Just a Stray
7K posts
Catwoman's Apprentice, 19 years old, DC-RP-Account
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
🧶 ← ฅ/ᐠ ˵> ˕ <˵マⳊ
Rumor has it you like yarn 👀 🧶
... Aunt Harley... don't you dare-! (≖_≖ )
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
Don't hate us. Denial is a river in Egypt!
All of you are hateable right now. I want to think through everything on my own, in my own time. The problem is, even if I decide that he is my brother (something we haven't even talked about yet!) and nothing more, than you guys will still act like I'm in denial! /ᐠ •̀ ˕ •́ マ
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
When he saw him hunched over like this he came closer with a sigh. He couldn't let him sleep like that, his back would be agony the coming morning.
At first he tried to ignore the papers, he wasn't here to spy on the kid, but then he saw a glimpse of a photo. A photo that had been taken several years ago in the highest of his parents campaign to make him seem ungrateful and unreasonable for leaving their care. His stomach twisted thinking about what the boy might have read about him.
He looked closer, needing to know what kind of things he had researched. The things he saw made his eyebrows crease. At first he wanted to chalk it up to an unorganized child mushing their interests and hyper fixations together. But the report-
He would need to think about that, when he was alone. Tim couldn't have a freak out next to Koen.
Still, his point stood. The boy couldn't sleep like this and at least like this he wouldn't have to tell him that he had seen.
Carefully he picked him up, not wanting to disturb his slumber and walked in the direction of his bed.
Tim had come home late, around midnight after something he had to get done.
Koen's overhead light was still on and was visible under the closed door. It was way past koen's bedtime
Tim sighed wearily when he entered his home through the front door. He had scouted a place that may get them some lucrative riches, if he found a good time to get in, that was. As of now, somehow someone was always there. It was grating at his nerves.
At least at home he could think about all of this while staying dry and warm and get a hot shower-...
Except for the fact that the kid may still be awake. Or maybe Koen fell asleep with the lights on.
He stood before the door debating what to do. He had said that he wouldn't go in without permission, as long as no one was in grave danger. But if he knocked he may wake up Koen accidentally. But what if the boy had fallen asleep in a position that was bad for him? Or what if-?
Sighing he decided to just quickly peek inside, he could be quite enough. So he pushed open the door with the quietness of a seasoned thief.
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
🧶 <- ฅ/ᐠ. .ᐟ\
Rumor has it you like yarn 👀 🧶
... Aunt Harley... don't you dare-! (≖_≖ )
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
Aww, thank you Thomas. I'm sure I will sleep better with you watching out for me.
**gives you a flower and toddles off**
*He blinks surprised, but takes the flower.*
Thank you! Are you alright little one?
*Stray asks with a smile, hiding his concerns for now.*
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stray-tim · 10 hours ago
It's really nice that you wanted to let me sleep, but next time please wait for me to wake up? And I wouldn't be cranky if you woke me up. I just get worried when you disappear on me all of a sudden...
*He glanced down at the kitten, before he started to pet it absently, while looking earnest at Thomas.*
It's really cute
*He knocks against the door, waiting with a worried face down on his phone.*
Is a small boy here? Around four? With brown hair?
*The words rush out of him worried as soon as the door opens.*
- @stray-tim
Cece nodded. She is unphased.
Yep, he’s hanging out with the cats.
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stray-tim · 11 hours ago
That “rumor has it” talking about you have a child never said anything about Thomas by name. Your the only one who brought him up~
. . .
I hate all of you.
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stray-tim · 11 hours ago
Tim had come home late, around midnight after something he had to get done.
Koen's overhead light was still on and was visible under the closed door. It was way past koen's bedtime
Tim sighed wearily when he entered his home through the front door. He had scouted a place that may get them some lucrative riches, if he found a good time to get in, that was. As of now, somehow someone was always there. It was grating at his nerves.
At least at home he could think about all of this while staying dry and warm and get a hot shower-...
Except for the fact that the kid may still be awake. Or maybe Koen fell asleep with the lights on.
He stood before the door debating what to do. He had said that he wouldn't go in without permission, as long as no one was in grave danger. But if he knocked he may wake up Koen accidentally. But what if the boy had fallen asleep in a position that was bad for him? Or what if-?
Sighing he decided to just quickly peek inside, he could be quite enough. So he pushed open the door with the quietness of a seasoned thief.
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stray-tim · 11 hours ago
"Ah... sorry, was I out for long?", he asked with a tiny blush. He hated being seen like this so unaware of his surroundings.
Tim shook his head to gain some much needed clarity.
"I'll get your bed ready in a bit and then we can look what take out we want and which show we want to watch" he says, feeling a bit more awake now. He would still need to get some caffeine in his system to stay up a bit longer.
There was a knock at the door of Tim's apartment
And when he opened it he was faced with a kid, looked about 11 with a backpack and nothing else
Their clothes looked pretty scrappy but they looked physically fine
@koen-k-maybe ((for some reason won't let me tag :( but it's me))
Tim looked at the kid for a moment, not too surprised, even though he somehow thought he would get someone even younger. But he wouldn't complain, a child that age would probably be easier to understand, hopefully.
"Hi, I'm Tim. And you're the kid that is staying with me?", he asks with a smile, while opening the door a bit wider to let the child in.
He himself was dressed in an oversized baby blue hoodie and some ripped jeans that he had put over his black leggings to stay warmer.
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Sounds great! I'll be there as soon as it gets dark ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Rumor has it you like catnip tea (I may or may not be figuring out how to brew some)
- @beau-has-no-regards
Well, I haven't tried any catnip as tea yet, but I wouldn't be opposed to it~ /ᐠ˵- ⩊ -˵マ
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Oh! That sounds delicious! No lactose intolerance or other allergies, so you can make it however you want ฅ/ᐠ >⩊<マ Ⳋ
Rumor has it you like catnip tea (I may or may not be figuring out how to brew some)
- @beau-has-no-regards
Well, I haven't tried any catnip as tea yet, but I wouldn't be opposed to it~ /ᐠ˵- ⩊ -˵マ
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Rumor has it you like catnip tea (I may or may not be figuring out how to brew some)
- @beau-has-no-regards
Well, I haven't tried any catnip as tea yet, but I wouldn't be opposed to it~ /ᐠ˵- ⩊ -˵マ
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Rumor has it you like yarn 👀 🧶
... Aunt Harley... don't you dare-! (≖_≖ )
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
"rumor has it have a child"
How often do I need to say, that Thomas is not my kid-kid! I'll take care of him and everything, but you guys can't just decide I have a kid without me and the child talking about it!
≽^- ˕ -^≼
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Thank you sweetheart. And I may get sleepy all of a sudden at odd times, but I'll try to stay awake as much as possible so that we can hang out, 'kay?
*He gives him a thankful smile, booping his nose at the end.*
**gives you a flower and toddles off**
*He blinks surprised, but takes the flower.*
Thank you! Are you alright little one?
*Stray asks with a smile, hiding his concerns for now.*
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
Um, my names Callie, I was gonna tell you about Jacyn but- guess you already know, huh?
There’s a lady handling funeral stuff, if you wanna know when it is. I know he wasn’t on the best of terms with some of you before…
Anyway just lemme know if you want the info.
-( @callie-ann-darling)
I... Is he really...?
Sorry, it's just... a lot...
He'll come back, I'm sure... most people seem to do so... he can't be the exception...
Sorry, I'm just all over the place...
I would appreciate the information... please.
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stray-tim · 12 hours ago
*Stray sat down at his side, sighing in relief when he saw him safe and sound.*
Hey kitten, why did you come here without me?
*His voice is soft, but still a little strained with worry.*
*He knocks against the door, waiting with a worried face down on his phone.*
Is a small boy here? Around four? With brown hair?
*The words rush out of him worried as soon as the door opens.*
- @stray-tim
Cece nodded. She is unphased.
Yep, he’s hanging out with the cats.
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