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guerillas-of-history · 28 days ago
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The Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (TKP/ML)
Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO)
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captain-price-unofficially · 2 months ago
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Fighters from the Armenian 'Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade' of the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TİKKO) and the Syrian Democratic Forces in tunnels under the city of Kobani.
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ritchiepage2001newaccount · 5 months ago
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Establishment of the first military force of the Armenian component [UPDATES]
Hasaka – The Armenian component announced on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, the establishment of the first military force of the Armenian in Tal Tamar. The brigade was named after the martyr “Nubar Ozanyan” , it is a part of the Syrian Democratic Forces and stands side by side with the components of the region…
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RELATED UPDATE: Street in Qamishlo named after Armenian revolutionary Nubar Ozanyan
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RELATED UPDATE: Memorial for Armenian TIKKO commander Nubar Ozanyan in Qamishlo
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RELATED UPDATE: Armenian Women’s Union condemn brutal murder of female soldier
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RELATED UPDATE: Threat of invasion against Rojava and the current situation in North-East Syria – VI
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One thing I think sucks is how the Bakugan seem to have less personality as the series goes on. I’m not touching the third reboot with a ten foot poll I’m a full grown adult. I only have the patience for one reboot. I say this to say I can’t speak on that one. But I watched both Battle Brawlers and Battle Planet.
When I got to Mechtanium surge I got sad that they switched Shun and Marucho’s Bakugan again. Marucho hasn’t had a compelling Bakugan since Elphin. And while I like Elphin…Preyas was the best Bakugan personality wise in the whole series. Nobody made you have more fun on screen. Aquamos was fine. He had a distinct personality just less of one? When they actually made him pretty much only say ‘cool is the rule’ I knew it was Jover. Whoever Marucho has now, their entire personality is just being angry and I’m not a fan!!! Don’t give Bakugan just one personality trait. Preyas had it allllll ugh.
Shun and Skyress’ dynamic was special. The way she left the show was special too. She came back on occasion as well which felt more real. I remember Shun having to adjust to Ingram. Hawktor and Ingram were kind of similar to me but also yooo Ingram was transmasc? Real. Whoever Shun is with now is just his personality again which is less interesting. At least Hawktor seemed to have new opinions.
Runo, Alice, and Julie never switched Bakugan but what happened to theirs?? I await Mechtanium Surge to answer. But all of them had banger dynamics with their Bakugan.
Every new important character has some kind of dynamic with their Bakugan. That I can say. The arc with Rubinoid in Gundalian Invadors really got me. Even Anubius has a dynamic with his Bakugan if I recall correctly.
I think instead of swapping out Shun and Marucho’s Bakugan, you either give them multiple Bakugan or just do what every season does; add more characters with new Bakugan.
I liked Battle Planet. S3 or Geogan Rising was rough but I liked the other seasons for the most part. But the only Bakugan I can say that had personalities was Pharol, Nillious, Drago, and Trox on occasion. We’re going to put aside the Bakugan that were villains in the series cause they kind of don’t count for what I’m talking about. Of course Viloch and Tikko have personalities they’re the villains. But I can’t really think of an iconic villain and Bakugan duo. The reboot does a lot more Gus and Vulcan kind of pairings rather than Barodius and Dharak yknow? I can’t really think of what’s unique in the dynamic of Hydrous and reboot Shun. Or if Hydrous really had a personality. Drago in this show seems way more laid back and less…there. In the reboot they brawlers hardly spend time bonding with their Bakugan minus that one season they got new ones, and it was a little disappointing. Drago and Dan’s bond felt right because it’s always Dan and Drago. I do see them have a dynamic sometimes in the reboot but it’s so much less pronounced. Pegatrix and Lia just have the same personality and Trox is usually the same with Winton minus when they disagree. Honestly with Dan’s other friends they don’t really go past “mmm I don’t know about that,” when their Brawlers are being a little silly. I could be wrong as I said I watched it all when each season dropped.
Magnus and Nillious Dynamic is significant because of the whole age thing. Magnus had to push to bond with Nillious to understand him. It was compelling! Pharol’s personality had always been compelling. He’s inquisitive and competitive. He guides Ajit emotionally and Ajit tells him about the world. These two are my favorite reboot characters so I am biased but I think this is at least some of the reason why. They feel like they really fit Bakugan.
The most compelling villain in the reboot that isn’t Magnus was Haavik but Haavik’s Bakugan didn’t have a personality!
The reboot got one thing right, not replacing the cast or brawlers or Bakugan. What they got wrong was not putting depth in their dynamic. I fear the worst of this trend continues.
TLDR never trade out your star of the show (Preyas.)
REAL TLDR: I love these shows most when Brawler and Bakugan share that bond of friendship that the show’s all about. Make sure I can feel it. Dan and Drago changed my life. I wanna make sure that if Bakugan can do that it does with those feelings it gave me.
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yazan-kalem-siyah06 · 13 days ago
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PKK 35 bin kişinin kanını ellerinde taşıyan PKK lideri Artin Agopyan (APO) ermenidir.
“Parmaksız Zeki” kod adlı Şemdin Sakık, Ermeni’dir. Nenesinin Ermeni olduğunu kendisi açıklamıştır.
Bölücü Kürt partisi milletvekili Sırrı Sakık Ermeni’dir.
Bölücü Kürt partisi sözde “eş başkanı” Emine Ayna, katıksız bir Ermeni’dir.
PKK’nın önderlik ettiği, şimdi pek adı duyulmayan “sürgünde Kürdistan hükümeti” delegesi, 1959-Silvan doğumlu Semra Bakır, Ermeni’dir. Semra’nın kardeşi Orhan Bakır’ın asıl adı Armenak’tır. Ermeni terör örgütü TİKKO mensubu idi, Örgütün merkez komitesine kadar yükselen Orhan Bakır, güvenlik güçleriyle girdiği çatışmada Bingol’de öldürülmüştür.
1977-Silvan doğumlu Bülent Bakır Ermeni’dir.
“Sürgündeki hükümet” delegesi Meryem Tabaş Ermeni’dir. Dedesi Hokar, nenesi Haykanuş’tur.
“Zazan Bertin” kod adlı 1980-Silvan doğumlu Ruşen Tapancı Ermeni’dir. Dedesinin adı Ohannis’tir. “Mavi Çarşı”nın yakılması eylemine katılmıştır.
1975 doğumlu Yusuf Cihangir Ermeni’dir. Dedesinin adı Vartan’dır.
1965-Karakaçan doğumlu Adnan Dizin Ermeni’dir. Dedesinin adı Kirkor’dur.
1970-Siirt doğumlu Nihat Türksoy, hiç de TÜRK soylu değildir, Ermeni’ dir. Dedesinin adı Serkis, nenesinin adı Zerdo’dur.
1977-Bozova doğumlu Mehmet Güzel Ermeni’dir. Dedesinin adı Mıgırdıç, nenesinin adı İlsevik’tir.
“Cihan” kod adlı, 1974-Pertek doğumlu Akif Yadigâroğulları Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Apkar, nenesi Maryam’dır.
1973-Ömerli doğumlu Metin Gümüş Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Artin, ninesi Dihram’dır.
1948-Palu doğumlu Zülküf Demirtaş Ermeni’dir. Bu hıristiyan herif, “HADEP İmamlar Birliği” üyesi olmuştur!..
1978-Silvan doğumlu Sidar Şimşek Ermeni’dir. DEHAP ilçe teşkilatında görev yapmıştır. Büyük dedesi Bedros, nenesi Luşin’dir.
1977-Diyarbakır doğumlu Mehmet Sami Geniş Ermeni’dir.
Uyuşturucu madde kaçakçısıdır. Yakalanıp, 11.12.2002 tarihindeİstanbul; 6.DGM mahkemesinde CK/405 ve CK/403: Uyuşturucu madde ticaretinden yargılanarak 6 yıl 8 ay ağır hapis cezasına çarptırılmıştır. Büyük dedesi Serkis, nenesi Şuşi’dir.
1975-Afşin doğumlu Özgür Erbil Ermeni’dir. Sahte belgeler ile yurtdışına çıkmıştır. Almanya’da, uyuşturucu tâciridir. Büyük dedesi Akup (agop), nenesi Lüsye’dir.
1977-Silvan doğumlu Orhan Olsen Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesinin adı İliyo, nenesinin adı Mari’dir. Sahte çürük raporu alarak askere gitmemiştir.
1968-Muş doğumlu Kutbettin Akşula Ermeni’dir. 1992 yılında Muş ilinde PKK terör örgütüne maddî yönden destek sağlamak amacıyla silah kaçakçılığı yapmaktan tutuklanmıştır Büyük dedesi Vartan, nenesi Zelha’dır. Sahte çürük raporu alarak askere gitmemiştir.
1979-Yurtbeyi doğumlu Barış Başak Ermeni’dir. Büyük nenesinin adı Kotine’dir. DTP kurucu üyesidir.
1953-İdil doğumlu Abdülaziz Özdemir Ermeni’dir. Dedesi Yusuf, ninesi Kazo’dur. 21.2.1991 günkü çatışmada ölü ele geçirilmiştir.
1972-Siverek doğumlu Levent Kayadağ Ermeni’dir. Dedesi Migdat, ninesi Havuş adındadır. 16.10.1993 günü çatışmada ölü ele geçirilmiştir.
1954-Beştüşşebap doğumlu Mehmet Öztunç Ermeni’dir. Dedesinin adı Musa, nenesinin adı Miran’dır. PKK’ya yardım ve yataklıktan tutuklanmış, daha sonra HADEP Antalya İl Kurulu’na seçilmiştir.
1977-Karayazı doğumlu İdris Sefil Ermeni’dir. Terörden hapis yatmış, sonra bir ara Konya HADEP Gençlik Komitesi üyeliği yapmıştır. Sahte çürük raporu alarak askere gitmemiştir.
İdris’in akrabası Ersin Sefil de Ermeni’dir. Kuzey ırak’ta çatışmada öldürülmüştür.
1974-Hazro doğumlu Haci İçer’in hacılıkla hocalıkla alâkası yoktur, Ermeni’dir. Dedesi Ali, nenesi Gule’dir. HADEP Hazro İlçe Yönetim Kurulu üyesi idi. O da sahte çürük raporu alarak askere gitmemiştir.
1973-Yaylayanı doğumlu Dilâver Öncü Ermeni’dir. HADEP Konak Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu üyesi idi. Izmir’de misyonerlik faaliyetinde bulunmuş, kilisede vaaz vererek hıristiyanlık propogandası yapmıştır.
1965-Firke doğumlu Edip Yıldız Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Gaço, nenesi Rihan’dır. HADEP Parti Meclisi üyesi idi. PKK’lı suçluların avukatlığını yapmaktadır. Nevşehir E tipi cezaevinde yatan PKK terör örgütü mensubu Nimet Can’ın avukatlığını yapmıştır.
1964-Benek doğumlu Haşim Benek Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesinin adı Şiho, nenesinin adı Kitro’dur. 16.03.1985 günü Şırnak ilçesi Dereler Köyü civarında, Eşek Mağaraları mevkiinde güvenlik kuvvetleri ile teröristler arasında çıkan çatışmada sağ olarak ele geçirilmiş ve Diyarbakır mahkemesinde CK/ 1 68 : yasa dışı silahlı örgüt kurmak veya katılmaktan yargılanmıştır. Hapis yatmış, sonra DEP Antalya-Muratpaşa Belediye Encümeni adayı olmuştur.
1954-Kamberşeyh doğumlu Mahmut Hakkı Eşiyok Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesinin adı Hokar, nenesinin adı Haykanuş’tur. HADEP İstanbul il teşkilatı sekreterliği yapmıştır.
1959-Urfa doğumlu İzzettin Kalaycı Ermeni’dir. 11.7.1986 tarihinde Diyarbakır 1. As. mahkemesinde CK/168 : Yasadışı silahlı örgüt kurmak veya katılmaktan yargılanmış 8 yıl 8 ay hapis yatmış, sonra Şanlıurfa HADEP il teşkilatında görev almıştır. 23.06. 1 996 tarihinde Ankara’daki HADEP 2. olağan kongresinde Türk bayrağının indirilerek PKK bayrağı asılması olayına karışmıştır.
1948-Kölük doğumlu Mehmet Cantekin Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Bedros, nenesi Meryem’dir. Diyarbakır merkez Kayapınar Belediye başkanlığı yapan Mehmet Cantekin, 1995 tarihli milletvekili seçimlerinde Diyarbakır HADEP Milletvekili adayı olmuştur. Mehmet Cantekin Kulp Karpuzlu da köy koruyucularını yönlendirerek terör örgütü PKK’ya lojistik destek sağlamaktadır. 2003 yılında PKK’nın 1978′de kurulduğu Diyarbakır’ın Lice ilçesine bağlı Fis köyünde DEHAP ve Göç-Der yöneticileri ile birlikte ‘barış ağacı’ adı altında ağaç dikmek töreni düzenlemiştir. Törende bölücü başı Öcalan’ı övücü sloganlar atılmıştır.
1953-Siirt doğumlu Maruf Altın Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Ohanis, ninesi Pori’dir. Ama babasının dönme adı Hüseyin, anasının dönme adı Nafiye’dir. Böylece pek çok kişinin yaptığı gibi Ermeni olduklarını gizlemişlerdir. DEP İzmir-Konak ilçe teşkilatı üyesi idi. 23 Eylül 1998 tarihinde TCK 1 68 : Yasadışı silahlı örgüt kurmak veya katılmaktan 1 2 yıl 6 ay ağır hapis cezasına mahkûm olmuştur.
1973-Urfa doğumlu Mehmet Sait Yalçın Ermeni’dir. Dedesi Girbuş, ninesi Varti’dir. Ancak babasının dönme adı Mehmet Kerim, anasının dönme adı Mevlude’dir. 1997′deki Bodrum bombalı saldırısının sorumlusudur. Müebbet hapse mahkûm olmuştur.
1975-Hazro doğumlu Zanamazak Yezidî’dir.
1973-Nusaybin doğumlu Mehmet Zeki Şaşmaz Yezidî’dir.
1971-Nusaybin doğumlu Abdullah Şaşmaz, kendini hiç de ALLAH’ın kulu saymaz, Yezidî’dir.
1975-Hazro doğumlu Nevzat Tedik Yezidî’dir. Halit-Revzete’ den olma Nevzat Tedik’in nenesi Hüsna Tedik Diyarbakır il teşkilatı HADEP üyesi de olan PKK’nın gençlik örgütlenmesi içinde yer alan Nevzat Tedik, 11 Ekim 2001 tarihinde TCK 1 68: Yasa dışı silahlı örgüt kurmak veya katılmaktan 12 yıl 6 ay ağır hapis cezasına çarptırılmıştır.
PKK’nın Avrupa’daki kasası Nuriye Kesbir Yezidî’dir. Aynı zamanda Kongra-Gel PKK’nın cephe örgütü Avrupa Kürt Demokratik Toplum Koordinasyonu (CDK) sözde meclis üyesidir. Eylül 200 1 ‘de Hollanda’ya yasadışı yollardan girmek isterken yakalanmıştır.
1980-Midyat doğumlu Şevkiye Atalan Yezidî’dir.
1966-Midyat doğumlu Fahrettin Şahin Yezidî’dir.
Adana’da yakalanan PKK’lı canlı bomba Hatice Arat Yezidî’dir. Dedesi Hasso, nenesi Meryem de Yezidî’dir.
1955-Beşin doğumlu Osman Ergin Yezidî’dir. DTP Merkez Yönetim Kurulu üyesidir.
Batılılar’ın aleyhimize kullanmak için sözüm ona “Türkler” arasından seçtirdiği, Avrupa Parlamentosu üyesi Feleknaz Uca, Yezidî’dir.
Feleknaz’ın babası Abdullah Uca, “Yezidî Kürdistan Birliği” başkanıdır, Elbette o da Yezidî’dir. Televizyonlarda boy gösteren Metin Uca nedir, size kalmış… Çünkü bu bölücü-militanların yumuşak uzantısı tüm medya, bürokrasi, parlamento ve hatta asker içindedir.
1971 -Midyat doğumlu Seyithan Alpar Süryânî’dir, yani SEYYİT Peygamber torunu) falan değil, düpedüz Hıristiyan’dır.
1976-Midyat doğumlu Metin Kesenci Süryânî’dir. “Beth Nehrin” adlı Süryânî ve Asurî örgütünün kurucusudur.
1975-Midyat doğumlu Adnan Kesenci Süryânî’dir.
1983-Nusaybin doğumlu Bilal Yürek Süryânî’dir.
1980-Pervari doğumlu Salih Boğdu Süryânî’dir.
1937-Ceylanpınar doğumlu Şemsi Emen Süryânî’dir. HADEP üyesi idi.
1969-Kurtalan doğumlu İhsan Kaya Süryânî’dir. Romanya’da PKK insan, silah, ve uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı yapmaktayken sahte pasaport ve kimlikle yakalanmıştır. Büyük dedesi Görgis, nenesi Şemuni’dir.
1962-Siirt doğumlu Basri Kaysi Süryânî’dir. Büyük dedesi Gorgis, ninesi Şemuni’dir. İHD Siirt Şubesi üyesi, ve DEHAP Siirt il teşkilatı delegesi idi.
1980-Siirt doğumlu Ayhan Kaysi Süryâni’dir. Büyük dedesi Gorgis, ninesi Şemuni’dir. Pek çok olaya karışmış, 1997′de teslim olmuştur.
Itirafçı olmuş, 1999′da tahliye edilmiştir.
1952-Nusaybin doğumlu Mehmet Zeki Kanşiray Süryânî’dir. Büyük dedesi Zeytun, ninesi Meryem’dir. İzmir Köy Hizmetleri soygununa katılmıştır. 16.7.1990 günü Bornova Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı İzmir İl Müdürlüğü Personeli maaşlarının silah zoruyla gasp edilmesi olayında tutuklanmıştır. Hapis yatmış, sonra HADEP Gaziemir İlçesi Yönetim Kurulu üyesi olmuştur.
1968-Derik doğumlu Fethi Oktay Süryânî’dir. Dedesi Turnas, nenesi Mennuş’tur. 1 997′de yakalanmış, müebbed hapse mahkûm olmuştur.
1948-Palu doğumlu Zülküf Demirtaş Ermeni’dir. Büyük dedesi Kinkos, ninesi Nazlı’dır. Ikisi de Ermeni idi.
Hala bu ermenilerin peşinden giden kürtlere şaşarım…..
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randummydadumbbutt · 22 days ago
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Kas apkops un remontēs ķīniešu Dongfeng automašīnas ārpus Rīgas?
Nu jau vismaz mēnesi Rīgā var oficiāli iegādāties ķīniešu Dongfgeng un tā apakšzīmolu automašīnas. Tā kā mūsu autobraucēju pieredze ar ķīniešu spēkratiem pagaidām ir maza, ir daudz jautājumu par garantijām, rezerves daļu pieejamību un pēcpārdošanas apkalpošanu kopumā. Dongfeng importētāja Wess Mobility pēcpārdošanas vadītājs Nauris Zviedris mierina - tehniski dižu atšķirību no Eiropā pazīstamiem produktiem nav. Standarta garantija ir 5 gadi vai 100 000 km, bet dažiem apakšzīmoliem tā ir 150 000 km. Elektromobiļu un PHEV baterijām garantija ir 8 gadi un 160 000 km. Nākamais karstais jautājums ir par rezerves daļām. Patlaban tās pieejamas visiem modeļiem. Ātri nepieciešamās atrodas uz vietas, pārējās pasūtināmas no tikko atvērtas noliktavas Nīderlandē. Nākamie Dongfeng dīleri tiks apgādāti ar speciālajiem instrumentiem. Tieši tas pats attiecas uz servisa darbinieku apmācību, kas notiks tiešsaistē vai pat Ķīnā. Savukārt Dongfeng īpašniekam nemaz nebūs jābrauc pie dīlera, lai veiktu programmatūras atjauninājumus. Un pavisam drīz Dongfengiem būs pieejama arī lietotāja instrukcija valsts valodā. Kamēr WESS Mobility attīsta dīleru tīklu, rūpes par Dongfeng un apakšzīmolu auto apkopi uzņemsies Bosch Car Service, kas jau darbojas visā Latvijā(..)
Who will maintain and repair Chinese Dongfeng cars outside Riga [in Latvia]?
Well, for at least a month now, you can officially buy Chinese Dongfgeng and its sub-brand cars in Riga. Since the experience of our motorists with Chinese vehicles is still small, there are many questions about warranties, availability of spare parts and after-sales service in general. The after-sales manager of Dongfeng importer Wess Mobility, Nauris Zviedris, reassures us that there are no technical differences from the products known in Europe. The standard warranty is 5 years or 100,000 km, but for some sub-brands it is 150,000 km. The warranty for electric car and PHEV batteries is 8 years and 160,000 km. The next hot issue is spare parts. They are currently available for all models. Those needed quickly are on site, the rest can be ordered from a newly opened warehouse in the Netherlands. Future Dongfeng dealers will be supplied with the special tools. The same applies to the training of service personnel, which will take place online or even in China. The Dongfeng owner, on the other hand, will not need to go to the dealer for software updates at all. And very soon Dongfengs will also have a user manual in the national language. While WESS Mobility is developing the dealer network, Bosch Car Service, which already operates throughout Latvia, will take care of Dongfeng and sub-brand car maintenance (..)
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leftistfeminista · 5 months ago
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Marxist-Leninist women political prisoners stage an underwear protest for dignity
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist - Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey, Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party women comrades have been repeatedly strip searched by guards. Being kept in a state of semi-nudity by the guards clandestinely and individually is meant to keep women in a state of fear and anxiety. But by organizing together as comrades to publicly expose the state they are being held in, revolutionary prisoners have flipped it into resistance and dignity. They are making official the unofficial policy that all Marxist-Leninist women be kept in their underwear. It has been brought out from the darkness into the light. Despite being sentence to life in prison, Comrade Resmiye Vatansever continues to lead the struggle behind bars and update us with letters.
A Letter from Comrade Resmiye Vatansever on prison resistance
Hello Dear Friends,
We embrace you and wish you continued success and ease in your work. I am writing to inform you about the attacks that have been escalating in this prison recently.
As political women in this prison, we began to protest by taking off our clothes against the strip search attacks.
In this system where women's bodies are dominated by all means, where male murderers of women are rewarded with "good behavior" reductions in court, and where the male state's law enforcement officers are given the authority to harass and rape by law, prisons continue to be harassment and rape centers for women and LGBTIs.
The harassment continues unabated in this prison. In recent times, when we go to hospitals and courts, the routine body searches conducted by guards have been supplemented by the imposition of the military to perform a body search. Moreover, these searches were not conducted in the usual place, but in a room where there were no cameras (the room where the strip search attack took place). We did not accept such a search and have prevented it from being performed for now.
But these types of attacks are constant and come in many forms in prisons. We learned that female visitors to the August open visit were also asked to remove their underwear.
At the same time, in this period when arrests and deportations are intensified, strip searches are being imposed on our friends who have just been brought to this prison. This search is being carried out by force, even though they do not accept it. As always, we respond to these attacks with protests. With the latest attacks, we have added new ones to our protests.
As TKP\ML-TİKKO, PAJK, MLKP prisoners, every time we are taken out of our cells, we all take off our shirts and blouses and walk with only our underwear on, accompanied by the slogans “No to Strip Searches” and “Human Dignity Will Defeat Torture”. We go to our destinations in this manner and do not put on our clothes until we return to our cells. At the same time, in the face of every strip search attack; we all chant slogans and knock on the doors.
Resmiye Vatansever
Ankara Women's Closed Prison
Prisoner of TKP\ML
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someguyiguess23 · 2 years ago
Art Fight Set #1
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Attack list
Most of the people on this list don't have a tumblr account, so you can just click on their names to visit their Art Fight pages. :]
G by @fukouiro
Mint by Chillyglow
Pryrix by Zavixel
Lemon Guy by Hexhausted
Frenzy by timflw
Dennis by Draggey
Bumblebee by Mirkil
Rhombus by Mslay (+ Orion by Bittheidiot)
Golem by akkuma407
Mr. Tikko by HeartlessSpade
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alfea · 1 year ago
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thefoulbeast · 2 years ago
wanted to do a latvian version of this too. bc i really like the translated poem.
Šādi – tik viegli! Miegaini smagi un dziļi miglaini. Sāpes neiet caur mīkstumu, Caur plīvuru kas mani silti apņem, Caur svaigi-mostošā skata miglumu.
Klusums – klusums -, pat ja vējš ārā čukst, Turpat aiz tik-tikko pavērtā loga, Zīdaini čabēdams caur bērzu lapām.
Jūtu, kā īstenība lavās atpakaļ mājā, Viņa ir gaistošais siltums manos vaigos Un vēsā grīda pret basajām kājām.
Tomēr vēl uz brīdi – tik viegli! Pastāvot tajā starptelpā, kur nemijas dzīves grūtības. Tas pāries, kā visu diendusu sapņainās paliekas, Kā gaist miegs, kad izdalās adrenalīns.
Ļaujiet to izgaršot, apjaust tā mīkstumu, Ļaujiet paturēt mutē kā svaigi-šķiltu putnēnu - mazu un mīkstu, trauslu un dzīvu.
Mostoties zosāda uzmetas, Kā ceļa klikšķis, iztaisnojot, Kā pirkstu čirksti, rakstot.
Jau drīz – tik drīz – apjausma mani pārņems, Un aizvedīs no šī spokaini saldā slēpņa. Bet vispirms es to sagremošu - Kā kūstošus taukus uz mēles, Kā medus lāsi rīklē - Šo vieglo dienas dullumu.
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guerillas-of-history · 1 month ago
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The Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (TKP/ML)
Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO)
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jauniekartupelisi · 2 years ago
01. Kaut kas nav...
Ir 26. jūlijs 2023. gads. Plkst. 06.08 no rīta. Es tikko pavadīju apmēra, 20 minūtes, lai nogrieztu sev nagus. Es pamodos ~2.30 no rīta. Man pirmo reizi pa ilgiem laikiem bija sapnis. Filmas scenārija cienīgs (vismaz man tā šķiet). Kaut kas starp Neon Demon, Triangle of Sadness un vēl kaut kādu šļuru no manām smadzenēm. Es pierausos no sapņa un sapratu, ka tik retu parādību ir vērts pierakstīt. Uzskricelēju telefona pierakstos vispārējus atslēgas notikumus un mēģināju doties atpakaļ miegā. Nesanāca. Kādu pusstundu centos iemigt, bet, saprotot, ka nebūs, piecēlos, paķēru kreklu un devos prom no guļamistabas, atstājot Danu tur guļam vienu. Es ceru, ka es viņu nepamodināju. Viņai šodien, tāpāt kā, teju, visas citas dienas, ir ļoti daudz jāstrādā. Lai paguļ.
Aizejot uz vannasistabu, secināju, ka mans kakls, pleci un mugura ir ar kaut kādiem dīvainiem apsārtumiem. Es pat teiktu, ka mazliet atgādina tādus kā nelielus zemādas asins izplūdumus. Pabrīnījos. Nu, neko darīt. Pievienoju mentālajam sarakstam ar dīvainībām, kuras ar mani notiek un gāju uz viesistabu. Apsēdos savā darbastūrī, ieslēdzu datoru un sāku strādāt. Strādāšana palīdz. Palīdz nedomāt. Tā nogurdina, bet palīdz. Sataisīju vizuāli priekš jaunā "Riga This Week" izdevuma, kurš uz druku došoties šodien plkst. 17os. Biju uzlicis sev atgādinājumu to vizuāli sataisīt 8.00, bet sanāca nodot jau kādos pusčetros no rīta. Tad turpināju šķirot un apstrādāt bildes no grāmatas atklāšanas pasākuma Mencendorfa namā. Nodevu ap pieciem no rīta. Ko tālāk? Apgriezu nagus un nolēmu, ka jāsāk pierakstīt savus pēdējo laiku piedzīvojumus. Kamēr atceros, kamēr varu pierakstīt, kamēr ir ko pierakstīt. Šī ir devītā diena, kad esmu saņēmies un cīnos ar kaut ko, kas mani cenšas nobeigt.
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Viss sākās vēl kādu laiku iepriekš. Atkarībā, kam jautās, precīzu laiku katrs varētu teikt citādāku. Viens teiks, ka astoņus gadus atpakaļ, cits teiks, ka jau padsmit gadus atpakaļ, cits, ka pirmie mēsli sākās 2022. gada septembrī utt. Bet, ja teikšana ir man, tad es teiktu, ka šī gada aprīlis bija tas īstais moments, kad sapratu, ka kaut kas nav.
Jau pirms tam biju sastapies ar to, ka no rītiem bāāāigi sāpēja spranda. Norakstīju to uz daudzajām stundām pie datora, pie sava tizluma, pie tā, ka man ir pāri trīsdesmit un tas viss ir vienkārši veids, kā mans ķermenis saka, ka pirms modernās medicīnas cilvēki ap šo vecuma sāka atstiepties, tāpēc…Nu, tā teikt, "get a hint". Joki par to, ka pēc trīsdesmit pat gulēt var sanākt nepareizi, tā, ka pamosties jūtoties švakāk kā tad, kad gāji gulēt, jau šķiet kā ikdiena vienaudžu bariņā. Bet, nu, bāāāigi sāpēja tā spranda. Tiku pie ortopēdiskā spilvena. Baigā štelle. Noņēma sparandas sāpes jau pirmajā naktī. Žēl tik, ka pēc kādas nedēļas efekts pazuda un sprandas sāpes atgriezās. Ieprovēju arī aizņemties to paklājiņu ar adatām. Riktīga mazohistu padarīšana, bet palīdzēja…apmēram pirmo nedēļu. Smērēju smēres, bet no tām jēga bija tikpat liela kā iezieķējoties ar graudaino biezpienu. Jāatzīst gan, ka biezpienu zieķēt nemēģināju. Varbūt tur būtu bijusi panākumu atslēga.
Astoņu līdz padsmit stundu darbadienas pie datora bija ok. Dienas beigās galva kā spainis un smadzene kūp, bet tas jau būtu saprotams. Problēmas bija tad, kad vajadzēja kaut kur doties pēc darba. Sāka reibt galva. Bet, nu, pēc tik garām un daudzām darba stundām, tas, it kā būtu normāli, vai ne? Vai ne?! Ar laiku sāku piefiksēt arī to, ka uz sāniem redze nav tik asa kā ierasts. Vispār, man ir diezgan jaudīga redze. Tā ir viena no tām dažām lietām, kuras zinu, ka iedzimušas no mana nelaiķa tēva. Bet vismaz par redzi esmu priecīgs. Taču, piemēram, braucot transportā, ja skatījos uz sāniem, tad nevarēju vairs nedz salasīt uzrakstus uz zīmēm, nedz saskatīt vadītājus citos transportlīdzekļos. Vēlāk jau sāka palikt tā, ka, lai izmantotu savu vanagaci un saskatītu/salasītu lietas lielos attālumos, man vajadzēja apstāties. Ejot bija grūti nofokusēties uz lietām. Bet, nu, man ir pāri trīsdesmit, es nejēgā daudz laika pavadu pie datora. Tik daudz, ka esmu sačakarējis sprandu. Tad jau nav brīnums, ka arī redze sāk čakarēties, vai ne? Vai ne?!
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Aprīlī ar Danu un bariņu draudziņu aizbraucām nedēļu padzīvoties Budapeštā. Ap to laiku, es jau biju sev sazīmējis vieglus antidepresantus, kurus dzēru no rītiem, lai varu izvilkt dienu. Kad tie iedarbojās, tad viss bija normāli. Nesāpēja spranda, redze bija ok un, pa lielam, visu dienu varēju izvilkt gan fiziski, gan mentāli, bez pārguruma, bez reiboņiem un citām izklaidēm. Respektīvi, antidepresanti mani nepadarīja par saulstariņu, bet vismaz palīdzēja savākties “one day at a time”.
Bet tad pienāca pēdējā diena Budapeštā. No rīta sapakojāmies, savācām savu turienes dzīvokli, paēdām brokastis, izdzērām, kas bija izdzerams un, ko žēl izliet pirms lidostas drošības pārbaudēm, un devāmies uz autobusu, kurš mūs, šķiet, nepilnas stundas laikā aizrāva līdz Budapeštas lidostai. Kad autobuss tuvojās savam galamērķim, visi sāka celties kājās un vākt savas somas/koferus, bet es jutu, ka ir jaunumi. Es nevaru pacelt labo roku. No sākuma roka nešancēja vispār. Kaut kā dabūju mugursomu plecos, izkāpu no busa un tad nolēmu, ka tomēr būs laikam jāinformē pārējo ceļabiedrus par situāciju. Līdz brīdim, kad kāpām lidmašīnā, spēja kustināt roku bija mazliet atgriezusies. Bet tikai tik daudz, lai es spētu to pacelt pusmastā. Alu lidostā dzēru, pudeli cilājot tikai ar kreiso roku. Dzīvotājs būšu.
Bet ne Dana, ne viņas draudzene Līga negribēja likties mierā. Abas bija pārleicinātas, ka šis nu ir tas brīdis, ka man tomēr vairs neizdosies izsprukt un būs jābrauc uz slimnīcu. Viņas šo domu neatmeta līdz pat Latvijai, Dana neatmeta līdz pat mājām. Atbraucām no lidostas, nometām pekeles un izsaucām taksi uz slimnīcu, kur ir dežūrējošais ārsts.
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Breaking my silence on how Magnus was handled throughout the series. I very much wasn’t silent in the DMs and VCs with my friends but NONETHELESS.
This post is long (not my longest) prepare:
S1 Magnus was compelling as hell like there’s nothing to talk about that I can add substance to. His character arc of learning to value himself rather than just his strength and bringing him strength. Dan saving Magnus from Tikko lives in my brain dude.
Him running himself ragged for Emily GODDDDD ALMOST NO OTHER CHARACTER IN THIS SHOW HAS THAT DEPTH. I can count them on my hand.
S2 Magnus felt like a natural progression. He’s got no idea what to do with himself now that he isn’t working for AAANIMUS girl I get it. Go be Batman. This was Ajit’s season it was Magnus’ turn to be the weird 3rd party. I think he should have been a bit more involved with the team but whatever.
I do think at this point he should have joined the team too. Having him figure it out for a bit is good but the natural progression of his character leads him to team up with Dan permanently. He learns individual strength, then he finally allows himself to rely on others. Step by step process.
TLDR I like S2 Magnus but his Batman arc didn’t have to last an entire season.
S3: Hi Geogan Rising. In the great words of Jeffrey Ridgway Sr. ; what the hell was even that. I think they just sent Magnus to Vestroia so they didn’t have to deal with him. When there could have been a cool moment of him finding Dan in Vestroia like they advertised?? Then just adding him in to fight Dan at the end was sooooo cheap like…I get Magnus is necessary for the plot but this was not the 3D chess move both Magnus and the creators thought it was. Why make Magnus involved with the world ending plot and not on the Brawlers side at all??
They just tossed him around like a sack of potato’s and it showed. I believe they never knew what to do with Magnus after S1 but it’s so evident with this season. Even then S2 was still a good move in the right direction they just never finished the job.
I also hate the de-aging plot because the whole point of Magnus’ arc is that despite him not being the correct age his bond with Nillious is strong enough they can communicate anyway!!! I ignore it every chance I get. Magnus is a year or two older than the main cast and that’s ok!!!
S4: ok I say this as a Bakugan Evolutions liker. WEIRD MOVE BUT OK. Hello and welcome to Fire Emblem 3 Houses Bakugan addition. The Mr. Magnus thing kills me. Bro his name is Magnus Black. Yes I’m still on about this. I actually really liked his role in this. Being with the Brawlers and directly helping them but still doing his own thing? It’s almost like Armored Alliance again accept he’s around more. His dynamic with Dan was really cute this season.
Dan defending him like no tomorrow even though Athena speculating he was a bad guy wasn’t even a horrible idea was genuinely the funniest thing ever. GIRL I GET IT YOU LIKE THAT BOYYYY.
Do I think he should have joined the Brawlers here? Yes. Do I think it’s weird Athena joins before he does? Especially. I wasn’t even sure if she counted as one of the Brawlers till they brought her back in S5. I really thought she was another Aay or Kurin.
TLDR I like Magnus in this season but what they do with his character is still nonsensical. Him being a teacher??? Bro is like 14. Why do you both want him in the story and not at the same time. It’s so weird!
S5: Y’know I never thought they’d do it. At a certain point I thought Magnus would be Tuxedo Mask forever. By that I mean never to join the party always beside it.
Bad analogy aside they did it! For 80% of S5 Magnus was a Brawler and it….was pretty good. I think they should have actually portrayed his bonding with the group rather than it happening off screen with Dan not around because I still cannot name what dynamic he has with any Brawler on that team other than Ajit and Dan. Maybe Lia and Athena but that’s if I extrapolate on minor interactions.
But seeing Nillious and Drago fuse was the highlight of the series tbh. IM STILL TRYING TO GET MYSELF THAT BAKUGAN! I couldn’t find it anywhere in stores when I watched the show.
S5 was about a 3/4ths baked version of what Magnus’ series long arc lead up to. If only they’d really sealed the deal and let him be vulnerable. Him working with the others as a team was a pretty good compromise though.
Overall??? He should have spent more time with Emily. Y’know, the reason he was a villain in the first place was cause he wanted to save her. I love that emo boy he’s so funny. He’s peak edgy and it’s very endearing to me. My baby son boy!! I wish you and your gay ass boyfriend the best I’m so serious!!!
Magnus is one of the few characters in this show that suits OG Bakugan to me. That’s a post for another day.
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tikkoproducts · 3 days ago
The infographic titled "Knowing All About Cleaning Limestone" by Tikko Products offers a comprehensive guide to maintaining the beauty and longevity of limestone surfaces. The infographic emphasizes the importance of regular cleaning to remove dirt, grime, and spills that can lead to staining. It recommends using pH-neutral cleaners specifically designed for natural stone to avoid etching or dulling the surface.
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tikkostonecare · 3 days ago
The infographic titled "How to Get the Most Out of Your Pressure Washer" by Tikko Stone Care Solutions offers a comprehensive guide to maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of your pressure washer. It emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate nozzle for different cleaning tasks, as the nozzle size and spray angle significantly impact the cleaning outcome.
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