#tim othy
doubleyourtreasure · 2 years
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so the wonka trailer dropped and i have not seen one single post about it here. don't know if i should be relieved or disappointed
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i had a thought.
for someone who was surgically altered to look just like him, timothy's definitely a bit different from jack when you get a closer look. literally and figuratively.
where jack's definitely aged, timothy's still fit and the wrinkles hadn't set in yet
where jack is genuinely acerbic and crude, timothy puts on the act only to fold after the fact
maybe. maybe he's a bit jealous of tim's relative youth compared to himself, but instead of lashing out, he compliments (very loosely used here bc it's not reciprocated by timothy) on his looks, and since he's his doppelgänger, he's admiring himself too.
perhaps, to him, he's looking at a version of him where he was at his prime. that version, however, wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
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meeep-merr · 1 year
Derril, at their heart, wants to know
Tim wants to have fun, and go out w a blast
Jane— Jane is tough, and doesn't care abt social norms, and doesn't have a subtle bone in her body. But what drives her forward?
The hope of one day meeting the girl of her dreams?
Why does Jane, who worries about every danger, go out into the Wild w Tim?
What's she searching for? Or is it rather, what's she running from?
What drives her forward ???? (God help me, idk)
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ao3statistics · 4 months
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geabriel · 2 months
Tim othy
Jon as well
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brights-place · 9 months
Hiya! Hope you are doing well today!
Would like to request like a d*ad!reader x tim/masky from before or during marble hornets-- (you can pick if they were involved during mh or no)
Pleases and thank yous!!
-🙀 anon
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Rise from the grave
Pairings: Tim(othy)/Masky X S/O Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Abnormal Activity, Cursing, Blood, Horror shit, an small amount of gore, D.I.D, and Mental Issues
A/N: OMG OMG YES FINALLY AN REQUEST! Anyways thanks for the request Anon I’m going to serve you some Headcannons and some random bits and pieces that I think would Suite this! <33
- Masky and Tim are two different people and Tim’s not aware of Masky but Masky is Aware of Tim.
- So There reactions would be different to seeing you
- He’d be horrified seeing you again since you were gone…
- The pain in your eyes and how your body was an mess and was ruined.
- Your death left an huge toll on him which affected and made his mental health worse along with his black outs when he wouldn’t eat or take his meds for an couple of days.
- He would start having an panic attack
- The rotting smell of flesh, the smell of dirt and the lingering scent of moss made him want to hurl when staring at you.
- Your appearance was different and scary and that’s what made him scared.
- Your once vibrant figure was more different. It was now a gruesome sight. Torn clothes hang off your mutilated body, drenched in dried blood, while deep gashes and lacerations mar on your skin.
- your dead and lifeless eyes staring at his made him take an step back in fear as you reach your hands out to him whispering “Tim” under your croaky and hoarse voice.
- he broke down on the spot as you approached him
- When you knelt down and your slender fingers touched him he froze instantly your scent lingering in his nose that made him vomit to the side of his body.
- The fact that even though your body was never found he saw you infront of him torn to shreds making his tears burn due to how he failed to protect you… how he failed to keep you safe.
- you were making an film then it led up to this shit show of an life
- as he was busy losing it and breaking down your voice snapped him out of it… even though your appearance was more… different he still knew it was you
- even though he left you to explore the woods chasing after the yellow hooded male and something that you said that scared you he didn’t listen to busy focusing on what the Operator was doing.
- he cried as he stared at you
- as soon as you even try to hug him he will still be in fear and scoot backwards checking to find his pills so you would go away.
- you didn’t…
- you still followed and lingered behind him trying to get his attention
- you even tried to stand infront of him showing your sweet smile but your once sweet smile had blood coated on your lips and an obvious dirt stain on your cheek.
- If he pass outs and turns into Masky then it’s an whole other thing
- Masky would be more hostile but then think you would be useful
- Masky would still be afraid of you but more confident abit in the same way yk???
- he would manipulate you to his own venue fr your already dead so he doesn’t care
- would use Tim against you since well Masky and Tim shared an body of course
- Masky would also ask you things about h th e operator since YOU have seen him more clearly then anybody else…
- when Masky and Tim Switch you keep tabs on it.
- your dead so like you don’t have anything else to do but follow your partner/ or friend who still thinks you aren’t real or just doesn’t pay attention to you until they need something.
- when Tim was having an panic attack even though you were dead and more… diffrent looking it didn’t mean your heart didn’t change or feelings change.
- you went or comfort him but it made it worse for abit before he started to speak.
- “If I told you about the darkness and things I kept hidden would you still even love me? even if you were alive or dead?”
- you’d listen to him even offer an hand (You pulled off your hand and offered it to him to lighten up the mood which he chuckled at before getting freaked out worriedly looking at you)
- He’d blame himself on and on about how he ended up making you die but you blamed how you curiosity got the best of you and that’s how you ended up dying (I think know the term curiosity kills the cat? YUP! That’s it)
- You two would talk and cry and vent together and talk about your memories together when you were alive…
- but it was known that Masky/Tim had to move on soon he can’t date/befriend the dead… no matter how many memories you talk about you are stuck in the body of an ruined corpse
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m-twst-ocs · 1 year
"Lolipop, lolipop, ohhh loli-lolipop~!"
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She who decided to step up and work at the diner to help out @daisyneptune
Summon: "Ohh, hello darling! Welcome to the diner!"
Set Home: "Hmm~ hmm-hm-hmmm~! Nice choice!"
Groovy: "Hello, customers! Here's an impromptu concert for you all!"
Home Login: "La, la, laaaa~! Perfect!"
Home Idle 1: "Mmn... I sang too late last night..."
Home Idle 2: "Hey, do you have a cough drop? Or something?"
Home Idle 3: "Ezekiel~ Cater~ Ace-y~ Sebek~ Park-err~ A-rai-gu-ma~! My coworkers!"
Home Idle Groovy: "Hi, hi, hi! Wanna hear my warm-ups?"
Home Tap 1: "Hey, hey~! What can I get for you, hun?"
Home Tap 2: "Sebek yelled at Cater and me earlier..."
Home Tap 3: "I'm not taking a selfie to promote the dine just for Araiguma!"
Home Tap 4: "Come one, come all~! Let's go, and serve these pe-ople! Let's give them the best service!"
Home Tap 5: "Hah-ah~! Nice to see you again!"
Home Tap Groovy: "Tim-othy visited me to give me a small bottle of tea to keep my voice good!"
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doubleyourtreasure · 6 months
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"Really having fun making your goons do the work Penguin?" Robin kicked a man, ducked and threw a batarang at another. The Penguin wasn't happy so to speak, fending off these last workers of his then he can go and report of the smuggling Penguin is set on doing. They fought on rooftop.
Down to three left, Robin slid under one to punch his friend in the gut. Then it all stopped, three shots entering his left shoulder. Before Robin could shake off the pain and keep fighting, the man he slid under grabbed him. The end of Penguin's cane still smoking as he laughed and lit a cigar. Robin struggled as the man who held him, shoved him off the rooftop, hurtling down.
Down the bird dropped.
Unable to move in time, he dropped.
Then the crash.
Painful and cold.
The water had froze from the cold and now it was his tomb. Feeling a striking shock travel up his right arm. Then to add insult to injury, due to the force the ice shattered into pieces and he helplessly went into the freezing water.
Down the bird went into the cold abyss.
Left shoulder, shot three times which went clean through.
Right arm, broken from the impact of ice.
Possible head damage from ice and water.
Robin shivered and forced his body to move up, to the surface where the bitter air was just basically salt to his wounds. Goosebumps spreading along his arms as he swam with his bloody left shoulder to the docks.
There Robin groaned and got up onto the concrete while gasping with every breath. He didn't inhale any water, but he might have caught something from the cold. Body on fire as he stood up and began to walk.
Wandering as his toes and fingers felt numb. Stumbling as he kept moving from the way his body was slowly failing.
Something was in the air, Robin noticed it before his eyes drooped. "Robin? What are you doing here?" He opened his eyes again, this time someone was in front of him. Red Robin?
"T- Tim...othy?"
"Yeah it's me, you don't look good, can you tell me what happened?"
"Later, I have to find Cobblepot" Robin fumbled, falling back until Red Robin caught his arm and pulled him back up. "Hey!" Robin whined at the forceful feeling of the world falling then going back to place. "I don't think you're in peak condition to keep going" "Tt. Let go! I have to find him and stop him" "You're about to kill yourself just walking like this, forget about Penguin. I need to get you home" "Hafta stop him..." "You're bleeding Robin, stand down" "Done it before, leave me alone I gotta find him" "You are so stubborn, come here" He cried out as Red took a step closer "No! I-I can do it, I can be better let me prove myself... I-... I can... better-" Then the world went dark.
Damian was barely awake, just catching on bits and pieces of noises before falling back to sleep unwillingly.
When he finally did open his eyes, everything was warm, he looked over to see his mother smiling as she holds his hand.
My love
"Did I... am I worthy for grandfather?"
You have done well, rest easy now
"I'm really cold mother"
I know, we found you in the mountains
"You found me... that means I failed the test. Did I die?"
No, you were just freezing, you are sick. You are allowed to rest for the remainder of the day
"May I assume that not dying in the cold mountains warrants some worth in my endeavors?"
Yes, you survived that is all I want for you. I... I cherish you
Damian smiled, whether it was the fever getting to him that made him show emotion or the fact that he's alone with his mom. The only time he can truly be vulnerable in the League of Assassins.
"Mother I--" The bed he laid on shattered away causing him to plummet, reaching out for Talia as she smiled.
Freezing cold water overtook him as he gasped. His body was not working, he can't escape! Damian's right arm felt heavy like it was being pulled down by weights. His left shoulder was brimming with pain as if he was just shocked. Damian tried to yell, to scream for his mother to come back. All that came out were pathetic whimpers of agony, the frigid water entering his lungs slowly.
Deeper and deeper.
Down in the dark water he couldn't hold himself up anymore.
He couldn't see past the bubbles that left from his mouth and into the light that was once above.
An empty cold abyss, to which he no longer felt like he was underwater. Damian was just simply floating in the dark. Accompanied by only the frost that was overtaking every sense in this bitter darkness.
"Can you hear me?"
"You're okay Damian. I'm here, I'm holding your hand"
Holding... my hand? But I'm alone in the dark abyss no one can hold me here.
"I know it hurts, hypothermia isn't fun"
Hypothermia... I got it from the cold... when?
"You're okay, take a deep breath in"
I can barely breath
"You can do this Damian. No way would you let a fever drag down the Damian Wayne"
I... I am Damian Wayne. The blood son. The heir. I can not, no I will not let this overcome me.
"You got this"
I can't stop, I have to go back up. The pain is normal, I've done this before. I have to swim, I have to make it out.
Damian pushed past the abyss, going wherever up leads to. It was cold, but he can get through it. He's Damian Wayne. He won't let some freezing water stop him. Not when he's come this far! Damian forced himself to swim, every part of his body screaming to do otherwise. He can't stop here, he has to keep going. Out of the water, to the surface!
Damian opened his eyes, his body was heavy but he got through the water. "Damian" That voice...
Timothy was sitting, watching Damian with a sparkle in his eyes. "Thank goodness you're awake, when you collapsed on me at the docks I freaked out. Then I brought you back and you were talking in your sleep! Then you started to- to...-" Tim took a deep breath "-I'm probably going too fast, you just woke up. How are you feeling?" "I collapsed..?" "Yeah you were shivering and you were soaked to the bone" "I fell. I was fighting Cobblepot then he... he shot me and I was pushed off the rooftop-" Damian took a deep breath in, collecting his thoughts to unscramble the events that occurred "-the water... I broke through the ice, my arm..?" "Broken, you lost some good amount of blood too. Three bullet shaped holes in your left shoulder" "Then I was drowning, I got out... I couldn't feel anything well enough" "You had a bad case of hypothermia"
"You found me"
"I saw you stumbling at the docks and dropped down to check on you. Then you were all types of off, blabbing about finding Penguin I took a step closer and you collapsed"
"I had a dream... Mother was there for me"
"You were talking in your sleep"
"Then I drowned again, I couldn't do anything. I swam up regardless of how cold it was. Was that you talking? You were telling me to get up, to not let a fever bring me down"
Tim smiled "I'm happy you heard me"
"As am I"
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aph-estonia · 2 years
i've heard of butches named roger and steve but what about andrew and michael and james and owen and john and cameron and tim(othy) and ben(jamin) and alfred and vincent and hubert and jason and thomas and adam and jacob and peter and matt(hew) and arthur and lucas and anthony and caleb and jake and simon and daniel and nate/nathaniel and ethan and mark and trevor and gavin and tristan and george and david and isaac and
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confessxcrush4tcc · 5 days
Stop talking shit about Tim(othy) in the asks you jerks. He wasn't fucking any of these negative things neither.
confession 409
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 month
GUY: …and you guys are ninjas too?! AND you're turtles. Wow. That's sick. My name's Timothy, but you can call me Tim.
DON: Tim…othy…?
TIM: I had a turtle when I was younger, but I BOTH: went to the beach at 8 and lost him there…
DON: Donatello now… I thought I lost you forever!
[both hug] [tim hears crying, realises it's coming from donnie]
DON: Why did you leave me to die on the beach…?
TIM: …I'm sorry! I was just a kid… I couldn't continue the search even if I wanted to. I didn't know where to look. I didn't know when to look. To me, you were just… gone.
[don pauses, realising the truth of the situation]
TIM: I tried my darnest to find you! Promise! It haunts me every second of my life. Every day you could've been by my side… My parents bought me a new turtle, pretending that they found you. But I knew they were lying. I still treated the turtle nicely, but it didn't feel the same.
TIM: I'm sorry; for abandoning you.
DON: No no no no no no Don't apologise! I understand that you were just a kid. You weren't the one responsible for giving up my search. It just really sucked, y'know? Getting abandoned, being left to die… I'm thankful for Master Splinter for finding me when he did, any longer and I would've starved to death.
DON: I don't know why I still feel this… contempt in my heart for you. I know you were a kid. I know you weren't in control. You couldn't have been. You were EIGHT. Why can't my brain realise that?
TIM: I don't blame you.
DON: You… don't? But why? It's not like it's logical to fault someone for that.
TIM: Not everything has to be logical, Don. Your emotions tell you what you feel about it. Doesn't mean that it's less true just because it's not "logical" to feel that way.
TIM: That's what I learnt in my 27 years of life.
TIM: I'm just glad you're alive and well.
DON: You know… I guess I am too. That I met you here, now. And maybe one day… I'll find reason in my heart to forgive you, too.
TIM: You don't need to.
DON: But I want to.
TIM: :0 :)
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meeep-merr · 1 year
I can't stop thinking abt Mage :]
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Words on image written out below:
Mage wears a braid because Mage thinks of making spells in terms of "weaving" them, and also so that hair is out of face.
Mage's nude body is scribbled over because Mage's anatomy doesn't matter to Mage, and will never be referred to with certainty as to what it may be.
Mage likes Mage's robe. It is long and comfy and has a zipper on the side, going all the way from top to bottom. It doesn't have pockets, though, because Mage forgot pockets were a Thing. Also, Mage doesn't need pockets in the tower.
Lots of people are taller than Mage, who is 4ft 11in, but Mage has never thought that Mage was small. Mage is Right Sized.
Jane Crabapple:
-always scowls
-tough act, big heart
-makes lots of social errors
Tim Othie:
-refined taste
-big smile, big laughs
-quick to draw weapons
-ran off to paint
-in love with Tim
-likes Understanding
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zedogica · 1 year
ideas for guys you fight in a LISA fangame
- Tony Suckle
- Jomathan Carwash
- Spraypaint
- Glass Mountain
- Damp Towels
- Mr. Wisdom
- Tim "The Penis" Othy
- Sweat Ice
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dradelcra · 3 years
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I thought it was funny that I gave Griffin a braid that could act like a lamp, it wasn't my intention but it played out well.
I also, gave all my lit characters some sort of abilities based on their books when together, why should only the scientists get cool abilities formed from their hubris?
Alice is able to will things into existence whenever she's asleep and it stays for that duration, once she wakes up everything vanishes. The one you see right now is actually a fake Alice roaming around while the real Alice is alseep.
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