Bailout Job: Said around 22 mins 30 seconds, immediately following, "What are the odds that Eliot's crotch will actually explode?" Iconic.
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: When setting up for the magic show and discovering the rabbit missing, roughly 19 mins 45 seconds.
S3 E3 The Inside Job: Running from security, around 31 mins 30 seconds.
S3 E4 The Scheherazade Job: Trying to enter McRory's at the same time, around 1 min 30 seconds.
S3 E5 The Double Blind Job: This is an honourable mention because this time NATE is the one to say dammit Hardison! 9 mins 15 seconds.
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Upon discovering the master tape isn't in the case, roughly 32 mins.
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Eliot and Hardison running in the woods for their lives, arguing as always. This one is a bonus 'dammit' because Hardison says it straight back to Eliot after Eliot yells it at him! Around 21 mins.
S3 E12 The King George Job: Discussing Hardison's forgery work, followed by Eliot regretting touching anything. Around 23 mins 55 seconds.
S3 E13 The Morning After Job: Pretending to be cops and accidentally ending up with a prisoner to take back to jail, around 16 mins 20 seconds.
S3 E14 The Ho Ho Ho Job: Honourable mention of Chaos mocking Eliot by saying dammit Hardison. Roughly 21 mins 15 seconds.
(phew, S3 was rough on Hardison! given what Eliot was going through with the whole Moreau thing.... ooh that's delicious angst)
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Honourable mention for Sophie saying it this time! While playing the role that was meant for Eliot, around 24 mins.
S4 E6 The Carnival Job: Mixing chemicals for a distraction, roughly 25 mins 30 seconds.
S4 E17 The Radio Job: Hardison running away from being thrown off a high floor, around 5 mins.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Sneaking around at the Bellington Dam, roughly 13 mins 35 seconds.
S5 E1 The (Very) Big Bird Job: 'Accidentally' putting a brew pub menu in front of Eliot, around 10 mins 20 seconds.
S5 E15 The Long Goodbye Job: Emotional scene that we do not speak about, around 12 mins 40 seconds.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: After knocking Harry out and asking Hardison to help carry Harry, and Hardison refuses. 11 mins 40 seconds.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: Upon discovering that security is headed to the vault where Parker is, and the only way down there is through the vents. Around 34 mins 10 seconds.
RS2 E1 The Debutante Job: We get 3! In this whole episode! Probably to make up for Hardison being gone for most of Redemption. Anyway! First one when Eliot and Hardison are in Ralphie Roy's place and Hardison has no idea who Ralphie is, around 23 mins 15 seconds. Second is when they're breaking into the elevator and Hardison won't help fight or move the unconscious guards, roughly 37 mins 40 seconds. And third, after the job when Parker says that Hardison was the one who took out all the guards. Around 45 mins 10 seconds.
RS2 E3 The Tournament Job: Right at the start after Eliot says gaming isn't a sport and Parker texts Hardison, so Hardison starts blowing up Eliot's phone. Lmao. Around 4 mins 20 seconds.
RS2 E4 The Date Night Job: After realising Breanna stole his truck, Eliot says dammit, then aims it at a grinning Hardison, since Breanna is already running away. Around 46 mins 50 seconds.
Dammit Parker
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Parker jumps out of a second floor window, Eliot catches her. 15 mins. (Parker gets a dammit from Eliot before Hardison does!!)
S3 E8 The Boost Job: Parker driving erratically, Eliot thrown around in back seat. (Technically there's a pause between dammit and Parker but I'm still including it) 35 min 35 seconds.
S5 E12 The White Rabbit Job: Searching the mark's house, Parker wants to steal a shirt. Again, this isn't technically a proper dammit Parker, as Eliot instead says, "Put it back! Dammit." But I'm still including it because it was aimed at her. 21 mins 20 seconds.
RS1 E9 The Bucket Job: Parker is pretending to be a hacker heavily modelled off Hardison. Not a proper dammit Parker as, again, Eliot only mutters "dammit" under his breath, but still counts to me. Just after 18 mins.
RS1 E10 The Unwellness Job: At end of episode, after Parker admits that she didn't even learn Eliot's name till after the team broke up the first time. 44 mins 30 seconds.
RS1 E13 The Hurricane Job: After washing up on shore and entering the Beacon Inn, Parker and Eliot are bickering about Maria. He doesn't strictly say dammit Parker but there's absolutely no doubt who he's directing the dammits towards. 3 mins 30 seconds.
RS2 E6 The Fractured Job: When farewelling Billy and Parker says next time she'll finish telling him about the robot bodies. Again, it's just dammit not dammit Parker but it's close enough. 41 mins.
RS2 E8 The Turkish Prisoner Job: Another standalone dammit that is most definitely aimed at Parker! When breaking Romero out, Parker says she's a firefighter (with far too much glee), around 14 mins 30 seconds.
RS2 E10 The Work Study Job: A full dammit Parker this time! When Parker reveals that it's super easy to steal from a university and produces a whole bunch of stuff, roughly 22 mins 40 seconds.
Very Distinctive Moments
S1 E2 The Homecoming Job: Eliot ID's the weapon from the gunshots, around 8 mins. Later, he ID's a guy off his knife fighting style, around 18 mins 50 seconds.
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: ID's a CIA guy from his stance, roughly 7 mins 45 seconds.
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: ID's the smell of peppermint on Hardison's breath, around 21 mins.
S3 E12 The King George Job: ID's former British paratroopers by their haircuts, 30 mins 10 seconds.
S4 E1 The Long Way Down Job: ID's a former spetsnaz guy by his footprint, 13 mins 45 seconds.
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Honourable mention of Eliot ID'ing ex-military personnel by their stances, he just doesn't say very distinctive. 18 mins 50 seconds.
S4 E11 The Experimental Job: Honourable mention of Eliot ID'ing a helicopter by the whumpa-whumpa (there's 7 of them did you know). Around 7 mins.
S5 E3 The First Contact Job: ID's military satellite transmission by the static, 7 mins 20 seconds.
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: ID's a Navy Seal who enlisted between '90-'95 by his watch, around 16 mins.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: ID's a drone (Breanna's) from the sound. 11 mins 50 seconds.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: ID's Russian mob by the tattoos, 36 mins 30 seconds.
RS1 E7 The Double-Edged Sword Job: Honourable mention for Maria ID'ing the way Eliot disarmed her gun, 7 mins 50 seconds.
RS2 E4 The Date Night Job: Eliot ID's a guy as not having a distinctive anything - which is what is so distinctive. 20 mins 40 seconds.
RS2 E13 The Crowning Achievement Job: ID's MI6 off their search pattern, 6 mins 50 seconds.
Known Family
S1 E6 The Miracle Job: When discussing Bibletopia, Eliot says his nephew would like it. This is the ONLY mention of a nephew in the entire show, Redemption included; nor is there any direct mention of a sibling beyond this (which leads me to believe that this nephew is actually the son of a close friend/cousin/military buddy, rather than a direct family relation, but that's just my headcanon).
S2 E3 The Order 23 Job: When talking to the abused boy, Randy, Eliot says he has an uncle named Randy.
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Eliot's dad owned a hardware store and he wanted Eliot to take over one day. But Eliot wanted to get out of that small town, so he joined the service. Fought with his dad the night before he left and hasn't been back since. He goes back at the end of this episode and knocks - but his dad never answers the door 😭
RS1 E9 The Bucket Job: While interrogating/torturing Eliot with Red Haze, Bligh says that Eliot's dad's friend from Vietnam has invited Eliot to join them for Christmas. At the end of the episode, Eliot goes to join them for dinner, only to get a message from 'J' that his dad was a no show. This 'J' is widely accepted as Eliot's unknown sibling but that is incorrect! 'J' is Eliot's dad's buddy from Vietnam!
RS2 E6 The Fractured Job: The ultimate Eliot family backstory episode!! (if you haven't seen it yet and don't want spoilers, skip this one!) Eliot was adopted by a black couple, Billy and an unnamed woman, after being abandoned/surrendered at a hospital as a baby. His father was a war hero who got none of the glory and sustained a wound, ruining his civilian career path, so Billy never wanted Eliot to follow in his footsteps. Eliot loved the stories of his dad in the military so joined up to be like him. His mother died while Eliot was on an op and he couldn't get leave to come back for the funeral, deepening the rift between him and Billy. Ultimately, they reconcile, (Eliot says his dad was always a hero to him, Billy say's he's proud of Eliot, they hug), and I cry every time 😭❤️ [Edit: Eliot being a baby at the time of being found at the hospital and consequently brought home by his adopted mother is unconfirmed and my presumption. We have no clear info on his age at adoption. Thanks to @nival-kenival for picking that up!]
Phrases: Ain't
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Said to Nate, right before Nate tells him to go skip some rope.
S1 E9 The Stork Job: Says it twice while conning Irina.
S1 E10 The Juror #6 Job: Upon being told to go help Parker instead of watching a sports game, Eliot takes his beer back.
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Discussing the fights the mark runs, says they ain't the UFC.
S2 E3 The Order 23 Job: Said right before threatening to throw Randy's abusive father over the railing of a stairwell.
S2 E4 The Fairy Godparents Job: Upon spotting a hitman sent to kill McSweeten and Taggart.
S2 E8 The Ice Man Job: After hearing Hardison call himself the Ice Man, says he won't bail him out when things go wrong.
S2 E9 The Lost Heir Job: While trying to get Parker to the court room and end up cut off by the police.
S2 E11 The Bottle Job: When Hardison wants help to clean up Nate's apartment and Eliot refuses.
S2 E14 The Three Strikes Job: When Nate says to meet outside the ballpark but Eliot refuses because now he's sucked into the sport.
S3 E3 The Inside Job: Twice while arguing with Hardison about how to rescue Parker, once when Parker offers him a lift down the stairwell with her on her harness rig and he refuses. This is the most he says ain't in a single episode!
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Once when the militia try to make him kneel, later when the militia kid catches him and Hardison near the train tracks.
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: When Sophie changes her story to mock Eliot's accent and mannerisms.
S3 E15 The Big Bang Job: When confronting Moreau with Hardison.
S4 E1 The Long Way Down Job: Upon arriving at the base camp and complaining to Nate.
S4 E7 The Grave Danger Job: When looking for a buried Hardison and hearing the sprinklers.
S4 E10 The Queen's Gambit Job: At the end, swearing revenge on Sterling.
S4 E12 The Office Job: Arguing with Hardison about Eliot's sandwich while searching the warehouse.
S4 E13 The Girls' Night Out Job: When trying to convince Nate to socialise at the very start.
S4 E14 The Boys' Night Out Job: Exactly the same as the previous episode, so this one barely counts.
S4 E17 The Radio Job: In the patent office, when trying to figure out who lured Nate into this situation. The same scene is used later as a flashback.
S4 E18 The Last Dam Job: Warning Nate of the consequences of taking a life with your own hands.
S5 E2 The Blue Line Job: When ambushed by Marko when leaving the ice rink.
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: Once when going to wring information on the hit out of Riley, once when Hardison steps on the trigger plate of the claymore.
S5 E13 The Corkscrew Job: First time talking to Betty about how Leonard's a jerk.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Twice when ambushed by RIZ thugs in the warehouse.
RS1 E2 The Panamanian Monkey Job: Once when discussing Ryan Corbett at the start, once when refusing to let Hardison have a turn with the diamond-tipped drill.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: When warning Breanna to be certain of her calculations for how to get him and Parker out of the casino's vault.
RS1 E8 The Mastermind Job: Once when discussing hiring people to overthrow a government, once when discussing how they're going to do like 6 things at once, including saving Harry.
RS1 E9 The Bucket Job: Said twice while talking with Blanche, after Blanche helped rescue Eliot from RIZ.
RS1 E14 The Great Train Job: While digging through the tainted soil with Harry.
RS2 E1 The Debutante Job: When trying to get to Volkov's plane with Parker and seeing that two guards are in the way.
RS2 E5 The Walk In The Woods Job: Talking to Paul after rescuing Harry, who was pretending to be Eliot.
Fun fact: for every ain't that Eliot says, Hardison says at least two more. And that's too many for me to bother recording!
Phrases: Y'all
Never. Not even once.
Hardison, on the other hand, says y'all all the damn time - every season, multiple times, sometimes even multiple times in the same episode.
Honourable mention for Chaos saying y'all as an incorrect mockery of Eliot's accent in S3 E14 The Ho Ho Ho Job.
... Okay, okay! So Eliot says it a few times in Redemption! But only in ONE episode!
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Said 4 times when playing a character and convincing people to clear out of the auction house.
That's it.
These are all the names that Eliot's gone by or used on cons that I could find, not just full blown aliases.
S1 E1 The Nigerian Job: Detective Lieutenant Carden (the scene with this alias was cut from a lot of versions of this episode)
S1 E4 The Snow Job: Vince Fetkey, Hans Von Schwesterkrank
S1 E7 The Two-Horse Job: Brad Mackie
S1 E9 The Stork Job: Dale
S1 E12 The First David Job: Professor Sinclair
S1 E13 The Second David Job: Professor/Dr Adam Sinclair
S2 E2 The Tap-Out Job: Kid Jones (on the fight match poster)
S2 E4 The Fairy Godparents Job: Coach Brewer
S2 E5 The Three Days Of The Hunter Job: Earl
S2 E9 The Lost Heir Job: Officer Hilts
S2 E10 The Runway Job: Julian
S2 E14 The Three Strikes Job: Roy Chappell
S3 E1 The Jailhouse Job: Dr Abernathy
S3 E2 The Reunion Job: Lloyd Hickey
S3 E4 The Scheherazade Job: Guy Hamilton
S3 E5 The Double Blind Job: Phil
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Kenneth Crane
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Agent Quint
S3 E8 The Boost Job: Skeeter
S3 E9 The Three-Card Monte Job: Detective Moffat
S3 E10 The Underground Job: Eric
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: Dr Wes Abernathy
S3 E16 The San Lorenzo Job: Ray Laroque
S4 E2 The Ten Li'l Grifters Job: Charlie Siringo
S4 E4 The Van Gogh Job: Lieutenant (only granting him this one because CK played him in the flashback)
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Tom Boonen
S4 E12 The Office Job: Mr Dennis
S4 E14 The Boys' Night Out Job: Luigi
S4 E15 The Lonely Hearts Job: Jackson Cooper
S4 E16 The Gold Job: Tobias Bowden
S4 E17 The Radio Job: Cowboy (*cough* John McClane *cough*)
S5 E2 The Blue Line Job: Jacques "Jack" Labert
S5 E3 The First Contact Job: Willie Riker
S5 E5 The Gimme A K Street Job: Steven Turner
S5 E6 The DB Cooper Job: DB Cooper/Young Steve Reynolds (again, technically not an alias but whatever it's here anyway)
S5 E7 The Real Fake Car Job: Barry McElroy
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Archer
S5 E14 The Toy Job: Carl
Honourable mentions of Eliot being called: "Rambo" by Hardison in S1 E2 The Homecoming Job [thanks @independent-fics for this!]; "Emeril" by Parker in S1 E3 The Wedding Job [thanks @aardvaark for this one!]; "Sparky" by Parker in S1 E10 The Juror #6 Job and by Tara in S2 E15 The Maltese Falcon Job; and "Skippy" by Hardison in S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job.
RS1 E1 The Too Many Rembrandts Job: Will Gallagher
RS1 E6 The Card Game Job: Glenn the Savage
RS1 E7 The Double-Edged Sword: Emmett Milbarge
RS1 E8 The Mastermind Job: Frank Farmer
RS1 E10 The Unwellness Job: Hank
RS1 E12 The Golf Job: Reed Wilkins
RS1 E13 The Hurricane Job: Calvin
RS1 E15 The Muddy Waters Job: Armus Vagra
RS2 E7 The Big Rig Job: Kris
RS2 E8 The Turkish Prisoner Job: Nick O'Brien
RS2 E10 The Work Study Job: New Blood, Caterpillar
Honourable mention of Eliot being called "Skipper" by Hardison in RS1 E16 The Harry Wilson Job.
Known Associates
This is in direct reference to hitters/people from the criminal world that Eliot knew or was aware of prior to the Leverage Team. Quinn is not included in this list due to that distinction (sorry Quinn).
S1 E3 The Wedding Job: The Butcher of Kiev
S2 E7 The Two Live Crew Job: Mikel Dayan
S3 E11 The Rashomon Job: Gutman
S3 E15 The Big Bang Job: Chapman, Damien Moreau
S3 E16 The San Lorenzo Job: Damien Moreau
S4 E4 The Van Gogh Job: Frank, Randall
S4 E6 The Carnival Job: Roper
S5 E4 The French Connection: Rampone
S5 E9 The Rundown Job: Riley
S2 E6 The Top Hat Job: Eliot claims he only sleeps 90 minutes a day, and that he cured his claustrophobia as a kid by locking himself in the woodshed behind his house for a couple nights.
S3 E6 The Studio Job: Eliot is nervous to perform in front of an audience, to the point that Parker startles him and she's surprised that she did. Interesting to note that he seems to have no issue playing sport in front of crowds.
S3 E7 The Gone Fishin' Job: Eliot says he hates beets.
S4 E5 The Hot Potato Job: Eliot chews gum. He does this throughout a LOT of episodes across the seasons but I've only noted down this one episode for it.... thanks, past me 🙄 [Edit: thanks @nival-kenival for more info! Another confirmed episode is S1 E2 The Homecoming Job, and S3 E13 The Morning After Job!]
S4 E9 The Cross My Heart Job: Eliot says he fought a guy with a Nerf sword in Damascus, 2002.
S5 E11 The Low Low Price Job: Eliot drives an F-150 to his dad's house in Oklahoma. This is a THIRD vehicle that apparently belongs to Eliot, in addition to the Chevrolet Silverado and Dodge Challenger we see in other episodes. The F-150 is not seen again.
S5 E12 The White Rabbit Job: Eliot has 'special sedatives' aka a little psychotropic he picked up outside of Bogota.
Eliot mostly walks at the back of the group, presumably to be the rear guard and make sure no one falls behind. See ... just about every damn episode for evidence.
RS1 E3 The Rollin' On The River Job: Parker says that Eliot has cut his way out of an ice cave, escaped a gorilla enclosure, and catered a wedding for the mob.
Eliot is seen wearing glasses throughout various episodes. A flashback in S1 E1 The Nigerian Job shows him wearing presumably his own glasses. All other instances of him wearing glasses (that I can think of) are when he takes someone's glasses for a con. It is unconfirmed if Eliot actually needs glasses to correct his eyesight or not, but is a fandom headcanon. In S3 E1 The Jailhouse Job there is an interaction where Nate ribs Eliot for taking so long in a fight, and Eliot says it's because of new glasses. An argument could be made that this means Eliot does require glasses. [Thanks @independent-fics for picking this up - for pretty much all the details pertaining to Eliot's glasses!]
And there you have it! All the details that I've spent the last 3 months collecting!! Now it's time for me to take a good, long break because my brain is fried! 😂
Once again, let me know if you find any errors so I can update the post. Data from Redemption S2 is where I've most likely missed things, since I don't have it on DVD and it's sooo much harder to scrub through streaming footage to find things. When will they release RS2 on DVD I need itttt.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope this post can be a helpful reference for you!
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portlandwithyou · 12 days
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They Eat Horses, Don't They?- Time Stamp Roulette
Minutes: 9 15 22 23 30 34 36
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resurrectionist3 · 3 months
June 6th, 1755 - Happy Birthday Nathan Hale!!!
We are gonna pretend like this isn’t several days late.
And this post is about to be super long…
Disclaimer: for the entirety of the post, I’m recalling information that was told to me by the tour guide from the Nathan Hale Homestead. If anything I wrote here is incorrect or not complete information, feel free to KINDLY correct me in a comment or repost, I would appreciate that☺️
Back in May (05/18/24), I visited the Nathan Hale Homestead in Coventry, Connecticut with my sister!!
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I always drive by it when I go home from school and I finally got to visit for a tour! They also have a farmers market on grounds in the summertime as well as a couple other events throughout the year. I do hope i get to attend their Halloween ghost stories.
One thing i learned that i guess i didn’t ever realise was that Nathan never actually lived in this house. After his mother passed, Nathan’s father, Deacon Richard Hale and all 9(?) of his children lived together in a very, very small house. It wasnt until after Richard was remarried, that this newer and larger house was built. By this point, i believe Nathan had already moved away to be a teacher in New London.
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Here are photos of their medicine cabinet and their fireplace✨
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Photos of their piano forte in the sitting room and a drawn family tree.
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And this was Deacon Richard Hale’s writing desk. If I remember correctly, he was a deacon in the church and a magistrate. He dealt with small court disputes in their house which I found very silly (and the wax stamp had an H on it idk why that made me die😭)
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And here, in one of the upstairs rooms, they displayed artist renditions of what we think Nathan Hale and his brothers looked like. I think Nathan had 9 (?) biological siblings that survived to adulthood, one of which being his sister Johanna. And then i believe he had 3 step siblings after his father remarried (im trying to recall everything the tour guide said).
Johanna isnt depictied in these drawings, its only the brothers, but her room was on display for the tour and it had a lot of windows. The tour guide said it was because she apparently loved to read, so they made sure her room had the most windows for the most light??😭😭🥹🥹
Anyways, all of Nathan’s brothers went to war except for the youngest one. Also, if you look at the years of their deaths, Samuel Hale (the oldest sibling) actually outlived them all?? Which makes me want to scream???? Samuel also didn’t inherit the family farm, it actually went to his brother John.
Joseph Hale- (damn he can get it lowkey..🥵) while in the war was captured by the British and was on a prison ship until he was exchanged and honestly I’ve been thinking about it too much. So glad he didn’t die of dysentery or something. But he did pass of consumption at only 34 which I can’t even handle.
Enoch, went to Yale along with Nathan and they were in the same graduating class which i think is so cutesy. The tour guide also said that one of the pewter steins in one of the sitting rooms (i don’t actually have a photo unfortunately) belonged to Enoch and I wanted to scream, like was it ACTUALLY his???
They had a display of several items they found on the property like coins, buttons, ect. but I didn’t take a photo of that either. It was in the same room as these images of the brothers.
I think we all know Nathan, and quite honestly i didn’t even realise he had so many siblings until this tour. I suppose one could assume given the time period - everyone had like 5+ children. But of all the times i was taught about Nathan Hale (and that was kind of a lot, being a Connecticut resident for my entire life) no one ever mentioned his family or his siblings. There was a portrait of Deacon Richard Hale in the downstairs area- I didn’t realise this in the moment, my sister mentioned it later, but (based on the artist’s rendition) Nathan looked just like his father. I found it really funny when i realised it.
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This was Nathan’s hunting rifle as well, another thing that apparently belonged to one of the members of the Hale family that made me want to scream (more on that in my final thoughts).
And last photo (the Turn: Washington’s Spies baddies are gonna LOVE this one)
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This is a list of the Yale University (back then, it was just Yale College) honours graduating class of 1773. On it, is Nathan and Enoch Hale of course. But also, Nathan’s friend and “roommate” 👀 (and our favourite spymaster) Benjamin Tallmadge!!!!! I had to keep my mouth shut when the tour guide mentioned that he was on this list, but I was screaming internally and my sister and i made goofy ahh eye contact.
Their names are towards the top, Enoch and Nathan are listed in the third small column while Benjamin is in the sixth one all the way to the right.
Things that i saw/were talked about that i didn’t take a photo of was a shadow drawing of Nathan’s side profile. At some point, Nathan stood in front of a door in the house while someone traced the outline of his shadow onto it. I don’t quite know why that was done..? Perhaps it was for a genuine reason or maybe the Hale siblings were just messing around. But it’s a pretty big deal considering there are actually no true portraits of Nathan or his siblings. Just statues and drawings that are artist renditions based on historical accounts. There was a historian who wrote about Nathan Hale and came in contact with a member of the Hale family (Rebecca Hale, I believe). She told him about the shadow drawing and it was a long and interesting story that I unfortunately don’t remember all the parts to. A piece about the portrait is typed on a paper in the photo of Nathan’s rifle, if you can zoom in, you can read a little more on it.
Their gift shop was also small and cutesy and I spent a lot of money there on books. On display there, they had an old piece of wood from the original house. I got a published copy of Reverend John Hale’s, A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft.
If anyone wasn’t aware, Reverend John Hale (Nathan Hale’s great grandfather) was called to Salem, Massachusetts from Beverly to assist in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. He was partially responsible for the persecution of several innocent people however, nearing the end of the trials, he began to disagree with the accusations. He published this firsthand account to condemn the actions of those involved with the trials and I’ve always thought it was so interesting. I’ve wanted to read this since I read The Crucible back in high school and i was very excited to see it at the gift shop.
You can also visit the Hale Farm in Beverly, MA where Rev. John Hale used to live and I want to someday. I’ve only ever been outside of it, I’ve never properly visited for a tour. (Cutesy fact as well: Rev. John’s Hale’s birthday is June 3rd, which is only 3 days before Nathan’s).
Final Thoughts:
The Hale Family was absolutely MASSIVE. Our tour guide mentioned being a descendant of the Hale Family and im sure a number of “born and raised” New England residents are as well somewhere in their ancestry. Based on the drawn family tree, most of the members had probably 4 kids minimum and then those kids all had a ton of kids. It’s also very funny to me how there are probably several Hale’s who are decently significant figures in history and it’s just wild that it’s all one family. I know it’s the same for royal families and such but it feels different somehow.
According to our tour guide, one theory about how Nathan Hale was captured was by Robert Rogers. That Rogers invited him to dinner and convinced Nathan that he was also part of the Continental Army. Nathan then confided his mission in Rogers and was lured into a false sense of security that lead to him being captured. Which is another one for the Turn baddies that almost made me die when I heard it. Especially since I don’t believe I’ve heard that theory before.
Something I did really enjoy about this tour was how it didn’t completely focus on Nathan. Of course that would have been fine and equally as interesting, but it was mainly a lesson on his family and some of his descendants. After being taught about Nathan Hale so many times, I had no idea about his entire family and his siblings.
It also never TRULY occurred to me that there aren’t any real portraits of Nathan Hale. They’ve all been artist renditions as paintings or statues based on historical descriptions of him and something about that is extremely wild to me. It makes me somewhat grateful for our easy access to camera and video in our modern world. There are so many faces and stories that have been completely lost to time - even some very significant historical figures have little to no surviving images. Like, we know who they are and that they were here at some point - we have their belongings and things that they used. Thats why seeing Nathan’s rifle in the bedroom or Enoch’s stein in the sitting room cause me to have such visceral reactions. This was theirs once. This was used by someone probably everyday. And now its almost like a ghost or memory of them. The land around the property is heavily wooded as well, lots of trees and stones. My sister and I took a short walk around the property before leaving and it really made me think: how many of these stones did they touch? How many of these large trees did they lean on? It drives me so insane honestly.
One last thing that hadn’t occurred to me before this trip was how the Hale family learned of Nathan’s hanging. According to the tour guide, Enoch and a couple his brothers had heard of a Hale being found guilty of espionage and being hanged. And after looking into it more, Enoch did confirm that it was Nathan and sent word to the rest of the family. It’s said that before being hanged, Nathan only asked for a few things: A priest (which he did not get), parchment, quill and ink for writing. He wrote a letter to his commanding officer and one to his family. According to the guide, i believe neither one was sent. Perhaps the one to the officer was sent, however he never received it because he was killed in battle before he had the chance. And allegedly, the one written to the Hale family was seized by the British and was likely used as a written confession rather than being sent home to Nathan’s family. I honestly can’t imagine how upsetting that must’ve been for all of them. Especially with each of the Hale brothers being in the war and likely all in different places, there wasn’t really any other way for them to find out that their own brother was hanged aside from the way everyone else learned of it - through the newspaper or by word of mouth. No other Hale brother died in the war either, they all survived and had relatively high rankings by the time the war was over.
So that was my trip, it was fun and informative and I would really love to visit again sometime. I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of history, or Turn: Washington’s Spies to visit if you can! They are only open seasonally though, and only on weekends. They do a tour every hour, so plan accordingly if you want to visit!
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airenyah · 7 months
bad buddy music in 23.5 degrees: ep1
(ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | ep7 | ep8 | ep9 | ep10 | ep11 | ep12)
in episode 1 of 23.5 degrees there were a total of six (6) pieces of royalty free music that have been featured on bad buddy too:
1. first morning – lalo brickman
bad buddy timestamps:
ep12 pt1 - 10:50
ep12 pt2 - 9:20
23.5 degrees timestamps:
ep1 pt3 - 4:49
ep1 pt4 - 6:59
2. fragmentarium – anders schill paulsen
bad buddy timestamps:
ep6 pt2 - 5:45
ep11 pt3 - 12:07
ep11 pt4 - 8:30
ep12 pt2 - 1:55
ep12 pt4 - 6:02
23.5 degrees timestamps:
ep1 pt4 - 6:02
ep9 pt1 - 1:50
3. meet cute – clarence reed
bad buddy timestamps:
ep4 pt3 - 0:19 / 9:00
ep5 pt1 - 4:34
ep7 pt1 - 3:46
ep8 pt1 - 11:20
23.5 degrees timestamps:
ep1 pt1 - 2:06
ep2 pt4 - 4:13
ep4 pt4 - 0:42
ep11 pt2 - 3:45
4. moonshiner’s turn – martin landström
bad buddy timestamps:
ep1 pt4 - 1:16
23.5 degrees time stamps:
ep1 pt4 - 1:28
ep7 pt2 - 5:28
ep8 pt4 - 6:42
ep12 pt1 - 13:20
ep12 pt4 - 4:40
5. retro today – alexandra woodward
bad buddy timestamps:
ep1 pt2 - 6:49
ep7 pt1 - 3:08
23.5 degrees timestamps:
ep1 pt2 - 4:16
ep3 pt1 - 3:11
ep3 pt2 - 15:10
ep8 pt1 - 10:16
6. someone i’ll never be – the grateful 7
bad buddy timestamps:
ep2 pt3 - 2:17
ep5 pt1 - 5:55
ep12 pt3 - 11:30
23.5 degrees timestamps:
ep1 pt1 - 9:08
ep8 pt2 - 6:32
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Dead Friend Forever: Episode 12- Squicks and Triggers
Busy day yesterday so sorry for the delay on getting the squicks and triggers post out for Episode 12. Any blue colored time stamps are plot relevant moments and any red colored time stamps are any potential seizure triggers I was able to catch (I didn't see any in here, but it is totally possible I missed them). If there is a trigger or squick that will prevent you from watching a plot relevant moment, feel free to reach out to me via DM or ask and I will tell you what happened during that time stamp :)
00:00-2:47  Recap 2
04:47-05:15 -Intro
06:14-06:18- creepy mask on screen 
06:20-7:08 - character with bloody face
07:08- 07:32- character stabs his eyes with needles, this is intercut with other characters very bloody faces, quick cuts, etc. no needles remain in the eyes after the deed is done
07:32-7:45- close up of character’s face with blood running down his cheeks from his eyes, pans down to bloody needles in his hands 
07:56-8:00- jump scare
8:08-8:38- character being strangled leading to his head being bashed repeatedly against a hard surface with blood dropping on his face
09:35-9:51- character choking, seizing, being threatened with axe
09:51-10:17 character being strangled, then a different character being strangled, then both characters being strangled 
10:17-10:19- sound of bones breaking over a black screen 
10:20-10:31- Mangled bodies visible on stairs
10:47-13:20-  general underlying thread of character suicidality/character asking to be killed
12:22-12:33- blood pool on ground 
12:56-13:00- characters struggle fr knife, grabbing the blade, hands covered in blood 
13:18-13:20- character stabbed
13:22-13:40- characters shown with knife in chest, bloody 
14:22-14:40- character dying from knife wound to chest, blood, emotional distress
15:57-16:33- interspersed imagery of sex between teacher and student, while others watch and film. 
17:10-17:34- suicidality, character jumps off building 
19:42-20:03- character repeatedly bashes their own skull with a rock, blood, interspersed scenes of character falling from building 
20:26-20:31- character cuts their own throat with box cutter, shown on screen
20:53-21:00-  character slipping, unconscious underneath blood soaked water in a bathtub, interspersed with character falling from building
21:08-21:24- character slashing wrists repeatedly with box cutter 
21:45-22:02- character dead in bloody bathtub, character slicing throat, character jumping from building, etc. 
23:08-23:28- character repeatedly stabbing hand with scissors, wounds are visible, sound of metal piercing flesh repeatedly played over flashback 
25:04-25:07- decapitated head 
25:07-25:12- character shown with knife in chest, blood
25:24-26:15- character hangs themselves, shown multiple times throughout the scene
26:15- 26:29- bloody hand visible on screen 
26:41-26:50- hanged character shown on screen 
26:55- 27:15- character being strangled
28:32-28:37- character shot
28:37-29:21- blood visible on character’s head, character shown with knife in chest and blood all over 
30:10-31:02- all the dead characters shown on screen in a continuous shot, mangled bodies, stabbed, blood, etc. 
32:16-32:50- severe emotional distress
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emetophobiahelp · 1 month
The new movie Twisters (2024) has one (possibly two) unsafe scenes
The time stamp is roughly 35-40 minutes into the movie. I checked the time after the scene was over. The movie started at 8:57 PM and the p* scene was over by 9:34 PM.
Basically, during the second tornado chase the British character gets motion s* from the red truck driving. Look away when they shoot fireworks into the tornado. A character will say "how are you feeling Ben?" And then the camera switches to Ben v*ing. I looked down so I'm not sure if there's visual but the audio sounds like light coughing. From what I've gathered the visual is far away and not too triggering.
It was a great movie, and as someone who normally does not go to see movies that have even one v* scene, I'm very glad I saw this one!
I also normally have to leave the theatre, but having no timestamps I was sort of forced to stay and the scene is really not that bad, and I am extremely emetophobic. If you'd like to leave the theatre, leave when the third probe/camera thing named "the lion" gets sucked up into the tornado, set a timer for around 5 minutes, or have someone text you when it's over, and then re-enter. Sorry for the un-specific times but that's my best guess.
Also, really quick at the beginning of the movie (5 minutes in- the first tornado chase) a character says "let me go y*k first," but NOTHING happens. I think they were joking about their nerves.
Stay safe everyone! ❤️
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fawnhunter · 1 year
Sept's Aot Masterlist!
Hellooo!! everything here is written in a longish headcanon form, i will make sure to add correct descriptions to any fics i write in the future
Plug! Connie
Around her finger- When con can't go one day without speaking to reader
Patch me up?- When Con gets hurt and asks his girl to patch him up
Lover Boy Behavior- Some random Plug! Con headcanons/ world building
BFF'S4L- Con being the boy bestfriend (friend with benefits) we all love and fear
Put up wit her.- Con's just not going for that bratty shit
Time Stamps/ Drabbles
- its 9:34 and im thinking heading to bed with plug connie
- its 11:05 and i'm thinking about rich boy next door armin
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jselorekeeper · 7 months
Time Stamps Part One
Welcome to the Jacksepticeye ego time stamps! Where I have went through every video and media post to share with you all! There may be some I missed but I have majority of the appearances, including ones that may not be canon anymore!
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
July 9th, 2016: Time to record some videos
JACKIEBOY MAN RETURNS | Welcome To The Game #2
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Here come dat Jackieboi! Welcome BACK To The Game”
0:22-14:42 (Extended appearance; he is playing the game)
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Marvin’s Magic
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Today we answer the biggest question about Magic: “Is it Real??” All on the Jacksepticeye Power Hour!”
0:00-10:23 (Extended appearance; he is in the whole video)
September 14th, 2016: Dr. Septiceye will see you now!
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Dr. Schneeplestein
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Step into my E.R. to be operated on by the No.1 doctor in the world!”
0:00-8:38 (Extended appearance; he is in the whole video)
THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1
Old Title: Something doesn’t feel right | Five Nights At Freddy’s Sister Location #1
Page Source: “Snooping” 
Description: “You’ve waited a long time, now I wake”
4:28-4:29 (Momentary Glitch)
8:20-8:22 (Momentary Glitch)
15:29-15:30 (Momentary Glitch)
20:18-20:20 (Momentary Glitch)
26:25-26:26 (Momentary Glitch)
31:27-31:33 (Extended Glitch)
33:24-33:30 (Extended Glitch)
34:10-34:12 (Momentary Glitch)
35:29-35:31 (Momentary Glitch)
36:51-36:54 (Momentary Glitch)
39:26-39:30 (Momentary Glitch)
October 10th, 2016: “Anti is coming for you” 
October 10th, 2016: “Of course, I noticed him ;)”
THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2
Page Source: “Curious I see”
Description: “Follow the signs, release me”
0:00-0:02 (Momentary Glitch)
4:00-4:01 (Momentary Glitch)
6:20-6:21 (Momentary Glitch, extremely hard to see)
9:09-9:15 (Extended Glitch, motions of the body glitching out)
9:20-9:22 (Momentary Glitch, following the context of Sean saying “I’m so close”)
12:56-13:04 (Extended Glitch)
16:28-16:30 (Momentary Glitch)
17:09-17:15 (Extended Glitch)
18:08-18:11 (Momentary Glitch)
19:00-19:02 (Momentary Glitch)
October 13th, 2016: Ỉ̌͌ͬ̚͟ ̘ͣ̂̃ͥ͌̿ͬs̸̹̗̖͇̣̞e̥̻͓̭͕͛̾̚ê̼͖̹̌̌ͥ̕ ̗͙̹̦ͬ̔́y̝͕͗̏̒ͮ͢ͅo̖̤͉̼̘͖͎ǘ͓̭͔̀.̪̐ͦ̊
October 15th, 2016: I̷ am̛ n͢ȩar..̧.͡
October 17th, 2016: H̵al҉l̵o͟wee͘ǹ's ́g͞ơnna͜ b̛e f͡un ̀th̕i̷s͜ ̕y҉e͢a͡r!̛
SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3
Page Source: “Stronger” (“Let me out”, “Pay Attention”)
Description: “I see you understand now, keep watching”, link to the short video “Soon” 
0:02-0:03 (Momentary Glitch)
1:13-1:15 (Momentary Glitch)
2:35-2:41 (Extended Glitch)
5:26-5:32 (Extended Glitch)
10:43-10:47 (Momentary Glitch)
14:30-14:35 (Extended Glitch)
14:41-14:44 (Momentary Glitch)
17:28-17:30 (Momentary Glitch)
Sǫo̴n͠: (The video has been hidden)
Page Source: Unknown 
Description: “Very good, you may be worthy”
Temple Of No
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “No! Just no! Don’t Go There! Don’t go to that temple! I’m warning you!!”
11:10-11:14 (Momentary Glitch)
PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Hello Neighbor!!....AHHHH Stop Throwing Bear Traps at me!”
9:45-9:47 (Momentary Glitch)
October 21st, 2016: n̯̻̦ͮ̄͋ǒ̯̯̱͗̚ ͙̳̰ͦͦ̒ṃ̟̘ͯ̉͛ọ͕̣̐ͪͤŕ̘͓̈̑ͅê͇̘̙ͬ̌ ̙͍̬͌̅ͤg̜͉̤͌ͪ̓a̜͕̹̐͋ͨm̲͈̯̉ͦ̚e̤̝̤̒̂̈́s̪͚͈̄ͦ̎
MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4
Page Source: “The doctor, can’t save” (“Very Clever”, “I grow stronger”)
Description: “It’s almost time, I grow stronger”
0:00-0:02 (Momentary Glitch)
1:18-1:21 (Momentary Glitch)
2:40-2:43 (Momentary Glitch)
3:15-3:16 (Momentary Glitch)
5:13-5:14 (Momentary Glitch)
7:29-7:36 (Extended Glitch)
9:59-10:19 (Extended Glitch)
10:23-10:26 (Momentary Glitch)
20:10-20:13 (Momentary Glitch)
22:00-22:02 (Momentary Glitch)
27:18-27:20 (Momentary Glitch)
27:35-27:36 (Momentary Glitch)
CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | ClusterTruck #16
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Let’s try some more Custom Levels in ClusterTruck!!”
12:41-12:42 (Momentary Glitch)
GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Granny got some moves in Stuntfest! Watch her dab!”
8:33-8:36 (Momentary Glitch)
SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta clean up the Virtual Reality poop in Pipejob!”
12:13-12:17 (Extended Glitch)
ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “The orphans!!! What have I done!? Things are looking grim in Manual Samuel!”
21:33-21:36 (Momentary Glitch)
MEET THE YANGS | Guts And Glory #5
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Meet the Yang Family in Guts and Glory! They ride and die together like any good family should!”
6:56-6:58 (Momentary Glitch)
ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “It’s time to say goodbye”
Comment: “I don’t need my own!”
20:28-20:43 (Extended Glitch)
22:07-22:11 (Momentary Glitch)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “The physics in Stuntfest are so ridiculous, I can’t stop laughing at them!”
2:18-2:22 (Momentary Glitch)
5:00-5:06 (Extended Glitch)
BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Who needs a bulletproof vest when you have a bulletproof chest!!!”
Page and Description has nothing
1:07-1:10 (Momentary Glitch)
11:13-11:18 (Extended Glitch)
15:48-15:52 (Extended Glitch)
October 29th, 2016: M̦̠͇ͦ͊̚ọ̞̼̅̃ͬr͚̗͚͆ͫ͐n͚͔̣ͫ̊̒i̝͈̲̐ͣͩn̬̳̳̑͂ͣg̻͓̦͒̓ͨ
THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - Part 2
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “It’s Almost Time”
4:39-4:42 (Momentary Glitch)
7:50-7:56 (Extended Glitch)
10:20-10:25 (Extended Glitch)
13:00-13:04 (Momentary Glitch)
20:10-20:13 (Momentary Glitch)
26:01-26:05 (Momentary Glitch)
SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Tomorrow ends him”
Whiteboard: “Don’t Watch”
1:39-1:42 (Momentary Glitch)
3:48-3:53 (Extended Glitch)
7:20-7:32 (Extended Glitch)
9:16-9:21 (Momentary Glitch)
October 30th, 2016: I̢t is̛ d͜on҉e̵
October 31st, 2016: ar͝e you ̧re͠ady̡?̵
October 31st, 2016: t͡od̨ay's͝ t́he ҉d͜ąy
October 31st, 2016: Cu͡t͏e 
October 31st, 2016: He̡ll̷o̕..͝.͜
October 31st, 2016: A͜w p̡oor͟ ̀yo͏u͏
October 31st, 2016: y̸ou̴r m̢i̴sery͠ ̛m͘a͡k̨es̷ ̵m̨e͠ ̵happy!̸
Page Source: “Say Goodbye, I’m back, good puppet”
Description: “You wanted me...well here I am”
Whiteboard: “Happy Halloween”
2:17-2:35 (Extended Glitch)
3:18-3:20 (Momentary Glitch)
3:40-3:42 (Momentary Glitch)
4:20-4:35 (Extended Glitch)
5:33-5:37 (Momentary Glitch)
6:35-6:38 (Momentary Glitch)
8:05-8:09 (Momentary Glitch)
8:25-8:45 (Extended Glitch)
9:08-9:10 (Momentary Glitch)
9:48-9:51 (Momentary Glitch)
10:32-12:00 (Extended Glitch)
October 31st, 2016: D̷id y͞ou en͞j̡o͘y̢ thè s̶h͝o̢w̸?
November 1st, 2016: Sw҉ee̢t́ Dréa̡ḿs̡
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “All I wanted was some peace and quiet…now EVERYBODY dies in Party Hard”
Comments: The only appearance is Anti being in the thumbnail
CHRISTMAS DOCTOR | Amateur Surgeon Christmas Edition
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “There is no break for a world class surgeon! Not even on Christmas!”
5:00-12:15 (Extended appearance; he played most of the game before disappearing)
I'M SO SORRY | Detention 返校 - Part 2
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Forgotten or Just too Afraid to Remember?”
0:24-0:28 (Momentary Glitch)
3:43-3:54 (Extended Glitch)
BROKEN INSIDE | Detention 返校 - Part 3
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Broken Spirit...let me out”
8:52-9:09 (Extended Glitch)
22:13-22:17 (Momentary Glitch)
BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS | Detention 返校 - Part 4 (END)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Betrayal, Neglect, Mistake”
1:12-1:14 (Momentary Glitch)
2:02-2:08 (Extended Glitch)
5:27-5:32 (Momentary Glitch)
5:49-5:52 (Momentary Glitch)
27:45-27:53 (Extended Glitch)
28:00-28:06 (Extended Glitch)
28:21-28:37 (Extended Glitch)
February 16th, 2017: I miss the piercings
March 7th, 2017: Trying to grow the beard out!
Page Source: “Never Forget”
Description: “You Thought I Was Gone, Tried To Replace Me, I’m Always Here”
1:14-2:25 (Extended Glitch; Anti’s Speech)
Chase Brody - The Jacksepticeye Power Hour
Old Title: Bro Average
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Welcome to Bro Average! Home to the sickest trick shots and extreme sports with Chase Brody. This one's called the teabag”
0:00-4:27 (Extended appearance; the whole video is about him)
May 12th, 2017: Some men just want to watch the world burn
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “The sickness and death spreads but I swear I had nothing to do with it..... it's an EPIDEMIC”
8:04-8:45 (Extended Glitch)
TRUST ME, I’M A DOCTOR | Bio Inc. Redemption #4
Page Source: “Cracks”
Description:“There's only one true doctor of death, the fantastic (terrible) Dr. Schneeplestein”
0:00-12:09 (Extended appearance; he is playing the game)
July 26th, 2017: REBORN
July 28th, 2017: Are You Ready?
July 28th, 2017: I’m Not Done Yet
July 31st, 2017: Don’t Believe His Lies (SOS in morse code in tags)
July 31st, 2017: Ze good doct͏͠à̷h
TOUGHER THAN EXPECTED | The Escapists 2 #2
Page Source: “Need a Doctor?”
Description: “Getting out of jail in The Escapists 2 might be a little harder than expected”
Comment: The Thumbnail has a date in it
August 1st, 2017: A̧̡͜nd Ǹ̡ow T̸̀̀͏empting Í͟nside 
August 1st, 2017: Sti̸͝t҉ç̶͘h̨ed Toge̷͞t́͜her (Use to be Bad Blood)
Endless Cycle | Suicide Guy
Page Source:“Anti, looking in the right places”
Description: “Kill yourself over and over again to wake up from a horrible dream in Suicide Guy...what a weird sentence” 
Comment: Overall the video has nothing, just page source
August 2nd, 2017: t͚̱̜̣̹̖͞ͅo̵̱̩̯̬̹ͅo̢͏͈̳̞̲l͚̭͉͓͈͕͡á̜̩̱͘͞t͏̧̝̱͈̝͓̟e̢̨̹͔̬
August 2nd, 2017: Sp̨r̡e͝a͟di̛ng
August 2nd, 2017: T̀im͠e̷i̴sbro͝ken
August 2nd, 2017: S̢͔͖͎͈̘̰͎ͅa̻̣͚͠͠v҉͈̭͖̙͉̰̩͈ͅe̦͚̞͞ him
KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN̵̛c Redemp T̨I̶̢on
Page Source: “no, save him, kill Jacksepticeye, virus, puppets, no more strings on me”
Description: “So concerned for your little boy, pay attention next time...who’s next?”
2:21-2:23 (Momentary Glitch)
3:04-3:05 (Momentary Glitch)
3:39-3:45 (Extended Glitch)
4:12-4:16 (Momentary Glitch)
4:46-4:49 (Momentary Glitch)
5:07-5:12 (Extended Glitch)
5:14-5:27 (Extended Glitch)
6:00-6:05 (Extended Glitch)
6:28-6:35 (Extended Glitch)
6:36-6:49 (Extended Glitch)
6:53-7:01 (Extended Glitch)
7:11-7:17 (Extended Glitch)
7:20-7:23 (Momentary Glitch)
7:30-8:02 (Extended Glitch)
8:05-8:15 (Extended Glitch)
8:16-8:46 (Extended Glitch) 8:46-10:36 (Extended Glitch)
August 3rd, 2017: H̶ell͞o̡
October 9th, 2017: 1 year
October 29th, 2017: I’ve got my eye on you! 
October 29th, 2017: Feelin Dapper! 
October 30th, 2017: Out Of Time 
October 30th, 2017: Oui Oui! 
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Jameson Jackson
Old Title: The Silent Movie
Page Source: “Boo”
Description: “It's time for a good ole fashioned pumpkin carve! Happy Halloween!”
5:23-5:39 (Extended Glitch)
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maydayfireball · 1 year
I made an original Rin model !
Check out the rest of the post for a progress line for the model !! (With time stamps for fun??)
Head ! Base ! (Also I sketched roughly how i wanted her hair to look) Time elapsed: 01:32
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2. Hair !! Time elapsed 02:10 (also i changed the texture / color later)
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3. Expressions ! I don't have a picture for this !! I'm very sorry ! Time elapsed 05:34 (She has 29 expressions in total) (I also rigged her base at this point, but cheated by using the weight transfer plug in and fixing minor flaws. don't tell dad.)
4. Clothes !! (Mesh only, no textures) (also her hair texture is different.) Time elapsed 09:42
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5. Textures !! I hate texturing !! Why does it take so long every time !! Time elapsed: 14:46
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6. Spas and toons !! The spas are the same ones i use for all my original models, but the toons I make as I go. I also usually take this time to rename my material subsets and separate things for easier rigging if i forgot to do it earlier. Time elapsed: 15:20
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7. Basic Rig !! No physics, just the skeleton. I cheated on the rig by using the weight transfer plug in, so normally this would take longer. Mostly fixes. Time elapsed: 16:20 (here's a gif of me testing her legs. look at that stiff ass bow wow)
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8. PHYSICS ! AND PHYSICS BONE RIGS !! She's fairly simple so this didn't take nearly as long as it might normally have. Everything also went fairly well on the first try. Time elapsed: 17:15
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9. CLEAN UP! Using pmxe's PMX info option, i clear up any errors shown there and then use Name repair to make sure it all shows up in both japanese and english. (materials, bones, morphs, and display nodes, at least.)
Total time elapsed is 17:19:55 !!
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(Admittedly this did not include any time i opened her in mmd to like. watch her dance and make sure i didn't hate her. or just stared at her physics in mmd. so i guess it probably in total would have added up closer to 18 hours)
Also !! Video credits !! Song: Devil by Teniwoha ft. KAFU motion:アム Choreography: 結月とば MME: BeammanP, soboro
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quodekash · 2 years
Win asks a lot of questions. In twelve episodes of the show, Win asks a grand total of 162 questions. And, because I don’t have a life, here are all 162 questions in one place, plus what episode each was in, what part of the episode, and a time stamp. Enjoy. 
EP 1, 1/4, 4:16, “right?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 12:28, “when will you stop?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:21, “who did this?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 21:44, “do you think that’s easy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 22:17, “what is it now, man?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23.21, “happy?” 
EP 1, 1/4, 23:24, “why are you so problematic?” 
EP 1, 2/4, 1:45, “waiter, can we have one (two, three) shaved ices please?” 
EP 1, 3/4, 6:27, “tinn, how did you become a judge here?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 2:56, “we have a fan?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:38, “you think we’re your slaves?” 
EP 2, 3/4, 4:40, “you think you’re the school president and you can do anything?” 
EP 2, 4/4, 0:25, “gun, are you sure?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:49, “why did you even agree to that, gun?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 4:55, “what’s that freaking smile?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:47, “how does he know that?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 6:48, “is he watching us?” 
EP 3, 1/4, 7:27, “who would have time to tutor us?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 1:11, “right? they are” 
EP 4, 1/4, 3:51, “see? I knew it.” 
EP 4, 1/4, 5:06, “what the heck are you doing?” 
EP 4, 1/4, 12:34, “why are you here?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:40, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 1:41, “I couldn’t help it, could I?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 4:31, “do you think we will accept him?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 5:17, “why the heck would we want that?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 9:57, “what?” 
EP 4, 2/4, 10:35, “what the heck are you guys doing?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:40, “what the hell is wrong with you?” 
EP 4, 4/4, 4:41, “what do you want?”  
EP 4, 4/4, 12:01, “gun, why did you come back?” 
EP 5, 1/4, 1:59, “how’s your band now, sir?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 0:33, “what the hell are you doing here?” 
EP 5, 2/4, 1:13, “you think i’m slacking off, don’t you?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:27, “why are you here, Sound?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:38, “what?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:39, “do you think i’m running home?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:44, “are you picking a fight?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 5:46, “huh?” 
EP 5, 3/4, 11:14, “are you trying to get on my nerves?” 
EP 5, 4/4, 7:35, “what is love?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 6:46, “the heck are you talking about?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:34, “why?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:35, “are you bullying me?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:51, “are you happy now?” 
EP 6, 1/4, 13:57, “how about i shut your mouth with my feet?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:39, “was that a warm-up, too?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 3:52, “want me to coach you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:37, “how many times have i told you?” 
EP 6, 2/4, 4:45, “don’t you get what I said?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 1:04, “why looking confused?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:53, “there’s more?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 3:59, “HUH?” 
EP 6, 3/4, 4:06, “have you decided who has a secret crush?: 
EP 6, 3/4, 5:34, “can i try it again?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 3:38, “that was off-script, wasn’t it?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:01, “should i just work in this industry?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:11, “your tier?” 
EP 6, 4/4, 7:12, “what tier, exactly?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 1:39, “when will he stop rambling?” 
EP 7, 1/4, 5:00, “why do you always ruin your friends’ mood?” 
EP 7, 2/4, 6:20, “you know people send me flirty messages every day?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:26, “four, do you like to eat?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 2:40, “do we need to?: 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:08, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:42, “why on earth do i have to be attached to you?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:57, “can you hurry up?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 3:59, “see?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:32, “what?” 
EP 7, 3/4, 4:37, “why would i lie?” 
EP 7, 4/4, 2:27, “what are you waiting for?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 10:08, “are you sure?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 13:31, “what?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:26, “what did you do?” 
EP 8, 1/4, 17:31, “why did you drink that? 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:33, “can’t you see the situation?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:34, “how dare you leave now?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:38, “what?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 4:40, “gun, how can you let him leave?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 9:37, “are you the last one who saw him?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:30, “how about we practice all night tonight?” 
EP 8, 2/4, 14:36, “how does practice all night sound?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 2:39, “so this is your workshop, huh?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:00, “what’s wrong with your wrist?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:05, “why didn’t you tell us?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:08, “why acting cool?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 3:30, “want to go back with me?” 
EP 8, 3/4, 4:14, “does it fit?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:52, “why are you telling me?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 1:55, “you want me to take you?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:03, “how is your wrist?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:05, “is it better now?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 2:12, “what?” 
EP 8, 4/4, 8:01, “am i dreaming right now?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 4:08, did you come and set these up for us beforehand?” 
EP 9, 2/4, 9:25, “can anyone please tell me why he wanted us to do this cover dance?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 0:26, “how can that help with playing music?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:10, “what’s up with you recently?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:24, “what are you mad at me about?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:38, “what song are you writing?” 
EP 9, 3/4, 3:52, “why did it turn into a sweet love song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 9:53, “why do i feel like you just yelled at me through that song?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:13, “seriously, since when?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:45, “hey, can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:54, “are you leaving me here?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 10:58, “what if i get home soaking wet?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:00, “don’t you feel pity for me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:02, “what if i have to walk home through the rain and get sick?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:05, “can i go with you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:34, “you are?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 11:42, “the umbrella is small, right?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:00, “what is it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:01, “are you blushing?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:07, “why is your heart beating so fast then?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 12:33, “what if i say my heart never beats fast for you?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:34, “can you coach me?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 13:48: “do you think you can do it?” 
EP 9, 4/4, 14:00, “so this is your way of hitting on me?” 
EP 10, 2/4, 5:40, “so what if we have no audience?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:19, “tinn, where’s gun?” 
EP 10, 3/4, 8:20, “didn’t he come with you?” 
EP 10, 4/4, 0:29, “what should we do now?” 
EP 10, 4/4, “where on earth is gun?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:30, “what?” 
EP 11, 1/4, 7:32, “are you guys giving in to this small defeat?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:08, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:17, “don’t you get it?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:18, “what do you expect me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:23, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:28, “what do you want me to do?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 6:46, “what can i do now?” 
EP 11, 2/4, 17:56, “why didn’t you help him carry?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 7:13, “like it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:14, “how can you even walk?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:53, “gun, do you want to take my place?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 10:57, “hey, gun, what’s wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:01, “why are you two hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:04, “if nothing, then why are you guys hugging?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:09, “gun, are you dizzy?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:11, “are you having a fever?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 11:20, “can i have some?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:23, “why would we walk all the way here just to let you drink it?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:37, “why would we walk all the way here then?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:41, “and you think we’re not?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:54, “he should go so he can stop being so self-centred?” (there was a question mark in the subtitles so im going with it) 
EP 11, 3/4, 13:58, “when was i being like that?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:04, “and you didn’t make mistakes at all, right?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:06, “was i the only one wrong?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:21, “why can’t you become a world-class musician if you’re so great?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:26, “so what?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 14:54, “what do you do every day aside from stopping fights?” 
EP 11, 3/4, 15:24, “you just realised that, a-hole?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:39, “did i miss something?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:40, “what is happening?” 
EP 11, 4/4, 3:45, “what did you two talk about?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:41, “have you seen this?” 
EP 12, 1/4, 16:43, “have you guys seen this?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 1:18, “have you seen the student council help other people like they did with us?” 
EP 12, 2/4, 8:15, “right, pumpkin?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 0:20, “what’s the situation?” 
EP 12, 3/4, 11:52, “what?” 
EP 12, 4/4, 5:57, “what should i write down?” 
conclusion: win asks a lot of questions 
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vanosslirious · 1 year
Nogla: Oh food, I deserve this!
Delirious: You gotta be careful just running in.
Vanoss: Watch a bomb just fall in.
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thatanimewriter · 9 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑   -   𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 / 𝘢𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮.
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❝ 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. ❞  ── 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘨𝘯. 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
unfortunate weather prevented nanase haruka from swimming. thankfully, it provided him with something to do instead of sitting in the tub for hours, counting down the days until spring.
──  𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵
𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 + 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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you genuinely had nothing to do today. for once, you weren't swamped with homework or practice. while you lay on your bed, you realised you hadn't texted haru in a while. he'd come to visit you each day after all, there wasn't a need. but now, you decided this was an appropriate time to shoot him a quick message.
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:32 am hey!
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:33 am hi
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:33 am you doing anything today?
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:34 am no, why? 
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:34 am want to go out somewhere? im bored lol 
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:35 am where?
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:35 am uhhh idk
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:35 wanna go swimming?
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:36 am its too cold for that >:((
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:36 am there go my ideas then 
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄] / 9:37 am aquarium?
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔 / 9:37 am meet out front, 10:15
at the fast response to your suggestion, you figured that you probably wouldn't be getting a text back unless it was haru asking where you were. which was highly probable, since the water-loving boy would sprint to the aquarium if it meant being near water.
thankfully, you lived close by, so you could take your time getting ready while he hurried to the entrance to the aquarium. you were proven to be right when you arrived, catching him viciously texting on his phone. soon after, you got a text asking where you were.
"look up."
you were surprised at how fast haru's head snapped up at her words. he made fast work of slipping his phone into his pocket, grabbing your hand and leading you to the entrance. you felt your cheeks burn as you passed people, staring at your interlinked hands. you knew they weren't really judging you guys, but you couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed at the attention.
"haru, what about tickets?" you asked, leading to him to dig through his pocket and hand you said item.
"i already paid for them, i was just waiting for you," he said, refusing to face you as his eyes were locked onto the archway that led the crowds into the building. giving your tickets to the staff member to stamp and return, haru continued to pull you along.
entering the dark halls lit by the aquarium tanks, haru's eyes seemed to sparkle. maintaining contact, you noted the small smile that rested on his face. in all your time knowing him, you'd never seen him so peaceful.
pulling you to the front of the crowd, he sat on the bench that faced a tank. his eyes flitted over each fish, mentally noting their patterns but not bothering to retain the information. meanwhile, you couldn't help but stare at him instead of the fish. his black hair soaked in the blue light that radiated from the tank and it wasn't hard to imagine him as a merman, swimming free through the ocean among the fish held in the tank.
remembering the dolphin keychain that hung from his house keys, you tugged at his hand again, gently lacing your fingers with his to lead him through the building. surprised by your sudden leadership, haru let you lead him through the aquarium. squeezing through crowds of kids, you pulled him closer to you so you wouldn't lose him, even though your hands were linked.
entering an open arena, you pulled him to the front of the seats, almost shaking with excitement as you sat down. haru noticed that you'd forgotten to release his hand, but decided against mentioning it after seeing the sparkle in your eyes. as someone's voice came over the speaker, he diverted his attention to the large pool that the stadium overlooked and though he was unaware of it, the same sparkle that your eyes held was replicated in his.
splashing through the water was a pair of dolphins, seemingly smiling as they waited beside the trainer. in your gleeful state, you shuffled in your seat, leaning your head against haru's shoulder as you smiled at the dolphins that performed tricks and laughing as they splashed at you and haru. he was quick to realise you had began leaning on him, but as awkward as he was, he felt a warmth spread within him that you were comfortable with his presence.
the trainer noted haru's expression of awe, that of which rivalled the approximately 30 kids who were scattered around the stands, and instructed the dolphins to swim to the front of the pool.
"do you want to touch?" they asked, walking around to the front of the pool and standing beside the dolphins who poked their heads above the surface of the water, a thick barrier of glass separating the trainer and the animals. haru hadn't registered their words until you dragged him up, letting go of his hand to reach for the smooth head of one of the dolphins. hesitantly, haru ran a hand across the other dolphin's skin, mouth falling open at the surreal experience. you laughed at his expression when the dolphin spouted, leaving little droplets of water in his black hair. "would you like me to take a photo of you guys?" the trainer offered, to which you smiled and handed them your phone. standing beside each other with a dolphin on each end, the trainer took a multitude of photos, but not before both dolphins leaned in to give the 2 of you a wet kiss on the cheek.
"thank you!" you said, bowing slightly and taking your phone back. as the 2 of you left the stadium, you glanced at haru's face, memorising the image of his subtle smile. "good date, no?"
"nothing," you responded, the smile you wore throughout the day hadn't worn off, even as you walked home. stopping at your door, you turned to give him a wave before you went to enter your house, but was stopped by haru, who had gripped your hand gently. "hm?"
haru's blue eyes darted to the ground as he mumbled, "thanks for the date..."
the presence of warmth across your cheeks and the increase in heart rate caught you off guard, but nonetheless, you turned to face him fully and bowed extravagantly, pressing a kiss to his hand. "you are welcome, kind sir."
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portlandwithyou · 2 months
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Odds- Time Stamp Roulette
Minutes: 4 9 23 25 32 34 39
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namor-shuri · 2 years
Marvel Studios: Voices Rising - The Music Of Wakanda Forever [Series]
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Episode #3: “London: Bring It Home” [available on Disney +] [w/ time stamps to follow along]
                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
▻  London was the last stop, where they [Ludwig, producers, artists, etc] gathered sounds and music from Nigeria and Mexico to bring it all together back in London.
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▻  “It was 10 full days of scoring. Not only was Ludwig recording with the orchestra during the day, but he was also doing sessions with artists at the studios at night time.” - Monica Sonand [Score Supervisor] [3:58] We see that Ludwig would be up till @4:00AM onward in the studio, recording with artists.
▻  Ryan was a huge fan of Burna Boy’s [Nigerian singer] music and introduced him to Ludwig. From there, Ludwig recorded music of Burna singing with guitar on the track but he didn’t know where it would fit in the overall film. “I didn’t know how to elaborate on it. I got the idea to send the vocals and the guitars to P. Priime [Music Producer]” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [4:42] P. Priime gave the track life from there, which Burna Boy then listened to and put his spin on it. The final track “Alone” is used in the scene where Princess Shuri [Letitia Wright] is shown recreating the heart shaped herb in the lab before she becomes the Black Panther [5:34]
▻  Stormzy was approached to sing on the track “Interlude” for the soundtrack. This song has a similar melody to Burna Boy’s “Alone”. “Stormzy wrote this beautiful, very intimate verse. That was also a beautiful moment.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [6:44] We hear this track played during the lab scene with Princess Shuri and Riri Williams [Dominique Thorne] brainstorming before battle [6:51]
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▻ “I discussed a lot with Ryan about how we’re going to use the Black Panther theme, how we’re going to use the talking drums, which was T’Challa’s [Chadwick Boseman] main instrument. It became a significant part of the storyline of the first movie. It’s also one of the first instruments you actually hear in Wakanda Forever. It’s what starts the funeral ceremony. After that, you don’t hear it anymore until the very end of the movie. With T’Challa not being there, it was impossible to fit that instrument in. So I needed a theme for Shuri.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [7:22]
▻  Tunde Jegede [instrumentalist] is shown playing the Kora [8:35]. This instrument is played during the funeral scene in the beginning of the film where Princess Shuri is seen weeping with Queen Romanda [Angela Bassett] by her side. “It was Ryan’s idea to change the instrument of that theme into a voice. You hear this lullaby song, which is representing the memory of T’Challa.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [8:45] The lullaby is played during the scene with Shuri and her mother by the lake, speaking of her brother’s prescence. [9:03] “The presence that you felt was just a construct of your mind” - Princess Shuri. “The music switches from that warm, supportive feeling to this cold, dark emotion, and Jorja Smith’s vocals take over.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [9:17] The track “He wasn’t there” was then implemented into the score.
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▻  “For Shuri, everything doesn’t make sense. What she knew has been blown up. And she’s like how do I get through this?” - Letitia Wright [Princess Shuri] [9:25] “The vocal [sung by Jorja Smith] is growing and growing as the storyline moves on. It transforms into a crazy, big, distorted synthesizer. The key element is how it blends together with the Black Panther fanfare from the first movie.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [9:44] We hear this distorted version of the vocals in the climatic scene where Shuri falls from the sky, making her big introduction as the Black Panther to Wakanda. This track is known as “Wakanda Forever” in the score. The drums from T’challa’s theme music plays along with Shuri’s theme song during her arm wrestling scene with M’baku. “The Black Panther lives!” - M’baku [Winston Duke]
▻  The transition and tonal change of Shuri’s theme music is then heard during the desert fight scene between Black Panther and Namor [Tenoch Huerta]. “And then you go from something like that to 120 people singing, and playing their instruments as soft as they can.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [10:30] This track is known as “Vengeance has consumed us” in the score. It is played while Namor is on his back and Shuri demands him to yield. “ Yield and Wakanda will protect your oceans. We will protect your secrets. Vengeance has consumed us. We cannot let it consume our people.” - Black Panther [Letitia Wright]. “That is something that synthesizers are never going to be able to re-create in the sound of all these people in one room.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [10:47]
▻ “I’m really proud of all the character arcs in this film coming to a place of peace and healing, or on their way to it. I feel like we’ve done that really well!” - Letitia Wright [Princess Shuri] [11:02]
▻  Ludwig worked on the track “Con La Brisa” for a while but wanted to find a way to make it better. He tried to add an orchestra to it. “And then when I brought it back to LA and I saw the whole movie and heard it like that, it took me out of it. That was an interesting example of like okay let’s go back to the magic that was there from the beginning. I had to think okay well, the most magic thing about this song is just the vocal and if you can leave that driving the song, and strip away everything else from the song that’s how you’re going to get the most power from it.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [12:12] Ludwig felt that Foudeqush’s vocals on the track were enough. Less is more.
▻  The funeral scene of Shuri and Queen Ramonda walking through the crowd with T’challa’s mask was one of the first scenes Ryan shot. “Ryan was very adamant that this is an opportunity for us to use the voice from the first movie.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [13:26] There was a recorded session back in 2017 for the first Black Panther of Baaba Maal singing. “I had a friend of mine that had produced one of Baaba Maal’s albums and I just called him and asked him if he could put us in touch. I called Baaba Maal and I told him me and my wife are going to go to Senegal. Do you have time to meet up?” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [13:52]
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▻  “I invited him [Ludwig] to join me and my band to make a tour. I knew that to get the spirit and the soul; it’s something that you can’t explain to someone. It would be good for him to see how people play it.” - Baaba Maal [Musician] [14:17] Ludwig went on tour with Baaba for two weeks. Baaba says that that was a great experience for him to learn that Ludwig is a very patient person, especially if you are going to learn about the culture. You have to be patient in order to do so. [15:03] We hear Baaba’s voice in the opening of the first Black Panther where T’Challa [Chadwick Boseman], Nakia [Lupita Nyong’o] and Okoye [Danai Gurira] are seen flying into Wakanda. “So when it became time for Wakanda Forever to be able to bring Baaba Maal back, we thought it would be very powerful.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [15:29]
▻  “Baaba Maal, he’s the most dynamic vocalist I’ve ever recorded. You gotta be really careful with him because he will blow out a mic! Pretty loud, but controlled loud.” - Chris Fogel [Recording Engineer/Mixer] [15:49] We hear Baaba’s beautiful and emotional vocals in the studio, overlayed with recorded drums and instruments that Ludwig and Chris strung together. His vocals were used in the send off scene of T’challa’s casket. Baaba also makes an appearance in the movie during the ceremony of the Wakandans sending T’Challa off. They played the final scene for him in studio with his vocals and instruments overlayed and Baaba loved it. [17:54]
▻  “The most important thing as a human being is to be proud of who you are and art is the truest form to show your identity.” - Ludwig Göransson [Composer] [18:26] 
▻  “That’s really dope of Ludwig to find a way to have people of the Latinx community, artists of the African diaspora in one album and for it to all fit and flow. I think that’s really brave! It’s a reflection of the world that we actually live in. That’s beautiful to see.” - Letitia Wright [Princess Shuri] [18:44]
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Soundtrack: [tracks referenced in this episode]
ʀɪʜᴀɴɴᴀ: ʟɪғᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ / ʙᴜʀɴᴀ ʙᴏʏ: ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ / ғᴏᴜᴅᴇᴏ̨ᴜsʜ + ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ᴄᴏɴ ʟᴀ ʙʀɪsᴀ / ᴛᴇᴍs: ɴᴏ ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ ɴᴏ ᴄʀʏ / ᴀᴅɴ ᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴄᴏʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴏ + ᴘᴀᴛ ʙᴏʏ: ʟᴀᴀʏʟɪ’ ᴋᴜxᴀ’ᴀɴᴏ’ᴏɴᴇ / ғɪʀᴇʙᴏʏ ᴅᴍʟ: ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ / ʙʟᴜᴇ ʀᴏᴊᴏ: ɪɴғʀᴀᴍᴜɴᴅᴏ  / ʀɪʜᴀɴɴᴀ: ʙᴏʀɴ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ / ᴛᴏʙᴇ ɴᴡɪɢᴡᴇ + ғᴀᴛ ɴᴡɪɢᴡᴇ: ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ɪᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏ / ᴅʙɴ ɢᴏɢᴏ + sɪɴᴏ ᴍsᴏʟᴏ: ʟᴏᴠᴇ & ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ [ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ] / sɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ + ᴇ-40: ʟᴀ ᴠɪᴅᴀ / ᴀᴍᴀᴀʀᴀᴇ: ᴀ ʙᴏᴅʏ, ᴀ ᴄᴏғғɪɴ / ᴠɪᴠɪʀ ᴏ̨ᴜɪɴᴛᴀɴᴀ: ᴀ́ʀʙᴏʟᴇs ʙᴀᴊᴏ ᴇʟ ᴍᴀʀ / sᴛᴏʀᴍᴢʏ: ɪɴᴛᴇʀʟᴜᴅᴇ / ᴏɢ ᴅᴀʏᴠ + ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ: ʟɪᴍᴏɴᴄᴇʟʟᴏ / ᴄᴋᴀʏ + ᴘɪɴᴋᴘᴀɴᴛʜᴇʀᴇss: ᴀɴʏᴀ ᴍᴍɪʀɪ / ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴀɴ + ʀᴇᴍᴀ: ᴡᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ / ᴀʟᴇᴍᴀ́ɴ + ʀᴇᴍᴀ: ᴘᴀɴᴛᴇʀᴀ / ᴅʙɴ ɢᴏɢᴏ + sɪɴᴏ ᴍsᴏʟᴏ: ᴊᴇʟᴇ / ᴄᴀʟʟᴇ x ᴠɪᴅᴀ + ғᴏᴜᴅᴇᴏ̨ᴜsʜ: ɴᴏ ᴅɪɢᴀs ᴍɪ ɴᴏᴍʙʀᴇ / ɢᴜᴀᴅᴀʟᴜᴘᴇ ᴅᴇ ᴊᴇsᴜ́s ᴄʜᴀɴ ᴘᴏᴏᴛ: ᴍɪ ᴘᴜᴇʙʟᴏ
Score: [tracks referenced in this episode]
ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ᴡᴀᴋᴀɴᴅᴀ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ᴛ’ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴀ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ʏɪʙᴀᴍʙᴇ! / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ɴᴀᴍᴏʀ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ + ʙᴀᴀʙᴀ ᴍᴀᴀʟ: ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ + ʙᴜsɪsᴡᴀ: ᴡᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʜɪsᴘᴇʀ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ + ᴊᴏʀᴊᴀ sᴍɪᴛʜ: ʜᴇ ᴡᴀsɴ’ᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ + ᴠɪᴠɪʀ ᴏ̨ᴜɪɴᴛᴀɴᴀ: sɪʀᴇɴs / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ɴᴀᴍᴏʀ’s ᴛʜʀᴏɴᴇ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ʏᴜᴄᴀᴛᴀ́ɴ / ᴠɪᴠɪʀ ᴏ̨ᴜɪɴᴛᴀɴᴀ: ᴀ́ʀʙᴏʟᴇs ʙᴀᴊᴏ ᴇʟ ᴍᴀʀ [ғɪʟᴍ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ] / ғᴏᴜᴅᴇᴏ̨ᴜsʜ + ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ᴄᴏɴ ʟᴀ ʙʀɪsᴀ [ғɪʟᴍ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ] / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ + ʙᴀᴀʙᴀ ᴍᴀᴀʟ + ᴍᴀssᴀᴍʙᴀ ᴅɪᴏᴘ: ɴʏᴀɴᴀ ᴡᴀᴍ / ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢᴏ̈ʀᴀɴssᴏɴ: ᴠᴇɴɢᴇᴀɴᴄᴇ ʜᴀs ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍᴇᴅ ᴜs
                           Episodes:  1    2    3
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airenyah · 8 months
Hi, I'm enjoying your JoongDunk era very much, keep up the good work 😃 I was wondering if you could maybe possibly share the JD timestamps in siyh? I don't want to watch the whole show, but I really want more JD on my screen. Danke schön 🥰
hiiii, glad to hear! it usually feels like there's not many JD enjoyers here on tumblr, so i'm glad that there are in fact some people out there who are enjoying the JD turn that my blog has taken over the last few months 😂😂
anyway, yes, sure thing!!​ here you are (joong's "my starlight" has come on spotify just now as i'm typing this lol):
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bitteschööön <3
i hope you can read it! i'm probably gonna type it out at a later point, but right now i'm on mobile and i can't be bothered
edit: here's a transcript
joongdunk time stamps in "sky in your heart" and the "star & sky" special
sky in your heart:
Pt.1 → 10:55–13:33
Pt.4 → 1:50–3:09
Pt.1 → 6:15–7:39
Pt.3 → 2:22–3:41
Pt.4 → 1:55–3:30
Pt.1 → 4:23–5:39
Pt.2 → 7:45–8:54
Pt.1 → 9:46–10:34
Pt.2 → 4:48–5:30
Pt.4 → 5:07–6:14
Pt.1 → 7:42–10:02
(Pt.3 → 4:43–6:26)
Pt.4 → (montage: 0:27–2:14) 2:14–4:02
star & sky special:
(0:18) 0:54–6:27 → Texas Chicken Ad
0:15 – 4:00
4:37–7:18 (DaoKluen dialogue: 5:50–6:14)
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